THE OMAHA. DATLY BEE , THPBSDA.'Y OCTOBER 9 , 1800. NOTICES , Iti DVEHTlSESIENTfl for thf-ie coltim-wIll Jk-lio taken until 12 : ) p. ra. , for the evonJnf tuition and until a.3r > p , rn. , for the aorulcf cAltlonautlEf.xiur Die EIlilS Cash ID ad unco. ATES AdT itl5cnnnts en this pai-e will t - -charged for lit the rain of IVi ci > nt per word 'or ' tko first Insertion and Iccnt per word for ' -ubsaijucnt lnrllon. . nd turn per line. . X rnc'iitli. Is'o ndrmlscment taken for jr than siccntifor tl > o first Insertion. NITIAI.5 , figures , ajniboli , etc. , count each aii ono word. fplIESB advertisement * must run eonsecu- JLtlvcljr and under no circumstance * -will ( bey to ordl contlnucil by telephone. pAIlTlEfftavmlisliiit In these column * nnd p- baring their answm riddrpsjud to a "nura- tcr d lctt r" In earn of Tiir , ISKtwlll rccolro f. numbered check to enable them to pet their letters. Ainwm will bo delivered onlyoa Brescnt.itlori of IliU cliPfk. ICncloso answttt In envelopes properly addressed. ( A I Ii tKlvcrlUenimt * under the lieafl of ptV-"Spcclal Notl'i1 * " are published In loth the tnorimijt nnil rvenlnt ; edition * of TIIR UKE. the ilreulrulon of nhlcli ncsrosatfs tuoro than 9.00U piper * dally. nnrt Rhcs the advertiser jio liencfltnnt only ottlinlarsoelrruhtlonof rni-llrt * . In Omaha. butulvHu Council Illuffn , Lincoln nnd otlurcltlei arid t' urns In the wrst BRANCH OFFICES. ( > * < 1tcrthlni ? for these columns will bo taVcn ym the abe c condition * , itttlir followlri ; bust * pe g houses whoaro ailtliorl/rtl IntnVespfcHl notices , at the tame rates a can hadattha main olllrp. BOt'TH ' OMAHA IlIlATi'dl Ol'PWn No. SO.I N Btrcct , Lister Illock. \V UEIL , 1'hjrmacUt , SM South Tenth street. 1IASE ft EDDY. Btatloncrs and Printers , 113 South Kill street. II. KAHNMVOHTH , Pharmacist , 1115 Cum Ing street. w : J llt'OUES , Pharmacist. E North Hth utreet. CO W PARK , I'harmaelst. 1718 Lea-ren- vtorth Urcct. UO11E3' IMIAHJIACV.Jlth and 1'arnam , SITUATIONS _ Z'ortfllf * . tic. , tit top of f-nJ. enlttmn in Wit f 'i'- WANTFD lly a. nlco. obor , Industrious colored man , n plane In pnvato family , Vrholn ane\c llont hand to taVocnrcof stock. nnclliiHroaclii.iaii ; nlways willing and pleas- It 10 , Dec. .M3IO-11 * * \\7ANT Copylnz to do at homo. Ad- T > flrcs 1 ! . 11. lleo. M338-1D * \Vi\NTt-.i ; lly a widowIndy of IriiciiiRcnpe f nnd exporfencc. a position la nn otllce. IVddtCiS IL b , Ilee. M SX-V * lly nn Intflllp'-nt Inrly of oxpe- rleiice , a position In an oillce. Address H Hie Olllco. S05-5' [ \rANTEI ) Eltunllon a assistant Ixmk- T keeper or oilleo work of any kind by ffounj * man \vllllni : to make hlms > elf uifiii. Can give KC od reference. Addresn _ l'0l _ , llco "IVANTKO-orAI.12 II12M . - For i ate * , etc. , tie fopofnt rofiimn onOitf jxige. "IV TEX" wanted to ( listrlliuto soap. A rt rt ress , _ ' - with stamp , Austin Slant. Co. , 1'rnvlclcnro. 5.1. | M.S3-11- " \1VAXTKD A cnrrla o painter nt : T Btc.ndr Job. 1)V. . Camu v : Son. cor. O ana 56th st. , Lincoln Neb. Mii'JHO \A7ANTKI ) An cxporJoncpil well dlnscr to jf ' putdown a C-fnot i'll on r.inch north of riorenen. Apnl ? to Arthur U.llraudols nttlio j-'ulr , cm S , I3tli st. . Omaha. i Miierl.vmnn to do llht wnrk u round : i hotel. ilOperniontb. l.'illMVeb- etcrsL MHS-11 * PANTED Traveling men to "sell lioslcry , . nte. Address , Qlobo Hosiery Mills , otrolt. Mich. M MS-IS' VrAXTEI > Immediately , two tailors on T indies' tnllnr niailn gariiiwits. Apply at arlslaii Cloaks Suit Co. , IStli and llarnoy , ' jtamgo bids. | M 3 3-10 'trtT'ANTEI ) Immediately , ymmsf man tore- f eelvnInstructions and til < n bet of Ijookt to Ijcep , MUi. J. U. Smith , 010 Now York Life : nt 6 * \ . "IT ITANTED A jowolcr to accept good posl- T T tlontind piny clalronct oreornctln liand. Address J 1C. Moore , Sterling. .Nob. 313 6 * WA N TE I ) A t once , 3 siuck-bu rrrl coopers ; steady work ; nnply quick or come. Tha Jynnphear-titll-on 51 , & M , Co. , Atchl-on. Kan. 207 10 \IIATJOI1TSJIAN Wanted A Rood dotallcr. /O. JZ. Holler , architect , 513 Shooly Illock. SQ3-il - _ _ _ _ I ANTED A man to work In a > dairy on i Y thand Hamilton. ae-'j * CANTED Tliorouehly competent male stenographer and typewriter : no novice ; | B3 ! apply at room D9 , St , Clalr botcl , with rcf- prcnce . KH8 T Man with SSO to Invest inbusl iicbsthatnlll p.iy him $100 per month Tlnro olTcr. Investigate. Address II 4 , Dee M231 V ANTED M bovs nnd _ clrla nt JIurnhy , Wasoy & Co.'s cliiitr factory. 2U"J 11' \f ANTED Men for compnny work in\Vy- ' onilng. Albright's labor agency , lUMKar- m- HI XTANTED-Meii for work on n. A M. II. R. , ' I good vraseti and Rood Job , Albrights la- ar aBcncy , liM Farnaui , 111 Men to travel for our Canadian I nurserles.StonciWclllnston.Maaiion.'Wls 6J fcllTANTED 3X1 laborers forstono and irado FT work. Apply to I' . II. Johnson , Union ! > aS CiiRcr depot. Omul in. 6J A > 'TED-SIen nnd women of nhlllty In every city , town and vIllriRO to act us tH for thn I aillrs' Homo Journal.Vo ant the best obtainable class of ncents , nnd Ipsucli unusual terms nlll bo olTi-rcd. The pournalH thohaiiiUornMt periodical for la- lle.s anil tlio fitmtly over lsuctl nnd has ylmlf a million aubrlbors. . It ulllboad- iertl ert the coming nutiunn nnd vlntoron a arer scale tlmn over before crcitln ado- nnml that npents should bn rcadv tn nil. 3urtls rubllshliiK Co. , Dilladelpnla. 'TG5D fTllTV salesman. Omaha shirt factory , 1314 < J I'nrnam SIC men with refarcnco , Metropolltun > lfff. CO. , 1OTJ Howard st. _ _ _ ft * . O it * n7A.STED-Asenls--Ily thn K < iut.iblo ! llfo l insurance company of Iowa , fioon tcr * Itory , favornblo contracts nud ab-olute se curity to policy holders ari Inducement * " > flered I. T Martin , suporintcndent of aeen * lC5. DciMolnes. la. il 631 U 1M' _ VT'VfJTKllOOOmen tor new railroad work t InOroRon and Wn hlnRton Ter.Viirk \ frill last twnyeiirsi peed wntes nuarantood. Lalxir Ascnoy.USO 1'arnain st. JU'JO ftrratti , etc tee top of flnt column oil u\lt A LADY with -oiiui buslnrss knowledge < Ci fora pormatlon ; must bo willing. If ncces- parr , to make short trips ; city rcffrenco required. Apply after 10 o'clock , A. N. Shlde- lor , 1 Creuhtonlt'ld'g. M 337-0 * TT AUY wanted for bread and pastry cooking ) JUn plrl fortabloworkjn lady totakncharxe tof confectionery aaJ dining kail. Ill N. 13thtit , MJMt * JnT'ANTEn-Oood woman to cook nnd care T > for kitchen. 1617 ? > . SJd at. MiHIO \\TANTED-Oood girl for general liouse- fT work : four In family ; no ctilldrenigood Jpiy to rlRhtparty. Apply t5 > LeaM nworthtit. HirANTEl flrst class plrl for general T > housework. Must bo good cook. 501 = 0 , COthst. M317 A'TED Tomorrow , lady to receive In structions and koopbooks In October. J.1J. .U4U NBW York Lite bullillng. : ill 8 Tn7ANTElFlrst.cIas'S [ , experienced sales' T ? man in Rents' furnlahlna uooJs depart- gncat. Inquirea.tThe lair , Uth ami Howard - a/j-u KirAXTET-Ati IntclllRent youns lady for I otnee work , n neat , nulck penman , r\perl * pnco not tate whora applicant panboteen. Address H5 , Uioottlce. rA.TEIA woman to doliouscnork from S u , ra. . to 3 p , in. KB S 19th st. Jtt-12 * _ good German elrl for cenera hoii-ovrork. Apply at 1.13 H JIsU TI-9- G * * rX7AXTED-PVIrtfinisher-satonoc. Madam * m' .If WMlace. 1511)Howard 3t. 1,73 .UODcook. Apply N.R.cor.' and Webatcf Jt. * * & A.NTED-A teed girl for general house work. Mrs. J. II. lllanchard , cor.Wool S'.lJth. ( H > > UIOIIT vounjr lady wanted to set sub > fccrtbon for the K\ct > lslor ; ntt bent commlulon. Apply 113SliHh t. MhXl ItliNTVAKiilOU8ICS. ; . 7U3U RKMTr-Ilrlok narchoum * , two-.tori i 11 hlch ; btueinonts iiydraullcvlovatorrtnick 91 but location In the city , A. U. Povrell. FOIt IUXT HOUSES. _ _ J1w ratr . ete , , trelvpof first tolumnm Ihti pn < 7 * "IjlOIU'.KNT Four neir one-story i-room JL' hoti-fs , east f runt. b autllttl location , KOO ! cellarilty water , lu-arear line , jiorth part nt city. Inquire comer -itu and Lnk'i"4tK. . u. ( Jloiin. , _ FOKUENT Coltai-e. Jll S. SHU avenue. KnlulrolVn Jackson. l RKNT Oroom flat , TO n , month. In- JL' quire atThe Fair , nth and Ilownrtl , Tn 171OH RENT 1'lJt tn Lnnge block. Ino.ulro J-1 M rs Nu-l. CUd 13tli * t. 27Q-1 ! . roomed house for tent. 17I3 Dodge. - . - D-rootii cottao onoiuter line. l/Ql / Douglas. 215 FOll KENT TitoC-rtotn cottnze * . rsos. 1313 n lid 1HI . < . 24th it. ' . eity wnter. lmbull , Champ & llyan. 1JK > I-'arnam St. 1M-1J 11 HEST One four-room cottae. tt7 ! North 17th. il-IW-O' POIl HEM' 0-ro < iiii liousc. nil modern eon- venlPiitM. en l front. KMOOeor la , ave. . ap ply atOerman Savings bunk. _ 112 8-UOOM iimno. and nnd Punilns.WJ permonth. C. F Harrison. Oil N. Y. Mte. hT'J _ 171OI ! HEST Ilomo.i rooms , coed laundry. -L Inquire Uolit. I'urrU.SIth & St. MaryS ac , A six-room Iioii e iioar business crnter. W ) . Jlead Imostintut . IIio 631 "V YOU wUh torenta house or store s e H , -K. Cole. Continental block. M3 ITtOlt HK.ST To rtsnonMble parties only , Jtlio.e line new h tick anil stone house * on Ocorsli nveniic , fifteen riiotiisc.nd alcove * ! more conicntonros nnd better finished tlmn nny lioiiHcfi > r rent Intlif city. 11. H , Homier * son , 4JO 1-aitnn bloek. city. SSI - house with barn : nominal rent. C. I P. Harrison , till N. V. Life. 79 HOUsKSfor Kent SJCCICiKs st.JCW Cas < St. , ills C.m st . 10 and U roams ; till eonvcn- lonces. f'lmV. . lialney. SliOiuaha > 'atlonil bankhutldliii' . Wo IT1OH HKN'T 0 room liousi > , all modem oon- JL1 vonlPiicM. IncluUInz a food stable. Capitol nvoniio. ntir the hlali ehool ; rent moderate. I ) . J O'Uoimhoe , 10J11'armm st. HU SUVEX-roorn lionse. Hth and Vlnton.tlO. T-rooni house. 25th and Miami. { 12. B-room liiii e,2titliiind r-illwpl | , 'M , T-rnnm Inuso.iffirh nnd Oaillcb. t0. [ & -room houe , Lincoln plaee , il'J ' , J. II. Johnson,519 1'axton block , cx : P LATS itoan hr-ited. WJ S. Uth. The . P. Hall. : ill i'uxton blk. 5os PFoil Foil KENT T-roorn cottasos. Hatli nnd nil modern com en lenco1 * , ruadylnfef days. C. 9. Elguttor. 407 Tlrst Xnt'l bank. SH FOU ItrNT House. Mtb and Caldnell , 111. ICIrd and Tone * . IW. iJ13 Divoiiiwrt.U ( W. Lbolby.13. lid Trade. * 33 ' . llavo several 3 and 4-room CIIHAl'rent. lljls. central , with city water , sewerage. etc. , at from ? S to JIO per month. Hulls1 Hout- Ingn enry. L J.s ntb n. i.0-lo U * roil Forrcittx , tlfn Mr tnp ol firtl column on tfit > ROOXts-Fiinilshed or iinfurnlslicd. tvlth bonrfl Ocntl men preferred. Koferonee * 21CN Mnotoenth St. > Uli * _ FOR IinNT-FurnShcd front room -wllh stoarn lifat nnd bath , J12. Mrs r. A. Clemens. U3 N 1'ith. ! CO P * _ "VTEWLY fnrnlsh d rooms with hoard. Hath , - * > nas and fnrnaoo. KV.So lOthst-jms-ll' LARGE front and hack parlors , with bnanl. imluutes' \ulU from ImMneas cuntcr ; ref erences exr-h used : spcehl Inducements to day boarders ; home couforts assured ; MB Dodge * t. yjQ'J * FUIINIsIIKbroorni ; sas and bath and heat ; 17 and 310. I0ii : Uouslaa t. M-112-11 * O NICELY furnished rooms. , bath and * - - toaiii heat. 1317 Le.ivcnn-ortli. Kl 10 * O UOOilS. housekeeping , 220 St. Mary's avo. 1 -'ry ? t tKlDoitcpst-rooms to Int , furnished and .1.unfurnished , wltb superior board. UoO-lj' /111North 19th at. , modem four room1 ? with jtboard. Can accommodate a number of table boarders. St'-lO * ROOJI to rent , with board for tivo Rentle- iiicni also table board. 2JI3. ir > th avc. .U KENT-4 or J rooms on Ut floor. 111.1S. llth. 19110 * "VTEWIA" furnished rooms with board and 1 > bath , 2131'arnam ( st. 11)1 ) 10 * FOH Rood board , nlc 9 rooms , modern con veniences , rates and location , the Pullman house , I'M Dodge St. , cannot bo excelled. Mrs. Horn , prop. HS-0 * TTlOIl ItHNT-Nloidy furnished front room JL1 with alcove ; allcoineniencos ; gentlemen only ; 20IJC'ass t. MU5-9 T710R llEN T-N'oatly furnNhed rooms , with JL1 or without board. 2022 St. Mary's avenue. 117s- FOU ItElST-Uooiiii with board,17J3Do < lBCst. UP B * TrTANDiOMELV furnished room. 2X0 Dod e. "tnou unXT-rurnlshed rooms. 1OJ8 Capitol -Pare. 130 S * T71UKNISHED front room for 'one or two -L Rental all mmlern convpnlences : strictly private : rent reasonable. SOU UougLis. 00 ? rflWO pleasant rooms with board , modern JL conveniences. 007 X 20th. 1KI tr * "OOK llENT-KuniMied rooms ; sasbathand Jstcatn. l. > 19 Howard. 874 ST. CI.A IK European hotol.vrlthdinlnsr room , atenin lioitt In all rooms , llth and l > odse. Speehtl Mtes bv week or month. b75 T710U ItHNT-FurnUhed rooms ICCCJ Douglas. JJ fi6 ; I1 ! JONT room suitable for gentleman. 1313 ; . 141 KOIl HKXT-ltOOMS UNI'UKMSIIUD Forratet , etc. , tte tup ot Jtnl ewtiiim f < ( As ( paae. TTNlTllNIsllEf ) rooms for llsht hoiisokei p- * * j Ins. cent , ullj loegttvd T n small child ren , Snd lloor preferred. State location , price , conveniences. U Ollee. .TC a * TOU IlENT-B rooms. unfurnM.cdiO N.Mth JL'st. . price ! lir l ; will rent toeolored people. Apply to M.I Martin , W N. lith st. Ml O VEIlstovo store , 1631 Howard Oil TfTlOR ItnXT Suite of 4 unfurnished rooms JL.1 for lioii'CkiH'plncr , to family without children , 1TU2 Wcbstur . a FOIt ItlONT-saOltlW AND Ol'FiCUS. ' Forrateiete.itetapof fnl roftimn onthUjxtas. "TjlOIl HKNT-De-sit room for rent on ground JL1 Door , Furnam , near ! > > tli. Cheap rent , ad dress I. . . Hoe , M 3S5-IO KENT Ii.nement store room , cor. 13th and Jaclcsoii sts. Inquire Mrs. Lanse , 612 S 13th st. ! ! - " | ? 01t UBST-2 elestant steam heated sloro JL ! rooms with basement , la seed partofclty. Proper month to proper party , ttroceries or dry Roods oreferrvl. Iiiqulro Nethertoti hill. 1S.M S 13th st. room 1,2nd tloor. l.-O-D TOU linXT-LIght basement suitable for - * barber shop , plum lior otllee or pilnt shop , and many other kluiU of Dualuoss. 115. TU1 S. JCtli at. tTt'or.'o Clousor , 5l-inC-9' STOHK i'or KoiU-ir.ll Dodje st , O has. W Itainey , auOmaba National bank hid s , T7Klt KENT It rick iTarehotise. two stories Jand bnsi'mentS7rjOO square feet. 1th 10O feetof double track on U. I'.rallway. soutli t-t-Uli and I'lcrco strceti Address U Uskamp. Omahn , Neb , H.O SZOHF.5 atTOO S I th,503tu0eaeh , larcoshow window s.bteam best furnished. Tluw. P. Hall. 3111'axton block. so ! IlENT-Store , l t'l farnam BB TTlOIt IlEXT-Tbe mostdej.Irahlo lutlucHS lo- JL cation InOmalit for dry frnoJi torc. cloth- JnK , boots and shws , uriK-erlfi. hardware or furniture , lientsvery reasonable. ri .si'5slon Blveu utoncQor Deoemlwrlst , The 1'alr'i live stores ; will rent separately or alto etlier , J. I * Itmndels t Sons , 13th and Howard. ? 4 OM TTU7K RENT MctroiMlltan hall. Uth and -JL' ! > < xli > , for balls , parties nnd wedding wltb or without suppornx'm. Terms reasonable , Ccorso Ucyn.J13ai5th > t. _ 6J7-UJ1 TJioit lliXT-Ttoe : 4-story brlelc bulldinir.wlth -Jor ? without ixiwer. formerly occupied ty the llea I'ublNhlnff Co..llt ! Parnnm st. The build- In ; hail tlrx'-iinxtceiiieiit baseniont.roinpleto steam heatlnj uxtures , vateron all tht > tloon > , gat , ete. Apply ut tlio uillce ot The lice. 015 lr raid , ctt. , tee ( dp ofrit column on thtt page. " " " "J" " " " " \VrANTKI.A ) > "w firm ot 1 ) IT iki-nii. distance not in ( ire than a ) nitU-s from Oniahnon llne ot Union I'iclHc. II. & tn. or MUaouri 1'aclfle , not IUOID than two Sllles frxnn railway station , 8tat4 full par- tlculun. Add row U 3 , lieu. M VOK KXCHANOK. Fur mfi. cte. . i't top of fnt ttttunn rm IMx pig- . . \\7Eliinro dinlco Oinahi lols rlear. to px- l ehanue for go-jd equities. Alex Moore , 301 biiK-k. ma i _ A QCXID Improved farm to trade for general -t nr fiH-elalllnc of ( Tiyxls ; will pay > onie cn < li ; in tvritlns I.ICKSI ? - > lito almut amount of stock. Address Lock Hoi II. llcbron. Nob. ail 10 * _ _ _ TPyotiwanta nnt-clnss hor'e , fttiszy and J-harniss nn part p-ftm-nl on lot call and * co me. M 0. Maclead.KC N , V. Lite l > ldit. 3100 -TTOUSrS VOK TKA.DE-Wlltcxchinewoll J.1 broli- roadsters ind laddie horses , fsultnble for llvury ( tnblo ami exnross waton" , for lundi and cfty propi'rty.or will se > ll on tlrieto resiKinslblD parties. Atldrest W. Ilex Cfli 2-40-IS rPO TvXCHAVGK-Huslness lot close to cor- JL norof 21th and M sttvetsk ! > utli Orniha. oleir nnd dmwlns fi7 rt nt for aeoodresidence liiUrnuha. 1'rauk I llartIguuCIU N. V. Life. SIO "VVA.NTEn-A aimll sleek of KroccriM la i' oxcliatuc forunlnruiuUcrwl real potato. Inqulroiit room Ml. 1'iixton block. il-l-l-nu \\7ANTnD-A small sleek ol cInN and to ll buceot Inexclianue lor cleir real > jtatu. Iniulrcat room 3J7,1'a\ton , blo'k. M 1 1-XJ \VASTKD-Merrtmn < l ! fl In oxclianse for I' real cstatis part cash. Jusso Handy , llrokenllow , .VoD. 121 JV EXCliANOlr-Klitht railing for Onifthii , realostsilc. U. IJ. Itoird ofl'railo.IB FOR SA Yvrrali * . electee t < iyr > f frit cdiimri on thlt\ny \ * "Won SALB-fiCO tons of peed baled hay. J : Canadianofllcc , ! > 14S 9. IStli. t l 10 * T1OR5A1 > E-A llr < it-ch No. 2 Komlnjton L typewriter ; latest Iciprovtuiuuts. Address ] x > iii-Ks.Oth and Joue-j. * TI > Oi:5AI ) , a complete outfit ot eon- J-1 foclloner'stools. Apply to Hc vt Swo- O13th st M2S1 0 * iririU > lood pus tloa for sale , \f. \ i1TM I1Vnbstcrsu fourth tloor. 131-13 * _ _ _ _ _ ! thoroughbred dogs. James Fanzy. 111.1Mlb at. STS UPHIUHT piano for sile at a sitcritlc ? : tlnio Khun to reliable putty. Address 1 * 51 Heo olllce. 171 B Tf\O \ 1 ! SA I E-Lot of bine burner ovoi. St. JL' Clair European hotel , 13th and lltnlge. Foil S/VM ; nonais UAao.vsirrc. for rn/f / , rte , . fee top nf frt column m Dili jingf. FOllSAr.1 : A pair ot nititrliod black road horses. Dnml sreal-sold : nlsoSslncloilrlv. ers. quite spiudy. luqulio Collins * livery ( mm , Cum 1mst. . M.'W.ill' CHK.U' Good mrxrc , half Messenger nnd half IbiMiaw. also harness and buirv.llur- ness.51) tgitn a.e. -.i-a * FOI ! ? A1)E Cheap forcashor will trade for lot.J voun ? her os. i slnxlo hnrnessi" " ' K. G , Merrill , Cass and Hit - " \\TOHIC lior-'e * V1twoliorsowaion820.doublc > > uork , liamuji H > . Or will tr.idi ? fjr a peed llzlit side barbuggr. II. B. Cole , Contln- cutal block. t'A ' ) _ OUbCs IV ) and ap. II. E. Cole. & \1 _ 'll tennis , lljht inule ; ono heavy 1.500- pound liors.e. Uoom lu , Hoard of Trade. Ml _ FOIt PA I.f2 coed work teams. Inquire at Oil 1'iixton blk. 422 1310. f or mf < v . tie , , fee tap o/ first odurnnoii ttiti ptj. "I7L"UXITl.RE. * household goods.itc. lllzhisit Jeusli price. 1111 i'arnani. b77 ITIIl.F.E elesjnnthardeoal toves. haveonlr - been used a ery sliort tlmo I'lill btlmnu-'l. Ill and DM Jones st. orsotitbwest cor 39th Casj. 171OU PALE ChBiip-Tho fnrulturo in the Jhouse. ? . No. Ifli Uouxlus itrect , for sale , and houbu for rent. ICuqulreoa the premlsei OIloSJ- POUSAfiE Fnrnltiiro and btnlnoss of S- ! room hotel In l.lneuln. dolns t'ood paylns business. Best o [ rca ons for selling. Tormi easy. M.i. . Kohoin. Lincoln. Nob. 510 CUAUWOYAXT. For rol . ( it , , ftf top of fi-at ( damn on Will past. A1TAWAGB. ila < Um Uelzler , ovcr.OIOS. lath M-137-.S-- M113. KAKXIF. V. WARIiEX. clalr\oyant trance , speaking , writing nnd reliable business medium , ! years In. Uuiaha. J10 > . 16th. 639 HA1II GOODS-WIGS. ETC. For rut fctc. , fee lajt ol Inl co'um ' n on t ftd pftae. "DUST Hue hair coodi In vest ; hair dreslgn. JD ls < . switches burm , hnlr chains , et . .a specialty. Davlcs hair coeds and milliner opposite postoillce , 11IS. lotlmt. , OriKitn. MO For nif . ttf. , ffttap of trst column oil this page. WANTF.D Tlvory worklnsman to know ( hat we sell the best every day shoe for tl.SOthut Is made ; also for the druss Sunday bhoo , the tl. ' < n consre-,3 nnd lace shoo beats all others. Tarnum and 14th , A. 1) . Morse. ; 11 E'l'IIOLSTERlN'G and mnttres < 5es re- novatcd. E , I'ettTson , 1130 N lith st. TV1 ASS AGE treatment , electro-therm albuths. 1'JL scalp and hair treatment , nnnlcuro and chiropodist Jin. 1'ost , KJO21. . Wlthncll bit 201 MUSIC AIT ; AXIJ IJANGUAGB. , tic tff top ot first tnlntn on thlt i > a y. ) HOr. CharlesI'etcrion i'hinu.riolln.zlttitr ' uiul vocal hislruetloii. StudioiX" > . lit'ely blk 470-o.lB1 > KKOREhuylnz a piano cxmnlnc the now Kliubull plitno. A.llo pv , 151U OHO. K.OEL.LENMKOIC teacherof the bajo with llospe. 1313 Douglas. 240 TITHE Gclden Monitor rc\v \ nnd thorough X hand-book tor piano and orran : a mou vnlualilu helper and sulde ; highly endorsed ! costs but a dollar ; may be founaat Ilospu's. BJdOHTHA-Nl ) AM > 1'Vl * KW'illTIXO. for rate * , cte. . rtt lnj ) ol flrxt tiiJumu on IJi poye , BO. WIIEKI.EU , crnernlstt > nozrapher nnd notary. IJ ) iosltlnii4 and court work a specialty. TeL,16U.IGoin ! ( 10J2 N. \ * . Lite bldj. . allmak , bouht. sold. 01- X changed , rented , J. 1 * . Megeath , J57i Par- n n tn st reel. KM for rent or sale. Stenoj- JL ripheri supplies. J.l'.Mcgeiith.lGi/r Farnam. fW HENTAIi AGIINOl. ct ftrttolumnnn thi * HU.IKEV &Ilro.rentalasentsaw XV.LIfo . tWl H. Cole , rental agentContIacntal blk. T 1ST your houw to sell or rent with C. F , XJarrlson. | | _ ' - > H N. V. 1,1 lfe. 14 S'J'OltA-GU. Farmte * , tit. , ffitap < y . * nrf rofumn on OiU STOIIAOE Sfe us bcforo storing goods of any description. Omaha Move Kcpalr Works. 1ST Douglas. Tel. TO. KW rriUACKAGE itorngc at lowest ratei W. M. J. llushiuan. 3311 Leaven-worth. KH STOHAOE Hunch & Co. , 1211 Howard.8CG STORAGE For merchaiidNe ami furniture , cold stomtroand freezing ; truckage. I > a\ld Colo. S15-S1T 11 ovrard t. WK LOST. For ratertc.rainy at fratcolinMim Ott n < Ht. ) CTKAVEDoritoicn-A small Ileajle puo. vj bltick and wlilt * . with lonu black ears , bultablo reward for return to laiO Dcxlre. M at > * LOST Hello ! bills. Literal reward for re- turn to thliulllcc. il JM-10- T OST Near Mth and Hod go tt. . Oct. 7. rtd J-Jlrlsh pup. 7 months old. Itcturii to > Viu. sluicral.i'l FltitNat-builalniT. Howard. ill 11 KOUNI ) . For rates , itft ne tttftf rtl column on'hit page TCTOUNh-A doukojr"lnqaTro 5i"sr HuTsT" * - 12S I'EXSIO.V AGliNCt. FVT rat f * , rte * . uttap if Jtnrt tniumn on fiUpon P ENsfoKSThcTcilntrnunlVntlon"i5 ency U 1'rvnier block. loXoimatloa tree. 100) ) POJt 8A1.B l . tit , ffth'p ot f-rft f itPin on thU tv bUSA.LE-Ata barsnlnjt\123 on nirpn- port , near llth. one blnck'from ' ne post * ollK-e , rcrjri hoip. S3)WO ) ; W\l.t ! eorner ) th nntl I'arnam , 'MJ.iKM : iwnv rtuJ iihitcton , mti < t 1 > Hold at once , 8IW. G. A. Urten. room is ) , llnrkfr bloek _ . .VJU rron BALK Improved fttid uttlmproTed loH 1 ? inllltUldo o. I. nnd lUnviom Place. Jl. G. aitoleod , 033 N. Y. 1. bld . 310-3 l'iXTAl _ lla uins-a IMMI PH. f , l and I ) rooms cieh. price H.MO trif , .x , In Kouutie t'lac" , all modern ; SWea * ! , * n3icr ( month ( or-1 years. * 40per monUi tor 2 years. . . SJoper inontliforS years.I aInnto T years' time , 0 per cent lnt rest on nil deterred pay ments. Alwsojnf plenilld l-finife _ In snmo ad- lltlon to exchange for fatu.laiidi und city ' IV-room hou o and full lot 'p& ' M'lrt st. , 10,5 . ti. XXJcnsli.bal.losult. jj-motn hou onnd barn. Int .xIB. ncir cor- -c'rlJth nnilVcbtorto exchangetor Kouutze .1. J. iJlbson. silo agent KountzePlace , room 3Crclshton block. _ _ _ _ _ JMt \OK \ SALK HindNomn horse. mronJ , ccxxl traveler andveryuentlc ! suitable ( or ladf to drive or for bu lnes ; guarantee w > nnJ , Aadress 0 < S Ike oniee. Mart FOIt SALE 1'lno binlno frontnn 16thouth o ( Jellcr on iqunro. prl\utt alley In rear. Karnnin it rort , double front , full lot caot of Lowe are. , tJMi , , Snrlnc St. , neit SIcKlbbons. J2.SM. ifoiiioshullt to suit and sold on monthly payments , He tbnrsalns Inhuslneisuroncrty. llutchlnson A\Voad \ , lJ3 Poil3la . ST3 8 OUTI1 OMAHA Lots In Potter A : fobbs lit .and and additions , only a few now In the market. Ilnr before prices advance. M.U. JlacleoU , SB "X. V. 1-lfo bld'R. aiO-9 FOU SALK Sltcottasfs , rariRlnz frttm $ ! . ) lniJ.5M cachs $ IW to tJ * ' oj'ili ' , hilance monthly or to suit. If you want , a liouso vo cannrninzo tcrnii tosult. biuoutoii i Allen , ICO'Karnani. K - > i 4 SALE A clear U section of improved land In Sheridan Co. . or Mill trido for housa and lot In Omaha ixnd paysotuo ( lllfer- eucc. Addrc3il' & ' . Bee. ao-s * AM-f oot east front lot on Lowe avenue , onlf H.500. Stringer il'eiiny , Douglas block. l L > COI'NKU on Ixwa avenui > , > outh ami eat Iroiit.onlyJ.MOO. On motor Hue. Stringer & IVntiy , Douila-s bloek. Z& TCIOrii sroocl lots In Wnlnut Hill for S2.W5 -D cash , i-trliifor &l'enay , IJotiiilas block. UD FAHNAM St. A fine corner ole o to court home , R'-OO per front foot , fctrlnper & I'enny , Iloiiglns nlock. ' < - " TlMIE finest corner for resldonfe on Fiimani A su For location , tirleo and terms apply to Stringer . I'enny. Tbugim utocK 2J. > . INSIIiEpropcrty toeost JI.'MW will rent for 1.1W a inontb. Strinscr i Vcnny , Douglas block. ' _ NK ot the best lots InOrohird Hill , only O Jl.OOO. fctrlnseril'eiiuy , Douglas blok. . ' _ _ - > "TjlOK SALE Look at this ; New'-room house -Con lot 1U block 5. Haker place , splendid view , south front , well , eollar , bnv lnclOff. etc. ! 3 or moro cash , balance of il.00. ! ! ( IS permonth. lucmlre of owner , E. O. Merrill. Ca < s and list sts. 197 n a * _ "ITVHl SALK Splendid opportunity to sot a - > U 1'catitlful now ID-room house In ono of the llncat loeattons In Omnlia , 2 Wockswe tof L.OWO aM'on Gu * > ht. . ; anil siRbtly iindun Kradc , full lot , city water , bath room , cistern. towor. \vlndow.porclies. . double lloor. col- Inr.ete. . iill flutshcd in hard wood nnd hard oiiand Inflrst-clnss style ; tcwior mnro cash. bahnce of &I.TOO. FB prr month. Inquire of owner , E G. Merrill , CaaiiiudlUt "TjlOU SALE-Dr. Cbani'iers' ' nsldcnoo ami Jt hum. cor.IOthand Iturdotr ; li-romu liou-e. furnace , zas. sewir , ransc 'and all eutive- nlenr-js. naTnMxV ) , hrlck.B'box stalls andll slnslosulls , with ater. iewor. cas. 2 rooms rorlielpctc. Ilcst equliipvtl birn In Omaha forvet 'rliiarTor prlvaio u ) . 1) . V. wholes Co. , sole agents , gUtl'lrot 'it'I bink. MO 15 /10TTAGE homes in most liny addition for vJsaloal froniil.'XMup OKt niymonthly pay ments. F. 1C. Darling. ; t Uarkur lilk0 l A SMALI < payment down and 113 per month -Ciwlll huy a Iroom home : m < J lot en Kith , " blocks from motor ; flrM-t'lasM ihaneo to ac quire n. homo on easy ternls. Apply to II. E. Colo. Continental block. I fetsl IINCOLN Waco lots 81.550 toI.5JO. ! Hosier * L. tThomas. ft 4 10 R S A E IV farm jidjolnlnz Hliir. I.M ; ! ) . , stocked , eheap. H. W Mollrldc. lllalr. , TO" n3 * place , unln- cumbcrodIJ..X . Markot-urlco SJ.OOO. Need money. Address Ed L'rloo , 1SJ3 Ualltornlnst. , Ucnvor.Col. S97-oSl R SALE-Cheap. on easy ter > , a nleo ttaie In Low 's Add , iinu nT-rooni briek house , with all modern convenience's 011 3Jth and Jackson st * . Room 11Chamber Coi.nnerce 043 TOMES Sweet Homes-Elegant lloincs-I lanioirerini the best bargains In Omaha or lntheAorId on\\"e tKariiam. > treet.SUoleR'iHt lioiisc.sall different , G toOioouis , fnrniee. hot nnd cold water , pns , Kasllvturcs , bath , water clotet. mniito ! , eleant brick cellars , paved street and mortKtiso , 1W > tn 4MJ. or more cash , and balance atT pereentto suit U. V. Slioles 2IJ First .National bank. UM ' \VostcrfieldrealestatcS.Oniaha. \ . 035 Tl' VOLT hnvo anjthlnUo seller exchange J-call atBl * 1'aston block. trjl TTlOIt SALE-An clej-ant new residence , 9 J.1 room" , clicrry and oak tinUh , laro stable and every convenience for co tutor t ; location , the host In the city , price low. Terms easy. D.J. O'Donalioc. 16)1 ) Farmni * t. tW ) BUSINESS CII VNOES. Forrcitu , ( tup of finl column ontliia ) > i7e. { 7AHUGGIST or I' to 111- J-'healtli 1 will sell , or etchsinje f rstock of druR-i , my residence of 7rooinsan lotllcoof 4 roomsb.irn , wells eticentrally located In tovn ot , ( * > ) population , rle-li blue grass ro- plon of southwestern Fo.ra. and relinquish n larso prietioo to purchaser ; C ( t,7.V ) . will takf JJ.'ii. tlmo oiiSTj' ) If ilestrcd. Address M. U , Ixiek IloxG7. Bedford , Iowa. SIJ-101 "ITlORS.VLTv-SlO.OOO choice stoeK ot ceneral merchandise in one ot the best towns In Nebraska , T.lmlleslromOmjilia. Party dolns nn excellent business , but has other business demanding his attention. Address 1'i.VMl Ml ? ! "TOO R SALEAt abarsaln. a. good store liouso J- fitted up with shelves nnd counters , base- merit 0 rooms fur ( Uvclllns , soud cistern and well. Avllliuilor trido fnra No. 1 stook o f sro- cerles. Address Heel & Heel , t' . O. 1) ) . grocers , W X. IClh st. IB ? TTUXEopenlns ; for dry poods store. La JL' corner room In brick bloek in county scat town within s ) niiles of Omaluuvill be vacatea Nov. ht. I'rcserit oce-upant liavlir- made a fortune In thodryirooil business. Bullillnsean bo rented or bouzht uwn > erv favorable terms. Address State Uauu of Nebraska , Sownrd , ' _ FOR SAI K A < lyelnsestablUhment. ovcry- tliln ; completoln 11. lively western town , or would takens n partner n that under- staiulstlio business. Addres-s. 0 at , Ilee. _ J : UJ01T _ TnORasafclO per eent Investment subscribe JL forslmrvsln the Mutual koan und iiulld- In ? association series No. \Vase-workcrs should take shares to secure low rates ot in terest Iu buying Their homes , llooinll cliani- bor of commerce. G. M , Xattlngcr. secretary. IH O 10 1 .ATEXT SOIiIOlTOUB. For rattr , cte , tee top of fnC column an thin \agt. pATEXTlawyors.t Rollaitors. G. W Sues & JCo. . , lice building. Omaha. I years' experi ence as examiners In C.S.pattnt ollice. It ranch oRIce at WashlnKtoli. D. 0. < > usultatlonfrce. Jl IH CKLfj AiV KU US ) W A.ST-5. Far ratti. tit , , tet too of fotnmn on Ihw " \VrAXTED-IIorses tonlnt \Yo'liavetho I Ix'st ncwtuiiiixlatloii tu.Uo state forvrln- terlns and pasturing horse > ; ca turnl.-hl > or or Hln.'Io Mall. Matoles nad pastures only wven miles from centerftf Cuiiiha. Apply to Windsor. IC-mp A Co. . SON err Vork UfubidB- . nr to t'hrlNovlns at thu ; t bles. Irv ! union. Neb. , - & 44-11 * Far ratrr , eten tee top of fnt trflumn on thf * \ K all and take a laassape troatinent ; Wsouiethtn ; neu , I'arlun CO' ti Uth st. . nuxt llarkcrhottr. gUT-l. " " \TASSAGE , iladam Dvliler , overUJS. 13to. ill. ai.iis.y.i' _ _ _ 1'Avymtoit.Mis. iflur rn'tt. ettf > t"P of frit column nntfitt j'Ty. T71RF.D MOULT loans money on diamonds , JL' YatchunevrelryutcS. ] E.cor.LurnamAllth. b&j _ BEN F. Murtl,7 years with Fred ilolile , loan * made on diamond. * , watches , Jonelry and mllclinf value. Ilia Fnrnani.t.'Wll * Fur rnifgit. elf , . Bet tin f trt crJumn on thdpaq MRS. A , M , TI1AVIS lias rcturnwl to tha cltr , Anr ouswlililnii to see mu call at thst. XTi-lf MUSKY XO LOAN. Tor raw , ttr , , < te Input anenlnmn on : l > ito pw 7\rONFV to loan ) llrst mortgage * . Jl. d. lUMaclgoaffg lM.r. L.bldg , 310-1) ) TU ONKV to loan ( mm II.OOO to J5.0M. l-'iank -ill Uoseborrr , 16H Capitol a.\e. M Sff'ir riWE OornnicrcinlSeoutltr IAin nd Trust JLC'o. wants -ood ihort llmo pipe ri also can handle i a few tecurcil rnortga-ci. Itnont T , I'axtonbloclt , M 1 JO-N3 _ : \ONF.V | to loan 1 > y U.K. Meters on chsttel -l-Uatideollatcralseeuritles foranyllmr- tram one to * is months In U.IIJT uuiount tosultbcr- roirer. loarvsmadeonlion'oholil Rood * , plnnos. or- Kan . lior e . miilo i houses. Iwev. wareliou o rreelpu , etc. , nt the lowest possible rites , without publicity or removal of property , My loins urofo arransed thttyouenti uako npiynient ot nnyaniount nt iinytltn-j and reduce both principle and Interest. If yon own a bBlan < vc on your properly or liivu n loan you wish Cbaiisted , t trill Diy It elf nnd carry It for you , If y > u Cuil It inoro convenient , call up telephone No. 10-1 and your business can U arnnood nt home. Moneynlwajsonhand , Nodolay. . > oj > ub- llclty. I/owi'st ratu. I ) . P. Masters. KooniUVlthnetlblk. , 13th and Harney < i * . jlAHM Loans Star Lund vt Loan Co. 0 illATTKtbink.310 S.lSthst. . loins money on chittelsurcollateral atreubonablonitus Ull PIUSTfcsefond mortsao3 on vncant i im proved cltj prop Comity warrnnU bonpht Moueyonhaud. K.M. HIchard > oualiX. V.Mfo. " "AIONFA' 160 or W dr\y on furniture , 1H pianos , lior = oshaui , < ; tc. J. J. Wilkinson' CIS Paston bloek. M "EllHSTmortfa oloans at low rntu nnd'no I1 delay. UV. iholesCo. , SIO lst.Na.t'1' TTNrftrAUV low ratei Uof Interest on first mnrtznjte * of Improved real e-sUto forthoncxtW dayi by Ihu Kansas ritr Investment Co. Koom 30lJoardof Trade , J. It. 1'eaie. manaser. MOMlVtolnanon anf security for short tune nl low ratcj. Lo u.nt rates on pcsonallproperty The IlendcMin Jlorttase Investment Tom- puny , room ) OJ , l'a\tonblk. DW t.'ILDINGIoamtnadeat lowostrates. AV , B M. Harris , room 20 , Frenzer blk , , up p. P. U , Oil CHEAP eastern mnncv I'hlladrlphlu Mortio and Trust fo. , alwavsready to loin and pay promptly ! Urst mortsasos wanted. Gcorco M' . 1 * . 1'oates.rep- ' re eiitallvc.ruotnT board oftraUc. W.J 1JEALEstate Loans P.ibh on hind. Olobo \ \ Loin A. Tm t C' . . 30S. ; IClh St. . No delay , noextraeharges. Houses for rent , good list. OE.AC. M. ANTHONY1. 3HN.Y-Mfwhttll-l- . Ins , lend money ont.irnis in cholcocoun- tlea ol Nebraska ami lowai also on pooil Omaha residence property ; lowoM rates ; best term s ; no delay ; money ready. Titles and values passed on here. 014 NE Jilortea.jcCo.-Lo.iiis ot 110 to JV-iooo ; Ketourrates before txjirowlns and save mono v ; loans on horses , furniture- any approve. ! security without publicity : notes Douslit. fornew Ina enewAlof nldnndlow- cst rates , cely blk..l5thA : Howard. CIS YVTANTED First clns Insldeloam. IT rates. Call and s .o us. Mutual Invest ment Co , 1501 t mn nn. 81 ' "lA TiilXiiionpy to loan on city property ; J- * mortgage paper boujlit. I rcy.N.l.Life. CHATTEL loans at lowest rates. Uoiuovcd toffil. N.Y. Lite , bldg. J. II. Einniln er 1)11 ) IJUKsT mortsase loans on Improvpil nnd uii- Improved property. Ohnrli-- , M.lJainey.Illj Onmlia Ntllonal ; liiink bulUilii ; . 8 > j MONTY tinned at lot rates on furniture , , Ae. . without publicity llawkoyc Invcstuientt'o. SI Douglas blk.lOtli anil llodae t'I'J ' BVII.DIJiG loans G to" p r cent ! no addi tional chanJcafor commission orattornev'i fees.f. . ll.McUle , First National batik blag. EASTERN'money toloaui lowest rateno dehy ; Iirse loins aspeclaltyj ihort tlmo pipurbousht. Omaha mortqago Co , grounil lloor.Clmmbcr of Commerce. Wl " \TTC3NKV la loan at ail tlmus on desirable 1'l.lriprovcd property In Omaha. The money Is here and there are no delays , as we eumlno the iiroperty and title ourselves. Hates , Smith iCOnlwr ; VarnamsU jt'0 ot4 [ ONEV toIoan.Corrcjpondentiof Lombard L'lnves'tC'o. thriverx Uurns.Frenw blk. Wl 08 loans on eity property A col lections WproniDt attoutlou. A.C.Larson.OU K.Y. Lifo 149017- WTIEHHAS , A Joint resolution was adopted fcy thelecisHtuKOf the state of Ncbrnsku. at the twenty-8rs > t sesslontbercof , and approved February 13th. A , 1) . ls-9 , proposliian amend ment to the constitution ot said state , und that said uuiuudment ahull read as follovri , Section h That at the generalelectlon M ho held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday of November , A. D.1190. there shall by tumlttcd totuo elcctcM of this statofor ap proval or rejection an amendment to the con stitution ol tbls stntc In worcli as follows ; "The manufacture , sale and keeplns ( or sala of Intoxleatlnjr liquors ns a boveiaco are for ever prohibited In this state , undtiiu IcjrUl.v lure bliull provide by law forthocuforcemont ot this p/ovlslon. " And there shall also at s.ild election be separately submitted to the electors of thl > ttato for their upprovalor re jection an amendment to the constitution ot the state in words a.s follows ; "The manufac ture , snie and keeplngfor sale of Intoxlcatinz liquors as a bovcrugt ) shall bo lloeudcd and regulated hy law. " fcec.'J : At such election , on the ballot ot eacb elector vo tine for the nronosod amend ments to the constitution slull bo written or printed the words > : "For propo-ied amend- ruuut to the constitution , prohibiting tlio tnaiiutaeturc , til" and Vouplns ; for sale of IntoxIcitlnK liquors as a DCTemge , " or " the rraposed umeiidment to the coiistltutlnn pruhlbillris the manufacture , silo und keeping for suta of Intoxicating liquor. asabeveiaRe. " There shall alsoho vrlttenor printed on the ballotof each elector votln ; for the propo-cd amendment to the constitution , the nerds : 'Forproposed nraenUmeiit to tbuconsttution ! thattho jn.inufiicture.ibalc and keepinc for ale ot IntoxlcntlnK llquorsas abevcMseln tils st te shall bo licensed nnd regulated by law , " or Against oaltl proposed amend ment to the eoistlttitloii that the manufac ture , silo : and keejilnzfor sale of Intoxicating llquori ns a beverage bhall bo licensed und ros-ulatliishy law. " Sec. U : It cither Of the Bald proposed amendments < sball bo approved byu majority of the electors voting at the slid cltction , then It sliall consltutosection twenty" ven [ .T ] ot article ono [ Hot the constitution of tills Tlicrefore , I. John M. Thaycr , Governor of thesUteotNebrubKSMlo hercbr slvc notice In accordance vlth scotlonono [ I ] article 115) ) of the constitution nnd tlio provisions of tiw net entitled "an act tn provide the manner ot propoalngall amend men la to the constitution unasubmlttlnsthe snme to the electors of the BtsLte. " Approved I'cbruary lath , A. 1) . Ibi7 , trial said proposed amendment will be sub mitted to tlio qualltled voters of till * it.iUfor approval or rejectlonit the eeneral eleetloa u > Dobeldon tliiv4tli Jay ot November , A. U. I ri witness wlicreof I hereunto sot ray hand. anOciiiBotobo atU > ed thu Kruat seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Klncoln thls2 n any of July. A.I ) . lM , aiiathoSlth yoarof the ilnte , andof the liiclcpendciicoof tntUnitiil St tes the one huntlrcd Hfteeiitn. By the Governor. JOHN JLTHAVEB , N . UOWIJERT , [ SEAL. ] ' .secretary of State. August U3in ! HOC1JYM AT I O.V. A joint resolution was adopted by tha loxlslaturuof the state of Nebraska , it the twenty-first session tbtrtof.and approved March 3Jth , A. D. 1&--0 , prop _ > ilij ] an amend- rnentto Sect Ion Thirteen ( III of Article Slx(5i ( of the constitution of said state : tint &M section us amended shall read as follows , to- Yi It ! Section 1 : That section thirteen (13) ) of artl- closlt t < i > cttho ms tltutlonof tliestaleof Ne braska be amended mas to read w follows : bictlonH : The judzos of the supreme court shall each receive : L salary of thirty-five hi.o- dro.ldoilsrs ( ElM. ! per annum anil the judges of tlic dlilrlct court Jhn.ll recelto a salaryof three tliousaundollnrs ( C5,0.0) ) pjrunnimi. : iml the lalary of ieh bliall bepayabln quarterly. t-ectlon ; ' : Each person votlni ! in favor of th is amendment shall hn ve written orprlnled upon his billet tlio following : "Kor theppoposcd amendment to theconstl- tutlon , nUtlntto tliesulary Ot'judgcsof the BUII re me and tllstrlctcourt. ' Therefore , i , John SI. Tlmyer. sovernorof thqitutoof Nebraska , ilo hereby cive notice. In accnrdinca * lth section onol ( ] uitlclefit- tocn13I [ of the conitltutlon. and tlio provi sions ot an act entitled : -An act to provide thu manner of proposing ll amendments to thuronstltutioa and * uUmllttn ; thfltamoto thnelcctorsof thofctitc. " Approved 1'etiruary lath. A. I ) , Is77 , that gald propmerl amend ment will be H ul. m It tt l tothu qualiUed voters of this state for approval or reooti ] < Jn , at the cuneral elect Ion to l held on tlio 4th day of November , A. I ) , ! * . Jn'ritnisx-vrlicroof 1 have hereunto set my hanandcaustd to be affited the fireat soil of tha ctite ot Nebraska. Done at Unroln. thiiaithday otJuly.A. IJ.I * * * . > ad tha twen- ty-fourthyearof tha state , nnd of tlio InJe- pendtnc-eof tli Unltixl tutos the one hun- " ' Urilyu"6Sl'eroor. JOHN M.TIUVEH , . . . ( SexL.1 B cretarof 3Ut- AuzustldJaa RfllLMYTIMEGfiRD lltll'Alio , It't'llLlMlTO.1. ' * i. | AtrltM _ JiejMill.Hl nl Ms.'on tiwt - Omabs. . .1 ra Chirac' . Ktfrosi 8 i in P 4ii iii . . . .triiic i > Kxpress.,1 , . . 630 p m Pldpm nilcijj Ktpr OSOitn O.Mj m -lilc. o I/wal tkMtja l * > ues illimUViU'OiT A Ma tllVKlt ArrltS" Omhiu i J > i oHiHh nJ ataion mrtctK , Omnhi 10 li i m . . . Tvnfpinhiy Ktvrwti . T Tu _ p ni lOllitu . . . . . . . .iHMir.r Kinross M.Spin 8.J | > ml . . . .Htnrcr.MKht Viprcii i .Vi S.ISm' ' 'U ' S.IS- . . . Lincoln 1/cal . . If "Arnr r Omihiu I Dorxil I Ota mi Ma.m jI.Kt.Omalit. , . P .ISA m KnniMi Clf ( I > A-K prti.lOpiu _ 8. 1 p m J C. > 'Uht HID.Mat. . . I" . Tr-vm 6. 5 I ni "T > To l I'NiOJf ' fAtlt'IC. i Arrlros" " p potIQtIt mlHrcy otftcts. | Oni lii. _ 3r4pm , Orerlsnd lifer BOSpm TJOp ru I'aclU Kxr " - IJ.45pm 10JJUa m . . . . . .l > etiTtr Kipre s. . . . , . . 3&5ptn BWam . . . .K nniCttr Upros ) ISOSani 10.1) > mj . K.-xtnleM hio. ( pircpt uii. < . 4.45 pm "Inures | enif.\uUTl. l..U'ACIH : . " _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ 6.10pm . . . . , . .NI lit Ktpiv . luoSnra U.tUft in . Atlantic Kiprcsi . < < M p m J.TO pm . . . . Vc tllulo Uailtol . . 10 < 5ji tn Tallin " "sfULX i'lV\5TAi Hit. . " ArrfwT _ pn hv t' 1 * depot , luh nnl Mvrjrpt < Onnlit " " " 7.Ti"irm IT. biotTA "nr 1 V pn er. . . T" _ 4.ipni : ) . . . . Ht rut Kifroi . I0.10 m "Ix'stoi i ailOiX ClM AlrAtiMl. " lArritci" Otuihn. I lK.'pol lAthiinil Vet > * t r9t ; _ Umah . ypu p in | _ 5t _ rial rimli > ? _ . . . _ 9.3.1 m 'U rCAuol-f SoitllfVv IGTKTtS"Arritoi" 'I' ' I * . di ot. Ut'i titil _ ' t.jy Onn1 ! 9.IJmlTT.TT. | . .Chlcntn Eipro < . 15'AI p m .Up m . Vosllbjlo lJoiUo.1 . t > . : < Jara 6.11 p niilowfc Acoommoiln.tlra 'Kxc. Sunn TWpiu V.lOp m . Knilorn Uror . pm l.Jlp ni | . . . .l t Kutora . I - ' - * qra hn. Jui.J ; ( | > ot , lh _ nnl M.vtr S tS-UUptu . fhitijo Eiprais IJOp nij - Milnotur _ * * + _ _ . . . . f--l5pra itoi" i ulia. 1U. P. 0 poU IDth nmt Ma-cr Sti UmiUi * . 4 ; B p tn i . . . . . M lonli Cannon thll . . . l3.'aj p m i.cstos i FTVM" . VlI.l.YV Arrltai Ornlm. I Depot IJthnntl Wbt i. .tt . I Oai\1- , . _ " " "y\ja ml BlackTutlnlttpYvit . . . . . t.ajpm OOOa m. . .llnitn.-sEip. ! ( tt. Sumtar ) . 20p ra 5 lOp \VaUXHl.l \ nwlnJ'aKKtSuntfrt 10 20 a m 5.10pm1 rurt * Norfolk. ( Ki Humlnr' HOauHra l.cireri t7raTTv.rir5 ; O. Arrlrj Oniht I Hopot 1 ithimd Ucb-tcrt * . i Omrty 7 CO a m .Plour Cltj Accuiiimodjllon P OJ p re l.Mptu .bloinCltjHxpri-Kr ! tun. ) l.'tjpm SUJii m St. I'nul J.lmlt xt I y.-jinm 5li u m Itniicoft lai < erici > rlKc. Sum. i P 4o ui "l. ivm"i MO > Olltt l'IVli. . | Arnrai Omatii. ! Tvpot iritlinnd WelistcrSt * . i Unuh * . . " ' " " 1C n nTTTsi I.o"iitTi'k."t' KxprM rT 4.M p m p m . SI UiuliA 1C.I' . Kxpres * . 6 * m Cltli.AUL.7K. 1. , t 1' .UHC i Anltoi I'filun DOIKJ.P nintn. ltu7i. ! ITrnnifur C-iUpiu , . MsLt Kipre - . . ' 93S m 9.V n ni . At Untie Kipron . , 5.K p m & . 'D ' p in . . . _ . Votlliiilo Umlto.1 . - MOaUm iMren ClfiTAUtiKOlitllW KM Ivll.N ArtlieV Trin f Tl Union l > opou funn < H HI Ba.Trni _ ter OWalii T7T7 .Clilc k-o Ktpr i . . . . .I tlUJptn 6.U ) p ra . Vp llbulo Limited . P. Warn JO.HJ p .n . Kiilcrn Hrop . SoOpm I.jOpra . Atlantic Mall . 7 l n m r. V p jn'lown ' * rponimodntlaii i VIP. Sntii G 40 p m l * UlHA&O/illUT 4 S > * 1' 1'A L'u Arrlrnr" Tmn ftrl Union Hcnot. 'oimcM llluff Trnmtqr "aafp m . r. Chlcnto > ipro < > . i'.lSa m 1 10 p in . . Chlciiifo ViprcM . . . . r 00 p m 'Leire l K. Crr rrj JB.x O.IL | Arrlio " Trjinter Union IXpot. Ccnncll Illiiffa jTramtor 100 ! "a ml . . . Kinnni CltFllTr KTprpia . . 5.4J p m IUS p IB .LK IUIH J1tr ) < liht Kiprom . i-M ! B m Jxsivos I TJMAirvAT'SV l"Uitn * . rArntes Trans fer Colon l > opit. Couqpll Illntf Trantfor r.ltfp ro kllx > nl _ l mum H ll . . 12 lt ni U ves Tcnu'AUO. Ill'llf.'N A gl'IN'Cr . Arrlrpi" Trin fcri L'nlnn l fpnt , Counrll HhiIT Tnr. < tcc 5HI a m . . . . . . 7. . fhlojzo Kipreni . t , y > p m 1000 p in . . . .Clilcwo Htpn > 3l . . . . ' . ' * la ni 7JO p to . Cretton local. . . . . . ll.aB m "IXIITCJ r HIOL'XtirV U'AVIHC. I ArnreV" Trjnifeti Union J > | wt. Ctfunctl lllulTii. ITranifor ' 7lS n m . .slum CUT Accommodation .1 ' . - n m oa. DM . . . . fft-l'aul Liircai ; 1U.U ) B m J1 l fcoF7u I'Al Il'lC SUIIJUBIN . " = "r" " " " " Wcit ard. | 5"l i a m' ' [ . in n.m pin. \V l ) tert j W ti.417.5O 3W 5.0 8 MlilJ J1 Oak Ctanthnin . . . 5W ti 5H.OS 103 ' . .5 ; 8 43 12.ST uriiia inn 5v > T. ( s.oi icG'c. ' m 8.43 L ki ) Stwct. . . . ' ) ' > > > ! .M 8 U 1.0 Valnut lltll ' " " 7.UH.UU.IIO t.OJ | & . . ' . ) 1 03 IJnndcul'Uca il.W 7-Osi.ll 113 8 i > 1 O-S % v t tflle uDi T.IUS.l.i'U5 ' li.l ) ' fi ft.Vl.10 I..WII . " ' , " ' . . . | S.18IS ! | . . . P M I 14 Mi-cot | . . . . . . | .2-Jial..l , 'J.W 1.17 ur I'ar * . 4.24 IK.i l > .Oi ] 1.31 . a.UQll.SS1 , . . .1 9 11 1..TO WHKBEA.9. A Joint resolution was ndoptod by thttleglslitiiruof thestntoof > , the twcnty-fiist teflon thtireef , andapprored March llth. A. O. l alJ , pro ] > oslnR in ariiend- inent tosectlou tvo [ 2 ] tourCI ] niidflvo [ 5) ) of Artlclodlx [ Clot the constitution of salilstato nnd tnat said section ns amended lhall read asfollo s. tovlt > : Section t Tlmtsectlon twoC ) of artlcln six Oil of thecomtltutlon ottbo sUto ot Nebraska be amended so us to rend as follows : "Soctlon'Thoiuprcmo : court shall can- sSt of five ( jlludacs. a tmjorlty of whomsliall be necessary to form ; i quoruinor topronounce udccislon. It shall ha > oorlKlnal jurisdiction in ca"es rt'htlnu to revenue. cl > ll CIISM in vhlcu the stite shall bo a party , mandamus , quo Avarranto , haluis corpus , and such appul- late JurUdlcllon asn < a.yb provided by l.nv. SectionTli at section four(4) ( ) of nrtlclcslx ( Cl.of the constltutionottlio MatootNobraska , be amended so asto read us follows' Section 4 : The judges of the biiiiremo court shall be eluded by the electors of the state : it hrse. anil their terms of oilico , ecept a.s licrelniftcrprovlded , shall bo foraperlodof fire < 5) ) yours. " Scftlon : ! : Thai section flvop ) of article six ( Oof the constitution ot thostatnof NcLras- ka. boam'Mi'leil ' snas to rend as follows : beotlonS : "Atthe llrst KOiiirnl election to he held In the year le'Jl. and after the adop tion ot this amendment to the constitution , there shall ho circled three ( I ) J mixes oflho supreme court , ona of whom sliall bo elected for tlielermof one (1 ( > year. one Tor thetorm otthneCJ * years and ono for th term ot 11c ( Vycnrs , and at ea"h general el-'dloii thcru- afler there shall lo elected ono Judsr.c ot the upreme court for the term of flie ( " > ) jcurs. Provided , that the jndifes of tlie suprumti court who e terms ha\e \ not expired at the tlmo ot lioMins the tcnor il olocthm t 1HOI , hall continue to hold thc-l r nllico tor the re- CKiliulcr of the term for which tbey vcro ro- poutl vcly elected under the present consti tution. " ? e < 'tlon4 : Thateaclipprson votlni ; Intivor of thli amendment Khali have written or printed upon his lullottlic following : "Korthi- proposed nirendacnt tothe consl 1- tutlon relating to the number of tsuprumu jud ! ? . " Therefore. I. John M Thiyor , Oovornorof the state of Nebraika , do beroby flvonntlco In accord anro with section one ( li article llf- leen ' 15) ) of tlio constitution , tlio iirovislonbn ( the actrntltlpd : "An act to provide the niun- nur of proposing ill itmendmunUs to tbeoou- stltutlon and aalnlttlD ) : ? thusaiiitito tliceleu- torsotthtstate. . " Apjirovrd Tobniary 13th , A. D. 1577. thlt said proposed amendment will t > e presented to tbu qualified voters ol th Hate lor appro val or rejection at the ccnurul dcctlon to ho beldon tha 4th day of Novem ber. A.I ) . 1-W. In Mltnest whereof I liavo hereunto set ruy hand and cau 'd to bo aniieil tlioKrats -al of the state of Nebratlcu. Done at Llnculn thU-Mh dayof July. AJ ) . 1K . and thotueti. ty-fourth jear ot ho stut < i.and ot the Ind-j. pernlenco ol th United Stales the rf etn. By the Goicrnor. JOHN M. T1IAYGR. liE.-J.IAUIN II , OOWIIKRY , ( SiAi.,1 bocrotary of 3 tat * . AusiutlJJm r or Sale Bonds. I7.00HVak r bonds , city of Aurora. Ham It * ton county , .Veb , twenty y > ars. n e years op tion. Cpcr teat scnil-anniiilly , January and July.N. V. J , X CASS-EU. . o'Jdlittn. Mayor. Aurora- 1 lie Opera Jlouho I'ermlr. James E. IJoyd took out a permit yesterday for tte erection of his new opera house at the corner of Seventeenth and Hartley streets. The permit jirovldw for the erec tion ota flyo-story brick bullJInuat acoit ol (100,000. ( A permit was issued to John T. Dillon yes terday to erect a seven-story and basement IKrt , 1110and UU' Nich olas street. The building htocust TS,000. , Through coactics Pullman palace Blooper * . , dining cunfreo rocllnlnychalr cars to Chlcttpo a.nd intervening point via. the pw t Itock Island routo. Tlcko oilico lOO , Sixteenth atidParnain- ; Jfnrrlaco Tbe following marriap-e HC.HUOvai li med by Jude Shields yea terday i Name and aildnss. Age. I.I amps c ; iluutoii. "Lijonf , Neb . I' ' I Aneluial.oui | , uh i . 20 ' I Nell II. C'lirintlan < .un , lJU > r nc , Neb . . II KuleM. MluW.n ronra. . < ib . . } ' I Pr d X Tliinmns. I'lor'-nec , Neli Z lldaU. l'o ell.lloren'e. ' : Meb . H Water X.lly Soap villt noat. 1\T THE FIELD OF SPORT , List of tie Western Asscclatioa Rcsorvn- lions for Host Year ( ROCHE CALLS THE ANNUAL MEETING , ItMII ttc Hold In Omixtirt on OcUx bcr 22 Tlio Spccil HliiJC- TIpH mill KntrloN for Todny'i llncrtt. ST. P.vfi , Minn. , Oct. S. fSp olnl Tele- grain to Tin ; HCK.Secretary | Koclio o ( the Western n ooiatlon niitiounoi > toilny that the immul mo.Hintcvlll bo licUl In Omnha on Octobers , In acconliinco with tlia ternnof tlio movement. Ho nisi ) cavon Ustof iwrvatlous for 13l , They aw as follows i I > cnvcr-.Me > abb , Kennedy , Trutnpy , ioocl , KojnoMs , Lohbecfc , U'Uson , Inn , WliltfVhltoheaJ , McOlonc , Curtis , Trcilwny. ICnntus City Manning , Ina > me , Ountnn , Swntttol , Con way , Pears , Smith , Carpenter , Steurns , > 'lix > l , Hums , Hoover , llalhiul. Mlliraukoo Morrissey , \Voleli \ , Albert , 1'oorman I'ort School , OlfMii , , Dalrypiplo , ! , Thornton , Hciiwlolc , Ureig , JnnUcnVc3t \ - lake , Hurley. Minneapolis Mlniwhan , McQuniil , Klllcn , Petty , Tvohy , Hj-n , Duke , Mitchell , Mtilvr , Cai-ioll , UiiRilale , Day , Hcnple. Omaha Clark , Urquhart\Villlj \ , Pagln , O'Connor , Hanrahnn , Walsh , Cleveland , CanavauVorlts \ , rI * , ICiiell , Xcwmnn. Uneoln-Mncullar. CHne , Flanapan. Patton - ton , Briinblecoui , i'ualcti , Trailloy , ImtiJ , Hoover , Ilotnpli , Honrli. Sioux City lloxvell , SciM. CJenlns , IHaolt , Ci-ossloy , Devlin , Divusumi.Slii-lllias e , Will- iicr. Kapjiel , ( ilenn , Mniusi , Crolty , 11 11 St. I'ntil-Mwkln , Maim , SclmiH , I'tntcr. wood , O'llriotibboy , U.ily , McL.auiU ; > in , Murpliy , Trost. Om.ihn . and Kt. Paul both claim tlia right to rvservt1 Stciiicl. ritr. . * i'iirj : iti.Mi. Morris 1'ai-Ic Itaci" ) . Mounts I'AUK.N . . Y. , Oct. -Summary of today's raced : SUfurloiiKs-CosMRica won , Mnster'oJa second , Syracuse third. Time 1 : IS. Five furloiips Park Kldgo won , liaily Dlossom second , Silver Prince third. Timo- p , rnlleanUone-elfhUi- won , MaJstoiio second , NevaJi third. Time 1:5' : . ; . Dantnoff stnkos , for t\vo-vear-oUj , sit furlongs Itusscll von , S.illio -ClclInnd second , T.nToscii third. Tlmo 1:1O. : Protctory stincos , for , ono mile Kudiio von. Druidcsj second , Chooi thinl. Time 1 l H. Ono mile Chesapeake \von.lTolsoniseconJ , \Vlilteuo3Cthird. Time I lt > . I.atoiil.i ItaecH. LTos-n * , Ky. , Oct. S. Summary oltoJay'i races : Four and one-halt furlongs Milt Venus won , Colonel \Vheatlev \ second , ItoseiUlo third. Time , ; ' / . Ono mile -Jade llradyvon , Ireland second , Grnjsoa thiiil Time t : ! . ' Tvl'ile and . Cloud * evenly j.irds-tircy on , Hvdv seccial , liob 1'orsjtli third. Tnne :5'J' : ' ' , . Mlfo nnd one-sKtccnth IHUIalo won , Meadow Drool : second , Princess Annie third. ? iino t : .V.-j. Six furlnuRS M'clauiQ won , Ed Leonard ccoud , lodlcakii tliltd. Time-ll5i. : , Tlio Ixxuov ) , Oct. S--Spedal | C blcram to THE BEE , ] The principal race on the pro- prammo at tlio Xcwinarket meeting today vas the Mlddlo Park plato for two-year-olds , six furlongs. It was won by M. K. Blanc's colt , Gouvemeur , Douglas Iaird' ! ' fllly , S.vphonla second , thoDukoof West alas tcr' colt Orion third , AT MOIilllH T\KK. First m'O liaccland. Eon. Second raeo--L' Intriguante. Annla 'J'hlrtl race Lavina Belle , Montaijuo. Pourtlinico-La Toscn , Salllo McClelland. rifth race Keclaw , Ilcltcr Skelter. Sixth race Meriden , Autocrat. HT IATOMI. Tirst race Neva C , Pullman. Second race-Gymnast , Jubilee. TnlrU race Arundel , A'lrtje D'Or. 1'ourth race-Donatollo , Diekorson. I'iltu race Ina D , Harpy. Sixth laceLittle Mid get , Triumph. ISnlrics Tor Toilny'n AT M OH [ US J'lKIC. Tirst race , one and onu-slxtccntli of a mlla llmiiicnce , Kiisson , Silviiu , lUcelaml , ion. Second nice , Ihroc-qiiarters of a mile Sin- nloa , Miehael , L'liitrisuante , Annie , Tom Donahuu. Thinl rare , ono und ono-quarter of n milo Belle , Montague. Fourth race , ihrooq tinners ofn tnl'c ' , f.-uh- onstaUos TaTo3C.i. 12'julty. Salllo McCli'i- and , Reckon , Alma , Kiruuorlu , Adjge , llui- talln. I'ifth nco , ono and one eishth mile-i , Pcy- tonli stake's Can Can. .IcnnioU , Kuiiiiemc , DruUie-ss , Itoselto. ( llouinluir , Tulle Illuck- bura. Ildtor hkeltcr , KecUru. Sixth race , threo-iuarter | ; > ofn mile , selling Autocrat , Mend en , Mamie 11 , Monterey , Woodcutter , Catherine 13 , Mackenzie , Torch light , Outcry , I'unitcr. Jr. AT I. VTOM A. Tirst race , ono milo , scllinfr Kincrllko , Alaska , ( Juliiare. HarrvVildun. . Nipiwr , GrefttSfott , Pullman. Consitnice. Ncnit' nd race , one mile mid twenty ynnla , I'lcltup , KutrenU , Nina Archer , Gvmnast , f uraa Davidson , LScrthu , Jubilee , lilllv I iiil5-rt n. Third , 0110 ana tbrcc-slxteeiith miles , Handicap Bmii'csi , Hamlet , Wary , Kli , liRO DOr , Amnilel. rourthraco , three quarters o ( a inllc , Hlin- ball stakes , Carroll UeeO , Diticrson , Lna- tello. Vallera , Sir Abnur , I'alejtlne. Fifth raw , one-half mile , inaliieus Sexon- f tie , Mury ( 'onroy. Minnie Kosko , Miirvnl , Triumph , Sura , Maggie Moore , IxiuUiina , Little iidnet. hlxth race , one lialf mile , maiden IHlles Coup * . ' , r'airhaven , Kclith r , Ina D , Spider , Itoedell , Hun > V , Hora II , r ucullo Manctto TIC K lll-3.-\liTyJI.\HIC r. I .NiTIlUllE.vf puooa oii ru(30ra ( Oclo- ' bor A Martin Cahn et al to TV \ Culc. loUll and 12lilkfSramrnurey park I 1.100 \\C OlcVey unil wlto to II IK'Inrklot 17. hlki , I'laronclou acid . . . . 1 Ell | I > whiml rt'alto J I , Kunncny. lots Sn. Band 11. blk ft Union 1'jcllle null hi Alhrlschf * Choice Hans .ltii > uiict ul to Jo hum Hai-rer , Vt < It.'feel nt part m ft-tl norlh uiillft ! ftet east ct K nth\v ' tcorner north west "orthrait O-LV-l-l I.OCT CJJolinton nnd wlfo tn Alvmsiundi'rs , biuth.utlf lot 1. I'r.inMl.i s < | iuro D.uilcl Kendall nnil wife to J A. I'luin- ini-r , lot 11. blk T. KiiiKltll'H rulii . . M\V \ McKiiin to WJ xntt. InL : lilk - , - . Ho KsA. IIIU'- > iHt-iild Ktitu UMcKlimey nnd liiiihnnd tuit < : lliiKlits , Kouth unit lot' ' * . Itrcso iili'-i ; 13II Overall ami wlfu to II A i'\tnlurt \ ' MH , lot IK. hlk K Orchnrd II III 5.0OO J , II Hcul und hiiilunl ; to K U Kit.lih- . lots Dnnil 10. hlk t , Alamo I'lai.'i 5,000 1MV Wiberrf to Al.In sannaeri. north half lull , 1'r.triklln Kqiuro S,000 OflTCr.AIM I RK.nj. Jit Duinontto C C HiixhoH. buuvh half 1 JulhiMcSiiirit ulio 11 \Vorley. . loll I , hlU KOVoMtKna. . . . . I.OOO lli Martin and liu.liamlto J 'I fhannori , IctO , Llk b. Jeroinopiirk 1 llKHIli : J I' Itojd , MhtrlfT , to I ! Jositen. lot 0. jjjl ' ' ' y.'l.'TllVt'wiwfr. spcelnl mutter , to II K lluul.i > , lotl.hlkl ? , ICount pluee . . I,10O Total amount ot trunifori J..t73 * , tipuraij-ia , niwlnff-ii , n > rrou- irNi , snwun , sl'-epjpssnesn , i-unM l > y Dr. Mills' Nervine Sirniiloi trttt at Kubn * - Co.16th and" '