THE OMA.IIA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , OCTOBER 12 , 1800TVE TY PAGES. I1AYDEN BROS , Ipcdal Clearing Sale Starts Monday Morn' lug on Account of Building. Dur Block Mttftt bo Closctl Out In Order to rtlnke Hooiii for I lie AVorkiiicn to Tear Out tlio Walls. Time is short , and prices will be cut flcep. Head carefully , you will bo interested. Starting on Monday morning wo will ro- fluco Gorman pink mixed flannel to 10o yard. Oraymi.Mid blizzard llanncl 10 < ; yard. All wool red twilled flannel lie yard. ( Jrav striped JlnnnclH at If-'o yard. i-Ixtra heavy skirting lltumelsI0c and DOoyard. Choice of till our best fancy nil wool French llanncl 05c yard. Shaker Jlanncl 6c yard. Outing lltinnol Co yard. Silk embroidered llair- nel ntCc ! ) , 7" > c , We nnd Sl.dOytud. Now is the time to make your selection before - fore stock is broken. The entire rear wall Is to bo taken out and wo would rather sell all of our llanncls , blankets , linens and domestics as to bo rehnndllnir them and have therefore reduced the juices to low that wo expect to clear out nil or nearly all in a very short time. 10-1 white cotton blankets reduced to Me u pair. 11-1 white wool blankets , worth ? 5 , have been reduced to $2.75 a jiair. 10-1 all wool white blankets ro- iluccd to 812.50 a pair. Fine 11-1 Cali fornia white wool blankets , worth $10 , reduced to $5.1)0 ) a pair. You will bo Hirpribed to find the prices so low on blankets , wo guarantee to save you at least one-third from that to one-half on every pair of blankets. CO pair of two- yards wide , six pound -weight , Sacra mento gray blankets , worth $5.50 , re duced to & 5.7"a pair. Comforts must go at reduced prices. 50-inch wide rrcnin damask , bought to sell for -10c will bo slaughtered on Mon day at 25c yard , U5o table linen reduced to Joeyard. . These bargains will go Monday. You shall have them if jou got hero in time. None of our bargains in towels can bo duplicated in this city. They will go at money losing prices on Monday. All linen blachcd crash re duced to , 'IJo yard $1.00 lunch cloths with napkins to match , only $ i25 bet $1.00 felt table scarfs have been reduced to O'Jc each. "Wo have just opened un anew now line ofVindor colored table felt in cream white , electric blue , old gold , yellow , white , black , wine , in fact nil lending coloi-p , lOc dress ginghams now fie yard , ( ic calicoes now ite yard , 12jc bleached cotton llannol reduced to Cjt yard. Take ' advantage of these bargain' ! ? . ISc un bleached cotton llannol lOe yard. All bhcetinga and musliiib at net cost. This closing out sale blurts on Monday and wo would ndviboyou to como as soon as possible and pick out what you want , as wo will bo compelled to close our store part of next month on account of noise and dirt in removing the wall. IIAYDEN BROS. SPECIAL RAHGA1NS IN SILKS AND DUISS : COODS. On account of building and pur stores being closed part of tlio llmo it becomes nccesbiiry to reduce m-iccb in order to reduce stock on Monday wo will sell our fl5c fcurtih silk at lOo yd ; good line of colors to select from. The best double wnrp surah silk , all shades , worth 7oc and $1.00 , have been reduced to 48c and ( iSc yd. China bilk nt15c , was 76e yard ; colored gros grain Bilk , fully warranted , at 55c , was $1,10. All the leading imikcs in black gros grain bilk , extra values , at 75c , $1.00 and $1.75 worth to buy today $1 , fl.50 and s2.7o. See them ; compare them. Silk plusii In all colors reduced tollo yard , worth at the factory 05c , IS Inch wide bilk velvet 55c , ethers got OSo for the Mime grade. A full line of velveteens 25c , Hoc and C-ic. Special bargains in black imported hpnriottn atl"ic , was 75c ; extra value in the snmo at $1 , was 81 48. Imported serges was C8c , now 42c ; the same reduction you will find in higher grades. Silk warp honrietta that was 81.25 , now Soo. Silk warp lion- riottn that was $2.2.3 , now 81.55. A full line cf broadcloths at reduced prices. "Wo carry tlio largest and finest stock of colored dress poods in Omaha mid to Mic-riflco this stock at this season of the year means a heavy loss to us , but wo have started to build and our dress goods must go. You will find moro line dress goods carried out of Iltiydon's btoro nt less than half their value than over been in Omaha before. Join the pro cession nnd help carry them away. Dou ble fold English eashmore,12Jcworth25e , Jamestown stripes and plaids 15e , worth 25. 118 inch wool dress llunnel I'.le was ! nl yard.10 inch nil wool suiting 2So was 47e yard. 51 inch ladies' cloth ( J5 to KSc , worth 00 to 81.25. 6,000 pieces of line drees goods of every description. Plaids , stripes anil all the fancy weaves nncl all the plain colors at correspond ingly low prices. IIAYDKN BROS. , Dry Goods and Carpets. T Won't Uo Umlpi-solil. No. 8 copper rim wash boilers $1.50 , Potts' sad irons $1.25 , No. 8 gran , tea kettle S 1.1)0 ) , No. 8 cook stoveS Ii ! , sold everywhere for S10. The manufactur ers of this steve claim that the lire back will last live years , The No. 8 0-holo 20-in. oven Born steel range $118 , guaran teed to bake and work perfectly. 2-room base burner S O , I ! room $25. Heavy No. 8 copper tea kettle $1.05. Wo aresoloitgent for Omaha of the world's greatest heat ing stove , the Itonml Oak. You can buy this btovo only in my store , and if you think that you can buy it in tiny store you , like hundreds of others , will ac knowledge that you got fooled. You will call any oak good as long us you don't try the Itonnd Oak , but no longer nf cr you trv ' the Hound Oak. , 1021 Howard. IjiiHt Appearance ol' Melville. Jdolvillo appears for the last time this nfternoon at : t , evening at 0 , at the expo- bition , Coliseum building , Dent fail to trot ono of those benutl- lut water sots for 5do. Now York 5 and lOe bargain store , ii2 ! N. 10th st. Go to P. M , Sohudoll & Co. for hats and bonnets. 1522 Douglas. Not Much UHO Advertising. Except for the benefit of strangers , because everyone living In Omahn knows the grout Chicago & Northwest ern runs four passenger trains every day to Chicago , and that the -1:30 : p. m. and 0:10 p. in. accelerated vc&tlbulo trains with now sleepers nnd free parlor chair cars run direct from tlio U. P. depot , Omaha , thus avoiding the annoy ing change of cars at Council lllulls , Bale , sure , sumptuous , speedy , satisfac tory. The oily ticket olllco Is nt 1-101 Fnrnain St , liaggago checked from rcbldenccs. Sleeping' berths reserved to Chicago and all points beyond on nil lines. It H. 1UTCU1K , G. F. WEST. General Agent. City Pass. Agt. IniKl A ] > penraaco o Melville appears for the last time this afternoon at it , evening nt 0 , nt the expo sition , Coliseum building. JJrs. Mercer , manicure , 101 Boo bldg THE BOSTON STOKE , Buys a Few Oarkuh of Remnants of Cotton Goods , ttntlro Accumulation of Ilciimniit" of BhcutttiKNi Cfllloos , Klnn- /rcsi / ) GaoilH , Ktc. , oi' a Kliode BOUGHT BY US FOR A MERE PIT TA NCI- : . In the course of our continental search for snapri our eastern bxiyor fount ! lilm- in tholoft of a Rhode Tslanri null where remnants the accumulations of a . car'b inunufucturinf , ' were pllcil from lloor to rafters whore the mill owner was distrusted with t.ho slt'lit and 'd for dollar ? , f-ets a price. We give him quarter and got the troods , and tomorrow wo turn them over to 3011 at prices that \ \ ill make you lau 'h. Thousands of remnants , good quality unbleached muslin , in luiiglli from 11 to 10 yards , at 2c a yard. linmcruo stoclc of nnfinishrd indigo lluo ) calico in rmnnnnls of ! nnd G yards. ( These are perfect poods , but have not us yet been starched. ) They go atUjo a yard to-morrow. All the remnants of the best American indijjo bltio calicos , all finished and per fect , 3e avard. , Hundreds of long remnants , best qual ity Doinot llannols , Sjo a yard ; regular price of these goods Is loc. Big lot of the best grade double-faced , high-colored draperies at 12jc ; regular price is 2" > e. Over ono thousand pieces of very host grade tiiblo oil-cloths , in marbles and colors , good remnants , lloa yard , worth 35c. 35c.DUESS GOODSI 2jc A YATJD ! Ono of the main items in this pur- was a big heap of cotton do boitro dress goods. They are all nice light patterns not very biiitablo for this time of the year but it will mivyou to buy 'cm now and keup them till sprintr , as wo give you your choice at 21e a yard To make this sale more Interesting wo will include our entire stock of dress goods , acknowledged to bo ono of the most complete in the city. At the following prices : Our 20c Scotch plnlds for misses' ' and children's wear , Monday ! ) c yard. Double fold cashmere , all colors , JOc yard , worth 27c. Our ! ioo English cashmere 38 inches wide , black or colored , llo ) yard. Our 50cTacoma wool tricot , ! ! S inches wide , all new , staple color ? , 233c , adver tised by other as bargains at Hoc. Our G5c hcnriotta ! ! 8 inches wide , beau tiful fall bhades , goc ? Monday at.21lc. OurCocall wool baitings , 40 inches wide , in this sale 29c ytnd. feoe latest novelties in plaids , consist ing of French llanncls , imported Scotch plaids , till wool surahs goat 5Se yard. Our Goo sideband henriotta , 10 inches wide , tills sale 2e ! ) yard. Our ode bill ; linisjfi mohair brilliantiiics goat 15e. Our Wo ladies' cloth , strictly all wool , 54 inches wide , Monday , SOo'yard. Our oOu blticlc cabhincro us > a great leader Monday , lOcyard. Coo blnclt cashmere , oS inches wide , very line rmtility , goes like the balance , 2e ! ) yard , Our Sou black all-wool imported hen- rietta10 inchuH wide , extra line value , ! ) . Our foe block brilliantine , bilk finish , this sale , ! ! 5c yard. Our SI.50 black slllc warp honrietta , very linest ' qualitv , Monday , OSc. 'THE "UOSTON STORE , 114 S. IGth St. HAVDKN JRKOS. Moving Sale. On account of tearing down rear wall before building woaro obliged to reduce stock and cloao store at least thirty days.Vill low prices induce people to buy CJ.OAKS , SHAWLS AND JACKETS ? Ladies' jackets and reefers In all colors , bizcs 32 toII inch bu&t , nt$2.00 , $2.50 , 3.00 up to $5.00 , yaluo$3.75 up to $7.50. Ladles house jerseys and blouses all colors atl , were $1.60 and 82. Childrens' nnd misses'cloaks from 4 to 1U years at 82 , $2.50 , 85 , and up to $8. Actual value $1.50 up to $15. A sample line of latest novelties in ladies walking jackets at less than cost to make. A sample line novelties in ladies capes in plush , astrnehnn , seal fur and beaver at less than import cost. Infants short cloaks , fancy plaid , 2 to 4 years $1.50 , worth 32.50. Paisley beaver fahawls , double face , now designs $1 , former price $ G. lluavy weight winter shawls , all colors , mrgo bizo $1.50 and S3 , worth $ ( i and S7.76. Shoulder shawls In plain and fancy plaids 15oOo. . 2oc up to SI. CAURETS AND DRAPERIES. The goods must bci sold. Mark well the prices : Stsuulard ingrain carpets , 23c , tit 80e , at Hoc , at 45c , at 50c. Standard till wool extra cjiipor at 55c , at COc , nt 08e , worth 7oc to $1.25 , Com pare these goods and save money. A splendid line tapestries , body brussels - sels , velvets , moquols and royal wiltons at Icbs than manufacturors' cost. Such a chance may never como again. The curtains must bo sold , also the draperies , portieres and bhades. .Shades mounted on boat bpring rollers at 10e. IIAYDEN BROS. ' Carpet Sale. JACKETS , FURNITUKK , ETO. Ladies' $1 bolts at 7oc , and 75c bolts at 47c , and ladles' ii'w belts at lOo and lOc belts at 5c. A i > osltlvo slaughter sale. Combs at 5c , at lOo , nt 12e and at ISc , worth 15c to 2oe. Uuchlngs lOe , 12e , loc , up to 2. " > cworth 20c toloc. . Cutting prices In dress trimmings , but tons , buckles and slides. Ladies handkerchiefs , "Windsor tics , luces giuitl embroideries , all at closing prices. FURNITURE SALE. Chairs at Me , 55e , B5o and OOc ; just look at them , Oak dining chairs at 05o worth $1.5o. Rockers 80c worth Sl.2.3 and at $1.:5. : ) worth S > 2.15 ! ; plush rockers & 3.60 worth f 1.75 ; now and stylish rock- or.s in endless variety. Six foot extension tnblea $3.60 ; why pay $5 ? Slattrosses ? 1.8,5 , $2 nnd $2.75. Woven wlro springs at $1.05 worth $2. Center tables , wall pockets and art novelties. Special sale on trunks and valisos. Now Is the time to buy dolls , fancy goods , utc. , on account of tearing out rear wall to rebuild , all Chribtuias goods will boboldatonco. I1AYDEN BROS. Tjnst Apponr.iiiuu ol' 'Molvillo. Melville njipoars for the last thno this afternoon at.'l , ovoniiijat ( Uat the oxpo- bltion , Coliseum building. .CLEANIN'G.dyolng.tlrstclassworkat Oinaliii Steam Dye " \Yorktj,152l Howard. Seaman's carriages best nnd cheapest. Tickets nt "lowest ratoa nnd superior accommodations via the great Rook Inland route. Ticket olllco , 1602 Six teenth and Fiirnam streets , Omaha Seaman's carriages best nnd cheapest ] JIOICHK'S XIOXV 8TOKI3. Cdllnrs.HcjCiifrJ , l. c for Tomorro > v-llcnl I'auo Adv. on Fifth 1'aKc. Wo have some special bargains for to morrow. Our now store may bo strange to some , and wo dcslro to call attention to tlien.'rangoment of the departments. 1ST FLOOR , 10TII ST. , silks , velvets , dress goods , gloves , no tion ? , buttons , trimmings , boolts , sta tionery , nnd on tlio Bamo .lloor In the Furnam street wing wo show men's f ur- nlihlngg , linens , domestics , Dr. Jaeger's underwear , boy's clothing , otc. Ladies' [ itirlor 2ND FLOOH. This is reached by elevator or from the level on Furnam St. , and on it will bo found blankets , comforts , llannols , ribbons , ginghams , calico , -wash goods , Thiln'olliis , hoodw , caps , yarns , fancy goods , art needle goods , Inccs , nnd Dr. Jaeger's underwear for ladles nnd children. Olllccs on this floor. 3D FLOOH. Cloaks , suits , corsets , muslin under wear , Hall' * bazar forms , etc. 4TII FLOOR , Drapnrles , carpets , curtains , rugs , tapes tries , draperies , etc. 6TH FLOOR is devoted entirely to dressmaking ; none but first-class work done. GTII FLOOR Manufactures. Manufacturing and wholesale dopart- inonts. MEN'S FURNISHINGS. On the main lloor. Farnam st. wing , tomorrow : 100 DOZEN MEN'S COLLARS , 1JEST 4-PLY LINEN , 8C EACH. UESTII'IA" CUFFS 15C. Don't miss them. The Morse Dry Goods Co. want every \VOKKINGMAS"S WIFE to visit their new store this week. The Morse Dry Goods Co. want every \VORKINGWO-MAN in Omaha to visit their now store this week- . The Morse Dry Goods Co. every BANKER'S WIFE ; in Omaha to visit their now store this week. The Morse Dry Goods Co. want every CLERK in Omaha to visit their new- store this week. The Morse Dry Goods Co. want every MOTOR MAN'S WIFE to visit their store. The Morse Dry Goods Co. want every CONDUCTOR'S WIFE in Omaha to visit their store. The Mor o Drv Goods Co. want every BRICKLAYER'S WIFE in Omaha to visit their new store. The Morse Dry Goods Co. want every CAttPEN'TER'S WIFE in Omaha to visit their now store. The Morse Drv Goods Co. want every RAILROAD MAN'S WIFE in Omaha to visit their now store. t The Morse Dry Goods Co. A btoro for the people for tlio rich over on the alert to save a dollar the poor who wish to make a dollar go the farthest the finest store in America a now btoro , anew now fatock and u complete revolution in prices. THE MORSE DKY GOOS CO. Grant ! Concert This Al'lcriioon nnd JO veiling. There will bo a grand concert at the exposition , Coliseum building , this after noon nnd ovcniii' ' . N. IJ. Kjilconer's SILK DEPARTMENT. 10-inch lining surah silk for 22jc , original -15c , 10-inch lining satin for 22c } , original 35c. 35c.10inch 10-inch colored crros grain for 42jc , original 05c. ID-inch black gros grain forToc , origi nal $1. 10-inch black satin rlmdam for 7oc , original $1. VELVETS ! TEL-YETS ! ! 10-inch silk faced velvets for 50 cents. 10-inch silk faced velvets for 80 cents. 10-inch silk faced velvets for $1.23. 10-inch silk faced velvets for $1.50. 10-inch silk faced velvets , $2.25. 10-inch all silk velvets for $3.05. BLACK GOODS. 50-inch rill wool eamclotto at $1. 40-inch all wool Henrietta , batin finish , nt 75c. 50-inch silk warp waterproof serge nt $2. IG-innh all wool henrlotta at 8oc. 40-inch mohair brilliantine at 50c. 42-inch all wool camel's hair at 81. 12-inch all wool crape eloth tit 75c. N. ii. FALCONER. Don't fail to get ono of those bountiful water sots for 50c. Now York SuiidlOc bargain store , 212 N. 10th bt. Save youroycsltfht. Have glasses fitted by a practical optician. U. M. Ruddy , 211 S. loth bt. AVIiero Do You IJny Your Harness ? It will not- cost you any more for a good MoH'ats Leather hand made har ness at my place than you pay for an in ferior article of eastern make , and don't buy your horse blankets and carriage robes until you examine inv stock. They nro all now and fresh , no old stock , car ried over. CII.VIII.KS LANDHOCK , 1515 Howard St. Saudi. The last harvest excursion for the south will letivo Omaha at 4:30 : p. in. , Oc tober 14 , via the Wnbash 11. R. .America vs. ICnropc , When the Trans-Atlantic steamer , at this season of the year , safely lands the worn and wearied traveler once moro in Now York , the returned American sot- ties down to business after his European jaunt in the firm belief that he has seen U all. "Hut the truth is that our own grand country Is at her very best in Sep tember and October. Foreign artists have declared again nnd again that they never beheld biioh georgcous blazes of color in any country us is witncssicd til ng the line of the Union I'liclflo in early autumn. There is a mingling of all that is grand and impressive * with the most subtile and delicate shades of color. Switzerland has no scenery as majestic as Colorado : there is not a waterfall in Europe which can compare with Slios- bhono. or a river which thrills ono as docs tlio Columbia. Ono trip over the Union Pncillo outweighs a year of faltrht- sooingin Europe when it comes to a rant- tor of noble natural bconory. Children , 1U Conta. In order to give nil an opportunity of feeing Omaha s grant exposition und'tho great Melville In his leap for life , chil dren will bo admitted for 10 cents this afternoon. General admission , 25 cents. Special sale of glassware Monday. Now York 6 and lOe bargain btoro , 212 N. IGth bt , Hrfora A piano examine , the now scale Klin ball pinna A. IIosuo. 1513 Douglas. Seaman's phnoloiu best nnd cheapest THE BOSTON STORE Close Out ( the WLolo Children's ' Cloth ing Department Tomorrow. Not llnvltiR RitOlcIpnt llooin to Din- piny Them BntiHiiiutorllyVolIavo Dcfcrinlncditf ) Do Away With Entirely , POSITIVELY EVERY DOLLARS \VOKTH MUST BW CLOSED TOM01WCAV , \Vhntovcr remains of this stock after tomorrow will bo shipped to Now York to lo s-old at auction to the highest Wilder. Ho bo on liiinil bright ntul early If you need any boys' suits , overcoats or punts , Wo will soil ull our oOc wool cassimoro knee pants nt 'Joe. All our IInest grades of wool lnco ; pants worth up to SI.5 go for 50e. All our child's knee pants suits worth up to W gofov me. All our child's pluitod jacket and pants suits wore $ ! ! , go for if 1.50. All our child's wool ensslmoro knee pants suiti , ago4 to II , splendidly inado and fitting wcroM , go for 81.75. All our child's suits , in line chovlots , enssimores and worsteds , plaited or plain jackets , beautiful suits In every way. were $5.00 , go for 82.60. All our child's extra line $ ( ! .00and $7.00 suits , inndo in tlio very latest blyles , nil now goods , not nil old suit in the lot , now go for $ fl,50. SPECIAL CHILD'SOVURCoAT EAR- GAINS. Your choice of any of our children's former $ ; t.f > ( l , $ l.ijO ami So.OO overcoats , with or without cape , in all now colors and pattern * , will bo closed at $2.50. Your choice of any and all child's overcoats ( in sizes 4 to 14 years ) in chin chillas , meltons , friezes , cas-sinieros , rough or .smooth , plain or fancy , which were told up to $9.00 and $10.00. Your choice for J" .00. All the boys' waists that were Hoc , 50c and Goo go in one lot al25c , including percale ginghams , doinot llnnncls , etc. Tlio all-wool lliiuiiol waibts , worth 81 each , ( jo at 50e. Boys' and children's jockey en ] ) ? , plush , Jersey and cloth , all in ono lot tit 25o each , were . " > Ue nnd 7oc. Boys' line cashmere hats with stitched rlins at 25c. 25c.UNDERWEAR. UNDERWEAR. Children's line all-wool scarlet and natural wool underwear at lOc , 15o , "Oe , "oo , 85e , 4oc each , all worth double the price , Ladies' nil-wool jerioy ribbed under wear , all colors , at ; iJc , each worth 75e. Ladies1 natural gray underwear , vests or pants , at oOconcli , worth $1.00. Ladies'all wool medicated scarlet un derwear , linest quality and silk trimmed tit 75o each , worth 81.-5. 70 do/.on men's line fall and winter un derwear consisting of Scotch wool , camel's hair , scarlet , enbhmero , natural wool and merino , fancy striped and plain colors , finest goods manufactured. Wo huvo divided them into live lots at 25e , 33e , fiOc , 7. " > c , iSo ) each. Early comers will find bome big bargains in tlieso lots. THE BOSTON STORE , HIS. IGthSt. Sop our everyday prices ; no baits or special sales : 14 Ibs G. L. sugar , $1.00. 15 Ib-i white extra C bugnr , $1.00. 1G Ibs extra Cougar , $1.00. 18 Ibs nice , dry yellow sugar , $1.00. 8 cans Cal. apricots , 50c. 3 cans Cal. plums , flOc. 2 cans Cal. grapes , OOc. 0 cans corn , 2oc. 3 cans mustard sardines , 25c 1 qt. cranberries , lOc. 3 Ib can tomatoes , Oc. 2 Ibs Quaker oats , lOc. 10 bars good bonp , 25e. 2 loaves good broad , 5c. Pine Hour , $1.115 per sack. Reel and Reel , successors to C. 0. D. Brown. Telephone. 105. The Knees Continued. Omaha and Couneil BlulTs driving park at Union park. Council liluu's , Tuesday , October 14 , 2:21 : trot. 2:2" : ) pace. Special races to break records to bo announced later. "Wednesday , October 15. 2riS trotting. Free for all , stallions trotting. Special races to break records to bo announced later , Thursday , October 10. 2:20 : trotting. Free for all pacing. Special races to break records to bo announced later. Entries close at 0 p. m. Monday. Handkerchief sale at Mrs. .1. Benson's , prices from 10o to $10 , incliwing line hand ombroideried handkerchiefs , silk handkerchiefs. HKAL , LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. Handsome figured China silk 32 Inches \vido for COc on Monday. 5,000 tumblers to bo sold , ! ! c , at New York 5 and lOo bargain btoro , 212 Is1. 10th st. The now olhces oC the great Rock Island route , 1G02 , Sixteenth and Farnaui streets , Omaha , arc tlio linest in the city. Call and see tlioin. Tickets to all points east at lowest ratos. _ _ II Ton Want ii riuno Clit > n ] > , Cash or time , see the bargain at 107 N , 10th bt. Moinbcvg , agent. Iain selling three preparations that every housewife In Omaha would have if she know the value of them. One is the same stove- blacking that wo use on our stoves , which produces such a handsome color on the blove. The other prepara tion is the Gorman polish 1'utz liquid ponuulo , the lincbt metnl polish in the world for polishing nicldo , silver , brass , zinc , tin , copper and all kinds of metal. The other preparation is an iron enamel for enamling wrought iron ranges when it ib burnt olV , or coal hods or anything where the enamel Is worn or burnt oil' . STOITZKI : , , 1021 Howard. _ "The Slaughter of tlio Innocents. " Letting your > children die with diph theria. Jr. ) Jell'erls' ] ) rovontlvo to euro is infallible. fTwenty-llvo years' trial has proven it. Price 611.00. Address to Thos. JelTorlsil > ox057 , Oinnha , Neb. Vodicka.T.ULoitmoved toU. S.Nat'l ' bank bldg. Now fall and winter cloths. Spectacles correctly fitted. N. M. Ruddy , practical optician , 211 St. 15th fat. Cui-tiiliiH and Drapery. Dewey & Stone I-'urnlturo Co. 2o per cent discount on mnnufrcturors samples ut liny ward Bros. .Monday and Tuebdny. Clillilron , 1 ( > CmitN. In order to give all an opportunity of seeing Omaha a great exposition and the great Melville in his leap for life , clill- dron will bu admitted for 1(1 ( cents this afternoon. General admibslon , io ! cents. llayili'ii HroH. Want 10 salesladies. ' 10 men. IScnbh boys. BESNISON BROS , Extraordinary Bale of Blankets anil Com forters for Monihy. U'eCnii Save You Ijoti of Money If You JJuy Your Carpets or Us See Us Mon day. Don't delay buy Ing your blankets , com forters , llanncls , underwear , hosiery. carpets , oil cloths , etc. ; buy now and save at least 10 per cent. You will pay moro later. Wo nro btlll boiling the best comforters in the world nt SI , $1.2" > , Sl.CO , 81.75 , $2 , SU.2. ' ) , SU.SO and up to $3. Will Hell yon a line down comforter nt $ S , really worth $12. A good grey blanket for SI pair ; a largo sl/.o grey blanket , * U pair ; white blankets at $1 , Sl.U.- ) , $ ! . . > < ) , 62 , $2.50 , $3 , M.50 and up to $10.00 , and they arc the best values \vo have over had llio pleasure to olTei1 our customer : * , Don't fail to buy your blankets rlghtnway. A line nil-wool red twill llnnni'i at "oe yard ; German pink mix llanncl nt loc yard ; the best un bleached Canton llunnel on earth at KM yad. . Hoys' shirt \vaMs at 2oc and SSoi1 each , worth double. Gems' and boys' in nil gradus from cheapest up lo linest French grades. Gent- " ' wool socks loc a pair. Gont-i'lm por'cd ' 'iei ' vy ribbed ootton socks , full regular inncic. only Ho n pair. Ladles' nil-wool groy vests and pants only SI each , cheap at $1.85. Ladies' Jersey ribbed vests , long .sleeves. a regular hummer , only Me each. Ladies' all wool black ens'hmoro hose , 25c pair. Ladies' line black cashmuro gloves at 2"C , JiOc , ! 15c , 50c , all special bargains. Infants' whlto all wool knit mittens , imported , only IL'e pair. Chil dren's all wool hose , all si/.es , only 2oc pair , ailduight Gorinnntown yarn , 30e skein. Fine Saxony yarn , die skein , worth loc. Lace bed sots at loss than i usual retail prices. Wo are cutting the prices on carpets , curtains , etc. You can bavo money by getting our prices. Wo never allow anyone to beat us. You try It.CLOAKS CLOAKS , CLOAKS , CLOAKS. Monday wo will offer bomo great bar gains in our clonk department. Ladies' beaver English walking jackets with vest front and rolling collar at $8.60 each , worth $112.00. Big line Indies' jackets with astrnrhnn and fur fronts very nobby , come in and boo them thov are the latest. Ladle * ' seal plusii sacquos Monday at special prices at $18.00 and S2)0 ; ! ! ) each , formcrlv H > ld at & 2.-J.OO and $35.00. Ladies' seal plush English walking jackets at $10.00 , $12.00 and $15.00 each , worth $15.00 to 20.00. An elegant line of ladies phibh jackets with vcbt fronts at20.0l ) and $2.5.00 each. Big line of misses jackets at } 2.75 , $3.50 So.SS and 81.08 cnch , worth S3.W ) to $7.00. Children's plush clonks in till colors in 1 , 2 , 31 years , } 3.S ! ) each , worth $0.00. Special bide Monday of children's bon nets in bilk cabhincro and plush at 5 < ) c , 75e , $1.00 and up. Nobby lines of boys ctiH. | all now .styles , at iib'c and 5'Je each , worth Too and if 1.00. BROS. 5,000 tumblers to bo sold , "c , at Now York 5 and lOo bargain btoro , 212 N. 10th st. JUKI ) . CAHR At Lexington , Ivy. , October 9 , Mrs. Jlnry 1 ! . Cnrr , mother of Mrs. Joseph Gar- ncuu , Jr. , nuil Mrs , J. U. Kingwult. MA11TIN October II nt U a. in. , Maurice , sou of Mr. and Airs. A. G. Miu-tiu. Funeral will talio place Sunday afternoon. . . McCnbo , modiste , cloaks nnd tailor made drob&cb a specialty , R. 10 , With- ncll block. Omaha. Conservatory of Music. A much needed institution in this rap idly growing city is to uo inaugurated Monday , the Omaha conservatory of music , which will be conducted n'long lines laid down by the famous conserva tories of Europe and America. The promoters of this now adjunct to the art life of Omaha tire Mcbsra. K M. Jones and , T. G. Cummings , who will have charge of the piano , harmony and com position. In audition they have engaged Mrs. J \\r. Cotton as their teacher of vocal mu-sie , Mr. W. T. Tuber will give lessons on the pipe organ , Mr. Charles Baetons on the viola , violin and violin- cello. Certainly with this gallery of instructors the conservatory ought to bo a success from the beginning. Pine watch repairing , S.Bank , 507 X. 10. A Ijljjht in Kvery llerth. To the Chicago , Milwaukee- St. Paul railway belongs the credit of being the first in the country to reduce the matter of electric lighting of trains to bclontilio perfection. Ono of tlio novel features introduced in the bleeping ) a patent electric reading lamp in each section. With this luxurious nrovisiou reading at night before and after retir ing becomes as comfortable as by day , and when retiring the toilet mav bo made in comfort and seclusion. "Tho berth reading lamp in tlio Pullman bleeping cars run on the Chicago , Mil- WIUIKCO& St. Paul railway , between Omaha and Chicago , is patented , and cannot bo used by any other railroad company. It is the greatebt improve ment of the ago. Try it and bo con vinced , Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific depot , Omaha , at 0:10 : p. in. dally , arriv ing tit Chicago at U0 : ! ! a. m. Soouro tickets and sleeping ear berths tjt Union Ticketollico , 15U1 b'nrnnm btroc-tL5arkor ( Hlock ) , Oinaluu J. Ii. PUKSTO.V , P. A. NASH , Pass. Agent ( Jcn'l Agent Through conclics t'liltmnn palace Bloopers , dining cars , free reclining chair cars to Chicago and intervening point via the grout Rock Island route. Ticko olllco 1G02 , Sixteenth and Farnam. Go to Sniu'l Burns for gas fixtures at manufacturers' prices ; put up and war ranted. Ilavl < Mi Bros. Want 10 salesladies. 10 inon. 15 cabh boys. Special sale of glassware Monday. Now York 5 nnd lOo bnrgmn store , i12 ! K 10th Bt. Sheet music lOc , S. Hank , 507 X. 10. Io\v ltnti'4 J0isl. : The Ohio & Mississippi railway is now Boiling tickets from St. Louis to Cin cinnati and return at the low rate of $ lt , good for return until Oct. Ill inclusive ; ulbo one way to points named as follows : D.iyton , O. , $ -1.1/5 / ; Columbus , O. , 81.15 ; Cleveland , O. . $8 ; PUlhburg , I'n. , * S ; Washington , D. ( ' . , $10. IB ; Baltimore , Mil , $10.2.- . ; Philadelphia , Pa. , $11.05 ; Now York , $13 ; Hilton , Miibs. , $10. Tlekotb at above rates will continue on Kilu until Oct. ID inclusive. Address A. J , Little , gon'l western pubsonger agent , 10. ) N. Mroadway , and Union depot , St. Louis , Mo. W. H. SIIATTUCK , G. P. A. , O. & M. Hy. Solid gold spectacles nnd largest stock , neatest btvlc-s , lowest prices. N. M. Ruddy , optc , L'll S. 15th Bt. JIAYIIHN 11UCM , Down tlio Tricon. S-lb can best solid very packed toinn- teen , DC ; 2-lb can best fuigar corn , DC. l-lb ! } stone jar of all kinds of jams , lOc ; best condensed milk , lOc ; worth ! lic. 3-lb can Cal. apricots , njo ; ! Mb can egg plums , 17jc ; . 'Mb can Cal. Damson plums , 17ic ; sapollo , ! ) Ic ; soaplno , 3jo ; gold dust , lijc ; pearlinc , Jllc ; now prunes , 7ic ; oil Htirdines , fie ; 1'lc- nlo ham , 7c ; boneless ham , lOc ; dried beef 12c } ; very best Minneapolis Super * latlvo Hour , JI.Ho ; Hei-kern' self raising buckwheat Hour , f > 5o ; King's f-olf raising buckwheat Hour , SJe ; Aunt .Temimas IMIII cnkon Hour , fie ; very best cranber ries , 8 Ke ! ) icr quart or pound ; very best creamery butter , 2V ( ; very best soda crackers , 5c ; verv ' host ovstor ' crackers , 5c. 'HAYDl'-.N BROS. , Dry goods and groceries. JIOUSK FUKN'lHHlNCi CiOODS. 5,000 lump * ) , Consisting of hanging ltunps'glnnd hiiniH , piano lnmp > . banqiu't lamps , student lamps , the Ujchestor lamp , night lamiii , vno lump * nnd most everything else muilo in lump- * . Hang ing lamps from * 1.7r > to $1:1.50 : ; stand lamps from lOc to $5. 73 nnd $10.00 ; jiituio lamps , with silk iringo shades , $ , "i.l)5 ) nnd $1/5.00 / ; lloclieslor piano lamp , with silk fringe shade , for $0. Id ; va.-.o lamp , with decorated shade to match the fount , $ U.d ( ) , worth $ .3.00 , and the little Hos-o night lamp , "dc , something new. 5,000 cuspa- ( lores in china , terra colla , granite , nickle , ntc , , from lOc to $1.2-5 each. Whips from a , ' ! dc whip for 5c up to a W.dO whip for $1.00. Flower pots Ic , iljo , lie , 5Jc , lOe , It for 25c , 12 } and l ! > : each , all with saucers. Milk erodes for Joe. lluttor and preserve jure , 7jc per gallon. Copper bottom lea Kettles , 2)C. Wns-h tubs , ode , wash boards loo. Mrs. Potts' and Madam Street's patent Hut irons SI. 50 per bet , wringers SI. 75 , all biw lamp chimneys 5c , hat and towel racks fn1 , bowl and pitcher I7ic ! each , plates 5c each , 0 do/c. clothes pins /ic / , clothes lines lOe , Doston bean pots 15c , toilet pnpcr 5c for package or roll , covered tin pnilb 5c , all stool vises from Oo up to 76c , iiles 5o , all btcol cleavers J5c ! , scrub brushesoc , hard \\ood meat boards 25c. 25c.IIAYDEN IIAYDEN BROS. HOSIERY AND UNDKUWKAR. On account of tearing down the roar wall in our btoro wo will bo compelled to close out at once , regardless of cost. All of our hosiery and underwear. This will ba Mich a chance you have never had before to lay in your winter supply. Wo commence Monday morn ing the greatest hale of children's under wear over given by iTfiy house in the United States.Vo have put on extra help to dispose of thislmmenKo stock at once. Everything goes ; nothing rc- borvcd in this salo. Corsets , mublin underwear , yarns , gloves and gout's furnishings , sill to ho sold regardless of eot. Sale continued from day to day until block is disposed of. IIAYDKN BROS. Ilankkerchief sale at Mrs. , T. Bonbon's , prices from lOc to $10 , including line hand cnibroidoried handkerchiefs , bilk handkerchiefs. REAL LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. Ilaiidboino figured China bilk 3U inches wide for ( VJo OH Monday. Stoves null Hardware. The West Point base burner and fav orite oak heating stoves nro the ones to buy if you wish to bavo money. They each have a perfect ventilated Hue con struction. The Webt Point being ar ranged with collar for attaching fresh air pipe. Of the great number of fam ilies using the West Point all testify they will pay for themselves in two sea sons in the quantity of fuel they will save and for heating they oxeol till others. A. M. M'CARGKR , 410 N. 10th St. , Solo agent. Seaman's wagons best and cheapest. Try the White Front market. Ilcantify VoiuHomes. . A remark proiif etching , nicely framed , for only $0 , at llospo's gallery. Seaman's buggies oest and cheapest. A Camel's Itesorvolr. Admiral D. 1) . Porter , who once went to North Africa to secure camels for in troduction into America , gives some in teresting points about the value of those ugly but useful animals. Ho says : "In their campaigns against Algiers the French were surprised to see their camels , although reduced to skeletons , making forced marches with their loads. Mules in their condition could not have carried even their baddies. "A camel's llcbh is as goood as beof. You can hurdlv toll ono meat from the other. Cnmel s milk is very good , as I can testify , because I used it in my cof fee. " "A camel generally drinks once in three days , and , besides his four stomachs , ho carries a sort of reservoir in which ho stores water. I have been told that even ton days after the death of ti camel this reservoir can bo opened and ten or lifU'on pints of clear drink able water taken from it. " A. M v Mol/.licinii'i- . Fine watch repairing , Mil ! Douglas bt. Guitars $3 , S. Bank , 507 N. 10. Grand Concert 'lliU Afternoon mid There will bo n grand concert at the exposition , Coliseum building , this after noon and evening. Mo rum I'M DiuicliiK .School. Armory , Capitol avenue. Should yon desire to take lessons write for particu lars. You have I ho choice of eleven classes , both private and public. Adults ran take lessons at their own conven ience ; private lessons given. Manufacturers samples at 25 per cent discount at llaywurd Liros. Monday and Tucbdny. Carpet * . Chns. Shlverick & Co. , 1200 , 1203 and 1210 Farnani Ht. Court rsles of Olilungo Alilci-iuon. Aldermen Koonnn nnd Kenny , from the Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth wards , of what was once the town of Lake , are evidently friends who o.M'hnngo politi cal courtonios and perquisites , says the Chicago llornld. That they do so n $ members of the city council is shown by a much wrinkled bill head of Noonun te lion" , buyers and commission slaughter ers , which was picked up In the city hall yesterday. The Xoonan of the Jinn is Patrick Noonan , nldorniun of the Twenty-ninth ward , the "Kenny" nd- drcbbDil Is Alderman Kenny , of 51152 Kmornld avenue. Thirtieth ward. The niibblvo is dated September 11 and rcudt > : Mr. Klnny : I'leusolvo ( ! Hearer my Wn- lush I'.ibs as I Want to lom ; it to ono of our clergy. Kcspeotfully. 1 * . NOON IN. Alderman Kenny answered this ro- quoit very promptly by writing on the outnldo fold of the paper , verbatim nd literatim : incvcr Inul your pass. J. ICr.Nxv. Tills would go to dhow Hint Aldormnn Noonan lost the papor. It ini'ldoiitally bhows that his Wahiwh pns-i Is very much traveled on by a brother aldcM-- ! man as well as by onu of "our clergy."d NEW CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE , v The Parisian Oloak nnil Suit Oo. Offer Great Bargains , l-ivrry Ijnily In nnil Alinut Oniahn Jr Hlioiilil liiNprnt This New Stock f llcrctoloru 500 ehlldrons'cloaks in all tlio nowosti Bhapes and best materials ranging in price from $2.00 to JjlL'.OO uotuallv worth from M.OO to $ l0.00. ! Shoddy imitations of thi" < o garments are bold elsewhere ut iniit'h higher prices. J'\iur hundred and fifty misses' clanks nnd jni'kols , all porfci'tlon in style and ( | ualllv of inaterial. Any ono of tlu-sp Is worth fullv ono-third morn than wo will ask for them TOMOUUUW- MON DAY. OUR THIRD WKKKLY HAWAII SALE. A visit from mothers and InttMidintf puivhasors will bo sulllolent to coinlncp them that wo can and will live up to our , motto and glvo the best goods fur the lowest possible price , CLOAKS , .lAl'ICKTS AND \VHAP9 , Ladles' jackets and capon. The very latest styles and materials. Thousands to cho&o from. Koo our jackets from $ . ' ! up. See our nowmarkuts from So up. See our long wraps from $ " > up. SUITS. SUITS. SUITS. TEA GOWNSANDMOKiN'mi W1JAI ? . In this department , us well us on ? cloaks , wesi.iiply defv competition. b'UHS. KUKS. Fl'HS. All our sealskins and fur garments bought hist May. Wo will sell , without adding the recent great advance , seal suquos at $85 and $100 that would cost today from the manufacturer SI1I5 to $1.50. These are genuine Alaska "eal , warranted London dyed. Only a fi < w left. It will certainly bo a biion to in tending purchasers of seal gnrinrats to see these bargains. PARISIAN CLOAK AN'O SI'ITt'O. , llamgo Huildmg. S. 15. Cor. 15th and llnrm-y sts , ' r. Irei > Cut Sale. Owing to the quite imf i\oialilo wenth''r Friday and Saturday , HIJW ird Uros. will continue the sale of ni'iiiuriii- turers sampler Monday and Tih-iliy. There are hundreds of pairs of Mn so tampion , and will bo told at the itmf riu discount of 20 per cent from ri'nul.u- price. AXI > Hii3V : 1'ATKNT SHITTTini. DetallH of a Test in Oc trolt. Detroit Free Pres-s : Yesterday at 1 p. in. , Chief Hattlo of llio lire di'iiartniniit. with engine No. 1 and a full company of firemen , tested the working of the nyw sliding , rolling iron shutters , jujt placed upon the rear of ( . 'hnrlOS Werner's stores in the Tratigott Si-hmidt block , Nos. 15 and 17 Monroe avenuo. Those shutters are constructed' so as to bo opened from the onthido witt a stream of water and tlio obji"'t of thg { test was to domoiistrate tlio clllciom-y these now shuttorH. The btroamia \ turned on exactly at 4 p. m. and as the hojo played upon the uhuUors , they were quickly opened ono after another from the bocond to the llfth lloor. As tlio hist shutter opened the crowd cheered and the chief gave orders to have the hose turned upon the shutterH from the opposite direction , and they were as readily closed. Among the spectators were prominent citizens , underwriters , and many otherj , who were interested in the working of these shutteiu Chief Battle at thp close gave his unqualified iMidorsai incut of the shutters and stati'd thai they were tlio only perfect shutte that ho had over seen. And that in cases they would onablotho tire doju * nient to put out the lire without the dan gerous delays now occasioned in getting into the roar of the blocks where they are now protected with the old bt } lo of. iron shutters. These shutters can also bo opened and closed on the inside with a lover without ) opening the window. They tire the invention of Gustavo An * - \ drcen of Omaha , Nob. , and are bc'iii' ' i manufactured by J. K. Holies V , Co. oJV Detroit. Tlieso shutter have received the en dorsement of the chiefs of the llro de partments at Chicago , Omaha and other cities , where they have already bucii tested. _ Tlio biggest stock of zithers and strings , S. Bunk , M)7 ) N. 10. "Was Count , Tolstoi SI nil ? To write a tale t o extremely bad That ono , a maker of clothes ; ( Not from Cincinnati ! ) Should dooroo that through the P. 0. You can not got lO'oulxor Sonalii , As much so as tlio man .vho dcn-s not acknowlcdgo that Kobortbon llros. wll only the Jinost cigars at 21(1 ( So. 15th t. An Entire New Line in and Bonnets. AND MANYNKW MILLINERY DAVI _ - * * * - _ - * * - . - * - W J1.M - Milliner. Opposite Jut OppositePostofficc. Postofficc. 225 DEARBRNST. CHICAGO. G. W. SIIHLDOX4 CO.'S1 U , S , CUSTOMS TARIFF ( McICinley Bill. ) NOW R liADY PrIool.OO .Mailed I'l i'