Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 23, 1890, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OM.1HA , , ITIJESDA.'Y , SEPTEMBER 23 , 18SO.
, * 'Tho liank clcnrlnga yesterday
Amounted to { 003.72 J. 03.
A. II , disc , a Topelm attorney , \vnnts
tlio chief of police to hunt up Mini Mnry
pnlkins , whom ho wishes to pay SO for
typewriting ,
Court UalllfT Lou Grebe 1ms tnkon Dr ,
H , S. Goo , the South Omaha physlclnn ,
cigcrt Eovcnty vcnra , who bocaino de-
jBontcd , to the insnnurmyliiin.
In the county courttho following judg
ments \rero rendered yesterday : -Fred
ruemplng vs. lorry Uyun ct nl , $800.08 ;
Biimo vs aaino , $400.01 : Wols vs Desmond
117.C'J. !
The momters of the school board yes-
icrdny dccldud to hold a Short session
'i'hui'sdiiy ovonintf of thl week , after
whli-li , in n hod y , tlicy will adjourn to
the exposition at the Coliseum.
C. K. Uurtfoyno of Thornton . Vn. ,
Is an "anxloiiH fiithor" who writes to us-
certain the whereabouts of his bon
Charles K. llurgoync. Tlio son is forty-
one years old and a linrnosamakcr.
Frnnlc E. Moorcs of the district court
w'nn kept busy ycstordny nftcrnoon
Jiaturnli/.inf , ' citizens of Douglas county ,
lind during the Bpaco of two hours ho
issued eeflificatcH to forty foreigners.
Mrs , Jcnnio 1'utton , wife of T. U , 1'ut-
on , dlcU nt her home , 1521 Lcavcnworth
etrcot , vcstordny , Tlio funeral will
bo held Wednesday nftcrnoon nt 2
o'clocVi ' with interment at Forest Lawn.
The case of P. H. Goldsborough. nr-
fcstcd for obtaining money under mlso
pretenses , was called in police court
yesterday afternoon , and Goldsborough
was bound over to the district court un
do r bonds of $500.
' GuslavoKcBsnoi' of AlUhorn was before -
fore Justice Shaw yesterday on n charge
, tif having- dealt In liquors without first
iiavinu obtained a county license. " The
'caso was before Shaw on a cluuigo of
vcnuo and was coatiiuied until October
The congregation of thollusslan Israel
ites will celebrate today and tomorrow
at their church , Eleventh and Capitol
pvonuc. The days are fast days and will
[ bo properly observed. Mr. Schigcnsky ,
with a double quartette , will furnish the
District Court Bailiff II. B. Hunt and
son , ThomiiH H. IJunt , huvo returned
from their long summer vacation in the
least. Hoth are looking exceedingly
vcll. Mr. Hunt , sr. , has been reappointed -
pointed bailiff for the ensuing term of
, The revenue department has issued a
permit to George P. llarris fc 13 ro. to
ship to George \Voolsoy of Nebraska
City a copper fctill of 9,001) ) gallons capac
ity and two copner wyrnis of 530 gallons
capacity each. These will bp used in a
'now ' distillery that is to bo in operation
November ] ,
At the last mooting of the Commer
cial stenographers' association , held at
tlio rooms of the Omaha commercial
college , it full report of the committee on
constitution and by-laws was submitted
and considered. Subsequent meetings
will bo held at the bamo place on Friday
evening of each week.
"Don't Oiiro to Eat. "
It Isvlth the greatest confidence tbnt
Hood's ' Sarsnpnrlllu is recommended for loss
of appetite , indigestion , sick hcadaclio and
Bluiilur troubles. This medicine gently
tones the stomach , assists digestion and
motes ono "real hungry. " Persons Indeli
cate health , after taking Hood's Sarsaparllla
n Tow days , Hud themselves longing for uiid
eating the plalnrst food with unexpected
Army News.
Tbo following men who have enlisted
under false proteases will bo discharged from
the service :
Privates James Berry , company , A Six
teenth Infantry , Fort Du Chosue , Utah ; Edward -
ward Wall , company A. Sixteenth infantry ,
ITortDu Cheshc , Utah : William Brady , com
pany B , Sixteenth infantry , IA > rt Douglas ,
The following transfer of enlisted men of
the hospital corps at Port Bridgor will take
place upon the abandonment oC the post :
Hospital Stewaril-IIenry Bungcr , Fort D.
A. HiisseJI , Wyo. Privates Anton Kochlcr.
Fort D. A. Uussell , Wyo. ; Gustavo .A. Norn ,
Cainp Pilot Butte \Vyo. ; William J. Ooglcy ,
Fort Omaha. TJeb. ; Charles Bowcn , Fort Liu
Chcsnc , Utah ; John Johnson , Fort Douglas.
"Utah ; Frank Jeamtncy. Fort Slmloy. Nob.
. Lieutenant StaiiiDcr.Twcnty-llrat infantry ,
Stationed nt Fort Bridgcr. Wyo. , has been
granted n leave of absence for one month.
A general court-martial his : ueen ordered to
jncct on Monday. September Ii9 , in Fort
Douglas , Utah. Tlio com t will consist of the
following ofllccrs : Major John B. Pnrlte ,
Captain H. O. Ward , Captain W. V. Rich-
nrds , Captain T. W. Mornson , Sixteenth in
fantry ; Captnla G. L. Edle , assistant sur-
Kcon ; Lieutenant Lnssitcr , Lieutenant
Coulcs , Lieutenant Chandler , Licutcnaut
Wright , Lieutenant Johnston , LieutonnDt
jSIIchols. Lieutenant Ilacknoy , Lieutenant
Gregg , Sixteenth infantry ; Lieutenant H.D.
Btyer , Twenty-first Infantry , judge advocate.
Via the AVabnsh Koutc.
On September 0 , 2J ! and October M the
\Vabash will sell round trip tickets to
points in Texas , Arkansas , Tennessee ,
Mibsissippi , Louisiana , Alabama , Geor
gia and Florida at Half Faro , peed for
80 days. Remember the \Vabash is the
quickest route South anil Southeast.
Hculinlng Chair and Pullman Butlot
Bleopiiiff Cars on all trains. Only
16 hours to St. Louis ,
i2J ! " "Chattanooga ,
40 " " Now Orleans ,
40 } " "Now Yorlc ,
with corresponding' fast time to all
points South and cast. For tickets and
Jull information in regard to routes , also
for a copy of the Southern HomcscoUcra
Guido , call at the Wubaah Ticket Oflleo ,
1502 Fnrnnm street , Omaha , or write G.
Clayton , Northwestern Passenger
, Oinnlm , Nob.
Keeps the Chief Dusy.
Mrs. J. II. ICclnhoimcr , wbo eloped from
Gprlngfleld , 0. , and came to this city with
ScUrlvcr , the forger and room-worker with a
dozen aliases , who was recently sent hack to
Cincinnati to answer to a charge of grand
larceny , has returned to her homo , and her
husband writes to the chief of police that
everything is well mid all has been forcivou.
Ho states that Ills wife loft a lot of her
dothes nt a disreputable resort on Ninth
ttreot , where she stopped , and ho wants
them forwarded toSprliiKllclil , C. O. D.
Pears' soap is the mostcleffant toilet adjunct
At Iloyd's opera house on this nnd
Wednesday nights and at the Wednes
day matinco there will bo given that strong
attraction , Daniel Prohman'a production of
"Tho Prince ami the Pauper. " The play is
n dramatization by Mrs. Abby Sago Uichard-
Bon of MarU Twain's popular story , and Mrs.-
Illchnrdsou has retained the most telling
touches of Twain's genius and introduced
several intensely dramatio situations of her
pwn creation. Elsie Leslie Is without doubt
the most brilliant in the galaxy of child
geniuses Invblclj "LUtlo Lord Fountlcroy"
teed worlt slio had done as Kdltha in
fi ha's Burglar. " Her now play allords
* mnlo opportunity for the oxcrclso ol her
nbllity ; Indeed , sue has boon said to bo the
\vholoplny , It raises hnr uhovo the piano o
child actresses , for the demands made upon
tor call forsuchanoxerclsoof art as to leave
ber nn nctress an artist among them all. U. ho
production will bo under tuo dli-cctloa o
Daniel Frobmaa and
TlioyWIllbo llcprcsontcd in Oinahn
by lluudrc'ils of Undertakers.
The coramlttco or nrrangcmcntn for ho
convention oflntcrnatlonnl funeral directors ,
vhlch meets here on October 1 and 2 , met
yesterday at Uurkot's undertaking rooms on
North Sixteenth street There were present
Messrs. Burket , Maul , Ilenfey and Heatou of
Satisfactory roportiwcro read retarding
ho progress of subscriptions , and it was
icld. bccnuso of the cheerful cooperation of
cadliiR citizens asufllclent amount ot money
vould bo obtained to glvo the visitors lirst
class entertain meat.
Thocon\cntlon will lie onoof the most irn-
)0rtant over held in this city , and comprise
irobahly 000 representatives from both the
Jnittd States nnd Canada. *
The prosnimtno arranged Is ns follows !
Tlio delegatojvlll arrive on the morning of
ho JlOth. Headquarters will bo established
it the Paxtoii hotel , anil till other leading
lostclrics liovo offered reduced rated.
On Wednestlay , tliolst prox. , there will
> o n morning and afternoon session. In the
evening the guests will bo entertained at the
On Thursday there will ho two sessions
dso , with a banquet In the evening at the
Pnxton. nt which the following toasts will bo
esponued to : "Tho President of the United
States. " "Tho Queen of Great IJritahi and
rolancl , " ' 'Tlio International funeral Dircc-
ors" " Assoclatior. " "Our Invited Guests , "
'Maiiufucturcrs. " "Slstor Associntions , "
'Tho Ladies , " "Tho Nebraska lAmeralDircc-
ort , Association. " Nebraska and Omaha , "
and "Tlio I'l-eas,1'
On Friday , In the morning , tbero will boa
Irivo around the city and a rldo on the Belt
Ineand in thu afternoon to South Omaha.
ArraiifjemcntsmayUtcrbo made fora tripe
o Denver ,
Owing to the largo crowd tliat was
mablo to get in our atoro last night wo
: oncludcd to continue our grand opening
I'ucstlay and. Wednesday evcninfrs.
15th and Karnoj' . Ramgo Uldg.
It Kltltllos a Ilaslcct and Narrowly Us-
cnpos n crvnllt Girl.
Excitement ran high in the vicinity of the
ilgli school nt an early hour yesterday. A
clenkono call sent the patrol wapjon lillcd
with policemen to the corner of Nino-
.ecnth and Douglas , where it was icportcd
.hat burglars were going through the hous.e.
A servant girl had set nn alarm clock , and
; ho result was a series of yells of "burglars , "
"lire , " etc.
Quiet hud Hardly heen icstoi-cd when O. M.
Hitchcock , ' "ho lives nt the corner of
Twentieth audDodgostrcets , created another
Ho appeared at a window nnd with a full
; rown revolver , began shooting big holes
a the darkness , IIo had heard a suspicious
sound and was trying to attract the attention
of a policeman. IIo succeeded In calling up
every ofllecr in the central part
ot the city. IIo thought some
> no was stealing his chickens.
When tlio smoke cleared , away it win found
that it was only the servant girl , who had
. iscn early to do the family washing. Tlio
aead of the family sheathed his gun and -went
out to patch the apertures ho had shot in tlio
clothes basket.
i ) ON
The Tcntli Street Viaduct will bo
Itcudy by the Holidays.
Work on tbo To nth street viaduct Is pro
gressing flnoly , The structure already spans
allot the tracks in the upper yards , and has
nearly voacbcd the point to which the Rrado
begins. The sab-stiuctnro ia completed with
the exception of a few piers between Jones
nnd Jackson streets. Of the SOS piers thataro
required for the _ structure . Including the
platform , connecting the viaduct with the
depot , all but twenty-seven are now In place.
The foundation will DO completed within the
next ten days. The recent heavy ram under-
inlncd one of the piers at the cornocof Tenth
nnd Jones , over the old , lonpc-barled culvert ,
and the cement and concrete have heen re
moved from all the others similarly situated ,
nnd extra long pilling has been driven down.
to insure a perfectly solid foundation. It is
now expected to have the entire structure
completed so that the formal opening can take
place on Christmas day.
The great European expositions have
awarded the premium to Cook'3 extra dry
imperial chuinpatjuo for boquet.
Government Situ Questions.
Therois a probability that the claims of the
former owners of the postoftlco site will soon
ho settled. The only claims remain
ing unsatisOed are those of the minor
Folsom heirs amounting to about
$ > 5,000. A. L. Reed , of this citj- , has been
appointed guardian of these heirs and heir
esses , but since the title to the block passed
to the government some of these children
have become of ago. Jlr. Kccd is now await *
liif * the receipt of a power of attorney to en
able him to settle tliclr claims.
Commissioner Dundy has the money nt
hand to pay these claims nnd will do so as
soon as the proper forms shall Uavo been gone
through with.
The claims of some of tlio nppralsers of the
slto have been paid and the matter will soon bo
settled , In the meantime , landlord Alexan
der has nil the holes and corners In the bloclc
filled with tenants and Is collecting about n
thousand dollars per moutu in rents from the
property. _
Owing to the largo crowd that was
unable to got in our store last night wo
concluded , to continue our grand opening
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
15th and Harnoy. Itamgo Bldg.
Wants Her Diuls.
Mrs. Nathan Drown writes from St. Paul
requesting the chief of polled to furnish her
information regarding the whereabouts of
her husband , who loft her with two small
children to support. She says ho was run
ning a gambling house at 1120 Dodge street
in this city when she- last heard ol him.
Hrown is well known to the authorities
and has frequently tlgurcd in police court.
Fits , spasms , St. Vitus" dance , ncrvousncs
nnd hysteria tire soon cured by Dr. Jli 1 cs
Nervine. Free samples at Kuhu & Co. "s. 15th
and Douglas.
ThofoUowlngpsrmlti were issuoil by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday !
0. II. I'aync , ono nnd one-half story
fruino dwelling , Twcnty-ioveulh and
UumliiK street . { ] 500
AniilcO'Ncll. two-story frame dwclliiic ,
Hock and Wood streets . l.coo
Six minor purmlts . 4V )
IM nurlsr iwllenej proT a In rsllllonl of bornu
for mor uin & quarter of a ccnturr , It li u < l ky
the Unltcil HtBtei aorirnmint. Kn < Ior * l br t
he li of the Krttt unlier tll * tu Iho BtroDftit ,
ruriit anl Men t lUsUhtul. Dr. I'rlci'i Crtna Elk *
Inc fowder d ef not couula tmmocU , llml or ajum.
Bold only In cam ,
micB DAKI.SO roivpKn cot ( .
NewTork. Cllc io. m'
Tlio ConiinUsloncrB , Jtnynp nntl Conn-
oil Will Api > oliitl < ; ioctlon oniudrs.
County Attorney Mulonoy and City Attor
ney Pcpplotcn finally succeeded la meeting
attho tmyor'sottlca ' ycstorday In rclttloa
to tlio question nsta xvlio should nppoliit the
] udccsand clerics of the coming election nnd
designate tlio poillnp places the mayor uud
city council or the county commissioners.
It rcqulrcilbut nbriof consultation fqr the
two Icifftl Kt-ntlonien to decide ns follows !
The mayor and city council shnll prorldo
for thott'cistratlon under the net of 1830 , find
tlio county commiMloncii shall doilRiiato the
polling places and thn Judges luideloiks of
election , under tliOBoncnd election law. It
vns Uccklcdtlmt tbo act of 1857 docs not up.
ply incltucrcuso.
Througli coaches Pullman palace
slcopcra , dining cars , free roolinlng-chiilr
cars to Chicago and. Intci'venlng iiolnb
\ln the gpcnt Rock Island route. Tlcko
olllco 1GU2 , Sixteenth tind 'i
Mrs. Mercer , manicure , 101 Boo bldg.
Boils and Pi tuples
.Aro nahiroVa olTorti to ellmlnnltpoison from
tlio blooil. Tli ! result ihiy be acconi | > lhlicJ
much moi-c cflfcUially , ( uwellii agiccnbly ,
tlirougn tlio proper excretory channels , ty
the use of AJCI'S Sarsaparllla. .
"For several'years I was Irotiblcd with
bolts niiil carbuncles. Inc.istlng about fora . occurred to rno that Aye r'sSarsa *
parlllnhad ken used liimy father's family ,
with excellent success , fliul 1 thought tint
\ilu\t Mas ( jo < xl for tlio father would also to
good for the son. Three or ( our bottles of
( Ms incillchioentlrcly cured memull liaro
not since In more than two jcarshad
toll , tilmple , or any other eruptive trouble.
I enu conscientiously speak In the highest
terms of .Ajcr's Sursaparlllii , ami many
jcais'cxpcilenco In tlio drug business en
ables mo to speak Intelligently.-U. M.
HatflclJ , Farmland , Ind.
Ayer's SarsapariiBa
riurAiir.D nv
DR. . J , C. .AYEK & CO. , r.0 well , MASS.
Triced : elitotlki.Ji. Worth $3 abctt ! ; .
The claims of cocoa as a useful article of diet are steadily
winni ng recognition. Unlike tea and coffee , it is not only a
stimulant but anourishcr ; and ithas the great advantage o
leaving no narcotic effects. Hence it is adapted to genera
use. The strong may take it with pleasure , and tlie weak
with impunity.
ItouitN's COCOA , ( "onco tried. llwaysnsea"leavtsno ) iniurioui ( fleet ) on tli
nervous Biltcin. It's no wonder , therefore , that In nil parts cl the world , tills ( mentor' '
Cocoa la recommended l jr mcttlcul men Initcsidnr leu uni ] cnffeo or nlltcr
. OOCIIIIB orcli > coliiU'i < ii-clull.y ii.o bj > clillclrei or adult * , lintc uuil Ick , rlcl
nnili > oor , "Largost Bate In the wrorlJ. " Alk for VAN Hound's andfiAenotfAfr. CO
v&aw + rtft + Aftf * > & 9&f + t * < et + * w < Mvtr + t + t&ttfwMtf *
THE RUt\ \
* * ' T
and old metlioua are not tlio easiest by far. iifjvny people travel ILcra
because tlioy Lava not tried the better \\c.y. It ia a relief from n serb
of clauory to brealc tvvray from old-fashioned methods ami ailopb the
labor-saving and streugtu-sparmK inventions of modem times. Get out
of old ruts and into now ways by using & cnko of SAPOLIO in your
lioUBQ-cleaning. * ©
I/ ' Wednesday Jlatlnco.
Commencing" Jlfotiday , Scpf. 22
\l'roclncllon of the
1'ilnco anil the
laupcr"wlth ,
Anil the S.V. Cast ,
Aulhorlzcilby Jltrk
. .UII.Dramatized
Aliby ta o Itlcli-
nrtlson. Tour under tlicdlrcotlonof Mr. Al Hnyinan.
SitooCiciti will comraonco Saturday morning ;
mutlnuo prices
"WEEK 0V SEl'T. K.
T.OIOYillslocitor nml expansionist , nrnro frcnk
wliOBOtM Ilio law of nature nt ilellanco. Hurt , Ilia
modern JiercuIcs. TlioKrnncllla Clillclronnonennd
cliiiuo lirll-ls. ( Jcomo IMwirds nml liobby Klelcli ,
thocomlalrlili and * < } crmun comoillnna. Novrwnx
Tf/o slnKO slioirs Ono Ulmo admits to all.
I.IUOU OullurH and Cutfa.
Correct Styles.
Best Quality. Perfect Filling.
Dr. F. C. "Werner's
Are highly recommended after seven
years o ( successful oxpericuco by the
solo imnufacturerd ,
Kopp , Dreibus&Co , ,
iio6FarnamSt.Omalia , , Neb.
Sold everywhere , 5o per
Send for samnlcs.
"Hv a tlioront'li Inowloljo ot tlio nnturnt Inws
which KOrornthaoncrntlonsof Ulpestlou nnd mitrl-
lion , nncltiy ncarciulnpiillcalloiiof tliotlnu iTopor-
lies of ncll oclcctcd Cooon. Sir. KDPH Imi provlileil
cur lirrnkfiistlablotvlthndollcatclr tliTuruil boyor.
so wlildi lunyBurousniiinr heavy itoctor'M WIN. U
l l > y tlicjudlclou * . USD of lucliarllclua of Ulot that a
constllulloii mar IJOtrmlually bull tup until ilronj
cnouKlitarolit ovcrr tonilnncj to Uhca'O , Hun
dreds olBUbtloumlu'llcs ' re tloullnit around iiiruud *
tonttnck whfrovor Ihcro tin wonk point. 'VVo mar
ficnponinny afatnlilmft bf kuuplni : oursclvoi null
fortltlcilnltlipuro blooil , nml a propcrlr uoutlalioj
.Ma < leilini > lrwltlilolllnz rattororinllk. BoU only
In luiKpaiiiiUllns. Ircroccrt , Inloltxl tliuai
] \ MFPPS > Xr fH lloinojopatliloOlicralsts
. . 10 IX
Ja.ll.LJ L4L vui | IjOUUOll. KllRlUtltl.
KU for Rt rl . Dl IOMi.r.j .K uri lKlV Jjte
Ki ) , M Bniil ncpri < mton , Hortenmir o ( lli Urtlo , te
ultui la 1DIU111-I3U llidlnn to inliery deciv uuj
Ue..thri > r ttnluro Oil Asll ? nnnM.Lo ! > c ! J'owcr
moitDir oilnvoluntttr/Loi ei , u < t fii rin"lorrhot
cAU a l > r OTer-oidtlon cr tl brain , mlr-itujo or
orer-lodu'etnce. ticli lx > * contilnomnionll'i trunk
raent. > L ttoz. er lK for * , i-.nt tr > nalliiepaliL |
With it.cU order ttr lx loim. will itoil uurohuir
fninruuro In retvid taonir 1C tbo trMlmcnlfiUa W
{ lira. Uuuuitce luaeUi.naicenulno noMoaJlNT
OBivha ,
Our line of boys' '
and children's elotli-
ing- for fall and "wi
ter is no'W ready for
the inspection of all.
To our many pat
rons we would say
"we have spared , no
pains to maintain
and even to improve
upon the high , stand
ard of excellence
which has al-ways
ch aracterized our
stock , and tliat our
exhibit for thus sea
son is replete -with
most desirable nov
elties and staples.
o lUtoUUdivi.
Ho pajrtlll < unl. on J.CTEFUEN8Lob moO
I. BEE !
Graduate Dentist ,
A Full Set of Teeth , on Rubber
For 'Five Dollars.
A perfect flfcunr.intred. Teotlj cxtrncto < l
without ptiln or hiii ! r , atul will. out iiniios-
thctlus. Gold unit Hllvcr Illllugat lowest
rules. Uriel RaaiiU Grown Work. Icuth vlth-
outplntcs. All urorlc warruiitcil.
Kntrnrrc. Idlli slroob clovulor. Open , ovcu-
ln'a until b o'clock.
tMt Instltuto , Hlliiatol In ono ot tlio most
beautiful suburb-iot Olilcauo.olTonto Youns
l.aillt's , uvury n lvuntii' ' < o for oUaluliu it
tlioruueh iiuiltiscjfiil otliicntlon. Htiulleawlll
litrosnmod fiopt , i'lbfJ3 , , t'orpartlculanaa-
Opens tlb month. Wb. IsW Tlilrty | mlniitos from
llroiiu St. HtutlO" . I'Mln. ' Uiiiler euro f rrlenil B.
i'ull collrito caumoH for both noxoilaatllnz tocl 3 l-
* , ! , KnslncorlDJ , Hclontlllo , nml I.ltorarjr rt < vreon.
llcnltiuul locillou. cxtonilvo urountli. ImlUlnuM.
uiacliln < iiiopilatKrilorloiuuailkrarlM. , i or lull
.n , . * etln Pre.Mo U
MfJIu. I'l. Military /rnilomr , boji ,
$100 , IJnll , k'lrlj. Urculuri fro *
This coming week we will make a specialty in Fall Overcoats , We have an irnmeiisa j\ \
variety and no larger or finer assortment can be found anywhere than at our store. If we hjid
room enough to display them properly they wmId fill more than half of one of our large lloojS )
as it is , we have to crowd them into pretty high piles , We scarcely know which of the many
beautiful styles to mention particularly , We have all the latest shades in fine Meltons , A
large variety in popular Black Cheviot , also Clay "Worsteds and others , many silk lined , anclqf
elegant make. In short , the most dressy garments which the market affords , ami what is most
attractive about our Fall Overcoats is the prices these are positively the lowest ever heard of/ /
As our special offering \ve place on sale ,
A lot of nice Melton Overcoats handsome shades , with full silk facing and -well gottcfl
up at $5.50.Vechallengc \ any retail house in the country to show a like bargain.
A. lot of excellent all -wool Cassimcre Overcoats , in fine Diagonal and a bcautifiul shadQ
o/gray / with good serge lining1 , at $7.00 , worth $10.50. $
A lot of very fine Meltons in a new shade , silk faced and satin sleeve lining , at $ \
Any other house would charge $15.00 for this coat.
All tlie above arc well cut and made and perfect fitting garments , which no one nccclbp
ashamed tovcar. . They have some style about them which is generally not found in garments
sold at such prices. Our finest grades of overcoats are marked $12.75 $ , $14.50 and up to $17.50 $ ;
These cannot be excelled for quality of material , workmanship and fit by any tailor made gar * ?
All our other departments receive every day new additions of fall goods
mail orders filled promptly. Send for fall catalogue and samples.
Open u.ntil S p. m. Saturday , 1O p. m.
Corner 14th and. Douglas Streets.
er THE
TOST lavs ,
UTAllil III flowluc connocUMl xltli our lho
Coscpuiij' uilnir tbe iiulao uuuc.
Witch is thoOitAM ) BEMI-AKMTAU
KiHV DiiAWiso. tlii ) C I'ITAI , IMIIZB boltjOno
Hundred and Twenty Thou-anil Dollars.
$120,000 22
Hj terms of contract tlio comrnny must itcpon
tie Riiraof nil prizes Included In the cchcmo bcfor
FClllin-'OBlnKlo Ucktl , uiidrccuho Uio ( ollanlng ofll
clal permit :
CEit-riucAlE I licroby certify that the Dank of
London nnd Mexico IKIH on tlvpoalt the ncccifary
funds to Kuarnntca tlio pnyutont of all prlzoj
drawn bjr tliolx > tnrlnito liillcnoililenclal'iibllca.
Al'OI.IN CAbTll L.0 , Intcrvcnor.
Furtlitr , tin conipnny Is required to tll trlbuto
8ftf-sliier | icnt. of tlio valno of nlltlio tickets In
prlzcs-a larger portion than Isclvcnby un ; other
totterj ,
1'rlco of Ticket' , American Money :
Club llntcs : ( i5 woilli oC 1ickotjforjl
J.1ST OPrillZL3.
I Cnrltal Prlio Of 1120,000 . lsIM,000 |
1 Capital L'llzo of 40.00tt . la 4H.IM )
1 Cajiltil t'rlio of SO.OOO . li SO.OU )
HJruiKl 1'rlioof 5,000 . Is 6.U1I )
Jl'rlios orROOOO . nro 1,000
6 1'rlios of 1,000 . ire 6OO )
Wl'rlicjof 60C1 . ire 10.001
Ml l'rl(5 of ICO . are 20,0(10 (
3fl I'rlics of 1WJ. , . . . . are 3S.OJ1
SJ l'rhcsof 4(3 ( . are 21.1UJ
150 Prlics of flW approxlraatlna to ) 120.OT .
DrUc . . .
ISO L iies of (100 ( approximating to f 10,0.0 ,
l > rl > o .
1JO I'rlro.s of tOO DfttoxlaMngli ) S'lOftn
piUo . . .
TWTormtnuh of (10 ( dccldcU liy
3,2SQ , 1'rUc.i . nmoimtlriglo . t&7,1J
All 1'rUos old In the United Slates fully iialil u U
S. Currency.
The number of ticket-- I * limited to W.OQO-20OO ) )
lest * tlian aroiulU tiyotlicr Lotteries vslnu tlioauiuii
icbcuio ,
8TT Romltby ordinary letter , contilnlnu mono-
onlorslssuoilby nllcxproii companies , or Noir York
SirCurrantT miutlnvarlibly bo sentroutatBrod.
AdilreaaU. . UASSIJITI ,
Cltyot Mexico. Mexico.
Omaha , Nebraska.
The Natlonn.1 Ilanlcof Commerce , Ontnlia
Xob.wlll ] iiy onilouinnil. imy pilzo o. ' prlzn
drii.Miln tlio lottery do lulluituflroiicli I'ul- )
llca. ot Ulty of ilcxloo , W. S. ISEUTOU.
Uaslilur. 1
The figure 0 incur Jnlea wlllmakon lee ; stay ,
No man or woman noiv living will over date g
docuiaontulthout using ttia ligura 9. It itanOj
In tlio third place la 18SO , when it Mill remain tea
ycnn and then move up to tccouUplaeala 1000 ,
where it vlll resiforonohunilrcil jours.
There Is another " 9" vhlch lias ulsocoinoto stay ,
It is unlike tlio figure Oln ourdatosln thorespcct
that It haialrenily mo\tj up to first place , when
it VIII pcrmancnlly rcmiln. It Is called the "No ,
D" High Jim Wheeler .UVIlson SC\\UK \ | JIacliInc ,
The "No.O1ti cndorecd ( or first place by tin
experts ofT.uroiout tliorarlilZiirMiltlonof ISSO ,
where , after n scvcrocontestultb. tholcadlurj ma'
olilncB of tlio vorltl. It wni awarded the oul )
Grand Prize given to fimlly seivingmaclilncs , nil
ollicri on exhibit Imvlne received lower award !
DC cold incJuls , etc. Tlio French Government
also recognized Its superiority by tlicJeconllou ol
Mr.Kntlwnlcl MhccIcr.l'rcslJcntoItlm company ,
with the Crot > of the legionof Honor.
Xbo "No. 0" li not in old maclilno Improved
upon , but is an entirely new maclilno. aud tha
GrsoJ Prize at 1'iris v > tt awonl J Has lliegrauj1
catadvanco in ten'iim machine inccftanisra of tU
ago , Tlioso wlio buy It can rest i-surcd , tbert
fore , of tuvlug the very Intcstauil tcet.
160 nad 167 Walash Jlvo. , Chicago
220 North Sixteenth Street ,
Tlie Ornatia Miedical and Surgical Institut
Fortdotrcitmontof nllCIIKOVIC AX1) ) SUIKJICJAMJISEVSR . llr.icst , Apnllin-iosTor iJofonnltUnna
TruBiea. llest If.i'llltlot.App.irit.i * ail Itonedlm ( > r nucJuful Ire itni'iil of ororr lorin o ( ilion'ort ) -
qulrliumcillcnl onurKlcil tr4-jtii3rif. ON13UUXI.115I ) > ASI ) 'L'tVliNTl'-nvi : ttK > Alj KOlt I'A'ril.NTg ,
Konnlnnd Attemlinco. llo > t ar > ntuilitlouhi tsurjit.Vrlt3tor \ clroil-tr.t on l > 3fumiltlaian I llnooj.
Trimes. Club Keel Ciirnmrojof tliiSpliio.rilot. fuiu > rjCincw Citirrli , Uron-lillH , Inhilatlnii Wea-i
trlcllr. Pnralysl-j.h'pllopiy . , ICUnoy.llhlilor.Kro. I5ar , Hkln anil ItlonlnnUall mir * ! ! mwritlom l > ISM\ild
OK WOMKNii npcclitlty Uookof Dliimot \Vonioi fro ! . \VoliifOlntelf ii'ldJl 11 I.rlnj-liulfpartmi ! ;
forwoninDilurlniconr1n3iiontstrlctl'prlrAt3. ( ) Oilf IlJllllilj Moillc il InstlliitJ ill Kin J a i > ocjaltjl _
l'HIVATHIl5KA31iS. ) } All blooil ill 'on os miccositully treiloj. Sjp'iilltlo poison ru ii'JTjl from tlio srsloj
without inoreury , N > w IlostoTntlfo Treitiuontfor Ion of ritsl pwer. 1'irtloi uniblo t ) vlilt 111 in In
troalcd ntliomo b/corrmp nUMi'o. Allc.irnimnlcitlnnoniiHlonthl. . MJllelni or InUriitiioati aoni Dy
tnnllor express securolypackod , no uiuki toladluntiicoiiteiti ornoiilor. Ono person. illnturvlinpref''rrl '
Ciillnnil com n It in or ncnl history of your no , mijro wll | onlln plain irrappor our UUJK TOIB > ,
KKEKuponl'rlvalo SpscUI or.VervouiUlaoiiea. ImntancrSyiililllJ Ulejt , uuj V.irlcgjolo , wllli < iucjll ) "
.1st. Addrtis
Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute.
CornerOth. and Ilnrnoy Streets , Omalia ,
The Popular Jewelers ,
ro receiving ? daily from , "tho loadintt manufacturers of this
country and Europe , w'l ' tlia LATEST NOVELTIES in FINE
DIAMONDS and a'l ' other proaloin stones , mounted nad
loose. GOLDBILVBRand. NIOKEL WA.TOHEShi nllsrtvles ,
for ladies aud gontlernon. HOWA.RD V ATOHBS A SfEO-
IAL1Y , but wo carry all other flrst-cla83 malcoa Eljlii , Wal-
tham , Sp rlncrflold , Ec. :
GOODS are WARRANTED. Spacowillnot nllo-wus toQUOPE
PRICES , tn ourstcolc Istoo LA.RGB and "VARIED , but como
nnd ECO foryourso'.vos. Itwill ess you nathljfr to LO3IC.
YIeitora are always WELCOME , nnd should you WISH tobuv ,
wo will make It an object for you to DEAL "WITH US. Wo
are ehowinx HUNDREDS Of articles aultnblo for "WEDDING
and ether GIFTS , atpricoa raiiKiiiiffromlup to $1OOO.
All our custornira are TREATED ALIKE , whether their
purchases bo SMALL orG-REAT.
ancl Karnam SLi eeLs , Omalia.
Igy ESTABLISHED 1866. . 3
1316 Street Omaria Net
Douglas , , ) ,
FoTtntccnrcnru'eiiierltnco. A roirular crndnato In medicine , n diploma- how Is itllln.ittrlnj I'J ' |
Ilio crcnlcst BUCCOMH ll Nurvoua. ( lininlunnil l'rat | iil oi , A i > crra.iiiontciiroiiarnntJ ( ! l lL"aV , !
bwrruntorrlioa. . . . LoBtMniiliood. Hcmlnal Honkiio * . Nlnlit I. < jjio , liiiiioti-ncr , hj-jiSHN. Sln.turo . nn i o
' ' " --jii.gklnanil Uilnnry Oruans. N. II. Uciiirvituo tWJfor i' ' cry run I tinli1 t IK / > n" ; <
locure. ComullutluaIrou. llook.Myukrlua ( utl.lfo ) icat Ircc , Oflko liouts 'J u in. to * l > " ' DuuLr I
Ha ui.luia a ,
* "
Cabin Pmag ) $35 lo$50. iccordlM to location
stateroom. Excunlon 63fo $9J.
Btcorteo to nml troml'uropoat I/owcft Hates.
AUSTIN BALDWII1 A CO. , General Aaents ,
63 Dfoiiteiy , NEW YORK.
Jno. Illoscn. Ccnpral Wc < ilprn ARnnt1
Ilaucloliili Street , Uilcajo. Harry 1 iloor * .
Jos. Oaiiuc.
Great Western Type Foundry ,
/r Howard St. OMAHA.
Sold Under a POSITIVE
General AgontiNobnska ana Towv ,
OIOB. leth st , , -
tVr.i''id"e"Vrl.ul\VF.eiiUro2C."ili'Fi ' <