G THE OMAHA DAILY BEJErPfllONDAY , SEPTEMBER 22. 1800. THE OJttAIIA ! HEE COUNCIL DLUFFS. OPFICIJ , NO. 12 PEARL ST. toy Carrier Inuny | mt of tlio Clly. II. W , Tir/TON . - - MANAOrif. Tcrni'iioxns Buslncis Offlco. No. tl. NjM ) Editor , No Zl. N. V. P. Co. Council niuffa Lumber Co. . coil. Storage rcaionablo. .1. It. Snjtlcr , 1'carlst ' A number of Council UlulTs wheelmen took run to Ktotn yesterday. The prnnd liny will make n fltml report to day nnd will bo discharged. Tlio grand jury Is expected to complete lt labor nnd tnnku its final icport today. TiioW. C. A. xx 111 meet this nftuinoon nt o'clock ut the homo of Mrs. ( Jcorgo T. i Cntliollc Indies will tomorrow cxenlnir liold tlitlr postponed festival nnd quiulrlllo In Hughes hull Worn on the Second street bridge has com- ineiucd , the dcluy being umscd by the non- urrixalof stone. .Iiidpo McGco ixlll huxcn batch of in oxen do7ciuogs and dtimksto disposes ot at the morning session of the pollco couit this morning. MM Kiule , on M\nstcr street , hmln night blooming ccrc'ii * open Saturday nllit | , xx-hidi wus x lowed with iimeli Interest by mnm-ruus friends and iic'ljjliboia. Mr llort Minins. from niiRlaml , serxcil jcstuJij' , for the lust tlino , as organl-nof bt. I'nul's Kplscopd chiircb. Ho Is n young mnn of superior musical culture. Vrstordav afternoon , In thli city , nt tlio residence of Mr. II A. Spoonpi , Mr tt'illlim S. Wethers to Miss Iililna J > ilson of Omaha w ere united In innirhige , Kcv U , "W. Urofts Tlio Council Bluffs Schnt envcreln yoster- rliiy held tlielr last pltuto of the season at Manama. I'll/o shooting , dancing , good music ) and Kcncnl sociability x\c.o the inniltcd fentuici of the occasion. In ntiaiiL'Iiijj for the management of the world's fair txx'o hdics haxo been selected froiniacb stnto xxith t\\o altcumtcH Onoof tnose honored by belnailiosenns an altcrmto Is Mis Jia D. llomliicks , 0110 ofC'ouiidl Uluffi most cstlni.iblo 1 idles. Mis James McMillan xxill entertain the Ilniinony chnptcr.Ordcrof the Eastern Star , Bocinblo nt the family icsidencc , corner of Ninth avcnuo nnd Seventeenth sticc't , on Thursday oxcninp , Heptcnibei . ! ' . Acoidlnl Inx'lt.itlou eUuululto all members and fi lends to bo present. Vcij pretty Imitations have been issued announcing the wedding ot Miss Corn A. Hcclison nndVcsloy J ! Do Franco. 'Iho cciuiuonv ' Is to talto plnco nt the icsldcnco of Mr. mul 'MrsV. . L Uedlson , Ao. TO ! Foiulli nvcinieVedncsdiy ovonlnjr. October 1. after xx tilth a reception will bo held Mr nnd Mis. Do riiinco will boat homo after October 'JO nt No ' . ' 501 SpauldiiiR street , Oinnba The Daptlst Kccoidci Is the name of n nc\v monthly published in the Interests of the First iluptist. cluiich of this citIt Ins ( Iccllics tostnlaxxlio is the responsible ed itor. It U loficbhiiij'to note tluit oven the usual salutatory Is not dlsccinable , so tint the leader can Juilgo nlonc of the plans and purposes fiom the gcncial ubarjctci of the initial number. Thcto xxei-o txx-o ear loads of beer ilostrojcd in the Wnbisti lucclf yesterday. Ononrc \x us iltlorlj demolished attho start and all the bottles broken , hut eases in tlio other xxeroscattcied , nnd m.inyor them lolled xUth breaking bottles farfiom the llio. 'Ihey x\ cio sieved utul carried into the woods by the croxx-d that collected , nnd from 10 o'clock until 3 Httlo p.utles were x-isiblo In all directions standing around biokun beer cases. Thomystciy surrounding the disappear ance of the little biby that xxas bom to iMuj- BIO I latter in the Harrison county poor house , has not been dispelled. The belief Isstiong with those who aio familiar xvlththo case that the sister lias destioycd it. Hnrtci is not the name of the gills , llicir ilpht unino has Leon withheld. They lUo In Missouii Valley nnd nro well connected. Some- de velopments uio evpcuted inn fexv duvs that xx'ill dear up the mystery surrounding the disappearance of tbo child. 1-osoy & Jensen paint Mouses. .7. C. Blxby , steam boating , sanltiry cn- Kinccr , 94.1 Ufo bulliUn ? , O.iuha ; JJi Mer riaiu block , Council Bluffs. Window shades at Losey & Jensen , 11 Peailst , If jou ixish to sell your property call on the Judd & AVclls Co , C. B. Judd , president , MXi Broadway. In tlio District Court. The case of Oxertonxs Wells & Owen is still on tihl befoio Judpo Macy. In this case au attempt Is being made to seouro nn In- lunctlou provontliiK the defendants fiom running a saloon business nt No. 41 Noith Main street. Wells claims that ho Is not a , partner in the concern The city clerk w as put on the stand to testify that Wells was the one x\ho paid the monthly line to the city. This led ton cross-oKnininatlon of the dark , calling out a full uui ration of the details - tails of the city pliin of collecting a monthly license undur a prohibition law. 'llio Ihcnso is termed a line and is imposed under a city ordinance regulating dlsordcihhouses. . The ease will bo pn the bo.iuls again todiy. Money nt i educed rate ? loanelon chatto ndicalostato'becuritybyE II. Shcafo & Co Signs. Losoy & Jensen's , 11 Pcarst. Shorthand. Miss Rhodes , Broxvn building. To the I/idles Miss Mary Gleason hns 10- turned from her eastern trip and is bolter prciiaieil than ever to satisfy all who want tirst class drossmnUtng. Hooms in the old library building , Peail street. Cooper's Opinion. County Superintendent Cooper , to xx-hom an appeal hns been taken by some of the dissat isfied in the school boaul muddle , has notified the secretary of the board of education topre- parofor him a tinuscrlpt of nil the proceed ings touching upon tbo question of supcrln- tcndcncy nnd file the same within ten diys. On the filing of this tmnscilptMr. Cooper will llxatlmo for hearing.Mr , Cooper is quoted as sax Ing that In his opinion this nctlon takes tlio matter entirely out of the hands of the school hoard until thoc.iso Is de cided. Until that time the school board can do nothing in regard toil. Buy your lumber of The Judd & Wells Co. . BKlllroadwny. Scott house , nice rooms , clean beds , fnro equal to tbo best , $1 per diy. Special loxv rates to regular boarders. 2J and 24 N. Main ct. , Council Bluffs. First-class dressmaking by Miss Walhco , o r Cattlemen's bunk , cor. Main st. and fctb avo. Tlio AVahaHli AVreok. The news of the xx-rcclc on the Wabash x\-a _ the theme of talk in tbollluffs xcsterday. Largo luinibors of citizens hastened to se cure conveyances nnd hurriedly drox'o to the Bccno of the disaster , There was a great crowd of cascr inquirers nil day about EMep's undcitaking establishment , whore the bodies were being prepared for burial The details of the wreck xxlll bo found on an other page , _ _ Louis Klbcl , the child pinnlst , is the joung- eatnf the three wonder children of the woild , the others being HofTinan uiul Hegmcr. IIo pla\s from memory and his Interpretation is as Intelligent us that of nn old master. This hoys technique and execution is such that ha can piny w hut ho chooses from the whole musical literature. Ilo Is described as n truly grand young child , xvith u beautiful , clear-cut face , as though chiseled in marble , xvlth n inoilest , sxxcet expression , und eyes that sboxv deep thought and study , nnd ho has tbo style und bearing of a trwj genius nndartist. Will appear In St. Paul's church Thursday. October a. in connection xx Ith Ilcrr August \ Aamold , the eclchnitcd X'lollalst. Admluion II I I A The Success 7h ch Has Attended the Pint Ohurch of Oouncil Bluffs. DEMOCRATS EAGER FOR HONORS , Superintendent Cooper- Claim * Sole Control of the School Hoard Tlio District Court Minor Mention nnd I'crrinniilt * . At tlio First Ihptlst church yesterday morning thcro were services of special Interest. Tlio annual "Hanest Homo" wat observed In a xery appropilAto minucr. The ehuich xus dccoiatcd xvltb HOXXCH nnd fruits. Uev. Dr. Cooley , the retiring pastor , too' occasion to make his farewell remarks to the tlmreh which ho bai served so faithfully for fho x'enrs. Dr. Cooley found thU society In n sadly dciiionllzcd condition , factions hav ing nriicn , active mcmbcnvltbdravii , others disaffected , tbcie being only n Httlo bind of caiiicstxvorUcrs xvith xvhoin ho could co-opei- nte. Tbo standing of the church in tlio city was not xvhit it hid boon , the community bclnj ; mtuiuly prejudiced by the reports ot ninneious biclcoiings and foolish dlsscntlotis. lr ) Cooley spcedllj began to set the boiiio In cider , nnd soon obstacle after obstacle jiulded In some icspccU his work here has ken phenomenal , and the lesult stated In general terms N that thcrirstliaptlstchuith ( liuichlodaj lanlHns ono of the lending so cieties of tlio city Its influence Is felt tluoughout tlio communit ) , tlio orRunl/ation commniids icspcct , and la all icspects prov polity smiles upon it. In connection xx Ith this innunl scr\lce , the UiptlstUecoider gives the following i ox-low of thobistoiy The present FiistUaptht ehuich of Conn- ( II Bluffs XX-M orRimbed Mai eh 18 , lyT > , by ItcxJ ) O Pioner. the ( 'cnor.il missionary of Iowa , ixIth fifty sit members It was 10- orgaulm ! bv a Ingo mid lopicscnttitlxo council after tlio most ( .ireful ex amination , Juno 1C , Itii ? " Uho pas tor began Ills labois May 1 , of the same x'cir. HoU'iulucd Ids resignation the iii-st Sunday in.lulj , to take effect Octo ber 1 , IS'10. Ills pistoratoombiiifes a period ofllvojcars ami Ihe mouths Dining this time U'J'J ' ' liaxo been icecixcii into the chuuh by letter , biptisin and cxpcilence. Tlicio have been 117 dliniuutloiis by dismissal , deaths and exclusion , leaxing the picscnt immbci ! 2JS Of this mimboi Ji > are absent , Itivingii residentnicmbcishipof " 17 Dc.iths and icniox'iilbfiom tlio cltj ha\o \ taken from us some of our choicest mombirs. pTlio most prominent of those i\hoba\o finished tlielr xxoik ou eaitb arolMxvaid lions , both suppilntcndcnt of the Sunday school and deacon of the dumb , ivholeft us without a inoment's ' xvaiuiiiK October , Ib87. Uoboit Chalmers , who for tlaeo jcirsxxas the senior deacon of the chimb and trustee IIo died in Umerson , Mauitobi , in thoeaily jiirt of tins jeir i.v ucigcr , lately ue- icascd in Oilcland , Cal , xvho xxas the flist superintendent of the Smithy school and eader in tno songs of the sanctuary. The Jisttwohnd tiich membership elscn hero nt the time of their deith. Mrs Uli/aA .lolm- son x\.is ono of the mothcis in Israel , and "was not for God took her. " She ilicd in April 1&S7. All those were consistent mcmiicisofthe church and their places have been dinicult to lill. ' 1'hevcio among the laiRcstglx'CH 1 and most tellable suppoiters of the t gospel. Otueu ha\o been taken xx-boso loss x\edcioie. ! Two hax'o been taken by inilroad accidents ; othcis by liugciing di sease. Ono of the most Impoitaiit and promising xx 01 Us of the year has been the bulldiugof the mNsioii chapel ou Twcntjninth street , and tlio establishment of pi caching and the formation of a good Sundiy schnl. W. W. Built , a student of tlio Union theological seminary of Chicago cage has done coed serxico in connection xxith this mission. Ho ictuins to Ills studies , but lie will cany xUth him the affection of tlio chuuh and tlio good xvill of the people. Tlio Sunday school has felt tlio inngactlc touch of nls hand and the in- splintlon of bis leadership. Tbo people linxo listened to tbo poipol fiom his lips.Vd tmsttlmt seed has been shown xxlilch will bear mucn fruit in after ycais The chapel aud lot nio fico fiom all encumbrance. Two handled and fifty dollars is duo on the ad joining lot , xvhlch xvill Do ncedeel for a par sonage. _ All persons indebted to the shoe business of E A. Snooner please call at thoofllcoof W. - A.Vood As Co , 5id Main stieot aud pay the same. \V. A WOOD , Assignee. Democrat ! ( r The real coutcit in the dcmocntic cau cuses Satutdny night xxas between Aldcrmin Knephcr and J. Dcltrleh for county clcik ; and betxx'cenS. D. Holier nnd W. II Thorn is for recorder Thcro was n , good deal of fig uring to sccuio the dcsncd delegations fiom this city , and thcro xx'.u much ; c.iincstuess but no bad blood. In icgard to Uio clerkship Aldcrmin ICncp- hcr claims thhtj-thivo delegates out of the posslbm foity-slv , xvhilo Dcltilcb's friends elalin ho has but twenty-four , Kiiopher claims si * delegates intholliit xx-ard , ten in the second , the xxaul in which ho icsldes. fl\o In the third ward , seven in the fifth ami llx'c In the sixtb According to this count Kuep- lier gives his opponent thlitccu dclcf ntcs. One of those is in the Hist , tbieo in the thiid und eight in thofouith , thu ward in which Ucitiicli resides. Dcltiieh's friends have the icsult summed up like this. ForDoitilch in the Fiist , four delegates and possibly six. bo\en delegates in the Third , cicht In the I'omth , two in the riftb , giving him a total of twenty-two dele gates as against Kncpbcr's twenty-four. Itolucr , the candidate for county iccoider against \V II. Thom.is , claims solid delega tions in the First , Second and Thiid xvaids , anil about one-half of the delegations iu tbo Tifth and Sixth wards Thomas claims one- half of the First x\-ard , solid delegations in the Third aud Fourth wards , and n majority of tbo delegates In the I'lftlr and Sixth xviirds. Thorcbult of tlio prlnmies was a greatsur- nriso to Candidate for County Ueeoidor Thoims and Candldato for County Clerk J. It. Deitrich , because it xvas an open secret that they bad founcd u combination to carry the cntlro city , xUth the exception of the Second ward. at xxhlch plnco they expected a fight bctxuen Aldermen " \V. II. Knopher , candi date for county cleik , and Samuel 1) . Hohrer , candidate for county recorder , because these txvo gentlemen belong In that xvnul. The conibinutlou bctwcon Thomas amlDeitilch xvas given addltionsil color on account of their frequent appearance together on tlio sticets during Saturday. These gentlemen were gieatly surpiiscaon Icirning thnttho Second xvard , the largest In the city , complimented their homo candidates , Knephcr mid Hohrer , by giving each gentleman the delegation solid without the least dlsagiecmcnt. After the reports xvoro received fiom the other xx-iiuls the friends of both Knopncr anel Uolucr claimed that they eould count up hero and thcro from thirty to thlrty-flvo x-otes. It Is admitted on nil sides that Knephcr Is n xx'tml engineer from the word go and expects agoodxoto from the countx' , xvbilo ovcrjone knoxvs that Hohrer Isa hustlbr in politics and is well liked in tlio city and is extensively and well acquainted throughout the county and is miiVduga gicatdcnlof bcad- xvuy because the "third term" is unpopular. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadxvay. Fine Interior decorating , Loioy & Jensen Fashionable wool suits mndo by MM , L , . Simmons , 5 to K ; silks , 57 to (10. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 5i7 Broadway. Mrs. II. Carpenter Isnrcparcd to do cutting and fitting nt No. 15J Harrison st. , and can furnish a llrst class dressmaker to t'o out by the day in families. Tomliola. A Tombola soclablo will bo hold tornoiroxv ox'eiilug at the residence of Mrs. George II. Cuamp , on Oakland avenue. A musical pro gramme xvill bo rendered , and a distribution of btfta at tbo close of tlio soclablo. All lyncmbers of St. Paul's cliuvcb aud fiicuUs are cordially luvltcd to attuicU AT Till ] AVUSTAlKVSTIUl OltUUOII , An Ablofiorinoii on "Christ nt a Mem * tier or tlio Clinrclt. " Kox * . J. Uoi-don of the Westminster Pixss- bytoitan church inaugurated n scries of Sun day evening sermon ) on the relations of Clirlbt to the different stations of life , last night , tlio subject chosen for tbo first sermon being "Christ as n Member of the Cliuich. " The text chosen xvas Luke lv. , 10 : "And ho came to N'iiarcthxvhcro ho had been biought up , and , us his custom xvas , ho went Into the sjnngoguo on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read , Hospoko In subitanco as fol lows : "It h only by keeping Christ con tinually before us that xvo can come to an unilcistandltig of bis character. By so doing wo may liopo to some day como to n full understanding of his life. ' Christ did almost oven thing a man is or- dinirily culled upon to cio Ho sustained e\cry ri'httoa In lifo except that of father and husbmd. lie xus a mechanic , a philan thropist , a prcnclior , etc. f purpose to gixo a ictiesof lectures on earh Sunday cvciilm ; on these different relations in life which Christ sustained and shall select for my sub- jc-ct tonight , 'Clitlst ' as n member of tlio clmrc-n' "Uvcry man has some relations xvlth n fam ily , a commonwealth and a church. Christ lound Himself in these iclations when Ilo came into the world IIo xx'as n member of the Jewish church which was at tb.it time xciy coimpt , Its ollkcrs wcio guilty of nil soils of cilmoand licentiousness. IU worship had degenerated into u ineio foiiuuln , it had dctciioiated in oxery wax- , and its ofllcuils had lost the ronUdtnco of llio people Tlio chinch ot Homo during lit worst condi tion xx-iis not to bo comp nod xvith the Joxvisb chinch when Christ found Hinibulf a mem ber of It , 'Cluist rccogni/cd all these rornipt things in tlio church , but Ho united Himself witti it and remained in lull communion In It until HU death. 'Ibis action on Ills part settles the olu question , 'Ciin 1 not bo as good out of the chimb us In ill1 Ilo certainly did not join tbu church for the gooil it could do Him ; if there over was a in in xxhodid not need the te.ifhings and guidance of tbo chinch , Jesus Cluist was that man , j ct IIo felt it iicccssaiy to bo a mcuibei ot tlio only chmcli In the \\oilcl. "From all x\o can learn about the church of that day the standard oflcainlng x\asvcry low. Iho xcneiMblc , long-bearded rabbis cury Suudaj stood befoio tbo people nnd split liilrs Instead of telling the people tinths which would do them good and which tliov xvanted to hear , icpeated old icmaiks xvhlch mule nolinpiessioii , YctChiist xvent to chuuh eveiy Sunday. IIo thought Ho needed to go to chuuh. If Ilo thought so , how much moio necessary Is it foi1 us to go to ehuich I Ho felt tlicio xx-ns a necessity for a chuicli member to attend church that itxx-as a duty to be pciformed. "Cluist also considered It necessary to bo biptucd That ought to settle the question of xx'hetber it ib nocessarv lor a man to bo bapti/cd in older to bo sa\cd. "IIo ncx or held au oflico in the chinch. IIo x\as looked upon xxlth suspicion by the old oflleors of tbo church , but this did not abate His ? cil in the least. IIo continued to do xvhat Ileconsidcied His duty. - ail ins niu 11110 c'onsiuuraium nn como to no other conclusion than that Ho felt it necessary for Him to bo a member of < ho chuuh. "If it was necessarv for Him there is some thing AMOUR in the life of a mail xvho is outside - side the pile of the church and thinks it is not necessary for him to bo a member of any church f It is a great wrong and ono xvhich needs to bo lighted. " A Wild West Showman Hcaeiitsati In- milt to the Stars and Stripes. Nuxv YOUK , Sept 21. "I ain't much of a hcio , hut if any Canuk had took doxui that air flag of mine ho'd a-bitindcid , - man , per- xlcllu' my gun shot true , " said Capt. Hairy Home list night , as ho told the story of tbo hauling doxx'ii of tbo United States dig fiom the giand stand of tlio Toronto In dustrial exhibition. Captaiu Homo is a long haired Nebraskan nnd a veteran of the late war. Ho had a "Wild West show in Canada. When the flag xvas hauled down iit Toi-onto nnd thocroxxd stamped upon it bnprabbed his gun nnd tan to the rescue. In about two minutes he had thollag and the jeering crowd hid suddenly bncoino icspcetful. Suh- stquptitly another ling was raised on the grand stand , but it was taunted aud rex'ilect in axay that prejed upon Captain Homo's spirits. An American touiist , pleased with his com- piti lot's act , purchased a largo flag and sent it to the captain. The Nebiasltan pinned "Old Glory to his tent ilap , loaded his Winchester , nnd notified the world that If that flag came down or xx-ns insulted some thing : would drop While Captlan Homo , who Is his own ' 'orator , " discoursed on tbo daring deeds of his copper-colored warriors , Mrs. Horne took charge of the rifle and guarded the flag , but they both became so tired of the job that they concluded to cut short their stiy and como hack to the land of 'ho fieo and the homo of the braxo , w hero It fa not necessary to protect the colors xvith a shotgun. AX\0 VXCJ1JIEXTS. At Eoyd's opera house on this , Tuesdiy and "Wednesday nights nnd at the Wednes day initince there w 111 bo given that stiong attraction , Dinlel rrohmnn's production of "The Pilnco and the Pauper. " The play is a dramatization by Mrs. Abby Sago Richard son of Marie Twain's ' popular story , and Mrs. Hichardson has retained the most telling touches of Twain's genius and intioduced several intensely dtaniatlc situations of her own creation. Klslo Leslie is without doubt tbo most bulliant in the galaxy of child geniuses in xvhich "Little Loid Fountelioj" lias pi\cn ilse. She was cnosen by Mrs. Tiancis Hodgson Burnett for the original pi escalation of 'Tauntclroy" because of the good woilc she had done as Kdithii in "Euithi'H Duiglar , " Her new play affords ample opportunity for the oxcrciso of lier ability ; Indeed , sno has been said to bo the whole piny. It raises her above tbo plruo of child actresses , for the demands imdo upon her call for sucli nn oxeiclso of art as to le'.ivo her an actress an artistainongthcmull. The production will bo under tbo direction of Daniel rrohman and Al Hayinan. Rtnbhliig Affray rtctxvccn Italians , II inTFOitD , Conn , Sept. 21. A stabbing affray occuircd in this city tonight hetxxcen apaity of Italians , Domlnlck Moscarl was stubbed In tbo lioait and Ulllcd. Another , name not known , was stabbed fatally. An tonio Cctofi was also stabbed under the left aim. Joseph Noxvcll xxns cut In the neck and has been arrested on suspicion of committing the murder , as n stllotto found in a closet be longed to him , and his -wife had seen him co In thine. Shortly after the murder another knife xvas found on Ills wife and another In the itioot. Tour others woio arrested ou sus picion. Kinporor xVlllinm I'ralsod. LONDON" , Sept. 21. The Times' Berlin correspondent says : "Ills the clear and deliberate liberate opinion of these best entitled to Judge and not Hatter that Emperor William , during the recent manoeuvres , display eel singular strategical ability both nj an active commander nnd as n ciltlc of tbo conduct ol others in the Hold , nnd shoxva military gen ius of the x'cry highest promise. " Imperial Meeting. VIENVA , Sept. 21. [ Special Cablegram to 'i'nu Br.B. ] Umpcror Trancls Joseph and Count Kaluoky have returned w > this city The rromdcnblutt comments on the slgnlfl can co of the imperial meeting and the Aus- irinn emperor's decoration of the German chancellor. The Austrian squadron has been dolnjcd at Viol by the bursting of a boiler tube on the ICronprinzo Rudolph. notxx'oon Turks and ArmniilniiH. Sept. 21.-A conflict lias taken plnco botxvecn Turks and Armenians at Van , la which forty work killed , chiellx Turin. Mabzoud Boy is menaced \\Ith \ death. Thcro xxill bo a rncctinK of the Saratoga nnti-iirohibltloii club on Tuesday cx'cnlnj. September ' . ' 1 , at Lyceum hall , oa > 'orth Txx'enty-fourth street. OFINTERlfsi'TOTIIEFARliER \ . _ Some Suggestion ? to Nebraska Farmers on ( This Year's ' Oorn Drop. f i. GREAT VALUE "W GOOD PASTURE , AI'liio Thing t1 , [ 'all Itnulc on nt nil Times I'uro Hrcil IlnllH for ' l' - ' on I'diiltry. T. TI , C. , Camljildgo , Nob. , xvrltos to the Breeders' Ga/ctte. ' 'Enclosed find n sample of our corn , t would HUoyoui- opinion as to Its feeding qualities. Some say it Is xx'oithless ; others that It xx-'ll make good feed. Out1 corn crop IH all dilcd up by the hot xx-iiuls , and thoto aio nociiVdon it to speak of. Wo nro out- Un ? and throning It on the ground In plica. When properly cured out would itp.iy tlio ttoublo nml oxponsu of run ning tlnough thofccd-cuttoriind licking it up like ho.iding grain ? "Wo Imx'o no clump , wet weather hcio in the winter. Small gininwas nfuiluio , and this corn- foddei * lb till wo haxo to ilopcnd on , and xvo xvant to inako the host out of it xvo can. "What cutter would j ou rcconunond ? This is the worst time that over struck this country , and economy x\lll uo prno- tited in ox-eiy concolvablo xvny. Lot mo hear from you in next week's ' Gu/olte. " \Vliieli is the cheaper , to feed bran and shorts at $1211 ton or corn at 60 cents per bushel ? Will one tine of this dried- up fodder ciii'rv n cow tlnough lixo months xx-ith nothing eKoV There aio many anxious fanners xva-itlng to hoar fiom this. " Just one xcar ngy the writer passed through Nebiaskii and well iccalh tlio xxondciful coin ciop about Caiiihridgo and from thcie clear acioss the couutiy to the Mississippi itself , says Prof. Lends in the Gav.ctlo. Jt seems iinpo-i- piblo that the sampled sent can fairly represent the crop tuero this year. The samples are from btalKs in xery iminu- tine coiulition , the larcost about tlirco- quarters of an inch in dianiotor. Thoio is Httlo or no sugar In them , and their feeding value cannot bo very great. So much for the woist bide ; the question is how to innl < o the best of it. First and most important , all of the fodder should bo sa\cd. I tl.ink the idea of cutting and thiowingin Iicaps an admirable one for that section. Immatuio corn fehoekod itftho usual way docs not jtand up well , and seems to crumble and i\astc \ away badly besides gro ring dingy. [ n thcio he.i)1' ] , under fair conditions , ; ho fodder xxillj euro out much us hay Iocs in a cock and keep bright. With &uch axast area , jn coin thcie bhould ho later all a xcry ronsiderablo amount of feed , in the aggregate , ox'cn from coin as immature a& tins. Do not for a moment at such a time as this , think of { mylng a feed cutter , which xvith tlio car i lor x111 cost $75. Put ox cry spare dollar into the feed and lot the machint'ly wait. Your cattle will luix'o plenty of time to choxv up the stacks to tlio very butts and they xxill thank j ou a good deal more for a hand ful of corii'D.r & , Quart of. bran than for xvhat the feed cutter x\ill do. In regard to corn at 50 cents a bushel d shorts nt $112 per ton , at these prices Inan and shorts cost 00 cents a bundled and com DO cents , or 50 per cent moio per lumdicdeight than bran and shot ts. The following shows the num ber of pounds of protelno cr.rbo-bjdratos and fat in each food : L'rotolno Uiiibo-hydratcs r.u. IDs. Ibs. 11)3. * Corn . . . . 0 3 C4.0 liran. . . 10.1 47.r > ' hliorL ) . . 10.9 4G.8 2.8 Itwill bo seen that the prices faxor the bian and shoits. With the kind of fodder at hand I recommend the bran and shorts , though some corn will bo xaluablo as its sustaining power is vcio gieat. The inquiry xvhethor nn acre of fodder will bustaina cow for the winter is not easily ansxNcred , for it is impossible to toll very" definitely from the samples tlio amount of foddw on an acie. Fiom our oxpoiicnco I am certain a coxxxxould cat 100 pounds of perfectly green fodder not more matuio than this. This -vxould not make more than txx'enty or txventy-flx'o pounds of cured fodder. If the corn has groxx'n to full height and the oais haxo started I bhould put the gross weight , supposing all of the leax'Oti and stalks to bo peifectly green , at not loss than fif teen thousand pounds to the aero for Nebraska corn. So that an aero of such would orohably last a coxv through the winter. If the stalks have not reached full height , in just so much xxill they fall short of accomplishing the stated lesult , Finally , I urge jour people not to lose their heads and make any foolish mo\cs xrlulo the calamity is upon them. Just noxx * bond ox-cry energy to sax'ing ox'eiy- thlng In bight for feed. Ex'on the xx'ecds on the roadsides , if they spring up jot tliis fall , can bo cut and made into some thing that will ho xx'olcomo to a starving coxx' . If TJoutennnt Gioeloy and his fol- loxx'ois could keep themselves ulivo for days on leather , why should xvo hesitate about saving anything for stock that may spring out of the soil ? If the state of Nebraska xvill only sax'o nil of its corn fodder and make the host possible use of It her people xvill bo surprised to find how far that feed alone will go toward sus taining all the cattle within her borders. If people in this llioir extremity como to learn the hlgji value of coin fodder the drouth xvill nuvodono some good , though wo all xvish the Jtsson had como in some more pleasant Can Grnns bo Overdone. Hogs are ( lox\n" , butter is low , cattle have boon at bod-rock , hor&os lluctuato , sheep vnry. "What Is stable ? The field crops disappoint as much as the herds. ' ; Tlio grass paUnro is the fulcrum ox'or which the profitable faim lovers nro moved. Iowa litvtnereasing nor pastures and iinpioving them , bays the Iowa State Regibtor.tiJJ'ot one farmer in ton hns as good a pasture as ho should havo. But the tendency is toxx-uid bettor pas tures. \ \ The milk cow , the groxving ioungcat- tlo , tlio biood mares , the joungcoltsthe , hog stock , the mutton sheep , all nro in phico on the Iowa farm In the gieat grass and corn bolt. Just now butter and hogs nio low * . Well , who can produce them cheaper than wo can ? Somebody -xslll quit who cannot turn Into such pastures as ours , and who cannot got corn and hay as cheap as w o can. Hold a steady hand. The pasture that is doing its very host is a wonderful lieaits ease \xhen things uio too cheap to atloul butter on our bread. Tuin in the ho s and lot thorn cut clover till pilces mend. If butter Is too low to afford colToo for breakfast , lot the bull calves suck the poor milkers , nnd lean to hoof. The pas ture will Keep dam and piogeny without the least bother. At o hoi sea down ? Turn Into the pas- tuio and lot the colts grow. Hut , remember - member , you must have a good pasture. You can have It. You should have it. IIivvoMt , if It takes the mowing lot to okoltout. A good pasture lengthens t ho fall and cheats the whiter. It brings spring grazing to jour farm , \\-hllo winter - tor reigns on jour neighbor's poor pasture. Enily maturity x\lth proilt is not possible without plenty of grass at nil seasons. The first pasture enables the farmer to do the host x\lth animals of all kinds. It enables htm to turn this \xay and Unit xvhen prices nro low. Our host pastiucs haxo nil tlio clover ? , timothy nnd volunteer fovlail.Vo xxould not sow red top , becaibo stock xvill not eat it after it is mown as well as other grns-os. If rotation is to ho fol lowed the clovers and timothy are twill- cient. If a permanent pnstino Isdcshcd MIW blue grass xx-lth thocloxer and time thy.Aboxo Aboxo nil things have surplus grass in .7tmo bo that stocl < can got enough in July and August. If the pistuio ( rots bare add pait of the mowing lot to it. I'lii-o IIrod Hulls Tor Heel' Mr. L. R U Sothnm , a well-known bleeder xvho has boon introducing pine biod stock to South America and soiling hiigolj' to our xvcstern iiuiclunen , writes the Uinnl Kow York or : The promises for this year asiegauls the demand for pure hied hulls for the range counties luno been more than ful- llllucl. Ton jcars ngo the rangesworo thought to bo unlimited , and nmchmen nought munbois rather than quality ; later Eng lish , Scotch and ether foreign and on&t- ein capitalists cagoily sought invest ments in western cattle and ranches. Money floated In , and the west may ho said to have been built up as largolj' ftoin tills inllux of capital as fiom any ether source. Piceious few ever again iceoived the principal , "let alono" the interest , for this monoj' stnj-od in the \xost. Largo amounts of it xxcio in- \cbtcd in blooded bulls , but looking back on these da.xs , pmo blood x\as nut intel ligently used , and the fnet is that xvlth the lolnpso of depression in the industiy pure bied bulls could hnullj' bo ghoii uwny. In the jeais from J&bO to 188 ! ) the ranchmen beeined abso lutely to have "no u o" for peed bulls , and It has taken thorn tlueo jonrs to discover that xvoll-bred bulls aio not pluj things , cicati-d to satisfy a xxhjni or fancy , but that they aio a veiy legitimate investment , and that their introduotion into a herd , followed by good , common-boii'-e management ot the bulls nnd their pioduce , means dixidends x\hero befoio thcio x\as adollclt. " 'The dailj' markets at Chicago , Kansas City , Omaha and St. Loins allot d the moit piactical lesbon of the xaluo of good blood. It has been demonstrated that the only hope of the cattle raiser xvho xvould . liia fmulittnn llYifl more than a beggarly lix-ing lie > through the pure breeds of beef cattle , xvhlch will enable him to pioduconn article lit for the tables of the xx'cll-to-do of Amotiea and lit for the histoiic boaid of John Bull ; in bhprt , en able him to bleed for the block instcul of the cans. It is buch choice beef as gi aces the shops of the eastern and En glish markets that Is scaico and high priced ; thousands , j'cs , millions of half clvili/ed and ignorant ncoplo are en gaged in various pails of the world in tearing cattle for their hides and a pit tance for their llcsh , which is put up in tins to food the aimics of the old xxorld. If the people of our grazing distiiots did not Intelligently use well-bred bulls in 1880 , the sumo is not true of 1800. This spring n roxlval in the cattle business generally took place , cattlemen bought up the entho bull inoduco of 1lio , beef breeds , and thoto woio not enough to go mound. These bulls xvoro bought at their practical -xuluo as u legitimate jn- xcstmont , their puichasers securing them for the purpose of improung tlio carcasses and feeding qualities of their herds. The fact is that the financial salvation of all beef taiscis lies through the use of the blood of the beef biceds of that sturdy , low -sot , broad-backed and dcop- llcshcd tj'po that xvo have learned to look for in a xvcll-bred Hereford , Short-horn or Scotch black poll. Fodder. I have tiled various plans of stacking or piling up coin fodder convenient to the feeding lots , xvritcs N. J. Shepherd in the Western Stockman and C'jltixa- tor. I am convincd that a long rick is the best form of stack for fodder. In stacking I lay down some poles or lails to keep the fodder oil the giound , mak ing this bottom as long I Intend building the rick. At ono end of this I sot a strong post Hi mly in tbo ground. The bottom should not bo xvldor than the length of the fodder. I begin building at the post and lajr the first la jer , huts all ono xvuy. The second layer I lay the buts the ether way , botng caieful to let thorn extend far enough out to cover the tops of the first layer. Tlio thiid laj or I turn the buts tlio same way as these of the flist Inxpr , and go on , "alternating the lajors with huts and pits until the pile is brought up as high asvo debiio to make it. Care must bo taken not to lot the pile got wider than the length of a fahcaf und that it is built plumb.Yhcn tlio body of the lick is built lay a lajor across this lengthxviso of the lick to Jill up the center , and on this lay another layer the direction of Iho main bulk of fodder. This , if carefully done , will make a sort of loof w filch xvill shed the water. A lick built in this way can bo taken doxvn in beetlons from ono end as wanted apd the fodder will not bo much exposed to the xvoather during feeding time. Fodder stacked in this xvny xvill keep hotter - tor than any other xxay except under a toof. I have built a hi rgo shed on pur pose to stoio corn fodder. I am con vinced that corn fodder pi operly handled is a most valuable feed , nnd xvhoro thor ough shelter cannot/ ghoii it a well- built rick is the best method of keep ing it. _ Giving Sulphur to Poultry. Wo do not approve of the use of anj' kind of mineral inodlclno to fowls espe cially ' xvlicit tlio hlrdsaro In good health , says'Farin and Fireside. It is a habit with some to gho sulphur , condiments , and other deleterious substances to all the fowls , If such a practice should proxall xvlth human beings , it would not bo long before sickness xvould icsult , yet tlio fowls are dosed daily , tlio lesult being - ing injury , xxhieh is then accredit ed to anything but the ttuo eauso. Sulphur xvill CUU60 rheumatism in adults and log weakness In chicks , and It xvill , if once U affects the syntom , ohoxv the oirocts every xvlntor , especially in damp weather. Coppeias is iinothoi minotal poison dosed out In the drinking xvntorof fowls , and lib harmful , It being a poison when taken in quantity , -\\liiel : Is the cabo xvhon the hit ds are compelled to dtink the solution dally. Avoid all such things. Healthy bluls icquiio no btlmulantH ether than sound food. HOJJH anil UOfj I'ccd. The country is just noxv suffering from an unusual reason of drought. Kiyn A , D. Johnston In the I'rairlo Fai merwhich , ap peals to ho unl\orBiilbth east and west , as xxoll as In the south , In some locali ties. The consequence xvill be ashoitago of feed for stock of nil kinds. The cry 01 overproduction has teased , and a shortage - ago will bo the ery now by olovatormen and grain speculators.Vhilo such are the fncla lo a great ox-tent thoio xvill bo iscaiclty of feed. I advise farmers to bo cuicful about dlsposlngof tholrbrccd- Ing stook , especially in Uio xvny of biood sows. It iloos not require a great deal of hard grain to xvlntor soxvs that nro intended and bred for spring farrowing. A plcco of oarlysoxvnryo miikosmostex- : ollcnt winter pasture for old sows , If they nro of the right sort , bred up to perfection ; if not they had probably bettor bo innrkclcd nnd rophucd with some of the Improml etirly matin lug breed , ovoii at a sacrlllco In numbeis , but I nlxvnys contend that there Is it greater profit in a foxv good hogs , well kept , than in a large held ot infoiiur ones poorly kept. Turnips can jot bo grown if there is moisture enough in the ell to Hpiout thorn. While they xxill not mature , tlicj- will help materially lo ink with other feed , If steamed nnd mixed xvlth other grain food. There is nothing hotter for slop if fed warm in whiter. Lute sown millet can bo cured lightly nnd fed to Mock hogs once a day. I find thoj * relish it fora change , and cut ( ino in the cutter box and btcamcd with other latlous , It is profeiablo to the xvholo grain ration" , the usual hog ration when corn Is cheap. ( Jood euro and urnpor housing , xvlth an eye to comfort , will not onlj MIXO food , but improxu your stock , us well as In- crca&o the number of pigs from each tow. At piesent the stockaids are o\or- noxvdod xxlth all soils nnd tiA-s of pigs. Some , of course , are selling from neces sity , while othcis look upon the hog us being ohe ipor than grain , and so not paying for their fct'd. Should our nevt grain crop bo 111010 abundant it will probably bo just the opposite , with cheap grain and u pajlng bog ciop. Suicide of n nhorc'cil IVIfo. Brooxnvniov , 111 , Sept. 'Jl Mis. Fannie McMillan , x\ho XX.H divorced last week fiom Tied MeMllhn , imnager forTay Tcmpltton , was found dead .11 her loom In a hotel this mo taint , ' , liivinp coiiuuittcd biikldo with inoipblne. S ho wan a cousin ot Governor Campbell of Ohio. All her possessionsxvoith ' Hl.OOO , she left , to a cluiaibeiintild in Uio hotel. < i Heaxy Stnrni nt > rnrsclllex. P xine , Sept ' 21. A storm nt Marseilles today flooded tunny houses nml caused Ric.it dimngo to icadxx.iys and destroyed an im- ineiiso amount of propcity in the cnviioii' ? . Uliieepoisons xveio killed and sevoi.d in- lined bj Uio falling of a xxnl ! Ilunj i.iins and iloods aio ranoited in other pails of the south of France. M. J Craus of Chicago is at the Unrker NEBRASKA National Bank n. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NER Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 1890 - B7,8OO Onicirsnncll'lrcclors.-llcnry XV Vntcs t'reildent , I wisS lloc < l Vlco-1'rP lilent , lame * XV fearii - , XV. V Mornc. Jolin B. Colllriu C Cualjln , J. N. A I'utrlck , XV. U B. itunUon , cuabltr TI-IH1 IRON BANIC. Corner Kill und Firniro SU. A. General Hanklns llublucsa Transactcil OOMMKRGIA-Lv National Bank. Capital , - $4OOOOO Surplus , - 44OOO Ollkcrs mil Directors A I * , llopkini proillcnt W U Mini , rlcoprcililcnt Alfre IM1II ir.l , cailil n 1' . II. llryiint , niiKtaiit , cnHli'r. Clmrloi Turn 3 r. I < 11 WlllUmi , U. M Vo jnin XV. J xtuy , U M \JVAWTED ISSUED BV CITIEO , COUNTIEb.BCHOOl , - - - DIS1RICTO , WKTr.fi Correspondence solicited COMPAWC8. , ETC. O. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers , 163-165 Dearborn Stroot. CHICAGO. 70 State Strnot. BURTON. THIS PAPtH IS PRINIEU TnOM Great Western Type Foundry , J114 HouarcJ St. OMAHA. l.arlj Docnynnil Abmi . Iinpotency , Lost Vtcor. and ht Hhfullyrt tortd VarleoceUcored l'irticnl retd , trinKthened. NewIIom Tr ltll0 lent free and lealed. Bectiiy. Trot. II. d. HII ) IS I" 1 Kulton SUV J 1) . Emu'M ov. I'rcs. i : i * . SIII'OAUT Vlcol'ioi CUAIII.ISH llA\\ANrnslilor. CITIZENS STATE BANKer or Council Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 Diunr-Tous I. A. Mlllor , r. O Olcason , n. h Slur.irt , K. 1. llatl , J. 1) . DliiiiiiiiNnn. < 'h uU > s O. 1 linn in Tr ins tut gonoril liunUlii busi ness l.aiv'ost cMplt.il and snipliis ot any banV In Southwestern lolvu. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Mulit and llio idwny , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Pcjilnrs In ( orul n and doiuoillo nxclmn o Collccitlons inudo and Intoiust pild on time deposits. F. M. ELLIS & CO. , ARCHITECTS And Buildlns Superintendent ? . Uonnis 4 0 and 413 Ken llnIlilln . Omulit.N'oh . and Iooins2ll ! and iIO ! Mi-riKuii lllnul ; , Cunnull ItlnlTs , In C'oiro poiiiluncoolloltul. ( ATTEND .Strictly to buslnosi" li utplunilM motto TlnlilK'i- ml nuicois in itrcrr line of liiimnneiu'iiry It imclioJ bylilm wholiolili to i > oni3 uiloMc I Hpo'liilt/ , WESTERN t'ooplonropmuroiMvo. full of cnor/jr , iisul mouc ; niakliu clcino3 ; Ihoy need tpocl.il training fur bUBlriuMi. IOWA Icndi In populnr educitlon. llor plblln sfliooli nro dolnt : urnn < l work for licr ucroailiu lulllloni \\'u torii luna. COLLEGE , Comrocnroi fall term Sept lit. Mm nolooti llio tcnllr prnctliiil ( or liur tn lout ) . .Norm il Mini noii.Slioillnnl anl I'onuiaiiHlilp lotinot. mill or- i/Miilrul nnd inrofully cnndntlel Hlmliinli ninr inter nt any timo. Wrlto for riirlhor pirtlonlarj ID XV. H I'aulton. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Protectors , Etc. AGENTS WASTED , DH , C , II. JUDD. GOO Broadway , Council Bluffs , In SPBOIAIi NOTJ.OJBS , ( .COUNCIL BtUFFS. forront , m suite or 1 Ightli street. \VANrTl ) lIidiiK room girl i > Main street. For Kent Furnished room. J. L > 111(111,6.20 ( , Wllloxvnxcnuo. I71OK UKS'l1 I'our rooms uiifiriil- > ( ( ; af j ( iirnlslicil rootiH. Choiii > . No. 1'iN. Muln st , U for rout In suite or single.llJbuiull l.lKhlli stnoV. 1jlOKo\clmnKfl- ! ! acre * . Montgomery Co , JL Kanini , u 'll lni | > rovocl , Hit ) nd cs , Uliautiitiijim Uo , Kan , veil lni < imiMil ailncius. Trojo Co. . ICaniK x\cll Imiirm ii. " 10 UTOM , CotnuiiclioCo , Kan. , uull CM | . UMicrfi , MorrUCo , ICiui'is x\oll linpiovod. : E.Mnert > , liognti Co . Kan . well imimitoil. KiOueio-i , 1'urnis < 'D , Nubraskai JC-'O icros , Holt Co . NolirasKa. KITniMoi , Mulilonborit ( Jo , ICcMituel.y : well iniimnotl , c'lo-ir. lUJiu'ios wullliniro\od ) ; Alconi Co , Michi gan , ulcai. 4 I nc'rvi. Koss Co i Ohio ; do ir. XVIII triidn ollliri or nil forinoreliuiillsoor oily iiroiie'ity Inuiimll ItluiNorUmalin. CliMl IIIIM ! In ' ( ono and Ilirry To , Mn < 'n unon In Cliapnuti , Dickinson Co Kan J l.ioO , Istmoruiitfo tinltm. tt-t ! lo the ( unit , t willtr.idn J I , I'rloo , ICIol's holil. M J Ing , III Ilr inilwiixoi'ciii'ed | | lij elriusturo Applj to Oi-o T I'hclp-i. moiiuy utdui dup.ul > inuii , piiHtollloo , Cotiniil HliilN. lllXP ! I'ninhhcd pirlot nnd bedroom iiNiillu front looiiiHi. Also single room and hoii'-cH. J. IE. Davidson , nj" > I'lfth a\o. I710U c'lniliKO In liuslnoas will M'll slncl. < if ( Irncsand iKtiiros.all now nnd lli > ( clu < , at H dl'i'ount. It sold williln ne M lOd.iji In- xolio ulxnit S..VJJ. Addreis y , llco olllco , funnel ! Illuir-t. " 171011 "SAhK 1'lno t unlaid bred team bnji , .1. 7 uiul a . old j O.IH , in itched l.ulv i in ilrlso tlioni : c-Ilj | ) ID ! > I < : \\llt notsliv. C.uliit IMS Main st. . Coum-ll UliilH. J. I , . 1'ilic- OHANCHnf nllfetlmi' . Ninv 0-rooin house , IxsliliM I ) . Uli , hot nn I cold u ilcr nil tliroimli ; ditnac't' , KIH and t lootilo llulil. 1'ur -.i loon easy tiirnis On I'liuilli a\c . unn blnflc from niotui. \tioiii postollli-u XV.V. . llll- KUI.3J IV'irl st. "IT\OUUiN'P \ : Hotel lame n. all f units ! , e I L' l'i > isi > s > lon ul\on dislobiM 1. roi'lnfoin i- tlonuililiossVm fcoiloiitoi ! | ( , or Cluls hti i u > , founcll lllnlls. "I710IJAIH ' Tlio Hnino Uostain.int foi -is JL' nn easy IITIIH. 'llii < incut lionul.ii nl u \ , m tliuell } . > XX.Siott. Cir Hi idmy. "fiOHS\ln or IJcnt nirdon hind with -t ? housus , by J. It. Itlco. 10i Xljiln hi. , Uouucll Hlulfs. "VSTIIY piy rent when von r 111 liuv a lioinonn T T tlii < sum ) lurm-t , und l c iso nf xonr ilc all at any time lo no yo ir ( .inilly thu ho.uu cluur outho ( ullo\vln'tornH : Aliniuowoi thtl , < > u it $ t3 par mouth A homo wet tliM.IJJnt 'IS jiur iiiiintlL A homo worth J..O ) ) at * - ! ( per mnnlh Alio'iiowoi Hi Mil U.it 11) ) put IIIDIItlu Ahotno worth il.OD ilHor | inoulli Other iirlt'o 1 hoinoion thotini'i tormi Tin abino iiioiitlily iiiymont-i Ini-liulo prlnclpil iindlnteri'st K r dill piitlculus oillnuor addrosi tlio ritdcl , t Wells , ( Jo , . UOJ liioulnay , CJouiie-ll llhilT-i I u DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute AND Private Hospital. Cor. BroacUva-/ and 20th Sts. , COUNCIL Rl.UtH , lOHA. Vnr thctri'iitiiu'iit of ull surslcil and clironto dlsciMisiind dUoiscsot the lilooil. itudlseisi-sof the urlmiy nndsoNuil orgins , as syphilis , as stricture , c\-tills , spcr- niiitnrroho u. lo-t in uihood , soxu il Itnputunco anil wpakiiosstMMitid suc'tessfnllv. " I'artlciilat attention p ild to dKoases of tlio InnVS us Astliin.i , Consinnptlon. Itronchllli. Catirrli.ntc. I'araljsls , Kldnoy l > lroasosns Dlalietcs Hrlsht's Disc iso. | { liuiiiiiati < iiii. IMIcs. Cnnc'ur , Yurloiolo. llyilroct'lu. Diops ) . I'IIIIKIK INc.isi > s of thu KIO and Kir. ( Jlub Kiel , bpln.il Cm v.itiiroandallillsuascsof tholionqs. \\o \ lta\o n dcpnrtiuont doxntcd exclusively to the treitincntof Oti-rlno Dlac-isi's Mcdlulno.suntsocuroly inclc _ < l and fiuoficnu obscrvntlun. Corrcspniidonco confidential. Addrcis : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Insliiiitc and Private Hospital , Cor Uroadwnjr nnil Will St < . Council HIiUTi , la DRIVING PARK. Pall Meeting , October 7 to 10 , 1890 S4.OOO JN PnOGIl\MME MONDA.V , UCTOIinil 7. . $ .100 L'lT > riuttliiK I'ttiso WO J-jcu-old Trotting St.iko ] OJ TUKSUAV , ouroiuii8. : _ : VTrottlns ) I'nise 300 L''JTiottln 1'iiiso ( no IJ-j car-old TintttiiK tilia . 'M xyno.NKsnvv , ocTonniiu ' ' St'tSTrotttnir-l'iir-to 400 rieo-I'ui-All 'Irottliu I'tirso . . VH Veaillrio'Trottliu Itieo btiLo & 0 TIIUHsOAlt. OOTOUKIl 10. 2'WTrottliiK I'nrsi ) rrco-l'nr-All I'auhu-t'urio Via rruc-I'oi-All , btnlllon I'niio. . . Niitloiul TrottliiK issoelutlon inlcs to KOV- iirn. Kntrlu4ilosn Uctohurl. Mukoi ic-n free. Mllutiuuk. J. XV. I'KUKliOY , I'rcsliliMit. Uoiinoll Illutl's lavtA. Address ull communications to A. II. OlliUfe. 'taciPtliry. ' Sf South 14th ht. . Omaha , NVl > , V Council Bluffs & 0malfa TRANSFER LINE. H. Bcccroft & Sons. , Props. BAGGAGE , EXPRESS & HEAVY FREIGHT , MnKliis threu tilps o\ory day osccpt Sun- diy.Omihannicfl : Omihannicfl at the A. Stnxruic Txpress and Dolltuiy Cit. , llotl llovvaidst. Couni-ll UlnlTsolllce , .VI llroidnay. Tclo- Iiliono - ) - ' . 1,1-avc's Council IlliilTs Oniid U a. in and 3 j ) . in. Giniilia , I. ! .1. MI. , il p. in. nnd 5 p in. Orders promptly utlendcd to. ( 27 MAIN'ViTUEKT. OiorO. II. Jiui u nil .t OVi Jjvjlr/rftiM COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS Cleaning dimn In tlio - . : - i 1 uuul anil btnfncd v Hindu to loolcna tioilus now. X\orl < proinptly doiKMind dullvurcd > ln ull imrh oi iliocuiintry , Bond for prlcu list. nn „ , U. A. M.vUIIAN. 1'ron. , 013 U road way , Near Nortliwostcra Ul.ut * * U.