THE OMAJEA DAILY BEE , ST sDAT , OCTOBER 12 , 1S90 T rEXTT PAGES. SOCIETY is DOKC. Local Vorld of lashics and Itc DorotKt. THE OUTLOOK FOR THE WINTER. Ccnutlful lionnlnfrt.on Tea n.t tbe Xltuldence of Mr . E. R. Dnndy J'orlc Avoinie Hipb Fire Tarty Tens , IjunchoouK , Ktc. k It's trno and It's about , time that It should to ho-thBtciurEnglUih cousins on their rlcht- litUe tlgttt-little Island are beginning to affect American words , as very proper , shoving tow turn about is fair play. Tb.ui while our .inenoan plrls tre vviilkluu : around talking pf tliis shop ana that sbop , the Enplish wo- Jaon are callingtbam "Stores" and BjitsUlnf ; It frith a rajiital S , if you observe and while our tvorntti arc fu hics over powns , the Enplish girls lire primly Baying "dross. " The tied luhignii be to adopt "pness" ia true Yon- toe ttjle , or perhaps. th'-y may Import from the houth "reckon " All English-Americans nnd those Ameriran-Enpiieh xvilllHj a very coinjiu'-iie people after a Jew more years of fraltii -worda , fads and fashions. By ibevinywhich side las the boner ol hnvitic introduced ciraretlc-smotinc among women ' Ln li&b women tow the onus of the thin ? on w , but may not Americans with Justice throw tbe cigarette back in their teftn- Aai Enplish corrcnpoaflent wboissole busi ness lito keep Bpuittothe fads and fostiirmi. of women , SUV * In a recent letter that smoking Uppomw to lie on tbe increase among women , Kid Hint they 6 m to enjoy their tobacco tren nnre nppredatlroly.jLf 7 > ossiblethan inon ; Umt 1U ( re is nn cmpusbenient about their tnioUn tr ttiatmen , from long habit , bare over- comi that it is probably ovinp to the com- " i rio\oltj of tlie thins nrnonpivomen that ib y display this eagerness wWoh Is liordlj rt miiatrhlo with the trne enjoyment Of th ( w " < > d , hut suppose"that it needs n sort of heredity of long practice to achieve the iatiiruorous happiness of the habitual .That may all be rend with appreciation by Entrlish women , but ladius oa this Bide would rimily horror-strait fchonlcl anv render of this excerpt from Ml Labonrbcre's Truth. thlnt they know niiythiup of BU ch laupnorous happmi'ss or tno habit that can over intro duce them to it. .A. few uiore cards > fortt'u ahiph-flveparty or ti\o borne lor wedJlnps have fluttered Into the almost empty baskets durinc the Wecl. but otherwise tbe season smni/uts no J-cmi.i liable symptoms of revival Chat , for the must part eonc-crns ibolf Either with fjieculation as to what the season finally may offerer to a comparison ol notes made dur ing the summer cam jiaipn. OflUis bo assured , society this season will Box lii ncmly so cay as lust Death In several well ki.wD families lias pat a manQo njion macj of tie older society leaders and their Dntxviuiuncnts will be very small , if at all , durinfr the winter. Th-u on the other bani a rum tier of society favorites are contemplating -visits tfl other citiif. in return for co-nrtesies crtt'ude-d to thoirvisltiue friends last season. This leaves the stacre almost unoi'cnpied ex cept IPJ the buds , who will have things al theiro.rn way , ( teeming ! v.this yenr. Asa war Bhonldn t this ho so * Tuey are fitted to take up the social obligations rosipnod by their Bisters und the present wecms tlis most pro pitious nmefor their entrance upon the boards Df social life. It n..y be ccxpoctcd that society \vill not ; Jrotise it rolf f rom its > pi esont comatose condi tion until just previous to the bolidtiys O ! couro there vi-ill he Uns , card parties anc rmnJ r.r cJ carlics , hut the big recent ! ons , the "crushes , " will bo noticeable bv * their a1 > tonee. The entrance of the youncr "women , ho\r Crcr , into fashionable life will lie a pleaian ! flivert'semcnt , and life \\V1 put oa a new hy reason of their coming. It is the after all that glvollfo iu flavor , Little Cod. An event which is of interest and will no doubt bo a s-nrprise to the maiy friends of Dr. S M. Campbell and Miss Tbeodosia Ken nedy tool : place nt thcrchidcnce of the lattor's pare nU , Mr. and Mrs W. .1. Kennedy , corner Thirty second and "Wool-worth avenues , on September 17 , JbM. It was the marnaje of Jc. Camjiboll nnd Miss Kennedy. The cere mony \vas performed at an early iour "Wednes day morniup of that date by Rev Jobn Will- lams , rector of St. jBanmbas church , in the presence of but a lew clioscn friends , wlio BOOM to have kept their secret \voll. The happy couple left immediately for the east on tiieir-iToflclinc tour nnd have just returned The bride , an only chila , lias received everv care itidulrent parents could pivo , and is well r Ittcd to malic nn d maintain n happv home fhe hndcproom is n well loiown physician in T Iheltiiiity of Hnuscom park , -whore ho has acqulioj n lucrative practice an da reputation for stall und iihility in his profession The doctor and Mrs Campbell will reside nt No BUS \ Voolnorthavennehere they will be nt home to all their frieuds ou and uftcr the JJ5th of the present mouth. At 10 o'clock Thursday forenoon Miss Ann C. Hoi-plum , danphtcr of 3)r Jamt-s M Bor plum , vvns united in marriape to Alfred Dar low , th - rashlcrand ticket agent at thounio deivit. The cen-mony % vus jKjrfonned at th rchiclanoc of the bride's ' i athe at CIS Xort Ttvcntioth Btrot't , and was -vvitnesied by peltict party of the trirads of the youa coniJe. The parlors were decorated' wit flovcrs and smilax. The presents -were nti meiflUH , ampup thorn being sovrral from tb pi-ooni's friends nt the "Calon Pftciflc bcai qunrtc'rs. After the ceremony n roroptio \rus fnvcn at the residoiico cf the bride , vs-hich ivas attended bv many friends of thi contract me parties. Later they left for Bos ton and ivill l e at hone about Xovember 1 _ f-ETMOnt AKI > TTOOMS. r3vr ! H M. Seymour , of the apcnt's office a Daillnp-ton , X T. . aud MIS.R Evancolin d.u , priacipai of the Arapahoe schoo n.arriod Saturday. Her 1 W. I\-ire ) -i deut of the school , tvinp the Irno .eUtlmc took 7 lare tttthoVesidonooof G. I1' . Asiii 'v theagout , and was u Jovous yven la nil j > ajticular , iionsox JINI > Mranocn. Thursdav , Octol > er 9 , nt Galeshurc HI Mr 3 L , Hohson of this city aud Mils .Icssl Muiiaorhvoreuuittjdtu inamara Thebrid Is the daughter of Mr G A. Murdoch of Gale-burs , one of the foremost drv roods mcnlmnls ol that city , and is a representa tive daughter of n place already famous Jor estimable pirlhood nnd woman. liool The past C\e or six years Bho has dcvottid larpoly to the stud v of music , Uavintr | K.'nt a immber of years in Xew York city for itiat Tiun > ese Mr. Robsou is om- plovcsT isrount clerk at the Commercial nnttoaui baivb of thi' ' "v. He lias hocn here l > ut a few months , but ms jinsitioa is a > uf- ficlciit cniarantyor liis standing anfl worth Jvtr and Mrs Ilobson cauie airectly to Omalui. and fortht * present Unvo talren quar- on at tlie Mernam. K Islpyer't music hall was filled to over- igTriday evoninc , the occasion bainc ho third annual recital by the pupils o ! Jrof Brett , assisted hy Uiss Daisy IHgEics und Mr. B , P. Dnnoaa. T& first numbar oa tlie programme wa < n selection by a class of fifteen violins , the pupils rnnpiagin age from twclre to sixteen year * . Than followed bolos by I'.t-rtie Davis , Miss Edith McDonald , LovcU Dann , WUliaa JJstor , Walter Chrw- teuken aiid Archie Short , nil of the pmlora- yts n'-qn'ttlng ' theinselvet ndmlranly and 'with credit to their instructor. The events ol the evening in instrumental music wcro the numbers assicnicd to Miss Daisy and Mnstc-r Charles Hippins , The first was Goiird's Boooafl juaturta , u work requiring prwit hkul in execution ana dvinp tne op- lioituuitjos for BO exh.hitiin of tbe admirable vochniqueu'luch tbe iittlo lady pusscisscs Her roudltiou of this uunibor was recolvci vrith Rtvat furor. The manner in w hich Mnstcr C'harles Hippius erocntcd the ex- treinrtv dimoult concerto No. 1 of Delloriot hbnwud lie iialnstukinp rare und studv he put UIKJII the diUioult work , Hl oii-oiiuon vrus excellent , und ho displavcul pool judg. meat tn UiehandUnRofitsciquisitebarnvony Bljmi nt p-ratai and bid Salr to rank smrog the best Mr B P I > uncaa tpp arc a In txvo num- ) ers and was -well reoairei Hi voice -was a good lorm and ho eang wolL. A. Grnitlne SnrprUr. Ecv. JJv. Keidrcbollvei at 8:151 : Charles trcet , this city , has bcea serving the Chil ian chwrch cf Plattiinouth , as pastor Jor iboat two years. Thursday evening about orty of his parishioners anncd themietvcs with masy of the posd tbjnps in their homes j and earn * vu en taanM and actually took pos- sesiloa of Kev , Reid and his elepast home. Alter & day of ) ov and feastisc they > ude adlcn to their pastor and his wife Icavinr ; babind not only pleas- am i E memories but quite a supply of tbo iifcessunw. of Ufa , including a punt to BUpjJr other dtfioiaiicieswhich may hereafter arise. Her Ecia i vcryhiehJy Tcpardcdby ils Hjnprepation. He has fully doubled xhe mem- jership since his term of service b ; aD. lie ins recently tendered his resipiution , but It IB evidently not the Intention of the church X ) let him go Following ; are the names of , hoie xvho composed the visiting party . Bird CritchfieW and infe , Fraud Br > vd and wife , Peter Bates and wife , Robert M' alter find wife , Charles Twiss ftud wif a , George Parmer aaa xvife. Ed Todd nndvife , Lun Todd and wife , Mrs. Sammors and - wifelr. \ . \Vardon and daughters , Dora ntid Mftnda ; Dr D. C Hon-ieliBiia , Sjl Osbora , Peter Klcpins. Allen Ttidd , LOUK Walker. Bert Sic- Elwaa , Roy McElvnin , Jennie McElwain , Bt-lle Vcrinelta , Maud Crii.cnCeia. Minnie Bate * , Laura Twiss , Exic Buzacll , % VU1 Carr and Frank Buziell. A Charming The hare that hung Over the city Thursday reminded on a for all the world of a Loudoa autumn day , bat the fall f rashness , and eicn the muddy streets , did not prevent a larce n mler ) of society leaders , from accepting Ivlrs E. S Dundy , Catlen's invitations to Kcninptoa tea in honor of Mrs. Emma Ho- tnan Thayer , of Salida , Colorado , at tue homo of the former on fat Mnrv'b avenue. Ivlrs. Thayer is not uuknown to many Omaha jieo- ple , ber praceinl pen bavinr shown the \vorld throuph her bonks tie hcautacsof the ild flowers * of Colorado and California. I\"ot ill one as a champion of the flora of the west , but ia the broader field of literary life lias she mude an impress , her novel "The Eatrlish AjncricaiT hat uig brought her a fair meas ure of fame. BiThc house , inhonoro * the event , -was beau tifully decorated with flowers , tbe mantels , the alcoves , and the fireplaces beinc' made to look like the liome of some California aanch- ers. Silvor-Upimd peraniunis and multicolored ored autumn leaves brought vividly to tniud that verv beautiful saying of Henry Ward .Beech or % in spoaVring ol October and his lore for lliut mouth ' 'Ortober vvooSs. , Oo- tobcr thought , October niuslntrs " But tbcro was nothing- the sadness vhich the emi nent divine reflects , present at Mrs. Dandy's ' home. On tbe contrary everything as licnt nnd prnceful , ana tbe i-epraHcstative people present enjoyed themselves to a wonderful degree , for the Kenslngtoaroally inaugurated tbe season's f usUvitun. The cTiests , althouch invited to ten , amused tbom'-elies by playing hicrh-fivo until 5 o'clock , when tea was served by a seitette of well known younc society women Mrs. D. H. Wheeler , jr. , Mrs E "S Dandy , Jr , Miss Duudy. Miss Lulu Dandy , Miss Orchard and Mrs. "Will Hodick. Dainty refreshments were also erted with the tea , the afternoon being particularly enjoyable. Amoue tbose present were : Mesdamei S P M.or..cV. \ . V. Morse , Bcall , .loseph Barker. Churrhill Parker , Barker , IJinincer , Hallcr , Jen Car ter , A. M Cartel , D H Wheeler , srD. H. \Vheoler , jr. , .losepli Ivliilard , Hoag- land , Cloxvser , Drake. Gannett , Morse- man , Butt , Sloan , Dr. Moore. Ajnes , -A _ D. Hoijkdns , Cowan , Hopcins , Rtistin , Windsor , Eobcrty , Powell , AVes * cls , Cornish , Hanscom , Zahner , Birkhuuser , Lake , Pntcht'tt , Preston , Curtis , Havrloy , I. H. Congdon , Gallacher , Dr Conner , Isye. VVol- Incc , Paxton , iistabrook , Ccshinc. E. S. Duudy , ir , AUcn , I\Ietcalf \ , Cleveland. H. W. Vales.V \ Clark , Dabois , Colpetzer , Cudaliy , Lyon , IvlrKonna , Bngrs , Lacey , Gilbert , Dr. Jones. Yost , Lorinp , C. W Hamilton , Cum- ingValion , Neville , Hediclv'ood , Bier- bgwer , A L. Frank , Prutt , Broatcb , Itustia , Byrne and Miss Buttcrtield. After the priests of the tftprnoon had. left the Dundv residence , a iew intimate friends of Miss Uunay and Jlii.sLuua Dunav "nap- pened in" and enjoyed several hours of danc ing , playing cards and pcnerally Taking pw- sesslon of the residence. Participating in tnejoy of the iaformal evening were Misses Laura and Emmn Hoaclaud , Bertla Yost , Miss "U'allace of Salt Lake , 3\liss LUa Car ter , Miss Orchard , Messrs. Henry and "Will \Vyman , K. C. Bartoa , ITraat Hamilton , Art Guioa. " \Viia Witliont n Gorrrnor. On last Wednesday night there was a largo pothering of stationary outinecrs at the xcsi- deace of Mr. Joe Bailey , engineer of THE BEE building , 2512 .Tones street. When so many throttle twisters got together itwas quite evident that something1 was gciaR to move. Mr. Georpe IBrush was called on for a speech. Tne pcntloman Irindlv took the floor , and after tbe usual recrets aad excuses for ina bility , tteadily but surely ' 0H3ned [ heaup and let her po " He dwelt on man's duty to man in sickness nndia nealth , on the beati tudes of character and bow men snould cher ish the flowers and tramp the weeds under foot. Than in his own happy way ho uncov ered a beautiful silver water set and pre > - bentod ittoMr "W S. Ott , late chief eaginocr of tbe old Thompson t Houston electric licht plant. Mr. Ott was so surprised that ho hardly knew what to say wiw to look , and found it difficult to thank thodonners for tbe useful tolien of their es teem. The pitcher had cncrraved upon it the followinc : "N. A. S. E. to W. S. Ott , Omahu " Mr. Ott left Onaha four months ape for Fort "Worth , Tex. , to erect an electric light plant for the Edison company He is now nt home ou n visit to his family , -wlille on his Tvoy to JCovv York to take charpo of one of the larpast electric lipbt ] ilauts in the Edison systara. All the promineat engineers of the city wercprobont vith their wives. Speeches were made aud sonpswere sung , iuiile tbe wit and humor of the engine room ran -wild without a governor. the Srnsou. Wedaesday evening ; the Park avenue dab began its fortnightly hifjh-flve parties at the residence of Colonel and Mrs , H. C. Ahn , 2-120 Spruce street. The very charming- meet ings tbe club bad last season warranted the members in renewing the club's life , aud it vras decides that Mr nnd Mrs. Akin should entertain the first party , which theo did A cry deliphtfull3' on the evening above. After a number of earnest era ployed prizes -were awarded as follows Mrs Howell won the first premium , a very pretty cut pluss cup with saucer attached ; Mrs. Mann thobfctcond. Mr D. H Goodrich captured the first gentle men's prize , which was a very handsome cigar case ; Mr. Hamilton won the second end a prettily decoiated waste bosket. Ke- lieshiimiU. were served. Mrs , Aksa quite dlstmcniislied herself as an admlrablf hostess. Tbe members of tee rlub present were Mr. and Mrs E M Bartlett , Mr and Mri.Blalte , Jilr aud Mrs Bu.rtoa. Mr. and Mrs D H. Goudrii'h , Ivlr and Mrs , Howell , Mr. and Jvlrs. Hamilton , Miss Rene Hamilton , Mr.aud Irs. Aurustus Pratt , .Mr. nnd IMrs D. H. Sholes , Messrs C. L. raraswortk , H L. Akin nnd Mrs Mann. The neit meeting of the club , Monday evening , October ao , will be hold nt tbe residence of 2lr. and Mrs E 1 Bartlett- - _ _ Piano nccital. Mme. Mnentof orinp , iTho has charge of the instrument music at the Sicred Heart con vent , -will RivehorErst piano rsaital to tbe pupib of her cluss Monday aftumoon , tha programme lielng as follows : Smiate r&Uutlane The Mounta.ln IlanPfoiiE , I , , , TinUrldul l'nra wkMi , f . CrlOB liciirtniiiitu. GUut , ) Study ddiiok loyj , V. . . . . . . . , . Ckopln Value. A llau I AuMalin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cod&rd Waldoti's Pour . - . ilryur-Uoitiitmd AUltx. Movements and Whprcal > onts. Mrs. Mm Meyer Is visiting friends in Den ver for a Jew weeks , Mrs T 3. Horrors Is ia St. Louis visiting IIM bister Mrs. Lutcy. Mr und Mrs. Joe Soott leave todav for their borne in Danvcr. Mrs. n. C Aldn was a oem palare visitor this wtiek , returninp l"riday evening Mr Guorge A. Joi.yn ) roturued from OB fx'-endod t ult "to Garvuton , Tex , on Thtrrs- The engagement U announced ofMissEtt * Newman , daughter of M. Newman , of thai city to Mr. GaraWLu Stouehill. Mrs. N S. Thompson of Evamtoa , 111. , 1 vMttngin the critywith J. C. Whartoa at 2410 Korth Tvetty-f oorth stroot. Mrs. Geore H Duraad of Flint , Mich. , t sister of Mrs John P , William * , is visiting the latter at her home , IS05 Binary street Mrs Prank Colpotzcr is eipectcd to return from New York this evctitnc wbcro she left her daughter , Miss Scsie , &t Misi Brown't school The industrial school of Trinity cathedral bepan its winter' * work yesterday morning In the crypt. Miss Elisabeth Poppleton again assuming charge of the sohooL Miss Leola Carter has issued Invitations for n high-five party Monday evening at tbo residence of Mr. and Mrs , O. M. Carter , Thirty-sixth and ramam streets. Mr and Mrs Marti B Stevens and Miss Pranns Adams of Detroit , nre cnests of Mr. and Mrs Robert R Ringwalt during October. Mr. and Mrs. L French announce the mar riap-e of their daughter Flo ren ce to Merit C CraicrVodaesdny \ nltcmo on , it 1 o'clock October 22. A very pleasant dnncinp party WILE riven at the exposition annei Friday evcnine i'rom S until 11 o'clock , thirty cm pies being pres ent to enjoy the pleasures of the evening. 'Miss Vest , in honor ol her ruestMiis Wallace of Salt Lalio Citv , invited a Jew friends Friday evening to luncheon tat ber residence , 704 North rwentj--thlra stroet. Tbe class in Enrfish history vhirb was so urv sarcescful last year under the direction of Mrs "W 11 Jdancbett reiametl its work fridny at the resideuca of Mrs. IV. G. Sloan , TUo talk of tbe to\rn this week bas heea the reported encasement of Miss Adams , a daughter of Charles Fruncis A.dams , uud Mr. J. S. Tobbets ol Denver , formerly of this city. city.Captain Captain P. H Hay and Colonel Matt Patrick left this wttk for an extended bunt in Wronv Inc. They viU be joined there by Mr Webb Hayes , BOS ol ci-President Hayes and Mr , J. S. Collins Miss Poppluton returned from Kew York Thursday , whither sbe uccomplnlod ber sis ter. Ivliss Mary Popploton. wbo is no\v a recistered studontat Miss Brovn's famous school for joung laditis. Miss Grace Alhngbt of Fort Madison , la , an extremely fnclnntin ? blonde beauty.bright and intelliroat , who has b"en the guest of Miss Muy Miller for a fortnlpht , has eoae to visit friends in Coancil Blafls. Miss Maud Faust , n charming nnd interest ing young lady of Lend City , S. TJ , lcrm "rjy of Omaha , is visiting friendi and old acquaintances and is the priest of tbe Misncs Scott during ber brief ttay , 1512 Douglas streut. Mrs .Toseph Barker will entertain a num ber of friends this week in honor of Ivlr. and Mrs. MarkHoplilns a.nd Miss Curtis. vho are tbe g-uosts of Mr. and Mrs. It R Ringwalt. Hut ivhetber a luucheja or card party , is as yet undetetiniuod. Tbe "AAemooa Card Party" so called met nt the residence o { Mrs Dr .Tonei yes terday afternoon and enjoyed the neeldv Fame of biph Uve. Among the cuests were Mesdames Powell , Benll. Sloan. Uichols , Wmcote , Patterson , JurkendaJ.1 aud.Tohnson. For the present Mrs. ELnnebott's ctos in English bterature for women , who arc em ployed in stores and oftict-sdunnc the day , will .meet at her house 2U.M St Mary's menue. The first mootinp was held Tuesday evening upwards of twenty women being present. Mr Kobcrt Harvey , a member or a cele brated ship building firm at Port Glaseow , Scotland , -who bas f-bown attention to a num ber of Omaha tourists while abroad , notably Miss Jc iieMUlard. Miss Yostlis Konntzo nnd Mr McCagne , it , expected to visit Omaha this -week , the pruest of Mr. K. C Barton. Mr. Brarhvopcl's ' class in the Gorman classics met at his bouse Monday evening to talk over apian of campaign. Tivo will evidently be formed as a number cf young ladies wbo were not members last year are desirous of taking up the higher s > tndy of German Active woik will be basun the first Monday in September. Theluaucural ball of theWns'hington club was piven at Washington ball Thursday eve- nine. A very laitro number of puests and members "vvere in attendance , a. most enjoy able time being-had. Credit is due Messrs. Herman , Newman , Sam Sommers , Morru Newman and Louis Newman Jor their effl- cient management of the afiair. Mr Prank Muir returned home this week after a two months' among old Kew England scenes. Mrs. Muir , who was a guest at the \Vhite Sulphur Sprincs during the summer , Joined Mr. Muir in Is'cw "York in August , which they made the headquarters for many little excursions tbroughut the country. Mrs. Muir remains east until De cember. A meetinr of "Tbe Club , " is called at the Lininger art gallery Monday cvcmns atS 0 clock. The great success of this organiza tion last season warrants the prediction tbat more earncst work will he done durinjj tae present year. Mr Frank Haller is the presi dent of The organization , M.r. William T\ Baxter , the secrttary aud Dean Gardner the patron. Tbe In dependent Order of the DonalBrith , one of the best knoavn Hebrew charities in the trorld , will have a benefit at Washington hall next Thursday evening , October 19 , under the auspices of Nebraska lodge Ko ! I51. All the prominent Jewish families aio interested in tms charity und tbe ball will in augurate the round of social pleasures in H elaewcircles. FrauleinVendell of Schles-wig Hoistoln Is condncting two hi German at the resi dence of Mrs. J G Harries , 804 South Twenty-fifth street. The ionner is lor young ladies and meets two afternoons a week , Monday and Thursday ; the others for bolt ladies and gentlemen meeting Tuesday and Friday eveuincs , Both these classes are still oJKjn to those who desire to pursue tlo study of German. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred H. "CVhipple of Detroit. Mich , haveiK-cnat the Paxton for several days Mr VVhipple is the author of various text boolM on electrical and kindred subjects , and is one of tbe leading esperts in this line in'the country. His visit to Omaha was for the purpose of gathering farts f or a forthcom ing boik oa ' 'ElectricLaw. " Hois coveriae tbe satire Uuited State ? , and is accompaiucti by Mrs , \Yhipple , a charming lady aad well versed in electrical lore. Miis Daisr Doane. in honor of the Misses ThralUnvited n fe-w friends infernally to ber home Friday evening ; , the gnests being re- ttricU-d to the younger members of society. Games and dances wore indulged ia , re freshments coming later to round out the evening Among those present were : Misses 1 titia Barnard. Emily \Vukeloy , Opt l Touza- lln , Jean Thrall , A.lice 'Thrall , Clark nnd Chat Rodick , Harry Cleaver , Stanley Smith , W. Parjiam Smith , Charles Clapp. Wednesday eveninca Jolly crowd of society people assembled at the reiidence of Judge ana Mrs. Doane , i024 ! Chicago street , aud revived - vivod memories 01 old times by everybody joining in a pame of * 'Blind Man's Buff' ' until tired bodies called a rest , ivhen dune- ing followed. Eefreshments , of course , were a pnrtof the evening's ' pleasures , the charm of the aSair betas in its iaformauty Par ticipating in the crume were IVlwses Malxi Orchard , Bertha YostValluce of Salt Lake City. Mabel Balcombe , Emily XYakelev , Bes sie Yates , Ahc-eTbrull , Jeaa Thiall , Charles How , Cuitis Tumor , Henry Bnggs , Henry Wvman , Frank Hamilton. Ajttiar Gnloa , Will Crary. Mrs S. S Caldwell , In ioaor of the pres ence of Mr and Mrs Jolia Tweodale oi the war department , in the city last week , an vited a few friends to play bich iive , las Saturday evening and listen to Mr T < u-ednle : ead The pontleinau is aa eicelieat delineator of character a&d bis humorous Irifch aud Dutch recitations were inimitable. There was mus.Sc from Mrs , Ella Beall anc later delightful refreshments wore serve ! The guosu present were Ir nndMrs.Henrj \V. "Vates , ilr a-x3 Mrs. Guy Barton , Mrs. Beall , Mr and Mrs. Horbach , Colonel tJuy V. Henry , Mr and Mrs John Tweedale , of Washington , Hoa. ana Mrs. Goorga E. Pritihett. Miss Flora ICcr was surprised bv the visit of a number of jounc friends at Her home oa Monday evening , The young paople arrivci abontT o'clock and Flora was quite unpre pared for her visitors even though it lias the annJverswy of lier birth. Music , sin ing nnt games were indulged in nnd thea a bountifu supply of refreshments vrer * disposed of , the little people enjoying the occasion greatjy Among tbose present were the Misses Eva Crowell , Ploronoe und May Mnynard , Olive Bowman , Edith Smith , Grade "WestQraMary Hand ana Jessie Johnston. Masters Edwin Chapin , "WUliani MBynnra. Harry Berman , Allen Smith , Wilson Haiid , Clyde Western , KemMnckley. The sad news of the death by drowning o Ensign Harry Unmipy , United Stat s navy ton of Mr. and Mrs. ± ecrjr Ilumsey mi ! mndson of Mr Thtlo ItAJi tT , was rocclrcd. I a Omnba lhi xvicli TlT Vokal oiau , ivhc i .be acadcnt occurred. Th * death of Harrv I Rnaser recalls the ' 1ngic ending of I tbe life of bis liiill > tr , who wai & ' Jeutcaaot on a manf > fiir , and while on duty and vinltmp lrimlK ta Milwankoe , stopping at the ICcwhaai house , tbit boslebrv tok flre , Tbo bravery ftf nbe rnw at enc came xiptiennost , and in ao rafleavor to sav Bcverul women from the flames , just as he was ia the art of desccnMai ; fran the burn- lag b-nilflinc , tbe waflv- parted , carrying tie b ve JicutoninttoTilSr death , \reancsfla.voveBlng Mts , C C. , wife of the general superintendent of the rrcmont , Elchorn i-Misstvart Valley railway , Invited o anmlier of mntaJQ f riond ? to accom pany ber in a P ] > oclal boCtft car to Sloiu ; Otv on a visit to the corn palace. Thursday morning the party inspected the palace , ana fcn the afternoon "became the pncsts of Blr F. 1 Evans , -nho showed tbe Omaha visitors Sioux City nnd surrounalnir country from the top of his tally-ho , tbe ribbons ofwhich were haudledby Wnaself. Luncheon followed , and the party returned Friday morningcrcatly delighted with tbe very pleasant ride , and thei-onrtcsvertcndc'd totheraby one of the millionaires cf the Indian city. The mem bers of the party from Omaha -were Mrs. C C. Hushes and her son , C. C Hughes , 3r , Mrs "W.C Kichols , Mr * Van Kiran , and daughter , Mr and Mrs \ \ \ E Williams nnd daughter , Mr and Mrs. J , C. H.aincs of Jlapid City , S. D. Andrew Jackson Popplcton Bon of Mr and 3VlrsV S. Poppleton 8ttainpd his first birth day Monday , and in honor of the event Mrs. A J Popplcton inUted a f < "w friends , child- of the same are , to celebrate the day with her RTimdchild. Of course the mothers of th ? young griiests wpre there which made the occasion particularly pleasant , and the charms and ever varyingdelipbts of the scions of old Omaha f amibes were discusted by fond parents. The truests were. John Hnphes Caldwell. son of Mr and Mrs. Victor Caldwell ; SamuelMilliffd. roa of Mr and Ivlrs. Alfred Millard , Jslildre-cl Ilopcrs. dauph- tor of Mr. nnd Mrs. Warren ! ! . Rogers ; "JosrTinGanu'au ' FUECwaltf.on of Mr. aud.Mrs. .1 It'IUncwalt : Carmclita Chase , daurkter of Mr and Mrs. Clement C Chase ; % V E. Phillips , of Galesburp , LaVe Deuel , son of ilr and Mrs Charles Deuel. Fraternal council No 1211 Royal Arcanum held its reirular meotingThxirsday night at Eoyal Arcunum hall. After tbe regular busi ness and the deprocs bad b ca conferred on Mr. Charles Mottramthe council went into social session , hign-flvebeiurttie order of the vcnbag , a very enloyable time resnltinc : . iluring the cveninc Mrs .T E A-ithison en- tcitaintid the company with some very devor card tricks. A.mont ? those i > rt cnt wore 3\lr F. Gillcr , C. A Fowler , James Powers , A P. Connor of H P. Council 10M , F. L. "Weaver , .1 S Knoi past pn-and master recent E A. of Missouri. F. L Gregory , GeorseKer I ) S. R in Nebraska , R M. Richmond , -lames Calder , \V. B. Ten Evck , Charles aioUram , B. L Searll aad Dr W. r Milroy. The council appaiuted a conimlttfe to ar range Jor a ladies sodal on November IStb , A.X nVEVING IVirir Sr.VNLEY. A Literary and Social Toast at tbe Sncrcd Heart A.aaderny. On last Mondav evening a refined and de lightful Uterarv uud musical feast was set before the pupils of the academy and their invited guests The assenablr hall was decor ated with peifect taste , < At Its lower end D dais , carpeted in red , wipportea a pretty shrine , embowering a rcHcibus statuein foli- are and flovicrs , while columns , sustaining scarlet drajwrv , vere fesuwnfdvith vines und surmounted by potted plunts. Among tbe visitors who followed the exer cises ivith marked interest -were members of the city clerp andseverfl oung ladies who had graduated fi-om the institution las > r June , and -wlio welcomed easterly iLe opjiortunity to revisit tneir alma muter. The prog-niianie offered tbe followincr num bers , all the literary papers pi-es-eutod liotni ; onpanal aiidalltbe musical selections being rendered with reniarlahio accuacv and nish : , Grand Valse de Conf ert „ Hoist Mlssoido si I'elii and Me Adams Gicetlnc . ; Mlot , r pca.n SuJututaon . . n- . . .AL > t Tiie Choir. A .tra per A ppt'ia--.r. . . Mli ? I > ortln ? . . . - , i. Gottscliall ; Misses rilcbhiiue ondUc au Onto l/l\-liiE tone . . . . - . . . . .MKs Trenoi Ucatrlce dl Tenclubi.rjaiid ( : pliino' ' . . .Lcllltil Missus Jlihhano uiidNif-h Throupli theDarl Ooatlneut MUs Lobman 3jlU.le ? illrds , A Cborat olLitTlc&onp'iters InDt'i'jier Paruiitss filiss Mwhunc ItucloiOp. 'Mi Chopin IBll&s Scoaten. AVord md Life A Plover Lnld on Newman's Grave Head lj-MiN ] jMeNaiuu.ra leaa. Kindly Llclit lkn > . 1'lano aud Chorus The misses de StFelix and McAdnms ex ecuted in a most creditable manner the in- &truiacntal duet which welcomed tbe audi ence. Indeed , it may ba said bere lhat the mode inwhich tbo musical department is conducted and tbepropies' . , at once thorouph find rapid , noticeable in the traplls , mns.1 re < fleet the hlRhest credit on Madame Muentcf- ermg- , who continues to devote her sen-ices to the academy. Miss Regan delivered tvith a charming cordiality a pracefnl address of welcome , concluding : with a plea for indulgence in be- lialf of the four essayists , wbo , in attempting topiye a sketch of Mr. Stanley's caieer , within the limit of one hour and a half , rec ognized that they were dealing ithatask that overweighted their powers. Following "this preetitif ; came a delightful chorus of salutation , the music borrowed from AhtT and the words written for tbe occasion. The nrst essav , "Ad Astra perAspera , ' pave Miss DowJinp tbe material for a vivid and intensely interesting : glance at Stanlov's stormy career , from tbe Welsh workhouse to the correspondent's ' staff of the New- York Herald It significantly emphasized the fact that bo had reached the stars through adver sities of every land , and that , if the world MH.-S him today touching the luraluanes of fume and has attained that shin' ' ing height by fauJJerinR nnd toil. Gottsehulk's "Radiens" sparkled crisp and bnght under the fingers of Misses Me- Shane and Hepan , and was followed hyaline find movins account of Stanley's "tcorch for Lrvrapitone. MissFrenih carried the Herald erplorer ' On to Ijiviacstone" with somethinc of al most dramatic power , boldmg attention rooted to the end A diiot on harp and piano , selected from "Be.-vtiife diTeufla , " gave proof of Miss M Naih's musical ability , nnti Bbovved that Miss , McShaue's remarkable talents which last .Tune prave her the polden modal , have teen equally culuvatefl on both instruments In Miss Lobman's Journey with Stanley "Througn the Dark Continent , " skill in grouping striking incidents was com. binod with an easy flow of language , and a.n animated and intelligent power of cat- jiresstion. A. band of charminclittle songsters , ranc- ing in ace from six . twelve , wa'bled achorui which niuralyiinltated thesongii and even the movements of inerry young birds. PerhatK this lively aud prattv little perform ance v as one of the m&st Beliglitful of tbe evening in picturesque lanpuaire-iind with great judcmeat in the choice ofdetails , Miss Me- tJhane presented as n panorama , Stanley's rescue of Emin Pasha , aafl.Tiroupht nor hear ers not only "throug-b dnriiest Africa1 but into the Cairo , leisure , wh * reiti the udvcntur- crvrroto his lust b ol : . finally , a few stnknn ? paraprraphs oj > enedes.tniinstar Abliey on the romantic scene of tbei great explorer's marriage -with tbe lovely Dorothy Tonnaau A study from Chopin wrU iurerrireted by Miss Seouten ivith n tjyuiathetic dclicacv whinh manifested both unusual mustei-y of eiuoution aaa a still rarer.-tymprehonslou of the sentiment that iiifcpirefllhe druamj poet ' * ' ofthepiuno A tribute of laudatory vcfrse to the memory of Cardinal Neivman loaud an adequate ex pression in Miss McNatnura's rendition , dis tinguished bj depth of feeling and uncommon fiuu h of elocution. 33tr closing words were taken up by tbe voices , ( with harp and piano anoompanujienti whiohthrdw into Kewnian's "Lead , Kindly Light , " an cxumsite echo of the Thought immortalized in the dead poet's celebrated lines. No more fitting close could lave tcrmiaatcid an evening of uumarred pleasure. Kev. P F. McCarthy of tbe Cathedral of St. Philomena thanljod tbe young ladiee in a few appropriate remarks , whiob oonveved the rrutituae of u very ap preciative audience. A. CHEAT 1SOUSTKV. " \VUnt \ tbe "Woodman Clnteecl Oil Work * Turn Out In a Year , It may oea matter of sunirhsoto some of the citizens of Omaaa to know that in tlie Woodmaii hnsjiad oil -vorks the citv bas one of tbc largest industries of thelmd i& the world. The plant has boon praJnaUy In- crea od ilnoe its ronstrnctara in Id , until at present , Its capacity has reached imacnse pronortioai. The company consumes ! WW.OOO . tiusbel * ol Rpfd annually nt & cost of FTOJ.IHW. At icart one-hall' of this quantity Is the tmdnct ol Nebraska farms ana the money paid for It is distributed in that proportion union c the faimers of the state , baliota usuallv fur nishes the excess. To handle this quantity of scad thf plant is operated nigbt and day throughout the year , with tbe exception of nn occasional delay for tbe purK)5t | ot making neoesmary repairs. Fifty men are wcrularly omploved in con ducting the vorks Tbe Dialled laborers re ceive an average of (4 ( i > er day aad othar em ployes 88. .About five thousand gallons of oil are daily produced by the company aad twenty tons of oil cake. The former is usually quoted at TO cents jver paLlon nr.d tbe calie at SJtl per ton. Enormous quantities of the latter product arc consumed on the stock lanni throughout tbe state Heltigtbe cnlr industry of the kind in Nebraska the " \Voodnian plant fur nishes the entire territory. The machinery in use is of the most Im proved pattern , This department was com pletely refitted in IsivS with machinery of modern desicn The plant ba < been operated toils fullest capacltv since tLat time and tbe product ttisjwiod with ease Hocently a mammoth elevator was completed adjacentto tbe plant to fucilltaU ! the- business of the company , nr p\-t-n with the increased ca pacity of tl utthe proprietors llud no difiioulty lu c pufeinp of tbu enormous pro ducts of the jiiatit. FYee txi ISvcry Lady. A bcastlful 14-inch perforated stamping pattern , with a aescription of its colors. Also , illustrations of many other choice de- slims Send S cts for posture , and mention tbis paper. Cuaning Jc Co. , ls liace st. , Cin cinnati , 0. Horbnoii Wini tbe Suit. The supreme court lias just decided the cose of Louis Schilds vs John AHorbacb. . In ISRi Horbach owned two and one-half acres at the present intersection of Twenty- btxth nnd Xirbolas streets. The proncrt-v ivas sold to Schilds for tl.KW ( , hntas be did not pay over the money the deed never passed Years aftcrwara Schilds tendered tbe (1 ( , < JW and demanded a deed , but Horbacb refused to cnini > ly Suit was brought and tbe court held that Horbach must accept the money and turn over thcdood. A rohearinc was granted , and this time Horbach has come out a winner. Dr. Biraev , nose andtliroat , Bee Tlie only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation oi Omaha , Council Bluffs , Des Moin s and Chicag-o business is the Rock Island Ye'tibuled limited , leaving Omaha n.t 4:15p. m. daily. Ticket olce 1 ( > 02Six teenth and rarnam sts. Omaha Jailer-"Why do you object to occupying this cell'1' Prisoner ( under sentence to be baLced at noon the next dajt "lib damp. It will gh erne a cold , and it always takes meUro weehsto get over a cold. " A.MUSEMENTS. THiS EVENING Last iJcrformanoc of the latest comooj FUCCt'Sb R A Whirlwind of Mirth and Music- A.n Ideal Comeiy Company. Best Specialists Traveling. tular prices. 'p Op cra THREE NIGHTS COMMENCING , OCTOBER J3(7z. Change of Bill Each. Performance , The KeprebematH e li-lsli Oomea Ian , , J,8canlan , "PIEK-A-BOO1 HONDA 1VEKO.G MYLES AROON. rirot llrao In thin cltr ! o whlih Mr Scunlan vi-m Touiitid 1 L.orc. " ' " "l l p 'Mr aiwrplw lr MT Xrfivc. Oh Ijtr " "Tliebwliif oIlt , ' unJ lilt iioimltn ' VG , THE IRISH MINSTREL , VTith tliefoIlOTlnpRimcR "Wlintu Intlllns.'My MUlin s Elue Tyra , " "Orer thu Mountain ' "Tt Irlah lUaistrul , ' aud 'Moonlight al E.lluruer " T-riJTI5IAT EVEMXG , SHANE-NA-LAWN" - - , Jr ! Scnnluc ulcslnB " 1'BKKT O'Slonre " Sonc ' fanthurluc the M jrtlf witli Mary " "llenium- lict Bnj-.iou relrlsli "nud TncLow lactCjr" Hex slirotB ore now open atroKilar prices Boyd's , Opera HOI/SB , Kour Sfiglits , CommfTinina Tliursdai/ / , October , 1C , Saturday Afatincc. THOSE ( .DMIR BLE COMEDIANS , IN THEIR MERRY PLA.Y , Anna's plirlaiiori AFTIE A IUr ! < OF 1"5 Xi in New York City. The Larre-t Coracdr CDiujmuy A 15evj of Prettj ( 'irk A Quartette < r Trained Tniccs. Ne-n Sonire , JICTT Xtisic , Von will Laucb ; Tou Can't Help IL ' 'Yours ' For'rccr - ' KARY ELLEN RYAN , " sale opens Wcdoisday Ort 15 , ot l p m. Ths Grand /Three J.11U V IUIJU COIOIEXCLNG SUXDAlxT OCT. V2. . EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION. Sjicela.1 Enp-nfeinciit of the Talentel Actre&s , RONES HKRNDOM Ia ber latest uridlH.- success , scat sule opens at asual prioos , Saturday morning , Oft. lltli at 9 a m. Ths ; - : Labyrinth , l-tth and Open datlj and PunJay I to C tor pltliar ulone or acoorapunlnd \ > j es < iori ; Cu 10 ojK.ii to nil. Saturdays' : to C clilldruu. 34th and Chicago. FnutliOmahc. . fahcrinun avenue , and "VTsluut Hill iiiolors ] > aM. < . J'irk LTHUUC , Iftth till 3 tli stri'tt uioioi. two ADMISSION TO ALL , - - lOc. Everyman voronn and child Ebnuld attend. S330 in IJremi\ams. . One ticket to ull BarcwdUic 111 TMiuhlaf fli { pole in vcuttr. It i guilt u. trltk. The rooalpU at the ca tea honw > day ooasittojol acar load oljilc-ldw for Paxton - ton Si Gallaber. Traak Phillips of the jolice nnd ftre alarm aejmrtat'nt dfljwtod ycstrday Jor B two weeks' Jaautin tbe mountains oi Oolorndo. The OmBlio soviet .r is preimrtaR for a pond boll and .sociable about the tint of Korember. It will be pivoti In Gurimld hullTho The teachers in the public nrhorils reported five coses of flliiliUxrla aud uli OCMS of t j-jihold feror to SuiHsrinteudeiit .IBBHU yes- tej-da.r. Tmnl ! McElhaacof Tin ton , In , hnsl > een artpinwd ris | iostal dork listwcan ( JrtMsn 1-Urcr and Htintiiicton. rioe MU1 4 Sutiflcrsoa , vLo ducUood to accept the uiijiaiutincnt. Morcaret J Po-vcrs of Oubuque , Ia , has broucht suit In the federal court to rvrovor fl .2w ( Irotn the dtr , ot Llncjolo. In her p U. tioni-heiillercs that fti tbe was walklnp on Twdfth PU-eol she fell oa the sidewalk uud sustained i erniai ent Injuries. The members of the "Women's nelieC corj'S Jfo. US , Phil Kiarnpy ] i t , pave a very pleasant torfal and dun'w ut l"Vn Omalia last Thnrsfliy uicht , at which 1W oouple par- Udpatod. One of the features of the oveului ; was tbe rnifiiup of u calie. It liroupht fie , u-lilch gous into tic relief fund of the ttssooia- Morris L. Wheat , prandvvorth.v foreman of the K.u.jhts ; of Laliar , will addii ) the > iKio ] > lo of ; Omaha and Dnurlas rountv upon the ( rent later question thut so fleeiiljictorests tbe entire wople of the world , and also tbe political issues of tbe dar Ercrrliodv is cordially invited wooiuc and hear this able fwaker at tii ; > osittou hull , Tourtreuth aud Cujiitol uretiuc , on Tut-saay , October 11 , at b p. m. m.Dr. Dr. Birncy , noie and throat , BeeUdg- . Trinity Industrial School. The fall turn of the Trinity indu'itrial school opened m the basement of the c&thcd ral jcstcraayith Miss Poppleton in charp-e. The eTbject of this school is vo teach younp frirl to > rtr H Is free to nil rerardlni o crppdormlor Themnwnal f ail fumhhtxt by the church society , and after the eanufDt. % are ronipletod , tucypasstbe Inspertioti of a rxitimuttet * . and if lound wil tnadc arc jtiron to the makers La t y ar AW pvipils wore in- strurU d la the art of spwmjr Thu j oar tliei CMiroUinent will probttbly rtiac-h three hundred or wore. Swsltuis are iioid n cry SatuiilBy mcruiuc nt 10 o'clock. Dr. Birney cures catirrh , Bee BIJj. County Court. In the county court Uie Molinn , Mil bum kt Stoldurd wnpou comjiany has broupht to rooavcr 83 from the Don Carlos luc.bcr coaipaayvvhlih nmoantis due ona prouus- sory note. The Halo elerator eotnptttiy has sued Will iam PniUJti to rwover f777 71 , the bujutiee due oa un rievKtor that - vns lioucbt ai a plnr < d in the buildlns ; at 1B11 I'uruua street oa J'ebruarv IB , iy'.K ' > - M1U .V Everett hare brought suit ar-ainst C Uoiio Ac Oa to rawer , thctiiu- aiiee due on o bill cf poodt. Dr. Birnt > j , ntt e nnd throat , Doe UJg. The -VVoild Do Jloro. And so do Uio elopjiatljappplntoil trams of tbo Burllnjrtoa route. Bj- this favorite line , seloctud by tbo U. S. cov- c rninent to carry tbe lust mail , jou LUA-O tlie cLoioo of three daily trains for Chicago and tbe catt , : MO for Kansas City nod the boutk ; tvro lor Denver aul the west , The Burlington No. 2 Past Express vteUbulod throughout , oquipiwdvt'i eilcrant PullinKD c rs furni * > lied vltli vvoa selected librai-it" ; , rwlining : cha r cur. ( seats free ) , und dininjr car Icax oa Omaba 4 : 0 p. m. , ivrrires Chicag-o S a. m. . serving breakfast beforp arnvitL Ko. G , the Ju1- ! mini , leaves Ouisvba 9.10 p. m. , arrive1 * Chicngrol ] > . m , oquip- rnent nnd dininp car Ber vine up to the highest Btaudnj'd. Ticket ofllco , Furnainst. W. T. Vuill urent. f : CLOSES Monday Evening , October 13th In order to give all 'an opportity of seeing OMAHA'S GREAT EXPOSITION. The Management in Addition to Many Other Attractions , will give a GRAND CONOERT. THIS AFTERKOON AND EVENING. MELlflkLE The Great French Gymnast , in His Most Teriffic . . LxRAPS FOR LI PR , Will Appear this Afternoon at . Evening at 9. POYT FAIL TO SEE HIM. Children Todav , 10 Cents. Unt-ral Admi nn. 25 Cents. 1 li TheGreatestSensationalMusicalEvent On the Beautiful Blue Danube. TWO SIGHTS and one MATINEE. OMAHA COLISEUM. Saturday Matin e e and At 2p. m. Sunday Saturday The Orchestra of Edilard -i-STRAUSS-- : - - - - And his Famous Viennese Orchestra Tfieonly opportunity to hear the Great Waltz King. The ONLY CHANCE of a LIFE TIME To Li&ten to the Strauss Orchestra PLayinp the Dance Compositions of the Strauss Family of Vienntu . t Auditorium Chulps 11.00 i 1'iuiucnudt w itb Sale oJ Scuts Commences at I ) a m Tue fluv Ort WiU ut Suxc's Drus Starp , Taruuiu aiifl r I- teoutliStivitH M > EM'U \ i UAUC.ES . Ivlanagors- WILL LAWLER , Manager. Comer Eleventh and Farnnn Sts. . - - Omaha WEEK OF OCTOBER 13. The Latest European Sensation. A SIGHT TO DREAM OF. The most complete and seemingly Supernatural Feats prevail through tfiis act. Figures and objects are materialized and do the bidding ol their master This is reproduction and incantator-y talismanie sorcery knov/n and practiced by the ancients from the earliest historical tlnios. It is mention -l in Holy v rit and by the Greek poets -who wrote ol the descent into hades to commune the Spii'ils and. obtain a knowledge of future events. Little Annie Nelson. The Smallest 'Woman Alive and a .Most Charmioff and Vivacious Soubiette. Dr3rone , the lion eless Wonder. Doherty. in j'antomine. ' " \Vaddy \ , the Koted Baritone. And the Famous Bijou Comety Corajiany of 21 Artists. Powers and limraerson's Sonjs and Dances Last Week of the 3-Headed Songtress. A LAND OF BONDERS. ADMITS Tfl ill