r 8 THE ( BIAHA DAILY 13EE : SATURDAY , OCTOBER 11 , 1890. THE CITY. In the county court Lodor A ; Co. yea- tcnluy coininenc > ( l ault to recover from Hi Kehoonstnilt the sum of ! oOo , duo on ix bill of goods Bold und delivered. Tliopccullnr enervating effect of summer whether Is driven olT by Hood's Stirsapnrilln , which "makes tbo ueulc strong , " O. F. AOAJ1S AKIUVKS. Tlic Usual Amount of Hpccnlntloii at to tlio Object of tliu Vlnit. Charles Francis Adanu , president of the Union I'nclllc , arrived In tbo city yesterday morning , Ho cninaln hh private em1 accom panied by Ills sons , George C. Adams mill O. V. Adams Jr. The partv registered at tbo Mlllnrd nnd Mr. Adams proceeded nt once to tlio Union IMclllo headquarters , \\hero bo vc- molncd ticnrlv all ilny In consultation with the on leers of the company. As Is usual when tlio president visits the city , thuro Is nn immense amount of Bpeculfitlon IM to the object of bis trip nnd us to whoso he.iJ Is marked for the ofllclal guillotine. Mr. AduiiiH states , however that tils trip li purely ono of inspection and that ho will tro on to the coast und will make 11 special exam ination of tlio company's ' extensions to the Puget Sound country. Ho will remain In the eityovcr Sunday , leaving for the west on Monday morning. . There H a rumor that the president's ' A'lslt nlsohiis something to do with the affairs of the purchasing agent's department , Tins ofllcc , slneo the reign of McKibbin , has been the subject of considerable attention on tbo p.irt of high ollloliils nnd It is said an effort will bo madetohavo McKlbbhi's affairs straightened up nnd the present nnd future management of the ofllco brought more dlrectlyl under the eye and management of one of the local oflicials of high rank. _ Afclvlllc Tonlulit. The great and only Melville at tlio Coliseum this ovcntncr , I ) p. m. rioo him. Turklflli It.ithH , 75 at the NnUitorimn. For ladles , 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gentlemen , 1:30' : to 12 p.m. Sunday Gentlemen , 8 n.m. to 2 p.m. 3 low to Out li tlio Union I'ark The races at Union park tire fairly sot- tine the people of both Omaha and Coun cil HlulTs wild. Of eourso you want to ' loin the pleasure and you 'also want to know how to jjol to the grounds. Take n bridge motor eitheron Mill street or nt tlio corner of 12th and Douglas. Ask tlio conductor if his car goes to the driv ing park , arid ho will toll you n liclfot for CO cents which includes your round trip car faro and admission into the park. The park is located about half way uo- twcon the river and Council Bluffs , and the motor cars run into the grounds and within a fo\v feet of the grand stand. Beyond n doubt tliero is tlio lluest string of horses matched at this meeting that wns over scon in the west. The races will continue each afternoon during tlio week and Sunday afternoon. Nntntorlum Turkish baths , 73 cents. Melville The great and only Melville nt tbo ColUuum this evening , 0 p. in. Sco him. Kxeursion Noutli. The last harvest excursion for the Bonth will leave Omaha atI'.IiOp. . m. . Oc tober 1-1 , via the WulKi3h It. II. U 1ST HILT COU11T. Slilpp Found Guilty of Aflsaiilt With Intent to Kill. William Shlpp , the engineer who last August shot Dora Bowman as she was enter- Inc her sister's house on South Seventeenth street , is boolted for the pen. The prosecu tion closed its sldo of the case at noon yester day , when the defense inado an attempt to provo that Shlpp was insane nt the time the shooting toolc place. At 0 o'clock the case was submitted without argument , nnd an hour later the Jury returned a verdict , con victing the defendant of assault with Intent to kill. In Judge Donne's court the case of John Salisbury against the American water works company was commenced. Dur- Ins the month of January , ISS'J , John Salisbury \ as In the employ of the company at Florence , working on the cribs. OHO day , While lie was lalslng some timbers , the crank of the windlass struck him , bruising his arm very severely. Ho laid off ten days and then went to work handling stone and shoveling coal. Now ho H in court und demands -5.000 payment for the injuries ho sustained. August Utoff of Klkhorn yesterday com menced a damage sult.'demandlng the pay ment of $5,000 from the village of Elkhorn. Some time ago ho was arrested on the charge of having sold liquor without n license and thrown Into J.ill. The Jail Is a small affair nnd Is situated near n hog pen. By reason of the close eonllncmcnt and the stench from the hog yard , Utoff now claims that his health has been Injured and that nothing butao,000 Judgment will ever make him a well man. Grand Concert and Exposition At the Coliseum this evening. Ad- mUsion only 25 cents. ItatCH Knrnt. The Ohio & Mississippi railway Is now Belling tickets from St , Louis to points east at the following low rates : Now York , $111.00 ; Boston , $10.00 ; Philadel phia , $11.05 ; Baltimore and Washington , 810.23 ; Albany , S13.00 ; Wuvorly , N. Y. , 810.25 ; BulTulo nnd Salamanca , N. Y. 810.00 ; Jamestown , N. Y , , $9.00 ; Pitts- burg , Pa. , $ S.OO ; Cleveland , O. , $8.00 ; Columbus and Dayton , 0. , $1.15 ; Gallon , O. , $5.00. For further information cullen on or address A. .T. L.ytlo , G , W. P. A. , lOo N. Broadway , St. Louis , Mo. A PiUiil'iil Acoldont. Conductor Coganof the cable line met with n very painful nccjdent Thursday night. Ho was assisting la putting In the now rope on the Dodge and North Twentieth street line , when ho slipped nnd fell In doing so ho grabbed hold of the rapidly moving cable with his right hand , and In an instant two of his lingers wcro pulled olT and the inside of his hand frightfully mutilated. 10,000 I'coplo Visit the Coliseum dally. Grand con cert. Beautiful displays. The great Mclvlllo tonight nt the Coliseum. 25 centb admission to all. Mrs. Mercer , manicure , -101 Bee hldg A XX O V.\CHJIK\T8. Miss Agness Herndon , who presented her eucccssful comedy drama , "La Hello Marie , " for the llrst time In Omaha last season , proved herself to bo an actress of uncommon force and magnetism , gifted with rare per- Eonal charms , nnd displaying intense- earnest ness nnd thorough intelligence. The play is troiig , vivid and interesting. She will open a three night's engagement at the Now Q rand opera house next Sunday evening In "La Hello Marie , " and the reserve seat sale at usual prices will open this morning. On Monday next W. J , Scanlnn , the well known Irish comedian , will open a three nights' engagement ut Hoyd's opera house , presenting the following rciicrtolro : Monday evening , "MyUn Aroon ; " Tuesday evening , 'The Irish Minstrel , " and Wednesday even ing , "Slmno-Na-Lawn. " During these per formances Mr. Scanlan will sing the follow ing songs , which are of his own com past- tion : "You ana I , Love , " "My Maggie , " "Live My Love. 0 Live , " "Tho Swing Hong , " "Peck-n-noo , " "What's ' In a Kiss , " "My Nellie's niuoUyca , " "Over the Moan- tain , " "Tho Irish Minstrel , " "Moonlight at Klllnrncy , " "Peggy O'Mooro , " "Tho Hose " ' ' ( the With " Bong , Jnthcring Myrtle Mary , "Ueinember Hey , You're Irish" und "Tbo Low Hack Cur. " Mr. Scaulun tins long been known ub ono of the best balladlsts In the country , many of his songs having become celebrated in both Europe and America. The Bale of scats for the entire engagement will Douimcuco tub morulnt ; . HFCK AM ) I A Young Man Who Depends on tlio Union Hospital Co. of iMInncnpolli. County Agent Mnhoney received three moro applicants for county aid yesterday morning , none of whom , ho thinks , nro entitled to it because of non-rcsl- de-ice. This Installment serves to Intensify the belief that surrounding boroughs nnd munlclpilltles are saving themselves by endeavoring to foist their paupers nnd In curables upon this county forcaro and trans portation. The most noticeable of these Itinerate unfortunate ) was n tnln consumptive- appealing young man who gave tbo nanio of John Smith. Ho wns greatly emaciated , wore a broad leaf felt hat which had out grown Its beauty and shape , while his body was clothed In the rough garments which told of the railroad grader's ' camp. Ho handed Mr. Mnhoney a certificate printed on blue piper , on which , lu largo type , was the following ! U.N'ION 11031'ITAk COMPANY , Capital Stoalt ! ( X > ,003. Of Minneapolis , Minn. On ono sldo of this emblazonment wcro the names of the following , who were designated the olllccrs : Thomas Hughes , president ; P. I ) . Lncoy. vice president ; Ed. 1) . I.aeey , secretary ; R C. Allen , treasurer ; W. J. Johnson , director. The certlllc.ito belonged to series I ) nnd was numbered ar , ! > TU ami was marked $10 on the upper left hand corner. The document purnorted to ho a receipt from "John Smith , employed at Ford & Ken nedy , " of $1U , which "entitles him upon pre sentation'1 of the document "to admission , treatment , medicine and board in any of the hospitals named on the hack of this ccrtill- cate for the term of ono year frum the date hereof when suffering from any Injury or sickness hereafter received or contracted , disabling htm from manual labor , subject to the condition endorsed thereon , which nro made a part of this contiuut and signed by "Also to live dollars per week for Ids further comfort mid support for a period not longer than twenty-six weeks while under treatment in the hospital for perceptible ex ternal accidental Injury , showing visible slga thereof , and caused directly by external vie lence. UNION Hoii-mi , Co. Jil. STAH oiii ) . Agent. On the reverse side of the paper is printed n list of the leading cities of the country , to which is nillxodallst of hospitals to which the holder Is guaranteed admission. Among these Is that of the Clarksou mumoilal hospital ot this city. On his arrival in Omaha Smith immediately made application for admission to that In stitution , but was referred to Dr. J. K. Hum mers , jr. , who , Smith stated , said that so far as ho knew the hospital could not take care of him because the management wns in ignorance of the Union hospital company mentioned and was not bound by any of its promises. The doctor , however , treated him kindlv , prescribing for him and pivlng him some money to temporarily provide for himself. The matron said she know of no agreement with such a company as had issued the cer tificate and thought that cither the city or county should furnish the unfortunate young man with a ticket to his home. Smith said that ho had pold tbo alleged Uniou company 10 for the ccrtilieate last June , when ho was working near Duluth ; that there wcio hundreds of like documents sold nt prices ranging from SO to $15 ; that shortly after ho had purchased the ceitlllcate , ho went to work near \Vhltewood , Dak. , for a firm named Ford & Kennedy , and that ho hnd worked for them up to about llvo weeks ago. Ho did not anticipate being sick , he said , and had expended all his money. There was no hospital nearer to the Black Hills than that in Omiha. The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road had given him a , pass and ho had come heie penniless. Mr J. N. O'Koefe , the railroad contractor , who has several ganirs of railroaders in the Black Hills , was shown the certificate nnd said that ho had never seen anything hko it before. Still ho did not think It was a fraud. The linn mentioned on it were subcontractors tractors for D. D. Strcator & Co. of Dead- wood. Several other railroad men were questioned regarding the certificate , but nil expressed surprise , never having seen t > uth a document before. Notwithstanding the highflown promises on the Instrument , poor Smith Is an object of charity and must ho helped in some manner or bo a burden on the county for many montbs. A telegram was sent to TUB BEE corre spondent at .Minneapolis Inquiring ns to the existence and other details of the Union hos pital company. A reply was received which stated that no such company was in existence. Judging from the statement of Smith , about the number of men who had nurchnsctl similar certificates from the io-caltod ngent of the company , paying therefor in sums ranging from jo to 815 , and also from the number on his ticket , the number of people who have been duped must nave been very largo. Tlio young man was taken out to the county poor farm yesterday nttornoon , where ho will bo cared for temporarily. Mclvlllo Tonight. The great nnd only Mclvillo at the Coliseum this evening , 9 p. m. See him. 1'UIjJj DOWN X1I13 WALL. The Itnlu Causes DanmRO to the Tenth Street Abutment. Thursday's rain did serious damage to the wall and abutments at the north end of the now viaduct on Tenth street. Thoflllingtn of the former street at this point closed the outlet lor the surface water coming down Jackson and Tenth , and a storm sewer was being constructed to carry It away as an nounced several days ago , it was not com- pluted in time , and Thursday's ' rain filled up the low place in the rear of the walls to the depth of two feet. Tlio water cut through the recently llllcd-in eaith , and undermined the foundations which began to settle. Some of the wall will have to bo rebuilt , nnd tear ing down Is underway. It Is hardly proba ble that this will delay the completion of the viaduct , although It will entail an additional outlay of several thousand dollars. The con tractors propose to look to the city to make good the loss , as the delay In completing the sewer Is what caused the washout. 10,000 1'eoplo Visit the Coliseum dally. Grand con cert. Beautiful displays. Tlio great Melville tonight at the Coliseum. 25 cents admission to nil , Klinwood I'nrk The park commissioners met in special ses sion yesterday to award the contract for building the throe iron bridges in lUmwood park. There were eight bids. The lowest was from the Milwaukee brldgo nnd lion works , This company agrees to construct the three bridges for $7bOO and put in the stone work at fit. 10 per yard , and to it\vas awarded the contract. CREAM Iti inperlariioallenooproTenlnallllflnlof tiomri for more limn u quarter of trenturr It U uee.l bj the Uoltea SUto ( loiorniuent. Knrtoried br tb h d > ut the iirriat lmlicnlllo 11 t'lo Btroojest , Pur it nil nioit UeiHhful. Ir I'rlcu' * Creftiu ilak > lor rowilur duel not contain ammonia , lime or alun. Sold onlr | n cini. rillL'KUAKINOPOWDEUCO , * Uoiitrnot * Awnrdotl. The bonnl of public works nnil twenty contractors met nt l30 ! o'clock yesterday afternoon , The Inttcr wcro Intcrostcil In the award of ono grading nml two sewer eontr.iota. Per Kfinlliiff 1'nrlt street from K'tst nvonuo to the city limits , there were llvo bids. T. L , Murphy of I'luttsmoutli * tlio lowest bid- tier. tier.lie will do Iho work for 12 cents per cubic yrird , For constructing tbo sewers , McUnvock St. Dally scoured tlio contract for district 131 mm Hrttnmm & McDonald the contract for dlstilct mi. They were the lowest bidders. Fern Inrno back , n p.ilu in thosiito or chest , or for tooth nuho or car nclib prompt relief may bo hnd by tislnff Chnmberliun's ' Pnln Hnftn. It Is reliable , for sale hy nil drug gists , _ Atintlioi' Oiniiliiui Ifoniiri3 < l , r r. 11. S. ICnodoof this city has just been elected president of the American phonologic logic ? ! society now concluding ix very Interest liil , ' annual session nt Louisville , Ky. The society Is inado up entirely of cvpeit iioso nnd throit. : specialists and Its mcinberahip Is limited to such only. U'lio election of Ur. Knodo to the presidency greatly honors him and does civdltto Omaha. An effort Is belli ) , ' made to sccuro thn next session of tlio society for this city. Crntid Concert untl At the Coli.seuin this ovciiiiiy. Ad- miaslon"bnly 25 coiits. Army Not ( " ( . PrlvatoJohn J. Clark , companyA , Twenty- first infantry , v.'ill bo dlscbart'cd the service on November I'.1 , 1S90. Second Lieutenant Capcis D. Vance , Six teenth infantry , Is detailed for duty on Ren- end recruiting service for the Department of the 1'Utte , at Fort Dti Ubesne , Utah. At tlio Coliseum. The exposition closes next Monday. Tills evening tlio Knlehts of Pythias attend in a body , and for Sunday nfternoon and evening a sacred conceit Is announced with n varied an J Interesting programme. HAVE YOU &EN IT ? AVc refer to the full and comprehensho treatise on tlio Blood and skir \Ylictlicr you are sick or well , euTy homo should have a copy. If you are well , it tells you liow to keep so. If you arc sick , It tells you how to regain your health. This valuable pamphlet will bo mail ed free to applicants. TIIE Swirr SrcciFio Co , , ATLANTA. GA DrsBBttsAi3eits Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. WO9 DOUGLAS STREET OMAHA , NEU. The most widely nnd favorably knowi spoc- Inllst-iln the United States. Tliclr lorn ex perience , remarkable skill nnd unlrersal suc cess In the treatment nn < l cure of Nervous , Ohronlo anil Surgical Diseases , entitle thosii eminent physicians to thn full confidence oi the aflllcteu everywhere. They Kuiinintco : A CERTAIN AND I'OSITIVD OUUE for the nwful effects of early vice and the numer ous evils that follow In Its train , 1'IUVATK , BLOOD AND HKLN DISEASES pcdllr , completely and jiormanently cun-il. NKKtfous ImiiUiT AND SEXUAL DIM- OilUKltS yluld roadlly to tholr skillful treat- tut * nt. 1'ILES , FISTULA. AND HEOTAL ULORRS euarantoGd cured without pain or detention fiorn huslnest. llYUltOUEliE AND VAIUCOCELE pernin- nently anil successfully oiirod Inoverrcaso. SYI'HILIS. GUNOHHHEA , OLEET , Hper- matorrhon , Seminal Weakness , Lost Manhood , NlBlit Emissions , Decayed Faculties , Femulu iVoiiknom and nil dolleuto disorders peculiar to cither ex positively cured , ns well ua nil functional disorders that result from youth ful follies or the excess of iu.itnro years. STRirTIlttl' Ou.irantcod ponnnnsntl y u i ill uivi ; oiireil , removal couiiloto , without cutting , caustlo or dilatation. Cure * affected ut homo by patient without a mo ment's pain or annoyancp. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A 91IT1 TURF Tll ° awtul o"oot9 of tOUI.b L/UK.L , oariy vice which urines orcnnlo weakness , destroying both mind und body , with all Its dreaded ills , poriuauonty cured. llte RfiTT's ' Address those who have 1m- LJl\O , LLi 1 1O paired tlinnsi'hi's by Im proper Indulgence and solitary hiblts , which ruin both mind nnd body , uuuttlu them fur business , stud v nr marrlaire , MAUHIED SlKN or those nntorlnt : on that happy lifeavraroof physlaaldoblhty , quickly assisted. OUR SUOOB3S Is based upon facts. First 1'raotloal eiporl- ence. Hecoml Every case Is specially studied , thUH starting right. Tlilrd Medicines nro prepared In our Inlioratory exactly to suit each case , thUH effecting oil res without Injury , Drs , Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET. - OMAHA. NEB. C.B MOORE & CO. . AOCHJS. 1 BAILEY , Graduate Dentist , A PiilfScf of Teeth , on Rubber For Five Dollars. A perfect lit Rimrnntood. 'IVnth oxtr.iotwl Hltliout jiuln or iluiiitur , tiinl will out uniifs- thotles. Onld anil Mlvur Illlliigi ut louuit rates. Hrlilgn and Urown Worlf. Tuothwlth- nuLlat | ) < ! H. AllnurU wurrantud. OFFICE PAXTON EU.OCK , 16TH AND FARNAM Entrarop , tntli street clovutor. Uponovuu * us iiiilll u'oluoU. DR. KENSINGTON. i-V Eye and Ear Surgeon 1310 Dodge Street. Bpootaoloa accurately fitted. FEMALE BEANS AtuoluUly reliable , perf > cllT fe.nioit powerful fnnaJi rt-uul tor known inttrr ftlh J boi , lHjilp id icno bat Both the method nnd results -wlicn Syrup of Figs ia tnkcn ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to the tnsto , and acts Rcntly yet promptly on iho Kidneys , Liver nnd Bowels , cleanses the sys tem cflbctmilly , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures linbitunl constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the liiato nnd nc- ccptnblo to tlio stonmcli , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in ite effects , prepared only from the most healthy nnd ngrcenblo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all nnd hnve nmdo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and 81 bottles ! > y nil leading drug gists. .Any rclinblo druggist who may not have it on Land will pro cure it promptly for nny ono who wishes to tiy it. X > o not accept auy substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SAN rHANCISCO. CM. IOUISVILU. K , NCW YORK.V.f. / . -AMUSEMENTS. Bayers , Opera [ -MSB. "TUB FUN BEGINS Thursday ,0ct. 9 Nights and Saturday OOMEIS. Matinee. Plot Little. Only Nothing Moro llo\ shoot open Wednesday morning ut reg ular in Ice- * . _ The Brand attics ! SUNDAY OCT. 12. EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION. Special Engagement of tlio T.ilentoJ Actions , RONES HERPON In her latest anil best success , "La Belle Marie" licsoncrt soit ; sale opens at usual prices , Satur < luymornhigOut. _ lltli.jit 0 n. in. Rnirrl'Q ' THRE'E NIGHTS. DULlLlO Comment-In ? Monday , October 18. Cbaugoof bill ut each pcrformiiico. The Uup- lesontatlvu IKIsIl COMEDIAN , "prnic-A-Hoo. " Munaay Lvcnlnv , uct. IMi , "Mijlos Aroon. " Tuesday livening , Oct. IWi , "Tlie irlsli MlnsLrols. " Etentng , Oct. Ifith , "Sliaiio-jMri-T-ifrwn. " Clinngu * ot sorvs ale.ieh poffoinmnce , fc'eatson b.ilo Saturday morning. AT THE Great Exposition. Gt.-and Concert this Afternoon and Evening. Marvelous Melville ! Direct from the Crystal Palace , London , in His Sensational und Original Act , Entitled LA CHUTE DE CIEL. Melville accomplishes the Most Terrific LEAPS FOR LIFE. Scholars 10 Cents. General Admission - 2B Cents D me WILL LAWLEK. MANAQr.K. CORNER 11TH AND FARM AM STS , OMAHA WHKK 01' ( JOT. 0. Ihocroate t sensation , 3 Tlio Tlia'i ) Ilcanoil Sane BUT : i , fnlkn KnxlUh , ( iornmn and trench The Mexican Koatlicr norkers , 'llio t o Curios , of the Kullo Ik'ruua , 1'urli nnl < | iionmslt l skoldi Dulmrty unit Lynch , liurlnn and K < l nrU'fl limu'ily ( Jo , Nini ilurdoll , houbri'tlo , Tlio l.sncli Chlldr"n OXK DI1U5 IXU TIllll'.B HI1U\VS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS. 1078. . B/KEli & CO.'S n Is abioliitelljwio ml it l loliitile. are vied In Hi prt."irotlon. It bn r ro t\a * tint llmtl Hi ttrmglk ol Cures mliel with 6Uri.Ii , Arru ruot or S ( r , and li thmfur4 fir more ecouonilcat , eo.dfif. . i Man oni cefil a t\if. It ! ilellcioui. nimrUhlliy , .trcuptlicnttifr , KA fciLV IIIUISTEP , ml KilmiriUy cJipttd fjr Inralldin w lln pcnoni lu htiltiu Sold IijrRrortM cmjuliero. \7. BAKER & CO. , Dorchester , Mass. * " J"i n ff M riiltlni Ilnlill it a" O JfJL 1J /JLcur.dm lutoaudiTi NopartlUcur.4 OR J.8TEFUCNtitlban D,0 , , FRENCH SPECIFIC. A POSITIVE : ndpeinancnICUpE for all dlHa .oW UFTlNARY ORGANS. Cur.j where olhtrtreitmemlills , Fill I dinctionimllh each bolllo. Price , cno dollir. Sea ilgnetur * ol E , L. SMHL. For Salt By All Druggloto. SHOE DEFT. Is crowded with c\v goods for tlic fall , and notwithstanding the steadily advancing price of leather we arc in a position to offer our fall goods at same moderate prices that have made our Shoo/ Department so popular in so short a time. Our stock for the fall was ordered very early , bcfof { : hc manufacturer's ' thought of advancing prices ; the material was selected with care and the Shoes were made and finished in the best workmanlike manner , and we are now ottering not only the largest assortment , but also the best made Shoes for Men and Boys , honest goods < < ifcich ozc arc not afraid lo buck with on r guarantee. To signalize the opening of the Fall Season in this Department place on sale to-day , SOOO Pa'r ' fi c Calf Shoes , Congress and Lace , warrante Goodyear Welt at $2. 50. This is the same quality and make which we sold last season as a great bargain at $2.75. Shocg made with Goodyear Welt , arcfully as good for wear and elasticity as Hand-sewed Shoes. The above arc an extraordinary bargain. We know Shoe Stores would charge at least $3.50 or $4 " "or like goods. i Our "Workingman's" shoes for $1.25 , ofwhich we sell thousands of pairs every season , ar6 turning out belter than ever this fall. AVe have placed early orders for enormous quantities att the manufacturer has greatly improved upon the make of them. No more honest shoe wa3 ever offered for sale at such a low price. It is solid leather throughout , and the make and finish. is perfect. Nothing short of $2.00 will huy such a shoe elsewhere. In the finer grades \vc show an exceptionally large assortment , all styles of toes , and all cinds of lasts , shoes to fit any foot. All our other departments arc loaded with new goods. In every line \vehave put in a big stocl ( anticipating an increased trade. PRICExS LOWEXR. THA.M EVE1R. Open until S p. m. Saturday , 1O p. m. a Clothing Co. ; Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. Good Advice. It was Cowper wlm said , ' "To bo well dressed , well bred and well equipped , is ticket Rood enough to pass us readily through every door. " The first of the above qual ifications can bo obtained by pur chasing1 from us ono of our Fine Cheviot Suits which are equal in style , finish and material to the best upov ed cus tom worlc. DRS. MERRILL & MERRILL Sl'EOlAI-iiSTS IN Chronic , Norvom , Illnod nnd Bnritlcil Dlsciiioi and Dlnenses of tlio Kjrc , Kar NOJC , Thront iiniK'host Sjifcinl Attention to DimmHoa ol * AVe men null Children. The doctors hnvo hnd ycnn of oiperlonca In Iho ) iO8iiU ls of Ilrooklyn unit Now Vork , nnil are nmonif the must succostful anj wldoly kr.oiru apoclilUtila tliocountry. 1o Vountr ntul MUlille-Acecl Men. loitMnnliood , Nervoui Doblllty. "perriintarrlinii , Efinlnnl I/ ) oi , I'liynlrnl Docnr. nrlslnBrrom Inilli- cretlon , | ire < luclni nlecpledsnoiH , rtfipondoncy , pirn- nil's on tnofiicu , uvumlon to suclety , eatllr illseour- iiucil , lack of rontlilonco , ilull , unlit for btuilf or buil- nois , nnil llnrtH llfo u turdcn , inft'lr , porminontlr una pcuilllr ) curcU. Itluntl nml bkln DiHcnsr . pvphlUi , n cll'f.iio most Ureacllul In Iti roiulti , completely cradlcnteil. ( Jciillo-Urlnnrv Suritery. Oonorrlnr , CJloot , 8y | > ! illK llrilrtioclo. Varlrocclo , nnil Stricture , raillcallr nnil mfuiy ciirml wl' oul nulnor Uotcnllon from tmslneis. All Seiunl Do- Joriultli't and luin.'UlmnHs | to umrrloiia auauia fully rCAU\lect \ li11 e < n' Hnfoly nml pormnnontlr curst I lours. "u. I" ' 8 PtuniliiX" ' . W till I. . N II 1'crxinsuiiiibloto visit UH mitj bo treiitodnt their lioiiit'i by curruipondpnce Miiillclnvtaud la * Btructlonsiiont bfexproji. Coiuulfillon truo. binUJ cents Inttuiupitu Imuro reply Iil8 F-lftccnlli St. , Oppmltn Iloj-il's Uicrn HOUHC , Oinnlin , No I ) . . J ET The Specialist , U uniurpn idl In the trout- ment of nil Jorinu of i'lll- . . liouil.STUlCIUUK , or piln In rtlelrlnt tliu bliuiuer , HVl'llll.Iri cured In.'BtoW Skin Ulicmoi.Cnturrh anil nil Dlticuos of tin ) lllood , lleurl nnil I.Hcr lu. mnlu I'livancicuroil ' Itliout Initrumentior "IMMI troit- niont. " l.iul'oi ' from 1 to < onlyVrllo for circu lars ltln plrtluultrtubout ciirliiif Ilia atiovu iluonsti , ( lid ilioirlnj mnnr ut Ilia moit rouiarkablo euros. Of- nee , N. li. Cor. lltb and i-'arnuu Sti , coUaoco oa lUtrittect , Omiti Owing to the large number of requests that the splendid offer made by us of the Encyclo paedia and Daily Bee should not be withdrawn , we have decided to accept orders for a short time longer. The full set , ten volumes is now complete and \ve will consequently make 3 slight change in our terms. OUR PROPOSITION THE OMAHA BEE offers a year's subscription of the - the Sunday scription daily paper includingthe day issues -delivered at your address -and 3 complete set THE AMERICANIZED EN CYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA for $2.50 , per month. The ten volumes delivered on pay meat of $5.00 and the balance payable $2.50 per month. ALL OUR PRESENT SUBSCRIB , ERS are entitled to all the advantages of thi r great offer. People living outside of Omaha can avail themselves of the above liberal offer by having the monthly payments guaranteed by some re sponsible banker or merchant in their town. Send for descriptive circular , THE BEE PUBLISHING GO ) OMAHA , NEB. MAX MEYER & BRO. , The Popular Jewelers , Are rooolvlnff clnlly from the londlnw nannufaoturora of this country find Europe , till the LATEST NOVELTIES in FINE JBWBL.BY , SILVERWARE , CLOCKS , BRONZB ORNA MENTS , LAMPS , SILK UMBRF1LLAS , DANE3 , OPERA AND FIELD GLASSES , ANEROID BAROMETERS , THERMOME TERS , SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES , Eta , Etc. DIAMONDS and a'l ' ether prooiotn stones , moantod nnd looso. GOLD , SILVER and NICKEL WATCHES , in all tfrados , for ladies and eontlomsn. HOWARD WATOHE3 A SPEC IALTY , but -wo cnrry all ether flrat-olasa makoa Elgin , Wnl- tham , Sprincflold , Etc , OCJR PBIOE3 ARE LOWER THAN EVER , aad ALL GOODS are "WABR ANTED. Space will not allow us to QUOTE PRICEai our stcokla too LA.RQE and VARIED , but como and BOO for yourso'vos. It will o ; s * you nothlitf to LOOK. Visitors are ulwaya "WELCOME , and should you WBH > b uv wo-Will make It an objoot for you to DEAL WITH Ud. "W are ehowlnsr HUNDREDS of n-ticlos Hiiltab'o ' lor WEDDINQ end ether GIFTS , at prlcoa muffin ? fromL UD to $1,00D. All our customers nro TREATED ALIKE , whether tholr purchases bo SMALL or GREAT. MA.X MKxYELR & BRO. , SlxLaauLli and I arnam BLrooLs , Omaha. Nob. < iy ESTABLISHED 1QOO. NO GUREl ! NO PAY. rDOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. . A ri'iiulnr trtitunlnln moilldnc , ni iHiilomni eliow li itlltntttrlnxrltl Ibo crcateil lucreamll Nervoin.Uiroiilenti'l rrtviitoilUomoi A uurunnontciiraKimrant iu < l forCiitarrll Bi'eriuitorrtiira ' , I.'jit.Mniihuocl. Kiiilnal \ \ ( > -ikiiu ! iMulit Ixxici , Iminituncr , Hyp'illli ' Htrlctura , imlul micnmiot tie lllood , HUlnnnd UMnarr OfKncn N , II. I tunrnntijo IMJ for erery cna 1 uailurttkv nu < l ful to cure , ( oniul'.atlga ff . llo i ( Mjri'.cilei gf Life ) ivutlroo. OOJt houti- t ui. W i < i > - ' " Id * mto 12 m.