Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1890, Part Two, Page 12, Image 12

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& CO.
S. W. COT. 15th and Douglas
< \ \
' E HAVE enough Fall and Winter Overcoats to dress all the male population of a
Men's : ! I Melton O VJ2RCOA TS CHEAP hV PRICE fair-sized city Overcoats -workingmen , Overcoats for business men , .Over
OMLY coats for dressy men , Overcoats for boys , Overcoats for children in fact , Over
FallandWinter $15.00 NOT hV QUALITY. coats for everybody , The prices start at $54 for an Overcoat that you -would be
. proud to have your 4 to 12 year old boy -wear , " and up two or three dollars at a
In four different styles time , to $38 for an Overcoa t tliat is as good a coat as any merchant tailor can make for you , no matter \v.liat
Overcoats- Can't bo boat in Omaha price he may charge you for it. If you want to see everything in overcoats , come to us , for you'll not find a
for the prlco. pattern , missing. A description will be only a suggestion , but wewill show you the overcoats when you come
Irish frieze Men's Kxtl > a Fine MAIL 5 , IV Corner AND "EXCELLENT IN QUALITY"
Goods $18 $ YOU'LL
Box Overcoat '
Mndo up in TO- Douglas , FIND IN TASTE :
rou NOIIIIV yorvo AII , the
llul II s n HOUHS ( loullo It's Dri istid u tieauty box i 'ott arid with you Overcoats very Best . $20 FILLED. Omaha. THEM " VERY REASONABLE :
mill lniM ) one tots. Stylo.
JtOX OVERCOAT Fur Beaver Overcoats $25
rttraflnn lm\ pilot plntli In pCTTT" * * - * + * + | FT T * " - - umi7'grjMi ' r TT - * r-rBVM"jJ > ' HTqr ;
i'and ' ( link ( iron \\lthwul- - All mtulo up in Elegant _ ro- ' IS ALL
Ud > i itinn , iniiilc up us umul us Shnpo. Their Kqunl co nnot Children's ° ' OUR LEADER FOR 150YS
tiillor in iilu < " il Tailors' I
any We Asl
IirU.oM.00. OursJlMW. IJQ found nnvwhoro. . . : 12 TO 18 YEARS OLD , IS A BLUE
' o e a
Kersey Overcoats Ulster sand Storm Coats cj < ] H Fall" * Winter
Onncl vrnnn , stnrm protecting 11'P ' * , Fall and Winter
IMraflno goods , silk lined , Ftcr * with 1 > U rutlam nml ronchlnu m FOR ONLY.-
fir liclou tliu kni-cs lint what Is
trliiiint'd cloR.mtly and in nil u up In the iK'Odi' I In lillzmriH nml uUri'iiioiulil.
highest style o ( the art. A bargain. In Stluia , clilnclillln and coalmen1 Overcoats- Overcoat It is so good for the priro Hint wo dnro not
Overcoats dcscrlbo it , but its worth nioro than 53.
Overcoat Fur Trimmed d < 1 4 Tor school wonr. It comes in almost every color , in plains or plsiiclg , If you sco U , you'll ' buy it quick enough.
Dressy 'pi ' ° to lit any boy from 4 to 12 years old. Only'I.
, wldo ilo worsted
silk laiioy Unco , mndo up w In the IInest OVERCOATS T5u\s a CHILD'S Itilt Inu-k , Scotch plniil ALL Boys Overcoats $5. flt $10 $12 and $13,50 ffS
Ivindof shipo. They will not lust Wocnrry Iho finest dim of those $38 WOOL OVK11COAT , insi/es fiom ; ) to 8 juars. , , ;
Oda Our $ H coit Is wortli tlj
: Thisis of - e\duii\o and An elegantly nnilc. bioun wldo wnlo rii linoroO\i r- h rolliir. inailo of Iilsh filorc. botililo mid long
ono oui- own \ \ imporUtions ,
" lined , for Id H
toil foi ! > that will go fast enough ulthutit HHlhot Ue- llannel ages to JOIN.
Know it lo
wo to .
Chinchilla Overcoats Ely si an Ik aver r a CHILD'S CAMIX'S IIAJH OVKKLDAT , $1350 and
$8s with tlsiituil ) bai'lc nnd front , and with cord tind Boys Overcoats , lJlJiUU | UL1U KlaV ii.inm-1 lined
An e'osnnt coat for every OVERCOATS tr.ssol. The latest for child 3 to . |
r\f-\ very tlnnjj out n them In Oinahn. for they aio exclusive ! ) Im
\ , villli
casiltncrc vol-
This Is afino ooit of lirnun inhcil -
ilny wt'fii tlml lins no equal In ( / ( I 0 .vein's old. . . ported by us
Onuliii. \pts\J and ULSTERS > ot eoll.ii foi .iiie 11 to IS yours
Thcso nro bomothing now and r * fFor a CIIILD'S veihi ' imlsomo CHCVIOT OVKR- Boys' Overcoats $10 , Boys' ' Box Overcoat
novel and are our own oxclusno im Kj 1 COAT , STJilLTM' F OK < DllKSS , in bluu. black ,
Extra Fine III and brown. Hat bound , for a child 3 to I ) yesiis old. This Is nflni'I } Hindi1 i'\trn Inim Scotch Plaid Overcoat , cut , straight back , velvet collar , \\oltod scams , Irish frlozo
$20 portation. The warmest coat made- * - / It can't bo equ.ilcd. M Illi .1 c ip * ' tli it > ou HI bo c'll plunaeil with. cloth , llnntiol lined The u > iy litest fur bojs' \\cir.
Chinchilla Overcoats They are finely llnlshod and coi"o
lie rcfii'-o Ouiconli
' ' Tor Hoys - we ir
in prays , browns , drubs , etc See in AA-I < OI > a GlIFLD'S extra nice lonfiUIIINOHILL/A / Boys' Overcoais5 , wnliavohonBht Hpiclullj fm them u I'llI'I-
No one ean touch us on fr ) . , iu.rAi : MTIM iii-.i\y pnid umii > iuo ( < couh
. r tliom. They will interest you. ( I i ° IKCOATvith . , in blue , blael and
of tin coats.r
prleoor iimillt ) so $ lU.UU c.ipe With u i ipin 1 lack Clio\ lot , flannel llnod. satin In t'lioluts I hlnclilllis and Irish Irlercs , if
. B y. Sizes 3 to 12 ye.ird. siMi" bl/e-sU to IS yoir : A prcat barKiin 4lo 18 year si/en , at - - ' *
Browniiio King & Co. MAIL ORJIEJtS If you want one of these overcoalo you must como for MAIL
: , . FILLED. them quick , as they won't ' lost long. ORDJIRS Orders Killocl. FILLED. Omaha. .
& CO , .
W.Cor. 15th and
. . Douglas.
The Auunal Spssiou to Bo Hold This
' oak.
Geneva Loil o la Elegant New Quar
tern The Blodern Woodmen.
Trouble Grand Ijod o or
Oddfollavra This Week : .
The twenty-third annual session of the
grand loilgo ot Nebraska , Knights of Pythias ,
will bo held in this city commenting Tuesday
next at 10 a in. The sessions nlll ha hold in
the L oo hall In the Freemasons' JjulMlnp ,
corner ot Slxtccuth street and Capitol aro-
TIio roprcscntatues of the Omaha lodges
to the grand loilgo liavo been appointed a
committee to provide suitable entertainment
for that body and this committee up-
pointed an executive committee which hnj
charge of all details oftho entertainment ,
providing badges , etc. This committee con
sists of George AV. Sabine of Myitlo lodRO
No. 2 , Hurry aicirlnin of Oriole No. 70. R. II.
Lucas or Triangle No. 57 , A. E. Pike of Uath-
bonoNo. 120 , and M , II. Uaincrof KobiosUa
No. 1.
TUo session of the grand ledge will proba-
hly continue three days. The , gr-111 lodRO
\\lllbouskcil to adjourn on Wednesday uignt
and \ \ ill uo escorted to Goodrich hall where
the uoilc of the three ranks will bo exempli-
lied by the team of Vidimus
lodge. This vlll a\o the time usually con
sumed in grand ledge In exemplifying the
woik , anil u ill give the delegates : m opiior-
tunity of witnessing tuo work in a line hall
with nil the necessary ni.cesso'ios by a good
tciiin ,
Numerous candidates have miterlalizr-d for
the various oflleos Up to ilato there aio
seven or clht ( canilidates for the offlco of
grniul chaiicollor , and aa many more for that
of Kiana keeper of rccoids and bcal. Liu-
coin nlono has five or six candidates for the
latter ofllct" , and , as usual , is milling to } ; nisp
ovciythiii ) ? in slpht. \\lllborunaMitbcrod
tbnttliu ilolugntfon from that Ullage rosoited
to the most npprovcd methods of the \\atd
\voikoi-s to cairy thdr prepared slate.
II. M. Hushnell , the prubciit Keeper of
rccouU and seal , has announced that ho will
bo n candidate for re-election. This ottlco is
fully as important as that of grand ch mcellur ,
nnd the folly of oleUiiiB n man to that posi
tion \\ho has had 110 experlouco In the duties
of that or a similar olllco was fully shown by
thoo\i > oiiencoof tha past year. Iherolsa.
strong sentiment among the lodges out in the
Btuto to ivplaco the tried and competent of-
llccrvho ably ilcmonstratcd during the
twenty jears vhlclt ho held that
position , his complete illness for the ofileo.
K. K fieiiC-h , the present suprLUiotupicseii-
tatUo , inesldcd over the lecords of this giand
jurisilictlon for over twenty jears and ) stah-
Jlshcd nu excellent reputation as u faithful
nnd eflklcnt oflkor , lie Is not n e.mdldato
for the olllc'c , but ho should bo pi-uvnlled upon
to allow the use of bis irnmu in that con
The numngcment of the Coliseum United
the Knights of PjtUlus of Ncbrasltu and
Iowa to uttcml the exposition tomonow night.
Hcsponses lm\o been received from n number
of towns In the state and delegations are ex
pected fi6m Frumout , liobrou , Ashland ,
Council Dluffa nnd Falls City. Colonel
IJowns of the First regiment will como up
from Lincoln withalaigo delegation of Ids
regiment. Lieutenant Colonel Ill-own of the
Second regiment has Issued nn order calling
out the regiment on that night. They will
rendo/votis nt I'ythlau ludl In the 1'iutou
McKk and go 111 a body to the Coliseum.
A New Mimonlu Temple.
"Wednesday was a red-letter day for the
Masonic fraternity In Geneva and vicinity ,
the ocensloa being the dedication of the new
Masonic temple , just completed , and tholay-
Iny of the cornerstone of thuUplscopol church ,
u course of erocUoo , Early iu Uiu day lu-
trains bore to the city largo number
of Masons and their families and several of
ho gRiiul ledge onicer ? .
In the afternoon the cornerstone of the
church was laid , Bishop Worthlngtou oftl-
ciating and the grand lodge ollitew takinj ;
i.irt.Hetuniing from the church the members eCho
ho fraternity and their friends partook of a
tantniet which had been sproid ia tlio
spacious banquet room forming a part of the.
lew tomnle This important dutv occupied
he time until about 9 p. m when all asscni-
jleil in the lodge room.
The grand ledge officers opened in duo form
on the lo\\cr floor and proceeded to the lodge
room above , where the temple was formally
dedicated by Grand Master 11. E. French ,
assisted by the grand lodge ofliccrs.
The dedication speech was deliv oral by W.
3. Sloan , who dwelt at length on the ancient
origin of the fraternity and tlio principles oa
which it was founded.
After further fervent tribute , in words that
thrilled his heaters , to the noble purposes
and sublime teachings of Masonry as ex
pressed in its highest practice , the speaker
saidVe : have met heio tonight to dedi
cate this temple to Masonic uses. Wo be-
liold hero a beautiful structure embodving
the knowlcdgo of the arthitcct to plan It ,
beautify nnd adorn tf , the skill of thourafU-
mnn to erect and build it according to the
plans of the architect ; but although the
building is completed according to the plans
of the architect , although tlio dedication of
tlio same is nearly llnished , yet our wont
should not stop hero , for each and every
Mason has a work to do a duty to perform.
This beautiful tcmploshould bo emblematical
of true Masonic liiu and character , and each
member liero assembled should stuvo to
makehls llfo and character as beautiful and
symmetrical as the structure here before us
K.ich should lay the foundation stone deep
and strong ; should eaiefnilv select the in i-
torlal fiom which to eioct the temple of his
Masonic life and clmuctcr , so that ho may
rollCLt Honor and ciedit on the ages to come ,
as the ages that have gene by have loilccted
honor and credit on us , And so m jvoall
liyo nnd act that \shen it becomes ours to
join the innumerable caiavan that is e\er
moving onward to the gra\e , nhen uo bliall
cease to labor in the temple here , may \ \ o all
become ctattsmen in that temple o.i nigh ,
reared with hands eternal in tha heavens. "
Grand Master French read an ongiunl
poem appi-opi iato to thu occasion and full of
many beautiful sentiments embodying the
teaching ! , of the order.
Deputy Grand Master B D. Slaughter re
sponded to the sentiment "Tho brother who
knows the tiuo value and the use of Masonic
implements " Iles.vld that every Mason -\\iio \
knew thotruo vnluo of thj plumb and so con
ducted himself that Ids walk tlnough llfo VMS
over guidid by the line of lectltudo would bo
distinguished among men us veil ns among
Mnsons. Even n child know to whom to ap
ply for sjmpnthy and assistance In oveiy
neighborhood or community. Tlio mmlib
so condiutcd himself bofoio the woild ns to
tnoilt its conlldeaco and the conlldcnco of so-
doty was the man Mho know the value of the
implements and was \ aluablo to society. Uc-
feriing to the level the speakei said It mule
no dlffc'ienro whether a man -was pies-
idcnt , of the United States , the empoior
of Gcnnany , the czar of Kussia , or a common
laborer , as soon as ho passed the door of the
ledge room ho was obliged to meet tlio
brothi en oa the level. The brother \ \ ho un
derstood how to conduct himself , no matter
what his condition , so as to mciittho osttom
of all classes , was the man who understood
the true uses nnd the value of the Masonic
Toasts were also responded to hvVillhin \
U. Howon , L , . A. Kent , H. II. Wilson , L T.
Fisher , 11. W. Pumas , C. E. Adams and J.
E. Ong.
A. O. U. W.
The A. O. U. W. lodges of FUlmoro county
will hold a county anniversary at Kxotcr on
the " 7th inst. , to celebrate the Twenty-second
anniversary of the order. The lodges of
Kxotor , I'ulrmout , Geneva , Strung , ShlcWoy
nnd Ohlown will partlcipito. A programme
of great excellencH ) nus been prepared , con
templating two sessions. At the afternoon
session J. II. Hoinmcl will deliver thoad-
dressof welcome and Grand Master Work
man J. G. Tate and Hev. L. T. Fisher will
nlsodeluer addresses. The services will bo
ngreonbly interspersed with vocal and In
strumental uiuslu of a high order.
At tbo evening session the pupils of the
conservatory of muslo at Lincoln will furnUh
yocal aaU iuatruuiuutal music , which will bo
interspersed with readings by Mr.George. W.
Hill. All A. O. U.V. . members are iuuted
to bo present
The report of the supreme recorder snow
the membership in Nebra hito bo7U01aml
the total membership in the order to bo 3U , -
A. A. O. .N. 31. S.
Tangier temple will hold a celebration at
rrecnroons hull on thu 24th Inst at which
time the orders of nobility will bo conferred
upon a largo class.
1. O. O. K.
The grand led o meets nt Beatrice ? on thor
r > th inst. and will continue in session about
tin ee days.
The state convention of D High tors of Ue-
bekah will bo held at Beatrice on the cvcnina
of the 14th inst.
Crystal degree lodge No. .1 , of Daughters of
Uobekahwas instituted at llavidCity on the
7th inst. by Spec ! il Deputy E B. Wilbur , as
sisted by Mn. Sftdio Wright of this citv The
now ledge las a , membership of seventeen.
L-ist Wednesdiv evening a meeting
hold in Washington hall to talco steps to or-
ginlzo n now ledge of Oddfellows to work in
the Uinish language A lirgo number of
Scandinavians \\eio present and n petition to
the Bi-ind loilgo was formulated , wh'ch Avill
bo prcioiited to that bjdy at its meeting this
week. About seventj-Uvo charter mcmberi
have been obtunud , mid the ledge will bo
organised at once Its meolings will buhold
In the Odtlfellows' hall , coiner rouitcenth
and Dodge stieots.
1.V. . of \ .
A dispatch was leceued fiom Chicago on
Wednesday last which read as follows : "Dr
P. Li. McKiniue , bund p'lyslcltn ' of the Mod
ern AVooJraeii of Amcilca , yedter.hy suldthat
the ofllce of J" C Koot at Elgin , III. , vus vi
catodSatuidiy 1 ist. Mr. Hojt is heal consul
of the order. Dr MuKinuios.nil that II. M
Kennedy , Iato head cleilr , packed up all the
stuff and left for Om lha This , however ,
docs not affect the books of the oidur , which
are in the office nt 1'ulton , III , and which
tliuy are restrained Ironi using b\ the inunc- ]
tion granted July 127 t > y .fmlpo Tuthtll " A
prominent member of _ tbo Woodmen in this
city , aud one who is in a iKultiou to know the
exact state of uiTalrs , said liowas posithothio
whole statcmciit was n downright lie.
"Tho P. U McICmnie , who Is given as au
thority for the statement , was expelled from
hisoilleoof head physician for gioss fraud
and nulfeasnuuoand his been doingc\cry-
thing In his po\\or to Injure the order since
that time. Uo 1m been the author of the
scurillous dKpatchcs sent out to the press
during the past few months dufamintr Koot
aud the whole older. lie is not In a position
to know anything about the allalis of tlio
order except fiom hearsay , aad Is not to bo
bolle\ed "
J. H. Uarrothcis , deputy head consul of
the order for Iowa , was in the city last
Thursday und stated that ho h id received
n letter from cleric H \ \ ' Kennedy in loplj
to a request for supplies , in which ho stated
that ho was in Ljorcs , In. , where ho had
gonoon business , but woulit return to Fulton ,
111. , Ina few dajsand send thu supplies as
soon as ho tenchcd the oftleo. The supplies
riiinotlio lirst of the week , showing that
Mr. Kennedy had been at his oftleo in Tulton
attending to business.
The fulmlnatlons of McKinuio receive 110
crcdfiico in this section as all members of the
order nro well uwaio oftho animus of tlio
attacks , and attach no Importance to the ro-
liduculous assertions concerning1 Head
Consul Hoot.
Omaha camp No. UO-pavo its lirst enter-
tcinment of the ) season nt its hall iu the J Jar-
ler block on Wednesdiy evening , Tno Imll
was tilled and an entertaining programme
was rendered by local talent. This was fol
lowed by refreshments and dancing.
The Missouri grand loilgo of Knights of
Pythiaslll meet in St. Louis thoiilstlnst.
The grand ledge of A. P. & A. M. of Missouri -
souri will meet In St. Louis , Mo , on Octo
ber U.
Abdnlluh temple. Nobles of the Mystic
Shrlno , of Lcavenworth , held a session on
the 'Jud inst , at which a largo class mro re
ceived into the templo.
The annual meeting of the supreme council
of the Ancient nnd Accepted taiottisb rite
for the Uultcd States of America , their terri-
tones nnd ctefendendfs. will ho hold in New
Yofic c.ty nt ID a. m on Tuesday , October ! M.
Ararat temple , Mohles of the Mjstic
Shrine , of St Louis held a session on the
10th mjt , at wlucli forty novkes were con
ducted across tne burning sail J
Mecca temple , Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine , of Now Voile , will hold its uoxt
ren' liar session on October .10. when the aider
of nobility will be conferred on lifty caadi-
The project of erecting a ? 10.003 or ? T 1.003
IcxUe building In Denver Is beiim iccelvod
\rttli much fa\or and outhusiasmbj'tlioniem-
I et3 of the AnnentOrclor of United Work
men in that Jurisdiction.
The general Masonic relief association of
the United States and Canada have Issued nn
index of all the trunps and Impostors re
ported from date of organization in 1SS1 to
the present time. The toolc contains a. com
plete record of 81W unwjrthy oisus , and
should be in the possession of every ledge in
the country.
The annual conchvo of Knights Templar of
New Yorlc will bo hdd in the city of Auburn
on Tucvliy. October 7 , when ono of the
grandest p igeants of the order will occur. ulwnvs la nn atti iictlon. to the specta
tor in witnessing the drill of a conimindery
It is exported that there -will bo 1,000 sir
knights in linoou thit occasion.
The M wens of Colorado propose to expend
from Sni.tXM to $200.0) ) ) for a building in
Denver , In which the Knights Templar trien
nial cone ! ivo will bo held in ISO I. Tberei-s
not a building in the state ut present sufll-
clently lugo to accommodate such an nnay
of LniKhts as will attend the next tiienmnl
conclave , and In order to msnro tlio success
of the event a monster structure will bo es-
poclilly irccted for the occasion.
Amontha Intfstadditions to the frateiml
orjiuil/itlonsof Denver is the Independent
Older of Atri-Ainericiiiis , u lloui isliiiiK lod'o
of which luu been pUntoii in thit citv
Although instituted but a few month * , it
aliouly has : i moinliorsliip of JTD , with a host
of nppllcitlinuon file , .imong which are iium-
boiod tlio lo.iJinj coluiedciti/ins of Deu\or
ami \ icinity hut nica of known
ch inietcr , in some ivgal > r business or otc.i-
pitlun. are mhuittol. 'Iho pivscnt liOicurs
aio.I. O Watson , ( iror oV. . Ralp'i ' and 1C
Kichard Conner. Itisliopsd soon to extend
the orgmi'.ntion throughout the v.nlous
townJ and cities of the suite , aid a strong of-
foit is now njliig in a do in that direction
This is , sa far a-s known , the only cnloioJ
men's fiatomal society in Coloradi , and it
will doubtless provoof inostlimblu value and
benefit to the iacc , as its inlluenco spreads
and broidens
I Jr. BltTijy , nou nnd throat , Bee bldg
. It MZ.11) Jl W/
Ketneraber the poor it costs nothing.
The quail has bs un to lOJpoad to the
toist of the season.
The self-mailo m in is tilwnys interostiiii
espacinlly to himself , i
A nmnof a flighty disposition should noor
bo made the casliiui of n bnnk
Fame is a glonous 'tUlng ' to achieve , hut a
sin ill a.ilary is moio ncKOtiable
When the ofllce sodlca the man It Is not nec-
Ojsary tobhout loud , Ha will hear the call.
It is an error to suppose any relationship
between Berry and taw Iato lamented Uurdon
Ho What do yo j caU thit dross I She ( In
Pbthctic gown ) This J. 0 , tills Is aLibeily.
IIo Well , if that is liberty , give ma death.
"I re illv don't sco how Center manages to
live.11 "Thov say ho lives by his \vlts "
1' Yes. That's the reason I wonder at his liv
ing at nil. "
Miss nie ks "Who was tha man who
bowed a ! ho p sscd by } Miss Kleoks It was
tny brother. Miss Blocks IIo only proposed
to mo last week.
A scientific exchange states on authority
that two bodlei cannot come togjther with
out losing some of their energy. Ilownbout
a man aud a tack i
"Just see tint trombone player , ilia face
is rod lisa beet from blowing hard. " "Yes ;
lie certainly ought to know what is moaut by
strains of muslu. "
McCorklo "Thov say that Snooper finds it
dlfllcult to keep bis head above water. "
MiUruclclo "That does not surprise ino at
all. Hois u native of Kentucky,1'
Dr. Clrnoy cuios uularrli , Bco bldg
Wyoming Oatth Ruitlers Wreak Their Yen-
geinco on a Ranch Manager.
Marked by the Bid Men of Swcetwn-
tor Count ) ami Killed to A.VC-UKC
the Liynuhliii ; ot Cattle
i *
CIIETBXVR , AVyo , Oct. It. [ Special to
TiiiiBHK.I The assassination of George B
Henderson , manager of the " 71' ' cattle outfit ,
on thy Sweotwater last 'Wednesday created
, i biifscnaaliou all over thU state and again
brings into notoriety the Sweetwater coun
try , the bomo and hotbed of the rustling cle
ment in "Wjomini , ' . Tno bitterest animosity
has for several yams existed between the
lar o uud small cittlo outlits. Uustling was
practiced to u de ioo hitherto unknown in
this , section of the country , Men who came
to the country with nothing stalled out with
a braiding iron and their gall , and in the
couisu of a few biief jears accumulated
hundreds of hcid of cattle. The method by
whiih they weiosecuicd v is an open secret ,
but all those , unpaired In tbo business were
biuded together for self-protection. The
co.vboys of the big outflU either sympn-
thi7cl with the tustleu or fo xiod to thwart
them C.uo after case wis taken Into the
cDiitts , only to bj thrown out by the grand
Jury or veulicts ot "not guilty" rotuinud by
the pstit jurj * . In some of these cases the
most palp iblo failure of justice was recorded
Dm mow difficult it becumo to convict
these who stole lattle , the boldoi the lustluu
glow Thojo who \vcro not engaged in the
Imiitiussvero intimidated , and those who
did their duty by the bli ? corpoiations weio
mnikcd men. Under these circumstances it
Is oiilv natural that assassinations not
far off.
Clay & Torrcst , tbo Chicago commission
men , own a big outtlt In that section Knoun
as the Se\cntj-one cittlo company. 0. II ,
Andinwt. was tor a tlmo tosldontmanicer of
It. Onu ovcnlnifvhllo slttinnat a table In
tlio rmcb house , rcidinjr , a bullet crashed
through tlio window , passed within n hair's-
breadth of his head and lodged inth'j wall in
front of him Audioes then resigned , si > ing
tlint ho didn't w int money badly enough to
carry his life in his hand to cam it.
In'thib einurgency Henderson was sought
out and offered the placo. Henderson came
herein ISii. when the cnttlo business was in
Its lory. Ho was well supplied with money
and bought a herd of cattle , most of which ho
lost In the subsequent hard winter and
through the depression in pilco. Ilowisac-
couipinued hoio bv his wito aud son. Tboio
was alwa ) s scinothini ; mysterious about Hen
derson. Nobody Icnew A\horo ho had como
from or anything about his antecedents Tea
a certain extent hois a convivial man , but
novel conlllcntlal about his history pi lor to
his ariivalln Wjomlug. Aiuomi his casual
acquaintuncus Ilondci on was not very | > opu-
lar , but vlth these \\lio llnally boijan toknow
lain piotty wel' ' ho w.w highly cUoemod. Ills
address v as veiy gentlemanly , und bach of
it was a in ignetlsin which none of his closer
acquaintances could icslst.
lly common consent Ilonacrson was re
garded as a man of iron ncne , although thoio
was notbhig of the braggart or the bully
about him Some of Ills friends advised him
not to accept the position , but ho paid no
heed to them. Ho accepted the place und
went to the ranch , which Is seventy-eight
miles north of Hnwllns , and assumed bis
dutliM. Ono night , soon after his arrival , ho
hoard a racket among some hoiscs picketed
close to the ranch. Ho run out hastily with
out Ids gun , but suddenly stopped Within a
few paces of a man who confronted bun en
horseback The man had u bead itiaivu on
Henderson said : "You d d wheln , B ! > O
me achancotoget my gun and I'll light It
out with you. "
The man never opened his lips , but there
was an oninous ! click from thu illto , ilcii-
dorsou bioko and ran for thu cabin , uut the
shot foitunntcly missed him. In n moment
herotinnod with his nllo , but the Intended
nssvssin was scampering away at breakneck
speed over the moonlit prairlo.
Shortly nftcrwaid , on a dark night , as ho
\\as tiding in a buckboard toward the ranch ,
ho was lircd upon from ambush , but the shot
a.c.Un missed him. The horses became un-
imnaKeable ! and ran away. Fottunatcly they
kept the road and ran for a mile to a ranch
house. As ho readied the conat ono of the
horsi-s tlroppoJ dead Ho had been shot In
the flank.
renewing this cimetho hinging of Jim
A\erill and Cattle Kate. This was commonly
regarded as a lotiiliation upon the rustlers by
the stockman. Both Averill and Cattle Kate
\\eio notorious charactois nnd were undoubt
edly engaged in rustling cattle , although
their lynching sent a thrill of horror through
the w'holo state. The supposed lynchors
\\erourrostod , but no indictrnonts were over
round against tncm. At the tlmo of the
Ijnching Henderson was In Cheyenne. It
Has then commonly unclcistooil that Hender
son was oneof the three men marked out for
Several weeks after this incident ho 10-
tuined to his laiiehVhllo on route there
ho was again shot at from ambush. The shot
lodged in the pummel of his saddle , and
Henderson ngiin esciped unhurt.
'Iho company decided to remove their cit-
tlo this fall from the old Sweetwater ranpe to
the Baxter ranges in Johnson county. 1'art
oftho c"ittlo were leinovetl , but Ittn found
that owing to the drv season the now ranges
wouldn't ' provide siilticient grass for the en-
the bunch , so part of the cattle were neces
sarily luft on the ranch.
Dr. Bh'iiey , uoso and throat , Dee b
IMttXfM F < ilt THK Mj I WZf.'S.
is hocointiiK so popular among
Euiopein ladles tint many commits include
itm theli cuuiculum.
Miss Uooso\clt , tlio American tennis cham
pion among the ladies , goes thiougb. A tegular
training Hko a college oauman
Tlio crown princess of Octitnirk Is the tall
est princess in the world Her height is an
nounced to bo six feet , tluee inclios.
The Duchess d'Uces , lin fumished I3ou-
Inn er with his money , is the owner of Vcino
Cli'iuoichampigno ' business , whichsho in
herited fiom lier mother
Mrs. Do Miltio , tlio sister of Robert Louis
Stevenson , is a contributor to the London
tmiruzincs , and ononf the wits of the Litcia-
i'i Ladles' Dinner club
'Iho giaud duchess Xenli , daughter of the , who is ciigairod to bo mirricd to her
second cousin , the giand dulco Alexander , is
but fifteen yeeis ot ago
Mi-3. John (1 ( Curtis a well known Now
YoiklaJj , basorg mired an oichcstri among
members of poor families , and gives enter
tainments forcharitiblo put pose * .
LidvIMith Wurd. whois icportod to bo
betrothed to Count Herbert Illstunrcl1' , is a
tall and \ory stylish young \\oinan Slio Is
very highly educated if not especially pretty.
Miss Louisa Ltiwjon of e\v York city , has
boon iiAMirdod the commission for the pio-
posed st.ituo of the hto b , S. Cox. Wiss Ljiiw-
son is veil known and li.uti studio on Uubu
Miss Avii Willing of riilladolphla , who Is
so much talked about at Nowpoit , has brown
hair und eyiM and a pink complexion. She
rides finely , uauces well and has a graceful
When Harriet ISIartlncnu visited America
she astonished Great Britain bj writing homo
"Only seven occupations are opui to women "
Now theio uio upward of three hundred sueh
'I hose of Ward McAllister's four bundled
\\lio are blessed with daughters aio striilnlnij
o\ery nerve to Iwvo them admitted to the
bchnol which his bhtor has consented to con
duct foi the modest sum of S10K , ( ) ( )
Ladv Duiilo'a bcantyjis described by a paitl-
snu as being thieUy In her luxuriant chestnut
brown hair , dark blue CJIM and graceful llg-
lire , whllo her arms are models fora sculptor.
Lilly Uunlo bis dccltrcd that she ) vUll ne\ur \
coiaci to America.
Mme Hcrnhardt lately told a Paris JIOHS-
paper man that upon her return from nn
American tour ber French filondscan dls-
tlnctlv discern the Vniikoo twangsho cat < lies
o\or hcie. She then bndohlm"lmugswaiol"
iu tlio choicest Vermont stylo.
Ihero has been a sharp quitrol bots\ofn
thuquucu of Italy and I'rcnilurUtlspI In con-
so'iuencoof ' the < minister having so far for
gotten himself as to speak iu u vcrj flippant
manner before her majesty about the failure )
of vaiious matrimonial projects which ban
been entertained for the prince oC Naples.
Lady Granby , ono of the acknowlilgod
beauties of London and the futuio duehoss
of Rutland , is described by a recent London
letter writer ns "this tall and wlllowy-shapod
figure , with tbo head of a Oieelc tcira-cotta.
the eyes of a startled fawn and the com
plexion of a tea lose , who moves forward
with a touch of disdain on her v ell-cut lips
aud a haughty tuiu of the slim ,
Centuries of sowing anil weaving have so
Influenced the mind of woman to ward delicacy
of perception that now shcs excels In certain
delicate departments of stellar photograph v.
To put it into- plain English , the women who
are helping to photograph the hca\cnshave >
discovered delicate doublings of lines that
had escaped the ojes of the most expert men
in the world. The discovery ofsuch n
"doubling" may mean tbo discovery of a
string of worlds millions of woilds In a
newly mapped comer of the universe.
Among the patents applied for during the
last month is a broocti guard , an embroidery
machine , new nnd secure hook fordressnuk-
ers. liwn tennis marker , improved dressing
tible , hygienical ! } ' ventilated mackintosh , an
apparatus for tracing patterns on the dress
material , a contilvauco for shaping ladles'
garments , a never trip riding skirt , a self-fas
tening ladies' jjlove , a fan-folding parasol ,
lawn tcniilsbat press , an Improved cap for
securing tno rib ends of n closed umpiolhand
n very unique method for ictalning hats or
bonnets on the head in all kinds ofwindy
w cather.
Sleep is , under right conditions , n wonder
ful tome to the humimsj stem Few women
reali70 its taluo , and jet it is said that 1'nttl
and Lucca and all tlio great singers and
actresses mid famous beauties , who , Ilku
Mme Hecamler , wore wondrously beautiful
nt an an'ohen ordinary women letli-o fioni
the festive hcoi es of life , have owed tlnnr
well piesencd beauty to bleep A beautiful
woman wbont lllty has tin ) hiilllanoy of
joutlilu bci eyes and skin and the animation
of cirihood Iu her fuun says that she has
inudu It a rule nil her llfo to letire , whenever
possible , lit V o'clock.
Dr. Bifiioy euros citsirrh , Bee bldjj.
The University of Wisconsin has opened
with Mi students.
Wilson college , Chanibersbury , Pa , opened
with a roll of uvortwo hundred young women
The percentage of illltumcy in Austila is
"il , in Hungaiy U , In Italy 13 , In Spain OJ , in
Urazil M ) .
The trustees of Lobigh University , Brthlo-
hem , 1'a. . luvo voted the college a now phys
ical laboiMtoiy ,
Women nronowndmlttod as students In nl
the Italian universities , and n womm's
school of journalism has been established in
Simon Ynndes of Indianapolis rcccntl y pi o-
sentcd Wabish college , at Ura\fordii\llle ,
Inil. , with i i,0MJ ) , ( to assist btudents of limited
means ,
Tlio entering class nt Smith s college ,
Northampton , n ladles seminary , Is said to
iiumbei UiJj , with over six hundred students
In all the college.
Of the $100,000 needed to establish n wo-
mnn's inedhal college In conncttlon with
John Hopkins' university , more than SW.UeW .
lias been raised.
At n meeting of the commissioners of the
I'roshjtorlan theological seinlnai } , nt Au
burn , rT. * Y , the endowment of u tuc'.sidont's
chair having been cumplotod , the Ituv. Henry 1
M. Uooth , D.U. , of Unglewood. .1. J. , was
unanimously ctioicu the lirst pioMdcut of the
Not least In connection with tl.o roimrhn-
bio send-ollglvon to thonowC'ilcuiju ' univer
sity is thu ciuation and uncloiVincnt of the
academy , -which Is to have given It , Ix'sldm
the admlinblo buildings now oce-uplod by the
UitptUt theological HomiiiiiryatMoigau 1'ark ,
an endowment of ut least $11WKM ( ) .
Hvolyn cnllogo , I'rincoton , for young
women , opined last \\oolc with n largo In-
rreaso of Htudonts Tlio career of the rollego
bus been ono of unbroken pro rossslmo Its
organlzilion , und the boginiilng of the fourth
year , with nn additional dot mitory. tlnds the
Institution uncomfortably 111 led with oung
Some wamon go to church to study the
text and pine to study thu textures ,
Dr. Ulrnoy , no o and tin-oat , Duo