Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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    Hi I
A pVEllTISTJIENTI for th colons will
-c JMiO taktn until 12DO p. tn. . tot theeron nr
edition and unlll 8:3) ) p m , tor Ibe norulnj
ERMS-Caah In adraneft
charred font the rates o ( IVicent. ptr wcnl
t or Ilio Crit Imertlon and Icent per word ( or
Cb BUlMHiLunt inicrtlon. andll-'Oiier Una
r month. No ndrertliemenl taken for
mthniiJl conti forthu first Iniertlon.
TKITIAll , ngurcn. Ijrnbols , cte , count each
aiuno word.
fTMIESK adrfttlvncnti most run consew
-JUtlrely and under no clronmltarcoi Kill
th y ! > < > taken or discontinued lijr telephone.
PARTIES ndrertlVns ; In the i coltimns and
bar In ? their Rnsucrs nddrr * < c < l toa"ntim-
bortcl lotlnr" Incaroof THE Uu will rccrlro
a numbered check toonallo tliura to set tlielr
1 otters. Ancient will bo delivered onlyon
prtiont ntlon of thliclircV. Enclose ausvcrs
in envelope * properly addrc3 e l.
AM < ndvertl'omrntH under the hoail of
ti'8pcclal Notl' ; s"aro published Inliothlhe
tnornlnsaad erenln ; edition * ol Tiir.IlKi : . the
circulation ol which ncjrezalfJ mom tliin
20,000 pnpcr dally , mil jU'cs tbo udrortuer
thtbonrfit notonlyfil thoUrKCClrculatlonnJ
TinltRxIn Oinaliu.butntioln Council TlluC * .
incoln mid olherollles and ton < Inlho viett
Micio columni wlllba tnltn
entho ntiovo rondltlonx. ltlu3lollovilri tiinl-
BtH houses who aroauttiorlzccltutalrnpacKl the tanit ratis as can bad utthe
/niln olHro.
icrt N Btrcct. Lister Jllock .
_ _
JOHN IV. HELL , I'iurmaclst , O ) SoutU Tooth
itre l.
_ _
IIAHE & WIIY , Btntlonori and Printers ,
113 South ICth street.
a1 Ingitrect. ! pAnif SffOHTII , riiarmaclst. J115 Cum-
J.llUdllES. rharrnaeIstC34 Horth l th
> alrcet.
IKO. w. PARK , 1'hamiaclat , 1718 Learen-
J worth street.
3FT UGIIHS' rilARMACY.ZUhand 1'arnam.
I'wratei , ttc.uc topof
-A place In a dairy.
41 lice J1U3-J-2'
oxporU-ncod irivplllnjman wants njob.
ooil ri'i'oninieiiil.itloiH. Can ndapt lilni-
bdf to most linos. F , Cook , St. Clalr hotel.
" \ VAlSTBDltyynuntrlidy. . n position nsor-
ii gauSt In I'rotestnnt cliiirvh : havu had
ntoyonn' experience InKplseopal and other
cliurx-lios ; alio , \ > oiild like more ; pupils In
piano ororiran music ; good icfonwoAd -
Ureis LM.1 , Hce. MJ75-7'
" \\TAMRD-Mttulloii a ? manager of hotel.
i or-eiorlc.ltust. of references ; 10 ynirs'ux- '
pcrlcnc'e , Addrcssl'i' > , lice. 1 > 3'J MO *
CITITATIQS in oBlfo or us clurk or inolc-
KJ kpttier rjya Rood pugmanand accountant.
Good references. Address I * 3.1 , llee.
f > \ ' a jouiicinari.n position asstonoffraphcr.
Jl > Hasha < lsoniecxp > rl < inc < i and can fur
nish muchliic , Addrrsi 1'SO ' , llee. S1917- ! "
S"IT1'TAT1OX wauled by a man liivliis 20
j"ou * oaporlonco In rotall shoe business.
Add re11' KJ lleo. VZl an1
"T\rAIiTED-lOHlilon liy seamstress In prlv-
f > u.te family. SIJi llarney. M i < u-B
" \\rA > TED-l'oltlon as hotisokeepfr for
M widower , Address 1 > 29 lice.
"TV nynungniana' coachman In n prk.ite
J > family. Address oreall on U , P. llcrlul-
Bon , 10Ot.Vorth24Ulst. > 1 7H7-3 *
* T ITMtlKUMAN vrinta situation ; clsht jcars
JUoxprrlencoJn retail business aimameur
nnd boolkoeper. Address room 8 , Cltv hloon ,
Xlncolti , Neb. 7a" 1'
rAI\TED-A " position by a lady of
eihe as stenographer and typewriter.
l'X lleo. C . - > -I
2'crrati , ttc.tet tapof Jlnl column
"IVT ANTED-"Forwnr lor" toworlt In bltul-
xT crvjmustbe * obcr nnd lndiiatrlnn < - Ad
dress Telegraph. Atlantic , Iowa. M 078-3 *
V" AM' ED- i-ustlliie Vounij in anfor ofllco
work. ( Jail today after ! ! . Itoom 407. fc-lieely
_ _
\yAriTED-Salcsmen to sell nursery stoclc
TT on conimlsslou or iilurn outtlts fur
nished to oxpurUnccd men ; roforencea ro
qtilreU. Address llrowort Stannard. Ottawa.
liansas. JI077-3'
- llroom-inakcrs. 1317 Chicago
street. MCI74-J *
\fA.NTfcn-Elo\atorhoy. Mnsfcbe our 15
years of ago. The lloston Store.
I wnntetl. Two with tool * . AI > -
Ply arly to liruili EleutrloCo.N. V.LIfo
' 1'
druj clerk , oiiowho
cunsluopla store nnd Is not afrnld of
norlc ; wages HO per veok. Address , statins
ago andexptrlonce , 1' % lice. ixci I *
men of experience
ussollcltors. Call m ! p. jn.,3ai4Suvrtrdst.
\7ANTED-Yo init ninn to receive Iiistrtie-
> li tlon * and takesot nfbooVs to Icop. J. B.
. BmltU.M ) Now York Ufobulldlnff. tW W
- . . 11 rnol for ourUitmdlnti
i urserks.St < ) uc&\YeltlustonBladl oii.\V"ls
"AX/ANTED-IOO laborers for tonoand srado
IT work. Apply to I' . II. Johnson , Union
liassonjer ilcpot , Omalia S73
AM'KD-50 team * to work oiuradcand
IT haul brlilge tlmbor. Apply at ! < iiiltli.Gil-
Ictt & Co. s catup two itillea oust of rapllllon. _ ]
\ yAXTEIMt iiti > 8elllinoof clsws ;
IT un < l c-vpcnies. Address , wltb
ctiinip , UlolioUlgiirCoiiipany t. loutsMo.
A SA l.KSM A > - Wanted for 1 1 lie o f cigar * ;
s5porlnonth ; and expenses. A < lilrosH ,
vlth utamp. Sumatra Uljar Company , Clileago ,
m KIT.-1'
salary or coinmis-
slon to handle the new pitent ehcmlcal
Ink ernsliiK pencil. Tlmsrea.tnt si'lllns nor-
clty o erprojiiced. Krasos Ink tboruiiKlily In
two seconds. No abrasion of piper , SOOto 500
jierooiitprolll. Ono iiKfnt's sales ninouiiU'd
toMZHJIn six days * ; another tof.EJ In two
IVo want ono enerKutlo general agent for
each tilato and territory. Hamplo by mall a.T
tfnt.s. For \erni.satid full particulars hddrpsi
Tlio iloaroe Eraser MfK. * Jo , Lat'rosso Vila.
AXTED-Mon and women of ability In
* Mcry city , town and villa R to act as
itcnt-i for tlni I.inllc-,1 Home Journal , Wo
want tlio bestDbtalnabloclast of BgQutsand
tohiicluituisunl terms , Mil bo offered. The
Journul N llioua.iid omc t periodical for la-
illes and the fatully over Issued and has noar-
lyhalfft uillllon nibnvrlben. It will licnd-
\ertl fd thecomln ; aulunin and winter on a
l rjiertralo than ever hofote , crcatln a do-
nmnd Hint ace tils bhntild bo rondy to ail.
VurttsrnullihlnRCo. . I'liUadclpnia. '
HrAXTKIwSalfsiuento carry sldo line , le-
TT fltliuiito bmlnesa wltli Jrtic trade ; bis
comiiikiloin , Apply to Mercer Chemical Co. ,
( jnlncy , III. M"1"
rtlTYsalesmaQ. Omnha khlrt facto rr ,
U rarnnm 310
OOATMAKEHS-Wanted. 2eoatiimkersifoo < l
pay nnd Heady work to Una-class work-
men. Audit ) & Ilro. . Central Olty , Neb.
751 S *
\\r XTEH-Gofld corulco worV-crt and tin-
' ! ni'rs. Moailjivork. Apply toO. Hneoht ,
eil-0188. Uth st. rJJiii
"TTT ANTEO-Kifly uitn for traoVluyln ? , C
T > Jt. I. 4:1' . Uy , App'y Ueulsvllle. Nib.
v Ttu ;
WT-ANTK1) ) Aetho men wltlj roferenco.
M JiletroixilltaiiMfe.00..1CIX ) llovardst.
M O 81 *
WAXTED-AKCnts Dy tlia Equitable llfo
Insurance eompuny of low u. Uood tur-
Itory. favorjblo contractH and nbsolulo se
curity to nolli-j lioldora am Induecments
offered , I. V Martin , superIntoudtnt of asen *
Clca , 1K' < Molues. la. M G.S1 U 24'
BO\S and plrls wnniod at Murphy. Wasej
& W * ehalr factory. M0901 *
TAXTED SO teams to work on fraao ami
. ' litul brldso timber , Apply at camp , two
wllcaiast cft'apillion. CIO >
f w AXTEl > 1,000 men for rew railroad work
InOrcjon and VVashlniton Tcr. Work
will hit t\royoir : pocxl waca guaranteed ,
Albt-lfht Labor \ji-nci' , 112J I'ariiam st , Mti > J
"l\7"/XTKlV-8alesmen to sell Rooil * tonier-
i chanUi by smiiotot salary ] ) tld te see < l
mon ; umplri furul hi-dioriiuncnt | situation ,
llodel JlanufacturliiB Co. , fioutbltonil. Ind.
707 SB *
For ra'i ( , ctt , , * f toy of fnt ccluniu on t/ib | KI < J
\VTANTEl ) TorciiC liy practical fariiier 100
TT acres veil Improved ; must l wltlilu It
Omaha. H. It. Molds.Me , ! bhcely block ,
f'tr ralw. ett iff lap of Jlrrt c ilumn or f/itt
\\7ANTEIt-Gofxi girl for Reneral house-
T vork. must have reference. Oall at 82
loutliHth t. iva-S *
\V7 AXTED I rf niakprs nlsolapprentice
TT girl atMlssMlimlclc'a. Ifit I avonworth
Jt. KA-l *
\\TAXTEII Voiinu hily to kecpofllco fora
IT scnpral itit-nocrnpln-r. t're * Instruction
In shciitha.u'1 and typewriting. Addren 113 ,
llee. KOg *
GOODplncoforjirllor bousowrk. l l St.
M try's nil' . pil-5 *
Grilli for srrncrnl hou nrU > ItfferonceJ
reiulrcd , 17tflHodge at. UJI-a *
\\rAXTKIl A eonipctent clrl for ceneril
IT lioti-toirnrk. 1'anilly of two. Applymorn-
Ings CCI S. iMh M , HVi
flTUOcoiiipotentRirliwanted utilrt'd , St.
JCiriuanpiofcrruil. . K 'rcrenocs required ,
\\f ANTED-A. xood plil for general lioisse-
T V work. JIT % llarney. PM 1 *
\\rANTI.ll-Glrl for ccncral lioirorli
T T Must bo good cook. Apply IS * I'ark a c.
V\"AN'TrI ) n peed dining room irlrls at
V fjrt'lnd-orjiotcl. il Jrn-3
BI8I01IT yotini ln < ly wanted to get sub
wrllicn fi > r HID Omalia Kxoehlori .VI per
ccntcominli-ilon. Apply 113S ICtli st. Mil3
AfiOOD girl for housowork. Good wacei ,
7\lrs. Diiinont , Mil Lafayette avenue , for
merly 1'aulst. tfit
PCT utef , tit. , reclni > nf firttmttttmon tklf
FCIiNl allCl ) toonmrlthlioard. Old to. TUIi
st , UW-2 *
front room for one or tno
JKcnts : nil niodrrn e-orivenlonccs : strlelly
prlvato : rent rpatontiblc. saw Douglm. W'
TlOlt KKXT A furnished room with heat
- ami iiieof lojth. MS sWthst. . , eornor it.
liary'save. VTJ-4
POI ! HUNT I'urnMied roorusigas.b.tth sind
ateaiu.lilO llo nrd. b74
RT.C'LAIU nuropi nnliotel\vltlulliilnf room
Mteaui heat In all looriii , llltliuntl Dixljc.
i-petlal rates b > eo1 < or niotitli. 873
HEXT Furnished roorn , ICOO Douslas
LA'.lfJE nlco roorn , comcnlenccs ; board It
tlttlred. KM S. 17th st. Tr7 ! S *
" 171UHNI llHI ) niotm with s-'a . batii and fur-
JL ? nicohuac : ifltliorvllhoutboanl. . S , E.
cor.25th live , and llmney. tnUU-ij *
Foil UKXT A n Icily furnlslied front room ,
suitable for two ccntleinvn , with boml.
1'u.rniin anil STlli avub. r".cor. fc7J-2 *
POR IlKXT Two fine front moiinj steam
heat. 10s > .l th st.Htllloor. ! t-S S
1KJI Drxl.'o street , furnlslied moms with < u-
porlor board ; table boarders aieoiumo-
POi : ItKN'T Nuwly furnished roonn : cry
reasonable to sentlenicii. Ill S. nth a c.
Kfl-5 *
HANDSOME rooms , also table loird. lit !
Chk-aso. 2T7-01'
POIl llKNT-IIatidsonie furnished rooms.
. , neir bnirdlin houses and
iicnrrurnaiii st. Address I14 , Ucu olllce.
POIt UHXT Xowly furnMicil looms , vlth
lioanl , 1C17 UoJrebultablo for a or 4
gentlemen. Modernconvctiloncis. 811-'J/
N ISM El ) rooms to ru-ut. 1711
JP Morthst.
3IOOrviSfor ! hoinckeeplni or man and wife ,
.rint ttila-ri Inboard. iltO.N. 17th st. 783
"VTE\V and olcsantly furnlslied rooms ; sis.
-l- > bath nndntani lieat. 709 S.16th st.Sfl , lloor.
FOR RENT rurnlsued roouii. ITS Canltol .
O KOOMf , light lioiisoteoplng , H--J3 N _ fflth.
FOIt HENT Neatly furnished rooms with
board,2D1 ! > California st. ( K5-3O'
TVTICJE room ; stonm heat. 1719 D.ivonnort
Jstreet. . fiS-O4
"TJOOMSand board 1310 Chicago street.
JL1 400-30
FUKNPHKDor unfiimUlicd roonuwltlicas
bat hand heat. ICcfercnces , 2 5li ) Ilarncy
street. MT18-2'
FRONT room suitable for gentleman. 1312
Hod ETC. 14C
Formte , ctc. , uttopot firti column < i ( Ala
6110OMS. unfurnished A ronsm furiiKheil for
rent InDuggan bloclc.cor. ILttliand 1'afllif.
T710R RENT arouni * . unfuriilslied.510 X.lltli
J2 St. . prleo SI2M : will rent toculored people.
Aiiply toil. > ' . Martin. 7M N. litli t.1. KJl
3HOO3b for small families. JJund 111. atGOS
.lltllst. : 11 i'
/ \VEU stove store. Id Howard
n lir.NT-Sultc of 4 unfiirnlslioil rooms
for liouekooiliis. | to family wltliout
ehlldi-eii.irte ffebster Ht. XJ3
Formtefttc. , itttopof jiml column
STOUT ! Tor Kent-1514 Dodpo .st. 0 has. W
liimey , aiSOmahi National bankbldi ; .
T7IOU llENT-Ilrlck vrnrolioiiw. t o stories
JL : and basement , 27,000 winuro foot , with 100
fcctot double truck onU. I.ullvuy. south
) tliiind i'lvxco streets. Addresa ti Oik
Omaha. Neb , b'JO
STOIliyatTOO S ICth , SOxbO oach. luce thow
. fcleam heat furnlslied. Tlios.
H all , ail I'nxtou block. bO-J
TjlOU UENT-Storc , lOSllft
TjlOR RENT The nest desirable bti lneslo-
Jcation ? In Omaha fur dry coals store , oloth-
1ns , boots and shots , RrOforlus hardware or
furniture. Hints very rea oiiabl . 1'ossesnlon
Kl > ea iLtonce or Ueceinborlst. The I'air'sllvo
stores : vlll rent sc-parately or tiltoscthcr , J.
Li. llraiidels Af ons , Uth und Howard.7M
7M O Si )
nptllJ ItnNT-Metropolltan hall , llth and
JIkxlKc.for ? balls , parties and wctldliiKs lth
orlthoiit \ \ supper nioin. Terraj reasonable ,
Georgn lleyn. JI3 S 13th st , KT-OJ1
"IJ10H JlENT-lltiHoraent , cheap , corner Sltli
J-Jand Ix avonffortlists. 1 ao1
R UENT-Thcy 4-story brlekbuIMlns.ivlth
- or without power , formerly occupied ! > y the
IU > el'ul : > lMi1iiCo..01t } KarnittiMt. The bulld-
IiiKhas afire-proof cementbahinu'nt.coniplcto
bUuiu lieatliixllxturesater on all the lloors ,
Ka .etc. Apuly aC Ilio olUco ofTho llee. 015
T7IOH ISENT-llullillaR x2t ft , 4 stories and
JL ? basement , on Jonc.i btreut , liotweonlOtliand
llth , with It. It.truukln alloy ; best location In
tbocltv for wholesale. Innuiro Ultl S 15tn at.
G. A. Hindciulit. Ml
fnrmtetrtc. . xe top nf flrA column nnlhlx
H , . Colts rental a iit.ConUiieulal blk.
Sll. > 'lBr.l)5-Uflal estate broker and rental
i ; special attention Khun toBalennd
rontlnff of farm laud ] EtrJiheely block , Omaha ,
Keb. *
_ _
T , 1ST your liotise to sell orrutit. with 0. F.
JUllurrlsoii. til N. V. Life. ISi
E , I' . Oxik. rental aeenoy ; Inans , mortciso *
Ixiught. tnxos paid UIM oolloctlont. liooia
. V. L. bulUllii ! ! . M teJ O a'
T 1ST your houscawItUShaw'irental ascner.
JUW4 S.wth .st. U1O. ti
'rt , ctc.Ke tnpof frtt t V mit on
irrnuhicYorUL"Xew ( Vork ) for October :
nuttotlay : Inralunble ; ten cents. All iiews-
dralon > . ocvti couipaiir , ecncrul
f OSEl'll E. I'ray ( formerly county dork oC
cl tarpj Co. . Xob.l , or friends , plouse sent his
present ad drtsj to S,2 5 Douglas at , Omaha.
Fliuncial you , 7W
. . Kf top ofirst coluinii on fhMioe. \ .
Jlchaned , ruutoU , J. I1 , 31ojeathltW7 , I'ur-
am strtet. 8W
rilVl'E for rent or sale.
JLraph - buppllci. J.P.Mcceatli,10Wl' rtiam.
far ra'e > , etc. , tt > t p orit column on t.1 la foot.
"I71lii : ) MOIll.K loans money 011 diamonds.
JatthMJc elri\itc.t.K.ccirrarDanKMlth.
BUN K. Marti , "yearsrith Fred Molilo.
loans ma do on tlliuionls. watches. Jewelry
and articles of value. 1115 l-'aruain it. 'J
for rattt. ett. , re. ( vpof / /ntcotiimncn \ \ _ ptio&
HEJ < T O-rooni flat , Ind floor ; ranjre
.1 and all other eonvcnlcncos , 833 | 7KI8. 10th
street. U cor go Clousor. D37-0 *
Q-IIOOM hou e. M andPuralngS33pcrinonth.
Oc. lj * . Harrison , til N' . V. Life. 7P
TOIt ItENT Hoitso.8 roonn , peed laundry.
J- ' Inquire llobtrurvlsS4tlikSt.JIarj' a-e.
" ] 71OF IIEXT A < tx-room house near nusinow
J. renter , fji ) . Mead Investment Co , Bee
litilldlnj. 631
"UOIl RKST My residence , furnished or nn-
Jtfurnl.tlied. for winter or longer : drslralile
location. .Mrs. ai.KIguttcr.HU ! S. lOtlict.
IP VOU wlih to rent a house or store nee II ,
R. Cole , Continental block. > T
"filOH HKSr To rc ponslblo parties only ,
Jthoio line new brick and stone houses on
Georgia avenilul fifteen rooiii * end alcoves ;
inori' convcnli'ncrs and bolter finished thnn
any lieu e for rent In the city. 11.11 , llcndor-
eon , 4oal'alon block , city , 884
rr-noOM hou o with lurn : nominal rent , C ,
I V. 1 Inrrlson. Oil N. V. llf o. 870
for Kent 2l WOn st.SIOS Caw St. ,
ut . lOniulll rooms ; nil oonvcn-
lencex , \V.lliiltiey.3UOmahi : National
bank liillldlmC. . K
_ _
HA. M' ofdnuWocotlaee : four rooms , three
eloscts.pintry. bay window , cellar , well ,
c'sti-rn ' , cooil outlioii'i's. Uun nil round ,
motor Iwo blocUt , Nice homo for good ton-
ant. llentil.l. Cor. : tvli Jg Jitekson. blJ-2 *
HOlt ISK > 'T 0 room hou-so , all modern con-
vetilonccH. Incliidlnea jjooil stabli' . Capitol
nrotitic. near tliclilcli huol ; rent mixloruto.
II. J O'Doiuhoc , IBJI Kariiiim st. Ml
incm 1CEM' 1'iirnlshcd scvuii-rootn house.
-I : 'JO-JOSt. Jlary'savu. KI7
llousu with In 2 blocks of 1 * . ( ) . .
. and part of furnlturo for s.ilo. . Uooms
rented pays rent of house. Address I131. liu1.
FO11HKXT Cheapa eomfortahlo 3and5-
room lioiise , li'W S 21j = t , bet. Center and
iriOUKKM Ten-room duelling 2011 Ilnr-
J. ncy wtieet nil modern Improvement * ,
ooolclmr iamro and double heater sots wllli
theliouie. MO Dr. Nodllo , 1IOJ llousla st.
TpOllREXT 10 room honie. modern con-
J. vviilciicc * . only six blocks from posl-
nnii-o fcftOO
r > iooms oiiPoth : ind Kurnan IMOil
TIUUIIII oiiHicrni'in : iiu 3H.CI1
4roouif iiiiMiermati uvi I'-VHl
'Jrixjmi otiMainli't onit l < iOO
S rooms on OUp-k and 17th "it T < 00
Omalia Hcjl litateATrustCo,4 , , Dec bid ?
_ . JSUEST Hy Oct. 13 , fnrnUhed house ,
-tllSfet. Mnrv'iiiivo. 714 1"
\\7"ASTKI Tenants for tlu'soncw nnd mnd-
x ern IIOIHOSOU'Jiitli and llarney st . lu-
l > ret hon-i's and then make mo an oiler.Ytii. .
.1 I'jiul. lent ) I'lirnam st. T l
TJ1OHKENT New 0 room htnisi' . nil-modern
I ? Itiipnuementi. i-entril location , only IX )
A. P.Tuki-y , New Vork Life.
SEVnN-room hou- . * ' . IStlmnd Vlnton.ilG.
7-rooin hoii'-oSTithand Mlaml.M'-.1.
8-room housi'.aith nnd Oaldwoll , * .
7-rixim liou--t : Wih nnd OarllchtlO.
5-room lioti-e. Mncoln plice. * IU.
J. 11. Johuson.Ml ) 1'aUon block.
POI ! KENT Two 3-rooin houses and ono C-
rooin house. Apply at 3114 b'raticlsst. . west
sldoof llnnscomp.irk. l 'H
P | \TS. steam hp.iletl. 7W S. ICth Thos P.
Hill , ail I'liston llk. ) IvVi
PO1I KENT T-rcmnicottases. Hath nnd nil
moderncornetilencos. reiidyln few dajs.
t ! . S. Flsutter , 4K Tlrst Nat'l bank. 5IJ
7" UOOM. new lion--e , lop | > leton , I'ark. 125 }
furnuuo. bntli , city utpr. : iirconvenlerices.
J , A.bniiderland , S. K. corlGth and
PO11 KENT Ilou , o,36tli and Cnldwell. 110.
: cnl nndJoiips. * 11. aiJ Davenport. Ul ) .
\V. \ L.Selby.ia. HJ Trade. 4f. :
POH KENT Ono Hat In Iho Unton blockon
tne2dlloor. 0 rooms , stenin hetit , newly
papered , sr.ito In parlor. All In Rood order.
Inquire ofJohn lliiinlln. In the block , corner
of IDtli and MiihOti sts. , room U17. M4I6-
Have several 3 and 4-room
, centnil , with city water , sotvoraso ,
ctc..nt from * S to31(5 ( per month. Uutts' lient-
hiff ngeney'JSJ S l > thst. EOOo 1 L
FOR KENT N'eat4-roo ncottnse.clty wsiter ,
IHinllcsfroml' . a 13. C. 1'attoMn. IJli )
ruriiam. 151
OCT. 1st , building on N. E. cor. 10th and
llouRlas. 2 basetiu'nt'i , 2 stores , nnil 7
ttM > iuupbtulrsIM. Mrs. KuhliniiiHi , It and
V'liiton W31
FOR RENT A house of all convenience : * ,
centrally located. Inquire 7U N 19th st
Forrntrx. etc. , ptetnp < > f Jinlmlumn nntUs
WANTED To purchase business for cash ,
for IV ) ) , must IH > ulicap. bear Inspection
antlconfidcntials. Address I * -t > , lt lo.
Al CT-1 *
\\7ANTED To buyItOO yanls of dirt afcllth
T T and Lake fits. Alluresstatin * . ' price , 1'
1.X Tlia Hcc , M DTS-1'
Dltl'GS-I want a. good stock of Uruiis for4 !
cash nnd' real estate. Write full p-irtl-
ctilars. iook box 1"4.Superior , Nob. ltr : . ' *
\\7ANTED McloiirIota m suburbsof city ;
T V give location and price. Address , ! ' 7llee.
ANTED A &MXM to r.,000 stock of nidse.
foroash nnd good property. Adilross O
f > 7 cconice. BU7-1
WANTEli Householdscooas of all kinds.
Cashnala for second hand cools. Gate
City Auclliin Co. L'l and 215 H. l.'th Ht. 74001 *
For raltj * , etc. . ttt tovnf colrimn < Ihw ] Hfl
W ANTED Grndliis to do forpil\ato
parties. Address orcall 13 " S..tlthst.
M Ml-7 >
WANTED Horsrsto winter. AVolliavotho
boat accommodation In the state for wln-
terln ? aiulpa-.tuiliis horses ; can furnish boxer
or Mii lo stall , tftnbles and pastures only
seven miles from center of Omaha. Apply to
Windsor. K 'tiip& Co..M > c\v YnrU LlfolildR. .
or toCJhrlsXe > lns ut tho.stablcs , Irvlnalon ,
Xali. Ml-ll'
PHVSIC'IAX wantid la ctod location. I'rac-
tlce wurth I..3O1 a jear. Address S. J.
lladley , Atllnatnn , Xeb. M 764-3'
H OUSKS wauti'd'o \ -want thirty houses to
ri-rit. Uuiaha Itcal Estatoand TrustCo. ,
For rales , rtc. . etc /op / ofInt column on Ihb jw } * .
\\70UKliorsoMO.two horse waon SJ.doublo
V T vfork , harness 115. Or will trade fur a
Rooilllulilsldobur buggy , II. K. Cole , Contin
ental block. & 90
H OKSE3J.V ) and up. II. E. Cole.
"ir\OUH tennis , light mules ; ono lieiu-y JSCO-
JL : raund horse. Uoora 13 , Board of Trade.
riTWO bay ponloa , biiRKy and harness , cheap.
JU or what have you itot to ollor In trade ?
Double cottase , cor.Kth and Jackson. ba-- ) > *
ijlOU SALE The best family liorso In the
J city. Also four-year-old horse , spirited
and jood all round , Daviea llros. , IHtliand
Chicago SU. M 700-3
\ TIUEwoodtop wajon. 1512 Dodge st.
J. > 84(101 (
FOR SALE Scood work teams. Inquire at
OH 1'ustou blk. 4S
Foriufrxtlr , , ttttoitof Jlntcaiumn ontlikpi7 _ _ _
UUNITUHE. householdBOOd5etc. lUshnst
cash price. 1111 Ftirnam. J > TT
hard coal stoves , have only
JL lien iispd meryBliortllnie I'hUStlriimel ,
Oil und OUJoncisU oreoutliwostcorSth ) Cass.
Foil SAUE--Choap--The furnlturo in the
house , No. Islrt iMiiRlas Streot. for .sale ,
and bouaa for rent. Enquire on the promises.
071 oil *
Foil SALE 1'lirnltnro and busliicfi of 3-
rootn hutel In Lincolndolnif ffood paying
-i. lu-stof rcusoinfor scllliij , Terms
il.V. \ . l-'olsorn. llncoln.
t'tloimfint column onlhts ma * .
TVfADAME Stover of St. Louis , the woudor-
J-TJful card reader , has returned , to the city ,
and will flvo perfect satisfaction onallaf-
fulraof llfo. till and l o uonvlnoiHl , Ladlos.
CO cti. ; Rentlomrn , SI. Ko.3 ! .N , lOtUst..rcHitn
10. Hours from 9 to .
Mild. . N\NMK V. WAItHK.N , eUlrvoyant
- trance , siwakliu , wrltlns and rulfablo
bu laussmfdfuni,4 years In UuiaUa. 11) N. ICth.
6 > J
/1IAIKVOVANT Jlaaaui Uclaer.ovor 010S
V Uth , tJCOO *
Tor raltt. etc. , tre tafof : firt folumre unlhii PCKW
"If ONEV tolonnby 31.V ) .tlmtcnon chattel
J.11 and collatoraUccurlunv XJratij time from
one to sit months In any a mount to suit bor
rower. . J
Lonnsmadeon household , ods , pin new. or-
Kans , liorsf'fl , tnulc , houses. loiues , warehouse
receipts , etc. , nt the low.oM posslbln rites ,
without publicity or rcntoval of property.
My loans are poarranjod that you can make
apaytnent of anynmount nt anytime and
reduccbotliprinciple anil Intercut ,
If you owe a bnfanco on jour property or
liive aloin you wish cliimzed , Iwlfl pay it
olfanil carry It ( or you. If y n flail It more
convpulcnt , call ut > Ulcpl , ono > 'o. 1G2L and
j-our limlncMcan fie nrhthsed athome.
Money always on hand , No delay. Diopuu-
llclty. Lowest rates. 1
II , P. Master * .
Room MVltlincllbllr. , 13th , and Ihrno.vntg.
\fO > 'KV toloanon real estite ifiipplled for
JLMioii. bv Midland tluaranteo anil Trust
Co. . basement N. V. Life. l > Cli'
/"lOMMEliCIA Li and Kfncral hott time paper
V/lwiiitht / : ahoreirnlarSyoarloatunii Improv
ed property.Oco.K. liit , & Co. 'JWUnmpcbklg
CUATTEMank.31 ) < ) MSthn. . loans money
on UnitteUor collateral ntreasonablcratus
lillUST ! i secondmortitaues onvacant Itn-
Jproted city prop , i'ountywarrants. IWIIRlit
Jluneyonliand. r.M.UIchardson.SU N.V. Llfo.
" \ro > 'KV i ) . CO or W days on furniture ,
-I'MI,11101 ' , torsosboi'.iW.oto. J. J\VIUIason' '
CIS Pastoirbloclc.
IjllHsT morlfraRelomi ! at low rates nnd no
J-1 dolay. H. V.SholcsCo. , 210 1stXat'l bank'
LOAXS-Cltv nnd fannloans , morlKagc paper
bought. McCairue > Investment Co. tWS
"I T"XUStT.AIiLV low rates
U of Interest onfirst mnrtsipev of Improved
real estatu for the next 00 dijs bythis Kansas
City Investment Co. lioom 30 , Hoard of Trade ,
J.H. Teasemanager. too
" \fO.NCV toloanon tiny Mcurlty
i'-L for liort tlmuat low
rate * , lowest rates
on | icrsoiial'property
Tlio Ilendi'Moii , Murtta | ! < Investment Com
pany , room 400,1'axtoii ' hi I. . 010
BITIMHNG loms : tnailo at lowest rate * . AV ,
M.Harris , room 2O. 1'remer blk. , opp. I' . 0.
I'hlladelphla MortaKe and Trust Co ,
al\ra\s ready to loan nnd mv promptly ; lint
mort aKPwtinti'd. . Georjce\v. \ I' , Coates. rcn-
ret-etitatlvc , room" , board of trade. 01U
RKAL Katito loans-Cash on lurid , Glolio
Loan ft Trust Co. . ! " S. ICth St. , Nodolay ,
no e.xtra charges , llot es for rent , Rood Ihl.
OU& O..M. A NTH ON" V. "IS K.Y. UfcbulH-
. Ins , lend money on farms In choice conn-
ties of Xcbraska nnd Iowa ; aNo on Kx l
Utnitlii residence property ; lowest rates ; best
terms ; no dolny : money rc.idy. Titles nnd
valui'ipl3 : < cd onl.oro. 014
KKVSTOSEMortKiice Co-Loans ol } 10 to
SI.OOJi pet oiirrutct before tjorrovrlnR and
s.ivo money ; loans on horses furniture or any
approved security vrllhont pulillclty ; notes
bought , fornnivloa onoval of old und loir-
cst rates , call K.S03 ' cely MU..15tli& . Howard.
T\7"ANTri ) L'lrst elisa Imldcloins. Loxvost
' rates. Call and Re us. Mutual Invest
ment Co. , 1X11 F.iriiain. 'J10 '
EASTRltN money toloanon city property !
inortgasc paperbougJiLti ll.ll.lrey , ? ! , ) .I lfe.
* " 017
TTTIj lonnsatlowRst rates. "Hcmoved
l. N. V. Life , bldg. J II. Enimliigcr.
- < * . " Ul
FrilST rnortjraso loanshii liuprovecl and xin-
Ijnpttjved pniporty. Clinrles \ . Italney-,315
Omaha Nutloiial batiklmUdlnp. bST >
MONEV loaned nt low rates on furniture ,
horses , kc . wlthoutt publicity. Ilawkeyo
InvcsttncntCo. ut Douglas bllc.ltitu aud Dodgo.
BUILPINO loans , OtOy7aier cent ; ro addi
tional cbai'Ke i for couitnlvsion or attorney's
fees. W. II. Slelnle. 1'lrst National bank bldf.
EASTERN' nioney toloan ) lowest- rates ; no
delay : hr oloaiisanpcclaltyi short time
naporbotiKht. Chiuihi | iypjtgajc Co , ground
iloorChaniberofUoium t ; < ; . 021
Applications for loans of 5100.
. , . _ . . ; ( XKand ) lnt iuudJ ) U ; timoitnU.
OOP. J. I'aul , IC.O FaiinmH : ' TiKJ 2
MOXnV to Io.m nt all tluiea on deslranlo
Improveil propertyln Omahn Tiomonfya
\ * hero and their tire no duliys , us we ctmnlnu
thu nr | : rtr ntid tltlooursclvea. Itatea. Smith.
& ( Joiwc ; lariiaiii at. Xa oil
rilO LOAN Ji.OOOitS percent. C. ! ' , Ilarrl-
JL son. Oil N. Y. Life , Wi a )
IOSEY to loan. Corrcspontlcnt of I/otnbnrd
luvos'lCo. bhrl\cr i : Iluriisrrcii7or , Ink.
tt 08
lo.inson eltjr uroperty k collections
v/prompt attention. A.crLarscni.KCl K.V. ilfo
For rate. ' ' , ctt. . ret top ofrst codmm on Hit * -pnne.
WArsTHI ) Stock nt cciieral nulio , Invnlc-
liiK R'OJO totlO.OCO , for cliolid Otiinliu Im-
pro ctl property and tush. Address 31 ai. lct. !
V\7ANTKH llorso Jind bit Ui' In otolninjo
> r fur clear lots atidciiiiltio * . i'UUco.rt4
* -rt4
WANTED Clear lot * , for furniture , pl-
iino. her eutiil rjns5 > ' , whip ? , rotas , otc. ,
etc. , or Irnprovcil property. Address , I14. Jlee.
A GOOD Improved Netaislcn farm to ox-
clianjo forllrst-clu > uprljilit piano. M-
ilro itit once , ArthtirC. Uroistiiati , jMkluson ,
Nebraska. 7 ? S
, Inoutxldo tonns orlandlri cx-
oforOmalincimltlca in homes und
lota. Aililresa. I'O , lice , 0704
) EItONAI < property wnutoil for elcnr lots
and equities. A.ddrt < < $ , 1 * 5. Hoc. 704
A7\VO-story \ nntt basumcnt lirlck store
Imllcllii' wllh ninety-nine yoir Broiintl
lease , for a stock of hunlwnre aail.sto\cs.
Addn s C. K. 49Beilcral Uellvor ) ' . Oil
TO EXCHANGE llor e and jihuoton forlot
In Walnut Illll. Clifton Hill or "Hakcr
I'lacc : " ulll nnytlllToroiioMf any. Jnniilruof
E. O. .Merrill. Uasi anil 4U1 , lfj0'
FOIt EXUIlAXOK-Elclit tiuilN Tor Omaha
real ostit.It. . 1 . Uoanl of Trailo. 4'fi
Vorrate * . dc. , rcttiip < f J > rxt tulutnn nn Ihts
STOKAOE Sco us bi > roro storliiB goods of
any description. Omaha. Stove KtMialr
Works. 13R l > ou.'las. Tel W ) . J.t
rnitACKAOE fUmwatkmo-jtrates. W 51.
JL llushiuan , 1311 Lcavcrinortli. S. > 4
OT011AQB llranchS : Co , 1211 Howard. .
STORAOK Per jnorcliandlso nnd furniture ,
cold xtor.ico ami frecrlrg ; trackage. David
Colo.Sl.VklT HomirdBt. KW
loic , BALI :
Forrnt . ( If. , etc top of /l ) roJumu o
Foil SALB A stoclc . .o ; cluars , tobacco ,
pipe.- > , canes , etc. , wllliflxtucrs , .Moderate
rout , Rood trade , beat location la city. Ad-
ilrcsi , P27. lleoomce. t ao Ke-3O
FOU SALE Lotof baso'titirncr Htovcs. St.
Clxir Kuropeau hotel'lati u.iul Dodge.
TJ , [ M120
Fur rater.' topor7 - < t' ' < oluiiiu nnlliU 7)aag.
andtako a/massazo treatment ;
K new. - 1'arlolf,007 a. luthst. next
liarkcr hotel. t U ! 4-
TyrASSAOE , SlacZuni Uolzlor. overUlOS. 13to.
Forrate * . tie. , stttnjt tit yii tfoluHii or thtf-oaqe.
O3T Sundny afternoon In the -vlclnltyof
Tuclfth and Castt-llar Htrrets , a Bray
Scotcli hound pup ( f t'lnaluV ' Mud strap around
neck , with onulmlc of chiln attaclie < l to col
lar , llcturn to Will , A. Ktlloj , 191Ub. I''tlut.
IH 1
IOST Small black und tun terrier ; K > ro-
_ Jvrartl if returned to ! > 2I Douzlas. 071 30 *
r\.r rate * , tie , itt toixif flrd tolu inn on'h It
IJIOUNJ-llay hose ! baiter onj black tall.
JU Call -atlOU ) WoUstcf. M OsO-i"
HOUSE lost or stolen , Bunduy. from N.
treet. South Ornaliu. Mount colored pony.
hrnndiMl "J. K"on Wt hip with aailillu nud
lirldln oil. Hoturn tot" . J .Pyrnoas. I'lfteenth
uudlt. stteetti , Albright tuU ( jot ruvartl ,
l > a i
| T10LTNI-HIx liorfica Pojit.'JOth. . ovnur cur.
JJ luvo same by callliiK 11 % ) Nr ISthht- . and
proving property. II , lirtvrer. Ml 1 *
FOR aiLK-in\.n ; P.STATE.
Ftrrattittt _ * Kt topof Jlnt cotum ti on tft fa i > ipa.
lutb st. . * outh of Jefferson xi. . HxOJ , .
lloupla * st.t fct , at per 1 oat. KM.
lluwixrd st. , facln ; commission houses , Ms
1.1S , at * JOOoa
lp ! ldcnc Property.
lli nfom Tlieo. full lot on pavi < lst. , KWO.
Wlndwr 1'lace. tlni > r > n t front. S1. > X ) .
fjirlnjKU. next McKlbbon resldcnco , KAV ) .
lloiisebtilllti ) suit ontilcoraat front lot
near llanscora I'ntk , monthly pay iucntsll.80O ,
llutclilasou & V'catl , 1X'4 llouKlas m. Tel.
IK3. 07J3
hoinc In most any addition for
Vjgaleat from M.ioO upon eiuy monthly pay
ments. K. K , UnrlltiK. ! l liar her blk. Kl
A SMAI.f. piyiiient down jinil ? 13pcr mouth
-f Iwllllmy al-r < wiu IIOIHC nml lot on Kill , I
block * from motor : tlr > t-cla eliance to n -
ntilro nhomcon on y terms. Apply toll. K.
Cole. Continental Mock M
XIN N 1'litcaloU ) 11,250 to H.50) ) . Dexter
\7 A.t'DH A\Vcslcrncld.rcalcstateS.Omaha. \
> B3
K VOlf hare miytlilni to sell or uxclmnijc
Icall al CIS 1'axton block. J
3 OR SAI n-Dr. Clininburs' rciMcnoc nnd
' burn. cor.lGtliand llunlolt ; lo-rootn bnimo ,
furnnvr , cn , xtsvrer. range and all conx-c-
iilotipft. Jlnrn Jr.vV ) , brick' . O IKJX sUUi lltitl 11
vlnslo stallsMltliniitor.Rowi'r , irai. " roonis
forhi'lp.cto. Itost iMjulppotl barn In Oumlia
tat vctcrlnarv or prlvntu ust ? . MM %
Sl'KCIAI. linrKiiln- lioiKfi , 0 anil 10
rH > ini cacli. prlco ? . . * to H.500 , In Koilntzc
1'lncv. all iiioilcrtiiKiiw tush.
HIT ) pcrinonlh for2 yours.
HoiH-rinontli forS years.
llSinriiionth forSyuars. IHlancc T veari1
time. C porciMiL lntcrc < t n all deterred pny-
AI OKiino'plotiillil hornet In same ad
dition U > utchango for farmland * and clt/
J. .J. llliioon , solctis ? nt ICotintzc Place , room
3,1'rolRhton block. 7s'l
nilOUPAI-iK 10 , SO , la ) . lt ncro pieces Just
J.1 soiilli of ll.o city limit * of Chlcico. Tbcsv
liroiiuitles tlieinost tlcf Iraiilo for Invest
ment oaii > tlilnsiio'AolTcrcd In Cook county ,
l liie clixo tn i-itllway crvU'i > : iml ( llrcttly In
tlicllncof Imp r < n oin onH south. Some o\ru-
CIN will take Rood Urnalia iirooortjr asn purt
odlrstcasli pnyircnt , K. 0. Ituruard , Chain-
licr of Coin tnurco bills. , Chlcaso , 111.
TTIOn PATjE An olcgint noxv rosldenco. 9
J. ! rooms cherry and u.ik Ilnlsli. lar o stubto
nndery ciuivenlctico lor comfort ; location ,
the bo < t Intho city , prluo low. Tcrnitcasj
11 , J. O Ionihoo. 1W1 Farnainst.
A UOT COvlV ) , nest of I'llh street , Soutb
. .
JKit' : ' , on griulo,1-room house , soutli front
on Uau'iiport stirrt , t.t\00. \
A lot near Uno nv > niie , tetiveen larnam
and L.raieiivKrtii.ll,2riO.
aixltt ) , a corner 4-room lieu o. food street
car > ervloell.iV ) . Col-i'lh Jolinxm A l.ov-
grcn , room 0 , Chamborof Uonunurcc. 843-1
FOIJSAL.K A. farm niljolnliiK Illalr. Neb. ,
blockedcheap. II. W' Mcltrlde , IMnlr.
rnr nlT
BA-ltOAlN-Choleolotlii llrlscsplace , unln-
cumbercd , il..W. Clarkeprloof-MHW. ! Need
money. AildressKd 1'rlce , 1SJ3 California st. ,
Denver , Col , a > T2l *
"filOIl SALE Cheap , nu e.i < y terms , a nleo
eotlaRu In Lowe's Atld. . and aroom ' brick
liouso , wit hall modern cniitoiilcnci" < . on : totb
and Jack.soiihts. liooinlH-'lianibcrConimcrco
FOJ5SAT.E--U .Vroom cottases In "Itakci
Place. " 1 bite west of CtlfUm Hill. I'rlpcs.
11,11)0 and { I.IlOO ; small j > : ijinont. balances
yeai-M. ln | nlro atUassand list bts. , ofownur ,
K. G. Jlernll. 4TJ-30 *
FOIl SALE , sit a Great SacrlBco I'lill lot
and now 10-room lieu c Ina beautiful loca
tion on Cus.sst. , Iblk west > f Lowotivo , Prleo
ROX ) . ll.IKWe.ish.lulaiicd 5 jears at 7 per cent ,
luqulrciit the linusc. 4TJ-JO *
7-KKrolosantllttloliomo31ilocks from Mr.
i Hnleonibs new re.vldoncc and 1 block from
he motor. 13,000 ; S500 cash. 0. r. Harrison , Oil
X. V. Life.
TJ1OH SALE 0-roon > house , modern iinnrovc-
incuts , barn , etc. , M-foot lot , on AVIrt st ,
the best resldcnio s . , In tbo city , for W.DOO.
tl,500esh.lulaiico t suit.
0-room house nnd bath , tire place with oak
mantel , city water , Rasete. . at tolli and Jack
son at ? , forW.'JW , on t < > rms to suit buyer.
Three ! ot3ln Kllby 1'
Kos > l front lot on Loi\o \ avciOOJ ; S503 cash ,
ba I unco to suit.
! ( ! > ( front lot. on Lovro avc , J1.800 , 8350 cash ,
balance tosult. , ,
Splendid sou front lot In Orchard Hill ,
R.V ) .
i Twoho.tutlful onst front lots on 41st st. In
In Kllby L'laco , each-il.'OO. ' .
W. K. iloman. rnoiiis8auull ) I rcnzerblk.
HOMES Sweet Homes Elefjnnl Hotnea-I
umotrerlti r the best barh'alnsln Oinuha Or
In tliuworldon Mest Kirnaiustroct.SJxclcRnht
hoii' i , alldltrurent , OtoO ro.ins , furnace , hot
and cold water , fas MS fixturesbath , wattr
cloiut.nmitil. | tlesiint brick celliirs , paved
ktroetand mortzase , t 3 totMO. or inoroeisli ,
and balance at T per cent tosult. 1) .
Jill l-'lrst National bank.
\\THO hasa lotor dnlrublc eiinlty to offer
TT IncxchaiiKofor six hortea.V , T. Seaman ,
Otnali.i'sil arses t variety wagons and carriages ,
V\7"Fhave three choice residence sites of 100
IT fcut frontiicoachoii ; Farriam st. Easy
lorms and IOUL- time , Uiuahu Itcal
Trust Co. . 4 uobldg.
ForraltK , etc. , Fcelop nf flitt column oil thti
FOItSATjH At a barsain.agondstoro house
lilted uprlMishelci and counters , bnsc-
montli rooms Tor ( l\\fllliip. Kood cistern and
ni'll.nlll sell or trade for a. So. 1 stoukof cro-
torlcs. Address llcol A Keel , C. 0. D. grocers ,
' " N , mt list. wr
OK SALE The finest meat market In
Omaha. Situitlon uiieqiialcrl ; us line a
tradons Inthe city ; best of reasons for s > cll-
Ing. Address or Inquire 11 North 10th street.
_ 2 . aioi'M *
POliSA IF t.cise and f iirnltureof al * > room
holpl , Inlf a block from 3 bank * , tlckot , cx-
pro-.saml telesraph ofllcostilolnga wood l ) Hl-
ncssiiO ; and I inpaf red health reasons forscll-
Ing. Address , J , a. Jordan , Council UlutTs. [ u.
T7ir > 'Eopenhis for < lry t-nnds store. Large
J corner room In brick block incounty scat
Uiwii lttiinbtl miles ofUnialia.wlll bo VRcatcu
\ oKt. . I'rc cnt. occupant liailusr made a
fortune in the dry Kood biihlncsi. llulhllir- cia
bo rented or iHiiinht upon very favorable
terms. Address t-Lato Hank of Ni'brasku.
i-e w a nl . Sseb. TOo'J.T
POlSAtCflrit classsninll mill ; dairy ;
best route Iiit'ioclty. ' AdUreis I * 17. Uec ,
TV ) n *
POKSA.I.F Agoodniarblo tophotcl coun
ter , lnulreat | illllardbotoloniee , U74-JO
FOItSAIECHEAP-A first class rcsUinrent
for cash. Doln agoodbusliitss. Goocllo-
cation. OOSNlCth. 305-1 *
FOR SAI.n Adyolnj pstabllslimerit , orcry-
tblncoinplctulnft lively wcsttsrn town ,
or would ttkoasa partner a miin that under
stands thobusincis. Addrcas. O3I , lice.
Poll a safe 10 per cent Investment
forshares liithe lutual I-oin and Ilulld-
IIIB nssoclatloii series No. 20. WnKO-workcrs
should take shares toseeuro Jew ratei of in-
tnresitln Ijuyliigihelrhonii'f. Itoom II cham
ber of commerce. O. M. Njttln.'cr. secretary.
178 O 10
FOR SAMC Cheap-Hoard of chop
house. Kearney. Holnj a jrnocl liuslnd.1.
Address II. II. Acliey , Kearney , Neb. SOS J"
IIUS10 AHT AM > I/A > ' ( JUAGK.
, tie set lop of first tnttnn oil tliti yno .
Jvf'OUEhuylns a piano oxumlno the new
'bcale Kliabull piano. A.llospe , 1513 Douglas
Gro. F. Gni-LEXnECrC tcacucrof the lujo
with Hon > o. 1513 Oouslas , 'JIU
rpIIK Golden Monitor > ow nnd thorough
JL hand-book for piano andoriian ; a most
valuable helper and Riildi , ' ; hlKhly ( indorsed ;
costsbut adollar ; may l > o foumlatllo-po's.
> HOF. Charles 1'oKTsOii IManoviolinzither
and vocal Instruction. Studloao Sliecly klk
+ 76 ols
rpllR Omaha Kindergarten will reopen > ion
Jclay. . t-ct.B [ ,0 DatunporU 31UiK. ( irlllltUs
far rate * . ( If. , i > tt lop oirsl column on IAf * jxijc.
A IiLklndtof diseases suecossfully treated
XX. by tlio safest and most tborouclily holen-
tltlcivRtom known.Ve \ altort ( cut fchorttill )
kliuUof ri'vcrn.Voiiiccc sfulIytrontliilluiii-
niatory rliciimntlsui In lebsthanlinlf the tlmu
taken by other systems. Wo ettract either
animal , vegetable nr mineral poisons from tlio
system vlthoiit the use of imUonous drui ;
lucOlelnca."u rumovo the oirects from thu
tyatrni caused In many thousands by the loir-
use of dru medicines. West > eeillv | euro blood
illbuases. Uo < iiucUlyand pi'rniuncntlyreatorw '
dlsiilacomentsand euro dlsuates pecullurlo
\\nmen. Via uiako radical rims vrhcro the
lot of other systems tv 11. Wo can alniHioso
all kinds ol dltemus without asklnzthu pa-
tlenta ftlnglu ( nicbtlon , Theao nssortlons mar
SPI iuadlol. Tbo truth Is ahiavri radical.
Wo menu exactly irliat wocay.volmvotlio
iiccuisarycrodentlulstn bhuw that wunre not
fraudi or humbugs. UMIco hours h to U a.m. ,
1 10Suncl5lo p. m , Drs. I'curt t I'ast'ler ,
tf.WJcor , California uad 16tb sts.Omaliti , Neb
Fcrratfttt. . ue top vf Jrrt. column ontMj piga.
"VTE\VUw | ponMons forrvlnioit nil
-i.Xntlicrs , mothers , widows and minor chil
dren of soldiers. Platm * piuhwl by K. JT.
CMInsman. 10 mid 21 Fronitr oik. , Qm'Uia.Also
WaMiltizton nnd Cltidnnatl. Circulars troc.
15yfar3'oxptrlcnce. KG
JT. L'AT.GHoielinlvopen'Jlon nnd claim at-
torney : over IJronri' oxpcrlenoo : nil the
latent tans & decision * . OfMcfl removed fmru
P renter blk to Chamber Commerce. 101. Otmhtu
Ml Ol'
mlu , ttfne fopo/ji ? t column m lhiraot.
| 3\TTXTIiiwyi : MfcHollclU > is O.\V \ Sues A
JL Co. . Ili-o liuliilliiir. , Omaha. I veiuV rjpcrl-
oiiea ( isetatnlnor- I'&tuitfntutllci' . Ilr.tuch .
otllco ut Washington , D.U. Cuimillntloiifrce.
( iooi > s-\viis. (
Forrnttittc.fte cniiof firtl column
Iialr Rood * In wo < t : linlr dri-wtnR.
vlp , swltjlie * * , b.iaaOutlr ehnlin , dr. . u
specially. Ihvles ha'r Roods and lulllliior ,
opposite ppslonice , 111 & lath t. . Omaha. POO
For ratti , rtc. . ce tup f fift colimirr an f/iln ;
" | 1 \VHKKIjKti \ , Kciicral slono.tmplicraiid
J- > notaryPi'posltltins ami court work a
specially. Tel. KM. Koom 1003N. V. UroMdK.
W ) o ffl *
711 ASSACrElreatmiMitcloctro-tt oriiinl biths.
J.H scalp anil hair trcitmcnt , rnnnlcuro and
chiropodist. MM. 1'ost , It - O-JI , WHuncll blk.
'IMIOLSTF.UI > 0 and luatressearisnoiated"
I1IWX. Ihth st. i : . I'etcr-ion.
Witcitr.AS. A Joint resolution vr.n adopted
by tholclsht ( ronf thestatoof Nebraska , nl
thotwcnty-flrst senlonthorcof. and approved
February inth , A.IK IsS ) . proposing an amend
ment to the cotvUltutton of said stute , nnd
that said amendment shall read as follows ,
Boo t Ion 1 : That at the election to
Tioht'ld on the Tuesday succeeding tuMlrst
Monday of J\ovoniber. A. D.b'O.tlii'rH li\IH > y
Buniltuil to the electors of this state for ap
proval or rejection an ami'tUinontto t he con-
stltutlon ot this itato In words ns follows :
The manufacture , sale und Ici-oplnR forsalo
oflntoxlcn tins Uiiiiorsas . bovcMKo nrofor-
utcr prjblblted In this stateand the lezlsln-
tare shall provide by law for the enforcement
ot thli provision , " And them shall also nt
tsald oloctlontio heparntclv Mibmllted to the
clectorsof this state for their approval or re
jection an amendment to the constitution of
the state in words as follows1 "Tlio manufac
ture , sale and kecpltiK for stile of Intoxlcatlns
lliunrs ) as a Imvcrago shall bo licensed und
regulated byla\v. "
fcec. - ' ! At such pli ctlon oa the tmllot of
each cli'Otoriotlng for the propose < l amend
ments to the constitution shall bowrlttenor
printed the word ? : 'Tor proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting the
aniiufaetiiro , sain nnd licepln ? for sale
of Into'clcatlnK ' Ilijuors a > s .1 novcrtijro , " or
Acnlnst tlio prooosod amendment to the
constitution prohibiting the uiannfncturc ,
silu and keeplru for sale of Intoxicating
llctuorsns ti I'CVUMRO. ' "
Tlicreshallalsobo written or printed on the
ballot of each elector votlny for the proposed
amendment to the constitution. lh j words !
I'or proposed amendment to the constitution
that the mnnufitcturu. sale nnd kcepnift for
ale of Intoxicating liquors as a beverage in
his stuto shall bo licensed nnd regulated
byln-w , " or "Apalnst oikl proposed amend'
tncut to the constitution that tlio manufac
ture , silo and kccplnt ? forsaleof Intoxicating
llttorsis | : a bnvrraffo shull bo HceiiHcd and
resulatlnjr by lav , "
Seo. 3 ; If either of the said proposed
amendnipntsshnllbo approved byn majority
of the olectoia mlnj ? at the Bald election ,
thi'n It shall consltut section twenty-seven
[ v7 ] of art IcJo 0110 [ lluf tbo constitution of this
therefore , f , .Folhi 31. Thaycr , Governor ot
the stale of Nebraska , do hereby glvo notloa
In accordance with suction 0110 L'l ' article [ 15 ]
of the constitution and the provlslonsof tno
act entitled "an act to provide tlio munnur of
proposing alt amendments tnlho constitution
unu subnitttlnK the same to the olectorsof the
Bttlte. " Approved February 13tli , A. I ) . 1877 ,
tliiit Bald proposed anionumont will bo sub
mitted to the qualified voters of thl state foi
approval or rejection at the general election
to bo held on tho4th day of November , A. D.
"inwitness whereof I hereunto set my hand ,
and cause to bo atllxod the great seal of the
state ot Nebraska. Dona at Lincoln this
day of July.A. D.lSQO.anrt the 21th year of the
state , and of the Independence ot the United
Elates the one hundred lifU-entn.
Hy thoGo > Brnor , JOHN M.THAYEUt.
CSEAi , . ] Eecretary of State.
Wncnexs , A joint resolution was adopted
by tboloxlslatureof tlio state of Norjraska.ut
Iho tvfenty-fltstsisslonthoreof , and approvul
March Mtb. A. D. 1ISO , proposlnK an nmend-
inent to section two [ 2 ] foil r41 [ andllvo'i [ ] of
Article six Id ] of the ounstltutlon of said state
anil that said section as amended shall read
at follows , to-wtt :
Section 1 Thntaoctlon two (2) ( ) ot article sh
( HI of the constitution ot thostatoof Nebraska
bo amended so us to read tu follows :
"SectionThcsupteino : court shall con
sist of flvo (3)jUMos ( ) , a majority ot whom shall
be necessary to form aquoriim or tnpronounco
decision. It shall have orlglnuljurisdlctlon
In cases relating to revenue , civil cises In
whloli the state shall bo n party , mandainas ,
quo \varrantn. hnbc-as corpus , aiiiUuohappcl-
late Jurisdiction as n > uy be provided bylaw.
Sections : TliaUoc'unn four(4)of ( ) urtlclo six
( CJ.oC the constltutlonofthostatoof Nobraskj ,
bo amended so as to read as fallows :
Section 4 : ThoJudKcsof the suproma court
shall be elected by tlioelcutorx of the state : it
larRC , nnd their terms of ofllco , except as
hi-relnafterprovlded , shall bo for a period of
live (51 years. "
beotlon : t : That section flvo (5) ( of article " -.It
( fief ) the constltullonof thestateof Nebras
ka , bo amended so as toreadn.s follows ;
bectlon 5 : "Attho llrst general election to
lie hold In the Jt-dl , and aftvr the adop
tion of this amendment to thu constitution ,
there shall be elected three f.n Jmlkes of the
supreme court , ono of whom shall bo clcctod
[ or t lie term of ono (11 year.onefor thot > rm
of three (3) ( ) years and ono for the term of live
(5) ( ) yean , and at each general election there-
aftortbcrosliall bo clciHeilono JudKCOf the
supreme court for tlio term of five ( .1) ) yean.
I'rovlded ' , that the judges of the supreme
enurtwhosn terirm liavo not expired at tlio
limn of hold INK the > gencril oleetlonof Ib'JI ,
linllcontlnue to hold their oflleo forlho re
mainder of the term for which they were re-
puctlvoly elected under the prcseutconstl-
tutlon. "
Section 4t That each person votlns In favor
of this amendment shall have written Or
printed upon hlstiallot thefollowlnc :
"Por t In ; proposed nmondmon t to t hocnnsll-
tutlon roIatluR to the nuiuDor of buprcino
Judges. "
Therefore , I. John Jl , Thiyor , Qovcrnor of
the state of Nebraska , do herey glvenntlre
In accordance with section ono ( I ) article lit-
Icon M3) ) , of th constitution , the provisions lit
the act cntllled : "An act to provide the man
ner of proposing all amendments to tlio con
stitution and HiibmlttlnR the same to the elec
tors of the state. " Approved February 13th ,
A. I > . IsTT. that said proposed amendment will
Do presented to thu qualified voters of the
slatofor.approv.d or rejection at thooonoral
election to bo held ontUo 4lh day of iSovcm-
bor , A. D. HO.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and cauBod to bo at Hied the crcat seal
tit the state of Nebraska. Done at Lincoln
this Mth day of July. A. 1 > . 1500 , and tlio twen-
t- fourth year of tiiostiitc.nnd of the Indc-
pendenco of th- United States tbo oao hun
dred fifteenth.
By the Governor , JOHN M , TIIAYEB.
[ Stxr , . ] Secretary of Stato.
Aiicust id3m
, A Joint resolution wai adoptcl
by tlio legislature of the state of Nebraska , at
tlio twenty-llrHtsesHlon thereof , and appro ved
MarchJuthA. : I ) . 18 * ) , propuslnir an ainoiirt.
mentto Section Thirteen ( li ) of Article BlxC ( )
of tlio constitution of said state ; that BjM
section as aineuded shall read ai follows , to-
I fr"
Section l ! Thatscctlon thirteen f3)of ) arti
cle -li (6) ( ) ofthoconstltutlonof thostateof Ne
braska bo atnnndud BO as to read &s fnlloxr.s :
Section 11 : Tlio Judfos o/thosuprerne / court
shall naohroculio a salary of thlrty-llvu hin-
drcddolars(3i.'iCu | ( ) pcrannuin nnl the Judges
of the dlatrlct court shall reculio a salaryof
three thousind dollars ( CJ.CuO ) r sr aniitini , and
the salary of oncli shall bepayublu quarterly.
Section : ' : Kncli person > ntlnK In favor of
tb Id amcndmontMinll have written or printed
upon his billet the follow lux :
"I'or thoproposcd nmonclmentlo theconstl-
tutlnn , ruUtlnuto thesalnr/ ot JudRcsof tbo
supreme nnd district court. "
Therefore , l. Juhn M. Thayer , covernorof
the state of Nebraska , do herohyclvc notice ,
la accordance Mlth section ono [ I ] aillelo lit-
toeiil5 [ | of the cnnttltutlon , and tlio provl.
slonsof anact entitled : "An act to provide
tlio manner of proposing all HmcndmonUsto
lb constitution anil submitting thosanioto
Iho electors of the stale. " Approved February
Iltli. A. D. 1S77 , that said proposud amend
ment will bo submitted to tlio < inallfled voton
of thli stale forapproval or rujcotlon , at tha
L-L'iitral election u > lie held on the Itbdayof
November , A. U.ISOO.
In vltnsss whereof I have hereunto sot my
bnn ( nd caused to be ntllicd the Breat seal
of tin state of XobmVa. Done at Lincoln.
thN-'fith day of July , A. U.lbDO , and thotw.-n.
ty-fourthyi-arot the atulo
, undof the Inde
pendence of thoUulltid titatod Iho ono huu-
Ureil fifteenth.
Hyttio Governor. JOHN Jl.TlJAVElt ,
t , Uowncnr ,
[ SCAI..I Secretary of State.
Aiinust Mlm
plftUlvf inn Cerialuto my ot moat ) t ei
fundnd. Uym .IIfJ. SfOurfU waled from ot >
lirrttluo. CUVK UEUKUr CO. , Om t , Hc > .
v.v.nm ; . ItUHMNUTON HI. , ArrUM
Omaha. I tHx | > tlijih andMnoaitrc * ls I I'mann.
-3) ) f m' , . . .Chicago K pt i . . , . , J.W ru
B.iSina riilcnii Kxpron ! . p o
D.lOp tn , , , . . . . ( Chicago Rxpreif , „ . fW n
B.Mp m . . , . . . , ,1'hlrafi ) tool . , . , ' ( Hi u
IXUIM lUUItLlNOToN i MO. llIVKIt. ) Atrlro/
Onuhiu | Itepol 18th nJ Vlasoit itrotti. I umih.i.
10. IS l m . . . . .Ofntor Dif rTtcroui. . . . 101 p ta
lO.lStm Itenrer ETpte . . . . . . . .1 II ) p a
6.40pm . . . .Utnrcr Mht > vipre . . . . . . | l.i ) a u
8.111 ni [ . . _ Lincoln I 110 p to
. "
* Oiinhn. I DapotlOtli nn < iMa. _ oiiiilrttit ) . _
OJJ i in | . . . .Kinitt ritr I > t\r Kiurwn . .I Hi ) p n
0.4J p in K.I' . Nl.'hl Kii > rln U I . Ttin | (5 n ra
J MM" ] - TSrO.NI'ACIHe. " Artlrei5
Uniilin. | Dopol IQlli nJ Mitrcf tto li . I Oionhi
UJp ) m ! . . . . . . . . .OrrrUiul Vlcr..T . . > 4M p n
7rm' ' . I'BctniKtprcsi . 'Illlpra
lO.'Jl * m | . lx > nrr Kxprc > . * J p n
tl.Wttni . . .hiasaa ( llj l-ipf" . . . . . . . IIW n m
10.13 ni | .KatrntM IXD , ( r-xi-fi't ' Snnl. | IB p
ri TM i rn if.vtny.-ici. .t VACI i-'ic -
Unnhiu | lt Pd _ poU 10th mvl MnrcfiU. '
e.10 p m . . . . . . . . .MutiM ! > rcM. . .
V.Oltml . AtlanlloKiproK .
4JO p m , . . . . \f tll > ul litoitt * < > . . .
l-c to n Hl ) UX cffk'i TAilfiU
Otniha. It ) 1' . Otput. I0lhanil _ Mi > r r SU.
7. lit m . .bloux Ctlr I'asitniror . . . .
. . . Si. I'nul Krprcn .
1OUS VVM X I'i0n-ll ' {
Oniahiv. I Unillith inil\V _ biter Ml * _ >
lnnl l.lnilt J _ . . . . .
iA > rif i
iu III 1" . lHt. | lOl nnd UnrcrSK. Jhi t a _
m T. . . . . .ChlcnfO Kiprfiv. . . . . ( U p n
. in | . Veitllialo l.lmllpd . I W n m
6.1S p ni lo \ccomtnuJillonKxc ( Sim ) , 105 p m
9.10P nil . Knitcrn flirr . Ml ) p m
l.lll' tn | . . . . .K 't Kn'lorn Kipri-x . . .I 105 & m
i catu * arnrCvViu. MIU , * ar. i'ACi. jffi
Omlhfu 11 I * , dtput. 10th M I | Murcr tit Oni\Un. _
6.0) ) p n ' . . . ( hlcnio kr | > r . . . * i T < J iv m
2 dp in . . . . . .Ihlratm lixorf" . . , . . . . . ' MS.j > m
I i > * ei OMAlTX , t S7 ! ' . TxiO i i Atrivoj"
Om ba. VI * . UcpoU IQlh i\ml Marcy ? t < . Oinnhn
IJO.p m , ! 7i..t > tJ > nlt liyinijjijlnll . . . 11)1) p m
a o 1 KK. „
Oninh-i. I nopotUth \Vpilnr | Hll _
OCOn mi Illicit Jllllt Kivu | j JW p m
UOJ m . .Hnjitniri Hip. ni. SiuxUj ) . . . ' J30 p m
5IOp rn WuhooAUncolnl'iwIK.r.SimJ'j'- ' ) ) a. m
6.IOi | tn' ' .Vork iNnrfulk ( Ki Min.lyl . ( liljl ) n m
C , , ML' . I' . M I ArrT r
Onuhn. I Iopoll5lli unlVotmnr Sti
lioilp lit nty3Ktprei"Kx.ttano ' ( ) | I W p m
5.0) ) | > ml St. I'aul l liuitnl I . u. ii |
5.1S r tn.llanconj'n | < tuiiKt'r IJtt. t unl. . ) ' flli ftju
J.miw I MlSO"OltnmATIKlL. . lATrlTor
Onuhn. I notwllStri ml Wrt t r Sli ' Oatlii.
"ioJOtk m .St. l ul AK. C. hiprois i IW p a
U.lip tn .t t Ixiul K. C. KiprtMi .tJlO & ja
irfmu. "CllfCiOonr 1. A I'AUiViO. , irrlrcr
Transfer Union lionot Coumn illui. I'lranvftr
OJOp ml NluM Kipreis I ll-tt a m
9M K tn Atlnntll Rrpre < I Sll t > ra
BOO pig ] . . \eitltulo UmltciJ . .JjOW m
Ixirc3 | l'lllT.JlTi0.t .NOH'niW'H 'jhllN. , Arrlrw
Trtniforl Untoa llopot. Council ISIuCi. | Tran r
H.lR"tii ) T.TTTniic-ifeoTfxiire , . . 6IU p m
f > .W p m YtMilbuli ) I.trailed 9.U a m
JOJMp ail KaJtorn Klror JW p m
l.'Sp ml AtUnlla "MMI 7.H m
IS. | > mlown | AocominoiljttloiiJKvo.Snii ) ClO p m
lrfi w | CIIRSn5D7" * . S st * . TXOr iArriT > )
ITniufcr' ' Union llotxiU Council UliiHi. | Tian fer
mi . . . . . . . ( 'hlcsiro Kxprtts i MS n m
ml ClilcKJro Kxprt" . . . . . . . , ' CW e
srj irrs.'Bf Jtn vcr. n : fArnrei"
Trim'for ! Unton liopnt. lounfll Ulnti ITronnfer
ml . .ICanian T ) y Kxprt'iT 176n ] p m
11) " 5 p nij Jvnn i NIitm Bxpre . . . L"89 _ !
.1 . OtfXOAiitT I.OOI. l , ftmrei
Trnn rorrjnlonJopot , Council ItliHi _ ljrnj > fir !
t.Uljt tn .M Ixinl * l mitn Jtntl . . M2I& r * m
, ATC < ' jCHir AtlO. lllfitr.'r S TJlJ CY ' "Arrtvcr"
Triunferl Union llcpnt.I'oiincll UJulI . _ | Tmtefc (
y IU A ml . . . . . . . .Clilcsno Kxirc | . . . . . . . .ii'JU ! p a
lOOOp ni . . . . . . . .L'hlcnso Kxpresa . { 910 n m
7JOp ml . . . . , , .i'V "ton lxoal , . . . . . .I\M \ ] t _ raT
T * Te I 8-10UX"blT ' A I'AUIHU Urrlrei
Tr nsfcr | Union llepol. Council UliUi. | l'rnn tiir
7,45 a m' ' . .Sloiii City AccomraodMlon.(1140 ( nm
OUSp ml it. t'nilK _ jjrjii | . _ . . . . . . . . Mtmpit _ n
Webster Bl.
Oak Chatham.
Drulil Mill
Lko Street
Walnut Iltli . .
Dnndcu I'ljcu.
Wcit Side.
Seymour 1'art
I'urtul. . . . . . . . .
Bn ti nl.
To Rail road ConlraVlors.
Wo arcDr tpired tORtib-lct sonpor ivorl for
tMo hundred teams on our Orvot "KorthOni
contract In Montana. The work will tonttnun
tliroiiKlitho winter on thu route norc wi' . t of
tlio Itorky nimintiilns : ind for two or niniu
'years. Only partluriovriiliu tlielr toamn nnd
outllts nnd practical rail road men iieidappl * .
Addrejubv letter or wire NsiJIoiiHllierrnan
American Bank Ilulid'tnr.St. I'anl. Minn.
blini'AIID. blG.MSi CO ,
In Ciintrnelor < .
\\oareprenircd \ \ to suli-lot sctipcr worlc for
tMO humlrccl tcaiiis on our ( Jrvnt AiirtUcrn
cunt ntct In Aiontrina. Thoworli ill contlnuu
tlirou h tlio winter on the pi > . kwoikwe tof
tlio Koc'ky IMuiniLaliis nnd for two or ntiiri !
year * . Only p.irtlii ownlnir their tcnnm ami ,
outllts and rail road 111(11 nccdiiivply.
Addre-tsby letter or win- , National Uornuii
American liank BnllilliifSt. I'.uil. lliin.
sDdGtm StnpAitrMKMHX ) CO.
Epoch ! lie ( snceriiiRly ) Is It because
your memory 1'o short you have fornottca
niel She ( sweetly ) No , It is because 1 ata
toU you are so very short.
A I-ilght in fcrvery ( lortri.
To the Chicago. Mllwaukco & St. Paul
rail way belongs the credit of bBliijj thu
first In the country to rcdtico the miittor
otolectrio lighting of trains to sclotitillts
jxM'fection. Ono of the novel features
introduced in tlio bleeping cixrs IB a
patent electric reading lamp in csteli
section. "With this luxurious provibiou
reading at night before and after retir
ing becomes us comfortable us by day ,
nd when retiring the toilet limy ho
niado in comfort and seclusion. The
Iwrth reading- lamp in. the I'ulltiitm
sleeping cars run on the Chicago , Ml-
WRukco& St. Paul raiUvnj- , between
Omaha and Chlcag-o , is patented , and
cannot bo used liy uny other railroatl
company. Jt is tlio greatest improve
ment ot the njjo. Try it and bo con
Sleeping- cars leave the Union Paclflo
depot , Omaha , ntG:10p. : tn. daily , itrrlv-
ing at ChiciXg-o lit 9:30 : a m. Secure
ticlvotaatid slooplncr car borthrf at Union
Ticket olllco , 15U1 t'arnain atroot ( Ilarltop
lilock ) , Omaha.
J. E.J'UESio.V , F. A.
Agent Gen'l
Harper's Uazur : "Did see irivo you any-
thliifr. llllll"iwlceiinia'sfellowtnuiip. "Vw.
ijho fravc mo the cold sboulder with plenty of
sauce. " , *
Ilxtr.n Mn Mil ty to Malarial InTcutlnn.
1'orsons wltoso blood Is thin , digestion
\vcttk nml liver sluttish , are cxtm-llublo to
the attacks of intilunal disease. 1'ho moit
trltltngcxposuro rniy , under stuli conditions ,
Infect a system which , it henltliy , vould resist -
sist tlio miasmatic taint. Tlio onlvwaytp
sccuro Immunity from. maluiU in loc.ilitios
\\horultis prevalent , is to touoatulreKulatu
the sysU-m by irnnrowinf' weakened diges
tion , enriching tlio blood , und giving a whole
some impetus to biliary secretions. These
results are accomplished hy notliinp so ef
fectively as Ilostctter's StntnacU Hitters ,
which lonff cspericnco ha ? pro.'ciltobe the
most rdianlo safeguard nt nlnst fever and
ngati nnd Idndrcd ( ilsonlc'i-s. 113 well ns tbu
best remedy for them. The Ulttcra ore ,
moreover , nn exivlleii' ' . Inviporaut of thu
organs of urination , and nn active dcpurait ,
clliuinatla from thu blcol ttuiso acid impur
ities which originate rhcuiuatlo ailments.
Life ! Boy custonicr-I want to lookat
some socln , Clcrl : Fust colors I "No ,
blarno 111 1 am u mcsscnircr lx > v. "
Slelchondacbe is thra tone of many lives.
This nnnojrini ; t-oinplmrit inayljo cured &nd
Picvontca by the uwasional use of Dr. J. II.
Xlver and Klduoy Pillutu Mlltlo
Oazottot The rlrl
in admiration easily lliidi liersclf in love.
Huudacho , ncuraltrtu , inz/iiicss , ncrs-ous-
nc s , sn.istns , slooplussnesa , cured hy lr )
.Miles' Norvlao. Hatiiplcs frco at Kuliu d
Co. 'a , 1HU and Douglas.