Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1890, Page 6, Image 6

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OFFICE , NO. 12 1'E.AttL , ST.
rtollvcrnt l > y Currier in uny part of llio City.
II. W. Tll/ro.V , - - MAXAUKU.
HuMnr j Office. Nn. t.1.
Night Kdltoi , No. a
31 ISO It Mi\TJ X.
V. Y. P. Co.
Council HlulTs lumber Co. . coal.
The new patrol house Is tilmost completed
mid will bo reiidy for occupancy In ufuxv
In the district court tills morning the
criminal docltct will bo tnUen up after tlio
lu lfo ? liMKlvcn his charco tolho jury In the
llurko d.imngo ease. It li expected tlmt but
one case will bo tried , and If that docs not
occupy till thfltlinoof ttiocourtthoremainder
of tlio day will bo tulten up In listen ing to
motions mid demurrers.
Tlio liomo of .ludKO Ayleswortlr WIM llio
Bccno of n ( julcl wedding on ' .Thursday tiluht.
Tlio happy parties woreMr. . ItouU Mac-Wo ot
Cincinnati and Misi Mary Htccro of this city.
Tlio ceremony wns performed by the Ilex' . T.
8. Mnekny. The lirldo has been the organist
of St. Pauls * church for some time. Mr. iiiul
Mrs. Macldo took the ovonlnif train for Cin
cinnati , when ) they will reside in tlio future.
Mnrshnl Tempiuton Is still cinlcavorlii ? to
keep his equilibrium mid stand ujwti there-
form platform upon which hoviis elected.
Holies thoroughly reformed the headquarters
room , and I'hnncrcil It from a very touch loolc-
liiRpl'ico ' Intoiin iip.irtincnt that \voulil Iw lit
for u reception parlor. Tlio Intest articles
that Increase llio cosiness of the place are a
number of rn s. Judp ) AlclJeo holds his
clnily levees thuro now Instead of the council
Colonel Kap | > was very much hotter yester
day. Kacli ilny marks n continued favorable
Improvement , mid his friends expect to see
him out In a few days. Ho ! ms taken iideop
inturcstln tlio Krcat dtunngo case on trial In
Uio district court , In which lie was associate
counsel for-tho plaintiff. Ho has sent nies
seniors to tlio court room frequently with in'
qiilrlos concerning the progress of the ens '
and has eagerly listened to 11 that his vislo
tow have said about It.
A special meeting of the Pottaxvnttainio
County Fruit Growers' and ( iiirdeners' asso
ciation was held nt tlio court house Thursday
night , at which itwus decided to offer prizes
for the best display of fruits and vcKotables
at the annual meeting of the association to beheld
held nt the court house in December next.
Messrs , A. S. Honliam , M. K Myers and 1 i.
C. Haymond were selected as u committee to
urrniiKo the premium list. It xva ? also de
cided to have sovcml hundred copies of the
list presented for general distribution.
Tin : Uiu was made to do an iujustlco to
one of the most careful and conscientious
physicians in the city nfow days since hy too
readily crediting a report that came from
eo/eral sources concerning the failure to
properly report a case of diphtheria. The
child died of spinal meningitis without a
uyinptom of dlphthcretlo trouble. It was an
infant , and had hceu ndlioted with the ( Us-
case from Its birth. The inlsstatetncnt can
only bo attributed to an unfortunate misap
prehension of the facts by the persons who
urouirhi the complaint to this oflico rather
than to a desire to Injure a physician of sucti
high standing.
J'KItSO\.t f J'.i II.US Mt.t I'JIS.
Miss I ulu Rhodes left last evening for
Dcnison , Tu , , on a combined business and
pleasure trip. She will return Monday morn-
Mr. E. R. Fonda leaves this cvenlnR for
the cast , accompanied by his wife. Ho goes
as n delegate to the twenty-seventh annual
convention of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers , which meets at 1'ittsbur l'-i.
The best auctioneer in the state Is II. U.
Inmiui , Council liluffs. Special attention to
blooded stock sales , and p'l branches of
mercantilegoods. . Ofllco f > 03 Broadway.
Held for Koljbory.
Officer Doyle made an arrest on Thursday
right that lias proved to bo of considerable
Importance. Ho took charge of n youiiR man
whom ho suspected of being n crook. Tlio
young mnm objected to the arrest , and at
tempted to draw n revolver , but was pre
vented. Ho was taken to the station and
locked tip with n rhargo ag-alnst lilm of being
c suspicious character and carrying con
cealed weapons. Ho refused to give any
name , but finally admitted that 1\ Leo would
to good enough for him fern \vliilo. The
clllcer had noticed the fellow In company
with another young man , well known to tlio
police under the name of John Sullivan , who
Is said to bo the sea of a noted abandoned
woman in this city. Later in tbo night it
was determined to hunt up Sullivan , and ho
was llnally lodged in Jail , hut no charge was
preferred against him.
Tlio ofllccrs hnd grave reasons for suspectIng -
Ing that the young men were engaged in
bomojob , nnd the developments that resulted
from the investigation yesterday fully Justi
fied the belief. A young man giving the
namoof Levin arrived in tbo city the early
part of tliis week , cnrouto to the corn palnra
nt Sioux City , expecting toretuin homo with
bis wife , -who Is visiting in that city. Levin
bails from Bedford. Ho took in Omahii on
the day of his arrival hero , whcro
lie was arrested mid lined for in
toxication , returning Thursday in a.
half intoxicated state. Ho stopped nt n
Lower Uroadway hotel , where ho exhibited
quite a roll of cash and later visited a salon
near the Northwestern. Hero ho fell la with anil others and Inter complained ho had
been robbed of quite a sum of inonov , Includ
ing two certilicatcs of deposit forfSfxj , Levin
was conducted to the city headquarters ,
when ho Is held to appear against Leo uml
The case was called In the pot co court ate
o o'clock last evening nnd the evidence elic
itedwasisunleicnt to Justify the police Judge
In holding them for further examination
today under $1,000 bonds. They xvero unable
to procure bonds and were talien to the
county Jail. An information will bo lllcd
touay before Judge Sehurz charging thorn
wit li'robbery , nnd they will have another
hearing with a pretty big certalntv of being
held for the action of the grand jury.
Five Per Cent
Discount on water bills paid before 9 p. m
this evening.
Killed With Ills I2nBiio. !
A slight railroad accident occurred nt Pa
cific Junction yesterday morning hy which
the engineer of a switch cnglno working in
the Burlington yards there lost his life.
The accident Is not due to the carelessness
of any person or any defective track , Thcro
nro various stories concerning it , and all vary
greatly. The facts obtained from railroad
inon who came up on the passenger are sup
posed to bo the most reliable. In the absence
of any oftldal Information from the company ,
and their stories areas follows :
The switch engine vast run by James
Clark , who has been In tbo employ of the
company since the strike several ye.irs ago.
Ho was working in the yards yesterday
morning , and started to run on a sidetrack
with a waycar to leave n clear track for n
freight train that was Just pulling Into the
Btatlon. When thu engine was hulf way on
the switch it left the rails and turned par
tially sideways across the main track. The
freight train was close upon It and running
ciulto rapidly , and before the speed could bo
Blackened It crashed into the derailed engine.
Engineer Clark started to Jump just before
the train struck him , but was caught in the
gangway and was crushed between tbo ca
ging und the tender before ho could clear the
wreck. Ho was utmost instantly killed and
was dead lougboforo he could bo taken out.
The Injuries were Inlllcted about the chest
which was crushed In upon the heart. Ho
wns not mut Hated.
Clark was a man thirty-tiro years of ago
anil leaves a wife and three children at l a-
cillo Junction , whcro ho has lived since ho
has been in the employ of thocompuuy.
None of the other employes wcro hurt /me
the duinago to the curs und engines\vas
Signs , Losey & Jensen's ' , 11 Pear st.
Grand opening of fall and winter millinery
nt Mrs. Montolth's , an U rood way. Friday
uud Saturday , October 10 uud 11.
A Chilly Day But Hot Eaoing at tin Union
Park Yesterday ,
Kngtticcr Clark Killed at 1'neI flu Junc
tion An Iiniiorinnt Arrest
CloHcof the IJnrlto CIINO
OtherXe\VH Notes.
There wns a largo number or ladies in
nttcndniico nt the Union park races yester
day afternoon , and more interest xvas mani
fested in the contests Hum on nny previous
day. It was n little cool , but the races xvcro
so exciting Unit the xvcather cut hut little
figure. In tho2lS : ! class it xvns the Intention
of the management to stnrt all of tlio txvcnty-
four entries , but some of the horsemen con
cluded that it ivould be more satisfactory to
dlvldo tlic number , and this vas dono.
OtvliiR to tlio ruin on Thursday morning
the truck xvas bit heavy In place * , but not
bud. Kulr time xx'ns mndo in all the contests.
Today some of the host races of the xveelc
xv ill tuko place. The ! i :3S trotting class will
be llulslicd , then there xvlll bo u free-for-all
pace , the fivc-for-all stallions will go , nnd
thc'JiHOtrot is an attractive feature. The
entries for this race In particular nro noted
holies and xvlll nmko u race that cannot help
but bo interesting.
The races oi > ctiod wltli a contest In the one-
year-old trot fora pursoof SoW ) , xvilh tliofol-
- , - . . . . . . . Fort
Dodge. In. Hepeatur drexv tlio polo , with
IJordollsecond , After the fllth attempt the
horses were sent off , Itwas only a mile dash
md Charles Vsold favorite in the pools , It
\vm nn easy victory for tlio favorite. Charles
F tooU the polo at the tir.4 quarter and led to
thoiinish. Pylc's little broxvn stallion niiido
a faithful struggle on the sttMtch , but broke
nt n critical moment and went under the
xvlro in a half gallop. Tlio finish xvns fairly
chw ) betxveen Charles ! ' and Bordell , but
Repeater xvns not In it. Time ! J : tt % .
Bordell 2
Charles ! ' 1
Repeater y
Tiine-il.O-JJj' .
The second number xvas the 2HS trotting
class. Twelve horses started. The
started ofC in two sections , but scored clum-
silv lix'o times , xvhen they xvent off in splen
did order. Appaiiooso drew the polo and
held it for tlio llrst half , xvhen Captain O ,
Brocade and Dick Dimple pulled into the
front and at the finish Ap ] > [ had fallen
back to sixth plnce. Captain O xvon the heat
xvitli Brocade ana DiclcDhniile a close sccoud
and third. Time 2M : ! { ,
The second heat was llnally started after
the horses scored n half dozen Captain O hugged the polo
and held It with a death grip.
Brocade xvas in it , He meed like a tiger for
ilrst place , but second xvas the best record ho
could make. Dick Dimple cnmo in tlilrd
again while Lathe jumped up to fourth
place , nnd Kettle fell back totho sixth horse.
' .L'lio tinish xvas a pretty ono. All the horses
\vero driven the limit or their speed and
could no doubt make much better time on a
track in condition , Time 'J ; 'll.
TIKI third heat xvas also xvon by Captain O.
\vlth Dick Dimple dashing in a close second ,
loathe drcxv up to third place ) and Don Jliihon
fourth. At the lust quarter an accident oc
curred. Purity could not bo controlled and
swerved over in front of Bouquet. The
driver of the latter horse could not check up
in time to prevent a collision. Purity broke
but Bouquet was in a position to upset him
nnd the driver rolled off of liouquet's sulky.
Tlio other horses in the race were far enough
ahead not to be Injured. Purity ran under
the xvire uud dashed out of the stable gate
where ho xvas caught before injuring himself. '
Time 2:33. :
DlukDImplo 332
Lathe 748
Dillard's Alexander fi 7 10
Uouquct , 11 911
Dinah 810 8
CaptainO 1 1 1
Purity 9 8 12
.Appaiiooso Oil 9
Ardcn laia 5
Kettle 4 0 r
Brocade 3 a 0
I3cn B , Mnlion 10 5 4
Timo-ailK : , 2:34 : , 2:33. :
In the free-for-all trot four horses entered.
They wro John W , Glamour , Lobasco , nnd
Lluo Charlie. Tlio horses scored until everyone
ono in the Brand stand xvas tired. After
starter Barston had threatened to line both
the drlx'er xvho xvent nhend and the
driver xvho xvas behind the polo
liorso , tbo contestants got off.
Labasco xvas a favorite. Ho took the lead
shortly after leaving the xviro and held it to
thoiinish. Blue Charlie xvas a lovely second
end and made the race interesting , Glamour
and John \Vxvcrobotli outside the distance
polo -when Labasco went under tlio wire , but
considering the fact that the horses had
scored so often ami the start xvas unsatisfac
tory , tlio judges decided to lot tlio two lend
horses start in the second heat. Time
Labasco , the favorite , broke upnt the first
quarter in the second heat mill before ho
again got down to business liluciCluirlle hnd
succeeded in making n gap of llfty yards. At
the half-milo pole Blue Charlie was going" at
a rapid gait , but the faithful bay stallion
strained a point and made mi exciting exhibi
tion down tlio stretch , Some people had an
Idea that Labasco had the speed to go In first ,
but ho lost by a length , . .lohnV taking third
pliico , Glamour xvas distanced. Time-
After the second heat Labasco and Blue
Clmrlio sold about even in the pools. After
about four efforts the horses xvero sent off. In
scoring Jolin W. invariably went up in the
air about the tlino lie reached the xviro , but
xvhen Mr. Harstoxv said "go" itwas an even
start. Labasco's backers xvcro sere \vlion the
boy stallion left his feet at tlio first quarter ,
but ho recovered quickly and made h desper
ate chase for Blue Charlie , who xvas racing
for all there xvas in it. John \V. xvas llfty
yards In tlio rear at the half , bur made a
spurt and Joined the pair of llyors at the head
of the stretch , und had ho not broke would
have been in the linlsh. Labasco's driver
used the xvhip and sent his animal under the
xviro at a teritljpaco lust ahead of Blue Char
lie In 23. : ! !
The fourth heat of this race xvas easily won
by Labasco in Ui'J'JJ .
JohnW 4 333
Glamour ; j ells
Labasco 1 211
HluoCharllo 3 1 2 3
Time 2-3 Utf , S:2 : K , 2:2 $ , 3:29kC.
The entries and races for today are as fol
lows :
i:3S ! class trot Saloan , Charllo Burch ,
Croldmorn Chief , ICenneth , Miiinbriro Hello ,
Mauzy 13 , Lunnella. Caronco Girl , Hazel
Muid , Sothorn
S :30 : trot-ICinc of the West , Welchman ,
Ted McMnhoii , Golden Wing , Kenneth , Joss-
lyn , Horn Pipe , Tom Collins , Frederic C ,
Tom Jacobs , Logan B , Dolmont , Mrorno ,
Own "Your Homo.
Why pay rent when you can build a homo
for less money 1
The Iowa National Building nnd Loan
association commenced business In Coun
cil Bluffi Juno 1 , 1881) ) , nnd have iur-
nlslicd eleven families with homes worth
from fl.fliK ) to f3K > 0 cachat less cost than the
rent would bo on the same property , with six
more homes in process of construction. Also
have llfty members carrying stock for an In
vestment. The stock as Investment pays
about ' 'S per cent annual Interest , more than
llvo times the profit of uny savings bank de
posits , and It Is absolutely safe ,
Agents wanted in all towns In western
Iowa and eastern Nebraska.
A. A. I'Aiisoxs , General Agent ,
lioom 9 , Everett block.
Council Bluffs , la.
Itopuhllcnu Townnlilp Convention ,
The republicans of Kane township will
meet in delegate convention at republican
headquarters In Masonic temple in Council
Bluffs , la. , on Saturday evening , October 11 ,
1890 , at 9 o'clock , p.m. , for the purpose of.
lomltmtlnfftownshlponiecrs to ho x-otcd for
by the elector * of Kane townshli ) at the next
? cncral election. All delegates chosen at the
est primaries Avlll attend the convention.
WII.I.HM AIINII , Chnlrman ,
To Housekeepers
Prices that speak for themselves , A f v
' quotations from the lloston store ,
Council Bluffs.
I'Hixtsyo rmniiAMj.
He Highland medium chnllles.
T > c dark fast color prints ,
fie largo ( Ifiuro futnturo prints , Just the
thing for comforters.
TryourlDc , 1'J' o uud li > e hattlnp , free
'roin knots and open In ono sheet.
Apron Ginghams Re , a bargain.
Ua-ss glughainsatSc , 10o , l'J } < fc , now toll
Something new in striped domestics In
iKlit. medium nnd dark ; ulsomixtures at lOc.
Aslcto sco them ,
Armenia set-no. .TO Inches wide , only 12 , ' c.
New styles in Uopps , suitnblofor wrappers ,
S > fiCi 12 yards forl.
.Empress plaid * In new lines of colors , I'Jjj'c.
Cutlcurasonp.lTcil'oars' . ' medicated , 12 , ' c ;
Cupo May. ! JOc.
Ambroslii soap , ! 1 for 25cj put up lu fancy
embossed boxes.
Scented jrlyccrlno soap , lOe ; ! l for 23c.
Largo cakes of VIctoriasoiip : also fur bal
sam soap at fie ) I ! for'J.'c ; ( special. )
Wo also carry n full line of toilet articles
inch as all kinds of i > onibshnlrbruslics , , , nail
brushes , hair curlers , etc. , etc.
Boston Store , Fotlierlnplmiti , Whllelnw &
2o. , leaders nnd promoters of low prices ,
JOIJIW and -mi , Broad way , Council lUu ffs.
1' . S. Store open every evening until 9
o'clock. Saturday , 10 o'clock.
Conclusion o ( the Iliirke Cn o.
The arguments In the llurko damage case
wcro concluded nt 4 o'clock yesterday nftor-
10011 , but the case will not bo given to the
ury until this morning at the regular hour of
opening court. 2f early nil of the Jurymen nro
jrny headed , and several of them are qulto
niirin. Tlio C.HO has been ou trial nearly
two weeks and the Jurymen have had a hard
scigoof it. In view of these facts Judge
Mncoy , with thoughtful consideration , rc-
Tralncd from reading his Instructions to the
jury , thus relieving them of the necessity of
taking the ease under consideration at the
close of court last evening and being robbed
of their rest for the night or until they
reached a verdict. The Instructions will be
? lven this morning and they -will retire totho
| ury room after having had tt good night's
rest , and will bo much better ublo to con
sider all the intricate points and the mass of
testimony that has boon poured into them.
The case will remain for perhaps many
years the most Important ami ably contested
Hint the 1'ottawattaiuio bir lias ever known.
Attorney McCabe concluded his argument
for the defense yesterday morning. His
speech , begun the afternoon previous , was
tuo last made for the defense , and It will
stand as ono of the greatest efforts ho ever
made. It was a keen , clear and argumenta
tive presentation of the evidence to the jury.
While not unaccompanied with outbursts of
eloquence it was not designed toranlchigh
as eloquent oratory , but a lucid dispassionate
statement of facts to the Jury. When ho
closed yesterday morning it was evident that
ho had made a ducp Impression upon the Jury.
The closing argument for tlio plaintiff was
maclo by John N. Baldwin. It was a speech
that will rank with the best efforts of his
life. It WHS eloquent from the commence
ment totho cndiiiK. lie has seldom addressed
a more Intelligent looking Jury or a better
looking audlcnco in a court room. His
eloquent outbursts had a marked effect , both
upon the Jury and the crowd in the court
.I.C. Dixby , steam heating , sanitary en
gineer , 9H1 Lifo hiiildlnz , Onuna ; 2UJ ilor
riam block , Council Bluffs.
Los ey it Jensen pain t houses.
Find interior decorating , Losoy it Jensen
G. H. IJ.WHOII'S Harrow Escape ,
G. S. Lawson , tlio well known contractor ,
hnd a narrow escape from death last night
and Is still suffering somewhat from nn un
fortunate accident. F"or several days past ho
has been under the weather , nnd last evening
Just before ho retired for the night ho poured
out a liberal dose of what uo supposed to bo
port wino anil swallowed it. It did not taste
| ust right , but ho attributed the difference tea
a disordered palate. The liquid was lauda
num instead of wino , but the mistake was
not discovered until the gentleman had be
come seriously affected by it. Ills wife
noticed that something was wrong nnd called
inn phy iclan. The doctor arrived before
tbo patient had bccomouncouscious , andafter
a good deal of vigorous rubbing ho was re
vived suftleiently to tell what ho had done.
Ho pointed out the bottle f win which ho had
taken the draught and the doctor perceived
the mistake that liad been ma Jo and went to
work with vigorous antidotes to save him.
Ho was unused to the drug und it had taken
a powerful hold on him , but after an hour's
hard vork ho was carried safely past the
danger point.
At 11 o'clock ho was resting comfortably
and was thought to bo out of danger. j\s
nearly as ho could tell ho had taken over an
ounce of the poison.
Money at roducoJ raws lomodoa chatto
nnd realeatato security by E , II. Sheaf a & Co
For rent Furnished room , Airs. J , Ly-
man , G"J Willow avo.
Tlio Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413
Broadwuy. _
She Got Her Norn.
About six months ago n sixteen-year-old
girl named Nora Ileelan arrived from Ire
land and took up quarters -with Jin aunt , Mrs.
Jlurphy byname , who resides on Broadway ,
Just west of Indian creek. Norn , wanted to
earn her owa living and a situation as a do
mestic was secured for her. About two
weeks ago she quit and wcnthome , and a few
days later she secured another place on First
nvonuo. Hero she remained only a day erse
so nnd loft , but did not go homo. Word
was sent to Mrs. Murphy , who in turn in
formed the police , nnd a systematic ) search
was made for Norn , but she could not bo
.found. It finally came to the ears of Airs ,
Murphy that Nora could bofoundnt the Sal
vation Army hull , and Wednesday evening
Mrs. Murphy called. She espied the girl ,
walked over to where she was sitting and led
her out by the car. Nora cave ns a reason
for her conduct tliat she did not want her
aunt to know she had left her place. Intend
ing to got another situation. She had been
living with a lady friend.
Buy your lumber of The Judd k Wells Co , ,
8ia Broadway. _
J. 0. Tiptou , real estate , 537 Droadwa/ .
Faithful to tlio Ijjist.--
A young man namocl William lllcakley
came to the Bluffs from Iniogonn and secured
board with the family of George Smiley , n
resident of Avenun .A , Smiley was taken 111 ,
nnd members of Council liluffs lodge No. 49 ,
Independent Order of Odd Fellows , of which
Mr. Smiley was a member , desired to assist
and care for tUelr brother , but young Bleak-
toy stated he could care ( or Ids employer ,
which ho did inn faltnful manner. When
Smlloy recovered lllcaklcy gave way nnd
soon was a sufferer from the same disease ,
typhoid fever. Ho grow worse , and though
ho received the best of attention nnd care ,
death resulted. His remains were shipped to
Imogcno yesterday afternoon.
Tlioshock wns a severe one to Mr. Smiley ,
and members of his lodpro wcro pained by
the news last night tlmt ho hnd suffered aro-
lapse ,
If you wish to sell your property call on the
Juud & "Wells Co. , C , B. Judd , president , ( XK5
Broadwuy ,
"Wall pnpor at Losey & Jensen's , 111'eurl st.
Arrested for lOmliozxlmiCMit.
Considerable of a sensation -\vas created nt
the driving pnrk yesterday afternoon by the
arrest ot two -well known young men In this
city , They wro J , IJ. and T. E , Daniels ,
two brothers -who used to bo in the grocery
business near whore Fearon's place Is now.
The arrest was inado upon warrants sent
lioro from Iowa City , whcro an indictment
has licen found ngaWit the brothers for cm-
bcxzlcinont , Thar aw both well known In
this city nnd have numerous relative * here.
Nonoof the particulars of the c.uo could bo
learned , Tlio boys u'cro ' tjiken to tbo county
jail nnd will bo hold ai fugitives from jiifttlco
until an oftlecr nrrlvxs and takes them away.
Tlio KnrmerN1 IiVrmr.-inue CoiiipiMiy.
A t the last iinimul mooting of the I'ottn-
wnttnmlo county farmers' ilro Insurance
comrumy tlio following ortlcor. * wore elected
for the cnsuItiK year ; President , K. Camp-
hell ; vice president , .A. . V. "VVymani secre
tary. E. It. Ohlcndorf ; treasurer , C. U.
\Valtc. \
From reports presented It was shown that
the nisocintlon was in a most prosperous con
dition. Air. Ohlcndorf's report shoved thftt
the risks In force amounted to * l,700iW. , !
A a o > s j.t ) .
A. Electing > ! ' Western KomlH lu Cou-
fddni-tho IiinVreutliilH.
CIIICAOO , Oil 10-Spcclal [ Telegram to
TniiHr.i : . ] Chicago's percentage of western
lumber tonnage has decreased 95 per cent la
the last eight years. To save the remaining
tonnage n hurriedly called meeting of the
general councilor vcstern roads was called
today In Chairman Wulkcr's ' ollicc. As has
already been publlsied , lumber dealers In
Eau Clalro luvo pftltloned the interstate
commerce commission fora reduction in tlio
present lumber differentials , claiming It was
a discrimination against them. Tlio
differentials nro now from 1 to ( i'rf ' cents
in f.ivor of Chicago , nnd wcro established
after year * of ruinous r.ito wars , Under
these differentials Chicago has lost To per
cent of Its proportion of the business , tut
rather than reopen the subject Chicago lines
hnvo submitted. . The Kiiu Clalro people
nmdothoSt. 1'aul road the respondent In
their plea , The Mississippi river is now the
competitor of tlio St. Paul and docs nearly
all tno the Uuilncsi , consequently the St.
Paul was willing that rates should bo re
duced , nslt then could do n of the
business. Its unswcrthercforowtis , ono which
acknowledge tlio Justice of the Eau Claire
demand , but If the differential Is changed In
one place It must belli all , und , ns a consequence
quence , the bottom would drop and lumber
rates would Immediately bo 011 a non-paying-
The session of railroad attorneys to con
sider the matter was a stormy ono nnd , as a ,
result , ttie St. 1'aul will nmciidlts answer to
embody the views of all Chicago lines until
Lhe interstate commerce commission renders
its decision. However , all western roads
will lie on tent-hooks. The situation is still
further complicated by a notice of the Alton
that it will reduce its lumber rates , tlidugh It
names no figures on Its proposed reduction.
JTO//O.VK : JXIHAX cnsFfsnisxvK.
Tlio Platform Reported I > y thelSxceu-
tlve Committee.
IAKK MOHONK. N. Y. , Oct. 10-At the
Indian conference today the executive com
mittee , In reporting the platform for 1SOO ,
reviews the -work done toward the civiliza
tion of the Indian nnd urges congress to niako
such liberal sind increasing appropriations as
may bo necessary to perfect this plan and
carry it into full operation ; calls for the
further extension of education la nil ths in
dustrial arts as essential to the preparations
For self-support ; protests nguiust the re
moval of Ciipablu ofllclals for party
t-easons ; recommends an improvement
In the prouisions for the
regular and legal administration of justice ,
both toward and among Indians ; urges
churches to largov plfts ; and greater zeal in
their distinctive Christian ivork among the
Indians ; reaffirms as the fundamental prin
ciples which should control nil friends of the
Indians that all work for them , whether by
private benevolence or by the government ,
should ho done in anticipation of and in prep
aration for tlio time when the Indian races of
this country will bo absorbed Into the body of
ourcitizeus nnd tbospcclllc Indian problem
will be merged In the great problem of build
ing up the human brotherhood which the
providence of God has laid upon the Ameri
can people. The , conference unanimously
adopted a resolution , urging that tlio money
derived from the sale of the surplus reserva
tion bo held as u fund to aid the Indians on
allotments in learning how to support them
The IMilliiKin-Wnj.Micr S < nmbl > le.
CHICAGO , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BEH.I Superintendent Spoor of the
Wagner sleeping car company , the only of
ficial of ttmt concern located In Chicago , has
been hastily summoned east. Thoeastcrn of
ficials are in a quandary over Judge Colt's
decision at Boston yesterday , Rlr. Spoor's
assistant said today :
"We are in doubt as to the demands of the
court. Mr. Spoor has gone to confer with
his superiors , so that It is evident that no or
ders have beeu issued to take oft our vesti
bules. "
' "Will your company take an appeal to the
United States supreme court ! "
"I cannot speak authoritatively on that
point. "
"Should it bo beaten on nil sides , would
your company attempt to compromise and
pay Pullman a royalty for the use of the
"Perhaps. We will use vestibules of some
sert. Wo now have joint contracts with the
Pullmans , nnd wo don't anticipate trouble. "
Another phase of the Pullman- Wagner lit- !
pation was recently before ,1.udgo CJrcslmin ,
who decided that tlio AVagncr people wcro in
fringing upon the Pullman right to use tbo
Sessions spring. The defendant removed the
springs , but used the vestibule proper , as be
fore. Aceordincly , these last suits were
brought against the "Wagner company and
the Boston & Albany
Tlio IIiiKllHh Turf.
LONDONOct. . 10. ( Special Cablegram to
Tun Bui : . ! At Newmarket today the races
for the thirteen tli great challenge stakes , six
furlongs , was won by Prince Soltykoff's '
aged colt Jlephlsto , Daniel Cooper's two-
year-old illly Melody second , and Chevalier
( ilniatrelll's threo-y ear-old lllly Siguoriua
A 1'rlninry Ticket Selected After a
lively Skirmish.
The Ninth ward republican-club met last
night ut thelv club room at 21103 I'
street ana put a primary ticket up , The
mectlnt' was largely attended from all portions
tions of the ward , A llttlo preliminary skir
mish was indulged in by u few hot-headed
men , and for a fc\v minutes things wcro very
lively. Hard nanics were called mid a
few blows struck , but no blood was spilled.
Harmony was shortly restored , however , and
W. 1. ICierstead-wus unanimously elected
chairman of the .meeting. A committee of
three was appointed by the chair to name the
delegates to bo voted at the primaries Mon
day. The comintytca named wiis composed of
Charles J. Johnson , ! . \V. \ Jluynard and V. L.
llleumor. AHora roccss of ten minutes the
committee reported the following list of dele
gates i
\V. I. ICicrstcad , A. IJ. Smith , , ! . 'NY. Bow-
man. Frank K. Ultehlo , M , K. Free , U II.
Itlnckwcll , II. L , Howard and Charles Ualtt.
Tbo alternates lire Charles .T. Johnson , J.
W. Alaynnnl , ( ! . S. Uonawa , Clnrk Wood
man , John 1'otersoii. , II , Talcot , A. CJ. I'M-
wards and Joe Huiiiu ,
The report wav unanimously adopted nnd
all pledged themselves to vork for the
ticket ,
Short speeches were made , principally
touching the prohibition question , and before
the meeting adjourned a motion was imidoby
F. L. Bleumor that the sense of the mooting
was opposed to prohibition , and amid loud
huzzalis tlio motion was carried without a
dissenting voice ,
The WliltR-Durkn fllovn J lclit In
' South Omaha I st Mglit ,
The Wlilto-Durko plovo contest took place
In South Omaha lust night and wound up la
a row , The conditions of the light wcro that
\Vhlto was to stop hUopiranonlln slxrounds.
Ho had everything almost Ids own way from
the Mart , and In the flfth round the friends
of Uurko claimed a foul. The referee's do-
cislon was that there hud been fouls on both
sides , but tlmt as White hail thu best of tlio
light lit ) would dec-hire him thu winner. Con
siderable loud talk was indulged In nud lifter
a few Impromptu "scraps" the crowd dis
X.lTHt\'ft.JtlN'rH .Tl'MM' n.lll.
0'Itrlp.ti ntul DllloiiHooretly Iicnvollii
pcrnry and Snll lor A merion ,
Dt-iiLiN , Oct. 10. The case ol the crown
against William O'Urlen and John Dillon ,
fiiartfcd with conspiracy In Inciting tenants
not to pay their rents , was again called In
court at * Tippcrary tills morning , O'llrlea
and Dillon have hitherto been present at nil
hearingsbut this morning when court opened
they did not put in nn appear
ance and It wni rumored they hiul
left the country , Much excitement prevailed
In TIpperary wlicn It wns Known that the
two defendants had abandoned their dcfcmo
and loft the plnce. A continuation of the
rumor tlmt they had left the country was re-
colvcd , but none wns received , however , of
the report tlmt they had sidled from ( Juoens-
town yesterday for the United States , Information -
formation thus far obtnlnublo shows that
they did not lenvo by the ordinary clmunoli
of passage. Their forfeited ball of 1,000 cnck
will bo paid by the Rational league.
At the request of counsel for the crown the
court's ' ccrtlllcato of non-appearance was at
tached to the bail bonds of Dillon and
O'Brlcn. Adjournment was then taken to
enable the orown to consider whirl steps
should bo taken , Warrants have been Issued
for the arri'st ' of the missing untloiialUt * .
The steamship companies know nothing of
the fugitives. Nothing is known at ( Juoons-
town or Movlllo of their whereabouts. A
correspondent of O'llrlon's paper , the Free-
man's ' Journal , sailed for Qiieeiistown on the
Cltvof licrlln , and ills thought that Dillon
andO'Hrlcu may bo aboard the same vessel.
Detectives have boarded nil outgolni ? stoiim-
ors nnd searched in vain for the men , They
are convinced tlmt they arc already on their
way to America , It is jossiblo that they
sailed on nyneht and boarded a steamer out
side of Quccnstowii.
Will o Heoclvcil ns I'nti'iiit * .
Loxuox , Oct 10. The News , commenting
on the flight of Dillonand O'Brien , says they
will bo received In America as Ifossuth nnd
other patriots escaping from continental op
pressions have bcc.i re/celuod hero , Tlio
News adds : "If the callers of the league
ire empty , ns Its enemies boast , ISalfour's '
blundering will soon replenish them.
O'Connor's ' paper , the Star , says the men
went to Havre and from thcro sailed for
New York ,
THE < l
Animal Kci > ort of Commissioner Croft *
Miulc Public .
AV.isitixniox , Oct. 10. The annual report
of Commissioner Groff of the general land
ofticoshows that the number of agricultural
patents issued during fiscal year ended Juno
! )0 ) was ll",347cinbrieitig , lSTii9,520 , acres , as
against 70,1-lL , Issued in ISSOwithsin aggregate
area of 11,220MO , acres. Of mineral mid mill
site patents 1,40 * wcro Issued , showing an In
crease during the year of 4'JI. Of coal patents
2--I wcro Issued , an Increase of G ! ) patents ,
representing 15i7 : ( > acres. State school selec
tions aggregate 520,779 acres. Tlio selections
for tlio previous year aggregated only lUJlofl !
acres. The acreage of swamp lands patented
to the several states durinctho year was
10fK ) ! > l. There were patented oucertllled
under the law for the benefit of railroad com
panies duritiKthe year 3(3,803 ( , acres. This Is
a decrease for tlio year of ( ! 1,1S1 acres.
The total cash sales during1 the fiscal year
were ; ! , : } KH3 : acres. Original homesteads ,
timber culture , state selections , school and
swamp , railroad selections sind others of a
miscellaneous character , 9JG2OS.i , ; acres. The
Indian lands disposed of aggregate l.'UVW.'i
acres , making a grand totnl of 12,7'.tSS7 , , ; !
acros. The total cash receipts of the onico
from vnnous sources during the llscnl year
was ? , TSOr > 17. Of this amount fii.D-Ul.lM .
wcro received from cash sales. OnJuneiio.
18bfl , thcro wcro 270,751 llnal entries of all
kinds pending , und at the close of the fhcal
year of IbOO there were 20S'Jt , < 9 pending ,
showing a decrease as compared with the
previous year of liS.CST . entries. Railroad se
lections amounting to 29l77t ,9.V ) acres wro
pending at the close of the year , an
increase over the previous year of JW2,7oi
acres. There were also Oregon wagon road
selections pending to the amount of fJ4,0X5 , !
acres. Exparto mineral entries nro in ar
rears about twenty-nine and a half years.
Contest cases , < iuasl-contests and oxparto
coal entries nro up to dutc. The mileage of
nnd grant railroads actually constructed up
totho close of the last ilscal year was 18,070 ,
miles. Surveys have been accepted after ex
amination In the Held of'Jl ( ' acres , In-
eludlnRDakota 9l'JU'J' ! , and Nebraska tW.MW. .
Upon the subject of forests of the public
domain the commissioner finds that the mo&t
valuable timber on the nubile lands Is being
rapidly exhausted and the laws relating totho
subject utterly Inadequate to properly protect
either the public forests from unlawful
appropriation or the interests of tbo settlers.
Over $39,000 were received last year from
timber depredations. A provision should bo
rnado for the legitmato procuring of timber
from public lands by mill men and lumber
manufacturers for sale tonn cxtontnccessary
to supply the community in the locality In
which they operate with lumber and other
timber products needed in the settlement
thereof , but the exportation of public timber
should ho prohibited , as also should the
removal of timber from any of the reserved
lands and from mountainous regions and
other woodlands at or in the vicinity of the
hcadwmYirs or sources of streams which for
climatic , economic or public reasons should
behold permanently us forests reserves , ex
ception being mndo hi favor of settlers or
minors for their personal necessities.
ttx Tin : K
I'rcsidcut Kind's llefunnl rilny I're-
clpilato a strike.
Nr.w YOHK , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram to
Tim Dei : . ] The Krio railway company ,
through LrcsUleut Ring , having given a neg
ative answer to Its employes' ' request for an
increase of wages , the commlttco > of the
' .Trainmen's lodorntlon.of which fl , . II. Young-
son is the chairman , Is in session in Jersey
City today discussing tlio matter. A general
grievance commlttco of the brctlicrhood on
any system of railway has power to inaugur
ate a strike , but whether the Erie commlttco
will do so or not is n matter that
can. only bo conjectured nt present. The
company's answer appears to have been
n surprise totho committee and the employes
who expected to have their demands con-
Meetings of tno various local lodges will beheld
held tonight and on Sunday night in Jersey'
City. It is thought the committee will ascer
tain the sentiment of the employes before
takingnny actlvosteps1 There are some who
assort that a strike will surclv take iilaro on
Itviw stilted nt the Krio ofllces today that
the company was paying hlu'her average
wages than any other railroad corporation ,
and that it would bankrupt the company to
Increase the pay of the men In nccordanco
with their demands.
It is now said that the Knlghtsof Labor
are atlho bottom of the trouble nnd that tlio
principal ngltators among the 12rlo employes
are Knlghtsof Labor under disguise. It was
said that it wns the object of tlio Knights of
Labor to cause nbig strike on tliolCrlu and
then have their men stop lu and take their
places , Tbo object of the Knights , It is said ,
Is to get oven with the Brotherhood of loco
motive engineers nud the I-'edorntloa of rail
way employes for the way they acted toward
the Knights In the recent Central strike.
The Swedish AntM'rohiUlllon i lH.
The Swedish anti-prohibition cluu met last
night In Green's hall and had an enthusi
astic gathering. Ooorgo Christofforson , the
brilliant young attorney , was present nnd
mim o an excellent sjieecn. IIo was after
ward endorsed by the club as a candidate for
a candidate for the legislature.
Mr , OliristoJTorson Is an aspirant lor the
nomination for legislature In the democratic
ticket and will bo one of the leu-ding contest
ants before the convention tins afternoon.
Ho h a gentleman of good education and
more than ordinary ability , nnd will luvo a
strong lollowinglf nomiimtcJ.
Jlln AVIIb nnd Children.
XIWTON : , Ala , Oct , 10-Claytoa Uoyd
poisoned his wlfo and four children this
morning and fled , Ono of the children li
dead and the others nro In ncritlcnl condition.
It Is said that Lloyd has another vlfo In
_ _ _
Population oTNitw Vork Stale.
WifmiNbrov , Oct. 10Tho imputation of
the state of N"ew Vork is 5UsKJi | , un in
crease of 6W,0 < M , or 17,09 fcr cent ,
Awarded Jlrs. Church for llclng I'ut
OfTn Mllivimki-e Trnlti ,
Siot-xPAMj , S. I ) , , Oct , 10.Special ( Tele-
Brain toTiiE URK. ) A verdict of UMK ) was
awarded today in the United States district
court mlh Is city against the Chicago , Mil
ivautceo & St. I'nul railway In favor of Mrs
.Itilla A Church of Artcshm City , thin state.
Irs. Church was removed from "a passenger
train September : il , 188" , at n station bv the
name ot Worthing , on the Iowa and Dakota
division , She had an excursion ticket from
IMUwtiulteo which rend via Canton mid
wanted to goby way of Mitchell and V'ooa-
socket , when putoff the train slio resisted
with all her might and In the sculllo received
injuries ,
The IJONN of tlio 12tri > K < > nl.
SAX I'lt.vNCisco , Cal. , Oct. 10. The steam
ship Bclplc arrived today from "Yokohama.
Concerning the IMS of the Turkish frignto
KtroRoul , Japanese papers ulaco the cause of
the disaster to the ex plosion of the boilers
caused by nnln-msli of cold water from the
opeiilngmadoby the vessel HtrlkliiBiigninst a
rock off Kashlnoska ilghlhouw. According
to the stories of sun-Ivors
, during a tremend
ous storm n tcrrlllo nolso wns hoard and all
wns confusion. The men nnd ofHws were
mostly below In berths. not I mine-
illatoly killed rushed uiito llnd that what re
mained of the vowel was foimdeiing. Tlio
sea win soon full of debris , In which the men
fnughtund struggled forlifc. O.sniaa I'asha ,
the admiral , was swimming towards the
shore when ho was struck on the head by a
spar and sank. Out of n total of COO souls ,
only six ofllccrs nnd fifty-seven of tlio crew
reached land , Alany of these wo rose badly'
injured that they wore not expected to re
cover. Subscriptions wcro opened for tlio
relief of the survivors nnd Japanese anil Her
man gunboats lent all the assistance possible.
VVII1 Divide wifli the Prodigal ,
ST. 1'At'i , Minn , , Oct. lO.-fSpcclal Tele
gram to Tin : -Aremarkable | case of
bclf-ubnegatlon caiuo out today In the an-
nouticoiiietuthat the will of .tho late ISdward
Langcrin will not he offered for probate. Mr.
LaiiKerin died three weeks ngo possessed of
property valued nt 1,000,000. Ho bequeathed
this vast estate , pretty equally divided , to his
wife nnd llvochildron , with the exception of
( leoitfoV. . LntiBcrln , his only son , to whom
ho left nothing , owing to the hitter's wav-
wiirdncss. Vounglteorgo scnt ) money fively
and got in debt Hourly O.OtKI , Tlio will left
him a hopeless bankrupt. Shortly after Mr.
LaiiKcrin's death flio doruiiicntvasrcadiii
the presence of the children , who expressed
great regret at the llslnheritingof Cicorgo.
There was a consultation and Itwas slated
today that the will is to be burned and the
estate divided equally among all the children
under the common law ,
"Isthls thobcstl'1 Is a question often asked
when medicine l < wanted. Tlio following1
are a few of the medicines ot known relia
bility sold by the druggists of this
plnce. They have many other excellent med
icines , but those are worthy of especial at
tention :
Chamberlain's Cough Ucincdy , famous for
Its euros of severe colds , and ns a preventa-
tlvo for croup. Price M centi per bottle.
Chamberlain's 1'iiiii Uahn , a general family
liniment nnd especially valuable for rheuma
tism. Price50 cents per bottle.
Chamberlain'sColic-.Cholcra and Dinrrhma
Hemedy , the most reliable known medicine
for bowel complaints. It is especially jirUed
by persons sublect to colic. It has cured
many cases of chronic dinrrlia'a. Price U'lanu
50 cents per bottlo.
St. Patrick's Pills , for disorders of the
liver and bowels. A vigorous bat gentle
physic that cleans and renovates tjio whole
system. 1'rlco 25 cents l > er hov.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment.
For totter , salt rheum , scald head , eczema
and chronic sere oyes. Price 25 cents per
A 31 ore Toward Ilighvi * Hates.
Ninv VOKK , Oct. 10. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE. ] The Trunk Lines'association
today held a meeting- response to a uall for
the purpose of advancing the rates on all
east-bound freight. The call wns Issued by
Sir Joseph Hickson of the Grand Trunk rail
road In Canada , John King- , president of tbo
Erie railroad , aiid Charles t\ Meyer , presi
dent of the Baltimore & Oblo. All of the
presidents of the trunk lines , with the excep
tion of the Philadelphia t Heading and the
Now Jersey Central , wcro present. Presi
dent ( Jcorge B. Itoberts of the Pennsylvania
railroad presided. After considerable discus
sion It was finally decided to let the question
of increased rates remain as at present , nnd
Invite the western roads affected to confer at
some future meeting , the date of which was
loft , subject to the call of the chair.
Portland's Great 1'caInsular Property
Portland , Oregon , is as large as both St.
Pauland Minneapolis weroin 18SO , She will
have 400,000 in HHK ) , ns they now havo. The
old city is on tlio Willamette's west hank ,
containing but eight square miles. The de
velopment is rusliingacrosson the IS square
miles of the nciilnsula between the "Willam
ette and Columbia rivers , with 18 miles of
deep water front , already containing Port
land's ' shipping , and soon to hold net ? whole
sale nnd manufacturing interests. Property
purchased now for hundreds inaysoonwll lo
'thousands ,
Two linudon Failures.
IwONDO.v , Oct. 10. Fears tlmt there would
be some failures on the stock exchange todny
as a result of the settlement have been con-
tinned. The suspension of two brokers is
announced , ono of them being a largo oper
Through coaches Pullman palnco
sleepers , din Ing cars , free rucllning chair
cars to Chicago and intervening- point
viutlio groiitUoekIsland route. Ticko
olllco 100 : ' , Sixteenth and Furiiain.
. - . _ . . . . . . . . . TUB GllRAT
tlJV. An unfail
ing cure for fern-
Irml Wonknoia ,
Hp ormatorrliom ,
Impotenoy. it nil
ill ( U'eiMji ( hit
follof an n in-
( junnco of Solf-
„ rr. T'i7T , , of "Ici'mlVV. PM ! J. .i.TT-
vorsnl I.nsHlluilo
Palntn tljo Rack , llliniiru of Vlnlon , rromnlnrn OM
AaP.nnd miny clhor rtltomoi Hint lend to hunnitr
or ronHinnptlon And n. rrcuuituro vrnro.
IF"KulliarUculiru Innur pamphlet , wlilrh wo tie-
Blrolo r nit frfcaliy mnllto every ono. f "Tho 9pc
cIllcMcdlrlno IH lold nt II | > r | incti.'f. : or ill imck-
itKeifnr f5or will bo sent fruolif mnllun nctlpl. of
tbomniif' n < Mrrn ! liiif
Oanocoiint of oounlcrfnUi no liaro ale tt ( l .lil
Tcllow wrnjiiur , tlio onlr cenulno.
J. UEKD WHIPPLE & CO. , Proprietors
J. KEED AVUIPFLE & CO. , Proprlotors.
HIl fciTlco oicoilnl by lumo. Ciimplcto
In nil iiiil'itii | | ' > L''il'1 ' ' llc < t Ux'utliiri In thii clly.
Tlio llmloii 'rnin oilt | , nui : " .Mr. Wlilppln l
prlurn ( f litndlunlH. nnd piitrun * of I'lirkcr ' uinr
lUHIcli'iito it ruliirn to tliu KUOI ! olil tluu's of Iti
loiimlvr , lUrvuyll. Talker
.Mr. XVIIII'I'I.Kirill runtliuio tlio iminuKC'iiiun t u
VOUIIK'B nilmri'luluio.
Z * > ' ' . .lVt"iIM
* - oi i 7r
- ' - g7f'yy "
111. Ciiretl UtnmlltB Vul. . , . , Ill Int > rflj. HIM , hoolk.
( . ( . Cnnlliioui < rr l l hiIlllllr IMiuch ill KJ
riilTH , riiUrllKltim lo IIItLTIlKl r 11,111101 H HTIIIINUTII
Klnlrlc l rr nl fill l liillj. ol e 'oclill 3. < > 0 In < > ! ,
UtlT > idKiiH > uri f . , .plflr * 0. d ill , , tt'or.lmti !
irath * .
" Ii'I" ) .ABHIIH t < M. .
JI7 " ' u lies J.lni' : Iliu only
line overlnvcnli'd Unit ImldH tluielollnit xvllli-
out plus ! u pcifdi'l hiiccMM ; iiulont rrecnlly
Issued ; Hil'l only l > y Wills , tliom t Ilio en *
c-liitlvo rlKlit Is u I veil i oil ric'rliitiif .VIccuiH IMI
will hciulu suiupli' line liy nialli a INI clicn.
Juts ; prim llxt uucl terms lo IIUIMIIHI M-IMIIO
vinir icrrlliirv nt mice , Aildrcst 'I'ilh I'IN-
1.I1S.S C'I.UTlli.S : LINK CO. , J ! llurinou bt ,
AVcrccatcr , .Man.
llsdiimtcs or tlio 1'loM by tlio lo-
parlnicnt of An 't'iilt ' lire.
Oct. 10.Tno October cstl-
WAJIIINOTON , . 10. - -
mntcsof tlio yield per ncrefor tlio cntlra
brcndlh of tlio ocrctil crops , M coinpilcil by
tlio department of iiKrloulttitv , tiroi Winter
wheat , 10.3 bushels i > cr aero ; spring wheat ,
ll.r. ; whont crop , 11.1 ; outs , ) .Sli.irley,31 ; , ; *
rye , 11,3. Tlio condition of corn Is 70.0 Inf
stcaOof ro.llnst niontli , burkxvho.iUX > .7 ; lu-/
stoiul of HO. , ' , potatoes OI.7 instead of Or.,7 < , to- '
b.KvoVi.-t InstcHilof SM. Tlicro Is practl-
Mlly no eliniiRO In the general nvcnttro of the
roiuiitlou except n i-odtiotloii of 4 jwluts liu > o-
tntoos and nn Incrmsoof a iwlnts In tolucco.
The effect of tlio winter frosts upon wheat la
shown by the towu'r r.ite ot jiold
to hnvo been sovcro. Koino of
the higher mtca lu the principal
states are : Nexv York , Ifi.Sj 1'cmisyivmila ,
K ; Ohio , l'j.r. ' ; AllehiRttii , lfi.Sj Illinois , II.- , ;
Missouri , ll.U ; Kimstis , la. . ' ; CiiM'oriiin , 1-J
OI-OKOII , in , Uwiw | mndo a vorv loxv jlohl
tlirotiRliout tlio south , ( vhoi-o this noivnco IH
siiiail , lu the Ohio valley thoviirlnlloii In the
.Yield m tlioitliTcretit coiintioaiis on fanm in
the sdtnc cotiinty luw the ox
raiiKOof from llvo to twenty-live
In oaltvmu cases from one. 'to thirty
One county In Illinois cliiliiwlho "best crops-
Ill yonrs , " uml u.iolher "u jworoi * crop
than wits expected. " The Hoc ley Mountain
( irons iniidc high nvcrapss in spring wheat on
limited iu-c.Ti. l.ikotn ) yields , vnrylnir from
n bushel or two to W bushels , mnko nn
nver.i'o ( of llhusliels per aero. Minnesota i-e-
ttimsl'J mid AYIteonslii Ji,5 bushels , riio
estimated ylisUl of oats of TAS bushels , which
U tholoxvi'sl ever roiwitcd , probably redti.-fs
the nirKfegato iiiwlu'ctinoro thunfooUOtio ! ( > 0
When yminecil a peed , safe laxnttve , nsl :
yourdniKtrHt Torn box ofyor's \ I'llKuiul
you will find tlmt tbevKivoiierfivt sallnCm-
lion. For Indigestion. toniM liver , and sick
lieadiicho there Is nothing Hiipurior. J-.eadiiij (
physldinis recommend ( hem.
fop Ilio AVi > H < l' Knlp.
K'.i'iliviM.i ' : , Tcnn. , Got. 10.-A speciiilfroin
DuiiYllle , ICy. , suys n committee from Chi- '
enjoin the Intercut of tlio world's full- visited
\VasliliiKtoiicoiiiity \ , iie.uhero , tills week ami
boudlitof Henry Rood the li cabin inwliioh
Abi-i1inni Lincoln livivl asabovnnd whcro
his father wan tnarriciUo Is'ancv * Him Us , the
ccrtlllcato being m-csei'vcd thcro yet In the
rou uty clerk's oftlce. The price nald forllils
historic i-i'llc ' wns $1 , ( XXI and It will bo tiikcn
down ntul erected on n prominent situ at tlio
world's ' fnir.
fiiilplio-Siilliiu Water
Isamildlaxltivo nnd
A simrlcliiiK inorninRilrliilt-Uottletl nt
KxcelsiorSprln s , Mo.
I'or Mnrdoriii Tlirrn XVdiiion.
Rii.r.ionN. C. , Oct , lO.-Stove Jacobs , a
notoiious noR-ro desporailo , was executed
todnynt Lunibcrtoii for the mil rder of tlireo
xvoinen near thcro several months nijo.
Mrs. "VVInslow's Soothins Syrup forelill
dren toethiiiK produces natural , quiet sleep.
i5 ! ccntsa bottle.
Ten Klllod nnti Jinny "Wounded.
P.UIIS , Oct. 10. An explosion occurred
today in tlio pyrotechnic1 school nt Uourges
Ten wcro killed and many wounded.
Pears' is the purest and in.&tdo.i cver inado
SHOIlVlliVNDl'atmlit llrst syslein. | irlvit
lessons. Kd. I ! . Wrlslit , liW South l''liU ' t.
"iriOIt KK.NT A bph T reslili'iico InCoiiiiJiT
JHliitVHof c'lou'ii ' \\ltliliiiKornnliind
orcMiard. Iliruu liliit-lcs froniOiniiliii uud Coun
cil HIntH ) motor rallivny. Will lie icntcd
11:1 : rtly furnished If ilwli-t'd. Apply to X. 1' ,
J > olgu&Uu. . : r'j llroailwuy.
POIt SAMO Tlio sliwk aiiilllMurusTjfa woU
rstalillshml croccry slnre , or will noli
Htockaiiiliuntiitoro and llxhiros : nlsn tlireo
l-yi'.ir-uld coin for siln. Iniiiilro ) ( T. J *
.Siuilli , t .Sin. riSlUlli aic. , Cciimull IlltiIK
FOIJ KENT llousos and rocun ; unu over
storonmr enurl. house ? , nnd OIKI fiirnlshod
room at J.It. Davidson's , U'JiPKthnvu.
"IT OR SAliB or Kent Ganlim land , wltli
JL : bouses , by J , U. Itlco. 10 ! Main St. , Oouuoll
' 1717'11 y pay rout mien yon can buy u homo on
VI Uiesiiino terms , und Inciisu ofyourduiitli
atnny time lonvo your family thu lioiim clear
on the followliiturniii
Alionio wo r tli f ! , ( ) ! at. 913 pur niontli.
Ahoiiio woi-thft..r > 'J ) tt SIS IHT
Ahonio wortli Ji.03) ) at J'-'l per inuutlu
A homo vorthM,030at * II i11" " numtli.
A homo worlhM.OOJnt JUpor inuiitli.
Other ( irlcocl lioinunn tliosaino lornii Tht
nlOTo tnontlily piymont Inctndo principal
Biidlntorest. For full uiiitlunlnn call on ot
n < ldrcs < * tho.Tuld ( & Wolli Co. . UM H roadway.
Ooimell Illnffs. I'u
All kinds of llyiii nnd I'leuiilnv done In tlio
HlslusitStyloot thoArt , i'luh-d and Stiilni'il
Knlirlusiniulo to l < iok us ionl ! ( as in > w. Work
| iriiiiptlyliionnl ( ilultvi'ii'il In all juris of
LlioCountry. Send for pi-lcu list ,
0. A. MAUIIAN' , I'Mii. .
Ol'l llroa ilwny , Near Kurtliucilern Di-jioti
COUNCIL Ui.iin'H. U ,
Strictly tobtlslncii" H n hptciilht inollo. The
cist iiicct'U In every line of Iiiiiiuiii t'liirrxy hri :
Djllhu hi > lull H lo .inmcl iiilo | > tuil | > -Ililtr ,
I'e plo nrolirrtKroixlvo , full nf onorr. i"1 nion'f
iiinklnu vcliumei. U'lioy noel puclil : triilnln lor
In poputnr oiliicutloti , Her public
l Horlc for lier ncre.uln
\VL'.itorn l
Comninntpi full term Supt. lit. Sim Holo'ls ih
ri'nlly iirnctlcnl for her ritnlnnti. N'ornill II nil'
no-i , Sliortliiimlniiil ruimia-Hlilp OOIIMIM. well tit
Kiinl7ol niHl f-arofully coiitluctu , ! Htiiflc'itt 111117
outer ntnnr time , Writs forfurllior iiarllcuta lo
\V. S. I'auUuil.
CouncHB luffs low , .
_ _
Of Council Bluffs.
PAID UP CAPITAL . $150,000 $
IIHKTOIIS ) I. A.MIIlnr , ! ' , O. ( lloawii. K. l < -
Flnnurl , Iv. Rlliirt , J. O. iiliiiiiiiilsniil'lisiilri :
O. Iliinniin. Truns.ict iMioral liuiildiu lnN-
iirns. l/irK : 'st oujiltul mill Ninpliu of uny
banl : InSou tliivo.sterii Iowa.
" "OFFICE u & pTisEv' 7"
Poriior Sliiln ami Uroadway ,
Disulors tli forolKn iiirl iliinimtlo xi'hiin' < 9
Oil lor I limn Hindu und Inlnritsl | iuld < > u tluo
deposit * .
F71l. ELLIS & CO. ,
And Uulldln ? Superlnt ndonU.
Kooiiiil'MI umlItfJIliiu lliiildliiK.Oiiiahu.Ncb. ,
mill UIIOIIIH "II and' ' ! ' ! Mrrrluin lllookUouucll
lllitlTH , la ( 'iirr < ispoiil ( iK'ii HOllcliud ,
i'Ki ( in , or.
or.W. . C. ESTEP ,
Council IlliifVW , Inxvit.
II Nortli "Mil I u Htri-tit ,
Funeral Director nnd