Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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The brink clearings yesterday \vcro
! 78.3,770.01 ,
President Hartmnn of the real estate
exchange , has Issued n call for a meet
ing of that institution today at 11 a.m ,
The IJtirstow steve company yesterday
cotnrnonccil auilngnlnat Nathan Relchon- duo on account.
The following arc the temperatures ni
observed nl the loenl signal servicoofllco
at thohotiiB mimed : 7 n. m. , 15 ° j 10 a.
in. , 6P ( ; lp. in. , OS3.
The Pentisylvanla veterans of Douglas
county -will meet this evening at
7:30 : o'clock ' in room 1)10 ) New York Lifo
building , Omnlm , Neb. All Pennsyl
vania veterans Invited.
Atnonr * the kind of suspicious clnrac-
tors that were run in yestoiday were
James Monroe nnd William IJogoi" ) , two
well known pickpockets , who were
doubtless following the circus for rev
enue only.
Alllo Ilorinc , the girl who was shot
by TA AVIggawl about u week npo , is
rapidly recovering. The bull which
struck horin the- breast has not been re
moved nnd is believed to bo lodged in
the abdominal cavity.
The delayed material for the Tentli
fitrcet viaduct has nt rived and work will
bo pushed aB rapidly as possible. No
further delays arc anticipated , as it largo
dimply of lion Is no\v \ on hand and work
is being rushed lit the foundry.
The street car company has informed
the hoard of public works that they will
not tcsuino the paving of South Tenth
Hired until they can procure the proper
inatctlalu as demanded by the board.
This they hope to secure In two or three
Detective Vaughn returned yesterday
morning from KunsasCity , bringing with
him Harry "Wheeler , who Iswanted
hero forstealing1 a gold watch from
\ William Wheeler would not
uotno until requisition papers were so-
f * cured.
| John Ilronnor , the Union Pacific
brakcuifui who was run over by the cars
at Grand Island , and whoso leg hnd to
bo amputated , died from the shock
hhortly after the operation was per
formed. Hronncr was married about
three months ago.
A disciple- Dr. Tanner , the faster , in
the person of a skcloton-liko individual
by the name of John Doe , alias Al. L.
Uolaml , has been sent to the county jail
by the city physician. Ho is docketed
ns insane , though ho looks to bo on the
point of starvation.
"Why , now 1 cannot get enough tocat , "
says ono lady who foimerly had no appetite ,
lut took Hood's Stirsaparilla.
The Nebraska Trillium.
\ The Nebraska Tribune , the German daily ,
i was polil yesterday niorningat private sale In
i ncconlnncowithlho will of the late F.C.Fcst-
f nor , by whom It was founded. The stock
Ifi company which made the purchase has a cap-
1 IUU stoclc of &J."i,000 , and will be known as the
Nebraska Tribune company. The greater
part ot the stockholders mo employes of the
paper ,
'i'hoofficers nrons follows : .Tullus T. Fest-
nor , president ; Sol Duvulsohn , secretary ;
Joseph Woltcntiargcr , treasurer. Thechaugo
will take cfteet the thst of Octohcr.
Mr. Woltcnbcrgcr Is an old newspaperman
i anil comes from Louisville , ICy. Ho u HI have
charge nt the mechanical dcpurtment , The
( policy of the paper will bolndenendent with
i democratic proclivities , nnd will support the
democratic nominee for , go\crnor. Jt Is un
derstood that there \illl bo n change in tuo ed
itorial innnnircmcut , hut this Is rictus jet
dollnltuly settled.
Miss Alice Knymoml ,
the greatest lady cornet soloist In the
world , at the exposition this evening
trim llomlllus Inquest.
The inquest" over the body of Clemens
HornllHis was concluded yesterday. The
testimony Monday afternoon was identi
cally the same as published in the account of
the affair , hut the Jury insisted on having the
widow called to Identify the revolver found
by the body. The inquest was therefore ad
journed until ycstciuay for that purpose.
The widow ntipcarcd and identify the pistol
tel ns well as shu wasablo to do so , mid this
concluded the testimony.
The following verdict was returned : That
Clemens Ilornlllus cnmo to his death by
n pistol shot flred by some ono to the Jurors
unknown , or by his own hnnd , whether acci
dental or not the jurors have no evidence
from which to determine.
/Vllco / Jtiiymoml ,
the greatest lady cornet soloist In the
world , at the exposition this evening.
Congressman Council He turns.
Congacssraan Council has returned from
his visits to Beatrice , Nebraska City and
other points in the district , where he has
been mulling speeches.
In nnswcr to nn inquiry Mr. Connell said :
"Yes , 1 am going to meet that man Bryan.
The preliminaries will bo arranged In a few
days ami I am going Into a discussion with
him In every county In the district. Ho will
Hud out before ho Rets through that ho will
buvoto talk about something besides the Me-
Ktnloy tariff measure , of which ho has had
BO much to say , "
Miss Alioo Hnymoml'H
first appearance in Omaha at the expo
sition this o veiling' .
A FlloKnlfo.
C. Ballicr stopped In Omaha , cnrouto from
Noith Dakota to the Hot Springs. The po
lice gathered him inas a suspicious character.
A murderous looking linlfo was found upon
him. It was made from nn old file , and was
double-edged , both sides hcing ground to a
very keen edge , IIo told the court that ho
carried it for two reasons ilrst that it was
the gift of a friend nnd secondly that ho. con
sidered that ho was on adanperous Journey.
IIo was entered holtl nn til an information for
carrying concealed weapons could bo llled
njjulnst him. _
A. $100,000 , Deal.
Papers in another big deal In suburban
property have been filed with the county re
corder. Victor II. Coffman and wife soil to
Kdward S , R. Kougliton of Cheyenne a tiact
of homo four hundred acres just north of Ir-
( viugton for $100,000. , ,
'Water Lilly Soap Scants a calf e.
The engagement of the C. I ) . Hess Grand
Opcm company , whleh commences at the
Boyd on Thursday evening next , ana con
tinues during the remainder of the week ,
promises to bo very successful , Judging from
the numerous Inn.uhlo3 that nro being made.
The snlo of scats commences at 0 o'clock
this morning. The company played tit
Tootle's opera house la St. Joseph last week ,
nnd the St. Joseph Herald had this to sav
concerning it : "Thcro Is much to bo said
concerning the excellent work accomplished
by the Hess Opera company who opened
their business In this city last nlfjht at
Tootle's hoforo a largo , very fashionable and
appreciative audience. U'ho vocalizing was a
coup do grace of beauty and tenderness nnd
eloquence , The whole company Is a strong
one , with parts well balanced and veil taken
by skilled musicians. Such well defined and
capable recitation of Donizetti's popular ana
clusslo opera , 'L.uda dl Lnuinicrmoor.1 de
served the highest praise , ' *
The Eden Muicc. has ii Very nice lot of
specialty attritions this week. Fntlma the
tmnkijo'inmierandhor infant daughter are
von < lorful creatures , They bundle the seeth
ing mass of snakes as ordinary people would
inanimate articles. The Mnrctta UrothGrs
nro exceedingly clover In ptymnastli ) fonts.
Joe Clifton the comedian , Jones Urothors and
Ilogau form n quartette of fun makers that U
rarely met. All departments are Ulled with
ttractious ,
Miss Alice Knymoiid
nnd her cornot' nt the exposition this
evening. _
The Hookery Goes Down.
The burned buildings on the postofllco site
nt the corner of Sixteenth street nnd Capitol
nvcauonre to be removed ntonce , Custodian
Alexander havlnerocclvedlnttructlons to that
effect. A. local bill poster offered a bonus for
the corner ns a Mto for a bill board , but
Ids oiTcr was declined with the Information
that the government had discontinued such
practice , The custodian will not recommend
the erection of n fence unless it becomes
necessary to improve the appearance of the
Iliiildliii ;
"Wanted on choice city property ; sums
of $ o,000 to $10,000 preferred.
1205 Farnamst.
Miss Alice Kajinoiiil ,
the greatest lady cornet soloist in the
world , at the exposition this evening.
Tlmt Swedish Jlolinti * .
Rov. P. J. Brodlno nnd Prof. M. Oster-
helm called at this ofllce Monday evening and
complained that the report of the meeting
held at the Swedish Lutheran church last
1'rlday evening vas incorrect in rcsard to
there having heeu a debate Dotwccn.tho min
isters mentioned and Mr. C.A. . Jacobson.
'Iho latter \vas permitted , however , to say a
few words against prohibition at his own re
quest , w hlch It was elnlincdas , was expected ,
his hearers did notnppteciato.
Mist Alice Kuyiiiond ,
the greatest lady cornet soloist In the
world , ut the exposition this evening' .
Ice for sale cheap. Three thousand
tons at Will LaUo , la. , delivered on
cars In quantities to suit. Address ,
Union Ice & Coal Co. , Kansas City , Mo.
Dun Isli Aiitl-I'rohlliltlonlstK.
Saturday , October 4 , Is the last day for
taking out naturalization pipers by parties
who dc.ilrc to vote nt the coming election on
November 4. Uvory Dane , thercfoic , who
has not yet tahefi.out his papers , is urged to
do so hoforo the expiration of this week.
Danes can get their naturalization papers f reo
of charge by applying to L. Sehlbsty ut hU
ofllce , Washington hall. Olllco hours from
0 a. in. to 8 p. in.
Change of life , baelc.icne , monthly Irregu
laritics , hot ( lashes are cured by Dr. Miles'
Nervine. Fice samples at Kuhn & Co. , 15th
and Douglas.
"The Kliulcheiiljny. "
The llttlo five-year old daughter of F. 11.
Llvvy , who resides at Eighteenth and Leav-
worth , was sent to the store about 1 o'clock
yesterday , and had a pocketbook con
taining SI In her hand. She was stopped hy
a couple of boys , who compelled hcrtogivo
thorn the pocketbook , after which they ran.
The youthful highway men are not known.
To strengthen the hair , thicken the growth ,
stop its blanching and falling out. and where
it Is gray to restore the youthful color , use
Hall's Hair Uoncwcr.
District Court.
Judges Uoano , Hopowell and Wakeloy put
In the day yesterday with the cases that have
been on trial all the \\er-k.
In Judge Clarkson's court Andrew Sorensen -
son , who was charged with resisting an
ofllcer , was tried and acquitted , after which
the case of the state vs Munn was com
menced ,
Munn la charged with having committed
ndultcrvwith ono Dora K. Knowlos. The
husbnnd was placed on the witness stand
during the afternoon. His testimony was
very damaging' to the defendant. Before
adjournment Judge Clarkson gave notice of
the following call of ( ho criminal cahmder :
Thursday , John Rosick , who is charged with
assault , and C. D. Cannon , who is charged
with forgery.
Never neglect a constipated condition of
the bowels , or serious rojults will surely fol
low , such as piles , impure blood nnd many
chronic complaints. Burdock Blood BUters
Is the remedy. _
A Young Incorrigible.
Nora Kiniioy Is n little colored girl , twelve
years old , and her sister , Miss Blanche
Ktnncy , a young woman who appears to have
the proper views of what llfo ought to bo ,
says that Nora Is nn incorrigible nnd she
wants her taken into custody by the strong
hand of the law. .Miss Blanche works for
her board and that of her sister and is striv
ing to educate both herself and Nora , but
Nora does not appreciate \yhat her older sister
is trying to do for her nnu she spends a good
deal of time in gadding the sheets nnd In
general hilarity. She will bo brought before
Judge Holsloy today.
1 Bliss Alice Raymond ,
nnd her cornet at the exposition this
evening' .
1C02. Sixteenth ami Farnam streets Is
the now Hoclc Island ticket ollico. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rates.
Fought hy a Pair of Italians with
Kcoii-Eklgcd. Shovels.
A bloody nnd perhaps fatal duel between
two Italians with small , sharpened shovels
occurred Into Monday alternoon In the alloy
between Chicago and Cuss and Twenty-llflh
nnd Twenty-sixth streets.
Tlio duellists belonged to a grading gang
that was ] ust quitting woik. Both are said
to have been deadly enemies for some time
and only waiting for the slight
est pretext to como together. This
opportunity came nt the time mentioned.
One was a largo and the other a small
man. After striking each other with
their lists , each seized his shovel ,
which it sconis had been sharpened
to altnlfe-likocd o. With these they fought
almost with the dexterity of swords , each
raining tlio blows upon the other with deadly
Intent ,
After each had been bidly wounded on the
shoulders , legs and head the larger man suc
ceeded in compelling his enemy to drop tohis
knees for an instant when ho followed up his
advantage by dealing the llttlo ono a horribly
murderous slash over the head with the keea
edge of his murderous shovel.
The result was a sickening
wound extending almost from ear
to car , and fracturing the skull In a manner
that will probably causa death.
Still not satisfied with hU ilendish work
the big fellow drew from his boot leg a
great glittering stiletto fully six Inches
in length nnd springing to his falling victim
was about to plunge it Into the hitter's ' heart
when ho in turn was felled to the ground by
a blow from the list of a bystander.
Then the fellow workmen of tlio bloody
combatant hastily removed each of the latter
their homes , some distanconway andsucceed-
cd in keeping the atfair Iroiu the police.
IU i Ji'urior exodlencaproria In wllllohi of home *
for morutlian a quarter of ircnlurr. . It Is used by
tlio United fttitoi QoTcrnoicnt , Kndortod t > r tlio
hcadi ol the kTMt unlverilil ? ni tlio Stronioit ,
1'ureit niidnio tllcnlthriil. lr ) l'rlco' Cruam Ilak-
Inir I'uwilurdoea not contain ammonia , lime or alum.
Bold only In cam.
New York. Clilc EO > t-nal'tancbco , El. L ul
IIttv It Killed Jfornl , Soclnl and Hilu-
catlotml Tcnipcrnnco AVoi'ic.
Mr. S. U. Sncpboril , cx-sccrctary of stnlo
ot Kansas nnil for mnny years editor of the
old Topekn Tribune , sends tlio following
communication toTitp.Bnni
LcA\nNwoitTrr , Kan , , Sept. ! J7 , To the
Editor of TUB BEE : Having n hundred or
inoro relatives In Nebraska , quite n number
of thorn have written to mo for such facts nnil
conclusions ns I might bo nble nndvlllingto
give them concerning prohibition In Kansas.
" \Vitli \ your permission I will reply through
the columns of TIIR Dnn *
For twenty years prior to prohibition In
Kansas Ivni an autlvo Good Templar nnd
Avorltrr in the temperance cause in Topckti ,
Valley FnlH , nud Troy In this stato. When
the prohibition craze struck Kansas ten
jcars ape there wcro nbout four hundred
lodges mid organizations of various liluds in
the state devoted to temperance worir. In
six months they were all dead. Prohibition
killed them. Moral , social nnd educational
temperance work was wholly abandoned , nnd
compulsion , and litigation. Ttio spy , spotter
and informer system was adoptod.nnd . secret ,
star-chamber inquisitions hatched con
spiracies , waged bitter and vindictive prose
cutions , piled costs mountain-high upon the
taxpayers , nnd converted society into u seeth
ing caldron of warring elements.
The golden era of sobriety was Just begin
ning to dawn in Kansas when ttio pernicious
contagion of prohibition broke out like arag
ing pestilence and spread over the land de
stroying temperance woric nnd leaving moral
desolation in its path , The consumption nf
liquor has been Increased rather than dimin
ished , and men have been m.idoorso In
stead of belter. Prohibition hns debauched
our state. The attempted enforcement has
drawn out the worst elements of human char
acter on both sides of the question. Men
who once had respect for the law have grown
to hate nnd dcsplso it , nnd their sons are fol
lowing In their footslcps , In place of hon
est , oid-fiishloticil saloons wo have drug
stores , Joints , club-rooms , nnd secret-hell
holes , wheio vicious stuff Is sold to all who
M tint it , old or yoiiiiK-
For one , I never did believe In
padloclt vhtue , legal lightcousuess ,
sheriff honor , execution honesty , Com-
stoclc purity , or constable temperance , I do
not believe that state guardianship of men's '
appetites and morals and the removal of all
temptation from them is conducive to the
best results In developing human character.
I do not believe in putting a bib , on
a man and shutting him tip In the nursery
with old grannies , church and state , for bis
wet and dry nurses. I do not believe In trail
ing him up to the legislative porch Ilka a
morning glory , cultivating no power within
himself to stand alone , and sure to bo cut
down by the llrst chill wind or autumn
Temptation Is as necessary a factor in the
building up of character ns exercise is the
growth of a strong , healthy body. Without
temptation It is Impossible to de\elop a vigor
ous manhood , capnbloof resisting evil us the
sturdy oak withstands the fury of storm and
tempest. Without temptation man would be
a frail hot-house exotic , a thing of Jellywith
out bone , sinew , muscle , or vertebra. Tlio
moment temptation Is removed , ii.orul de
generation begins. Frco moral agency is es
sential to manhood. S. 11. Siiui'iiuuu.
For some time past I've been n rheumatic.
I recently tried Salvation Oil which gave mo
almost instant reliof. I sincerely recommend
it as it hascntiicly cured mo. JAXII.S Gou-
DOX , Baltimore , Md.
I'nwncd Off on Douglas.
Among the scores o'f applicants for county
charity yesterJay was a tidy-looking man some
forty j cars old and deaf. Ho said his name
was Benjamin Buckley , and showed Poor-
master Mnhoncy a certilicato stating that ho
wiis n church member of Orleans , West Ne
braska conference. The coitillcato was
signed by Joseph Buckluv , pastor , who the
applicant for charity said was his brother.
IIo furthermore explained that his brothpr
hod shipped him here to Omaha evldontly'to
get him off his hands. Ho said ho had con
sumption and wanted to goto the poor house ,
Nothing was done in the case.
Aliuo Raymond's
first appearance in Omaha nt the expo
sition this evening.
Republican Rally.
A meeting of the Douglas county republi
can club will beheld atthoGrand opera house
on Friday evening , October H.
lion , L. D. Klchards , Mr. W. F. Gurley
Hon. Gcorgo H. Hastings , Hon. John L.
Webster ami Hon. E. Uosewatcr will address
the meeting.
All the ward clubs arc requested to attend
In a body.
Speaking will commence nt 8 o'clock sharp.
M. L. Uoi-DEit , TIIOMIS Sttouc ,
Secretary. _ President.
IMIss Allco Knyniond'fl
first nppcarnnco in Omaha at the c.xpo-
bition this ovcnin" .
military Notes.
Private Marprogor , Company A , Seventh
Infantry , Fort ItusscU , has been traiisfcucd
to Company C , Seventeenth infantry , sta
tioned at that post.
Captain Kvcrest , Eighth Infantry , Fort
Niobrara , has been detailed to inspect beef
cattle at the Kosobud agency , South Dakota ,
in place of Lieutenant Mercer , Eighth infan
try , iclievcd. _
Airs. Mercer , manicure , 401 Bco bldg.
Mrs. Singer has returned from her visit to
Kentucky and St. Louis.
With His Thumb ,
A boy Is said to have saved the Netherlands
from Inundation. Multitudes luuo been
saved fiom Hie Imaslon ol dlsunso by a
bottle of Ayoi 'a ' S.ii sapai ilia. Tins inoillclno
Imparts lone to the s > stem nnd sticngtliuii ?
ociy oigan anil fibre of the body ,
"I luno taken a gieat ( leal of medicine ,
but nothing lias done me so much good ns
Ajei's Sarsapiillla. I experienced Its beiie-
flclal cdects before I liadqiiltoflnNied one
bottle , nnd I can fiecly testify that It Is tlio
best blood medicine I Know of. " L. W.
WarU , sr , , Woodland , Texas.
"Conllned to an olllce , as I am , from ono
yeai's cml to another , with Iltllo or no out
door exeiclse , I flnd gieat lielp In Ayci's
Saisapailllahlcli \ I luuo used for several
years , and am at present nsliiK , with excel
lent results. U enables mo to keep nlwajs
at my nest , enjoying the best of health , "
II , C. liaincs , Maiden , JIass.
DR. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mass.
BoldbyDtUB8l t . $ l , lx $5. Worth $5 bottle.
CoNSTii-ATiox , SEHKSTUIY DisnAsr.s
llir.IOUS.NE'lS , KlDN'UV I'OMI'I.Al.Md
DISKASV.S , liii'tniE Hr.oou.
Viiormuona AKD SOLU MANurACiuncns ,
Buffering from too citccui of > outhful urron , carlr
decay , wasting weiUint&i , lost in/Milioocl.ctr. , 3 will
ceil a vslimble trvatlta ( iralpcll containing tull
particular * for home cure , I'HUH of cliarK * . A
plendlil medical work i ihovjd IM read ty fitrr
tnaa who U liervoui anil UelillllatocI ,
r. r. c.
Wntolicaatul ODlniiioiula Olycn Awny
with Toa.nnrt SCoffcc-A. Novel Wny
of Ititrotluultig GootlH.
The nnmcs of nil persons receiving1 diamonds
mends , \vntcho8. etc. , nro milled to this
list daily. The Ovorinnd tea company
of San Francisco diavo routed tlio store ,
1803 Fnrniun , next to Ucllman's clothing
house , nnd in order to intioduco thole
Rooda this coinpruiy will present for sixty
days souvenir * with every can of tea and
cotTeo sold , such ns solid pold , silver and
nickel wntchcs , also genuine diamonds
in solid gold settings , silver tableware ,
also money nnd tntmy other tvrtlcles of
less value. Every purchaser will receive
n souvenir. The eoll'eo , cnn and contents
weigh about three pounds , the tea , can
and contents wulgh about ono and n , half
pounds. This expensive and novel way
of ndvcrtUlnir will bo discontinued after
sixty days and these really choieo pjoods
will bo sold strictly on their merits , but
without the feouvonlr. Of com so o\ory
purctuiHer must not expect to got a diamond
mend or watch , This company claim
that they have just as good a right to
give away wtilches , diamonds or jewelry
and money as their competitors have to
giveaway glassware , chronics , etc. Getup
up u club. Those who get up n club
order most always gctn handsome pres
ent. Orders by mull promptly forwiudcd
to all parts of the United States on re
ceipt of cash or postollico order. Terms :
Single can , $1 ; six for $ o ; thirteen for
$10 , and twenty-beven for $ i0. ! Address
Overland Tea company , Omalin , ! Neb.
Store open from 8 o clock n. m. to 0
o'clock p.m. and Saturdays till 10 o'clock
j ) . in. watch this announcement for the
day of opening.
Drs ,
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The most widely jind favorably knonn spec
ialists In tlio United States. Their loru ex
perience , romark.iblo skill and universal suc
cess In the treatment nnd cure of Nervous ,
Ohronlo nnil bursleal Diseases ontltlo thcso
eminent jiliyslclana to the full confluence of
the aflllctcu nvorywherc. They Riiar.intoo :
the avrf ul ctlectB of early vlco nnd the numer
ous evils that follow In its train ,
speedily , completely and permanently cured.
011DKHS yield roaaily to tholr skillful troat-
Rtmrantocu cured iwlthout pain or detention
from business.
nently and Bucoosslully cured Incvorycaso.
matorrhctil'Beiclnal Wi.'jiknoHs , Lost Manhood ,
Night Emissions..Uecayed Fatuities , Female
Weakness and nil delicate disorders peculiar
to cither sex pmltlvoly ciirod , as well as nil
functional disorders tliat result from youth
ful folllos or the excess of mature years.
THlfTHWK Guaranteed permanently
O i l\l\j 1 U 1\L. cured , rcinov al con ploto ,
without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Ouros
affected ut homo by patient without a mo
ment's pain or annoyance.
niPlJTho awful effects of
OUlXll UUlVll early vlco which lirlnjri
orpnnlo weakness , destroying both mind nnd
body , with all Its dreaded ills , permanent ;
i TCRTT Address those wlio have Im-
. DLii 1O pilred themselves by Im
proper Indulgence nnd solitary hlblts , which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting thorn for
business , study or imrrliiKO.
MAItKIUl ) MEN or those enteritis on that
happy Ufa , aware of physical debility , quickly
Is based upon facts. FIrs > t 1'raotloal experi
ence. Second Hvory casolsHpeclnlly stuulod ,
thus starting right. Third-Medicines are
prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thusoflccUugciircswlthout Injury ,
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
To euro Biliousness. Sick Ilcndacho. Constipation ,
Malaria. Liver Complaints , tnku tlm safe
ana certain remedy , SMITH'S
Use the 8M ALT , SIZE < 4O llttlo ben n to ( ho bet
tle ) , They nro the most convenient : suit ullages.
i'rlcoor either slto , 23 cent * per bottle.
pnnelblio of tills plUuro for 4
cents ( coppers or stamps ) .
linkers of llllo Deans , St. Louis Mo.
" .SANA ! IVO , " the
W underfill Spaniel !
Remedy , emeu nil
NenouB Diseases ,
Buch nsVcnk Mem
ory , I.oeu of Urn In
l > onor , Henilaclic ,
WnKcfulncfs , LOB !
Manhood Ncnona-
r , - * . - ' ,
_ fore & After Use. ice , J.aeBltudc , all
IMiotugraphcu from Luc. ( Iralos and lues ol
power of the Gcncrntlve Orcstm , in cither 6ex ,
canted byovcr-cicrtlon , youthful IndlccrctfonB,01
tbe cxcce tro nte nf tobncruopliimor ttlmnla.ite ,
which ultimately lend to Infirmity , Consumption
and Insanity , put.npln convenient form to carry
In the vest pocket. .Trice $1 a packacc , or 0 for S3
Bent by mall toonyddreB , Circular free. Men
tion thin t > i > fr AUOrcEs
MiDBlDCHIXIUI.CO.1 (17 OctrbornBt. , Cblcago.IU.
Klt ) HAtWiN OMAHA , Nhll. , lV !
Kuhn & Co. Cor ilfiUi A. DouKlav Slrrela
J. A. Fuller & Co. , Cor HtliiV DOURIUH Streets ,
A. D 1'otlcr & ( kj Council ( Hulls , lotra
Eye and Ear Surgeon
1310 Douglas Street , Spoctucles accurately
Vounk. Itobxist , Noble .MANHOOD fullv re
stored \Vo \ Kuiirnntco every case or money
lufundotl , Hnmplo course , ll\o tluys' treat-
inent. tfli full coiir i1 , f" > . h'ourely sealed from
bst-rv ullon. Cook Itoinody Co. . Unialia , Neb
Ollleo , St. Clalr Hotel , Cor. ) and Dodge His
We Offer for Sale.
rourthousinrt toni cliolco n.ilod Hay , r. O
U. cars , fatranjtn1 * SUIIiw. I ilon or llomloU
btntlotwon O. .M. ftHt. I'.U. I. , in lots lo suit
purclmscr ; prleea rosulatoa by thu nurkut
OitllnndBoo us , _ _ _
Fun INDIES ON'I.V-nr. I dUQ'i Torlodlcal I'llli
tlKirriuichruincilv , net on the menstrual nyatoni and
. i'mm n
euro auppro loii iroui wliataver causo.
menttru.Uluu. 'lln ; onlll houl < l not be taken Uur-
ng pruunanoy. Am , I'lll Co , Koyaltr 1'MI'i. , Spun-
cur , Clay Co , In Genuine by bliorman A McCunnoll ,
DoO.'O ii. , near I' , O Oioalui C. A M lcliur , rtoulh
Uuialm , M , I1. lillU , Cguucll Ulua < . ( . ' , vr J lur J * .
[ s crowded with new goods for the fall , and notwithstanding the steadily advancing price of leather
we arc in a position to offer our fall goods at same moderate prices that have made our She * '
[ Department so popular in so short a time. Our stock for the fall was ordered very carl } ' , befufo
the manufacturer's thought of advancing prices ; the material was selected with care and the
Shoes were made and finished in the best workmanlike manner , and we arc now offering not
only the largest assortment , but also the best made Shoes for Men and Boys , honest goods which
me arc not of raid to back with our guarantee.
To signalize the opening of the Fall Season in this Department we place on sale to-day ,
SjOOO Pau < fine Calf Shoes , Congress and Lace , warranted Goodyear Welt at $2.50. This
s the same quality and make which we sold last season as a great bargain at $2.75. Shoes'
made with Goodyear Welt , arefully as good for wear and elasticity as Maud-sewed Shoes. The
above arc an extraordinary bargain. We know Shoe Stores would charge at least $3.50 or \ \
'or like goods.
Our "Workingman's" shoes for $1.25 , of which we sell thousands of pairs every season , arA
turning out better than ever this fall. We have placed early orders for enormous quantities an < fl
the manufacturer has greatly improved upon the make of them. No more honesf shoe wad
ever offered for sale at such a low price. It is solid leather throughout , and the make and finish
is perfect. Nothing short of $2.00 will buy such a shoe elsewhere.
In the finer grades we show an exceptionally large assortment , all styles of toes , and all
ciuds of lasts , shoes to fit any foot.
All our other departments are loaded with new goods. In every line we have putinabigstocfo
anticipating an increased trade.
Open until S p. m. Saturday , 1O p. m.
Nebraska Clothing
Corner 14tli and Douglas Streets.
The cool days of Autumn
have come and change of
costume is in order.
Men's and Boys' Fall
Suits have displaced sum
mer blazers and silk Shirts
upon our counters and in
vite your early inspection.
An exceptionally fine assort
ment of Men's Underwear
nd Hosiery adapted to the
cooler season is now in stock.
Wo do not quote the priceson
these goods as below cost for wo
frankly confess that wo are doing
business for our own profit , but wo
trust to the excellence of our poods
and the fail ness of our Method to
bring1 us reasonable returns.
Chronic , Nprvoiu , IMood nnd Snr < : li" > l nhc-x oi and
Dlneases of the Hyc , Kir , NOJO , Throat and Clioit Attcntioii to Ii"oano4 or Wo
inon nnd Children.
Tlip doctorhave Imd years nf oiperlonco In the
lionpltals of llrooklrn and Now Vork.nnd nrn amonn
the mojt successful and nldolr kr.onu spcclallJtJ la
the country.
' ! < > Vutititr nnd SIlddlc-Aaccl Mon.
Lost Mnnhood , Nenrous Doblllty. Snorimtorrlirai ,
Ecnilnnl I osioi , I'hyilrat Decnr , nrhlnx from Imlli-
cretlon , produclnit leoplc snoss , iloiponilcncy , pirn-
iilci onlno face , ururnlun to society , oailly dlscour-
niied , lack of ronlUlcnco , dull , unlit for utmir or busi
ness , timl llnds life a liurden , safely , puruianeatljr
and upceillly cured
Itlonil nnd Slcln DiHonsos.
eyplilllc , a Jhcniu most dreadful la Ut results ,
completely eradicated.
CJenito-Urlnnry HurKCP3' .
fionorrliif , Oloet , Srplillli. Hr < lrocelo , Varlrooolo ,
nnd Htrlrtiiro , radio illy iinil nifeiy cnroil wlt nit
pain or detention from Imslnois. All HcxuiU llu-
iGnultli's and ImpoiliiucnU to raarrlato auccoj fullf
" '
"jl'll leclnl dhen'DJ > folr ami pormnnontly euro t
lloiiri. U am. . tllU 1' . m Htindays , 10 till IJ.
N. II. 1'oroons uniblo to visit us inajr betroatoilat
their homes l > y correspondence. Mc.llclne ) andla-
etructlons nenlby ujproij , Consiiltillou frua
bend 4 cents lu nucnpa to Insure reply
218 Hfiron Hi St. , Opposlto noyd's
Upcrn House , Oinntia , Noll.
Graduate Dentist ,
A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber
For Five Dollars.
A. perfect ( It Ruarantcod. T'-eth extracted
without pain or dniu'Ar. nnd will out anaes-
tlietlej. Gold nnd sllvor Illllngs at lowest
rates. Ilrldpo mid Ciuwn Work. Teeth wllh-
outi > latP9. All work warruntud ,
EiitUi.oulUth street oloator ,
i until y u'eloclc.
. l.arly Ucciy and Abuio.
_ klmpoitncy , LoitVlior , ml
titltblttllyriitortd V rltoctlitnr il , P4rti BUr a ,
itr nthin d. l.wnomiIr ( " j.Hi nntfre
At the Coliseum.
Grand Concert
This Afternoon and Evening.
The Greatest Lady Cornet Soloist In the WorlcJ/Accompnnieci
by Second Infantry Military Band.
Magnificent Commercial and
Mechanical Exhibitii
Second Infantry Band Selected Programmi
The Automatic City , Costing Over $2OOOO
Many Neiv and Novel Attractions !
ADMISSION , 25 Cents
The Popular Jewelers ,
Are roooivJnB dally from the londln minuf-toturora of this
country nnd Europe , tt'l the LATEST NOVELTIES In FINE
DIAMONDS and a'l ' other proalous scon03 , tnountocl nnd
looso. GOLD , SILVER and NIOKEL WATCHES , In all trra-loa ,
for Indies and gentleman. HOWARD WATOHES A SPEC
IALTY , but-wo carry all other flrat-clasa makoa Elgin , Wal-
tham , SprintrQold , E o.
GOODS are WARRANTED. Space will not allow ua to QUOTE
PRICE ? , a ? our stcok ia too LARGE and VARIED , but como
and BOO for yourso'.voa. It will oB5 you nothl IB to LOOK.
Visitors are always WELCOME , and should you WISH to buy ,
wo will make It an object for you to DEAL WITH US. Wo
are showing HUNDREDS of articloa miltnbo ! for WEDDING
and other GIFTS , at prices ranging from $1 up to 81,000.
All our customers are TREATED ALIKE , whether their <
purchases b3 SMALL or GREAT.
SlxLaonUi and Karnam SlrooLs , Omaha. Nob.
3" ESTABLISHED 18(36. (
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Ii ulllloittrlni will
' - Oatirrli
ol nf
u I fa !
10a.m. turn loU u.