TELE OMAHA. DAILY BEE , rJlfcSDAY ! , OCTOBER 7 , 1890 , 3 FIE SPECOLAI1VE liWETS , tntrcasd Activity and Better Prices In All Kinds of Oercak A GENUINE BULL DAY IN THE WHEAT PIT. liilliiciiuci ( 'oinl > ln < : to dim Mnj tlic Muiitlilli Oils flic Provis ion Market. o , [ "poelil THojrivin to TUB Itiil ' ( In * win it nnrkot was actlvcenotixli tin I strung * iioiiKh llirtmitli tlio tn tli o session t < ) imi > pin < at < jfor nny AU'iknm ur dullness cIlMiluyiil r mitly There % vu sjirculj1 ti inliiiito friini iiii'nliu | 1" oliMliitc tint Ilia l > rlii'S wio niiton lliu motu up nr loim Tlio t Midfmy\riisnpuiiril. a ml tin inleos attaint ( I tliomarlit b 'inicbroa < 1cr anil broader until a. Kiiiiilnohiillmiirliit w.HWltiHVHod viral 1 liili M i.iiiitrlliuti'ii lotlimtrotijlli , mil ofnorylhln jilsu IIH tliu clnnto ot \ mint tcilliu 1 till hli'e ' 'llio MliiiKtli * lUc'f ' oiitlio nut ) , \\hero llio i > ri(0 ( i f llooim- htr\\iisbill iip to Unas asaltut 4103 us tlio totund''Ui ) ' slnj ! jiil-c SiilnrilavVlicnrUii - Inr tiaillii ; "prnul ilurnv ri' tr.ulws friiu ( . " , tht'llist iiiliiutivltli ! a lllllo iliilossliuiit | mice to HOi This was tliu Ixillniutiii tllllln , Jlny hold at 11.05' ( to Fld tin flr il ft w iiilmitu itml 1111 tin ) lint rnlly Diiiinlnrrii * o toil.Win ml Mn ) * . ( i' . I'niTii tlisi1 fl/uii's MIIMO was n llttlniliK'Hiio bifotII oVIiH'lc. but I' ' " ' iniiUi't Ionic nil ollirlii 9 mil nliout inklilay nnncil uiionrx- I'lllc-llt Illiy lilt till til IllHMmiHM'tlllH'llllI II Ol'j ' nnd Miyl.)7)i ) Tin row it it ilicllnii of Ins tlnii > 3i fronilliu tdiitt | oni'o. lint lonuil liyn ! ! ! uly. Mull viKrloil | | fiiio J iidouk nltli Di-toinlior arcjiiiiil 31 ni. Aloiit lliu only tiling In count njiliiHt the market liom tliu milsHltMns Ihc rciclpti nt s. M.1 i-nri , aiidM ill Diilnlli , iiink- l.-'llcaiiiit llio two pill n U Tutbo 11 nio tliin | linlp-il liliicJrini't'toit mflro iiiUnnvin 114 llio srllliiK out by IIU > oiniif r i- line ot ivlioil Miny iitlmrs Hli3 In a Klinllni i\uy \ on iMiily bilious. Ililsnas inoro tliin liluic < vl by tlm atllluilcot 11 utili liimn. IltlioiMini1 ulilK bnjer nnd kotitat It till lop prlu-iviro n lelioil Ills follow Im on llio Ijni slik' KOI run In und h ul t siilTur luws. Itnylnj ; WIIH lud by Cuin- Mtni'lc , Ullilnll , md many > lliors nlio linio boon wurliliit1' ? ' ' ! ' nn itivmcu foracat \ Iist 'Ihi1 vMIle supply report was bullish sum slmnlii8I.OUO buslioli ( lrciso ( ( vliorcis tin lucreiso uttOVHiO Imsliultnuscxpu 'ted. U'lio vlslblo Mipply IncitasccI Hourly I)00,000 Ijiisholsllit ! snnoiai \ \ 1 ist yo ir. I oul stocUs Mloicasiil 7SUIO liuiliols I < 1 \crpoolIM- i \voro bullish bin luwly n rcikctluiior ; th hui c t.itnnl iy. Uouilpts \\oui butIO oars , vlth only H CUM iC o - prnilo. Whontvtvsliold slronj to tlio cloio. I/ist prl'fs HUO : Octolnr. tWjc : Dcootnbcr. SlOt'fi : Mny. ! ll)7's ) alouaiiveil ftoinWS'iPto t\W. \ llnliiLliluriortJ : ! sonu utpirb btlslnni nnd XowVoiliiopoiled Ihe boitloadiwoiltcil. Count lyuloMlor ViiuUsIn tlio iiortliive-sllu- on.iseil IMIOJO : busliuls , a total ot VJTI'J03 ' uiln > l hlKXJ.OilO busliuls .aour l o. t'orii vtron : mid lilt'liui loliy licciuso llio rotilpts tic miivli IPSH than tlio csll- iniito , bceiinso wit wuatliur ever llio rat tlitiMtiimil tolntiituro the inuvoiiiiiit * llll f intlior , lieuiiiitu such rtiirts ] a i'iitiiclii finni < 'inlv liiislvln ; were tlKlippolnlliiK. lio- ciiuso Intul SOLMM | woio ridilocd fti Iho \ > iik , Ini'iiusiin bent \crystronf \ , and iH'Ciiuso Ilutobii'.oii biennctin nctlvo Imyci uoiiitliu dolt inn to I lie to ] ) Kudpts noic 4W inis niln ttlic istlninli' of lilO cars. ' lilpriifnts wiio 4miH : ( ( ) liusliols 1/n'il sloe1 It Hioru \ 10- Jnu'il 40IO ( ) bimliils. I'hovisible mipply liuira'-iil iSJOOO bushels -for tliu mule. May corn slailuil at tliu llrstllaslint tliuuiiibiifliioof iVJ , , J tsolil oil at onto toVe. Ilils is tlm but tiiui iirlio. lliu iiiHiiiicc win slow at Brst tuU'iiOtho . ) | KM hie | " 'l < 'i'x Iniusnoilbiiylnit t-nnloil tlio I n leu toMo.iltb \ slight n ict Ion to 'iJ'Jo. Oo- idoi Milil iiHciiaoto.r > < ) > iCati < liiir to We ; Do- ( iiuberMarliil iiKiiiniltJ'iu ' , MI ) | ! iil'flVoauil ilonii toD'ti' I astpiluson corn eio:0o- tiilmr. Wi ; Noionitir , .WiC ; Dicuniki , SO'io ' : Wiiv * ' ' tt . ' ' of oits vcro nih'iiiifcil with olhor c-criMili UuyliiK IH led by Iliitelibuon unil I'ns ' o Sain fop this nionlh vcro fioui Oc to : 'iC ' nt the o In so. May was a hl month. .Atli-r tlio OIHIIII | at 4'J'tU ' tlio in-iiuloiiiboil - id at 4J'i ' © . i. 'llio provision tuirUot wns much morn ndlvo Ihin usual , nnd ufltr ( llipliiyln , ! uniMduriblo HiciiKlli. cliMtlvlth fair uliiH all inciiiiid. ] llspitibes from tlioyunlsK.i.Ailiiit ) 19,000 IIO H a ml prliis r ) ti > IKi hl licr early. Xulor ndvlonsaltlllio inirkctwas htioii UK ! nciirl vnll ( ilspoauil of ruiclllj. Tboiip inl tnoMiicnt In prlics o ( co roils ah ) holpocl jirii\'lslins. lliitlilimt > iiVMis a sollir of pork nml liinlourly , lint sctiliurs woiooiuror to luke oirirlnpt .1 111111:1 : ry liorli sold nt til M ) to til 75 totll.l'J ' to < ll.8. 'iiill.8'l ) at llio close. Laid vii4 II nn nil ilav. sillhiKnt * t.riJ' ' { toi ( > .V mul clinlaj ? iitiO.iil6Kl.U | Sliort rlln tonchiul 1HO aiiiluloaeil atliTi'j for January , 1. ice K s i tt CK. CliiCAno. Oct. O.-ISpcclil Tcli'ffram toTiiK llin.l t'ATTit Iliislnosi for llio wiilc oixnud ulioiit HKo tlioclosotif liiit wi-clt. Good cittlo wiosc.irco nul solil ( iiilckly , while onIniiry nml oominoii stock ruloil slow anil soM at whatour tlicsalosmau lOiild cit. 'llioro ncro tlo.ist000 cows , lioHirs cih'os itul bulls ninotiKllio iirrlvuK iihout all oflileli \ sold clmvii tuns loit pikes an any day tills yo.ii. Ti\ui3 mil rangers , \vliea nut flrst disi. sold u slnrto lo-vvoi. Ihu toi ) iirlt'o for teed steurs was H.lKXiMlO : tilliors fl. ' O. ) ! coiiiniDii and niotlliiai. IIUOi"6IJW ( ; liiitiniis'.stoikl.'iKt.OOStockors ; ( ; ! | , IMKi'ir.lin ; Tivas Mourn , * i'.li'i ) .f.O IttiiiRoi-- . mill Jli ( ) lowir. althoiiRlitho lraudsliiQ\Mi ) as Mistorn i authors niado fl.l'i mul uvtMicud 1W ) pouiuls. otliirruiKosioiro. $ 'fOffi.a : lltim Aolliti mul MlOo nlchor I'aoKors inliIHlKitll3 rorinlvcil , anil shipper * * m t& 4U" > forprlini'lioiiiy aiiilbulolii rnpiulits A fuv I'lilliulilphlns ' so til at ll.TlXTil ? ; , . I list rliiss Iliilit , luijldiiliiK thosliiso soit , sold at lluVQti ; } ; 8.75. VOIIK , Oi.t. 0. [ Spaclil ToloijrnDito TIIK Itrr. ] 'louksworovury Irrojrulir during tlm llrst hour. .Messagii Hcnt aliroiU iftor the clinj Satnrtltiy mil c\pionlons hoard at Winder and clsu\vboro ( LT Simdaj Indleitod thatctcii tlielea'lers an badly at hoa ever the Inimoilltto future of stocky. Sollliigby Uiiidon has goiio beyond all ovucntatloiiM. "Tbo Klootiiy outlook li tlio closoSaturday liruparul tiulo for btlll lover ilxuros this nioriilns , 'llio list showed tleullncs at the opcnliiitof 'ito all nroiind , wUh OlnoiKo ( Ins iit'i ' luliaiioo-iibouttho only cxconlloii. llurHiiRion nponoil steady at 1IJS5 , rose to l S on a ipurt ntliiiylnic. dronpcil , to O.i , mid uplii rillloillotn. Ihcio nastbo ist irriKidnrlly oury-whcre. but onlho vbolo lluiro was a inloU rally from tlio cirly doprcssloii , caiisid by short buying. Alter priics uio on n , pur wither or lifttor than the olosn listuulc \ Kllliifwas une\Mil aiiilii hoioiid iliellno ro- mltotl.liiit prices illd not KII olT to tliolow IHihitaof tlitllrst tavi mlautis c'hlcauotias ( old iitll's nnd Ditto l'lvi , up In Ill'unid otrtulJU. fciiKui was not KHIH Ij i'h rulllik'liotMii'ii TllS and T7J < Now Ki toiichid41 anil riillk-d to 4'J' , Norlhorii I'a- lls ell l 1'ai'lllo anil Union 1'ailllc mo Cl > 4. W * iiad J 4 , i-ospcotluly. To- \\iirus \ midday llio niaikt was nioro icttlcil , llio don | ) > ston in stocks continued until late In tlio ilavanil , MHIIU \iry low llunrrioro toiiulioil - .Atcldsim : u , lloek Islam ) Til's , M. 1'aul ' IW4 , I'nlon I'aclllo 50V.J. lxiuls\li | | ) 7U. and olhL'M hi proportion. liiirttU the closliiK hours tlioro AMIS a truat. rluuii'n and shorts bumio upon anil In1 ivy Iniyorn. Tlm rt'ooiory usoolluit. . Kook WaiiddosiilHti'ailjwltliSiiturdaii linrlliiK- lon nnd MI Miurl | 'aiIKciavlisluiudil asin.ill HrtK ln ; M I'uul uassllil nir 'i : louls\lllu ncoMri'il tososllinliii'XH was tlio houUeat fir inputh , riafliliiK ! : tiii.s7 sliues. Thofollu liiK VITO tliooloilni ; < iuottit Ions : l.n. ) 4iri'Ki > lir li.'i i.Virtlmii I'mlito. . . , U.h. 4icuui > ui II , S . . . . C A > W. IlH. isj roiiiKin. lut ilo irefcrml . , IIU laclllcnor W . . Ill Ncw-Aurk Coiilml 111414 Cuitrul I'ncKc. . . ' i : J llilfiikDA AI tun IJ'J Kin-k lih'iul ! ! ! ! . " TT4 ? C..M-AM. 1'iul. ' , Ul'4 do | irifurriil , . . . . . I U AW IIJM it I'aul 1 UniDlia. , . * S Illiuililratril IUJ Ui > ircforrtil . KS .11 A I'nluiil'tclllc . M4 { Kgnsni.t Tumi In rt. , 41,1 , X I1 . ID'S IAUO Minr i loilli , Jo ireh-rrnl . . . „ 81 U Mlclilun CcMilrul. . , , ir.'l- , \\vntoiu \ \ U'nlun . KlJt , UtiKOiirl I'a ltli < . . . , .l .l ( . MO.MV „ . c nt. I'lllSfc Ml III A > TII.K IUl'KII-5 > 4til POP Cfllt. > T : IIII > I i\ : iiiNit-t > ula and bttaily : llxty-ilny LIU. * ) W ; ihmiinil.57 | | , hbuii-s. NEW VOIIK , O t. C.-Spcclal [ 7clesr m to THE iur.1 Tlio followlnjaro the mining stock qmitntloni : tiimtiiinicallli , , ,110 ilntsrlo tvn liiinu Ma . . . . . . .iwrj l'lni ' ulh IOO llorn > llti'r . . , . . , 110 Sullor track IM Irun Mlltor UXJ Citicuio , Oct. 0-Tho visible supply for the wctk ending Ottobsr 4 , ai compiled by the secretary of the Chlag-o boar J of traile , Is as follows ! . ir.OWOOO lorn. ( HI . H,72IOJO Hits. IMI . 4tt'iJO ! ! / ! , Im . -viinoo llirloy , bu . . . . a'Jll,030 , O't. C OI ) C. WllClt rill lleceinter , HOJ'ai May , tl.W'i ' © . 1. Uom-Stoidys cub , 50e ; Diccnitcr , MUei May. 'iJUc. o.itu r I rm , einli , J'ie ' ; Tlceernlicr , Wic ; iiv.US * ' . \fi-M I'oik Dull ) cash , | ) T3 ( tamiary ,'i. ' : inh. HJ54 ! January , f)52l,5 ) jn..Vti itvu- llarliy 1'nli't ' : Tie. Mut-Hii-u ' - i JI.2.VOI 2i5. \ \viiliki-r- } ! . rionr rlini nml inic'lianar-ili winter wlcit. ' -J.Vttir. ; | irlii liuii.ti SJ.Ooaxro ; rye , Jl.a IVJ. liulk MoitSliotiiaw , SIIB'iia'iW : short li > nr , 'i.T > ' ( /)8li / > hnit illn , 1" > W liuttir I iiclnii edi oriaineiy , l..3Ue : ihlrllTf ( t"i. ' li'mi' I ncluiniud ; full crcatn 'ji'i IhiK * > MUli s ; lii.ivy gncn I > , , ' . hid I'M V.1 ! tin iiil ( , s'iriii , deuoii . t lib. 'Jn' . Tullim Uiiuhawd ; No. I , 4'ii | No.5 , le : Jl" Uctlit | . Hilinn ntH. .lour libN . MHKI II WH ) II Ill-ill. 1)11 . . . . . 5HI III f/IOiXl urn Im . , . . . . . . 31 1 OX ) IMO ) VOIIKOet \Hioat-Iteeiinln , IIOOO : ipuiH , , spiit noroautlMi mdhl.rhi'ri Nn. i I'll , tl.OI'ifcl.Ut In ilevator. ilW.'jfi/IW / , ; lllosit , JI.O > 142U.U" ' t. n b. , No. 'I ri'll. ! N2L' ; Iv7' . 1j4'ii21i | ! ifp nil liiUIni up of stook Inllil- IKO , Iliittlilns in buying frUlittMiiil slioi ts MI I lri"M'Dipoi t biislntis. e-lisliiii stiotiK , No. Jio I , NovunlMM.ilD'-liu'.it 'JKXi'a. t'liin-IttiilpLs , II I.U'JO , o\ii | > its. 11000 ; s ] > rit. iik-t llnu , .Ni ) ' . ' h'lfJWsO In olsjiiilot 1 "iT'ii" .lloul , tltiKi iih'dmKod , Vl'J'iWjiijiipt loin li'ii IV liUliot ,1'ttu'im ' Inill imiilpuUlloii , Nu- tomUl L'huni ! ? al'iT'Jc Outs Hi'iilpts lllloMj : ovimrts. ; spot Miom'i'i : .Viililli1. ; . > ld3W $ < ) tinlM I ui'sli in. life I'k , \ \ nllo txisli1 ! ! ! , IVU. il , options ntlvo mil liUlioiVos-iiiilorclisln ) < it JVi' . I'utliu Citli ) | iisilosol ntiaily ) , fi iioliits down i ) II ) points up s ili . " . ( W ) lii 'H , ( Juloboi- , IIK.OI , MutinlK'i li Di'L'imlior.tlT.UU i7. ! Ill , spot ilo firm ; C.ill t-"i noi'-i , { JOT. * , SuuirItiw. . thin , lollni'd. qnlot. Potroloiimttidy ; uiiltol cloicil ixl't)1. ) for rM\onibir. ) \ KKINSn my : nostinn , SOMSIl1 Jf. I'liik-l'lini ; iiitti. MlVX&li.'i ' ; u\tra i > rlme. iniiKtMvestirn | , W.K > n > Uotl , Hiittorrilrlynitlvo ! \vosli > ru dilry , 10 < E6 1)0 ! laiiiucrv , C'luoe 1 Ml\\KA 11)1,10 ) , Oi't. li Win-lit In uooil de- iniiiiil , ii > uilits | of i.iiHislilpiniiits. Tie in Clisln : Nn , lluru ( k-tclit , * l'il ' ; oiiliat-lf , $1.CJ { No I northern Detolur , WitNovumlii'i. ; . ! ) > 'iC ! lleeiinhui- Wu : May. iPlt > viii ; ) trick. U7i' , No Snoitli-m Oi-tolici , Ilk , D iciiilHi.illi iini tuck. u' ' Cirr. -\Vhot-IIhlicr \ ; No. 2 liartlcisli , md Uilubur , 8'iu bid ; No. S red , lsll.'hO ' llll CoinbtioiiRor , N'o. 5 cash ) Tc ; Oitcbcr,4 ( > ? , ( V. Oats Higher ; No. 'J cash , tai1 ; October , ' ' "itc _ Cl cI : JlTlr. Oct. -U' StioiiBj No. 1 , rod. iiii.i-ff/fiui ) . Corn Pun ind ictivc ; No.5iiil. > od. Ontnrionp : ; No. ' . ' iiilxocl,4X2 , : iic. ! \ VlnskyJI.UI. . MIIMAUMK , Ck't TT-Wnit Klrni ; N'o. 2 spi lnn' , ca-h IKiTiJTc ; No I uoilliern , 1 1.00 Ooin l-'lim ; rsu I. fttX. tJnls I'lliii : Nolilto. ! ! . -Me. I'roUsIona Quiet ; .laiiuaiv pork.Jll.BT'J . ' -J STtJL'K. ' Oiucvno , Oct. 0 Cattle lioaolpU. ! l,000j . 8toent . < W > .U ) , linti-hor's stok , H..VJ8.I OO ; stooliM , tl'ftfft'lWi ' U'oxia btiers , * 2.lW- ( . raniwis , 32Wa > .n II ws-Kui'iiti ± J.O10i imiket nctlvo nru : lilKhir ; iiil\id. ) .IJ , prliuo , heavy mid bulclitr VMlRhts , } ! ixaic5 ; lltlit. ! NiO&JG.'i. Sliup Ii'K'lils ! 11 , CU ; market , utl\u UIH st < -nlj ; iiitlvc- , ( l.ooQI.dO ; posterns , IlUtx 12T. linilJi , tl. . " > mf.70. ST. Ioiri . Oct. C. Wheat lilghuiiCasli,09Sc ! oin Ul lieicasli ; , 4S-S831o ( : May , 55atE ! Oals HUlier ; oush.JOVSc ; May,42'jC. L'ork l-'lrni iitil'i.UU , Ijiird b'lim atlJOU. WhMcy-Jl.l.J It utter lletturxriKlcsstoaily , others dull crcumury.ISU. \ , nisln , jc , ilulryOifil't' . ST. LOUH , OU , 0. I'.itUo-Ueielpt' * , 5,700 i > lilpiui > iitsblaiik ; inarkut sloiv ; fill to duiuy " TU.'iu ' ; stockois mil ftcdors , j..lK ) ( .mil InilLliis , } 'I5Q ' > I.1. ' -UirolpU l , : JslilpniantsI'J)0 ; nur- ' i ' ' " " ' ' " 'li hoaii. i >' ; lU'litloCBI ! : IU. 1C > \ < AS OITV. Oct. ( J.-U.ittlr llocolpts 8.000 shliimiiiits 5.uiil , market itull ( ind loivur slofrs.i ) i.r.iii.i ! ( > ws Jl.OOJiJlo ; stouKcn ii riiiyo btuers , iSl.t'iriJ. ' Itui'lpls , OOOishltiiiieiitsJCCO , ! mar Uot luwci.all Ki'ileb.aiMJ ' , ! ' 0. hit I til 0)1 . * II I Jl I K liETS. Ctitllc. MoiiiHr , Oet 0. l stlinatcilrocilts | ) of cattle. U.soi ) , us com pnrid with . - . -nUml.'iy and 4,3.'li iMondaj of last \\ovk 'L'nn-tlilrds ofllio uteljits wore \vostcin cattle , llio roi-olpls ot oocl sluois \\erelliflitniiH juices stc.idy on Ueti | iooru grades slow Hint s tXKlntf. Ooo < i-o\\sstuii < l ) ; some r.injo Hi M cow * --.old a ( .1.1 ! ) , pooru oiiessloxf and lonor. I'eedcn 110- uuiiiiilatin , ' , iiiiJjiiiylhlu but ( jouil tuuiliig lowtr , Kitlmatcil tocelpts of ho = " ! , 4,100 ; ascnin piinil with 4ti' $ MiiimhLV and ltn : JIoii ilay ot last ioK TtiemarU1) ) opcnuil active und linn : nil bill ! cirly. liaa i ) of prices tl.oyiH. > .Iho bulk atil.lV3l3) ) ; lUht.fl 11X3 l.Mliuav ! ; ) , f I.UOjl.'JTi ; niltijl , fl.llTiH.'a The ii\oi.iso ollho nr.ccs pild. isI.II'i ' , us coin- Iinied withd.l-liSaturJay anil 1\ll \ ) Monday of last wuek. Slioop. Slifcp Koiollt < 201 ; imrkob nnohanzcil nutltes , > . ' 5J < ailOO ; estorns , tJ.01 > a.J.t)0 ) , Pretiiillni ; I'rlocs , TliofolIonliiRlf a table ot prices pilil li thlsinarUit for Iho Krailo of stock mentioned I'rlinc stoirf , UIOOlo IdW llS . . . f'tt fll.74 tlooilsteor ; , , iy."rftn 14-il ) | s. . . . 400 Bt ao ( JooiUt 'OM IDVJlo KWJIbsi , IH.4JI.15 PulrplUOO toll.0 Ibs Jr > ttl.OO Coiiinion , SW to l.MO ItiS . . . . , J.'J5 ( (1.09 t'oinnioii runners 103 til.OO Onlliury to full cows 200 8-iO : ralrto oed L-OMS . . .2'to W.C % ( joodto oliolco cons 2.75 f'I.DO tilioloo to fancvioivi . . . . . .2i5 : ( W.i" > Pulrto Kood bulls 173 ( M.ui Uliolio to ( mcy bulls . . , .2. > 0 fril.OD MKlitstockcrd nnil fiiidoit > . . . .200 fc..lM ) j'oi'dus. OJ ) to 1100 ll > s i-i ( r..f * rulrlii choke llht IIUJH 410 & 4.2J I'lltrln cliolcu In ivy Inns 40J ( M.'J. > Puts to cliolco iiihuil lion's 410 fflj.20 liii)4itiin ) ) ) ol' Mock , Sliouliisllio iiumborut ot stock pur L'hasul on this inai-Uet as ropoiti'il ) iy th ivuliliiua-.tcrs ! ottliohtoskyanls company to the MOIc ( .iiilbiijiMituriliiy uaoburl. o-\iri.u. lluyo n S wilt Ac Co 4.4:1 : Tliilcori.'eU. ) ( ll.iiiiinoinl company l.-ui riiuAiiuoni-Cuilihy nicking ottiunany il.SM Oiiiuhi paoklnjcoinpaiiy h. Ut her buyers , O , < M Total .IsIsT iions. ThoArmour-Ciiilihy packing coinpinv , 7 , < > < . Oniulii packhwimipimy "uj s\virt.too a-t 15. II Ilatniii0iul.l Co ; i.i | ic11111,111 vV ( o . . " . ! ' ! ! ' ! ' „ " ' . " . " , ! * ! ' . ' , u'.v. Noitli l * . > V I * . L'ompany j Ill-litiln At'o , ] . . „ WlllloA. Mills , 14 JOIIM.VC Mlles it Otlicr buurs „ 71 Total M,0i SIIEKI1. 7 ( ' ' " Tnu\rimmr-t'inlYhv piokin'i coniji'.iiiy" 1 ! ( MMirco 11 , Iliinimoinl > V Co. . 1U HanilltoiuV Liiilien-i . , , , ( H , . .i 5. Total. . . . . . s.'M Kales. No. Av. I'r. No.v. . I'r Is'o Av , I > r. 1 1010 KIM ID. .llftJ ! M W IJblllMU Ib UVJ 4 IM COH B. 1 ! 0 100 19. . Kl 1 U JM KX ) 200 STOChCllS XI I. o'C 2 ti st. OM s rn i 1 fiT a 41 : i lo i s r o i' lilt. IOU Ki 2 li'i 10 . IH1I 1 ! Til ( j u 1IOJ a M 81 . 7.10 3 73 iir.UHiH. . co i ro i. MI . si STir.ns , \iii.i\tia. . itn it u iT..ioa : t S3 CAUCS. 1 15 1. . 1COO 2 10 CAMUS. 8. . 3i3 2 13 \USTi : HVCATT1E. Vp. Av. Pr. ' ' " II 7- 47 cons. . "i ! K\ { 2 in J 40 4 I fitilor'i . UTi 2 40 JJ fiuloiN . ll.'J 2 50 I. cum 1IV1 1 no U-J liclfors US' ' 2 'M \UIIiiimltont- US'OU 12 cons OU 1 PO 77 Mn-r- . III ! 2 r > 5 .lo\vlliis& ) \ lliish U cons 1 fi. % 4 slci-rn i.'rj " 1) ) sliotM "l 40 in ; , it md S7 MIUIM , Idaho M sliorc , Id'iho .IJIH S7 sltnrs. Idahii . .11 ID Mandnrd C'attlu Co HO lulfors , . . .1110 10 0 slicrs . . .I.NS l < 0 slicrs. cot n fid . . .U'I7 \VilllnmMair- . " ) slu-is .ii'-a ' ,1 25 1 bull .IHIO S W ) li-'cons - .IOT7 M louis n S 4O nous. Vo. A \ : Sh. I'r. ' No Av. Sli I'r. 40 74 I ( fj 40 J ? } JIM 2-JO 4 or.'i ' 40 . .SIU L'4J 4 0.- > .IM ) r o . .s * : C.M i or. JO ) 10 . . : oi 120 i or. il'Kl ' KJ ,11)0 ) 10o" . .HI X' 0 4 05 Jtl ) o" 4 (15 ' in ! ! > so 4 10 .I T. ( inVI . . ' . ' 4 UK ) 4 10 ' . TO 40 ,1 ! IT 70 . .M % 2l ) 4 10 17 .UN ) 100 70X 4 10 1st ! SJ 400 4 au 4 10 ' 40J 7.1 ITT 200 4 JO 'l C'l SO 40) 57 4 1O ' 3 4MI 4IK ) N7 UI 240 4 10 .l ! 3 U'O 4 10 SI .111 100 4 17'i ' il 21(1 Mi 4 10 7.1. .SIS 100M 4 17'i ' . ' ; . " . ) Hi ) 4 10 71) ) . . ' 1 M 4 17'i ' liVi . 0 4 10 70 .211 2N ) 20 : so : . ' ro * 5.1 . M 120 420 ISO SO 4 r CM .20 ! ) 4UO .n > .i 200 ( > ' ) 12J ,120 2. > 1 .1)0 4 1 } . " 11 420 LMO lJ IK . 11.HI 120 4i'0 .27(1 100 41'i ro .217 120 4 20 4 IS . .IT 200 4 20 .270 IfiO 4 ! . * > . .Ml 200HI 4 ' . ' 0 ari su 415 .211) ) 420 ui " I-'O 415 ir S3 "iiir , so 4 I" 4ss ' 4 20 LIB 40 4 11 ss .PI 420 20J so 4H 4 KJ'i ' 2.4 so 41' ' 2itl 28) ) 4 23' , 3y ; K'O 415 4' . Ill 1 ( 1 4 2" LM8 bO 415 80. . bJ bO 48. . .28.1 4 15 1'ins . I. .470 153 . .108.m - 200 .m - IIOO 12 J 2 Oil .118 : too I-1. . soit i.'i f-o : ioo it .TO 240 1100 IV ! - 1100 711. IB 40 1100 87 158 . > ! „ - , li' ) 40 : i 10 12-J 2T5 11 uo - : i ito 15. lUj 120 2bO Groioi-ics. rorihn , 0-lblov.0j5c. ) TwiNns-L'otion twlni1. lllbl > , "M > ry Hue. ' ( Ib lulus. % : lolloti tttliii , XX brand , 't-lb hules , Iso , lioDip twlni1 , } | Ib lulus , he ; sail twlni' , 2Hi' enimlo vtleK ! | , Soi W-fL tottoii ulollii's lines , die : ( > Jtcottiin ( ilothis llnis , * l.nj ! liO-ttcotton lilies , $1.411 ; ( K-ft slsi | lines 41.71 ; ( > U-JtJutoi.H ( ) ; wool mine * 8'zc HAlsiNS-l.oiulon liji-rs. Ciillfoinl ; ! . Ill- , per hoi.U.'S ; 'lionislioi2.Uli ' lee * niiHuituk a.illforali Illy , (2.4U , horsL < .lio ( > , (2. ( : ; "star , " loose niiiscito l , J,1.2OjsicdlissUalltornlaJ.Xli Callfoiulasocilkss sultans , In siulc-4 , giur Hi , So ; U.illfdrnla inuscntcN. In sacks S'ic ; now ViilcnulasO'ac ; oiuliira. Isijor. IIL\V. Ju'e. ' KAKi > .AUius ( ioons Harloy. .H.c : firlni , r > opoas. IIV : outiniMil , I > I > N J5"juf. . : ' ) ) Imlt huKJJUlKW.25 ; iniiuumnl. loQtlli ; veimlcolll , ItKilllo : iKo , clii > Ico. ft'c Cifanoy. : . 014S.7c ( ; , 7o ; sa o anil tuploc. 63.7t ; ; lima bcuus , O'.tfiHiilllpoiiM , Iu ; spuottl , lie. \\ll\i'iM\i \ ( IMi-Kii ! < tia , pur 11) ) , r.m , IHc'.nmallh it. Wio ; No. 1. 80. J\loiAS M IJMs , N.O f.inij. pi r Kill , V > @ .Y7c ; oliulii ; . 4Vt7o ; ( rood. nro.UciUuba , baklnir , 28 < aiOC : , liltiek st ri | ) , 20i3. .1L' . J-DDA l'ks , ( ,011) , toljov.i't'c : kcs < 4. 4'ii ' ? . VINF.O/H : ) iir , N. Y. aimlc cldir , JOi ; I ) . S elder , 12oi n hi Ic , wine , 15u ; t in uj , fruit , | sc. Oils ITOpi line while , in ; IV ) w.itorvhltc \ , lliu , 175 licddlltflit , llSl'i 74 fisoltno , Uc hti.soiix-llbN , PBC ; ( jramilauil , 2elnhbU ; , I'.o. . . Ilins Am. pirioi ) . 117.7.1 ; ( .owhton. per 105 , 51771 ; Union squire. 40 percent olflmt. Dairy. JM ) lls In hljl , bulk , SJ.10 ; best Krnli > , IMH $ J. I , liostm-ailo , 100 N , ? J.4) ) , host sradc. 18IIH. * ! Si ; rock silt , crushed , Ji.bJ ; COllllllOIl , 1)1)1 ) , $1 . ' , " ) . U4NNKII .M 12 ATS Corill'll IjOOf , 1 11) ) , $1.20 , corned lecf , 2 Ibs. Sl.'O ' ; liinili tonsnos , 1 Ib , $ .Mil ) ; In mil tunjuos " ll > s , (1.75 , , I Ib , $ -MiO ; brann , - llx , f ilO ; t > \ tout-lies , | i , lln , $ . > . ) , ox. toiiRiiu , 2 His * J.W ; eli Iripod licuf , I1 , Ibs round caiisJJt5j : roast liuef , U-lb loaiiil cuns ipottril ( ! liani. 'i Ib , loimil cans ( V > i ; potlid h.ini , ' * Hi. roi'iid cms , JI''O ; ilellui ham , 'i Ib ronnl oLini" : , ( > cdovllcil ; ham , ' , Ib , ruunil cms , il.'i ) ; potted ot tongue , 'i ' Hi rounil citn. 91 W ; iompii < < sod ham , 1 11) ) srjii.iio mis. II SO ; roiiipn' ' < sc < l ham , ft llw , S-71 ; tilpo , 2 Ib rounil onus . , ntliiiuil call ) ps , Jib. roiuid cms. J.'SO ; bunulc li I as1 foot , , ' Ib. SQitaiocaiis $ . ' .2 > . SinAlt-I'or ' Ib Out lo.if , " ' -SoiOubcs , 7Mc ; Stnndaril , lo dcrc l,7'ac ' ; XXXnoiidorod. . 8ccranuliitr ; l , stand ml. 7r : loiifoillonorv A , l.i < iS7c ! vtrhlto , DA tuO , lirllllunt , 7' ' si. ; o\tr ( J.'nc ; untrul C , G'ic ; jjoideu U , 5' c tliul. U , fie. JUi-i.K ' tOAii-l'c r Ib. 5c caKcs ; iO-lb bo ves , MCI llo ) cilcs , IJO-lb lioxus , l.o ; Mb bricks , JO Ibsln box , pine , I4o. i CoiKiuUoaModiosla , 2Vji ; llunoh , 2.1Ji l tcriiianii > ic ; Illlvorth's A'l'ic ; l lon , : ncMaIlpouoli,2.'i'suj | Conbui. . 'o' ' ' o ; Mooln , 5'/4cJ. ! ( t ! Jav.iJOc. IliiiHD litu ITS Turkish prunes Icsi than hliiK 1SSO 7l ooilKinil : hlids ao losllostih ; jirunos , 0-11) bo\cs , 100 to 111) . 7Uo ; apples , iicwilnxcholte , iucuviiioiatcil ; ) , noirhi | ) rlnio. l > Ho | aprliols. fanuylnsacl > s 20c , blaikbcrrK iicn , . Ibsto box , llecnriaiiis , iiuv , . .jjatiu ; oriKlmi casks , ' 40 less ; VoMlzza curiunN , txtiu , In boxes. ( iJ4c Cni'Ksi.-l'rcmliitn P. O. , twin llats.por Ib , 10'Je ; I' rein In nil' . P. , Young : American , ll'ic ; lirlck , iu , iloriiisllo Swiss , U5&1" ( . : Kdain , In U1S Almonds , 18e ; Unzlls , I7c ; Blbortc , Hc.pccam , 1G ! walnuts , Uu ; peanut cocks lOVii'i roaslcd. li'iu ' ; loiuicisuo iiemuti , Oc. lluoo-Mj-5-tle , parlor , J.J03 ; 4-tle , W.'va-t $2.ili-tli , : > . plain , tl.Mi wurthouse , 8JOO : ' toy , Jt.S'iilihli. . 1 00 ® 1. 21. OltVKS-QnurU. inr doz , $ .00 ; jjlnts , pci do ; , t..V ) ; bn 1 U , per pal , I15c , ( . 'DilliAiu Mintllniupo All hlzc < i f loin 7-li to I In. , lit Hisil lopo.ull sl7i < s fiom 7-15 to In. * ' % ) ( ; > iU' ' > , "alI sized lioni 74 to I In. , M' . Corrovltorr-iJ In , 18c. sou1 distill , mottled , per Ib , ftJJIOo ; do , wliltn. pirlb. Hi' . riiKi.ts-.Mcilliiniporhlilf003sniall,5IO.OOi ; Kliukliis.lll.UO , hull 1)111 , tb.UOdJ-Kuhli | ! > ltM JlJ-B l bbl.f 10.00. CiDKli-l'oi ' lbl , lollnod , JilW ; hnlf bbl , $ l.V ) haul ckli r , jiuii' , per hlil. jliii ) : oian o ulclcri liallbiH.-r ( > ( i : lA'.tr ' cldur. lulf lilil , M..VI , UAvjsKi\'K"iimius Tomatonlhoxtra , Sl.llgil.i'O ; J-lbfluiuiiril ur-toriiliriMnh Kullons. Aiohor's stanilard , M.tlO L'orn-riiusl Brown. flW ; Onto CltvsiiKir corn , v ry tlno , $ l.V ; " ! > ) siunr corn. * 1JO ; 2-lb ovtn lU'enicr , tl.lo ; Mb siaiidarrt wt'siora biainls , IMiHhroons Mb licuvli , extra line 22 < 3.'lo Mb rriMich ' ; , lino. H'JSei l-lb rrciich. orillimrr , HiCjJisc. 1' Iros.tinc. ] .r can , ' . ' . * > ! ; dunil-lliu1. pi r can. lllc ; 2-lliMftnl , 8I.U,2-lliirli ) , ) JiuidtLnO ; . ' * ! ! ) iiiiriow.Maud. . aril brands , JI25 ; Mb soikcil , 7io. .string boms 3 II ) h ( gli grade. UifiiKco , II : 'J-lb ( Jnl- lU.'n u nx lii'iins ( i ; 2-lbstrlnc beans , bJi' , Lima IHMIIS 2-11) ) soakcil , llostoii'b.iUcilbu ans 2-11) I.cnls. Slul ; C'ronn ; > bwtit jiolalocs-j-lli Now Jersey , tl.Mi. I'linipklns- .i-lli , $1.10. UKn mil toinatocs-fl.CJ ; okru , PlMUlrtloilS. . , . 12 Ibs' , o | bliouhluri.ic ; pork loins , . 'ifi , pork tonilerloliis l-'oi lout l.iul , not leiiiloiiil , UiC ! ! H | > arorllH.4 > ic. sil.T.MKTh-llbls-.Moss pork , bbl , 11100 ! cltirporkh.iols lu'nuSIIWj mud inm.f 11.75 ; Hliort cut aeur pork , tlu.witr.MiOj plir pork , : inwavirii nitwbuol , Huoi miw ovtri Pluto boif , * ; . ( JO. now pluto beil , * [ 5.Vi ) new lolliil bunelo&sbuof.lloU : new bouolcsuiuuis , s. V ) , litui > - < Tloivrs piircloaf , C'Je. NOKKI > \ lUAttSlIll1lirid | haillS. 1) ) toll Ibiivk' , 10'if ' : nn ill urn 15 to it ) Ib uv , io'4c ; uhlnnoil ullc-iri ; , IS to.l ) Ib ; i\ir. lie ; slimiUlori , iliil'l bomli'hsluin , lk ! | hriakfastbac'on cluar , 0 toj Ib Hrlps.Boj ilrlotl bu't hams , nets , b'ici -iular.7c. ! . wiv bJiu MtATS-Cloar lacls , OJ < | extra short clear Col bolllo ; < iaii20 | Ibtxvcrngo. Olict short rlln , 5C ! lon < ch-ua a x < - SAiMAfl * llolonnn. 4c. ; bologna In XTCHI- siitid' . 4'ic ' ; friUiKf iirlt. Tcj tonzue , hi blood , 4'ji ! | liver , 4ii'l lio.nli'luvJsi1. 4icj rullsh , Toj porksiLimao tllnks ) , tf4 pirk baususc , ( meat ) , lu tin palls , O'lu. ' I'ipli , riic ii-l'orlb Pcrcli , * bulTnlo \ , dreopil , : | piekirel. Del plkol > ot iMiit.oo ; Mhlte. lOo ; -mpplo , lie : uittlsli , lc ! | col Mcik , l.'o ; loiinili > r , 1 toOrcKon ! c liioii. ( I5c ; black Inss , . < ! lob < lcrK1 : blue tl li IGc. Silt nnil pVklcil-lAiailsli , extra. ( looMf , ion , ) 'ifi ' iuiiil bsiiiK , uon , 4'ii'i Mttcr , Mb > loiks. iiije ; snow vhlto , 5 Hi bricks , new , S uj nrkoy coil. lir-go : tnliMle , bricks , vu ; now vhltot'riitM , 1J-5 II ) boxc , s' ' o ; nidliirn ialoillicrrlnc."jJoi ; Mi ) 1 scilcrt lier- ln. , 20oi ilunostlu II nil ind turning. l'o ' ) | Iniiibiir/LTsplicil liorrlntijcj Kn lnn lar- llnci , splio l.wte : lliKsinns.irdlnos. plitn.Mi : ; inpnrtuil Holland lii'trhiit , Crown lirnul.Woi liifuni'y inllkors , $100 ; nnokorcl , No 1 sliorc , inltlihK SK.VI : liloiti't' , halt hbls , flJOOs vhllo lUh. lulf liliN. "Mii ; tiout.hiir bbls , " > ' ) ) ! fiimllv Mlilto lls'i. Sir , , salmon , t .noiiL.r inlt bbl,2-b broiled tnaikt-iol , * .MW | : t-lb , in niistiirdi i'ti ( ; 'l-lu. In tomato HIIUCO , - iiOj 5-tl ) Mnjo IIICM inncktriil , : J.OO ! 1-lb brook trout. 81JH J-H ) ) roik ) trout , ! . ' .2 % : 1-lb viltnoii. II ! 2-lb vliltu ( Mi , * . ' . ' . ' ) , l-lbwliltollsbll.Bi2-lblub- , : < tcn.'Mil ! I'll ) lolnlors..W : ! -Ib ojslurs , 12 o/ll.aii Mb ! Ml nyslur' , 10 > 7.IOj } Mb , stern , , ' oll.lSi 2-lb wloot , 12 > : limitirin. uo/ . J.0' > : Mb Him- nrli , r.o ; , Sl.Oi ! rnlrniont , I / , * 10V Inlr- iimit. Ho/ , . , l-llicIaiiH lit tin nocks. Jl 15 i 1-lliL'ltiius Htlle nooks , Sill ; Il-lb ulim ur.MMi , i-njcrab < , e-.2i , . - - Kresli I'm It , t'uncy fall ami n inter tii-iiki-t h very nollvo. ruiu'y tluk Cipi' I'wN , inr btirrul , fJOUlloll mil Olnrry , i r harit-l. > iiw. OiAs-nij Jiiuiili't ' | ) i rbnx. } IOJ. I < LMIIPilioi ' li.ivu ajsiln auvanccil , fani'y .Miloi i. \\f \ * iwr I ox tlo.W Ou.iiiiiiM.U ' * - ! | llslit , ilotinuil ( liKid IV us.lutcr \ \ Nell's , Vic ir mid tllur ) v-nrli'tlii , nerUuv. fJOJ-r i- < ] ulncoi , porbos , HUD : poiclicAper liot , fJili ; Dluiiit. liur luv. li diMpL'S. 'lolcuv nor bu7j3.'UU ( ! ' ! . Mu cil , purluiN. flVSI7' > . IIVNASts I mi.v MM Imiiuli.J..OOCJOO ; lloa- , pel bunch. 41 W iJM. OMO > J Tlicsiiily | ) Isnnt Ijr onml tlicdo- mind muo-tly In i -niill : wiy ; at fl.lltKtl. ' - ' . " > pirlitislnl ; tjpjnlnli on loin ] > rcriito { ! . . " > ' . Hi : vNi-i'lmko liiiml plikoil iiivy , ! 1 1. " > . I'DrATIIliN dooil IsKOtlCMHybullllli ! ! lt ODe , lint tlio iiiiiUi'tN w ik bHKKr I'oi'UOi'S-SiiiMilj fair , Jeisoy slock pirbli.UI.oo. , . . . ( ) TIIIII , lior libl. wlilto tiiiHJpt PIIlilil. . * J i ; oiirotx pet- , . ' . 'Ji , iiuiMili | > . | Hr Mil. * i'J ' > ; lioi-t . pin- bill , f.UW , veiny."lilOe : ii > lurirool4orniiiii | trilii vl.iiwr < k , > W , I'unlltlovlr , finoy , per clii/.t..OKii..S.'i , B.ulfi' . pt i iloulilo stiliiK. ' . " > u ; tiorso mil is 1 1 nxilH.pci bbl , S-t.OO ! Hoisj r.iulsli niolti , jnr Ib , We. htroct 11 iilutP. Fen n-Tho rwi l iits li. ic boon inoilcriiLo anil tlioni.irkui uly al l- i- IIUTriii L'u iint-rj , faii-y , 2S6'Klct [ crouu- orj , eliiilfi' . 1 02 If : dilrv , ( inoj , 17Jsi- | : riniry , ihulL1 * ' Iliilwi cuiiiitiy cholio , I4ifl- : coiintrj , KiKid Uffl'oi louiitij , fair , lOSIlc ; coiiiitrylnfcrlir , "ii9o. . , , . , . . ( lAMK-l'mlrlo islilol Mii , per dozen , ? . ' > Ti& ItOl ! inillitfd ( luoU M < Kre 1 0) ) ; tell ilucks , l.iOj nilviul ilni'Us , il.o)3l. > 9 : ; lick Hiilpu , * IODr iliJp ; ciuill. JI.-'i ; rubbtt-IOO ; sinullribljlls , $ } OU1.3. I'our.Tiiv ' On'y ' a f < ' turloys. poeioanil clucks nip uriMir-i Ii- ) ( i'il pjultry Is not Jxlnjj lunill il to sill ) vxluit : istlm niMtliei Is. toowarm , < liolo.-liciu. p r dotlnoflJTi ; clioli'u nil\i' l , fJ.riW.75 , looMni. t. ' . . " > 0f ( ( . > 7ri ; piliin elilc'iiiis ' } . ' . - > JS..Tri ; niedliiui. V ) ; sin iVt 2.0. . ) lU-u. inr lb. ® ini' MpoiiloKuu iVJ ; druvsiil , IL liurKS-IJM , periloJiWS IOJ ; drusstd , 11 C31.V. l'io ' 1:0 Ue. \ . tier do/ , JI.'J" < .omls. IlHANV HlWWN t'DTTDVs .Mluilllc ! A , i'jC ' : Allilltloll. 7i , Atlllitu , I ) , IS'iC ' : \llliUli ! ! ! > . Uci A n turn C'J'i"1 : HiicU'sliuail , 7c < lUiibniV. . t\u ' ; llailliuton. ti'it ' : rmniui s'N'o. l. .iHI'ai1 : HooslurlilA .1'it1 ' : Inill in lioitl,7J4c ! , ! Lawrence Xl51 i ! Ilunrli'tt 5'tc- ' . livi : HitovC'o i roNsitlivnllo 1I/ . ( ) c\u- : rorn'teiiiori ' It. l.y : Atl.i ON It.t'jO ; . ' : ( 'llntpn IT , 5'tc ! IVppunll , It , fAv , J .iiu.lon U H , Su. lliKvMiiii > --llcilvlcyCainbr'c-N"o > , ! ) . - : > st U-t , fi'ic ' ; IliittiMilnlli XX. t'jc ' ; C'iboi.7Jiu ; llrst CalU ' , c : H'rult of the to.-ni. iio ! HtllMjiiiptor Iikin , tx ; Hoa-iKucp r. 8'au ' ; Klni : I'lilllp umbilf. Hi < ! , l.aii ilon I ! U.t'ic ' : 3jons < liilo. Di. : Idnisdiilouinilirlo , JO'iu ' ; Now knrk JllllH. lie : O.ik I. aims. 7c As'ii I' OA'ivns Tlrown TSct PiDnorill. 4ri.n. | lU'ic : I'lvpcnll , 8-4 4Sc ; L'cnnoiill. i'-l.-'J- : l' l ) ( > ni > Il. 10-4.UJ1 , : Utluu. 4Wn. 1'n ; lTtli .r > 8-lii , iic ; ; Vlloa , 7. In LMo : TJllca. M-In. JK ? : I'lloa ' , lli-in. JS'Jc. Illciicliocl _ - - . , : Aiuoslc.iR < licss , 8W ; Hilos. d'jL1 ' : \\'ar \ \ lek dmbs.'iiu ; Liu- < 'iHor. O'io ; Olunalre. ( l'/Cj Whlttonloii clicss , ij'ic. ' I'm ' VT * Indigo blue 'Set ? larthi\VnsliliiK- ton. , Vic : American , d'.ti ! A mold , fi'i' " ! Ar- nolil U.loiiK iliilli. DC , Mllol A. 12i ; Merrl- iiuiik , 78. llKfUold Lent S'2o : Hamilton , ' ( 'it' : Allou I'lnUs ' , ll'i ' ; Alli'n Cliaiubruy , ( xjj Olou- cistur , Vjc : lint teO'it * . I'IMN-TS rsinuU's - i : lilj'stonc , f'ius ' Slool Ithur , do ; ltaniiini | " yiilrtiiip'.MiirlluiVimlilnston \ -4 Me : Mcrrl- nuek , 4'ic. Turlpy llwls 1'omitiln , C o ; Oirn r,7e ; ; CrenlH'lil , b'lS Merlin , ( i'o. ' \\lO.ANi \ \ > M TliMUMi',1' ' ; Ituil Cinss , 7c. Coi.oiiH ) CIMIIHILS Unmn , 4)ic ) : Itcd Slur , 4tio ; Kollu I Clovur , ' . " , fclitur , Co ; l le'li culors. ItCAtl ,1 , \sn-St oions' II 10 In , S'io : Slfvi'iis' ' l > , IS lii , (5cKtc ( : .ins' A in 111 7e : Mi'vonn' I' , h III , T'ji1 ; Stc ensMI. isin , h'ic : Stucns .V , S ) In. 8'ic ' : StcMMis'N N. JJln , ti'iu ' ; sstevcns' bill' , O In ll'icihta uliocl.Ic u tra. IIUMiH Not -VinosUoiir , On ? , 10'So ' ; Vork cnniti't lie : I'\eritt. titiiidnnl , 12'ic ' ; HIIJ - in lUiM-'sT'iC ! Old Viillc.\X. 10'jc ' ; Liwicnue , -'J ' , l.l'ic. Uunronw.Uo/ . , fancy utrlpcs ami clinks , II1 , i' . CHITON ims York Nankin , I0 > ic : Evciott 8 < ) ? , Ihc : lohlon , 10 o/ , i'io ! ; WorlilngJiun'b , lie ; corlisurcn ciislimiiri' 2-'c. Hides , lulluiv , lUu. llmu , Tni.TS AM > T MJO Oreen mltocl lilcli's. No. 1. lit.ivj.biiGit'tu ; o. 1.'ifi ( i'ic ; No. , Ulit , riil'tcilry ; Hint lilies , 7 > - , ® N ! calf hldui , 7 © 'o , ( liiumed liliJus , 1'io lt .s ; bin up | nlt. uricn.cach , JJcOfl.'j. bliuoppolt , clrv , i > ° rll ) , lOBUo. | 'AI.I. < W A.Vo 1 , 4'ic : No.2 , 3V ; vlilto. I'iCBUiyolluvr ' , 2' , < jic ; sti-urliio , HOJ.IS o not. it tuns a ic for ilollvuy In Ulil- CUL-O llry liuir.ilo per Ion. JlU.OO18.00i dry count iy , bluehuil. JlOOOJtKW ) ; drycouulry , dunp and meaty nF.r. FWAX-l'or Ib , 20c. JKMjUs . * io per Ih DEUMH > Vuij I'boluo medium , fffiGc : 4fMo ; lieivv4o. ) Iliisit Stialiiocl , M-lli cans porlb. Ooinow comb lioiiov.fiiiL-j.l'iiTil : oliolco , Ciico vtrri-Pi'i ID' ' , * .IM. Ciii isuri-Olilo.ind I'cnnsvlvanla clicst- niilM urc no win fulrbiipply.ulliiK at Ibo pur poiind , Lumber. HOA.IIIIS yn. I onm , , 9ISOO ; N'n. Seoin. 10.00 : I\u : i mm. , ? l'iOO : No. 4 torn. . IU' . ! > 0. Mlli'lAI' .No. liUiln | 8 iiiil 10 Incli. (13.00 ( : So 2 plain , 8 aiiillJInili , flOO ] ; o .1 , iilitii , Sum ! Iilnoli.ll500 ) , ( } . OH Inch , KlUlOo. l'ivcl\n : IVIiIto I'liiP-Xo. I , 4 and 0 In . 12 nnil 14 [ I , Jl'JJ ) ; .No. . ( iiiuHliieli , It ! niut 14 fl : 4-I4IKI ; No 'J. 4 undid In 10 ft. , 41050 ; No. J , land ( ! In. , : illlonllis. Hi 00. MIUMI Af. . ' .uo , it. s.v.0 : 0,110.01 , , n. in.oo. ri.oouiNO-ft'hiloI'lturA and II , $ J : 03 ; li ? 'IOO : 07.0Ji 13. H7-W. l'iir.i\d-.No. : 1 vlilto.In. . 111.10 ; N'o. llmrd pine. ? rln , SIITiO ; .No. 1 lurd pine. Vln , W.OJ ; J\o \ llunl pine , S In. 421 wi. bTiirKlluAlius AaiKllI , 13-ln , $1200 ; I ) , 12- In.7.oo. . STUCK llouinsNo , 1 coin nion , 12 nnil It ft , HWOO ; WftllOU ; .No. 2 luinimm. l.' ' ft SlidO ; Id ft , 117.00 ; .Noxticoiaiiion. l , ls and 2. fl , Jin. W. nitoouu ) HOOKIM ! Nol coininonwliltcnlno 1 ! , It and 1(5 ( tt , * lOOii ) No. 1 common Y pine. 1- II anil HI ft. IIMW. . I'OPHII t' 1-ln , nil \ > Idllis , fltOO ; clear ' , -ln. nil wliltlis. } > . - IIA.ITIVSKl \ \ f , I'UIILSI , I'lCKKT.S-O O.bfltfl S'rln ' , ( Bu : i\i : < ' 'If. JJe : y-lii well tubliiK , D..V.M incllldv. C.lOiilokclB ! ; ' , IJt u jut | ti'OO ; I ) , t II sn , Wl.00. I'fNiMiiita WHITE I'IM : 1st and 2d clear , lln. . * piou ( : l'4. ' I'liuul 'J.n. , to ou ; 3d cliir. In , ? l. > ) ; 1 > 4 , 1'4 iinil 2 In.JKIOfl ; A. nolccl , 1 in JI.'OJ ; I' ' , , I'iiind J ; select. 1 in. ill01i4 | , l > , ancl Sin. , Im.OOi U bUuct , 1 In. J,00 ) ; 1'4 ' , l > | a ml 'In. , W.OO. ' VKI.WIW J'INK Clear.l ln.MCO | ain. , f,700 : , hr , I In.JJioo. . l.tTiiMCvtrn.VAX , 8 > 75 ; slnncl aril. .XAX. * . ' " ) ; illn. fjyt ; 5 In. . JJOU ; .No. J il ' "J ; tfilnr , \ AX. JJ.7.1 I'osT-\Vlilto ccdirln. . , ! iS. , 12'Jo ' ; 0 Jn iqr. . 1A ! | 6'iln. ' . ' | S. . UCI Ill.Utf.t tofllicl roiintl , ll'ioi oilc , iilltlioi | red ucdir , l.V. ( -i-li'i ) ncrroiit ! doors , 10 porernt : Minds Oiiufunt ; MioiillliiKs ) i ) iKTiKinti lime , hUe lialr iMo ; cement , Ainuiieiin. ( l. ' > 0 ; inniMii , tin Doitml , M .V ) ; pluttcr. * il"i ; stuw board , Jl.IK ) tir board , 81 CO ; tirfoltt..4O. , MotalH. Ht.ocK TiN-Siiull plf , OOo per Ibi bar , 3d pir Ui. t'oi'itu 1'l.inlslnd ' iwllor ilzps , ja j > er Ib cold rolluil. , Ho jifrlbi aluctln , ' , ' . ' cpor Ibi pi mid tlnlv. aiopor Ib UXL.UNIZIU buccr I no v Discount C.0-10 . pc outl piLtplnn , Iron , Noi St nml 27A , , iC'ici ' T'I/I'UATK-I , o , lOxsl , ir.Mi I. X. , UU4 , ' 'nx t'l. -Coko. . 11x20.112. WW. .Uoori o-CIiarconl , 1. C , 14.vU 11J , $0 0) ) | I , No. SAKUROi No , 27 , MM. nii Strlitly lulf nml hnlf , l&c. t-TK I. HUI.UaKisHMU , Silhl.AUllB .N'Ati.s-llaM'J2.y AVliiu Jap. barb , JJr > ! galv.JJ83. Thoprcwnceof i1 ai1rult liullcfttti a ills- ascil sculp , nml If not cured , blaiichln ? of ho Imlr iinil baklicsi will losuU , Hall's lair Uoiictvct * will euro it. Tlio Sl < aiidlnplo\vcompatiy Is inching from hiiteonthnuillzard streets tol.'HOatul 13ol Shcrmnti avenue. In their nc\v qimlcra hey will have four floors will ] convenient ckago facilities. It U so arranged thnt hey can load tlulr heavy machinery on ioaid cuts without hiving to rntso or loner t , the lloov oE the xvu-ohoiHo being on a level vitlilhu iilntfortn oftliours. ruiHGiir itVTis : o.v ccuij. Ion TIie > Mob tlio IcoploorJw < > Dollars lars n Inn. The local coal if caters threaten an advance n the iirho of hiirclcoal on October 10. 'J'hoy claim , at present , they io selling coal at. cost nml m seine cases at an netual loss and .lintau ailvatno is an imper.itlvo necessity or the protection of tucirown Interests bo it over so "burdensome upon tlio mass of coiiMitncis ovdilieu tltoy think of their einptv bins and the present stiff nice of this necessity. The bunion nppcira to fall upon the pur chasers ot hnrd coalns the nrira of soft loal s comp.mitlvcly rcisonililohenthodlst - anco fiom the various sources ot supplj is considered. At present liard coil Is selling at $ .3.7.1 for itico anil $ i ) for steve loal per ton , auiltlio lealcrs ilniin there Is no no pro tit iti the trufllc at tlioso priLTH. They iissorttliut they Myfci.fiOatonfor liard coil liiClilci ii. The reiglit from Chicago to Oinnhais SM.'U uton. J'o thU is lidded 10 icnts a ton for switching , another 10 cents for sbcHcllngfees nndvnsto und Ml cents aton ciirtogc , and tlio cu&tomoi's tonof coil is thus Ipuicd out to cost tlio deilcifl.r 0 ThU is .bo present pike , anil tlio dealer who sulU at tit loses .TO cents on each ton. The only lurd coal that run be delivered noiv ut f'J aton without loss to the dealer , ills chimed , is .hat which WJM puuhased by the dealer mlor to .lulv l\vhcn the wholesale prim was " . " > cents a ton lesstliiin it is now Even on the suloof .July piitehases the dealer el.ilins there s but a inii'Kiaof Scents per ton , and that it such figures tlicto is no lhiniinotltfor liin . . There are t\vo Itetns of profit that the ivcrigo uistomcr does not Icnow of and on whkh the dialer never talus pilns to en- .iKlitcn lilni. Iho litter buys his Hack dln- : nonds utmlnq weight , ! ! , ' . ! 4U pound * to the Mn , so that on caili car of twentj tons-re tailed nt L',00)pounds ) to the ton there Is a nmgln of li , > a ) pounds to thodealcis' credit .They claim , however , thit thisinariiiii Is lost .11 shrink IRC , battening , cte. ' the chaigo of.)0 cents aton tor cnrtag-e brines in i seed \ciiuo ! to the Juilcis , csiiceially as inostof thum keep C ? Ir dr.ijmen employed in other work when not actually cngagcl iu for custoinois. But wlulovcr thcdealiH in ay claim in sttp- lioitof their.stiff piices , tliero is one itcni qC ostln the business tliat all a reo Is exorbi tant and should bo reduced , and is the fiehjht ute on the lominodity Tlio nitcou liaiil coal fiom Chicago to Ounlia is ? : iJl ) a toiiantl It iiiakoa no ililleieiice , the dealers claim , whothci they buj in culoud or ti.ilu load lots , the iito is the same. Allcffoits to secure a icductioii iff the rates lu\o bueu fti tlio. Prior to the p.iss.ijro ot the intcritutc commerce l.uvthc i.ate onlniril from Chicago cage 'o Otnuh.ius 100 , i ton and the roivlsure all appatcntly anxious to li.indlo the ( oinmodlty nt that llgme. U'hcti tlio coininiisloii mot to examine the rites vith \lc\v \ of ; them , thorallioad eotnpnnlos pooled on uj-l.-l ) rate ne.uly don bio the old tariff and that ' 11 pure has 'sinte been maintained It is n highly profitable business , tlnsconl hatillng , fiom the rallroul , standpoint. Omaha ; iniiu- nlli coasunics about six tj thousand tons of haul coal , on U'tiiih the r.iilro.ids Ooruo n tariff ro > cnua of nurly $ iU,000. ( ) Thuio is now on hand about thirty thousand tons of haul coal , inostof itpunhasedin July-\ahich will supply the local demand until about De cember I , Jit boft coal the sources of supply nro mete numerous and piices nio gutitiully inoio reasonaWc. The mines of Wyoming , Coloiailo , Illinois , DaVtotn , Io\va , Indium , Alissourlantl the Indian Territory contribute ) to the soft supply , and the piices laiipo from $7 to 4-1 per ton for stove , wlnlo fttin.ico coallb furnislicd at from $1.Koto 10 pci ton delhoied On this cheapeigrada ot soft coal dealers claim to make a profit of less than 5 cents aton. 'l\\a \ \ rate on solt coal from Chicago to Oiniha Is a ton. 1'riccs on softcoal will not be advanced much during the month. U'aier Sotvp Five .Cents . A. Cake Army > o\vn , Company U , Eighth infantry , arrived at FortrilcKlnnty on October JnudUompmy F of the same iCRimcnt autved at 1'ort AVashaido on the 4th , cioh taking station at the posts named. Captain Spencer , assistant surpcon at Tort 13ridger , will not bo able to icieh ITortOmiha usicllcfto Dr. Bradley bcfoio October 11 , wlicn the latter will talto sUition in this city. Colonel Guy V. Hutu/ , Ninth cavalry , Foil \IflClniicy , Lieutenant ! Mat Kern , Tviciitleth inlantry , FoilOimha , and thofol- lo\\ing ofticcfsof the lastgiaduating class nt West Point , \voro visitors at department headiuaitcrsesterd.iy ) morninff rJeutemnts MeillUt , Davis. Galley , Tifth artillery , nnd Lyon , Se\eiiteenthiiifantry. Tholirst three arc en route to their lenunenton tbo Piu/lllo coast , and tlio latter to i'ort IJussQll , All are guests nt the Muaruy. cu Kencuil court m.utlal will meet at Tort Nlobrara , October 9 , composed of the follo\v- InsoHlccrs : Lieutenant Colonel Smith , Uap- t.iins l orter and " \Vhltncy. ICIghth Infantry Captain Cusick , Ninth cavalry , ( Japtainlh-i estand LleutcnantsMotUnd Wtclier , Klghth infantry , Lieutenant Uobell , assistant sur geon ; Lieutenants StatToi-d and IJIchaitlsoii , Kighth infautiy ; LloutcnintUinghain , Kiath ca\alrv | Lieutenants liutheia nnilones , Kit'hth Infantrj : Lieutenant llutcucsou , Xintli cavulrj , judge advocate. Agenrral court-martial will meet tit Tort au Uhesno , October U. coinposeil of the oUoA'hit'olllcers : Captain ltos > c , Sixteen th iifantry ; Captain Tucker , Ninth cavalry ; Captain Robinson , assistant surgeon ; Cap tain Dimmick , Xinth cavalry ; Lieutenants Now ton ai.d George , Sixteenth infantry ; LicutenanH Alexander , IJoino anil VOUIIK , Ninth cavalrji Llcutonaiit Tyler , Sixteenth Infantry , Jiidio ; ad\ocatc , hleutcnantlCInzle , adjutant of the Second infantry , FoitOimhu , has had hislca o ex tended llvo months Sergeant Condon , company C , Sixteenth infantry , ITort Iti ) Chcsne , and Piivato Staren , company U , Jllglith lnfnntrvroft MclCin.iey , liave been ordered dlbcharged from the army under general orders No. bl , A. 0.0 .Sccoml Lieutenant Guy II. Preston , Math caulry , Is ordered to proceed to 1'ort Jlyor , Va , fortotnpor.iryduty Llcutetinnt 1'iestou is at prcieat on duty at 1'oitHobinson. 1'iivato Biines of the boipltal corps at Foil \VashtiWe , Is onliiod illschaiBodlrom thoarm ) to cn.iblohiin to enter ttiosoldiers' homo atViu \ > hlniton. 1'rlvato AVilliam Kemp , company C Twenty first Infantry , Fort Sidney , Is or- dcied illschargcii under general orilors No 81. A. t ! . 0 , and also Privates ISnimol Johnson. tree | > M , Ninth ca\uh'y , Portltob < irison ; lludolt Sclimlti , Fort Uolilnson. hoa. pilal corps , anil Ftank A andJohall ticarsv companj A , Sixteenth infantry , Tort Di Ctiesno , The only railroad train out of Omahn run oxprosoly for tlio accommodation o Omaha , Council Ulullri , Dus Mollies anil Chca ! o bmlnoM is tlio Uook Islutu vcatlbuletl limited , leuvln Oinahtv u.i 4:15 p. m. dally. Tlckof oilico 1002 , Six teenth and. 1'iirnitn ts. O 'lhi ) 1'ort Omaliii < ! anilli'i'H. ) GItlelBh , Scrfc-eant Ed Itlvers , W W Barnes , the four soldiers nr rcjlcd for eaiabllnj ; ucar 1'ort Omaha lua 5nturdny nlplil. and William Ringer , n In- > orer , arrested tor the " "niuo oflcnsccro \ r- ralKned Iniofo \ \ court Aestonlny nflcrnoon. uiluo ilcUU'.v told them thnt tliocaso wns ) noovcr uhlcliha uiil no Jurisdiction , but ho could sit ns nn c.Miinluhiff iniplttrato and icnrtho rose If tl cy prcferreil thnt rnthor hnu to peat onoo tothe illstrlit court. Mhoy all mkcd for n hearinir befoi-o the police Jxulpo ucl It wns granted , Tlio\\vlll \ bo tried on the th ofthoinontlint : ii. ] tn They nil furnished i satisfactory bond for their uppcaranco and vewrcleucd from jail. The Kxcrlnlor Siriiis | ) ; , Jfo. , U'ntrrn Arc nuturo'aurlc solvent , mid nro Sixclno ortnfhmnmtlonof tlio blnJilor , 'iclnoy ( Unorder * ; also Hheumatlsm , Uout nnil Dropty. NroijIQISXT INhlM-JOrOUH. flicy nro tlio SnliJoc't or n Rnnst nt tlm IlnnilH of Miijof Piirft- ) . The members of the boaui of public \vorlss icUla special session vestertlaj afternoon Thosldewnlltcstinnto of § 2 , 0.05 In f : or 'f ' IMtvanl Burr.s wai called tip for passage. Mr , 13hldumscr hail seen the ualUs and ound them In bid condition Tlio nc\v walks n Smith stivctiiro not togradennd besides he.\ are not 1 n place This finding icsultcd n the estimate beliip ilUalloHcd. nnii ILo noney will not bo forthcoming until the li.- peitorputs tliowalkt where they lielon Mr. Funy roistoilSldcHiillcliispcitor llli- nhiRhaniton tuin. llustild1'heeompliint s nnlvursil , niulvc will not nllov anotli r jstimato until the inspeitor hces the walk - irolild ncconliiiK tospcclllcatloni U'ovnnt in Inspedor vlio cm road nml uiidcrstund ho terms of a contract. U'o liive loncludod o sltdovn on this liind of business and 1 ho Inspector cm't do his \vork as ho isln- .triuled . HU want toknou it , so tint no can ; ct some one v ho will. ' 1 lie man paisnont cation tooixlinincesiiiul In cjery liibtntico lays mow attention to the \\ishcs \ of the iropcrty o\vnew \ Ihun ho docs tothotuv ( jov- nlnff him " The folUnviiiff cstiinntpt mere nllowcil : M Oiill.iliiin , t'l-.ulin ' institute louloMird rom ILinnilton to Nelson hticet , SUIT" ; ; rading kelson itrcct from Iiistititutu boulc- urd lo Lowe lU'cinie , Sl'J'.bV ' ! , Kil I'hchin , ; radlnK Thirtv-fouitti ttieet , from 1'ailllc treet \Voohvorth \ avenue , fiOUOJ ; Knl tcfiiu. painting the UlovcntU street vlailuct , fl , 4V ) . IJy resolution the clinirniati of tlio bonrd mul the citv engineer wow instructed toix miino the lClu\entlistiect \ viaduct with a iowto in iking repairs. The fountain dointcil by the late O F. a is and no located at IMKhtcentlumd 1'iu- inni , wasoidcicd piintcd and plnud in n n-eseu table appearance , Fits , sjmms , St. A'itus' dance , n frvousncs nul hysteiia ura soon cured by ] Jr. i\Illos Vculno. rrco bam pies utlCuhiiiNi C'o's , 15th Ohjoct to the Klanchtor IIouso , C , B. HciininlnMS ) in police couit yestcr- lay , and ho was in a bad liumor. Assistant rosccutinB Attorney Shocm liter had dis pensed him by dismissing a case ngainst E. \ . Jliirsli and S L. Hlebcit for maintaining a lausliter house ulthiii the dty limits , on Uhailes street between Seventh anil liijhtli. Mr , lieiijamln lives at Chariot anil 1/ifth streets , and he declares that the slaughter loxiso kept by Marsh & S LJ. Hlcbert Is n misancoto public health , deeply 'ntcrostcdln ' the case , ho saiil , bciauso l\ > insa family of childien , nnd the MiiUHhlor louse hobelio\es in , i breeder of tliplithciln iire\alcntln that part of the city. Mi. Snoomairer explains wh ) ho nnd dis missed the case bolero Itcuino to tilal. He snhl that the onlyordininco under which hov could lioiw to in ike a ease against iMniih t Itiobcitwiis dcfcilivc , iind that the ease would lima been nfniluio wncn bioiiKlit to trial. Ilosnys the ordinance reads Unit no one slmll bo allowed to slaughter nnimuls within the citj limits ut iloflned inlbbH , but thoplncowhoio Mii h \ , Uiibertnro no\\ ocatcdas \ not within tlio city limits at that time Ivlr. Benjamin lias begun a case against Maish &Rlcbeit for malntaiiiinc ; annisimce , nndlio Relieves tint thobuslnoss of Icilllnjf animals out there sonoiu a resilience uortlon of the city can bo broken uji if the pioso cutlnp attorney will only push ttte cases AUion once they are UOKUH "NVlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chll- ; lren teethiiiK produces natuial , fj.ulet sleep. -5 cents a bottle. The Cotmoil. 13 cchel , lilunicr , Cooper , Wheeler , Lovry , Jladsen , Shrlvcr , Sander , ICnspar , haffco and Osthoflnict in special session of. tlio ilty council last night to fill vacancies hi the boards of registration In scvcrjl of the voting piccincts. Tlio follo\UiiK were up- liointed to lill vacancies' M AValtemcjer , Ifiist district. Ninth waid ; J , D. Leo , Tnh < i distiict , Ninth wind ; " \V , A. Spemor , Second end distiict , JN'inth ward ; John AVurraeks , First distiiet , IHrstwnrd. 'Jho places for registration in the first division of the rirst ward was changed fiom TiySouth Thlitcenth stieet to 7IJ South Thirteenth sticet. Iv'o household is complete without n case of Cook's Extra. Dry Jmpeilal Champagne. It's the best sparkling iUno made. .Assaulted tlm CoriBtiililc. Constable CV. . Allen , wlillc replcvlnlng some goods on South Tenth street jesterday afternoon , got Into a dispute vlth M O. Uax- ton , wlio manages a sewing machine business at 1G07 Tarnam sticob. Uaxton claimed a ewmg machine th it-\\as among the good * llen had replevincil. Ilowns about totulto the machine an ay from the constable ivlicii they got In to a fight over the nutter. Oftlccr Vl7zinl toulc the two men to the station , where Daxton was fined $5 and costs. "Whciijou need n gooil , safe laxative , nsk your druirglstfor ubox of Ajcr's Pills , nnd you will Iinil that they give perfect sntlsfac- tion. ITor indigestion , torpid liver , niiti sick headache there is nothing superior. Leading phjsiclans retommcnd thorn. Itixn Into the Viaduct , Jn switching a freight train upon a tempo rary switch in the Union Pacific jards yes terday morning a caboosonnd six cars were run off the track and ngainst the viaduct , broaldiiRono of the crossbeams that hold the piers together at tlio bottom , nnd bending nn- otlier one. The stones upon vliich the piers stnml weiomo\cd \ about three inches and the entlio span was thrown slightly out of lino. The people's remedy forthccurcof CouRhs , Colds , Asthma , Hoarseness , llionchltls , Croup , Jnlluenz , Whooping Cough , Incipient Consumption , as Jr. ) J3ull's Cough Syrup , the old iclliibio. rilcc Si cents. 'J'o promptly nnd permanently cure ihou mntism _ or neuralgia use Salvation Oil i'l'lco l5 ! cents A. 1\\K \ \ Electing Iti'iinliiKtoii , Thctols going to bo arousing big inoetlnp at IJennlngton on the ' .7th. The speakers will bo Jloao 1 > O'llrlen , M. L Kocder , Clins Spccht and one ortwo others. Prominent farmers of that community are deeply inter ested in the meeting ami a grand time and u largo crowd tun looked /or. A IjlKlit la K\rry Her III. To the Chicago , Mllwaukoo A St. Paul railway bolongri tlio creditor being the llrut In tlio country to voduco the inattor of olootilo lljjhtiny of trains to scloiitillo perfection. Ono of the novel features introduced In the ijleopliijf cam Is iv pntunt electric reading lamp in each Bcctioii. With this luxuilous provlbioii rc-idingnt nlghtboforo nnd after ictlr- inf { becomes iis coinfortablo as by day , anil wlwn rottrinfj the loilot may bo inado In comfoit and fctuluslon , The bcith loading lamp In the I'ulliuan sleeping cais inn on thoChicajro , Mil waulccotSi St. 1'aul railway , botneon Omaha and Chlcaijo , IB patented , tint cnnnotbo used by any other rnihoiu coinpnny. It ia the greatest Improve meat ot the ago , Tiy it and bo con vlncod , Sleeping cars leave the Union Piiclfia depot , Omahn , at 0:10 : p. in , dully , nrriv- ini' at Chicago at U)0a. : ! ) rn , Snouro tlckotsand looping car boitliHiit Unloi TlcUotolIlce , 1501 L'.umun6trectUarkor ( 131oclc ) , OinnliiL J.U. I'ltKS'io.v , F. A. NASH , Pass.Affont Con ' 1 Agent. Omaha Manufacturers , IIout s nnd KtHCEHDALL , JONES It CO , Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shots goctifor BostonIliihbtrShooro. , 1M ! , ItOltndllW llnrnt ; HtrretOiiinlin. ? ( ! ) . llrctvers , STOUZ& ILKH , lager Beer Brewers , I6M KcrtlilStli Street , Oinn i , Neb. Cornluo , COltNICKVOHK3 , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornlct i'luOo < r cnr niui niPtnlliMkjIUhtd Jolin 1'rencter , rropilctnr liXS nnllli ) St > utli 10th rlriil Artlits' .MiHorlulH. - - A. HOSPE , j Artists' llatdiiils , Pianos nnd Organs , 1SIJ Douflns Slrcot , Oranhn.Nob. Oonl , Coke , Ktu. COAL , COKE AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hani and Soft Coal. . E Cor IGth nnj Doiglns Slrcota _ , Oinnlin _ , Neb. i Clj-nrs , DEAN , AUMSTHONQ Jc CO. , \\liolcsalc Cigars , 1N ICtli Street "Hollo 1" UTO. Dry ( iooils and NotloiiH. M. E. SJ11T1I { e CO , ) ry Goods , Furnishing ( Ms and Notion } Corner lltli nmt lloMnnl Slrietn ICir.PATllICIMCOCU DUV GOODS CO. , mportcrs and Jobbers in Dry Goods ? anti'FurnlBbliiBlooil9 ( Corner lltli and Ilnrut7 Streets , Unnlin , Nob. - u nil t lire. UEtt'EY fe STON15 , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , F rnnm Slrpot.O'imln . , Nobmkiu ClIAULES SUIVEIUCK , Furniture , Omnhn , Kcbrftikiv. Groceries. McCOUD , HHADY Ac CO , Wholesale Grocers , lath ind l.eiTonnortll Btrcati , Oinnlin. Ncbra kn , litimlmr , lite. J 0. W. DOTJOL.A8 le CO. , Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , Yard 1310 N tcth bt.Onuhx JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc. Imported in < l Amorlenn I'ortlnul I'cmont , Bt t iiQtforMllvBukeullrilrmilla Couent , tail Qulncy tvlil CHAS U. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Food o ru ti anil firiiielfloorlne. Oth ndlousl ) * Btrtieti , Uiiiitha , Kibrnslm. KHEDV. . QHEY. lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. Corner Othmul IJouKlnaSlrooti.Omiih * . Millinery and \otlnna. I. ODEUFELDEH & : CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 309 , SlOin.l 2138outliHill strcot. Notions : J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 1124 Harncr street , Omntis- Olla. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ajtl * creut , otc , Omaha. A. II. lllahop , Alnnngor. Paper , CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers. ; rrr Die * Block of ptlntliiR , yrrnpplnR nnd writing ( pr. Gpcclal attention clvoii to card piper. Safes , Kto. A. L. DEANE te CO. , General Agonu rar Halls' ' Safes , Ml and 333 South lUttlSt. , Omnha. Toya , Eto. H. IIAUDY A : CO. , Jobbers ot Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , llovit VurnUlilnuOoodi , ClilUren'B Carrlanei. 120V barnniti itreot , Omalm. Meb. AVatcr 811 iipll CN. U. S. WIND EKOINE & PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , Hilllilaj wind mills. 118 inrtKOJonci i.,0mali % U. F RU3S , Acting Mlinnuer. Iron WarkH. PAXTON & : VIEHLINQ IRON WORKS , T Wrought and Cast Iron Building Woilrj Kajlnon , trnsn work , Eonontl foundry , mnchlno tmA blaciBDilUiworlc Olllto anilviirfcs , U. V. .1 Hr. and Ittliaircct , Uninlia. 1 OMAHA SAFE An IRON WORKS , 1 Manl'rs ol Fire and Burglar Proof Safes,1 Vault ! , jail work , Iron Milliters nnd tire ononpcv U Androon.prop'r. Cor lltli jvnUJuckBOn Hta. j . Doors , Ktc. M. A. DISBROW < Jc CO. , Wholesale manuficturcrs of Sish , Doors , Blinds and Moulding/ Branch ofBce , litl ) anil liard lUceti , Oranhj , Nell Sotttti TJNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of South OnialiL Limited , 1011 SEVERE COUGHS OR COLDS Dr. F. C. Werner's COUGH DROP $ Are highly recommended after tcvon yenrs ol successful oxpcrlcnco by Hi * Hole inauufiictuford , Kopp , Dreibus& Co. , S'l'IJAM CONfECTIONEHS , 1 106 FarnamSt. , Ornaha , Neb , Sold ovcrjwhoro , 60 per Send for siunnloa , We Offer for Sale. I'our thounniid tons oliolco Italcil liny , I'1 ' O It. curs , btraiiu'i Slillim , Ijiiton or llornloU stations , mi a U. A St. i' , K. It , In lots to miti niiahnscr ; prkua ro ulatoJ by llio iniirlicW Call anil HOI ) in , ' STRANGE BROS , , SIOUX UITV , IOWA. . THIS PAPER 15 PRINTED TROM F OU THK Great Western Type Foundryj ? 1114 Howard St. QIV1AHA. FEMALE BEAMS' ' AUoluK Iy rf llnl K' , fx-rlu tly Mf . moil | wiwtul ( fointlf rtiriilaUirldiowniDcvt r falfj lla Itoxr < , ti uili unu twa * uffltUnt. MilitM MOV null ) ! < ) . . iiiirljo.A , r. kuUa \ UUUDUAM UU.Cu CO. ' _ .