Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1890, Image 1

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And Young anil Old Como Forth to Play
at Hebron's Holiday ,
General Vnn IVjulc H DoroiiHc of Sir.
Unrlan Hon. 13. Kohpwiitcr'H
Kpcech Tlio 1'ioKrnimiio
lor loniorroxv.
Ilriinov , Neh , Oct. 8.-fSpcclnl
toTui : Ilcn. ] The second dayof tbo great
tilanguhf assembly of old BottlcM , old sol-
illcri and mombcra of cUio bodies dawned
bright and clear. It found order grown , out
of the chaos attendant on the openingilay and
hundicdsof newly arrived visitors , whllonll
ofthoroids leading into town wcro alive
with wagon-loads of pcoplo Intent on getting
all the enjoyment possible out of the day.
3 ho incoming momlnff trains brought InrRO
numbora to help swell Ibo tliiotifr , and the
soldiers , old and joungvero Juhllant o\or
the prospect.
The Or.ind Army of the Republic posts
and local and vlslllne camp's of ( Sons of A'ot-
fjinns made a morning parade nnel led the uoy
to Iho reunion grounds i\erybody : fol-
loucd and put In tlio intervening tlmo before
the speeches nero to begin in taking in the
circus fcaluics and side shows. There wa ? a
scarcity of red lcmonndcbut popcorn , peanuts
and dojgt.uuts , washo.l down with llbeial
qunntitles-1 of lacteal fluid , afforded satisfw-
tcry roftcshincuts to the ros checked fann
ers' ' lads nnd lassies.
It was after2 o'clock when the speaking
begun , and tbo roomy building erected for
that purpose was filled with neaily two Ibou-
sand pcoplo. The ladles wcro very numer
ously repiosented , and thcro wcio babies
galore , who occasionally toslcd Iholr lungs lo
sco that they wcro In good condlllon to bold
their own against the oratow of the day.
Chairman Sa\ago called the assemblage to
order and , after paying a tribute to the old
soldiers nnd Sons of Veterans , fornnlly
turned over the grounds to Captain .7. II.
StluUcl , president of the day , \ \ ho gracefully
introduced as the first speaker Hon. C II.
Van "Wjck.
The general had on his null monopoly
boots , but ho skillfully muffled the soles so
that they might not incite open opposition
from those who vcro nfraiel that ho would
mike use of n little polltlci ! Ihuiider IIo
picked up tbo old soldiers mid , llgurall\cly
bpcaklng , placed them In cushioned chilrs.
lie phiiined for a speedy and satisfactory
distribution of the surplus by pensioning all
the old soldiers nnd thus getting the
inono.v Into general circulation Ilo roasted
republican and democratic ndminlstiatlons
nliko for calcilng to Iho wishes oC the Wall
street gamblers , and lidieulcd the plans nd-
Minccd by statesmen of both piilRi for 10-
( hicing tlio sin plus. Ilowas Injecting nnli-
inonopoly In copious doses Into the
nudieiico , whoa thcio came a siuulen and , to
tbo greater pait of tlio nudieiico , unexpected
interruption A centleinan In Iho crowd
inoso nnd asked General Van Wjck if ho
vould answer a queslion.
"Certainly , " replied tbo general.
' 'Then will you explain if lliero is nny
tiulh in Iho folloing , which appeared in Iho
runners' Alliance September a7 , propoundud
toMr. Il.irlan : * lld ) you or did jotinotro-
ccivo inoiipy for voting for Rlr. I'uddock for
llnllcd Stales senator , yon ha\hij { been
elected ns a VnnVyck man1"
General VnnVuk slid ho would most
cheerfully answer it , did It not violate arnlo
of the assoBiuly that politics should not ho lu-
tioduccd , but that hooilld ho K0\erned bv
the wishes of the audience and would submit
tbo question to them.
"Aa many as deslro mo to answer it will
say aje. "
A chorus of ayes nt once responded.
"Those opposed , my. "
Not n solitary nay.
"AsIt is jour unanimous wish , " said the
general , "I will doso. Mr. Burrows runs n
pipe rat'Lincoln called ttio Alliance. Asa
man nnd n politiclua ho Is an enigma. The
nrllclo lo which allention lias been invited
was evidently thrown by hhn as n llrubiaad.
JudgeMclCcighnn was nolm ; uell enough ;
> ho only wanted to ho let alono. It was known
before the domination Dili-rows did not
f.uioy McKolglmn. lie sought to make dis-
sealions among tlio allimco people in his lo
cahtyand exclude him from membership ,
and after the nomination was full
of disgust , it was stated , because
ho was not satisfied i\lth his
prohibition comlctlon. Now bo strikes
Mildly , not knowing or cm ing at whom or
through whom ho deals the blow. Ho Is so
coaslltutc'd that ho will not heat nny mat
faiily whom ho does nothopoto control. IIo
know ttioro was no truth in tbo brazen state
ment ho published , AVhat motive could have
Induced him to make a chirgo that inns'
neccssirlly react nmoiiK fair , honorable mci
to the benefit of Mr , lliulunl ISuirows not
only know bis imputation was false , but that
Harlnn's Integilty is without n stain
Ho also knows that Italian till' :
hccn nn active , earnest and consistent
llfo-noikcr for anti-monopoly piinclples and
the rights of Iho people against cotporatlon ;
whensoino who publish falsehoods wcro h
the gill of political bitterness and the bond'
of mllioiil Iniquity. Ho it as always at tlio
forefront in that struggle. Imagine the free
Foilers , republicans and abolitionists oflS5 (
maligning Wendell Phillips , Smith Foiejoj
nnd the men \ \ ho early aelvoeateel freedom foi
tbo slave I It would have been n pltlfu
sight to hmo scon the old guard in the
struggle for human lights stoned b >
tboso who came late to uorslilp n
the feet ot the cross. Ilo wa1
leading n forlorn hope , and < , ou never bad i
truer man , ono llrmer for the right. No , my
friends , Yoik county -\\as e.imost for my iu
rlc-Hion , and Mr Ilarlnn , as her reprcsentn
tlvo.'wns tiuo lo bis trust. Ho stood bohigl
hi personal puiity and political integrity tlfu.1
no man or corporation would dare otlcr hin
money to bwcrvo from Iho line of duty. I
w o care for success now , how can w o sco am
not rebuke the spirit which could suggest , 01
the Ijlng disposltlor i\hlch could pul > -
lUh , a cliuigo so basal No man
including Hurnms , Powers and ovcr\
candhhilo on Iho people's state ticket , has
done more faithful \\oi\t \ for Ihosucccss o
the cause In whiiU wo are now enlisted Hi
had the confidence of a generous people li
York county , was elected to the leglshture
whoroho wius iiudo spealier , and in a post
tlon , had ho been couupt , to obtain from
corporations his own priio ; but howonh
neither sell himself or botiiiy his people fo
( rold. 11U public court * } was Hi ID forth
light. 1'or yinrs bo has enjojed thl
icputntloii. which ho honestly cainci
and which has no\er boon questionC' '
until Uuri-o\\s' nttcinpts to blae-hoi
him with this criminal falsehood. This Is ul
ho has from his efforts in llfo to lea\o as
legacj to his chlldicn , and ba Is the basest o
men who attempts to strike It doun. I mob
cheerfully bear this testimonial to alum-
and tiuo ninn , uUhough I might not luuo fol
at liberty on this occasion lo do so , had no
Ilurrows forced It by bis wlelteel assault , II
has also forced e\cry true man desiring fal
piny la York county nnd this congresslonn
district to protect the character of an bones
citizen , a tried and faithful publi
servant , llurrows said ho voted for Pad
. doolf. Ilo also knows the tacu about Unit
Our friends wore opposed ton paity cauca.
nnd Insisted that the qucstlou or clcctloi
should bo ettlcd by billet In nn open ses
slon of the legislature However , a uiajorltj
of our friends ihmlly jlcldod , nud there UTI
thondstalo , I knew whca that was don
my defeat was ceitnlu , but Mr. Harlan wa
notrosponslblofor the cnucas. After Mr
Puddock Rocured the caucus iioniluallon tha
cudc < l the BtrufiBlo , and I advised my icnul
llcan fi lends to \ oto for > Ij , 1'uddock , w Well
most of them did " "
'V1cxplauatlou was received by tlio
audience with preat applause , nltliougn many
of the demoernte picscnt vcro chafing in *
\nrdlybecaiisoHhad \ been allowed , nnd n
cw of the alliance lenders wondered what
hey catno for.
After music by the RCO ! club , lion li. Itose-
\atei was Introduced IIo pokoof bU c.\-
icrlonccs duilng the war whtlo connected
\Hh the tclegiaphlc corps and Indulged in
several lenilnlsociiccs of llioso vxtltlng and
roublous times. Ho took issue with Cjcnoml
Vnn Wyckon the pension question , statln
hat bo did not believe In grantUiL ovei v sol-
Her n pension and bankrupting the national
rcasuiv. Sihl be
"Many of vou Know what Iho soldiers hade
o suiTer. 'J hey went Into the army to assist
: hclr country lit her hour of peril , but not for
: ho tlollnra and cents to bo ilcrlvcd for that
sorvlec Jlonov can never mpiy patriotic
duty , nnd I don't want the citizens of this
country disgraced In thit inannor Soldiers
who inmo out of the -\\arln good health and
are not today in needy circumstances lii\o 110
reason to cxpectau expcndlturo of the public
money In their behalf. I bcllevo In earing
for the Indigent wounded soldiers and
: holr widows nnd orphans , but
[ do not want things to como to such i pass
; hnt the honorably discharged soldier shall
ilgn n lecclpt for bounty for having done his
duty The greater part of them vent into the
innj rolelj from loyalty , hut it Is true some
went for bounty , and It was propT foi them
to take It. Ofllceis who held high ranltdrew
pay for It , but thcie is no reason for it if they
ire in gooil health. I don't \\aut It to go down
n history that this country was so ungrateful
as tode'secrato tbo voriss and menioiy of
the men who offered their lues in the times
when tlio black cloud of the war bung over it
lllo a pall. In showing the next generation
what the last ono did , wo must not have to
say that they went to war for what money
: hcio was In it. There aio none more grate
ful than this country to its solJiors , and I
deny that the old soldiers have been mis-
Ircated. ' 1 hey Invo always been given picf-
crcnee In olllcial positions. An old soldfe-r Is
now governor of this slito and another
loliller Is a candidate- go\ernor on the rc-
[ iiibllean ticket.
"Ibo war had gone as well as bad effects ;
It taught the -whole woild to respect the
American pcoplo and tiuglit our cltiens lo
nri/utho heritage of their ie\oltitloiiaislies.
It has had n beneficent effect on the politics
of the whole nation. The emancipation proc
lamation , at first icsistcd by tlio south , has
been accepted as a fact 1 ho south is build
ing up , as well as tbo west , and in the U\o
visits I have made thcro found tliero
Is a great deal of patriotism ns
well as bitterness. Uhu union
was cemented in blood and will
bo picsor\cd forever The \\holo Is now n
nation with a capital N , and every Aincilcan
Is proud \\hen ho goes abroul to be known as
such It Is a most prosperous nation and the
onljonointho world \\heio liberty In its
broadest sense Is accepted by nil Its people "
Inclosing , the speaker rcfencd to bis last
prc\Ious Uslthcre , nine ycirs ago , and spoke
of the man clous growth of ttio to\\n in tint
time , predicting for it still gicalcr prosperity
In the near fntuio when connected with a di
rect line of rally * , iy with Omaha
After the speeches yvoro over the crowd
scpantcd The demociata kicked \\ithcreit
unanimity yvhenover Van \Vyck's ' cxplam
tton was mentioned. Tlio dcrlaieel that the
introduction of Ibo question \vas the lesultof
a put up job. 'Jhoj wept and swore by all
the gods of war w hllo the b md played "An
nie Itoonc ) " 'Ihoy vowed thoj would bo up
to snuff hcicnf tcr and w ould pitvcut a repe
tition of the deal.
Mr Kosewatcrwnsrcpeiledly requested to
discuss tlio political issues of the day , and so
geneial was thodeimnd tint tlio committee
arranged for an evening republican mass
meeting In the rouit hoihe. 'Jbe inoetin ?
was addressed by J. O. Cram , republican
candidate for flo it rcpiescntatuo of Ihajei
nnil Jeftoison counties , lion 13. Hosowatcrof
Omaha nud Her J. (1 Tatoof Hastings. Mr.
Ciiimgnvoa rovlovv of the situitlou from n
farmei-ss * stindpolnt. The alliance movement
was voryvigoiously criticised by all of the
speakers , who devoted their remarks to
pointing out its fallacies and radically wrong
features. The meeting was an enthusiastic
ono nnd the sympathy of the audience with
the Ideas of the speakers -was evinced bv f re-
nuent applause. lion , Li. 1) . Hichards nnd
Colonel Thomas Majors will address n similar
meeting at the sauio place Friday evening.
Toinoi-iovv will bo devoted to the civic
sycieties and l'jv. 0. G. Tate will bo tbo
orntDiof the day.
To the Olopy of the
GbNuvji , Nob. , Oct. 3. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : llr.r.l Tomorrow morning Conova
division No. 32 , uniform rank Knights of
Pythias , and members of the subordinate
lodge go to Hebron to assist the Hebron
division In celebrating "fialcrnity day" nt
the icunion.
Aft > r a Sugar factory
FnnMOM , Neb. , Oct. 8. [ Special to TIIR
Bin. ] Henry T. Oxnard of Grand Island
was in the city last evening and held a con
ference with a number of Fremont's icpio-
scntativo business men relative to establish
ing a sugir factory at this place Ills Inter
views hero wcio satisfactory all around , and
the prospects aio excellent for seeming tbo
great enterprise at riemoiit. Mr. Oxnard
has offers from twcnty-ono towns iu Ibis
stuto and California Ho has made up bis
mind that Nebraska is to become the gieit
sugar state of the union , and bo will not In
vest elsewhere , The location of nlsiactoilcs
in this state depend , however , upon which
city makes Iho best proposition for the loci-
lion , provided that nil other thlnes are equal.
Ho will obligate himself , In case ho builds
hoic , to malco rrcmont bis hcidquaitcrs In
Ncbiaskafor tils sugar operations.
PI rent 1'lulcrell.
Hr VTiucr , Kob , Oct. S [ ijpechl Tele
gram lo TUB lLi.j-Thovllago : ! of Plckrcll ,
seven miles noilh of this city , was almost
wholly consumed by tire last night. Tlio fire
originated in O. C. Skinner's hardware
store , and speedily communicated to adjacent
buildings on tbo same sldo of the street , In
volving a loss of all b it one building on that
sldo So * , oral stocks of goods wcio also
burned In the buildings.
'Iho following comprises the losses1VI11 -
InmNIceworgcr , building , S.VX ) ; insurance ,
f30i ) ' , Mnoro A. nro. , Rrocera , sr7" > 0 ; insiinince ,
$1,000 ; GV. . Newman , t\\o buildings , J OO
no Insurance ; 0. C. Skinner .1 Co , hard-
waio , $ , ' 003 ; insurance , $1,000 , L , U. Con
loy , blacKsinilli shop and tools , $4 > 00 , no in
surance ! ; D.V Hover , building $500 , no In
surance ; KuosUarkly , Jr , building , $100 ; no
Dlctl in llis'JVnt.
SiiuxGnni.D , NCD , Oct. S [ Special to
Tiitllur. ] N , II. Slpolo , an ngcd cmlgiant
en route from Mound Valley , Kan. , to Soutl :
Omaha , died In his tcntnt this Tlaco at 10
o'clock last night of dropsy of the heart. IIo
leaves nvvifo and seven small children In dcs
tituto clicumstaiices. Ho has a brother in
Wichita-county , Kansas , a son and daughter
inWahaah , I nil. , n duuRhtor , Mrs , J. W.
Moore , near Stoim Iako , la. , nnd ttiix-o sons ,
J. W. Slpolo , arailroau man , In Denver , M.
I" ) . Sipolo ami Kd hlpolo , In or uc.u Denver ,
1 le w us an old soldier and was at ono tl mo n
member of Central City , Neb , Grand Ai my
of the He-public post His icmalns wrc
taken in chaigo by the Kiik\\ood Grand
Army of the Kepubllo post of this place , and
w 111 bo buncd by tbat order tomoirow.
Utah IdlicratsiliiUIIniit ,
Su.T IdKn , Utah , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ! Judge Chniles C.
Goodyvln , cdltor-in chief of the Salt Lake
Tribune , was nominated for congress this
n'ftcruoon ou tbo ilrst ballot by tbo liberal
tcriltorial eonvention. laithusln-sni prevails
among thi' O entiles , as the excellence of the
nomination unites ull tlio factious in the lib ,
oral party Into the must solid uhuhnx ever
presented to the Mormon churcll party.
South Dakota
MiTcnn.1 , S. D , , Oct. 8. [ Special Tele
gram to Tliu Dec. J Today closed the session
of the Itluoraiit club of the South Dal.ota
I Methodist conference , at which a largo numj
, b r of under graJuutea took cxamluatlous.
Some intcrcstlnR addresses Hiiro inndo by
Messrs. Jordan , Shcllimd and others. This
evening occurs tliu rcccntlou jirlor to the con-
\onlng of the conforcnco tomorrow morning.
Bishop rit7Kcr.ild vlll be present tomonow.
's jL\iin ixnitiiTti.
They Wilt lie Divided Into Twelve
Gnnt Dcpaitnicnts.
CutrAco , Oet. 8. The classification com
mittee of the national world's fair commission
completed the more hnpoitant proportion of
its w ork today by deciding upon the twelve
great departments Into " \vulcliiho exhibits of
the fair will bo grouped. Thcso are : A
Agricultural , farm machinery and appliances ,
forestry nnd forest products. 11 Viticulture ,
horticulture nnd lloriculturo. C Xlvo stock.
D-r'ish , llshcilcs , ] Ish pioducts and appar
atus for llshhiff. U Mine" , min
ing nnd tnctnllurpy. I1 Machinery.
G Transportation and Inter-cominunlan-
tion. II Klectiiclty and electrical appliances.
J Manufacture * . Iv I'luo arts. L Musle ,
education , lltcinuuc , englnceiing , public
works , boclolowM 1'iogrcss of human
labor nnd inventions This will embrace
among other things woman's work. The de
partments nro practically these proposed by
Commissioner bo i'outig of California and
agreed upou by the committee.
a Jitr.iii > .
Ilo IH thot "vVlillo Hiideavorlnj : to
rlulcc * Hln 1'nejipc.
DntMisniiAM , Ala , Oct 8. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : licr. ] Hubo Uiuiowa , the
noted outlaw , captured jesteiday , was killed
this morning at Linden while endeavoring to
escape. IIo aslted the guard to hand him his
saddlebags in vvblchyeio some ( rackets.
The guaid obllKlngly comiillci wbcn , instead
of ciackers , J'ube ' dicvv foithtwoalx-shootci-s
and compcllc the guard to undo bis inann-
clcs and then , ) ckcd Mini In. Ho would have
been at huge now bad lie not determined to
pet back the money liikcn from him yester
day. Going to the hold bo demanded this
fiom Ofllcor Carter , and the shooting fol
lowed , Hut rows being killed and Cartel dcs-
pciatelj wounded.
Tlalfour on the Irlsli rniulne.
Lovnov , Oct. 8. Ilalfour , chlot sccrctnry
forlieland , replying to an inquiry as to the
real condition of afTniis iu Iielaud , wiltcs :
"Kegaidlng the potato ciop In the west of
Ttcland no positive or llnal conclusion can bo
formed until tlio potatoes are dug tovvnid Iho
end of Oclobcr. I3ul nil lestlmoiiy which is
of any value and which obviously is not
doctored for political puiposcs appeals to in
dicate tbat the cry of a general famine in lie-
land is exaggerated although in particular
localities the fulluio of the crop Is undoubt
edly sulous The measures that have been
taken by the ROV crnmcnb will wllhout a
question bo sullicient to deal \vltlianj real
distress which may bo bcjond tkopo\vcrof
Ibe ordinary poor law to meet.
A 11 low at I'icire.
CiiAwrumv , S. D , Oct. 8 [ Special
Teletriaia toTnr Her. ] The board of county
commissioners have refused to establish vot-
ng pi-eiincls in the unauthorized counties of
1'icsho 'and layman , west of the Missouri
ilvcr , and lately a pait of the great Sioui
reservation. Iho decision of tlio boaidwill
icsult to the disadvantage of Pierre in the
capital contcst-"as Pictio bad Intended to
vote cveiy one west of the ilissouu.
Campaign in Voile County.
Youic , Neb , Oct. 8. The York countj
republican central committee have made a
largo number of appointments for speeches
iu all pai Is of Iho county , and from now , on
the campaign \vlll bo vigorously pushed for-
wnid. The llailan club Is mpiuly gaining
stiongtli nnd Is doing good -vvoi I ? . The pros-
cut indications are for ; i clear and decisive
victor > for tbo entlio republican ticket.
Atffiiipt to AH suss inn to
Linn : ROCK , Ailc. . Oct. S. 1'iivato ad
vices received toduy nsscit tiiat while cx-
Congressmnn Bieclteniidgo was mailing a
speech at Centre Kldgc , Convay county ,
Mondiv nigbt an attempt was mndo to assas
sinate him , n cap being hcaid to snan behind
him outside the v Indow. Later in the nicbt
a clti/cn named Gorman vns assaulted with
a slungshot. No clue to the miscreants.
\Vlll Sue Ills Uncle.
CuiCico , Oct. 3. Ocorgo T. Rawson ,
nephew of the inilllonuiio banItcr , Stephen
W. Ravvson , says ho pioposcs to bring suit
ayninsthls unelofor tbo recovery of about
$ iO. > , POO. 11 ° ullcROs that Ids undo prollted
unduly when acting as executor of the csl.ilo
of complainant's father. Hanker Kiyvson
asserts that the matter Is b'ackmall ' and that
ho will fight It.
St. Paul CoMti.uinrs 1'nil.
M'tNNUM'oiis Minn , Oet. 8 Forcstid
Brothers , St. I'nul contiactois , made an as
signment toJuyvlth liabilities of ? . ' 00,000 and
estimated assets of 0,000 Thev have had
largo piviug and sewer conducts , especially
InVrot Supoilor , vvhera lubt spring a serious
stiiko was responsible for most of their cm-
hurasment ,
Didn't Sneeze at ll o Kinperor.
Ni\v YOIIK , Oct. S. Mcjcr Jomxssoa re
ceived a cablegram todiy fiom llcrlin that
his son Joseph had Iwcn acquitted of tlio
charge made against bint by thieo diainken
students. IIo was accused oC saying "I
sneeze at your cmpcroi " 'lids Is a political
cilmo with ten years imprisonment.
In.'leased AVchtvin Union 1'i-ofltH.
Ni.w VOIIK , Oct. 8. The annual report of
the Western Union telegraph company shcivs
n surplus of $ lt,0"0,0b.l , Tlio Inciease of pi o-
( \vaslOW , ( Jil eompaied with tlio pic-
viousjcnr The grass lovenuo shovvsaniu-
Ciease of lCOIbJl. ,
A. Mtcle ( > Irl Ornwuoil.
YonK , Neb. , OU. 8.-Special [ toTurBrn ]
The youngest child of Mr A. Niciccl , a little
tlo cirl about thieo years old , while iilnjing
ou the banks of the cicuk , fell in and was
drowned. The body icnmined In the water
tvv o hours before It was discovered.
at halt hake.
S\IT rj KC , "Utah , Oct. 8. [ Specinl Tolc-
grmn to Tnr DEIAVilliamC | King , a tin
smith of this , city , ag > d tw cut ) -eight , un
married , shot lilmsolf fatally through the
bc'iulnt hisfuthoi's door iitUn. in , todaj. lie
was drunk and despondent.
'Xho CiriMilnr Modidcil.
WASHING-TOY. Oct. 8 The acting Indian
eoinnilssloner today issued a modification of
tliooliculniof Clinch , IbflJ , in regard to tbo
I'cmoval of clock fiom Oklahoma and the .In
dian teiritoiy , extending the tlmo to Novem
ber 1.
licensing of Cuptalns anil Pilots.
Ni.n YOIIK , Oct. 8. The natlouiil board of
steam navigation at its scsMon toduy passed a
rcsolutlou giving local Iiibiyetora dlsirctlon
uiy powers to license cMptalus and pllou.
I'uls w 111 apply to the w hole country.
Iron null Strut
PiTTsiiui.o , Pa , , Oct. * . 1'ho delegates to
the iron and steel congress spent the day in
specting tbo works tit Altoona , Johnstown
mid other poluts along the I'eiiiisplvanlu , load
and icachtd I'ittshuivtlilscveuing.
A I'ond i'arrwoll.
Vn\s-\,0et. 8. The Austrian and Ger
man I'mpcrors arrived at Klein this af tcn.oou.
AfU-ra cordlul furcrtdl Kinperor William
proceeded on his Journey to Herlln.
i'our llollorH J x
MfCKroov , Mich. , Oct. 8 , At the Ducey
( liimbercompnnles s.iwmlll this morning four
i boilers exploded , recking ttio mill aud
kcvewly iiijurln * ; six nitu.
Official Tignres Show nn Incroiso of 135
For Cent * In Ten Years.
Iiitllcnttonn That the Now Tariff Hill
AVill Give t ; o Courts I'loiily
ofVorlc Xr-vt Money
WAsmsoroiTlijnnAv TUB O Anu nun , )
513 I'ouinrBVTii STIIPET , >
WxauisoTO11 D. 0. , Oct. 8. )
The census ofllcotoJay completed tbo count
of tbo state of Nebjaslsn and announced the
> opulatlon of tlio first superior's district
> y counties. Oho rtjturusfor the ontho state
shown total population of 1,000,703 la ISM ,
against-Ut.aSO In 1SS9 , nn. Increase of 007,413 ,
nero than 18o potMcont. This Increase In
sures six roprcscnlolivoi In the lower branch
of congicss for thl ) state after the next np-
oitlonnient , c\cn \ Uioughtho lasls of icpre-
sonUtlon U fi > cil as Ugh as 150,000. , Theio Is
i possibility tint thob is Is may fall consider
ably below Ihls fltfuro , inlilch c\eat Nc-
raska's niembershii ) iu the national loghlix-
lure will bo corrospondlagly Increased as
well as her leprcs ntatlon in the clectoni
collcjo. Iho population of tlio counties In
the rirst disti let art as follows i
' " " '
Duller. 1333 * 1 ISH.
Chaao . 48J.I 47:1.1 :
lew. . UIJ
Uumlr . . < WJR IU71
nilmore 11 Wl n.r ,
7 ( iO 2 1ST.
h'ronllcr. 8171 7V17
9 14 sm
tto'pir . . 4 DM 1UJ
Hamilton , HffKI SS-'T . 81H.S J1W2
8'l.fl ' K8.ll
Hitchcock 5707 ll't't
Kearney 4R87
Nliokolls . II 191 71M.
[ IW)7 ) 7"lO
I'olk 10 NU 11017
Hod Witloiv. MIS
W.illno. . . 9118
' 411..J
1 liajc-r . . I'l-'S lil.i.'j
Webster 11210 41011
Totnldlitrlct .
Incrcasu In tin > cnil 1K < UU
The f net that IValVja Fiva , who Ins been
the minister fiom Italy to the United States
foi the pibt decide , is ahout to leave "Wish-
ingtoa ou an extended Ifavo of abscjnco is
looked upon heio as positive pioof that the
statement printed so'no tlmo ago to the effect
that Mi , I'\iva hr ! ) heen recalled is well
founded Last spring tliero vuis avery un- sensation published in the papers of
Koine and ITloiimcq And othci' Italiim cities.
which sut foith I with a grciti deal
of ciicntustaiitinl detail that ? Mr.
ITava. together -vvlth Mr Him ,
Iholtnliou consul pcnornl in Now York , nnd
Scnor JSosinithDods Jiud.hccn engaged in a
coispliaty to defraud tlio Italian Kovcmmcnt ,
on a lolneco contract 'v/hlcli bad been ncr-
fceted by Fuva aud Rlfn foi-tho Ita''un gov-
ciumciil. Uha Itahua government has n.
monopoly of the -toVloco twado inltalvcnd
. , . . " - .
United States It uas claimed that Klmr
numhuit's reiirOscnt.itlvos purchased the
supply lu'ctlcd of ICcutuckj tobacco at the
rate of 7.3 franes per quintal and
they charged up to the government
ll'i francs ] > er quintal. The accounts
were s.ild to have Icon pissed by the minis
ter of llnimce , vvlio was suhicn.ucntly ) re
moved from oflloo. lUnn ucnt homo on a.
Icivo ofabscneo and ho has not yet returned ,
iilthouRU he has hccn ROIIO ucnily six months.
Now J' ava is picking up his trmilts to pet
out of to\vn \ , aud it is nsseitcd that his suc
cessor has \ > cin appointed Among the otlior
charges brought against Fnva nt the time
uas ouo to the effect th it he had been en-
Bajjtel luBelllnsf Italian decorations for cash
in connection vith Hiva , and fuithcr ,
tint the two Kentlouien wcro Interested
In the padrone Bystqm , which has Tjecn fiour-
ishinp to such a twat extent anil which the
Italian government Is trjliif ; to break un in
New Yoik. Whether or not , the chaiffes are
true itlsdlflludt tn usccrtniu at this time ,
but oven one who Knows any thing1 about the
matter is positive that run , * , will not return
to the United Htatci ns the iiceieelited ivpro-
scntntivo of the klnfc of Italy.
win , rri.Nisit ifouicrou Tiin COUI.TS.
Iho new tariff bill -will pivo the couits
plci.ty to do and \\ill keep tbobo.ird of gon-
01 d iippinlsers vcrjjbusj for several jcars
hence. In fact t hh no\v boaid of general np-
praispisis ( oliifj topivotho tfre.itojt dcroo {
of satisfaction to the meielinnts of the coiin-
tiybccmso tboy can have the disputed < ] UC3-
tlons involved lit tbo new tarilt decided
piomptlj if tlmv choo .0 to do bo I3ut u
tfre it in in j oftliomwilllnslhtupcn cninjliifj
their cases to the courts , no nutter how the
nppiaibcrs may decide Assistant
Secrotaiy Siuldlntr of tlio troisury de
partment , who Ins cbirgo of the custom
business , is bulled In telegrams and lettcis
fiom allpirtsof thp cojiitry asking conun-
dniins with icfcrcnra totho new tnift bill.
Uhoy eomo not onlyjfromolHciils of t ho gov
ernment , but fioinwei-ihimts. Invvjors , tus-
tom house bickers And , even rioin edltois of
newspapers and the eonnileis of almanacs
and bUtistiul voiks. There has Iken a
strinir of telegraph { > oys nu'r iiiR messages to
the "Western Unioa ofllco iieiosstbo stioct
from the trcasuiy dopaitmont since the hill
-yy as passed. Seuieury ( Spaldlag- aimer-
ing these telegrams in a very diplomatic
manner , because the questions involved me
Kenci ally complicated ones , and ho does not
vvlih to prejudice tha lights of the United
fatitcs In the eon its. to v , hi eh the eases may
ultimately bo appealed.
MItoMroiunn \ oincr .
An order has been issued fiom the postof-
ilcodcnirtment to establish the following
poslomces iuNcbiiiskaai money order olll-
CC3. 1)U ) , Kiinball , county ; Cerc-eo , Siun-
ders cmmtv.Uoddlngton , ( jhcjcnno county ;
bhicklcy , Pillmoro county Also the follow
ing in the state of lowai l ittlo Hoik , Lvoiib
count v ; West nendPulo , Alto county ; Iln/lo-
Ion , Euchaiun onmty , Aurora , wiclmiinn
county , Centra Juucilon , Jones count ) ;
limorMOii , Wills umnty ; Inward , Ljons
couutv , ICajidall , Hamilton count v AUo at
JllllCitv , PennlnirtAn louuty , and Lctclicr ,
Sanboui county , ioutu Oakoti.
tun tuuAT r I'.VHIS.
Thorols iiotuithlji thabtori published In
7\'ew "York and elsewhere that the L'Vnch
eovornmciitli otYindedat thoeoruhllt ) with
vbich the count otl'arislms bucu leceivcd In
this country nnd that the rioiich legation
Ins protested to JSlMUhluoan'iiiistth3 netion
of the gcvcininent in having the collet-tor
meet him dow n tbo buy nn a levcnuo nittor
I ocoiiespoiulenoJlw.s pjisscd between Mr
Illdnoimel Ibo 1'iBBch icmitlon on Iho sub
jeit. No c inipUiiit bus iwtn made , and , as
fai as Mr. Uhinokiov.j. the l'i emit mlnUtcM1
h perlcctly conlenloel with the conduct of ull
conceined If ho or his government are
ilhsutUlled they buvo coiicfiilod the fact , but
if thoj should i-emonstuto ivu lihlno would
tell them that It vas iiono of their business
The count of Pails hai not , been onie'liilly 10-
reived by the govern iflent of the United
States and will nut bo , Imt ho 1ms extended
tohltnby oruer of tbo president the
courtciloa that -would bo extended to any
other cauallj llhutrlotisforcisn soldier who
had held rank in tlio armv of the United
States nnd had given his services tothis
countiy at a lima when such seiv Ices \vero
appreciated. The fuct that tbo count claims
acio\vn bus nothing todovtlth the case. Ho
i.i vvoli omod hoi o as tin cx-oftleor of the union
army , not m . t , pruonder to the throne of
Trance ,
MI-CEtr > XEOl * .
"Old Saddlebags , " us -Senator McDon
ald of Indiana Is funlllarly known , lf > Iu the
city and expresses It nus his opinion that
Cleveland will lw nomhinted in Ism by the
doinoi rats with Govcnujr Campbell of Ohio
as \ ice president , llotmnks the now tariff
bill \\lll \ make it easy for the democrats to
elect their ticket on'a tariff reduction pint-
foi m ,
In snoaldtiR of the representation ot the
South Aiuetle.ui mcoi at the world's fair tbo
commissioner of Indian affairs snld today tint
bo Intended to jilnco on the prounds vlIlnKCs
of Jndlnns living just ns they lived nt the
time of tlio dlscovotvof Amouci. Ha said
bo intended to show In this way each of tbo
distinct aboriginal nations , nnd should com-
plolo Iho lesson hy showing the vvioiis
stnpesof ( levelopiiifiit fiom snvago to nend
civilized life. "In fuel1 said Commissioner
Morgan , "I Intend to show by object lessons
the history of the native races of the coun
try. "
Hoilacd 1 , 1st ol' UhoHo ICMled 'Jweutj
I'cnplo In.jured.
WitMiNOTOx , Del. , Oct. 8 'Jho following
is a corrected Hit of tbo killctl in yesterday's '
explosion at the Dupont powder mill :
\VituxMli. Oiu.ix ,
\VIIM i.ii McOvm-nr ,
MUITIV 1)01. . IV ,
1' vTi.iCK Uouoin-inr ,
.lOllV NlttKI.I ,
.TollV llAIII.lIMIt ,
MHH M.i.IlAnir.M n ,
ISlni. Uo-m BuionriiTT.
Thnso inoro or less Injured numbered about
twenty. Tlio men who wcio killed wcio
working in and iibout tbo inatra ines and
nulls , and , except In the cases of thx-ce , wcio
blo\vn lo pieces , so that only fragments of
thcli remains hare been found , It Is tbo
theory of tbo vvoikmeii tint the
explosions yvcra started in some way
by a soldering lion which n green
mini was using in soldeilng tli covcis on
cans of ponder ,
The wounded are being cared for by neigh
bors and fi lends and the dead bodies nro
nrcpaicd for buiinl. "William Green vias
but-led Ihis afternoon.
Tliix-o or four hundred homeless people
have been pro\ bled with comfortable qunrtus
by their frienils living in moio favored locali
ties and -will bo looked aftcruntll their homes
c.m bo icstorcd.
Tlio coroner summoned njury'hls ' morning
for thopmposo of viewing the remains of
Wlllinm It Grcen so that they could bo in-
tot red. It limy bo two or tlubo days befoio
hewill boie.idj to hear teallinony.
Crodltou oT the I'lrinMcct and Hear
n StadMiicnt ,
BO TON , Mass , Oct 8. A latgely attended
meeting of the creditors of Seavcy , 1'ostcr &
Dovvmuii was held today. 'Iho statement
rendered to the assignees by the accountant ,
Including the assets nnd liabilities dhcct nnd
contingent of thatflnn. aud of thol'urplta
niaiiufnctminy company , showed lint tbo
total nominal assets of the firm weio jb'J2,000.
The liabilities of the llrm aio put at a total of
StM-7,000 The statement of the Hut-oka silk
iii.iiiutactariug compmy showed the total
nominal assets lo bo $ iM" > ,000 The dlivct
liabilities wore fc..JS.O'K ' ) nnd the contiiiRcnt
liabilitiess.-r,000. llio loiiib statement , of
the firm nnd corporation showed total nssets
of § 1,537,000 , and direct liabilities S1fllS,000 ;
total contingent liabilities M , n.,0lt ) , leavln ?
n total smplus Jointly of § 101,000 'JL'ho meet
ing ; voted In favor of authorUingtho assignees
to conduct the mill nnd business for the com
ing' thrco months nnd also in favor of approv
ing ; on tno part of the cicdlloiV assignment
tlmt had beun. mado.
, Iowa and Dakota Pension11.
tVYASiU > ftTOj ? , Oct. , S.-flSrx-cial Telegram
to Tun Bir. ] Pensions HercTgrautcd todav
to tl o followingNoluaskans : Otlginal Invalid
Gcoigo-M. Kltlell , Loup Citv ; Closes C.
Fitzer , Ohlowa Increase William Weaver
1'rosscr D-inM 1'latto Ceuler
; - Mnlloy , ;
HcniyJ. Austin , Ailzonu ; Joseph D licclc-
\vlth , North. Loup ; riecmau SorvoT ) Bclu-
doio ; John Traycr , Helena ; John N'eltrel ,
Preston ; James JI. Mitchell , Blue III1I ;
Willlnm Bioner , Old ; Daniel D. Drainer ,
Duvld City ; Wiley C. Langfoul , Auburn.
Original widows , etc Piancelia IVI , widow
of runahi Blown , Ke.irucj' .
lo n : Original Francis M. Adnms , Buttle
Creek ; John W. 'Ihurston. IJorlnicr ; John
II. LonusdorfT , Ames ; John S Clearwater -
water , "Wintcrset ; William Wllkins , Bed
ford ) James Dcncy , Albla. Itestori-
tion nnil licrease Harvey Sldrlcey
Hvvan. Increase Mntlie\vr \ J. Tliompsnn
Collins ; Henrj ICbcilmrt , Creston ; John \V. \
.Tones , Fort Dod o ; Albion L. Sjpher , Scranton -
ton , . lonathan Chanez , Zcnring ; Gcoigo J.
Monln. Deobutovvii ; Samuel B. Allison , Coin ;
James Pavne , Dentonspoit ; PAH Irk Moms-
ban , Kimop ; 1'aik M. Jcnks , Altu ; Walter
11. Stone , Alpha ; William Glover , Hedding ;
John Atcn , Council DlutTs ; John Good , Sid-
noj ; William Lai ucb , Cutliilo , Tames \V.
Ijynn , Montczumn ; Hiehurd N. Gould ,
Oclcbolt : Duvid lSwielc , Crnton ; Geoigo
Togue , Gllddcn ; WlllintnAIarch , Kicdoi nits-
burg ; John Averill , Watciloo ; Arthur Mont
gomery , bchnllcr ; Lewis Shoictt , I'.mami ;
Clniles M. Powell , Wlntcisot , Thomus
J. Dlsbop , Parley ; Udgnr Pcrldns , Forest
City ; Phillip Carry , Slgourncv ; Harrison
Caiter , 1'erry ; Umil Urcndcl , CodarlJapIds.
Orlglun.1 v Ido\\s liachel , w idow of Willl un
K. Hind. Nnslmn.
South ihkota : Otlginal , navy John Connolly
nelly , Grcnd 1'orks. Inciease IlnuisonlC.
Beach , Unptd Cit ) ; James L. Dunham ,
Millott ; limothy D 1'orter , Ilaiold ; JohuT.
Liddle ,
liiillnii COM fere HUD nt Tjako
IjiKn Mon \\VK \ , N. Y. , Oct. 8 1'ho eighth
annual Indian conference at I.ako Mohawk
w as tiegun this morning. President Gates of
Ainlicist college was mndo chairman , Gen
eral Whlttlcscy of Washington , sociclary of
the bonid of Indian commissions , gnvoa gcn-
ornl survey of the field and rofcncd espe
cially to tbo liappy change In publlo senti
ment la the last few yeju , duo largely to tlio
Influences einmatiiKj from Mohawk. Ilx-
1'icsidenrMcUush lead an ablepapcrto elcm-
onshAtotho capacltj of the Indian for chill-
ziitlon. Iho worst of the red men , ho said ,
nro not inn IPSI lavor.iblo condition forchlll-
7iitlon than our own ancestois , tholliitons ,
asdescilbod DV C.usar. ft was ChiUtlanity
thrtwrousht their change , and it would do
the sumo for the Indians
Assassinated in IIIn I'ailor.
JhcoGn.Oct. . 8 AtNoiinondale.Dpdgo
county , last evening' , J C. Torsythp , bcetc-
larj aud treasurer of the N'ormanetnlo lumber
company , and ono of the best known men in
Gcoigia , wus shot and idlloil by an unknown
assassin v\ bile slttini , ' in Ids paiior. Thoiis-
stisslnatlon has uioiiedlmmcnbo excitement
in the iicighboibood
the Kruiiuli Turin * .
I'm i , Oct , 8 'Iho cabinet has charged
Iho minister of commerce to f ramo n bill to bo
inlroduicd in the chamher o deputies thing
ttio maximum tarilt upon exports Into
rianconnd etlvinf ? the got eminent lovvci to
mnlio concessions to thoio countrloi vvhoso
goyoinineuLs in their taillT. laws fa.v or French
products. _
Tlio MltjhlKim liners' Stiiko.
I'lU-nviixn , Mich , Oct 8. A m.iss meeting
of the strilclng mind's was held jCbtciday ,
L'.WW workmen being picsenc A eoinmltleo
\vns clioscn to transact buhlness. The coin-
initlco will hiibmltapwposltlon for a com
promise to the mining uompain'ti ' iife'eat today ,
The Death Jtoll.
SU'ANNAII , ( In , Oct. 8. James Atkins , u.
prominent republican politician , who for jcirs
has held federal offices in this state , wns
found dead In Ills ofllco this morningHo
died from hcait dUease.
Tlio CMC Grauolitlly Deollnos.
Br. PcTEiisiii no , Oct , 8. [ Special Cable
gram to TUB BFL ] Itia staled that IIous-
Iloussrln Pacha , the Tuikisti minister
licro , lias been informed that the czar re * . s
In a most ijraclous spirit the InvlUitlon ti ' 'i
ozaro\\ltch to visit Constantinople- ,
n visit to the Turkish capital nt
present tlmo would plvo rlso to a d 7/
cute and oinbnuiiiilnp situation pcndliigt ,
settlement of the ( Ircek pattlai-eh's posltlo
Ills reported thatfonrsot cholera constltul
the mam obstacles to the visit. ]
/.rc/rjr. > a rn't.i.v it.4. ( < K.
"Jlarbro , " Whinit a I'nsseiiRcr ,
"Cayvti't Tpll" llo\v IlpUlleH It.
NKVV VOIIK , Oct S " pr-clal Tile < ? rnin to
' 1'iic llcr.JOno of Ihe best ocean races be
tween vessel ? of il\nl \ liansutlnnticlliiesvvas
finished nt 0 Hi oiloc-k this morning , when
the Inmaii steani'litp Oltv ot 'cw Yoi k
passed the Sandy Hook lightship It was
the most cloicly contested race of the four
last Important one ? between tbo Now York
nnd Teutonic , and It was the llrst tiln to this
sldo won by the 3s'ow York. The Xevv York
passed Snudy Hook nt 0 19 pin and the
' .Teutonic came steaming uloni ? at 7It :
o'clock 'Iho forinei yvns at the dock
nt 910 aiut It was iihno't 11 o'elock
vhcn tbo defeated steamship made fast tohet :
Among 1ho pasiengers aboard the Teu
tonic veio the eluuo nnd diubcssof Marl-
hoiough A\hon tbo gang-tdink was i dsed
the duke and his wlfo were among the Ih-st
tomaltouso of It , The dulio clung tohla
wlfo ns If ho was afraid ho would get lost
without her
When npoKcn to no snicl ho ilidnot know
vbclhcr ho hnd pnjovcd his tilp or not.
'Cawn't always he bothered vUth such tillles ,
jou know , " bo said , "and I dlsllUo these 10-
" \Vlicio nro you Rolngto stay whllo herof"
"Thnt Is anotherIhliucI cimu't siv ivally
leawn't ' , " nnd lie looked as If ho couldnt
Among the oilier passenfreis wcio Senator
Lcland Stanford and his w ifc
inn iirjiojt C.M TII.I
Stockliolilers Siiiie'ched ' at
"Vf htoiilnj * H Alci'tlnc ,
Cnicwo , Oct. 8 fSpecid Telegram to
Tin : Bi i : 1 The annual meeting of the stook-
holdeisof the Illinois Central came to an cud
at 7:30 this evc'iilng , after a session lasting
fiom 12 o'clock noon. Tlierociis UJI 'JS
shares of sto lc repiescnttd inpcisoii and hy
proxy , 2"I I II of which icposcil in 1'iObhlent
1'isk's Insldo pocliot. 'Iho session wns liudly
n stormy ono , but it Is safe to siy that no
railroad ininngemciit psv onnliy leceivcd
such a sovcro nirilgnment Tlicobji'etliif ?
stoekhOldeis wcio iepiet > cntcd l > yAttoinoj
1) ) G. Pilisou of Chicago , uiul ho
bad nt his tongue's end till the ro-
enit charges of mlsnian.igcineiit , as well
as a host of new ones , which bo admitted und
been delved out of Iho annual icpoits slm-o
1S71. President Tish nnswcicit in vigorous
style as many of the rlmrges as ho wished to
dbcus' , and tboso which c-ntno in the sbnpo
of motions bo smlllnglj squelched by plump
ing his 1255,000 shaies in opposit'on. ' In ull
the voting the y Ictory was oervhelming for
the m inngemciit. In spite of amendments to
the iiumbei of si-cor seven , the original mo
tion wns passed , us made , to increase -
crease the capital ktoclc from 1 10 , 000.000
to $ li)00WO. ( ) ( An opposition ticket
of directors was nlso proposed ,
but the follow Inp were elected by tlio usual
overwhelming veto- Oliver HaiTiimn , Geoigo
Dlibs and J. W. Doano for four jcais , nnd
Chnrlcj A Peabodv and Norman B. licam
for thieo years. Piosidcnt Tlsh announced
that ho had changed his permanent icsi-
ilcnco from Now Yorlt to Chlc-aqo , and that
with Uonctiil Counsel Aycr. Messrs Donne
and Ilcnm nnd Governor l ifer , ex ofllclo , Il
linois had live of ( lie thirteen elirectou It
appealed Jiom t'lo reading of the miiiulcs of
the tllieetors1 meetings that Vlco Piesldent
Hnrrimnn had. bccu prnctlcallj' suspended
from ofllco before ho resigned , and tbat from
4 per cent avenrn o the company had of Into
been compelled to paj'O per iont for loins.
'llio list loan wns for $1UOO,000 at 0 per cent ,
W.V. . Astor advancing the money ,
Ui'dnct Inn In ( irnin Iatr > q.
IC sv * } CITV , Mo , Oct. 8. At todajs ses
sion of tlm Trans-MIssouil association the
Hoclc'Island gnvo it out Jlatly that a icduc-
tlon in grain rates in accordance with the in
terstate commerce commission order would
bomnJoonits line. Af tern lengthy discus
sion it wns voted that the lates. be put iu ef
fect by all lines October 17.
'I lie lOrlo It-niul
Nrn YOIIK , Oct 8. Tlicionre no signs yet
of the rumoicd stiilro on the Ci-io load. Vice
President Ihom i has promised a reply to
the men's demands tomoriow.
Uonnl nfl orulKii Missions.
Mi\M\ron , Jlinn , Oet 8 Today the
American board of commlssionuisof foicign
mlsblons began Its cightv-liist nnnual session
hero. Tbo session , w hick was held at 11
o'clock , waspieslded over hy llcv Dr II. S
btoris. The afternoon -was takeu up with
the nnnunliopoitof the ycai's work. The
ropoit of thu homo dop.utment consisted
mostly of letteu from local -\\oikers nnd
superintendent' * . The donations during IbS ! )
'K ) wcio S-llT/Ul , again In ono yeai of * . ' ; ) ,87 ( )
Of this < t > lti9 , ! > oi > came fiom the thieo womon's
boards , nn lucreaso of Sid , 151. Legacies
received ' . His stated that
, ill'VW. nil in-
comoof j-l,000tKXaycai ) is ically needed.
Olijr-ct to IIiuull inc Klltli.
L > OM > OX , Oct 8. ISpcclil Cablegiam , to
TniIlBi.J-Thocora porters in the cmploj
of % o Allan nnd Wilbon-IIIll Hues oC steam
ci-s , who aio irritated by statements eon-
lalncilln lettoisof Iho nriiiagers of
to Thomas Mann , the lalioi ugltulor , have
again struck for ' 'obligation" and " tcnch"
inonoy. 'lliey alletro that they aio justified
m their demands b ) the bad quality ami
flirty condition of tuo grain they nro com
pelled to handle.
The \Vontlirr Koroensr.
ForOmab.i nnd Vicinity- Pair , btatlonnry
torn pei atiito.
For Ncbrnska Colder ; noithvvcstcrlj
winds , light ruin
For low i Cooler , cloudy weather nnd
ralir } statlonaiy tcmpeiaturc , westerly
l-'oi South Dakota C'olilci , northuc'iloily
w luds , light rain or snow.
Consider the Demand I-xtortlnnatc ,
LoMiov.Oct. . 0 Jvlr. Hill of the Wilson-
Hill line in nn interview today stated that
the flim would not submit to such demands
na hnvo been made i y iheir doclvtnen The
ShiiiOwncis' fidcratlonvlllopen a icgist < r
for tbo puiposoof foiiningiineolabor league
A side fund will bo provided for employes
uttil nil union men will bo loclted out by the
inoinhci'a of thofcdciation.
MglitorKrefMlinn in U'nles.
C'liini'i , Out , 8. | Spe'cIiil Cableuram to
I'll I'll ! ! ! : . ] At an assembly of the Ihptlst
union loch ) Piesldent Ovvcnclalmcd Unit the
ficochurches were taking a prominent , part
In tits struggle forllbnly. Ilo ! > ild that not
withstanding opposition tlio ( in of
legislation in laver of the privileged 'luss
wns pissing n\vay and po\vcr was now In the
hands of llio multitude
A Itnncliiium ICilIcil.
Gnur.\M' , " \Vjo. , Oct. b , [ hpocinl Tele
gram to Inn Bir. ] Word was iccclvedhero
todnj thutCoori.'o ! 13. Ilendci son , manager of
Cluj , t Forrest's 'SVvonilng cattle business ,
w a-sh shot and killed today by nn cmployo at
the company's lunch In Hweet Water eountj
Now Xciilanil Collli-is'StrllCR I'alln.
\VLII.INOTOV , Now X.caland , Oct. 8. Tbo
strilto of Iho New Zealand colliers bits fulled
'ITiiity-fourhtcamersof thotompmy uro iun-
nliifc1 , fainlijbiiig employment lo 2,000 nou >
uuluu inon. , *
( Jiild at I'lioiiosyii's. .
I3ui sot AUK" , Oa. 8 [ Hnochil Cahle-
gium to Titu Id i-At ] llio close of the
bourho ycUerday fcdd was quoted at
l-cii'tent iucinium.
Grand Ovation Tendered to the Chief Exccw
tire of the United StnUs ,
c t Kii1c < * onnii 1'iiKlnoniiil
tlio AVhlst IfVWIo Secretary -
rotary Iracy UliiRS tlio Hell
- 'llio
111 , Oct. 8.-President Hnrrt-
son niosomly this morning , but ho was nol
early enough to escipo Iho thousands of
CUROI people who li.ul assembled nrounil Ills
hotel in I'ooih , stiug'KlIng for a sight ot
tholr ellstinguMicd visitor. The presl
dentMM deiif to all cntienty ,
lio-wovcr , Hint horomiln longer In tlmt city ,
ami stout Iv nuilntalticit his Intention of dovot-
IIIR the entire thy to Ins soldier friends In
CJutcsbtirg lie nigieeci only to mklrcss
biicily the linihcnso uovvd that hail assuiu.
bled at tliodepotto witness Ills departure.
At" o'clock the band sricnmlcil the piost *
itcnt , mill , i few minute ? later Urn major uml
city council , accompanied by the C5 A 11.
posts mul u company of Illinois iialiounl
guard's , appeared to eseoi t tbo pntvto the
train 'Iho uiiiiih was a tiluinplniit one , and
nil Pcorlu turned out to do honngo to tlio
chief executive.
At the depot over fifty thoinund pcoplo
wcro assembled ami the president , being in <
troduccci by Minor Ktiuho , spolious follows !
My lAllow-C'ltI/ens- H not poisiblo
Unit I should Introchuo this inornliiK any so-
rioustheme. I hnvogreatlj enjovcil this tilp
through inj o\viistntonnd joins sisters tu
loyalty mid sncrlllco for the union , sisters
ulbo In piospoiltj and honor f.Applmiw.1 I
llnd myself simply saying tlianlc jou , out
with an Increasing sense of the hlndnebi
of tbo people. If anything could mill to tlio
bolcmn sense of the lespoiislblliti wlilih my
oftklal oith places upon me , Itvoiild bo
thcso evidence i of filonillliiess and conll-
deuce. 'llio mass of people of thli
country uro lovnl , loving mul duti
ful clti/ciib , re.idy to suppoit every faithful
ofllcer in the discharge of his dnt.v and to
npplmd every honest olfoit for thclrgood.
It U it H0iueoof ( stienntli
to know this , mul this momlng , not
less fiotn Ibis blight sunsbliio anil tills crisp
Illinois air than from t huso Iclmlly fines , I
draw Insphation to do what I ean tbo vciy
host I can , to pioinoto the Rood oC all tlio
people of tlio United States f Applause. ]
" 1 go todaj to meet with some com
rades ot yotu stito who stooil with
mo In tlio imny of the gioat
union fortho defense of the Hap ( Applause 1
1Kf now to tbink those lomr.iJes ol I'ooili
amltlio conpanj of nitlomil Kiinulsaiid all
thcio friends and you , Mr Majoi and gentlemen -
men of the leccplion oominittee , for this
kimilv uit'etin1. ' , nnel to suj that I have great
satisfaction in knowing Hint the pcoplo ol
Ihis'coinmmiit.vmoveiypio'mcrotis. ' j\lr.y tint
prosperity lueiciso until every clti/cn , even
tholmmlilist , sliiiio It. May ixjaeo , social
ordei and the Ijlcssingof ( ! od ahido in every
homo is my putlug wUh for jou. " [ Loud
chceis. 1
j\t the conclusion ot tbo picslilcnt's ' address -
dress , Klslo Osllo Xvdc , tbo child achcss of
Little Loid ITuuntloroy fame , presented tbo
president -with a beautiful boij.nct
on bclnlC ot the G. A. It.
posts and olti/ciis of 1'coria Tho'
president CM'icsscd his thanks bv kiss-big the
little lad } , and auild the cheers of thocrowd
the trail' pnllol out for Galoshui jr.
AtPeoiIa thoprosiJenthl party wasiilct by
u delegation fiom ( lalesbuig- a special
train. Major H. H. Clay of tlio lO.'d
Illinois legiincut , .fudge A A Binitb
and II. M. Stsson , oJltors of the ( l.ilosbuig
papci > , ami railroad ciftlcials composed tbo
patty. The president's tula fioin this point
was hi charge oC 31. U. ltl < e , Mipciiiilcmlriit
of the Chlciiffo , liuilingtoi Quliuy mil-
road 'loCiuleubm the ti ilii vns pulled by
mi engine In chirRO of muiiginicr who \
n inunbu' of the picsidcnt's old lnjjadc.
This knight of tbo tlnottlo was Finnic
Hilton , a formu incmbii of the
Ono Himdicd and Second llllnoh
I cir Oidesbiirfr the piealdont , after
accoidlna ; reception to old vctcians iiho.ud
the train , went fouvard with Sctiotury
Tiacy nud greetiil Kngiiucr Hilton .is an olil
friend. On imitation of tbo latter tlio presi
dent and becretiiry Tiacy mounted tliounglna
luuliociciii thocab with Ibo onpineci for u
few miles. To the piesidont the
cngiiieoi Biacefully jleldcd tbo 10-
f > pen > lblllty of palling the whistle for
sinuous and cubbing } , and the llrcmiu ecu-
bidcratvl ) tinned o\ir tliobcll rene to Sccic-
tsirj Tracy. lioth Reiitlr > incii pcrforjmd their
icspccthoduties boncll and vlgotously tint
the cltimis of KIIOK county would havu
thought soerd tinlns weto spoediiif-tm OUKI !
tluh midst and that i-vory cioisln was ob
structed bv oltitinatohordsof ll\o s'otir.
'iho pilnc-iDiloxont of tlia dav was the 10-
nnion nt Oaleshuii , ' of the riittbrigade ,
Tblid dUiiion , Tv\tiitieth arm } < -oipi tbu
Toimcr coiinnanil of ( Jotunl Ilairlnon Mho
occasion Mas the &nthoiinj ; not only of tlm
old \eteiam who vero foniieih asbociatcd
with the president , but ofCJiand Aimincu
fiom all sections of the wcwt. Kxuiihloni
fiom all the ptiiielpil dtles within
a radius of J500 mllus milled
to the nssc-inblafjo , and It \\m
c&tlmiiud that the aurtlcncohlcli Krcotal
Piesldent Hunison .itOaltsbuiKwiw not less
tli in twentv-lho thousand. At tlio depot
iho pruldi'iitiil puty was mot by tbo
m.ior of tbo city , the ( ouiuil anil
an a i my of veterans , and cscoitcil
hlift to the hotel , \\liciolii an bom's recep
tion distinguished clll/cns fiomall ] nrts of
the btuto Riottcd the pi csldcnt The decor
ations thiou hout the ciljoio profuse uml
chboiato Upon n\asL inch on tlio grand
blind beneath \\hoiothe pieslclcnt stood VMIU
the \\oids , "Wo Welcome the 1'iesideat. "
bhoitlj aftir 11 o'cloelc there passed
iiiicvictv of tbo picddtnt in fiout of the
htind tbo veterans of the Twentieth aimv
coins , i..noa seliool children of central Illincfa
aiul thousands oC tltizcns Among thu dis-
tlnttuislied people ou the stnncloru.iljutaub
GenoinlVaticu of Illinois , who appcuedo , !
the penonul repiesentitlvo of Uotcinor
Klfer , unahlo to lea\o his ofllebl du
ties , Secretary of State 1'ieisoii , Major
Stoons , Joliu S Hiiiuuls of Chtiar'o , Cou-
Kusiinnn l ost. Con icasinnn Ilindorson ,
lion. Licoi-RoW. Pilnce , fjoncnl AilhnrA.
.Smith , tioiienl Miloi , U , S A , ( Jeneril
IJestin , dopJitiHOiitioininaudui ( Jrand Aimy
of tlio Itepiiulloof
aun Ivinnuy.
At the conclusion of the parade the patty
rcjidicdto the speaker's Bland in fiontof
the coiiit house , \\bcro Maj-or Stteiis wel
comed tbo piesldentto Calc" ! > hiiig asfu'lows :
"i'o the piesldentof tbo United Slate" ) , to
his bucrctury of the imvj , ana thc o olht rdls-
tliik'Ui-ilicd Kuests , and toall these -
podallj those of thoKlistbilf-ado , who IdiiJ-
1 } Join us in this groctini ? , thoiily of TJa.cs-
burg uxtendaa mostcordld wcleoiixi Xevcr
hcforoln its history his It bce-n to liehly
lionored Tint the old ( oiupaiiions in arms
should decide to meet heio \ , \ \ \ \ "tliu hos" }
oftholOJd Illinois wujutlUtlnctlontliiituu
highly pri/c [ Gicnt iipilauso J J'o jou ,
I'lesident llaulson , the Oollet'o Oil } brings
its waimcst Kieotlng ; to jou ills Indebted for
ull these honois , and It feels keenly
thohlgbdlstliietlonyou confer Our
soldlois , wlto cftino haek to lib from the
bloody but glorious field , nio hero to salute
tbo coinnmnder who was ulays a eomiailo.
hobcllcvod In dlsilplino and remembered
his HIGH | j\pplau o from tho\oUMiitis 1
"No other nn-otlng tan v > aim u 1 dirt Ilko
Ibis , yctotluuns tliifuio would bilntf tlielr
meed. These collcn'ca , Kno'c and 1/ ,
\\h\i \ \ nil their enthusiastic and aspiring
Aoith , ivjok'O to erv bail to ono \vho ( lia
lionored Ids alinu muter and addulunotbup
naino to the long llu of dl3thigulahed.sonso
fivshateriollegC3. . I'lirllcularlv warm Is
Die feeling of the BtudcntH and friends oC
Knox college , hecauso jou are to Iny the eor-
ner Ntoiio of the splendid hall they
have presented hero , and which they
hone may piovo the comer etono at
a la i KIT foituno and. bioadcr