THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY , OOTOBEE 12 , 1800-TWENTY PAGES. I Morse's ' Special Sale Beginning Monday morning we shall have a Special Sale of Curtains. In this line we include ! SOME NEW STYLES IN HEfflY PORTIERS , lot Curtains , 1.000 Holland window shades on spring rollers ready to put up , 40c each , with boidei Irish Point Curtains or plain. Another lot of opaque shades , all icady to put up , 35c each , both special which we are overstocked. bargains. make a specialty oF fine DBGoratii/B / Special sketches showing designs Wr- nished at cilstomer's request , OUr fall stock of ocatellBs , Floren- tinesSptin ; Silk , Silk Brocade , Mohair , Damasks.Satin . Dam asks , is entirely new , boiJslit for this store IHK WORK Done to order in this department is equal to the best done in the large eastern cities. CARPETS. We have some very choice new patterns In body "brussells and other "best makes of carpets. Everything we show in this department is posi tively new. Cream - * Table Damask. SOc 20 pieces cicani table dam- itslc , woith 75c , leducecl to 50c. T Bleached Satin Damask Sl.OO. A fine double Scotch Damask. Si Marseilles ED SPREADS 50 lai e size Marseilles bed spreads \\roith \ \ 32 , on sale Mon day at $1.25 , Chenille Table Covers S2.OO Monday -we Avill sell 100 Chen- ( lie table coversat $2vorth , $2.75. $ J. Knotted Fringe Damask Towels A special bargain for this weelc ; a lot of knotted fringe damask towels at 12 cents , worth 2oc. MONDAY BLEACHED MUSLIN Lonsdale muslin 70. Fruit of Ioom7 c , 4-4 bleached sheet ing 2oc worth 27 0 , 10-4 blea ched sheeting 22j cworth 300. HOUSEHOLD * * AMMONIA \v 8c 100 doz largest size House hold Ammonia , Monday morn ing at 8c a bottle , Notion DEPARTMENT For Monday Only Best ioo yards spool silk 6c. Best huttonhole twist 2c a spool , best dress braids 50. Books and eyes , hest quality , toe a box. Whisk brooms xoc worth 25 cents , With th ? Fos ter lacing hoc-It ; the price elsewhere is $ UO , 1BTH ST FRONT Wo Imvo such on attrnctlvo as sortment of children's caps that on Monday -wo will hold aWe Wo have over 1OO different styles , all now , bmghtfor our opening In this store. Nelly Bly Caps 45c Nelly Bly Caps 50c , Nelly Bly Caps 75c , Nelly Bly Caps $1 , All new styles and fnll colors. Bargains for Monday. 84 inch dress flannels B8e 46 inch English croise serge $1 : BO inch rough French tweeds , the latest styles , $1 73. FRENCH Novelty Suits , 4 A. lot of newest .dark styles and colors on sale Monday morning for-$1O each , equal to any else where for1 $2O. Another lot French Novelty Suihs $15 . This lot has usually sold for 52O. 42 INCH CAMEL'S HAIR SUITING- 11.25 The latest and best black dress fabric out ; we imported this our selves and are selling it less than the wholesale price. DR. JAEGER'S Underwear. Men's , women's and children's , for which we are the sale agents in Omahn. We have every thing made by the Dr. Jaeger Co. Dr. Jaeger's sanitary blankets. Dr. Jaeger's sanitaiy hosiery. Dr. Jaeger's sanitary imdcnvear. Dr. Jaeger's sanitary nightshirts. Dr. "Jaeger's sanitary bandages. Dr. Jaeger's sanitary sheets. Dr. Jaeger's sanitary pillows. Dr. Jaeger's ' sanitary suspendeis. Dr. Jaeger's sanitary corsets. WE RRB SOLE RGENTS , Any goods sold you elsewhere are from last yean and have suf fered from exposure to moths , etc , besides being old shapes. Our goods are all ortlio Crop of 1890. Underwear , Dept. Second Floor. ltli $ St. Front. Sole agents for''the ' Jenness- ivtiller underwca'r. divided skirts , union sultan and ladies' tights. Children's .pombinatlon suits , children's tlghts--jenness- Mlller system , MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS. 50c Natural gray not all wool but just as qood as any $1 under shirt In the city. Morse Dry Goods Co. "With a view kfmaking shop ping pleasant and convenient we are adding departments. Ladies will soon he able to purchase Ladies' and Children * Shoes , Household Goods of all Kinds , Tinware , Woodcnwarc , Crockery , Lamps , Silverware , Etc. , without leaving the store. One of our new departments on the main floor , Farnam street front is A complete stock of everything. Boys' Suits , $2.75 , clothing store ptlce , $3.50. Boys' Suits $3 , clothing store price $3.75. Boys' ' Suits , $3.25 , clothing store price $4. Boys' Suits , $3.50 , clothing store price $4.50. Boys' Suits , $4.5o , $5.5o , lersej Soils , , New and stylish , $4 , $4.50 , 5 , $5.50 , $7. Children's ' Jcysey Kilts. Boys' Jersey Reefers. From $1.50 to $20 each. LADIES' UNLAUNDRIED i O , Embroidered by Hand. Made of Fine Cambric. Worth 5oc Each. Bunches of 6 Real Hem- stiched for $1.50 the Half Dozen. Bunches of 6 , same quality , Imitation Hemstitched , $ i for the Bunch. Bunch.HALL'S HALL'S Bazar Forms "We are Sole Agents in Omaha for Hall's ' Bazar Forms , Wholesale and Retail , We Supply Dealers at the New York Price. Every Family should have one. Light Air and Room ( o The success of our new Cloak Department has been phe nomenal ; we have sold thousands of the latest styde garments to ladies that never visited our old store ; our stock is practically new we are not showing a single cloak from last season. Largest variety in the city and we make the following low prices , Plush -Saques $17,50 $ Plush Saques $20 Plush Saques $22.50 $ Plush Saques $24 Plush Saques $30 Plush Saques $35 , Plush Saques $40 Plush Saques $45 Better quality of plush , hot ter lining , and a better fit than 3'ou can ohtain elsewhere in the city. Tailor-Made ' . -JACKETS-- : Like this cut , made of black chev- cron worsteds , finished equal to any custom tailors' work , at $15 each , Sealskin Sacqucs in stocker or made to order. Sealskin Jackets in slock or made to order. Agents for Halls Bazar Forms CJiildreiis CLOAKS Special values ; like this cut ; in stylish plaid patterns , green , black , check'ed , etc. , with silk cord edge and girdle to match. _ _ 6 years $9.00 8 years $9.50 10 years $10 On this floor \ve have a special Fur * Department fur capes , muffs , boas , etc. , of all the dcsirahle and fashionable furs. Ladies' Plush Jackets $15 Full 27-inchcs long with extra good satin linings , seal olive fastenings , cut tight , fitted with high shoulders , good wearing plush of fine quality , $15. Seal Plush Jackets With De Medici collar , something new and not shown by any other house in Omaha. Ask to see it. S1S.OO We have same shape made of seal skin at $185. n-/