Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1890, Part Two, Page 10, Image 10

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DVE11TIBEMENT9 for tbo so column will
tttnkcn until 12-13 p. m. . for theernnfnf
edition nnd until 8lp. in , for the mornlDj
edition and HUKUA * llr.i.
rpEIlMB-Casbln adunco. i
thlipa * * ? wlll b8
t horivte of 1V1 cent per worn
for the flnt Insertion and Icont per word for
aoh euljioqurnt Insertion , and II.M per Hm
per month. lie niltorttiomunt taken fur
Iristlmn Zlconti Torll.o lint insertion ,
INITIAIJ , figures , ijtnboli , etc. , count each
mono word.
idvottlscnionti mint nm eon-icc'i-
tltely ind under no clrctitnitancti will
they bo taken or discontinued Ijjr telephone.
T > AHTIF,8natertlHlnir. In these columns find
4T li vliiftholrntibvrirn ? uddroHsdl to a "mini *
bcr.d lottnr" Incaroof TUB HKBwIll rocolvo
n numbered elicck tornnbletliom to got tlictr
letters. Answers will bo doll me' 1 only on
prcuflitatlon of tliJ * ehrck , Hticlos s iimwurt
In nr lo5t propcrljn < l lrcwccl.
< nrtrrrtl'cincntn under thn lidd cl
AM Notlffs"nrn iiubllslirdln Intli the
mornlrijf nd cMcii'.nRtdltloim of TUB IIKE. tno
clrrnliitlon of liloli KKrc4utM inoro than
20,000 papers dally , and Rlici tlio ncltcrtlscr
tholicnollt not only olUiularzo drculitlon of
TiinllKE InOmiha. lint alsoln I'ounctlJUutls ,
Lincoln nnil otlicr t-ltli'i iitidtowmln tlio wt'it
" "
AilrprtlilnB for tlicio columns * lll to taken
on the iiljoro condition * , attlio follow Ir ; IMJS | >
D05liouci whottro nntliorlzcd totukutpnchl
notices , nttho iiino rates as can hud ut the
fnalnofllcc , .
SOUTH Street , Lister Hlock.
JOHN , EMPhiirinacl t. S30SouthTonth
IIASE k KDhV. Stationers nnd Prlnteri ,
11J South ICthistrtet. _ _
II , I'liamiuclst , SlllOun *
. Ing alrcot.
WJ. IIUQIIES. Plnrinaclst , (24 North 16th
t street.
TO. "W , PAlllt , 1'liirmaclit , 1713 Lea von-
worth lire t
I' PJIAUMAOY. ! lth and Karnara.
Forialte ,
.ADY whhc to prneiiro plain tewlnir. Ad-
dress 1'71. llco olllci- ' . Jt'1
ANTKD Hy n "Iloston" iiuuinf y , a po < -
tUin nfrosiiiinslljllltv and tiust ! 0.111 fur-
nlnli bondu and also smiill cailtillf | rdinlrcd.
Ariirr > < , Rtntlns partlcnlarn , tie. , I'd" . IHo
olIlccOnulia. ch. SIS 5 *
W 'ANTED lly t\vo luilles of experience ,
ultii.'illoiisln dryirood * ) store ; rufcronoea
If rcqillrod. AddrohH I'ti. ' ! , llio olllco. SW-5'
WANTED Situation as housi-kwporliy 01-
ixsrlcncctl ( icrinan lady. Widow ivlth
children proforrod. AildresJ 400 Norlli 10th
EU. 3rd lloor. M-G *
WAN'rri ) Situation by lady slonozraphcr
and tjnowrllcr ; tuigesnoolijcet. Addresi
P 40,1100 olfleo. M1005"
_ _ _
WANTED Situation In a haruVarostorc ;
eiporlenoo of 'JOyojiri ! reliable refer-
encOifnrnl ho 1. Cl. w , 14.Moorotlcll , Kron-
tlorCo , Noli. . lioT 57. _ -JU-S *
W'ANTii : > Sltuat Ion ns assistant hook-
Keeper or ntlkvi work of any kind tiy
iiinn willing ID mal > o himself tiipful.
uan glvo teed lercitncc. Adclusi TGI. l.icc
otllcc , M189-10 *
A LADY iiidclcnly left upon her own re-
hourccs , coinpoKMit. lioiiost , amWtloiH
wlslicn a posltldii vlicro enni iictisatlon will
COrrci | > orid. AddiosslTiT. lice. 177 G *
WANTED nv yoiinladyaio lt loa as or-
pnlst In Protestant , cniirch : hmo had
flvo jciir.s' cxpcrli'iiculn KpUcopnl and other
cliiircbos ; ulwo. wnnld lll < o nioio i > uplls In
lilniinor onruii iiiuslc : eood rofen'ricr * . Ad-
drcsjl'4g. llc . _ aii)7J-7 )
WANTKI1 I'mltlon bjseiuustio. . - , - ? Inprlv-
ate fnmlly.SISrt llarncy. MCMJ-H'
iU ) rA.Mi
For rotc , tit , , eecloj ) ttj yijst cnlumu on tWi pore ,
WANTKD Balosmim on salary or commis
sion tahandlo thn now patent chemical
Ink cruslniii ( ) > iicll. The Kreatcstselllni ; noi-
cltycior produced. Druses Ink thoroughly In
two seconds ; noahrasltln of paper ; -CO to "iOll
per cent proflt. Oneaeont'ssaloi amounted
to tCTIii Hlxdays ; another * ! , ! In two hours ,
wo want one oiicrcetloKeneral nent for each
Btatotind territory. Mitiiples liy miill.'tSuts.
j'or terms and full particulars , address The
Slonroo EraBor Mfs. Co. , La Crossc , WU.
. i.74-7 *
WANTED Traveling salesmen ; cnn make
IM per wool ; perniiinonll.v : tr.ule spoclal-
licit. Tabor , : U5 Dearborn M , < Jhle.iKo. L'-jr-S'
' \7I7ANTUI ) A coiionl nxcnt In handle our
T T publications In .Nebraska. Address 2X1)6 )
rnrnam st , an 7 *
ANTED M hoys and girls at Jlurnhy ,
WIIBO.Tk Co.'s chair fuctory. 21SU *
ik. Apply ' . .n.cori'lstandVelistcr ,
_ _ _ _
T\7ANTI-'l-axxl bread and cake baker nt
' oiifo ; III ) ami board a veo . John 1'ray-
thaler , Norfolk. Nob. Ull-o *
DBTKOTIVKS wanted In > -vciy county ,
eiirowdmonto not under Instructions In
our secret service. ICiporlcncn not netwtnry.
rnrtlculainfroe. ( ii-iiiiunii Deteetlv > lliircau
Co. . 41 Arcade. Cincinnati. 0 , SI ls7-5"
W ANTED-20 coocl hrleldavors at J3 per
day. Call ntOranlto blouu , room 4.
_ _ _ _ _
il A first clats furniico man
lttiNlOthnt. II. HVlttiiau. lit ! 6 *
T\7"ANTKD Men for company \\or ! < In Vfy.
TT omlng , AlliilKht'jlaboriiKeney , 1120 Kur-
nam 111
WANTKD Men for \vorlt \ on U.fc JI.R. 11 ,
gotHl waKes and Rood Job. AHirljthH Inter -
tor ngiinoy , lll-o t'limam. "ill
T\TANTF.D A rust line vounK man for o nice
T work. Call today after 9. lioom 407. Shcoly
.M 8t > V5 *
ITTANTEI ) Men to tnivolfor our Canadian
T f nnrsorlefl. StnueJMVulllnjUHi.Miidlsoii. Wl
_ _ _ _ m
WANT KD .W laborerforstoiio und crude
i\ork. \ Apply to P. 11 , Johnson , lliiloii
passcngor depot , Oinalia. 8"i ;
WANTED-W ) teams to work on jjrado and
haul lirldKotlinuir. Apply nt Sin llh. Oil.
lott iOo. H camp two miles cast ofl'apllllon. ]
W 'ANTED Men and women of ability In
ciory city , town and vlllujo toaot nt
aponts for tlm UidlrV Homo Journal. Wo
wantlho bestoulahmWo 5lasi of nKonis , and
to such iiiiimua.1 lorms will bo ( Hit-red , Tlio
Journal Is thn huniNoinest iwrlodlcnl for 1 n-
dloa and the fiitnlly over IsMicrt and has near
ly half a inllllon sulsprlbcrs. ) Jt will bo ad-
yorthetl tlio ooiiilnff natuinn and winter on a
larRcrsoalo than uv * r before crcuthua d -
raand tlint nprcMilK sliould lx > icady to till
Uurtlsl'iilillthliijtUoPhllndclpnla. . 7CJO *
0 ri'Y salesman. Omaha khlrt factory.
1'iirnain U10
. . . .11.11 Active nion wltli reference ,
. . .Metropolitan MfK , Co. , 1CCU Howard st ,
( VW O21 *
ANTKB Accnts-Ily the Eiinltalilo llfo
Instirancc coinpniiy of lowu , txxi ! tor-
llory , favorable contract * mid absolute se-
ourity to policy liolders are Induccnioiiti
Offered. I.r Mart In. superintendent of iiuon-
clea. Pt-8 aiolnoa. In. M BIO ill *
WANTED Wlenuitito ) work on prnoo and
haul lirklcoUmber. .Apply at camp , two
uillci cast of I'apllllon , 0105
WANTKll 1,000 in Tfor new ullrond work
In Oregon and \\iishtmstoii \ \ Ter. Work
will laut tHe yearn : food \uce Kiiarantpod ,
Albrlnlit JAlHtrAcoiivy , llSOlliruam st. "
< Fbrntr * . _ * | f. _ re * tup nf fi < .C nJiiiuii on r/ili JKIOI
D'\YF.LIilNO Or cottage , about fJ.WO , on
only torniK. Lot near llaiisevin uark. 01
lusliif-is lot ultabic for otlice building , Max
ouBtciiioi-H , thiTttforo must le buritalns
limealoa AMlenlOU'Tanum , &tnt > t ill-D
\7 AOANTlots minted In ontlvlng mldltloni
V toOmiilui ikivlCuiinoIl llluirtj. Address 1
62 It00. JiiU-5
WANTKIV-l.IOO.OWbrIeV ( ( , If jpu want ti
deal call ut UO lli > o b lldlnir. l.oiiiu i
Ualletto. M1V8-5 *
l > Y > r rylea , ett , , , * ct ijop atfirft fijuniiion thii paqt
\\/"ANTEI ) liooiiiN , furnished or unfui
TT nUlioil. for llsht lioiikfliceiilnir liv ma
and lfo. Olvo full Inforiiiatlou , Adiirosti
72 , Uco onlce. ttjf >
W' AN ' TKI ) To rcut four rooms of a stive
room lid \v liouso to vonii < ( < ne wl
hoard the prefccal oucupuuU. I Mini rust * itt !
' -.rr- '
llrlstol HU . - ;
- Itoom Tno jouiiR ladles o
giXKl family wish room and honnl will
private family ut uiiiiuuntloiiuljlii ' stimtlliij
Addreis t'Oi. Uee. L' fi *
rTtAYOunfurnlhhcd rooms ttaiitcd hi coed lo
JL. ontlon. iloain heated preferred , tij lad ;
aud ( rontiiliiuiibtur. Adurcus I'i ) lieu , IliC-
ANn2I-Moi5iy Lady nnd ydnrttr luati
tatfcolulimtftieHcns and keep i
010 NovrVorkLlfo build Init. M-
\ \ Axrrj-\siftu SUB. anii st.
G I HIor Rrnernllioiiseworlt.STOl . TToolwirth
aunue. 25l-i' !
/VUVajronti / to M'll ' our Img Tvnlit ,
JJbitHl mid blicli back cortcu Cal. Cortct
Co. . Brooklyn. N. Y. _ iSS-i'
" \\TAXTED-A Klrlforncneralhou'iCworM B
I ! rooms : 4 in fiunllvt wmhlnc lentoul ;
wmro * $1 n. wick. Jim. ilartln , N . \i , cor. ITIU
undAVtb * ) terns. JEM
plrl for amily of two :
rood place. good 'Mgcs. 4 ( EM Hamilton
* t. , Wnlnut lllll. KW7
_ _ _ _
A nll'S llero'H ulint yon want. : Tlio lutcit.
] Jbrljihtostaml Iwst Bftnf Christinas book *
far llio little tot ) mid older oh I Id rim. An
agent uantedln cMcry loivn. Snndfor circu
lars and li-rinsut once. J. M. 1'ronch .t Co. ,
Omit till. .Nub. ! g 0'
" \ \ rANTJCrj-Viirscplrll3to 13 yeatsoC me
It JiinulruiMO IJodgo M. 21dV
TWILL i > : iy Irullis it nuliiryof "Mil per veole
llo \\uilc fo' tno In their locntlt rut homo ,
light vrnrk.gdoilnntr for purr time. Write \\lth \ \
sliniiu. Mis. II. I' . 1 ari lujloii. box TOJOhluaKO
\VTA > TKU-Liadles and Gentlemen to take
II Unlit , plensaiit employment nt tholr
oun IHIIIIOS : distance no tbjiv'tlon : mirk sent
Ijyiuiill ! fol. \ . > n iluy can bo ipilt'llj' mndo ;
iiocaiiusslnz. I'lcnso iiddrosiitt onci * Itfllii-
ble IHfK Co. , box OW l'iilludi'lihli | : , I'u.tcs-
tablishid ISeU. IJil 7'
_ _
T \TEIMJIrl for irt'iier.-il liouscnorlc. 1)33 )
l'irk u\ciiui ! . .MrH. C. 12. llurniestur.
" r.
\V AJitnn-A Boxl plrlfor Ronoral IIOIISR-
M wolk. Jlrt. J. II. lllancliard , cor.Vnol -
-\\orth mill S ! Mli. Mil
TflUrOHT jrmnifl liicly wuntoil to Ret sub
JJ scrlbors fur tlieOnialia ICwlslor ; rm per
criitcnmiiilsslon. Appli'li : ! H Mil nt. Ml3 !
l' r taltt , clc.tcc tiipof f.rtl column on Vita ; i < ; e.
IjlOlt ItKST-Nliic-WKim homo ut Si.T per
Jinonlli. . liniilrcnt | , Nebraska Steam I nim-
lry , .Shti'cnlli IIIH ! llowiiril HtnotH. LT.Ci-J'H
"IIOl'M' ' forllont-7-roimi coltiiRc , all inocl-
-1 1 ( riilinprou'iiit'nlH , cur.Itli iind L'li lui o
Ms. lniiilrolin | ! > l-'arnainst. _ " 18-5
intVlMtOOMlioino.cor.22a and 1'opplcton
li montli. Inquire C. Madscn. O- . " ! * "
- ; private ro < ! doncn on ! 0th avo.
near Fniiinin. All eou > enlejicc3. Only
W. Snieatoii.V : Allen. lC07Pniiuni. gni
ri1\VOslv-rooiii \ coltigc3ltl ( and F
JL 3 IS.
bK roiini tin ell In ? So. 2'ilh .T.AC.S22.
Su von room now eottaw , Vlnlnti st , J2S.
Nine room ( hvolllns , Knuntx.u Place , (35.
Nine room Mono dnolllnK. Sirucu | St. . $110.
Othorilwclllncs ranKlnt froml-0 toJ7f .
Siiioatou &Allun , 100" 1'amumSt.
"irAT.l'pf double cottnsc ! four rooms , tlireo
J IcUisels , jiinti'ybny window , collar , well.
cl'ilorii.Koou oiithoiiM'ti , lawn all roimil , motor
lira block * * . Xlco lioinoor Rood tunant. Itcut
811. Cor.U5tli& Jiuksoii. 2JT-G'
Toit UINT-
1 0-rooiu Hat , 2119 1'arnani stJ25.
C-room houto , 1. > 1"N' . 2 tb St. . J17.50.
6-roora house , 1 lanscotn Place , fl" .
Potter i : Guurso Company , ICtli andFarnam.
2O4 5
f'HOOM liouso nnd KOOI ! lirn. on motor.
laryoyartl and city wnlcr. 1 ! . Williams ,
atli anilArlJorats.or20'N. ) lOthst. " ( )55 )
linNT-5-room uultauo on motor line.
DPI Jluiigla- IMS
, KIINT-Cottaso onDoilgcst. , with Inrn
andnlco yard : lory rnnvcnleut lo busi
ness. Address 1'59Hoe , olllce. M-ITI- ! ' ] *
"fjlOR liKN'J-A BoodO room house , elty and
Ju'clstein water , ( heap rent. MOO 1'ranklln
st , Inquire 1113 X. iSth at. M 184-5 *
OOSHS torrent , Hicks , N.V. Life.HM7
"TjlOR ItKNT-10-room house , modern Im-
-JL1 proM'inciiH , No 1721 Dodge , iriqulro 1J18
l > 'armiin. Kiiiiiliol Hums. 1U7-5
TjtOUllTEKNrooin hrlck house near I' . O.
- KoiitK'.f umlttiroSGMnv ) cash bal monthly.
Oo-Operatlvo Land and Lot Co.'JOi N.Kltlist.
"IjlOll IIRNT-Modcrn house. ! ) OOG Jlason St. ,
J-1 neiirt'iirUavo. , 1)roomsov ) ry conieiilenco
liicludlns raiuto. low rent to first class len-
> iiiiit , iiiqulroon prcmiaes. IGS-'i *
IilORllENT-Sovcriil elegant , houses In llans-
JL'noin Place , splendid nolghborlinod. all
rnolerneonvenloiiccs , close to ilectrle. motor
line. lllckH. N. Y. Life Hldg. KM-7
"T7IOR JiRNTIKi Six room steam heated flats
J-nll modern eomenlencPs , references ro-
rjulrcd. Inqiilio Xclherton huli , ! 0 > outh 13th
HI. , room I , lnd lloor. IdKi
"WOll lENT-T\voC-room ! cottaKesNos. 1312
JL'atul HI4 S. Slth St. ; clly Mater. Kltnliall.
Chamii.'vltyan , 1'JOJ 1'amani st. 150-12
TOR KENT-5 room eoltatro and barn , half
blockof pavomdit. SM8 ; alsoone for $12 as
above. Smaatou & Allen , 1BO 1'urnani st.
M132 5
ftOTI'AOK of three rooms , 82i S ISthst.
] U 101 S *
II RENT One four-room collage , ( tr7
North ' Tlh. M-l-JO-0 *
. "IjlOR KENT Four now one-story slx-
JL1 room houses ; cast front ; beautiful loca
tion ; jsood cellar : city water : near car line
north part , city ! very cheap. Inquire norlh-
east oornur Iffeiity-elslith andLakest.r ets.
13,0. aionn. I > llOi-.V )
" 1J10R 11KNT-5 room cottage with bath. Ono
JL1 location , neiir motor. UoiUI-l. Snicuton
& Allen. 1GQ7 1'iirnanist. Mia a
TC10U lENT-0-room ! houso. nil modern con-
JL' run fences , east front. MOO GforjIaave. . ap-
plynt CurmanSavings baulc. ll'J
"IJTOH UUN1'-5-room house and ham , 3115
-JL Hurt , nice sliuilo , frontayard. key 3)H )
WcbHt < jr.ono block south. W2 r
8 ' . 'Eldand Cuinlii3to ! : pcrniontli.
0 , V. llurrl on , U11N. Xldfo. SJ
fTOIJ IinNT-lIouic.R roonm , peed laundry.
JL' luquliu liohD. I'urvls.'JIth St. Mary's aiu.
"C10K ItKN'P-A HI vrooiiihoiisonotir business
JL'router , SilJ. Mead Invo-ttiiioiiC CD. . Hoc
bulldhiK , H31
[ V VOU wish to rout a liouso or store see II.
K , Cole , Continental block. B l
" 171011 KENT-To rosponslblo parties only.
JL' thoMiUno now hrlclc. antl toue housejon
GcoiKlH avenuii : llfteon luotjisi-.nd alcoies ;
tnoro convenleiicosand better lintslml tlian
u-iiy hoiiMi formiib In thoclly. U. Illlundor- ,
BOU , 4001'uxtoa block , olty. tvSI
iT-HOOM house with barns nominal rent. 0.
F , llarrlsonlil , ) IS.V. rlfo. 870
BOUfcES forKent-2400Cass si , 24OS UassSt. .
I'-HSCass fit , 10 untl 14 ruuinsi all con \en-
lencos. 1'lKis.V. \ . iialnoy.315 Ouiahu National
banlchnlldlii * , ' , ba3
T71OR UINX-OUO : flat Intlio Llntonblocjkon
JL'tnu id lloor. U rooms , stoaia liuut , newly
papered , itrateln parlor. All In Kood order.
Innulrtiof Jiihn ilniiilln. In tlio block , corner
of Uth Jinil Mason sis. , room U17 ,
I710H lir.NT-l ) room home , nil modern con-
JL'vunlenues.lncltidlin ; aeood stable , Cupltol
inonui1. neu r llio lildi-Hchuuli rout modurute.
tJ. O'llonahop , JColl'' bt , Kil
TCTOH IlKN'l'-Kurnlshed uovtn-room houso.
JL'iJ-JOtt , Mary's uic. K17
" 171011 IiENT-10 loom liouso , modern con-
JL1 voiilenuea , only blx bloc Is from post-
ollleo - & 0.00
( i nxiniHOii iSTilhiindl'uriiam. . . ffl.Wl
TnxiiiiNDii Kliemiaii live M.oo
4 munsuii Klicriuunavn. , KM
1 ! looms on Miindorbon st 1100
5nioinsiii ( Clark und I'thst. . . . , 1800
OiuilaUculistuto& : Trust Co. , 4. llco liHg.
M Ti !
SKVKN-room house , lath nnd Vlnton , tia
i-ii > om house , i th and 'Ml a nil , 111 ! .
8-rooin house , ' 'nth and Oald-ncll , . ' ,
7-rooiu house. lUirli and ( larllch , S | O.
6-room honn > , Ijlnfiilii plaoo. til ) .
, J,11. Joliuaou , BID I'ax ton block.
( KCi
"TjlhATiJ , Htcara lieatod. 700 H. 10th. 1'hoi , K.
J Hall , 311 I'mtonblk. tea
| 7U > K ItiNT-7-room : cottaea ( llath and all
JL' modern convuiilencos , romly In few days.
O.B. EItattor,4UTJti'lrtIS'at'l bank. 6U
"IjlOR KHNT-l louse , aoth and Oald oll. 110.
JL' Itlrd and Jonos. liu. 2J13 Uavowport. f-t ) .
AY , L. t-tlby. 1J , ltd 7rado. J33
CII1IA1' ' rout. Have screral 3 and 4- room
llatu.contialwith city wator. sewerage ,
etc. , at from Ute Sllpor launtli. llults * Keut >
JiH agt-'noy. a ) a lath st. IMo 31"
OCT. 1st. , bulldliiiton N. i : . cor. lith ) and
JJoiiKlaR , 2 liasumcnt * ) , S stores , und 7
rooiiiii iipitulN , 1150 , .Mri ICuliliuunn , 11 > ad
Vlnton , Ufll
Fvr iinttt , tie , we topoftnl rofumu on lh < JKIJ * .
pTlNTlnw/era&Holcltor * "G. W,8uc &
JL Co. . Ueo bulullne.Oaitlia. 4 roan' ' oxperl-
oncu aaeKanilnera In IT.S.pntnmotliQe , Branch
olllco nt Washington , D. U , Consultation tree ,
on i6iiva--.itou.Ms K
'or tatfo. < l ( , nee top ojlrxt rtuntnmthtt _ put/t ,
ran Hod pent. , rooms to lot , furnished and
unfuniliihi'd. \ > lth suporlor board. gii-B"
71O11HKXT > 'lcnly tiirnWiod rooinJl also
JL iurnlslied or uafurnlihixl rooini for llKlit
iou o Icorplrut. Modern convuiileiloeJ , l'-K3
iapltal uve. cor.llth it. _ Md-5 * '
1 11 NorthlJth it , , tiKideru four rootmwlth
Jboirct. Can uceumnitidututuuiuVi'r of table
oardcra. 247-10 *
ROOM to rent , vrlth hoard for two fentlo-
lui-n ; also table board. 201 K.lSth nto.
J O-ll *
finely furnlslicd front rooms ultU use ol
bath and RUM. Hunted kr Btcatn. 09 IN ,
o llio rJjjhU CT-7
_ _
[ 71OIIHKST > 'lcnly fiirnhhpd room , south
JL , ' i nd onnt exposure , with or wlthmit lionixl !
11 i neil or n coiircnlcjiccs ; reasonable rates ,
001 M. ISth It. SS-7 *
71UKMSIIF.D roonisultlior wllhout board ,
L1 Hi 3.JOtli. . *
LpHON'r room to rent , nicely furnished. In
JL. iictr lint , No. 17 B. llth St. , ti list airs , near
Induct. 20UJ *
FS8 HEXT lorG rooms uii 1st lloor. 1112 S ,
3 llh. 10110 *
LOVKr.i Y | > ! irlnr floor , with t'.xoellnjitlonrd ,
ullcoiiu'iilencos : ictoruiicus , lUti. ' .tuli st ,
2037 *
N ( urnhlicci rooms n Itli IKKI rd and
bath. 5100 Farnniiift. 11110 *
mnmsj CIIH mid Until aiiilllrC )
Hand 110. nil Douglas St.
FO1 ! pond l > onrd. ulco rooms , modem con-
vculiMicei , rales tmillounlloti. llio i'lillmtiii
iousclnoloclgost. : ) , cannotbu u.Nccllcd , Mrs ,
lornl > rep 148-0 *
FOIt KENT Hoiiblornrlnpi. f urm-Oicd with
larno clotlioipruss ; turiusruiisonalile , 101J
Volistcr st M-HI-5 *
POi : KI5NV Slcoly lunilsliotl front room
with ulcovo : nil couvciilencosi pi-ntlenioii
only ! SUtll Cnss st , MHH
moii KKNT Ono furnlsliod front room In
Jjirlvuto hniiw , pnrlor lloor. either
ir smalt one iut low price to rig Ut purtjr , 1516
toward street. M1IE35
FOIl HUNT I'urnlsliMl IOHTII with lionrcl.
HIOGraeost , Hultiblo ( or t-vvo. Allmoa-
ern convciiloncoi. M1U3G *
I71OH ItKNT > 'eatly ftiriiMicd rooms , wltli
Jonvltlioul boatU. SOU St. Mary's avenue.
11 ? 8 *
POIillEM' liooriiB nltli Iward.liiJIJoilRoat
lion *
HAKDSOMELVfurnlslieUrootn.a.'OO Dodijo.
law *
POUUKM' Furnished rooms. IMS Capitol
me. I'M b *
T71TJKN1S1IRD front room for one or two
L Rents ; nil modern eoiivrnlcnccs ; fclrlctlj
irlvntc ; rrnt rensonablc. 'JW Douglas , DOT
X 'VVO pleasant rooiui with bonrdnioilcrn
oonvciilenocs,007 Mffltli.
T71OK HEXT TurnMiMl rooms ; gas.bnlliand
J Htcain. 1510 Howard. 874
' < T.OLAIIKiiroioaiiliotolwltli ! ) , dlnliiBroom ,
steam lieut In all lounis , KttUaud JlodKO.
Special rates bv * week or inonlli. 875
POHURSr Tumlsliocl rooms. 1C09 Donclas ,
roomsnlth pai. IJJtn aiidfur-
J-1 naro heat ivith orn-It bout boaid. 9. E.
cor. Klh ave. anilllnTncj- . m 51-G *
P OH RENT T\civly furnished rooms : very
reasonable to gentlemen. 211 S , ! i < ) th ave ,
firji.r ,
UOOMS , light housckoopliiff. lS3 ! H SOth.
P1JONT room suitaUo for goutlcman. 1912
Dodso. HB
roil KI2YF--110O31K CXKU UN l SIIKB
For nlu. etc. , ) > of first romniiiun ttiltpage.
O UOOJ1S , housckouplng. SiX St. Mary's ' ! ivc.
TT > TtIKJHSHO or fucnMicd rooini for
* > liou&eleeplngi ground lloor. SM7 Califor
nia st , M-17M *
7 OHUK 'T 1 rooniaunfurnlslicd,2 0 N.i
A. st , prloo $ IS.M ! will roritto colored people.
Apply to II. K. Martin,70i K.lTtliet. 521
OVEKstoio store. 1G21 Hovard
FOR KENT Sulto of -uafurnUhecl rooms
for lioiisRkceplns , to family without
children. 1N3 Wtlntarst. 315
etr. , fee top of fnt wluiniiwi Utupaae.
IJIOKIIEM Storeioom at 1311) Howard St. ;
-L1 JyH po r nion 111 , . 5C
POIIKKKT 2 eii-Kinit steam lieatecl store
rooms-VNith Ij.TJcincnt , In good part ofcltv ,
* 10 per month to proper paity. Uroccrles or
dry Roods nrcfuntil. Imjulio Nothcrtonball ,
20 S 15th si , room I , 2nd lloor , IM-S
POU KENT Unlit tusoiiiciit suitable for
larbt rshop , phimbcr oOlco oriuilntBhop ,
and many other kinds of Dullness , $15. 701 8.
10th st , George Ulouser. Bi-TM-0 *
1'or Unit 3.MI Dodfo st. O lias.V
ltuiuoy , 313 Omaha Katloml bunk bid ; ,
FOH REST Irlol ! < f waroliouse. two stories
and basement , 27,000 sniiare feet , with 100
ft'ot of double track on U. P. railway , south
JOth und 1'lcrco strectj. Addre.ssU Otik
Oiaalia , Neb , 8 < JO
STOI1KS at709 S I0tliaxu0cnc , ) > i , liirttceho-w
wlndOMS , steam heat , furnished. Tlins. P.
llall.SIl I'nxton block. bO !
UEST Store , IKl i I'arnaiu ' ,
TTlOlt REM The rnostdoslratilo liualneu lo-
-L1 cation InOmnha fordry Roods store , cloth-
IIIK , linots and shoos , Rrocorlei , hardware or
furniture. Iloiitsvory reasonable. Possession
Klvonat o-necor Dcooinber Ut , Tliel-'alr'sllve '
stores ! wlllrcnt separaluly or altogether , J.
L. Itraudelsi ; fc-ons , luthand Howard.
74 * OM
moil KENT Metropolitan hall. 14tli and
L1 JJodne , for balls , parlies nnd weddhiKS with
or u'llhimt supporrooni. Terms lensoiriblo ,
QoorKu 1 1 uj n , aji S l.r > tll It. DTiT-OJl
FO1IHRHT Tlio4-story brick bulldlny.wltb.
orwlthnat poner. formerly ooetiiiliul by the
lluo 1'ubll liluKOo.Ulurariiiimbt. The bulld-
ItiK lias a lire-proof cojiieiitbasoment.coniplete
( It'll in hunt Ins fixtures , WHteron nil tlio lloons ,
s , etc. Apuly atthoolHcoofTl > | lue. M5
Fun-alts , eltffc top ofIrst cofu/iut / u
N"OTIOE-Ve3iavo removed U ) 1807 1'urnatu
and are desirous of Inorcjslugoiir rental
list. Vails oxcoedsnpply , Quick returns from
hutiMNllHtcd with us torrent or sale. Smoa-
ton &Allon,1007 I'arnnm.
KwuiitW honsoa to rout atourold stand.
IGOOVi l\imumt > t. fctar l.aud &LoanUo.
17i ! 7
HJI.IHEV& Zlro.reulal agcntS.SOO N.Y.Mfe H
HE Cole , rental agentContinental blk.
T ISTyour liouiiw to soil orroutwlthO.
JJUarrlson. JJ M.V , life. IM
E. VCookrental agency ; loansmortpatjos
IxniRht , taxes paid and colluctlons. Itooiu
IK1N.V. JL..buildIm. .J11ISOO8'
T 1ST your houses with Shaw' * rentnl agency
UdOlS.lOthBt. 1KJIO.O ,
joua ; WANTS.
Fur rates , tic. , Get too colnmn IM tltu
\\TANTKD A. tenant for Improved ranch i
IT jnuHl fiinilrthlils teams and fannlniioiiO-
IIt ; KH'iit Indnccmcuts otfercd. Address 1110
Uiwcavo , Omaha , liid *
WAN'TKD GradliiK and excavatlnK done ,
call tttroouiCi. , JL'atUm blk. J , ll.Miaw.
\\TANTKU Grading to do for private
' jiartlcj , Addresser call aCM S. ailist
II iwi-t *
\\rANTEU-IIorbt > s-to < , vlutcr. Vclhuvc the
T lest accommodation In the statajforwliv-
tcrlmaiid panturhiK lioraosjcuii furnish boxer
or uluslt ) btall. Htalili'a mid pastures only
sovoniiillos from center of Omaha. Apply to
Windsor. Kemp ACo..ai3Now Vork UfebfdK.
or tot'lirlsNuvliu at thulstablca , Irvlnctou
Kob. &U-1I'
HOUSEB wanted We wuut thirty houses to
rent. Omaha Real Ustato and Trust Uo.
( IteobuUdlnt ; . W i
for ratai , tte , , see lup of fnt cdvinn oa
$5.OO-Lost-Two notes , one nlpned IlobtMo
IJonald , nuytiblo to Ilyorspiittrrsoti : other
ilKiiod O. Hopkins , payublo to J , K , llyors
ltoturatooarulllceBy'n Hros.i ; Co.So.Oniuhu
Losr On Fa mam and Mi , gold uanglo
braoulet , Liberal roirard if rctiirneato
8115 Dodgu. - '
LOST Vellow jiony. white fent , mane aue
tall , brand on left hip and cheek. Bulto-
blo reward , Win. Wh njr , I t Om&ha.
J-Vrotei.clc. ; Kttrjpc ysrrottuiuion ! ( AU
rr\\\E \ \ \ Oonitncrcliu teuritr l oin anil Trust
JL Co. wants RoMMhert time pnpor : tilio can ,
linndlo nfow sofljxrol.niottgngei. Hwm j 7 ,
I'nllon hloclc.T * MKO-NJ
loaiutoif H. "F.Masttrs on chattel
collutcraVHewltlei forany tluio .from
uinoiitlif Jin any amount to suit bcr-
I/oannuadooahbuMiOli ) poods , pianos * . , or-
pnn < , horses. jnulr vhr > ti 'Slefif's. warehouse.
r < icelpt , etc. , atrirw lowcit jiotslbli ! r .tc ,
wJlhoutpnbllcltyprttrnoval ofpropcrty.
lily lonn nr omrr ncHthat you canuinke
a payment of nn.r.Nniumint at nny tlmo und
redueo lulu prlncibTfiAud interest ,
Ifyouowo a baniTicp on your propcrtyor
linvc a loan jou irvMf cliaiiKcd , I win nay It
cilTand carry It'-ifutybii. If y > u < lndlt mure
conM'nlrtit , call irpi tulophono No. 1021 nnd
your business can be ilrrnnitod at homo.
Money Hhvay-ion hand. No delay. No pub-
llclly. LowestMtui . . ,
Tl. F. Masters.
lloom WlUmell blk. , 15th undllaraicy sfca ,
IK/1 *
pAU.MLoaiis-SturLand.t Loin Oo
Cl ill A TIT L bunk. : tl9 S. JHIi st. , loam money
on i eliattelsorcollalorsilat reasunutilcriitos
j niortcajic'i on vacnnt k lm-
JU proved ulty prop County wnrriintsbouKlit
Muui-y oahatid.r. i\I , Hlcharilson.SlS IvLllo. .
" ] \rONTV ; : J , m or 00 days on furniture ,
-L'l piano * , horses , hoiises.elc. JJ. Wilkinson'
018 iV.x ton block. UPC
Tjl loins atlowratns and no
JL ; dolay. i ) . V. Sholes-Co , . " 10 1st Nut'l bank'
TTN17SUA IIA' low rates
LJof liiter ston first mortn Roi of Imnro-ved
rcHlt'stiite for the next IX ) days by thoKanias
City IiiM'stmi-ntCo , Kooni30 , Board ol Trade ,
J. It , I'oaso , innnuger , " 09
"T\TONDVto loan on any security
-L'-L for short tune nt low
rates. lowest rates
, onpernonallproperty
Tlio ncndcrson Morlunfic Iiivcslmcnt Com-
inny. loom 400 , 1'nslori blk. 010
loan * ? made at lowest rates. W ,
il. Harris , room 2) ) , Ifrentor blk , , opp. 1 .0 ,
CIIRAVcastcrn mnney Mort > ; nto | a.nd Trust Co ,
always ready to loan and pav iiromiilly ! first
morlKaize * ) wiintcd. OeorMV. . P. Coales. rep-
reviitatla1. room 7. board of trado. lUS
TDKAHiKst ate I/on m-Oi h on hand Glebe
JO1.0UU& Trust ( . * t > ,307S , Wth st. . Ko delay ,
iiocxtrachargcs. Houses for rent , ROOI ! list.
II 1 a
_ _
K. & 0 , r. ANTIIlNY,813 ) , NV. l IfohulH-
, ltiB. lend money on f4irms lu choice coun
ties of Nelirnska imd Iowa ; aNo oa Rood
Omaha residence property ! lowest rates ! best
terms ; no delay : money ready , Titles und
values passed on here. 014
EVSTONKMorttMo Cft-I oans of S10 to
JI.OOOiRot our rutcs before borrovliiK and
srtiemoncy ; loans on horses f tirnltnrcor nny
aiiprove < l security without publicity ! notes
tioiiKht. for notion , cnuwn.1 of old nnd low-
estrato3can , lt.Soa eely Wk..l5th & Howard ,
"VJUANTED First class Insldo loans. Lowest
i rates. Call and BOO us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 150 1 Fariinm. 01(1 (
EAST TUN money to loan on city prop ° rty !
mortgage paper , bought II.B.Iroy , n.T.I < ife.
loins at lowest rates. Itcmovcd
CHATTnij Y. Llfu. bids. J. Jl. EuimliiRcr.
TjlIKSTmort j-ajto loins on Improved nnd vin-
JL ? Itnprtncd iiroporly , Charles W. ltnlney'J15
Omaha bank building. ' 8s. >
TVTONEY loaned nt low rates on furniture ,
J-T-lhorscs , &c. , without publicity. HawUejo
Investment Co , XJ JJouglasblk.lClh audPodjjo ,
BlTIIjDlNG loans. Bio 7 per cent ; no addl-
tlonnlcharftcii forcominlssionor attorney's
fees , W. II. rileIkIo.l'lrBt National bunk bid ; .
: QgQ
EASTKHN money to loan ; lowest rates ; no
delay ; lar o loam a specialty ; short time
paper boiiRht. Omjjlia jnortsago Co , ground
lloorChnmhur of Uojmiifirco. 031
MONKV to loan" at'all times on dcslratilc
lmpro\od proportyln Omaha , Tliomoncy
IK licro uml there areno delays , as we examine
the property and tltluouraclvoa. Dates , Bin Itli
& Co. . lUtt ! rariiam st , T 33) ) o4
MONEY to loan. GorrespondentsorXombard
Invcs't Co. ehrjvor&Uuriijirrenor , blk ,
, . : collections
v _ promtitatteatlona.C.LarsonOXl K.Y. Lift
FOKBAXG IUUNITLTJIB ISTC. , , ptttojt of flrnttalutnn n Ihli jtaj.
coal store Inflrstclnsa condition vlth pipe
and necessary nxturcs for heating two floors
Address IT > U. lice. il.178 !
" 1T10R SAMKurnIturo of 11-rootn liouso Ir
Jt ? No 1 location , everything In flrst-clns1
condition ! mirchasercari set lease. Addrcs ;
L , . M. , cureKoirls & WIlcoi , 1517 Douglas st.
[ _ 151.5-
FUUN ITUIIE , household goodscts. , llld
Cash iirlco. 1111 Jtfamata. _ 877
TllllKEclcgant hard coal stoves , have only
boon used a\ory khorC time 1'hll Bllmmti
Olland UUJoiiesst. crsouthwestcoro'.Hli Otisi
_ too
"IJWR SALE Ohoap-The funilturo in th (
JL ? house , No. ISIS JDouKlus titreot , for snlo
andlioubofor rcut. Enquire ou the { iromlscs
"IJ10R SALE I'lirnlturo and buslnosj of X
JL ? room hotel In Lincoln , dolnx caod pnylot
business , liostof T-eiuouHfor HcllluB. Torcu
easy , M.W. Kolsom , Lincoln. Neb. 618
.e. ' , eci top of fa-sl c/ilutnn on Oils pact
10510 *
TTlOIlSALtO Cheapthis Tcolc only , ono Rood
JL ? work horse , 7 years old ; ono litrpo blacli
mjire , r yearn old , 17)4 ) hands high ; splendid
drhers. 1511) JLcaveuworthst. Jito-7 *
FOIl SALE Abarsaln. year old drlvlnf
marc : 1 brnnnuw tldebartopluiKvyi 1 sec
oiidbuiidlop bugy ; 1 new hand t > e\vcd hur
KudBtarburuCuiulng , andwtlists.
" \71JOHKhorsetJOtwo ( ho ewa-ifoii $20doubh
T > work , hariicss * I5 , Or will trade for i
RoodllKhtsldo bar bugjy. 11. E.Colo , Contla
on tal block. B'jO '
OUSEit50 and up. 11. 1 ! . Oole.
fJIOUR teams.light nialesj one heavyl.500
JL ? pound horse. Room 111 , Hoard of Trade
POU SALE 2good wor-lc teams , Inquire a
H8 L'aUon lilir. 4 ! . > 3
FOK -ail'IciIIjIJAMiOUS. .
Forrates. clc. , eg top of .first ahum on OiU jiapt
OOD : resh Mieh"co\ir | \ for sale. lii3 sViot'l
st. K.v-7 *
FOK SALE Almost uow soft coal burnei
Chottp , at Ko , 605 8.-OtJinl. t'J3- i
CpOK SALE Or ex change , fresh Jersey co vj
JL ? Inquire412 iilOthtt. " 3W5 *
Fjlljt , blood puK-'dog" for sule. Vi.S. , 70
ftebstcrat-.tourtTiliahr , MoS *
TTIOil'SAlK ANo.Ke | ! ilr.sU > n typewriter
JL ? txcollent conultlwiilprUoroasouaulp.
dccul'UO.ltoo. "i1' ' ; . , BI18G-5 *
T71011 SALE Threebtf.Uitlful lunBliijliimji
Jfor parlor , hall and' Call u
olllct'il-lUtil.uavciiU'oiUiat. M-HI-r >
TtnOK SALR LeasB'.a'trtcarpoti ' | of best lo
JL ? catedcottmo lii ) iliiih ! ro lit low ; carpet
new , Address fro , lllxi otllcc. " "
TUIGIir plnao fofdloat a sacrillrei tlin
glveato rellablP/irty. Address I'M ' lie
ce , ' ( ' 171 0
-IT-OK SALE Cow BlrbJt milk 830,2327 , Ilrlstc
' mo
, m..r .
fJIOll SALE Lot ofjtblLSo burner ntoves. SI
JL ? Clair Kuropvttu h tu ) , UJta aiiuIJodge.
Fprratea , < le. , otttop f.rt mlu
" ASSAQK aiadaniliulzIer , over 010 S7iitl ; *
US. Js'ANNlE"'Vr.'WARUEN , olaltvoyan
triiticc , spcakliiR , , writing aqd relfatil
business iueaium,4 years IttUiaulia. UON.ltitl
LAlKYOVAN'r filaaaniDeUier. c > ver 010
Korriilot , fir. , wduj ) < ftrft fuluinn on t/ili ) KIQI
T\/ / | ASS AQH treatment , electrotlierm alba cut
J.TJL soiilp und luil r tnuitinenl , nuiilcuro ail
MM. 1'ust , U W'Jl.Ylthucll bll
uus r-r
fur ra ttf , ete. ice tttp of fliA ctttumn nnOit *
AI..1VK oncrBotlcinan wltli < 35O can pur-
chn < e the rlKht to control amoney maker
InNelirasWn and lowu. luvesllgntont onco.
1'TO. Hceortleo. iro-5'
PAI ( > : -r.are nnfe nnd doaK fit half
I1OK also fixtures and stock , tOKcthcr with
ofa II rsl-cl nil cigar store , jLnq lr < al303
or OrflnR to III-
J/liOnltli't will sell , or eichnago for stock of
driiBS. my residence of * J rooms and ollleo of 4
rooms , barn , wells etc.centrally , located In
town of 2,000 population , rich blue rass re
gion of southwestern Iowa , nnd relinquish a
lar o jiractlooto purchn er ; cost S.W ? , will
take f-.iVl. tlmo onlT.V ) If desired. Address M.
P. , Lock boa 07. Itcdford , Iowa. 81.1-10'
lJlOriSATJT-HO.OW ! choice stoOK of general
J-inurchnudlsi' mono of the best towns In
KebruRln , 7fl miles from Omaha. 1'arly dohiK
aiioxccllontbuHltifn. but has other business
demanding lillattention , Ailunss I'Ki.M '
1J1OH SAIjTI-Keul estn'e ' , loan nml rciillnjr
J ! business , other business cause for selling.
1'dl ' Itcc. 1VJS'
-lIent market. f > US. lllth
"WOlf. SAI.lXL'lu'fiirntturo nml lease of the
J-liiiiian liouso , W-rooiaand basement l > rlok
hotel , dolni ? Rood bnnlnei a rid good location ;
furniture ull now. Jo. llmldurt , IJrnkon How.
Kfb. KB R"
1j1OlJ9ALI3 ubartinln , a good store house
L llttidup Mth shelves and eouiitcis. baso-
neiit 0 rooms for ihvollhiK , jrooil olsleru and
veil , vlll miller t r.ido for 11 No. I stock of urt > -
cerleH. Ailci rosi Keel & llocl , C , D. J ) . grortrs ,
fflN. ! 16th Bt. t > 27
c for ilry coo < h store.
eorjier room In brick block In county sent
town v Itli In Wmllesof Omiihiiwlll be vacated
Nov. 1st , I'rcsuiit occupant having made n
fnrt u tie In t.lo ( dry peed inisliicsi. HulldhiKcan
lie runted or bought upon HTy- favorable
tcrnia. Address Bate lUitiU of 'ebmska ,
Scwiird , Neb ,
X Qrst elms small milk dairy ;
- bust route In tlicclty. Address I1 1 ? . Hco.
_ _ rai r * _
EOT ! SAI/I3-A. dyehiR establlnhmcnt , every-
thlnitcoinplotolii a lively wefitern town ,
ornrouliltaUent uiartiier | a man tint under
stands the business. AdJruas. 031 , llet > .
" MIJIO17'
T11OR asafolO percent Invcst'iicnt subscillo
- ! for sharesln tlioMntiial Lnan mid Hnlhl-
In ? assoclntlmi series No. 20. tt'iiRiMvorkcrs
should take 'harotin secure low rutcs of In-
teiost Inbtiyln ; ? tlielr homus. Itooinll chani-
bcroC commerce. 0. M , N'attlnzur. wcrotary.
1HO 10
flir rata , ct c. , tec Ion of coltiinn nnlhta 7796.
" \VT1IAT 3TAVI3 jou pot In Omaha lotsor
IT voitorn ranclie * ! clear t-oo'cchango'for ' A
leiultles ? Address 1' ( V < , lice. -131
"IjlOIlSAIjTiJor ExchanKO norse and bujsy.
JL1 wrlp , robes , furniture , etc. , In exchange
for clear lobs. Address I'lg , Doe. a3l
OUSK8 TOIl triAT : > J1-WllloxcliiitiKO well
broken roadsters nnd saddle horses.
sultab lo for livery stable and cxurest wasrons.
for lands nnd elty property.or will soil on
tlmo to responsible parties. Address W. Itnx
COS. 240-18
rpo rXOlTANGiE-Bnslness lot eloseto cor-
JL ncrof lllh and M streets , So nth Omaha.
clear and drawing M rentfor apoodresldenee
luOmuha. I'rank E. Ilurtlgaiibl3 , M , Y. Llfo.
T\RUO stock In nortU est Arkansas , value
J ft.OOO , for land orcltyproperty clear ofen-
cnnibrance. Write to 1. G. 1'relday , M. 1) . ,
feouth lion d. Pass Co. . Nebraska. ! Jll-5'
\yATTED-J ( ! liitcrestln dm ? store liicv-
li eliaiiKe for best vacant lot in Omaha
View , SON. 10th , room 1. ! 005'
IVTAKTKD-jV sraiill stock of groceries In
it oichanKoforuiilncumbcreil real estate.
Inqulreut room lio" , I'axtoii block. tl-lSl-uU
" \\rANTKn-A. sinnll stock of cluarsatid to
ll bnccos Inoxcluntre for char red estate.
Inqu Ire at room ao ? , I'axton block. M 1S1-NJ
" \\rA.JiTED-5IerchandNo In exelianuo for
II real estnto , part cash. Jesse Gaudy.
lirokeiillow.Neb. 151 35
"VTOTIOE Anybody having lots on which
J-ipiii'monta are dollnquont or under forc-
closnru oonlmunlcato with ine. Will trude
Ids , hinds mid niortKagesvlth some cash.
Clvo full partlcuhM. Iloiuuln a few days
only Add rcss 1 > JB , Uco SI1O7
TI1OJ1 HXCIIANOT--700 acroH Improved form ,
oxcolloiit soil. AdcIreasK. A. Drum , Cielgh
ton , Neb. to I 0
TjlOK EXCJlANGK-KlKht mules forOmaha
J. ' real estate. It. 11 , Uoard of Trade. 435
TJlOIl KXCIIANGK-OS Nebraska farms clear
J. lor Improved or unimproved city prop
erty , from $3,000 , unto 8 00,000 ; will pay cash
and assume small inottniniancc ,
Heleiirlotson California street Sacred
Heart for n good 7-rovra liouso with small
cnciiiiibranc-o ,
200 lots In solid blocks near Dundee Place
forstoekof rlry coeds , boots aiidshocs , clolh-
Init , etc , I'rlce.feo.ftO.
JT.'i.OOOelcKant hrlclc roslJonro block of six
liouses encumbered ; $30,000 will take land and
boiiio cash forcqnlly.
JTO.OJK ) brick block of throe stores and six
Hats ; rent alwut &VWOJ will trade oijultyfor
clear lots and a little cash.
110,000 , east front , 10 foet.wlthlO-room house ;
vlll trade clear , with come cash , for vacant
liusl ness lot.
KJ 000 , larpo nnd oU-etuippcd | ranch , near
county seat and railroad town , clear and In
Jlne ruBrilniorder.or ; [ elty property ,
Hi clear lots , South Omahii ; Si lots , clear ,
Shrlvorplaco , for Improved eltv proporty.
Wit lit1 near Hlllard hotel for Inipruvcd city
property ,
2 oed modern houses , 10 and 1.1 roomed , 138
ftfroritairo cnSannderH Mrco ; 19 choice lots ,
-allolear , for ucantlotH In West Oimibu or
business property , Will assume encijni-
brinices ,
MD.cxjO-MxtlO , with 5 hrlck and i frame
"houses , f to ! > room each , clear , for a racant
business lot -wortu from JIO.OOO . to 1100,000. "Will
ho cashdlllcrence ,
lOiliiolmprotcU fiirmi In Washington Co. ,
Neb. , r nrsal cheai > or wlllcxehaiiKe for city
jiroierlynndpiy | cash ,
W Improved farms In western Iowa , several
iieir Couiill llliitls.llii toJS per acre ,
Ulngeri ( Jradley , 151U 1'ariiarn.
forrnttt , ttc..trc tjtjiof Jjnl < x > liunn on UM pagt ,
" "
VJgruplilo World" ( N'ew York ) for Oc-tolicr ,
out today ; Iiunlmhlo ; 10 ounts. All news
dealers. American Newi coinyiiiy , goncral
XO. WIIKELER.uencral stcuowrapher and
t notaryPeposlltons and court work a
TeL lOOJ.Uptnu 1002 iV. . Mfo bide.
* '
rin'I > r.\VKC.7F.HS. \ all mnkei.bouKht.sold. ex-
J cli a ngMl , rented , J. J' , Uogcath , 11)07 ) Kur-
ii am street. fi'JO
. for rrnt or silo. Stenog-
J-ruphers supplies , J.I1. Jlegeutbl )71''aruaiii. '
Ji'orrntti , etc itt fop of f\1t \ tcotmn onlhta pane.
TUOF t'harles I'elerhon-l'lano.vlolln.zlther
and \oeal Iustruction. tudlo5l)5 Hheely blk
4TU-0-1B *
R buylnjc a piano examine the new
scaleKlmluU piano. A.llospD , 131U Douglas
H ! ) 7
KO. r.GRI.LENDEOKtoatJlwror . the l ) ] o
u-lthllo = .pcl513DiiUKla8. 249
riMIR Golden Monitor .Now and thorough
J. hand-book for pliiiio and owm ; a most.
valuableliulpcraua KuUlo ) iilxhly endoricUj
coils but a dollar ; way l > found at Houpo'i.
_ _
2'orratet , ttc. , m tojiof jlrAtolumnontMi pflju.
TO It AGE See us before storing goods of
S any description. Omaha Stove Repair
'Works. 1307 Uou8las.Tel.UiO. _ bQ- *
riMtACKAGi ; Btorauo at lo\vp-.t rates. , ) V.M.
J.llii-.liiiiai > . 1311 Liavemorth , _ B'J *
" TORAOE llraiich & Co , 1SU. Huu-ard.
_ _ _ _ _ _
CTORAGE ! ror mcrchandlso and furniture ,
Cjcohl storu iio and froozlugi trackaBC ,
Cole , HIMIT Ilowardst.
, etcuc tojiufml ! CO/MIIIII oil Vit * yag
. MorrNun Send your
OOL.CMIIUS T. JMorrlfaon , Witt W , Urnnt Ht.
of Wltlidmwni-1 draw out of the
- > Una of Utttoii A. Co. and will bonmpou.
ullile for no bills contracted brO. O. Oatton
orl ) . O. fiattou * t Co , ufter rhljday of date ,
orl ) . O. Uuttua&Cmnunui.Uurriin. . Oct
4.181M. Omiihii.N'eb. O-Sd-'Jt- "
Fcrmtej.ttc. . ut i jtt > ! J\rvl \ colu mil on CliU jxi } < t ,
BKST line hair KU ds In west : li.ilr
wlKSl8ivltuhet < , binits , hair chaliin , oto.a ; , Davit's lulr goods and mill t tier
ujJlwslte vostoUcu. HI tilith tttu Ouiutin. 'M
fbr M ( . d . tettop ttf frtt column en ttttt | xto .
niTEItn-vMhreoflve acre Woulo In Chlcaco
T rlp for uh-illvlillnK near llroct cars
ind on three llnei of rullwad. Pnrchasors
: an easily make ( W i > cr cent on llio Invest-
neut. Htiicatou JtAllm , 10U7 1'arnam. 8.H-5
A 1'KW ofthoio iio\f lui ea on 'i'th and
t-vllarneyjts. left. Iniiioctand inakomo atp
UTer.Vm J. 1'aul. looa l-'arnam. itil
FOUSAIiK A.iniallcrtttnge and lot chonp ,
on monthly payments of Ki U ) Ho. Work
1H lotakcn as llwt piynicut. Addrersl' Kt ,
leo. 1
_ _ _
SA.LB A tract of RWUtid 1 mllei
from P.O. thatwllltnbdivldo Into 21 lots
block from paved street , fewer ,
[ us. water and motor curs , * 18,030. , Terms
iusy. 1515 far u am. aa-i"
tTTSbiiyslot on grano 60-vlOJ to alloy , S7th ,
P near Siiauldlng , Alex Jloore , 'Ml fhpoljr
jlock. 1'll-G ' *
lot oiiRradfi BlxlW to alloy , ! 7th ,
aiildliu. Max ilooru , Kl ) fhccly
SI.I-U *
pVNOpoodNolirasku furim near Omaha to
cxchaiiBo for Omaha , property. Me.x
lloorc.ant ( jheoly block. _ SI'.G *
MllOlCIC-I ontlon for nub dlvldlin * ; : tract
L/contnhiln ? Oo lots. l'iiillesfri ' tnpostolllcu !
roryehoaiiaiid c.isy terms. Smoulon iSAlhii ,
1C07 Variiain street , ai- . * >
171OK B AIE Six col taitos , ranplne f roir. J1.-100
U tol.&oocach ) tflOO to tfjdo v nm , balance
monthly or to suit , If you wiint , n housn wo
; ati nrmiiKotortusto suit. Smoatou .t Alton ,
1007 1'arnam ' , JKH-N 4
1J1OHSAI.K IO.BO , 3 , ISO acre pieces Just
JL.1 south of the city limits of ( Jhlcuco. These
liropcrtlosaro tlio most desirable for Iniest-
inoiitor niiytliltipnowoiroreilln Cook eounty ,
liolntclosoto rnllway > crvlconiid directly In
llio line of Imp worn cuts bouth. tuuio own
ers Mill taVo Kood Omaha property as a part
of flrstcnsh pajnumt , R C , llarnard , Chum-
1)0 r ofUonin > ercubldg.Ulilcago , , 111.
[ TIOIfSA.IE A clear U section of Improved
11 Innd In Sheridan Co. , or will trade for
liouseatui lot In Omaha und pay some illlTcr-
Enco , Addiesa I'ft ) , Hoe. lT fl-8
A fi-IOOMcottnio ! ! and lot , tout lifront , near
iX juih ht. south. Knsy terms , only 11,000 ,
Hood hits In Diehard lllll from SUM up. Ool-
> eth , Johnson & Lovgrcn , room U , Chamber of
Commerce. 2IJ-7
A Mi-foot east fiont Inton ] , u\vo uu'iiuc.only
. .tV$1,500. , . Mrhigur & 1'emiy , Douglas blwU.
OOKXKTS on T/nvo nvonue , south and east
fionr , only S.MUO. On motor line. Stringer
iV Teniiy. DotiKltisiblocIf , ifi
POlTll Rood loli In Walnut Hill for tMKM
eash. fetrlnger& I'wmy. Poiurlas block , aIS :
PAIIN'A JI st , A line corner close to court
house. tXK ) per fiont foot , fctrlnitcr A.
1'enny , Do ml as block. ii3.'i
rptlK finest corner forrcsldoaceon Farnaiii
- Asi , For locution , nrluo and terms apply to
Stringer fcl'cnuylJouilas ' ; lloek. Slo.
TNS1DE property to cost 11000lll \ rent for
L fWOO a month Stringer il'oniiy , DoiiKli * . ! >
block. an
NR of the best loUIn Crehuid Hlll.oaly
81,000. Stringer & . 1'enii j , Douglas Jjlock.
Sl'l'XIlAInrjjaln -3 hoimes. 8 , 0 und 10
rooms each , price * .V > 00 to ll.MO , In Kountec
Place , all inoilerniKlOOeash.
fKJ5 per month for2 years.
940 jier month for2 years.
$15 per month for2 yoare. Balnnco 1 years'
time , C perecntlntereit on all deferred pay
ments. ALsosomesploiidld homes In siiino nd-
dltlon to cxuhuugo for farm hinds and ulty
0-rooiu liouso nnd full lot on WIrt st J SCO ,
( l,50Ucash. lul. to suit.
Kenler look at. Ibis l-rootn house , harn.woll
and full lot , C'relghtcm Heights , tl.lOO.Binall
cash payment , bal , 810 per month.
.1. J.IIIbNjn. solo agent Koimt u Place , room
3Urelghtoii block. ft.1
POK SALE T ook ntthls ; XcwT-rootiihoii < sa
on lot 19 block fi. liakor place , splendid
vlow.south front , well , cclhtr , buy window ,
etc. ; { .1)0 ) or morn cash , balance of SI.'JOO , $15
per month , liiqulro of o\Micr , E.O. Merrill.
CUPS and 41st sts. lt)7 ) na
POUHAT.i : One farm , L'DO acres , eight und
half nilk'SHoulli of Omaha.
One farm , 1X ( ) acres , four miles east of Coun
cil mmis.
Onofarmfi70 , ucros , ten miles castof Council
All these farms are -well Improved and ready
tor buslines * . S. It. Nlclds , ytBSheely block.
FOIt SA LE Splendid opportutilly to cut u
beautiful iiowlU-ruom lioiibo hi ono of the
finest locations In Omaha , 2 blocks vest of
Lowoavp onCansst. , hliih nnd slshtly nnd on
griKlc , full lot , elly witter , bath room , cistern ,
tower , buy window , poiches. double lloor , cel
lar , etc. . all finished In hard woodnndhnrd
oil and In lint-class intylo : IKD ) onnorocash.
balance of t-1.700 , * .T per month. IIKIlitre of
owner , E. 0 , Meirlll. Casa und 41ststs.
liXJn3 *
B AUGAIXS In Kount/.o Pliico-rino now
homo , liullt byoivrcr , Isir o I-OOIIIH , evnry
ronvculcnco coiiiplot > ly arnniRed ] , full lot ,
} 7r OO , jiarfc time. Cotnmlsslon to agunt wlio
sells. II. U Kitten. 18M Itlnney st. W.ITO 8 *
BAllOAIXii In liotnes. IIlclis.
BAKOAI.NlCloiut housuaiid lot in Ilans-
coni Place , new and modern built , ivltli
bath , stationary mar bio withstand , olcctrlo
lu'lls , fiit-inico , etc , Just thoplaeo for an lee
home , 1'or terms , ote. , eco Ooo. H , IIlclis , N
V. l lfeltld.t , _ aoi-7
1T1O1 ! SAT.E One acre , morn or less to suit ,
JL' purchaser ; tlnett rrsldoncu nlto In elty.
frnntlnzU'llliuvu.aiid Uith bt , Innnlro Itnoni
Bay.y. jufeitidg. iiHa-i'
BAHRAIN' A splendid house und lot near
llanscom I'nrk. ' 1'hls homo h now and
substantially built , with all raodernlnuirovo-
iii nuts. Tlio lot in In ulcitant hliapc. with bcnu-
tlful lawn. etc. tlirn otfer tins property for n.
few days ata lliiuro that nuikos it n upeolal
bar nln. for price , terms , etc. . call und heo
tiuo. K. 11 lulis. New York Llf-j I ltf. IM-7
_ _ _
BAltOAIN-t'hiilro I0.aoro ( rwutfllo'.ototho
Jnautlonot tlioT. , II k M , V. railroad and
the Hell II mi railway InV H Otnitha. for a
few days o.t3 , > 0. Uiclis , N , V , Lift building.
T > AIIOA1KS In acre prpiorty | , JJIcks
PO1I SA Li ; Ir. 'Cliniubi-rB1 r 'HMeiigo and
bum. cor.KitlianU llurdotll 10- room liouso ,
furnuce , iins , isever , MII O and ull convo-
nlfiH-o. Hum 4S.\IM , l > rlck , 0 box Hlnlln itnil 11
slnjtlcstiillh , \ -ltli . ; itijriiuu'fr , ( jis. t ; lounis
for help , etc , Hi'st 1 equipped bum In Omaha
for vi'lvrhiurtr or i prl\-ato uso. U. V. Kholos
t'o. , i t'aU. ' , 11 FirstNat'lbank. ail )
_ . . . jiiics hi most any addltlonfor
A.alcat fioin41OW ) upon onsy monthly pay-
nioiits , K. K.Uitilliitf , 3Darker blk. W\ \
ABMALTjiayriient | down and tlmr \ uioiitli
will liny u4-rooiu house nnd Jotfln IQlh. '
blocks from motor ! Unit-class phunce to u -
uulrealioinoon eisy terms. Apply to 11,13.
Onto , I'ontlin'iilal ' block , R13
T INOOLNPlucelota l , ' 0 tol.OM , Jiexter
1J1 . Tlioinas. li ) <
& NVoalcrfleld.real csta 1 c.S.Oiiiaha.
WAUO11 t/i5
"YOU have nnythlnnto tell or cxclinngc
uallat OlHl'axtdii bUxk. 1 > JI
PAT.K An oIojMiit new rcsldHiice. 0
FOIl , flicrry and oak lltilih , larjo btublu
lincl oiery fonvonleaeo for comfort1 location ,
the uest Jnllio city , juice lo . Ucrnis easy ,
1) ) . J. O'lloiiahuu. ' imf l''iilnamtt. ' U
l Oll FA ur-A firm ndjolrilnic Illalr. Nell. ,
I otodud , ( .lieui ) . 11. AV'flloUrldo , Illalr.
FOIl PAJ I-Ohcii ! | ) . on eiiHy terms , a nice
collage In I owi * ' Add , , anna 7-room liiluk
lioiifaowith all modoiii lonvuiiloiicej , onlinli
and Jackbunstb. Hoom ll,0huiiibjr t'oinnicico
HOJIKS Pwocb Ilomos RleKaiic Ilomes-I
unioll'erliir ihohostbarKUliH liiOinaliaor
In the vorld on We tl'arnam street.bltculejrnnt
houses , all dlllorciit , 0 ted rooms , fiirnavejiot
and cold wiiter , KI > S , Kusflxturta , bath , viitor
closot.niiiiittl , vlcjanb brlcU colliirs , pa\od
Mrcctand luortt aKu , 630)to ) KW , or moro cish ,
nnd balancenl 7 tier cent to t ult. JJ. V. bholci ,
' . ' 11 rintNallonal bank. 'M
\\7 lvhiivo th roe choice rehldenco slltts of 100
TT feetfiontiiKoeaoh on Kariinm st. llusy
teiniM mid louif time. Omaha Heal Kstalu &
Trust Co. . i Ueo J > ldf.
foritilu , eicie tn\inf \ stntailumii unliil *
"IjIKKIt > 1O1IM : loiiiHnioii * y on ( lliiiiioiidH ,
wutehebjcivclryote.,8.K.corrarjiain.tilth. .
IJI'N I' . JMartl. 7 yerin with 1'rcd Mohlp ,
JJloaiiHiimdvon dlamnnds. uatelic'ii , jovvelry
and u.rllelusof valuu. 311'J ' I'ltnuiin tt , JHMJll"
rou.M ) .
J'or nit/f , < tite toiyfIntcolumn on'/ifn / ydjc
IwiulroS.1- . Iflth n
> 3
Fbrmtettlo. , Jrtlop oJlr l fofunm rn Oils
opened Idna 1
pnrlors Inetmticctlon with our school of
cultmirjnu teaeh the Worth's tailor tystcm.
how to cut , baito and Unlslil outline anil
UttliiK done : lUttcrns to order. (913 ( U'iriiniiiiU
; ItATlIS U 1C.
fVir mtrt , rte. , M foiof'ftrtl ' _ _ column oi Pit. * ) nitf * ,
TV 1A.SSAUE , MaCain Dolilcr , ourOlOH. l.ltn , * *
* ' . *
M-Ktj-N .i
BENS10X8 Thn Cliiisruaii UcnOnnW"t
811 renter liloulc. liifotiiiutluu troo. 10J )
1. tor 4.
Uccs 1'rlnttncCo to W T Scnman , n
Rlwc tniut inn > tM-l.-in cl .
A JOvIstitnrdntiil vltn UiP J Ilitmetl ,
niittnxlotlTlni't-lvii ) : , wd .
J IMViiskn nmlwirotiiJtiD/.aillnk , lotli
UkS. Arhor ului'o.w l. , .
M tiI.owUto J.M J clTrle.s , lot I.blk US
lllelilnnil 1'Incc1 ! vil .
O I'TluiiiiixniiAiiiI ' ivlfo to V .1 Thotmii
nHlililf lol4INulHnn'n iid.w il .
A All Kmmt./pto'NYt ! L'rllcluird , lot A ,
lilk 10. Huliulow. wil. . . . iV | ) i j
WOlIrldRfH tnJ i : iiu : > r ! ill. ) Jr.imrtnf
tin iilltvv In Hub b n. Itutcrrntrnii. < i od
to. I i : I'.horxoll ) r , S7 flot
1 A ' . ' . mill a 1) ) , Ut'srrrnl r nil. w d . 1,7.0 , .
A roonradt to. I M t'cmrndl. lot 10. lilk
ll&Iyvra , Jllchiinlsuu A. TLldra's ad ,
Dwd . . MO
A rtJuiiriult toll .T Couniilt. Iol5 , bU5 ,
DKIUiy Plnco , vr d . 1MO
J liMoiileoiiiory ninlwiro to Aniilo Jlc-
AYIlltums. lot * 17 nnd 18 , bile TO , llimdco
Tlnco.wd . . . . . . 8,0X1 ,
r otter A Cobl ) to P Krubs , U > t.s llniulU.
lilk ( ! . 1'ottori OoWs 2nd uilU to South
Omnlin. w cl . . , , . . 1,200
Aniilo AVIIlIiiins ix ml lnuliniul to J I )
Jlotitcrcmory.lots Tinul S.blk W , Hun-
( tcc I'lncp , vrd . 8,000 ,
E Nl'lcn'oandliiislmtid toCS a Wulliice ,
lot ? , lilk 2. 3)i'iil-o'sukl ) ! [ , w d . 4WO
John Kins to .IS Kin ; , o ! i lots 3 and 4 ,
lilkT. IIIIIsliloiKUliNn. l.wtl . 8OiM
r tiUal liliorKcr rind Inmliaud tnV 1
liniroo , u li hit ll.blklVJ.SoutliOiiiithi , 400
O 1 ! Oalnoto imblii ! , UcdloatliiE Cain
I'lnccs . . . . . .
Sovonlcen trail sfora . HT,1J1 ,
liiilldint : 1'oriniti.
The follow ! tig par mils -were Ijiuod by the
superintendent of bulliUtiRS yoslonlny :
.Inlm G. Wlllls.two-slnry ( rnmomttngi1.
Twont v-fouitli undOrsintstrcots. . . t 3ow ,
I'rank ' M.C'nskack , one-story frnniooot-
tniro. Ten th nnd Alias strcuts .
M. Toft , [ repairs on homo , Tweiity-
fourtliaml ClinrlM streets . . . . . 1,000 ,
O IID minor iHMinlt. . , . , , . .
Total W.700 .
[ Trlpllcnte.l
Corlifli-alc for I'ubliailloii.
. OotobcrSrd , IS'W.
It Is heroliy curtlllctl tbat the Ifnltoil
States IMutunl AcoMcut , Assoohtlon of Noir
Vork , Intho UtatoolNow YnrlCihas coinpllc'il
with tins Insurance law of thin btuto , : uid la
nullinrl7cd to transact , t tie business uf Awl-
dentliisiiniuce In Llils State for the current
M'ltnpsimy hand and tlioscnlnf thcatidllor
or I'nbliCiVcconnts thu day nnd yonr ulxno
wrltlon. T. II.IlJiNTON ,
OlIAS.n.AT LAN , Auditor I'u bllo Acct.
OcnrftcKur itato Agent , 417 Bee llnlUllns ,
To Itftllronil CoiilrnrUirs.
" \Vonru nroparcd tosuh-lctscrapor work fur
twohutidicd tcniiiH on our Great , ftortliiru
contractln Montiuia. 'I'lioworlcwlll ninttnun
thioiiKh the winter ontlioroclc ork est of
thoKoul < y iiiountalni nnd for two or niniu
years. Only unrtlus own I i\g \ tliclr tennis nnd
ontlit.s uinl prictluulnillriiad : men nunlnpiilr.
Address by Idler or wire NjillomUCJormm
American liuiikHulldlne. St. I'niil. Minn.
SHUlC\llD , S11IJ1S i CO ,
Notice ofStil
Ty'otlco Is hereby plvoii tliut on the ISth dar
of October , Ib'.M ) , nt lUu'olock a. in.ut thonorlli
door of tlio JioiiRl as county court liousw on
Kiiinani slreut.lntlioelty ofOmiilm , Nelinisln ,
tltaunclcnltfiiril wIllolTorforHitlo to tnnhl li-
est caHh hladir , iiODbiiiidfl of Series II of the
KntisiiH City Coiil Mining oonipniu' of Kiinsn
( Jlty , , niimbrrcd , 'COlto nooinr-liiMvo. all
of Jjon oiicli. aKsregiitlnR tliOHiiniof * l.0,0i)0. ) nil
dtioNovcinburlst , 189.1 , and driiwluic Intorcst
ut 7lcr ) cint per nnnniiil Interest payatilo
.siiiTil-iuiTiually on tlio 1st days of Muy and No-
voinln-r , of iiachyoixr ,
Allthosolntcivsted In thopurclmsoof
scourltlus uro respoctfiilly rcuustcd ( | to >
present uml bid upon the simo.
EowisP. UOWI.KV.
Eatod Omahn.Noljraskii.OutolierL'uil , mtJ.
- llcndiiimrtuiDnpiirlinuiit of thu Mli <
wonrl , OtllCL of the Cliluf Qiuirteriniistur. i-t ,
J.onls IMIviOurl. Soptuiubcr iO , lMJ.-Soaltil )
IJioposnls , In Irllilli'atL . snbjoetto tlmnsinl
vonilltloii4 , will liu received at Ibla olllcn und
at tlio olllcus of thu qunrtcrniastrri at thu fol-
lovlnu niiinnd liostn , utilll 1U o'clock , noon. time , October dth. TO. und
then oponotl. for funilsliliiK : inil di'llvorln
during the H.sCiil year undini ; Juno iW. Ihdl ,
oats , coin and lira n , at I'orlw l.o.ivenvvorlh
ami Ulloy , KnnMis. und 1'ort Supply , I. ' ! ' . ,
niiillirniiat l < "orts 3eao ! nnd Sill , U. T. Tro-
posals fordollvi'ry nt otlivrpolnla wlllbn < jn-
turlalnod , judders must stutii ( ho placri
where they propose In iiiuko deliveries , Thu
Koveriinniit rosurvos the rlKht In rojwit any
or nil bids , or to contract fur either klml of
supplies , or mieli portion of oueli as may lie
considered for tlm In'st Inteiost. of thof-orvko
an ( llo walru sui'li d < * feet iisaroiiotliicniill let
with tlio law. I'ruCcrouvo will bu Kl n In
articles of dninestlo product Ion or niiiiiufiiD-
tui-o.condltloiiinf ( juallty and prlio ( Inulud-
InKln tUijpileuuf foielirn piodnulloiiHor niun-
iifadiiriw thu duty tlioicoii ) lioliiK ciiuil | ,
roiijsul4und I'ln'Ulurixl ' vinu
Itlnnk J > | prliiled
fulllnforniat lonwlll bo furnish oil on iippllua
tlonto tills otlU'i ) or to the iiiurlerninslHi-i | nt
the | wat iiaim-d , l'iivuliii : c.'ontiiliiliu pro-
* l > O ! > aU Slimild Iw niarlioil "J'r ' > i isils , fur Onti.
Uoriiiuid al . " and lulilrossril
to tlio UHdor-.lKned.or to llio rmnuothoxist \
iigiirtormasUTrt , O.V. \ . 1'OSTEft. yutrtcr-
master UrJ , A.CliIofyui.rliriiinHl'r ;
' '
Notice to Grnilum ,
Sealed llds will bo reoel veil at the nflluit f
the undurslinii'il liu to noojiVtMlniisdnjr , Oct.
8. 1W , formaklni ; anexiiitviitloiiM ft.\vld \ .ll-
ft. lonu ami uIxtii11- . du p , nour tlio cunicr
of Jnil and Jlli els , , Oinulia. Ciiitiuotorj
Hhoiild hlit \ > y tlie > c.ubto yuid.exuliiiilvo of
trondies. \ . .
Klilit Idresorve'l UiiwJooUny or nil bids.
Old4t COOl'uxttiiibulldlni ; .
Nciircr to Oilier tVoiltlH.
That precious Ions , that Ions of loiiBon.
which ia the process of pocfuotlon anil
wollivdvanceuto its llnnl stage wor at
Cainbridgopiji't , now lying1 cushioned on
a soil bed la a biff box in a dark collar
of tlio residence of Alvnn Clnrlc , tlio col-
obrnted tcloscopomsikor , will in duo tlma
omerffo from its hinff place to rollout the
indescribable marvels of the Bolnr uul-
verse , Bays the iJostgn Globe. Measuring
ton foot around , two mid a Imlf inohci
thick at the ccntoi'iuid ono nnd it hull
ut the druuinforaiuo , it lum nil tl > 9
i transparcnoy of u thin dito of nl
1'laM , 'JLVolvo montlia1 labor him bouo
expended on tlil phunomonal lotm , and
from two to tlircu ycnrs'inot'o labor will
Uo roqulred to brinfr It to iiorfcction ,
'Th'cn ' with its oxtilLod two U will
enjoy the closest uoiiiiianionaliip
yoL Imown with tlio nlnnoLfl and btura
It ronrcBonts n vuluo of liutvvcoii * iO,0W (
nnd 870,000 and ia expected to cell iw
the famous lens itt probent mouiileu nt
the Uclcobriorvutoryiii C'liliCoriil't.liolng
live inch03 lui't'or fliau lhittdlaiiitric ) >
ally , Tlio romiiiiiinir processes for per
fecting Itiiro liifrhly lutrluutu and of the
moHtdelicnto cliuractorVlion llnully
mounlod this wonderful Ions is uxpcotod
to bring the moon to wllhlu a htmdru'l '
miles npiuront distance , HO that the
loiifi-moolcd fjucstioii of tliolinbilation
of that Hiilelliti ) tuny bo dellnltoly IIMH-
\vurod. \ Hut utter nil Unit may bo
conccrulii' ' tlio vrondoj's wroutrlit Ity
tlio use d [ trluss , tlioy uro m nothing
compared with Llio work of nu'.uro
with\votcr. \ . .As Prof. Tyndtill obsorvcss
of ice : " 'Jho ice 1 music , the pliw in
noifso ; the Ice is order , tlio glass la con-
funlon , In tlio gins * inoluc.ulur forccjs
fen tlluLo nn inoHrlcnbly vnt uncled
bUoiiij i the Ice tlioy are miven to it
BymmotHo wob,1' And lavUh inituro
opomtuH in this mntchlusi wny tluiiuiti *
out the world. Every utom ofthcBolld
Ico. wiys ho , which nhcots the frozen
laUos of the north 1ms boon fl xeil accord
ing lo u lxauLilul ; law.