0 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , SUNDAY ? OCTOBER 5 , 1890-TWENTY PAGES. THE OMAFT. REE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ol'FICK ' , SO. 12 PKARL ST. rcllvoiril 1 > y CittHor In uny part of the City. 11 , W. TJJ/rON. - MANAQKR oniop , NO. 4:1 : NlichlKdltur , No. 21. JIMX TH X. N. Y P. Co. Council Muffs I.umlicr Co , ronl. 1'i'rmlt to wed was vcstcnlay trrnntcd to J.uiUvlu Cluscn anil Iorn ilurmolstcr of "Washington towiuldp , The Woinim'M Christina association will meet Mlth Airs. It. AI. ( Miami * . ( MO Flrstnvo- tiua , Monday nftcrnoon at : i o'clock. The KltiK's Duuphtc'ra of St. Paul's church will entertain u sociable tit the rectory Fri day ovrnliip , October 10. All tire cordially Invited , The school lionnl fallM to got n quorum for tlio meeting that was tohavo been hold lust even InAnother ) attempt will ho Hindu to ct together tomorrow evening. Dr. Spragiiovni arrested hist evening for failure to ivport a cuso of iliplitliuria Hint anne uii'lcr his profMsioiml control , Ho Itavo bonds nnillll have a hearing tomor- row. row.Tho The regular monthly sociable of Lily camp , No. 1 , Koynl iiolKhhnr * of Aincrlc.i , will bu Riven Tuesday nlt'ht , October 7 , In Wood men hall. All \VooJmun and frlond in- vltcil. The llttlo three-year old daughter of Mrs. Herman ICraohtdled last evening of diph theria after un Illness of only thrco or four days. The fnnorall will talto plan ) llih afternoon - noon at f > o'clock from tlio residence , 7il ! Kuvontli avenuo. The death of the lltllo child of I. N . Flick- InL'er caused im early adjournment of tlio ( Us * t riot court jcstcrdny , Mr. FHcklngcr beliip one of tlio nltornuys engaged in the case of HurUo vs. The C'ltl/.ens1 hank , now on trial. U'ho trial will bo resumed Mondiiy , Hurry Dlrklnblno'.s furnlturo was nil packed , rciidy for shipment to Philadelphia ji'sterdiiy afturnoon , when a writ of attach ment \va.s Issued to secure a claim of over | 4'JO In fuvop of Or. Jolin Orccn , for medical services. Slim-lit O'Ncil toolc jiossesiloii of thu carload and litigation will doubtless follow. A thlof innde a bold attempt to rob Mrs. John Sliinlilo while , nho win passing on the corner of llrondwuy and Fifteenth sttcot nt'J ' o'clock last night. She was on her way from making no mo purchases at n stoio near hy , mid wis carry Iii | ? her purse in her naud , \vhona iniiii passed her and turning quickly cnatchcd the purse from her and run. It con tained only a few pennies and the old lady's spectacles. The opening of tlio Y. M.C. A. gymnnMum last caning was a grand success. Fifteen jounjf men entered tlio llrsl class and went ilirouKli the drill. All ivcro well pleased with the now Instructor and entered heartily Into ether exercises. The regular class nights uro Tuesdays and Fridays. Two classes cuch night , ono from 7 o'cloclt to 8 mid the other from 8 to ' . ) . Any who wish to Join cither of these should hand in tlicirnamcs nt once so as to bo unrolled by Tuesday oven- lug. lug.An An Infant girl , apparently hut a few months old , was round In the weeds In the west part of the L'lty n few days since. It was found In the vicinity of a deserted Indian ramp , and it Is bclluvcd the Indians had stolen It and abandoned It to die. U was in good healthy condition hut very hungry when found. The Klein was chafed uiulcronc of its arms and on Its neck , Indicating thut. it hail been carried as tlio Indian mothers carry their pnppooscs. The child was taken to the residence of John KelilcKutun/o , where It was cared for temporarily. Ills a white child , and it is very evident that it has been stolen feom eonio other city. The Indians have slipped nwnywtiltuoutlctivliiff any trace as to their destination. The Council mufti carpet company -will offer seine extra inducements for thu next week to pet people accustomed to coming to the now location. The fait has never been disputed that the Council muffs carpet com pany him always offered bettor Inducements In styles , qualities and prices of goods than nny of Its competitors In the Missouri river valley , but this week some special advantages will bo jjivcn to all who call. Mrs. O. n. Burrows of Cleveland , 0. , Is In the city visiting hoi- parent N , S. Harring ton , 1W5 Twenty-ninth uvcnuu. Kd. B. Hoaglaml loft lust ovcnlnR for El I'UHO , 111. , whore , on Tuesday evening next ho is to ho wedded to Miss Kerr. The for tunate younp man hni many friends hero , who will anxiously wait his return with Ills bride , anil will give them a hourly welcome. II , J. Canniucrs , the county clerk , was nt his oftlco yesterday after an absence of sev eral days , ho having been at the bedside of , his father , who lies very ill nt his homo la Hancock county. JWr. Chambers received n telegram yesterday afternoon stating that his father was falling rapidly , so hastened hack lust evening. _ J. 0. Blxoy , steam hoatlnff , sanitary en gineer , IM L.lfo building , Oiiuiu ; WJ Mor Hani block , Council Illufl's. The host auctioneer in tlio state Is II. H. Iniimn , Council Bluffs. Special attention to Ulootleu stock sales , and all branches of memmtilo goods. Oflleo fi03 Broad way. The Manhattan snorting headquarters , 413 Broadway , A nolilJewelry Store lloliticry. The Jewelry store of A. A. Hart nt KIT Broadway was burglarized In a very myster ious manner last evening. The proprietor was the solo occupant of the place , having no clerks or assistants. Yesterday was a very liuby day with him , and ho dlil not leave the i toro to go to his supper , but it was sent to I lilui. Ho did not Bt to cat it until late. After he. had eaten ho concluded ho wanted a llttlo doscrt , and locked up his s toro n few moments and went to a llttlo fruit stand on the corner of Seventh street and Broadway. From his own statement of the cnso ho was not ROIIO more than three minutes , but when ho returned ho found his store had been broken open ntul several hundred dollars worth of Juwelry niul witches taken. The back door hud been pried open with chisels , which were left lying at the doorway. The goods taken comprised , all of the fine Bold watches In the show case , together with nil the gold chains , rings , and other Jewelry nndall of the gold \\atclics \ belonging to cus tomers left for repaint and hanging in the window. The goods taken will amount to about $000. The robbery 1 < * n very mysterious ono , and Micro is a good deal of speculation as to how it could ho iMMslblo with hundreds of people passing nil the time. Coupled with the fact that last winter Hurl was the victim of an other opually mysterious robbery , when his Trout door was forced whllo ho was atsup- , l > er and all of his best -watches taken , it makes this second robbery of nioro than usual Interest. The Job was ovijlently done by some ono thoroughly familiar with the premises and the habits of the proprietor. The CUM ) was reported to the police immed iately after Its occurrence , but the Investiga tions juado fulled to elicit any thing iu the way of a cluo. _ Wall paper at Losey A Jensen's , 11 Pearl st Loioy & Jensen paint house ? . For rent Furnished room , MM. J. Ly- nun , ( V.M Willow avo. Fine Interior decorating , Losoy & Jensen * WfiUloU Fifty \Vnra. Captain and Mrs , D. 1) . Clark yesterday celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniver sary , receiving their friends both afternoon and evening at their home. No. WO "Worth street. Cuptulu Clark and wife are amont the old settlers uud they have a strong holt upon the respect and esteem of this com munity. Many Improved gladly the oppor tuuity of expressing their friendship mu congratulating tno worthy couple ou so hap pily reaching the golden milestone. Signs , Losey & Jensen's , 11 Pear st. Buy your lumber of The Judd &Wells Co. , 13 Broadway. J , G , TIpton , r al estate , U7 Bjro nlvr y. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Ni J. Mlllor , tbo Seven-Foot Suspect , the Victim of Gross Injustice. PHYSICIANS MUST OBEY THE LAWS , A. 1'roiiilnrnt Doctor Arrested for Nculciitlng to Itcport Dlphtlicrln CnHCH ItoiindliiK Up tlio Hn IOOIIH School Uoiird Matlcro. N. .T. Miller was set frco yesterday nftct having been locked up In the blr.ck liolo for forty-elRht hours on suspicion of being n cat tle thief , Miller Is hot and threatens to make It extremely Interesting for seine ono. He snya a fellow named Kd Hrics , who has been working on different farms In MIIU county , wus theehlef causoof his trouble. Miller la n farm hand also , mid knew Dries in Mlllh county. For a month past Miller has been digging a crop of potatoes for Shcrlfl O'Xell and Is said to bo n hard working , honest fellow. Ac cording to hli story , Hrles , meetIng - Ing him here , renewed former acquain tance , und continued It by borrowing : some inoi.oy of him , Later Hries asked him to uolk up to police headquarters , as ho wanted to see Chief Cnry. who was nil old friend. Ho consented , and whllo llrles was Insldo talk ing to Chief Cory Miller sat on the steps in nocently waiting. After n whllo ho was called In too , and was then informed that ho must bo looked up. Ho says ho was refused an opportunity to send for an attorney , was refused any trial or hearing , nnd it was not until forty-eight hours had passed Hint ho Kot his liberty. Attorney Llndt secured his release by demanding seine show ing of something bv which they claimed to have the right to hold the man. Miller says that there was no Information Hied against him , und that while ho was told that ho was wanted for stealing cnttlo from Dr. Will , Ills attorney received a tclcprani from Dr.Vall that lio'lmd lost no cattle. Miller umlcrstinds that the fellow Hrics claims to bo a detective , having joined some tin badge otgnnlrntlon in Cleveland , and that ho was the ono on whose order the chief of police or dered him arrested on this fellow's ' mere say so. Dries was not to bo found yesterday. Harmony chapter No. L'r , Order of the Kastcrn Star , will give the llrst of their series of parties Friday evening , October 17 , nt Armory hall. Moncvat loJucol r.itiM lomccion cliatto nnd rcale3tito : security by K. H. Shcafo ft Uo To tlio Ladles Miss Mary Gleason is bettor prepared than ever to satisfy all who want llrst class drcssmuklng. Hooms in the old library building , Pearl street. Fashionable wool suits made by Mrs. L > . Simmons , So to $7 ; silks , $7 to $10. I'hyalclniiH Mum Obey the Ijiiw. There was lying in the city cleik's ofllco nearly all day yesterday on Information charging n very prominent pnysiclan in the city with willful violation of the state law requiring the icportlug to the health officers hy physicians all cases of con tagious diseases. The information was drawn in the usual manner and bore the of- Jlclnl seals nnd the names of the clerks of the superior and police courts. The clerli had nlso Jlllcd out the warrant , for tlio arrest of the physician and the marshal was wait ing patiently to have the document turned over to him for service. But ho waited until late In the afternoon and In vain , for the rea son that there was no complaining witness , no ono willing to sign the information anil become - como the prosecutor of the doctor. To all In quiries the answer was returned that the ofll- ccrs were waiting for the appearance of the city physician , whoso duty It was to bccomo the prosecutor. ' 'This Is a step In the right direction , " said n city officer. "It make.no difference how prominent the physician may bo , if ho disre gards or violates the liuv ho should bo pun ished Just the same us the commonest va grant. Tlio law was made to protect ttio puh- lie , and it is a wlio and beneficent law. If no person cnn bo found to sign that in formation before night I will do it myself , al though the doctor who will ho made to suffer Is a friend of mine whom I respect highly. It is n case of malignant diphtheria , and the neglect of the physician may have been the menus of exposing a great many people to the contagion and spreading the disease. People do not as a general thing Hko to have their homes placarded with the big yellow posters when their children take ttie diphtheria , and they will frequently use every pos sible mcins to Induce the physi cian not to report the case , or try to bribe the iniiirhnl not to put up the card when ho appears with it in compliance with his duties. Tiioy will threaten the doctor with the loss of their patronage If ho reports it , and sovcrnl physicians that I know say they have lost their practice in good families because they persisted in doing their duty nnd reporting the cases. "There has been n great deal of dlphtherl.i In the city during the past summer , ami t.ov- crul times it has indicated a tendency to become - como epidemic. The only way to prevent it , or ut least what is considered the best means of stamping it out , is the strict enforcement of thostato board of health rules , which have been adopted by the city council. The council meets next Monday night ns a board of health and I think they will pass a resolution requiring a stricter enforcement of the health laws than has prevailed for some time past. Wo all fear the diphtheria and wo nil desire to have it kept away from our homes. AVe will not go near It or let our loved ones bo exposed If we know where it Is located , nnd the only way wo can know this is to bo advised In the official manner pre scribed. Whllo tlio talk about the filthy con dition of the city which some of the papers have Indulged in nnd become hysterical over is all bosh , it is probable that the council will order a general cleaning up. The streets and alleys of the city were never In a better or cleaner condition , and I do not bcliovo there hns been or will bo n single case of dis ease duo to the existence of filth la nny puo- llc place. But still there uro some things that should bo looked after. They nro es pecially the open vaults of outhouses. Many of them nro so offensive that they can be detected a block nwav. and thov nro certnt'ilv c-nn. tnmtnatlng the nlr nnd spreading dis ease or creating It In their neighborhood. There are hundreds of such places that the board of health should order filled up. And then there nro many wells that should ho filled up to prevent the pcoulo upon whoso premises they nro located using the water they contain. U may look clear nnd nice , hut it cannot bo otherwise than Impregnated with poison owing to the surroundings. Whether the board of health does this or not , ono thing is sure , the phvslclans of the city will bo required to comply with the law and roiwrt all cases of contUL-lous diseases that come under their professional observation. " Own Your Home. AVhy pay rent when you can build a home for less money I The Iowa National Building nnd Loan association commenced business in Coun cil Blurts Juno 1 , 1810 , uml have tur- nlshcd eleven families with homes worth from Sl.lHX ) to 1,000 each at less cost than the rent would boon the same property , with six more homos in process of construction. .Also have fifty members carrying stock for an In vestment. The stock as investment pays about 28 per cent annual interest , inoro than five times the profit of any savings bank de posits , and it is absolutely safe. Agents wanted In all towns In western lowu und eastern Nebraska. A. A. I'liisoxsi , Cicncral Aprcnt , llooiu l > , Everett block. Council Bluffs , la. If you wish to sell your property call on the Judd & Wells Co. , 0. 13. Judd , prusldeut , OOtl Broadway. Up the Snlooni. City Marshal Tompleton wai provided with a list of the saloonkeepers of the city yester day who bad so far neglected to como up and settle for their October licenses. The list tilled four sheets of legal cap paper , two lines bt'liitf given to each deUuquvut. The list comprises sixty-four names. Tlio monthly llccnso or fine which each of < hcso men li compelled to pur amounts to $27,70. Of this sum fi" ) goes Into the city treasury and the remaining&.70 Is absorbed In court co-Is nml marshal's fees. This reaches the hundsomo total of $ l.77-l.y > , nil of which goes Into the city cash box with the exception of (172.60 court and marshal's costs. A number of saloonkeepers have paid their fines anil costs nnd stand square with the city on tlio books In the city clerk's office. A few neglect to do so promptly , nnd they are as promptly brought up and booked tor keeping disorderly houses. They pay their lines then or lay in Jail until the amount is served nnd nrc then compelled to quit bu'lncss. They stand no show In an equal contest with the city. Marshal Templeton nnd his deputies ore vigilant und aggres lfo In obeying the orders of the city , nnd a mighty small per centage of thesa lines , or licenses , are lost by failure to collect. For the past year the average number of saloons in the city whoso proprietors have como forward monthly with ttio prescribed amount is about seventy. They have paid Into the clt v treasury n total monthly sum of $1,700 und f 181 court , md Marshal's ' fees , or a grand total of $20-100 to the city and $ JSOS , into the police court and Marshal's ' office for the year. Vor a prohibition state this makes a pretty good shotting , nnd when the amount the saloon men nro compelled to put up monthly in lighting In junction proceedings or moving to avoid the consequences of injunctions al ready obtained , It brings the nnnunl license for keeping saloons In Council Hluffs up to n figure somewhat above WOO a year. Only a little over one-half of this sum gets Into the city treasury. A xtiMlghtKiOO llcenso would bring into the city's ' cash box not less than & 50.IAK ) n year. Only two of the men whoso names were on the marshal's list failed to comply with tlio request to come up and settle yesterday , and they were arrested upon the charge of keep ing disorderly houses. 'Ihoy arranged the matter quickly and will continue the busiuess at the old stands. .Something of Interest To every lady matting preparations for the coming cold weather , n few pointers from the BOSTON STOW : , COUNCILHi.uns. Wo have Just received our Inrgo fall Hue of furs , niul feel assured our assoitmeut is complete , nnd prices as USUAL , i.ow. r > 00 black hair muffs , 89 , M and 7Gc. French coney muff , black , H.OO , $1.25 , $ l.fiO. Woof seals , $3.00. Monkey , $3.MfOtl ) and J.VX ) . French seals , $ 'i , $1.50 nnd1. . -Abtnichan , $3.50. Heavers , * SI , $10 and $12. Children's nngorn white , in sets , for S3.50. Children's tiger in sots for S2.60. Children's chinchilla in sets for $2.50. Children's Thibet lamb In suU for (11.50. ( Children's white coney In sets for " 5c. CAl'KS. ninclc hair cnpcs , $ , ' ) , S-I.SO , ? . " > and IS.75. Black French coney , 4.50 , $3 , ? nnd $0.50. Monkey , seal trimmed , { 18.00. AVoof ; seal , $11.00. Woof seal , shawl collar , $13.00. _ - _ Woof seal , roll collar , $12.00. " - " French beaver. $11.00. Astrachan , $7.00 , $11.00 , M1.75 nnd$12.00. Natural beaver roll collar , J.10.00. 1MIINTS AND OINCIIAM3. ,1c light and medium clmllies. sS fie dark fast colored prints. f > c largo figured furniture prints. Just the thing for comforters. Try our lOc , l'J > caiid 15c batting , free from knots and open out In ono sheet. Apron ginghams 5c. a bargain. Dress ginghams nt Sc , lOu and 12 c. New fall styles. Something now in striped domcts la light , medium anu dark ; nlso mixtures at lOc. Ask to see them. Armenia serge , 3d Indies wide , at 12J c. New styles in Repps , suitable for wraps , 8f. 12 yards for S1.00. Empress plaids in new line of colors , 12J c. TOILET SOAl'S. Cuticura soap , 17c. Pears' unseen ted , IDJ c. Cap May , 2c. ( ) „ Scented Glycerine. lOc , thrco for 2."e. Ambrosia soap , thrco for 25c , put up in fanny embossed boxes. Largo cake of Victoria soap , also Fir's Bal sam soap , nt f > c , six for 2Sc. Special "Wo carry a full line of toilet arti cles , such ns combsof nil kinds , hair brushes , nail brushes , hair curlers , etc. , cte. Boston Store , -lul , 403 and -f05 Broadivay , Council Bluffs. la. FOTHEKINGHAM , WIIITELAW &CO. AmniiRthe Churches. Twenty-ninth Street Mission Preaching , 7 : l0 ! p.m. Sunday school , a p.m. All In that vicinity cornially invited , Overtoil mission , People's church Corner Fourth nvcnuo nnd Seventeenth street. Sunday school , 8-p. m. ; gospel meeting " : UO p. in. The Temperance Mission Society Uev. .T. Fisk , chaplain. "Will meet this day at 10i(0 : ( n. m. ut the church at the corner of Harmony and Logan streets. Seats free. Borean Baptist church The pastor will preach at the usual hours moniintr nnd even ing. Sunday school at 1115 : n. in. Prayer meeting \Veunesdny evening. First Baptist Church Near postoffiee. Rev. F. P. Haggard of Hed Oak will preach nt 10 : .W a.m. and 7IO : ! p.m. Sunday school at 12m. Christian endeavor utlhUUp.m. All cordially welcomed. Congregational Services niornlngnncl oven- Ing. Preaching by the pastor. Morningsub- Jcct , "Tho Unseen. " Evening. "A Small Man with a ( it-cut Desire. " Services frco and all are welcome. The Trinity Methodist church Epworth league will give a "Chocolntlno , " with the ' Songs of Seven" rendered in eostumo at the residence of U. H. Allen , ( U3 Fourth street , on Friday night next , October 10. Allure uro invited. Trinity Methodist Church South Main meeting , Wednesday , 7:3U : p. in , First Presbyterian , corner of Willow avenue nnd Seventh street Ilov. Stephen Phelps , pastor. Preaching by the pastor nt 10:30 : u. in. uud 7:30 : p. in. Sabbath school at 12 in , Young peoples' meeting at fi10 : ! p , in. Strangers ami others cordially invited. Young Men's Christian association. Mer- rlam block "Tho Greatest Thing in the World" will bo the subject for the young men's meeting today at 4 p.m. Ml men of the city invited to attend. Come nnd bring a filcnd. Any strangers m the city will bo welcome. Saint Paul's ' Church -Divine service todav at 10:45 : a.m. and 8:00 : p.m. Sundav school. 12:15. : Sermon topics , morning , "Physical Death a Blessing ; " evening sermon , "The Secret of the Christian's Strength. " Young men and strangers always cordially welcomed to those services. T. J. Muckav. rontor. The city having bought the north half of the Lacey building on South Main street , the Trinity Methodist church people are occupy ing the south hall In the same building whew tney will worship nnd hold Sunday school until their new church on Fourth street and Ninth avenue is completed , about 2fovcm < her 1. ; Second Presbyterian Services nt 3 p. in. , comhicteu by F. I. . Hnyden. Subject , "la thu Bible Inspired I" Sunday school atf. . Evening service at 7 : : W. Prayer meeting and bible study Wednesday evening. Subject for study : "Christ in the Old Testament.11 All seekers after blblo truth are earnestly In- vlted to attend. The Lutheran synod , of which Hov. 0.V. . Snyder is president. Is composed of Ameri cans and English speaking Scandinavians and Germans , and so is , peculiarly the Ameri can Lutheran church. Kev , Snyder preaches today at 10UO : a. m , at the Young Men's Christian association rooms , In the Merriam block. Ho Is hero to ascertain the prospects of starting In the near future an Knglish Lutheran congregation , and will present the facts to the synod , which meets next week ut Sioux City. The public Is cordially Invited to the services today , and especially those who arc interested la the founding of 0 church of the above denomination. Ilobbed Ills Employer. At 8 o'clock last evening a warrant was is sued from Justice Scburz'a court for the ar rest of Albert Johnson , a young man who has been employed in the meat market of R M , Welkcr , corner of Mala street and Sixth ave nue. The warrant was placed in the tuiruls of an officer and the young maa was taken into custody. Ills employer was very reticent concerning the matter und refused to give any informa tion at all for publication , only admitting that the young man had been In his employ for the pjst year and a half and was consid crcd u faithful ntiA trustworthy follow. From other sources It \ /1learnocl tfmt the amount of the young niWi defalcation would ap proximate h sum Wttvecu & 7UO nml fSOO. The peculations' fiftly rovcrctl a period of less than six moiilM. Johnson was engaged M n clerk or slit/p1 tender , and made the greater part of the Jsalcs. From almost each silo ho would nbsUtict a sin ill amount , mid during the day wmildtnko money from the drawer. His cniploVcr has suspected him for somotl wo , bull could not obtain definite iiroor until jcstciilayvlieu ho set a trap for him , Into which ho boldly wnlked. Johnson lias been a resident of the city for seine time , anil had relatives living here , Ho Is making n desperate effort to innko good the shortage , but with poor prospects of success , A TIirllTty Homo EntcrnrlHo. This Is what the largest Masonic Journal of Missouri hns to say about ono of Council muffs' ' enterprises nfter having examined the affairs of the association : "Tho phcnominal growth of the United Stains Mtuonlc. llcuovolcnl association of CouncilUluffs , la , is soinethliiK 1o bo won- dcrud at. The company in the short space of four years has achieved a success and scored n record that has no parallel. The marvelous growth , to u grant extent. Is the result of In. dcfatigfthlo energy displayed by the secretary and general manager , W. J. ' Jameson , who tlllU ample ic.isou to bo exceedingly I proud of his ability nnd thosuceessof the Associntlon. " Wo shall continue our special low prices for Inco anil ehcnlllo curtains the coming week. The designs arc beautiful. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. A Knight of Imlmr Protest. The Knights of I.ubor have determined to take n position In opposition to what they consider tlio extravagance of the city admin istration. They propose to condemn by reso lution the acts of ofllcluls which they con ceive to bo contrary to good public policy , and if that falls then to endeavor to correct nnd prevent the abuses by ballot. Assembly No. 1800 has adopted the following resolu tions condemning the appropriation of the WOO by the city council for the wo of the Uodgo Light guards , the payment of which was enjoined by John Short : WhereuM , Our present city council has scon ( It tntiilsniiio | | > ilato the sum of JJOO to the DndgoIilKlitRiinids. nnd ( . Whereas , The taxpayers of Council lllulTn are uniler no obligation and can expect no special benefit : therefore Itcsolvoci , That such uctlon of fiald council to and Is la-ruby condemned ns unwlsj anil uncalled for , while public Improvements and other necessary icriulicments lire In n grout measure unattended to. And wo furthermore call upon tiivpnjcrs In geneial to piotetit against dUcrtlnz puljllo money to any other use than oiljliHilly ; Intended , Carpets have gone xip In price at th o mills. Wo shall continue to sell at the old prices for the present. Call early with the cash and se cure the bargains. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. A.II Important Discovery. Whllo tlio police officers were searching for the gambling rooms last night near Port Omaha they made a discovery that may lead to a number of arrests. They found In ono prlvato house sixteen kegs of beci- and thrco cases of wine , u small saloon in fact , doing business on the quiet nnd having neither a city nor a government llccnso to sell liquor. ; In another place they found ten kogs. of beer and In another six kegs. These places undoubtedly sell a vast amount of lliiuor to the soldiers and create n gieut deal of disturbance about the barracks by furnishing those who nro In clined that way afi opportunity to dissipate. GEIl.MANS' DAY. It AVIll bo Crilbbrntcd in This City Tomorrow. Tomorrow the 'Germans of this city will celebrate the lOIth- anniversary of the land ing of emigrants from the fatherland In this country. ' In various parts ofjtho country the day will also bo celebrated , utidlu sotno instances on a most elaborate scale. In certain sections the oveht'I ? comin enj wtfcir dn , other days , each town or district selecting for itself the day upon which to do honor to the memory of the first Germans to laud on these shores. ] n this city the day will bo celebrated with both song and eloquence. In the vocal exer cises the Coiicordla , the Mu'iierclior , the Liedcrkrnnz , the Swiss Singing society , the Gesang vcioin of th'o Turners and the sing ing section of the Plnttdeutschcr vereln will take part. Each of thcso will sng | a piece. while all of them will join In two grand choruses , making the hall ring with glorious niul pair lotto music. The oratorical part of the exercises has oceii assigned to Hon. Frederick Scknuko , editor of the Nebraska Tribune , the well known German paper of this city , who will speak in thu German tongue , while Hon. E. Hosewatcr , editor of THE BEE , will speak in Knglish. The exercises will bo held In Exposition hall , corner of Capitol avenue nnd Fourteenth street , at which place ut 2 o'clock a rehearsal of nil thu singing societies will bo hold this afternoon. j r.i II.K ; HA fits. T. H. Pope of Boston is nt the Murray. S. II. Cr.iig of Beatrice is nt the Casoy. J. B. Hood of Lincoln is at the Merchants. A. K. Stearns of Is'c\v York Is nt the Pax- ton. ton.1C. 1C. T. lilchards Is registered at the Mer chants. Purdy Pratt of Cook Is registered at the Casey. AV , L. Jillson of S\ftnrt \ is in the city , nt the Ciisoy. John Cobb of Milwa ukco is a guest at the Pnxton. T1. S. lllehmond of Ann Arbor Is at the Millard. P. A. Marsh of Chicago was at the Murray last night. J. C. Peterson of Chicago Is a guest at the Merchants. - J. M. Kaymond of Lincoln is registered at the Millard. Fred "W , Lomax of Denver Is in the city , at the Murray. Dr. R. S. ICnodo left for Louisville , Ky. , yesterday , N. J. Hamilton of Cedar Ilaplds was at the Casey last night. Ki C. Jordan of Burlington was ut the Icr- ctiants last night. E. C. Beobo of Nebraska City was nt the Millard last night. William II. Atwood of Fremont was at. the Pnxton last night. ( ! , H. Henderson of Xow York Is in the city , at the Millard. Mrs. Carlisle anil Maid of Boston are regis tered nt the PuxtpVi ? Gcorgo II. Crotuiiiof Philadelphia was at the Murray last ntyht. Juilgo W. II. ICellfiy left for Chicago yes terday on a short huslacss trip , Mrs. J. J. Blistu has returned from New Yoikwhere shoJias been for two weeks. Dr. Blrnoy , the catarrh specialist , went to Chicago lost nlght\aud \ will return Monday. Hon. Fred DuBqUo , congressman of Idaho , passed through Oauhu yesterday on the wav homo. * Miss Lizzie Thomas , daughter of W. D. Thomas of Fremont ) is the guest of the Misses Boulter , Mr. mid Mrs. Huntley are visiting Mrs. Glacomlnl , tlio latee'H mother , at 1621 North Twenty-second sttVbt. Mr. Samuel Hamilton and daughter have returned from a foil } months' visit to their country homo In Oflo. President Ulehard Smith of the builders' and traders' exchange has returned from a four weeks' visit in Now York , Miss Moral ! , who has been visiting Mr. .loseph Hoyden and sisters , leaves tomorrow for her home lu Washington , 1) , C. The Yedanta Thcosophlcal society meets every Sunday 7 : ! ) i * . iti. at rcotn 205 Shecloy block. AH are invited. Oa Monday evening the lj. A. C. E. lit erary society will hold its llrst meeting nnd entertainment of the season. First Society of Progressive Spiritualists will meet at 'J p. in , sharp nt Knights of Pythias hull , Twenty-sixth and Cumlng btreets. To strengthen the hair , thicken the growth , stop it * blanching und falling out. and \\hero ills gray to restart ) the youthful color , use Hall's Ilalr Kcucwcr. AStVNKMKXTS. "La Travlata , " Verdi's dramatic opera WRS given lost evening nt the Uoyd , with Miss Francesco Quthrlo In the stellar role of Vlolottn , Mom. Oulllo ni Alfred Ucrmont , and Mr. William Mortens as his father , George Ocrmont. The performance left llttlo to bo desired from n vocal point of view , but the romantic role ot Alfred suffered on ac count of Mr. Gulllo's stature. Art should bo above the dcslro for physical beauty , probably in n tenor , but it will bo universally conceded that vocal nullity coupled with a iiinnly presence adds greatly to such a role as Alfred ( Ji'rmont. Anil this is said In no way derogatory to Metis. Uuillc , for his ability as un artist Is unques tioned. Miss Outhrlosnng the score of Vlolettn In a manner that left llttlo to boiloslral. She Is beyond question ono of the most cnpablo artists now before the public , her work at all times being Intelligent and conscientious. Mr. Mortens , whllo not n great George , was quite pleasing. The only fault to bo found is with his articulation. The chorus was in ex cellent form and the opera was gl\cn with excellent effect , Tonight this company will bo seen at the Grand In that most delightful of nil the grand operas , "Trovatoro. " MorrU Gulllo will sing thu tolo of Mnurico , MlssOuthrle , Leonora and no company now cntour It so well constituted to give this opera than the IIoas opera company , which closed at the Boyd last night. At the corner of Fourteenth nnd Chicago streets there has been established one of the most unique entertainments which has yet visited this city. It is called the labyrinth. It consists of a series of paths leading be tween canvass walls In every direction. The object is to reach a ling start which is located so ns to ho visible from nil parts of thosquure. The party who roaches this polo after having traversed the devious ways , is entitled to a draw at a certain time , for n vnlutiblo prize. The attempts to reach the polo load frequently to the getting of ttio enthusiast lost so much that ho is compelled t * > allow one of the attendants to lead him out. This causes a great deal of good-natured laughter , which Is all the more delightful if the attempt to reach the goal is made bf a fair-sized party of ladles and gen tlemen. Tlio price of admission Is only 10 ccuts. nUI UILiIO.VN CAMPAIGN DATKS. List of AniioiinconicntH Prepared by the Committee. The following is the list of announcements of republican meetings as far in prepared up to date by thostatocentr.il committee : All meetings to bo in the evening unless stated otherwise. Colonel T. J. Majors nnd Hon. I. . D. llli-h- li'ulrliury , Saturday , October 11. J. L. Uebstcr Hastings , Monday , October 0 ; Tsi'lson , Tuesday , October 7 ; toward , 'Cluirs- cliiy. October 1 > : York. Friday , Octobur 10 : Atliland , KiLtutduy , Uctolior tl. Hon. N. V. llarlnn and W. H. Suininers-WII- sonvllle , Thursdiiy , October 2. W. S. Summer * and Oeorge A. Adams Alma , l'rlilay,0etoberi ; ; Uiilbcrtson.i-atiiiduy , Octo ber 4. General T. . . W. Colby and Uev. Joseph II. 1'iLMson Tecnniseli , Monday. Octoiler ( I ; Iliim- bolilt. Tui'siliiy , October ? ! Hiilo , WvdnuMlay. Octobers ; Neniiiha Olty , Thursday , OeloberU ; IMiittsnioutli , Saturday , November 1 ( after noon , ) lion. C. P. Halllgan and George W. Wlltzo Dakota City , Monday , Octnbor 6 : Wayne , Tiiu-ilny , October * : Pierce , WednesdayOcto bers : Urolghton. Tliursdny , October ! ) : Stun- ton , Friday. Uotobcr 10. Hon. A. K. Uady liiokcn How , Tuesday , October ? . Hon. A. n. Cady and Hon. A. 11. LOUR Orel , AVcrtnesdnyOctobers ; Ump Olty , Thuisday , OeloberU. Hon. J.L. Caldwcll AVahooThursday after noon , October-ii ml II. H. Hitldrldgoat 7 p. in. ; Klinwood. Saturday , October 18 ( afternoon. ) Mlko MoSln-rry und K. W. I'enwarden fireeley Centre , Monday. October0 : 1'Iuito Centre , Tue-duy , October7 ; Albion , \Vcilnc'- diy. Octobers ; Scrllmer , TluirsilayOctober ! ) ; AMsner. Friday. October li ) . Hon. S. 1) . Caineion and F. W. Collins Utiea , Monday , OctoberO ; Ilradshaw , Tuesday , Oc- 1 | ) cr 7 : Ar.ipahoi' , Wrdnesday. Ootouur S ; Harvard. 1'liursilay , October I ) ; Hamilton , Friday , October JO. Hon. 8. I1. Davidson and Hon. Clinrlcs T. , . Hall Enillcirtt , Tui'sflny , Octoler 7 ; Tobias , ttPilnesilny , October 8 ; ueno\a , Saturday , Oc tobur II. lion , \V , J. Council Nebraska City , Satur day. September 27 ; Kails City. Monuay , Sop- ten iborW. Hon. S. P. Davidson nnd Hon. T. W. Lansing Wyniore. Monilay , OctoberO. lion. Thomas Darnell Urewster , I'rlday.Oc- tobera. lions. J. I. . Webster , L. I ) . Richard ? ami W. 1' . Guiiey Opera house , Oinahn , Friday , Oc tober 3. .TudRoO. P. Mason lied Cloud , Friday , Oc tober a. lions. J. L. Wnbitor , Ti. P. Richard ) nnd Jolin 0. Wtit&ou Weeping Water , Satuiduy , OotoberiTi ( afternoon ) . Ilov , llyronHenl Ijlnwood , Wednesday , Oc tober 8 ; Cedar KimlUi , Friday , Octob'er 10 ; Atkinson. Monday , October la. UeorRO II , HusthiRs nnd I'rof. W. E. Andrews lloldiooTuesday , October" ; Oxford. Fri day , October , 10. Hporuo II. Hastings and W. S. Summers McCookVcdiicxdiiy , October 8 ; llenkclmim , Thursday. Octobvrli. Hon. S. W. ( Jhrhty and George W. Ambrose Sutton , Slondny , October 0. The City Jail Record. Last month's business at the city jail is summed upas follows ; Total arrests made , MK The crimes for which they were ar rested are set opposite their names thus : For adultery , a ; assault , 0 ; assault and battery , 2 ; assault with ill tent to do great bodily harm , 2 ; assault with intent to commit murder , 4 ; assault with In tent to commit rape , 1 ; assault uith intent to Idll , 1 ; burglary , 9 ; committing a nui sance , 4 ; carrying concealed weapons , 0 ; complaining witnesses , 8 ; carrying burglars' tools , " ; concealing stolen projierty , 1 ; cruelty to unimals , 1 ; disturbing the ticace , 8 ; defrauding nn inkeoper , : ) ; druulc and disorderly. 60j disturbing tbo peace by lighting , 03 ; drunk , 100 ; dlsoulcrly conduct , IS ; embezzlement , - ; fugitives from Justice , 4 : fast driving , 'Ji.grand lar ceny , 8 ; Rambling , 8 ; liouso urealdng , 4 ; horse stealing , 'J ; unpersonntiiig uu oflicer , 1 ; Insane , U ; incorrlgibility , 5 ; Interfering with an oflicer , 1 ; keeping assignation house , 1 ; keeping vicious dog , 1 ; Keeping gambling devices , 8 ; keening saloon upcn on Sunday , C ; keeping employment agency without n license , 1 ; larceny , 10 ; larceny as bidleo , 1 ; larceny from person , ! ) ; malicious destruction of property , 1 ; obstructing s kl o walk , 4 ; obtaining money by fulso pre tenses , 4 ; obtaining goods by lulsu pre tenses , 1 : prostitutes , 8 : pimp , 1 : petit larceny , 845 peddling without a license , 3 ; passing counterfeit money , 'J ; resisting nn oflicer , ii ; selling mortgaged property , I ; sell ing drugs tvithout license , ! ; shooting with Intent to kill , 3 ; stabbing with intent to wound , 1 ; suspicious characters , 01 ; slaughtering within the city limits , S ; selling liquor on Sunday , 1 ; seduction , 1 ; using loud and profanco language , 11 ! ; unlawful practice of medicine , 1 ; violat ing building ordinance , 4 ; garbage ordinance , U ; back ordinance , : i ; plumbing oidinancc , T ; vagrants , 187 ; Inmates of gambling house , 14 ; wife beating , 1. Kour hundred and forty-flve of the number were Americans , 4 were Austrlans , 1 ! ) Bo hemians , 4 Chinamen , ! 1 Canadians , 4 Danes , 5 English , 10 French , 3 Finns , IW Gcminim , 'J Hobrowa , IS'.i Irishmen , 1 Indian , I Italian. 70 negroes , 4 Norwegians , 44 Swcdoi and U Scotchmen. There were : il conulctlens nnd 480 Dismiss als , the other ! ! 9 cases being still on thedockct not disposed of. A Snake was Her He I fellow. Mrs. Sarah Cronsley of this place , placed a htraw bed in her ynrd to nlr n low days ngo nnd nt night took It In and slept on It , says a diHpateh from Port Norrls. N. J.to thoPhiladulnbitiTimes. During the night Hho foil something moving In the bed , but thought it was u mouse , nnd being ono woman in n mil lion who Is nut afraid of n mouse , lot matters L'O until morning. When she examined the bed Bho found a largo \vutor sntiko rolled up in it , which had ulopton It all night. The Sunday school connected with the Je\vlsh tcmplo on Ilarney street near Twenty-fourth will be reopened today at 0W ; ! o'clock. All Jewish people in the city uro cordially Invited to attend. In the evening the last feast , of Tabernacle * will be cele brated at this house of worship. Kabbi Koscnnu will deliver an address. Dr. Dlrney , nose and throat , Bco bldg. SOVTJt 0.1H IfA \ UnsTIiorc llcnn 1'onl Piny ? Cashier W. A. L. Gibbon , of the Nebrnslm savings bank , reports uMngularcircumstance that gives cause for grave suspicious. On Juno 5 , a man giving his name ns M , Dradlcy deposited $1'.X ) , getting a ccitlllcnto of deposit duo in three mouths. The man could not write und made his mark on the signature register. On September 10 Mr. Unulloy went In the bnnUngatunud In the absence of the cashier got a receipt for fOO more to bo added to his other deposit , and was to call the next day to get from Cashier ( llbbon a certificate for hlsSITO. Instead of Mr. Hradtov , another man came In on September 11 with the ro- celpt and demanded the money , and on being asked to sign the receipt , promptlv wrote , In a rapid , business hand "Michael llradloy. " This caused air. Morlartv to bo suspicious , and ou refusing to pay over the money the strange man turned juilo and trembled , and hastily went nut to get .soino ono to identify him , but failed to retain. The suspicious part of the whole mutter Is the full uro of Mr. llradloy to re turn and get his certificate , or on discovering the lots of his | iapurs to notify the bun ! : . When nnd Where to The honrd of registration for South Oinnha will sit on Tuesday , October 7 , from Sa. in. to 8 p. in. ; on Wednesday , October 15 , from 8 n. m. to 8 p. in. ; Thursday , October BM , from 8. a. in. to 8 p. in. ; Friday , October : il , same hours , nnd on Saturday , November 1 , thov will sit for the last time. The places of registration nro at follows ; First \Vnrd Luinm's scale olllce , Twenty- sixth street , between M and X. Second Ward Justice Levy's ofllco , Twenty-sixth street , between N und O streets. Third Ward-Kllkar's hotel. Q street , between Twenty-ninth and Thirtieth streets. Fourth Ward Building directly south of the Live Stock Kxchango building. Dlood niul Itoolll" . Articles for n six-round light have been signed between Tommy White , the Chicago champion , and Hilly Hnwloy's unknown , to take place hi Gcrnmnlu , hull Friday evening. The conditions of the articles uro that if Whlto docs not knock bis opponent out within the six rounds Hawloy's iniin gets 450 forfeit and the entire gate receipts. The light is for blood and boodto. Seriously Injiu- . .Tames Hennessey , an employe nt the Ar- mour-Cudahy picking houses , while nt work yesterday afternoon , cut himself with his butcher killfe , the blade penetrating the ab domen , causing a..serious wound. The at tending surgeon is of the opinion that the man will pull through all right providing no complications occur. V. M. C. A. Kent Hall Onme. The foot ball game between two picked teams of the Young Men's Christian associa tion at Walnut Hill yesterday afternoon drew a fair sized crowd , and proved to bo very in teresting. W. Li. Sheldon nnd L. V. Curtis were the captains. Curtis seemed to have selected players of superior ability to these chosen by Sheldon , for in a two hours' con test the score stood IS to 0 in favor of the Curtis team. The gnmo was hotly con tested in several innings , however , and the zero record of the Sheldon team was largely due to luck. In one exciting rush Mr. Curtis received a severe cut just above the left eye. This was the only unpleasant accident of the afternoon playing. D. H. Gowignnd wife of Syracuse , N. V. , who have been the guests of Kir. and Mrs , L. C. Hill for the past week , leave for the coast tomorrow. DRIVING PARK. Fall Meeting- , October 7to 10,1890 S4.OOO IN 3URSI S. PROGRAMME : MONDAY , OCTOlinil 7. - " ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " " ' ' JjSsJTrottliut Purso"'ii.'I"I'I. ! ! ! ! MO Il-ye.ir-old TrottlnK-Stuko 10J TUKSDAY , OOTOlIKIt 8. 2.riOTrottlinj Pur.so liOO 2ja ! Trottlne I'lirao 4oO 3-ycar-oldTrottliiK-Stako 55 WEONKSDAY , OOTOIIEUO. 2i8TroUliiK : Purse 403 l'iirs 50J Frce-Kor-All Trottln ? Yearling Trotting Itace Stalco HI THUKSDAK , OOTOHEU 10. 2n : Trottlnit I'urso 40 } Kreo-For-All PaeliiB I'urw M ) Frce-ror-All , Stullfim 1'nrsu fiOJ Natlonul Tnitttng association rulus to sov- nrn. Entries closii Outober4. Htulcunico free. Mlle trauk. J. W. 1'ERKOOY , I'roslilnnt , Counull lllulTj , Iowa. Address all coiiununtcatlons to. A. II. OIHUS. Bc6rctiry. : 515 South l-lth St. . Omaha. Neb. J. D. Kl > Ml'Xl > t > uv. 1'rei. 15.u HiiunAKT , \'lco-l'ro > . CIIAIIIUS II. HAN.VAX , faslilcr. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 , LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 , Iiiir.croiis-I. A.MIllor , K. O. Gle.ison. 13. I , . ShiiKiirt , K. K. Hurt , . ) . I ) . KdimmiNon , Ubarlus ( J. llumnm. Traii-.ict general baiiMn ? busi ness. Largest Ciiplf.il and surplus of any ban ) : InSoiithwustern town. INTERESTON TIME DEPOSITS. F. M , ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS And Building ; Superintendents. lionrmJriO nnd 4 K lieu Ilnlldln ; , Onialm.Nnb. . and Rooms till and ' 'Id ' Merrlam Block , Counull llliill'.i. In Correspondence bolloltoil. ttf v Sixty-First Animul Coiifcrcuoo in Matt IjnKr. SM.TLu < r.Cnv , Utah , Oct. 4.--The Mor mon semi-annual conference wns opened to day by ( Jcorgo Q. Crtiinon. Kldor Roberta spokoof tbo revelation to como from Presi dent Woodruff and snld that I8W would vnnk as nu epoch In the history of the church. I'reAldunl Woodruff then eamo forward and said the Lord wouldn't reveal the time ] but lie hull talked twice recent ly with Joseph Smith In the spirit , nnd tbo ( import o ( It wan tlmt the bridegroom was uboub to take the brlilo. Ho also t id Uod belli nil tlio veil with Ih'l lmm YouiiKniul was vncoiiniKcd iiroallv. Apostle Hlchnrdt said the kingdom was to ailvanco inoro rnpldly than over , but the Son of Mini nnd Ills nugcl * would not coinu on earth until .lerniiilfinlH rebuilt , The saints should study tin ) scripture * inoro ami then thi < young men would see visions niul old men ilrou in. Apostle Tlutt-clior ndvlseil thosnlntt to pro- piuii for 1VJ1. They had prospered urontly of Into und tlmt nuiilo him fcurful. Vt'lmtvo need Is porjecutlon nnd plenty of It. Ho ex pressed full belief In wnodrnll'.s I'onversu- tlons with .losoph Smith nnd Brliliaiii ; Yoiiiur. Tlio tlmo is coining when this country will lutiiinciiKi'KO in a slrlfo betivcun capltul anil labor and the Mormon question will bo for- potten tor u tiiiio. Then t\o people woulil Iloo from nil tmits of thu land to Utiih and thu Mormons would welcome thoni nnd would establish hero a true republican ( jouTiiincnt with democratic urinciplos , \Vclih There will bo prcnchiiiK today at the Welsh Presbyterian church as follows i At 10 n , m. by Uev. 1) . Edwards of Denver , Colo. , and le\- . Joseph Kohortaof Minneapolis , Minn. ; nt2HOn. : in. bylJuv. Thoinus Miles. Mlatto county , Noiiraslcn , and Hcv. Richard Hughes , Ullfton , In. * , ntUO : hy Hcv. ICdwnrd Joseph , Willlamsbiirg , la. , und Kev. Joseph Uobcrts , Mliinenpolls. Mr. T. C. Humphrey of Omaha leads tlio slnnlnp and 1'rof. William Utivlct ol Mil win- keo pivAldca at the orpnu at all these services. At the session yesterday full report } ) were read from the various cotninltlees appointed to investigate all the different lines of vorlc perlormed by tlio church. At 'J p.m. Kev Johns , pastor of the Twenty-fourth sticet ehurce , w.is ordaliifd. The following t'ontle- niPii assisted In the ordination coivnionlcs t Kev. D. IMwards , Denver ; Kev. 11 T. Hiij-lies , D.IWII , Mo. ; Rev. Thomas Miles , Pliute county ; Kev. Kloliard Hut-lies , Clif ton , In. ; Hov. Kilwiml Joseph , Williams- bun ; ) ) , In. ; Hev. Joseph Roberts , IMInne.ipo- lls , Jllmi. Hud I'l 'Btio In Xew Joi-sey. HkMiiUKO , N. .T. , Get. I. In this villagp , with a population of NX ) , there lias been no less tlmii forty-five cases of mailsu-'int dysen tery within the lust two months. Mnuy of the inhabitants In a llttlo liamlot nearby have suffered with the pla uo and nine died , but in I lambing , where the disc.iso orlR- Inatcd , Its ruva es have been the Krealest. Twenty deaths huvc occurred. A doctor says it was a phiRuo of epidemic , contagious dys entery. Others believe that tlio disease is a species of cholera sueh ns was predicted would follow tbo gciioral epidemic of the pippo last spring. There Is a foul pi pen In tlio village on the < -ile | of a pond ami within ten feet of a lart'o cemetery. For years it has not been cleaned out nnd tlio offal has been lie-cumulating duritif nil this time. Louis J. Palmer of Swcetwnter county , \Vyo. , has been In Omaha several days , life- puest of II. J. Ilnolictt. Air. 'Palmer is n sou of cx-Go\cnior Palmer of Illi nois. Miss Nettle K. Ccok , who hns been visiting her sister , Mrs. , T. K. Dates , 10'JI Locust street , returned yestcrdny to hoi- homo ut Cedur Fulls , In. SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. _ j _ _ WANTED A tfmicr , ut once. SlniKiirt St Co. , 11 .Main hi. WANTIID Aflrst-clutHilicsimmlur anilnn apprentice girl at once. Apply to Miss Mary ( ilcjfton , ! ! 1'cnrlht. STAI.L10X 1'or s.ilo cheap ! full blooded Noriiiun ; re ? . . ' .107. .1 , .1. Mi's , near iluat nnd dumb Institution , Council B lulls. FOR SALE The sloclc niul fixtures nf u n U ostiiblMied grocery store , or will cull stock nnd icut store and IKtiui's ; aKo tliri'uJ 4-yiMir-old colts for sale. Inquire of T. JJ. Smith & Son , 713 lUtli avo. , Council HUlllM. POTTAWATTAMin county farms for sale : HM ! > ten and tuimty aeio traots urnimil Council lllulTn. Johnston , t Van 1'utli'ii , i\ur- ; ett block , _ _ \\7ANTr.D Hy two young num. sltuatlrtii. TI Hardware Inihliu'ss pioforrcd. but will accept any other , wlmlusalunrrntall. Finnish nil lofuirnces riviulred. Addm > s I' . II. & , ! U Main st. , Council ItlulTs. FOK HUNT Houses and rnonis ; ono over store noiirt'oiirt house , iiiulonii ( iiinMieil loom at J. K. UnvUlsimV , vr I'lfth air. FOK change In busings will hell htocl ; of druns ami ll.\tiin > s , all nuw unit llrit clivf. ut a discount. If sold nil lilu uiixt. : n ) il.iyn. In- voleo about $ . ' , W. Address S. , llto uflleu. Council llluir.s. _ FOIl PALIS Tliu Homo Restaurant for sale on i'iy terms. Thu most | > i > ulir : place lu thoclly. a.V. . Scott. ICI7 Broadway. F OIl SAljE nr Kent O.irdim lainl. nlth bouses , by J , It. Ittuo. Hi Main st. , Couiioll FWHY WHY ] ny rent wnon you can buy a honioon tliUbiuno terms , und In ease of your ilc.itti at nny I line lu.ivo your funilly tlio homo dau * on tlio following tornis ; A homo worth 41 , OX ) at $12 per month. Ahomo worth fl.riO ) at JH pur month. Ahomo worth IJ.UJ ) at $ 'l pur month. A homo worth $ .1,0)0 ) ut. $11 pur month. A homo worth $1,00) ) ut $1) per month. Other prleod homo on the sumo term * . Tha aboro monthly payments Include principal anillntornit. For full | > artlutllir-i ; call on or address the .In Id He Wells Oo. . 003 HrouOwuy. Council lllulTs , la. I C. O. D. xTtist Opened. C. O. D. Brown , of Omaha , has opened a First Class Grocery House at the corner of Fourth and. Broadway. "We buy for cash and sell for cash , and are able to save our custo mers per cent. I Here is What You Can do for Cash : l.i pounds fjranulntcd sufur for. . . . $1.00 / Potted Ham , per can $ .03 10 pou'nda extra C sugar 1.00 Doviloil Hum , ncr cnn 05 17 pounds C } sugar 1.00 12 07. , Bottle Lemon Extract 05 7 bars ofVlio liussinn soap for 25 12 . Bottle Vanilla 05 . . . . oz. Extract I box of White Russian soap for. 3.60 U bars Rood laundry soap Oo Vlnopnr , per Ballon 15 Largo bottle bluing ( ) o Coal Oil , per gullon . ,10 California hams per pound 00 6 gallons Gasoline 05 Boneless hums per pound 11 Salt , by the barrel 1.30 Cream chccso per pound , , . , lo Wo nro headquarters on Flour. Potatoeu per bushel 0(1 ( R.T. Davis'No. 10 per flack l.CO Good broom 16 U. T. Davis1 , Blue D , per suck l.Sfi Jolly per pound 05 Gold Medal per sacU 1.50 Navy beans pisr pound 05 Pnffo , Norton & Go's Hutlnlo Flour. 1.40 Crackers per pound ( X ) A. Hattlor. try H , per suck 1.00 II loaves of broad fur 10 Choice Country Huttor 1/i / to .18 Mustard sardines pur can 10 No. 1 Creamery Huttor " 0 Oil sardines per can 07 Strictly Fresh KggB , per do/ All goods warranted as represented and 16 ounces to the pound. Weigh your goods and don't be deceived by your high priced grocry- . man. ED. N. Brown , C. O. D. Fourth Street and Broadway , * COUNCIL BLUFFS , - . . . . . IOWA.