Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1890, Page 2, Image 2

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    r Tl
It is rormnlly Opened with Appropriate and
Interesting Exercises ,
Ten Thousand People in Attrnilnnuc
A. I'olltlc'nl ' Debate a I'nrtur tlio
1'rogriuiiiiiR-Prominent *
Lot'lWir.te , Nob. , Sept. 01. [ Special
TclcRrnm to TUB But : , ] This bin been tlio
tilgRcU U.iy Tjoulsvillo Inw c\cf known.
Nearly ovcry resident of Cms county vttn in
Iho throng of people -who assembled hero nt
ttio foniml opcnlnj ? of tlio now bridge across
th Ilatt S erie of the great events In the his
tory of tlio county.
Louhvillu prcplnct md voted $10,000 In
bonds for the erection of u bridge , opening n
great lilfrli way , the purjioso of which h to
draw the trutlo of farmers to Louisville from
the southern part of Sarpy county. The con
summation , thcicforo , was hulled with delight -
light by th < 5 _ citizens and business men of
Louisville , \vlibsochlcf part in the demon
stration at tlio day was the barbecue , to
uhleh they hail Invited nil comers. The
vcll-to-do fanners of all the surrounding
country availed themselves of the privilege.
The dav opened fair with tlic booming of
ratmon. Ily 10 o'cloclc tlioro were fully (1,000 (
jieoplo on the streets. At 0 o'clock the Ash
land delegation nrrlvod , headed by n , silver
cornet band. At 10 tlio Sarpy county delega
tion , sonio MX ) stronff , arrived. The pro
cession wns then formed. It was nearly n
mile and a half loiiR and marched to the
firomidi , wbcro the barbecue was held. Dr
A. V. Robinson inatlo the nddrw of wol-
como. llowis followed in a m terlyora
tion by Hon. .John C. Watson of Nebraska
City , who had been Invited to tniiko
the formal opening address. The
speaker confined his remarks to
such lines as the ButroutidiiiKa
mid occasion prescribed. Ho spolto of the
\\ondeiful development of the state , nudpnr-
ticulaily of the fertile fields of Cuss county.
Ho cited the happy and contented faoc3 be
fore Mm as evidence of the success which
bad crowned the efforts of the fanners of
Cuss county , and Raid that tlio building of
the btldirowis tliobest evidence of the power
mid progress of the county and her citizens.
Mr. Watson did not malui u political speech
and ho was icpcatcdly Interrupted by loud
and hearty applause.
At 11 o'clock the Missouri Pacific brought
In another delegation fiom the nortb , among
whom were lion , James K , lioyd , lion. W.
.T. Brynti and Charles Otfilen. At l'J30 ! , the
B , ifc M. special from Piattsmouth nrri"ed
lUthsomo two bundled visitors , Including
Hon. L. D. Itiehards , Tom Majors , J. E. Hill ,
Alex McInUnli nnd otburs , By this tltno
therowoco 10,1)00 ) people on the grounds all
clamoring for a plcco of the fatted ox.
A ft r dinner Hon. "W. .7. Bryan -was to
have hail n political debate with Hon. I. W.
Lansinp of Lancaster county , but Mr. Lan
sing failed to materialize and his place was
taken by Alex Mclntosh of Omalm. Mr.
liryuiwpcncil "with a fortv-mlnuto speech
and -\viii followed by IVlr. Mclntosh in n talk
of about the sumo length.
There was a line exhibit of corn , oats ,
wheat , barley , fruit and garden products , as
well as sand , gravel , limestone , vltritlcd
paving briclt , etc.
DNtriot Court nt Dakota City.
DAKOTA. Cirr , Nob. , Sept. 2-1. [ Special
Telograni to Tun Hun. ] District rfourt began
hero'ypstorday with Judge Norris presiding1.
There will lw only n few criminal cases taken
upd-irlng this term of court. The most im
portant ease was begun this morning , that of
Stateva Toohoy , for the murder of Al Erwlu
a Covhigton lost Peccmbor. All the dny has
TJCCII occupied nnd only n couple of Jurors
ha vo been selected. The regular panel has bee n
exhausted and bixty moro Jurymen called.
G. A. Baldwin of Omaha and Jay brothers of
this place are defending , nnd County Attor
ney Pair Is baing assisted in the prosecution
l > y Judge Uanics of Norfolk.
Ke\v Totoro.
Neb , Sept. 34. [ Special to
Tim Hen. ] There is nsood deal of activity
being iimuifcstcd la tlio naturalization of for
eigners In this county. Moro than ono hun
dred have th'A week taken out their first ind
final citizenship papers in the district court.
This activity Is being promoted by the per
sonal rlu'hts league , which has n branch or
ganization in ouch ward and township of the
county. It Is ox ] > cctod that moro than three
hundred now voters will bo added to the list
before the wont closes , nltiety-iiino out of
every hundred of whom will bo against the
prohibitory amendment.
McKolglinu Wouldn't Moot the .Inline.
MISDEN , Nob. , Sopt. 124. [ Special Telegram
toTiir.Br.B , ] IcICoIglmii addressed a moot
ing- this afternoon at this place. Judge Mason
was here and the republican committee of
fered every Inducoment-for a Joint discussion
between the Judge and McKelghan , After
an agreement had boon niado by those claim
ing to bo the managers of the meeting Me-
Kcighan refused to meet the Judgo. Judge
Mason will speak hero tonight.
Cramer Pound In Chicago.
DAJCOTA. Cirr , Nob. , Sept. 24. [ Special
Telegram to THE B KB. J Sheriff Ryan re
turned today from Chicago , where ho wont
in pursuit of Sum Cramer , who skipped his
bonds about four months ago. Cramer was
found working at his trade , that of calking
boots , and wont under the name of Frank
Chase , Hols held for highway robbery and
lias boon eluding the ofilcora for a long time.
I'ctty Thieving nt York.
YO K , Nob. , Sept. 21. [ Special to THIS
BKK. ] The barn belonging to Tom O'Neal
was broken into last iiluht and two sets of
harness stolen. The city Is Infested with n
Rang of potty thieves , Several henneries
have been entered and line fowls stolen , and
, house plants scorn to bo very attractive to
them , while coal bins , etc. , nro not forgotten.
York Harhm club.
YOIIK , N < 5b. , Sept. 21. [ Special to TUB
DEK.J The Havlan club organized In this
city is rapidly getting to the front. Two
hundred and sixty names hnvo nlrnadybeon
enrolled , and many will bo nddod. The club
Will hold a meeting Thursday evening and
several rousing speeches will awaken the on-
IhuHiasin of the dormant.
llcpublloan Itally at llrmlshuiv.
VOIIK , Nob. , Sept. a 1. [ Special to THE
J3KB.1 A republican rally will bo hold in
Bradshaw Saturday afternoon. Prepara
tions are being niado for n big time. Hon , E.
A. Gilbert and George W. Beads of this city
will deliver speeches. In tbo evening a Hnr-
IHU club will bo organized.
Going Into Xorth iNobrnskn.
FKKMOXT , Nob. , Sept. ! M. [ Special to TUB
Uaivl The second harvest excursion of the
Fremont , OJIkhonut Missouri Valley railroad
passed through Fremont today heavily loadctl
with excursionists going Into nortb'Nobnwka.
There were a largo number cf homo seekers
thoin ,
_ _ _
Koiu nt
Brwrin.L , Nob. , Sept 24. [ Special Tele
gram toTniUEE. : ] O , M. Kcm , Independent
caudltato for congress in the Third district ,
snoko at this place to an audience of about
two hundred today. Ho refused to discuss
Iho Issues of tlw day with Judge Wall. Lit-
flo enthusiasm was manifested.
An Alllnncn flatly.
ST. lUtn , Neb , , Sept. 24.-Spoclal [ Tele
gram to TUB BEE , ] Venire Voldn addressed
in audience of a little over thrco hundred
people In our opera homo today In the Inter
est of the farmers' alliance. The alliance
nado a creditable parade. assisted by two
< l > mds ,
Malicious Incendiarism.
SIIAEU GREEK , Web. , Sept. 24. [ Special to
CUB lUic. ] Some miscreants set flro taiome
frny stacks belonging to Chnrlcs Wooster.
Mr. Woottcr's loin Ms nbout fc-'OO and Mr.
Samuel Barker's ' about $150.
Died from the KfTcota of IltirnB.
TtaittAsKA Cirr , N'eb. , Sept. Ct. [ Special
Telegram to Tiir BKK. ] A two-year-old
cli ilil of Joined Lear , living in Gretftf
died lust night from burns lecclvcdvbllo
playing Hlth. jnatchcstho day before.
lnto camp.
I'EUUNob , Sept. 2-4. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] About forty boys from the state nor
mal , members ot the mllitln nnd cornet bind ,
leaves hero today for Auburn to go into camp
with the Grand Army of the Republic nt
their district encampment at tbnt place.
Independent Convention )
NriiUASKV Cm , Neb. , Bi'pt 24. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ! The Independent
county convention was hold nt Syracuse ted ly
andO. AScvoro of Unadllla was nominated
for senator , and U. W. Trimble of this city
and V. 11. Subln of Syracuse for representa
tives. Itcubcn Poster of tills olty was noni-
InnUd for county commissioner ,
A. Stilt Acaliitt ' I' ,
Neb. , Sept. 31. [ Special Telo-
grnm to TIIK JlfE.J Somewliatof n sensation
wns created In political circles today by n
suit belnf brought by J. II. Mlltltnoro , n
Hvcry man. In the sum of $301.1 5 nnd costs ,
against J , H. Powers , candidate for governor.
The petition alleges extreme cruelly ana
nbuw on May 2 hist. Ofllcora wcro unable to
got icrvlco on 1'oxvurs until yesterday.
JrflYrsoii County Fair.
l/'Aintuiir / , Neb. , Sept. 2 . [ Special Tel-
cgnitn tol'UR IlHK.J There was a big crowd
nt the county fair today. The track was In
poorshnpe , owingto rain In the forenoon , but
the races wcro good. .Toe , a horse fiom 111-
loy , Neb , won Ilivjt prlzo in the threo-iiilnuto
class ; time 'JiSl. In tlio Imlf-mllo ilash
running race O , I. .Landon's ' mare , Uollo Kcd-
inond , von the llrst prlzo ; time W. The
exhibits of all liliu's of stock nnd produce are
us good or better than any previous year.
I'rolilbltioii Convention.
Youic , Nob. , Sept. 21. [ Special Telegram
to Tnnl3in.J--Tho prohibitionists met in this
city this afternoon. Only fourteen delegates
and thi-co visitors were present. Mr. Olau-
quo was elected chairman and Joseph Strlck-
ler secretary. After discussing for 0110 hour
the feasibility of putting any ticket in tbo
Hold the following nominations wcioinadn :
For senator , II. O. Cluycotnb of Filinoro
county. Tor representatives , GeorgoMcUon-
aldaiid Simeon Austin. Tor county attornej- ,
J. Gillian.
Van \Vyelc Vliullcntc * llnrliin.
Yonic , Nob. , Sept. 2s. [ Special Telegram
to Tun ELK. ] It is being charged by the
supporters of McKelghan In this congres
sional district that N , V. Harlan sold Van
Wjckoutln return for the speakeishlp of
the house In 1857. Mr. Hut-Inn received to-
duytho following telegram from Van Wyck
in refutation of the charge :
filt. Hail in : Vouisjust received , saylnir It
had IIPUII charged at a public iiiceliiij at\-
foid that yon sold out Van Wyulc for tbo
Niu-akot-hhlp. This U without foundation.
TlicrcVM no color or nrotonso for any Htnte-
iiicntor Unit lilnd. Vou wuru thu nrlglnal
friinil and supporter of York county ; were
Oirn ! < " 4t , hdonuima faltliful In my InK'ii-st ,
imclyon icpt-i'si'iitod ' lliolr wlwln-s most faltli-
f nllli In tlm loxlsluturo. I rosict thut any n--
Iluctloii of that kind was made. It does yon
In justice and 1 moat cheerfully correct It.
llic Ilcunlnu at Auburn.
.Auntntv , Neb. , Sept. 21. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BKi-Tho ] ! first day of the re
union is over and the boys In blue , as they
circle round the numerous camp fires this
evening , nro living over again their old urmy
dnjs. Ala tor Church Howe , commander of
the camp , has his hands full assigning quar
ters to the comrades as they arrive. Tbo at
tendance today was far beyond expectations.
The normal school cadets inarched la from
Peru this afternoon accompanied by their
company band , the ladles' silver cornet baud
and about ono hundred citizens. The crowd
tomorrow will doubtless reach three or four
thousand , yet nil will bo housed amply. The
grounds are most conveniently arranged nnd
it Is believed that Auburn's ' iirat reunion will
surpass any other "hold in tlib stato. Judge
Howard , Vnndcrvcort , Hlchards , Connell
and others will bo here ut midnight.
A. Mysterious Disappearance.
LIN-COI.S , IsTob. , Sopt. 24. [ Special to
THE BEE.J A young man of twenty-two
years of ago , named Peter Hansen , arrived
in Lincoln yesterday from Davoy , and his
strange actions attracted considerable atten
tion , ' Ho stopped at one of the leading hotels
of the city and put In most of bis time writ
ing. Ho sent a long letter to his relatives nt
Dnvey. inclosing his photograph nad bidding
them nil u most affcctioimto farewell. Ho
said thut when tnoy received the letter bo
would bo no longer horo. Whether homeant
ho would no longer bo on earth or simply that
ho would not bo In Lincoln is not known , nnd
the lotto1 caused a preat commotion in the
family. Today John Hanson , n brother , came
to the city to llnd his brother , but ho dis
covered that the young man hnd mysteriously
disappeared. The brother is very greatly
concerned nnd ho believes that his erratic
brother has committed suicide. The police
are aiding him In bis search.
Vance County Fair.
FILMHTONNob.t August 29. [ Special
to THE Bin.l The Vance county fair
opened today with a splendid crowd. The
racing -was tbo best ever seen on this track.
Every race was hotly contested.
Inthoi:50 ! : class there were ten entries out
o nine starters. Belgium Ward won , Char
ley second and Bluebell third. Fcst time
* ! J J ,
In the yearling rneo Troy Golden von ,
Glimmer second and Fullcrton Bov third.
The running race was won by Blank.
Being opening day tbo programme was
light. Tomorrow the programme will uo :
UySclass with eight entries
, two-year-old
race with five entries , and green race with
live en tries. Ttiot8S ; class promises to bo
interesting and will bo fought from wire to
wire. I'hero are now over forty speed horses
on the ground. Friday will botho great day.
as thorn nro live races on t ho programme.
Kx-Oovcrnor Larrabeo of Iowa and Senator
Stirling will hold a joint debate on the
amendment from 10 a , in. to 1 p. m.
North Xcbruskn. Fair.
Uoitrour , Nob. , Sopt. at. [ Special Tclo-
gram to TUB T3EB.J Two thousand people , In
addition to n largo quota of children from the
public schools , witnessed the sights of the
Korth Nebraska fair today , The agricultural
exhibit was the center of attraction. This
exhibit -will bo taken to the Sioux City corn
palace on Saturday. The display of comb
and extracted houoy made by local boo keep
ers shows that this
industry li proving a
profitable ono hero. The floral department
contains fully sir hundred plants exhibited
by local amotours. The awarding commlt-
inlttces have begun their work , though tnnny
of the classes cannot bo finished until tomor
row , In draft horses the Pcrcheron-Arnbian
Importing Horse company of Fremont carry
oft the honors on Porchorons ; W. J. Evans o'f
Canada and M. M. Murray , of Sloan , la , on
Clydos ; ana F. E. & ll , 3s. Hardy of this city
on Slilrcs.
Although today's racing protrrammo was
the weakest of the fair the contests wore all
close and exciting. The Hrst event was a
half-mild trot , best two in three , for green
hones three years old and under , Ilagpy
May wonClauJio , secondMlrflt , third , Moltio
A , jr. , fourth. UcsUlmo-l : ! ) > / .
In the 3:40 : trot Captain Wimple won , A n
C sccanu. ICittlo T third. Best tlmo-3:41)f. : )
Jn the half milo race for gentlemen's road-
stew to wagon , with llvo entries , Kittle C
won first money , Rattler second nnd Pnnco
third. leat ) tlmo 1:30X. :
Canou J'nrrar to tlio Salvation Army.
lCVrWt | / 1W LuJama Cordon Bennett , }
LONDONSept. , . „ ' , [ New York Herald
Cable Special to TUB BEK , ] Tbo follow
ing letter from Canon Farrar has boon re
ceived at Salvation army headquarter * In ref
erence to self deni l week : Dear Sir j-A"
week of. prayer and self doulol to assist the
work of missions is an effort In which the
entire Salvation nrmy has my entire sym
pathy. Yours faithfully , P.V. \ . PAHIUK.
"Water LUy boap 5 cents a cako.
Grand Antl-ProhibUToii Itally nt I3nch
Town Saturday nnd Monday.
At Crete Saturday evening there will t > o a
grand nntl-prohlbltlon rally. Among other
prominent speakers Hon. John L. Webster
of Omaha will addreis the meeting. Hon.
Theodore Miller , ex-mayor of Crete , will bo
master of ecromonlca , while the Introductory
address will bo made by Hov. llrady of the
Episcopalian church of Crete. The H. .t Al.
road has agreed to hold their south-bound
train at Crete ono hour to admit of psrsons
from Beatrice nnd other points returning
homo after the rally , All neighboring townc
u-ill send delegates mid a rlp-ruai'lng tlmu Is
Monday evening nt Beatrice n similar rally
will bo hi'ld. Arrangement1 * have been made
which insure onu of the most important gath
erings of the mitt-prohibition campaign. It
will bo distinctly a meeting of business men.
Several of the most prominent citizens \\lll
give tlioir personal experiences on the subject
of the operation of the prohibition law. The
cltvof Beatrice , as lepresented by her busi
ness men , has taken up the anti-prohibition
light In dead earnest. They have adopted
the same plan of cimipnlcn as that mapped
out by Omaha business men and will close nil
their stores and places of business on election
day and work ut the polls against the amend
ment. Hon. J. L. Webster will also address
the Beatrice meeting In opposition to prohibi
fetniidln < ; ol' the Clubs.
riuvod. Won. Lost Tor Ct.
Kutms Cltv . 113 . 7G : t > .Oil
Milwaukee . 118 78 4U , I > U
Mlniii-inolis. . . . till 7'i 44 .0.10
liunvor . 110 M (11 ( .474
bloux CJltv . 115 0,1 W .W
Omnlia . lii : * 47 (50 ( .410
Lincoln . 117 - 71 .a ) I
bt , 1'aul . Ill ) Mj 8J MO
niltnienpollH 7 , Oinnhn it.
MiNSEATOi.ts,1 Minn. , Sept. U I. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : Un : . ] The Omaha team
started ont with n rush In the third Inning
todav , and it looked as if the Four city men
would go Into the soup tureen again , out In
the Ilftli , with the bases full , Works mudo a
wonderfully wild throw to the plntc , per
mitting tbice men to tally , Tbo Nobrnskuns
lilt the ball considerably harder than the
Minneapolis team , but lost through fumbling
and bad throwing. Tlio atteiuUnee was loss
than five hundred , Minneapolis people having
become dlsgrsted over the showing of the
team on its trip to Kansas City. Tlio score :
Minneapolis 0 001 II 2 10 0-7
Onialiii 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0-a
Earned runi-Onnilia i ! . Two-base hlti
Clutuland. Jtascson balU-OlT Klllcu 1 , olt
nitoljorRl' . ( Uruck out Kllluu 1 , Kltel.lors .
1'iiSHfd hulls Du dale 1. Nowninn S. Tlnic-i
Ono hour and forty minutes. Umpire
Milwaukee 1O , Denver ( I ,
DESVEII , Colo. , Sept. 24. fSpocial Tclo-
Rrani to Tin : Bci : . ] Following la tuo acoro
of today's game :
11V 1NN1MH.
Denver . 0 0 ; i 0 00 00 .1-0
Milwaukee . 3021 04 00 0-10
Earned runs-Denver a. Milwaukee 1. Two-
btiHii hits Mormsov 2. Shoyli. Tliroo-buso-
blts I'oormtin , Itnynolds , O'ltrlon * . llomo runrf
Ourtls , .McNabb. liases Stolen Denver 2 ,
Milwaukee 1. Lofton bunps Denver 8 , Mil
waukee- . Double iilay Welsh to Woirlssoy.
llnscscm balls MoNubb B , Thornton ! . Hit liy
ball Whltcliead , Mossitt. Struck out JIc-
Nabb 2 , Thornton 4. Wild pitches Thornton ,
Passed balls Wilson , Klnjr 2. Tlmo One hour
and forty-live minutes. Umpire Oushmuu.
Sloiix City 18 , St. roul O.
Sioux CITY , la. , Sept. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BEE. ] Following is the score
of today's game :
Slonx Olty . 7 001 3300 0-18
St. 1'aul . 'J 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 3-0
RUtlUAIir ,
Hiirncd runs Sioux Olty 7 , St. ranlii. Two-
baiohlts KiippclVorrlok. . Tlirou-lw-o lilts
Ulatk , Olciin 2. Kiiupul , Wldnor. Mookln.
Iloinu run Murplir. IJascsKtoloii Sioux City
8 , St. 1'uull. Double plays Wcrrlclc to O'ltrlon
to Mookln , Kupnt'll iinusslstod. Tlmo of guiuo
Two hours. Uniplro llciislo.
Philadelpliin Rnors.
Pini-AnFU'iriA , Sejit. 24. In the first heat
of the S:22 : class the stallion Autograph
lowered Ills record from 2:26X : to 2:18kf.
2 : 4 ti-ot , WOO Darlington won , H. L. J.
BOcond , I. X. L. tblrd , Packer fourth. Host
a : ! J2 trot , $300 Richmond , jr. , won , Auto
graph second , Charlie C third , D. C. B.
fourth , llcst time ii
Nelson Trots a
KAXK.VKEE , III. , Sept. 24. Nelson , the stal
lion owned by Nelson of Maine , trotted a
milo over the Kanlmicea traplc this afternoon
In2l3 ! , onuulllnR Axtell's. ' The Iirat half
was inado in 1 : OI ; the last lialf nsaiust
heavy wind.
Totliiy's Tips.
First race Toluntoor II , Mudstono.
Second race Uoceland , Talstan.
Third race Siualoa II , Demuth.
Pourtli race Void , Stratogom.
Fifth race IJttlo Jim. Floodtldo.
Sixth rave Wilfred , Castaway.
First race Katie J , Miss Bnrncs.
Second race St. Albans , Miss Howard.
Third race Bankrupt , Fayotto.
Fourth ruco Henry A , Harambouro.
Fifth race Pearl Jennings , Spalding.
Sixth race Bob Thomas , Ecarto.
W. O. T. U. Oonvoiitloii.
SKWAHP , Neb , Sept. 24 , [ Special Tclo-
gram to TUB Bnn. ] The state meeting of
the Woman's Christian Temperance union
performed the roiitlno work of the order
today , such as listening to the reports of the
oftlccrs nnd committees and arranging the
order of work for the coming campaim
and the ensuing year. At about * p , in. all
the mombcre present , to the number of 200 ,
attended a reception and banquet at the
homo of Mrs. C. M. Woodward , ono of the
leaders of tno order in
this state. This oven-
lug Mrs. Mary Hoffman , president of the
order in Missouri , spoke to a largo audlonco
for ever an hour ami a half ,
TlioVenthor Forecast.
For Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; stationary
tcmuoraturo. ,
For Nebraska Fair ; stationary tempera
ture ; variable winds.
For Iowa-Fair , followed by light rain In
southern portion ; slightly warmer : variable
winds , generally southerly ,
For Soy tu Dakota-Fair ; stationary tem
perature ; variable winds , generally south
Tvelvn I'floploVntally Hualdrttl.
Losnox , Sept. 24. An explosion occurred
todnyon the atoamor Pandora at Armstrong's
shipyard at Newcastle. Twelve persons were
so badly scalded by escaping steam that they
will die.
n. ,
Eopublicaa Tariff CdJforae3 : Having Trouble
In Agreeing Upou Them.
Prospects of UK ? I'aqsnRO of Uio Ship
Subsidy Itltla nt Tills Kessloii
Cons ( dentillie , tier JUs-
Tun OMAHA nr.B , 1
Bin FotMiTisBvrii STHCBT , >
\V.unr > fGTo.v D. 0. , Sopt. 21. )
When the republican conferees on Iho
tariff hill sepnratcd this afturnoon until 0
o'clock tomorrow morning there wore Indica
tions that the tnrlff bill was hi some danger
of final defeat , It had been found Impossible
( InriiiK the dny to como to an agreement
upon sugnr nnd binding t\vlno nnd the delay
In settling these two questions by the con
ferees gave an opportunity for congressmen
who were disappointed with the action on
other schedules to add to the ponornl feeling
cf dissatisfaction. It was stated during the
afternoon that thcro wcro in the house at
least forty members who said that they
would not vote for the adoption of Iho conference -
forenco report If It did not contain this or
that proposition In which they wera particu
larly Interested , mid thu longer the conferees
are In announcing tlio conclusion upon the
measure the creator Is the dancer of. ultimate
fallnro. The metal schedule , which has Ijccn
reported to have been closul up , is not closed
absolutely , and the iron men nro liopcf ul of
restoring the home lates on steel billets ,
which the senate reduced lo l-10c per pound.
So far as could bo learned 110 impression was
made upon thu northwestern senators who
have announced their Intention of voting
iigainst the bill in case binding twine Is taken
on" tbo free list by the conferees. Senator
Sboraiiui was quite dc-tpoudoiit , and said to
n friend hq very much fuuiod nu agreement
was Impossible.
Representative Farnunar. who has ctiargo
of the ship subsidy bills , said today Hint tlio
chances wcro brighter for passing these im
portant measures before adjournment.
The other day ho gave up
hope , but recent notion by the
speaker and tno committee nas icnowcd
his confidence. "Tho campaign committee
have got out their books , claiming to have
passed ninny bills , " slid Far < ) uhar today ,
"but by leaving out the subsidy bills It makes
our claims look like a circus bill
with tbo anaconda left off. There are many
sections that want the anaconda fcatuics and
they won't be satisfied with a long pro-
Brainmo in which thev have no interest. "
Mr. r.irquliar say.s ho has been offered a
hearing for the bills during the .first two
weeks of the next session , but has declined
to put them off until then. Ho is determined
to see them through this session , and the
committee on rules \ \ supplement \ his wish
by pushing them ta a vote if possible.
At the present timolhora | | are about ono
thousand clerks employed In the census ofllco
upon the accounts of the enumerators , of
whom there wore ntarly fifty thousand em
ployed during the first two weeks of the
month of Juno. Thq 6pumcrators in tbo city
of Now York nro thpjo l3' ones -who have been
paid for their services. Every possible effort
is being made to close up the other accounts
with the utmost possible speed , but -the care
lessness of the enumerators themselves In
sending in their bills , causes delay in about
seven cases out of tifae It is impossible to
say posltivelj- when 'any partloular sot of
enumerators will receive the compensation
duo them for their sen-loos. Tbo ollico is ex
amining accounts and paying each m fast as
it is found to bo correct. A great deal of
complaint Is heard frbm all quarters on the
inadequacy of thb < par , for tno work per
formed , but although thdro , are discovered
many instances where injustices wcru done
enumerators , the only" remedy lies with con
gress , . .which based the compensation of
the enumerators upon the work done
in talcing the tenta census , which
wcro not so laborious. Since tlm enumera
tion was completed a number of the men em-
nlovod hnvo died and dnnnrhmnnt1ms
made every effort to close the accounts of the
deceased men before any of the others In
order that the -widows mipht not suffer in
consequence of the delay , but there nro sev
eral unadjusted bills of dead enumerators.
Some of the men who did the work are evi
dently sufffring for the money duo them. A
very pathetic Incident In this connection has
Just como to the attention of the onice. As
soon as ho bad completed hU work ono of the
enumerators in Tennessee sent in Ids bill. It
was found to bo incorrect in several particu
lars and he wns advised to make the neces
sary changes. Ho did not seem to compre
hend wherein the errors lay. Ho seems to
hove waited patiently for bla choclr and to
bavo gone to the postoBlco day after day in
tbo hope of hearing ifrom the government
which ho tried to servo faithfully.
On ono of these visits ho wns ac
companied by another enumerator ,
who had heen more fortunate in reading the
Instructions sent to him. Enumerator No. a
found a letter awaiting him. The letter con
tained the check in payment of his claim nnd
ho showed it to No. 1 , Tills wns moro than
the unfortunate man could stand. Ho feared
that hh labor had all been for nothing and in
a fit of despondency ha went home , and securing -
curing n revolver placed the barrel to his
head nnd tlrert. His widow will rcccivo tbo
small chock , somsthinu' like & : i5 , as soon as
the voucher can bo niado out and forwarded
to her. It will probablv require several
months to settle up nil the accounts and In
the meantime the enumerators have only
themselves to blame , as the delay is caused
solely through the failure of the bills which
they send in to agree in every particular xvith
the returns of population .sent in on postal
cards. The trouble in many instances seems
to bo that the enumerators got mixed on the
special .schedules nnd frequently charged for
the same work twice over. It is necessary to
use the utmost care and this scrutiny causes
the delay.
The conference committee , composed of rep
resentatives of the military committees of the
house and senate , -upon tha subject of ap
pointments to the bollril of managers of the
national soldiers' homes , mudo their report
today to the senate and It was agreed to.
There were two controversies before the
committee , the principal ono being from
Maine. The senators ot that state had
recommended Iho continuance in oftlro of
General Hyde , while Speaker Rood and Con
gressmen Butello and Mllllgan supported
( Jon oral Faruham for ( ho place. No ngreo-
inont of the parties could bo reached , however -
over , and the conferees decided to give them
another year in whicjf' ' to compoio their dif
ferences , If posslbloj fjj. the meantime , how
ever , General HydOj jniains a member of the
board until bis suciXissor is appointed. The
senate put the -iinamcs of Congress
man Yadcr and General Lewis B. Guncltlo
of Qhlo into the list of miiimgcra when it
was attacked to tlKfarihy appropriation bill.
but the confrees la tliejj ] report today omitted
both names , so tlmt-Ohia is left without a
rep rescn tail vo upon , flic , boar J .
In 1S37 Thomas Dafffcy of MtCoolc , Nob. ,
Initiated a contest .wAlnrt the homestead
entry of Lester Q. StjU Ann for the southeast
J/or section n , towusjijp 7 north , r.ingo 31
west , In the McCook district , on the ground
of abandonment , Upoil a hearing by the
local ofllcors It was decided that St. John had
not abandoned his elfllrrTlis charged nnd that
bis entry should not bo cancelled. Duffoy ,
not being satisfied , appealed to the commis
sioner of the general land ofllco. Tlio commis
sioner sustained tha ruling of the local oftl-
cors , but Duffey still pcrwistcil , and has nojv
appealed to the soctotaryof the Interior.
Upon a review of the ease today Assistant
Secretary Chandler coincided with the com
missioner nnd tbo local oOicors and dismissed
tbo contest ,
It is probable that a further oxlilbltlnn of
how not to do it will bo inado by the demo-
crata In the sen n to. l\ir the last week or
two they have been aiding the republicans to
clear on : the calon Jar without protest , but It
seems to hnvo occurred to the leaders of the
minority today that there wai u purpose In
the facility with which the republicans went
disposing of bills , mid therefore Mr. Cockrell objecting to the consideration of hills
on the calendar , which was sufficient under
tbo mlos to postpone action. The domaurats
have an Idea that the plan ot the republicans
Is toclear up the calendar as far us possible
so that when tbo short session begins in December -
comber tliero will bo practically nothing in
the way of the consideration of tlio election
bill , before thu npproprintlon bill coinpi in ,
The democrats , it is believed , will endeavor
to block the ) gnmo now by resorting to debate
upon till measures that uro proposed for con
sideration ,
Postmasters wcro appointed today us fol
lows !
Io a Confidence , \Vnyno county , Jamci
K. Hancock , vlco 0. U. Bower , resigned ;
Mlddlcllcld , Buchanan county , A. J. Ilarel-
trlggvlco , F. 1 \ Arnold , resigned ; Allo ,
ICcolmk county , .lohu O. Hoot cr , vice Ocorgo
McKlnnis , lesigncil ; Hyan , Delaware
county , J. A. Thonim , vlco A. J. Flint , died.
Soutli Dakota Giilcini , Lawrence county ,
J. P.Mfolly , vico'D. 0. Klmball , died ; Oel-
rlebs , Fall Hlvcr i-ounty , 0.V. . Wilson , vlco
J.V. . Jones , icsigncd ; Vedette , Campbell
county , K C. Me.ighcr , vlco It. W. Slocutn ,
By direction of the secretary of war. Cap
tain 0. P. Palfrey , now on sick leave of ab
sence , will proceed to and take station nt St.
Louis. Mo , , and relieve Captain Ulmrlcs P.
Powell of the duties In his charge under the
Mississippi river commission. Captain Pow
ell , on being relieved by Captain I'alfroy ,
will proceed nnd tike station nt Omaha ,
Nub. , and assumu charge of the improve
ment of the Missouri river above Slonv City ,
provided for in the i Ivor and harbor net ap
proved September l ! , IS'.KI.
Some time ago the senate passed n bill re-
quitiug that oftlcersof the urmy should bo
examined for promotion mid also providing
for promotions among ofilccrsof the armv by
seniority In the arm of the service to which
they belong and not by seniority in rogl-
menial service. The bill went over to the
house , wbcro tin amendment was added ex
empting ofllcois who had served in the volun
teer army uuriiig tno war Iran tlio examina
tions for promotion. This afternoon , on
motion of Senator M.inderHon , the senate dls-
ngrerd to tills amendment and asked for a
conference , but it is possible the amendment
will bo agreed to ,
Acting Secretary of War Gr.uit has replied
to Senator Mandcrson's request that tbo In
fantry and cavalry now nt Fort Hobinsoii will
ho permitted to go to Crawford. Neb , for
the purpose of taking part in the soldiers' '
reunion to be held thcro.
Another I/nrgo liirsrcnnn Over Lmst
ypnr He cor H oil.
CINCI.V.VATI , O. , Sept 24. [ Special Tele
gram to TJIB BEK. ] Tomorrow's ' Prlco
Current will sny : Tbo total western packing
for the week -was 1S : > ,000 , against 170,001) ) last
year and from March I to date 7,700,000 ,
njrniiibt HjTS.'ijOOO a year ago , an Increase of Ho
per cent. Special correspondence ] indicates
a greater prcvallon co of maladies now ninonc
swine than enmlicr in the season. Packing
at lea ding points compare as follows for the
season :
Chcjoniin County Fair.
SIDXKT , Neb. , Sopt. . [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BiiE-l This was the open
ing d.iy of the Cnoycntie County Agricultural
Fairand Trotting association. The weather
was flue , but tlio track In poor condition.
Over twelve * hundred people were present.
The exhibit of farm products was better tlmu
the most jmngulnc had expected. The prin
cipal feature today was the races.
First race , f :20 : trotting , one mile Won by
Maud Elliott. Tom becond , Uobekau D third.
Tlmo afl.
Half milo dash , six entries Won by Katy
did , Cannah K second. Tlmo 52 % .
Two hundred yard dash , nix entries Won
by Chippie , Sleepy Bill second. Tlmo-11
Dun .Tohnson. Roriliin Thnmnsnn.
Charles Nelson , UncloEa Doran nnd. nmiiy
other prominent western Nebraska horse
brooders were present. Tomorrow's races
promise to bo interesting.
Dawion County Knir.
LEXINGTONXeb. . , Sept. 34. [ Special
Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] The Da wsoa coun ty
fair opened today with a peed attendance.
The exhibits were flno and tbe speed pro
gramme better than over.
Foot pada got in their -work last ulglit ,
holding up ono man on Alain street , also se
curing S50 of J. J. Douclas. Several arrests
have boon made by the police.
Candidates for tlio County Ofliccs
Nominated Last Tv'l lit.
The Douglas county independents met nt
Exposition hall last nlprhtwhen J. M. Kinney -
noy presided and Hurry Kustman acted as
A committee consisting of ono delegate
from each precinct was elected to select the
candidates to bo placed upon the ticket to bo
voted for this fall.
After bcliifj out an hour the committee re
ported the following :
For state senators , G. W.King and H. U.
Huthcrfora ,
For representatives , 0. M. JlcDuffeo „ ,
Stephen Carpenter , J , Kelley McComhs , S.
D. Itynorsson , E. 14. Overall , John Schroder ,
Thomas C. Kollcy , Louis J Ihm and August
nionnann , *
For county commissioners , O. A. Wolcott
and Chris Hossickor.
The report was adopted and the candidates
were placed in nomination , a standing vote
Allen Hoot nominated John Crow for
county attorney , but no nation was taken and
the county central committee will select the
The coinralttoo will appear before the city
council and ask that tlio Independents bo
given a Judge nnd a cleric in each of the vet
ing precincts of the city.
Spontaneous Combustion.
Fire in a small store room In the second
story of the Hill block , corner Fifteenth and
Douglas streets , called out the department
last night ut 8 o'clock , Tlio flames were ex
tinguished before getting bnyond the conmies
of the room where the llro began , Tlio room
was used for storing miscellaneous bric-a-
brac , and a bucket of paint had been loft
there some time ugo by tlio workmen who
finished up the Drowning , King & Co. store.
Spontaneous uombuntlon Is supposed to have
been the cause of the flro. Junago nbout
75. Building insured.
Knobed nu Itiillnn Krult Vendor.
A lad named Walter Lucas stole $20 out
of n coat belonging t ) I. Orels < an Italian
fruit vender , nt tbo corner of Sixteenth nnd
Howard yesterday afternoon. He then In
vited of Ids compinloni to go ulth
him to the Eden Alusoo for the afternoon
porformanco. Hut CJroh suapccU-d young
1,110.11 and followed him to the Musco and
hud him nrrc-stcd. Tlio boy Is In the city
Slooplossno , nervous prostration , nervous
dyspcpdit , dullness , bluoi , curad by Dr.
Allies' Nervine. Simples free at Kuhn &
Co.'s , 13th and Ooujrlas.
A Ijost Child.
Ml Mlnnlo Itnmsoy , a girl nine years old ,
disappeared from her homo yesterday and
her iwoplo are at a loss to know what has bo-
coaioof her. She lived at IS'W Sherman avo-
nue. Khoworoa dark striped dross and a
dark straw hat ,
1'or Snlling I'liiunroii Miiudny.
Complaints were iilcd in pollcu court yes-
terdny agnlnst Hurt HonrdMey , Ous Bhnltz ,
A. K. UutU nnd William liutU , chnrslnc-
that tlioy kept open saloon ou Sunday , .Sep
tember : U ,
It la Visited Ony niul Nljjht byTliou-
nnnds of L'onplc.
Thcro was another delighted crowil at tlio
exposition last night , and the evening's pro
gramme , aside from the grand display , VIM
highly enjoyed. Tbo music wns exception
ally good , and will bo oven better thU even
ing , when upartlctilaily brilliant programme
will be rendered. The management Is pre
paring for u big attendance this evening , as
several big excursions will bo in on both tlio
Union I'acillc unit M. lc M. roads. Now at
tractions arc being lidded dally , and by the
middle of next week the display * will bo two
fold larger than at present ; that Is , In all the
novelty departments.
JameJ Morton & Son , the well known
hurdwura Hun of 1511 Uodgo street , exhibit
nu elegant line of hardware. Their location
is among the best , and the arrangement of
their goods Is very nrtlstlo. Tlio front of
their booth is occupied by MIOIVCASOJ lllloil
with the latest n-ul boil In line cutlery , em
bracing.ill that Is novel and useful In this
line. ] n the middle ground is shown n splen
did line of ice tools , whilst the sldo % valls uro
niado to do servlco showing sp ides , shovels ,
scoops , etc. , and u lurgo line of butcheri *
tools. Tlio ample background Is a gllttoi Ing
phalanx of edge tnols for tlio builders ami
artisans In wood , nil woven Into n mo t
uitlstiu design , the eutiro exhibit forming
one of the most pleasing features of the exhi
bition , and should bo seen by all who attend.
Itrcciulrod the entire timo'of two men two
weeks to complete this exhibit.
The Oinalin Gas Manufacturing Co. has n
mott beautiful exhibit. In the background
is a realistic represent itton of the rays of the
sun In the national colons. Above , shedding
their tinipciod light on the visitor nnd the
exhibit , Is u variety of different kinds of gus
burners ! , which , In justice to them , it must bo
said that they loose nothing in comparison
by the near proximity of tlio are electric
lights. Among them is tlio WeUbach burner ,
which is said to bo very economic d in the use
of gas and gives n beautiful white light just
the thing for a reading light , The display of
IjUiigreu lamps , oooking unit heating stoves ,
attract a grout deal of attention from the
visitors. These beautiful heaters , as dean us
thu tlnwiiro of the careful housewife , elicits
universal admiration from the ladles. No
sinokn nor iuslit-9 , yet nil the warmth nnd
chccifuliicss of the lineal anthracite ooal
stove. Ono of these stoves is Illicit with
nshostos in such n manner * as to produce the
otToet of glowing coals , and looks very home
like. Mr. G. W. Clabmgh , the chief clerk In
tbe ofllco. Is untiring In ills efforts to make
tbls exhibit attractive nnd instructive. The
bc.iutiful scroll loltors forming the ivoiili ,
"Light , hcut nnd power , " nro the work of
Mr. Quinn , the foreman of the gus works ,
who , vrhllo In Canada , made the ro it of
aims for the Marquis of Lome.
Tbo space occupied by Mr. M. II. Boobs ,
representing Pitxton & Gallagher , attracts
constant and wide-spread attention. The
automatic mokcr representing IJuffulo Hill ,
with his fierce mustache and goalee ni.d jing
ling spurn , Is as natural us life , and the way
ho does smoke is a caution. There nro no
bales or bugo boxes , but thcro nro more boxes
of tea than was cast Into Boston harbor , and
the baiidiomest line of smokers' articles over
displayed In the west. The line of genuine
amber and meerschaum pipes and cigar hold
ers is good onougn for the ICniser himself.
The exhibit comprises only Mr. Hoebo's ' spe
cialties , teas and smokers' articles , aud is
nicely arranged and very attractive.
For information vegjirdinsr Bloomfield
fiulo of lots Thursday , October 2 , address
J tunes P. Peuvoy , Sioux City , Tu.
District Court.
Judge Wnkoley called 12.T cases on the
equity docket yesterday morning and render
ed decisions In two or thrco cases of minor
In Judge Boano's ' court the c.iso of Sloan ,
Johnson & Co , vs William Coburn , as sheriff ,
was commenced and several witnesses exam
ined. The litigation grows out of the stock
of groceries limb two years ago was owned
by J. II. Johnson. Johnson was in business
011 St. Mary's nvcimo , and being crowded to
Iho wall , gave a bill of sale to the plaintiffs.
Other creditors came la and replcvlcd the
goods nnd lawsuits wcro begun. The case
hnd been sent to the supreme court and sent
back for a new trial. The amount involved
is $1,540.
William "Wallace nnd Earl Gannett , as
administrators of the ctstato of Joseph , W.
Onnnnt.t. ilppnnin/1.
/ vAcit rilnv r nmtiu > nrnr1
suit against J. Herbert Van Closter. Tlio pe
tition sets forth tlio fact thut on the 3d day
of April. 1SSS , Van Closter inado Ids promis
sory note in the sum of $3,850 , payable to
Thomas F. Ball ; that the note passed into
possession of Gannett , aud that it has never
been paid.
Jacob Eawcctt Iws sued D. H. Powell ,
Mary A. Powell , Frank Kinginnu , Prank
Bnniard nnd C. L. Blazer for § ll,0i)0. ) ) There
were four notes , nil of which were executed
by Powell on the 'list day of October , 1889 ,
and endorsed by the other defendants in the
suit just brought.
Charles Roberts has sued G rover Stevens.
Ho seeks to recover ? 300 and forccloso a
mortgage upon certain Omaha lots.
The Howcll lumber company has brought
suit against Slitcr & Gould. The plaintiff
alleges thut the defendants nro Indebted In
the sum of $11,100.20 for lumber that was
sold during the summer and fall of 1SSO.
Wllhclni Moller has brought suit against
Christian Cnur and others , to gain possession
of one-half an aero of ground.
Fits , spasms , St. Vitus' diinco , n crvousnos
and hysteria uro soon cured by Dr. fllllo s
Nervine. Frco samples at ICuhn & Co.'s ' , 15th
and Douglas.
Colcnmn Hi-ought Bnek.
L. IV.Colcman Is a young man of bright
mind but rusty morals , and ho is in jail
charged with having stolen somu clothing
from a car in the Minneapolis , St. Paul &
Omaha yards. The theft was committed sov-
orul weeks ago , but Coleman was not found
until last week. Ho was brought in from
Blue Point , In.
Detective Ellis found Coleman rusticating
at Itluo Point , and n woman that Coleman
took with him , the wlfo of W. A. Tan Ar-
man of Cut-oft i.slind , was found at Itock
Island , III , , in a very destitute condition.
Colomaa appeared in police court yesterday
and ills trial was set for next Tuesday.
Mrs. Tan Annan and her husband wcro
also In coiu't. The woman was very glad to
get back homo and receive the forgiveness of
her good-natured husband. She Is now liv
ing with Van Annan at Cut-oil island , where
ho keeps a saloon.
Just Dcforo Coleman was nrreitod at Blue
Point ho had niado nrmngcMneiits to bo nmr-
rie.d to n pretty little qu.ikor ( 'lrl over thorp ,
but Detective Ellis Interfered with tbo nup
tials. Coleman wears ( lowing hair nnd 1111
expression of injured innocence that would
become u poet of the Byronio ago.
Just how an nltoratlvomocllclno cleanses the
system is nu open question ; but that Ayor's
Sarsaparillii does produce u radical change In
the blood is well attested on all sides. It is
everywhere considered the best remedy for
blood disorder. .
County Court.
II. Wallace & Sons yesterday brought suit ,
against Kdholm & Akin to recover $713 duo
on a bill qf goods .sold and delivered ,
S. Luchmnn & Co. hnvo sued S. S. Folkcr
for fWJG.GT , duo on wlfios and llnuoru sold last
July ,
felmock ft bhorrlll hnvo com men rod a Milt
to recover Wil from E'lholin ' & Akin for
goods sold.
The Bohn Hash and JDoor company yester
day sued Joseph Hills on a note of * . ' 18.7i. :
The Merchant'B National bank has brought
suitngalnst A. H. Htowe , J. I ) , Stowo and A ,
L. Straug& Co. to recover flUO duo onu
promissory noto.
The Hoes Printing company yesterday OD-
talned a judgment In tbo sum of g-Jlli.Ui )
against C , H. Hloman.
When IUby WM gfoV , wn ESTO her Ceatorfa ,
Wten she nna a ( Hill I , ihe cried for CaitorU ,
When aha became Mln , ilie clung to t'Mtorla ,
When she had ChUJrta , the cave Uiaui CutoiU ,
Absolutely Puro.
A. cream of tartar baking pon'lor ,
of loarenlnsc stroiigtli-U.3. Oorcrumout Ho <
K > rtAuic.lT , LStt.
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists ,
The most widely and favorably known spnc-
lallstiln tlio tnltod Htutci. Tliolr IOIIKex
perience , rcriiurlmbloskill
and universal SIIK-
cos In the treatment and curs of Nervous.
Chronic and SiirRloul Dlieasos. ontlllo thosn
eminent physlclnm to tlm full conlldunuoof
tbo uflllatad ovoiywliorp. Tlioy Kuurmitoo !
tbo awful elTofts of car ] \ - vlco nnd the numer
ous ovlls that follow In Ha ( rain ,
tpi'iMllly , rmnplotuly nnd pcriiiiiiiontly cunul.
ORUHUS yield loadlly to tholr skillful
guurantucdourud without jialn or detention
fiom liuHlncss.
ntuitly mill HuccosHfully cured In mory caso.
inatorrhon , Bon.lnal Wunkni4s , Lost Manhood.
NlKlitEinls-duiii , Dociiyuil Kucultlos , Kmnalii
Wuiiimcssanu all dolluiito tllsordorn peculiar
toottliQr BOX positively cured , us wulla-jnll
functional disordurs that result from youtli-
fiil folllos or tlio excess > f muturu yours.
STRirTIltel ? 0" rantooil pi-rmana ntly
dllUV 1U.TU ,
cured , '
ri'inoval con iilutn ,
without cutting , cnustlu or dllutiitlon. Oiiroi
atTuutcd at liomo liy patlont nltliout u mu-
mcnl's pain or iinnoyaneo ,
niPIJTho awful effects of
UUKL. early vlco whloh brln < i
iTcakncRi. dustroylnu both mind anil
body , with all Its dreaded ills , poriimnuiity
HP RPTT Address these who have Im-
L/iVO. L > LL 1 > J paired thoininlvos
by Im
proper Indulgence and solitary Inhils , whloli
ruin both mind and body , unuttlnR thorn for
business , studv or marrltiRa
AIAUKIEU MEN or tho-io enlurlngon tint
hnppy Hfe.awaroof physical debility , quickly
Is based upon facts. First 1'rnotloal ouporl-
cnco. tlocond Eriiry case Isspoclnllystu jlod ,
thus sUirtlfiR right. Third Msdlclnoa urn
prepared In our laboratory oxautly to suit
eaeh case , thus cfTootluK euros without Injury.
Drs. Betts & Betts ,
tlmnlntcn ( Iio torpid liver , NlroiiRf ll *
CIIH the fll c-Hll vo orfun , rcjf 11 I ales til *
bovtclH , and uro uncqualoU us tut
In malarial diHtrlctM tlm lrlr < uc inro
n iclcly rccopriilzcd , us they | IUIHVII i > ec-
iilinrpropvrllcM In rrocliitli ' .ijNl < .Mii
from tliut fiulson. Xleirnnfly Hiiur
coaled. UOBONinoll. 1'ricc , UQclo.
Sold Evorywliore ,
Office , 30 & 41 Park Place , N. Y.
. . . . . . TlIK U It EAT
i : rnuifull ] -
Innlfiknon ,
Spornm'nrrlinm ' ,
liiipntonoy , Anil
all rilHKKca that
follow M a i < a-
qucnno of Holf-
1'nlnlnlrio Hack. Dlrunrai of Vlnloii PrcinatnroOlil
AKV , nnd innnr oilier ( Ilitun-tui Hint lent to Insanity
or cnnMiniptlon imtl n piomnturo srnvc.
t3f ta\\ \ \ particulars In oar pamphlet , wlilrh wodn
Ire to lend fno tir nuillfnovrrjr ono srfThu an'- |
clllo Medlrlnoli noli ) nt ( I per piioknBO. or six pnck-
HBMforr > , or III Ijo r > nt frco br mall on receipt of
Ihu money. If ; ulilrrn-lni {
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I unaurpfli oil In tha trwit-
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\ \ rANTHDAsomi to ncll thu Pinion CU.thoi Mini
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recuro ; onr tcrrllor ; nt unco. AiMnxi Iho I'lVI.BH
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icient. jujru * LION iiftl'o r fiuiriio , ( I. y ,
Bolil lijf IIOODUAN Hilda ( X ) .
C mfarUU
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LKtt. 4d < UM