8 THE : OJVIAHA. DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 3 , isoo.1 THE CITY. Jluntcr < t McGuo of Philadelphia have sued the Domestic credit compnny to re cover $523.77 for goods sold und deliv ered. The republican county central com mittee will meet nt the Mlllnrd hotel Saturday to decide upon a unto for holdIng - Ing the county convention. In the county court judgments were rendered yesterday JIB follows : D. C. Bryant va J. L. Hear , $208.70V. ; . P. Mumbiiugh vs K. F. Honqor , J3M.17. The ciiso of Edward Kane , clmrpcd with obtaining $300worth of tobacco from Kin 11 Wcdolcs on n worthless deed , lius been continued until October 30 lit 2:30 : o'clock. Harriet Lyons 1ms filed nn informa tion chafL'lny nor husband , Theodore if , Lyons , With grand larceny. It seems tliat there was a family disagreement , nnd the head of the family took the piano away and sold It. Ycsterdny afternoon workmen wore eot to work tearing down the old sheds on the postofllco site. Custodian Alex ander promises that all of the buildings nsfarbouthas Thurston'p barber shop will bo removed this week. Sadlo Carter , the Clmdron woman who was arrested and brought to this city , charpcd with having told liquor without llrst having1 obtained a gov ernment license , waived examination yesterday. Slio gave bonds in the sum of $300 for her appearance at the next term of court , and last night left for homo. AYIint It Does. v Hood's ' Sarsnparllla 1. I'urlllcs the blood. 2. Create * nn appetite. it. Strengthens tlio nerves. 4. Mnlccs tlio weak strong. fi. Overcomes that tlrcil feeling. 0. Cures scrofula , snlt rheum , ctc 7. Invigorates the kidneys nnd liver. 8. Hclleves headaches , indigestion , dyspcp ila. _ A WIPE'S 81G.VA.TUIII3 On a Note la Valueless Uixlcsa in Her Own Interest. A very Important decision , nnd ono that will attract attention , was rendered byJudgo Hopcwelllntho district court yesterday. Ina word the decision was this : The signature of a married woman on a nromlssorv note Is of no effect , -whatever , ex cept her own private nnd individual Interests alone arc to bo benefited or are afloctcd by the nolo which she signs. The case was that of J. II. Johnson vs Oeorglana E. Crosslo and II. W. Crossle. The defendants on December 13,1SS3 , Rave F. II. Montgomery their Joint note for SI BO , bearing interest at 10 per cent. Mont gomery sold the note tlio next day to Johnson , the plaintiff , and the latter brought unit on it in the lower court nnd obtained Judgment. An appeal was taken and the case came , up before Judge. . Hope- well. Motion was mndo for a con tinuance because of the absence of the defendants who had moved to Ilarlan county , but the motion was overruled , nnd the case Went to trial without either defendants or witnesses. After the plaintiff had put the note In evidence and had testified , defendant's attorney moved for non-suit as to Cicorginn Crosslo , the wife , and tlio the court sustained the motion , holding ; that a married woman could not bo held on n note notwithstanding the en abling statute of this state , which allows n married woman to sell their lands , etc. , without their husband's consent. For colds , croup , asthma , bronchitis and ere throat , use Or. Thomas' ISclcctrlo Oil , and get thcgoauluo. KA.HJUOAD News. The Utah Northern Now a Standard Road. Vice President Holcomh of the Union Pa cific has gone to Salt Lake , where ho will at- tana the opening of the Utah & Northern line which has Just been changed from a narrow to n standard gauge. He will also visit Den ver before * his return and may take a hand In the settlement of the switchmen's strike at that place. Tlio working force In the Union Pacific shop has been increased about ono hundred. It Is now working nine nnd ono halt hours n day. Tlio increase was necessitated by the increase in freight busi ness during the past months nnd the keeping in repair of the rolling stock neces sary to care for the Brewing tiiilUc. "Wo are laying plans , " said Mr. Thomas L. Klmballof the Omaha uniou depot com pany , "to have the depot completed and ready Jor occupancy by January 1 , 1893 , at the same time that the completion of tlio city ball Is promised. Arthur Johnson , the contractor , lias placed his orders for stone nnd iron needed in the worlt nnd is turning out brick lor the work as rapidly as needed. I confi dently expect to see two storieaof the struc ture completed this fall. " Headache , neuralgia , aizzincsi , nervous ness , spasms , sleeplessness , cured by Dr. Miles'Nervino. ' Samples free at Kuhu & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas , y TA.KUHS OF HISK3. Insurance Men Form nn Underwriters' ' Kvclmnge. A meeting of Insurance underwriters of this city was held Wednesday afternoon at the Paxton block , at which tivcnty-ono ofMho principal agents were present , for tha ur- pose of forming aa underwriters' association. The object of the meeting was accomplished end articles of Incorporation were drawn up Inwhich the name was declared to bo the "Omaha Underwriters' exchange , " with the following oftlccrs nnd incorporators : Charles Kaufmann , president ; Theodore L. Rlngwalt , vtcc-preslilont ; M. J. Hums , treasurer ; IX II. Wheeler , jr. , &ccrotnrv ; Jon all. Webster , John 11. Hamilton , J. K Williams and M. C. Nichols , directors. The object of the exchange was de clared to bo to sccuro harmony , cor rect practices , the prevention or care lessness and the improvement of the business of llro insurance ; also to aid in the attain ment of a llro patrol , and the Improvement of flro risks In Omaha and vicinity. The initiation fee was fixed at f 100. Only half faro to St. Louis via the Wabash , commencing October to 11 inclusive. Good returning until the Hth. Tickets on Ealo at 1502 Farnam Btroot ; nlso nt Union Pacific depots , Omaha and Counell Bluffs. Altai * Alice Kaymond , the greatest lady cornet soloist In the world , at the exposition this ovening. Arraigned. The following named prisoners wcro ar raigned before Judge Clavksou and entered their pleas as iioted : Harvey Wheeler , charged with stealing a gold watch , plead not guilty ; William Ship , shooting Dora Howman with Intent to kill , not guilty ; Barney Smith of South Omaha assault with Intent to kill , not guilty ; John Harris , assault with Inteut to wouud. not guilty ; llurd Wooduiausee , burglary , not guilty. The trial of these men will bo pushed as rapidly as possible. AXXOVSCEJICXTS. JakeRosonthal , of "Tho Hustler" com pany , arrived ia the city yesterday. Mr. Koseuthnl U ono of the best known advance agents In the country , having been connected with several of the best known attractions that have over been scon la the west. This ecoson Mr. Rosenthal comes ahead of his own euowThe Hustler , " which will bo at the Boydon October0. W. 11 and 13. Alexander SftU'lnMUo brilliant young ro mantic actor , will appear at the UoyU on Mon day and Tuesday evenings ncit , supported by an excellent company. His support lsfor , thQ most part , the tumo that supported hU father , the great Italian tragedian , during lil American tour last season. Mr. Balvlnl's reperUnro will bo "A Child of Naples" Mon day evening , end "Don Ctesar da Baiaa" Tuwday OYCulng. GUISVOfj COI UJt.Y. Marriage of 8. O. V. Orlswofd of Tlio llro and .Minn Cimtllo Cobtirii , The breezy blue sky cleared Itself by noon of all ( ho big white sails which drifted across during the morlng , turning the niter noon of a brilliant autumn day Into genuine "bride's weather. " There was a fall freshness which made as ideal nn October wedding day as the most critical could desire. Just as the clock on the hljh school tower was striking midday , Mr. S.U. V. Grim-old of TnnBnnand Miss CundloCoburn , daugh ter of Mr. nnd \VllllatnCoburn , entered the brilliantly lighted cast parlor of the Coburn residence , Twenty-first nnd Webster streets , nnd Inking n position midway between the windows , nnd In front of Ilev. Dr. Duryea of thoFirit Congregational church , wcro united In mar riage. . The bride looked charmingly pretty nnd girlish In a lovely gown of v.-hlto India sill ; , trimmed about the throat , sleeves nndbodico with duchess lace , the costume being very simply inndo , following the Grecian models which are so very fashionable , the effective ness of the costume being enhanced by full flowing angel sleeves. A.b hot- right hand stood the little four-year-old sister of the bride , Miss Julia Coburn , who acted as maid of honor , and carried the bride's beau tiful bouquet ofwhite rosebuds , held together by a broad ribbon of white silrt. The llttlo girl , who Is a beautiful child , wore a dainty dress of old rose , and demurely assisted in the Important duties of the occasion. Upon the completion of the ceremony , the friends of the hrldo nnd groom showered congratulations upon thorn , many of the bride's school mates being present to Join in the happy event. Later very charming refreshments -were served in the dining room , which was prettily decorated with snillax and cut flowers , as were all the other rooms on the lower floor. Aftcrthocoui-ses had bccncom- plcted the bride. In her modest manner , cut the wedding cake , all the guests being pre sented with a piece as n memento of the day. .And many of Mrs. Grlsu-old's girl friends , who -were present , xvill dream tonight upon the wcddluc cakcand wonder who will bo the next to follow In the footsteps of Oundlo Coburn. At 430 ; the bride and groom loft via the Northwestern for Boston , where they will spend the honeymoon , later visiting Now York , Washington , Philadelphia and Mr. Grliwold's former homo in Cincinnati , returning - turning about November I , , to boat homo to their friends In their now cottage at Twenty- llfth and l 'arnam streets. IMI K Alluo Kaymond , the greatest lady cornet soloist In the world , at the exposition this evening. Something ; Urawl New. Messrs. D. G. Do.ino and M TJ. Par- rotte , two well known young business men , have organized u bureau of Information mation in Omaha. They propose to be come the medium through which the man who lius something to sell or rent can find the person who wishes to pur chase or rent proportv , so that the trans action can ho completed without the costly help of an ngcnt. For the sum o ( $1 they register your name over against a full description of the property you wish to sell or rent. This information is pi von to the purchaser free of charge. Everything will bo carefully classified. They will advertise liberally thus giving every facility for the meeting of tlio buyer and seller. These pentlomcn nro energetic and reliable and are In every way worthy of public confidence. Their ollico is II 17 Chamber of Corn- more d _ Alias Alice Ilnyinonil and her cornet at the exposition this vconing. _ Tlio County Jail. The county Jail report for September was completed yesterday. It shows the number of prisoners on hand August 31 , number re ceived and discharged during the month , the number on hand September 30 ana from whore received , as follows : AHIJ , Sept , 31. Roc. DIs. HO. State 2 1 : i County \K \ 79 57 67 City of South Onmha. . , . . 1 13 10 < City ofOmnhu fl 80 CD M United States court 13 5 2 10 Supy county Transient Insane Totals 03 103 143 107 Tlio increase In the number of prisoners fcccivcd duiing September over the number during August is auo mainly to the return to the city of chronic vacs who drift back hero regularly every fall and willingly allow them selves to receive long sentences to the county jail. _ Only half faro to St. Louis via the Wabash , commencing October 4 to 11 Inclusive. Good returning until the llth. Tickets on bale nt 1502 Purnam street ; also at Union Pacific depots , Omaha and Council Bluffs. ON TH.K BRINK. A Motor Collision , with n Harrow Escape capo from a Great Catastrophe. Two motor trains on the Council Bluffs line collided yesterday on Douglas street bridge , and thoi-o was a narrow escape from a serious accident. An cast bound train , consisting of a motor and two trailers , heavily loaded , attempted to stop to allow a west bound train to pass on the siding , but for some reasoa the stop was not made , nnd the east bound train crashed Into the motor of the other train Just as It was passing over the switch. The cast bound motor was hurled from the track against the timber that guards thosidoof the bridge , and the score of passengers on board felt their hearts leap Imo their throats at the impend ing danger of the derailed motor tearing through tlio railing ; and over into the river seventy feet below. Intense excitement prevailed for a few mo ments , but the train was stopped , nnd bo- youd a scvcio shaking up no one was injured , The front end of the cast bound motor was stove In nnd was sent to the shops. The other motor sustained but little damage , sev eral windows wcro broken , and a few yards of paint scraped off , It is said that the collision was the result of adlsobodiunco of orders , and that the same motormau was guilty of a similar infringe ment of the rules about a week ago , although the collision ut that tlrnet was a very slight ono. 'The orders arc for east-bound trains to stop on the level track west of the switch until the west-bound train is upon the turn out. If they had been obeyed this collision , which was caused by the brakes not holding the train , would uot have happened. Ice for sale cheap. Thrco thousand tons at Wall Lake , In , , delivered on cars in quantities to suit. Address , Union Ice & Coal Co. , Kansas City , Mo. CREAM It mpertor rcell nei- ; iilii tnlllioniof homfi formoNtt niiQuiMC5oJac ntury. It liutod b > tUo United btat ( UOTeramonl. Endorsed \ > y tbl beadi of the * r t unlictattlei ai ( b , Bironmit , rurailanU mot lltalthlul. Dr. 1'rtce'a Cnttu ! ) * Ing Vowilorilaat not coclita ammonlj , Ilicoor alum. Bold oulr In can * . I'lllCKllAKlNO rOWDKIICQ. , MtwYDtk. CUlcm * . BRUl'tautUW- Allco Itnyinotul , the greatest Indy cornob soloist in tbo xyotld , at the oxuositlou this ovculnc To tlio I'rciltlcnt. Twenty leading citizens Joined Inn tele gram to President Ilntrtsonjestcrtlny In an urgent Invitation to his excellent : . } ' to visit Omaha during his trip nest. Allco ' ' llaj'iuoiicl'fl first appearance In Omtihn ut the expo sition this evening. Ilnycs Goes to Court. Frcdllnycs , cx-yardrnastcrof tlioB. & M. ynrds , who is chnrRod hy the company with embezzling nbout fOOof tlio compauy's ' money , \valvcd exnmlniitlon yesterday1' and win bound over in tUo sum of $400 , which ho fur nished. Allco llnyiiioml , the greatest Indy oornot soloist in the world , nt the exposition tills evening , Fined Tor Insulting Ijii < llcH. Samuel Hanson Is n good loolilng Swcdo about twcnty-ilvo ycara old , Ho weare n ollk hat nnd pretty good clothes , but Sam likes beer to such nti extent that ho some times takes too naicb. Ho indulged Wednes day eV'cnlnR until ho became Imbued with tbo idea that ho v/as a natural born masher , and. ho started out to parulyzo every Indy ho hap pened to meet. 1 lo bad pnie but a few blocks on Sixteenth street , speaking to nearly every Indy hornet and asking the privilege of ne- companyliiK her home , when Oniccr Ilmonc- coinpaiilcd him txj i call box nud sent him to tlio station. Jut ] go Holsloy lined him $15 and costs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mis' ' ) Alluo Itnyinotul and her coniot at the exposition this evening. _ lianns \Vnntcd on ohoico city property ; sums ol $5,000 to $10 , 000 preferred. ( JHAM11 & BVAN , 1205 Farnam st. Army Notes. Mr. Oeoi'go\VlntcrMaoL'Bell's ] chief clerk , died of U right's disease Wcdnesdnvnicht nt tlio Clarkson Memorial hospital. Ilia wife \viuwithhimatthotltnooCM9 death. Ho \vas a gentleman thoroughly honored and re spected by nil nt department headquarters. Mr. William D. Kvnns , chief clerk of Llou- tcnnut Colonel Stantoii , chief paymaster , lias been confined for some time byquito a serious illness In the hospital nt Fort Omatm. His caily recovery Is much hoped for. Captain John Simpson , wife nnd daughter liavo returned to the city from n trip oiibt and nro living nt the Mlilard hotel , Onptain Simpson resume's the duties of depot quar termaster , relieving Captain Humphrey , whoso time Is fully occupied with the plans of buildlnprs for tlio new post , Major Brccn , Seventh cavalry , assistant inspector general , has been ordered to make inspections as follows , viz. : Forts MdCiii- ncyVnsltnkle , Tu ) Chcsno , Dotifrh- * , Camp Pilot Uutte , Uusscll nnd Sidney ; also tlio ac counts of the disbursing o Ulcers utSalt Lake City , Ogdcnnnd Choycnne. Major 1 Inner , paymaster , and clerk left for Tort Nlobrar.i yesterday morning tomake pay ments at the northern tier of forts. Lieutenant Dowdy , Seventeenth infantry , Tort Kusscll , 1ms been recommended for the action of n retiring board. Lieutenant Young , Ninth cavalry , Fort Ilobinson , is recommended for detail at the infantry nnd cavalry school at IToit Leaven- worth for IS'Jl , with Lieutenant Parker , Ninth Cavalry , Fort ' \Vashakio , as an alter nate. First Lieutenant Robert T. Emmet , Ninth cavalrv , FortNlobrurn.has resigned from the nrmy to date. April 1 , ISill , up to which time Lieutenant Etnmot has been granted a , leave of absence. Privates Dwycr , Company B , Seventeenth infantry , Fort Douglas ; Holdcn , Company H , Twenly-llrst Inf.mtry , Fort Douglas , nnd Joieph MeGlacltlm , Company B , Second in- fimtrj'FortOinahi , have been ordered discharged - charged from the service by purcUaso of their discharges. Private William Chlldors , Company -G , Seventh infantry , Fort Russell , has been dis charged from tlto service , having entered under false pretenses. Private Smith , ordnnnco department , Omaha , has been granted a furlough for one month. _ The many remarkable cures of catarrh ef fected by tuo use of .Ayor's Stxrsaparilla is conclusive proof that this loathsome nnddan Kerous disease is ono of the blood , onlv need ing such a searching nnd powerful alterative to thoroughly eradicate it UN'ttKKG ItOUXI ) 1.UIMIOVBMENTS. Dr. BIcroer "Wants Them Slado Before Dr. S. D. Mercer has enjoined the city from paving Lo\vo avenue from Cutnlngto Haiml ton streets. Ho claims that no sewer , gas or water connections have been made , This case is sot for hearing Saturday , Oetobor4. The report of the city council committees on grades and grading on communication of II. ( ! . Ulavk changing grade has boon liled In the district court. Judge Doano is hearing tho'caso of Franlt Waughorty ncjivlnst the American "Water- ivorks company forSl J.'i on account o ( in juries sustained whllo In defendants employ. Tbo case of William Crawford vs Swift & Co. was disposed of in Judge Doano's court yesterday afternoon. Crawford sued for $ lr > 00 for injuries sustained while in the defendant's employ and was awarded a Judgment of $250. The case of the Statovs Harrj' Wheeler , the young man who stole n gold watch from 11. II. Horr.idan a few days ago will bo called in Judge Clarhson's court at 0 o'clock ' this morning. With His Thumb , A boy Is said to have saved the .Ncllicrlanils from itmmhtloii , MiiHItinlcs lm\o Lccn saved from the Invasion ol disease ly a bottloof Ajcr's Sarsaparilla , Tlilsmetlklno Imparts tone to the sjslein ami slrcngtliciis every orgau and fibre ol the body. " 1 have taken a gioat deal of medicine , but nothing lias dime mo so much good ns Aycr's SarsajKullla. I expeilenced Its bene ficial effects before I hid quite finished ono bottle , ami I can ficcly testily thnt It is tlio best blood modlclno I know of. " L.V. . Waul , sr. , Woodland , Texas. "Confined to an ofllcc , aa I am , from ono year's end to another , with llttlo or no out door uxciclso , I find great help In Acr'a Sarsaparilla , which I have used for so\cral years , and am atprcscnt iishiB , vltli excel. lent results. It enables ino to Iccep aUtnys at my post , enjoying the best of health , " II. C. Dailies , Maiden , Mass , Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla DR. J. O. A YER. & CO. , Lowell , MUJB. HolclbyDrufylst ) . $ l , li$3.Vortli5abcltlo. . 1'rlnury. Soconanrjr or Tortlary | rmancntly 1 cured In 30 to 00 days. eliminate all ii on fiuin thorytitciii , BO thai tlicro cunnccrboa return of the tllicasolii any ( urin , 1'artlca can U tionlcil at homo well nihiTC , ( for the eiiina | > rlco anil vnilL-r the coma KiurnnUc , ) tut itli tlio \iliojircterto como here , vowlll untractto euro theinor iufuiul all inoite anii imv ejulro exKUbt | > of cu tiling , rallru&U ( arouuilliotil bills. to euro the Hint olstlimto catcs.Vo ( hnli-nse the vorld for a ctno v ocan notcuto. Slticotho hittcry of tnuiclntf a titio i | > rclrtc for SyphtlU linH liecn roufcht for blul never fouml until cur ilpclo Uonmly voi ills. rowri'tl. Xonfl other iri'nuluo. rlt fur rcfcicnce4 * COOK JtJMKJn' CO. , Omaliti , .Ytbratfeci. Office , St. Clulr Hotol.Cor. 13th and DodsoSti " DR. KE N S I N G T O NT Eye and Ear Surgeon 131O Douulas Street. Spectacles accurately fitted , CHICHISTCR'B ENGLISH PILLS , HID CROK DUUONO BRAND. H ( V , n > ! ilw.ji t.lltbli. I.djri. n t uul lwlihl > lu iltk > n. T k noothrr. , . ) U pMtlenUr * tlt"lli\ltf \ fal U r.b/ return nilL .V niBif 1 C'blui.C tt Mi'fbtiy Vt IfclV.ii I'r * T/ie Mce will soon z's site in sitypknienialjorm stenogrdfchic reports cf the GRAND ISLAND PROHIBITION DEB A T , The complete argiwimits. on both sides of the ques tion will be given ivith- O2it addition or abridg ment , Orders are being received ceived for these sujple- mcntsthe p'icc qfzvhich is 5 Gents Each ; $3 Per HiinclrBd Orders may be sent to The Bee direct or thro any newsdealer. Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists. L40O DOUGkA.3 © TK.EE1T O.MA.1IA. , Tha most widely nnd favorably knowi spot- .allita in the United States. Their long ci- perlouoo , remarkable skill nnd unlvorial sue- ooas In the treatment and cureot Nervous , Olironlo and 3urRJ -Discuses , entltlo thcsn eminent physicians to tlict full confidence ot tbonlUlcicd everywhere. Tlioy guarantee ! A OEUTA.1N AND POSITIVE CUUE for thuawruloirecta of early vlco and tlio numer ous evils tlmt folioVT ln > its truln , 1'KIVATK , HLOOl ) AMI ) SKIN DISEASES speedilycomiilotoly and irortuauoiitlycured. NEKVOUS IICHIUTY ANO BEX UAL DIS ORDERS yleldroadlly tolholr skillful treat- tuont. 1'IL.ES ' , FISTULA AND UEOTA.Ii ULCERS iiiiniiiteed cured without pain or detention from Iniilnuss , HVUHOOELE AKD VAUICOCEL.T porraa- ently and auccesstully cured In ovcrr case. SYIMUUS. QUNOKUIIEiV. OLEEl1 , Sper- matorrhoa , BcmlualWonknosg , Lost Jlanhood , NlK'lit.KnilssIoiis , Uoc.iyed Kncultios , Female Weakness and all clrlluato disorders peculiar to cither BOX positively cured , as well us all functional dlhoiilers tfuit result from youth ful ( olllosor tlio cxce-ss of tmituro years. U irTI \ PK Guaranteed perm ana n tly lIVlVjl U 1\L * cured , renio\al con nlcto , wlthoutcuttliiR , ctiustto ordllntitlon , Ouroi affected nt homo by patlcac without u mo ment's pain or annoyance. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MhN. A TT11 ? riIIliT1 > 0 ftwful offosts ° f < f0 U 1x11 ViU 1U early vlco wlilch brings organic ncaltnoss. dostroylns ? lioth mind and body , -with all Us dreaded ills , pormaiiouty cured. l RPTT1 ? Address these who have Im- 1J. . Ulj 1. U palrod tlioniielvna by Im proper Indulftonco nnd solitary habits , which ruin both mind nnd body , uutltttiiKtnoin for business , study or nnrrliiRe. MAUIUUO M1IN or thoio pntorlnzon tliat hnppy life , aware of physical ucMhty , quluUy assisted , OUR. SUCOB33 Is based upon faeta. First 1'racttcul experi ence. HeconU-rEvo ry oasa' ' ' Hpeolall y itiul led , tlius tartlng rlRht. Third Medicines nro prepared In our Iivl < oro.tory exaotly to suit uacli case , thusolTocttuff euros vltlioutInjury , Drs. Betts & Belts , H09 DOUGLAS STREET.OMAHA. . NEB. MANHOOD RESTORED. "SANA.TIVO , " the Wonderful Spanlih Remedy , ctiics all NerMHW Diseases , Buchns Wtnk Mem- n.K ui > rtrz * i , orJ' I-068 o'Brnln $ $ $ -S/lfe Power , Hcadacbe , yS ff JSSSShlm a licft ! I nc.s , Losi Mnnuood , Nervoin- IICEH , I.nBHltudo , all tlrnliis nnd IOBB ol power of llio OeneratlviJ Orennn , In cither eci , ciineed byovcrciertlon , yontiful Indiscretioneoi tlieosccsMvo UBcof tolnccinplumor ) , Btlmnln.ite , \vblch ultimately lead to Infirmity , Comuinptlou and Insanity. 1'iit unln cunvciiicnt form to cmrj In the vcHpoclitt. I'rlceSHpackice , or01or$5 Sent bynmll toiuy ndJrcBB. Circular free. Wttt tlon thlipnpor. Atldrcen Hilt SAI.K IN OMAHA. M.ll. . Kuhn .V fo. . Cor , 15tli t Doiiuln-i Mrccla. J , A. Fullfr Ac Co. . Cor MtliA I ) ouilii Streets. A. 1) . Fmlcr & Co. . Council liluns , Iowa , aEC. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , Bp mo for ftylMrla. DlJilnriiFt , Keurule | . Wikiv Iulnoki. HentM iMpraiilou.Hutienlniror tlio Urnln.ro- eultlnir In tntnnlty aaJ lcn < llnir to inuery dwav onj < ! o thrrremnturo OU1 Jlge. Jljrrenncu , I.oisot rover ineltliornz , Inv lunt rr l.onos. ainmpurmilprrhr ( cameil tir orertxortlo'x of tlio brain , pclftbusoor OTer-lnduifronco. t.achtox cotitaJnxononiontL'ii tre&U monL II a hoi. or til f or It , rant by mallirpild | , Wlih onrh onlcnl&r Ms IIOIM , will > eiul | mn.-ha i jruranUo to rffuiul pionwr It tli trentintntfalJJtO tun. < juarantu l > auuluiut genuine mill call by GOODMAN DllUGCO. , lllOKarnamlitroct , - - Omaha , Net , ktvliuiu To euro HllloiiinoBS. Blck Tlcodaclio , Constipation , Malirln. l lrer Cumplalnti. Uiko the tafo ana certain remedy , SOllTll'S EILE BEANS C80tTioBMAMjSIZE(4O ( llttlo kcann tofho t t. tlo ) . 'flier tire tko iiu t comcnlorti suit nil ouc& I'rlcoof tltburHio. 116 ccntu per txittlo. E IQCIPyr * t7. 37. 7O : Hioto irmvura MVloalTOl * panel suoof Uib picture < o(4 CCUU ( cvrpord or Btaupn ) J , MaVunof "lliloBcaiu. r'ou i tniKi ( w/r-nr. J < luo * Parloaicut hlli tlinKrcucliromiiOr. cun tli monitruiil micro ted cure upro. lon Irom wliutofor c u o. IToiaota lacmtriiillun. 7bo. . i-llli sboul.1 not Uo [ ttken jlut- ug | > ro ; ninoy Am. I'll Co. . Itoynltr I/row , Hwo. ccr.CUyUo.la ( louulno by Bhorimn A. ScCoriw I , Uoiifu I . near I' . O. . Oai rm I 0. A. Uelcher. SoutU OnuUoM.I' . Ullli , Cvuocll Ulutl . 12 , or 3 ( or i. OUR SHOE DEP'T. ' Is crowded witli new goodsfor the fall , and notwithstanding tlic steadily advancing priccof leathetf f\ we are in a position to offer our fall goods at same mode rate prices that have made our SlYyjj Department so popular in so short a time. Our stock for the fall was ordered very early , H - the manufacturer's thought of advancing prices ; the material was selected with , care ub'iuieFen" Shoes \\cremaclc and finished in the Lest workmanlike manner , and \vc arc now oiler ing111001 only the largest assortment , but also the best made Shoes for Men and Boys , lioiust goodsivklth ( tic arc ? 2ot afraid to IMC/ : with oitrg-itai-antct , * . , To signalize the opening of the Fall Season in tliis Department place on sale to-day , S OOO P11'1" ' file | Calf Slices , Congress and Lace , warranted Goodyear Weltat $2,50. Thfg is the same quality and make which we sold last season as a great bargain at $2.75 $ , Sheds made with Goodyear \Yclt , arcfully as good for wsav and elasticity as Hand-sewedShocs. The ibo-vc arc an extraordinary bargain , We know Shoe Stores would charge at least $3,50 or $4 $ for like goods. Our " "Workingman's" ' shoes for $1,25 , of which we sell thousands of pairs every season , SI/Q turning out better than ever this fall. We have placed early orders for enormous quantities arnsf the manufacturer lias greatly improved upon th e make of tlic m. ! No more honest shoe-vvasj ever offered for sale at suclia low price. It is solid leatlier throughout , and tlic make and finish is perfect. Nothing short of $2,00 will buy such a shoe elsewhere. In the finer grades \veshow \ an exceptionally large assortment , all styles of toes , and all kinds of lasts , shoes to fit any fee ± , All our otlier dcpartmcntsareloadedwitlmewgoods , In every line we ha-\'e ' putinabigstocll anticipating an increased trade. FRIGES IxO TiELR THAN Open until 8 p. m , Saturday , 1O p. m. Nebraska Clothin Corner1 14th. and Douglas Streets. The cool days of Autumn have come and change of costume is in order. Men's and Boys' Fall Suits have displaced sum mer blazers and silk Shirts upon our counters and in vite your early inspection. An exceptionally fine assort ment of IMcn's Underwear nd Hosiery adapted to the coolerseason isnow in stock. "NVo do not quote the prices on thcso goods as below cost for we frankly confess that wo are cloln business for our own profit , but wo trust to the excellence of our goods nnd the Inii ness of our method to brin ; , ' us reasonallo returns. DRS , MERRILL & MERRILL Bl E(3IAIjlSrJC3 ( IN . , Jllnod nmt Siinileal Pl onsei und DlnoasMof thoKj-c , K.ir. Ni ) i > , Tliro.it ana Oot. Special Attention to I I C HO ) ot'XV'o more niul Clilldrr-ii , The doctoriliavo hid yrara ol oxperlennoln the liospltnls of IlrooklinondN'etr York , rinil aroninoufi ihcVnoitBUCCcjsruUad vrlJoly kiown ipeclnllJla la Ilia country. To Y'ounz nnd aildcllc-Accil rvifn. IxstMnnlioOl ( , Kcrrous Dolillltf. Spcrnmtorrlima , CemlnAlI/otiiei , I'linlcnl lloony.trlMliiKfrouilndl-- crutlon , proiluclnir ilceplounuia , dospondi-ncr , pliii. nlcs ontno rice , iivunlonUi society. en ily ( llgcour. Ifocl lick of nuiHilcnco. dull , u nlH for ttudr cr busl. ici3 ; , nnd tlndi llfou burJon , iitoly , forraawatly iaU njiccil My cured. Klooil nnd Skn | linonscs. ) Brplill's. n dlscnio moat droniKul in It * remits , Umiilctely cnidlciitoil. GenUo-Urlnary Snrjrcry. nonorrliip , Gloot , Sfphllli , Ilyilrocolo'nrlraccl , nnd Btili-turo , uiillcMlr nnil snhif c-urotl i'Unut ruin ordotontlon from bmlnosi , All Hoxuil la- ftnultlPi unOliupo < lluiontitu inarrliiKOiucconfully All llcctal dlicncciiafelf nnrt pormnncntly curoi. lloiin , U a. , in , till I p. m Mmdvs , IDtlll J J. N IS. 1'orooiu utnblo to vlMlt unnuytm treated at Ihelr lioniL'J br corrciponJi'nco , Alodlclnoa ami la * itructlnn * ontby cipross. Cuniultiitloi fro& BcuUtcentilu uttnipa to Inauroruplj Sit * Fifirnnrli ST. , Oiiposlto Tlojcl's Opera House. Omnlm , DR , BIILEY , Graduate Dentist. A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber For Five Dollars. A perfect fit guaranteed. Tooth extracted without pain or dmiKCr , and wlttotit nnaos- thotlcs , GolJ mid slhcr Ulllngs at lowc'.st rates. Ilrldgo anil Crown " \Vorlf. Tcotl ltU out pUt < ! 3. All work varranlctl. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 1TH AHO FARNAM F.ntrancoJJtli ( Ifoot elevator. Opouorotr Ings until a o'clock. [ V ! AN HOOD V J * * AM Ak iarlylucoy : nrt Aim WW _ H f n Xk Impolucy. loitviiif b _ UUalliintorid ritmd , mticBlii ? Becr.y. * At thie Coliseum. Grand Concert This Afternoon and Miss ALICE RAYMONU TTve Greatest Lady Cor-not Soloist in the World , A.ccoriipanled toy Second Infantry IMllitary Band. Magnificent Commercial and Mechanical ExhiMtk BEAUTIFUL FLORA.L AND ART DISPLAYS. Second Infantnj Band-SBleoteci PragrammB A. A. WEDEMETER , DIREQTOR. Tlie Automatic City , Costing Over $20OOO Many J\Tciv arid Navel Attractwis/ ADMISSION , 25 Cents MAX ME YER & J3RO. , The Popular Jewelers , Are receiving daily from , the londlim manufacturers of thlo country end Europe , till tlio LATEST NO'VELTIES In. FINE JEWELRY , SILVERWAHE , CLOCKS , HRONZE OBNA- MENTS , XATMPS. SILK UMBRELLAS , OAUBS , OPERA. AND TIELD GLA-SSBS , A.NEBOID DA ROMLETiJES , THBBMOilB. riERS.SPEOrAOLES end EVE OL ASSES , Bto , Uto. DIA.MOND3 and a'l ' ether prosloug Btonea , mounted and loose. GOLD , SILVBB and NIOK1E3L WATCHE3SIn all graloB , lor Indies and eontlomon. HOWLED WATCHES A. SPEO- IALTY , tout wo carry nil ether flr'st-olaaj makoa-Eljjln , V/al- thairjSprnKQolcl ! , Bc. ; OUR PRICES AHEJ LOWER. THAN EVER , and. ALL GOODS \VAR31ANTED , Spnoowill not allow us to QUOTE TRIOE ? , m ourstcolc iatooLARGB and VARIED , but como nnd see foryourso'.vos. It will oca' you nothing to LOOK. Visitors are alwaya WHLOOMB , and should you WISH to buy , wo will naako It an object for you to DBA.L WITH US.Vo are sliowlnx HUNDREDS of arlloloi Bultablo for WEDDING end ether GIFTS , atprloos ranprlnt ? fromL up to $1OOO. All o r customers nro TREATED .ALIKE , whether their purchases bo SMALL orG-EEAT. MAX MUTEIR & : BR.O. , SlxLaenLli arid b'arnam SLrooLs , Ornalia. U3)"ESTABLISHED ) 1QOO. _ Ji 0IAMDMD : Cor-DDMUS ' PNP/ : i'lver OWAHA - 1,5TH STS ,