Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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Valrfield Herald , the only paper In thoconnty
\vhtch Is supporting the entire Independent
ticket , has Just returned from lied Cloud ,
\vhcro ho went to look tin McKelghnn's '
record. In ail Interview today ho ndtnlttcd
thntthe clmrftM npalnst MeKclghnn wcro
Bulxtatitlnlly correct but Imd nti excuse for
bach onu mid snld that the Herald would con
tinue to shout for MorCcighnn. "Why , " said
Mr. Oliver , "I Interviewed at least a dozen
inon in Hcil Cloud who Hold unpaid bills
ranging from ? 10 to (1,200 against the Judco
and every ono of theui Is enthusiastically In
favor of his election. " To an outsider It does
notftcem strange that they should be , as his
election offers the only possible chance of col
lecting the debts ngainst liltn.
Ncurclary Hunk nt Grand Island.
Uutxii Isr.\jii > , Neb. , Sept. W ) . [ Special
.Telegram to Tim Hii.1 : : lion , Jeremiah
3tusk , secretary of agriculture , accompanied
by Professor "Wiley- chief chemist of the de
partment , George II. Hill , Mr. Ladow
private secretary , Hon. John M. Thurston
nndVlco President Holcomb of the Union
Pacific , nrrivcd hero this morning , At J )
o'clock they paid a visit to the Oxnard bcct-
nugar factory , this being the main object of
Mr. Husk's visit to Nebraska. All wcro
greatly surprised at the magnitude of the
enterprise and the enormous amount of ma
chinery contained in the factory. Professor
Wiley , who has visited nil the laro ( ? sugar
factories In Kuropo , said It wss the lartiest
and most t complete of the kind
ho had over visited. They nlso
visited several beet farms hi tlm vicinity and
Secretary Kusk said ills only reKret was that
it was not a Wisconsin enterprise. IIocx-
prusscd irrcnt confidence. . In its success and
pronounced a recent alleged interview pub
lished in an Omaha paper ns false In every
particular and wished to bo quoted ns saving
this In justice to Mr. Oxnard himself and the
Industry , They left at 12 o'clock for the
cast , 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Inventing an Indian Agent.
Vu.nxTixn , Nob. , Sept. Itn. [ Special
TclcRruinlo Tun Hun.-General ] Cisncy ,
United States Indian Inspector , Is at Hoscbild
, agency Investigating Agent Wright , par
ticularly with regardtodiserepanelesbrouBht
out by the recent census. Wright , who had
been chief clerk for about eight years , was
aopolntcd to succeed Agent Spencer on
recommendation of the Sioux commission
while negotiating for the Indian lands last
year. It now transpires that there are by
actual count , some twenty-live hundred less
Indians on the reservation than
ration tickets have been issued for ,
and the Indlnns have been getting
just that much the better of the government ,
and Wright having been there so long , it is
claimed ho could not help but have been
cognizant of it. Ho admits that he knew of
the fnct , but is not responsible for the acts of
' his predecessors , and that ho advised the de
partment on assuming the duties ot agent.
No one can predict what tlio result will be.
"Wright | s considered an honest and cfllcicnt
Dgcnt ( .
lircnt Unningo by 1'ralrlo Fires.
YAI.UXTIXK , Neb. , Sept , 30. [ Special Tele
gram tQ Tim BEB. ] Information is received
that pralrio llres , thought to hnvo been
started simultaneously nt two or three places
along the line between Nebraska and the
Koseoiul agency in Dakota north of hero ,
have done great damage to the winter range
on that agency. Sovcralhundrcd tons of hay
1 nro known to have been destroyed , and the
i , llres fanned by a wind from thosouth burned
over n largo area of country on which hay
has been cut , which must have been de
Politics at Liberty.
Tv , Neb. , Sept. ! ! 0. [ Special Tele
gram toTiiu BHE. ] The campaign opened
up at this place tonight. W. J. Bryan spoke
ut llio rink to about ono hundred and ilfty
voters. He nmdo a radical frcotrado speech.
t Smith and Huckins bepau a series of meet
ings in tholr prohibition tent tonight and had
r a good audience.
The "alliance people will hold a rally Sntur-
( i rtuy evening.
Nottlotou to Join Ilarlan.
f lUsrfWtf , TJcb. , Sept. 0. [ Special Tclo-
gram to TUB BEn. ] Hon. Daniel Nettle-
ton of Clay county will Join lion. N. V. Har-
Ifin In lib canvas of the Second district and
. will deliver " -his."first address" at 'Elmivood
October 7.
1 Appointed Sugar Inspector.
GIUNII ISLAND , Nob. , Sept. 80. [ Special
Telegram to' Tun Bnu.l Walter It , Bacon , a
prominent attorney of this city , was today
appointed sugar Inspector for the Grand
1 .Island sugar factory by Secretary Cowdery.
< Aii Appeal to American People for
Nnw YOUK , Sept. SO. The Sun tomorrow
will publish nu appeal-to the people of Amer
ica froth'the American commlttco for the relief -
' lief of the famine In Ireland. It says the
point of tictunl suffering from hunger has not
been reached , but the uays of starvation un
less help comes arc not far off. In the last
great famine in 1878-79 Pamell , Davltt
und others Wlio voiced the country's ' appeal
for food pledged themselves never again to
! appear as suppllcnnts'boforo the world on be-
hulf of starving Ireland. So no appeal has
boon scnt out aud probably none would como
from Unit source until tlio situation became
desperate , and It became no less than crim
inal any longer to withhold It. A movement
. is on foot among well known men not con
nected with any Irish societies or political
Oodles to bring to tlio attention of America
the appalling calamltv which now threatens
Irolaml before actual death from hunger claims
'any victims. It has been deckled to organize
Under the immo of the American committee
for the relief of the fumlno in Ireland. It Is
proposed to make Its work rover both North
und Soutti America. Tlio personnel of the
American committee contains the following
inunesi Chairman , General James Grant
\Vllsoii ; honorary chairmen , Hon. Hutlior-
fonl B. Hayes and Oon. Grnvor Cleveland ;
vlco chairmen , James Hedpath , George
Ehrct , Colonel Elliot J ? . Shcnard and Jnmos
L Phillips , jr. , treasurer , New York Sun ; sec
retary , Arthur Dudley Vluton. Chouiicoy
M , Depow hus accepted the chairmanship of
the subcommittee on transportation.
The committee appeals for immediate con
tributions of money , provisions and entiling.
Nchrunkn nml lawn 1'atcntH.
WASIIINOTONSent. . 30 , [ Special Telegram
to THIS BIK.J Patents were Issued today as
follows ! KdwnrdG. Aiigoll and , L. T. IMo-
urd , Junlntn , Nob. , said IMcard ussieuor to
snld Aupell , measuring gage ; William A.
"Bennett , Blair , Not ) . , horse collar ; Sherman
'G. ' Bond , Westervillo , Nob. , rein holder ;
Frank A. Burton , Charles City , la. , assignor
of one-half to N. II. Henderson , Chicago , III. ,
tlilll coupling ; Uobcrt 15 , Campbell , Marlon ,
lu. , aud F. 13. House , CUlllicotho , Mo. , com
bination refrigerator car ; James H. Denver ,
Lyon , Nob. , wire stretcher ; "William J.
.Doherty , Des Moines , In. , wire stretcher ;
Charles 1C. Harding , Atlantic , To. , electric
railway system ; John McDlurmld , Dos
Wolnes , la. , tool for laying out stmrtvavs ;
Allan McCuft and J. M. Kacek , Cedar Itup-
iils , la. , device for testing crank plus ; John
II. and H. Morris , assignors to M. U. and H.
Morris , Seward , Neb. , combination lock :
Oscar M. Mosher , Gliddon , la. , assignor or
ono-thlnl toV. . M. Bench. Carroll , In. , wire
Btretchliig machine ; William Monroe , Dav
enport , lu. , road cart ; Uobcrt lUchoy audW.
It , Frost , Belfast , la. , nutoiimiu corn
wlantor ; Charles Slugentbnlor. jr. , Columbus ,
Hob , shoo ; David P. Talbot , Sioux City , la. ,
coupola cooker.
The Wool Market.
BOSTONMass. , . . Sept , 80.-Spccial [ Tele
gram to TIIK BuB.l There has been n good
trade In wool and sales continue largo. Ter-
i-llory wools nro active and firm , \\lth princi
pal sales of flue medium at 19@21c , oru
sooured basis of about 68@59o. ' .Texas wool
Is selling at 10@20e , Dost California spring
has been soiling at ! @ 2ia and short wools ut
17@20o. kastern Oregon wool is cmlot at 17
" (3)310 ) , as to quality. Ohio and Pennsylvania
iliecca uro in peed demand nt 31St-o : i ° r v-
; and X and above ; ! M34o for XX andi XX
and above. Mich gun X Is llrm at -i ( f
No 1 comblug.wool MltajrtaSQ40opWo
Minneapolis and Sioux Olty Oloso the West-
cm Association. Season ,
or the Chilis CM her Hall
Oaiiics-Tlps ami JCntrlcs lor
Today' * Kacos Other
Sporting NCWH.
Pluved. Won. Lost Tor Ct
Knnsm Cltr US 78 40 .Of.l .
Mllvaiikor ia 78 41
Mliitii'nuolia , . . . I''l 78 41i'l . .
Iionvor ) ' .1) ) 57 ( i'l .4(17 (
HloiixOltv | ' . ' 3 M i'lm
Urn aim li ) til m
Lincoln 120 4T
tu Paul li ) i3 83 .aoo
Mltincaiiolls n Sioux City U.
MI.NXKAVOI.IS , Minn. , Sept. HO. [ Special
Telegram to'l'iinllHK. ' ] Minneapolis clinched
third place In the lust giimo of the season
AT CLF.Vll.A.NI ) .
Cleveland..0 1 01 00 00 10 3
llrooklyn . . . .0 0 01 20 00 01 4
Hits Cleveland (5 , Drooklvn 9. Errors
Cleveland 3 , Brooklyn 5. liiitterics Vlan
nud.limner , Curruthcrs and Clarke. Um
pire Me Quado.
Cliicago ; .0 0000 15 00 C
Huston 0 0200002 0 4
Hits Chicago 12 , Boston 5 , Errors Chicago
cage 2 , Hostou 5. Batteries Luliyo und
Nugle , Clarlcson aud Bennett. Umplro
Plttsburp 3 0004022 * 10
Philadelphia.,0 1000 00 0 0 1
Hits Plttsburg 18,1'liiladclplilan. Errors
PittsburR 1 , Pliiliiclelphia IS. Gatterics-
Viclteryatid Schrivcrj * Smith and Bcrgcr ,
Umplra Strict
1'lnyers' 1-icagiie.
Pittsburp o 10 00 00 31 5
Philadelphia. . . . ! 10 01 00 01 4
Hits Pittsburg 10 , Philadelphia 0. Er
rors PittslmrgO , Philadelphia 2. Batteries-
Maul an a'Fields ; Sanders and Halhnan. Um
pires Ferguson and Holbert.
Buffalo 0 00 00 01 00 1
Bostoiv 0 15 00 00 1 * 7
lilts Buffalo 4 , Boston 11. Errors Buffalo
4. Boston 1 , Batteries' Stafford and Mack :
Daly and Murphy. Umpires Pierce and
Cleveland 1 00 20 30 01 7
Now York .3 04,10 , 00 01 8
Hits Cleveland 10 , New York 10. Errors-
Cleveland 1 , New York 1. Batteries McGill
nndSutcliflo ; O'Day ' and "Vaughn. Umpires
Gaftuoy and Sheridan.
Chicago 1 20100004 8
Brooklyn 3 00 10 00 00 4
Hits Chicago 0 , Brooklyn 0. Errors-
Chicapro 2 , Brooklyn a. Batteries Kinff
and Parrcll ; Hemming and Cook. Um
pires Knight and Jones.
Amorie.anYssooiiitloti. .
Columbus..4 5010011 2 14
Athletic 0 00 00 00 02 2
Hits Columuus 17 , Athletic , 3. Errors
Columbus 2 , Athlotlo 1. Batteries Easton
and O'Connor ; O'Neil and Daily. Uinplro
Toledo 3 01 20 100 0 0
Rochester 0 00 10 000 0 1
Hits Toledo fi , Rochester 0. Errors To
ledo 1 , Kochestcr 1. Batteries Smith and
Sage ; Titcomb and Grimm. Umpire Austin.
Baltimore 0 000000 0 0
Louisville.i.- . 0 00 0. 0 10 1
Hits Baltimore 8 , Louisville 6. Errors
Baltimore r , Lou Is villa 0. Batteries Gor
man , and Townaend ; Mcokin and. Wcck-
becke'r. Umpire Uocschcr.
Called on account of darkness.
No game threatening weather ,
W sl Ljn-\vns Defeat llio Stars.
The West i uwns defeated the Eighteenth
Street Stars at Hnseall's park yesterday In a
warm and excltliiK ten-Inning contest ,
Pitcher Kennedy being knocked out of the
box la the first Inning. Tno fcatuso of the
gatno was the Ditching of MeAlvaui. The
score : "West Lawns W , Stars 11 , Base hits
West Lawns 11 , Stars 7. Batteries Mc-
Alvuln and Bowman for "West Lawns ; Ken
nedy , Grandiuo and Vapor for Stars. -
T/rjB.Sjf A'BIt I Ml.
Gravcfloiul llnuos.
GiuvKsns-ti , N. Y. , Sept. 30. [ Special
Telegram to Tnr. BKE.J Summary of today's '
races :
Three-fourths of a inllo Loantaka ( the
favorite ) ivon , Kcclaro second , Bradford
third , Ballston , Bustced , Oertio D and Bca
Harrison drawn. Time IslG.
Ono and one-sixteenth miles Reporter ( the
favorite ) won , Ktissou second , St. James
third , Castaway H and Little Jim drawn.
Tlino-1 :4S f.
Turootfourtlu of a mile , Holly handicap
Kspcranza won , Zcnoblu second , Husscll ( the
favorite ) third , Homer , Luvay , Peter and
Silverado drawn. Time 1:15 : ' .
Ono aud one-fourth miles , Brookwooi
handicap Denmth ( the favorite ) wonPrinco
Fonso second , lllloy third , Hncine , Ju Ja anO
Goodly drawn. Tune 3 :09.-J. '
Ono and one-sixteenth miles My Fellow
won , Golden Keel second , Ballyhoo ( the
favorite ) third , Ban Cloche and Houston
d rwvn. Tlnio-1 :50.
Ono and one-sixteenth miles Wilfred ( the
favorite ) won , Lonpahot second , Foxmedo
third , Vendetta , Burnside , Kassou and Keru
drawn. Tltno-1 : 11 %
Three-fourths of a mllo-Lady .Tano ( colt ]
won , Klnptock second , Aurania ( the favor
ite ) third , Repeatdrawn. . Time 1 :10 ,
Sept. 80 , Spceiul Tclocram to
Tins BIK. ] Summinary of today's races :
Ono mile , Boiling-Eugenia ( the favorite ]
won , Pullman second , Tenllko third , Llttrol
drawn. Titno-1 :45. :
Plvo-cigbthsofa inllo , soiling Ed Leonard
won , Ciwlo A second , MoOJeska third , Jlob
Iu ( the favorite ) unplaced , Borealla drawn
Tinio 1 :0 : > i .
Ono inllo and twenty vards. selling Jubl-
leo ( the favorite ) won , Bob Towytho second ,
Consignee third , Time H15.
One mile uud sbveuty yards , hnndlcap-
'nnco FnrtunatuB ( tbo favorite ) won , Kit
ceond , Hamlet third. Tlnio IttO'fi
Three-tin artcrs of a inllo Maiden stakes
Dungarven ( the favorite ) won , Kuitcnlo
ccond , Mlrabeau tnlrd , Oriental , Yalofll , .
jiborty Bell , I'annloS , Col. Whcnlloy and
Mmd , S drawn. Tline1 .1(5. ( .
Iliilon for Mtnndnrtl llecnrds.
Ct.r.vKi.ANn , O. , Sept. M At the meeting of
ho executive committee of the National
Association of Trotting Horse Breeders now
rules wcro adopted for securing standard
records. Tlio old method of trotting for "tin
cup" records was abolished. The new way
> rovldes for a standard stake. In which
inch horse winning lu iisiiO or better
s sent , to the stable , All mads secured under
.ho old method will bo good up to .tonight ,
September 0. After that all roads must bo
secured under the now rules , v/hleh / go Into
effect October 1.
Clovcliiml lla < : os.
CLUVKI.AXII , O. , Sept. ISO. Tno national
soclation of trotting horse breeders' races
opened today at the Cleveland driving
The special subscription stake for two-year-
olds which never beat three minutes as ycur-
Unjrs , value $ I.V . ) , Fall won in 3:68. :
The stakes for fo.ds of 1SS7 by stallions
vho hnvo not beaten 13.1" : > ns thrco-ycar-olds ,
value ? oX ( > , Bravado won In li :18. :
The special subscription stakes for fotir- which hnvo never beaten aiSS , value
$110. Fanny Swope won In 2 : tl.
The Juvenile stake * for foals of 1S37 by
stallions whoso get hnvo never beaten 2lIIO
ns three-year-old , value $ . " > 55 ; Presto won in
Ct ! ) > >
The special subscription stakes for threo-
year-olds that have never beaten three min
utes , value $ tfiO , Margaret M won , Wildmont
second , CJlobhani third , Ethel Muck fourth.
Best titno ' , ' : 'JTJ. ' .
Match race Colma won , Mattlo IMarco
second , Calsor Day third. Best time 2 : 3) ) .
Today'H Tips.
AT MOIllllS.
First race Volunteer II , Druidcss.
Second Uaco Nellie Hly , St. Churles.
Third race Tom Donohue , ( Irayiaek.
Fourth race Tournament , Banq'uct.
Fifthrace-Flrciizi , Sam Wood.
Fiist race Little Midget , Valrhnvcn.
Second race Rogers , Silver Lake ,
Third race-Dyer , Prltehott.
Fourth raeo Spectator , Lottie S.
Fifth race Tom Jones , Lamar.
Entries for Today's HaocH.
First mco , nve-clRbths of a mllc-Ballarat ,
Koluntcer II , , Daniel B , , DruiJoss , Korerun-
Second race , one-half mile Hetty Prather ,
AVeud.'way , Nellie Bly , Annie , Correction ,
Ayrshiro Lass. Atlas , St. Charles , Blithe ,
San ,1mm.
Third race , throe-quarters of a tnilo , selling
Grnyloclc ( latu A'ictrix ) , Craft. Klckovor ,
Tom Donahue , Common Sense , Miss Hooker
( colt ) , Klla T , Patrick , Astronomer , Sir Hue ,
Fourth race , ono mile and five-seventeenths ,
Jeroniostakei MastcrlodeTournanientBan-
Fifth mile and mankat-
race , ono-quarter , -
tnn handicap Ilaceland , Castaway II. Scuo-
rita , Buddhist , Diablo , Eon , Fironzi , Comoto
Taw , Al Parron , Los Angeles.
Sixth race , ono mile , sellinir Torchlight ,
Ounerod , Ksciuimaux , Tattler , He-Echo. Sam
First race , one-lialf mile , Maidens Hosc-
< icll , Ziittlo Annie , Triumph , Miss DowlliifT ,
Fairhaven , iDosta , Quzotte , Little Midget ,
Second race , ono milo and twenty yards
Great Scott , Nina Archer , Silver Luke. Zet
Ward , Tonllke , Rogers , Meckio II. , Jo Wal
ton , Gymnast. .
Third nice , ono milo , selling Valedictory ,
Dyer , Spite , Pritchett , Jack Brady , Nera C ,
Fourth race , ono mile and seventy yards
Lottie S. , Louise Forrest , Little Crete ,
Carter B. , Princess Annie. Marchnia , Flit-
away , Koscmond , Kedlight , Adrlcnno ,
Fifth race , five-eighths of a milo , selling
Beulah B. , Lamar , Franlc D. , Tom Jones ,
Paola , Kovcal. . t _
At the Kxprmltlori.
Notwithstanding the strong counterattraction
tion Barnum's show offered last night there
was yet another great crowd at the exposi
tion , which may bo attributed , in agreat
measure to the matchless musical attraction
the management has secured In Miss Alice
Raymond , the lady cornctist.
She was accorded a most cordial reception ,
and as a consequence was at her very host.
She charmed everybody , not nfonO by reason
ofhor Incomparable execution , but by her
charms of person and carriage ns welli All
her renditions were marked by n simplicity
and strength seldom heard never before , in
fnct , in a female ipcrformcr on this difficult
Instrument and by a power and knowledge
of the comet that is admirable.
She was recalled again and again and
again and greeted frequently with sincerely
hearty and well merited nppmuso. Goodcor-
not players are a rarity even among men , and
a woman who can master the art and has a
winsome face is qulto certain to succeed In a
city full of lovers of good music.
The Fire Hcconl
CHICAGO , Sept. 30. Fire tonight in the
building at No. 171 Canal street , occupied by
several manufacturing llrms , gave the de
partment much trouble to subdue aud caused
a loss of $25,000. , At the height of the lire
the south wall of the building fell out , bury
ing nine members of engine company No. 17.
The work of rescue began instantly und all
were quickly taken out. They wore painfully
burned and bruised , but miraculously all es
caped fatal Injuries.
UTIM , N. Y. , Sept. 80 , A flre atlllon this
morning caused damage of J75OOJ to a num
ber of stores. Insurance small.
A St. Louis Mystery.
ST. Louis , Sept. 30. Evidence of what is
probably a mysetrious murder was discov
ered today some distance from the city In the
woods , In the shnpo o : n lleshless skeleton
with n bullet hole In the skull. The clothing
had rotted away and there nro no means of
Identification , The bony lingers on onohand
still held in a firm clutch a stout cane.
Two Cntliollo I'rlests Detained.
PmunHT.ruiA , Sept. 80. Kov. Dr. H , A.
Menkenhurg and Uov. Dr. Loentkcrath ,
Catholio priests from Europe , who arrived
on the steamer Bclgcnland today , nro de
tained under the contract labor law , they
having come across as teachers in a Catholic
college in St. Paul.
mistaken I'or
BOSTOV , Mass. , Sept. ! tO. Policeman
Thomas Kemy , in Iloxbury. tonight saw two
persons in a dark alloy ifctingsuspiciously. .
Thinking them burglars ho challenged tliom
and when they lied lired , killing eleven-year-
old John Davenport , who with another
youthful companion hud been stealing grapes.
( illtiinrc Crawfishes ,
MISXBAVOI.ISI , Minn. , Sept. : iO. Harry Gilmore -
more , champion light weight of Canada , aud
James McIIalo of Philadelphia were to have
fought to a finish tonight. At the cud of the
tenth round , however , when McHalo hud the
best of the light , Gllmoro claimed that his
loft arm was injured and refused , to continue.
Klllril HlHVllbtH Father.
CAMDKX. Mo. , Soot , 30. John Tucker mar
ried a daughter of Dr. W. Johustono and soon
deserted her. Johnston threatened vengeance ,
The men met last night , Both were armed ,
Tuckcrshot first and Johustouc is dead ,
Tlm Portuguese Cabinet.
LtsnoNSept. . 80 , Senor Ferraowill make
It a distinctive feature of the new cabinet
that none of the members shall Ito corn-
milled to any declared policy regarding tbo
KuglisU treaty.
To Explore a Desert ,
ST. PCTEHSIIUHO , Sept. 30-fSpecIal Cablegram -
gram to THE BEB. ] The Ilussfun govern
ment h about to send an expedition to Mon
golia to explore the dcsort of Uobl.
A. J , Henderson and D. Pinlayson wcro ar
rested yesterday for passing counterfeit
money ,
Major OuihingrKotuma it to tlio Council
WltliouVlils Approval ,
v' '
Tronlilo Ajinln in/niinciit / Between tlio
Hoard of llyallli null tlm City
Council Now llejf.strarn (
Thfl dlniculty between tho'bonnl of health
ntul the city council was bpcuiJU up ngutii at
tlio council meeting last night.
City Physician C an | presented n coin-
niunlcatioii culling attention to the prevalence
of diphtheria In the city. Ho showed that
there wore twenty-ono dtftiths from this cor.-
tngioti lu August , and thutcli'lity-threo cnsea
hail bcon reported In September. Ho urged
thtf'co-operation of the council In furnishing
funds for stamping out the contngloiis.
Dr. Gapen asked the privilege of making n
statement to the council. This wai gwtitcd ,
undUr. Giipeu lie uu by stilting thutthoro
\vpro some matters upon which the board of
hcnltli and the council did not apree.
At this point City Attorney Popploton naked
permission to offer n suify0.stiou. ! Ho said
that It wns n matter ol general notoriety that
Dr. Oapeu und Mr. U'uecler hud antagonized
each other in the conduct of matters pertaining -
ing to the board of health , and that as Mr ,
Wheeler was absent It would bo much better
if Dr. Gnpen would postpone tiny statement
ho had to make until Mi\ Wheeler could bo
Air. Lowry seconded Mr. Poiipleton's ' sug
gestion. "There has been too much sanitary
law hero BOW.M said Mr. Lmvry. "Tho busi
ness Is belnp prostituted bylho city's agents.1'
and Mr. Lowry cited several Instances In
which property owners had been charged ex
orbitant prices for sanitary work.
On motion of Mr. Hochol thu entire matter
was laid over for otio wcelt , and Dr. Gapen
On recommendation of tlio city engineer
now appraisers will lo appointed to ascertain
tuo cost of opumng Twenty-fourth street
from the north to the south city limits.
Mayor Gushing returned a veto with tlio
ordinance granting to the Ncbraslw telephone -
phone company the right to lay conduits and
place its wires under ground. The mayor
held that the ordlnancii pr.mtod a too sweep
ing-franchise ; that the city should have use
for Its own wires In the conduits free of
original cost ; that the term of the franchise
should bo mnaoloss than lllty years as pro
vided in the proposed ordinance. The veto
was sustained , the ordinance reconsidered
and referred to the committee on Judiciary.
.Acting Mayor CIiullco returned without his
approval the contract with Ed Phclati for
grading Thirtieth street from Ames avenue
to the north city limits , as there were not
funds available. The contract was referred
to the committee on grade * and RradiiiR with
Instructions to confer with the board of
county commissioners to ascertain if arrange
ments cannot bo n artq by what the county
will assume the city'e share of the cost of the
work ,
The contract with John P. Coots for the
completion of the pity hall VMS approved.
The contract calls for1 the completion of the
work bp January 1 , isjifci.
A number of tho' ippointed registrars re-
Second ward. Second district , A. Boehme.
Third ward. Fourth district , l rauk Kinucy
and John Lakstronf.1 Second ward. . Sixth
district , William , Uaiuoy. Eighth ward ,
TTilrd precinct , H. C , 'Hanson. Ninth ward ,
First district , W. A. Spencer , F. D. Dwolloyl
Protests from West Leavenworth street
property owners an Jt in other localitiesaRainat
the proposed cxtcdslort of the lire limits were
referred , with tho'oruUmnce ' , to the commit
tee of the whole. . . , . .
Missionary Rootfy/8 / request for a gas lamp ,
In front of St. Timothy's mission , North
Eleventh strokt/whM'eferrod' to the commit'
toe on gas and eleetrio lights.
The claim of Fowler & 'Bcindorff. for archi
tects' services oa the now , city hall atuount-
ing to $ r,08S.7jy , , was- referred to the committee -
too on public property and buildings.
A resolution Instructing the board of public
works to order no more new sidewalks except
upon the petitions of property owners was
referred to the committee on sidewalks and
The city engineer and board of public
works wcro instructed to make an Inspection
of the Eleventh street viaduct and to report
the repairs necessary to place the structure
in a safe condition.
Changes were niado in the registration
places as follows : Fourth ward , Second dis
trict , from Planters' house to Leslie's drug
store : Second ward , First district , Irom
lihoades' coal ofHco to 7UI South Thirteenth
street ; Second ward. Second district , from
lOi'J Leavenworth to'JOOS Pierce.
"W. C. Ballentlno was appointed city
weigh master by Acting Mayor Jhoffee.
Tlireatenetl'wltli ' Ly ncliiiiir ,
Wii.KESu.utnE , Pa. , Sept. 30. [ Special Tel
egram to THE BRU. ] Foreman Henry of the
the Wyoming Valley stone works at Mosho-
phen this evening -walked to the Ttlvorsldo
hotel with his wifo. There ho met a young
stonecutter nnmed Leslie Kellogg and fatally
shot him. A second shot fired by Henry hit
a hostler named John Losdln , inllictmg a
llesh wound. There was great excitement
and all the evening , Henry's life was la
danger from the mob , , who threatened to
lynch him. lSTo cause can as yet bo assigned
for the shooting.
1'ur tlio Kaiser.
VIENNA , Sept. ! 50. [ Special Cablegram to
THE BEB.I The preparations for the coming
of the emperor of Germany are all completed.
The city wears n holiday aspect and every
thing possible has been done to glvo the
kaiser n worthy reception. The streets
through which the two emperors will
pass on their way txTtho palace have been
thronged all day with ncoplo viewing the
handsome decorations that everywhere ine't
thoeyo. The oflloial journal today has uu
article welcoming Emperor William In terms
of unusual warmth.
Tlio Wenth-r Forecast.
For Omaha and "Vicinity Fair ; warmer.
For Nebraska Fair ; cooler ; variable
For Iowa Fair , followed by light rain In
southern portion ; slightly cooler ; southeast
erly winds.
For South Dakotft Fair ; cooler ; variable
winds. ' : ' -j _
.Husband jjjlif ? Wife Killed.
CAMUO , N. J. , Septi .TO. Arthur Williams
and wife , aged seventy-seven and seventy ,
attempted to cross . .r'ailroad track In a car-
ringo before an extirwis train. Both -were
killed. Williams wifi'a prominent architect
and builder ol this e'ltynind Philadelphia.
German Social Uln ltrjolo > .
BCHL.I.N , Sept , SO.urplioro is great rejoicing
In Germany over tlyj expiration of the anti-
socialist laws , Meyllb/fs were held ut many
points. Several professions were dispersed
by the police , but iloboxly was hurt. Many
exiles arc returning "f ,
Meeting /oltio / Cabinet.
WASIIIXOTQX , Scjlt ; .no. The cabinet mot
today for the first t'tW'ln many weeks and
considered congressional matters awaiting
executive action. All the members were
present except Secretaries Windom and
Removal Hl'tliu Krlo'H
CHICAGO , Sept. 80 , [ Special Telegram "to
TUB DUE. ] The general oftlcesot thv Chicago
< Ss Krio , with the exception of thn freight and
passenger departments , were being removed
today to Cleveland
Stenmghlp Arrivals.
At Now York TheeEthopla , from Glas
gow ; tlio Galileo , from Hull.
At Philadelphia Tlio llelscnland , from
Antwerp , _ _
Thn Mmuli Itcill.
WOOHSTOCK , Vt. , Kept , 110. Hou. Freder
ick Billings , ox-president of the Northern
Paclllu railroad , died this evening.
Jlo Upturn * From n Visit to the ilcnt
Hon. , T. M. Husk , secretary of agriculture ,
returned from Grand Island last ovei.lug ami
wns seen by lliii reporter at the Murray
"I found a very complete mill and sugar
factory at Grand IslnnO , " said Mr. Hiuk ,
"but 1 was n few days too early to see the In
stitution in operation , Mr. Oxnard was not
quite ready , to start the factory , for ho Imd
not enough bcots on hand to keep tlio mill
running continuously , and ho does not wish
to shut down at all when once ho
starts until , about the llrst of December.
Ho had about six Imhdred tons of boots on
hand , Imt they would run the mill only about
two days. "
"Were you pleased with the prospects of
the instltutiouJ"
"I xviis very well pleased. I couldn't help
it. The mill'Is a magnllleeiit structure , un
doubtedly the most complete In the country.
Mr. Oxnnrd says there is no mill in the world
any better , or in fa ct qultu so complete
Then wo have a go vcrninent chemist ther
and ho reports the ho ets as being much lietto
than we hud hoped for. Mr. Oxnard
would consider ten per cent of
sugar as being good enough to
inaUo the beet sugar factory a success. Well ,
our chemist showed mo a number of analyses
that showed the beets to contain from 1'J to IB
percent of sugar. This is certainly very
encouraging , "
"Do you think that congress will provide *
for a bounty on sugar , or will tliolnrilt bo so
adjusted as to protect ttio industry ( "
"I could not sny ns to that. I bellevo that
something will bo done about the sugar ques
tion , hut just how congress will adjust the
matter remains to bo seen. "
"Will Mr. Oxnard Do satisfied with a
bounty as well as ho would by the tariff pro
tection theory ! "
"I think he will not bo so well pleased with
the bounty ns ho would have been with the
tariff protection , but ho will go abend with
the business just the same. "
"Will ho build other mills in case this la a
success ) "
"Ho says ho intends to build two more
mills In Nebraska if this one proves to lO )
a success , and 1 srono reason why It should
not be. In a few days the great mill will bo
started , and I believe they intend to use up
about three hundred and llftv tons of boots
dally after the mill Is fully started. "
Secretary Uusk and his party leave for the
cast today. They will stop one day In Illinois
to attend the state fair.
AVaiits a Test Case.
WATr.nt.oo , In. , Sept. 80. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BBI : . ] The sale of liquors In
original packages was commenced again tiero
today by an agent of a Pcoria , 111. , firm , who
says ho desires to rnalce a test case.The
linn Is acting on the advice of a Qcdar Uaplds
attorney , who holds that the present Iowa
prohibitory law is invalid and to bo of effect
will have to bo re-enacted. The liquors were
ordered seized at once by the county attorney.
Inwu'N World's Fair Kvhiblu
CHICAGO , Sept. SO. II. W. Seaman of the
Second congressional district of Iowa and
chairman of the committee appointed by the
Iowa state world's fair commission , accom
panied by Mr. James O. Crosby , a member of
the state committee , arrived In Chicago today
and were in consultation during a largo part
of the day with Secretary Dlckonson of the
world's fair national commission with refer
ence to a very complete exhibit of the re
sources and development of the state of Iowa
in ISM. The state legislature on April 15
created a commission of eleven members , ono
to bo appointed from each congressional dis
trict of the state , and appropriated $50,1)00 ) to
pay the expenses of the committee. Messrs.
Seaman and Crosby are confident that the
Iowa exhibit will bo second to that of no
state exhibit at the world's fair. It will bo
largely agricultural , but the educational sys
tem will bo given special prominence , as Iowa
claims In that particular to lead the United
Boles Rulers a I'rntcHt.
DBS MOINW , la. , Scpt.30. [ Special to Tun
BEU.J There is a serious disagreement be
tween Governor Boies mid three other mem
bers of the state executive ) council and the at
torney general on the subject of paying for
the printing of certain abstracts in criminal
cases , which have been appealed to the supreme -
prome court. The matter has been under
discussion for several months , but no de
cision was'arrived at until now : Among the
bills under discussion Is ono for $177 lor an
amended abstract of the famous Billings
rnso. It has bxn the practice of the state
heretofore to pay these matters und the at
torney general decides it is entirely legal to
do so and part of the executive council's busi
ness to provide for them. Hut the present
governor thought different and withheld his
signature. The bills , however , will bo paid
on the certificates of tno secretary of state ,
the auditor and the treasurer.
The DOS'Molncs Hoodlo Cnses.
Dns MOINCS , la. , Sept. 30. [ Special to Tun
BIK. ; ] Arguments in the cases of the DCS
Molnc3 boodle aldermen have been submitted
to.IudgoICdvanagh , who now lias the matter
under advisement , The arguments were
made on a demurrer to the Indictment , and
the ground of the defense was that no crime
had been committed , inasmuch as no penalty
was attached to the law fixing the amount of
salary which an alderman should receive. It
was also argued that a member of a legis
lative body could not bo punished for acts
done in pursuance of orders made by said
body , and the courts have held that city
councils nro legislative bodies. The best
legal talent in the city represented both sides ,
and the decision will be awaited with interest.
Killed Wlitlo Stealing a Ride.
H.VWTIIOIIXE , In. , Sept. 80. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKB.I George Mulligan , the
son of a telegraph operator at East Creston ,
mot a frightful death hero at 2 o'clock this
morning. Mulligan and a j-oung
man named Brown boarded the
Burlington llycr to beat their way to
Omaha , The brakeman told them they
might ride oa the rear platform and left
them. The two men decided it would bo
safer on top the coach and climbed to that po
sition. Mulligan was stand ing up buttoning
his coat when tlio train passed through a
bridge. Mulligan was struck by a bridge
timber and was knocked from tlio train , the
contact almost severing his head from his
body. His remains were removed to Creston.
A Now Iload lucnrimr.ited.
DgsMoiXBs , la. , Sept 30. [ Special toTun
Ben. ! Articles of incorporation of the Chicago
cage , Iowa & Pacific railway company have
been filed hero. The chief place of business
is Dos Moines , the capital stock $100,000,000
and tlio incorporators E. K. Hutchlns , DCS
Moines ; Jesse A , Baldwin , Chicago ; Henry
13. Baldwin , Chicago ; Christian W. Lynch ,
Hnrrlsburg , Pa. ; ( Jeorgo II. Simmons , Chicago
cage , und M. H. Ward , DCS Moines. Among
the lines in contemplation Is one from Chicago
cage through Des Moines to the City of Mexico
ice , with a branch extending from a point at
or near DCS Moines to or near Vacuum or
Seattle , Wash. The lint board of directors
comprise the above incorporators and C , C ! .
Missot.'iu V.M.i.r.r , la. , Sept. ? 0 , [ Special
Telegram to TUB HIE. : ] A tramp giving his
nnmo as John Williams today entered the
house of Gcorgo McTntosh , a farmer , and
demanded of Mrs. MrTntosh homcthlng to
cat. Upon bolng refused ho bccaino Insolent
anil attempted to make an assault. The
woman's cries brought several men who
wcro working near , when \Vllllaius pulled a
gun and threatened to shoot. He was over
come and brought to town and is now in jail
nwaltlug preliminary examination.
Attempted Triiln "Wroolclni * .
ST. Joux.N. II , , Sept , 30-The Intercolo
nial fast express from Halifax to Montreal
last night ran into a pile of tics placed on the
truck by some miscreants and wns partially
wrecked. The passengers were badly shaken
up , but no ono was hurt ,
Nominated lor Congroin.
MILWAUKEE , Wi. , Sept. 80. Tlio republican -
can congressional convention of the Fourth
district nominated H. C. Spencer for con
The Hovlfllon Convention Memorial-
lien CoiiKrcNM on < hn NYgror.H.
.TACKHOX , Miss , , Sept , HO. In the constitu
tional convention today the committee to
which was referred the subject of inemorall-
zing congress on the repeal of the fifteenth
amendment reported along sot of resolutions.
They set forth that tlio white and negro
races , though friendly and homogenous for
all business and industrial purposes , nro
widely separated by race instincts and preju
dices In nil political anil nodal matters ; that
there Is no well founded hope of n change ;
that with such a condition there will over
ho conlllcts of greater or less
magnitude concerning the control of the
governments of states In which ttielr names
arc approximately equal ; that such a condi
tion of insecurity Is not only a great political
and social evil but also greatly Impedes In
dustrial development , and Inasmuch ns the
white people are cauablo of conducting and
maintaining the government of fluch states ,
giving security and protection to the whole
people and property thereof , the negro race ,
( oven if Its people were educated ) being
wholly unequal to such great responsibility ,
therefore It is resolved that it Is the
deliberate judgment of the people of Missis
sippi that the only cfllclcnt remedy lies In
repeal of the iUtccnth amendment , whereby
such restrictions and limitations may bo put
upon negro suffrage by the several states as
may bo necessary and proper for the iniiln-
tenanco und stability of the governments
therein. The resolutions then request con
gress to submit a proiKisltlou for repeal to
tho. states and Mississippi will cheerfully ac
cept such veductions in congressional repre
sentation us may bo reasonable and just in
view of the diminished vote consequent upon
such repeal.
jfuraA iriiiTu.ti > OVTHMSE ,
An Alabama Widow Shot While Fleeing -
ing IVom Her AHsallatitH.
BniMixdiiAM , Ala. , Sept. 80 , News was
received hero today of a terrible whltccnp
outrage which occurred In Calhoun county
Saturday night , A band of masked men
went to the house of Sirs. Jatio Cody ,
n widow , and dragged her from
bed with the Intention of flogging
her. They started to the woods with her ,
but she broke tuvay and started to run , She
had gone n short distance when a volley was
llredather , indicting a fatal wound. The
white caps lied when the woman fell , and
she lay there until morning before she was
found. The sheriff is making every effort to
have the woman's assailants identified and
A Japanese Protest.
YOKOHAMA , Sept. 30. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB Br.n.l At a public meeting held hero
a number of Japanese speakers denounced
the government for according to foreigners
the right of trial by judges other than native
Judges. The sentiments of the speakers
were applauded by their hearers and threats
wore made to Ictll the ex-consul of Great
Britain for the part ho has taken in advocat
ing the granting of privileges to foreigners.
Popular excitement over the latter runs high.
Values Hnr AiTcutloiiN '
I'rntt.v High *
CHICACJO , Sept. ; ! 0. Suit was began today
by Mary II/-W. Masoti ( daughter of Llew
ellyn Mason , a conductor on the Alton road ,
against Edward L. Groff for $50,000 for
breach of promise , tiroff is a member of the
well known jewelry firm of Mayo , Groff &
Co. , and a reputed millionaire. The plaintiff
is n pretty blonde of nineteen years and
claims that Groff has repeatedly promised to
marry her. Groff is out of the city and his
partners will not talk.
Killed by lUirgtars.
Puncnu. , I.T. , Sept.30. [ Special Telegram
to TIIR Bnn. ] Three burglars , armed with
rifles , entered the store of J. H. Carrie & Co.
last night. With his weapon ono cf the men
held J. H. Carrlo and two clerks at bay ,
while the other selected a lot of the most val
uable goods. "Whcm the robbers had com
pleted their woric and were nnout to escape ,
Mr. Carrie ran toward the ollioo for shelter ,
when both robbers turned mil llred at him.
Ono shot took effect in his head , producing
instant death. The robbers escaped.
Krtrgcr MoCleniok'n Cnne.
CHICAGO , Sept. W ) . | Special Telegram to
Tim BEE. ] Burt McClcnick , the forger
wanted for Jail breaking at .faclcson , Neb. ,
appeared before Justice AVhito this morning
on the charge of obtaining money under false
pretenses. Ho asked foir n continuance until
Friday , which was granted , bail being llxed
at $1,000. It Is expected that requisition
papers will arrive for him by that time ,
A Poiihlo .Icrk la Cuba.
HAVANA , Sept , 30. Two brothers Jose
arid Cnrmelo Diaz wcro executed this morn
ing for a particularly atrocious crime. They
attacked n Turkish woman and subjected her
to the grossest Indignities , The husband
sought to avenge } ils wife , but was killed by
the brothers , who nlso murdered the woman
and mutilated the bodies in u horrible manner.
I'roskleiit Mnlott Continued.
CHICAGO , Sept. SO. [ Special Telegram to
THE BKB.I The Chicago & Western Indiana
directors met today and voted to continue tlio
term of President Malott , ex-receiver of the
Chicago & Atlantic , for one month. A num
ber of Improvements wore also ordered in , the
tracks and Chicago yards , besides additions
to the rolling stock.
Through coaches Pullman palneo
alcoporB , dining curs , ffeo rocllningohntr
cars to Chicago and intervening point
via the grout Hock Island routo. Tioko
Cap.tain 1'lttfi Kel'aficH to Talk.
Six FitANcisro , Gal. , Sept. .TO. The Pacific
Man steamer Acnpulco arrived today. Cap
tain I'itts refused to speak of the Bnrnindla
affair further than to say that the published
reports wore in the main correct and that ho
had prepared a report which would ho forwarded -
warded to the main olllco in Now York.
For colds , croup , asthma , bronchitis and
sore throat , use Dr. Thomas' Eelectrlo Oil ,
and get the genuine.
Silver Decline * ! at Amsterdam.
AMUTKIIIIAM , Sept. 30. [ Special Cablegram
to THE Br.K.J The price of line silver in tlio
open market hero today declined from IK ) tobO
guilders per kilo ,
Will Visit William.
BeitMN , Sept , SO. [ Special Cablegram to
TUB Bun. ] It Is expected that the King of
lielduiii will visit Emperor William on Octo
ber 1(1 ( or IT.
Water Lily Soap will Hoat.
'llio Premium on Gold ,
Ilwxos Avius : , Sept. .TO. [ Special Cable
gram to Tun HEI : . ] Uold Is quoted at 1-lS,1
pur cent premium.
Absolutely Puro.
Acrouinnf larlrir baklni powrtor. Highest
of lenvoiilng strength I' . H , Government Ito
port An it- lit 1 W.
N tilClttK.
Count KlrlfltiloMN llnngi UlttiMt-lr In V
11 IN Cell ,
d'ontoti 1ttnnttt.\ \
Hopt. SSI.New'ork [ Herald
Cable - Special toTitr. Hii.1 : : Count Klolslf
loss , who is con lined iiiMoublt prison for tin
attempt at minuliuiKhtOf on lion' Albert ,
proprietor of the hotel in which Alllo. Mor
tens , who was crowned queen of
beauty at the Vienna exhibition ,
sides , attempted to commit tmlcido yestcrdny
morning by hanging himself with hi ) mis-
lenders from a beam hi his cell , lie was
discovered , however , and rut down before
llfo was completely extinct. Until recently
ho wns engaged to the beautiful and wealthy
daughter of Mayor Thompson of Detroit ,
Mich. The motive of his attempt at sululitti
Isasslgncd to mortification over hit expulsion
from the army , which took place last week ,
and to sorrow ut the suicide of his friend ,
Count Sohlelnlt/ , the moral responsibility for
which , according to letters which the younif
nobleman wrote before taking his life , rc U
with Count Kiclst.
The Illinois Stale I "a If.
I'KOIIH , lu. , Sept. : w. Twenty-live thous
and child run mid n largo number of adults
altanded the state fair today. Awards wcro
given for horses , cattle and sheep. Various
races were a feature of the afternoon. The
nrt display is very line this year , The an
nual election of the members of the board oc
curs tomorrow ami Hon. Lafayette Funk of
MuUnln county will probably bo the new
The ImtCHt Uusnliin I/IMV.
LONIW.V , Sept. ! W. A St , Petersburg cor-
rcspondontof the Daily Telegraph says that
the Russian minls'or of the interior is preparing -
paring a law authorizing the deportation to
Siberia without trial of all foreigner ? , who
have been expelled from their own countries ,
and whoso governments refuse to re
cognize them. This law is directed ngainst
Kounmnlnii Jews who come to Kussla.
TrmihlcH ,
CI..MIICSVII.I.I : , Tcnn. , Sept. 80. McGheo
Hrothcrs , who wcro such heavy losers by the
ilro last Saturday , made an assignment
todtiv. liabilities estimated at about * 00UOJ ,
assets about SSO.OOO.
The Importance of purifying the blood can
not bo overestimated , for without pura
blood you cannot enjoy good hcnltli.
At this season nearly every ono needs a
good mediclno to purify , vitalize , and enrich \
the blood , and Hood's Sarsaparllln is worhy :
your confidence. It is peculiar in it
strengthens and builds up the system , creates
an appctito , and tones the digestion , Whilu
it eradicates disease. Glvo It a trial.
Hood's Sarsaparllla Is sold byalldrugglsts.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Jlasi.
IOO Doses One Dollar
liiprjtro-t & oca
uonilo cookery. UHQ
it fcr Soups , Sauces ,
' Miulo Dishes , ( Outno ,
Company's Pish , etc. ) Aspic or
Moat Jelly. Keeps
perfectly in nil ell-
matcs for iiii ' length
EXTRACT of time , iiuid is clnap-
or and of finer tlnvnr
than any other stoclt ,
One pound equal to
OF BEEFy forty pouiills of lean
hoof of the value of
about $7. CO.
/y G
/ ciiuinoonly wit
. „ / . * . % * & ( Justus von LUMiy' : )
3 bitjnatui'pus shown
The Specialist ,
It Jimirpiuacd In ttio treat
ment of all forum of i'ltl-
liooil , HTHIOTUKI5 , Of imln
In rulclrliw the Mtiuilor ,
'jVl'IIII.IB curoJ InSJtoW
ilnyn. Kkln Dlsumtu , Cnturrh
nml nil Dlimi'uaa of llm
Illooil. lluiirt nnJ l.lviir. Ku-
mslo Dlicasoa cured nlthuut
In triiiiiLMitor "local treat
ment. " J.mllei from 2 to 1
unly. U'rltu lor clrcu-
InrsKlvIni ; pnrllculiiriubuut
each of the nbovn lUiimini ,
nnrt nhotvlnu ninny of tlio
molt roiiiarkutilu oitroa. Of *
flro , N. K. Cor. 1 ( tli nncl I'Virnnm ' UtH. , ontronco on
either itrcot , OurnU * Nub
Vf. ItAKSIl & CO.'S
la ttbtotiileiii jniro ami
{ t I * lolitlilc.
No Chcmical&
nro uiej In tti prevarntlon. It hni nor
tfiAitfirtt ( * 4 fttf ttrttsftol \ Ooroq
inlxnl witli hi arch , Arruwroot or Hugur ,
and I tlifrcfuro far nioro economical ,
cutting ittt than on cent a ciif. It II
ildlcluu * , nuurUlilnZt stren theninK , 1A- !
HII.V IiOFHTI.l > tinU ailmlrnMy ndapted
for Invalided ! wvllai pcnun * lu health *
Sold bjrdrorcrK evcrynhero.
W. BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Hasa
U known ! 1C you Imvo Kvll Hrrams , I.OBSCI ,
nrn lniiioti > nt. lull of Krarn , Ilinlcvelniiril or
Htiiulcif , Victim of Kxrcsrt or ContiiBlnin Din-
r Hi' , you , can rmi/ie nil Coiuriiutntet by niir
Ktilutlve nml Xvrmtful Mrthutlior litimr
tnclthor i * . In voluntary l.o sei , ami
cf iho hraln , fcwlf-fbuno or
rauHtft l > y oTcr-uxortloA -
OTtT'liidulffpnco , l.ach bet containo omonlt' treat ,
tuont. 91 nl > ox. urali ( or C > . rent Itnall | > rt > p&ld.
With each urJer tur lx lioxcs , will i > emJ purctmiwt'
irtiarantvo tu iffutul noner If ( no treatment falls Ct ]
i-uin * tlii.irinteolmetl anUuenulno tf < > lU uiilyby
lllOl'urmuii Street , - Oniuhit. Neb ,
unil for rcauliittnc leu pcrlmlla rnnrRe.
Mono L-ennino rnlc nlKiml "llLJikoni > . W run
Ilonj | > rte , 1'artt" HOLD 1IY A1I < VUlKlQlHTa
H. roiiKi-rii iV ( ' . , N , V. L-riiltiri.r I lie V. H.
ilcillo , IV , Military Aciidumr , l > ori.
. Ilruukullull.ulrli. ( 'Ifculan Ira
Oul , O. JVrl lit. U.S. . A.M. CoruwullN. , Yi