Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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for th - fl colatmwIU
tnVcn until 13W ; p.m. . for tliecrcnlnl
< D < tltlon and until 8:30 : p. in. , tot me uorulDg
rdltlon ted SUNDAY HKK
niEIlil3-Cn > h In sdrntico , . i ,
flATT ? AdTcrllaorncntson thlipt-jtswlll t
JVcharcil fornt tliorutxicf IVicont per vroril
fortliourHt liunrtlon and 1 cent per word for
ich fiulmeciucnt IiKftrt Ion. nnil Hooper Una
jj r month. No ndrerttipmonl tnken. for
I1 than 21 cents fortlio lint Insertion.
fNITJM.S. figures , ay mljols , etc. , count each
J-oi one word.
rplIEAB advcrtlncmont ! ) munt run conspcti ;
J-tlvnly iind under no circumstance * Tflll
they botakonor discontinued ly tclcthono.
n7\U7IK8 nnvortlilnc in tho'O columns nnd
1 J linvlni ; tliclr fniswers iulilr s cl ( toa"num-
7jtrnt Ictlnr" Incjirc of THE I5tiwlll rccolro
n nntnlicroil check tonnnblo tJicm to Rd their
Jctlorn. Ansitor will bo delivered only on
jiretcnntlonof thUchcck. Kncloso ansv/cn
Incnvulopos properly nddrMsud.
AM * nilvertliompnts unilcp the lieart ol
JV'Sptclnl > 'olpi's"arniiiitllsliillnlioth | ( the
mornlmfiinU nnln edition * o ( THKIIKK. tlio
circulation of wtilcli ngjrosatH more tlinn
20,1X0 iwrcrn dally , and Rlvo- the ni vprtlic ;
thobonclit nut only of tholiirKoclroti ntlpnot
Tim llmln Omnhn , but iilw In CouiiclliHiinj ,
IJocnlnnnd cthsr cltlus unil tovin < In the trmt
Advrrtlslnsfnr these columns will 1 .
cnlho above condition * , altho followlrn _ .
ueis houses who aroauthorl/.odlotakciipnclal tlio Hume ratts UH can bad ut tin
main onVo.
O acg > N Street. Lister Illoak.
TfOnUff. BEI.L , rbarinaclst , 8 SouthTonth
V Btrtct.
iTARK & KODY , Htallonersand Prlnteri ,
113 South IClh fstrcet. _
fl. I'AltNSVV'OItTlI , I'harmnclat , 2113 Cum-
s , ln8lrmit. | {
\T J. HUGHES. Pharmacist , C2I North 16th
V street.
TEO. W. PAUR , I'harinaeiBt ' , 1718 Lcaron-
J worth street.
TUGlIEirFlIA.IlMA.CY,24th and Famani.
l'wtataitc.Kcti > itnf ast ,
\lTASTElJ-Yoitn ? ladyilcslroi TvrlthiK or
' copying1 to do at homo. Address li 20 ,
3 Ice. 4'J3-13 '
"AN experienced lady Htenograiilior ami
-tltypowrltor deslreu position. Good refer
ences. Address It'.T , Hue. (51-14 ( *
Ty a you bartcndor or waiter ; rcf-
-1J urunce.s. Address , 1C. i'J ' , Oniuha lice.
"J 463-13 *
" \\rATXTEO-Sltiintlon by a yonii man ns
li Ktonnimiplinr and typewriter ; bcstof rcf-
orcnco. Address. ! . W. UXUl.athrop at. 41H r "
" \\rATS'TRI > A position by a yon UK man bo
ii Is tiRDod aeeonntantiind exper encecl In
lianlwaro Him ; Rood references. Adilrosi 112
Jleoollli'e. Counull lllulTs -KM 111
A VOI'XG man wants a situation In black-
-Jisinlth simp , soinn oxpcrluncu. Address
llayinuiid , fiiS'iS. ' JOth , Oiniha. 3J ! I'J *
Torrntct , etc. , ice fojioirai column oiilhti i > age.
\V A 'TKO-A coodonioo j-onn ? man , typo-
II writer prororrrd , hitvlnc t * . l ) to loan , can
aKoodiiusitloii. Address U SO. lloo of-
ilre. 401-13 *
" \ \ rANTr.Oonti furnishing goods man.
The I'alr. 13th & Howard. 4.Vi-13
\ \ A 'rl n-A first ralo man to liaridlo
ii uacntM for thn"Stoi'kinnii'iilliiitilltiR and
Toan t'lilun : " also lx solk'ltiin. Apply toO.
31 Moudy , 0 Ilxehaiigo Itldg , StockyiinN.
471-11 *
dJI'iO will sei-uro ii lnter 'st In no\v \ and profit-
P riblobuslnuis. Adilrusiimmediately 1131 ,
31cc ofllfe. 49J-ii : *
" \\rAIsTI5I > A fowmi'tior voincn to Intro-
ii Uiici'ourt.'HclMinoratliKT washlns ma-
olilni-s. No vriishhoaril or rubblnir iifiiilri'd.
If vou want OIKS adilross with
Ktnnip i'or ' icirtk-iiliirs. Monarch I.anndry
xvorUs , ! W ) t-o. Clark si. , Chicago. Ill , 50.V12'
" \\rAKTKD Salosivon on salary or ( Ointnls-
M slon tulinndlntho now piiUiutclii'tnlcal
Ink Kraslnf ? I'micll. Tlio urcatost Rollins
novelty ever produced. Krnsos Ink thoroughly ,
In two swoiKlS ! no abrasion of paper , 20O to
f > 00ior | rout iirollt. Ono a cent's sales amounted
toH'-O In six days ; nnolher $ : .2 In two hours.
* \Yo want nno rnerKCtlc jtoneral nROnt. for each
utate and territory. Sainplo byniall M cents.
] < 'or terms ami f nil particulars , address The
BIoniooKrascrMfsCo. , J.aL'roasc , , WIs.
nir.v. T. DR\VITT TALMAHE-S Ufo of
Jl Christ , entitled ' 'FromMariner to Throne , "
Includliiiia dcricrliitlon of Dr. Talinaqo's Jour
ney , "To.ThroiiKli. nnd 1'roni the ChrUl-laiid , "
: ind a "Panorama of Jcrivalcm on Day of
Crucifixion. " lOfootln li > nslb and printed la
Ti coloisVoadorful selllnK hook. Wrlto
nulck fortorins and oxcluslvoterfitory. W ,
1).Coiidit.'L ) Co. , Dos Millncs , Iowa. 4711-19
, rAr < TRl > lor fiRood sollt'ltori can mnlic
I f rom ! .f > 0lo JlOpor day. Aiiply at liilt ) Cnll-
fornla st. toclny between 1 and op. m. 4 0-1' "
" \\rAKTKn-aontleinonnr Indira ofnblllty ,
i llKhl work , troodpay to the right parties ,
Addre.-s It 18. lloo ollloe. 11 *
\V AKTIOn-Maii to sol I line ofeltrars ; JOO nor
1) month and expenses paid. A < l < lrcss with
Btainp. ( llobot'luart'o. . SI.I.ouls , Mo. 4i5 14'3
" \\fAKTRn-Dir KradhiR teams , Dodjo near
? T HI.\teenthrearof Hayden's. 4''J 111 *
"l\rAMED-/C'nls | { Ijytho United States
Tl JUitual Ace dent ns oolatlon of New
York. ThH tvKoelntlon had more Insiiranco
InforooDeoomhor III than any acelclcnt com-
Iiany cluing business , Address Gcor ro Ivor. 417
lloc UtilldhlK.Oinalia. M 411-1
< 1IOO { Jinn with nvi'rasn Iritclllsonco can
P clrnw$7. ' > nor month , o canvasslni ! . Ad-
dre. H JU , Itt'onfllcc. M TO-12 *
" \\rANTK 1A 1 tinner that can do conoral
I' tlmvorlcaiid clerk lantorovhiHinoedrd ;
must boa KOUI ! workmanHtatuwae.s ; ; wanted
per mniilh. Addiesi Ceo.YIHIiiR , Itrnliun
llow , Neb. : i8l ! _ "
" \\rAKTF.P-Travellum men to soil hoslory ,
li Klovoi. Uc. Address , Globe Hosiery M Ills ,
Detroit. Mleh. l aa-ia *
\\rAiTEI > Men for company work In AVy-
11 otnlnB. Albrlsbt's labor tiKcney , lli.1) l-'ar-
ziam. Ill
\VA M'EIMeii for work on 11. St M. H. U. ,
Tl peed wages and KOOI ! Job. Mbrlglits la-
lior agency , nai Karnnni. 111
" \\rANTElJ-Motitiitruvpl foronr Canadian
11 iiursorlcs.StoneiWclllaston.Sladlson. Via
\\T ANTKD-aw laborers for Htnnn and jtrarlo
TT work. Am > ly to P. Johnson , llnlou
IwssoiiKcr dopol , Omaha. 87I
1 IT V salesman. Omaha ahlit factory. Mil
Karnani SIM
" \\rAJiTEl" ) Acttvo mm with rcfnrunco.
11 M olropolltan Slfff. Uo. , 1COO Howard sU
. ! > U4 *
\VAMTEn-AKnnt8--1iytho Equitable llio
II insuriiTiC'icoiiipiiny ot Iowa. < loou tcr-
Jtory , favornblo conlrnola and ohsoluto se
curity tti policy holders am InilncnniontH
offered. I. 0' Martinsupcrlntcndeiitof acen-
cles , oiMolnes. In. JKS1 O''l *
" \\FANTKU-lOOOmi'n for now rait road work
ii InUreKon and \Va \ hlnRton Tor. Work
Till last twoyoixraj peed wauci Kunrantopd.
Albrlixlit Labor AKeney , 1150 b'armun st. I\I4M \
\VANrO.'ii ; >
I'm iattsctf. , tct top of Jiitl r < ilit > nn on iMi
A T.AIIVvllli sonio buslnos * tact , wanted
-tVinunoiiUitely , for a ntlher nrdunna j 0hl-
tlon ; iiut ) bo well acquiilntcd with city ,
sslnry M wceklv ; city roforonro rennlred ,
Apply after liiO ) : lliintlay. A , N. Hildoler ,
room rJCrolghton Llook Dili and UoujliiH.m .
\ \ rA TKn-Clrl ! to cook , ivash nnd Iron.
II Oood place , good SOB Da > Pnv tt
Hi. Ml-J'J'
3 , SutJi st.
/"i I HImntfil in fanillyof thren for honse-
VI woik. dull ou Mrs. It. F. Williams. 13tli
and Arbor s in , 477-12
\\r A NT K O-A. girl to do housework at KID
\\rANTHn..HIiMIo HK&I lady to rccelvo In-
TT struct loiu and takuchnrBiinf books Nov.
1st. J. II. Smllli , IMP N'ewVorlc Ufo. 4W 12 *
\Y 1rAM'Kl > - \ lrl , ( iDrnnin. to cook for res-
tatirunt , WrJSIicriiiiiiiiivonue.
wrk. : a
Hurt st. Mirra-H
IMi pay Indicia salary of 110 per week
Itn work To-mo In their locality nt home ,
llllit vrork.Kcwil nay for nart tlinc."VVrllo
stamp , Mrs. II. K VarritiKton , box TtMCliloano
" \\rANTEU-A. Rood jjlrl for Ronorul houso-
II works wugoslpor wcokj usy ClilcaRO st ,
M 410IS'
-A Irll4 years of I HO lo taVo
cure of child ; call atl * South 5th btrveU
forratttttr.uettyiif flirt c lwnn onOttnge \ \
/"linir-Wnnted for general housr oriel
\Vooln-orth avo. M 407-1.1"
" \T1TIISK girl , 10 to It years of HBO , to care
-Li for a two-yonr-old child. Klrst IIOIHO
north of JJodgo street oniilst avenue. 3011S
"IJUrflllT youno Indy wanted to Ret nub
JJ bcrlhi-rs for Llio Omaha Kteolnloti 50 | ior
cent coininltsslon. Apply lti ; S 10th st. Alli3
" '
u7ANTED-airiTt"oncC'caN7Ioth M3M
" \\rANTED-A. woman to dr > housework frota
I > 8 n , in. , to3 1 . in , 8238 10th sU 2CO-I3 *
' \\7"ANTRI-Hklrtnnt.sher.'silonco ) , Madaino
ITVnllace , 13IO Howard at. 273
roil KiXT : IIOUB13S ,
I'IT raltt.ttc.ttectofof flitlct > tunnonthtt <
\T\OK \ HEN T-l houses. 9 ami I rooms , at JIO
J.1 cadi. Apply at ML N , lutbst , oroa prenit-
seJ.TmC'enlerst. f/J-141
lilD KSISlfEF homo for rent , ' . ' 018 St. Mary's
1'ave. 4S."i-b *
TilOlt IlBN'T-Soveral new houses onSRtliand
J llariu'y BIS. Jiispnet thoin nnd tuako 1110 an
offer. Win. .T.Paul , 1000 I'lirnani. 4S3-1I *
"TilOU KBN'T-Nl no-room house. In good ro-
J-1 pairs , * i5 ! per month. 2.110 Pierce * t. 4W-13 *
inOIJ IIKN'T-A 6-rooui house. Inqnlrn 112
I1 Bo. anh at , *
"iriOlt HKNT-S eoltaK st ( and T rooms , newly
J pnlnlcd ami puporedreat ; mliiccd , Corner
Mil andChlcann. _ 4 IS
lj1OUUiNT"An8rooiiihonso : witliall mod-
J. orn liuproipiiionts. lieated by liot witi-r.
IVSH aitli st.4l > Ioi > ki eastof llaiiscum I'ark.
imnilri'400 : _ Ili-o building , _ -111
ilOU KENT 8-iooni liouso. HW 9 , SOtli St. ,
noarParnani. Inqii Ire no.\t door , -Iy2-l3
'IjlOR llENT-- ! . " , ilx-ronm Hteam-hiitocl ( Iif
J nil eoiivenli'iices ; ri'fori'iiccs roqulrod.
Nctliotlon Hall , LT-'J . loth at. , second Moor.
3 > si : 13
ITIOlillKTS'T-roiir new onn-story slx-rnoia
J. liotiii'4. east friinl. beautiful location , peed
rellar.elty water , near car II IIP , north partof
city. Imi u Ire cornel' LMtliaiitl I.ulcosls. I ! . G.
Olc-nn. MMJ 12'
IjlOUIIRNT-Cottaso. 411 3. 2 tU avt-niio.
J Enquire IMI Jackson. y.'f '
IJlOll IlEXT-fl-rooin flat , 9' a noiitli. , In-
J ! iiulioat The Kulr , liltli nml Ilinvanl : i-18
TT1OU llENT-TwoC-room coltiiRW , Nos. IIII'J
J.1 ainll.114 H. 24th St. ! city water. KIiiiha.ll.
I'hatup.t ' Ryan , l-MJKarnani .st. 150-12
'IjlOIJIIENT D-room liouse. all modern con-
-l. veiileiic i.spastfrontiiOi : UcofKliavo. , ap
ply ntUcrinan SiivlnRS batik. 112
-ROOM house. ! jiiliuKlGiiiiilng.J5 : per month.
0. K.llniTboii. OI1N. Y.Mfc. ft )
ir\OH \ IlENT-llousn.S rooms , Rood laundry.
J. Inquire llobt. rurvis,2lth , iSt. Jlary'.savu.
IflORHICNT-A six-room liouso near busbies' *
J. IT ntur , S2J. ilead InvestmeutcCo. . Heu
build hi ) ! . _ 881
"IP VOU wish to rent a honsoorstoro sen II.
.IK. Cole , Cunt In entiil blouk. S . \
ioU UKNT To responsible parlies only.
JL tlmM ) line new hrleUaiid stone housesoii
( icor lii avcnuo : llfteon rooms anil uluovus ;
nioro coiivonleacoancl bi'ttiT iliilshocl than
liny house for re lit In tlic city. 11. lllloiidor-
MHI , 4001'axton block , city. Stl
r7-KOUM house Avllh barn : iioir.lnal rent. U.
< ! ' . llairlson.'JU . X V. l.lfe. 7l )
liion IIKN"T-0 room house , all nio'lcm ' con-
I. venli'iiecs , Including a Bond.stable. Capitol
nvonuo , iiourtho Idjh school ; rent moderate.
1)I. ) O'llonnhoe. 16)1 ) Farnain ft. ( Kit
QEVEN'-rooni house , 18th ntid Vlntoii. * lfl ,
IJT-room hou n. . " > th and Miami. 312.
9-room ho use , SfHhaiul Uald veil S'A
7-room hoii'C. jlfiih and ( lurllHi. 310 ,
G-room lion-c. Lincoln place(1C. (
J. 11. Johnson , 5101'axton block.
TilLATS. steam heated. 709 iUCtli. Thns. l-\
lMfnllill : I'axtonblk. ' CM
lJlOHIIKNT-7-room eottactcs. Hath and all
J- modern convunlfnccs , rundylnfovr days.
0.3. Kl utl ni,407 1'lrstKafl Iniik. Mi
T71OU HEX r-Housp. aoth and Calilwoll , JIO.
-L1 rcii-il nnd lonos. 111) ) . 2513 Davenport. { 'JO.
W I. . Selby.U g Trade. iB :
Vtirratn , etc.rre fopofnl column ontlifr
iriOUIiEXT-To gent , employed durhiK the
J-'day an decant fumlshud front room.
lieated.JlU ] icr mouth. luiiulro 20 1 Toward.
TTlOIt HEXT-Kiirnlshod Oat , also roonirtfiir-
-L nlsli"d or unfurnished ; niodorn coiivcnl-
I'nclesior AVlll sell furniture on time. l'J ± i
C'ai > ltolave. 5ot-ii' : :
"VTIOK handsomely furnished room with
-L > board fortwo. gcuta profuricd. Address It
ailteoolllco. , 404-12 *
cely furnished froux rooiiu , In suite ,
1 Kiiltablo for 2 gcntlcinen , heat and liath ,
JJC , 70. > S. Kitlist. Wl-13'
fllWO larjio front rooms , croiind floor , south
1 anil cant fmiitjeaeli Miitublo for two with
Imard. All inodurncon vcnlonoe < i ; steam lieat ;
close to business ccntro. j > oclil liiduccineats
total1 ] ! boarders. Homo comforts guaran
teed. The Hillside , N. W. cor 18th & Doilso
bis. 4G'-n ) *
"l NOAOE furnished rooms with sleam heat ,
.Clir , tollO. southern exiioiiiro 5'1 S. Idtlist.
llat lJ. I'M-U *
IjlOH ItKNT Very cheap , two elegant rooms
-L' wlllfnrnlsh to suit rentier , C'oiivoulcnt to
motor , Kiuiulro atli 2S. i7tlist. ? 435-H *
SUITE of tinfuriilslipd rooms for two or Ihreo
fciitlt'nifnln ! iirlvuto family. Convenient
location. Kcicruiico required. Address II li
lite. 4IU IV
"VTICEIiV furnlslicd f runt rooms , suit able for
1 > two , K. ' I 3 , ISth St. 1,97- ! !
for llRht Iiousclcreiilnjr.ono
1 room { 8 , untl two rooms $11 iior month , (10 ( S
19th st , < -T-13'
furnished rooms , furnacoand
J'Jbath. : ilCX. lOlh. 4KJ-13'
DKSIRAHLK roonm forthrcoor four jrontle-
inen , private sitting room Included. 1701
Capitol ii vu. 431
\TEAVIiY furnlsliod rooms , \vlth lioard and
1 > bath , tMOOli' M. H 4SO-1T *
FOU HKN'T-N'pwly t urnlshodsnrtdnf morns.
also single , all conveniences , 013 N.Oihst. .
HI 4Q'J-ii : *
TAURNISUKI ) rooms with board , 311 S.SBta
J. St. ; rpforenci'sreouiicil. & ' li'
KENT Linriil ) > licil rooms with l > oard.
Kefortmce ) , 2JI1 rarnain.
ELKOANTBouth rooms ; also taMe lioard.
IhJ ! Chicago. ' ifil-lfi *
I1O1J UKNT Pleasant rooms with or nlth-
1 outboard. 115S.mli , 302 1C'
HANDaOlttXy furnished room. SOT
133- IS'
ROOMS Kuril Islicd or unfurnished , with
lioard. ( lent leiuua prof erred. KrforonciM
ilO N. Nineteenth si. Mat Mi *
\T RmY furnished rooms with hoard. Hath.
li Ktu and furnace. bSOSa. t'Jlhst. M.1I8-1I *
UKNT-l--nrnlshcd rooms ; KW.batlinnd .
J.1 steam , 151 ! ) Howard. bi ;
ST. CIAIT5Enroiean ] hotel , vlth illnlnn room.
stonm lu > atln all rooms , nth uud llnduu.
fpeelalfatosbv iveek or month , ti'5
TnOR ' IlKNT-Knrulshcd rooms , lUWDomliuil
J' srn
UNl'U UMSllliD
fortatu , etc. , ( re tcpot Jlitl column m this \inae \ ,
FOU HK > 'T A. corner , six-room , stcam-
huulud llat , $10. Uolicrts , Wi N. Wh st ,
M aTO-13 *
very eomfortabln wintur liomos see
- 1 the oll-ruoni Hals. . W. Cor.'Isttuul Kich-
oliis sts. N cwly iMiierud , city wut er anil i-ew-
onido. Klrstlloor.fU : scninu Hour , ts. Hulls
lientliiK A enoy , MfIJth t.t. IKI Nt,1 ,
T-CJ rooms , unfiiruhlii'tl.ilO N.uh
J.1 St. , prlc-o ( li..M ) | will rent toeolorwl penult ) .
Apply to af. ! ' . Rlattln.tlH N.lith tt. Ml
OVEIIstovo store , 1021 Howard
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
"IjlOll UK.NT-Hiilto of 4 uiilnratslied rooms
. . . , for ' ' "usolccenlriK , to family without
children. 17m\Vcbslor at. a
for ratti , electee tnpofjimt column nn f/ifa ftae
iriOIl KENT llrlclcwarehouse. . t o-storlos
JlilKki buseiiietitiliyclraullcclovator ; trnck-
ugo ; ben location In thoulty. A. 0l'u\vdl.
JSO ni
ralo , ttcue , fopo/jlrit column on l/i < \-nge. \
nTKSTlawyprj.t oileltori , G. W SUM &
JJo. . , lice ImlulliiR Otiuliu. 4 your * '
eni'o aiuxanilauraln U.S. iiatouiontte. Itranoh
oBluo ftl\VuiuliisUi ) ! , IJ , ( . ' . Coaaultatloufrco.
FvrmU * . ( If. , loyirat
ItilST licalraio rooni fur stern or of-
Cco.iitS.Ifitliiit.ncnrrarnnm ) ! tt'Diiiitcan
liavo possession on short notice. cjhji it of
scllltnt luMupntonl ; tciiiint < loslrcM t
ofllcei apply atoncato Eracat Klall
S. loth HU
17\CI\1 \ HKNT Store room , lils ) HotvsiM st rcct ,
til not moil th. 4i7-ll' (
K OU REST Store room nnd bascmentat
J.'o. \ . 4t.1i > oii1hrMuvciitlt strod. Ouoil loca
tion for ooinni Issloii | IOIIH . ! ' J. ait tell ITo , 1)14 )
Plrsl National llaukbillldlnir. iltfJ-tf
UKNT Iasiinent ! store room , cor. llth
nnd Jtickso nits. Inijulro 3lH , Ivanie. ( IDS
HKNT llrlck warehouse. t\vo sttirlps
- and bati'tnent , 'Ji.OiXJ miinrofeot , with I'M '
feotof double trat-k on I , I' . Mil war , south
Mth and I'lerco ' streets. Address O ( Hlcumn ,
Uniaha. > 'cb _ _ . _ RK )
TOlKSat70'J ' 8 ICIli , 2 / ) usifh. lariroshow
\\liidons.htcatn \ heat furnished. Thus. K.
Hall,311 1'ax.on ' block. fJ3
- Sloi o , 1031 Ji I'ariiain.
RENT The most dcslralilo busliiesslo-
- eatloii In Uniaha for dry Roods store , olotli-
Inj ? , liiiotsaml shoo" , ( jroi'erles , hanlwaroor
furniture. KonH very njasoiiaMp. J'osst.'s.slon
plvcnat once orDeoemburlst. The1 1'alr's ' llvo
stores ; will rent sop.iratoly or altogether. J.
L. UrandcU A ; Sons , Utli and Howard ,
Txl O SO
FOU IlKN'T-Motroiiolltan liall. llth and
Iolg ) ( > , fi r balls , iiartlosanil tvoddlnRS vlth
or ltlioiitsuiiier | roimi. Terms ronsimalilo ,
Guorito I loyn , JOS 1.1th st. Ci'-OJl
FOU RENT The 4-storybrlol < lmll < llnirwith
or without iiiwer , formerly occuiilrdliy the
Dee I'llbliHhliiKCo. ' . UK ) Piuniim ft. The bullil-
InB haw ullro-iiroof ccmotitbaaomeiit omjileto
ati'itni hunting llxtlires , water onalL the Hours ,
RAH.etc. Apply at the olllcnof The Hoc. UIJ
of first ciilunn nn l/ifx /
rilllAUKAN1)SAW-Alimit ; KOOO stoclc of
-L lioots , MIIM.S halltrunks null cents fur
nishing gnodH. In best liinlncss lucailtv In
Omaha. ! i cash , 1 > al. city property. Jl.H.
Irny & 15ro. . t'OON. Y. Mfo. 41M-H
( ] 1 < | ,003 ntock ol general tivruhnti'Ilsoln Oma-
Pliafor half cash and balance Onuihii prop-
nrtyi roritrt'tisnntible. Al o anis.OOilstookof
fiiriiitnroln elly , $ : . .V)0 ) cash and balatico eltv
property , Co-operathu l.oaii and Lot Co.U3
N. ICth at. 470-U
rpo EXCHAKOR Flno farm lands located
J- near l'lorretho ' i'iiiltal. | for an tlovtitor ;
must ho InKuoilcralncouutry. lloxai ? , Uliint ,
tjonlh Dakota. 4Vi-12'
clear Nebraska
f.irniH . for eitiltli 'slii Kood Omaha propi'f-
ty and wlllpaysomeca-sMdinorisncw If nocci-
sary , Ktngur 4 Uradluy. 131U I'uratiin.
TTIOU KXUIIANGU-Wo have parties who
JL- want iiroprsity In Dunilou l'lacpwlll ' ; assume -
sumo and tradoclistir Nebraska farms , Klngur
& IJr.idloy , l.MUl'armm. 4U 12 *
cxfliango nil. > . < )09c ) < | iiHy in ten B and
T 8 room 1 muses in Urnalia for uood vllil
fund In Nebraska. S.U. Nlelds , JO ! Sheoly llllc.
IjWU E.M'irAXOK-A clean stock of haril-
Jwnro for a few acres of Improved land near
: L iruiiil town. .Addruij , 11 17JJceollloe.
MIU 13 *
TOHXC'IIANfiE AYostnrnlaudfor t'DttacoIn
Omaha. I' . B , Ueeolllce. fll4U-U
WII > Ij exc'hanso SSJaeresof joxj Improved
land In Iowa for llr. rosliloiiuu in
Omaha. S. K. Kloldsi,803 Sheuly lllook.
GIiKANktut'kof tlrysoodsandRPtmral mdse.
\Vlll take "i real c tate and balaiico cash.
IoxOi , , Prank fort , Fnd. aw-li *
POI1 K.M'HAXGE-A now wholenalo stock
of Routs' furnish In ; Roods and notloiiH.cou
slstlns ofho.slcry. nudornBat- . white shlrH ,
ucckwoar , liters , buttons , plus , noodles nnd
nm nil wares , rvll In unbrnkiMi packages , new
and clean , to exchange for real ustutu nnd
pnrtcasli.ln lots from $2W > toSKI.OOO , Come
ancl evainlno the stock. 11. M , VOUIIR & Co. ,
Kml Cloud , NoU iffli 12
WILTj c.xc-hniiso 408 acres of Improved land
In Inva. with 100 acres of corn , all stock.
all farm implements , for a coucl rental Omaha
proiierty. S. LJ.NieldaO''Sliocly , IJllt.
4J9-12 *
H OUSTS FOR TUADE Will exchange -\\cll \
broken roadsters nml sidtllo liorto * .
Niiltnblo forllvfry stable nnd o.xuro s'wairons ,
for lands ntulelty property , onvlll sell on
tlmoto responsible , part its. Address . llox
UC5. JlO-13
rpO KXC1I A > 'OK Business lot close to cor-
Jnor of 241 hand M fstreots. South Omaha.
cloaraiiddrawlnn i l7 runt , for asood rcshlcnco
in Omaha. Kranlc K. llartUan. 6W N , r. Xlfe. ,
WANTKD A small stock of ( jrocerlos In
oxclmimofor unlncumhnrcd real cstato.
Iiiqulro jitrooinLuT. 1'axtou block. M-lSl-n3
V\7 ANTED Asm all stock of cigars and to-
TT bact'os In exchange foreloar real estate.
Inquire ut room UJ7 , raxtoablock. IN11SI-HI
WANTED Merchandise In cxcliatiKO for
real estate , part cash. Je-iso Crjindy.
Itroken How , Not ) . 321 15 *
10U KXCHAXOK-KIsht mules for Omaha
real estate. U. l.'l , Hoard of 7ridp. 4'Ci
I'orrates , tie. , ( o-p nflrrt ailunn on I/if / *
FOR SAI.E Cheap for cash , orwlll tradefor
lotandnssumu .small inctinilirntiui' , ? tiaml-
snnioyoting horses. Inquire of E , G. Merrill ,
42 < 1 and C'aw st > . 4-.1 ! '
POIt SALE Ilorso-llar aln In as 5001 ! mo-
llumtl , horse asean ho found : \vltri or
without lie. Coal aspart p.iy , noot her t rule.
1' . O. box 733. SHU 1
101 ! SALE Cheap , a good side bnr bus ? } ' .
MIBlturt st.,0mana.
FOU SALE Handsome horbe , stronu , Rood
traveler andvoryReiitle : Hiiltablofor lady
to drlvo or for business ] guiirmtood sound.
Atltlrcss OKI 1 Ice ollloe. M SJO
W . ,
work , harness $13. Or will traile for a
Rood llRhtsldo bar buggy. II. J3.ColeContln- block , _ SIX )
HOUSES WO and up. II. K. Colo.
"IjlOtIK teainn.light mules ; ono heavy lr > oO-
-2 ixmntl horse. JIooui 13 , Hoard of Trade.
I710U SAliE 3Koo < l worl ( teams. Inquire at
I ? H Piulon lillt. ' 4-JJ
volt BALIJ i uitNiruuii : JTO. :
Fnriatr * . tlf , ftti > j > c [ flrnttoittinn nn U > li fit ] ,
FOR SALE llniulsoniu new furniture for 8
rooms comiiloU * , at nnlninienso bargain.
Also forrcnt the house ol 8 room < snll , cou-
vciilciicus cmilriilly loeatcd. II. "B. Irej St
l ft. Y. Life. 3J7
1710U SAIK ana fiirnituro of a E > -
- room hotel. Address J.8. JordanCouncil ,
BlulTs , la , WJJ-h
A LOT oflioiitlnKundcookliifr stovossllsl'tly
iispd. all In excellent eoiulltlon. WQ oiror
vorychunp , Culliiiuli'xiiiiiliH ! ami ilonot miss
thooportuiilt.v. | They mint go. r.'UT Houalas.
Omaha Stove Iepilr\Vorls. ! : \ ISC'-VS )
1UliNlTUUKlioti eliol < liOodJotc. ! Illsliost
caOi price. 1111 J 'ariiain , 877
T710KSAMAUVst I'olnt bas.0 . burni'r. wo-
JL ? dlum hljo. U.'O Wiltst. 'fi 10 *
rilllHKKeU'jrant hsirdoonl stovoa , luivo onlv
-L lieen used u vury short time I'ldl Stlnuiiel.
UH and 'J13 Jones3t. orsonthwestcor 3'Jtli '
"IT OIt SAMC Dheitn-Tlio furnlturo 111 the
J- ? house , No. IMS iJmiKliis Street , for sale ,
uudhousofor rent , r.iiqtilro oiilliu nronilsei.
POH SALK rnrnltiiro nnd "biislncsj of ; i > -
rooni liotol In Ltucolii.ditn vooil pnyln ?
business. Itestof roaMJiisfoi-srlllns , Trsima
easy. M.W. Kol mi. Lincoln. JNeb. 010
Forte \ # . rff. . tt ( up oIrsl rolumn on l/ito /
SALE A Ilrst-clnsj N . 2
1 typewriter : latrit Itnprovoincuts. Add
L.oucf Utli and Joui'j
> s. , TiOD-l-l
FOU HAMC r.enulillcannuwbnaporla
oouiitrHcat for sulu. liond rouson for
solllnj. Addreu 1C 'X , care Omuha Iloi .
POU SAM ? Thoroughbred St.llerniilil pups.
Addreds.J. II , b'rudcrluk. Button , r\'cli. \
-4C1-1 ? *
WANTED lluyorfor a Imndsoinn naby cnr-
rliineahuobl brand nowwill ; solli't ao-
r111co | tills la u burjalii. Cull at 7O7 U. lOlh.
Urd llpor. -JH 15 *
P lilood pug < lei ? for sale , " \V , 8. 17KJ
AVcbiitcr st. . fourth lloor , Tll-l ! > *
OH SAUA1I kliuU of thoroiijlibrcd lo ; .
Junes Fanzj , HU8 , 20tb t. 7B
K lot of base burner SUJVIH. St.
Clair Kuropcau Uotol , IMIi uui Uodjo.
POlt 8AliK | t 13 All ESTATI3.
. ttc , r < tltif\f , \ jtrtltnluiM onllil *
POItSALR- . i-i ( , ISO nero piece- * Just south
of thoelty limits of C'hlcnKO. Tlieso proii-
rtlcsnrotho imuiU Jpslral'Ie ' for I utc t nient
if anything iiovroiTorcd int'oolu'oitnty. lieltiK
'lo-siito ' rallwnjr ei'tlco nnd < llrecily In thu
Inoof Iniuruvcinorrti south. Sotno owner *
rill take Rood Uuiilm , rrnporly asn part of
Irsteash payment. K. C. Ilarnard. I'hninbor
of Cumin urco bidslileago , 111 , < < i-lii'
HAI.K Interest ( irjiitTbTst srroeory In city.
t'lonrpropeityhnd ash forsl xk Roods :
iiriilturuof T-rooin llatj lilii btiritnlnich'arlot
or Iiorso ana btlRgj , \\'utcrintiti. \ \ . 1'atton
BtV a ten < lolikn ! lot addition to Omaha
Just i > ] itto l , ( ID1 Ij full pnyineiit. Yllr-
raittriluoil. abstract and plat Klfca with
caelildU The hest valno crer oUnruil for the
noiicy. KTorylotifid ruiiteed a building lot
anil will l ar i-losestInvuitlsntloti. Sale coin-
ueiiCM MondayUct.W. , utilio s'outli ' IStli st.
U l'.lleiijanihi , 310 youth IMh st. < M-1 -J
| 1O RXCIIArt'OK lYir clear farm , now 7-
JL room liousn In llakorl'lnoe , full lot. In-
qulroof RU. aicrrtlUM nnd Oasa an. 48.1-il *
EXPHANOK Wo havu several hiiinos and
lots anil vacant lots toevelniiRo for hinds ,
lorsvs , etc. Ocorjfo I'miLlCOJ rnriuinu 479-1U
fpKNlOdollars ( ) is full payment for a lot
JL f reo from mort iite ( abstract nnd plat
( Ivonwlthoaclilot ) . K\-ory lot warranted a
nilhlliiK lot , (1 ry iin < l lovfl , on main line of
railroad nml . to OinalianiiilSoiitli Omaha
work. Aildltlonjnst platted nnd will hour
: ho closest Invi'slliriitlou. Worklnjrinon ,
upocnlators nnd tradora , hero Is n irniiid
clianco for you all. Sale commences Mouthy ,
Oet. IS. atUlO youth nth st , Olm. 1' , llnnja-
in ill , 310 South 13th st. 4V-13t !
Pol ! S AL 1C On monthly payment ! , houses
nnd lots of Ho 8 rooms oueli. onlW tnWQ
eash uiul halnnco easy monthly payments.
Oallfor iilats. UeorjoJ. 1'aul , 1WO itarimm ,
rpOEXCIl'ANOE fur Omaha property , two
L liniiHi'snncl lots , dear. In good town. C. J.
Ca.swen.felON. V. hi fc , 403-13
r1OiXOIA"Niiir | : ( lloitsoaticl lot on llanill-
* ton street for vacant lot. O.J. .
N' . V.hlfo. 40l3
POIt SAM : CholcoiUmblo eoinorlnOrcliard
Hill , ono UncU- [ nun motor. Good LMtlist.
lot In South Omaha. Will hiilldto suit tenant
or Hive Ion ? lunso onciiriioroC ISth and llar-
iiey.rorner lltli anil Nlfliolns or Utli and
Izard , Curtis APaclctt , arts 13th sU 417 IS
Ql'KCIAl , llawalnsIiotisos : ! , 8 , 9 and 10
OrooniH ciioh. prlco M.r 'J ' > lo 4J.MJ , inlvouutze
I'liiCT , all minium : f'lJJoasb.
KCTiior | iiiontli for i jcars.
f lOpor moiltli for 2 years.
$ t."ipur month for 2 yearn. Palanco 7 yoara'
time , (5 ( iiereent Interest on nil do turret ! i > iy-
inoiils. Alsosoinosplcndhlhoiut'S hi same ad
dition to exchange for tana lands and city
ti- room liouso and full lot on WIrt St. , SO,50U , ,
11.500cash.bal. tosulL
H-rooin liouso and lurn , lot raxH2 , uoir cor
ner 19th and Webitorti > exchatigo forKount o
I'laeo property ,
\\'hohiya ; vacant lot TOrtli Ironi 11,303 to
. .MHclear , to eichnuxo for aiicleRant bomu
In Koiint.yopluecvorlh SHWl/ )
.1. J.Ollison. solo ageiit Kouutzo 1'lace , room
3Crulgh ton block. 451
171OUSAM : Abar tln. I'lnrsouth frotitlot
1 ? roxl'JI In Union square , J. D. Xltl.Io.Ull
y. Y.LIfo. . Mil ?
POH SAIK Tor $1,700 cash : Lot on
avomto , Ijolween Cjiliforiila ami Hurt
streets , fifty fort onst front , l'J , SiitelIfTo.314
rir-stNiitliinal Hank building. aw-14
IT IJOO."M fottmt- . Cull lot , HaiHOora 1'laco ,
I eist front amhi K'eit : bargain for a few
day * . Small cash nnyiiont and balanc'O on
Ion-llmo. 1K.lJatlltis. . llarkcr block , ail
PoilHALK \ta'lHVBaIli , GO.xlUO on IL\CII-
liort , neur 17tli , one llock from new i > ust-
oflli-e , very ! heap , 4. ,000 ; 53xlit ! corner 2lth
anil I'uriinni , fU)6l ( ) ; puny and phautou , must/
bo sold nt once , .J1W. GI/ . Green , roorulil ) , bloolc Ma)4
POU SAIiK Six cntt'asesranging from 3UOO
toU.SOO each ! Jldl to WJ cash , balance
monthly or to suit. ' If you want a hon iiwo
can : iiTm'i : ! terms tojtilU Sineatou& Allen ,
ICO ? I'lirn am. _ , 2.i-M4 ! :
A.'iO-footcaatfrontliit onU > woavenue , only
} I,50U. , Stringer Al'enny , Douglas blork ,
. . ; on Lo wo avenue , smith and east
front , only J.MOU. On motor Hue. Slrlnjur
k Penny. Douglas bluc.'i. ' tU5
T1OUU peed lots In Walnut lllll for 82,003
- cash , Mrlnpcr frl'ennj1 , Uoti.'las blook. 2
PAIINAM Hh A. line corner close to court
hou o , $ . " > OO per front foot , Strlnsor & ,
Penny ,
fl lIE finest corner for vMdunco on l'i
JL st. Korlocationnrlcoand tenusupplyto
Stringer A 1'eii iiy , Douglas block. ! 5.
INSIDE property'to cost ll.i.OOO , will roiitfor
Saw a month. StilngerS : I'cnnyDouglas
block , ! 5P
O > T of the best lots InOrMiard lllll. only
JI.OOO. . Stringer ATcnuy , Douglas bh clt ,
POIt Sn.iE Took Jitthls ; Now'-rocm house
on lot 19 block C , Italicr iilaeo. splfndld
vlowsouth front , veil , cellar , bav window ,
etc.00 : or more cash , balance or tlSOOtl5
per 11:011 : tli. Inquire of ownerE. O. Merrill ,
Cassnnd 41st sts , 3'J"n3 ' *
POK SALE Splendid omiortmilty to Ket a
lioiintlfiil new 10-room IIOIIMI ) In ono ot tlio
finest locations In Otnaha , U blocks west of
Lowoave on Ctissst.hlsli and slchtly amlon
Rrade , fiilllot. city valor , ball i mom , cistern ,
lower , buy window , tiorehos , double llnor. erl-
lar , etu. . all Unlsheu In liard wood and hard
oil : uid In Orst-rlass style ; SiOOflr : more cash ,
balsinco of JJt.700 , SB per month. Jnqutruof
owner , E.G. Merrill , Uassund list sts.
I' n a *
POU SALK llr. Chainbi'rs' residence and
barn. cor. lothandllurilett ; ID-room hou e ,
fnriince , fas , sewer , raiuo and all eonvo-
nIeni'e-4. llarn W\Wbrlcl ( < ,6 box Htalls and 11
sltifle talls , with water , sewer. fiiH. 2 rooms
for help. etc. liest equipped barn In Omaha
for veterinary or prlratu uso. I ) . V. Hlioles
Co. . solo afcnts,2UJ First Nat'l bank.
A SMAI Ij payment down and tl.r per month
"III buy a 1-room house and lot on UHh , "
blocks from motor : flrst-clusa clianco tr > ac-
nnlroa homo on oa y torim. Apply to fl. E.
I'olo.CoiUlneiital bloolc. R-1
T TXOOIvN Place lots Sl.SM to 11.300. UoMor
' 1-Jlj. ThoiuaH. 024
POIt SALE A farm ndjolnlii * Ulalr. Neb. ,
blockedcheap. II , WJleUrldo , Hlalr.
701 iilIJ *
BA1IOA1N' Chnlcolot 111 IrlK'S ! jilacc , nidii-
oniiiboioil , $ iMarket jirlco $ J.l 0. Need
money. Address Ed Prlce.M . i Callfnrnlast. ,
DerniT. Col. WJi-nSl *
POU SALE Cheap , on easy terms , a nice
coltasola Howe's Add.and aT-room brick
house , with all modern conveniences , on ITith
and Jackson sts. Koom 11 , Chamber Commerce
( Jin
HOMKS-Swcct llonieniewant llonies-I
am otTcrlnKtlio best bargains In Cmahaor
In thoivorldon West rarnamstrcet.Sljolesnut
houses , alldlirerent , Jloli rooms , furnace , hot
and cold Mat f'as ( gas llxturosbath , water
do-t't , niint < jl , elegant bilck collars , jiarod
strottand mortjaKOJ.IO,1 toJ.'VlO.or moie cash ,
and haluiico iCt 7lior cent tosnlt t ) . "V.Sholei ,
213 First National bank. B
TV YOU have anythlnsc to soil or exchange
.Lcall at CIS 1'mlon liloclc. IKO
"IjlOH SAIiK Aa olesa'iit now rosldonoe , 9
J- rooms , cherryunil oak flnlKh , lar 'o Htiible
nnd every convcnleiire forcomfort ; looathm ,
the In the city , prlcolow , Tutnn easy.
I ) . J. 0'IJonaliolJOl ( l''iirnim ' : Ht. KM
Forntet , etc. , settup'ttf-firHttolujmon. Hits jwge.
H'AVK you over been a propfrlv ovnor ? If
not , hero's 30111 * rhance. I lll sell you a
lot In the la toil addition to Omaha for ton
( IIU ) dollars ; \\arrn.nty deinl , abstract nnd
mat clviiiwitlieaohVti c\ury \ lot a building
lot. ilry. Itiu'l and frciA , from mort'aao ( ; sale
Monday. iVtobcr 1at UIO
1'lftvuitU street. C.l' . Uiiijaiiiln , solo atruit.
* ' 4ViUi *
Dealers-r Vlifn yon patronize mo
JL yon know tint l.-yvllt.notoomiioto with yon
by retailing rubber , loats.Hlious irotlcs. sin- :
dal-s.ctc. I am not-'ruiinlns twelve or Hf teen
rctallshoflstoros nnik'r vailousnainos. L st'll
at wholesalu only and Have no Interest In any
mUilUtore , I nm western ajjcnt for the Js'uw
Jersey rubber shoo conmany : it Omtilia. nnd
cveryshooiloalerWmws tJiero Isnobvttor line
of Roods made. My pales this year so far are
morothaiidoublo arjyotljerseasnn up to thlrf
tlmo , Send for prlciOlstf , and discounts. , Ier-
soya will lo extensively advertised IhU HUU-
80ii. ? . T. Mutiny. : tU-nll
STOVE luountlas * lonlcklcd at 111) ) Dodjo
st. 417-1.-1 *
_ _
SI. McmUKSOX hai mnvi'd hh i > luiiillni ;
( shop to ' 'ia N. Ifiih , cxpo-sitlon liiilldln ; .
Kstlnmtesoii pliiinblii- and cus llttinit slM'n
and Jobbing promptly attended to. : iJO li *
TTl'lIOJfK I1ING an .
U novatcd. K.l'otcrson. 1130 N ISth
MASSA ORtvciitmcnf , electro- thermal ba Ins.
tualpand hnlr treatment , mantcuro uiul
. ' ' . ' ' Wlthnoll Uk.
chiropodist Bin. 1'oit , K .M--'l.
For nt/w / ett. , t'a tnpot Jlivt fuliiiiin nnliH JXUH
13HIVATI' hospital for women tlironjh con-
J. Iliifiiiunt , H l I'lcaro ' , lr , llauiiali U.
r N.i'llli U
tr rat ft , ttf . .
loans , low rate , 1511) 1'arnnm at ,
4.VMUI +
ONRYto liun frotn H.IKW In * % . . I'rnnk
Ilo cborpjrim4l'ntiltiil , avc. M gSMit *
I IIG Commercial Focurity itnnn anil Trust
JL Co. wnntfl fooil < hiirttliuonpori | alsi ) oun
lamllo iiti'w icuutcil mort ajos. Koom ItiiT ,
a % lon liloclc. Jl lei-Ni ) :
MON B V to loan t > y I . K. > r.i torson chattel
and collntcrnlseiurltlo3 ! forunytlnm ( rotu
onoln si.MiiuntlH la any amount lo suit bo r-
inadoonlinu'cholil goods , pl.iitn . nr <
< i' , nuiloi , IIOIUM. Icavo. wnr ( < lieu > o
ni' 'lts. | HO. , at tlio lowest iiosslblo
wltliniit iiulilU'lly orrotnoviil of iiropo
My IOIUH iirom sirraimcit that you e
ai > : iyinont of any amount , nt iinj'tlnio nml
iMliico bolli i > Tlncljo ! : iiiil Interest.
Kroti owu u lituanco on your property or
invc r loin : you -vvlsh ohnuwl. I will nay It
) IT and curry It foryou. If yillnd Itinuro
onvi'ulont ' , c'all up telephone Nn. JCCJI uml
oiirbuslnos can lie iifMiiauil nt homo.
Money aUvajin on haucli Noilolitj. No pub *
lolly , IjOivust rules ,
H. V. Jtastor' ,
Koom-t.wltlinoll Uc. ! , 35th ami Itnmuytts ,
F AUM Loam-SLiir Livnd & Loan Co.
Co.u INI
"IIIATTEMiimlc. 31 ! ) KlMh ft. , loan * inom-y
PHtrtT S.-socnnil inortsins : on vacant d. Itn-
lin > vodcltjriroii | ( ' ( unity Ararrnnls liouclit
Money on linn ill' . .M. UldiarJson.SUN. Y , I.If o ,
MOS'KY-31. CO or 00 days on furniture ,
nlnnm IIOHCM , liouscs.utc. J. J.WHUIiHori'
18 Pixtonllook. OJJ (
UNITS IA MJlov rutci
of IntcruHtnit lint mortuasc ollrnprovod
roalrstiilo fortlir > next IW tlny < liy llio I\nn < ris
Mt.vlnvestiiK'iitC'o , KociiiIlU , llourJof 'J'nulo ,
f. II. I'tiM ! > , manager , W9
\"ONEY to lo'in nniinywctirlty
i-'JL for sliort. tlmoatluw
Mli' * . Uovrit riilc-i
on ] ) < rsoii alliiroiicrt y
Tlio Ilotnlor-ioii J1ort ! io ) Investment Con > -
. room 4V ) . 1'aUoti blk. CIO
B lIIr ! > IN'U lottiiHinailnat lowest rates. W.
il. Harris , room M , l-'rcnz r blk , , opp. I' . O ,
OlIEAl'rustvrii niouoy-
I'lilladelphla Jlortsuso and Tru t Co. ,
always poady to loan anil icLVlirmnptly ; lirst
norlKiiKi'i wanted. OcorioV.V. . Coalcn. rop-
rescntntlrc. room 7 , tioaniof trade. 812
ID 1'iVTj totntol.nttnt Cisii on hand. Globe
IV Loan & Trust Co. , .TOT S. 10th St. . No delay ,
no extra , charges. Houses for runt , gooil list.
OK. fc 0. M. ANTHONY , H18N.Y. Mfc
. luff , lend money or firms In clioloo eoun-
Ics of Kcbrntka and Iowa ; U\Q ou cooil
Jniaha rvsldunco iiroperly ; lowest ratv j best
tcrnn ; no dcslay : money ready. Titles and
value * nnssed on hori" . t'14 '
M TONRMortfaBoCo. Loans of 310 to
tl.OOOjRot our ruti < i licforo borrowing and
HVBinniiey ; loans on hnrso % fiirnituro or any
appmi'i'd security wltliont imlillclly ; nolos
Doiiuht , for niiw lorv'unownlof nldanillow.
ust K.'JOS coly IjllUjtlii Howard.
WANTED first class Instdnloaiu. I-owost
rates. Cnll andsuo us. Mutual Invost-
incntfo.,1504rariiam , Dili
" 17 .ASTON money to loan on city property ;
Jli'iiiot'tsigoiiaporbouglil. H.ll.IfuyN.V.I.uo.
/ 1 IIATTEL loans at lowest rates. Iletnovoil
OtoOX'4. N. Y" . Life , uldif. J , U. Einmln er.
17111'ST ' mnrtsaKO loans on Improved and un-
i ? Inipniiecl iiropcrty. Charles \V. Halnoy.Ulj
Omaha Nalloniil bunk bulldlii ; M.I
MONKYloaned nt low rates on. fiirnituro ,
horses , &c , without puhllclty. Havkoyo
Uouglas blklGtlL , and Diiil
BlIIIjniN'O loans , f to 7 per ecnt | no addi
tional charge ! ) for commission or attornov's
fees. W. II. JlclKle , 1'lrat National baulc lildgr.
EASTEUN monoyto loan ; lowest rates ; no
cloluyjliirgolonns a .specialty ; short tliuo
paper bought. Omaha inortguuo Co , ground
Hoor.Cliumbcrof . Coiutncrcc. ffil
MOXKY to loan at all times on dc.slralilo
Inilirovcd iiropcity In Omaha. The money
Is hero and there tire no delays , as vo oxnmlnu
the piojicity : inil title ourselves , liatfs , Smith
it Co. , IIKM 1 aqimin st. IT 0 oil
/"IHEAPloanson city uroporty % rolloctlons
Wpromut atttutlon. A.C.L arson.l > 3iN.Y : , LI Co
Forratet , lie. , utetopof flnt column oaWite yaae.
AGRN'fljE IAN of peed address ami Imsl-
ness InibltswltliWOO tolOW to Invest can
purchasoan IntorcU lua llrst-class busncss.
Address JIM , lleo office , 494-1 : "
aoontrollns Interest In a moneymaker
maker for Nebraska and Iowa. Address
RM.-J.lleoolHce. 49J-I2 *
TJAKTNKU WllhtSOO. to liclnsturt buslnoss
. .1tliat vlll donblo I ti vest men t hi'foro tlio
holidays. Ad dress H 20. liee. 457-13 *
T > barrel full roller steam llour-
in : , ' mill , now -nmiiinu and In uoiuplete
order In northeastern Xobraslca , will bci r
closest Investigation. Itlnger & llradley , l.r > lt )
1'ariiam. -44. > 17 *
rrOHSALR Clioap , an
JL ? in'ss. centrally loeatcil ; stock clean and
now ; will Invoice about W.MiO ; Rood reason for
selHiiK' . J. 1) . X.lttle,9J4 N. Y. Ufo. SI 117
WANTED Enoryetlc man with sotno capi
tal totakd anency ( or tlio I'luiiuutr re-
Cllninsclialr. 321 N. 15th St. IW8 IS *
T\OU \ EXUIIANC313-Klrst class ol ty property
I ? for stocks omerchanillso. ! II. 1 ( , Hall , 1MO
N. Y.Mfo. i\13Ul-l'J' )
171OII SALE 3IO.OCO choice stoeic of ccneral
A ? jiierchandlse in one ot the best , towns In
Nebraska , ' > inllos from Oniaiia. Party
an uxcellvnt buslnoM. but has other business
demanding hlsattentlou. Acldreis I1 53.MKJ
FOHSALG Ala liarjtnln , a BOixl sstoro liouso
lilted tin with shelves and counters , uaso-
montll rooniH for tlffellln ? , Rood cistern and
wellwill sell ortnulo fora No.l Htoelc offfro-
corJcs. Address UeoUt Ucol , C , U. I ) , grncors ,
685 K.lOtlist. IK7
s for dry coocls .store , l.arso
-t ? comer room la brlclc block In county seat
towiiwltliln 80 milesof Omahn.ttlll lie vacated
N'ov. 1st1'ro.siMit occiiinnt liavlni in ado sv
fortunn InXho dry ffood buslnoss. HiilldlnKunn
lie rcntoil or bnnslit upon very f.ivorablo
tornis. Address State ll.inlc of Nebraska ,
Reward. Keb. 7-VJoii
POK SALE .VdyoliiK ostabllsliment , overy-
Ihlnifcnniiilote In a lively western town ,
or would t'lUo ' i a partiii-ra man that under
stands the business. Addresji. GUI. Hun.
Forralfs , fc. ( , ftctnp ol flrA column on/hl / mat.
" \I KSLSinVEH Is stvlnR best snctess of any
liJL fortune tcllor In thuclty. Kbo ilooi no I
deal In any fraud , Her tcrniH arc the lowest
and every ono sends In their friends lifter
belli ; convinced for ttiemsclvcs. Cnmo one ,
coma all. 40(1 ( M.lGtliiit.Mlloor , fltlJ li
TV f ASdAUK , Madam Ilolilcr , over 010S. _ Htli
iTs. NANNIK "V , AVAHHTIN , clalrvnyiint
trntici1 , spcakliij , wrltlnx and rullablo
bublness medium , I years InOinaba. 119M.10tli.
t'nr rate * , ttc. , seitofjaf firttcolumn ontht * MO1ILK loans roonoy on diamonds ,
\vatolicsJowclryoto.S5.K.cor.raniaiiKSIItli. , :
for latff. He. , ttt fippor , fl - t ( olllHIU nn (7iN (
, all and tal.o a iiiassnco treatment :
something IIMV. I'arlors 09 ? h iath st. . next
llai-licr hotel. --1" '
. Maiani Uolzlcr. oir-rOUS. 13ln.
MASSAOH. . . "
Fur inlrn. < lc. , rtvlnp at flnl column nn tint miit.
K. Uulu , rental : isoiit,0uiitliioiitul blk ,
I ISTyour hniisito soil or rent with ( i , V.
4 Jl larrlsnn , 111 1 N. Y. Mf o. t.SS
I'or ifft'fjt , "r. . ft' tot nrf Hid rii'itiiiu 'ill l
< ; VIVvltli ioniemuiiiii , ! U yeari , vvmilil
like to ma 1(0 the acquaintance of some
Contli'uianil5 ' < < r 40 ; uujuct laati'iiiiony. Ail-
riro .sli a , lleo QlllL-u , -igi-ia *
A1M > Y fulling to jirofiirn employ inont
tliroimhhorown cITorti , dUMlrnji anlstjncii
of ti aoralju | nilddl uuod Bentlciiinn In ub-
alnlu ; kuiiici AilUrra AVu. Cuinliij st.
M1K A. M , TKA Yin hiis ri'iunii'd ' v- ilu >
city. Any uuo vvbli'nj Iu u iim > 'all ut
WOb.i7lU t. M'i * '
I'ornttu , etetre tap ottlrnt tolmnmthli i > at.
joiT ' SCIlOUirby cipnioiiceii tfacliorv
-L > Allbratiehes taitKlit. iiuula Includt-d , Ap-
pllcatliiim nvolved t vfay or any tlmo tlih
week : itUr. Kurtln's ofllce , Ull S. nth > t.
, _ < i-i2 *
1)UOl'Chnrles ) IVterinii I'lann.vlolln.r.ltlter '
and vocal Instruction. rfttiJIo 511 Singly blk
. 4Tll-n.m *
"f ) KKflHK Imylnj a jrfnH" oxaiulnn Ihn now
JLJ scalc Ivliub.ill plaao , A.llospt ; , 15ij :
GKO.P. or.M.KNHKt'lCteai-liurof the bajo
with Hospe. 1513 Douglas. _ a It )
rill 1 13 ( loldcn Monitor .Sew and thorough
J. hnml-l > ooU fiiriihimi aintoraanj a most
valuii bin luMpor and Kulilo : hlnlilv et
costs but a dollari may bo founilat
B1I0.1'.TJLANI ' > AND TYm3Vit7f \ 1X0.
J'cr ntttt , etc. , * re fop r ( rot riilumnon ihu
"I ) C . \\"ll \ \ KKIiKll , Koncrul slenoraplier and
J ' nolury. Depositions nnd court orc ! a
siieulalty. I'd. , liui.lioaiii 10JJ N. Y. I.Ifo blib ,
nn'IM'\VUITK1 \ S.aU iniiUoOionght. sold , ex-
J clmnijiul , rentoJ , J , I' , alesoath , 1007 Kar-
nam Htriu < t , syj
riU" I" HW 11 1TKU3 for rout or snli > . Stonnj.
J-raplicrssupiilles. J.V.Megenlli.lOi ) ? l-'arnaui.
for nt/w , etc. , trc. fop nt frtt ccluiiui on tliU
" \\rASTKn-Vneant lots , clear orllfflilly en-
T euniborel , tuotind Oiniihu or I'miticll
niillTs. Add less H2I Itec. 4XI-iy
\\T A KTKD-To buy the complule Inmltitro
TI of siivonrooiuhuiM > . NYrltu vrlth drsi'flii *
lion andprli'Q to KL'3 , lice. 4CO-1A *
\\T AM' Kl ) - ! ' < > buy a Bond stout horse and
' llKhl eovori' l\vaiiin \ snltiiblofor delivery
purposes , Address 11 18 , Hco olllce ,
) -To buy Rood vacant land or tin-
" hiijirorcd fiirius liicastcrn orei'n tral Ne-
hraskn. l/mul must bo coud and nut tnoro
t him "OUnllc ! from Omaha. Adiliots , stiitliu
full pattlL'ithrs , inelinlliii ; price and amount
of IniMiinbr.-infii , II.O.McOcc. SOU Main Hi , ,
Comic Ullluffa , lu. M 113-11
\\T A KTKD-IIorao and busgy.V , J. I'aul ,
> T ISuaFarnain. 3IS
For raH. ( , fee tou of column on f/m prt ( ;
\\rAOTKD-SttltBofroonnwltli \ board for
niiirrlod couple ; no children. .Address
U 21. lieu o nice. 490-13 *
" \\rAKTEn-Iloflm3 for llitlit liousolieeplnx
T w I 111 or without ruraltuio ; give purlieu-
hus. Address It alice , 4DJ-K1 *
. . for small farm
f i within tlfly miles of Omaha , olthorln No-
biaska or "Iowa ; Rlvo particulars and price.
Address U VI , lleoolllce < 3lMa *
rPO r.EASK A new. ilrst class roller crlst-
JL mlll.uu-ljarrol . cannelty. Address A. 11.
Smith. Drawer : . Lincoln. Neb. 47MO
Fcrrnta , fir. , ire top of fist column on t/ilt 7 Jfi ,
CiK See us before storlns KM'\H \ of
IJ any description. Omaha atovo 1'cpalr
Works. Ui)7 DOUK las. Tel. OM. tat
riMlACKAOK RtoniKo ut loviist rules.V. . 31.
-i-lHishuian , Kill Lcavcinvortli. 6'Jl '
QTOUAGllIranch &fo. , Ull Howard.
> J 8Q. >
STOnAOE PorinprchamlHo and furniture ,
cold slofave and f routing ; truckage. David
Colo. 813-S17 Howard st ) ( !
For rate * , rtc. , tee roi | of Jlixt Cdlumnon
TOST-Lnriro brown sp.inlulch lncollar. Uc-
JLJliirntoU Jl'ai-kave. and get reward , SUIp
IJundy. 41012 *
LOST-A small do ; ? , Ft-ot rh terrier brood ,
llfrlit brown hnlr , irifllii''il to curl. Hud on
broad leather collar when last neon , Answers
tothe name of " 1'eto.V reward for III * re
turn toIXJI S.2"tli ) it. Ji(3T-Kl : ! ( *
IOST-LlRht buy lior > c , 0 years old , wolnlit
JaOO. lietiirn tr > llroxvn Park meat inarUet ,
S ouHi Onialin.a n d not icward. M : i'l-ia *
TpSr-U'cstBldoof X V. Ufo bid p. lady's '
IJRolihvaU'li aiidohiiln , monogram U. II.V. .
I f gunt Ionian SRPII to plelc It up will return to
1 Ji'O ' otHco ho will receive rownrd. M JiCSla *
IlAIlt GOOIS-\V1 3. KTC.
F crratctctc. , ice toji of tint coluinii on t/ilf jxioc.
BUST line Irnlr Roodtln west ; hair dresslgn.
\viRs. \ switches , liaiiis , hulr'.Juliftlns , rti-a
specialty , Davles hair KooiU anil milliner
oppuslte poytolllcc , 111 . Oniulu. D'JD
F ( irratrietc.tcetopvf r t column on Mdpiai
ENSl6N&-ThoCllnimnii : i'enslon Agency ,
JL 'Jl K rcnzorblot'k , Information froe. 1000
SKArll ) ) proposals will Ijorocclreil at the
ollluoof tlio c-iistocllan of thu IT. y. court
liouso : unl poitolllco at Uiniha , Neb. , until I'J
o'clock in , of tlio lllth clay of October , 13'W ' , for
NliIn all labor anu material requlri'd for
iiilsi'oll.'ineotis repairs. Inrludlii ; repairs to
roof , at that bulletin. ! ; . In a em-da , nets with the
HjwInVatlon. Didders must statu tlio Tiittnbor
of worliln- days within which they will corn-
plctotho work , under penalty of forfeiting
SlOpor day for every ilay In excess of the
n inn lii-i'M ) statoil. and ninst bo iiri > ptued to
ItiiiiuHllalely bo lnwork on the ntof. Each
t ) Id in ust be acfoinpanlt'd by a ci rllllecl chock
forliou.drawnto the order ( if the trcasiiror
of the llnltcil States. I'lio rlitht torojoct any
or all bids U reserved. Tim tpoclfleatlon can
bosoou and any Information obtained by ap
plying to this oill co. Win. ll./Vlo.xandor.Oua-
toillan. oliiiM
For Sale Hoiuls.
3i,000 Water bonds , Hty of Aurora , Ham 11-
ton county , Kcb , t entyyi > Jirs. Iho yours op-
tliin , ( > ] > er cent scml-anniiiLllv. .lannary and
July. N.V. J.S' CASHKI.U
o'.MKltm. _ Mayor , Aurora.
Tnlcon Up.
Darlf hay Tnare ; hind feetwhltc. I" rank J.
Black , JlcArillu precinct. OIS-10-2U-N3-U *
INSTKU.ME.N'Td plaood on rcoorit Ooto-
bur 11.
n .ICorilgan to E ( Jf.aiie , lots 3 and 4 ,
bile S , Uirrlxnn I'lace . $ T.'iO
O TEuslinaiiti ) SI W Hlchai dsin , tind Vt
lot ( I , lllc ) 1. HriMinim I'laeo . 1,200
G Slli'nk'on nml litMmridto Mim li ) Mc-
Cnlh > iili , lotll , lllaeK's ' sul ) of lot JO ,
Kensington ad . 439
,1 Dlloll'iiiau ft at to R nnd A Stamleti ,
lotT. hlkti. llrownl'ark . 000
A Illliichrs tnAliuonlalllllOL-lc. loT.blk .
1,1'urk Korest . 00
J OIMi toO ItOaln , 4 acres Iniuv cor sw
IO-15-1J . . 1
J .Al-at.sfn toi ; 1 Hart , lot Jl.blkl.Aia . -
blerl'laco . 1GOO
RCI noandwlfolo * It SlabaiiKh , lot
n.lilt < aJorilRiin , ( I'laeo . : )0 )
J SIManton itnl toUeoHIeh , Hs'i ' lot
7llk ) 7KliJnn's ndd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S O
Fred Jlohlo nndvlfo to U I. C.arllclis ,
Iots7,8iinclft lilies. Walnut Hill . 2. .0
Sillllf : tOSillllO , lot 10 , Ijllf H , KUIllO . . . . . . . . VJU
1'opploton I'KHIdsassn lo J A Sunder-
land , lot IS. bll < 7 , 1'oPI ) etiin | ) U. . . . . . . . 4,500
Oinalin KK tTColiil : Jfc-huljoit.lot .1 ,
Ilk7 , Kllli.V IMnro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
Altliiuo KiceiiiKlliusbaiid to ( mtlloll )
nXlininrnuuiillot S , Ad lews , > Vllllains&
Tstidd . . . . . . . . . 59.COO
M W Itlchaidson to ( I I l-.nstmaii , nnd
1-lilot 3. 1)1U I , Itrcniiiin I'luce , auiln utl
ijlot ' . ' , bll < i Ualid1 1'liico . C50
M V Solomon 1" M'lH 'J'Mist Co , lots ! ( . I ,
Cand Hi. 1)11:1. lots'.1. : ) , in. 17 and lUblk
l.lut * liandll. blki'i , luts 'J and 3''blk '
I ) . lot ? , lilk H , Solomon's n < ld . 7,000
Ilonry Si I'ellx unil wlfu to Joseiihlno
llll-bliston , n 43 ftlot 14blU-lIluiiscoiu
I'l.ico . 2,000
A 1' ' TII key c tnl toll ! " Chambers , lot
2.\ bit II. Clifton 11111 . 2rm
San.o . to M .1 \Vll.son. . lot SI , hi h n. same. . m < )
Kainoto.MYllson.lot at , blklJ. saino. . r > 00
S-j mo to lather \Vllion , lots ' . * and 10 , blk
iUune : : . . . 1,000
Hiiinw to Andrew llao , lot 51 , blk U ,
MIIIH : > . , . 2,530
Gottleltliiuiicrmin aiiOivlfuto Altha-
ros iiro. lots 11 unil IK , blk 'JJ , lots I to
0 , blocUSa , tuwnofMllliiid . F.OOO
HnrtlultA Truman to KM iKitlls , lots 7
amis , blk 10. llls.ldantl I'laoo ' . 15
J KIloyd.shPrllT. tnll 1C. llouuliton. lot 3
blki : , Ilclvoilere add : . . * '
Jl VHiilomoa In I'llblh' . do < loatlon ot
alloyala Ninth tlclil . _
Totu.laiaouiitotlr.-insfcrs . * H.UG1
The following rinrriaja lirttucs wcro Is-
Buodby JudtroShieldi yo.tord.iy.
Name nntl address. Ago.
1 James Copuron , Oniaiia . H ; '
} Marie Uposc.ik , OinaJia . -
i UoJfrt'y Horacok.Omalia . . , . 2 :
1 Anton hFlaU , Omaha . 3J
i I aufltzUraitad , Oinalu . . -0
j Klmu 1'rtlts , Oiiuba . -0
I wlllioll , rllhont reicrvf , all the Mock on th
c'oTon ' liiiiulri'tt icriM kiuin-nin tlio Column 1'nrk
firm , DlluMod en tli 0. . SI. r. , M. fiO. It'jr , t *
inline north of On.ntm ami four mtlo outli of CM-
liD u ti , an
Minnitnclnmit t > o'clock , m. nlimp. consisting of
lhi > rolkiwlriiuloicrlbcilpropcrty , to-wlti
Oito liiinilri'il nml t vdity-tm > littuofhortM rn i
follow ) ' iu lieml of imu-yi'iir-l'ld ' liorsi ) rolHi 13 .
liomt f ono jpnr-dM mnru oulltt S timcl oftwofcarS
"I1.110" ? CT"T ' hcillj " ' ' w > 1 * " " "l < l ' " " " mil * S
nil ItionboviJtiflniiClj-ilMilnlixlock.J hood i > rtlirpn- <
jmr-oM lioiso coliu A lutml nt Him ronr-oM nmro
Ji I J | 1PJ1PJ | Norman irplillnm cimilnn nrn jcnns
oil H ho i .
i.l of f
: out-ypftf-oM lure * : Imut or brood
P.IIT1 fr.0' " tlvo 11U" ' yin" l l. welslilii * fr.'in
, t.i AMJnoiuuU , nllfcriut Hilt icnuon to H Nor-
niiin stnlll'in HI liuil o ( Clyitmlnlo
oprlnn pulls ( I
l.rln . o.lUt , rcclbr IMIWllM.i a VniamUr'lvl
by MtSliann's ninnlnii liot i I N-umian Mtil-
llon. four yarn nil , nelshtnaMiW | i.umlii . a pwti.u
Miltllonmroi. A II norm * four .VPIUS oM nu.I over
the i ,
Ono Imiulml niul flftf lio.iil of moor-sis fnllnnrw
111 commit t o yc-nM i > l < l : III hpmt comliiir llirou
jpnr olit--tli o jteurM '
ore Imrl Mom.l'ollcil A an < t
end ItiifotPln : 74lirn.l ofotinimil t i > - yt'i > l Ilu > if -
: nihnnUot nilMi i'ow lill lnilliiUUn9 ! , narlr
ll with cut rtijr MJp , mull ttsru-yvnriilil bull.
Thrcohiuulrcil lo.ul uflioui-.lM lu'iul ' t.iuiiR
tows ana TOlcad joiuiKiorrsi balance , IICKS of nil
nit. * ' * .
Three hundred Mm of tlniolliy lioj In llio siaik.
Tvroii-ti oiitoiiblo limm.a.
TvroJ-lmriP wnuotis.
TurolliuiiHnil uniiorclinrilunod posts.
Tiiion ort \ : 1'wclru inrnttiH on nil iiinnovrr
110. i mc1i ir Klvlnu nt > | imr < M note bonrlni : 11 nor
cent Intim-M fnnml.iM MO nml under. i-i h"
llofrcilinio'it * Mill li tcrvoilim t tin K round.
1'Gno.n * cumins : liotii the nnrtli b ; train oan nr-
rlvo id the Utlun on llm Kroiimlint Sllnn : , | | > 40
mill ( onto guliitf ninth nli:40 : p.m. ; comlnii fr mitlio
< nitli.triiln < limvi\Votntor ulrmt. Omaha , lit 7 a in
jiul I p. in . tcUirulntf from Coltuuin at I p. m.iiua
TlilHt.irmli forrcnt In 40 toW-im ! ( > lots for c.nli
or crop rout. ulll In ) rontliiitoil fronulnjr to dny until
nil property It si > Ubut , itlll boclojc.l . outln .
liui ( < * * ibhi. 11. aillMOliv .
rsotlcoof Sit I oof
Notion Is hi rel > y Riven Iliat on thu ISth day
nf October , IHtH ) . at IU o'clock a. in. , nt llu < imrtU
door of the I > otmlai count v court limiirou
limiaiustrept , Inlliiirlt v ofOmaha , N'ebr.'iilci ,
Iho iiiidersUiioihvlllonVrfor sale toliuliluli -
rst lilililrr.iWO . bonds of Serins It of tlio
lum.vis Clly Coal Mining company of Kinsu <
Dlty. Kansas , numbered ; MI to GOOlnoliml vc.ull
of9.Vil ( > aliiiKKieKatliiK , thu Hiimof JIJO.oXWnil
iluo rN'oveiiibor 1st , I'.WJ , and < lra\vlnx \ lutw-a
ntTiicr cent , iwt annum : Interest | iiviihlu :
M'lnl-anniinlly on tliolst days of .May null Xo-
M'lnber , of eitcliyour.
All thoseliiterestod In tlio pnri'hasoof iiii-h
Mutirlilos are rcsptvtfully reiiue-sleil to bo
liiosciit and bid upon tlio snino.
KiMvixP. "llo\vr.r.v.
Dated Oinalm.Xel.r.iska.Oet.olierX'ud , IMI.
A \ VoinatiVIio Jld'iisoil to Troll t liy
CIIICMCO , Oft. 11. ( Special Telpfirnin to
TUB HKI ! . ! Mrs. Ann Kllzu.McClurc >
maker , appeared In .luil e 8liopml'a c-ourt
toiiy to testify against David 0. McUluro ,
from u'honi ho bus alre-a'ly ' bo'ii ; twice di
vorced. I'lio Hrst inarrlnjo took jiLiee on
JanuoryS , ISiil , ut Mndlson , Ind , On both
occasions Kcjuratbii W.H the result
of lils drunUciinoji and cruelty. Hut she
sympathized with mid pltloj liim , and !
llcvcil Ills promlacu to do better. With tu-o
ho KWW worse. Theyvoio liv-
ItiB nt US. ! WnshliiKton boiilcvnnl
when lie struck Lcr and i-allrd her
vllo named. Kliowus obllgcu toeliuiitro her
ulioilo ranstuntly to kcop away fiom lilin. \
On tlmliii } , ' her ho would hUinJ on the outslilu .
of llio liouso and mo the nio'.t alnislvo Inn-
trtiajro. Fordriinkoniics.i nnd cruelty he was
Bonttotho Jirld'jwull , anil he Is titcro ut
m-osont. Mm. . lure will gota hertliird
divorce nnd U1" oistoJjof a minor ctilld
numou Martli/
Only Tour I'IMSOIIIS Injurosl ,
Oet. 11. ( Special Cablegram to
Tin : Hint. ] Further particulars rogariHnu
of the stultvaso In thu theater at
Coalhrldo | ; , Seollaiul , last night shows that
thcru wa no panto among tlio uudlunco , Only
four pursous wet-o Injured.