THFJ 0\TATIA TAlTiV ) RTJTT1. SA PTTKDAT. r > fTORTCT ! ? 11. 1SOO. niiTin iTTttn iiiTift Tf mi , SPECULATE E MHIIEIS , Trade in Wheat ty Fife and Start * , Vth ? ! Better Baying than Selling. AN INCREASING BULL FEELING IN CORN. ( Keep 1'acc W'ltli Otlicr Cereals l'toiHlons n I/ttlc Unsettled MIC Stoukfttul Pl- iinnulal. CntCARo , Oct -tSpodat Telegram to THE BfPl The -wheat tmdohad tnUoupuitcMlnt ; today to toll what win coining In tlie pit. Trade was by fits and start" . There was wore orle s nervomnessotor the oipeetcd i crn- mpiit crop n'pnrt. and this caused sonic c on- Inz up of tnilo. Ilnylne was better than fcclllns , nnd , with some covering by shorts , cotre buying on peed cables and somn tarly bujrliiKon export business tliero was peed support md hUhor prices The openlnswas around lira for December , with sales all tlio my from ! 103U to JI.OJ'j. ' May was first quoted around JIOT'J Hocomber solil up to unit the Hrst fifteen minutes , nml after a dull period n second bulzo took tlio price to IIOi'4. 1'rotn thisltsoldto llffJH toflOl to UttlVi to il W'i ' , or'4o over last nlsht , tit 1 o'clock , May sol < l up toll 0 M Such nc us could be pitied up MIS Mlshtly bullish. Tarly cables were steady , with private * ciblei to Wllllim Dunn nnd other * firm and reportIng - Ing a Ijcltcr demand : Ihe closing Liverpool cables ( .r ' 'id ' up The cloudy weather anil further r'lln hurl an Influence HI far n s the conditions Interfered wltli the frco inoe- n cut to primary markets. Minneapolis re- ccHcclIM cnrstoday , biitw Irtd the ostlmato for tomorrow at 410uod rc [ > orteil peed wheat quickly picked up It was reported thit U loids vcro tilieri foroxport Iitoytstortl iy sit > ew York. New 5.ork cleared TiUOJO bushel-s tl whnt siml 14.000 | > iiek-azo * of Hour : Phila delphia 8.0OObushels of wheatand Ilaltlmore none. In ft KPiiernlviy Ilutchlnsoii wns szaliist the market. 1'arkcr ' was n , teller. Ilaldvrln A. riirniim sold , and GoorRe Smith and Loyiui od ] upno'iHI 01. The best buy- tri wore William Ihmn.Orr. Comstook. Will nni Voting nnd the shorts The wheat market * not hold at best prices 1her j'wai a dI | ) oslt nto < nen iintnielcs andtsiUcprofits on the biillsldobo.'oretheclose Keullzln sales eiusud lo-'iiiib ) r to drop back to II ai'4 ' < iC uudcrtho best prlco und Ho over the close la tnlelit. ( X'tolOr ) wosijuotrd for the session Btd.eOVSI Of-i. closlnqatilOl ; Mij , for tlio day. 1 ! OTS'BI Osl-J to il 09 at the close. Thuro win more InttMMt In the ttashlnzt crop rtport In corn thr.n nny atliurtunrl > it. It Isln this pit that It will bo most full , espe cially If It linot bullish In tone. The market has bun hddou tliit expectation for dnys.'ind mUcrsc reports 'ont direct to reccltliiRhouses hivolulped this belief The bull feullnR In corn Increased totlie clo e. The price of Mav was run iiptoSTl c and clo'cd sit5.T cor Ic ox or list nlzht. Sales for tlio month were up tooOV Nou-ruber was old at.M3 ! , closing at a shade iiniler that price December as quottil ut JOHe toSl'icnt tliccloM ! Thoestl' mate for tomorrow N TPO car The oats trade kept place with the other markets .ill day There was n OMlnct short ntcrest In this unket whhli ran to o\tr the lust half hour hen everjthln ; actr > il ei stronR. ThNrin prices up about In addition to the advance t irly. At the close Octoler and NoMinber were ejuotcil at To and Ileceniber wus at 40' o. Shy s.ihs were at < JSc to4He before mldhy 'lion Hutcbln on told the * rmrket off a little on tlio lastbul o tlio nrlce went to 4.1Sc aid clo-cd at tint flcurc KccelptsweroUa eirs. and the estl- mute for Satunhy Is 203 cars. No tlurtors reported. Tliepro\Mun triilowas n little unsettled all day. Itsports from the yirds were apaliist any better prices , whiles the action In corn belpcl thoprlccs upward. 1'lrst prloes were not chanced from last iilght. January ribs hold off 2Mo to )70 ; lard , S c toK.4Th ! pork , SSc tolll.W'j. ' Thc onarc the bottom figures enusfd bvbo rict'lpts , which were Increased from iJ.O)0 ) e.irly to ST.OOOat 11 o'clock with prices at the yards lOc lower. Thiro was fair BiipiKirt nil arouiiel later , and January rltu mo-ved uptot. > . ' 5 lard to WS'Ji , , and pork to HI.Mii. closInK UKc up for tbcd.iy it til V ) Otlirr monlits acted ulttiJanuarv. In early tradlnp tlio Anile companr hoiitht and Ar mour > v Co sold pnrk. Mltchtll wusaccxxl liujer later and scalpers werubujlng products all el iy. Nur YORK. Oet. 10 [ Special Tclecram to TIIEIIEB.I-STOCKS Much to the dcllsht of the c who fcircd serious results from a fiirtherdeclluoln values , the stock market opened with it much Improved feeling and with ( air Kilns over nlKht. I > ondon nas In the inirUot with Rood buying order * In St I'avil , Union 1'aeltlo ' anil Atchlson. ChlcaRO orders tvtro to buy firaujjCM pcncmlly One thing > vhleli crate a hopeful tone to trading V wnsthe hellef that the leidcrs of the heir part ) hndnothecn sloty In getting liold of a llbcnl line of stocks iround bolto < n prices It wisro < 'l > taUul of that shorts In Ixiils\o | | | will ho jirM-iOilhy luslilo pirtles , anil Gould1' ! plan , as dlsciisivd. Is to capture control of th's ' p opertj Tlio purchase of stocks by Armour was a hull polnur Altogether thediiy opened with better prospects first prices tliowlni ; he ivy advances otcr hst night's flsuretof from 'm to \ per cent. Chl- cafoOivs , New KriRljiul and North American leading. Bn lnss , howo\er , was not so well dUt1 United. LncUavt.uini wusspoclally act- l onlthSt. I'ml. Frlo , I.ouHvlllo , V Nnsh- v-jlle , lliirlln ton .t North American following. Tlio market was still fovurlsh and after fur- tlierfractlonalRalino\t ndlns to Vj pcreont there wasa nactlin vvlilch Rcnerally wpe | < l out the Imprnteiiiint ocr openlns lliires. Another upwird tno\cincnt folloutd , liow- oer , and prices , v ith fretjucut reactions , gradually , though blonly , worked up to a hlitlicr rungo of \ ilucs Licki\v.inn.i : eliowliiK a KIII : ! ofa 1 pir cint otcr Its opening Tlioro was a second period of depression about inlddny.but prices p < nerail ) held at bitter than elo > ln ti.'iire yolerclay. The le t points touciied during tlio morning inr.ori , ' lendlnc ctockrrs were. Chle.iKoOnKl ) > 4 ; lonlsvllle. 81 ; .Nov Fng- liuid , 40 , .Sorlhern 1'acitlo common , 3 ; pro- f rro l. ,4' , ' , ; \tohi on. IH'i ' ! llurllnston.U'1. ; ; Isntlhwfitori ) . JOT , Ktxk Nlaml , T7t-t. 1'aul. M'I ' , Ml nirll'nclfio. 6o > i | Union l .icltle.Wli , > \i.U ! rn I'nlon , bl" ! , I.aLkAwunna. MHj. The etwk uith teed the hear attacks todny and rillleil each time. There wure more tli 111 shorts luylriq ; stocks lia\o fono Into Htrong haiuls un l It looks as If the rat- tilngcloMii ofnrlcts Is u\rr. Arterselllnzoir fmin iionn prfeei there was a good rallyluc iualn biforotliocloso uhlih lift opryth.n HtnLout.thebpst . points for iUnml from Vi to 2 point * , lottir than last nlclitUKar ; I ! nlono wisaonii 'i riis ts up with ill Oran- Kcrlooks .indshoucil t | to Itiiet caln I ick- ii iuunwtisiii | . ' . , and Illlmili t' Juor icnttolOl. tiles rciichid Swl'W ' shares. The following wire tliecloslni ; quotations : \ SSTCCJC. Cincino.Oct. 10-.Special ( Telegram toTm Iltt-l-CATTLE The situation In the cattle trailuremains unchanged. Afuw goo laoor on bale ulU rather stronger tliuii yos.tcril.iy tut common ami medium slowed no slfns o Improvement anil wore the lust to be nottl ttatlte butchers'itocU rcuialus at th rerj low price prevailing for tuo li t two weeks - ran&ors wew reported iteadr. nd thp Mocker and ffed r triido pre'onteu o nrw features The top price for today § 4"o ( or prime n llro itrers ! ftilrto a * < * f. t4't ( I * 0 , medium. 11002120 : common. f.'IxB-lM : latl ecotti bulls nnd other rough stock , 10) -2.0j Texan" . f.'XXiM'O for st ? cr . Thereto ttlc or nothlnu Tn Ihe nn e trade. The lomo land Hnd cuttle compunjr sold a few teerfnvernelriKl Juelbs nt fil.fio , top price for tie lit/ but tint Is Tc lower thunat Iho 'is of lac week. Othtr range steers sold . lots of heavy and butcher's - . , „ . . . early at steady prices , but as lie receiptsb < > saii to ibow up heavier tlnn In' estimate * , the concrnl market weakened nd nt the elo o trade wiscry dull and alues a MronxlOc loner Llslit wirtsfold JOc OMrrrftorn ( lit start. I'ackrrspHldf * 75Wft3lor ) artiof loads nnd MU > a > t ! 0 for fair to peed nlxnl Inrzcly | > ail3 Prime lUJit sold at 4 . - > SI.4i > ; tCvOndctaH. lUViftlW , und pl . 2.7&3..75. ) J'lt O Jt VV Jl .lit If f. TS. Ciuctno Oct. I0-Clo < f Wio-it-ritru ; Corn ' cash , c , 'iJicenilcr , Me ; On'u I'iriu ; cash , < ( ) : December 40Ue : Iny H' . IS > o I Inn ntOc. Tlniothy-rirm at II23. Itarley-Qulelatrio 1 Inx-Meidyat JIC'S. \ MilskfI ) U . Mus IWk tcn lri ca h , IJ..o , arv 111 S'i ' : Miy. JlSK'i. leady , cish : , MSi'i ' ; Januar ) , urRWi rlmir Hrm anil ttni'liansoil : winter wlfit. f2y./iV > .2. > , prlnj wlicit , MOOSAM ; rje , JJi > S Hulk Moat -5hrullor , f > . ( lM < Q 'li short fir * . * . . ; * . > 71 , short rlb ' : / ? ' > : ( ' . Hultcr-L'nchanjrd , creamery , lVBZJcilalry. : t lifeso-t'iu'lnnseil ; full creim Cheddars i' < S3Uc ; tintsS'l ' fcik. , young America" , 9' * ® . VMS I'neli insed. fresh 17 3lsc. Hides I tic ti in jLvl heavy R n en salted. fi'iC ' : llphtcreen stilled. O'e ' , Kreon. 5'C ' ! silted bull lime * . 3cilrr nlf , V ' > o ; deai-oni oaili V Tiltow-CnihuiKcd ; > o 1. 4'jc ; No. 2,4c , ; lC . . . . shipments. riour , blU . \Vlicit. bu . 2 iX ) S.'OOO Corn , bi . lUT.OXJ 101 MX ) Oats , bu . . . . . tl , M 2AOJO YOHK- . Oct -Wheat Kcculpts IIOCO ; exivirt' . . TuCODs pot ' ® > o hlclier , closliii : linn : No. U rid. ilWU'SIO1. ! In eleva tor , Jl.t7U < aiO afloat ; IIOTdtlOT'i fo b.No. a rul , irA.iinjridfdrod. ! IO.V , 1 10'4. options lilgliur. clo-.lnitliiii , No. I ruclo \ > imberclos- . torn Kccclpts H'OODU'hels ; export's. 4fOO ; spot ' IJ'iO ' lil her. closing tlnn. rso _ . ' . 'ii'i © ST'iO In ole.itor ; uir.'r.iilic ) tnhud. jl'iO'if ' ; options hUhor , trsidliig dull ; > imlicrclos- - > . Oits liccclpta , 1/1000 huheN exports , O , spot , f.ilrly in-live No ' . ' . -wliltp , Wt < 46'iC : lulled \testorn. \ 413KV ; ft liltc we torn. options btronstr , Xovetulcr closing ColTeo-Optlons clo cd teudy. 10120 point utsales ) 4K ) biRi _ , October. II * l" 8l'JJi'i. ' ' > siKit IJIooulet , but Hrtner fair oar'nes IJ ) 7i siiJsir-Uaw uctlre nnd tinner , rtlned , Iir n atidfsilrlj iiLllve. I'etrolciini ' 1 Irmcr ; united clo ed at tO'ac for.\o\eiiibcr. ( : KS I resh firm , western. 2l'i ' < a25c. j'ork - teu.d > ; mi-s. f II WZtl.'i-i. 1 ird-1 Irriier , bvtdull ; western steim , pot { 44JS : November ilosliii ! at * < ,4 ! ) aiked. Butler-Kiilrly active and lirni wctsteri " ' "tirM. , creamery , IJtajil'ic ; fclsln , 2U > ( i Uhec--e Stronger , light skluis , SU'Uc. ST. I-otis. Oil 10-Wliit. ( © 'O'.e ' ; December , ll.02 i , W , torn Illslier ; ush , ( X1 , Dutcwber , 451 , i" " * OU ( Uts-IIU'lier ; p nli. 3w , May , 42'iC l.iHl-ririn ittOW. \Uil-k } * 1U Iluttrr ririn ; better cradts hlglier ; cream erj.L'i > 3J/o ; dairy. 7&lec MiNNrvrou . Oil. 10 Wheat c-xm pies In filr < ltm incl futures hlRh < r : receipts 4 > cars ; slilpineiits. < ( _ liislni ? ' No.lhard Ottolier , Jl.OI , on trieU. II Oi31oi : ; No , 1 nortli- crn , October , iCiSc. NotcmUr. tMS'ie ' ; Deecin- licr.r , Maj. il.OJ'i ' ; on truik. ! Ni.s ) > iC , No S northern. Oitobcr. ffllc , DicemUr , Ok ; on t r AU K . K\N < t Citr , Oct. 10-Whcat Fisy No. 2 hird , ush , Jo ) bid , October , fOScbld ; > o ° red. easli , tH'iC bid ( orn-bteady , > o 2cash.47'4Q4a1lc ; October 'oats-Steadr ' ; > o , 2 cash Oitobcr , Ss'ic. Mtr.wiuicrr , Oct 10-Wheat Quiet , No. : sprlns ; cusli tWiiJTc ; Dicernbur , WUc , .No. iiortlmu. 81 CO. ( lats-btoady ; > o 2 white. 40c I'rolslous-Qulet ; Jjnuarj pork , til.SO IJIVEHPOOU Oct 10Vlieit Steady , de mand Improving , holders oTer uiodtratuly California. No 1. ? ) 4d per cental. U'orrt-Eus ) , dtiniiud poor , niUcd vestcrn " ' , per cental _ CIKCINXATI. Oct 10.-Whcat Eisler , red , tlOO Corn-Higher ; No.2 mixed ' .T5c Ontj-btoidy : No. 2 mixed , 4' ' tt hiskj II U. U.Il"E Il\"E STUCK. CHICIOO , Oct. 10. Cattle Receipt" . 3I.O03 , mirUct steady ; steer * iJ.7Jftl.tXlcov\s balls and jnKed.IHKx3.MO : [ exa-i steers , I2.W3J.SO ; ranker steers. f.J.OOQ.1-CJ Hogs-Receipts 27.0JO ; market weak and lower , priiie | heavy and tiutoher weights , II.V ) : llRtit , < X > 3I 40 ; pU's , l.73-a-l.73. hh ep KtcelpK 5.0W , in irkot firm jxnd higher , weiteriis , JJ7U4.45 , natlxus , $4. ' < ! , lambs , f..3Ja3,73. | ICi.sCirv Ott. 10-Cattle lcffelpt ! .XOOO , shlpinintt , . 3.0JO , niarktt tlnn ; steertJS lf > , cons. SI 60j ( ; V ) ; stookcrs and feeiltr * , f.2 > 3.l.2.-r ; r ingcsteersll.fcUi ; IK ) , range co s , il ( X3I so. llo.'s Ketelpts 10VXshlDnicnt ) 7.000 , Rood steauj , common lower , allgradts $ . ) .oO4 " ) ST. I.OfH Oil 10.-tattle Receipts 2G.OM ; shipment1.700 , market slow ; fair to fancy steer * * ! 7 < f-4 00 , stoikcrs mil ftcders , fJ.Wg ) J.20 ; loxuns aiiu I lull ills. IJOOIi-MO. Moss Hiicclpt * 7.SOI shipment 5.OCO ; mar ket lower Uej. > j.M > a440 ; olVLtl grades , WWXJI H ; light , II 2XJI.JJ. Stoit CITY. Oct. 10 Ho ; Kecolpts. l/W ; inn rkcterv slow , mil quality light , selling. 10 ; bulk , O Jl IIIA Jl. llltei. TS. Cattle. Trldiv. Oct 10. Kstlmateil receipts of cattle. JCiX ) as com pared wlth2.iU7)esterda.j ) and 1 , * > Irldayof lastuceU Quality of thoneelpts.very poor : best steersste.idj others , almost Hat Liberal receipts of cows ; host gr.idcs uctlie and stronir. others low nnd sncslns Demand for feeders tie irly eiiial | to the rcHtlptiaucl best Eradc steady ; others slow , receipts of hos" , 4.700 as com pared witliT.47 > l ye tcnlav nncld.O'X ) l-rldav of lat week The market opemd slow and So lower ami il rawed alonp all day Hinset.lKS GH.tbo \ bulk at M tij'tl 15 shipping anil llcht fie lower : packing ho s ite.idy to r c lower. Tlht. MO-XiSIO. % : heavr. USV3I IS ; rnlxeil. WOW64.10 > otw IthstuiidliiK the mar ket dropped a shade to Jo , owlnu to aUsbe- InK contlmd toonly the l > e t hess the .IN eraie weiitupl'iC. The axoriseof M.OO'j .is eompired wltliil W jeatirduy aud W.lOund I'rldayof last woek. hlicep. No fresh receipts ofshoepandthe mirkctro- malns noinlnnllr.teidy. . Matin * , t.'JS ICO ; westerns r. . nlspasltlnii of Stock. Phonlnthonunilcrof ) hoatl of stock pur chased on thli inixrkL-t vi > st nUv ai reported by the vclglimabters of the ttockyarda coiu- piiny : CVTTIE. nllt.tCo . 679 Tlielieor.'o II llimnioiKlttiinpiny The. Vnnoiir-Ciitlali ) packing lonipany . I , -o Kotlwblld . . . . 110 Hamilton & . stopheu NvU Morr's. . . Shippers and ( teden . I,3s4 lioos. TlicArnionr-Cudaliy packlns company l.TTK ) Onuha pnoUliiReonip my . . , . if. II. packing Co . , , . 34. J. I1 Squire- . ACe . . . . . . , , , . . , 27" North inck In ? company . . . . . 68 Itrlltaln.l Co . iv Shippers aud ( tcdcrs . , . 371 CIIEEI' . Meyer . The follow In ? Is a table of prices paid Ir this- market for thwpradiuif stock mentioned n Hood Mrcr. . llOtfllBX ) IbJ . . . . 3A1 GI13 Fair. 1000 to 1151 111 * . 3.W QlOO foiilinon.KKJ 10 IJOOIlii . 3.i ! > IM Cuniiiionrutiners . 100 CtHO Ordinary to ( ulr cows . "DO < u to Kalrtoooil cows. , . IM ft.'GS GMK ! tocliolooeow * . . . 173 6.100 Choice to fancy cowj. . . . , . ! .is u3 u Fair to gotMl bulls . 1 OJfVi Choice to fancy bulls . 2.V ) < UO > IJllit.toiktrs and feeders . "M ft..w ) Kitiler .t M tollOOlbs . ' . S. t. alr tocliolcellKlitli ( > K Kalr tocholcelicaiy boji . 3.(3 ( 15 Fals to choice mixed hoi * . 100 QUO llcprc prilntl\-o Solos. No. " Ar. Pr Xo. Af Pr Xo. < U. Tt KS 2 a 19 111) ) 3 U 10 1I7 3W M tea 2 w J4 131 3 JO ? 1057 J 10 B nr. as cow . so ; 1 W II 711 1 tt 3 770 17i 1 W 7 70 1 M " S70MO I IS . - 1 W l" 11.0 Itt MO 1 13 S in none 7 . fOI 200 11WJ 1 U r , no i a 23. . tfi 2tt > WJ i a 17 KB i o .1..1 1 215 7(0 ( i r , Jl 170 15 V3 2 0 1 JO 1 MO 170 1..UO 23i law 1 M 0 11X0 17 IM > e it'-j - 2 n fi ai jv , o . on 2 9 10 l 2 10 1 .1070 24) 11 101 S70 i ! > o s 11 : i Wl 2 W 6 IIC1 S71 JMVi 2y . l S 27" > 10 fvi 5J ) s . re'CO ; a . wo sw 5 r 4 2 JO S4..1I14 X'CO fc.,1077 SU 7. 11B1 2 JO ll 1 M 1 .14(0 ( 175 1..HOO SCO 125 170 10 CAt.VEJ 19 . M7 aiD ftAOS 2. . 1(10 ( 125 4 1510 2 CO WESTERS CWTt.E. . No. AT , 1'r. : t steers l.M M 23 1 steer If.-O J 23 ' 31 inl\ - \VynTex \ 1020 1 SO Orahaiii ic' : 12 cons (01 ( 1 00 il r ihpaood 202 "teei-i utiih 1113 200 1 cow . 1KO 120 Giov\s stXS 1 t 0 A A.Spaugli 21 cows. . . \tm \ 1 ( H 21 steers lltll 2 SO J K. lluriiett Is cow 10n 150 5 < teeri 10J2 270 liockwrt I/b Co- llmll 1520 170 2Ocows 912 1 W J U. llarica 4 bulls H17 1 2-i 4Jeows Wl 1 ! M Tded en rr l 17 S Ii-i 40stfer < 10s7 240 MiloliurkC- HOcows ? fi" 100 lstar 1110 200 ' " ' ' ' " ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' lOsteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i. I'Sl'tt 2 'JO ITiows ! < i.I 130 iGfiedm jearllnss OU 2 C5 ' wan hand und Out tie Co- 17cowb & 2C 1 tt Icow 1120 1 W Icow , . . . . slO 1 10 leow- . 1010 1 IM JUIced CM 1108 2 CO flcows ItrJ 1 7i ' ' " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ITstvcn . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ! . . . ! . . . 2 33 ' " 2stee'rs . . IOM SCO Mrs. 1' ' . C . liobedoux- 7iteurs 1221 2 C ) Heeler lln 27COW3 10.C1 210 4stccH 11M 2 CO > Ma'ini'K- ' Ibull lfi.W 1 fO Icow 11011 2 K Ikows Ufi 2 15 S feeders OW 2 4i Ifeeder 1010 2 45 J feeders 010 245 isteers 1IV ) a 15 Istter 1210 : t 15 Sstecrn 107ij It J.5 Slsteers 1-14 a 23 No Av Sh Pr No \ . Sh Pr. II 171 I W * I 65 MOO 72 . . ' ! 410 II 1.5 400 101 . .IM - 3 TO 74 u.i asa 400 2 .ii > - 3 70 r y-l ii)0 403 frO . . .1JJ 400 3 75 so iOI 200 400 4 . .J4 > 1JO J 75 tit M 400 5J . 440 n 73 titUJ IKO 200 400 0 . JI5 - 3 73 50 2lj7 24D 400 ( Vj . . . .IM 1JO 3 73 no JI5 40 4 O5 . . . 74 - J 75 taI 405 . M 240 3 S ) 2 > J 4 0.5 . .IM 2-0 3 W 3B 40.5 10 . "Jt 1JO 3 N ) i Slfl 40.1 . Zi I'D 3 8J I 4 40.5 . il3 2UO 3 W 4 .2.iO 40 403 IM .hi - : i w 7j .a 120 40.5 . ' . Ab 210 3 U 7rt .av ! i2d 40.5 7" ! . 10 an .t w 57 " 403 1 iXi SO t > 7 "itri 120 40.5 IJ Js7 - a 10 b-3 274 403 . ' 14 24 J 'JO ' 50 fcO 40.5 L1M 403 irt 3 ' 7 < 5 4o'i ; ' - > 70 3 V > 40M 410 SW ) 3 U5 M 10) ) 410 . > ! ) 1U > J C6 10)to 410 2H ) 3 ' 0 410 7 < 211 110 JM 150VJ .107 - 410 40 S8 40 U 93 VJ JU 35U 4 10 71 aw a M .W 3J ) 410 47 . . " 1.1)W ) 305 G7 .iO IJ ) 4 10 71Cl . 194 W ) 4 CO , iw o 4 15 ClCl 1JOW 4 U ) , .1'JU ' - 4 15 Cl 1JO.W 4 00 COl . .3J 40 4 13 . Do .W 400 l . .M - 4 15 . .7l > IM 4(0 ( M . . . 4 1 I 'J53 4 CO nas ASD SKIPS. 5 _ 5V - 175 6 . 110 - 27i 3S _ 44 - UCO 113 . . . .IIS ffiO 27i l."J . . . 50 - 21' S - 1)0 ) ICO 2 3 II _ Jt - 2M 07 . 101 200 301) ) 51 . . . .72 250 0 . . .JIG - 3 10 . . M 250 17 - 1)0 ) - J23 1JO . . 1JO - 275 4. . .J17 li ) 3 JO Xo. Av. Pr. Sll westerns , wethers . S7 tl 'a HOstockera . 03 J w tJrocerics. D VTES Per-lan , G-lbbov.D'Jc. TwnKS lotton twine , "lllbb , " very One 'i- ' Ib bale * . 2.'c. cotton twine , X.\ brand , Ji-lb bales , IMJ : heniu twine , Vlb bales l = c ; s.ill twine , 20o : candle wick , 2Se : 4t-ft ) cotton clothes lines. Sie ; CO-ft cotton clothes lines , II OS ; OO-ftcotton lines $1.40 ; CO-ft * .Isal lines 11.73 ; W-ftjuteII m , wool twines , N'IC KAi > -Londun laerCallfornl illlj- . per tio\ . { . ' ,7. > ; 'hor > C'-lioe , ' J'-.W ) ; lee o inu-catils. California Illy40 , lionc-lioo , * 2..i3Star , " loocniucatol ' IJ 20 , " .ccdle s California , JJOO ; California eedU In "i.icli * , peril ) , So ; Uillfornlit nm-cntels. In sack8'te ' ; now ValenciaOSu , ondura. hyer , new IK'TO r.uieious &OOM Ilirley. 3l c ! f.irlna. 5o ; peas , 2'jc : oitincal , tbli5.73 > i ( ! 3 ; half bbl > i.JOOftt.i % ; mnearoiil 10llc ; veriulctlll , l 3 > lle : rile , choice 5U < 2 < kfincy , GUftfe : heatl.'c : sa o and taploe , & 5J.7C , lima beaus , 6140splltioa-.Jo ) ; spieettt , lie , Wiuri'iMj I'ii'LK htravr , p .r Ib. ISGl'tc ; rat. I'jo ' ; inanllli il.Woc , Vo 1 So. MOL.E < HWs , N ( J fancy , pir Kil , 3V337c ; choice. 4Viil7e : poort. > 7is.'i. ; Cuba , talvlus , 23 @ . c , black strap. 203.'c. . * -ODV l'ks ' < , Wlbs to box S' Cikess.t'Jc. Vivro.Mi IJDsr N" V. applu elder , lOc : I ) S cider 12o , white , wine , 15 . , fancy , fruit , Iv OILS I'Oprlmo v hlte , lie ; 1TO water white , 13o ; 175 luadlisht , 14ttc ; 74 gasoline , lie. & U.SOIM UbU , IV , granulated , ic ; la bbls , l lC J-TOVE Voi-isn K0035.Mpnr ( cross Ulfis Ani pir 100 , (17 ( 75 , I.cnlston , per 100 , $17.75 , L'nlon sinare , 40 iJircentotT Hit. S T Hairy > 0 llnln bbl. bulk , I. ' 10 : best crude. Uis , * _ ' , ; btsturade , 100 JIJ 40 : best crude , ISlis. * 'i5 , rock salt , crushed , I1SO ; common , bbl. 1125. CUJ.KU MKITS Corned beef , 1 Ib , 1120 ; corned beef , Ibs , tl'O ' lunch , - : tonRuc1 1 Ib. K ! iQi lunch toiuuri , 211)8 ) , M75 ; brawn , lib. tJ M , brawn , 2lb , i.'CO ; ot tunsiies , 1H His , 1500 ; o ton uis 2 HifoOO ; ehluped beef I'/ * ib-roiindcun , f2..l > , roast b .e ( , 2 > lb round can t2.CO , potted lum. 'ilb , ronndeans Kio ; potted ham. > > II ) ronndcans. Si 20 , duillcd ham , ' Ib round cam , t > 5c , dolled ham , 'i ' Ib. round cms , II JO ; pottca ox tonjue , J Ib. round canII 20 ; compres-id liaru , 1 Ib. squire ians. It. 20 , compressed ham , 3 Ibs. hquarucans , i.73 ; tripe. . 'Ib. round cans II SO , intneed caloos J Ib. round ciun , JJ.20 , bomloa ± plys' fuot.'J Ib Miiiiiro cam. * J23. CN NEB V : rET\iil t s Tomatoes 3-1 b extra. , 11.13 1 x.1) ) ; .l-lbstuiiaaril weittrii brpnds.ti 10 ; gallons. Archer > htiuuiird. M.OO Corn I Intst criiwn. flu ) ; Oito Cltv ujar corn. > erj tlno , 1 1. TO OllmaiiMb suifnrcorn , II 20 , J-lb extra Hoeiuer. II 10 ! 5-lb st inilird western branils , ll.nVi | French , extra line. 22sai > C ! 1-lb Kronen , fine , l3:2c : ; l-lb 1'rtnch , ordlnirv , llniltx ; I'eas Tns. Hue , per can , - * c ; ( loiiil-tino , per can. ICc ; 2-11) sifted , tl.2lbearly / ) Junell.30 , 2-lbniarrow , stind ard brands. 11.25 ; 2-lb snaked , 73c. Mrlrig tiLMns ' . ' | b high grade. Itefucie. l ; 2-lbrol- < lon wnxlu'uiis | i : Mb strlnn beans , SOo ; 1. 1 ma beans 2-lb Muked.KV. * . Ititoton-biled beans 2-Ib Lcirl * . II IV. ; trow n IJrands. IIJ5. Sweet potatotvi-u-lbNovr Jersey , tl.OO. 1'urnplilns .i-lli , * 1.10. Ukra and tomatoes II M ; okra , tt.ti ) ; suciotush. (1 i ) . .Mii't-rsL-Gtii I'cr lb.-5c caVes. J-lb ) boxes , 13ci 10 eikes , O-\l \ > boxes , 12'ic : l-ll ) bricks , ) Ibs in boi , pure. He. i Coirtr KoasteC-.V rosin. SA'ici Hunola 23' : German , 2.5 > c , IJIInorth's 2l'c : l.lon , ak'.Mullpouih , 25lic ; Cotdo\a , 23'C ; Jlocha , 3c , O. U Java. liitiKi rii L irs Turk l.h prune" , less than hlid * . lsj. TIC orlBliuilhlids. , 'te less ; Jlosnia prunes , O-lb boxes 10O to 110. 7\c ; apples , evaporated , new rlnjr cliolco , li > c ; ciaDoratcd , neiTlni prime. 15'ic ; apricots , funcy.lniioks Joe , blaikb rtle , now , lO'tCj ' rasube rrlos. 23 Ibito Iwx. I4c , currants , new.l1tia-5ljcorizlnal ' ; bo 4' $ le * ' ' ! Vostlzn currunti , extra. In CiifcV Premium T. . C. . twin flM9. per Ib , JO'tc ' ; I'rimluiu I h. VounB American , ille | brltk , 13j' ; domestic Swls * . Itit7ci KUaui , In foil , each tl.OO. I.lmberjer , l.ic. ! MTMtiionds , ic i ; Urniils , 17c ; fllbertt , 13' | peians. ICc ; walnut * , IN.-J puanuc cooks , 10ic ; rousted Uliil Teimt-s .ce . poanutH. IK > . parlor | .LtM | < .tii > lJ73i3-tlel Ortvrs Quart * . P r drrt , , ( t O0j pints , per or. U'G. bulk.per B l OV < , tomans-Manilla , n > pc-All plies from 7-16 o 1 In. IVi als lrop . ll nltes fmm 7-10 to 1 n. , ll'ic ' ; "newprocwo * , * ill sizes from 718 o t In , So. roiroN HorE-l In , IJc. sou1 Castile , mottled , per Ib , t > 3IOc : do , wh HP. per Hi. I-lc. . I'lCKi.ft-Modliim.pPrbll jo.oj inill. tOW ; eherkln * . 111.00) ) Imp llllll.00 | ( ' * > -Kalcask ! ) ; -salbbl.llocc. CIDEH Per 1)1)1 ) , rfflned. M.10 ; liilf bbl. SI'Oj mrdcldcr.nutfperbb ) , Hj ) . ormizc elder , ml f bbl. tfWj pear elder , half bbl. W.V1. M'nm 1'er Ib Cut loaf 7 ei Cubes. 71 < ? I Standard , powdered , 7e : AXADowderul. . * > , eisraniilated. stand it riU'iCMcoijfcit loners' A. owl fl while , tMlriic , lirlllluit,7\c ; cv- r 0. rojril. OUC ! central C , 5'4e ; goiUenO , Set dark U. SMflKno MEAT"- Choice Imn * . suear cured , 12toHlbixll'ic ' : choffo hretkrnst bacon , suair cured. bonele s. ll'ii No I hams , sugar cured. WtolS lUav. D' i No.lnarm .near cund. ISlbav , 10'ici > < > Isujm cured. iJIb av , li > c ; skinned liani ID'ic : boneliss lum. ca missed or plain , * * i ohouldeM suar cured , tt'ie : bn ikfaU bacon , fincy Uonele < s , fcc ; dried beef hniiwifur ciirtd , sVjei btcon short cleirs. C'jc ' : bicoti eleur baiks , u'ic ; bacon cleir bdlle" fuiu ) light. To , bacon short Hb ti'tc , beef toiiRiio . smoked lOe. oilon Init quotitlons are for lots of 'iOlbs and upwards , lloloenas In wea > : iud < > , fancy , t'\c \ ; bolOnna ,4e : iwrk < ausu.ln link , Oej iiork iusae. In bulk " > > -c ! blood , 4'ii1 ; ll\cr 4'tcthead eliceip , dc ; smoked ohcexc , Co ; welncr o ( Frankfurt , to : l'oll h hsiutiire. Tci toiuuo > .ainiKe. fc. DllV SttT MHT&hurt clear * , Co ; lone clcu-t. f > V ; short ribs. S c , btillles. 6Ucs ilear back * * , Gi 1'oiiK AND Itr.EF-Me s pork. bll ) . 51100 ; cM pork , half bbl < * iMt foully or back- pork , bbl } 11V ) : fauilb nr back pork , hilf bbl < J'iV eMri nie < - < btif , bbls , WW ; extra cssUetf half bblt Mi'i On OM wnIIIM .V-lt ) tubs , solld.U'jOi M- IbtuDs. wild. IJ'teHMbtiib- I Ib rolls , lie. Ini > TieriL"i.trletlj pure GVi Keltic rendoted tlercis. TV- , . TlilfK-lln If bbls , 8) Ibs oaoli K.50 1'lCKt.tii ' I'in ' Pt LT llilf tibli , ench SHJO. hlRKlil'ms TovfllK llilf bbls . 110 00. 1'lCKi.tD ' Uttl 'lo\Ut'K-llbU , each 117.0) ) Tish Vnrsii-I'orlb Perch , "o : bulTalo , dressed , Tc , pickerel. Oo , pike , IV : truut 'V ' ; white , lOc ; cropplu , lie : c.ittiih , lie coil steak. Uc : tloiinders Ue , On-'ou snlinon , 15c ; bUok bass. l&e , lobsters , K'i blue Il > h Hc ! silt and plikle l-CodUli. extra Georses. eiv , r > l4i sr.iml bank , tu . t'c silver , . ' -Ib loiks. ti'iciww ' ; white , Mb bricks , new , 8Uc ; turkey cwl , larjio inlddlo bricks , t'c ; s-noft vhltos uratta , I.-1) Ib bous , 8'4t' ; niedluiii ealtd herring. IN , > o 1 scilecl hur- rlns. 'Me , dome-tin Ilnll.ind herrliipj ( Oo ; U uuhurterplced herrln ; ( Uo. Hu-'laii sar- llnes. - > plcecl Wo , Kiiisian s.irdlnis plain Vo ; Iniportid Hollind lieriln ; I'rown brand SOo ; dofiinoi milkerilOO ; mi.'kirela. . 1hore 1 , halfbbK Jl.'V ) : Mo itcM. lulf Ijbl" . { HX ( ; white InU bbls , KT > ; trout h ill bbl > . * V-0 : f iinllv nhltvUsh. * li" > , silmon , -Wern hilt bbl J-fbbrollid uiiikeicl , V-'W ; J-lb , pi rnuitiird , J.'WJ ; J-lb. In tomato siuce , f2iAl 5-lb 'Moo mess mackerel , f'JW : 1-lb broolc trout ili" > ; i-lb brook trout , J- ' . . I-lb s tlinon. .i" : L'-lb white llsh. tii'i : t-lb white ( Nh , l-Ti , 2-lb lob sters. 41 B ; 1-lb lobster * fS , J-lb o > ster12 oz , HA" ) , llboytir < , r > 01 * l l'i , a-lboy--tcri , 10 07 J-.IO l-lbo-.tors. Ti oil 13 i-lb - . loct , 12 ozt-V ! . ' > , J-lb ) ozJ..0" : 1-lb Hira- t.irla , . " > oz. JIOjj Ulrnumt , ( oilO. . " > . lalr- tnoiit. oz. JOO ; 1lbcl.imllttlo uecks , ( I ! T > i 2-lb il.inillttlo necks. l " " , Hb cl un chow der , JJ CO , 1-lb crabs , S.2 i 2-lb crabs , Frcslj I'rult. APPLES Fall and winter aip'osurOZW7S. ) OlIAMit.ltlills 1 ancy dark Cape Cods , per "barrel l .00Ilell ; and t'herrv per barrel , fc.OO „ . . . . _ . . . ' . .ina01 | , ( xr box f4.oo - . gripe- Muscat , per box H. > > IIs 4Nlanct \ier tiunch , * J.OO )3.00 ) , Hon duras , per bunch , tl.jOS.50 OMON < The demand is mostly In n mall way ut il.tXXiil.2jper bushel , Spanish onlous , per crate , * ni. HK * \ Choice liana lucked navy , ! - 7 > PoruoLs-Goodstockls ginerallj belllnR at 0)e ) 0)eS S KTT POTiTOES-Supply fair ; Jersey stock perbb ! , = JOi ( OTHHI VrnKTULns-RutibaRis pir bbl } . ' 5J white turnips pirbbl , I..OO ; carrots , per Ijbl , $ Ji' > ; pir-.nlp JHT Ubl. ! - - " > , beets , per libl , tJOO ; celery , i aiOi. celery roots ( German eelerM , per doz , JOc ; caullllowei , funcy , per doz. tJOOfiJ'-Jl ) ; parllc , per tlnubto string , . . " > 0i hor-e ridlsh roots , per bbl. S300 ; horao radish roots , per Ib , lOc. Street Produce. EGG The receipts Invo betu inoderato and tlio market stea < ly at 1S < ! . UUTrrii Tlio market N actl\e and the de mand In excess of the ruulpK All nice sneet stock. U hclii ? picked on ar rival. Crtamery. fancy , J Siio cream- cry. choice , 1-w'c ' : coiintrj. choice , ISiWOc , country , cood. l > Ifcl < c , country , fair , 10 < ai5e , countrr. Inferior , ' BOc. O vjib Prairie cblekuis , per doyen , K.73& 3W ; mallard ducks. ! .I.M > gj 0 J : teal ducks c ; Jicksnlpell OO3I:3. > ; nuall SI' . jai-k ribblts t-f-OO , sin ill rabbits il 0021 33. 1'oil.THY Tbo market on chickens Is weak and stocks are accumulatlnK- Only .1 few Keeso and ducks are arrl > Inif. A few turkeys are arriving und -elllnz quite readily. Choice 200. 200.TuiiKF.vsLlve , porlb. f 3Wcdressed,10 ; < Zllic tiBUB Lite , Jicrdoz , J7.0as.OO , drtased , 11 © Uc. DUCKS Live , pc r Dry ttoods. Hrtvv BIIO\ CotTONS-Atlantlc A , "Ho , Vtluntlc Il.Tv , All intlc 11 , ( > \ Atlantic \ I1 , be ; Auroral" , 4 > iC , BuiU's head , 7c , Cabot \ \ , C'c ' ; Darllniton b\u Karnicrs' o. I. < S(8-Mc ( , Hoo-lir I Uo'-c , Intllan litad , 7'iC ' ; l-awrenco Lh. 5'4c : Henrietta IJt5Vie. TIM ItiiOKN COTTOVS Atlintlc l1j te : Au rora II. i)14c , Aurora I ! fi3tc , Atias O > II , 7'jc ; diet -o cloth , 4c , ( Union 1 r,5Uol'epii.roll ( , 1 ! , C'ic. Lanpdon tilt , be It 1 1 vciiED CorroNs-nerkley Cimbrlc > o CO. 0 > tc : Iieit Vet b'jc , Huttorolotli k\ , 4itc ; Cabot , 7J c , Tlr t t .Ul.l.1 , o. I'rultof the Lo m , V ; Hill t-tMnptcr Idem So. llousokeepor , S'jc : Klii.1'lilllpearnbrlc. IDo ; Linndon. Oil , fi'c : Lonsd.ilo. Ocj Iinnsdalo citnbric , lO c , New Vorlc Mills , lie , OakLiw us , 7c. SiiEFTiM ! VMI PIU.OVV Ovsivo1 ? Ilrown Xet-t'enncri'll rtn lose : I'epperoll , b-4. 4 < e ; l'eptCrolld-4 ) , Me : I'ipportll , 10-1 u-J'i Utlci , 4 > In ISe.L'tlei 0ln , 17'iC , Utlc.i , 7J In. ! ! ) c : L'tici , M-ln , i , t'tlca , UJ-in , 'Js'ic. ' lllfaclied Net I'cppurcll 4J-ln , lOSc ; I'epporell , 40-ln. ll'ii , 1'epperell R-4. lc ! : 1'cpporoll. 20c ; I'epperell 0-4 , 22'ic ' : I'cnncrell. 10-4 , 2.'e , Utica , t 1. Jlf. Utlca. 0 4Me , Ut Ic 1. 10c. < . O i\n n AMS Amoj.kei ,0lic ; Aroo kciit dress , 6.Uc , is. 0'icirwlck ; \ cl ress , 7't ( . ; Lan caster , C'ic , GKnalre C'3ci Whlttondon drisi , 6'jc I'IIISTS Inrtleo blue Xct Martha Washing ton , 5 ic : American. 6 < iernolcj ; , fi'je ' : Ar nold II. Ion ; cloth. lOc ; Stltol A , I2c , Jlorrl- mack , 7-8 , We : bold leaf. 8ie ; llainllton. fl'ie ; Alltn I'lnks , t > 'i , Allen Chambray , Cc ; Glou cester , r > Hc ; Ilartei. .V.c. L'BisTS-Fanilos IMdystone , C'ic : Steel Rlxer , 6c ; Hnmupo 4'Jci bt. Ledger , 5'iC , bhlrtlriK-Marthi Wi-hliuton 4lcs Merrl- mack , 4s < c. Turkey Kcdrountaln , C'ic ' ; Oiirnor , 7t , Crtntlt-ld , "jcs llerlln , tltC \\mv > s-Net-Tl Mlo , filc ; Itcd Cro > s , 7e , 4'to ' ; Itcd ? tar , 4 > sc ; Uollcd Clotcr , 5 > . ; slater , Ce , high colors In orlrn. CBtsii-Stovens' 11 1(5 ( In. S' cj fatevens' D , IS In.Oc : Stevens' A.14 In. "c : Stetens1 l > . Id In , 7Jit , 'tokens' M ! > In , 8 ! e , btotens N0 In. S'jC.Stotens' N.V. 23n. | l ! io ; fetetuna' aUT.'JO In. lllic ; bleached , lo extra. DENIMS Net Anvrikv iir , 9 nz , 10'io ' ; York camlet , Uc : Kterott , stindard , WiO : llay- inakorX 7'jc : Old York , \K , 10'ic ' ; Lawrence , -"JO. ll'c ; ! . .irtn'nce , Uoz , iy-c ; fancy striped und checks. 11'iC. COTTO\n s-Vork Nankin , 10'Jc ' : Everett 9 oz , ] < a ; Lew Iston. 10 oz. ? "icorklngiuau's \ \ , 14c , corkscrew cashmere , i.'o . Tnllctf , itc. : PtiTS AND Tui.ow-Green salted hide * . No 1. heavy , O'SftflUe ; No J , lUht , C' ' , < a CUc , No.2. llsht , VSVic ; dry Hint lildo > . 7'tto ' 6ccalf ; lililob.Ucdirnaed hides. l'o ' le > - , ; sheep pelt , srei'ii. each , axSl a. cheep pelt , ury , porlb , 10itl4c. TAM.OW .V No. I. ( Ho ; No. 5 , 3 ei Kreiso vt Iilto.a'ie4c ! ) ollo , Jlj'Z.'tc ' ; stearlne , 0 , c IIONKS-Ouotatlons are ( or delivery In Chl- case SJry buffalo , per ton. 118.00219 OO ; rtri country , bleached , tin.tMil3 , < a , dry country damp and meaty.J W3.10 00. Jllscellaneous , ntESEW\x Per lb,20c. Jer.Lirso per Ib Hiihs.-ii > Vxuholco medium , WJOc ; light 'ic ; luavv. me. HONE ) strained , W-lb cans , per Ib. Oo , now comb honor , fancy , \ & \t \ ; choice. HltllK. . COCOA\L'TS-l'tr I ) , t"l ) . CllKsTMJTti-Uhloand I'cnnstUanla chest nuts are now la fair supply , billing at Iscpu pound. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lumber. Do\lllis No. 1 eom. , * 1 00 ; No. 2 com. 118.00 No a. cum. . flSOO ; .No.I com . lli.SU. sun * Lin .So , I. plain , S and 10 Inch. 113.00 No. 3 plain , S and 10 Inch , 11900 ; No a , plilu b und 10 Inch. 115 00 , U. U , n Inch. lIV&IUv. H.SCIXOUilto I'lno-N'o. I , 4 and G In . 12 Hiidl4 Jt.tliU ) ; > o . { undo Inch , 12 and 1 ft : (1400 ; No 2 , 1 and Bin. 10 ( t. , tit 50 ; .No. A 4 imil Oln. , ullleiulln. IROO.'OOill. 6MJW : 016.00 | IJ. 11X00 1'LOOiusoVlute \ I'lnc-A and 11 , t-ElW ; U , ' | nO ; O.IJ7.W , K. 117 'XJ STOCK Ho * KDI No. 1 common , 13 and 14 ft , t.tOO , 10ft , J1900 ; .No. lomuiou , \ " , and 11 f Jl'.nos 16 f t.llT.OO ) No. J common , 10. 13 and M * I ft. HOW. I C uil.isnNo. . 1 white U-ln (31 ( Mi Ko t hard pine. S-lull50i No , Ilnnl pine , -lnl-0.0) ) | , No I hard pine , \ In. f.'l no. i Sr ik Houibs-A and 11 , IMn. IIJ.COi D. H- I In. xlOO. I OuoovKnlioorivo No 1 common while plnf , i 12.14 and 10(1. ( flDOOj No. 1 common V pine , 1. ' , . K and 16 ft , fl.W 1'oilAU Uloar , 1-In , all widths , tdl.CO , cl r ' 1-tn.nil widths.IJ1.V ) . I IITtPN - " , \ \ PI tTt BIND. I'lCKKK O 0 , bnt , I 5'4-ln. ' 55e ; > iX3 < i Is" , ! , J-ln well tiihlnt , 1) ) . M tiiul llev fit-Wi pickets , I ) . & II tlal , I . ' .00 | D A. II sn t.'l 00 riMUUM ) , AViilTfc I'iNK-lst ' and Sd clcnr , I In . ( fl O0i I1 * . l'i ' and i in . ( V ) D ) ; Jd clear , i In. , inooj in , ! , mill Sin . JI100 : \ elcct , 1 In , 2.nol , . l'i ' and. lnl4JOi ! U select , 1 in , MOUtP * . l'i ' nnd 2 ln.f.R > OOj C iclect , 1 In. , itu.oc , IKi.l' , nnJSIn.m.UO KiMtiitMi Yttt.ow I'l.NK-Clenr 1 tn.tJa.OOi IU. 1't ' anil Jin. , tK 00 star.lln . | ' 4 TO. Miisot , ' . I. til Exlra.X , l-.7.'i ! tand- \AX.J.TOsOln .avO ; 5 In. . t-.OO , No. 1 , II 20. fcdnr XAt.'TS I'O < TS Vlilto cedar-fl In , i ? 12'id 0 In. * cir I.V : 5' ' , In , ' , s , lie ; 8ln .ft. : 4 to'i luch round H'jc , oak split , IV ; red cellar.lio. sa h , To per cent : loors. Operccnt ; blltin , O percent ! mouldings 40 percent ; lime , sV ; hair .lc , lenient , Anierieiin M M , cement. Im ported , H Vj ) plistor y.'i" . traw board , 31JO ; tar board , II CO ; tur felt , JSW. Melnlx , BrocK Tiv Small pig , 3)c ) pcrlb ; bar. SOo per Ib L'opi-Fn-I'lanlshed boiler sl7e . KM per Ib ; cold rolled kkpi r Ib , shettln , S'c pcrlb ; pit and lUtJlo pprlb O iMr u MiKtTllto-s-niscoiintM-Li per cent , pat plan Iron , .Nos. 21 and " , A. lO'ie ; II. O'c. TlM'I TE-1. C. , 10\24 , 1750 I. A , 10x14 , fi's Pr TE-Coke. ll < 20. 1U. ft" M. Keep a-Cliarcoal , ! . C , 14 < a ) , 112 , WOO , I. X. . { ; 2. > . SIIIKT Inov Vo M , ll-V ) ; N'o. ! J.1 W. hoitiBii-ttrlctly hair and hall , Isc. STU i. N ui.i lla-c , ( j 2 , " ) S > TEPI Mint > \trs-llu o fJ-'vi barb. Mi' , ; giU. . The Personal lliKl't ' I/enctie. / The Douglas County Personal Kights leapie met lastulpht at Oorfleld hall. The medlnp was largely attended and the busi ness of the evening was \ary harmoniously transacted The principal business brought before the meeting was todlstrlbutotha first pi pen to s oters vho had applied through the Icastio for their naturalization papers There were & 7. > papers sent out \otersln the various wards of the city who ha\o applied for them Committees were appointed In each voting precinct of the city to compiro the list of votea prepared bv the league with the reRistnition lists so that all the members of the personal riphH leacuo mn ) bo properly registered. 'Iheieare 3 , ' > 00 members of the league noin , Douglas county. .1 P Lund , the president , urged the finance committees In the wards to bestir thcmselies in securing funds toearrt forward the work of tie leiRue The next meeting of the league will be on Triday night , October 17 By innumerable cures , Dr Bull's Cough Sirup has won foritself a most emlabtorep utation I'\e ' been suffering for the post three-weeks with a strained wrist. I tried Sahation Oil , and lind m\ self , nftcr h.iUni ; used one bottle , entire ! v cured Chas. Kejser,199 , Mulbcrrj st. , Baltimore , Md. Uic .Suit .Against Brewers. CHICAGO , Oet. 10 A sultSfoT , 4QOOO ) , dam ages was begun in the Unitod't tnU-a circul1 court this morning bj PairiflTc HT'Rlco against the Val. Blitz Hrevrlag company o Milwaukee Ho alleges that In 1 ) hone cured an option on the Hlatz properly at the set price of W.OOO.OOO. that ho made a sato to nn English svndicato ' for W.000,000 that "h."n ho soug'ht to complete the pun. has o \\lth av. . . . ta transfer the UlaU comnanj declined to sell to him , fcjr sold to the Ens lijh syndicate for * 1,000,000 AS : : ' < * ' vs tt ha\o put up f 100,000 forfeit ho sues for UK difference. Miles'Ner\e and I hcr I'llls , An Important discovery. They act on the H\er , stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle They speedily euro biliousness , bad taste _ , torpid liver , piles and constipation. Splendid for men , -women anil children. Smallest , mildest , surest S . doses for 25 cents. Samples freeat Kuhn - * Co 'a , 15th and Douglas A Trench f'cninloSpj Sentenced. N\NCT , France , Oct. 10. Jlaaamo Bonnet in whose possession was found plan * of th defenses of Xiincy , and who , when arrested confessed that she was la the employ ol th German government , has been convicted o bclnp a spy anil sentenced to rtvo j cars' im prisonment and aflno ofri.OOO francs Upon the expiration ol her term of imprisonmen she will be exiled for ten years. To Xenous DcoilitntctL .Hen , If you will send usour address wov. . . . send jou Dr Dye's Celebrated Yoltaio Bel and Appliances on trial They vill qulckl , restore you tolgor , manhood , and healtb Pamphlet free. VOLTAIC BELT Co. Marsha ! ] Mich. Chnrcoil with Diirglary. Ed Fltzgcrild was arrested yesterday upon achnrco of having burglarized some box cars in the .Missouri Pacific yards and carrying away some tools. He tried to sell the tools at a hardware store on Douglas trect and several other places , and aroused suspicion The tools -were stolen on Wednesday night. Kor Ucailnclio Use Horsforil's Acid Phosphate. Dr I U. banford , Sheflleld , Mas , says "Mostexcellent m derangements of thenen ous sjstem , such as headache aud sleepless ness. " Will Construct a Siberian Rnllwnf , ST PnTFr.sninn , Oct. 10. The Xoroo Vremra sajs the Russian government vt ill Immediately begin the connruition of a Si berian railway. The piper comments on the stragctlc and commotxiai Importance of the new railway , which , it says , will Induce closer relations between Russia ami America by the Pacific route. Are you a leer of chamnafjnol Do jou wish a superior article ) Try Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Cbatu pagno. It is fine. Gladstone Disapproves of Our Tariff. LONDON , Oct. 10. Gladstone sent a Not tingham correspondent from Hawarden yes terday a postal card giving his opinion of the new United States tanlt \ a.Ho sajs. "The larilTact Is , as jouwill suppose , in my eyes a deplorable error , attended with severe and cruel consequences to innocent -persons" The only railroad train out of Omaha run expressly for the accommodation of Omaha , Council Bluffd , Dod.Moinns and Chicago business la the Hock Island yestlbulod limited , leaving Onuha at 4lop. : m , daily , Ticket oflico IOOJ , Six teenth and Farnamst . Oimha. A Light In IS very ilcrtli. To the Chicago , MilvMukeo & St. Paul railway belongs the credit o ( being the first In the country to rodtieo the matter of electric lighting of trains to sjclontlllo perfection. Ono of the novel features introduced in the bleeping cars is a patent clocttlo rc\din0' lamp In each bcctlon. With this luxurious urovislon reading nt night before nnd nf Usr retir ing becomes as comfortahlo ashy day , and when retiring the toilet nwv bo made in comfort and seclusion. "Tho l > orth reading lamp In the Pullman sleeping cats run on the Chicago , Mll- wnulccoit St. Pnul railway , botwcon Omaha and Chicago , la patented , and cannot bo uicd b - any other lailrond company. It it > the groatcat lmpro\o- mentoftho ago. Trj it and bo con vinced. Sleeping cars leivo the Union Pnclflo doxt ] ) , Omnlia , at 0:10 : p in. dtiilj , arrlv- iii' ' at Chicago nt USOa. m. Secure ticKets and lo pini ( e r Uarthd at Union Ticket oflico , loUlr'arnain otroet ( Ba.rkor Block ) , Otnnhiu J. E. PUB'sTO.v ' , F. A. NISII , Pubs. Agent Gen'l Agent. TlckoU at lowest ratud and superior Accommodations via thu great I took Island route. Ticket olllco , 3602 Six teenth and Farnara atreotd , Omaha DUN'S ' REVIEW OF THE WEEK , Improvement in all Branches with Prices a Shade Lower , MONEY MARKET NOWHERE EMBARASSINO The IVrllnR of ConlUlonoo Incroni liiK of OutlcH-Tlio Vnrlotu I t dustrlcH , Vonk , Oct. -Siwolnl [ Tclo rom to THE lltE.-Il. 0 Dun c Co.'s wcokly re- view-of trade sajs : Busliic3ln all branches shows improve ment. Prices of cotnttKxllttos nro n shmle stronger Una a eok niro , grain and oil hnv- Inp milnncfJ wilh many Itlnils of nianufno lured products , but ajvnncc slnco OctoUr I luiot i quirtor of 1 per cent as jot. The movement of commodities l vcr ) heavy The niouoy market is no\\hcro n sourcoof embntris-smcnt nnd the fcellim of conUJcncocvcnttUorolncau cs At Hoston business Is ooJ.ilh lulvaiiicu prices of mnnj articlas , IM traJo Is adJustluK lt oH to chniiRes of ilutj 1'hllndclphia reports nil advance In wool and n good trale Iti prccer- les. Tlio Iron tndo tl ro and atl'ittsburKls uncbatif cd Tlio plaw business Is well sus tained and lead Is so scarce some u orks reqiilrltiR that nntcrlal or spelter hmo stis pended owratlons. At Cnlcnco the praln tnulols sllghtl ) below hst jixr's with i niotlewte lnoro > o In llower. nearl\ ) jwr ceutln cured tncits. and a\olunoof business In nil lines of merchandise full } up to list yean All lines are strong at St. Louis and very f.itr at Detroit. Trade is peed at Mil waukee , SI , t'aul , Oniiiht nudDcmcr mid satisfictorj at ICnnsw Cltv Southern re- ( wrtsaro Kinenlly brlcht , the movement of cotton belitK remnrkaUy cJrH and largo. The ereat industriei are pro hip In spite of the enormous out put of tils iron , the tone isstronecr , and at Philulelphui mill 1 ron Is i" cents hlslier Consumption trains , and until navigation ( .lososincrv.ulntrstrerifth Is c\x > cted , bar , sheet , structunl .mil wroupht piiK > works boinsr cnmded 'Ihe trade hero Isealc only in mill nnd Bes semer iron , but with no pressure to sell. \Voolis movinpl.inrely at betkr prices at PhihclelphUi and Boston HrouKtutls ha\e been advancing In spite of the sm.Ul c\pom , whlili f.ill far below list jcir's a-s jtt Wheit has risen'J'j eents for the vcelc on sales of .VHW,000 bushels hero , and com nearly a cents on sales of lO.lMXMXK ) bushels Oil his risen 'J cents with luslgnllicant dcil- inss , andeoffeols for A 14 edits lower The prc-icnt ranpe of priCJi is bolni ; decorouslv described as 'strained ' Indii rubber Is also lower , piraflne being quoted at ss cents. Tin has tluetuatcd because of fotx-i n spoeu- lation nnd soils at J-t > 4 cents , \\hlle tin plates arc higher though the new demand Utnoder atoand the mnnufntturcr In this country his actually bepuii to turn out plates before the tariff bill was signed Lent is scarce at ? . 'i S ) . audtbo effect of the Mexican decision is sild to be soriouslj felt. Lar e contracts for lake copper hue been mule , but there lire reports oT tonstjerable sales ut ll > 't ' cents. The tnnsurj hatikcnln during the pist \vcek $ : jODOX)0 ( ) more than it has paid out. Uhe state of foreign tr.ide isery satish-1- tory , for'hiloex poits of grain , ire iistrKtcd , < vttou moves Urgelj , and though the value i Cexj > ortslastweoksho ed u decline in coin- liuiiutt v.ith hit \enr , the movement then was retmrkablr heavy in October , but the wciknessof Amcilean securltle In London and the disturbed state ol the stock rnaikct there , nrroroachlnR a panic oa JLursdiy , affects tbo inirkut hero and le on tbe chance of earl ) imports of sp < .vio. D'lno o .lr wS failures occarrliiK througbtjt the country dtintTMIu ' iU.en days num- ber21. > , in compared with a total "bi A77' weik For the cones noadin g xveck of lost year thcfiffures A prominent phjslc'ianiiud old nrmy sur- peoa in eastern Iowa , is called away fiom home fora few diys , durinjr hi ? absence one of the children contracted a sexere cold and his wift bought a bottle of Chamborlain's Cough remedj for It. They were so much pleased with the icmedy tnat they after wards used seteral bottle * at uitious times. Ho said , Troia hlse\peiiciico withit , ho re' pardeditas the uiObt reliable prcpiration In use foi colds and thit it time the ncirest being a pocille of unv tnedirlno ho bad ever seen. Tor sale bi all drut'Ri"t3. Itnrrlni ; Out Hrillsli ( niiil)0fi' ) , Lisnos , Oet 10 It Is rcnortcd here that PortuRCse punboats have formed a line across the Zimbesl ri\cr inEa t Alnca to bar the passage of British stirn-whe 1 gun boats if they attempt toise'nit thotivei 'Sa\o ' ho can" ' -\\a-s the frantic cry of Nipolcon to his .inn ) nt Waterloo. Save health and strength while \ou can , bj the use of A > er's Sarsap.irilla IsndvUo thit ap plies to all , both jouiiRind old Don't wait until disease fastens onou . botrin it ome. IF < 1U WANT TO MAKE MONEY GU WNEH THE MONEY IS , with nnro entpopulationipproiirantlnitS0.nnnnd Incrca'lni : ut the rale of about i.UUJ aauuullf Is , ii o con-lilerol , THE RICHEST CITY IN THE WORLD , NOTICE TII.E U-i M IiO C.MMTVf- . O'Pltnl , Surpluinnd UnaUlleU I'rnntw. Flr t National Bank 1,1 IH. CMIU.IK ) Montana" " . . ( iftii.nBO.iMl llelcni " 6ini.oon.ini " " . . Mcrchnts" lia.oon.uo wconl " , ilini.iltiMHi Aracrlmn" " iii ( < . ( ion. o truso havlnes " . . . . . . iur .ooo.oo Together holdlncnvernfo di > [ io > lt nt clBht mil lions of dollari. which pun IliUrm flnnm ullr on aleiclwtthclUCH Ilko Itnchestcr.N A InUlnimpo- ll . ImLUranJ llnpld" . Mkh .nml Columbus Ohio , all clashed a < aninnutha wtal illicit and mo * t p porous In the l Ktcrn Mute * with population ] runctni ntvore ono-hunilrcd ihou * ind cacti. TUo combined wcaltti tjf thu citizens of Helena lnmlnc < . rcalo t K > .catllo uncl ether nr dollars ami htherestiltof but a towrcurs effort In Uio dcvol- onmcntof i nircn. ninrklnc Montana nstnt ciorotpountlfullrpnclowiilby naluro than unr otU tr portion ol Iho haMtahleclotw TUB bT ATI : Oh MOMA.SAwlth 1C" thin two hundred thoui an tpu > i > tepnxluroi * annually In cold Mlvercopix.r und loud , rattlo. horses wool hides fhoep ftc. . oiixirtabio conimoltu4 ! &motintln c to UIO , oOO.OOll < l . iwnilyiqunlinK In luluu lho o of the Mnto t Team , with spopulillontf two-uua-o- quarter mlllloiiK. For full Information , addrcsj , L. G , PHELPS , Scc'y Citizens Commillee , Helena , Montana. TOR SIVCHC COL'GIIS OH COLDS Dr. F C. Werner's COUGH DROPS Are hichly recommended nftor seven yeard of successful experience by the solo nmiiufacturerj , Kopp , Dreibus& Co. , STEAM COXFCCTIONERS , 1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Sold everywhere , 5o per packngo. Send for samples. We Offer for Sale. Pourthoimnd ton1 * cholco Ilalcil Il v , 1' O H oirs , fctrun o's Blillnz. Luton or llornlck stations on U. M A , at. 1 * IL 1C. , In lots to suit nimha-ior , prlio * | by taj mirktst Cull and see us. STRANGE BROS. , falOl'X C1TV. IOWA THIS PAPER IS PRINTED PROM TY1PK r OM TUB Great Western Type Foundry , 1114 Howard St , O IMA HA. Omaha Manufacturers ; Hoot * Atitl HIiocJ. KIRKEHDAUL. JON-E3 & CO , \Vholcsale Slannbctuitis ol Bools&Shoes Uo ton Kubber 8bPO Co.ltOT , ll > 4 .Umnti > N'eb STOK2 A IL.KH , lager BCCT Brc trs , li.11 Mrth llh ! Strut , Ore hn , Cornice. Manufacturcis olGalunizcd Iron Corolco lillsliti John Kprnder. proprietor 109nO lliS ) nilbloth itrt-et _ Artists' MntuilAls. A. HOSPK , Jr , Artists' Materials , llanos and Organs , 14130ouKl Strett , Otunliv Ntb Conl , Coke , iio. : OMAHA COAL , , COKE AND LIME C0.v Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , I. E. Cor leth aadHouuhi Strctl * , Omalia. > tb. DEAN , Aims TKaNO A : CO. , Wholesale Cigars. JOJN 16th troct "Ilclb1"m Dry Goods nml M. K. SMITH . .V CO. , Dry Goods , Furnislii GooJs and Notions Corner llthnuil llaxrnrjHtreoK KII PATHICKrKOCH DRY GOODS CO. . ' Iniportcrs and Joblicrs in Dry Goods , B nU' IMrnliblnit Oooil Cornet llth tiil btncn OnJJtm. Nct > I'uriilturt' . A ; STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Fantm Street. Omahn Nebrvka. CHA.HLES SHIVEIIICK , Furniture , ( irocrrlei. McCORD , BKADY ft. CO , Wholesale Grocers , Lflttenwortti flreotJi Oitnhi litiiiilier , Ktc. Q. W. DOUGLAS to CO , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , V ril 1JIO .N Iflh bt Onah * . A. WA.KEFIEI.D , Wholesale Lumber , Ktc. , Etc. erial nt Amerlcnn 1'ortliiut Icmont 8t t # 4101 for Hllrri\iiki > u llrilnullo Cement , > aa VJulncT Wbtle Ilaio CHA.S R. LEE. Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood a rp u nrt parquet flooring 9th andtlouglu etrcoti Ormhi , > etrmkv ' KHED W GREV. Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner 9th nJ Douglna Slroots Onintit. Mlllliii-r > nml .Vitlona. "loBEKFELDER i CO " Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 20 $ 210 and 213 Sou Ui lllh street. Xollons. " " " " * j ? T' ' noniNfloN"MOTION co , Wholesale Notions and Furnisbin Goods , I'.3t harncr itrc tOmiha. O'.V- ' CONSOUIDXTED TAlTZ. * TT CO. , Wholesale Refined aud LuDricatiiis Oils , , etc , Om hv A. II. DliOup , 1'npcr. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. Crrra n1 : stock or printing vravplnB nnd "rltlaj pip r. Bpeclilatteotlua jlien Wcnrd piper. Snfe-H , FAo. A. L. DEANE 4c CO , General AROTIU ror Halls' Safes , HI and JM South lOlh St. . Omnh * . H. HARDY < tCO , Jobber of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Gooas , name Furntsblrj Goudi. ClilUreo'i Carrlie \ ' , Inrnim street , Omaha. Neb Water Snipllo ) . U. S. WIND ENGINE Jt PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Kind mill * VIS ni | M Jones t,0mnti. , U t Iloal Actlnj i Iron " \Vorkn. PAXTON & VIERLINO IRON -VVORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work , Kuglncs bms work , lencral foundry niichln iiltliwork unircnnil trurka , U. I * . Kr > nd IUI > atrret , Unulia OMAHA SATE Jc IRON WORKS , Mani'rs of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ; Vaults. Jill work , Iron ahuttcra find Hr eocipou. U Andrcen prupr Car llth ndJackion bli Sash , Doors , Etc. ' - - _ - _ - _ - _ - . - _ - . - _ - - - _ - _ - - - - . - - _ _ - - - * * M. A. EISBROW & CO. , Wholesalemanutactuieri of Sasn , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings. N Brttnch office Utli nod Izmil ilrctti , Otr.iVia. Net * . S O tJC tl UNIOK STOCK VAKDS CO. , Of South Omaha. Limited. BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL $4OOOOO SURPI-US 8OO.OOO Accounta of Hunk ) , Haulers and Corporation ! BO' lldtcu Our Jacllltlei for roiI.FCTION3 ere cicoilont and we re-dlscuiinl for link * when biliucei warrant It. Bostcjn K a Hu orro Cllr , unl bul.inco ? oliU ut from Lank * ( not locatutl la otli.r Itucrvo Clues ) count ai a roicr > o , Uo Oraw uur own eichin u on Ionian mil th Continent , ami ui.iLccablolrnnsteri unlplacomoncj lif tclttripu tliruughout Hie Unlud auiai uudCuu > tin Wuharo n market for prlmo flrit-claii Investment Fevurlllen , anil tnvlto propoiaU fruiu ttatci , louo < ( lea anilCltlci whenliiuln ; bomti \ \ o do n mineral tanklnn businoii , aul Inrltocof ropooilenco x\SA P. POI-TEU , PIIISIDINT , JOS.W.VOHIC. \ . NEB National Bank U B. DEFO3ITOHV , 01IAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - . $ / OOOO < 3 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 - 87BOQ Otnter i nlDlrectorIenry ! W Vitu , f Uawlij H cl Vlc Promlent ; JimetW ti * < ij- , V Morte. Joba S. Co.llnt U C Cu.lilm , j ri , Patrick , W U. U. UuKteica hl r I HIil 1KOM BANK , Cornet I2tb init Farnaro SU. AQeneril liaukltig Uuailuesi