Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1890, Part Two, Page 15, Image 15

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A "Very Talr Average in Most Lines for the
Season of the Ycsv ,
> ( T In Dry Oooda No Now
Features In Groceries 'llio
Lumber and Provision
" \Vhllo there has been a very fair nvcrago
trade during the week just closed , It has not
been overly brisk In some special lines , which
Is duo as much to the season of the year as to
nny other ono cause.
yho hardware trade has been heavy or , as
Berne dealers expressed It , "rushing. " In
this line tin pinto Is receiving the most atten
tion , nnd the market is excited. Kvcryono
appears to bo nnxlous to lay In a year's sup
ply before the new tnrllt bill goes Into effect.
y The season of the year Is arriving when the
Jobbers of dry goods look lor n lessening
rtuiuand , and thcv are beginning to feel
it now. Most merchants who
nroat any distance from the markets have
already laid iu their winter stock of Roods.
Tbo American Wool Reporter , in connection
with the trade In woolen goods , retnnrks that
during the closing week of August the ,
Jobbing trado-reachcd proportions that wore
almost phenomenal , und the opening weeks
of September witnessed a similar condltlou ,
Jobbers being taxed severely In their en
deavors to meet the demands of trade and
to hnndlo the large number of buyers who
wcro In the ninrket. It was not only un
usual , but probablv without precedent , and
Jobliers' hooks footed up totals such as sug
gested war clays , when values wens many
times greater than nt pro-sent. Trade con
tinued In heavy volume until the coming
of the September storms , when It began
"to drop ofl quickly , nnd on the coming In
of the Hebrew holidays , It got down to
moderate proportions. Taking the month.
as a whole- , jobbers cnn point with con-
Rldcrablo satisfaction to a irnind ntrgrcgato
which reaches figures that represent an ex
traordinary distribution of goods , a volume
of business that In ynrdago has probably
uovcr been exceeded. Jobbers nronowdolncr
n largo business , but it is oidvastnall fraction
f what was accomplished in the weeks re
ferred to. Trail o has taken n sort of breath
ing spell ; buyers hare placed their first or
ders , and are now awaiting the tlmo for com-
ingln on repeat orders , tollll in the holes inndo
by taking out goods which have gouo Into dual
consumption. Jobbers are putting stocks in
shape preparatory to n rcuownl of trade later
on andf arc In tho'primary markets seeking
bargains with which they can tempt buyers.
In nearly the whole range of cotton goods ,
the exceptions being few , tbo quantity of
Roods between manufacturers nnd llnal dis
tributors Is smaller thuii has been known In
years. That the consumption Is close to the
jjecls of the supply Is what gives strength
Cind tone to the market , and encouragement
to manufacturers nnd npcnts.
October has arrived without bringing nny
uecmcui.v new leaning 10 LIIU uauu m KUIJUU
procerles. The demand has not been as heavy
In nil cases ns dealers might wish to
see , but upon the -whole as heavy as they
could expect under the prevailing circum
stances. It can f-nfely bo said that there is a
Kreat general fooling of relief over the final
settlement of the tariff question , for however
operator ! ) may disagree over the provisions of
. the net nlTcctlnir various articles In the gro
cery line , the fact that danger of unexpected
legislation Is removed permits the laying of
plnns with some degree of certainty.
The lumber trade docs not appear to bo as
Srrlsk as It was a short tlmo ago , but prices
remain In Just about tbo same notch ou most
i In the way of country produce there has
not boon any very radical changes since n
week OKO. Butter nnd eggs have sold right
along at practically steady prices , the supply
and the domund keeping about equal. Poul
try weakened n little at the close of tha week ,
owlnfe to the liberal supply. The game sells
well , but is dlfllcult to handle with tUo
weather so mild.
Paturdav , Oct. 4.
Estimated receipts of cattle. 1,000 , as com-
'flnrcd with 1,5MB vostordny und 1,850 Saturday
weok. Tlio best steers active and
> f last vurvt j. iiu UVTI- \ \ \JLJ are ti. i F.U uiiu
i.tronKor , poorer ones lower , generally quoted
.u in : ttc ) lower than last wuuk. Cow receipts
r > or in quality and prices unchanged. Keed-
crXuctlvo fur the close of the wi-olc ; prices un-
chnS e < l : moro thnn U.OuO feeders have boon
hipped uut this wcuk ,
Estimated reculpts of hogs , 4.C09 ; as com
pared with n.ISi yostordnv , nnd 4,1W ) Satur
day of last weok. The ninrkntoponeil a shade
loochlKher , notlvoiuul all sold uarly. H.-uieo.
KJ.Doai.S7jS. the hulk at CI.OXN.20 ; light , f4.15 < a
4.S5l heavy , W.lXKll.Vft ! lulxrd , :
liutchur woiKlits. M.l.Vitt..TSJ. The average of
the prices paid was $1.13 , us compared with
4.10 yesterday auU 4.2i ) Saturday of last
Estimate * ! receipts of sheep XS , as compared
Mlth 1,077 ycnterday and 2,440 Saturday of.last
vrcek. Market nnclianKcd Natives ,
4.00) ) wcsterns , B.OOS3.UO.
Disposition of'Stoek.
f the number of head ot stock
nnrchasud on this market as reported by the
wolghiiiujtors of the Stockyards company.
I cAi-rtr.
Bwlt& Co 301
ThoQ. II. llammoiulcompiiny. . . 2111
The Armoiir-Uudahy pucK'nitr company. . MS
ice Itolhsehlld 1G
Hamilton & Stephen 18
llcnton & Underwood 151
Nelson Morris 14
Shippers and 1'oodors 003
ThoArmour-Oudahy packing company. . 898
Oiniiha packing company 020
Hvrlt& ( Comiiany 737
The U. II Iliiiniiiond company 57a
3. V. Siiilln-s A Co 150
Itrlttalii&Uo I'M
North jiacliliiB company 70
Kulffan&Oo BL-J
whito& on 73
.feeders 179
I"Ut A : Company 323
18..1082 2 SO 'JO. . fiOt 3 40 4 . 045 2 60
M..ioa > ' ! 15 , . 730 i ! 40
10"B58 ; ; 385 . . UTS 3 40
' ' 8 KO S Si 5 , . IX 2 40
ftL . 430 S'-'S 11. . 811 2 40
* 9. 870 i 35 1 ! > .1111 S 45
T.,1080 2 US a" , .6l ! > U 2 NO
' - - , . l ) 2 33 15 , , KM 250
16. . Mil 2 40 VJ , . IVJO 2 60
Sa. . 831 2 40
110. . 034 2 40 U ) , , UOO 255
3. . Old 1 00 6. . OO 1 25
llll 1 00 SB. . COS 1 3L'ii
1 , . 780 1 00 a.i. . uv > i 35
7. . 774 1 ) St. , US3 1 40
1..1SOO 1 50 1..I260 1 75
jjfJ45 1 75 1..1.VJU 1 bS
0 1 75 1..13SJ 1 iXJ
1. . 100 3&0 0. . 153 850
1. . UJU 1 75 1. . 1JO 360
3. . 410 2 00 . 0. . 30U SOO 3. . SOO 200
S.t & 10 2 00
1..1110 1 40 1 .1570 2 00 1..1570 130
U..1UCK ) 2 00
1..1570 3 00 2.1000 3 M
Vo. AT. Pr.
ai\tltn 1426 U 00
Norih American Uultlo CompaiiT
4 w iM 1 05
Showlnjtho avocado prlco p.ild for loads of
hocson the days ludlcatoa lu 18i7 , :
andlWXJ :
Daj. Sept IX ) . Sept 83. Sept ' 83. Sept ' 37.
Avcrn ; o Cost of
The following table gives tbo average cost
of hogs ou the dates uitmtlotinJ , Including thu
cost toil ay , as based upon sales ruportod :
September 1. . . . . 4 01 ! 5 . , 4 23
Soitembcr2 ) . 4 07U September 19. . . . , 4 23
Hoptcmbcr : ! . 408VS September 21) ) . . . , . 4 2li
optombcr4 . 4 11 Septembers , 4 y.i
September 5 . 4 05 goptemborll. . . . 4 IBM
September G . 4 11 ? SoiitemberSI. . . . 4 13
SoptombcrB. . . . . . 4 19 September ! . . . .4 14
Suiitombcrl ) . 4 UM Septembers } . . . , , 4 10
September 10. . . . 4 4 September 27. . . . 4 10
September 11. . . . 4 17U September ) . . . . 4 10
September I- . . . . 4 U September30. . . . 4 08K
September 13. . . . 4 it1 ; , ' October 1 4 14
September 15. , . 4117 Octobers 4 2t
September IB. . 4 2) ) > X October : i 4 10
SoDterubor 17. . . . 4 October 1 4 13
Stock Receipts.
Estimated Today. OMlclal Yesterday.
Oattlo. . . 45onra , 1,000 Cattle. . . 57 cars. I.SIOS
Hogs. . . . Wears , 4,000 1Ios . 84 curs , D.IK !
Sheep. . . . 2 ears , X32 i-lieop . 0 cars , 1,077
Highest and Liowcut Saloi of Hogi.
Today. Yesterday.
HlBhost . $ t27K Hlchcst . M 25
Lowest . U 90 Lowest . 385
itecetpt.s and Shipments.
Showing the olllclal rccolptsand shipments
of cattle , hogs and slioop on the dates Indi
cated :
Friday , Sept.M 671to 1..WO 037
Saturday , Sept. 87 to ) MM1
Monday , Scot. VI 1,825 1.6OT
Tumtuy , Sept. 30 749 2,012
WtHlncsdir. Oct. 1 2,21 S.OUO
ThurmlBT , 1,618 1.4IS1
Cuttle. HOK.I. Bliecp.
Week ondliu Pcpt. 27. H.U71 7,050
Weekending Mopt.20 lii.101 2.W )
WcckcndlnK ei > t. 13 11,170
Wockondlnic Sept. C . ' . 12.453
Week Biullniriik' . SO 11Sir ? 113
Week endlnu A x. S3
DATES-PCrslan , tt-Ib bor. two.
TWINCS Uotton twine , "Bibb , " very flno , H
Ih bnloi.2io ! ; cottoa twlno , XX brand , Ji Hi
hales , isoj hemp twlno , H Ib bales. IHo : null
twliio. 20e ; cnmllo wlelc , 2ai ! 40 Jt cotton clothes
lines , 85c ! CO ft cotton elothos lines , Jl.ti.lj no ft
cotton lines. 11.40 ; 1)0 ) fC nisal linen , 11.73 ; CO ft
Jute , tl.OO ; wool twlnos. 8Jo. !
HAIRIN8 London layers. California Illy , per
box , $ -.75 ; "horsi'sboo , $ iSO ( ; loose muscatels ,
California Illy. 13.40 ! "horsoHlioe , " t . : B ; "mar'1
loose muscatel- . ' . seedless California , . ' .00 ;
Uallfornlii settllt-'sa stiltruiH , In sucks , per Ib ,
Sat California muscatels. In sacks. 8Hc | now
vnlonclus. OHc ; onilura , layer , now. lOSie.
FAIIINACIOU.I GOODS Hurley. : i'o ( : farina.
KOI nens , ! > io : oatmeal , bbln. ( . > .7ti.2o ; hull
bbls. $ : t.00iro3.25i luacnront. lK3Uo ( ; vorrnlcolll ,
103110 : rleo. eholco , tt\Qna ; fancy , UUt 'c ;
head , 7csaKOand ; taploo.n7o ; lima hcuut ,
oyqi split pens , 3oSpuRettl. ! llo.
WiiAi'riNO l'AVBU-Stri\w , per Ib , Itslj0i
raj ; , /tOi maiillla II. KU'a : No. 1 , Bo.
MOLASSES llhls. N. U. fancy , porgiil. .V > 357o ;
oholeo. 4.VK47c ; good , JKWW-'o ; Cuba , bukliifj
diuVto ; bliiok utrup. W22o.
POUA I'kgM , CO lln to box. 5 0 : kegs , 4 < { o.
V1.NEOAU : ir. N. V. opploolder , lUe : 1) . S.
elder , 12c ; white , vrlne , 15oi fancy , fruit. ISc.
OirA 150 prltiio white , llo ; 1.U wutur white ,
13o ; 175 headlight. llHo : 74 unsolliu' , 13c.
SALSOUA llbu , ISo ; Kranulatcd,2c ; la bbls ,
hTOV Por.i8ii JJ.OOSM.85 per cross.
llAos-Am. per 10D , H7,75i Lewlston , per 100 ,
117.75 ; Union winara. 40 per cunt off list.
HAiT-lilrr.2b01b ! ln bbl , bulk. * 2.10j best
Kraile , Bl 5 * . J-.MU ; best urado , 1003s , t-.40j hi t
Rratle , 1910.4. t > .25 ; rock salt , crushed (1.80 |
fouimon , bbl , $1.25.
OANSEU MEATS Corned beef , 1 Ib , tl.20 |
oornvd boof/ ; lunch tongbes , 1 Ib ,
isi.00 ; lunch toiiKurs , 2 Ibs , t4.73 ; brawn , ' "
2.W : brawn. 3 IDs. IJoOi oxloiiKUns Hi Ibs.
(5.0U ; OX tniiKUi > .s , 2 Ibs , { 4.00 ; chipped bcof , li !
Ibs , nuinil cans. t.3i ! ; nt buef,2-lbround
ouus , J2.UO ; iHittcd ham. Klb , round cuii3u' > o ;
potted 1mm. ii Ib. round cuns tl.'M ; dovllcd
ham. ' 4 Ib. round eans. d5ai dorllud ham , H Ib ,
round cans. tl.'M ; potted ox tousuo , yt Ib ,
round cans. II.-'O ; comprtisnod hum , 1 Ib ,
s < iuuro CHUM. (1.20 ; comorfh-iod hum. 9 Ibs ,
squurucans. t-v.75 : trlpuU Ib , round ;
in luced caloiis. S Ib , round cans. fJ.'JO ; bonolosi
pigs' feet , 2 Ib. iuaro cans , $2.23.
buciAii 1'er Ib. Out loaf. 7tjoj Cubes , 74c ! ;
Standunl , ( Kiwdercd. 7'ia ; X\XX , powderod.
8 | granulated , ntnndard. To ; cuufvctloa-
on'A , tUiGTo ; whlto extra O , brilliant ,
OVio : extra 0 , royal U.'io ; cuntral U , OTic ;
goldi'ii 0 , 5Uc : dark C , 9o.
luri.icSutuit l'crlb-5a cakes. SO-lb boxes ,
i3o : 10ucako3,30-lbboiej. 12 o ; 1-lb bricks , a )
Ibs In txii. pure. 14o.
OorrEr. Itoasted Arosla , 25Koi Dunola.
3 He : German. 25 > ic : Dllvrorta'n. 2J > jo : Lion ,
: Wu ; Mullmmcli. 23ju } : Cordova , 20ii ; Alouhu ,
SKoU. O.Java. 30o.
I KnuiTS Turkish prunes , loss than
libd-s 1S.S9. 7 C ! original lihtU Ho loss ; lloanla
prunes , li-lb boxes , 100 to 110 , 7 ? oi apples ,
ovuporutod. now rln'n choloo. 18o ; eraporatad ,
now rlnicprlini > , 15Hcuprlcot ; , fancy. Ins.icUs ,
200 ; bluokborrloit , now. liMia ; ruspbcrrles , 13
Ibito box , IMo ; cutnint < iiievr.&HijKai ( original
casks. UQ losij VoitUzu currants , axtrii. In
boxes. U\o ,
rouilum f. 0. , twin flaU , porlb ,
s Premium F. F. , Young American.
brick. If : dommtlo B L . Httl7ci Kdam , In
foil , eivch 11.00) ) I.ltulicrijiT. I2jr. ;
KUTA-Alinondo , 18c ; Uruxlli. 17c ! filberts ,
Kto ; pcctns , lea ; Malnnti. iRet ponnnt cocks ,
lOHc : ronMod , 12Hci Tenap ce peanut * . Oc.
imoou-S-tlc , piirlor , Jiai ; 4-llo. y.75 ; 3-tol ,
82.2. ' . ! n-tlo. plain. II.M ; .warehouse , Kl.W | toy
Ji.2.1 ; whisk , ll.inai.-i.
OMVRiijiiiirU , nor dot , tl.OO ; pints , per doz ,
tSMi bulk , per Kiil.UVj.
ConuAon Mnnllla rope All sizes from7-lfl
to 1 In. , 15o ; sisal roiw. all slro from 7-18 to
In * IJHoi "now processes , " nil sizes from 7-1
to lln. . Be.
Corros HOPE J4 In , 18c.
mottled , per Ib , t > IMOcj do ,
wlilto , per Ib. llo.
I' Medium , per l > hl. J9.00 ; imall.
Slow ; gherkin * . 111.00 ; Imp. 1)111 , $18.00 ( IB-gal
ca kl ! & .aal bbl , 310.00.
CiDBH-l'orbbl , rcllncd , M.nOi half bbl , H.50 |
hard elder , pure , per bbl , M.fiO : oramrn elder ,
half bbl , M.GO ! pour elder , halt bbl. to.50.
Fnesn POHK Fresh hams , 10 to 29 Ibs
avg , 8ol 12 Ibs nvR , 8'ic ' ; Miouldcrs , 5ci
) ork loins. 7He ; pork : tenderloins 12ci leaf
lard , not rendered , G e : spare ribs. 4Kc.
SALT MKATrt UbU pork , bbfs , 111.00) )
clear ) > orkhacks , heuvy.tll.50 ! medium , 111.70) )
short cut olt'ur pork , ? IO il2i plR pork , tt3.DO |
new oxlru mess bcof. $ d.OJ ; nuw cxtrn , plato
beef , J7.CKI ! now plato bf > cf. M.50 ; now nillod
bonuleAS hocf , { 8.50 ; new boneless rumps , $8.50.
IiAim Tlcrcc * . pure leaf , OViC.
MTATS Sugnr-cureil hams , 12 to 11
Ib. IIVK. , 10'4e | mc'dliim. 15 to ID Ib. UVR. , 10.U o |
skinned sllclnz , 18 to 20 Ib. HVK. , lie ; ulioiiltl-
en , OJJcl bonoles.s ham , Be ; breakfast bacon ,
clear. 6 to 7 Ib. strips. So ; dried beef hums ,
set * , BMc : regular , 7c.
Ditv SALT JlEATS-CIcar bncUs. d c : extra
short clour. Co ; hclllos , 1G to 20 Ib average ,
OHe ; short ribs , Olfc ; lone clears , 650.
SAUsAdK Ilolosnn4c ! bologna In weas-
sands , 4 * o : fninkfurls. 7c ; tonsnc , 8o |
blood , 4io ! ; liver , 4ia ! ; headehocso , 4Kc | Pol
ish , 7c ; Doric mingo ( links ) , Oc ; pork sausage ,
meat ) , In tlnpallx , 5VSo
Fitr.sii I'or Ib Perch , 7o ; bulTnlo , drcssod ,
7o ; plokon-l , PC ; pike. Oo ; trout , Oc ! irhlto , lOoj
cropplo , lie ; catnsh , llujcod steuk. I''o ; flouiul-
on , 13o ; Oregon salmon , 15o ; black bass , ISo ;
lobitunslBo ; 1)1 uo llsb , ICo.
Suit und pickled Codfish , extra Georcos ,
now. 5-.ic ! ; Brand bunk , now , 4Ho ; Sllvi-r , 2-lb
blocks , ( ) > ic ; movr white , 2-lb hrloks , now , 8J c |
tiirltoy io < l , largo mlddlo brloks , Uc ;
snow whltps , crates , 12-5 Ib boxes , 8J cs
ineilttimRoaleil herrltir.2.o : No. Iscaieaner-
rlns. L 'j domes tic Holland herring , 40o ; Ham-
bursor snlued herrlns , ( JOe ; Italian sardines
spiced , die ; Hiisslun sardines , plain , fXo ) ; 1111-
ported Holland herring , Crown brand. 83o ; do
fiuicy milkers , 81.00 ; niaukercl. No. 1 Bhore ,
halt bills , * 12."iO ; bloaters , half bbls. HS.OOl
whlto fish , half bbls , ffl.TS ; trout , half bbls ,
irr.u , faintly whlto llsh. fl. ' ti salmon , W.W per
> A bbl ; 2-lb broiled mackerol. J'-.OO ; 3-lb
In mustard , { . ' .00 ; il-lb In tomato
sauce , I'J.fiOi fi-lb JIayo mess mnckorel ,
JO.OO ; 1-lb brook trent , $1.25 : 3-lb
brook trout. $ J.2j ! 1-lb salmon. M.2.1) ) 2-lb
white ll h. $2.25 ; 1-lb whlto fish. Jl.Ifi : 2-lb lob
sters , * l.tO : ; l-ll > lobsters , tJ.30 ; 2-lb oys
ters. 1207. IMC : Mb oysters. 5 oz , * 1.15 : 2-lb
oysters. 10 ofMO ! l-lli oysters , 5 w. 41.15 ; 2-lb
select , 13 oz , fc.i5 : ; Ml ) ll.irntnrla , 10 oz , $2.05 ;
1-lb Marntiirln , r , oz , } | .or < ; Fiilriiinnl , 4 oz. Il.Oj ;
Kalrmont. 8 oz. I-.O ) ; 1-lu clums , llttlo nocka ,
fl.r > ; 2-lb clams , llttlo nooks. $1.75 ; 3-lb elam
chnwdur , t-.GOj 1-lb crabs , i.'iJ ; 2-lb orabs ,
Street Produce.
Kens The receipts have been moderate and
the ninrkot steady at ISc.
HBTTKK Creamery , fnnoy , 2J23oj rronm-
ery , choloe , 1836200 ! dairy , fancy , 17fJ18e ( !
dairy , choice , Ufainc ; country , eholco , " "
country , Rood , VXWta ; country , fair ,
country , inferior. r > < t'Jc.
In tld * line has been very unfavorable of late
and dealers are. complaining of rocelvlnir
some lots In bad condition. 1'ralrlo olilpkcns.
per doyen , SiMvffct.CO : mallard duo ks$2. , ) ; j.OO :
tonl ducks. Jl.avai.60 ; mixed duok . $ I.ooftl.r 0 ;
plover. rXXBOOo ; Jack snlno. } l.00 < 31.2j ; quail ,
* l.wai.Mj jack rabbits , J.OOi small rabbits ,
1'oui.Tiiv Purinj the past two days the re
ceipts have been heavier und dualers bad
hard worlc to clean no stocks at
onMor prices. Only a few turkeys. KOOSO
and ducks are arriving. Dressed poultry Is
not belni ; handled to any extent as the
weather Is too warm. Choloo lions , per doz ,
Kl.TriffiKUX ) ; eholeo mixed , $2. il2.7S ; roosters ,
93SiOiS.Kil liirEit spring chickens KJ.fiOa2.73 ; me
dium , . ' .00'j.25 ; dressed , choice , OQllOa per Ib ,
ad inotnls
TUIIKKVS Live , per Ib.ftaino dressed. 1013o.
OEKSE-iave , pordo-t.J7.Ooa9.00 ; dressed , 11 ®
DUCKS Live , Dordoz W.5XX33.00 ; dressed , 11 ©
12c.1'HlEO.NS Live , per dor , S1.2J.
ONIONS The supply Is not large and the
demand Is mostly In u small way at S1.0CX31.2S
per bushel.
11UAN3 Choice hand picked navy , 82.75.
POTATO BS Oood stock Is generally selling at
OOo. bat the market Is weak.
VEOKTAHI.F..S Tomatoes 3-lb oitra. I1.1&3
l.M ; 3 Ib standard western brands , 81.10 ; gallons
lens , Archer's stnndard , 83.00. Corn Finest
crown. Jl.GO ; Oato City sugar com. very lino.
$1.50 ; Gllman2-lb sugar corn , $1.20 ; 2-lb extra
liccmor. Jl. 10 : 2-lb etandard western brands ,
SIA ) . Uushroont l-lt > Krenob , extra fine ,
2225c ; 1-lb French , lno , 122o ( ; 1-lb
Krencli , ordinary , 'll518c. 1'oas Tres , fine , per
can , 2. > c : demi-llno. per can , IBo ; 2-lb sifted ,
$1.00 ; 2-lb early June , * l..r > 02-lbmarrowstaiid- ;
ii rd brands , Jl.'Jo ; 2-lb soaked , 75c. Ktrlnz
beans 2-lb high grade , UefuRco , 81 ; 2-lb
Oolden was beans , } l ; 2-lb strlnir beans , 60c ;
Lima beans 2-ll > soaked , 8."o. Koston-bakcd
beans 2-lb Lewis , Sl.mGrown \ lirands. $1.33 ;
Sweet potatoes 3-lb New Jersey , 81.00. Pump
kins 3-lb. $1.10. Okra nnd tomntoos.-il.tU ;
okra. il.CO ; succotash , $1.20.
Dry < > noils.
IlBATr BnowN COTTONS Atlabtlo A , 7J4o ;
Atlantic II. 7o ; Atlantlo 1) . O'.fo : Atlantic I' ,
Co : Aurora 0 , 4 fc ; Huok's head , 7o | Oabot W ,
O'/Jo ; DarhnKton , C e ; Farmers' No. l,4ft&4Uc ;
llooser li\i , 5jc ! ; Indian Head , 7 } > c | Lavrrenco
LI5.ic ; Ilenrlottn LL , 5yio.
FINE HIIOWN COTTONS Atlantlo lilt , do ; Au
rora 1J , 6 o ; Aurora It. 6 > < o : Atlas 0 N B , IKc ;
cheese oloth , 4o ; OlIntonKK , 5ic ! ; 1'opperell It ,
OJi'c ; LangdonQll , 8e.
llr.KAciiKD t'OTTONB Berkeley cambric No.
COUc ! ) ; llostVotCVSi llutteroloth XX , 4Hc ;
Cabot , 7iO ? ; 1'lrst Cull. 6io ! ; Krult of the Loom ,
Do ; Hill Semper Idem , Sc : Housekeeper , 8Ko ;
King Philip cambric , 10c ; Lan don , Q U , OV4o |
Lonsilnlc , Oo ; Lonsdalo cambrlo , lOKc ; 'Now
York Mills , llo ; Oak Lawns , 7c.
ANn l'ir.i.ow OASINOS nrovrn
Net 1'cpporell. 45-ln. lOJSc ; Vopiierell. 8-1 , 48c ;
ropperell , n-l,20crepperell ; , 10-4. 22io ! ; Utlcn ,
4Mn. 15c ; Utlcu. fxS-ln , 17 o ; Utloo , 72-ln , 24c :
Ulicn , 8l-ln,28o : Uttea , 00-ln , 28 ie , Bleached
Not 1'cpporoll. 42-In. tOJ5c ; 1'oppcroll. 40-In ,
llio ! ; ropperell. U-4. l.Vl Pcnporell. 8-4. 20o ;
I'epnorcll. 0-l,22Me : Pennorolf. 10-4. 25o ; Utlca.
tH. 340) ) Utlca. 0-4 , Me ; Utlca , 10-4 , ! $ o.
OINOIIAMS AmoskeaK.CUo ; Amoskeagdress ,
8 ! o ; Hates , ntic ; Warwick dross , 7Ho ; Lan-
custor , OUo ; Olonalro , OHo ; Whlttcndon dress
8Ko.rniwrs Indigo lilue Net MarthaWnshlng-
ton,5'/c ; American , 0ie ! ; Arnold. GMc ; Ar
nold H. loiin cloth , lOoj Htlfel A. 12o ; Morrl-
miick , 7-K , lee ; Gold Loaf , 8Vic ; Hamilton , r5o ;
Allen l'lnksiltic ; Allen Chumbruy , Cc ; Glou-
cestor,5 o ; Hartol , 5Uo.
PIUNT.S Tanolcs Kddystono. d'Jc ; Steel
litvor. Cc ; Itamnvo. 4'ic ' ; Bt Ledger , 515c.
fc-hlrlluss 3larthn WasblnRton. 4o ! ; Mcrrl-
iniiok , 4\Jo. Turkey Hods-Fountain , OJ4CJ
anrnor.7c ; Orenllcld. fi'/io ; licrlin.OVio.
WIOAKS Not Thistle. OWe ; Ked Gross , 7o.
I'ni.nnKn OAiinnics Crown , 4Jic ; lied Star ,
4'io ; Hulled Olovur , 5o : Slater. Co ; high colors ,
lo extra.
CIIASII Stevens' n. 10 In , 5So ; Etovcns' D ,
IS Iu , Ocj Slovens' A. IK In. 7o ; Stovciis' P , 18 in ,
74o ; Stavens' SI. 13 In , BUo ; Stovons' JJ.20 In.
840 ; Stevens' NN. 22 In. OV5o ; Stevens' SHT , 20
In. UHct blnachod , lo uMriu
DKMM.S Net Amoskoag , Ooz , 10 o ; York
cnmlet 12o ; Kvcn-It , standard , 13jo ! ; Hay-
maker's , 7Ko ; Old Vork. XX , lOSic ; Lawrence ,
220 , IDKc ; Luwronco , D 01 , 155i ; fancy stripes
and checks , 11H' < -
COTTONAWK.S York Nankin , lIHjc : Everett. 8
oz , 18c ; I.owlston , 10oz , 2 > io ; Worklngmaii'i ,
lie ; oorksurvw cusshnero , 22c ,
JIUIes , Tallow , Etc.
HiDi-3. PKWS ANn TAI.T.OW Green salted
hldos. So. 1. heavy. 0'4 < 3 Uo : No.l. light , 6VJ54
3io : No. 2. light , & 35'4edry ; Hint hides , 7H5 >
8c ; calf hides. 744ic ; damaged hides IHo less.
b'hoi'p pelt , green , each. ajuSll.25. Slioep poll ,
dry , purlb , K f 14c ,
TALLOW A No. 1. 4Mo ; No. 2 , 3Vo ; srcasc ,
whlto. Jiifttc ; yclluw , Ui3o ) ; stourlne. tiVic.
nd groceries
Ilosr.s Quotations are for delivery In Chicago
cage Dry hulTalo , per ton , 1 . .0318. . 0 ! dry
country , mcochod. Zlo.OMJia.OU ; dry country ,
damp and meaty. t3. X310.00.
HEESWAX I'or Ib. 20o.
JEt.r.ns : Sopor Ib.
" IliiKSSKi ) VKArChlco medium , iaoc ; light ,
4 < 3.Vs ; heavy , Wi4o.
HONEV strained. 00-lh cans , porlb. 8 : now
comb honoy. fancy , ! 7@lSo ; choice ,
CocoASUTS-l'orlOO , S.\60.
QCININE Per oz , P. i\V. . 4lo ; German , 31c ;
Indigo , par Ib , 7Jc ; Insect powder. Slo ; opium ,
tl.1.1 ; mnruhlno , per oz. 1.110 ; hops , nor Ib , UOo ;
Blycerlno , VJoj doxtrtnc , l o : cuttlebone , : i > o
cruum tartar , pure , U2o ; cnuiniorclul , ISc ; cam
phor. OOci am , carb , Me ; blue ! ,
Acit-0arbollo. aiifcaoo ; oltrlo , 4Jao | tar-
turlc , 3tXi Uoi culnhurlc , per Ib'o. .
OILS Sperm oil. 11.10 ; turpcntlnp , 4To ; Tan- to 12.00 ; balsam toulo , 41fH5c ;
calomeL W3.07a : cantharldes. 1l.UOiil.a3 ;
CM-.IU buds , liyvf-V ; ohloratoriu , 400.VJc ; or lot ,
47CA2e ; gum arable , 5339Jc ; lycopodtum , 4044
43c ; mercury , U2o.
13ft lift lAft 18ft Mft 23ft 21
2XI..J15UO 11500 11300 Jill 00 | I6 00(17 50 118 CO
2X1 ] . . 1500 1500 1500 III 00 111 00 18 00 13 (0
' 'li. . 1500 15 00 1500 18 00 10 00 18 00 IBM
210. 13 00 15 GO li 00 W 00 18 00 18 00 IB SO
Ix12. ! 15 00 15 1 > J U 00 17 00 17 00 19 00 19 W
4lt to
U4 13 00 10 00 10 M 17 03 13 00 U 00 20 03
_ ns No.l. com. . ! H/104o.2.cotn.fllJ.OOi
No. 3. com. , il.VOO : No. 4. c < jumt2.r ( > 0 ,
SHIP IiAr No. 1 , nialni , runilioincli. 119.00 !
No. i plain , 8atul 10 liichilfttJO ! No. 3 , plain , I
und 10 Inch. (15.00)0. ) O..lmlli 1&3I90.
I'KNCIMWhlto I'lint-HSiit'l. 4 iiulO In. . 13
rind 14 ft. UOMt Nn. 4nrid 0In. , fj and 14 ft. ,
MI.OH ; o. 2.4 nnd Din. 15 It. . (10.50 ! No. 3,4 and
0 In. , all leiiRthi , < 1M)0. ) .v , . ,
giniNU- , I23.0U ) JJ , JJlJSilS C , HO.OO ) 1) ,
> 1:1.00. : , i
KM > omxnVhlto I'liie" * and D , KO.OO ; I ) ,
KI.OO ; C , $27.00 ! K.H7AO. JBtf .
Cru.iMi No. 1 white.'Mn.MI.50l No.Ihard
nineln. . 91.1.W : No. 1 h.'trui.J > lneK-lutW.oO , |
No. 1 hnrd pine , -lii. * ? $ , < . , .
STOCK HOARDS A and ItlMn , , $1100 ; D , JJ-
. _ _ " _ . . . _ . . .
STOCK < M.4VL4 Wi/n * * .1 41 &
IloAnns Xo. 1 MWitmi. is nnd 14 ft ,
KMOni 15ft. JI9.00 ; No. 3ooh Tii n , Hand 14
$18.00 ! 10 ft , JI7.00J iNo. Sctwiuooti , ID , 18 and
. -
Onoovrn 1oorrsno.l | qonmon white plno
12,11 aril 10 ftll > .00j > 'o.-l cunmon | V pine , J2 ,
14 and 18 ft. J1S.OO. . .
POIT.AII Clear. Mn. nil whlths. JJI.OOj clear !
H-hi. nil widths , iS.M.
1IATTBN3 , V'El.t.Tl'IIINO.l'ICKr.TS-O O , bat ,
2Hn. ! K > oi YiX'te SIS. 33c : 3-ln well tublnif ,
D.tMand liuvK t.m ) | pickets , 1) ) . & H. lint ,
es.00 : i ) . t ii.sq. Jii.oo.
I'lNisiiiNOS'iiiir. I'ISK lit nnd 2d olonr ,
1 In. , $ JO.OO ; 1 < 1. I i\na 2 In..JW.oojid : clear. 1
In , . JI5.00 ! 1M , US nnd 'J In. . S46.W ; A select. 1 hi ,
42.00 ; in , l < snnd 2 In. . H'-.OO ! It select , ! in. ,
KH.OOj ] < i , Uiand 2ln , MU.OOj 0 select , 1 In. ,
E3J.OO ! 1M. I'iMidSln. . J.W.OO.
FINISIIINO. Vurt.ow I'lNE-Clcnr , 1 In. , SO.OO.
1 , 1 4 and a In. . $5.00 : star , lln. . t4.00. ;
HiiiNnr.1 : * . iMTii-Kxtra. 3CAX , JJ.75 : stand-
nrd. XA.V , 3-.CO ; Oln. . * 3.SO ! 5 In. JiCOj No. 1
81 * Ccilnr XAX.7o. . ,
1'usT-Whlto ci'dur C in. . HIS cjOln ,
qrs. , Ke\Mi \ In. , J4S. , lie : 8 In.,0o : 4 to 5 incU
round , tliooalc ! ; , split , Oo : rvd cedar , inc.
8ashWporcentjdoori,41) per cent ; blinds ,
40hor cent ; inouldliiKs.ll ) per c-onli llino , 80oi
hair , SC ! cement , Aniorlcan.l..V $ ) ; coinent. 1111-
ported , KI.M ) ; plaster. tW > : htruw board , ll JOj
tor board , 1.W ! tar felt. fcMO.
llr.ocK Tia-Small pig , -Wo per Ib ; Tjar , 30o
per Ib.
Corrr.ti TUnlsliOil holler slzes , .Tlo per 11) !
cold rolled. "Do per Ib ! shooting , Udcporlb ; pit
and Hals. Ulopor Ib. '
UAi.vAMZKuHiistT Inos Discount fW-10 per
cent ; pat. plan. Iron. Nos. - ' and .7 , A , 10 So !
Tm 1'LATE-I. ' 0. , 10x24 , ? T,50 ; I. X. , Wrll ,
TIN rf.ATE-Coke , 14x91 , 112 , M..W.
I.O. , ll.\20 , 112 , SiOOj I.
ad hides tallow oto
HIIBBT Iltox-No. Srt. S.1.W : i < o , 37 , iXCO
Sioi.niEit Strictly half nnd half , 13o.
STKKL NAII.S Kasc , * ! . 'i .
StKEt , WIHE N.Air.s llaso. ! 2.ST .
WlHK-r-Jap. barlK ) .SBaly.lt3.8j. !
Dr. Bit-noy cures catarrh , Boo
The Swiss conduct an industrial mission
In India. Christian artisans teach the natives
various employments and the gospel at the
snmo time.
Dr. Joseph Parker nnnnounces that ho will
introduce a short ritual In the services of the
City temple. Ho thinks the present forms of
Noncomforralstworship too poverty-stricken
and that thcro must ho something inoro for
the people to do.
The number of missionaries stationed In
Africa now exceed llvo hundred. There are
400,000 converts , nnd the number Is increas
ing at the rate of about 25,000 a year. Within
llvo years moro than two hundred natives
hnvo HiifTnmil miirkvrilom for their faith.
Aside from tholdolntors of Siberia thcro are
30,000,000 subjects of Itussla whoso religion Is
foreign , namely : Armenians , 1WX,000 ) ; Luth
erans , 6,000,000 ; Catholics , 10OOJ,000 ; Jews ,
4,0 XlflO ) , ) , nnd about 10,000.000 of Mohammo-
dans. Buddhists abound iu Siberia , nnd ex
tend oven to the borders otjVho Volga.
It appears from the comparative summary
published in the minutes of the recent south '
orn general assembly (1'resbyterian ( ) that In
tlio past llvo years thcro has been an increase
of over twonty-flvo thouand members In the
southern church , and nn Increase in , contribu
tions over those of ISSOof over $400,000.
The CongroKatlonalhts of Toronto have
formed an association the object of which Is
to promote church extension nnd sustain new
congregations until they qfyi sustain them
selves. During recent lycarsj the number of
Crogrcgational churches . has greatly In
creased , and the prospect 13 lhat others will
soon bo formed. ,
The past decade shows a remarkable In
crease la the Jewish settlement of Palestine ,
nnd indicates an extraordinary revival of in
terest la the matter of repoQpllng It. iu 1814
It con tallied only 8,000 Jews. In 1883 they
numbered 23,000. Now th9J. number nearly
70,000 , almost twlco ns returned from
tbo Babylonish captivity.
The year 1890 closes the first session of Mo
ravian missions. Ono In , every slxty-flvo of
their adult cuinmunlcnnts is a worker In the
foreign field , and the total membership at
homo Is but one-third of that In the foreicrn
Held. Of their annual expenditure of $000,000
for this work moro than half Is raised in the
districts where tlio work is carried on.
The July donations to the American board
ot foreign missions amounted , to $34,0121 ,
ngalnst . " . ,714 for the corresponding month
last year , while the legacies fell o f about
83,600. The showing for the cloven months
Just closed Is$397OoO , in donations and $118-
730 in legacies , a total of $547,801 , which Is
over 8100,000 In advance of last year's record
for eleven months.
Tbo Congrepatlouallsts are worthy of
honor for the liberal support that they give
to tbcir ministry. Last .Jcar , with many
churches not reporting , the expenditures
under this head ware $ < i,01G.9G3. , The average
amount paid for the pastor's support is
$1,047 the highest amount being that paid
by. the Broadway tabernacle of Now York to
Dr. William M. Taylor ( $10,000) , ) .
The next meeting1 of the Episcopal church
congress will be hold in Philadelphia on No
vember 11 , and will continue three days.
.Among the topics to bo discussed are the fol
lowing : "Grounds of Certitude In Philos
ophy and Religion , " "Trusts , " "DoVoNecd
n Provincial Systcml" "Coudltlonjof Church
Growth In Missionary Lands,11 "Positive
Gains In Biblical Criticism" and "The
Proper Care of the Newly Confirmed. " Some
of the most eminent clergymen and laymen of
the Episcopal church will read papers at the
The London Christian " \Vorld In speaking
of the laterest which already begins to attach
to the great international Congregational
couucil appointed for next summer , says that
nmoiiKthe many Important questions to bo
discussed , none are more deserving of atten
tion than those connected with the welfare
and advancement of the .laboring classes-
"Doth In England anil America , " it says
"tho Kplscopal church Is making a record of
interest and helpfulness in social problem-
which no church should fall behind , and
ConfrrCRationalists owe It to their history to
BCO that they are well In the advance. " At ,
tcntlon Is tbon called to the fact that the
Mayflower company wore all artisans , and
that they left Holland , originally , to batter
their condition as laborers.
br. Blrnoy , nose mid throat , Bee bldg.
Good AVilt Goes with the Stock.
Yesterday morning Judge Wakeloy decided
the suit of C. O. Lobcck , as administrator of
the estate of Carl Fried , ajalust the Loe-
Clarko-Andreescn hardware * company. At
the time of his death Fricd.was n member of
the firm of Leo , Fried & | G'o. Ills death re
sulted In the creation of iUioiiLec-Clarke-An-
drccscn company , successors ' This linn paid
the estate Fried's share , but the administra
tor denmnd9d pay for tha frflod will , and af
terwards brought suit to recover. In render
ing the decision , Judge Wattdoy held a peed
will as tangible property , t IMt is dependent
upon the invoice of the ! mb r And as In this
case , nothing was said spe yically about tha
peed will It went \vithtup , lock and was a
portion of what
Dr. Blrnoy cures eatuATh , Bee
The Now Chemical ,
The now Holloway ch'etalcal engine or
dered by the lire and pSffco commissioners
several months ago , arriv < ? 3 _ yesterday and
was taken to Wo. 3 cnglnohouso , where It
will herenaftor be stationed. The old chem
ical , which , the company takes hack in trade.
will bo shipped to the works at llaltlmoro In
a few days. The now engine will bo ofllcially
tested Monday afternoon ,
Dr. Blrnoy , nose and throat , Bee bldj.
Yesterday afternoon the case of the Union
Pacillo against Dr. AVnlsh and Joseph M.
Bailey for alleged breaking Into and robbing
cars belonpring to that company , came up be
fore Judgu Morrison. Tlio defendants wcro
immediately dUwUscd by the court , tha tea.
tluouy In no way connecting the parties ac
cused with tha transaction.
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , co bids' .
A Sensational lay in the Wheat Pit With
Material Advances.
Onto Advnuco Under the Influence of
Other Markets Produce
ulnr MTO Stock nnd
CiucAno , Oct. 4-tSocclul Telegram to Tn (
llEE.1 The wheat mnrkct was n sensational
one. Tlio slurp nd vnnco of IHo ever night
had Its origin on the curb last night when , on
Dloom's dispatch nnd Now Vork exports for
Lisbon , privileges wcro run up sharply.
Wioii the ninrkul opened today all who had
been unabloto protect thcuuolvcs on thoetirb
nulled hi to cover short wheat , There was
cjulto n stampede among nhorts nnd December
started nt 3I.OU' against $1.00 at the close lust
night , and touched il.OlS on the strain. May
started around (1.0(5 ( and Bold at Jl.OCU.
Liverpool was Md up and weather In the
northwest was less favoralfle. This nddod to
the alarm of shorts. Thcro was no further ad
vance after the llrst minute for the reason
that n few bull houses at once turned seller *
on the bulge. Belling was led by Logan & Co.
Hutchison nlso hastened to soil all ho could
orcr31,01. Trices dropped back at once to
8l.01i for Docoinlicr nmt $1.00 for May , and ou
later selling by Counsclman.t Co.aiul Walker
&Co. ( presumably for llloom ) prices settled
back to (1.00'iai.Ol ( for December nnd
Sl.OJJi for Slay. An hour before
the close tlicro was another goal
rally ou general buying loil by commission
houses. The prominent were McConnlck.V
Co. and ICcnnott & Hlgglns. The prices
reached on this bulge were the same as the
top figures o ( th o morning December. tl.OlS !
Jlay , J1.0GJ4 , followed by a dccllno of Uo at
once. The news of tie day wnsnot supprlj-
Ins. Itecolpts In the northwest were fH cars
at Minneapolis nmlDuluth. The receipts for
the week at the nbovonmrkcts nnd Milwaukee
and Chicago were 5L'07 caw , against 4,005 a
week ago nnd 0,403 last year. Thcro were 73
cars hero today iind Hi ( or Monday. Atlantic
ports cleared SG,2I3 bushels In wheat and Hour.
The four ports for the week
cleared 121,009 bushels of wheat nnd
111,000 barrels of flour. English farmers' do-
llvorlcs weroRlvoii at the enormous aggregate
of 25,000,000 bushels for the week at tin average -
ago prlco of 31.2 , or a decline of about 4d per
quarter. The last halt hour In wheat wnsa
ilttlngcllmax fornn unusual day. Tliero was
a general scramble to get stuff , and ns It was
not pressing on the market , the prlco ad
vanced right no to 81.02 for December with
3I.02& bid In the pit aftcrtho hell. October
sales were reported at OSo to 07Jo ! to WJo at
the closo. Slay advanced to und closed nt
Wliout was even strongoron tlio curb.
If.vna nttrktnd f r Dnprtn Imp na liltrli
but parties with wheat for -salt ) could nut find
buyers at bettor than J1.02JJ. I'utJWoroll.OlMi
calls. $1.MJ | .
The corn trndohad tofollDwthcdrlftof the
wheat market today. Strength was foltovory-
whore. TheinarkotKtartudwItliagalnnf ? § o
became of the action on tlio curb , Then
llrytintlcd elf with purchases of purhnps half
a million bushels for May. lliitclilnson np-
paroutly nttoinptcd toclinck tbp ad vnnco at
llrst , but later bunarno : i pursUtont buyer.
Iteports from early luisklngwisro voryillsap-
polntlnu. Thcro was no other bull news.
Shoruscovered ami small traders bought to
get In tno swim. October sales wore nt 435io
up to J' ' ) ? c. closlnu at 4'3'o ' ' : December , 4SHc to
? o to4U4eat ! tlioeloiu ; Jlaj- , file toM.'io toMe
Mo at the eloso. Privileges on May corn at 3
o'clockworoatt51ic ? forputsimdM'J fore-alls ,
Oats showed i < o advance all around at the
close , lullnuncod by other markets. October
was up to II'Jo , December to SUJio and May to
The prlceiof hog products were very Irregu
lar today. Everything opened stronR und
higher ribs nntl Inr < l up 2iO ( jind mess pork
7o. ! First prlccsdlil not'hoid ; January pork
dropped back lOo from the opening at $11.75
nnd lard sold back to (0.45 ( ; ribs , $ . > .07i ! last
nlKht's prices , lleforo the close thcro was
peed buying In lard nnd ribs nnd prices for
January recovered to $ .VT7lt , the highest point
of the day , for rlbi , and W.Mit for lard. Pork
closed at yesterday's figure. ' ) . English mar
kets were lower than yesterday on bacon und
CHICAGO , Oot.-i [ Special Telczram to THE
HEE.I CATTLE A few good steers and other
desirable stock sold out , early at steady prices
nna the general market closed steady. The
first four days of the week showed a slight < lc-
cllno on good cattle , but the decline was fully
niado up yesterday and today and prices nre
quoted steady on good natives. All other
grades are lower than last week from Ida to 13o
per hundred , Ono thine to bo noticed the past
weolc was that thcro has been less
common grass cattle on the market
and It Is hoped , that the receipts
will continue of good quality and that the
present prices will be sustained. Natives ,
$3.20@4.10 ; stookcrs. $2.1032.80 ; cows , bulls and
uil.xodtl.Go@3.00 ; Texuns. $ ilOJ 2.03.
HoGS-Biishiess active , with a slight up
turn on packing and heavy grades , but light
sorts sold a shade lower , owing to the with
drawal ot Jones & Stiles and Mo ran.A . : llcalcy ,
who deal In light sorts exclusively. Packers
paid $1.00 ® ! . ! ! . " ) for common to good mixed ,
with shippers paying $4.30.GO for prime
hoavynnd butcher weights. Light llttlo pits
sold ut iifiOii.'l.S.'i ; second class light , $4.1 ( ®
4.30 , and first class light , $4.4034.00 ,
NEW VonK , Oct. 4.-Spoclal [ Tolo ram to
TUB Jlr.E.l STOCKS This wasthoMaekestday
of all for bulls in Wall street. The market
opened weak with declines all through the
list. London was again : i eollcrand lioston
became a seller of Union Psiclflo. Mcitildatlon
wasBharp iinil forced. The street had rumors
of houses In troubln. but no announcements
wcra made. On the dccllno long stocks caino
out on stop orders that vroro never expected
to bo reached. The pressure was directed
mainly against such stocks ns liurllngton. St.
1'uul nnd Union 1'aolflc , Coal stocks , Indus
trial shares nnd Specialties nil suffered alike.
The declines the first hour wore sharp enough ,
but when tlio bank statement showed a dc-
croasoof ovur 82,500,000 in reserves the soiling
was redoubled. Hears jumped on every stock
which did not luxvo good support , and gave the
market a panicky appearance fora tlmo. The
half day session closed with the greatest loss
In values all round recorded in sonio time.
There was noslguof recovery and liquidation
1ms not yut run Us course. Atchlson wont elf
toISGM ! rturllngtnn dropped by qulok stamen to
irJIJ ; Kook Itli'H'l struck 7cci St. 1'aul led the
bruak , goingotr noany3 nolntH to OTH ; Mis
souri 1'aclllo to 07' ' and Union Paclllo to 51 Ji ;
Nortlieru 1'acltlocommon was forced off from
yes nt the close Friday to an ' .
The following were thu oloslng quotations ;
U.S. Northern I'nclHc
V. y. 4a coupon. . . . . . . . ilo preforml
U.S. 4H > reuulnr . lot C. &N. W t
U , H. 4H con pun . 101 do pruferroj 1:15 :
I'acltlcusor 'M . Hi .Vow York Central.10M
Central I'aciBe . SU P. . D.A K IT
CUtcaiCj.V ( Allen . ICT Hock Inland 7K !
Clilruxo , llurltiiKlon C..31. Ht.l'aul CIH
doproforrod 10SM
n. , u A w 3t. I'uul & Omaha. , , . 2f' ' <
Illinois Cuiitrul . .1U1 dopruforrml 811
I..H. A W Union 1'acltlo. . . . . 51
Knn.ias.t Teias . W , . SLU. Al- 10I
rid profurrwl . . , . , . . yfll
Jllchliftn Central . Western Unloa glt )
Missouri I'ncllic .
MONKV Kasy t3jpor cent.
1'iiuiK MKIIC.V.NTII.K 1'Apen 5J47 per cent.
STKHMNP. KxuiiANRE-Qulet aiiuilrui ) sixty-
day bills , Sl.b' ' ; ilciuand. t .87U.
* 'JI < UH1CJ3 JI.4.KKETS.
UntCiao. Oct. ( . 1:15 : p. m. close Wheat
-StroiiK ; cash. Ubi-jeoSiiei Uecomber , 1.03 ;
JIay. H.ofl\Jl.wJH. (
Curn firm ; cadi , 40 ! o : November , 49ic ;
Jlay , Ke.
Oats-KIrin ; cash. So ; December , 30M i
May. 4'iiic.
Mess I'ork Steady ; cash , lO-ffilJ ; January ,
. .
laniSU'aily ; cash. t'J Oj Junimry ,
May , aOO.
Uyo-l'lrm at Mc. !
Harley Kusy wt le.
1'lax f-ccU-Qulct ut 11.40.
1'rlnio Timothy Hooil-Qulct at ll.2K3l.S5.
Whliky l.ii. :
Flour Stcaily. with adfcllno of 2. > c on pat
ents within thu pant two days ; wlutor wboat.
l'X&5X > ; fcprlntfwheul , S2.IWJ3.50 ; rye , KlJ ii
3..V ) .
Hulk Moats Shoulders. t3.VJll ( . - > .75i short
clear. H.7o 3.75 ; short ribs. Ji/'T'Jas. J.
Ilutter Firm fur line KriiUts ; creamery ,
2Jo ; dairy. IWftlJe.
Uhewo L'ncliiinisedi ' full cr aiu chedduri.
Huts , bU'idU ' ; young Amurlous ,
Unas I ! n dm used ; fresh , 17&13v ,
Hlclc.i Uiifhiinscd : heavy ijroeu salted ,
light gruou silteil. Olio ; gruou.
bull hides. 5 j crcon altod calf , 4SSil dry
Hint , PiWo ; drr calf , Rano ; tloaconi , nacn.25o.
Tnlloif Uncha.niad : No. a , ) io ; No , 3 , 4o ;
Flour. bbU . . . lAooo
\Vheatbu . „ nOOO C7.OOO
t\irn , bil . . . 210,000 Wi.OOQ
Oats , bu . > . . . . VMLOOi ) 183,000
NKW.VORK. Oct. 4. Wlient-Uocolpts. 0SOO |
rtporuiiono rvpdttodl opot * i < aiiO ! ill ) , l > ut
dull ; Xo. a nl , l.K'4at,02H ( Inoluvator : li.OI > i
nnoattll.oa-itl.04f ( , ci. b.1 Jso.3 rvd , tnMttlVSoi
nntrtideil reJ , l.OlliW1.lVHt optloii4ndvmiao < l
I'ljJIW ' , ImtnftorwurUrfiieti'd ? 4J7-10o | No. 3
ml. IX'OiMnber. cloMns ut 8I.OIS.
t'om-ltecelpts. ' I01.50J bnsliels ; csportf , ax.-
ry biuhclsi spot firm , K tSo higher ; No. a ,
M < 4 < nKVX ) in elevator ; NV&.tt'fe ' ulloatl mi-
arndod mlxvd , rxi > itt57coptlons ! ? iO o lilghor )
llvc llbcr olo. < ln nt SG'Jc.
Oats-liocelpts itnooo bushel' ! espnrtn. .400
uusliclsiHpotdullflrinNi | > .3whltiv4 % * > < RUlioi
inlxocl nostcrn , 4 JIGc : white western. 4kiMoi :
oiitlotu linn , hi slier ; November clotliij at
4l'iC. '
dt7.n : ; p t. Klo auiet ! fair earfroe. , t- > ) .G2i. !
Sumir-Hnn , llrmi reilnrd , nulot.
IVvtrolaum-Stuady ; November united closed
. .
rnrk-Klrrai moss ill.WiiliSS ; i'\lrv prime ,
Ijard-Slrtmzerinpstcm stcnin. M.42V1I Ho-
ccinbor closed ut. KM.
llntter Qulot nnd michniiKeO ;
dairy. lOiilJi ; ; wuatcrn uieiunury ,
Uhocso L'lrm ; light sUms. 5tt7M
ST. Louis , Oct. 4. Wbcat cloJOil liljhcri
c.nh. WUClWHc : May. fl.00i , .
I'orn-rilKlier ; cash 45o ; Mny , WiffilOJio.
( ) ats-III li | cusli , 37)io ) ; "Slay , 43So.
Pork-Dull ! f 10.00.
Lard-l > ull0.00. !
Whlsky JI.13.
lluttrr UiioliatiBcdi croanieir , 1725o |
dairy. 9J517C. _
MiNMiAi-ous , Oct. 4. Whcnt Demand
active ; receipt * . 4iU curs ; shipments. 107 cars.
Closing ( imitations : No. 1 hard. Uctobur , IWoi
cmtnirk , il.lH ) ; No. 1 iiorthorn. Octobor. tfHo ) |
.Novombor. yi'Jc : Decoinbor.lMtie ; May. J1.02VJI
on track , 053OTJJO ! No. 2 northern , October ,
We ;
KAN. S CITV , Oot. 4.-\\ eat Hl hcr ; ICo.
2hard , cash. l o Md ; October , 87 io bid ; No. S
red. caili. lMiu ! bill ,
Corn-Steady ; No. Scasli , 40H81 October ,
J0 .
OaUs-Stuady ; No. Scasli , 37c bid : October ,
UTe bid.
MinvAtricES. Oct. 4.-Wheat Firm : No. !
tprltiK , cash , O.Vft'io ; No. 1 northern , Ulo ) ,
Oorii-l-'lrmj No. II , 30iiiAOc. (
Outs-Dull ) No. 2 , wlilto , 3Jli40i ! .
1'rovUlouj-Quict ; Juniiary pork , Jll.C'li.
IitVEnpoou Out. 4. Whoat-rirm ! demand
pour ; lioldcriolTcrspurliiglviCallfornliiNo. 1
it 2Hil37a lid per cental.
Oorn-Steaily ; demand off ; iul.xcil western ,
4j3Hd pur ccntul. Oct. 4-Whoat Aetlro and
lilKher ; No. 2 rod , ItftoQU.OO.
t'orn-ln good flaninnili No. 2 mixed , Mo.
Oatd-Stroiii ; ; Mo. ' nilxoil. ITc ,
Whisky 11.13. _
IjJLVK .S'l'OC'/f.
OlHCAdO. Oct. 4. Cattlo-Ueccliits. S,000 |
market stnady : natives , KlM'itl.W ; stiwkcra ,
$ J.IO2.8i ( : cov * . hulls and mixed , Il.ava3.o0i
' ' ' -
13.000 ; market n shade
Idchor with good demand : paclcorJ und chip *
Jiorw. $ I.IXK6l.ljO ; Unlit. * I.IO4.CO.
Shuop Kccolpts , f > , OjO ; inurkot lower ; nn-
tlvos , fcl..eca.'i.l.'i ; mlxoil wnitorns. taTXJI.OO ;
s , W.-JO-24.40 ! Iambi , 41.7511.5.8J.
ICANS4S CITV. Oct. 4. Cattlo-Rocclpts ,
2,030 ; shlninrnts. 2,000 ; market Ktronfi : Kteors ,
St.10WJ.7i ) : COIVM. HOO&UOt stooki-rs and feed.
CM. S . il-'l.l5 ; range steers , ILOUxaiM ; range
cows. $1.2.yBl.7."i.
Ho s-HecelptsDCM ( ; slilpment- , ! ,200 ; mar
ket steady ; all grades ,
3r. Louu , Oct. 4. Cattle Ilecolpts , 200 ;
shipments. .1,0)3 ; market strons ; fair to fancy
natl\-ostet > ra'l.8034.MJ ! ; stockers nnd feeders ,
* ; .0'Ji.UO : : Te.vimsand Indians , ej.3MW.30.
HoKHecelpts. . 1,7011 ; shlpmonts , UO ; mar
ket steady ; heavy , $ . : ; frl.CO ; mixed grades ,
8I.OIXS4.30 ;
" \VccUly JJanlc Slateinoiit.
New \onK , Oct. 4. [ Speclil Telegram to
TIIK HEE. ] The weekly statement of the as
sociated banks shows the following changes :
Reserve , decronso . 8 2,004,200
lioans , increase . 7,8K ( > .7OO
Specie , Increase . . . 401,000
I.eKnl tenders , ducrotiso . I.I.'O.IKX )
Pcposlu. Increase . 0,177.2ul , )
( Jlrcuhtlou , luareaso . 25.700
The banks now hold (11.511.200 In excess of
the requirements of the 2j per cent rule.
Mining Shares.
NETT Votm , Oct 4.-Spoclal [ Telegram to
TnEHRE.l Tlio following am the tnlnlngstooh
quotations :
liodlo 1W > Ontario CM )
l'aluilnnlfill.11 170 Oiihlr too
Con. Cal.fc Va 100 Occidental 170
Coinmunwonlth 210 Slcrrn Nurnda 2SO
Hciulwooil T 125 SnttcrCrouk 1IK )
HoniiMtiko t . . .11X10 Iron Silver. 103
The Movement of Specie.
YOIIK , Oct. 4. [ Special Tclcrrani to
Tim llEB.l The exports of spcclo from the
wort of Novr Vork dnrlnr the week amounted
to $313,130. of which * 83,085 , was In cold end
* ; ifl.l5)ln silver. The Imports of snoolofor the
nook aniountod to$117.ttl. : of which tW,18 wai
Iu gold ana { 90,204 In silver.
Dr. Birncy cures catarrh. Boo bhlff
Hall County Thinks They Should bo
IMuced iti. 1'ubllo Depositories ,
County Cleric O'Malloy has rocelvod tbo
copy ot a memorial and resolution adopted
by tbo board of supervisors of Hall county ,
with tlio request that It be laid before tbo
county commissioners.
It i.s addressed to tbo legislature and states
that the laws governing the handling-
ot public funds In this state are
such that it is impracticable to
comply with their requirements , and that a
aconsequem-c , tlio pcncral usage throughout
the state respecting the handling of public
funds Is not in compliance with the laws.
The petitioners , therefore , hold that legal
provision should bo inatle for "public depos
itories , " looking to tlio safety of all public
funds and securing "such Intcreston all public
funds as arelcopton bond.1
The resolution also reo.\iosts the cooperation
tion und support of tbo press In socurini ; this
legislation , irreaiicctlve of party or politics.
'I lie IhulerttikerH.
A largo party composed of delegates to tbo
undertakers' ' convention went to Sioux City
yesterday morning ana -will return home
from that point. Another party composed of
1'rosidcnt It. R. Biiiirliurst of Philadelphia ,
.ToslaliS. Pearcoof .Ardmoro , Pa. ; B. Frank
Klrlc , James G. Veldon , C. W. Naulty and
A. G. Hookey of Philadelphia ; James "VV.
Laubcof Richmond , "Va. , and E. D. Hofollcr
of Rochester , N. Y. , left on the Union i'aclllo
train nbout 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon for
Silver lUuina , Colo. , to view the bcautltul
mountain scenery ,
Dr. Blrnoy cures catarrh , Bee bldjy.
Will bo TcuoU In tlio ConrtH.
To get matters In proper ahnpo to coin-
menoo proceedings , Leo Estelle , the attorney
for the board of education , and President
Goodman yesterday made a formal demand
on Building Inspector Wbitloclc for n permit
to erect tht ) ono-Mory brick bulldiup upon tbo
high school campus. As was expected , tbo
Inspector refused , und mandamus proceed
ings -will at once Uo hrousht oeforo Judfjo
\Vakeloy for tlio purpose of ascertaining
whether the tract of ground Is under tbo
supervision of the board or the city council.
Numismatic * .
CI.AIIKS , Keh. , Out. 3 , To the Editor of
TIIK Bee : Will you please fjlvo mo tbo
names and addresses of ouo or two coin col
lectors In New York , lioston and Chicago !
Also tell mo if there Is a coin journal pub-
llshod In the United States ana oblige yours
truly. .AuiKitT I'XIIKEIU
Ans. The Scott stamp ami coin company ,
Now Yorlcfitovons ; & Co. , McCoralcK block ,
Chicago. American Journal of Numismatics ,
Dr. Blrnoy , nose and throat , Iloobldg.
Julius P , Hctraor , who has had some
trouble with N. Yaoger , tbo saloon man , says
that tha charges of embezzlement preferred
against him by Yuoger are absolutely falsa ,
mid that any money uo ever got from Yaogur
wus Ills own. Hdmor says hu will proro the
Charges miu'o ' by Yacger to bo false vvlicu tbo
[ iroiKjr tlmo comes ,
Dr. Birnoy euros caturrli , Bee bldf. (
Tlo Bostoa Investment Oompiuy and Wt
P , Swccsy .Arranging to Buill.
A. I'ornmnoiit Homo for ( ho llrnl ls !
Into 1'iXoliniiRC l * rotl AIIIOH' Aid
to Cmnlm Tlio llcaltjr
Tlio sale of tlio lot nt the soiithenit conmi
of Seventeentk nnd r'urnain to the Ilostonln-
vcstmenU'omp.'my , the 1 > U transaction of the
pa < t week , Is but the first inovo tu a project
for extensive Improvements oiilho south slda
of Fanmm street , between Sixteenth ami
Seventeenth streets ,
The property pnivluxsoil by the Boston Iti-
vestmcnl company , through Its intent , Mr.
M. U Morton , him a froutines cf t > 0 foot enl
l "imititn street , Is lit ! footilcoii mid h ouo ot
the most desirable locations In the city.
Ills the purpose ot the company pureliM-
ItiRtho property to Improve ! It , under certain
condition * .
Adjoining this lot on the onstV. . P.
SwocayowiisA (50-foot froutiigo ou Pnrnam
street for which ho has already prepared
plans for a imij iilllcont sovonstorstoro
building , TWs with the Improvement of the
Boston Investment company \vlll inuko a
solid business hlook of splendid proportions
extending from the corner of Seventeenth
n.nd Pixvnixm to the Smith property adjoining
tlio Chnmbcr of Coramereo ImilJinj ; .
The coniHtlon umler which the Koston
people -\vlll IniiirovothoirimrdiMo Is the do-
lea ! of the prolilbltion ntiinuliiicnt. Mr.
Morton , the company's a ent. In speaking of
tboplnmof lili eoiiii > aii.v,8nld , !
"If prohibition Is licfi'iitcd in XobrnMcn
\vo will be ln nt onro upon the
worlc ot crccllnif n suvcn story l > imdiitc on
the cornci-just pnrdiiisolVo Unvo alters
to build for tcnnikts iiuil inuy mnkoltn com-
bincit store and olllco building nnilvo may
build It for oilleo uses only. 1C prohibition
carries wo will ccrtululy not linprovo tlio
property. Oninha Is alicnil of nny oilier
western city just HOV intho ( id vantages she
offers to investors and tlivro Is atilinmenso
amount of money reuclyto How in hero just.
as soon ai the people dedilc that they do not
want tociiniigo thopreseut license luw of tlio
stato. If the amendment COIIKN It will most
assuredly depredate property values
hero and render it Inadvisable fnr us to make
unycxtcnsivo Improvements. Ouvplimsaro
being prcpnrcJ , hoivovcr , n net I f tbo amend
ment Is defeated we will pvo jou a. biff bulM-
inK In si short tlmo nnd there are others who
will follow us in inaMng Onmlia hivoit-
nicnts. "
An KtulmiiKU Iliillillnj , ' ,
President Hurtinan ot the real cstato er-
cbanpo has a tip cutcrprlso In project.
Ho is tlio father ot the real cstn to exchange
In Omaha and wants toseo this institution a
prominent and permanent one. To this eiul
ho proposes the erection of a iiiagniilfcnt
building to bo ott'ncil by the oxchtingo and to
bolts pcnimiieiit homo anil Inroatment.
There ro , ho urges , at least otio hundred
roputivblo real estuto men In tlio city who rim
invest an average of JJ.uOO each insuchnn
enterprise nndvlthn capital of ittOO,0 , < X > thus
obtained , them is hardly a limit to the
wonders that the cxclinniro may not aocoin-
plWi. This would pivo HOO.ttW for a site ,
smother $100,000 , for n building nnil n. like
amount for Investment in so inc. enter
prise that would bo profitable to the
projectors. Some of tlio members favor
tbo scheme heartily nnd want to establish a
bank in connection with the exchange. This
plan they claim Is feasible mid , sura to bo
profitable. Aof \ \ tlio movers of tlio project
arc enthusiastic and vlll stop nt nothing
short of the fulfillment of their plans. Ouo
tbiiiR is certain , and that is that the success
ful prosecution of the plan for a prrinunciit
home \v6uld do much to strengthen the Ktiuul-
ing of the exchange. Jt would pivo them a
clianco to show prospective Investors a sub
stantial evidence of. their o\vn fnlth in the
future of the city , whoso Interests they are
endeavoring more , probably , than any other
class of business meti-so earnestly to ad-
Aid to Omaha.
Fred Amos has done as much as any ouo
man In encouraging custom capital to seek
investment in Omaha , " said Vlco President
Kimballof tlio Union ljaclllc , the other dav.
' 'Mr. Ames , " ho continued , "Is known
among the cnpitallsts of the east ns bcmgono
of the shrewdest and nt the same ttmo one of
tlio most conservative moneyed men in the
country. Ills inve-stnieiits have always
resulted satlstiictorily , nnd plenty of capital
ists are ready to invest In any enterprise erIn
In any locality in which Mr. Ames Is inter
ested. It looked n little gloomy for Omaha.
eurlv lost year. Capital was keeping clear
of Kansas City and other western cities , and
Omaha suflerod from their fallings.
Ihoro was an nit of uncertainty
mnonfj investors , nnd It looked fair
fora period of stagnation. Jlr.Ames thoii
came forward and Invested ever SlW.OOO In
the erection ot the Morse block at Sixteenth
and Furnum and tlio now block at Hlavonth
and Howard. It tvas nncxhiblllon of faith In
the future of Omaha tliat cncouraed other
capltnlisti , and BOW thov are all ready to
como in here with tholr Investments. Mr.
Ames' investment In thtitwo buildings iianiol
will undoubtedly bo tlio cause of the invest
ment ofsoveral million dollars of Boston oip-
Ital In Omnbaduring thoprosant year.
"There a great many good , desirable build
ings in Omaha tiiat are damaged In their
rental value by the rookeries thut lean against
them , " said a Union Taclllc ofMclal. "Tho
Onmlia union depot company , n I understand -
stand it , iloosnot propose to be plnced at any
such disadvantage In respect to Itsjicw iiulon
depot. The company liat control of mo'st ot
most of the property ad joining the iito fortho
now depot and propose to Have sonieUitin ; to
say about the character of tb o structures that
uro erected In Its immedlato vicinity , "
The following llgures show the tablra of
real estate traasactlons.bulldinj ; permits and
bank cle.irings for the wools :
umi , KhMTi : niA.v.- < nit : .
Monday . $ l ltt.-
Tuesday . .Ti,7lt
XVi'iincsiliy . . K.7-T
Tlnirnday . 4V > ii :
I'rWay . W.KTO
BuVurilay . . 47,101
Total . ' , . . . . . WT.IT
Thnrmlay . > . . . . SJ.7.KI
1'rlilay . Ml
Saturday . ILTOO
Total . * 'CU"
Mondny . . I STS.OTT.M
Turtiluy . Ts1.TIO.Ol
\Vudiii-Hlay . h .R'-r l
Thursday . . IxHi.lll.r.a
l-'rMuy . . MJ.VMI.H- '
HaturJiiy . Stl.'ill.iv >
An liitruu' o of iJ2 pur cent ever tliu ccrro-
\vttk of last year.
Iinprnvonicnt Nutt'H.
F. C.Irabloof ( Oaiuhihns ; purchatcd the
opera house cornurln Beatrice for 41),01)0 ) ) ,
The huildliiK pcrraltB for BoptcmlKir
amounted to fHi'J,4l5 , compartd with Ssmtlft ,
for the liimo month last yuar.
The Dulldcrs' and Traitors' oxuhauRo has
est'ibliihod upermanentQxhihll of hulUor.i
anil art'hltocte' supplies nnd appliance ? inthu
o.xi'liuiigo rooiH. :
I'uporj Iti another hie deal In
property havubetiiililod with the county ro-
corder. Victor II. Coftuiari and vlfo s ll U >
KdtvurdB. It. Boushtonof Choycnno a tr.ict .
of tome four hundred aca s Just north of Ir-
vlniftonfor 3IWUJO ,
0. I-i. Wrifjht has purchn-st-il tlio nlncty-
nlno-.vcar lease of llu > southwest corner ot
IIonruiMnnd tjixtoeuth streots. puylnu' tt,0 : >
forlt , toothor with the building. This full
orrarlvuuxtiprlnK , Mr , Wright will rumovo
ttiolu-o urniill frumo Imlldings on thuKix-
teriitn itrootsldo ottboproi.orty ixiidputlu a
tlireo story lliu proof blocU.