THE OMAHA DAILY. BEE , TUESDAY , OCTOBER 7 , 1800 , 5 CHI' CODHQl'S ' EC015IY. It Saves a Pew Dollars While the Oily is Overran with Diphtheria. THE FIGHT WITH THE BOARD OF HEALTH , The I-oni ; School Surrounded \vlth JuiigcrouH Cnsca oC I > t etxno Wliluli n.xtcml to the Wal nut Illll School. Something of a sensation \vtvi sprung at the regular meeting of the board of health yesterday. It sectm that somolxxly luul heard that Couiiclhnaii Ohon had told n person called 'l'hcoilorc | HcmlnKwny that the board of health win rotten anil was doing a good many foollsli things. This wiu heard before the gathering was called I o order. The meeting opened with n lot of random rciiurlts regarding the stubbornness of the city council in auditing even tlio moit nccev Bar.v bills that have been soul la by the board of hciillli. Ctiiuf Scavoy finally proposed that the city nttornoy bo requested to plvo the hoard hl i opinion on Mils matter ol the council's altl- tuclu toward It on the point of finances. Mr ChafTco salt ! that the city attorney was not In hnrnony with the board In the mutter. Tiio clilcf thought , however , that the city nttornoy would at least reply to such a ro- enicst from the board ami olTcrcd the follow ing resolution , which wns adopted : Ui'mlvcd ' , Timttlic Uouril ofliciiltli. In view ot the prcvnlcncoof dliihtliorlunuil lliu nanl- tiiryfimdltlnnnf tliocltyrMi ] ! cltullr icntii-st tliuttln : council In form the ho.trcl . dollnltcly us tn wliL'tliur any , and If any. wluit HIUII of money Is at tliu command of tlio board tor Bimit.iry purposes. Tlio city physician remarked to the effect that If tlio uttituilo of.tho council townrjjjthc Irani ilvas occasioned by reason of Mr. "Wheeler's ' uttltudo toward him , jicrsonally , ho s.iw . 110 occasion for such a situation , ilo , the doctor , had nothing against Wheeler per- Botuilly and thought the latter had no occa- Blon for displacing any spirit against cither the secretary or the board itself ou any such ecore. The doctor thought , furthermore , that the couiictl could bo mumlamuscd. Health Olllcer Pottlt said that Miss Hyde , n teacher In the Dcxljjo street scliool. luul n lirotlier at homo sick with diphtheria , and \vusattcndlnpschoolwlthout chnnnliig her clothes between her homo and tlio school house. After hearing several rumors to the offcct that there wore small nuisances hero and tticro in some places in the city , the bo.ird vrent into executive session. Kcprescnta- Uves of the press wcro excluded for about ( Ifteon minutes and then admitted. Council- juan Olsen was found hoforo the board. "Tell us of ono foolish thinp that you know of the board having done , " JJr , Gupcn asked him. him."Well "Well , you hired a clerk when thcro wasn't nny nceil.of It , " hegau Olscn , "and when the mayor luul ono near by who hadn't ' so very much to do. and besides this the council has Jots of clerical help lying around that could have loen called upon. " Tlir-n Dr. Gapln turned to the city ordinance pntltled "births and deaths. " The ordinance provides that the board of health shall keep a record of the births and deaths in the city and appropriates & ! 0 per month for that pur pose. Another ordinance snys that the sec retary of the boa nl of health shall keep a record of all the acts and proceedings of the board of health. ISIr. Wheeler , it transpired , construes the births and deaths to bo an actor proceeding of the board of health , and it seems that upon 111 Is construction OUcn had boon led to bo liovothut n clerk to the board was unncccs aar ) ' ox-en though such clerk received but $ 'JO n mouth. Olson's only reply was a series of "Well wells 1" supplemental by na ovusivo remark to the effect that ho couldn't help what was 111 the ordinances or statutes ; ho thought the board shouldn't employ a clerk , and thatwa' ' nil tticro was to It. Ho declined to say Whether ho did or did not think that two iu- BDOctora could look after the sanitary condi tlonof tlio city. " "Uou'tjou think thcro are just os sensible men on the board of health as are hi th council ! " asked ChalTeo. " 0 , well , 1 don't want to got onto that question. " replied Olscn. "Yes , hut I want and insist that you an/ ewer it , " urged Uunffoo. "I suppoau the members of the board nro ni Bonslbloas thoeouncllmeu , " said Olson , aftc considerable hesitancy. At this point Chief Scavey offered a rose lutlon that the council bo requested to tip point a committee of thrco to co-operate with a like commlttoo from the board to invest ! gate the sanitary condition of the city. Th1 resolution was adopted. "JJlii you over say the board should bo in- .Vcstlgatcdr1 Dr. Gapon asked Mr. Olson , "No , sir , I did not , " exclaimed Olson , now Considerably excited. "You did yes sir , you-dld sny so ; you Bald so to mo , " said Hemingway , who1- was present. "Oh , jou Just Imagined that , " said Olson. , "No , I didu't you told mo that very thins. " Olsen declined to carry the controversy ( further , uud the board adjourned. Unrcportcd Cases. Sanitary Ofllccr Dennett yesterday morning found several cases of contusions diseases that had not been reported to the board of health while making his rounds looking for garb.igo cesspools demanding attention. I Ono case of typhoid foyer Is at Wfi North 'ttwcutv-soveiitu ' avenue , In care of Dr. S , 1C. Spaulding. Three cases of typhoid fever are lit the southeast corner of Twenty- fourth and Claik , In care of Dr. Jensen. / U'horo Is ono case of diphtheria up stairs at 1 125 North Twnty.fonrth street In cure of Dr. C. U. Sprague , and another at iir > ( )7 ) I'at- rick nventio under the care of Dr. Iropcy. Ko pluc.irds wcro posted at any of those places , nnd the matter was reported to the fclty physician and board of health. Tlio Ijoni : School. It was stated that the Long school at { Twenty-sixth and Franklin streets will bo closed ou account of the numerous cases of diphtheria in that neighborhood. At the present time , on Franklin street he- iVveon Twenty-fourth and Thirtieth , thcro pro twenty-six cases bf diphtheria placarded , pinny of which are within a block of the BchoolUouso , Wtliiut Hill. At the board of education rooms yesterday it iv ) reported tluU diphtheria \vas moronro- .Valeut In the vlilulty of the Walnut Hill school ilnn around the Long school , but the puinhor of cose * was not known. 3Mlle ' Nerve and Klvcr Pills. , An important discovery. They act on the Jlver , stomach and bowels through the tiorres. A. now principle. Thov speodlly fcuro biliousness , bad tastf , torpid liver , pile * find constitution. Splendid for men , women pud children. Smallest , mildest , surest , ! tO flpses for 'J5 cents. Samples IreoatlCuhn & JDo.'s ' , totli and Douglas. Slnnle-Tnici-H , Attention. All jwnons residing In Nebraska who style themselves slnglc-taxora , or nro Incllued to consider the principle in the light of investi gation , will please forward name and address to Unfits S. Parker , president of the Omaha felngle-tai club , No. iv Decatur struct , or to y , 0. Uockwooil , odltbr of the Grand Island \Vorkniaii , Grand Island , Neb. This li nxiuostotl with a view to forming a | > onaauont stuto organization. Water Lily Soup Will 1 Klout Tlio Now Ctionilenl. The now Holloway chemical cngino for No. ft nose honao VIM tested yestenlay afternooa In the presence of the bowl of flro and police icommisslnuors nnd Chief Galllgnn. It is Very similar to the old ono in nnpcarnniv , but 1 * a little lighter. U has not yet boon var hishod orlettcnxl , that work bolng deferred imtll after U Is formally accepted by the board. rears' U the purest audtx-st soap ever mad * . . -It m. * COUNCIL. . JOtUfl'8 JlVOK8. Tlicy Are to Open In Grand Slylo Thin Afternoon. The prospects for ono of the lftrpct meet- Ingsof spec JyhoMcs and cnthusla-jtlohorso- men that has occurred In the west -for a long time are most flattering. A reporter for TUB Hr.n visited Union park yesterday and viewed ono of the loveliest scones oE the season. All the stalls xvcro filled ulth ani mals with low records , and liltchcd on the outside of the stnbles were more than n acoro who could not bo given quarters. Horses and horsemen nro there from all parts of the globe , nnd Judglnp from the looks of the steeds they nro goers. Some have rec ords nnd others promise to surprise everybody. Over ono hundred an d twenty- jlvo entries had been made by Secretary Cubbs by noon. In ono slnglo race ho has catered twenty-two horses and in another nineteen. The trotting , pacing and running contests will bo run for blood mid much In terest is being manifested by the contestants. Tickets' can bo purchased by passengers from conductors on trains for OU ccnU. which Will admit them to the grand stand , thereby saving the purchases cither from Omaha or Council 131uffa car faro one way. The races begin tills afternoon. BOVTH OJftJT/,1 Afv llobtircl of Ifia Wilted. Sunday evening some thief entered ho 0. U. Hnmmond houses nnd stele n gold watch valued at $ : ) belonging to Hd- ward Berry. Ono of tlio watchmnn saw a man go out , hut knowing Mr. Borrv was in the building did not got n sight of the disap pearing man so as to identify him. Notes About the City. Charles F. Seymour has found his lost horse. A daughter has been born unto Mr. nud Mrs. Charles F , Seymour , Albright. At the ralllo Saturday night I'etorHrennan won the horst\ buggy uud harness ou a throw of Tit. Tit.The The republican club will hold an important meeting this \veek to arrange for some public rallies. The os'ster supper by the young men of the Presbyterian congregation , uill bo given this evening in the church , Twenty-fifth and J streets. Mr. Fianlc Lindner and Misq Amelia , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kmll .Ionian , sr. , wcro married Saturday evening at the resi dence of the brido's parents , Twenty-ninth and U streets. The South Omaha electric light and power company has filed amended articles of incor poration with , the secretary oE state , Increas ing Its capital stock to 8100,000 , , and allowing others to subscribe for stock. Sninosot Association. All members of the Samoset association will please meet over No. 18-L Douglas street , Tuesday evening , the 7th , at 8 p. in. CHAIU.I-S Ounu.v , President , SILAS Coins , Secretary. Mrs. Wnrin O. liurgcss died at her homo , aSL'5 Charles street Sunday of heart disease. The deceased wtis Bixt.y- Bovon voars of ngo nnd was the mother of 1) ) . J. Uurgcss , formerly deputy city clork. The funeral services will bo held from the residence of G. R. Armstrong1 , 38211 Charles streottoday , at iio'clock. OISTJ5 Both tlio method nnd results -when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant nnd refreshing to tlio taste , nnd acts Rcntly yet promptly on tlio Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses tha sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head- nclics nnd fevers nnd cures habitual constiiiation. S 'rup of Figs is tlio only remedy of its kind over pro duced , pleasing to tlio tnsto and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the moat healthy nnd ngrccaLlo substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most populnr remedy known. Syrnp of Figs ia for sale in EOo and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any rcliabo | druggist \vlio may not have it on hand -will pro cure it promptly for any ono -who wishes to toy it. Do not accept nny substitute' . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , SKN FRANCISCO , GUI. IQUMIUE , KY , _ NEW fOff/T / , N.Y. GBAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. THE CHEAT ut m/\KiC KNGI.ISU UKU- KUr. An unfall- Int'cnroforScin- Innl Woaknpsa , Hporraatorthrcn. Itupotenojr. n nti all dlionaoi lint follow as a KJ- quonco of Hclf- nbii90i as I-oss I'nlnln ( lip Hack , niinncin of Ylnlon , rrcmattireOld ARC , nd mnnr oilier cllsimnc ) tlint loiil to lusnnlty or cnn'.uinpllon nd a. rromiiluro trarc. (7 Kul imrtlculuri tn our rnniplitct * which wo tlo- Iroto fondfrtobr mnlltoovcrr one. rT"Ttio 8po- ci Ilo SI cell cl mi Is oM nt (1 per packtKP , or fix pack- < > * < * for ? \ or will bo sent f rco by luall on receipt ot the taonoy , by nitdrpsalntf THE GOODMAN DRUG CO. , 1110 RAnifAM STKKKT , OMAHA , Nun. Oniocount of counterfeits no Lira adopted lha Tolloir rrrni'pur. ' the onlr KOnulno. Intelligent Readers will notice that Ms Pills are nofirtirranfrrffonir * " all clnnien of dlHciiNc , tint only iiirli am rcuult from n disordered Hi crln Vertigo , Headache , Dyspepsia , Fevers , Costiveness , Bilious/ / Colic , Flatulence , etc , Tor tlicfto they are tint wnrrnnlcd < n- faUlblf , but urea * Hourly so ax It in poi Iblotoiuuhoa SOLD EVE11YW1IEJRE. JUATCES. Additional Appointment * Mndo br the Mnto Committee. The following npiwlntracnts hnvo bocn nado for rcpu oilcan orators for next wcolt la the various portions ot the state ! Colonel T..T. Major * ml linn. V. I. Ton" . t WliU-r , Monilty , October Hi Aumrn , Tuos- liiy. Ootowr 3 { Mlndcti. ffcilncsdny , Oclo- Hon , Oeorso U JlplUfjolm ami Poloncl T. I. Mujors , at Kulrniont. Thursday , Oolnbor Hi nmbrldsc , I'rldaj' , October 17 ; lllooiiilntfton , biituriliiy. October JS. lion , I. Ii. rjiildwull and lion. T , 11. llcnton , nt Cliadroii.TiiCTliiy , OctnbL-p It ; Uuili villa. \Vo lncMlny , October ISs tlorclon , Thiirsclny. ( K-tolicr It's Ainswortli , Friday , October 17) ) O'N'clll , Salutxlny , October H. Hon. J. W. hniuluR nnd lion. J. K. TrlcU. at Norfolk. MoniUjr , October Ity Wimollcld , 'I'uuiJay. October Us l.on ? I'lnc , Wcdncsdny , October IS ; Hwlnj. Tmirsilny , October 15. Hon. 1.V. . J/anslnS and lion J. Wesley Tucker , at Madison , 1'rlday. Ootolior 19 , Hon. ( icorKo II. llastuut mid linn , A. II. Lor if , nt Sldiu-y , Monday , October ill Oun- Inlln , Tuesday , Octobur 14 ; North rliitte , Wodncsdny , October 13 ; Lcxliiuton , Tluirsclay , October 10 ; Central ( Jlty. Trld ay , October It ; Selinylcr. Saturday , October 1 ? . Hon.V. . Uolllns nnd linn. Mlko Mcliorry , nt Dndlcutt , ' 1'uooclny , Oclolmrll : I'lic tcr , \Vcdiiesilny , October IS ; Oilier , TlitirsUay , October Id ; KilKRr , KiMny , October 17. Uev. U. 1'resHon and Hon. Uuorxo A. Adinit. : nt Liberty , Monday , October II ! Hureluird , Tilcsdny , October 14 ; Table Itnoli , Wcdnciilay , October \V \ Dtiwon , Thursday , October 10 ; Hlerlliiir , I'llday , October 17 , lion.Y * . 8 , buinniora nntl Dr. n. I'los'oii.nt Rtrornsbiiri ? , Tupsdny. Ootoher 14 ; Hlsliiif , Wi-dnusdiiy , October 15 : Osceola , TlmrsUiiy , October 10 ; Ulysses , 1'rlday , Oetobor 17 , Pnvlne tlio Viaduct. Tlio floor of the new vinduct Is bolnff laid , but the work progresses nlowly on account of the numerous braces and bolt leads In the 8tnjcturottliieh renders ttnceessary to frame every piece of timber that U laid. Machin ery IsbcitiR placed tn position on the viaduct and a circular saw will soon bo in operation to cut all of the timber that ROCS Into the structureand npnngsiuv will berunnliig Ina day or Uvo to cut the blocks for the paving. As soon ns the lloor is laid to the south end , pavlnp will bo couimcnccd. Thiawill bo about tlio middle of next week. The blocks to bo used will bo snwoil in brick shape , nnd each block will bo dipped In tar and pitch before It is laid. - Tlio lloor for the foundation Is of sis-inch timber nnd it will bo covered with thrco lay ers of tnr paper , which will ho mopped with tar find pitching material Just before the blocks nro laid on It. A force of men will ho kept nt wonc on the pavini : , laying it as fast as the timber Is put in place. Hcott Still The disappearance of W. H. Scott has not yet been satisfactorily explained. Ho loft a position with the Union trust company worth $ lU5pcr month to him , and while ho was In volved in personal debts to some con siderable extent , ho could have wiggled out tn titno In the opinion of his fricmls. The trust company people traced him to Chicago , where the scent lost. They are said to bo of the opinion that Scott I * ixllvo and kickingnud that he loft hero bocnuso ho could neb stem the tide of creditors. His friends claim that wliilo ho is a man of peed character , ho never could live within his income , and that to this fact is duo his trouble. THE "O.H The figure 9 in our dates will mnlco a long stay , No man or woman now living vlll ever date t document without using the fl uro B. It ttandj In the third ploco In 133) , whore It will remain ten yoari nnd then move up tobocoujplacaln 10X1 , where It will rest for ono hundred ) ears. There Is another " 0" nhtohhas also oorno to stay. It U unlike the figure 9 In our dates In the rcutpcct that It has already mcncJ up to first place , where It will permanently remain. It Is called the "No. 9" llleh Ana Whcclcr 4 JVllson Solving Machine. The "No. 9" TMIJ endorsed ( or first plncoby llu experts of Europe at the Pnrli Exposition of 189 ; , where , after a severe contest with the loading ma' chinos of the world , It wns awarded tha only Grand Priio given to family sewing machines , all others on exhibit having received lower awards of gold medals , etc. The French Government also recognized lUsuporiorlty by thoileooratlon ot Mr. NathanlcnVliecIer , President of the company , with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. The "No. 0" is not an old machine Improved npon , but is an entirely new macMno , nnd tha Grand Prlzo at I'nrU was awarded It as the grand' cst advance In ec\vincmactiinu mechanism of the ago. These who buy It can rest assured , there. ( ore , of having the very latest and best. WHEELER & \VILSON W G CO. , 185 and 187 V/abnah .Avo. , Chicago E. P. FLOODMAN , 220 North Sixteenth Street. A California Nerve Food. Makes Now I'rcsli litaocl and 1'ro- llUCI'H Fit-fill. Cures .Aim-ruin , Svrolula. llutl Clrfillation finrtall Impurities of the Blood u veil as Ilm Narva DlBeaaos , viz : NervnvLS nnd IMiTilulnl Uolilllly , VIUU Kxliaiition , J're- inatnro Docuy , Trembling. Hjstt-rU , Ncr- TOUS llnadncltu , Ix > n or I'oirer In ItluT i , NfrTutii4noits In 14117 form. Cold Xlantla or Feot. 1'iiln In tlio Uack and oilier Jorius ot Waknr > M. Ur. IIobb'H Nerve Tonic mil brlnie tha roa * tint of health to tha ehnllow ohook. \VoaV , ncnroui [ woplo sliould Itko tlil.t gmi Ullo Ronewer. Try them , anil yi > u will Join the llioinauds of liimty nii-n aniluoinon vrho dally liloss Dr. llnDblor nil arf-at work In tbelr bebiir. TlicJ ire suasr coaled. M > cents a rial , for tile by UussliU or brmall. Additu HBIfS MEDICINE CO. , rJDPS. . SlkM riUKCISCO , OAL rois SALK iV- OMxrn. \ . . uy Kuhn A Co , Cor , IStli i Don lu Ktrrels. J. A. Fuller & Co , Cor , lltli i Douclas Streets. A. 1) . Fusler & Co. Council llluITs. juvra. AND PRINCIPAL OnUCQISTtl CVCRVWHrRC. TO WEAK MEN BafTcrtntt f mm Uio oltecu of youthful errors , f nrly 4ccy , wnstlnir wetknou , lost ro&nbood , etc. , I will end A valuable trpaUw ( tralnl ) cental Hi n ? full partlcuUn for homo cure. FHKK of chnrse. A JplonJMincJIcalworksfhou/d bo read b/crery Innti who U norrouH ami itolinitnted. Anilrciui | ' r * % V M VN ESS CUI ED rr ? . riFt A I" WllJS ? II 5lll * tUSHIOIII m a L iTM.r r. h rj Jl.llpillr. UenroruU * . SiTTmriil btre all KtmtdUi"- lx t k PI " ' DELICIOUS , STRENGTHENING TO THE NERVES. Tea and coffee cheer but do not nourish. They even leave an injurious effect upon the nervous system. Indeed there is no beverage like VAN HouTEN's COCOA , "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " It sf/mu/ates and nourishes as none other , leaves no bad effects and is a flesh-former of the most approved type. KS-VAX 1K UTR.VH COCOA , ( "one * trl J , lwiji nwd" ) . The ilronanmy take It vrllh | len > ure nnd ( lie wenk with liapnalty. The ciclllnc vOVcl * of ( en J [ und coffee nraobvlulcil liy ! < itenily u * , untt nerroa * dlwrilmur re- ' Itevcd und prcvruted , Itcllvluu , to tlio ti U. * 'I.urafil tutlclu the tvurld. * * \ \ AHK FOK VAX IIOUTE.N'M AN1 TAKKNO OTII Kit. 8 REASONS. 1309 WHY "WE SUCCEED IN OUR ENTERPRISE. 1. Because -\Ve do as we advertise" 2. Because we sell goods at less than the cost of material. 3. Because weguarantee a genuine tailor-made suit ot ready-made prices 4. Because we guarantee a perfect fit. B. Becaus.6jyve alter goods to fit the purchaser free of charge. 6. Because we give the purchaser more t nan he anticipates for his money 7. Because we have the confidence of tlie public. 8. Because we never allo-w a garment to be misrepresented. ALL ALTERATIONS DONE FREE OF CHARGE TO INSURE A PERFECT FIT , SE1EX WHA.'P YOU OAN SAVE , SUITS. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS , P LNTS. $70 custom nmdo suit Tor. . $ .12.50 $05custom nimlc overcoat for. . . . $ il'2.09 610 enjoin made imiili for . . .S SS $ ( 0 custom mnilo mill for. . $ aO.OO $ GO custom nmilo far. . . . $ lS. ! oO 15 custommiulciuuiU . . . . . . . . " O $55 custom made suit for. . $27,50 $50 custom made overcoat Tor. . . .If21.60 ijll ! custom matin pant * . . . . . , . . $ . t ) $50 custom nindo suit for. . $ 25,00 $15custom made overcoat fur. . . . $20.00 12 custom made limits ror..sfUm ( $15 eiiM om in mlo suit for. . $20,01) $10 custom made overcoat for. . . . $17.50 SJ10 custom made i v ills . . . . . . . . , ( ) ) $10 custom nmdo suit for. . $18.50 $35 custom made otercoat for. . . . $ M.OD ยง 8 ciiitomniaileiwuih . . . . . . . . $ " W $ ! tu custom mmlc suit for. . $16.00 $28 custom nmdc oiercoat for $12.25 $7 cii toinmsulopuiits for..iJ3.7 > PULL DRESS SUITS FOR SALE OR HIRE. Open evening's until 9 o'clock. Saturday evenings xintil 10 o'clock. ' 1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309 When slovens geV My they polisJi Srhe bottoms ol the p&nsV-When RVA are a never tired of cleaning'up ' Two servants in two neighboring houses dwelt , ! But differently their daily labor felt ; and - of her lifewas Jaded andweary -was one , Always atwork , and yet 'twas never done , The other walked out nightly with her beau. But then she cleaned house with SAPOLIO. MAX MEYER & BRO. , The Popular Jewelers , Are receiving dally from the loadina manufaoturora of this country and Europe , nil the 1A.TEST NOVELTIES in PINE JEWECBY , , SILVERWA.BB. OLOOKS , BRONZE ! OBNA.- MENTSLA.T IPS , SILK tJMBBELtjAS , OA.NE3 , OPERA. AND FIELD OLAlSSES , A.NHR.OID BA.ROMETEB3 , TIIEEMOME- TERS , SPEOrAOLES and EYE GLASSES , Eto , Etc. DIA.MONDS nnd all other proolou3 Btonos , mounted and looso. GOLD , SILVER and NICKEL WATCHESin all grades , for ladles and gentleman. HOWARD WATCHES A SPEO- . but all other , Wal- lAIiTY. TWO carry flrat-olasa raakos-Elgia - tham , Sprincflold , Eto. OUR PHIOE3 ARE LOWER. THAN" EVER , and ALT ) GOODS are 'V/ABRA-UTED. / Spaoo will not nllo\vus to QUOTE PRIOE3a3 , our atoolclstoo LARGE and VARIED , but como and see for yourselves. It will ODBC you nothiaff to LOOK1. Visitors are always WELCOME , and should you. WTSHt o buy , wo will malco It an olsjeot for you to DEAL 'WITH UcnW are Bho-winsr HUNDREDS of artlcloa suitable for WEDDING and other QIBTS , at prloos ranBlnff from $1 up to 31,000. All our customers are TREATED ALIKE , -whether their purchases bo SMALL or GREAT. MA.X MEXYBJR & BR.O. , Sixteenth and IF'arnam SLreels , Omal a. & ESTABLISHED 1808. | Bill i O\ving to the large number of requests that the splendid offer made by us of the Encyclo paedia and Daily Bee should not be .withdrawn , we have decided to accept orders for a short time longer , The full set , ten volumes is now complete and we will consequently make a slight change in our terms , OUR PROPOSITION THE OMAHA EEE offers a year's ' sub scription of the daily paper including1 the Sun day issues delivered at your address and a complete setTHE , AMERICANIZED EN CYCLOPAEDIA . BRITANNICAfor S2.50 > * per month. ! 'The ten volumes delivered on pay ment of $5,00 and the balance payable $2.50 / i per month , "i ALL OUR PRESENT SUBSCRIB- & i * ERS are entitled to all the .advantages of this great offer. People living outside of Omaha can avail themselves of the above liheral offer hy having the monthly payments guaranteed by some re sponsible banker or merchant in their town , Send for descriptive circular. THE BEE PUBLISHING GO , , OMAHA , NEB. The Bee will soon is sue In supplemental form stenographic reports of the GRAND ISLAND PROHIBITION DEBATE. T/ie complete arguments hotr/i sides the - on of q-iics- tioi zvill fa given with out addition or abrzdg"- -ment. ment.Qrdei's Qrdei's an Icing re ceived for these supple ments jhe price ofiu/iich is 5 Gents Each ; $3 PBP Hifndred , Orders 7nay be sent to T/ie Bee direct or thro any newsdealer. Morplilmt Hnlilt Kopaytlllcurtl. DU J.BTEIUElJS.LibanoQ.O. DRS , MERRILL , 8c MERRILL SPECIALISTS IN fbrnnlMforroni , IJIwd nml niionneinnd Wsenscior tliellyo , E\r. Ho o , Thront nd Clioit. blicclnlkitcntlnn In I > mon oi of U'o mon nnd Cliililrnii. The dnctornhuro bill yours of oiporlenco Inthn hnspltjiliof llroolclyiiaiiil Nc < r Vork. niiil are nnionn IbomoiHuccMirulina widely known apcclullili In tliocounlry. To Voiine nml lyildille-iVccd nim. Ixjst Manhood , Norrom Dolillltr. SporrantarrliiDn , Pfmlnnllio oi , 1'liyilcnl liocay. Drlilnnfmui Imlls- cntlun.rrodticliiB . olcoplOMnuiH. ( Ic pomlonay , | ilin- plOH otilno fore , nvcrilou lomtclctr , oiully tllaeonr- iBCd , Ulkof ronllilunco , ( lull , unlltfiiriilinly orbiMl- ncia. n > l Hull llfo u UurJon. mfuly , permanently and upcoJIly cured. lllooil nnd Sliln Diinnnr . Brpl > ll' > . " dliPitso moat droatllul In Its roiulU , complclelr ernillcnted. ( Jcnlto-Urliiary Snrticrjr. nonortliit" , Olcot , Srplillli , Hyrtrocolo , Vnrlrosolo , nil 8trlctiir , radlcallr nnil sntnj ctirnl wl'.inut poln ordutonllon 1'rura builnans. All HOTUnl lu- ( ormlUfiauilliupodliiiclitJtil mnrrluiro lucuujifullr rcaiuvttl. All Jlcdal dliea ossufoly nnd r rmancntlr coroJ. HouriUH. m. till 8p. m Suniliyi , 10 till it. N. U. 1'erooni unnbla to rltlt unn&r botronto ] at lb lr liomos by correipoiiilpnco. Hudlclnoa undln- ilructl'ini ' Runtby oxprosn , Cunaultatlun froa BemUcentjIa Btnmpi to Insure reply 218 Piftrcntli Sr. , Oppnstto riojil's Opera lloimc. Oinnlm , Nob. "LUCK IS PLUCK" If you have run a muck ncilnst xjino Hh- courmlnc Ulioase vrhlcli ynu don't u n ( y ( . r ftitntla ttttctor to Anoiti about , rrinoiiilier tliat i i t il ; XPitlmonlalH ; Itoolc mntU'il ( ntraliHl ) frterorlmnlrnrEKIEUEDIOALCO.EiiklD ! ( / N V. IN FKHTIJW ntSKASt YOU WLI. J-'IMi "PLUCK WINS LUCK ! ' ' SWAIITIUIOIIK COI.I.KUIl. SWAUTIIMUKK , PA. Opens 9th tnontli , ! nh. Id.U Thlrtjr minute * from llrnnrt ft H lotion. I'lillii. Unilfrciro of frlcmln. Full mlleKii cuurBf > ifiirliotliBUxriloiclln : ( tu cl.utl- rul , ICnilnourlnv. Hdcntltlc , iinil Uuirarjr ( lo rouit Hoaltblul lucillon , c > t mlrs uronndi , UiitlitlnK * . uiachlnmlioiH , liiboratorloi.aiuJllbrurlw. Kurtull ii ili'iilarn uiMrn s WJI.ll jM'I'l.KTON. I'h.IX , Actingrronldent. I'l.MIIHirr Acalcmrboy > $100. . liruuku Hull , iclrlt. Claulan fro Aailirths ICORLISS BRftHD JLIueik. Collnm und CJull'u. Correct SlyUi , OeslOualllr , Pcrlcct Fllllna Jltr THEM. \Vnlt-licnami Dlninoiitls Olycn wllli Tea i\ml Coffee A Novel \Vi\jr nnincsolnll loud ? , \vntolic9. oto , , nro nililod to ths ( 1st tliiily , The Ov runtl ! tou coniifliiy f Sm Vranclyco hnvo rented tlio wore , , ni'xt tolIollniaii'fioUtliliiy ou'o , mull 11 imlor to intfodiico lliolr ooils tliltconinny ] will iircscntfor sixty ays souu'tii rs wltli every can of toruttul oifoo soltl , such as solltl jrold , sllvorinul wntchoa , iilso goiiuiuo illiunoiult * 11 boil H0'1 ' " * llliii'9i silver tiibloware , Isoiuonoy unit many other nrttclos of ssMtlur. livery pui'chii op will rooclvo souvenir. Thoeolteo , oan and contents olijli alxmt thrco pound * , the ton , cnti ml contents vcl hnboutono anil iv luxlC oviinls. Tliiso'cnoiulvo ' nnd novel way nilvoftlslncrwltl Iwrtlscoutinuen nflor Ixly ilsvys iiiul these ronlly cimleo C'Mil ' | rill bo sold strictly on their merits , but Ithont the souvonlr. 01 cour o every urohasennu.stuototpcc't to ( jut ndla- noiiil or wntoli. 1'hla com puny claim. hat tho.v have just as good u. H ht to ivouwjiy watenos , tlliiinonils or jowclr.v * tulinoiicy an thoircoinpollton ha\o to ivonwity pliiswnre. uhroinoHctc. ( lofc p ni'lul ) , Those MIIO cot up a club I'der most always pet a Imndhomo | M'os- ut , Orders by mail promptly ( or\vniilu < L o nil paita of the Vntt oil suites on ro- 'oiptof ' cash orpostoniuoortlur. Terms : ingle i-aii , $1 ; six for 1(0 ( ; thirteen for 1O , nnd twouty-Beveii for$20. Acltlross OvcHiuiil Tea coiiuvinv , Ormlin , Nob. tore open fitun 8 o\loclc a , in , to O 'clock p.m. and Saturrtajstill 10 o'clock ) . in , Non * oiwu. ISlis. .1 , M. 1'ish , X. 2 ; ? < lst.Hlhoi' wipnr io\\l ; Mis. .1. linker , GlailHtdiio liouno , > . lOlh el. , silver live-bottlo onstor ; 'rjink Spelly , 15th si. , conibinationilla- iiond , ruby smil snmhiro riii ) , ' , liilua ; enry Solliiifrcr , S. loth M , , sihor hnjjat- o\\l ; RobfrL Xllin nlo(1 ) < ; obt. , units' tiK1 case pold watch. . In tea : Misa Llndbladt , l > orcas St. , ullvot.- lined cup ; II , A. Cniap , mail club rder , llastinjjs , Kob. , 27 OIIIH forJiiO , 'omul pents' inintin ) ; onto ohlvalih , ilOln gold coin nnd Hollluiro iliamoiui hiitHtud , in tci : ; Mrs. I'eldlcnp , S. Hist t.bllvur butter dish ; Jlrn. J , L. AVuv- cinS. l.'lth at.silver fciuj'iii' bowl ; Mrs. Sadlo 1 torpor , S. 31th st , , imnlln eano ( fold watch and silver butler dish , intoa ; : Vlox Iconic , Elm and Yiiitonsts. , dia- iiondriiijj ; .T. C. AIonaiiiRur , N , lOthst. , ilver pickle stimd ; Ralph Itoran , conn- il HlulTH , coin Bllver oliatolainu walch , n ton ; Mm. C. Slsis , S. 12th st. , Klhor , ; old lined cup ; Mrs Tullus Stcli ) , S.l" > th U , silver butter dish ; W. II. Potter , N' . liOth bt. , diamond rl ff , ill ea ; A , .1. Iloiritngo , Htirdctto it. , ( lininond ring , in ton ; O. 1' . Straight , Clark St. , Hilvr butter dish ; 71. A. JJnrloy , mall order , Lnwrenco , N"o1i , silver fjold lined cup ; M rn. 10. ollgsoii , S. l2il ! st , , eolld gold band irjg ; A. 1 ! . Hauls , Sherman nvo. , S50 n gold coin in lea ; L. P , Lai'Min , Bo\v- irc Bt. , pilver gold lined cup ; Mrs , M. Dolor , S. Kid st , , silver live-kittle nis- or ; MrsC. Oleson , S. Ski st , , silver . ) icllo ; stand ; George 13ush , llirnoy Ht , . , Kent's liiinlingciioagold watch in tea ; M-ico Cainin , l.'ith mid Martha , solid jpld band ring ; Denry Stm-fris , Callfor- lia , St. , cluster diamond ring ; J , IT. ifjKS , Cuiuing BU , silvur flvo bottle castor , Ik-MsioMcl'iill , St. Clary's ivo. ; diamond ring in tea , Mrs , II. .Volchol , N. llllli st. ; wilver live- bottle iiistor , A.Parker , mail order , Fremont , eli. ; liulics' hunting case yohl vateh nnd $5.OO in gold coin , Mrs. ( Joortjo . Spring st. ; silver calso stand , Aug. Cristens , I cnvonnortli Ht. ; silver cake etiuid , Alljert llossingor , Dupont fel ; cluster dliimond scarf plu in lcaThomus , jMorrison , S , 2Ud ; silverIIvo bottle cabtor , John lvo\vtilo\vsl < l , Dupont ; iliamondrlnfj anil sihor llvo bottle eiibtor , Frsinlc Proiiok , Uancroft st. , silvur calcci tand ; .1,1 \ 1'roiitiss , Cortlntid , Nub. , dhiitiniid ring tn tea ; lrinlc ] { ol > cf , IQtli n nil Spring , silver live bottle c-iiitor ; iM 13. Jlillcr , ISlh t. , Bilker inclclo tund ; Mrs. J.II. SahlcrHflth avcsil ver sugar bo l ; llnrvoy Y"ounj { , South Omaha , coin hllvor cliatteluino watch in tea ; Mm Joseph TVIldon , Council Blnll's , sil-\er live bo tlio castor ; Miss i'endor.y , ] 0th st. , sihor pieklo stand ; Hello Harrison , Dmcnpnrt bt. , silver gold lined cup ; A. C. ( Jyerson , Chicago BC. , clliiinond ring in tea ; John Wagner , ouncil BlulfH , silver pickle stand ; , I.\V. McKornN. 21th st. , silver five lioltlo castor ; Blanche Thompson , UulL- fornla st. , bil\cr plcklo stand ; Mrs. P. Uralnord. 8ISd and Lcuvoa- worth Htreots , silver sugar bowl ; Gcortfo N" . lllBhop , South Oinalm , cluster diamond mend ring in tea ; John I'ublilns ' , Is'ortli 27thiivonuo , money In can ; > \Vooil- - bridgo. Nortli 10th nt. , silver rjuttc" ilisli ; Sarah It. Dewey , Douglas st , , $ UO in gold coin in tea ; Thomas McGuIre , South 13th st. , silverpold lined euji ; A l- bortUotrovv , Cnlifornia. st , , olcgantsoU- tairo diamond shirt stud ; Airs.'M. Kodo\vt > lty , Soulli 20th fit. , eihor calco stand ; Jklrs. M. Patterson , South 14th , silver sugar bowl ; MatildaVJiilo , Coun cil JlufTs20 ! IngoldcoiiiiKrank Curler , mailorder , 1-Mattbiiumtb , gont'h hunting cabo ffoldwnluli ; T. II. Dnlloy. Hher- inan c.vo. , si her cake Bland ; \Villliuu Iritis , jNlillivrd , Nob. , elegant hllver water pitcher ; Chailcs 1 ! , Ring , S. iiltli nve.,8il-\cr ctl ; > o stand ; A. ( ! . Yate.s , Farninn st. , coin 8il\er ulititehilno watch in lea ; Mrs. W. K rielns , IWtU uinl CIIBH , flilver pickle htaud ; Mrs. Olto Lang , S. "Oth , hllvor butter dish ; Henry A. Gumer , South Omaha ; $ o in gold coin ; Finnic Degan , S , 28th , hllvor jiiclilo eland ; G. Kriehson , N" . liVth avo. , silver sugnr howl ; Mrs. C. C. Dunhtp , Cincinnati,0. , , silver calw stand ; Finnic Oswald , Jliinlaj ) , la. , coin silver cliiitclnlno watch in tea ; Mrs. O. C , Hough , St. Jlnr 'suvo. , Bil- voi'bugiirboxvl ; I ? . Kane , South Omaha , silver live-botllo ciihtur ; J. S , Roberts , South 21th Ht. , $10 In gold coin ; J. C. Painter , Clifton Kill , si Ivor baiter dish ; Daniel C'roftly , I'acllio .lunction , ladles' hunting-case fjold watuli in tna ; Mrs , JiVcd Ualilbbrj ; , Cass St. , Bilver sitfrar bowl ; Jof > oih ] Gleis- nor , Inn. , . st. , silver nugar Ixiwi ; Mrs. F. I ) . Gelding , Popnlotonavcnuo , diamond ring ; Mrs. S. 12. Starling , Hod- ford , Ja. llvorllvohottlomHtor ; Gcorgo I anronvo , S. llltli , $20 in gold coin iti teajMrw , Ilorman Blumclhal , S. Kith , nionoy iiiniii ; Otto 1 jell , 21st and Oak bts. , bilver utiKo tttnnd ; Hurry ( Jranger , Ij0.nMuii\ortlx tl. , gonts' ' hunting CIIHO prpld watch ; I'.lla ( iiirner , l''arnanist. ' , diamond , ruby and sapphire rin in tea ; Mrs. A. Duhiii , 8. ISlli , silver llvo liottlo caster and money in can , AndiuwMcdin , N. ! Hlh , silver but tor dish ; C , C. Luce , C. , M. &St. T. 1C It , , silver sugar bowl ; Mm. Ilonrlottal'ratt' , St. Mary's nvo.coiti Hilver chatolalns uutcli In ten ; Mrs. M. J. Clver , I'nppillion , nil\er sugar Iwwl ; K. J , 1C I-/.on liarkor , blnck sihur huttor dish ; Sarah Itodnoy , South Omaha , olognnt gold lued pin cluatei diaiiioiiil Rotting ; Mrs , Tl "Wimlien , Council 131 nils , silver pluklo stand ; Mrs. Jessie Fuller , N. ICth st , sihor biignr bowl ; ' Slioriunn . cliibtordia AdaGodfioj' , nvo. , mend ring in tea ; .Mis. T. Lynch , S. lljtli Ht. , silver live-bottle castor ; Alr fj. Stnrr , S. Oth , sllvor plrlclu stand ; Mrs. .1. lax'obiiH , N. 17th , silver sugia- bowl ; Mrs. M. Condon. NichohiH sU , silver butter dish ; Mrs. Ii A. Crane , ( Jeortfiiv ave , , diamond riii } , ' ; MrV w.lg , 2Sth and Fariiain , sllvor cake stand ; 1) ) , I' . Hennl , N , HHh , ilvor plelclo stand ; J. A. D.mgo , R. llth , nionoy in can.Mrs. Antono SfolT , Lenvcnwoith St. , silver pickle stnnd ; Mrs , L. KirchbrouSU , Mary'H nvo. , sllvor plcldo stund ; ( ! , I * . Or ecu , Daveniort | bt , , sliver cuko bland.