0 THE OMAHA DAILT % MUDAY , OOTOBEE 3 , 1890. TEE QHATTA 103E t COUNCIL DLUFFS. CK , FO , 18 I'EAttL , ST. Jltllvortd by Carrier Inuny part ol the Cliy. 11 , W. TIL'JCON , . - - MASAOKK. TELEPHONES I fliiBlno * Oder. Kn.43. Night IMltor , NoO. N. V. P. Co. Council Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. Thcro will bfi a Scottish rite Alasonlo meet- Inn this evening. The Scottish Kilo bodies. United Stales jurisdiction , will meet this evening for instal lation ofofllccrs. Colonel D. 1) ) . Dnllcr ivlll' address the \Vest Knd rcpuhllom duo tonight , Thcro will ho jiumlc by the bnnd nnd aRcncral Rood time. The West 1M rcpubllcim club -will meet tonight corner of Hromlway nnd Twenty- eccond street , Good speakers will be In at tendance. UrfailarmeetliiROf St. Alban's lodge , No. 17 , KniglitH of I'vtlilns , this evening nt 7:30 : o'clock. Work in third rank. All memljcrs me requested to bo present. Visiting knljjhta corillally Invited. Unltv guild will meet In regular session this ( Fihlny ) nftcrnooii at : i o'clock with Mrs. Moore , lilfi 1'lerco htrcct. AH members are requested to be present. l 11. A. Chnplrf wns slightly Injured while nt- crnptlnRto hoard allying motor yesterday. 1 \vosttirown to the ground with consider able forte anil suffered some brulsos nnd Bjimlris that will cnuso him to remember the occurrence for some time. Harmony chapter , No. 25 , Order of the Eastern Ktar , will meet In special session thU ( Krnlny ) evening at 8 o'clock ' with Wlss T'ot- tcr , C'JS Mynstcr street. A .full attendance } requested , ns thcro will bo business ol Im portance. By order ofV. . M. The three boys who were referred to In Tun Hii's ; Lincoln correspondence yesterday morning as having ran a.way from their homo in Hciitrlco to Join Harnum's ' circus , wcro In this city yesterday , lleforo their rela tives cnuld bo communicated with they boarded n Northwestern train nnd left for The concert nt St. Paul's ' church last night well nttcnileil , and Louis ISIbcl , the seven-year-old boy wonder astonished hl uudlencc. Jn the imdlcncu vcro nil of the talented musicians In the city , and the man ner In which ho took tlm lend In demand Ing tincorcs Indicated that their delight was almost boundless. W. S. Sheldon , physical director of the Omaha YounvMen's Christian association , will organize the gymnasium classes In the Council HlulTs nsHOcjation Friday evening , OctolierD , Illsimiiortuntthat all who wish to enter the classes should bo on Imnd uroinptlr at either 7 or 8 o'clock. Two classes will ho formed , one at 7 o'clock and the other ut 8 o'clock. The ola brolicn hose reel Is to be repaired nnd thaork iidoiioby order of the lire com- mlttce in council. The coinrnittco was in structed by the council yesterday afternoon to have the work done In this city. Tlio same committee was also instructed to correspond with the various manufacturers of hose car riages niul obtain the best ilgnrcs for a four-wheel carriage. Mrs. .Ncphl North appeared at the central etntlon last night with a complaint that her husband wns lying nt their residence on .Fourth nvcnuo and Twentieth street in a dangerous stnto of Intoxication and was threatening to kill her. Deputy Jlarslial Fowler accompanied her to the unhappy liomo and brought Nephl to the station. Mrs. Nephl promises a sad tnlo of woo for the cars of Judge McGcothls morning. Notwithstanding the fact tlmt the old building on the corner of Pearl and llroad- way Is being torn down to give place to ono or the most magnificent new blocks in tlio city , people tire still going there when they want to llnd the Kock Island ticket onicc. The Hock Island ofllco has bcoti moved into the Everett block , three doors south of Tun Br.c ofllce , and liencral Agent Rolf meets his friends In ono of the handsomest establish ments In the city. The -western presbytery of the Welsh Ciilumlstle churches , comprising nil of the Welsh churches of this denomination In the Btntcs of Iowa , Kansas , Mssourl. Nebraska nnd Colorado , will meet October 2 ami con tinue until the fith , at the Welsh Prcsbytc- rlnn church on Snunders street , near Gum- Ing , Omaha. Thcro will bo preaching-nt 7:30 Thursday. Friday .and Saturday evenings and at 10 n. in. , 'J :30 : and 70 : ! ! p. m. Sunday , Many able preachers will'bo present , among whom will bo IJev. Joseph Hoherts of Minne apolis. The Welsh people of Council IllufTs and vicinity are cordially Invited to attend these meetings. The Pacific liotcl has changed hands again , nnd yesterday Captain Jones stepped clown from the position of landlord nnd Installed Mr. (5. ( W. Triplow , who for several years past has conducted the Illinois Central din ing hall nt Waterloo , la. IIo is nn old hotel > nnn and thoroughly understands the wants of the truvcllngpubllc. Mr. A. Sell man of Omaha hns been employed for the position of day cleric , Mr. Triplow acquired the property by purchase of the lease nnd furniture from Captain Jones. Mr. Jones Is nearly heart broken over the loss of his girl , and will not go Into business again for some time. Mr. II. 0. Mnxwcll , foreman forContractor IJosen. met with a peculiar accident a few days since. Mr. Mnxwell was engaged with n force of carpenters on the electric power building nml the train .on which they came lioniocnuli evening always Is crowded , nnd there is a general rush of workmen to get scats. IIo hud reached the platform when n crowd hustled him nnd ho was tin-own violently against n protection , j-.micwas , tnougiit about the matter , except that It was a rouijh jolting bo received , until yesterday , when ho wns compelloj to consult Dr. Cleaver , The physician pronounced the case a fracture of a rib , and mlvisctlMr. Maxwell to lay up fora few days. A local paper yesterday morning remarked that "tho new quarters of the chief of police will bo a credit to the department nnd the city when finished. " The fact that the vast amount of money that has been spent on the building seems to bo considered Bolcly for the purpose of "providing quarters for the chief of police.1 Is whnt the public and the other members of the force nro objecting to. It Is said that every dollar of the money raised at the police- men's hall has been Invested In the furnish ings of the "hendnuartei-3 of the chief. " leav ing the small portion of the building that re mains for the use of the patrolmen us hare of cheer nntl comfort as the historic cupboard of Mother Hubbnnl , The discussion In the council on "Wednes day evening of the practice of the chief of police of lillng criminal cases In the justices ofllces Instead of police court , owing to his enmity to tlio police judge , nas stirred up the Justices aced ( deal. It has also stirred up Colonel Fox n peed deal , who declares ho has not bail $100hi fees from his ofllcons special constable for so longnthno thnt ho would have to buy a great blu slate to Jljiiro It up , Justice Schurx ilefcnils himself vigorously npalnst the attack , and opens his docket to all comers and extends n hearty in- vitntlon to all to Inspect It. It is about the neatest court docket in the world , nnd Its perfect but almost microscopic writIng - Ing makes It a curiosity vorth examining. The chief of police has never llled a case in my court , and there Is small probability that ho over will , " remarked the Justice to Tim BKU yesterday. "IIo counts mo ono of his numerous enemies , and ho never comes in here. Tlio two cases referred to In the coun cil of men nrrc-stcd ou the Island for disturb ing the pence wcro taken before 'Squlro Hnr- nott , It is absurd to sny that nny of the jus- ticca nro engaged In such practices. In the cases before Burnett both men paid their Hues mid costs , mill the county got f 10 in the deal without'a cent of costs. " If you wish toscllyour _ _ property call on the Juild Is. Wells Co. , C , D. Judd , president , COO IJroadway. The best auctioneer In the stnto Is II. H. Intnnu , Council IllutTs. Special attention to blooded stoek sales , nnd ull brunches of mercantile goods , Ofllco 503 Uroudway , First-class dressmaking by Miss 'Wallace , over Cattlemen's bank , cor , Muia ut. ana ttk nvp. _ Fashlonnbla wool suits maile by Mrs , I * . lilminons , SJ to S7 ; silks , gr to 1U. Tbo Manhattan sporting headquarters , 1 Uroadway. _ l O.TiytOB , real estate , 527 Droadway , THE NEWS IS THE BLUFFS , Hans Jensen , a Danish Citizen , the Subject of a Post'Uortcm and Inquest , THEY WILL FIGHT TO A FINISH , A I'rl/.c Tlfclit With Hare Knuckles .rtrrntiKCil ForAn Afternoon Council Meeting Minor Htcntlon Notes. A'bout 9 o'clockycsterJnymornlnBU-onl was brought to Coroner AVattctmnn that n man liad been found dcadinhts toed at his resilience on the Hughes form , nmllo soutliof ttio city. The information was conveyed by JOIchncl Nelson , a tennnt\vho lias charge of Murtln Hughes' proi > crty , The Conner nccompinted the messenger totlio place and "ho found the dead man lying In his bed , towhich ho had retired about 1:30o'clock on the night previ ous In apparently perfect health. .An ex ternal examination of the body showed no signs of violence , nnd the expression of the face Indicated Uint death had come ns ( idream. The dcnJ man was a Dane , named Hans Jensen , IIo wns about forty years old nnd had been llvliiff alone In one of the upper rooms since last spring , when ho came on the place M a. renter , taldnn a part of the farm from Nelson. Ho lived In the room nlono and did his own cooking. Ho catno to the farm from Fremont , Heb. , last March. During the summer he took care of the crops ho had planted anil mnJo n. successful effort ns a farmer.Vlien bo concluded his fnrnuvork ho came to town with his team and cntrnKi.il In hauling dirt for Con tractor Mitchell , and when not encaged at that was working for the motor company sweeping the trades. Hevni In town Wednesday night nnd purchased sotnogro ceries from Jepson & Johnson's ' store on South Blphth street , leaving there to go to his homo at'Ji.'iO. ' Ho was not discovered bv the other family who live hi the house until i o'clock yesterday , lie was nn early riser , and the fact that ho had not left his room caused them to think tlmt ho was sick. They rnppcilon his door and getting no response opened It , and found him. lying oil the bed cold In dentil. Coroner AVatterman had the body conveyed tothu undertaking establish incut of Lunklcy Al'ortcr. xvhcro n careful examination was made. There was nothing suspicious in the innnnerof death , but after some considera tion the coroner concluded that It wus ad- visublo to held an Inquest and a post-mortem examination , A Jury -was empanelled yester day afternoon and the post-mortem was made by Dr. Lacy. The fact was developed that death hhd resulted from heart disease nnd viis caused by fatty degeneration of that orpin. Jensen was a Dane and Imd been in this country several years. He has no relatives in this country other than n nephew in 'Wash ington whom nothing is known. Helms numerous friends In this city who give htm the reputation of beiiign < inot ! , inoffensive man , never a hard drinker , and ono \vlio always attended to his own huslness and who never made n confidant of anyone. Ho is Known , how ever , to have had considerable property in l remont , and his bank book , which \vtis found in one of hispocltets , showed thnt ho had several hundred dollars in the bank here. 'Tillswith the other property which' ho pos sessed , will amount to quite a sum , and It is supposed by Jensen's friends that ho had n , considerable amount hi the bank at Fremont. The funeral will occur from the undertak ing establishment this afternoon. Money at reluc3.lr.uoi loinol on cbitto and realcstato security byE. II. Shoafo & ( Jo To the Ladles Miss Wary Oloasonis better prepared than ever to satisfy all who wnnt lint class dressmaking. Rooms in the old library building' , learl street. Shorthand. Miss Rhodes , J3rown building. Council Proceedings. The council met yesterday afternoon nt U :30 : In special session to conclude the un- llnMieci business of the previous meeting. All the members were present and Mayor Macrae occupied the chair. A special assessment resolution was or - acred publtslieil. The police committee was emnoworol to purchase spring hinges for the doors of the new patrol and engine houses. The lire committed was instructed to have the old hose cart repaired nt homo nnd to correspond with the different manufacturers and obtain the best llgures fox-tho purchase of a new four wheel lioso carriage. The same committee was empowered to purchase 1,000 feet of rubber und 1,000 feet of cotton lioso. _ , An invitation was received from the mayor of SlouX City for the mayor to name some person to represent tuo city and tal < o part in the old scttlera' parade in connection with tlio Corn Piilaco. The mayor will name soincT person outstdo the council , Tno city cleric called attention to the mys terious disappearance of the ballot box , all the records und nil the l-oolts connected with the second ward. Ttio clerk was Instructed to look the matter up today. Hie council then proceeded to the selection of the registers of election for the vailous wards to act at the com ing election , Alderman - man Everett presented the following names. reported by the chnlrrann of the republican city central committee : Hrstward.E. .T.Abbott ; Second ward , A. N. Crosby ; Third ward , D. A. Prcnnonwn : Fourth ward , llrst precinct , U. A. Craw ford ; Fourth ward , second precinct , T. C. .fncUson ; Fifth ward. N. 13. Aokcr ; Sixth ward , ilrst precinct , S. E. Elliott ; second precinct , G.H. Koyes. Akloiinnu Hverett presented the following nnmes of democrats : First ward , C. A. Hammer ; Second ward , A. \Vhlttlcsoy ; Third ward , HiiDor Tin- ley ; Fourth ward , first precinct , L. Swear- CHKCU ; second precinct , T. L. Smith ; Fifth ward , A , W. Ilockliof ; Sixth ward , first pro duct , George Gi-am ; second precinct , E. Bedlo. The second precinct of the Sixth ward is the Island on the Omaha side of tuo river , which has recently been organized and hrougbtuudcrtho care of Council Uluffs. A polling precinct has been established tncro und on November 4 the ilrst ballots ever cast in the territory will bo deposited for Iowa stnto nnd county ofllcors. The council adjourned to meet again Mon day night. _ ' Signs. Loscy & Jensen's , 1L I'car st. J , C. nixby , steam neatlng , sanitary en gineer , 013 Llfo hulldlns.Ojnahv . 'J Wer Ham block , Council Illu s. paper atLosey & Jensen's , 11 1'carl st. Loscy & Jensen paint houses. Will riRjlt tO n .Articles were signed by two well known local middleweight * of this city yesterday for n light to a Unlsh with bareknuckles. . The mill Is to come oft on the lUth Instant within a milo of the city limits of Council Bluffs. U'ho mill grow out of a friendly contest at Al. Wells' private gymnasium on last Satur day night , when there wcro several set-tos with ten ounce pillows , Ono man lu the bouts Indicated the possession of a great deal of skill , nnd his friends talked pretty loudly of his ability with his dultcs. Among the specta tors was a young tnanwhohas surprised sev eral toughs about towa who hnvo made the niibtako of treading on the tall of his coat. The young man mndosomo remarks about the boxing and criticised the boxers , when ho was challenged to enter the squared circle with 0110 of them. 'Jho challenge ) vas promptly accepted , cut before the negotia tions were concluded thcro was some bad blood stirred upon both sides , which ended in nwlthdrawalof the former challenge nud the proffer of another fora tight to a nnlsb. with skin-tight gloves or buro knuckles. It was accoptOd and the arti cles were drawn up anil signed by both parties yesterday afternoon. The stakes were placed at , { 500. Eacli ono of the prlncl- pals put up f5O forfeit , A well known Omaha nortlng man Is backing ono of the men nnd the other will bo supported by his Council IllufTs friends. Iho articles call for ilftecti rounds or a finish with tiirk knuckles. Iloth of the principals nro scientific slug- ccrs nnd thcro Is bad blood between them. Ilio situation makes tno prospect of a bloody nnd hard-fought battle exceedingly goou , IJoth principals go Into training today nnd will do some hard work between the present time nnd for rent Furnished room. MM. .T. Ly- nian , 0'29 Willow nvo. A. Fly Detective. "Here , book this man for cattle stcnlin' ' nnd throw him in n hole where ho cnn't git nwny , for he's a mighty bad man , " said n strange , dried tip , wcnzcn-faccd little man to Jailor Fowler Inst night. "Come In hero , you feller , " cried the little man to another odd specimen of humanity that had been sitting on the steps of the police station for the previous halfhour. Thonecuscd man was over seven feet high nnd when the pigmy nnd the giant walked around to the desk they cre ated a sensation. "Yes , throw him in , " said the chief of police , who appeared nt this mo ment , nnd place the chnrgo of larceny against him. It's an Important capture. " The fellow was searched nnd led In to the corridor. Ills name Is N. , T. Miller mid thnt of his detective accuser , who Is to ho the chief xvltncss ngalnst him , U Will lain Pierce. Pierce chilnn that Miller Is thonmnwho stole some cattle from Dr. Wall some time ago nnd that ho hns been sbndowiug him for weeks. Miller Is nn overgrown country boy , and every inch of his seven feet was bristling1 with indignation last night as ho paced the corridor of the city Jail. "I'm ' the victim of a fool , " snld ho to Tin ; lhn : reporter. "Thero Is not n word of truth in anything the follow says. Dr. Wall hns not lost any cattle. I cnmo up to the station ivlth this fellow , who snld ho wanted to oorrow W cents of the chief of police , whom ho snld was an old friend nnd schoolmate.Vo snt there nnd waited half nnhour for the chief to come , nnd ns soon ns this follow saw him drive up ho rushed In and announced that I was n c.ittlo thief , and the chioi ordered 1110 locked up. I will make It hot for somebody when 1 llnd John Lindt tomorrow. " Fine interior decorating , Losoy & Jensen AVn AVnntH to Go ? Mayor Mncrao hns received a communica tion from the mnyor of Sioux City which Is of Interest to some of the old settlers licre. The mayor desires to have some ono recom mended for appointment who desires to go nnd who has the requisite pioneer qualifica tions. 'Xho following is the card of Invita tion : SIOITX CITV , In , , Oct. I , 1SOO. To the Honor able Mayor My Dear Mr : I'rcsentlng lier compliments , the Corn I'ulaco elty respect fully requests Unit your city send a ropro- MMitiitlvoto take part Intlio "old settlers' " pursuit ) of Satiiidiiy , October 4. ISno. J'liu rcpri'suntatlvo from yoiirelty will venr a corn colored scarf with the name of the town ho represents printed In largo blue letters across tlm breast. Carriages will be In waltliif ? at my onicc , 31'J Kebraskastroct , at 10 o'clock a.m. ofthoiluy of parade for tlio accommodation of visiting representatives. Yours respectfully , E. 0. 1'AUtuu. Mayor. Buy your lumber of The Judd & "VYells Co. , 813 IJroadway. _ Between the Cities. During the early days of September nn un usually heavy rain storm occurred , and which was accompanied by thunder mid lightning. The result was that during the electrical dis play the motor cars stopped running , owing to the power being withheld from tlio wires. In consequence there wns a delay in the handling of mails between Omaha and this city , for which Postmaster Trcynor uitterly complained , and ho notified tlio company tholr service wus not what ho expected. There has evidently been some trouble over this occurrence , ns a notice has been posted advertising for bids for tlio transportation of mails between the two cit ies. It is known us route 2-13,210. .i , A. Piirso Snntchcr. Ivlrs. "W. C. Smith hud quito an exciting expcrleneo night before last , from the effects of which she has scarcely yet recovered. She had been down in the evening and was rb- turning to her homo when , ns she was cross- intj the bridge over Indian crock on Seventh street , n man sprang out from a dark corner , snatched her pocketbooli out of her bund and then made off into the dark nnd escaped. Fortunately there was nothing in the book except n few pennies , nkoy and n receipt , but Mrs. Smith was lust as much scared as though tlio book had been full. She wns not nblo to rccognlzo the feliow and thcro is no clue which might lead to bis cap ture. LOOALi 1'OIiITICS. A. Mass Mooting of Republicans in the Seventh "Ward. A mass meeting of the Seventh ward re publicans wns held nt the republican club rooms on Park avenue last night. It was at tended by a largo number of the Seventh warders , anil the utmost harmony prevailed. Judge Berka wns elected totnpor.uy chair man and John 0 , Thompson temporary secre tary. J. W. Ellor explained the object of the meeting , stating that It wns for thopurpsso of organizing the republicans of the Seventh ward. After some discussion the rules proposed at a former meeting were adopted anil the or ganization proceeded to the election of ofll cors , J. W , Ellcr proposed thnt the chair appoint , two committees to select candidates for the ofllccs. Tills did not strike a popular Idea , and the election went on In the old fashioned way , with the following result : President , J.V. . Uurr ; llrst vice president , S. IVIcLcod : second vice president , M. L. Uocdor ; third vice president , N. W. Nelson ; secretary , Charles L. Thomas ; assistant secretary , Arthur Baldwin : contest committee , John Stcclo , J. B. J'ipor , II. E , Cochran , M. I ) . 1'etcrson , Charles N. Inskeop ; alternates , Charles Shaw , It. W. Brookenrldgo , P. P. Ooodson , A. S. Churchill , Charles AVorley ; prosecuting attorney , Louis Berkn. J. "W. Ellor offered n resolution that the republican central committee bo notified that the repub licans of the Seventh ward have elected its primary officers , The following gentlemen wcro appointed to notify the central committee : J. VI , Kllor , Mlko Lee , J. B. Plocr. J. W. Cnrr and S. McLcod. A. number of new nnmes were added to the list and tlio meotinc adjourned. The members of the Seventh ward Repub lican club met nt the club rooms on Park ave nue last night and elected the following cfllccrs for tha ensuing year ; President , Charles , TJ. Thomas ; first vlco nrealdont , Louis Uorkn ; second vice president , J. C. Urccn ; third vlco president , II. E. Cochrnn ; secretary , Gcorgo w , Saliinn ; treasurer , J. 11. Piper ; executive committee , S. rvlcf.cod , Mlko Lee , John Steole. John Grant and J. AY. Ellor. Comment on American Oener.islty. LONDON , Oct. 2. The St. James Gazctto prints nn article commenting lu a sneering manner upon the movement in America to establish n fund for the relief of the famine sufferers in Ireland. It says the movement Is simply ndodgo tosccuro the Irish vote , The Stnr says : "America shnuics us. The establishment of a Urltlsh fund to re- Hove the distress in Ireland Is Imperative. " The Daily News says : "Every true Eng lishman honors the llbrral-hcnrtcd men of America. Hut every true Englishman must feel ashamed of his own government which Is only offering Ireland coercion , whilu strangcra nro offering her bread. " The lllaclc Hills Forest Hres. RAi'io CITV , S. D. , Oct. 2. The forest fires In the Dlnck Hills are under control , but will not bo extinguished until rain comes. Sixty square * miles hnvo been burned over , mostly brush and dead trees. It Is Impossible to get an estimate of the losses in timber and to ranches. 'J'Uu tires durlug tlio prusont season were the most destructive- the history of this region. _ _ AiiHtrlnu elections. VIBNXA , Oct. 2. The elections for members of the lower Austrian diet were hold today , The aiitt-boinltlca combined with - the dor- cals end captured ilvo scuta la Vienna. -u i\i n.t < > n A VIIM. K , M. Doydot Ajlburnls at the Millard. Joseph Noppab. A Adraln , Jllch , Is nt the Casey. 7 W. H. Huss of Chicago is nt Iho Mer chants. ' -It K. U. Slzor ot , J Jncoln Is slopping at the Millard. . , 0. W. Crowilsp'jd of St. Louis is at the Murray. , ; "b . 0. M. Newell of'IIebron wns nttho Casey last night. C , II. Klmoro of.Bcatrlco ! Is In the city , nt the Casey. t'.jf S , O. White of Chicago was at the Pnxton ast nlglit , O. L. Cole of Beatrice is n guest at the Merchants. J. U. D.irwell or Port Worth , Tex. , Is tit the I'axton. H. K. Martelof Huffnlo Is In the city , nt the Millard. E. D. Samson of DCS IMincs Is stopping nt the Murray. "W. E. Smy the or ICenrnoy was nt the- Mur ray last night I ) , O. Kshbaugh of Now York Is In tuoclty , nt the Murray. II. C. Kussellof Schuyler was nttho Mil- nrd last night , "William Brown of St , Paul wns at the Merchants last night. 3 ? . V. Taylor of Red Cloud Avas registered nt the Cnsoy last night. T. S. Tooney of Madison , "WIs. , Is in the city , at the Merchants. -\VtlltnmIIaTilcn loft yesterday Tor Chicago on a short business trip. \V. T. Tlbbltts of the Denver & Klo Grande railroad is nt the Pnxton. V. E. I'rentine , nn old tlmo Dakota rustler , but now of Chicago , is at the I'uxton. Miss Mabel Union returned to Chicago yes- tcrday to resume her studies la music and elocution , P. J. Solomnn has returned with his hrido from Cincinnati , They will bo "at homo" to their friends at 2014 St. Clary's avenue. Dr. T. C. Hillings of Vicbltn. Knn. , 1ms decided to locate In Omaha The doctor brings with him strong letters of recommen dation , nnd says his only reason for lenvinR Wichita , after u live years' residence there , Is that since the passage of the prohibitory law business has eonio to a stand-still , A. DIOIjICIlXI'Utj CONCERT. FrnnK Tuft of New York Formally OpenH Trinity's New Ornnn. Omaha has now reached a point In her progress towards metropolitanisin , from which ono can contemplate the movements nnd observe the tastes of her people with con siderables satisfaction. Connected with the rapid growth which , Is usually n conspicuous fca uro In the history of western cities , tliero must necessarily bo more or less of crudeness , and material things nro apt to receive nn undue measure of attention , leaving art and music , nnd a m.iltitudo of other enlight ening and civilizing- Influences , for later con sideration , Having distanced nil compctl tlou In the matter of physical development , Omnha hns begun the great work of placing herself ahead of Boston and Cincinnati as an art and musical center. Within two years an art gallery has been established by private means , but for nubile bciieilt and live of our leading- churches have set up ex cellent organs. The last to come , and , vith ono exception the- largest , is the beautiful "lloosoveU , " which was formally opened last evening by Mr. 'Frank ' Taft of New York , assisted by the Cathedral choir. It was Air. Taft's ' first appearance , profes sionally , before an'Omaha audience. Ho Is one of these companionable pentlemcnwho Impress ono favorably from the llrst , nnd is n musician In every sense of the word. Ho docs not play tlie organ with n crank , but pcr- initsa vorycxccllcnt.tcchnlquo to ho guided by un Inspiration from the soul. His manipu lation of stops and intelligent registra tion nro feature ) worthy of note. The charm of organ music lies in tone combinations which nro possible in nearly all largo instru ments of this class , , but which mechanical players rarely discover , ftlr. Taft is gifted beyond ordinary organists instills direction , and to his consummate skill In producing or chestral effects liejh us1 added a delicacy of touch and beauty of expression which give to his playing a rcninrkiibly pleasing character. Mr , Taft's opcninpimuiDcr was ono of the four beautiful offertories which Batista com- posedand dedicated to St. Cecilia. Contrary to expectation it wns not the third , -which so oftenappears on recital programmes , but per haps the most dlftlcult one of the sot , and Air. Taft played it remarkably well. Moszkowskl's "Sereuata , " the first of a dual number , was nn exqulsito composition , and would hnvo elicited a warm response had any demonstra tion been permitted. Mr. Lombard's mag- nlliccnt , voice was heard in the solo , "Praiso the Lord , " to excellent advantage. The most pleasing number of the pro- cratnmo was "I.o Carnival , " by Wely. Every concert organist has some sort of a de scriptive piece and it generally appears on the programme , but Air. Taft , in some of the effects produced , exceeded every orcanlst who has over played hero before. By the use of a peculiar pedal lover , designed evidently for this particular piece , and the usual hall drawing of stops , the best imitation Imagin able of n storm was accomplished , The prayer , trust , despair , returning faith and final rejoicing wcro almost spoken. The sixth number , Bach's "Tocattn , " gave the player full swing. This Is probably the most difllcult of organ compositions , with the possible exception of a technical puzzle ol Hnupt's ' but its intricacies wcro superbly handled by the modest little player. "Old Folks nt Homo" Mr. Taft's own ar rangement. was out of tno usual order ol variations , but exceedingly ingenious in ar rangement , The solo , "Corao Unto Me , " is ono in which Mrs. Cotton's beautiful voice is always heard to ad vantage. There hns never boon n moro earnest , painstaking and intelligent musician in Omaha than she , and It is always a picas ing feature of n programme when she favors nn audience with a song. Of the remaining organ numbers , the exquisite quisito pizzicato from "Sylvia , " arranged b\ Mr. Taft , nnd tno roiimnza from "Tannlmu scr"were most enjoyed because of the beau tiful phrasing nnd delightful touo coloring which were so conspicuously brought Int ( nsc. Altogether the concert wns a splondli success , A house full of enthusiastic listen crs , a-really line orpnn , and n rare genius for au orgaulst-what more could ono ask for ? AMVSKJ1ESTS. The C. D , Hess opera company opened a short engagement at the Boyd last evening producing "Verdi's grand opera of "Higolotto.1 The company Is strong nnd weak ; if thos antagonistic words may be used. Strong in several of the principals nnd weak in th chorus. "Itlgol tto" is * nt best a dreary heavy opera , whih ( ? requires unusual abllit ; on the part of UIA- artists to successfully hn personate -olaractcr3. | . It abounds In dramntlo movements and situations of mor than common ord r. Aiiss ( lUthrlo is a verj nccsp table artist : ns U Moris. Gulllo am Air. Mortens , bulibevond these the company \vas not seen td'ridvnhtago in "lliirolotto. " Going ror"tho MoKlulcy LONDONOctr9 , The Chronicle doubts the wisdom of Canaulan statesmen in stirring up n feud with their- powerful nolgh boron ac count of the Mckinley bill , especially who ttio opinion pro'vjills quarters that It Is n pro wlo to a more enlightened policy. The Times Inclines to asrco with the Cnn ndlan inlnlstcrs'jthat the bill must bo rocog iilzcd nsn dcmojxalration of hostility ngalns .England hanllyjcgs decided than the llorlin and Alllan dccrcbsof Napoleon. The llorllncorVispomlont ot the Nowssay it Is stated that tlio German government con templates reprisals If the United States re fuses to modify the McKlnloy bill. Severe Sturm in .North Germany. Bciius' , Oct. 2. A cevcro strom provnllei throughout northern Gcrnmny today nndser ous damage was douo to property. At Hum burg Ilvo persons wcro drowned and th lower portions of the city Hooded. Boorotnry Husk nt IVorln. Piionu , 111. , Oct. 2. The attendance at th state fnir today reached W,000. Hon. Jerrj Husk , secretary of agricultural , and part > the governor's party and many other dls tingulshcd guests were present today. rnrlleulnrH ol'tlio Vltu Mas > uori > . KtNKinui , Oct. 2. Particulars of the recent - cent rmvuncru of Germans by the natives o Vltu have just been received. Four mo were killed outside the gate ol Vltu aud thrc - r others after a pursuit of several miles. The nurdercrs then proceeded to Kuntzcl's camp and killed Horn , xvho had been left In charge , leslroycd all the Gorman plantations aim mirdcrodn planter name Delmko. The lUl- anhnrl summoned them to his presence and lisnrmod them on the day previous to the aiissncri1 , when ICimtzol violently abused the sultan , thus determining the futcof tlio party. They I je ft the Doors Unlocked. Two young men rooming nt 1518 Hnrncy street , the first house cast of Kountzo Mem orial church , were robbed last night about 1 o'clock. Mr. Wagner lost $14 In cash nnd Mr. Mailer lost n gold wntcb. They had loft ho outside door nud the door to their room ) oth unlocked. When they discovered tlmt mrglarshnd been In the house they mndo a search about the room and found that their Hintaloons nud vests wcro missing. Tlioy ouncl the garments an the front step * of the torch , relieved of the valuables nhovo men- ioncd. KXCITEJIMIXT IX OK / , . ! JIOM. t , Two Legislators Hnvo n Narrow Ks- cape from llclng Hanged. GtrnmiB , Oklahoma , Oct. 2 , Today was ouo of tremendous excitement in the terri torial legislature. Tha bill for the purma- lent location of the cnpitnl at Oklahoma City : > assed tlio house yesterday. Before action was taken In tno upper house today , however , n motion in the lower for reconsideration was adopted. Friends of Speaker Daniels lad induced him to sign the bill nnd Kepro- seritotlvo Perry was hurrying over .ho upper house with It. Whoa the encnoinlos of the bill dis covered this the legislature was turned ntoa howling mob. Perry was pursued and when overtaken in the street some ono yelled "Hang him 1" anil the proposition wns icarly carried Into effect. The unfortunate eglslator convinced the mob , however , that : io had handed the bill to Ueprcscntntive Nes- bltt , nnd that gentleman inndon wild break down the street , with the mob In full [ lursult. Nesbitt managed to distance : hem for four bloclts , when his strength javo out and ho surrendered. Tlio bill was taken hack to the house , nnd the speaker , In the presence of the governor nnd other witnesses , erased his signature , saying that he had signed the measure under n misapprehension. The United States mar shal mid Captain Cnvnnauprh , commanding the United States forces calmed the excited crowd , which was still demanding the pun ishment of Perry nnd Ncsbltt. Itishnp Gilmoiir CrcntCN n Sensation. CriviiA\r : : > , 0. , Oct. 2. Bishop Hichard Oilinour of this Catholic dlocero created great excitement among Catholics by an order issued today. The Catholic Knight , a weekly paper edited by J. J. Grooves , for some time has been attacking the bishop. In the order the bishop says ho reserves to him self the power to absolve ( ! reeves or anyone , Iny or cleric , associated with him in the work on said paper , any correspondents or con- I'rlhutors , ngcntt or distributors , or even those who hnvo paid subscriptions nnd after the prohibition ot the order continue to re ceive or read said paper. Fatnl Collision on the Vandalin. Cou.iNsriLi.ii , 111. , Oct. 2. The Vandalla accommodation train this evening collied with a coal train. Engineer Wills of the accom modation train was fatally Injured. No ono clso was hurt. llarrlHoii AVI11 Visit CHICAGO , Oct. 2. It is announced today President Harrison will attend the reunion of the First brigade- the third division of the twentieth army corps nt Galcsburg , 111 , , October S. _ _ A AIKVAGErUU SI3T FUKK. Wild Beasts Maliciously Turned LJOOSC at Kimliorly South Africa , Advices from Kimberly , South Africa , tell of an awful occurrence there at mid night on the 1st oC Juno lust , says n Lon don cable. Some person , evidently ono hcarinrr ill-feelliifr toward the proprietor of Tillis' menagerie , opened the doors of the cages con fining the wild nnimnls and sot them nil free. The most terrible scenes followed. Tour attendants stop ping' on the promises wcro innnglod be yond recognition , boinff actually torn limb from limb. The entire population within a radius of a nillo was aroused by the roaring of the lions , the trumpet- hip of the elephants and the groans and shrieks of the other wild beasts. Pour big mule lions , named Pashn , Ahdul , Caliph and Mustapha , sprang from their cages and mtido their escape , when Pasha , Imped upon the back of Murinl , the great jumping stallion , and burled his teeth in the animal's neck. The screams of .tho horse aroused the attendants , a Scotchman named Patter son and three Kaffir boys , who , armed with stable-forks , rushed to the relief of Mnrinl. They endeavored to bent Pasha Lack , but wore attacked from behind by throe other liona and ono chutahthrown to the ground and dragged olT. Their bodies were mangled and tornoponthoir bones smashed into bits , and the heads of all except ono of the Kalllrs were crushed into a pulp. This ono Kallir lived lorig enough to toll the story , but Loth arms and logs were torn oil and his Lodv was covered with lacerations. Having tasted blood the lions , chotojis , wolves and leopards regained nil their natural ferocity and sprang at every living thing that caino in their way. Four performing Hungarian horses wcro killed almost instantly , among which was the cquino beauty IMu.uk. Bess , and a number of ponies were devoured. An enormous elephant hurst through the heavy Iron gate in his fright and rushed into Curry street , followed by nearly every animal in the inenugurle. A cabintin named Nelson was sitting on his carriage before the building and sprang for a post that supports an awn ing around Glover's athletic bar , while his horsus dashed madly down the road , closely pursued by two lions and four wolves. The rest of the wild animals scattered in every direction. A little child of James Grinloy hap pening to Lo in a roar room opening into a garden was pounced upon by a cliotiih and dragged into the open air , whore Its agonized mother saw it tori : to pieces and devoured before she coultl reach it. .Other harrowing incidents are re ported , among them the killing of live women. When the 'mulls loft four lions , two lionesses , two tigers , throe bears , two wolves , ono hyena , two ehotahs , ono ele phant , ono camel and seventeen baboons were still at largo. The police had been organized into hunting parties and the people were keeping indoors. A MiNcr'H Mlwerablo Death. Gustnv A. Tuchol , a German seventy ye.irs of ago , and a man who was worth about $8,000 , died of starvation in his room at iilO East Ono Hundred and Second end street , New York , the other after noon , o Little or nothing is known of the dead mlsor. Ills abode was two back rooms , miserably dark and small , says the Now York World. Ho took the room where ho died a year ago. In searching among the papers scat tered about the room Coroner Buliullzo came upon Ilvo bank books , three belonging - longing to Tuchol himself and crediting to Ms account $5,108 In the Dry Dock Savings bank ; ono credited to hi inns trustee for Ida Hostvator , $2-100 , in the same bank , nnd one as trustee for Marie Bestvator , $1,000 , in the Metropolitan Savings bank. Papers showing that Tiiehol had owned homo real estate In Now York , and also a mortgage fet $1,000 given to Sarah Stake uf Stapleton , S. I , , were found. To strengthen the hair , thicken the growth , stop Its blanching nnd falling out. and whuru It Is gray to restore the ycuthful color , Ube Hall's Hair licucwcr. K L , PA SO' 8 I'lItST OIIUUUU. All tlio Gamblers of the Town Chipped In tonullil It. "Tho first church built la HI Paso , Pox , , wns put lip by the gamblers , " snld Hurry " \Vleks , a frontier sporting nmn to i reporter for the Chicago Times , "fn ho early days of tiiut border town everybody gambled. It was a good- sized town and wo had no church. You sec , I'm counting myself in. Well , vlong cnmo the minister nnd said ho would prcaeh for tis if we would build lilm a church , I don't recollect his rolitlos I mean his religion. The boys vanttd mo to raise the pot for the bulki ng. 1 dkl all of that kind of charity % vork , and a few days before had takoa up a collection for tlio widow of a follow wo had hanged for shooting a man with out giving him a show for his life. "Thoro wcro sovon'gatnbllng houses and the population of the town was ibout ono thousand , not counting the several hundred cowboys that rniho In m the plains at night. So 1 took "round the hat and nil the boys chipped In from $5 to $20 each , and 1 soon Imd a jig stake. I wanted to give something mil did not have a - cent , So when t was passing the hat round nt ono of Lho faro tables 1 saw thnt the jack had lost through two deals and chopped. Well , that means that on the third deal Iho jack won. I always play system , and as I wanted togivofonit'thhiL'to the church , I just took 20 out of the lint and played it open on the jack for mo and Lho church. It won ori tlio turn , and I | ilavcd the deal out. winning &t 10 , which , with the ifSOO raised from the boys , nimlo it good stake for the church. It Is a cus tom among the profession that when iv man stakes a player to give him half ( if Iho winnings. I did not Halm what I was entitled to , but gave it all to tlio church. In Trimming Ills Corn. Mitchell Fitzgerald , living on South Eighth street. Is lying at his homo in n very serious condition , and ills probable death will result , says a St. Joseph clis- patch to the Kansas' City Journal. The cause which led to hisallltctlon is both curious and unusual. Fit7gorald is a very largo man and has only one leg , the other having been taken oil in nn acci dent a number of years ngo. On the re maining foot ho had n earn on ono too which gave htm a great amount of trouble. Ho tried all kinds of remedies , but to no olTcet. A short time ago ho was nearly ready to start on a journey cast and had a friend come in aiul glvo the ollondiiig corn a paring down , Tlio corn was pared soeloso that it bleil. Fitzgerald put a now shoo oiiand walked about , but soon the foot began to swell and ho wns forced to take the shoo oil. The foot swelled loan enormous wi/o and blood poisoning sut in , becoming' so bail that the toes and part of the foot had to bo amputated. The ( imputation dltl not stop the notion of the poison. It ex tended up the limb and Into tlio body. Physicians are now considering the ad visability of amputating the limb , but they think it doubtful , should that be done , that Fitzgerald will recover. 'Iho IluiltlcrBofthe 1'yraniiils. All the magnificent buildings of Paris are made of limestone taken from quar ries near that city , says a writer in St. Nicholas. These quarries are composed of layers made entirely from the tiny shells of microscopic atiimolH. No loss than ono hundred and thirty-seven spe cies exist in these limestone beds. There DRIVING PARK , lall : Meeting , October ? to 10 , 1890 S4.OOO IN PROGRAMME : MONDAY , OCTO11EU 7. 2.10 : Pnco-1'ur.so . $ .100 JJ'J3TroltIiis-l'nriO : . 500 y-yeir-old : Trottlns Stuko . 10) ) TUESDAY , OCTOIlKIt & 2i,10 Trottlmj-l'urso . 809 2:20Trottlna-l'urso : . id ) a-year-old Trotting Stake . 03 WEDNESDAY , OCTOBEUO. S Trottlns-l'iirso . 403 Kreo-For-A. ! ! Trotllni ! I'urso . M ) Yearling Trotting Unco titnko . 00 TUUIISUAU , OCTOIlKIt 10. 2:31 : Trottlnc-l'iUM ) . . ' . 403 IJ'rea-Vor-A.lll'nclii ! ? I'urso . WD 1'i'fc-l'or- , Stallion Purse . M ) National TrotUnu association rules to KOV- firii. Kntrlcsclo-nOololwrl. Staliorucu frou. Jlllo track. J. W. 1'KUKGOV , I'resldoiil , Council 111 nils , Iowa. Address all communications to A. H. GIllHS. Secretary , 515 South Hth St. Omaha , ? tob. J. D. EDMUNDSOX. 1'rcs. IS.lj. SiU'riA nr , Vlco-1'roJ. CHAIII.ES U. llAXXAX , Cnslllcr. CITIZENS STATE BANK Of Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 , LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 , DlltECTOiis-I. A. Mllliir , K. 0. Glcason.E. I. . . Sliutnrt , E. K. Hart , . ! . U Edimmdsoii , Charles O. HaiiiKin. Transact general banking liust- iii'SM. Largest capital and surplus of any bank in Southwestern Cown. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and rtroadwjiy , COUNCIL. BLUFFS , IOWA. Pcalora In forol n and domestic exchange Collections made and Interest Jiulil ou tlmo dupoblts. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All klnilsof DyliiniiiHl ClraiiliiK dnim Intho HUliuhtStyloof tlio Art , I'mlcd und Stalnod j''iihrlos niadu to look us mxxl as IKIWVork promptlydoiiuand ilullvi'red In all purls of thueountry , ifend for prlru list , ( J. A. M.vUIIAN. 1'rop. . OKJ Uroailwny , Near Northwubturn Depot , COUNCII , ItLl'fl'S. U. Xr < JjfK-Attorricy | Jit Law. rractlco COlllla m the state ami federal courts. ItooiuK ? and 8 Shuuait Uino block , Council HI u It's , Iowa , K Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WASTED , DR. U , JUDD , GOO Broadway , Council Bluffs , la were other lltllo being , not so emailtlmf lid nti enormous slmro of rock- They hnvo rocelvotl the imino lies , " from tlm Intin word 1111111111114. nennlng "money , " boentiso tholr nhells csciublocolnfl , In Germany tlioy nru called tho-"devil's money. " Tlioy nru so perfectly formed tlmt 0110 cannot icl" thlnltlner , on llrst looking at thoni , hat they have boon stamped with in soiuo places mountains of great nro mailo of their shells. In Egypt nyors uroof sm-.h extent that slntur .ui'Ics before Christ the rook has boeu used for hutUllng purposes. The lUtcionl | tyrttmUlB ntul tnu sphinx nro tuiulo ol S. IhIs rock. Boils of lignite , a kind of hnU-ftnlslicd roa.1 , uro ntan fntmtl uinoni * the rocl < H ol this ago. With it la found the yellow iunl > er , which Isonlyu fossil resin fromn BjHJolcs of pluo troo. Ills nbuiulniit on the shores of the Gcrnmu ocean , Insects are oflon found preserved in it as perfact us on the tiny they were Imprisoned. Tlju llrst boo otall the nges wis found in am ber , "an embalmed eoriwo in a orystul cotlln. " With It wsro found frn menU ot tlowor and leaf , nsIf the rosin dropped on the ( lower upon which the boo hud alighted , mid enveloped both. 1 Slirowtl Swindle by Messonijoi * Three fourteen-year-old mes.t.1ii < ror boyn , Arthur .Marshall , George llli'tler niul ISIUIG Annlxlor , were nrrestoil nntl booked for tlio Industrial school , says a Sim Fnuiclseo dispatch to tlio Chicago Humid. For several weeks past tlioy luivubcun engaged In n clover seliomo of ] ) etty mvlntillni * ' . They made si prac tice o ( looking over tlio morning1 papera for the listof arrlvnlsat the various ho lds , mul tlioii a telegram would bo com posed und written on blanks stolen from the telegraph olllucs and inclosed in an envelope addressed to ono of the nrriv- nln. When the message was delivered llio liolol clerk won Id Invarltibly pay Iho charges , which ranged from 76 to bT > conly , and in ono instance to-0. Tl * contents of the various bogus dispatches were Nomctlmcs very funny. A protnl- nenl Ohlneso linn was swindled out of $2o on li cablegram whioh convoyed the sttirtllng Intelligence thnt tlio Chinese must ( jo mul was signed "Ono Lung. " | lli > . TaliunKt- New York. Beginning on Sunday , September and on Sunday overlings thereafter duf ing the remainder of the yonr , Kov. T. loVltt ) 1'alinngo will deliver usories of scrinona nt the Now York Academy of Music , under tlio tiuspiuoH oftho i'hris- tlun lloraltlthat journal Iniving secured the academy for this- purpose tit a cost of nearly $3,000 for tlio serfes. In embracing the olTor loprcnoh there during these vcinnliilng Sunday inen- Ings of 18S)0 ) , Dr. Tnlnuigo declined to nc- cojit any compensation. Ho nlw ) iifrreecl to intlueo tlm Tabernacle organist , 1'rof. Ileni-y Kyro Browne , and Iho cornotist , Prof. All , ami choir , as well ns the ush ers ofhis own congregation , to volunteer their services gratuitously on those oc casions. The entire plate collm-Uoim will lie distributed by the Chrihtlnn llor- ald among tlio hospitals of Now York , rcjjni'dless of religious preferences. The War at Florence. The old row in Florence has been revived. Attorney Townscnd wont to Florence .ynntor- day afternoon nnd lodged four informations against tno saloon men for selling liquor on Sunday , The cases will come up next week. I ) . C. Bowman of the Crook county hanlr , < ' Sundance , \Vyo. , bin the city nnd called OB ' ' 'I'm : SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BJ.UFFS. " \\rANTICIJ-lty two ynmiK incn , situation. i Ifunhvaro biisliu'.ss iiruft-rrcil. but will ncoi'pt/nny other , \\li ( > U > sale or lutull. I'nrnltli nil refiTi-nei'S riMiulrecl. Address 1' , II. Sy3 Main Bt. , Council lllulVs. A GOOD family lior.se for salt , or will tradu foru Kpanof Kood poitles. liuiulru attliu ollluu. 'M HrouiUyuy. TC1OII HKNT-llou'.es and roonix ; ono nvtrn , stoiciit'iircnurlhouse , anil nno ( mulshed room utJ. K. Davlilsou's. ( tt'iKlflli _ avi- . _ " 171011 clmiiKi ! In business will soil stock/ -L' ' ( truss aiidllxtiucs , all now mill ( list qVo , ata discount , If sold wit lilu next , IK ) days , In- volco about t,500. ! Address S. , llco office , Coil 11 ell lllu ITa , TJ10U SAhE-Tho lloiiiolto.staiirant for vilu JL' on easy terms. Tlio must popular plut-'o lu thocHy. ri. W.Suott. S17 llrtuulwiiy. TDIOR SiYI-iE or Ilont Oanlun Innil. with JL ? houses , byj. U. Uluo. IK Main st. , Con neil BlulTs. \\TII"V pay rent wncn you can buy a. liomonn TT thos.uno terms , imil Incase of your ( truth ; atany tlmo lo.ivo your family the liomo oloaf ontlio following torins : Alioiuu worth 'M,0)it ) ) : 312 per inontlu Aluinio worth f 1,53) ) at * IS pur numlli. Alioino worth JJ.03Jat * JI per mouth. Ahomow ( > rtli . ( nuLl ) ) pur monMi. A hoi no worth $1,03) ) at $1) ) per mouth. Otliur iirlooil lihmiHon thoHainn torins. Tn * nbovo monthly payments Inoluilo prlneliul nmllntorost. Vor fnil iiiirtlaiilnn cull on or nfllrcsstho.riild& ( ( Wolls. t'o. . OJJ IJrouUway , Council Illuirs. In. DR. BELLINGER' Surgical Institute 0 * AND Private Hospit ; Cor. Broadway and 20th BB. , Cou Clr. llLurrs , IOWA , Fortliotroiitiiii'iitof nil Hiir lciilnnil olinuila discuses mid dlsousosof lliu lilooil. I'rlvatodlsenst'sof tlio niliiiiry anil so.vinl orKiins , ulByphllK uistrlotiiro , tyi-titls. spur- iniitorroliuiu. lost riuuiliooil , Mixinil linpntt'iicu ' niul wesiliiiusH tiumoilbiiec'cssfiillv. I'nrtloular iillcntloii puld to dl oii'.of of the liuis , us Astliinii , CoiisuniiilIdii , llrnm'hltH , ( Catarrh. Kits. I'liralyslw , Klilnoy 1 ) lM'ii ' ; i't ' . Till" * , DUibetos.llrlKlil's Dlsuuso. Itliuiiniatisiii. Oancor , Viirlocolo , llyilrnccli > , liiHy.'l ( | i" > "fi Diseases of tlio Kyi ) and Mar , Club I ' t Blilnul Onrvaturn and nil ( llwasoscif tliuliiMic's. \Voliavo a iluiiitrtnu'iit devoted o\oluilvi-iy to tlio triiiitiiitMilof IJIt'rlnoD.Hun'ii'S. MrilloliioHonUooiiiely packed ami fiuurrom ohscmitlnn. Coircspondenco onnflduntlnl. Aildrcts : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Inslilulc and Private Hospital , Cor , llroadwny nit SOlhHU. Ojuncll Ilium. I" . F. M. ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS And Building Buporlntendonts. - . nnd Itooiii32ll niiir.'Kl.Mdrrhuo Hlook , Council HlulTa , lu Ciirrcjpondi'iicofcolloltod. _ W CMiiirT-'Ti tlcooflhii 1'piicii. onico over H , OlIlllU Aiiicrloiin K\iiss | ) , No , 4M llroailwuy , Council Kluirs , lo\vu. \ \ 27 aiAlN STHK1CT. OvcrO. II. Juequo.nla ! t Uo'jju\tolry btrc