Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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. for UIMO column will
bo taken until : : p.m. . for theovcnhn
Ition and until : , in p.m. , for lh mornlaa
( lion and BUNliAf licit. .
In advance. ' ' ,
. . thlsptljBlTlltbf )
- . . . „ , „ . , . forntlliQ r.itijof IHcontpor word
it ttio first Iwortlon nnd 1 cent per word for
ich itihscfiuent Insertion , nnd It.M per line
r month. No advertisement taken for
fe than 31 cents for thn tlrjt Insertion.
fNITIALS , figures , syriibols , etc. , count each
Lanonn word ,
1IIT.SK advertisements must runoonsecu-
. lively und under no clrctimBtancrs will
icy bp taken or discontinued by telephone.
MnTIESsflrerthlnK In thc o eolutnni and
linvliiK their nrsweriadilrrssed ton num-
t dlfttnr"ln care of Tin : IIEB-will recelvo
numborud check to enable them to get their
itUiM. Atuwcrswlll bn delivered only on
rescntntlonof thin clicck. Enclose answers
i onveloy properly nddresned.
H TJI ! ntlvertl"empntfl ! unilor thn hcnil of
flL'-ypcclal Notleei" urnpiiblliliftlln both the
fcorolnK nndotronlnc cdltlonsof TUB HKK.tho
yrculatlon of which aiKro ! atf > B inqro than
B.OCO papcridnlly , and Rlvcs th > ai vertHor
tou bcnelltnot only of the larKo circulation ot
fnK Hue InOmalia , but also In Council IllutTs ,
Ulncoln ntid othcrcltU'ii anil towns In thoanat
't ftdvcrtl lnft t or these columns will bo taken
lh the above comlltloni. at the followlr n buM-
len honsuj who are aiithorl/cd to take Hpcela.1
lollc ( . ut the Hamo ratun an can had at the
nnlnolllro. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SC'JI N fiucot , l.lstor Itluclc.
l'hunaaclst , 820 South Tenth
plIIAHH ft Kni > y , Stationers nnd Printers ,
\J 113 HouthlCth street.
" _ _ _ _
II. KAliNSWOllTlI , Pharmacist , 2115Oum-
Inn ntrcet.
JTTT J lilaiIErf } , rhnrmn t , 024 North 16th
Iw V street.
psT.O. l'ARIt , riiarmaclst , 1718 Leavon-
V3T north street.
FTilAHM ACV. Sltli nnd Faraam.
tie. , rcrAop / first c'llumnoii tliUinae. \ .
kTT7ANTKI ) Rlmton l > y younK man -.11
V stviiDjraphcriinil typi-wrlturj bostof rcf-
Ironci ! . AddroHS IHJ9 Lathropst. 4MIO *
WANTHI ) A position by'a younK man who
I4ii Koixl iiccountnnt und uxpiirloncrrt In
1 * Vardwnr llno ; peed red-renuus. Adilrc-w B 2
' kcuulllou. Council IllnirH 40013
A YOTNO man wants a situation In blui-k-
f.-Vsmlth shop , sorno nxporlouoo. Addruss
Kovinuiul , 818ta 8. lOtli. Omaha. *
WANTKI ) A good girl forhouso work. : taj
Hurt st. MlliS-ia
ANTED Olrl ut once , CJJ N. 19th M3CO
TKI ) lly a nlco. suhor , Industrious
colored man , a. jilneo In iirlrntu family ,
Vho Is a n excellent hand totaUocaro of slock ,
and Him ciKicliinhn ; always willing titid plc-ns-
Int. Address 1110 , llco. M3W-11 *
, tic. , ectton nf flnt rolumn un this page.
$7ri.flto ( Ji'iO.On u month ran bo made work
ingforus. Persons prof erred \flio can fur-
pish u hoiwi andglvo their whole tlnio to the
buslnt'SH. Spare motnonls may ho proutiilJly
implovtMl alt < i. A few viicnnoles In towns und
iltlns 'II. R Johnson & Oo. , 2000 alaln fat. , Hloh-
aoond Vu ,
SVANTii ; ; ) Jlan ns ascnt of our patent
V > Baftis ; bi7. 2H.vl8jt18 iiiihes ; $ .15 retail. All
llzeaas low , Kow styli-s ; now patterns ; new
( ock ! new factory. Not governed by Hnfo
pool. Kvi'ry safn warranti-d. Itaro chanpo.
I'ormaiK'iil business. Our terms and riita-
lOKUi ! will convince you Agents clear $ -00 ! to
KiOU nor month. Write for oxeluslvo territory.
, Mpfnu Safe Co. . Cincinnati. O.
* "
W ANTKO AK mtlV"uy the United States
Mutual Aeeldont nsi oclatlon of New
Cork. This nssoolatlijn had more Insiiranco
) n fon'o lleceinbcr at than any accident com
pany doing business , Address Ocorfre Kor. 117
Uooltulldliig , Uniiilin. M 411-13'
100 Man with averagn iiitelllKcnco ran
liravrT ! > par montli. Mo ciinvns lng. Ad-
rcss It 14 , Ituoolllce. M U77-12 *
7ANTii : > Harbor. 2il5tf Oumlnpst.
403 10
) A barber for"Saturday and Run-
day , 'J4Q9 . 10 *
_ ) A stout hey with city rofereneo
to take enro of horse and eow and deliver
toods , Kmiulro If-'ll IlodKO. Ml 10
C\7A : NTKD A tinner that can do general
wt tin work nnd clerk In store when needed ;
Hi Vnust bonioud workman : stat WIIKUS wanted
v per ninntli. Address Oeo. NYlllliiK. llrrikcn
\how , Neb , _ ail 13 *
Sx7ANTEn I'nrty to take half of cur of
W\ household Rood * to Salt Jjako City , faro
Turnlslu'd tor one , address It in Hun. IliO 11 *
1 1 IKIC for Saturday and Sunday. 01GS.
sU M 1U *
V\rANTr.n A cooil clgnr malcor at 400
iifoadwnv. Council lllulfs. Ko mould
rvorliiiiini need apply. ! _ & " 40
tjAMSSMAN-An cnnrsetlu man wanted to
JOpiK-liour inantifnclnrcson this irroutid. Ono
pfour iizcnts earned Jj.L-0) ) In 1S8I ) . Address I' .
\ ) D. box 1J7I. No > y York. _ iiOI-ll'
> A Rood Jeweler at once. Max
- . Meyer & llro. Co. , 11. e. cor , 10th and Var-
nam. U 11
> nxi > i > rlniiet'il ' dresj cooihsalc-
Tt man with good lefeieuees. Address It 13 ,
) Bec. III7-10
. . . . KNivantcd to dIUrlbitto soap. Adrtre's ,
111 wltliBtainii , Austin ilanf. Co. , I'rovhlcnce ,
jl/17 / ANTED An experienced well dicker to
> liiil down a (5-foot ( veil on ranch north of
TloriMieo. Apply to Art liur 1 > . Hrandels at the
l"nlr. MUS. lUth nt. . Onialia , MltlilMl
* fV ANTKO-An clderlymau todo llsht work
around a hotel. SlOpernionth. 1510 AVeb-
Bter St. illil'J-11 *
TT7ANTKn-TravellnKninn to soil hoslnry ,
' t Kloves , etc. Address , Globe Hosiery Mills ,
3)etrolt ) , Mluh. Mu2J-iy
v\7AXTED-Tiiiiiieillutoly , young man to re
ft eelvu Instrnetlons and tnkn set. of books
oki > ( ip0ti ! ! , J. U. Smith , WO Now York Life
Till I Id I in ; . 1111 11'
* r\r"AXTEO At once , Ilsiaok-barri'l coopers ;
> .steady work : apply quick or come. The
Xanphear-Stllsoii M. & XL , Co. , Atclilsou. Kan.
i.7 > 10
rANTKD-50 Ixiva and Klrls ut Murnhy ,
Wasey AUo..sclialrfaotory. y."J 11 *
J'AXTED-Monfor company work I ii Wy
oming. Albright's labor agency , HSUFar-
"tiam. 111
A NT ED-M on for work onU. * M. II. K. ,
Krtxl wasos and Rood Job , Albrights la-
tier nKi'noy , H'JO Knriiain , 111
EI-Monto ) travel for our Cunadlan
nurseries. Btonc&'Wclllnstoii.Madlson.Wla
r ANTED-800 laborers forstono and credo
work. Atiply to I' , 11. Johnson , Union
ftassenser depot , Omaha. H7J
prrVsalosmaii. Omaha shirt factory , Kill
\J \ Knriiaui : ild
ANTED Aotlvn men with reforonco.
.Metropolitan MfB. Co. , 1GOD Howard st.
m o at *
rASTED-AKiMits lly the E < iullnllti ) life
Inauranoo eompiiny of Iowa. Uoon ter-
WANTKO-l.OflOmcn for now railroad worlc
InOreison and Washington TIT. Work
( vlll last twoyo.tri ; pond wnies Kiiaraiiteeil.
AlbrlKht Lnbor Acenoy.llSO rariitinibt , M4tK )
iiEia * .
J'i1 uliD , etc. , eee top of jlret column on t/il Jige \
JAVIIiL pay ladles a salary of Jloperweolc
to uorlc fomo in Ihelr locality at liomi * .
light wurk.Bood iiay for part time. Wrltowlth
btniiip. .Mrs , II. ! . 1 urrliiKton , box TIU Uhlcait >
'ANTED A KOOI ! Klrl for peucral honso-
norlc : wagosW porweokilWJd t'hleajo Ht.
.M410-IJ- *
'W ANTED A Klrl 14 years of use to take
care of child ) call at ! - ' ! t-outhMh klieou
GI Illr-Wanted for jicnorul housework2TQ1
Wool worth' uve. MJ0713 *
- general housework. 010
North IUh Htioot. JW I'J1
\\rAN ri'.D-l'oiir lartlesone month , taropv
. ' J-,11-Smith's work-on bool < kecplntr. O
flreas t.qwin Koster , Lincoln , Nob. 'JM 11 *
N'UUSK Klrl , lOto 14 year of ace , tocaro
for u two-year-old child. 1'lrst hniuo
north of Dodge ttreetonUlatavouue. 2UI li *
\\7ANTKD-Ulrlfor Keucral housowor In
" " 'all ' family.glMJ CiildweU st. su 10
\7ANTED-Glrl for ueneraf liousuworU.
Small fauiUy , StOJlluruey. UiU'
Far rat" , clc. , rrett > i > of frxt rol'ininen Mil
WANTI.O Tomorrow , lady to receive In-
ftrurtliin * nnd keen bnekslti October , .f.ll.
Smith. QluNew York Mto biilltUtijt. 311 U *
WANTKD A first olais Rlrl for Rcneral
housework , Must bo KOOI ) cook. Ml So ,
20th St. MU7 ;
WANTED A woman to do housework from
8ti. in. , to 2p. in. ST. S 19th it. giiG-13'
\T7A Tii ; ) "skTrTtTiM > i7oriliI ou50. Jlailnine
V > Wallace. lM9iuvarU st. i-Ta
BitlnilT youns Imly wanted to got nub
scrlbcn for tlio Omaha llxoelslori W ) per
ccntconimlsslon. Apply ll'JH 10th st. M1W
For irtlffl.tlc. , rtclopnf flinttolumnon tlib
lOTTAOE of 3 rojins , 824 8. 18th st.
FOIt IJT.NT M.1. nix-room stfam-huleil Hut !
all convonlenooil refoiuiicei required.
Nuthertonllall,2.0 S. 13th it. , sucoiul lloor.
J3.I U
FOU HF.NT S-roomcottase. all modern Im-
provc-ini'iiLs , ( i" > per month , corner 2Hh anil
Chicago. Knuulru all3ixi raruuinshr liS" 10
1J10U lll.NT lour new one-story nit-room
I ? houses , east front , beautiful location , wood
cellar city wutcr , near car IhuMiorth purtnf
city , liiitilro | corner liSta anil Lake sti. KO.
Ulcnn AUHilUJ *
TTlOli KENT-Cuttane. 411 S. 21th avi-n uo.
-I ? Knqulro 1523Jaelfl'Oti. ! K7
T710H IlKNT ( froom Hut , HO a month. In-
JD qiilro ut The l-'alr. iitli : mid Howard JtQ3-l3
I IOHT roomed house far rent. 17W Dodgo.
TlOlt KENT S-rooui cottage on motor lino.
Wl Uoiijtlas , . -15
_ _
F du1ir.NT-TwoC-room cottaceB , Noq. 1312
mill lllll 8. 21th st.s city water. Klmhall ,
Chump * Ityan , 1SOS 1'ariiam st. 1JO-1
7\01l \ 11KNT 0-rooni house , till modern con-
JU vcnlcnccs. cast front , 1300 Georgia avc. . ap
ply at German Savings bunk. _ 11-
S "liOOM house. XUl anil Cuinlng.KB per month.
0. R arrison , U11N. V.LIfo. b7D
1J10U lll'.N'r-IIoiiac.S rooms , ROOI ! laundry.
JL1 Inqulru Itobt. L'urvls.SltlfJl . Mary's ave.
T7t tOUliiNT-AHJx-roornhousonoar ; business
JL1 renter , KM , Mead Investment tOo. , llco
T I' YOU wish to rent a house or store sou II.
Jl Cole , Continental block. BHI
"IjlOH ItKNT-To responsible parties only ,
-L1 thosu llui ) new hrlek anil stone houses on
Georgia avenue ! llftcnn roonn iiixl alcoves ;
morn convoiilencos anil bettor llnlshcil than
nny hoiiso for runt In the city. 11. 11 , Hender
son , -loo I'axton block , city. tBl
rr-KOOM homo with barn : nominal rout. O.
< ! ' . Uurrlson.lIU M. V. Llfo. 870
I ! or sr.p"for Hent-401Cass sl.Utns Casi St. .
J ISIISCassit. 10 and 11 rooms : till f on ven-
lenee * . Clius.V. . Jlaluoy,313 Omaha Nat loual
bankbulliliii' ' ; . B83
JJlOIt KENT 9 room home , all moilorn con-
1 venlences , Including nsood stable. Unpltol
avenno. near the hlh school ; rent mod or. i to.
D.J. O'lloiiahoe. ' JCOI Karnam st. O.'tl
SlTvr.X-room home , l&lh and Vltitou , $11
t-room hoii'-c. li'ith and Miami , $ ! ' - '
A * room house , Stithancl ( 'aid well ! Ji" > .
7-room house. : jrh anilOarlleh , ill ) ,
C-room house , Lincoln plaec , til ) .
J. 11. Johnson , 010 I'axton block.
6t !
LATS , Rteain heated , 709 S. 10th. Thos. R ,
i I'axton blk. f > SS
T1OR KENT 7-room eottaRos. Until and all
L' modern conv : nlcneos ruadylnfuw days.
.S. ICl'iittei,407 ( 1'lrst Nafl bank. 513
. KENT Uoti'i" . JKtli and Culdwoll , ? IO.
_ . . . d nnd Innn.x. (10. 2513 Davenport. J-0.
W. L. Eolhy. 13. lid Trade. 4.T >
UKAI'ront. Have several n and 4-rnoin
Hatsceiilial , with city water. soweraBO.
etc. , at from H to JW per month. Hulls' licat-
Ine acenov. 120 a IHh st. 203 o 11 *
1'or mitt , etc. , eec top of fnt column onthtr
XT n VIA' furnished rooms , with board and
JL > bath. 210li rarnain st. M 420-17 *
FOU KENT Nvwly furnbihed suite of rooms ,
also single , allcoiiveiilenccs , GUN. 20th st.
Al 40'J-Kl ' *
iJlUItNISIIKn rooms wlthboardS14 S.261U
-L1 st. ; references veuulrcd. yS5 12 *
URr < T burnished rooms with hoard.
References. SU ! farnaui , Mo70-10 *
TTIIIRNISHKD rooms light liousokeenIns. 1T13
I1 UoilKlns. iii-15 *
ELTOANTsouth rooms : also table board ,
ISl'JUhlcago. U51-ir > *
T71OII KENT Pleasant rooms with orwlth-
JL ; outboard. 115S. 20th. 302 1C *
A KIOE room for rent. ltt.4 Douglaa8t. _ _
UU3 11 *
' 2200
ROOMS Furnished or tinfuriilshed. with
board , ( iontlemen preferred , lieforcncea
SIC N. Nineteenth st. MUI1-15 *
ATEWLV furnished rooms with board. Until ,
IN Bimundfuriinco. BaiSo. lith ) st , aiil8-14
( ) NICELY furnished rooms. Gas , bath and
Aiteam heat. 1B17 Leavonworth. 74 10
4 11 North 10th .st. , modern four roomi with
board. Can accommodate , a number of table
boarders. 247'ID *
13OOM to rout , with board for two gcntlo-
V men ; aUo table board. 201 S , 25th avo.
230-11 *
fOU 11EXT J or 5 rooms on 1st floor. 1112 S.
llth. 10410 *
N'KWLV furnlshea rooms with board and
bath. 2100 Karnam bt. 10110 *
T/lOll KENT Kuril [ shod rooina : gas.balhand
JU Bteani. 1511) ) Howard. 671
ST. OLA IH European hotol.wlth dining room ,
steam heat in all rooms. Kit hand Dodge.
Special rulca bv week or month. _ 875
F Oil KENT Furnished rooms , 1009 Doitclas.
FltONT room suitable for gentleman. 1813
Dodpc. 140
Fornilfji , flf , , sceli > i > of fr t rouininun tliitpaat ,
ROOMS nnd board cheap for two ; till con
veniences. CIO Noith ITtli street. 40111 *
FOli KENT A corner , six-room , steam-
heated < lut , { 19. Roberts , 40'J N. Itith st.
OU very comfortable winter homes see
thosu a-room Hats. S , W. Cor.1st aud Nich-
olassts. Newly papered , city water and sow-
orape. Klrst lloor , ; second lloor , $ S. llutts
Agcnoy,2AtJ. Uth st. a.Vl N8 *
T71OK UEXr II roomi , unfurnished , 210N. Kith
1 ? st.priet ) { 12'iO : will rent to colored people.
Apply to M. K. Jlnrtin , 704 N. 17th st. Ml
O VKUslove store. JW1 Howard
FOU KENT Julto of 4 unfurnlshod rooms
for housolieeplii ) , ' , to family without
clilldreu. 17U Webster st. U15
, tte. , net lop ofnt. column mi tlili pa'je.
fi OU RENT Slnro room and basement at
J- No.U.'i.Snit h Kloventh hlreot , ( lood loca
tion for oniniiilMluu liousis I' . J. SntcllITi" , ail
l''ir ! > t National Bunk Inilldln . HW-14
FOR Ur.NT llabcinent store room , cor. 13th
and Juek&oni > ts. Inquire Mrs. Luni-'e , liisa
i JTOHK 1'or ltent-1514 Doilso st , Ohas. W
Oltaiuoy , aia Omaha National bank bldg.
FOK llt.NT llrlck warehouse , two stories
ami basement , 27,000 wmarafcel. with 1U )
foot of double track on U. I' , railway , south
SUtliniul I'lerco streets. Address O Oskamp ,
Omahit , Neb , fc'.u '
STORKS at TOO S lOlh , L-0.\ia , each , lunroBhow
whitlows , nteani heat , furalehed. Tlios. 1' .
llallill ; 1'ax ton block. ( , '
UKNT Store , IWHi turiium.
-7i01t KENT The most desirable business Io-
cation In Oni&ha for dry icnods store , cloth
ing , boots and hlioesi , groceries , hardware or
furniture. Hems very reasonable. l' < hses.-lon
given at once urUuocmberlst , The I'.alr'n ll\o
H tores ; vlll rent separately or ultoguthor. J.
L. llruudelsd : Sons , Uth and Howard.
7 40 20
ItKNT-Motropolttaa hall , llth anil
Dodgefor balls , iwrtlea and weddings wither
or without supper room , Temu runsonablo ,
Qcorco Ilejrn , 3138 15th st. OS7-OJ1
FOIt KKNT The 4-ntory brick bulldlnir.with
or without power , formerly occupied by the
Dee I'uUIMiliiKOo. . Hit ) Kiirnam Bt. Tlio bulld-
iughus aflro-proof cciiiuiitbabeiucnUcomplcto
st am hvatliif : fixtures , water on all the lloors ,
Kus , etc. Apply at the ofllce of The lice. Oli
For rate * , tie , , tea tapnf fnt ccjiimtton thbpnqt.
"IJIOIl KXOHANai : A clV-nn stock of hard-
J. ware for it few ncrcsof Imnrovrd laud near
a good town , Address , H 17 , lice ofllcc.
M414 13 *
rpOEXt'llASOK-WcMornland JorenttnKo In
J. Onialia. 1' . 05 , lleo onico. M 4U'-I'J
OLE AN stock of dry goods nnil general ind so.
Will take S roali'stato and balance caah ,
llox l > j , Prankfort. Ind , iiJ > 0'l. *
'inou KXCIIANOIJ A new wliolesnlo stock
X of Cents' fiiriilihliiKitootH and notlon'.con
Retina of hnilory. underwear , whlto shlrti.
neckwear , laces , buttons , pins , needles and
smnll wares. all In unbroken pnckuRi * . now
and clean , to exchange for real estate and
part cash. In lots from KMXX ) to J'B.OOO. Como
ii ml cxamino the stock. 1 ] , M. YOUIIK& Co. ,
Jtcd Cloud , Nob. : iv > 12
WKIiave t'holco Omaha lots clear , to ex
change for good equities. Alex Jloore. 'M
Shcolr block. 1WJ10 *
AOOOI ) Improved farm to trade for general
or special line of Roodsi will pay some
cash ; In writing please state about amount of
slouU. Addiess Lock llox II , Hebron , Neb.
HOR3EP I'OU TKADE Vlll oxchanRO well
hroktMi roadsti-M and ' naildlo horse' .
Riiltahle forllwry stable and oxtjrc < s wasons
for 1 iiiuU and elty property , or will soil on
tlmo to responsible parties. Address W. itox
CO. ) . 210-19
rpo EXCIIANflE llmlncsi lotelosoto cor-
JL tier of 21th and M streets. Stout Ii Omaha ,
clear nnd driiwlii' < * 'i7renU fora Koodrotldunco
laUinahu. I'raiiUE. Hurtlgun , OU r.Llfe. .
WANTKD A small stock of ( rrocorloi la
cxehnnao for unlncuinbercd real i-suite.
IiiqulioutruomttiT , 1'axton block. M-181-nU
\\T ANTED -A small stock ot clgarsand to-
* baecojlu o.xchnno forclnnr real estato.
Inquireatrooinlff , i'axtonblock. M1S1-NJ
\\TANTKD Merchandise in exchange for
real estate , patt cash. Jcsso Oaiidy.
nrokcn Itow , Kuo , 131 15
TT OIt RXClIANOK Eight mules for Omaha
JL ; real estate. It. 13 , Hoard of Tradn. 4X1
Fonnc ( , tie. , urs lop / rtfoluinii ouUili
FOU PAI.E llorso-llarpnlu In as good mo-
flltitu wt , horse ascan ho found ; with or
without Tin. Coal uspart pay , no other trade.
P.O. box 733.
F OK SALE Cheap , a good sldo bar buggy.
1.1)15 ) Ituit St. , Onialia. IMJ-lj *
FOU SALE llandsomo horse , strong , peed
traveler nnd very Routles suitable for lady
to drive or for bui-lness ; guaranteed sound.
Address O02 Ucoolllce. M .1)0 )
FOU SALE Anulr of matched black road
horses,5 and 8 years old : also' ' slnglo drlv-
ors. qiiltospeedy. Inquire Collins' livery barn ,
Ciiinlngst. aiH.ill :
IT OIt SA1)E ) Cheap for cash or will trade for
JL ? lot , younihorses , 2 single hnmesses and
2 phaotous. 1C. 0. Slorrlll , Cusa aud 4Ht sts.
" \ \7OUKhorsoGOtwo horse waon JM.doublo
V > work , harness ! ! . " . Or will trade for a
good light side bar buggy. II. E. Cole , Contlii-
HOUSES MO and up. U. E. Colo.
FOUK teams , light mules ; ono heavy 1..VX- )
pound horso. Itoom 13 , Hoard of Trado.
FOU SALE 2iocMl work teams. Inqulro at
Illj I'axton blk. 453
For rat fj > , tic , , teelopof first columnnn ( PIT.
AI.OT of heating and cooking stoves slightly
used , all In excellent condition , wo oiler
very cheap. Call atidoxamlno and do not miss
thoopportunllv. Thev must go. 1207 Douglas.
Umaha i-tovo 1'epalr Woiks. iKU- l
. household goods.etc. K
cash price. 11U 1'ariiiiin. BT7
noitgAbB A Wrot Point base burner , me-
1 dllim sUo. U30Vllt st. ' H7S 10'
rpIIHEIIolcgant hard coal stoves , have only
JLbceii used a very short time Phil Stlmmel.
Oil and U1J Jones orsotithwest cortfJth Cass.
6l > 0
T710II SALE-Ohoap-Tho furnlturo in the
JO house , No. 1S18 iwuslas Street , for sale ,
nnd house for rout. Enquire on the promises.
G'JoSl *
TfTIOK SAIjE Fnrnlturo and business of iC-
JD room hotel In Lincoln , doing good paying
business. licit of reasons for selling. Terms
easy. BI , W. Folsoin. Lincoln. Nob. Slli
Korraf , etc. . ice top nf flnt column
jlOK SALE-COO tons of peed baled hay.
! Canadian ofllco,014i ! S. 15th. 1 4 10 *
WANTED IJuyer fora handsonio baby car
riage , almost brand now ; will soHatsaei-
rlflco ; this in a. bargain. Oull at 707 S. 10th.
Urd lloor , 354 15 *
" 170H SALE A first-class No , 3 Ucmington
* typewriter ; latest improvements. Address
Louck.s.Oth and .Tones. UOC-11 *
, blood pus doff for sale. W. S. 1703
Webster st. , fourth lloor. 131-10 *
pOU SAI/E-A11 kinds of thnrouKhbrcd dogs.
' James I'unzy , 14U S.Uli Ht , 273
"I710U SALE-I.ot of haso burner stoves. St.
J- ' Clair Kuropeaii hotel , 13tU aad Dodgo.
For ratet , etc. , tee top of J\nt \ column on thu
T\rUS. STEVEIl Isfflvlnn best success of any
JJL fortune tcllorin tlioclty. She HOPI not
deal In any fraud. Her terms are the lowest
and every ono sends In their friends after
belnu convinced for themselves. Como one ,
come all , 400 N. IClh st.ikl lloor. M4iM2 ; *
r1O Shoo Dottlers When j'ou patronlro mo
JL you know that I will not compete with you
by retailing rubber boots , shoes , arctics , san
dals , etc. I tun not runnlnc twelve or tlftoen
retail shoo stores under various names. I sell
nt wholesale only and have no Interest In any
retail &torn. I nin western agent for the Now
Jersey rubber shoo company at Omaha , and
every lioo dealer knows inure Is no bettor line
of goods made. Jly sales this year so fur are
more than double any other season up to t his
time. Send for price lists and discounts. Jer
seys will bo extensively advertlscu" this sea
son. / . T. Lludsoy. UtKMi'J
SI. MOKKISOX has moved his plumbing
shop to 213 N. l' > th , exposition bulltlliiK.
Intimates on plumbing nnd gas tilting Rlvon
and Jobbing promptly attended to. ax ) 15 *
T\7 M'Tlrci"-I'vory ) worklngman to know
IT that wo sail the best every day nhoo for
51.W that Is mixdn ; also fur the dress Sunday
shoo , the & . ' . ! > 0 congress niut luco shoo boats
ullothors. 1'ariium and 14th , A. I ) . Morse.
aa II
and mattresses re-
U novated. E. I'eterson , 1130 N 18th st ,
_ lilO-l : ! ! *
" \l A SSAGE treatment , electro-thermal baths.
-I'L scalp und hair treatment , manicure nnd
chiropodist. Mrs. 1'ost , It UO1. . Wlthnell blk.
J'ormf ( . etc tee top of first tolmn on tills vaat ,
JW M * H W * ' * * l Vrf * * | J < H * lrf
-\7"OUXG Indies and gentlemen desiring to
.L take up iho study of Gorman will find It
advantageous to call on Fruulclu WeiuliM , 01
S , 25th st. M 1)7411 ) *
TJKOP. Charles Tcters-on I'lano.vlolln.zltlior
J. unU vocal Instruction. Studlooa'iShecly bile
BEKOHE huylnj a plann o.xainlno the new
soalo Klmball plane. A.llospo , 1513 Douglas
G EO.K. GKbLKNIlEOIC toacherof the bajo
with Uospe. 1M3 DoURhm. 211) )
Golden Monitor Mow and thorough
hand'hook for piano and organ ; n most
valuable helper and guldo ; lilchly cndor uil |
costs but a dollar ! may bo found at Hospo's.
Kor mlM etc. , > ff tnpnfitt column mi thtixitx \
"IJHIVATK hospital for women through conJ -
Jliiii'meut. . lli'nt of care. Dr. llaiinah U ,
.McL'ulian.tWN. IMlh st. MilM-lfi *
fwrrottt , ttc.tec. ( op of frtt ftilufiman thn page.
BO.V11EKL12K , general stenographer and
notary. Duinnltlons and court work u
bpeolalty. Tel. , Itm.Uooui ItW ! .N. Y. Llfo hldz.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2U *
rilVl'nWHlTEKS. all ni'ila , l > oiiKlit. sold , ox-
J. changed , rented , J. i' . Jlcgouth , 1007 Kur-
naiu btrect. guu
rpVl'KWIUTEHS for rent or sale. Stenog-
raphors supplies. J.l'.Megeath.lW" I'arnam ,
For rate * , tie , tte ( op o'fnt ' foliimiion tMi txigt.
jiATENT lawycrs & BolloTtors. 0. W SueV li
4Co. . , llco building Omaha. 4 years' experi
ence as examiners in U.S. patent ollleo. llraneh
ollleo al Wukliluiitou. U. 0. Consultation free.
rou 8ArjnntTj : KSTATI ; .
for mitt , ttf , tte fop /rxticolurou on t/id pj
1T10RSALE-A bargain. J , ifbjo soulh fronVlot
Jjno.xlSI In Union squaW , J. I ) . Kittle , till
y , V. Mfc. ' _ _ Ml 17
- Il.TOO ctwht Lot on Ixiwo
- n vcn tto , between California and Unit
street * , llfty feet cast fron.lj. ! ' . J.3utolllTi > , ail
1'lrst ttatlonal Uank bull jit jig. -U
rr KOOM cottace , full lot , Hnnwonx Place ,
( east front aud a great bargain for n few
days. Htnall cash piiytuoiit and halnnce on
long time , 1' . 1C. Darling , llurkor block , JKH
Ql'K Mnritalns-3 honso * . 9. o ami 10
. -'roomt ' oach. price M.TOO to 3iOO , In Kountzc
IMaco , nil modern ! S.W3 cash ,
Kn per montli for 2 years.
HO per montli for a years.
H3 per month for 2 years. Ilalnnco T yonrV
time. 0 percent laterctt on all deferred pay
ments , AlsoBoiiiosplondld homes In name ad
dition to exchange for farmlands und city
0-room hoitio and full lot onYlrt at. , JO.GOO ,
ll.WXcash. ) bal. tosutt.
a-room lioti o and barn , lolMxtr , near cor
ner lUth and Webster , to cxchangofor Kouutzo
.1. J.lllbhon. sole agent Kountzo Place , room
3Crolshton block , iMl
TTIOn HAti : Hlx cottane , ranglns from 11,100
X1 tot-.SDO each ) $100 to * 5W cash , balance
monthly or to Hull. If you want a hoiiso wo
can nrranso terms to suit , bmoaton k AI Icn ,
1CU7 li'nrnum. SN 4 _
AM-foot east front lot on Lowe avenue , only
* 1WO. , Stringer .M'cnny , Douglas blook.
/ 1O1N'KH ! on Towo avenue , nouth und east
\J front , only J.MOO. On motor lino. Stringer
k 1'onny , Douglaa blook. V
TtOUU peed lots All Walnut Hill for $2,000
cabh. iitrlnpcr & I'enny , Douglas block. i'tr !
FAUNA JI st , A fine corner close to court
house , t'fiQ per front foot. HtrhiKor &
1'eiiuy , DoUKlas block. 13
riMUj finest oorncr for rcsldenco on 1'arnam
JL st. For location , prlco and terms apply to
SJ riiiior&Penny. ) Douglas block. itn.
TN'SIDK nrojiorty to cost flS.OOO , will rent for
JL $ aw a month , Stringer i I'enny , Doufilas
block. 8
NE of the l st lots In Orchard lllll , only
O Jl.OOO. Stringer & I'oiitiy , Uouglas blook.
FOIt SAIiE Ixiok nt this ; NowT-room house
on lot 10 block 5. Italicr plaeo , bplendld
viovr.Miutb front , well , cellar , hav window.
ctc.jJ-00 or more cash , balance of $1.200 , $15
per month. Inquire of owner , K. O , Merrill.
Cuss and 41st sts. 1 n a *
Foil SALK Splendid opportunity to not a
boautlful new ID-room liunsu In ono of thn
finest locations In Omaha , blocks west of
Lowoavoon Cuss St. , lilith and slKhtly and on
prude , full lot , city water , bath loom , cistern ,
lower , bay window , porches , double lloor. cel
lar , etc. , all flnlihou In hard wood and hard
oil und In first-class fitylo ! $ 'tO ) or more cash ,
balnncc of * : ilX ) , JH per month. Imiulrcof
owner , 13. 0. Slcrrlll , Casa and 41st sts.
1IH1 n n
FOR SAF/E Dr. Chninbnrs' rosldencn and
barn. cor. IClh and Huulett : 10-room house ,
furnace , gas , sewer , range and all conve
niences. IlnrnMxGO , brick , 0 bo\ stalls and 11
slnalo stalls , with water , sewer , gas. 2 rooms
for help. etc. llcst equipped barn In Omaha
for veterinary or private uso. I ) . V , Sholcs
Co.solo agentsSUi 1'lrst Nat'l bank.
A SMALL payment down and $15 per month
will buy a 4-roorn house and lot on loth. "
blocks from motors llrst'olass clfanco to ue-
qulroahomo on easy terms. Apply to 11. L.
Cole. Continental block. " 8S1
INCOLN I'laco lots 8lW9 toil.MO. Dexter
L. Thomas. , Ittl
TT10H SAMv A farm adjolnlns Hlalr , Neb. ,
-13 stocked , cheap. H. W-MoUrlde , lllalr.
71)7 ) n 13 *
BARGAIN rholeolot in Urines pl.icc , unln-
cumberoil , (1,200. Market price * Jt 0. Need
money. Address Ed 1'rlce , IkM Oallforniast. ,
Denver , Col. > i OOT-oUl *
FOU SALE Ohenp. oh , c'asy terms , a nlco
cottuzo In Lowo's Add , and a 7-room hrlok
house , with all modern conveniences on 33th
and Jackson sts. lloom lliOhamber Commerce
HOMKS Svfoet HomcsKlegant llonics t
am eiroring the bi > st bnrRnlns In Omaha erIn
In the world on West I'arnam strcot.SIx elegant
liousca , all different , 0 to , rooms , f uriiaco , hot
and cold water , BUS , RIVS flxturos , bath , water
closet , inantol , elegant nrlolc cellars , paved
street und mortgage , 103 to $500 , or morn cash ,
and balance ut" percent to suitD , V. Sholos ,
ElUt'lrstNatlonal bank. 'MS
IV YOU huvo anything to sell or exchange
call at 618 Pax ton block.
FOR SAIjE An elegant now residence , 0
rooms , cherry and oak finish , largo stable
nnil every convenience for comfort ! location ,
the best in the city , price low. Terms oasy.
1 > . J. O'Donalioo. 1C01 Karnaia st.
Forratctetc. , ttctojiof fuel column onthtaxige. .
TjlOR SALE Cheap , an established druRbusi-
-C ness , centrally located : stock clounund
now ; will invoice about Sl.WiOijjood reason for
sollliiK. J. D. Kittle , 914 N. V. Life. BI417
WANTED Energetic man with some capi
tal to ttiko auenoy for the 1'lumiiicr ro-
cllmns-chair. 321 N , 15tli St. 93 12 *
170IJ EXOIIANGE-Flnt class city property
JL ? for Mocks of merchandise. It. H. Hull , 210
N. V. Life. M80-J-12 *
TjlOH SALlS-Orockory store , dolnff a good
JL ? business ; stock $1,000 ; cheap rent : or will
trade for city property. Enqulrp 1318 Karnam.
TTVUUGOIST or I' to 111-
JL/hoalth I will sell , or oxoluinRU for stock of
druss , my rcsldenco of Troonii and olllcoof 4
rooms , barn , wells etc. , centrally located In
town of 2,000 population , rich blue crass ro-
plea of southwestern Iowa , and relinquish a
largo pr.ictloo to purchaser ; coat fc,7.r ! > 0 , will
take iJJ.iV ) , tlmo onJiM If desired. Address M.
D , , Lock Box 07. 13cdf ord , Iowa. 213-10 *
TT10H SALE-10,000 cholco stocK of Ronoral
JL' mercliandlsu in 11110 of the best towns in
Nchrahka , 7. > miles from Omahu. 1'arty ' doliiR
an excellent business , but has other business
demanding liU attcntloa. Address 1' 55.JI1B3
"TJ1OHSALR At abarjraln.svgood store house
JL.1 lilted up with sholvoj nnd counters , base-
nientO rooms for dwollliiB , good cistern ntid
well , will sell or t ratio for a No. 1 stouk of gro
ceries. Address Ueol & Iteol , 0. O. 1) . Broc
K.-J N. Mth st. 9S7
TTUNE opening for dry poods store.
J- ' corner room in brlolc bleak In county scat
town within 80 miles of Omaba.wlll bo vacatotl
Nov. 1st. Present occupant havlns made n
fortune In tlio dry good business , llullilln ? can
bo rented or bought upon very favorable
terms. Address State llank of Nebraska ,
Howard. Neb. 7jOol5
TTlon SALE-A dyeing estalillshrnent , every-
J. ' thine complete In H llvoly woslcrn town ,
or would tile : ; as n partner a man that under
stands the business. Address. O Bl , lloo.
_ Miil017 : *
TTlOIl asafolO pprrptitlnvostnicnt subscrlbo
Jt ! forsharos In the Mutual Loan and llulld-
Ing assoulatlon series Ko. 0. Wage-worlcors
should take shares to scc'uro low rates of In-
tciest In buying their howcs. Kooni 11 cham
ber of commerce. G. Jl.'Kattlngcr. ' soerctary ,
' -T 178 O 10
Forrnttf , etc. , tee top of jlwt , _ column en thh pawn ,
A S3 A K , Jivdam iii ) C r , over ( i in l \t\\ \ \ \
' ' JI-137-.V-y *
TVIRS. NANNIE V. WAK11KN , clairvoyant
-I'Ltrance , snuakliiK , writing and reliable
businessiuedluin,4yearsJnyinalia. ll'JIi , lOtli.
1'or ratei , ctf , , ree top of f'r tjoluiiiu nn Ililt jtnge ,
OUMKall and take aimu'ssago treatment !
something now. rurluniCOT B 13th HI. . nc.M
Darker hotel , OWu 207-124
] \rAS3AGE , filutJam Uelzlor , ovorCIO B. 13tti.
-"I- ' ? ' .
- - M-la8-N.2
For rater , etc. , e > tnu of frit column on tlili paar ,
TTllCKIl MOIII.K loans money on diamonds ,
-L' wuttho.-iJowelryeto.S.l-.cor.l'arnaiiiiHtli ,
"REN V. JIartl.7 years with 1'red Mohle ,
JJloani made on diamonds , watches. Jewelry
and articles of value. 1110 l-'ariianmt. iMGUll *
I'orrnln , rtc , , tre fop of frft column on l/ili
STOKiVOK-Sco us before storing goods of
any desorlptlon. Omaha Htovo Kopalr
Works. 120T Dotiiilas. Tel. WO. KU
rnitAOKAOK Btoragoul lowest rates.V. . 51 ,
X lluibmun , 1311 U'avenworlli. 6J4
CTOItAaK-llrunoh A Co. , 1311 Hovrard.
STOItAOE Kor merchandUu and furnlturo.
cold bUiraio und freetin j truckasc. Uavld
Cole. 615-817 Howard st UDO
For rain , rtt. , tto tnpof " first foliimnori tftU jyig
TVfOHEV to loan from f 1.000 to JJ.OOO. Frank
J-'i. Koioucrry , 1011 Capitol live. M SS7-13 *
rplIfiCoiumorolal Security l * > an and Trust
J-t'o. nnnti Rood short time import alict onn
handle n few secured mortgagor , llooin r fl ,
I'axton block. M IJO-N'3
"JvrONEV tolonnhy II. V. MaitoM on chattel
liLnndcolIateralnecuritlesfiirany time from
ono to six months In any amount to suit bcr *
Loans mndoon hoiiiehold coodi , pianos , or-
Kan * , horsiv. nnili's , houxes. leases , warchou o
receipts , etc. , at tlio lowwt iMJtslblo rates ,
Aflthout publicity or removal of property.
My loaiiH are suarranitod that you can ninkn
n payment of any amount nt any tlino aud
reduce botli principle and Interpst.
If you owe a balance on your property or
have a loan you wish ehunceil. 1 will imy It
off nnd carry It for you. If yju find It moro
convenient , call up telephone No , IC''t and
your business can uo arranged nt hoini1.
Money always on hand. No delay , No pub
licity , Lowest rales.
H. V. Mnstcr ,
Itoom4.\Vlthncll blU. , 1Mb aud Harmt t ,
ITlAltM Loans Star Land It Loan Co.
rill ATTEti Imnk. HI9 9. l.Mli st. . l.vins nioiu-y
won cliattcls or collateral ut rotisonablo rates
IX ) I
I IHST.tscconilinortRsiKf "H vacant t 1m-
provcil city iirop. ( 'ountywurriiutsliouaht
Money on hand. ! ' . M. Itluhunlsou,913 NV. Mfc.
1X)3 )
MOXKV S ) , CO or tH ) days on furniture ,
illation , liorscs , houscs.utc. J. \Vllkliisoil'
ClSPuxtoii block. OM
FI H5T niortpntn loans utlowratoa niut no
dulay. 1) . V. Sholes Co , , alO 1st Nat'l bunk-
I k XT
TTNUSUAMjYlow rates
U of Interest on first mortgages of Improved
real estate for the next 'JO days by the Kainus
Oltr InvestmentCo. HooniUU , Uoard of Trade ,
J. II. I'oase , manager. OJU
" \TONKVto loan on any security
liJL for Bhort tlino nt low
rales. Lotvcit rates
The Henderson Mortgage liivuttincnt Com-
pa ny. room -400. 1'uxton blk. ° 010
TJII.niNO loans jnailo nt lowott rule . W
Al. Harris , room SO , Tremor blk , , opp. I' . O.
eastern mnnoy
1'hllndelphla Mortgage and Trust Co. ,
always ready to loan and pay promptly , Hrst
mortgages wanted. Oeorgo . T. Coates. rep
resent a 1 1 vc ,
RKAL Kstato Loniis-Cusli on hand , Olobo
l.oan & Trust Oo. , OT S. Kith St. . No delay ,
uo o.xtra charges. Uouses for rent , good list.
OK. k O. M. ANTHONY , S18 N.V. Mfohulia-
. Ins , lend money on farms in cholco coun
ties of Nebraska and Iowa ; also on Kood
Omaha rcsldenco property lowest rates ; nest
tcrmsi no delay ; money toady. Titles and
vahiespissod : on here. OH
KEVSTONi : Mortgasi- . Loans of $10 to
SI.OOO ; get our ratci before borrowing and
save money ; loans on horses furnlturnor nny
approved security without publlolly ; notes
boiiKht. for nowloa encwiil of old nml low
est rates , call 11.203 eely blk..l5th&llowiivd.
WANTED 1'lrst class IniUlnlnan * . Lowest
rates. Call and sue us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , l. > 0t 1'arniiin. t'lfi '
EASTEUN money to loan "n city I'r ' ° Jl > 7y | :
mortgage paper bought. ll.Il.Irey.N. .Ute.
. _ _ at lowest rates , llcmoved
V toltt4 , N. Y. Life , blilR. J. 11. Emmlnaer.
IIliST inortsago loans on Improved and unimproved -
improved iroporty. Charles . Kalney.'JlS
Onialia National bunk building 8vj
MONI3Vloaned at iow rates on furniture ,
horses , &c. , without publicity , llawkcyo
InvcstmentCo.ia Ouuglashlk.lCth and n < idgo.
BUILDING loans , ( i to 7 per cent ; no addi
tional ehargcn for commission or attorney's
fees. W. II. Mclulc , 1'irst National bank hldg.
EASTKHN money to loan ; lowest rates ; no
delay ; larso loans a specialty ; hhort tlmn
paper boneht. Omaha mortgage Co , Kround
lloorCliaiiibcrof Copimcrco. D'il
MONKV to loan at all times on desirable
Improved property In Omaha. Tlio money-
Is hero and there are no delays , as wo examine
the property and tltlo ourselves. Mates , Smith
& Co. , ltK Kurnnin st. : i50 oil
/ 111KAI'loans on city iiroporty & collnrtlona
V uromBt attention. A.O.Larsoa.OUIN.Y. Llfo
For rate * , etc. , ice top of flnt column on thlawge.
T OST A small doc , Scotch terrier brood ,
JLJllcht brown hair , inclined to curl. Had on
broad leathorcollarwhcn lastsccn. Answers
to the name of "I'eto. " A reward for his re
turn to 1XM S.29th St. B1MI7-13 *
LOST l.lRht hay horse , 0 years old , welsh t
SOO. Keturn to Drown i'arlc meat market.
South Omaha , and got reward. JI U7M2 *
T OST West side of N. Y. Llfo hide , lady's
JLJ gold watch and chain , monogram II. 11 , ' .
If gentleman scon to pick It up will return to
Itcoolllcohe will recelvo reward. M ! HH-l'J *
T OST Near 20th and Dodge St. , Oct. 7 , red
JLJlrlsh pup. 7 months old. Keturn to Wm.
BImoruli 231 First Nat. bullalng , Iteward.
331 11
For ratet , etc , , ecc top of first column on tliU page
" 171011 ItKNT Ilrlck warehouse , twn-storles
JD high ; basement ; hydranlleulevnlor ; track
age ; best locution in the city. A. 0. Powell.
ForraMetc. , tee toj/o/first column cntltispane. .
BEST line hiilr goods In west ; hulr drosslg
wlss , switches , banes , halijichalns , otc , , a
specialty , Uavles hair KaoiU and inllllnor
opposite postofllec,111 B.ljth st . Omaha. 090
Farmtttttt.trtnpof Jlntcolumn on
" \ \ / AIsTKD ro buy a Rood stout horse and
T ? llRht covered wasion suitable for delivery
purposes. Address 11 10 , Boo ofllco.M410
M410 12 *
WANTED To miy peed vacant land or un
improved farms In eastern or central Ne
braska. Land must ho good nnd not more
than 203mile * from Omalm. Address , stathiK
f ull particulars , liu'lndlnK price und amount
of Incumhrnnco , II , G.Mcucc , 21X1 Main St. ,
Council Ulutrs , la. M 41U-U
ANTKD-IIorso and busgy. W. J. Paul ,
ir > 0l'arnain. ! ) DIS
For raten , etc. , tee lop " . .cj' ! 'j ' _ ? ? . ' . .
rilWO nicely furnished front rooms. In suite ,
J.snitablo for two gentlemen , heat nnd bath ,
, 70S. . 10th street. M 41S-11 *
'VVANTED-Coplcs of Youth's Companion
previous to istfl. Stuto how many you havo.
Address U 0. llco ollleo , Councl Hllulfs. iW3 10
\\7ANTED-Horses to winter. M'ojhnvo the
T t best nccommodatlon in tlio state for win
tering nnd pasturing horsesjcan furnish boxer
or bluKh ) Htiill , Stables and pastures only
n ven miles from center of Umaha. Apply to
Windsor. Kemp &Co.iKINow ! Vork LlftibldB. ,
or to Chris Kovlus at timetables , Irving ton ,
Nob. 844.11 *
Formtirtf i > s top of flret column on ttiti page.
JLI : . Cole , rental agentContinental blk.
T.ISTypur hniise _ to .soli or rent with 0. 1' ,
IJHarrlson.Oll Jf. V. Llfo.
forratfi , eif. , fee top cfnt
21 l-'renzerblock , Information free. 10
Fur nst ! . etc. , tte. top of first column on Ms ] > ag
Tints. A. M. THAVIS has returned to the
J-'lelty. Any one wishing to see HID call at
CMS wthst. ae-i.i
For Sale Montis.
$7,000 Water bonds , city of Aurora , Hamil
ton county. Neb , tneiity yonrs , live years op
tion , Otior cent bcml-uunually , .lannary aud
July. N. Y. J.N UASSiaL.
' Mayor , Aurora.
Tlio Inquest over tlio remains of Mary
Siulillnytho | ) ; old woman who wits found
dead In a bhunty on lower Jones struct ,
dovolopod. the /act / that death rcbtiltod
from tfio burstinjr of a blood vessel In
tlio vicinity of the heart. The body was
hurled by tlio county yesterday nf toriioon ,
The presence of dondruft Indicates a dis
eased scalp , and if not cured , blanching of
the hair nnd baldnosi will result. Hall's '
Hair Jlcnewcr will euro It ,
or TUB
At Omnlin , In the strtto of Xcbr.nkn , at tli
close of biuliii'.HH , OuUibcr .M , JSlW.
nisoui5oi:3. : :
Ionn i > niUll ootints. . . . I an.047,13'il and
unsecured .
U.S.bonds tosocuru clr-
ciilutlnn . W.OOO.OO
Stooks , siuui rlt los ,
ulitlint , etc .
llnu fruiu iippruM-d re-
SIT vu tiKoiits . J ? t,030.D7
Dun from other na
tional Imnks . SI.W5.M
Duo from sluto btiuki
niul bankvrK . IS.JOO.Ol- 1IK.1.V..M
l-'iiriilUiio und llxturoi , , L1 , 11 1,00
Current i ) xiiuiibci unit
tnxospalil .
1'roiiilunis on IT. s , bonds ll.OOJ.W
Clii'ds ; mill other eiish
itiMii9 . 10,317.53
Kclinngcs for uleuiing
house . GfiS7. < 1t
Hills of other banks. . . . U60.UO
I'rui'tlontil paper our-
leney , nlckuls uiul
conta .
Local Iciuler notes .
Kciluinptloii fund with
tl. S. triMiiuri'r ( . " per
cunt of circulation ) . .
Total . 8 OI2,2U3 (
Papltal stock palil In. . . 0 509.000.00
Hurplii" fiiml . HiXKfr ) )
lliiilhldod prollls . T.UlDOt )
National Imulc noted
IiHllvhluiil deposits
HUliJeet toolipck . J 23.739.01
Pemuml ccitllloatus of
deposit . 3.1S9.W
Tlnmcortlllcatosof deposit -
posit . M.835.S7
Cnrtllii'd eliuuKi .
Onsliler's vliouki out-
Duo to other national
banks . 1MOI.M
Duo Instate bunks uml
bankers . 61,731.83S8ti70.80 :
I , Ili-nry ! ' . Wyiiitin , easlilor of tlio iibnro
nainc'l ' bunk , dosolcinly swear tliat the afoovu
Btiiteinenl la true to tl > host nf my UnowlivlHO
and liolluf. HKN'ltY P.VVMS' . I'ashlor.
tiubiurllied uml sworn to before niu this 10th
day of Ootobor. IMH.
I , . D.Sl'ALUINO , Notary I'abllo. '
Corrpct Attest :
WILIiIAM I * I'Ol'l'l.rtON.y Directors.
s , A joint resolution ivas adopted
iy thn luKlslatiiro of the stateof
the twcnty-lliBUc nloii thereof , and npprovml
March 30th , A. 1) ) . ISM' ' , proposing nn amend
ment to section two [ 2 ] fonr4 ] and tlve [ r > ] ef
Article six ID ] ot tlio constitution of said siato
and tliat ald Hectlou as umcnded Bhall read
im follows , to-wlt :
Section 1 That section two (31 of article six
( liof ) HID ooiiHtllutloiiof thostntoof Nebraska
bu amended HO as to ruud as follows :
"Section' ' : The mipreniu court nhall con-
Blstof live. (5) ( ) judKcs , a nmtorlty of whom shall
bu necessary to form a quorum or to pronounce
u decision. It shall liavo original jurisdiction
in csiips ri'Iatlne t roveiuic , civil cast's In
\vhlchtliostutusliallba u liiirty , tnnndanias
quo warranto. habenseoriius. anil such appel
late jurisdiction as nmy boprovldud by law.
Section ! : That section four ( Oof jimiMoslx
( CO.of tlio const Hut Ion of t ho stale of Mebrusk.i ,
bo amended so as to read : is follows :
Soclloii4 : The Juilnesof Iho supreme court
shall be eleot ; il by tlio electors of tlioalato nt
large , nnil tliulr terms of ollleo , cxeoptn
herelnafler provided , bhull bo for u period of
live ( My ears , "
Section ; ) : That sdctlondvo (3)of ( ) artlclonlx
( Oof the constitution of the state of Notiras-
kn , bo amended HO as to rend us follows :
Sections : "Atlhoflrst gunonil election to
bo hold In the year Jb'Jl. und after tlio ailnp-
tlonof this uturnilnifnt to the constitution ,
there slinll bu elected three ( H ) judwes of Iho
suproino court , onn of whom shall lie elcctnd
for the term of ono ( I ) year , ono for the tcYin
of three fflyears and onn for tliotormof flvo
(5) ( ) years * , ami nt ouch Roncrnl election tluro-
nftor there slinll bo eluoted ono ludKO of the
supreme court for the term of ( lvoo ( ) years.
Provided , that the judKi's of the nuproino
coiirt wlmso terms have not expired nt the
tlino of holdliiR tlic COIHTH ! uloutlnn of IMII ,
slinll continue to hold their ollleo for thn re
mainder of the term for liloli they worore-
pL'Ctl voly elected uniior the present coiibtl-
tutlon. "
Kectlon4 : That each person voting In favor
of this amendment shall have mltton or
printed upon his hnllot the following :
"For the proposoil aniondznent to the consti
tution rolatlug to the number of supreme
judges. "
Therefore. T. John M. Tunycr , Governorof
the stiitoof Nebraska , do hereby K'VO ' notice
In accordance with hoctlon ono (1) ( ) article llf-
tocn'isj.or tne constitution , ttio provisions or
tlio act entitled : "An act to provide the inim-
norof proposing all nnicndinonts totho con
stitution and submitting the same to the clou-
tors of the stnto. " Approved February 13th.
A. I ) . 1S77 , that said proposed amendment will
bo presented to tliu ( iiinlllled voters uf the
state for approval or rejection ut thu ponenil
election to bo held on the Hh day of Novem
ber. A. I ) . IBflO.
Jn wit ness thereof I linvo lioronnto sot my
hand and caused to bo nlllxcd the great seal
of the state of Nebraska. Done nt Lincoln
this SCtli day of July , A. 1) . ISUO. and the twon-
ty-fourthyoarof tlio stnte. mid of the hido-
jiendcnco of tlr. United States the ou'j hui >
dri'd ntteontli.
lly thoOovornor. JOHN M. T1IAYEU.
[ SKAil Bocrotary of Stnto ,
. A Joint resolution was adopted
hy tlio Icxlslaturo of the fitiito of Nebraska , at
the twonly-tlrst session thereof , und ai ) ] > roved
February 13th , A. I ) . ISthO , proposing an amend
ment to the constitution of said state , and
that said amendment shall read as follows ,
Section 1 : That , at the Roneral election to
bo hold on the Tuesday succeodiiiB the first
Monday of November , A. U.lhW.thoro shall by
Biimlttcd to the electors of tills state for ap
proval or rejection tin amendment to th < ; con
stitution of this slate In words as follows :
' The manufacture , sale and kpoplnu forsnlo
of Intoxicating liquors ns a bovciai.'o urofor-
ovcr prohibited In this state , and the loitlslu-
turo shall provide by law for the enforcement
of till.i provision. " And tlioto shnll aUo at
said election bo separately mibiutttod to the
electors of this stuto for their approval orra-
litptlnn nn nuiAiiilinnnt to thu Constitution of
the state in words as follows : "Thonianufao-
t tire , sale and keoplnR forsnlo of Intoxicating
liquors us a bovoragu .shull bu lloensed and
rok-ulatcd by law. "
Sec. 2 : At sueli election , on tlio ballot of
each elector votlnR for tint proposoil amend
ments to the constitution shall bo written or
printed the words : "Tor proposed amend
ment to tlio constitution , prohibiting the
manufacture , Rain and keeping for sulo
of liitoxlcntlns liquors as u boverajo , " or
"AunlnBt the prososcd amendment to the
constitution prohibiting the manufacture ,
sale and keeping for Halo of Intoxicating
liquors as a beverage. "
There shall ulso be written or printed on the
ballot of each elector voting for the proposed
amendment to the constitution , * the words :
For proposed nmondment to the constitution
thatthu manufacture , nale and lieopinit for
ale of Intoxicating liquors as a tiovorago In
Qls state shall bo licensed and regulated
bylaw , " or "Against mid proposed amend
ment to the constitution that thomnnilfac-
tnre , sale and keoplnR for sale of Intoxicating
liquors as a beverage shall bo lloonsod and
ri'k'ulatlng tiylixw , "
Bee. 'J ; If dither of the snid proposed
amendments shall bo approved by n majority
of the cloctoia voting ut the suld election ,
then it shall consltuto section twonty-soven
I'.1 ? ) of article ono [ llof the constitution of this
B tii to.
Therefore , I , John M. Thayer , Governor of
tlio btuto of Nebraska , do hereby Klvn notice
In accordance with section ono [ l ] article [ 15 ]
of the constitution and the provisions of tlio
uct entitled "an act to provide the manner of
proposing all ainonilments to the constitution
anil submitting thosanio to the electors of thn
state. " Approved February lUth , A. I ) . 18T7 ,
tliat mild proposed amendment -will lu sub
mitted to tlieiiiiiillllcd voters of tnli state for
approval or rejection nt tin ) general election
to bo lu < ld on tlio 4th day of hovembor , A. I ) .
In witness whereof I lioronnto net my hand ,
nun causn to bo adl.vud the great houl of tbo
Btatuof Nobrabka. Done at Mnooln tills 80th
day of July , A. I ) . IS'.iO , und Uioimh yeurof tin
Rtato , and of the IndoiK-iidonaoof the Unitad
btuti'S tilt ) ono hundred llftoontn.
Hy the ( Jovornor. JOHN M. TIIA.YEB.
. Becrotary of State ,
August Id3m
AVentwItli n Sniiko Clianm.T.
George McKnlBht drifted into the [ lolled
station untl wanted ttio oftlccrs to assist him
inflndlni ; U Is wife , who left liomo Thursduj
\vith 011 itinerant snake charmer. Instead o :
receiving the desired assistance , lie was put
under urrest for potlt larceny. The pollc"
had been looking for U'.m for sevcnil days
Tito complalninu vitricsa Is W. L. IDIckoy
vi\\o \ \ alleges that while McKnlght was deliv
crlnK load of Imy nt his burn ho stole <
pitchfork and halter strap , and took part o
the hay away and trnvo it to n rrioml , althouKl
Dlulcoy lintl paid for all of it , Tlio cuso wus
continued until next week.
Headache , notmilfria , dizziness , nervous
ness , spasms , BlccpiosinoA.i , cuivd by Ur
Allies' Nervine. S.imploi free ut Kuim & ,
Co.'tf , IStU and Douglas ,
Unveil I CIIIDAtlti. IU'lllI.X < in > N . * o. XrriTpJ"
_ IoifinmlMi\viii tr > ot . I Unmlis.
( W p ra . . . . . . .VtilciiKO Ktirii i. . . . . fill n m
tlo im . ( . 'MttiKO KtprtKt . ( VW p m
IOp ml . CMrnvo Ki | > n < > . i > n in
JWi m . clilcnxo l.iH-nl . . . . . I IllU n ni
lTi-i ) Uinu.1NiirOtf , t MO. HIVKIt ArrlriM
Om > h I Depot luth nmlMmonHn-oH. t Oinalin.
To 14 a mi . Dontrr llajr i.v | > re . . . . " . , 4i piiT
1015 n ml . Denrrr Ktiiir i . Ml p m
MO p nil . Dvimr Mulit < Cxi > ri < . VMn m
l.oi\Ti'f | TlHOAlil ) . U. iSi : V.ll'lVlCT" | Arrlr.H *
Omnlin. < trl' _ . depot , loth nml MnrcySl _ I Onmtm.
"MO p"tn . . . . .7..Nlilil ! Kiprwn HIM a ni
903 n m1 Alhnllo KxprcM 6.30 p u
IS ) p m | Vntlbtiln l.liullKil ' 10.4J n 14
TWVVUI i SIOOA Vl'I'fA ' T'AilKVC. , Arrivm"
Oninliii. | U. V ilcpot , lilth nnil Mnrcf St * . I Omnliit
' 7.1 * n in 7 . . , Bloiu rii ; 1'niiriiKur. . . .i
4. : < 0pni ; SI , I'nul Kx | > rri < ' 10.10 n m
U'.ivn I SllTlj.V I'l'l I i I'AUl-'lU. i A > rlr i " "
Uiunlia. I _ Ik'pot IMh niul Wobiler Sti. J Onmlm. _
7u l pin _ . . . . .T..hi , I'mil l.lnillt'il F U.M nm _
T iBvi"VUlt | AHOA s''KltV i rrnroi"
limiiha | U. P.itotH > t , lutli nml Mnroy l . > Onulu
8.1S n ml. . , , . . . . ' Kturtni. . . I U3u p in
Iy ; Ii in Vrntltuili ) l.lnilln.1 i , W a m
(1.15 ( p in Iowa Acuoiiiimiilatlnn i Sun ) .1U p m
S.llpin ) | Uii l 'ra Flyer J43 p m
I.IS u ml Knil KiKlvrn K < prt <
"iA-nveriClllfAUU , Milt , A ST. lMliU | Arriroi
llnmtii II. I' , dopjit , lOlh niulUrcr fit. ' ( hnaliit
tf.U ) P im riilcntfi ) i\prc j 1U3 n m
12 4 f 11 ml 4'lilcnno i\i.irp . . . , u. , . I ii.l'i. p ni
| A'HVC < I iJNx.VTTA AST. Mil IS i Arrives
Onmlin. I If. I'.ilopot , lOlh nml .Mnrcy Sli. t ( Hn.ihn. tu , . . . . . . f 1. t CniiiKin Hull i11. . J pm
R nvoTj "j ir5 Sl ( .V.\l,1.'l\t7 \rrlvoi"
( linntin , I liopotlith an \Vtilnlnr I Sty I Oinnln.
T.OO iTm i . . . . T l ck IHIh & .9I p ra
DIM n l . . . tlinn K\i. | ( Kx. Siliulr. . I l > m
5.10 p mi\Vnhno\l.lncoln 1'ni ( Kt-Snnil'jr10.30 ) ' a m
6.10 p mi . .York A Norfolk I Kx. Mnul.ijf ) . . tlO'JO n in
U-nvut i i „ ! * ' ! ' . 1' . , M AU. " " " I Arrlvor
Uinnlin. I Pot > ot l.Stli mulVolnior Sti. I Omln.
7.UO n m . . .Sioux I'lty Aceoiuinniliiilon. . . , lULS [ i ni
1.0'J P m . .l loilx Cltjr tdproaa ( Ht. Sun. ) . . 1..10 p m
1UI p nil M. I'mil l.lnillrj. Utt ii m
( .15 urn1. llnHMft I'n'viiuor iKl. Sun ) . . ) I S.IJ n m
I Arrlvoi
Onmha. I lX > iMitl.'ilh nml W ilut Sti. _ I Omnln.
10.30 nTiiirr.81. iJuuli A K. C. r.tirt | iT. . . I I 69 p ill
U.15 pin I SI l/inl AK.O. Kipro" . . . I H..U n 111
U'livei'T CIHCAO , It. " ! . .v'l'ATurit. I ArrTros
Trannfi'r ! Union Ikuxit. f'oiiiuii IIIUIH. n'rnnnfer
6'M p m K prcii 1I.'U n m
9.30 n in Atlnnlll Kxiiri'is 5M p If
( .00 pni Vnitlbulo Limited IU.SU a 11
ilfCAWO A NOIlTUWKSTi-JlN. i ArrlviV
TrHnpfor Union Depot , Cininrll ItluttJ. ITrmiHlcr
IMU n m I'lilcneo ICiproi DIU p m
[ . .10 p in Vo'lllmlo l.lnillvil V.'M n in
10.00 p .11 KnalcTQ Kljor 21V p m
Allantlotnll ; . : ! a m
ll'M p 111 Inns Arrnniinintillpn ( K c. Sun )
Uavoi iCIIIl'Alid..MlU ' .t ST. IMli ) * | Arrlvra
Trnii-'fiTl I'nliin ' Uonot. Council lllulla. ITrnn fer
C.Ifl pinlTT" I'lilrnKU Kxpreis I f.l& n in
Ija inn I Chlrnuu Kxpri'i" . . . . . . . . . I dim p m
Ix > aTP < T K. "C. ' , 3T. JOM A 0.11. I Arrlvsi
Trnnntfri Union Depot , Council Iliulla ( rrnnsrcr
lUO ; imi. . . . .KIUIHI ( Mty Day Kxprom I fi.4.1 p m
ID.Si p in . . .Ixnn-iiM nijr.N'ljjIit Kxprun. . . ' f'-l ' ) m
lKnvof I OMAHA A ST. J. < HHS7 Arrive !
Trnnstcrl Union impot. Council ItlnlTs TrniiMfor
ft.Klpm' ' . .St. l.ouH Cnnon Hull lI.S | < | iin
I.IMHIU | Cllil'A i ( ) . HUllL'N A oDINOr lArrlVci
TNin ( orl t'uloii DepotCouncil llluJT I'l'rnnxfpr
.t < ) inn r7..r.'hlcnio ( ( 11virii | s I li'JU p m
10.00 i > ni1 1'lilciiBO llxprosn I IUO in
7.30 pin' ' i r < " tmijrfcnl. . . _ .iil. . . Ill 'JO n m '
"l7oi ves"l" SIOUX CITV ft I'ACIKIt ! . lArrlvm'
Trnnsti'r ] Uiilun Depot , Council HhilTs. | Trnii for
7.45 a u7 Sloux Cltjr Accoinmodallun. . . j Ii 40 n m
li.U p ui . .31. i'rtul Kxprcaa lll.UI ) p m
WIIFJIKAS , A Joint resolullon was adopted
uy Hit ; loglslatiiru of the stale of Nebraska , at
the twenty-tlrst session thereof , and apjirovrd
March : toth , A. 1) . lb3'J ' , proposing an uniond-
inont to Scot Ion Thirteen ( II ) of Artlelo Six (111 (
of the constitution of said state ; that said
section tu amended shall road as follows , to *
wit :
Section l : Thatscctlon thirteen (13)of ( ) arti
cle six ( il ) of the consttu turn of the N tale of Ne
braska ho amended so as to read as follows :
tn'etlon it : : The Juilpo.s nf thesiiprenio court
shall oai'h reoolvo a salary of llilrty-llvo hin-
dred < lolars ! ( $1.500) per annum and the ludges
of the dltlrlctcpurt shall reoulvu a Nalaryof
three thousand dollars Cf.'lWUi psr annum , and
the salary of each shall bu payable quarterly.
Sections : Miicli person voting in favor of
tliisninendmcnt Hhall have written or printed
upon his Inllot the following :
"For this pi-oposoilaniunilmentto the consti
tution , relating to tlio salary oi Judgesof the
btipreinn and dlslrlet eoiirl.
Thorofore. 1 , John JI. Thuyer , Kovornorof
the state of Nebraska , do hereby give notice ,
hi accordance with section ono [ 11 article llf-
tocn [ l.r ] of the constltiillon , and tlio proH-
slom of an not entitled : "An net to provide
thomnnnor of proposing all amendments tu
tlioconstltutton and submitting thosatiio to
thoeloctnr * of the stato. " Appruvnd February
iitli. ; A. 1) . IH77. thtt : said proposctl iiniund-
mcnt will bu submitted to the ipmltllcd votorH
of this state for approval or rejection , at thn
uencral eloutlon to lo held on the 4lhdayof
Novemlier , A. I ) . 1H ( .
In wltnsss whnn.'of I have hereunto Bet my
hnnC unilcaiued lo he alllxed the groatecal
of the Hlato of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln ,
tills 1.0th day of .Inly , A. D.ltiiu , nnd the tvron *
ty-fonrth vearof tno stale , and of the indo-
pundmiconf the UnltoU States the ono hun
dred fifteenth.
lly the Governor. JOHN M.TIIAVEll.
ISKAL. ] Secretary of Slato.
Aucuat id.'lrn
rJHIS jtKAli'i'Y M/VUICI-rr.
NSTRUMENTd pliooii on ruounl Octo-
L bur 10.
Ida M Cnswollind liiishmid to Allro Al
lloiliunn. lot 1.1. lilk 14. Iliinsuoin I'luco.S 0,100
.1 II Die key to W U Attaint , lot 8. blk y ,
IlelvfiliMu nilil „ 800
Dennis Pi'imy uml uifo to Anna K Unit ,
Iol ! 2T > . bile _ . Oato'lty ( I'nrlt COO
J I'Mlnllntuid ' wlfo to I'I , Kilily , lot It ,
JnlTrlcssuDla lull ) . Shllnh 400
U I' LuL-bhon luD KKilwnid lotH. Wusli-
Inzton Siiuaro 1
O OLobiM'k. uxpcutcr , loKatu A Doollt-
tlo. lot ? , KnnlluM I.OOQ
J D.Mont ouiory anil wlfolo U It Wllaon ,
lot.'I , hlk' ' , " . . ( iartlinpo 2CO. )
Miles & Thompson InT K .lonos , lot T.lillc
ft , and lot in , blk J ! . Wtisliliiirion lllll. . . 800
J T. Ulluy anil wlfo to A W Klloy , lot It ,
hllc 0. bivt'Osy'H ailil 7,500
South Omaha land company to I'utur
rockrcll , lotil , hlk 11. Smith Oiiiulia. . . . V.I5
A. I'TuKoy ' ot nl to .1 T Vutiss lot 1'J , hllc
IS , rilfliin lllll ! ! , fJO ( )
SainuloN 11 ItiiHli , lot 8. bile H , siiuu : ' . ' , "VJ
P K Vunrtnr uml vifo to A 1' Tukuy ut al ,
lot It ) , bill b.Ullfton lllll 1
Total amount of transfers . 8 21.017
1B02. Sixteenth win Furniim streets Is
the now Rock Islnnd tlukut oflluo. Tlok-
ets to all pointa east ut hnvost
Iliiiltllni ;
The f olio wing psr.nlti were isiuol by the
supuriiitvndcnt of buildings yesterday ;
L. Clirlttluntou. ono slory frame cot-
taitu. I'lftci'iitli and Canton htivotn . . . $ WK )
A. It. llediitng , one ami nne-lialf htnry
frame dwvlIliiK , .Second iiuoinio und
Klin htmot . 1V)0 )
Tuuiulnur penults . 440
Total . 4 iHO !
The now ofliccH ot tlio groiit Roclc
Ibltuiil route , 1C02 , Si.xtoonlh uiul Kiirniiui
8ti'ooL.sxOntiiv : ! , uro tliu iinoit in the city.
Call and boo thorn. TlulcoU tu nil iwluu
mist at lowest
Tlio following murrlaifO llvonsos wcro Is
sued by JudK'O.ShlclJs yesterday :
Name niul uJJrosj. ARO.
Amoil'i-\vln Omalin lit
j \ , .
1 Ciirrlo Smith , Omuliu . . . IH.
j II. .1 , Heuzati , Omaha . bi
j Tina Johnson , Omaha . iV