PART TWO. r UNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO ldj. fx TAVEXTJETII YEAH. OMAHA. SUNDAY IMOKMNU. OCTOBER 12. ISOCHHVEXTY PAGES. KUM33ER 110 , V Prices Prices _ . . , . . _ . . _ _ _ ' * * -'o * * ? Jj * - % . , ; ' ' * 'rl. w ; > * * that that Settle the will Quick.'o T I Business Never j 1 j I j Quick. Happen Again i. J L. BRAXDEIS & SOXS , 502,504,506,508 and 510 S. 13th St. . MO MAILx ORDB.RS RILAlAGLD AS GOODS ARE SBLUING TOO In spite of the enormous daily sales , it's ' impossible to see any tog holes in our immense stock. Mre recognize that the selling- out of The Fair , is a herculean task , which cannot he accomplished by half measures : and to this end we bend our greatest and utmost energies , Prices , ( the greatest lever in the world ) , shall be cut and cut again , until not a vestas ? remains of the entire stock : BLANKETS AND COMFORTS , py | To Be & ALL ? Hk Henry Full ' fine wl 'to COMFORTS. . 49 C JiLAXA'E'fS . , . 55c COST OR VALUE NO OBJECT. ALL GO TO-MORROW. Rrgu'nr ( I quality. C .1 ! w ill < r snap. Tine Cocn < o I He n > iu-4uray COMl * OR T. . 98G J3L * LVA'ETS 85c Blade Cloth JACKETS UiVHEARD-OF VALUES Genuine ! ! Ti cradc. ! - 1 irsi 11 . Made of fine all wool black diagonal In different Kino white corded cuttcii 1 ur > i jr tt ir .Tiy two SATEEN COMFORT , $1,50 VLAXKETS. Gotx' ' w.irin $1.26 styles , plain and braided , the price vrasonovro'dto -IN- lion whlti' cc nlcil cotton Ext MZP. hen y -if tu IMl'OUTKD COMFORT SATKtX $1,98 Califort HLAXKET T \\.rih frS. $3.50 All Wool Beaver Jackets WOOL Mncst Mado-lK-st Quilted I'lno ' te l a I ifmia These are elegant tailor made black beaver jack SATEEN COMFORT ets , with re vcres-nntl tn mmed in real Astrachan. They were Si , reduced now to - Entire Stock Clifton. Striped Suitings , 4O inches wide , former price BOc , now 40-INCH ALL WOOL DRB = S FLAUN'ELS , Ladies * Cloth , Scotch Cheviot , F : enchTricots , ! 24c Stylish Black Jackets .00 All lateststyle goods \ FINE WOOL HENRIETTAS , latest , loose front , satin Very lined1 designs . Black and all colors , . This price will positively close Regular price was S10 , reduced now to them out to-morrow ) Ladies' ' F're Natural Finest Grade All Wool 100 PIECES Al * WOOL DRESS GOODS , Wool Underwear Scarlet Underwear Warranted nil pure wool , 4O inches wide , marked | 39o do\vn from 78c to PS Plush Sacques 80 Pieces 54-inch Plain or Striped. ALL WOOL SUITINGS , Oc 78 Nothing better for fall or svlnter wear , c Reduced from One Dollar to LADIES' HEAVY MERINO LaJi ! > ' t Grade Nitutst V > eel Caslrncrc REAL PLUSH SACOUES BLACK 20 PCS. Regular ENGLISH price HENRIETTA 23c , , 119o ' At JERSEY RIBBED' UNDERWEAR , UXDERU'EAR We have 15 nice plush sacques that were marked * SlOand 30 PCS. PUBE TURKISH MOHAIR , S9e 38 inches wide , 312 , which we have now reduced to DRESS At Our rcsrular . " > 0e troods : is voo ; ! a olhcr > sell at fi'tt 40 PCS. DRAP D'ETE , " j f o SEAL PLUSH SACQUES 11 GOODS Sl.OO 42 inches \vido , mi ported -to sell at I pj This is one of the finest grades , real London dved. et- tra long , finest quitted satin liuin . real seal ornaments. Marked from iiO to { 25. now - - - - - - SILK PLUSH SACOUES Theseare the best of manufactured. pradcs plush Children's "White Merino Un- Children's All Wool Scarlet Underwear The.v were bought to retail at i3o , and cannot bo dutin- Heavy All Wool Red Flannel , , 19e froni sealskin. Reduced uow to SCARLET TWILLED | , Reduced from 23c derwear to denvear reduced to , Extra Heavy , Very Wide Scarlet Twilled MEDICATED FLANNEL , I&SG Seal Plush Newmarkets Reduced from 33c to ) First size. 7c First size k This is one of the finest garments in the establish Very Best Grade Heavy Twilled ment. Originally bought to sell for $50 and 500. They MEDICATED SCARLET FLANNEL , Rise 5c size. are magnificent , and now sell for oniv - Reduced from 4Oc to Rise 2 csize. THERE IS AN ADVANTAGE IN FIRST CHOICE. BE ON HAND EARLY. COTTON BATTING COTTON BATTING JERSEYS , Men's Cotton Socks. Men's Wool Socks Our entire stock of lOc comforter Our entire > tock"ery flucst gr.i ' Colored Men's Socks , All Men sN . . UurilVool knit -o. ks. ic lund 13G Ladies' allool \ \ Black COMFORTtR COTTON BATTING . . COTTON BATTING lledu ia f r > u. 1 ' 1. ( o f rt'iu to Ue-liicctl from 20cto Jerseys 50G - ' All Men's knl ks A'lltucst sra'le 5Tcn \ Jiat / > v Reduced to 4c. 2 * Cents. Reduced'from $1.50 to licUuud tc : S G in liicluctil rtc.l l I i t bincre rum a5t > to . ks JL I V ' ' fl Fine Wide THREADS. Ribbons. Ribbons. Our Entire Line All Men's 1'cr spool ' SILK OF BOYS' All Bastin Thread Redtiecd to ic AH alhvi ltis ! all colors our short Irnctlisofall silk Our entire -lock < Curtain Scrim JtiMoii , all silk ribliou , worth up to'2 In line lace trorm fl . m.ioli . rhlnts anJ M.CKVIR \ \ All Machine Thread Reduced lo 3c uri.rtli out. , fur to 2c a Yard Harbour ( OcSpool Linen Thread 4 Cents. 1U Cents. 25 Cents. 15 Cents CORSETS. BED SPREADS. BED SPREADS. BED SPREADS. Boys' Cloth Hats Full size flue IniHation Extra lanrcaml lica crothet Fiutst srraile. c\tra larirc , heavy ' y . anil N'inl'or taps aud OUR ENTIRESTOCK , " Jo.kcy Cupanil ' L'liMi Turluns , sh Sateen Hollar Cor > cts oOc 59 Cents. 75 Cents. $1.00 uteJ from up to 1 to AhL OUR FINEST GRADES . Iroiu Two r > ell rs. 25 Cents. " Reduced from Dollar-aml-a-Half Cor cts , "oc a dollar. Itceluced Turkish Towels. Linen Towels. Lace Curtains , Lace Curtains. Knee I'ants , Fur Trimming Larpeslzc Towls fancy striped Turkbli Extra larse all linen colored All fine quality oiM single Lace All our Lace Curtains bv tlia All hoys' rrofll cas Our ent'rc stock bordered rail- ' knee Silk HMIUT liecluccd from IS .c. Curtains , reduced to 'Iriinniln Extra larso white Turk's'a riue t pants < praile , knotted fringe 4Sc Pair. 35c Yard. ToircU IteiluccJ from i > c. ( iurinan il.unn > k il froiu toireN. iV . . 2bc Each , a 39 Cents. Ladies' Handk'fs Ladies' Gloves. Wool ! Mitts. Knit Goods. All ladies' flue nlilte. colored Ladies ar.9 cashmere slovas , Children's fir.e iephyr yarn nitts , A.V.our finest gr4izephyr yarns , All ourSOc g-aJ 'adif ' > V fine ftscimtors Ijoinlcr UauJlicrtliiefs aC 15 Cents. IO Cents. 9 Cents , 25 Cents , All onr best grades imparted German ll oar lalies" r > nJ mile mported All ladies' Hue worked handkerchiefs - Finest grid * ladt s b'Jc c shraere gloves Lalles'fine Sixcjny k ttw knitting yarns , fasc.uac jr. kerchiefs reduced to 6c 25 Cents. 20 Cents. 17 Cents. 59 Cents. Window Shades. Curtain Poles , Millinery. Nellie Bly Caps. Albums. Men's Gloves. H our be t quality Holland Window Onr entire Our entire stock black ca-li mere silk Albums lOc ' stock cherry curtain poles Wool felt liat ? . fur flubli , anj Sice Photograph lien's lined anil ualliud leather and bLades , all complete ( or At 1th brass flttiu ? . tasse'eJ Nellie lily tap * , Fine Plush Albums 25c wool gl ) > e an 1 mitt * , worth up to 7oc 15 Cents. 19 Cents. 25 Cents. 35 Cents. Extra Large Plnsli Albums 75c 25 Cents , All Our Departments Open Every Evening Open Fvery L BRANDEIS & SONS ' Cor. Howard Until 9 O'clock. Evening until 9 o'clock