THE OTVfATTA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY OCTOBER 5 , 1890 TWENTY PAGES. 5 81.OO. Every conceivable color and the very taridest quality they measure full 24-inclies and pave usually sold at $1.50. Come to see them. PLUS ! 100 pieces beautiful silk pluslies , 19-inches Ivide , all the newest colors , 75c , worth $1 , Mair Special Display Monday in our Cloak Dep't. Exquisite newdesig-ns , beautiful colorings , Prices about one-fourth actual values. Kvery shawn guaranteed a GENUINE INDIA Prices range at 350 , $75 , $ LOO , $125 , $135 , $150 , $200 and $250 each. 'Our ' Silk Dep'listhe largest in the west ; you can Jind everything LACE HTM Special Sale Only two days more of bur SEMI-ANNUAL Lace Curtain Sale { Buy While the Sale Lasts As this is positively the only sale this sea- ion. Any price you wish frorn 75c to $85 per air. Fully 20 per cent discount on all. We lake a small profit on all we sell , if only a small ne , but teat is our look out , we are satlfiedwith advertisement. Jl forces' is the only plate to bicj aerial us. \Cnrtainpclcs \ at Worse's , complete 2c. Get one of Morses downpillowssizez&xi8 , > htgi\tly \ purfrimed in sateen$1.50. fiolland shades at Worse's , mounted on spring rollers ready to futjtgzuilfi , borders or plain , < foc eaci > Great Bargains Thiswill l > e the only lace curtain sale -we shall jhave during the season and -will embrace o UP IPurGliases. We Sb.aU Offer Tuesday Four Thousand Pairs Nottingham Irish Point Swiss , Tambour and Brussels Tlie prices to range from. 75c to $85.00 a Pair. Alotofs cut-tains will le closed out at $ / . A lot of $10 curtains will be dosed out at $8 , A lot of $ * curtains will be closed out at $3.25. A lot of ยง 3 curtains will be closed out at $ " 2.30. 39c 100 dozen of men's fancy night shirts , madeoi good muslin , actual value 75c , price Monday 39c. STORE DIRECTORY. BASEMENT ; Will be opened about October 15 with a complete line of Uouso Furnishing Joodj. Tinware'Wooden and Willow " \Varo , Crockery , Cutlery , Silterware , etc Ot ) ur buyer Is in New York now , FIRST FLOOR. 16th Street Wing- Silks , Velvets. Dross Roods , Glores , Notions. Buttons , Trim tninfja. Station - ry. Books , and in the Fipnam street window of the same lloor , DrJaoger'a Jnderwuar , Men's Furnishings , Boja1 Clothing , Linens , Domestics , etc. 2ND FLOOR. Beached by both passenger elevators or from the street entrance : Blankets. Comforts , Flannels , lUbfcons , Laces , Embroideries , Yarns , Knit Goods , A. beautiful stock of NEW HOODS. Hosiery and Underwear , Ir. Jaeger's Underwear for ladles ana children OHIccs on. this floor. floor.3RD FLOOR. In charjro of Mr. Scofield. Cloaks , Suits , Corsets. Muslin Undorwotir , Hall's Bazar Forms , Eutterick's Patterns. Fans , Sealskin Cloaks , etc , e 4TH FLOOR. Carpota , Rues , Linoleums , etc. , in charge of Mr. Schrivor , and Curtains Draperies , Window Shades and Upholsery Goods , in charge of Mr. Schonck. 5TH FLOOR : Dressmaking , in charge of Mr. Feattorly. ! None but fiwl-clasa work done. 6TH FLOOR : Manufacturing department and wholesale rooms. Monday morning we shall have a Our low- prices are telling. La grand sale of silks. An attraction at ' dies' Hole and Underwear the counter , will be the Second Floor , 16tii Clored Surah Silks , St. Front. LADIES' ALL WOOL HOSE , With merino heels and All the colors are desirable. We toes and ribbed tops 25c , have the pinks , blues , lavenders , heliotropes worth & 5c. tropes , cardinals , etc. , M > desirable for fancy work. They arc pure silk and worth 50c. DL JAEGER'S ' SHAPES Black Silks , FOR 1890. 65 The quality and shapes of Dr. Jae G ger's Hosiery and Underwear is alto gether changed , and the goods wo show tbis year are all new ; any shown else We shall offer a line of new Ameri where are last year's styles and quali- can black silka ; a quality that vvo can 103 , recommend fine and nice for ordinary wear , at Goc a yard. We sole are agents Black Surah , for Dr. Jaeger's Hos iery and Underwear- men's women's and children's. 1O pieces of this quality at $1.12 , worth $1.50. This is a positive bargain. We Ladies' natural wool vests 3.1 A are bound to make this silk department specially jjood bargain at SI. This noted. | quality sells elsewhere for S1.5C. LADIES' Wrappers Wohavo 0 special qualities in colored Elite velvets ; no old $8 poods or colors in the . . lot. No one can show you such an as- sortmen t or approach " our prices. "Wo have sold lota of the all wool outing : llannel wrappers , su perior quality , choice 'nil ' colors , in newde- Colored Silk Velvets si < * D3 , sizes 32 to 40 8Sc bust. Worth 81.35. I t PRICE , Colored Silk TelveU $1. Worth $1.25. Colored Silk Velvets $1.23 Worth 31.75. Worth. Colored Silk Velvets 5I.8O Worth 32 Colored Silk Velvets LARGEST CLOAK $1.73 Worth 82.25. Finest Colored Silk Velvets Worth $3.50. IN TOE WEST , MORSE'S NEW STORE /UlllUlllUlUltt / $6.O These are the genu- ne California made White Blankets ; are worth $1O a pair our price $6.50. If nte $3.90 All wool 11-4 White Blankets , worth $8 get a pair Monday for $3.90. lite $7.00 California White Blankets , beautiful quality , 11-4 size , worth $11. PREMIUM $8.50 Extra heavy warm and fine , fully J > 4 a pair less than price. Morse Dry Goods Co. Marseilles Bed Spreads , $4,50. $ 50 white Marseilles Bed Spreads , extra size , at S3 ; worth $4.50. 100 Tray Cloths at 25c ; worth 50c. 150 Tray Cloths at 39c ; worth 75c , 150 extra fine double damask Tray Cloths at at 50c ; reduced from $1 and $1.25. 100 dozen Cream Napkins at 75c ; worth $1 , Table Damask $1.00. 10 pieces Bleached Satin Damask at $1.00 per yard ; worth 51-35 Napkins to match at $2.00 per dozen. OUR P11L1T1E8 For Rendering You Proper Service IN Sealskin Cloaks. Sealskin Jackets. Sealskin Wraps. Sealskin Ulsters. Sealskin Caps. Are-not equalled in the west. We buy the skins and make to order. SPECIAL SALE Children's ' Cloaks. Two Styles to Select From One has Revere an'd Belt the other has Rolling Shawls , Collar and Silk Girdle. Second Floor-16th St. Front. LADIES' DM SUITS $2. Natural Gray and White. Equal to any sold elsewhere for $3 $ to $5.