Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1890, Page 5, Image 5

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* "A Hew to Establish Tia Mills In This
City ,
\VVn niillmslnstlo Jloctlnjc or t7io Iiocal
> J'lre IiiHtirnnco Men nnd Si
Ion of Their Committee's
Tlio advisability ot an effort on the part or
tlo cniiitallst.iof Oinnlia to secure a brancb
of the tin rnnufncturlng Industry for this
city M sujigostol by Customs Collector
.Alexander nt the meeting of the real estate
exchange , llli suggestion ? as follow1
"Now Chat meetings of tlie oxcbango are
Ticld ugiiln , nnil the incmU'ra arc scckintfout
ono lui'iins und another by which tboiimtcrlal
intorush of Omaha mav bcs tuU'anccd , ' ! bCK
tocnll nttcntlon totho posulblHtlcs whleli
eccin tollo bclorou inconiicttlon vlthtln.
"A urotccllio tarlT suniclciitlv high toen-
couraga tlo\clopmout of minus vlilch arc
linuxvn to os Ut In this country has been es-
tibllslicd , nnil within li oycursl believe , the
inaiiu failure of tlniluto ] will hnvo bccomo
one of our most prominent iiidusti-lfj ,
"Tho moit extensive initici of 'In ore
tlmt hnc ( ye' heondlsL-oxcrcd In the United
htntca arc said to bo loeatc-d In the uoutti-
A.esternpartof Di l < ota. and two gieat rail
ways are now In ojiuratlon bctxvccn that re-
flon nnd Oinnlin. WouM It not lowlso on
thopurtof Oiiiulia caipitallsU and business
men to thoroughly impitlpato tlio matter.
with \lowofcstabllshlnK rollltiR mills and
plating work ? in tbis city I Certainly the
product of the inliies must flail an outlet
bompwhero , and 1 atn stronsly Impressed
lth the itlcithat , If taken up In time , the
bulk of distribution cin be made from this
lity. CouillctliiK reports concerning the
ch.iract"r and extent of the Dakota inlne < i
nro current , but I am credibly Informed
that great scboinos arc on foot fur their docl \ -
) 'iincrit I l > clie\o this matter can bca l-
tated to ad vantage , nnd ivovilJ su gust that
members of tlio ctchangc Ri\ent lust apart
efthclrtimeto thoillscuislon and investiga
tion of tin inanufacturont this point.
" 1 liavo ( iitcrtnlncd , In the meantime , to
it thu rcat Harony 1'eik mines , anil others
in that resion , for the puiposo of maUUijt ex-
tcnJod Inquiries Into their chancier , and
v the plans anil purposes of their toanasers.
-v. Througli thecouiteay of gentleman who are
intimate with parties In charge , I have been
favored with letters vhich will enable mete
to pathcr reliable data , and in a short time I
shall bo pleased to report to the exiluiigotho
result ot inj Investigation. "
Mr. Alcxjiulor s.iid that lie wns golnR to
inaUe a careful oxarniiiatioa of the mines for
the purpose of finding whether there was
icullyn supply there of tin ore suillcicnt to
warrant the lucre iso In the Unflf piovidcd by
. the rvlclvinley bill. If thcr j was ho was sure ,
ho said , that Omaha could , by promptarul
liberal action , establish immense rolling and
plato mills hire and become the distributing
icatcr for the bulk of the output from the
Dakota mines.
Mr. Aloxamlor will start next -neelc for a
trip throuKh the hills. On Ills return he u ill
make a detailed report of his IUA obligations
to the ical cstato cichnngc.
In this connection , it maj ho stated that
General K I1 Tct is also stronglv Inibu tl
with the fact that the tin industry should bo
cncouuKCd in tills city , because , ho holds ,
there Is millions in it for intelligent capital
ists. Ho points to the fact hat since the pas-
eapo of tho.McIvlnlev bill Chicago h.v-s con
cluded to established a large tin factory The
gcnuial s.ij 3 that a tin work * hero \vould bo
COO miles nearer the mines than Chicago ami
would benr the same relation to them that
the smelting works do to the mines V.IICMICO
they get dully their tons of all kinds of min
eral ucaltb.
Ificy IIjt\ol7crrcctcil Their Or antza-
tlon uiicl SIKJCCHH Api rarn.
There -wai a meeting ycitorday of the
now local uniloi ritcrs' association , at which
was submitted the report of Messrs. Webster
and Palmer , the committee sent by the organ
ization to Chicago to ascertain the sentiment
ot the leading companies regarding tlio now
Tbo report was a most f avorablo one , showIng -
Ing that the project was much more \vannlv
sustained than some members belic\cd it
--'would bo.
As It looks now , the local agents \\IIl bo
enabled to run their own business to tholr
\own satisfnction , while at the samotlme
I ing mindful of the Interests of the com
panies represented.
The nc\v organization comprises many of
tuo leading agents In the city nnd amouK
these arc aoino who wore not mem
bers or the association , AS also who
represented companies wftich did not
belong to the union. The o latter
agents bccamo members of the now organiza
tion only when they found they could do so
without saci-HIcIng tholr interests or those
of the companies interested , and who could
Jb not lx ) dra\\n into the union.
f "Yes , the old orpanlzatlon has pot to go , "
said an adjuster. "I am not Interested In the
mo\o at all. but ! cantscohihat has al
ready beenuoiio that the companies are dis
posed to place conlidcnco in Uio local agents
with certain limitations of course. Such
beliiR the ease , tno old dictatorship will
speedily become a thing of the past. "
Ijnw TtntcH
The Ohio & Mississippi railway is now
aollltiff tickets from St. Louis to points
east at tlio following' low rates : New
Yoik , SID00 ; lloston , $16.00. Phllntlol
810.00 ; .lmuohtownN. Y. , S9.00 ; Pitts
buif. Pa. , $ & 00 ; Clovcland , O. , 88.00 ;
Columbus and Dayton , 0. , $1,15 ; Galion.
O.o.50. For further information call
on or address A. J. Dytlo , G.V. . P. A ,
lOoK. Hioadway , St. Louis , Mo.
I Brnilley Sliovs Up ,
Icy , the man wlio raado the
intlio Kebrosm savings bank In Juno
it nnd whoso receipt was presented at the
bank by another man who demanded
t.ho money , Tuesday appeared at tlio hank
Withhlsccrtlflute ud receipt for his $170.
Mr , Bradley Dorics Intholiam panp nttho Vr-
mour-Cuihhypaiklnghousesnndhu.s worked
To 1519. llo says that ho never missed
the | > ai > orsbut that ayoungmnnhy the nnmo
of Hytuiwho bonrdednt the snmo hou o\vho
btuslnco shipped out. must hue taken the
papers out of 111 pocKotbookandoa failiiiK to
BOcuro tlio money replaced the receipt aud
then fearing detection quietly vamoosed.
Dotnoeriitlo Canilitlntea.
At a meeting of local democrats the follow-
lowing1 primary ticket wns selected.
I'lrstVaidJudgo P , J. KingRohort
Parks and DuUJ J. Dlooui.
Second \Vivid-Jatnes H. Fleming , George
g. Seltzer nnd Miles Welsh.
Third Ward-Thomas K McGuire , Bernard
IvlcUerinott and Chris Keiff.
Fourth \\-anl-John S. Wallers , JHchael
> Connors nnil TlioinnjOlllcsplo.
f ' This tlikot Issupposcd to ho In the Interest
* OlJustleoJoseph jr. Hreon for representative
pnd another ticket in the Intorcu of Juuics
likely bo put ! u the Held tonight.
Onc-13)cil Hllcy Arrestoil.
Martin \Vclsh , famlllaily known 03 "Ono-
Rllcy , " has beca urrosteU cbarged with
pilfering a sand sloro , scrow-drher
mid a spirit level. The artlelca
ivero old to K. V. Warren
; f.Midi5..nmol JJimn , a carpenter , bought ono
of them. Welsh will Ua-v obis hearing before
fudge ICIng- this uiorulnp , linviii boon
liberated on hli own recognizance.
N'otci Auuut tlio City.
Ole Johnson la very siclt with the
W. M Purrish bas removed from Sarpy
County to Albrlcht.
\Vork\\os \ counueaced by Jettcr yesterday to
rebuild at Albright ,
Tbotnaj Bnrrj- was lined M nnd costs by
fludgo l\lng for resisting Ofllccr John Folloa.
William Walton , who lias lately returned
BlU-r spendiu jtho summer lu SwUaudyoster-
day rwumcJ his former position 01 ynni-mas-
tor at llio Armour-CuJiliy packing plant.
Bricklaying hai b Jii comtnonfod on tlfo
io\v housei ol bwlft & Co. west of the
, rnclf ! .
C. 0. Stanley lias removed from .Albright
to tha Moolc block , Twenty-fourth and M
/ . A , .fnmos I\M nppolutcJ onglnoorof tlio
Third \vurdschool house and not Janitor , as
erroneously reported ,
Tuesday tlio Armour-Cudnhy vacltlng
company shlpiKd sixteen carloaOi of packinj ;
louse products for export toEuropc.
ClKarmakors1 union. No. 0 * , vlll meet In
Ancient Order of United Workmou ball
tills even In ? forinstnlhtlon of ofllcers.
A flno nuillonco listened to I Ir. and Mr ) ,
ilallcy at the Motliodlst Kplscopal chuich
luosd.iy oicnlng JubUeoslnglns and a pro-
ilultloii lecture wcro tlio entertainment.
Tbo yountr men ot the Prcsbvtorlan con-
( ( rogation were fortunate In scrunp a good
supper to their friends Tuesday night. All who
veropresent xvcio well pleaded Owing to
, ho uilatalio about the pheo the nttcnilnnco
was not nilnrgca thojrool supper merited
The Made City cornet band wont to tbo
loiuo of Mr. and .Mrs. John Dacliman , 1'
street , between Tucnty-flftn and Twenty-
sixth , and KOAC Mrs. Uuchtnnr. a scictinilo
irlor to her tlcpartum for ( Jhlcafro. Thu
jand bo s were ghca \velcomu sued u
hej dcscnod. Thoboitand liostess served
a lunch and succeeded In nicely cutertuiiilng
heir musical t'ueiids
Aliont t'roplo
Mrs. W 1'nrnoll Un returncJ ( rom I'corla
Howard S. Savao today will go to
3a\onport , la. , to locate.
The venerable William 0 Glnsfow of Peru
Alsltlng i'ojtmaster nnd Irs. John M.
Lewis Steven * lias Keno to Chicago to
meet lila mother and will spend two weeks
visiting In that city.
ColonoUolinS Mullen his returned from
Chicago , where hoattonJed the nnnutil re
union of tha Sc\cnteenth IlllnoU cavalry.
Henry Delund , of Olotins ferry , Idaho , an
onplncer on tbo Owuoii Short Line , Is the
ruoU of landlord Janio ) H. Lowry of the
Sccretnr- Tracy Salil to Prefer to Con
"WisimoTos , Oct. S. Teleerara
.o Tins BEE ! The wceof conpiws
satlme for startlinR rumors of a more or Ic
niiwrtant political nature and the present in-
.crval between the sessions is not without Its
jharo of possip The latmt story extant is to
the effect that the present secretary of the
niIs sat is Hod vith his experience as a
member of the caoinct and that ho desires to
try hli hand as a legislator. .Mr. Tracy U
? rcilitci3 with tbc ambition to oci-upj a seat
in the United States seriatp , ami totbls end
\\illitijtto nl\e tliopiesident in opixirtunl-
-y to select his successor on the 1th of next
NIarch. Ilio minor U to the effect also that
in this ambition hois aided und abetted by
Senator Hlsoock and ex-Senator Plait. These
uentlcmi'n are iild to bo quietly ut work iiv
the interest of Mr. Trot ) , nuU as it is well
uiiilcrdtood that Mr. Evails iloes not want to
return to the senateand thit IMr Ilatt would
liaiedifllculty in gettin ? hi cld seat baclt ,
the field scemj to bo clear for the consumma
tion of the desires , of the sccretaiy of the
navy hi this direction.
The presence of dandrulT indicates a als-
casecl scalp , anil if not cured , blanching of
the hair and baldicss will result. Hall's
Hair Ficnowor will euro it.
ZOVD f.\.lKtt
Actor l'rotcst Aeaiust Indecent Ad-
vcrtlncincnta by Mnimirirt ) .
NEW YOIK , Oct. 8 [ Special Telegram to
TUP BBS ] IMwln Foricst lodpo of actors ,
Order of Friendship , has adopted the follow
ing resolution-
Resolved. That tlio nclois * Order of friend
ship regard vrllh ulirtu anil Iiullffinllon llio
KrowIiiK tendency on the part ot certain nian-
u ors to cotintiMiuncn tin ) ntm ? of Indecent
posters and other nil vorlNcincuts of an nb-
jct'llomalo cluractor ; tint we l > cllovo | ior-
KlsteuL-ulu tliliconr.u will nroto Injurloua to
tlio best Intorcits of tlio Ihuatrlcal prnfcsiloii.
unil weherolijr , n4 bodv , enter ourprotoat
iijTlastllm coiitlinutiuu of these in.itiunorlaL
methods of advertising as not onlv an abuse
of our art. but a menace to public decency
and a strong woapouof .ittaeldn tlichandsoC
tlioso ever ready and too vrllllns traduoera of
tllOMlllRI ) .
Stuart FJolison , who \rith T. F. lackey and
Harley Merry drafted the resolutions , said In
the course ol his remarks that the evil was a
threatening ono. It was generally ndtnitted
by the membtra present at the meeting that
theolTcndliigones not confined to rural
managers alone , as several flnt-clasi attrac
tions have of Into been Issuing printing
hardly Hi for displaying upon the public
Pitsspasnu , St. Vitus ? daneo , n crvousnos
and hjstcria'iira soon cured by Dr. .nlilos
Kerx-lno. Preo samples at Kuhn & Co.'s , 15tli
and Douglas.
Iho Pen with Wlileli
AVas rs'ot
WASHINGTONOct. . 3. [ Special Telegram
to the UEB. ] Thcro Is lying In a beautiful
glass In the capitol ot the youthful state of
"Washington a penholder of nitlro ebony , cut
in the forests that shelter Puget Sound and a
hrge and beautiful pen of sold , made from
the products of one of Washington's most
famous mines. 'Ihls i > eu nnd holder bear a
laholwhich Informs tbo public that they wore
used by the president of the United States to
sign the net of congress enabling Washing
ton to beuoniu a slito and \ew presented to
the people by Mr. J. W Robinson. It Is true
that Jilr Robins > on brought this pen to Wash
ington for the president to use in sigiiirg the
enabling net. but It did not work , and so the
president picket ! up one of tuo ordinary
wooden penholders and steel itubs that ho
commonly uses , which cost about Ilvo cents a
dozen , aud signed the bill with that.
The Irish Potato Crop.
ICoturt'jM IVHJtii Jam' * Goi-Jou Btnnelif
LOJ.DOX , Oct. S. ( Now York Herald
Cable-Special to TUB Btc.1 The Herald
correspondent hi Ireland telegraphs In re
gard to tlio potato crop failure in the con
gested districts lying northeast , west and
southwest of the coast , that the failure close
to the coast Is complete , but In other parts of
Ireland the crop Is average. Other crops are
entirely satisfactory. Irish editors are sur
prised at tlio American subscriptions anil say
the reports in Ameilca aio exaggerated.
There Is plenty of work for laborers. People
relieved so often naturally loolc for money anil
become totally demoralized. The local pov-
eminent hoard at Dublin the belief
that Hcau cope vlth the qutotlouunuided.
F'or lleatiaclie
Use Hereford's Acid Phosphates.
Dr. I. K. Sauford , Sheflleld , Slass. , says :
"Mostcxeellent m derangements of thonorv-
oui system , ucb as headache and sleepless
ness. "
The Modern AVomtinoii Trouble.
Ouictoo. Oct. 8. [ Special Telegram to
TUB BKE.I Dr P. L. McKlnnlo , head
physician of the Slodern Woodmen of
America , jeiterday said that the ofllco of J.
C. Uoot at Elpiti , 111. , was vacated Saturday
last. Mr. Itoot li head consul of the order.
Dr. .MeKlnnlo said that II. M. Kennedy , Into
head clerk , packed up all the stuff nnd lolt
for Omaha. This , however , does not affect
the books of the order , whica are in tooofllcu
nt Fulton , III. , and which they cjo rcatraiued
fromushiKby tha Injunctton granted July 37
by Judge TuthllL
nirdflancl Jlotiupys Croniatoil.
KBIT YOHK , Oct. S. f Special Telegram
to TUB IlKB.J-Ono hundred , parrots , 100
canary and mocking birds , two monkeys , two
cats and a pug dog were bnruod to death by
a tire last night lu Frederick Hcnzler'i bird
store , at No. 'iJd Kast Houston street.
IGOi Sixteenth una Furnnm stroota Is
the now Iloclc Islund ticket ofllco. Tick-
oU to all poluU oust at lowest ratei
The Union Pacific Gobbles Valaablo Prop-
ertj Without Paying a Penny.
Tlie Oinntin Gimr < H I cert TheirNe-vv
IIIR ( luu to the Arm
ory on.
The rase of Susan B. Myers ct al , vs Alex
ander McGavock.IlemyO. . Hob Wo mid the
Untoti Pncillo railway company -ua divided
In Judge IIopowoU's cotirt yesterday , tlio Jury
icturiilnR n verdict for tlio defendant.
The suit BMW out of the possession of n
tract of land hi the vicinity of the Union Pa-
dlle depot
Some fifteen years ago , one Henry B. Mycn
of Chicago owned the lind In quoitlon , nnd
whoa the rallroij , in o < ctetuUnlts * switch
yards , built upon the land , no objection v.ui
raised For tl f teen jears or moio tUolauJ
has been used for rail viy purpose * .
Two ycttn ngo UIP hplnof Sloven com-
mcnocd suit In cti ] L'ut ngalnst tbo coin
pauy , but the c.ise JH not been adjusted
until the present term of court.
In iiutriutlnjf the Juij the judge held that
If It WAS found that , the company had held
possession ol the ground for ten jcars , and
during that tinio the plaintiff * hud never
maao any demand * for n settle
ment from tlio defendants , a uitliit
for the defendants alionld be rendered. View-
Ins ttie matter in this light , the Jury ictlrcd
and in a sliort time returned neullct that
place. * the OH uenhlp of the land In the rail-
reid company.
The case of John P Mertls nqatmt the
Union P.vcltlo iiihvny company wan coin-
nicnced In Judge Hoocuoll's court yeaterday
afternoon. In 1555 , one Sunday morning In
June , Mortis was walking alon { ? the rail road
trnclt near Shcclv station , when ha wns
struck by a av.ltch engine nnd thrown ten
feet Into the air "When aicrtit struck tlio
ground , ho [ discovered that heat the pos
sessor of three broken ribb and a badly
shalccn-up constitution For six mouths lie
was confined to his bed anit ho ii now In
courtrasklnK tlic company to pay him 2,000
for the Injuries sustained.
.1 sir , rrjt cnxjFiitr.xcK.
riiinnco 31inls cr and'li.uilc Directors -
tors Jlcel at Ylcmu.
VIKVVA , Oct. -fSpecial Cablegiain to
TUB BEE. ] The > < cu Frcie Presso siys n
confcrenco lias been held by Dunngowsld ,
AustiIVs minister of finance , DrVokerme ,
Hungarian minister of finance , and the ill-
rectois of the Austra-Hungartan bank to
consider the ilnanolal situation resulting
from the iccunt silver legislation In the
United States. It woa agreed to ledeom s > tale
paper money to the extent of 'J00,000(00i , )
tlorins , leavlncr 113,000,000 llorini in circula
tion. Tlio latter will , however , represent
( fold Instead of silver florins A foreign loan
of 200,000 , ( XX ) florins -will boralscJ to redeem
that amount of paper ctirrency. Of
thti amount 1 10,000CXiO llorlns will bo raised
bjuatr la and 0 ) , UOO,00 tlonr.3 by Hungary.
The bank was also authorized to sell the llrst
Installment of f > 0,0H ( > , OOi ) Honns north of nil-
\cr coin and bullion. These transactions , the
paper sajs , arc notexpatcdto tuko plain
this jcar.
The Prcsso and Frcmdenblatt deny the
report of the results of the conference be
tween the Austrian and Hungarian finance
ministers and the directors ofthoAustro-
Hungarian bank as published by the IS'eu
freie Presse. They declare that nothing
definite \\u decided upon at the conference.
Prance's Growing Surplus.
P Una , Octf. 3 [ Special Cublejfmm to THE
DEC. ] The revenue of the French govern
ment during September exceeded the esti
mates by 5,100,000 francs , and showed an In
crease of 9,100,000 , francs o\cr the rctenuo of
the corresponding- month last year. Tor nine
morttns the revenue shows a surplus of
44,150,000 francs. _ _
"Water Lily Soap Scents a ca o.
Cotton Crop.
Cuuo. Oct. 8 [ Special Cableram to TUB
BcrJ The September report issued by the
cotton association , states that the lirst pitt
ing of the Eyptlaa cotton crop is finished.
The quality of the cotton is very good. Lit
tle Injury has boon done by worms The
crop Is estimated at iJ'JoO,000 canton.
\Villtam Staddeman has returned from
YUuktou. He gives glowing reports of the
immense crop this 3 car in South Dakota and
of the remarkable boom Yanktou nononjojs.
Both the method nnd results \vlien
Syrup of Piga iatalten ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio taste , and acta
pcntly yet promptly on tlio Kiducys ,
Lirer and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , djppela colds , head
aches nnd fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind over pro
duced , pleasing to the tusto and ac-
ceptatlo to the stomach , prompt in
its action , aud truly beneficial in its
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Fira ia for sale in EOc
and 61 bottles ny all leading drug
gists. Any relia.Ho druggist vlio
way not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
wishes to Uy it. Do not accept any
, KV , HIWOKt. \ . N.t.
nur. Anunfall-
Innl Weiknoia , .
Iiu ( iieDC7. and
Kit cllicjuei thitt
folluw ai a no-
qaotice o ( b'olf-
at > o :
Palala tli Hack. Illume * * of VUlon. Prf mature Ola
tf.nndiuanjr other dlscaiei tbtt leadlo tniaaltr
or consumption and apruius'.uro anre.
ITull pnrtlcalar In oar pamphlet , which wode-
re to fen < l frtaby ttAlltoeTerr ons. liTTheSpe-
ciao.M llflncUiokl al St per packacc. or * lxpick-
" * foif crwlll txuent trvtby m ! l an r c lpt of
On account of couitcrfclti w have alapt l th
Tilluw mi > pcr , Iho ealr ctoulnu.
Purr.TIIU from U > * rtect ol roathtul error * . > rlr
4ic y.ita.MlBf vrcakDeu. Kxt Dianhcxxlrte..Iwlil
lena a valuable U-f lin > ( nalrdt contilnlnic full
r rtlcnltra for home cur . TilKK of churiro. A
plcutllit moUKal vulk i hovnl l < rviul by fittf
man vrhn ! cerroui and Jerlluttt. Ailiirtu ,
Vto t. V. C , I'O W I. lilt. Moo duiCuiiu
1. Because \ve do as we advertise.
2. Because we sell goods at less than , tlio cost of material.
S. Because we guarantee a genuine tailor-made suit at ready-made prices
4. Because we guarantee a perfect fit.
8. Because We alter goods to fit the purchaser free of charge.
G. Because we give the purchaser more tnan lie anticipates for his money
7. Because -we have the confidence of tlie public.
5. Because we never allow a garment to -misrepresented. .
$ ; o custom mailcsult for. , , . . $ ; j2.50 $05 custom inmle oicrcoat for sfiL'.OO $1(1 ( custom nmilclimits for. . . .s ? s,2.
$ < JO cn ( oiu mnilo suit for. . , . . $ : io.oo $00 custom made overcoat for $ 'JS."iO $ l'i custom nmile jmnls for 7. . " > 0
JTO * * > CIKlOlll mnilc suit for. . . . . $27.5O $ . " > 0 ciKtnm nimlootorront for $21. " > 0 $1 ! ) custom nmi1cmntH | Tor $0,50
$50 cuMoiu niiiilo suit fur. , , , . $ -J5.0O 8 IS custom nmilcoicrroat for $20.00 $1'2 custom iiuulo punts for * ( ! .0l )
! ? ! . ' ) L'llslolll iiiuilc suit for. , , . . $20,00 $10 cmioni nuulooic twit for $17.50 $10 custom nir.ilomns | ( fur $ o > 0 ( )
$10 custom in ail e wilt for $18.HO $ y. . custom made overcoat for $11.00 $ K custom mniloumt | for $ l > 50
ctiitoni mmlc salt for $15UU $2S custom madcofpicoat for $ < custom tiiiulo pants for $11.75
Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturday cvnnings until 10 o'clock.
[ % * A < T'a'V V TT WHT'ViO * miTT'r'a'r/v vT T * A TV
1309 Faraain Street , Omaha , Nel ) . 1309
hoe Co.
Are the Exclusive Western .Agents for th.e
The larprcst manufacturers of rubber footwear in tno world. Wo carry the only complete atock of firal-claaa rubber
goods In the city. Prices alivajs the lowest. Corrositondonco olicitstl ,
Cocoa is of supreme importance as an article of diet.
"Van Houten's has fifty per cent more flesh-forming proper
ties than exist in the best of other cocoas.
The tissue of the cocoa bean is so softened as to render
it easy of digestion , and , at the same time , the aroma is
highly developed.
ery-VAN HOUrm S COCOA ( "oneo trltd , al ars used " ) It ( hoorlKlnnl , pare , .olu-
lileC'ocou , lilTentccI.iinlrnteilriiKlnmtlnluIIollaiiil.nnd lito-dar hotter nd nan
tjlMe thin anof tin numerous Imitations. In fact , i coinparatitt test will eitiljr provo ,
( hit no Cocoa. eaal3llii | ! Zntmtor'i la Bolabilltj , igtooMo tiile anil nutnliio quali
ties. "Lirccsl mlo in tha vorld. " Ask for VAX UouriH's ni t k no other.
Di' . F. C. Werner's
Are highly recommended after so von
yeaisof successful ospcrionce by the
eole manufaeturcrd ,
Kopp , Dreibus& Co. ,
1106 Farnam Si. , Omaha , Neb.
Sold ovcrjwhore , So per packngo.
Send for samples.
.ur * IGr rtill. tlia , ( KlDgrrrf Ij , > , t
l , Ci tU ta > CurmU of'.T lltout til VVIIC
HARTS , reilorltir tbimtalltil.TI4i 4fl < xmi lHimtK > Bill
EltUl Curifnl Fill ln uallf r r ifiit fcdoa ) In cub.
. >
ll/drdi In Ikm cootfc * . Culr4 p *
DKH ELKCTEIO CO. . r. Uiuiu.i. .
II you bavo run nluclt ncnlnst tome Ilia *
couraslni ; Dlsoaio nbloajmu tion't tmntrnir
jaiiilu liarior to know about , romenilur tint
luunncTT PUUIV | „ , „ for „ „ , „ , , Tt.fnt.
inent i 'lesllnionlals : llooU malleU ( sealrdi
lnetor mfr.llnlf.ZEIESIED10JlICO ( ElSilo II Y.
it Fjaimtfd msusK , YOU u/u'm > THAT
.SerTolleumctirc ll nexual weikncu In clllior
sox actin/un nerre . liraln , inualorgnni n o-
M'TfCL'UE for laiputeacj niklitlr uinlnion lust
memory , bad ilreim * . ircrslon to lorlolr J1 box ,
pualpal.l MX hoieiW NKIIVK UKAN CD IHiffjIo.
N. \ , UoUbr Cioodiuao l > ru Co1110 UroamBt. ,
o WAUTIIMO iiK.cpi.u : r.
bWAIirilMOHK. I'V.
Dptns Oth month , ! > tli. IS'O Thirty mlnutnn from
llr-mil hi , butlJli. Piillu. L'ndor earn of friend.-v.
KuUrolle < C4iurie forliotliioiP" lo.vllni to ch il-
c-vl , Kn lneorlni , Hclentlilc. aail Literary ilein-oi
lleilthml Uxtitlin , t trn lT irrounila , tullilliiiii.
inachliio ihops , hburalorloa , and lllrarlei. Vor full
paith ulart addrota
\VM \ II A I'l'l.KTOS.I'h ntctlns IToslJ nt.
-i-V'ol. 0J. Wrl5titlJ.S.A..M , CoruifaU..N. Y.
Chronic , .V < TTOU < Biood nncl SurslcJl niipue ani
1)1 'ones of tbo Krc , Iir , .Voio , Throat mil Cticst
bucqiul Attention to OinunKO * of AVe
men nnil Clillilrrn.
Tlio doctors UTO had roan of ctporlonca In tha
hnpltil < ornrooklrn tin ) No Vork and ro nrnonz
tlio most Mucccssful and trlilulr kcowa specialist ) la
tbo country
To Votine nnil MIliUc > AcocI Men.
I.o t Manhood , Norrooi DobllltrSnurniatarrlimv
Etimlnul Uoi > e . I'luslcal tiocar , arising from Indlv.
cretbn , proluclnu leepio ncii , deipondeneT. pim
ples on tne fft a. nverslon to loclotr. omllr dficour-
nue I , lacle of roulileace.dull , unttt forutudr or busi
ness , nail Hods IKo a fcurJcn , iafelf , pormaneatlr
and ipcodllf curcJ.
Dloriil and fikin Diicnsoj.
Fyphll's , a dlscma most duudful In III results ,
completely eradicated.
Gcnl to-Urinary Siireerir.
OouorTlir , Gleet SyphllU , llyilrocela. Varlro" l
ana 3ti let ure. rail lea 1 1 ; nnil ttfui ; ciirc.l without
pain or dulcnllon from huslnoia. All Setual Da.
IGriultlcM and luiiiedlmiiDti to uiarrlaza suacjsfully
All lleclal dl e ic safalr and permanently curai
Hours , U m. llllspra bund. ji , 1U till 13.
N 11. I'ornoiu onublolo vlilt us mi 7 bolroatolttt
Ibelrliomei IT corruipoudrnco. Jlc. Heine * ana lu.
itmcllf > n5H nt tyevprcis. I'ontiiltition ( reu.
btnj 4 cinti ID lUimpi to Insuru reply
218 r-'iftrenth St. , Oppniltn
House , Onmtm , IScO.
London , England.
Amsterdam , Holland.
n r and Kill merlcin Borurlllei on commliitoa
in'Ix > niluniod on all Conllncnlal uiarkoti.
Nyoilallona of QUIT lo Q tipccliltf.
TlioOstireSinour dates wlllmnkr > a long itay.
Ho man or noman now living will ever ditto a
document trllhout using Iho Dguro 9. It itunJs
In the Ihlrd plaoo In 1BCO , whare It will remain tea
years and luca meTe up to t > ccond placs ID 1000 ,
where it will rest for ono hundred years.
It Is unlike llic nguroO in our dates In tbc reaped
that It bos already moved up to first place , where
It will permanently remain. Ith&allcU tlie"No.
"HiBh Arm Wheeler A Wilson Sowing Machine.
The "No. 9" woi endorsed for first place by th
ex petti of Europ nt the Paris Exposition of 166q
where , after ft levitooonlest-vvllh the Icftdlnp raiv
oliiucs of the world , U wns nivnrdod Ibo onlj
Grand Prize given to furally sewing machines , all
otberion oiblblt having recfhcd loner nwattlt
Of gold medals , etc. The Frtuch Qovernmcnl
also rceoenlzodltJBuporlorilybyUiodecoralionol
Mr. Natuanlcnviieeler , Hrcsidentof the company ,
with tbo Cross of ILo Legion of Honor.
Tbo "No. 9" Is not an old ronohlno Improved
upon , but u an entire/ ) new machine , and tli
Grand Prlzo at Pntls wns awarded 11 ai the grand'
estndrance In tewing machine weedanlm of thi
age. Thowo who buy It can re t auuted , Iherc.
tore , ot having the very latest and bett.
165 and 187 V/abnah Avc. , Chicngft
220 North Sixteenth Street.
iiiciiicai aim wp
Corner Oth aud Harnoy Streets , Omaha.
Chronic Diseases and Deformities.
DR. AT. . MCLAUGHLIN , President
Founded by Dr. J. % V. McMenamy.
DR. J E.
Tlae Specialist ,
UunsurpasKM In Iho treit-
mcnt or all lurmj of i'ltl-
VATl ! ! ) ! > KASKS l t ilnn
hood HTIllt'll'I IK , or pain
In rtlolrtru tins UliuMer.
HYlMIIUs curutl InWMoW
ilnys bkln Dlieascs , Cntnrih
and til Milt-no * of Ilia
Wood Ill-art Hinl Urcr lo-
nialu Dlfloaitp i ou rcil wltbuu t
ln lrunj ntsor "local treat ,
moot. " luiillci { rum U to 4
onlyVrlle tut circu
lar * lilting | iartlcul ri about
cncliottlio ul'070 dliouio * ,
and ihovrlni mnnr or Iha
, mo t romnrkablo euros. Of-
Dee , N. 1' . Cor. Illb nn-1 Fiirnim Sli , oulraaca on
otUieritroet , Om i Neb
| y rellibJe , r Tf rtlr afe , [ uo.t powerful femaJi
rrt < uuu > rl Dowrtinevcrf jffttatxtt [ i'i tt aiiivn Lei
* 4Jru IJON IJUOO U > , , llunil . .S. r.
ola tjr QOOlJUANDllCOlX/ .
Wnlchrsatul DlnmoniU Oil on Axvnjr
with Ten nml ConX'o iV No olVny
Tlio nmncolnll persons ixicotvliitr ilia-
momla , vntohc * . etc. , ntS ) added to thla
list daily. Tlio O\ornnil ! ten company
of Sail b'liinviwo hnvo tviitod the nloro ,
1SX5 ( Fat-imin , next to irdlmnn's elothlnu
hou o , and In order to Introduce tholr
( roods this company willprcxent forslxtv
tlayssouMinlrs with every onti of tea unit
collVo Bold , such us solid pold , nlhorund
iilckol wutchc < , also ( joinilno dlnmondi
In tollil gold sottiiiffit , silver tnbloivatv.
also money and many other articles of
lewunhie , 12vory purolmsor will leoolvo
a souvciilr. The colToe , can and contunt-i
\volih ( about tlueo pounds , tlio to.i , can
and contents vul h about ono and a half
pounds. This o'cnonslvo and novel way
of advertising will bo discontinued after
hlxty diijn and the o ronlly oholeo KooAi
ulllbo f-old sti-lctly on their morlK but
without the bouvcnlr. Of course every
inirclia- in\it not expect to otailln-
inoml or watch. This company cltiltu
tliiilthuy have lust nt jjood nflihi to
fjivo away WJitcne" ) , dianioniN or loweliy
andiiioiuiy as their competitor's linvo Ui
Blvonwny gln'swaie , ohroino , etc. Clot
up n club. 1'lioso who j ot up n clilh
oixlor most always pot a Tuuidsonio pres
ent. Orders liy niiili promptly fornnrdcil
to all parts ol the United Slntes on 10-
cclpt of rash or postotlico order. Teriiw :
Siiiglo ran , 81 ; six for $ " > ; thlrteon for
$10 , nnil twenty-se\on for $120. Aildrcs-i
Overland Toi ; company , Oinaliu , Neb.
Store oi > oii from 8 oeloelc u. in. to ! )
o'clockji. in. nnd Saturdays till 10 o'clock
p. m. Now onon.
airs. 1' . A. WhltlooU , N. 17th St. , Bll-
vorBiiffnrbottl ; .T , .1. lluiiUnjrton , South
Omiiha , bunting' ciiso gold watch , in tea ;
Mrs. Kuto Moroni , L'Oth and Spring ,
sil\cr fhc-bottlo cantor ; C. liolircnt , I'.t-
pillion , silver pold-liued cup ; Andrew
Siingoi' , mail order , Hastings , Keb. , J20
in cold coin In tea , Dr. LJalloy , duntlst ,
solid gold band rlnjr.In lea : II. 15.
Stophcnson , Council lilutl , sil
ver butter dish ; P. Ui-ennca ,
Capital u\e. ; hunting1 case gold vatoh in
ten , Frank Slcor , Pin-up , Neb. , nnil
order , solid gold band rinfr In'tenV. ; .
F. Kilburn , mail order , Oiand Island ,
Neb. , sll\or , { jokl-llned cup In tea ; I , . S.
Rudolph , Bint bt. , clmtor diamond riiifj
In tea ; C. F. Kvanston. N. lUth * [ . , KoUl
wntch and sih or enko stand In tea ; Mrs.
P.l'oloy , Blonde bt , bihcr lUe-bottlo ena-
toi ; John Smith , S. Omaha , diamond
rins ; Mrs. M. A. Iluhor , 1 Uh nnd
Lcivcnworthst , sliver butter dish ; S.
D. Grmcs S. 10th bihcr ploklo stnml ;
li3 Alma Fiancis South Omaha , alher
pickle stand ; Mr . . .T.VnlUer ) , Dtiud
Oily , Nob. , dlnmond i Ing in UM ; F.V. .
Andruws , Mnplo 8t.sihor gold-lined cup ;
MH. Tlujfh Lojjun , mall order , howmd ,
Neb. , silver ff old-lined goblet in tea ;
Mrs. D. L. Jlollninn , mall order , Vail ,
In. , diamond ring in tea ; 1'rnest Evcr-J ,
Council lUulTs , silver live bottle castor ;
C.V. . Duel , Leu\cm\orth st. , diamond
ring1 , castor and father gold-lined cnn ;
KdwardTromblay , South Oinnlia , $10
in gold coin ; Mrs. J. Uailoy , Walnut
Ulll , silver bi'ttor dish : F. W. lloils , S.
12th t > t. , sh\or live-bottle castor ; Jlrd.
\V. Klumot , AN'ahoo , Neb. , mall order ,
diamond ring in tea ; Miss C. Ilauks , No-
br.iskn City , fail vercako stand ; Mis. John
Uertz , S. Mtb , silver flvo-boltlo cafltor ;
\Volloy , S. 19th St. , elegant silver tea
service ( Iho pieces ) with tea ; A.
Kau , Ijcavcnworth st. , silver sufiar
bowl ; S. N. Bank , ninil order , Lincoln ,
Nob. , ( ffnts1 hunting- case gold watch in
tea ; Charles Shcrmtin , Nicholas fit. , sil
ver butter cllbh ; Mrs. M. Calkins , Ilast-
hifis , Nob. , silver pickle stand ; Hoda
Plielps , California St. , coin sil\or clnito-
Inlno viitulun tea ; Chris Kuohl , 7thand
Bancroft , silver ftvo bottle castor ; ( ! eo.
L , Dennis , S. fflth , silver pickle stand ;
iShss Cnrrio Brown , Blonde St. , silver
caster ; Mrs. S. Chandler. South Omaha ,
diamond ringin tea : John N. Coioy ,
Mason St. , silver pickle stand ; Mrs.
Elizabeth Clement * * , Iloljoko , Col. ,
mail order , siUcr butter dtfth ;
Mw. J. M. Flsli , N.23d t.t.Hiherbiij'iip .
bowl ; Mra. J. Il.iker , Gladstone house ,
S. 10th St. , silver live-bottle castor ;
Frank Spelly , loth St. , combination diamond
mend , ruby and sapphire ring , in tea ;
Henry Sollinger , S. 10th st..biher sugar
bowlj Robcit N.Han'.on.lJodgost. , gents'
hunting case pold watch , in tea : Miss
Augusta Llndbludt , Dorcas st. , wllvcr
gold lined cup ; II. A. Camp , mail club
order , Hastings , Nob. , 27 cum for $20 ,
found gents' nuntlng case gold watch ,
310 in gold coin and solitaire diamond
shirt 6tud , in tea ; Mrs. Foldkap , S. 21st
st , sihor butter dibh ; Mrs. J. L.Vav \ -
rln , S. loLbht , , silver sugar bowl ; Mrs.
Sadie Uorger , S. llth St. , huntingcaso
gold watch nnd sliver butter dish , in tea ;
Alex Long , Elm nnd VlntoiiBts. , diamond
mend ring : J. C. Monninger , N. Hi that. ,
silver pickle stand ; Ralph Boian , coun
cil Blurt's , coin silver chutolaino watch ,
in tea ; Mi . C. Stas , S. 12th nl. , silver ,
gold lined cup ; Mra Julius Stein , S.iath
f-t. , bilvor butter dishV. ; . U. Potter ,
N. HOth bt. , diamond ring , in
tea ; A. J. Horrltngo , liurdottu
st. , dliunoiul ring , in tea ; O. ! * .
Straight. Clark St. , silver butter dish ;
G. A. Iliirlc. ) , mail order , Lawrence ,
Nob. , silver gold lined cup ; Mis. 1C.
Soligson , S. ! ! Jd st. , bolid gold ban d
ling ; A. E. Rnnis , Sherman ave. , Sol )
In gold coin in tea ; L. P. Larson , So\v.
nrd st. , silver gold lined cup ; Mis. M.
Dolor , S. Sid st , silver llvo-bottlo cas
tor ; Mrs. C. Olcson. S. 2.Jd st. , stiver
pickle sttind ; George Busli , lUrno ) St. ,
gout's hunting gold watch in tea ;
Alieo Cumin , l.'lth nnd Mmthii , wolid
gold bmd ring ; Henry Sturgis , Califor
nia bt. , cluster diamond ring ; J. II.
Hlggb , Cuming St. , silver five
bottle caster , Ucssio MeFnll , St. Mary's
aui. ; ilianioiul ring in tea , Mrs. U.
Wolcliel , N. l.'Hli st ; silver ilvo bottle
castor , A. Parker , inail order , Fremont ,
Neb. ; ladies' hunting1 rase pold * watch
and $5.00 in gold coin , Mis. George
Armstrong , Spring bt. ; sihor cake
stand , Aug. Cristoiii , Ixiiivotinorth fat. ;
silver cuKo stnnd , Albert Hobdlngor ,
Dupontbt ; cluator diamond scarf pin in
tea , Thomas Morrlbon. S. 22d : silver live
bottle castor , John Kownluwskl , Oiipont ;
diamond ring and bilvor Iho bottle castor ,
IVtink Frouok , Bancroft St. , silver cake
Bland ; J. P. 1'rt.ntiss , Cortlnnd , Nob. ,
diamand ling in tea ; Frank Itobor , 15th
and Spring , silver Hvo bottle castor ;
Miss B. Miller , 18th Ht. , HlUor uickio
Btand ; Mis. J. II. Snhlor , fWlh u\o , sil
ver sugar lx > wl ; llarvoy Young , South
Omaha , coin silver chattolaino watch in
tea ; Mrs. Joseph Wilden , Council lIlulTs ,
fcllver ilvo bottle castor ; Miss Pendory ,
S. 10th st , , bilvor pickle stand ; Hello
Hunibon , Davenport ot. , silver gold
lined cup ; A. C. CJjereon , Chlciigo bt. ,
diamond ring in tea ; John Wagner ,
Council Bluffs , silver pickle stand , . L"W.
McKern , N. 21th bt. , silver five bottle
nibtor ; Blanche Thompson , C'ali-
fornla f > t. , silver nlcklo stand ;
Mrs. F. Bralnord. 33d and Leaven-
worth streets , silver sugar howl ; Ocoi'go
N. Bishop , South Omaha , cluster diamond
mend ring in tea ; John Nubbins , North
27th uvenuo , inonov in can ; M. Wood-
lirldgo , North 10th Ht. , silver butter
dish ; Tlionms McCJuire , South
lath st. , silver gold lined cup ; Alto -
to rt Got row , California St. , elogiintHOll-
talro diamond shirt Htudi TV Irs. M ,
Hodowsky , South 0th Ht. . Bllvor cake
Btand ; Mra. M , Pattorcon. South Htb ,
dllvcr biigar bowl ; Matilda White , Coun
cil lIlulTri , $20 In gold coin ; Frank Carter ,
mall order , Plntlbinoutliont'n { hunting
ease gold watch ; T. H Dnlloy , Shei-
man a\o. , blhor cuku stand.