Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1890, Image 5

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    THE OlLAEtA DAIE.T BEE , SATURD-Ar , SDP'fEjrBEia 27 , 1890.
QTeltaska Bhonld llako Immcdlato Propata *
tlona for tic World's lair.
TVhat Jfns Been. Done by tlio Boara of
nnd AVIiy tlio CJreat
Com BLnlo hlmuld Ho
"Well Ilcprcsciitcd.
'Permit ' mo to remark at tlio outset , " ailfl
Jblr , Euclid Martin as ho settled into
coiuorsullon. with ft SDrp. reporter about
the work of the World's fair board of coin-
mttsloiicrs , "that tlio world's Columbian ex
position li going to bo n stupendous thing.
Although much hat been said and published
about It , yet tho3o who am not actually en
gaged In making the i > roHrntnar.y prepara
tions have but a faint idcj of the tnajraltudu
Of the undertaking. "
Mr. Martin has just returned from Chicago ,
ylcro lie had ftttonded the second tosslon of
iho world's ' Columbian commission , of which
lioh n member , as also of the executive com *
inlttca nnd of the committco on transporta
tion , Considering the fait tliat tliuio nro but
twenty-six members of the exccutivccoinmlt-
tco und that nearly every ono of
tbo 10i ( members of the commission
nvcro duliig tbclr best to got on It , Nebraska ,
in tlio person of Pvlr. Mattlit , has reason to
.congratulate herself.
"Sin co the commission mot hst .Tune , " con
tinued Mr. Martin , "tho work has simply
been \viiItInR lor the locil bowl ol Chicago
toRot the slto question settled. 'Iho pulr
commissioners had refused the local board of
Chicago tlio use of Washlncton jiarlc , but
TWhen the Columbian comtnlsslon undo the
request It was freely granted , L thlnlttho
Alto selected the dual slto Is nn Ideal ono.
.It cinbracci the Inko front , which Includes
illtj-oiio acres ol ground and as much
fcnoro as may bo mado. ox tend-
yng into thu lahc , nncl Jacltsou
nnd Washinfiton parks -\\nh a strip ol ground
connecting these two parks , called the "Plals-
nncc , " which Is liOOfcotvluo nnd tvoor three
hundred yards long. 'Iho pirka cmbuco
1,000 notes. Washington park lies ulinost
lignlnst the end of Jackson pniiion the noith ,
Clearest the city. Iho commissioners nro veil
pleased with tlio ground selected. Of course ,
\voshullhiivotovvnltiiow until tbo Illinois
election Is over and the Chicago local bond
Informstho commission thattho $10,000,000 ,
laavo btcu provided for. Then the commis
sion euii notify congress thattho conditions nnd that wo mo
ready to proceed Ith pioparatlons If the
Ute of Illinois will permit Chlc.igoto change
Jtschmltr seas tobonblotoolo M.OOO.OOO .
to the fair , then the wont can mo\o \ right
nlonp. "
"What Is the feeling in Illinois ?
la there any m-obitillity that
this will not bo giantcd at the Kovcrahor
olcction ! "
"Oh , 1 think that Chicago will bo glvon
jxnver to vote the J5.00,000. 'Ihero see ins to
oohut\cry llttlo doubt ubout that among
the pcoplo of Chicago , and many of the
cltlrcns outsldo of Chicigo spcuk the same
IN ay. "
"What will bo the facilities for transportIng -
Ing people from the luke front to Jatkson or
\VashlnRton parksl"
"Thefacilities bo flrst-cllsn and nnirlo.
There vlll bo steam ears , cable cars and elec
tric cais , and the elevated reid is aU-cidy
\indor ( ourso of constiuction. Then the
cxunrnHslon decided upoun phn of ticketing
that will remove aury annoying objection.
.All who enter the exposition at the like
f lent Hist will be given tlelccts thntxvill cn-
( tltlo thmi to a ricloto Jackson or Washing
ton park and return either free or
lor a nominal lure ot 10 cents.
Q.'hoso who wish to go by
xvator can do so , but will probablyliavo to pay
tholr way. " Another important mittci is
practically decided upon , and it shews the
\vlsdotnv ! the dual sito. The Inko front de
partment will bo open nt nlirlit for thoac-
oomtnodntion of the pcoplo whoiniUit other-
wlso bo simply strolling about tie streets.
Jackson narlt department will not ho open at
Sight. ' '
"Ho\v will the exhibits bo divided ! "What
l thu InUe front show consist of V
"In tlio InkO front department there will
iprobubly bo a good deal of spice devoted to
the fiiio arts In fact this Mill 1)0 ) the line
nit end of the exposition. It will alsoln-
-Ciude the electrical oxhlbts o ( every descrip
tion , and ( possibly the Japanese vll-
lago nnd' iuiiy other smaller branches
of the cipobitlon. As our chntr-
nan stated , this will bo tlio vestibule of
_ .ho oxiioiitlon. Pcoplo who vlsh to visit the
other dep.irtments may do so without going
to tholulco front , howo\cr , if they wish.
"Tho question of buildings hns alieidy
Tacon discussed to some extent , There vero
fnany nroliitetts present last \\coh \ with plans
for buildings. Ono man presented a plan fern
n structure that would cover 10i acres , 'iho
aroofvas to be suppoited byimnicnso wire
cables ns the Broottlyii bridge Is supported ,
"but I do not think the board will naept that
\ jlan. "
/ "Did you notjco any feeling of indifference
fimong the southern members or those from
3Sew "Vorkl"
"Not a particle. The fooling among the
vicuibcrs of the commission is the most cor-
clial and earnest mid that between the local
fcoord ol Chicago mid the commission is icry
floosant. It is a mngnlucont body of men.
There aio some of the ablest debaters in that
tiody that I over hcird. 'Ihero ' Is Judge Llnd-
oy of Kentucky , Martindalo ol Indiana , St.
Clalr of West Virginia , John Boyd Thatcher
tot New York , Hundley of Alabama. AInssoy
of Delaware and Governor " \Vallor oi Uonuoc-
llcut all strong , brillhnt men wno are
Chrowlng tlieir whole energy Into tlio ivorlt. "
"When docs the comtnlss-lon meet agnm ? "
" \Vo meet at the call of tlio chairman uoxt
* lmo , Imt tliatwilldoubtless. bosoon after the
Jllluoisileotlon , on No\ombcr 4. And now
let mo siy ono word ubout this commihslon.
V arent many people think that the world's
Columbian toinniUsiouers are the men who
nro to look nftcr the vaitous Btatooxbiblts.
-O'hat ' is not the cnso. "Wo ai-o ofllcors of the
XJnited States and cacli state will ho obliged
to appoint n board of its own to prcpatethu
exhibits The Columbian conmilsslouenuro
to tnko charge of the exposition and nil the
"business connected with it nud will have
nothing whatever to do with tlio exhibits
from tholr rcspcctho states. "
. . 'AWliut plan would you suggest as liclnp
the best for NobiasUa toadoptl"
"Aly idea is tlt to should bejtln to
tlr the people * up and agiUta
lie question of nn appropriation to bo inailo
nt thoapprouhlng session , ot tholegislaturo
to def ray tlio expenses of niaMnjjastatoex-
Jilblt. The legislature should pass a bill
creating n boartl of commissioners and glvo
this commission power to appoint ono com-
tnlssioiier-Buierol. Let that boaru handle
the funds uiiproprlated and boresponsiblofor
iho exhibit mado. "
"How much do jou think should bo appro-
yrintotlbv Nebraska ! "
"Wo should nppropilato at least $100,000.
/nd it 1 wore to suggest , I should say that
Clovornor Vurnas should bo selcitod us tlio
commUsioiicr-Kcncral foi Nebraska , All this
work should bo attended to as soon ns possi
ble. Cor , let mo tepoat , tliia Is a stupendous
tituloitaking , and it Nebraska U goiiic-
tostaiulnloiigsido of lor sister states wb
inust ho on the mo\o It requires " great
deal oJtimo to develop nnd fjot Into plnco a
crout exhibit suclt as this grand jounnbtnto
Ecrtalnly ougtit to make at the Columbian
Mrs. Witislow'a Sootlilus Syrunfor thll-
4r | i teething is the family benefactor , 03
f cnta a battle.
BIOllTljAIlY ,
The Troy , N. Y. , 'Ilmos of the SiJd Inst.
i jtntiounces the death of Mr. John J , Joslln , a
f prominent citizen of that plnco who was \ \ ell
; lcncnvn m Oinaha. Mr , Josllnvns fifty nine
of ngo andas In vigorous
up to n short tiino before
* ila death , wliou ho becaiuo nflllctcxl
'Y'ivlth Ilrlgbl's ' disease. Ho was a successful
jmd energetic business mau , but i-otlrcd aoout
. Ihrco ) ears ago.
; Mr. Joilln owned nulto an amount of nroo-
HCrty in tins city and iwontly built a tlireo-
etory brick building ou N street in South
ptnaba lie had loaned u larjro amount of
inouuy and had full faith In the future of
The news of his death will bo rccclvedw 1th
'grot ' among his many trlcnils in this city ,
hero ho was well known.
Venn'la the purest and bust soap over made
BOA ni > or puntiio woiuw.
\ Xiiiil | > cr of Grfldln.2 , Sewer and
1'avliiB J tlmates Allowed.
At meeting' ol the board o ( t > ublioworks
ycstorJiy nftcrnooa fhocontract Jorscwcrlng
in district 'o. ISOwnslct to Ucovcs St Co. ,
atO. > cents per lineal foot.
The folloulnj ? resolution , offercJ by Mr.
Klorstcad , -unanimously adopted :
llcHotvenTliattho Iwarcl ol public works
heartily npprox-o of the suitucsttoii of T n
OiiAiiAllr.rln rejsrcl to the lisiilnjof trradlnR
bonds on the sa no basis as jn\ln > t end curb-
In ? bonds iito nowissucd , ntidtliatvo usoour
Inltucnco Mltli owntatosciintors and leRlilat-
om to the end tliat thoOnitiliioltjcliartcr bo
to amended ,
The following ( Trading contncta were
awarded : Ihirty fourth street from Ames
avenue to rowlorikvonuo , Tcmplcton & Mor
row , 124-lOrcnts per cubii ! yard ; Ilarnoy
street from Smith street to Dexter a-vcnue ,
Tomplcton A , Morrow , H 8-10 cents per cubic
jardi California strcot fromjxnvfl arenuo to
the Jlelt Line railroad , Iflilfjht Bros , &
Uarnci , in1/ / cents percublcyard.
The ' ' estimatesvcro allowed
follonlnR'n'adlii ! ; \vcro
lowed ) Kd Callahan , Tvcnty-nlnth. nnd
Jaclcson streets , JJ05.50 | Hamilton , Plcnant
nnd Thirtj sixth streets , $731.1,1 ; Is'clson
street from Uotilcvard to Love avenue , ? JJ 10 ;
Twelfth street from Center to Bancroft ,
(20-1. ( W , Marlha street la Chrk place , Mo-
goatli street In Dupont plnoo. and Tventy-
nlntlibtreetfrotjilllckory toMogcath. street ,
M5O ; Caldncll Street In bhlnn's ' addition ,
HSy.3. ! ; Kdl'hehn , Thirty-third street from
linlcotoMaplo , WJ2.JX ) , JVmcs nvenuo nud
I'axtonjtrcit. . $ JJ'J.J7i ( Picno street from
Twentieth to Tvcnty-scvciith , 93.U51 ; Hick
ory street from Fourteenth to Sixtecntn
ana Martin from Sixteenth to Iwon-
tletTi , S-1UT25 ; Pleasant strcot from
1'arnim to Learonvorth , S-TiSGS ;
Huincl ICntz , St. Mary's ' avenue , from Twen
ty-sixth to Twenty-seventh street , ? 15J28 ;
John O'Kicffe , Twenty-sixth sticefc , from
Dodgoto Cass , and Capitol a'vcnue , from
Iwenty-slxth to Tventy-scveuth acnue ,
( j : 5.25
Sewer estimates were nlloucd as follows :
Graham 1'ailco , connections In sewers in
Districts OI/10'J / and : HI ? Claries B. Fanning
& Co , North Omaha sewer from Incntj llftu
and Krskinostncts , ? J,8J2.03 , ; C. F. Hart-
mann A ; Co , so vcr from Burt strcot to the
connection with , the sctvor la Hauls 1'irk ,
J1.85HJ : John 0 , Corby , repairs , S.l < 004 ;
KdValsh , Dodge strcot sever from Thirty-
first , to Thirty-third and Thirty-first weuuo
fromDodKOtq ITarnaiu street , $1,741.44.
CurbhiK estimates -\cro allowed as follows :
Iluph Murph.v , curWnff Lallc street from
Thirtieth to Thirty-third street , SUM ) 30.
Twenty-second street from California tcCum-
lap street , (1,85-1 ( 70 ; O D. "Wool worth. Web
ster street from Twenty-sciond to Twenty-
third street , & 10 1 81.
Puvlnp estimates were allowed as Jolloivs :
HtiKh Murphy , alloy in block 11T , 1909.43 ; J" .
B. Smith & Co , Twenty-third street from
Capitol avenue to CumlnR- street , ( I33.ri7 ; the
Barber asnhiUt compan } ' , Chlcnuostreetfrom
Thirtieth to Hillside addition , 45,413 ; Thirty-
flrststrcet from. Cass toDavcnportJy72 , , SO ; .r.
11. Smith &Co.Kced street from 1'arl : to
Burton , $0,110.89 , , Frances street , fromlhir-
ty-sccond avcnuoto Kecd street , (1,03083 ( , ; J.
II. Smith & Co. , Smith street f torn Park to
Burton street , SI 511.41
Tlio eslinnto ct the side wilk Inspector was
presented and laid overupon the sug-gcstion
of the city engineer. This Kcntlcmaii shted
that many of thonexv sidewalks have not been
laid according totliespccifltations Thoboard
will Investlgato.
uilnR- the early part ol thescs ion tlio
chairman and tlio other members Indulged iti
a tilt over the ullowingof the street sweeping
bill. The bill \\as properly approved bytho
city engineer , butnotvlthstanding this Choir-
man Blrkliauser thought itwasurong. He
was In the minority , however.
A. Mtrlit in l.vorj Ccrtli.
To the Chicago , Milwaukee k St. Paul
railway "belongs tlio credit ol being the
first la tlio country to reduce the matter
of electric lig-lidng- trains to scientific
perfection Ono ol the novel features
Introduced in the. bleeping cars is o
patent clcctrio reading lamp inoacli
section. With this luxurious provision
reading at night before and after retiring
ing- becomes as comfortable as toy day ,
and when retiring the toilet may be
made in comfort and seclusion. The
berth reading lamp in 'tho Pullman
slcoplng : cars run on tlio Clilcag-o , Mil
waukee & St. Paul rnllwaj , between
Oinaha nnd Chicago , in patented , and
cannot boused by any other -allroivd
company. It la the gictitett impiovo-
mont ot the ago. Try it and bo con
Sleeping cars leave tlio Union Pacific
depot , Omaha , at G 10 p. m. daily , arriving
ingat Chicago at 0:30 a. in. Secure
tickets and slcopmpcau borthsat "Union
Ticket ofllco , 3501 FamamstreettBailcor
Block ) , Omalia ,
J. E PRKaroN , r. A. NA.SII ,
Pass A.gant
CInlin the Credit.
, Nob. , Sept 55. To the Editor of
Tin : DISK : Referring to the pro/scnt agitation
to procurolcglslation toward the issue of bonds
for gradirigpurposos. the followiiigresolution
oftoicd by John F. Daley , was unanimously
adopted bytho Sixth ward non-partisan clul )
on Ifovembcr ! 22 , 188S , and , published in TUB
UK i ! at tliat tinio :
Kcsolvcd , That It li thosensoof thoSKtli
ward lion partisan dub thit the Douglas
county delegation to the state loslshturo
takcisnoli stops as to Insure tha I'ISSIRO ) or : i
la\v providing for the creation of sr.ulliu dis
tricts In c lllos ol the motropolltvn class , imc
topro\llo for thu Issuing if bonds lor the
IHiymi'nt , of said grading Inlhu simu manner
asimiow done forpif > liii-
This resolution was referred to the dclega
tion bv the scirotary at the time and was
favorably coinnicntcd on , hut no action was
talccn The club c\en \ requested the city
council , should the matter becomoa la v , tha
certain boundaries in the locality of tlioclul
bo dcsifcinted as a "Ri-adlne district , " am
the houiidnict. were therein given
Now that Tin 11 UK his taken upthocuclprc
andpropcrtv oviieraon the south sidolmvi
cotnoto realize \vhat \ wo of the Sixth wan
considered necessary two ye.irs ago , It ia to
bo liopod that piopor action will bo taken b ;
the next legislature to civo this necessary relief
lief to tbo many pa ) lug for liomes In ou
rowing tltv. Giouoi : J" . broNEi ,
§ ocrcUri Sixth \Vard Non 1'artlsan Club.
Portland's Grand Trunsfurination
The iinmonso de e opnlcnt ol Portland
Ore , is rapidly transferring the population
and trade across \Villnmotto \ river on th
V Klmped Peninsular ildjo between tlioWil
lametto and Columbia i\ors. ! \ Both tli
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific sjstcm
approach , the city on this penliisuh.
Hero nro ISsquaiouillo , withlS nlles o
deep , ti lo water front , which now hasPorl
limds shipping , Is unequalled for wliolosal
inf ? , nminilaeturlnB and hones , and n mob
attractive location to the exiwrienccd in
Funeral of * Iiuiic9lj.
The funcitil til Jarae L. Driggs tooV plac
from tlio family residence , 1413 Da\cnpor
street , at 3 p. in'
' .Tlio body \vus encased in a handsome bine
cloth caslret Avhkb as oo croU ltU hoaut !
fuland funraiitHornlofreilnfjs.
Uev. L Kuhns , ono of the pioneers of th
city , olll elated , and dwelt upon the many on
nobllnpr cliarncteristics of the deceased am
his early cxpeilenco In this replon.
The daughtei arrived homo in time forth
funeral and comforted the aged wife am
mother in the alUlctlouhlch had Malle
1 ho pallbearers wroV.F. . DccUolrran ,
Hanlon , ( Jeorgo Guy , J. II. lluUer.J . , H
Ilungato an l Theo Grobo. The remain
were iutcrred In Prospect Hill.
J\su dcllcatfl flavor , delicious and rcfresli
ing , Coolt's ' Extra Dry Champapno takes th
lead , Millions of bottles nro sold annually.
Ilrolco Into Ours ,
"William Nf. IValst , botUr known as "Doc
Walsh , and a comtnlsslon merchant nnmot
Daley , both of South Oinaha , nro behind tli
ban of the county Jail. They were pu
there bv Louis flrobo on a warrant Hworn ou
before fequlro Jlorrison by the Unl9n 1'acifl
railroad , charging lilm vlth stealing , Th
company claims Uicy broke into ouooCi
con and stole (150 ( \ > orth of boots and shoo
-As soon as you discover any WllnROf th
hairor Rroyness aU > ays use IIoil's Hair R
newer to tone up the secretions and proven
boldness or urojnesj ,
! wo Llnsoln Btitolera 117 Sick Cattle
and Boll the Ilesh *
A.n Attempted Stiloltlc-Conlicll Ac
cepts llrynn's Clinllciice-Ri-iiest
\Vnnls ttio DiToruo Annulled- *
Olhor Capital City Notes.
E.IVCOIV . ? , Noli , Sept 2G.-Spcdal [ toTitu
JEK ] A horrlblo state of nUaiM xvtu un-
oiled in Justice Brown's court today , ulilcli
vaa nothing moro or less tlifm tlio nefarious
mslncss of buying diseased and djlnscattlo
nd butchering them for the imrUet. The
ellows cliargetUlth this infamous practice
ro 1'ctcr Gross and I'cter Krolni , a couple of
veil known venders of meat How lone they
lave been carrying on tlila business is not
mown , but the oQlcors nero put on their
rail and It Is claimed by the polleo that they
lava a clear case against the IratchcM nnd
hey wore arrested today. The case in point
s one in vhlchastccr dying -with lump ja-vv
vas bought by Gross for Sll ) from a farmer
outh of the city. Ktolra , of course , fur-
wished half tlio money , and acknowledges It
The diseased animal was killed , tUo meat
old to the citizens of Lincoln nnd cntcii bj
hem Gross Altrolm from tills deal alone
realized tliohnndsomoprofltof 845
CTuooniccrs say thoylia-\o irrcfuta'blo tes
Imony against the butchers. They have
uhpoGiiacd the farmer fiom whom the
iscased steer was hought and .August Spavin
vho purchased some of the unwholsomo
neat TL'lio warrant charges Gross & Krolin
vith "unlawfully andknowlntcly soiling and
clispoiinfjof unwholesome Utah of a diseased
inimal. "
The fellows -\\cro \ put under "bonds to np
ocnrfor trhl on September 80.
! E\cry person who has hoard of fho case
peaks in loud condemnation of the criminal
iction of the butchers and express the hope
hat they will rcccivctho most scwo penalty
"Wordwas brought to the polleo station
vesterdaj that a woman was djnifj from
stan ation In tlio wretched old shell at 1020
f street , known ns the Banks sliating rink.
Jcalth Officer Bartram was detailed to in
estlgatotho matter , wliicli ho did lust even' '
ntnnd hofounda younjr woman \vlio had
been married less than a year lying on a heap
of straw IQ squalor and want , with an Infant
child hi licr arms The woimi nnd the babe
vero both pitinclo objects , and the sunken
checks atiil lustreless eyes of both told moro
ilalnly tlnu words tliat In. the midst of plenty
hey wcro perishing -with fnmlue. The
voimn's name Is Bolts , and she Is scarcely
last twenty. When the tn.e state of affairs
vas learned food was brought to the poor
v oiraii and she devoured it like
an animal , she "was so fanilshc-d On
inishitipr she begged the pardon of
lerbcnofnctorfor her cxlilbltion of greed ,
and with tears In her oyea told how she has
sultcrcd with hunger for mouths , ana famine
ladraado her forget what Rood manliers
mean. She said that her husband's name is
Tames Bolts and ho is of n lazy nnd slilftless
disposition Ills claimed that hohosn'tdono '
a day's -work slnco tliotimo of Ills marriage
The city physician was notified of the stn to
> f affairs and he had the -woman taken to the
loinoof her parents to bo fed and nourisned
jack to her normal strength and health At
ircsuit she is a living skeleton.
"While at tno crazy old rink bulldlnpr , which
s used no\v as a. tenement liouso , a most
stnrtlintrdlscoicry mndoby iho cityphv-
sielan. Over sixty porsonswoi-o found lo bo
liudillod lnpo\erty and misery -under itsi-oof ,
an d among tncm could bo seen nearly all the
sadphascsof distressto bofoundia thetciio-
monl houses in New Yoik. ! Iho filth and
s tenth \ \ is unhcaraUo to persons imacc as-
coined to It and the whole housowas aregu-
arhot-bcd of disease that might breed any
destructiio epidemic. The mii > or vas informed -
formed of the state of affair ) there this morn-
.ngand declared his Intention of having the
? lace vacated.
TUB r.Aw scroor , .
The first lecture inthn coursoof the Cen
tral law school of Lincoln was delivered by
Dean Snilth lost evening in the lecture room
A. largo nnmbcroC students and also a num
ber of ladles and gentlemen not enrolled lis
tened to Iho lnslrueli\e \ and intcicsLing ad
dress. The dean pro\ed lilmsclf a master in-
stiiictor and hiscle.irand forcible style ot
both expression and delivery could not fall to
lca\o thosallent points impressed indelibly
upon the minds of tie students. Mr. Smith
snoko on "Marriage and Divorce "
"Ihose lectures are to bo given every Mon
day , Tuesday \Vednesday and are to last
an hour , commencing at 6 ! 4" > p. m _ A num
ber of citizens ha\o announced tlioir Inten
tion of attending.
Jlrs. John Klssliigcr is the latest victim ot
melancholia who attempted to shuffle of this
mortal coll. Domestic Infelicity Is said to ho
the cause of lur rash act , and she has suf
fered from depression of spirits for some
tlino She chose laudanum as the means o !
ending her existence , but Iho members of the
family learned of it and called in some physi
cians , who pumped the drugoutof her. Tlio
rash act was committed at her homo , 023 II ,
and the drug was taken shortly before 11
o'clock. This morning Airs. Kissinger was
pronounced out of danger.
Jlrs. Wary Cockroll was niado happy
jestLTdnvby securing a decree of divorce
from her husband , Xrnost Today sLo wm
astounded when her Into husband suddenly
appeared on the scene from Colorado nnd
demanded that the Uecreo bo set aside He
deiliredthat ho came clear from Colorado
forlho purpose of being1 present when tlio
case was called , as ho wished to refute
the sensational charges made br
hiswrife. and ho declared ho was astonished
on arriving to find that the case had been
tried and the decree rendered. Ho further
declared that It had been hurried through
before it was icgulaily reached on the docket
and lie asks theiofoio that It bo annulled so
that ho can tell his sldo of the story.
Today Mrs Oli\o Y. Placey filed an
answer tolior husband's petition for a divorce
in the district court and br.mdcd ovciy 0110
of his chaigea against her as falsehoods.
W. H. . Htckard , the Do Witt justice of tlio
peace who has been lying in jail awaiting
trial for causing the ruin nnd suicide of poor
Mary Mortord , was released today on furnish.
ing$50O $ bonds Ho could have funiLsbcd the
bonds sctoral weeks ago , but ho was afraid
that the atmosphere of Bo Witt would not
bohealthy for him. Immediately on heing
released today the shorlfl of Saline county
arrested aim on the charge of criminally
assaulting u jounc girl of fouitcen named
Maud Hoss. Hlekurd % vos taltcn toVllDui \
bytho sheriff where ho will bo arraigned.
STOI.K A. nAiiitii < or CHINA.
Some thlof sneaked Into the cclhr of A. . II ,
Edgronat LHI ! O 6lreotsomo time during
iho night and stole abarielfullof uowchim
and nine bottles of good old clatet. There Is
nocluo jet to ( ho thieves. Thoburglary
a icry bold one , and how it could bo per
formed" without the knowledge of the polieo
is something of a rastory ) , 'Jf ho thieves evi
dently had a wagon in which they hauled
avay their plunder.
WiNTS 1'A.V foil TUT. C-MILE.
Charles M. Branson has filed a petition In
the dlstilit court against the Union Pacific
railway company , and alleges therein that
tlio said def endant Jailed and refused to enclose -
close its right of-A\ay \ about ono-half mllo.
west of the penitentiary and construct cattle
guards ai required bv ln-\vj that by reason of
the refusal of the defendant to construct suld
fences nnd cattle puards four thoroughbred
and registered tattle belonging to him got on
the track and were struoil by ononglno und
trala of cars , by reason of which two of the
sold cattle ha\o died and two havobocoino
utterly worthless , that tlio said cattle wcro
worth the sum of ? 1,100 , , for wWch , he prajs
Jiidgtuciit against the company. ,
William Schoenemann , who -\va arralgntd
in the district court on the charge of gutting
goods under false pretenses , -was. ac ultuii
on the recommend ntlon of Prosecuting j\t
tornoy btearns , as ltwaao\ident that fraud
\\as not lutcnilctl , Schoonomaun Is from
Hub , and his wife Is still there. Ono day
niter coming to Lincoln he received a postal
card from the express toniynny informing
Nm ] that some articled from Hulg wore awali1
. „ „ „ . „ pleasure. Thtnami ( William Schoon-
over was oa thiicaril.bilt . the lllltornto follow
supposed this was his uauitfaud ho t k th
pocds. ,
CJtifirlio Cranford an4 it. B Hamilton ,
two would-bo washers , * V6ro afrostcd I ml
ovcnlnj ? for following couple qf respectable
younjf ladles nnd insultlnfljr attempting to
force thtlr company upon thorn. Crawford
is a well known tin-Horn nimbler and howas
fined 50 aud costs. Hamilton AMIS lined 815
and cost ) , Both fellows } \ere then pivcn
twenty-foilr hours in which to Icaro tbo cltr ,
7ho latest fraternal organization In Lincoln
is the ICallonnl Union Beneficiary salcty.a
local lodgoka-\hiff b cn .oriUMizod last ov'on-
ing Among the special Jeaturciof tlio order
is Insurjinco nndcaro fdr the sick. Ocorgo
A. Adams was chosen president
Tlioroaro nowmntrlculatcil into tloroRU-
larcolloOTcourso of the ualvcrslty 10 stu
dents. Drills Is the largest mmiberoverkno-wn
in the institution. List jfar the en tire num
ber of regular college students reaebid 141
All the departments will g rrcgato o\cr \ flto
bundredstudents. All tlicdiffcrent depart
ments nro full to OAcrllovIng and nn addi
tional instructor in mathematics has been
.Mrs. James Dodd , 448 K itrect. caused the
nnca last evening- ft Indof shteon limned
Hosca Little , uho knocked her clght-jear-old
sonPretldlo down ifitli a hrlckbat , causltic
him to fall on the cnr track and cut hlsebctk
open to the bono "Young Llttlo was taken
before Justice Foxvorthy this morning and
wns fined H nnd costs ,
The Chlcagt ) , Burllnpton k Qumey railroad
company commenced condemnation proceed
ings todv in the county lourt for the riplit
of way through the center of section 13 of
tounihiplO. The tracks nro to hup the east
banks of Salt Creolt througliout tbo whole
extension Isaac Caha Is the owncrof tlio
condemned land
Harry Hmerson vus nrnlgncd in the dis
trict court this nttornoon for ateilltiH a
watch , valise and S2Jfroin Prnnklo KclloCT
News his reached this city that asproplio-
sicdsomotimo since Gouinor Thajorbis
demanded thoroaignatlonof Dt Stonoof the
Hastings asylum.
Chairman "Woodvrard of tlio republican
congressional committee suit the following
reply todw toCliaiimati Ames , accoptlni ; the
challenge io ha\o \ Congressman Uonncll meet
f J. Brjan in joint dobato-
LINcotv , Nch , Sept. 3d , 1800-lion John
H. A-tncs , Clnlrman Ucmocmtlc Congres
sional Committee , 1'lrst Dlstilct. Lincoln ,
N"cb IDoir Sir ! lurotojou jesterday that
nssoon as I could ascertain deilnltelv Iwould
Frlvoyounn answer to vour request foru joint
debate between Hon \Villiua J. Conncll nnd
lion Willlnm J. Brjan. I now hn\o \ the
pltnsuroto saj that jour proposition for n
joint debate moots the licittj approval of
ivlr Council , and at the earliest practicable
momoutwo vlll boicadyto arianno piellinl-
tiarlei , mid possibly within the next ten dajs
I cm meet you for that puiposo Your challenge -
lengo f 01 a joint discussion of the political is
sues of the day Is thorefoHi aaoptcdln the
sanw courteous spirit invhich \ It vas ten
dered , lam jourscry tiulv ,
\VHMAMH AVoootno ,
Clnlrman Rcpublicin Congressional Com
mittee , First District.
1C02. Sixteenth nnd. Fat-nam streets Is
tlio now Rock Island ticket ofllce. Tick
ets to ull points east at lowest rato.
Street Railway 2S"otcs.
As soon as the Tenth stiejt viaduct Is com
pleted the Twentieth street cable line and the
Famam street motor liu,0 will bo extended
vcr it to the depot. Th6stieet railway oSl-
ciah also state that It is possible that the
Hamey street motor llnolmll bo extended to
the same terminus. }
They deny the report that thcyeontemplate
thu abandonment of the Eleventh street line
as soon as the \iaduct is tomplcted , and the
Thirteenth strcot horse car line Is to bo sup
planted with clcctrio power ,
Both tlie method and results wben
Syrup of Tigs is taken ; It is pleasant
nnd refreshing to tlio taste , aiid acts
Rentlyyet promptly on tie Kidneys ,
Liver and Dowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head-
nchcs aud fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Svrup of Tigs ia tlio
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to tlio tnsto nnd ac-
ceptallo to the stomach , prompt jn
ita action and truly beneficial in its
eflects , prepared only from the mo t
bealtty and agreeaWo substances , its
many excellent qualities corarneud it
to all und ha\e made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist wlio
may not lave it on hand -will pro-
dire it promptly for any ono who
wishes to tiy st , JDo not accept any
, KV. NEW 1QIJK. H. Y-
Dr. F. C. Werner's
Are hlprhly rocommcndcdaCtopBCTon.
years ot successful experience by the
bolo manufacturers ,
Kopp , Dreibys& . Co. ,
1106 FarnamSt. , 'Qrnaha ' , Neb.
Sold overwhere5crper ) paeknge.
Send for samples. n i
Offer for Sale ,
Tour tliousniul tons oliolco Baled IIiv. T'.O.
11 cars , btranxo's Sliilns uuton or llornlclc
stations , on 0 M. JlcbU l'R. ' It , In lot ! to suit
purchaser ; iirlcos rogulatoJ by the market
Call aiiiUuo in.
BufTerliw from the cirreu oliouUifulcrwn , oorlf
. 4ec yVfa U iiweaknfai , lortiuautiood.ttc.lwllj
tfiul aralnabla trc U > ( walod ) con tnltlntc full
partlculirs fothowo rum.ntKK of charge. 1
ipleadllmedlMl work : twuM ixnod lrerf
pan who U Hfrvoui n < l dthlllhlMl. Addrcii ,
coiMcnr ,
Opens 1th month , Otli 181W Tlitttr nlnutos from
llroaa St Station. .Flilla. Under cm * ol friend n.
full collCEo uouritM forbotlitocoalftullntto clanl *
rnl , Kiislnourlnt , Bclentltla unit Iltonvtf dnKroon.
lleultliful locitlan. cUouilIO trouiul * . bulUllnjsi.
iiiiihliioiliupb , liUjrilurloiUaa ! | lllirarlui For I nil
pirtto l > ri nUdrcas
\VS1 IL AlTl KTOV , I'tD. . Acting 1'reaiqtnl.
$100. MO'lll ' , ! ' . , Mllltirr A-Cadamrtoys.
. Urooko liill , clrli Circulars fro *
1309 WHAT ARE MISFITS ? 1309
They are custom modes clothing of i-norchnnttailorsjioft on. tliGir hands for otio roosonor nn-
othtiP. Theso-wobuy inlnrgo or small qunntitlosfor i-oocly cnsJi , For example : -Asultof
clothes costing originally $4-0 , we can , accordlnflto style nnd quality , sell for$18 or $20. Just
thl nk or It , Qsnvlngy or BO per cent , one-half of tlio original cost. Wnny ofthom are from , the
leading tailoring ostnbllshnionts thr-oitg liout the country ,
805 custom rnmle suit tor SCO custom miulootcnont for. . . ? : iOOn $10 ciKloiuiiimlei'inils ' for. . . , .ROO
855 custom mu < lo suit for. , . . . , . $25.00 $ iii custom nmdoo\crcoat for. . . $27.00 $11 cuvlom inailc pauls for. . . , 40.50
$ ' > 0 ciKtont 111 mlo biiitfor. , , . . . . $22.00 $ JO custom mnilc o croon t for. . . $211.00 $12 custom nindo puiils for. . . , .IfI.00 !
315 . , . . $20.00 $ -15 cinloiu nintlc overcoat for. . . $2.OO $10 custommnilftpanto Tor. . . . -If'.50
$10 cn tom mntlc suit for. , . . . , . . $18.00 $10 cusloiu madeo\cnont for. . . $20.00 $ ! ) custom muileimiiN for , . . . . 5.00
$15 custom made suit fur .i , . . , . $ iu.r > o $515 custom mail o overcoat for. . . $1.OO ? $ 8 customiiiailcpunN for. . . . . $1.50 $
§ 30 custom mrult'suit ' for.i , . . . . $14.00 $ J)0 ) custom inail6o\crcont for. . . $19.01) $ 7 custom mnilfl iuits Tor. . . ,
Latest styles and olegantgnrmonts in silk and sntt n lined Svttls nncl Fall Ovorconts.
A-lso Full Dress Suits for snle of rout , at tlio
1309 Faoam Street , Omalia , Nel ) . 1309
Fiomemtocr raumliersnd place , 1309 "Farnnna Street , Omaha , Neb , Openovonlngs until Oo'oloclc.
Sntur-dnyun til lOo'cloclc. .A.11 garments altered free of cjmrge to Insure apcifectrit.
* 1v * * ' * * Wrl < fW * * W W MW < < lw
Kings are but men , but all men arenot kings. Therefore , !
when the Jtingof Jit/Hani says , as he did by deed of August J
12,1889 , , tliat hois greatly pleased with '
j ; and , entirely unsolicitedgrants , the manufacturers the sole
jj right of styling their works the Royal Cocoa Factory , asig-
j nificance attaches to the act which would not were he
* not "every inch a king. "
Cures nil clisnrdcrB of the Btomnch , Ijlrer , fie vol * , KlrtncyH , Illnddor. Nerv
ous Dlscnso ! ) . liuss ol A.i | > otltu. llcil olie , Cnnntipatioii , Costlvonoss , UitllccB-
tlnri , nilicmsiicHs , JFcv or , Plica , JBtc. , anil rcnilcrs tlio sy atom loss 11 nblo locon-
tract disease.
ItADWAY'S ' riljT Snro ncurolor tiiUuoinplnlnt They tone ur tholntcrnil secret Ions to
licaltliy notion , restore stroigtli to the stommli , andoiuililo tfclo nerfoi rnltH funotlflns.
I'llcoiHoaboj Solaby all druggists , or mailed by ItAUVAY" AUO- . Warren btroot.Now .
oii mulpt
Popular JewBlsrs ,
Are receiving dally from tlia leadina manufdoturors of tWs
eountry and. Europe , u. 1 iho LA.TBST NOVE3LTIE3S in PIUE3
TEBS , SPEOrA.aLESandEY.n QtA-SSES , Bto , Etc.
BIA.TMOND3 and all otaer proolous s'-onos , moiintoi and
loose. GOLD , SILVER and NIOK1EL.WA.TOHES , in all grades ,
for ladies aid eontlomen. HO WARD WATCHES .A. 8 PEO-
IA.LTY" , tutwe carry all other first-class malcea Slain , Wal-
tham , Snrlnnrflold. , B : o
OOOD3 are "WAHRANTED. Space will not allow us to QITOTE3
PRICE3a3 our stcclclatoo LARQB and "VA.RIE3D , but corao
ancisoo for yoursOives It "wjll ocas you nothing- 1OOK.
Visitors are always "WELCOME , and should you WISH to buy ,
wowill mateolc anotject for you to DEAL "WITH US , "Wo
nro ehovrlncr HUNDREDS Of articles suitable for WEDDIHO-
and. other GIFTS , at prices rouging from $1 up to $1OOO.
All our customers are TBBA.TBD ALIKE , \vtaethor their
purchases to a SMALL or GREAT.
Sixtoentli and Fairiiaiii Streets , Omaha. Neb.
1313 Douglas Street , Omalia , Neb.
Luxti DISUSES , I.NtllUK llIOOI )
1LER fc COMl'A-NY.
I'ltOnilMOIlS AND 1302 Taromn Stroot.
City PaessnKor and Tlolcot
BpoclJs for Mrnterl , Dlailneas.Ftg. luamlifti Wn. Best Quality ,
[ uln < ii , lleDtu I > pra tiloii , ttof tenliiir of tliw tiraln , . .
lultln ? In tDi&nltjaid liMllnuto inbary < l rkr cuil | CorroctStylo , Perfect Fitting.
ileitb Pronmuro Olii Aiii.llarrcnneai Lee * tf Powsr
ill wither Mil InvoluntnrjLaariiiaiiil HiernulorrUcet | Best Linen.
GAUSS * ! l > jr oTerHinrtton of tlie brain , nolf-tlui.0 or
ororlndtii ncn. ttcli box con talna onemontti troaU A8K FOR THEM.
m iit 91 abox. or ! K ( or 9 * renf krm&llirpiuvli
Wltbe&rU order lor 01x bozt , will nti iurchcL jr
( runruteo la refwl mnntr Ittha truluienlfaliaM
curd , Uuuruitooiilulleduutircimmo mldouUtiy COLLABSiGUFFS
Strcot. Omaha
\ \ rAIiTKlAllonuio nellthollnlosiClothti I.lno
the great Gulf City of tliu near future , Mug- II tlioonlr Ihu oMrlnvcnto.l that lnIJ tliotlottui
lilticcnt liaibor. A million and lialf dollars lttioutplnM ] n perfect Viitccois : p&tont recently
i > V- '
cently limed ) lolrt only Vby unmitii to whom
now belnKipoutIn rock u-iul IroiulooH Tlio IJIXTO ul\m : onrocolpt
tcaiwrt of Iho country wrostof tlieMIsshalppl. oM ( ell we tend t X 111 ij Hiiingilu line ligr
Wrltofor Information aud . null ! liu cirtularM | irloeHit ii"l termi to tKontii
maps. i curofour lerrltor ; ut onto Ajclroxtho I'lvi.mi
UM. X'RUEUEAH'CIOO. UalablUlied 195T aaTiiUX..LMt Co. , [ mormon fit.Vurcoator , M an
y , Monday , TnosJay and " \VoilnsSilay ,
Bopt S8SO , SOunilOct 1.
tliol'IcturoiqiionniUlotiiintlo Molo-
MIS3 MclliNIIV In SDMtlnrt ClnrnctcrltolM No *
i SonkS imlDnticp' , IMdliri-'iiio Cittllliio' ,
lie iiillful SiciK-ry
oci SonU KO ( mmiltiSnturlny n m.
, S P728 \
itinRoinont iimlOrnnd Procluolloii ot
UieI < n.Hst Cuuilo Uiuri : Ion ,
Elegant Staging.
Ricli. Costumes.
Complete Chorus
Popiihr prlec-s. Destined Mats Be. : tie , fiOc ,
Box bOin5o luul tl > lluv tlnut upon Satur-
Mondatj , Qoplembor
I'reHHltliiB 1'iiul M. loiter anil Hnrry 1 ; . llaiulliu
Uuciusiful l.iuiBh I'niliicor ,
The FflKIR
Tills Season : Digger ! Btllcrl
TlioI'I.ATKHS AllcsJInrron.lti'lcn Uclmor Annla
buthiTlaiul , Ji.illlo . Slmrivuoil , MimleCMror ICni-
inn 1'ollock. F > cl > n foil irk , A lillo Ilono ( iortlo
Iolininnllllani dllliDrt , ( loo. II r. HJOM. Lhirlui
lUlatun Jolini' . Cnron. ( too Mltolioll .folrn CJil-
107 , John Itmmy , Clirla lU'r or , Jolml ) utu
Vopu'nt prlcw : rwfrvol ao.ili 23c , Jfe , Me Hoi
O'U ! 16onil : fl HOM shoot oiuu ; Hnturdiy niirnln , '
\VEIK \ oibni'T , zi.
IlSUO iCllHlocatornnil cipiiMihnlst a ruro f ronk
Tvlio Kctslliu lair otialiiro [ lit Ui > tlnnra. Hurt , tin
iiodurn hcroukt. 'llm I'rnncllln Clilldton , amit uiul
dnnco nrllitt. ( lootvn iihrlr ; li nnd HubbrKlultl ! ,
Iiacouilolrlsli iincl Gurman oumndlnni New wnt
flgurus. Irvo ilosD iliima Oiioillmondniltitu ull.
Sl > I2UAMSaS ( IN
ChronicNprTOin , llloort nnd Surgical IMcn o nnd
ojot tlioKyoEnr , No 10 , Ihrontniul ( lioit
Aiti-iillon In Knonsin ol'Vo
liiou nncl Chllilri-n ,
Tlio dnctornhavo liml voar of o < cpirloiiii ( ! In tin
lioiltnl)0f | Ilrookljnaii'JNnxv orU. nml iironmoiu
thoimmiticroMfuhiul "Iloir krowniuchll | t3 la
tlioconnlry. .
'Jo youne rtnd IMlclalr-Acod Hon.
Ix ) t JUnlinoJ , NcrronsDabllltir. Hinrnintlrrliraa ,
8cmlnnlU > iHO < Plirskfil lieciiy nrlHinn from Inclli-
cntlun , iriMluclna > lcu [ > l iiiHi iluiinndnnori l > lm.
pin on Ino Cure , uMTslontii HOI let y , cnilly illic.our-
aged , InckoC cimlltlcnco , tlull , unlit forttuclvor bull
Ticis , < inl limit llfo a bunion , nrolj , per nniionllr
onil Bptio Illy area.
Itlouil ( Skin HIHOIHO .
a ( Jhonw moil Uroidtiil In lt tosull ! ,
c null cute 1.
Geiillo-Urlrinry Sur cry.
( lonoiTlim , filoot. Syplillli , Ilfdroath , Vnrlroeelg ,
nnd titrlctiiro rmtlciily mi'l ' unfi'iy turoil "I'Uout
lulu or dutontloii Iruin Luslnoil All Huxuil | ) D.
icmiltl i und Impediment ! to
Ucclnl dlionwojiifol ; nnuponinnontjrourol
Hours Ull. m tllHp Hi Hiiiidt ) it , 10 till II
N 1C. rorHons unnlilo tovlBlt ui iniiTliu trmto < l
tholr liomos lijr correiponiU'iu o Mollclnoiaua la.
btrucLKni i > ntby | irum Conjiiltttlin Imo.
tunil Uciiti In ntiuii > 9 la l
I'Unenth St , Opposite ! Ilojxl's
Opera Ilonao , Oomlin , Nob.
CibnPasiagg$3StoS50 ! , nccotdlnulo locstlon ol
etaleroom , ExcuriionSBB to$95.
StooiTBD to and l m Knmpa ntx ! > wC8t ItnttJ.
AUITINBALDWItl &RO.General , Arjent : .
63 Broidwar NEWVORX ,
Jno. IMoMti , Oonoral Mestora Afnt , H
llanrtolph biruot , uhlcajo. Uuiry 1 Moore ,
Joi. Oiunu.
" ' "
fioiiio miHWr ctioprlly , bcciiuia liny uro wrll
tmttSull of ll/r. Olherfl tullerliiK from NlltV *
UIM I > KIIII.1TV. rlr. , nnnwof Klootiillx ,
VJMI JHJ'jtMVll * < . , UulTalo.N.Y.
A POSITIVEndp rmsntn1 CUREfnr til
ilioaVeioTtHURINflRY ORGANS , Cur.i
tthoreolhertteatmint tain , FulTifireclions Mill ) oatli
bottle. 1'rici , ono dollar , Set algmlurool E. U
MAUL For solo By All Druggists.