Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1890, Part One, Page 6, Image 6

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by Currier In any part cftlioClty.
Iln lnCM Office , Mo-11.
IM It 01 , No. 21.
N V. P. Co.
( 'oumll lUuffi Lumber Co. . coal.
P. The Mueller music company nre fllllniiip ;
flue exhibit for the Omaha exposition.
A mnrrlapo license win prantoti jestcrilny
to Jacob Martio rmil Llzzlo I-crchslngcr , both
of this countj ,
Thu spcenleirofSupciIiitcnilcntijOoJiia.vv ! :
of the lllwiiiikco rallvva ) was at the union
depot yesterday.
A milk wagon bclotiKlnft to the Kprln t ; Val
ley dalr ) was wrecked inu runiuvaon I'curl
sticct yesterday.
'Iho Hock Island pay car cnmo lines terilny
nnddistributed the usuil nriioint ocalth (
among ttio employes.
Justice nnrncltcstcrilny afternoon mm-
riul.Tamos ClirlsLiin niidllnttlo Tiijlor In his
onic. ( Doth \vcrefrornL5ciilryecuiitv ,
'Iho iie\v \ overcoats ordered by tlio chief of
police fiom tlio Philadelphia linn have ur-
riuil. niul the men \villt.iUc . their nu dlcino
tinil their coati
The. " time oftlic district court will ho prottj
much occupied duillifj tlio fern pirt of this
vvock u Illi Uin sill neil iiiuiiitlnti ) tiwcs. 'I'ho
criminal docket will probiblv not be renchetl
'Jhu inembcis oftlio praml Jury retiicii to
tlicir homes jcstcidiy afternoon nftor nhnrd
week's uorlc The ) \vill ron seiuUo 011 Mon
day monilriK and iniiko tilth' llnnl ic'port
auilnjj the clay.
StreetCoiiimis'iloncr Avcrj has moroHOi-it
on his hinds tli.iu ho can accomplMi nt the
present tlinattith the ulaerltvtlintlnteicstml
people would like. Tliolito Hood hus about
ovmvlulmcillils force with uorlc
'J lie llistorn Star Socliblo will bo cntor-
tnlned lj ) JUri James MuMllUn , corner of
Ninth men uo tmil Seventeenth street , on
'J'hurstliy eviiin f.S . > pteinbcr'J5 A coulisil
Imitation Is extended toall members uthorno
und ubio.ul to bo present ,
'Jho ladles and gentlemen of thorirstllnp
tht church completed the vvorit of ileforitliij }
tliochurh ycsterdty afternoon foi the Ilnr-
vest Homo sm'ircs to bo kid toJuy. The
decorations lire very clnbonuonntl tlio church
pie'ciitia hflnilsomo appe.uiiiieo.
In tlioillstrlct court ( estcnliiy tlio entire
< 1m'vvnsilovotcil to hearing the application
foiau injunction agilnst AI Wells und Tom
Oncns , who run the Hiiloon near the bilcl c
on Noitli IMaln street The case ngdltiMt
Pionstlovns completed nnd submitted und
\viis tulien under nJvisenient.
W. U Campbell , the well known soliliei
carpenter , has been atinouuced by his .friends
usa candidate for- constable Oil the republi
can ticket. Hois very popular aiidwillcarry
all of his pail ) vote und Ret tlio votes of nil
tlio democrats who know him , Including some
v\\n \ \ wore thoirray twenty or thirty jeai-s
An amendment to tlio articles otlncorporn
tion of Iho Walnut Park laud nnd Investment
company was tiled with the county recorder
yciterchy. 'Jhe ' amendment inueascs the
capital stoclt of tlio company to i-lOO.OOO , and
nnkes sonic ih.injjcs in the c\tent anil num
ber of the Islmc-s. It U signed by l.ueius
Wells , president , mid II. J Palmer , score
The original field notes of tlio government
survey , which were ordered from the secre
tary of stnto by the city engineer In conipli-
unco with instruction * fioni the council , liuvo
been received Thonunoy of the Uland will
now bo made , mid the city will know just
how much of Itself 011 the vest side of the
Mr. W. Sheldon , physical director ct the
Oni.tha Young Mcn'tt Christlin nssoclalion ,
has been employed by the Council Bluffs as
sociation to RVO | instruction In the gviima-
alum tlds fall nnd winter. Classes will ho
aiRimized October 1. Instruction will ho
Bl\on \ two evenings each week , two classes
each evening.
Street CoinmlsshncryAvcry lias been or
dered toicpiir tlio brick pivcment cashed
out on Fnmklln n\enuo by the hto storm
Coiitrnctor M. A. Mo"bro finished the work
nndluullt acceiited lost JMotulay , Just two
dis ) before It was wnshetl away' , and this
makes It necessary to bo replaced at tlio ex
pense of the city.
A peed ilcal of Inconvenience was occa
sioned at the county court jestenhy l > y the
shutting oft" ot the water iriiido necessary hy
tilcalc Intl.o scrileo pipe lead ing from tlio
street mtiln Into the jurO There -\\as no
water during the ntternooii and when clean-
lii | tiptlnio came the mtirblo Jloors Old not
Ed their usual Hcrubbiug.
The Rrnnd jury rcturncil nn Indiclment
npilnsl Owen Mctiiiirofoi- ross assuuit
upon tlio little Itichinonil gill. HU bond vvna
Hxed 111 ,000. Ho AUS unnhloto dvo so
licavy n bond nn dims Icon Ijlnp in juilshico
the indictment was fouiiil. Ycstordny tlio
court iciluced it tolJU ( ) , and ho succeeded
in potting bonds men. McOuiro luis suvcd
Jlr > ( )0 ) ofhls earnings , mid ho put up tlocasli
to scciux ) tiio bond ,
Thocliy council has been Investigating tlie
proposition of interested proper ! ) owners to
open Washington avenue through thooiso ( !
jirupcity to tlio lliibliltt twotvliich \ has
uccii phttcilmiil thrown on tlio icul wtuto
innrlcct , They ho uxiuninnl the situation
us u ocininittec'ol the whole se\cral \ times
niul hmoconchiclcil that the extension should
Iwiimde. Ills jjrohnhlo that itlll ho or-
dci eel nt thonoxtmcotlng1.
Somoof the residents antl business men on
IJnpor Kroiclvviijr complain that Olllccr
wyiitt cruelly imnlshed a prisoner on the
iliuln ( ! , nifr lesteiduy by whipping iiiidhonU
iiiK' li I in with u raw hide und Ins une. Thcj
t.ay . the prisoner \ \ as dmlned and refused to
orlc iinlossllio iliaius wcro ronweil. Olll-
ccr Wjntt Ins ROlton along voiy smootliU
vlth Iho turbulent material that muallj
composes tliostroet Rang , iiml it Is probublo
that lie hns a good ex pl-muttou of the neccs-
illy cf icsortiiiB to force In this Instance
When the complaint is put In proper slupolt
vlll IM liKivlrcd Into.
Thomoinbcrs cf tliojiolleo foico mak
ing Bruit preparations to their annual ball
thntwill hoglvon In the Mason ictomplo hall
en Thursdiiy evening. They ha\o ibsued a
gitiat many Invitations and nnticlpito nlnrgo
niton dance. The high cliaractcrof the ball
can boclotermlnodhy the Intoroattlio follow.
Ing KcnllQiiicn ha\o \ Uikon In it , who Imto
coiisentecl to net us the reception committee
Mayor Muorao , ex-Major Kohror , ox-Mayer
Hovvnmn , I'reslilent llvcrctt oC Iho council ,
Aldermen Smith , " \Vood , Lacy , ICnephcr ,
Mikesell , Caspornnd U'hid , Tlie floor com-
nilttuowlll consist of Marsluil Tomploton
James I'lixton , Ileury Atkins , AVIlliiim Ma
loiieyJ. , It. Doitrlch , Captain Martin anil
The board of education did not hold an ml
Journal session last c\L \ nliir | , in iicconhuice
v\lth the iiKreonient nttlionjjouriiincntof the
list nic-otUii ! , There VMIS no quorum iircsont ,
Mr. Hunter was called to OttumvvnIn. , to
tcstlij iii an important case and Members
\\oUaniiil \ \ Sliooiitgcu did iiotatteiul. Wessis ,
\\aite \ , Ulmslm and 1'iosldeiit tstovvurt vvcro
present -mil ready to transact any business
Hint mlKlit coiuo before them Tlio only
notion taken was the adoption of a resolution
adjourning until noxtSatuidny c\oniiif. \ The
resolution declares that the 'board vlll then
proceed to the oh-ctlou of a secretary nnd
treasurer for theoiihulng jcar nml Uio trans-
notion of any other business that might bo
bronuht before any regular session of tlio
loard ,
l oscy t Jensen paint houses.
J. O. lllxby , steam heating , sinltary en-
glnoer. 0-W Mfo bullclliiij , Oiuahi ; 'JJJ Mcr
rlain block , Counell lllurls.
Window shades at Losey A Jensen , U
Pearl st. _
L J' .
Mrs. C.V. . Hicks an u children have re
turned homo from n summer trip
Mrs , H. H. Kanchill of Lincoln , Neb. , and
John Montgomery of Canton , III , nro In thu
city , guests of Sirs. AY. S. Ca s , 1003 Seventh
livetiuc ,
Mrs , Spruit , vlfo of Prof. Spruit , of the
ilcnf nnd dumb Institute , lias returned fromn
IctiBthy vl lt to lior parents at Osceolo , 1,1. ,
Her return homo was hastened by u tire
which destroyed her father's icsidwico anil
livery stable. _
If jou wish to sell jour property call on tlio
Juud \Vclls Co , , C , 11. Juilcl , yresldmt , WO
41 roadway ,
A Girl's Strange -Action ) Gi-vj Else to Grave
Tticliocy Ilosc Hrmso Dciil The .Vcv
( Inn I'lnut Vatmatln'sBlory Con-
iratlletol Klliior > en-
t Ion nnd
Thcrolta cloud over TvtapBlc llnrtcr
heislstrr , ntnl there is nho n cloud of mys-
tciy suiiouiidim ? so'tieof the action sot tbe
tvvovvlilch tliopollco uro trying topcnctr.ito
Tlio s'lls ' nppcarto bo liomeles * , nndtmvo
bc-en ciigigedat scivniits nnd waitresses in
hotels ( or some llmo jlew inontlis npo
MiijKlcnppciiioil In Missouri Valley inacon-
clitlon tint called for friends and sympathy ,
She ilk ! not succeed in securing many Monils
wlio vvcio willing- help horantl , vu j finally
Uitoi inrliuntu b } the county poor mister ,
who out Utr to the poor farm fahortly
afterhci nrilnil shfj R.IVO birth to achild
nnd wivs well c'.ired foi by the maingor'
Tlio biby was a vco bit ol feminine
humanity , but britflit ami lu ty. A
feuvcuks after Its blrtli Mairple's
sihtcr dine to llio poor farm ami re-
innlnc < l icjvoi il diijs , nnd tlio two hail inniw
Ion1 ; talks over tlielr future anil tlio disport
tion ot the child Tiunlly the sister pot
ic.ily tolcaAO anil atinoutucil tint she hnd
uiailo surunLcmcnts for ba\iiiK \ the child
cinccl foi mil uvcntuall\ \ adopted iutoaKood
fsiinlly , nhoro it would luno sigoodhom"
Slic teen theb.ibj and left tlio phro. Tlio
noxtdii ) she rotuiuotl and stnt l that slio
hiidtiiltcn tliebalji to Council 1)lulls ) nml Ic-It
It ill tliephuc'-.oliiul niraiisecl for its keep-
hiK hhoMW umlousfor lur ai&ter tolcavo
\villi hci at ouc-o. but the irintrou or tlio peer
friini rcfusoilto permit it on ncic'oiintof the
frail condition of tlio girl's lioiltli 'J'he fre
( limit " \\liisiicrcd oonvcnntions lictw cu tlie
Uvo. and tlio slatu's nctlom , llnnllj
aroused suspicion that nil uas not light.
a.nd tbo \\as \ clobclv tiuMtionecl about
vvlut liu did with tlio child Tier uimveis
\ \ tie vipuo mid unsitlsftulory Slio per-
siMed in saving.lio hiiilloftlt in cooclhimdi
hi Uouncll DluiTs , whcro it vvoalcl bo well
eiuwl Tor ] ! eiiif ; closed invssocl ho stated
tli it slic Und tried to petit intotUo Cbrlstinn
home , lint fulled , nnd bid then taken it to n
pilvntofiimil ) and left it.
'Hie cxplaiiitomva ! < % iiot sulllciciit nml she
was to M Unit she would Inuo to return to
CouucrillMnlts audfrct tlio child , which slw
consfiteil todo. When she pot rcadj to ( , ' 0
sTicvvusucvompaiiied b\Mi' \ Vounp , tliellui-
risoii i-ount > nooriiidstcr. aticlll , 1) ) Kimus ot
Missouri A'lillcy. Thopirl mclilj toolt them
to thu Ilomeot the Friendless and the wan
accr rceo iilzt-'d her and. admitted that
sbo had been there uitli iv very JOUIIR
bsibyvhicli , could not bo taken in
on account cf the ero\vded con
ilitloii ol the place Sliethcn trieil to show
tbem tlie house \\heioshc lincl Hn.illy suc
ceeded. In fcttlns it adnilttccl. The two
youti men niul the youn > ? pill ciipafjcd in a
vveiiy trump that rovcreii nhijropartof the
city and lusted ne.irl } all diy , but the K\I\ \ \
could not tiiul thohou.sowhcro slioclalincd to
ba\olcft \ tbo babSlio \ passed ra.iy houses
which sro tnoiifjlit was the rlKlit one , but , on
ciilciing would uln-ays discover tliat It was
'Iho matter was imtlntothotiiiuls of tlie
police authorities liore , and tVie thrco re-
tuincclto Missouil Valley. The girl appears
tobo tioncstnnd slncure.'hutlicr . mariner lias
yhen ilso to man } trra\c \ suspicions.
Moiioy at icdiicod rates loanelon ohatto
and lesiloiitato securitj'by E II. SlieafeiNj Co
fclgtis Lioscy &Jeuscn's , II Pear st ,
Shorthand , Miss Illiodesnrov\n building.
ToUie Ladies MissMaryGleasou lias returned -
turned from her eastern trip unit is better
prepared than cvr to satisfy all who want
rtrst class dressmaldtif Hoonis In the old
library building , 1'earl street
Buy pur lumber oE Hie Judd & \Volls Co ,
S13 Broadway. _
Tlio Union Depot : .
"Tbonowunion depot schomolt not dead ,
nor is it sleeping lory soundly , " said a mem
ber oE the company -jestoiday to Tin DHL'S '
iiiteirosatoiles. 'There Is but little proli-
blllty that mucluvorkwill bo done on the
stmctuio this fall , hoivovcr , but the douo
. vlll bo bxiilt as surely as the sun shines.
Tlicio nro only a few minor- dim cutties In the
way , and itnlll take tlmo rather- than special
nctlvitj to surmount them. Thoprimoonois
tlio delay in set ting tlio iioccssarj linalmcct-
iup of the fienernl niaiUKera of the roids In-
ttiestcd in the project. They have been
T.vlilely scattered all kiimiiicr , fvnd tbcio nis
not been n time since the last mcctiiiRln tlds
city when they liivo all been In Chieiffo at
the same time. Mr. Klinbnll o the Union
I'acltio has been avay neirly nil the tiino
since our last mcctiiif'.and since his loturn
lie has been koptcloscl ) at homo by sickness
in his familj , The piospects aio fcood now
for a meeting within suorv shorttime
"Tlicio is also a little hftcli in Iho negotia
tions for tlio riptitot vav that -va , liavo not
been iiblo toijet o\cr hatisfactorilj.Vo Un\o \
lirociiTul tlioriKht-of-n.iy for tbo eastern ap-
liro.iclie' * , and the terms are satisfactory to
all thcrouds , butwo hiivo not lieen ai suc-
cessfuhviththo nestcin appi-oachcs. It Ins
-been found necessary to puiehaio tlio block
oflotJsK-iii coast of tbOL-annlnff vorks This
v\e hu\o \ not yet been able to do ut satis-
laetory prices to the railroads Tlio depot
coiiipany could co ahead and condemn the
piopcity , but that Hicy do not wish toclo.
"Immediately after tlio Chicago mcctingls
licld the depot company will tiilcoholdof the
iIk'lit-or-wny propositions and quickly decldo
-\\liatlstobodonc. \ Itmaybo iwssiblo tilt
AIO will yet bo able to do tlio grading this lall
and \vlntcr , "
I'orSalo ,
Oui-retnil furniture hiislnes * , with gnod
established trade Stock is first clasi nnd
veil sclectod. Iteason for selling , arc going
into tlio collusive jobbing tndo.
Anyone wishing tope iulo bnsln ess should
investigate this , as it Is ouoof tlio fov\ golden
opportunities ot a llfo tlmo ,
The tiacy Hose House.
Tlio purchase of a hose caitbulldinBon
laltx street lias n little hit chin it which
causcssomedlscii'sslonVilhout thcrotooC
jMdcrinan Licy llio motion to buy would not
Iwo passed the councils \ hols the owner
cf tlio hullilliiK , the question arises as to
\\hctlier \ \ holmd the Icgil right to votoon the
question , the statute providing th\t no alder
man shall bo interested financial ! ) in any
contract with tbo cit. The question is in tlio
liindaof City Attorney Stcwait for mi an
hi tlio mcmtliao there Is much comment
upon Iho advisability of waking a purchase
of this plow of Kopeaty. It Is claimcxl that
thopioportyls inoro cjpoiish'o that need be ,
and tint a che.ijw lot can easily ho secured
\\hlcliwill \ nnsMer nory purpose fully as
well. ThobuilJIng must needs bo .chaiiRed ,
and for about tliosanio osponson. ncwbulld-
liiB , adapted better totho purposes cf thodo-
rartinent could bo built. H is claimed thit
llio cost of a wall two stem 50x50 will not
exceed ? ! , ) , llgurlng thobrlclcat ia tbou-
sand. A let can bo secured within t\vo \ bun-
drwl fcot of the location for SI.OOO . , the lot
behiKcloullo thoslzoof thoUclot. Another
lot j salil to be for siilo at $ tTlK ) ,
which is n corner lot within a hundred feet.
If tbcso Hguresaro correct tncio is a big
chance fora saving. The objection is also
raised that Main street , with numerous aticot
curs and amount of travel , Is not so suitable
as aomo other quiet stioeti , wlicro the Ha-
Ulltyot oidentfrotn a liurricd turnout of
tuo department U for less ,
Tl o New Water Onn 1'lnnt.
Asbusyaplnco as there Is IB the cltj nt
the iTOMNittlmols In the \lclaity \ of the gus
world , .A $ largo a torco tit mca ns can ho
worhed to ad vantage are engaged In pushing
forward the transformations * ncctssarj teA
clianeotho elil irtMpln.nt Into a more modem
esUbilshincnt 10 * the proOuction of choip
fuel giu frwn water , anil before tlfl cold
wcitlicr , thnt everybody isanticliiatlnR- -
rhcs , the Counc-ll Bluffs pw nnil olcetrlc
I ight con tinny \vill bo RU pply I tig Its patrons
\Mtli pai lorlicatlng and pciicral purjiosoaat
a cost that Till not exceed the prices Uioy
havobcon piylng/or / A\oocl \ mil coil.
The bullOltiRs have been completeil nnil
much ol thcncwinaclilnori'ls la place nnd
reidy for oncrntlon. All the VMjrlc Is belnu
dcno under Iho linmoUlito aupci-ilslonof Ulr.
"XV S. Wrlfilit , tlio general manager of the
coinpnny. who stands high In this modern g s
making business In the country. 'Jho pio-
cesses for the production ol the cheap jas
that nic belne i xit In ure the tie \\est nndinott
upprovnli whcnllie orV < Is completed the
KS < plant will bo like thownUrxvoiks , the
best In the stito.
The Jlauliattati spoutinghcadiiunrtcrs , 413
Scotthouso , tiioo rooms , dona bcK fnro
cqunl to the best , Jl per day. Special low
rates to roRiilnr lioarclcw. fiatiJ" ! X Mnln
st | Council Itlu fls. _
rirs.tcliisfdrcs5tnn.WiiB- Jllsq AVallnce.
o\cr \ Otticmeii's bank , eor , r liln st. and
oth nvi , _
\ jintiTilt a * wSt or ) Coat rail icled.
Deputy IMirshal rlllto x-cturiicd fx-oin lies
aioinesycsterdav , hu\hij ( In cuitody Jvl .
llstcr , tliowoinin \ nr-
upon coin jiUInt of "U'lllinm Vmiimtta ,
the onclcKgeiluoloiati She -was vciy wlll-
iiijf to acconi | ai j tha ofllccr , nlthoucli she
cllslilvolto live her plans tlUarian cHlby the
intoipuptlon She was nuxlous to meet
Vannnttn , aiuls : s tint sVio would liivo its-
tuine < J\vitliotit \ nnoniicrfoi the puiimso of
incctlti'hitiniiUiiviiiliini | ! ! | ? u cltessinu down
for tlLucliniiioliolins oapainst her. hho
OcnlcHnll the ih.irtfc , nnd is vciy n\ilot and
clctciiJiincdiiboutlt She sucuededln cou-
\lneinetliool1lccrs tosiielaan oxtentthat she
\\asuotns bid ns"l * .vlop * ' accused her of
bciiiL , ' , tlmttliuy left lur at a loiulitip house
ncir the citni \ ] I ithout 11. guafl Her c\- [
jiminrttlon issct for r.Ioudaj before SchMi ,
\\ho Issued the
Get III 11 y for U'liitcr ,
But don * t in.iVcc n inlstnlco by gettiiiR a poor
stove. It costs jou asninch money to stirt
\\ltb \ as 11 peed steve , und it costs health ,
conifoit , ami big fuel hlllsall the time ) ou
Iwoit The best stores In the market arc
the new Pculns xihr lieatcn Ihoy < est less
money , uses lea * -fuel , glvo inoro heat thin any
other , and me for silo only in Council
lilufts by rvlmilel Ac Klein at the People's In-
stillincat house , Urorxdivay and llryant.
A. Itcninrknlilo
MIssS. ID Kelise , the txrllst , luis. just iln-
ished another pdntlniwhich promises to
udit itlll nioiB to the mine slio lni.3 already
Rained Slio hns by hoinatiiril plfts and
her Indefutteabloworkdevclopcd ttxto a leal
nitist , and the later pioducts of lier brush
nio niiukoOby tlio touch of real genius , cius-
ins them tomcat with nti rn cr demand at
pices which show that their tnciit is rocog-
til/eil not iiierclyliivoms. . Thislatcst pnlnt-
itilf Is 0110liiih is nronounced lj critics
vho hinve sten it as fully equ il to in\ \ she h is
jet pr-oduccd , , inJin some i ejects it is pio'
iiouncril superior. CoitJiin it is that the
picture Is onowoitliyof a ilu-o In thojrallciv.
3tisn. < iceiie slcctehed by MIs.sIJehse while
she was in Mali on youujio 3tis locntudat
I'oriiuitlon Springs , where Rvms ABluitti
liul several thousand slieop grazing. 'Jho
picture repicscnts noont tlireo thousand of
these sheep , those in the foresround hcln
iully < lctliicd , eercleUitnf form and po
sition aiinoviner uith hrcllke fnitlinliiess. [
ThoHoc-ks extendIntotliodistnnce-until they
appcnias afii-nvay , hvulcUcd mass , llio
iilctuiinfT of the sheep Is ituouOerfulfeutmc.
but the himlscsipo is no less so 'Iho jicr-
spccti\o \ roHimifovci across tlioRrassy lc\e
biokcnby thooleisliij , ' relief otthcs springs
with their pccullir foinmtlons , btretches to
the mountains in tlie rcssu , vliero the view
seems cnil loss , the naisty , mysterious , bound
less l yond seciiilngto reach for countless
The coloiinp : Is rich and wricd. The
llglitsand shades arc sucli us one can only
Duel in this wondcrlnul of the west , nnd
nhtcli require ) the touch ol onlus to transfer
to thoeaiiMSvlth IITIV soil ol naturalness
In ac-eoniplislilnitthisMlsillelise hasdeinon-
slratcd she Is HO ordmarartist. . 'Iho
noilc on Uiepainlitipr has extended over n.
jcnr pist , itli the natural broken Intoitals
necessitated by other duties. Jutlpeslio \
have had the iilcasuvoof Mowing the palnt-
! iiK\rary in their estimates of its inmkct
\aluo , iianilng all the way wav fioin H.OOi ) to
M"iO ( When the artist clecidcs to dispose of
itshou-lll without doubt have no dtfllculty
In secnrlnga price somewhat in keeping -with
the itiirhcilnicilt of the picture
Louis Elbe ] , the child pianist , Is tlio younp-
cstr > f the thrco uoudcrclillcU-cnof the \voild ,
the others bcitiHoHinari ( ? and He nicr. lie
plays from memory ami Uh Interpretation is
as iixtdliB-entnsthatof nn old master. 'Jhis
boj's technique and execution hsiich thatho phy hut ho chooses froia the
musical literature.
Ilo Is described as n. truly grand y
child , \vtt"h \ n beautiful , clear cut ; face , as
though cliUeled In marble , -with a modest ,
swcotexpression , and eyes tint slio\v deep
thou ? ht and study , anil ho Inn tlio style and
bearing ota tructjenliis ttncl ai-tlst.
AV'illninieai in St. 1'au ' Vs uUuivli 'Jhursilay ,
Octolcr a , in connection -\\Itli \ \ Hen j\-upibt
Aainokl , the iclcbi-itcil viollnibt yvdmlbslon
60 cents , children 25 cents
Tlie Demociati o Cn iictiwrs.
Thoilcnwciatic caucuses to noii'imto delo-
gitcsto tlie county convention that meets in
this city next Wednesday afternoon were
held In thoviirious vards antl precincts last
nlglit They \vcro vM attended , hut were
devoid of exciting evnts There were but
t\vo \ und 111 Ucs whoso fiionUswoic particu
larly activoandcnclcavoi-cd to gotUvorablo
sets of delegates They \\erotho \ filentlsof
Alclcrni.iti ICnoiilicr , who wants tlio position
of county iccordcr nud S. U. Roll re r , who has
astroig support for the position of county
cleric , Tn nil of tlio wards the supporters
of these gentlemen -\\ero atvorlr , and they
clalmthe icsults indicate Unit tholrnorlnvns
well cbno. They clulin a majority oftneclcl-
euatcs in the ITnst , sill the deleuatlon. In tlio
Second , IKo irota the ThlrJ , six In the
Poatth , nnd newly all of the Fifth and Sixth.
The following tire the names of the dele
gates chosen ,
TiistViutlHaus \ Chrlstofferson , X T.
Wiit'erinnn. ' Thonins .lolinsoti , E. Stockert ,
Joseph Smltn. .Tolin Booth , Uohert Ihln ,
Cli.iile.s ElrUUnuscii
Second U' r l-Georpo A. Holmes , \V II.
Spare John Mlthcnillintii Mlstrand , F1.
P. Bclinuw. isl F. UohrcrV. . H. ICnephor ,
It. T lDldlilrn , John TJ Templeton , John
Third Vaiil-P T-icy , A. . C Orahani , F.
W. bpotnun. I imnct Tiuloy , MK ISloeii.
Anton Rink. V Ouiinouilc , 1 > .H. Mack.
Fourth Warcl-G MI-BO Wise , B Tontilli-
per , 0 \VliMuiin , , r. J , Slica , C AVe loy , '
J. \ Chuichill , C K. titchell , Thomas
Fifth IVnrd-J P. Steplicnsoii , M .
Mai-shall , N. O'Drien , Henry N u tt , WUtutii
MoviU , AV 1) . llardinV W Uotics
SuthV.irdClidrlpa \ CfiwesVillinm
EMWIS , RT IMumpford , Wisol'nyne , Henry
iV caumn was held on the Island nml two
dclegUe.schosen , but ov\lng to thodlfllculty
lnB-cttIn cornmunlratlon by telephone their
names could not be learned.
Pine iiitcilor dec'cratimHosey , k Jensen.
F shlonable wool suits nncto liy Mw , L.
Simmons , ftofT ) ; silks , f * totlU.
J" . 0. Tlptonical , estate , C27 Broadway ,
\Vall \ paper atLosey & Jensen's UPeailst ,
F iibtio.
1 Tlicro Isan air \\eiiiinosson \ tlio part of
the ptiblic\vhohnvohcard nnd reheard the
various iihasosof tlosulioob board war until
tboycau almost Blnp them. It seems , however -
over , that these dhectly Interested uio not
tired oC mnuj vain i-cjiltitions , ami tluro is
still much tnlU Tlicro U n growing scnLl-
inont to Iho effect that if these who tire so
anxious to throw the superintendent over
board arcalilato da so they should quit tallc-
Ine and gv to throv liiR Win our. I they can
not accomplish whit they desfri ) then let
tliow sit clo\vi a > Jl tly andbldo thoirllino ,
The attempt to run a thai sjsteraof school
Bovernmcut is evidently a failure , and u tlio
superintendent U lu i > osso3slou ttiort Is a
1 f rn
strong claim foriillrfvlnfihlm roaceaolo pos
session until auclnrtlmo in those who want
him out liltUpon'Aono practical \vny of doing
Atn H.rnrwu ten Is prepared to cto cutting
nnd lltthiffiit Ji'on lY , ! Harrison t , unclean
furnish u llrat class dressmaker to go out by
- - '
Stcrago reasonable. J.U. Snydcr , Penil st.
Dr. EiiiieynosoamUliimt , , Boo Llilg
Amount the Churches ,
Twctitynlnth Stfcot Mission 1'rcacliliiK
at 7.10 p in. by7illl \ un lllood Sunday
school ! ) ] ) in.
Bcrean BnptldfcThoio will boproaehlng
nt 10 ! K ) a. in iuiil : D p. in. bj Her. A.
Jacobs. ! 5 indny school ill 11 i" > n m. All
nro invited
TlioUrouiwny M L3. churcli eonirroRation
willhivono puaehliiK nt the Masonic temple
loOn ) , Seiitotntier 81. Sunday seloolat L'4
in. us usual.
licilvtil meetings will bo bold ciery won-
Inp this veelr at the Herein llaptlst clnpol
Stnugcrs will bo ospoc.Milly welcome. iCcv ,
A. laeobiis the prcu-hcr ,
Vomit ? JIoii's Chilstlan association , Met- ,
limn block. Mrv. \ . S. bhclclon of the
Oinahu nssocintlon will Icul the .VOUIIR moil's
meeting tomoirow nt 11) ) in. All men of the
city Invited to attend. C'oino ' and enjoy tin
hourof .soiif ? and short talks.
l-'lrst I'Viisbvtorlnn Cornerot AMUovvavo
nuo and Seventh sticct ; llov. bteplicn Plielps ,
pastor. rrcnihliiK bv tlio 10 10 a
in. nncl T W p in. Babbith school at 13 tn
Vounp pvoplo mocllnf ? nt tl :1i ) p. in. Strang
ci-s mid others coivlmlly Invited.
Congi edition ilServices mo nil up nml
evening. Preichlnjbv the pwtor [ oiniiiB
subject " ( Jentlcnoss. " KIIMUIIR : "The
N'onrnossor Ciol. " Youiiff 1'coplos Soilctj
of Christlui 13iuluii\or \ iitii''iO p. m. Tlieso
services nro Iico and ull ciio coidiallj wel
Soeond Pie > bvtcilanSerlccs nt fin. in
conducted by l'L. * . Ilnyilcn Subject : "llnvo
\VcOutHiovviitlieHiblcl" continued from
last Sabbith. Some piaeticnl tlioiiKliti ol
atlidsin consilci'od Sutidm' school att
iiveiiiiiK servlios at 7 0. I'rajcr nirctins
antl hlbloiiMidliiK A\cdiicsila.vcveiiln \ sit7t : : ( )
All Cliiislliin peopH urj'Cil "to attend lor ono
l * n t IDiptistclmrch , near postoHk-e , D. II
Coolcy , pi tor "Harvest Homo" will bo
ohscivetl by llio ohurch. An nupropiinto
sorinon l > r the pus tor at 10(0a. : ! ( in At7"0 : : !
i ) . 111 rccltitlons aulsliigltiK by tlio children
rho house is lieniillful'j dotoraUil btlio \
various prill us , fmlts and llovors , Allcoi-
dlallj welcome 1 Sunday school 12 111
ChrUtlanllndcivorG.itUp. ni
Dr , Biinoino-o anil thioatIco ! bldg ,
AVIll llcccil'tcr Ue Puiil l > j tlio
Coiinlj CoiiLinNHtoiicij.
The clock In the cominksioiers' room bad
not finished striking the hour of two whnu
Ubjilnnan AiulersoT called the ro/i'n r Snt-
urdaj moitmi.'to orier. Ml of the inembera
we re present , anil the atidicnco was entei-
tallied foi half an hour whllo Clerk Webb
icadthe minutes of sonio previous meeting's
Foi constiuctnigthe two cisterns at the
county hospital llura wcia Jour bias. Jens
Jensen bid * 8OOJ for tlio entire job. P. L
Rectes A Co. , bid All perliticil foot : MiGnv-
ocki Dailv , . < ! 0. JO.Corbyl.ljnmlB. . J
BrenuaiiJtO 1 Inordei toasceitiiii which
was the lou-eit bid , all of tlio bids \vcic re
ferred to the cotnnnttcoon construction arid
the count ) suncyor ,
A number ofcltt ns uiidoistoodthnttheio
Is a strong probability that tkcia will soon
bo avacanc-y Inthocniccof coist.ible In the
Ninth ward of thu dtv ct Omaha Tbocitl-
/ens iskcd tint "Wlthim El Sinill bo ap
pointed , nud the inittor wasufeiiod to tlio
judiciary committee ]
A petition asking for the ienio\al ofS , . " 0
yards of from the hill near the Oiiihun-
u olii Benson place was refcircd to the com
mittee on roads.
Constable tsinllej presented his resignation
as constible. whtilr was referred to the com-
inittcu onjudlclnr
. . ' liooanl of other
.T.l'hipps a immoer pro
hibitionists joined forces and ivroto the corn-
nnssioiieri a letter of three pages. They
stilted tliat attho coining Xo\cnibcr election
the prohibition amendment besuhmittcl
to a vote of the people. \ie\vorthlsfnct
they stilted they A\cro afraid theuvoulil not
getis imro ileul in the count of the votes
ami naked tint Iho commissioners appoint
one prohibition judge and one rcgistiar of
election from tlio told -vvater part } . Xhat no
mistakes may bo made , they tent In a list of
names torn which to select tko judges
. ' . .
ferred to the judiciary committee and
thomcrnlors will comerwlth tlio county at
.A number of the people who have from
tinioto tinio appeared bofoio the coroners
juiyn.s vltiic'ises ' nt inquests asked lor their
fees The requests , as usual , \vcro rcfurrcd
to the couiniittcc on } udlciaiy.
llho bonds for fuiiiisliiiicr coil , doing gral-
ing and piiiitlng tlio hospital \voro presented
Uho followinR gliding estimates wcro pie-
sented nnd nliovccl : Knight Itrother.A ,
Bnincs ,'iOi ' ; James 'l.iylor , Slr > tl.r > l ;
Henry b'inaWn ' , SiiJOS ; 1HI .Johnson , 81,1 > .7 ! > ,
same , S. % . : } ) , O O.uis , c-jWH : same , Knight Biotlicrs i Ihriics ,
Iho final estimate , SJ.OOloa , for paving
Thirtieth street toA.mcsnvciiuo , was idlowiii
andortluecl plicedon the ne\t approiuiation
Mho elitm of D. Van Httcn forfiJVi.fO was
rejected Tills wmn chlin for costs inn case
of the state vs Vnn Kttcn. Vnii Kttuu AV.IS
beaten and then asked the count } to nij' the
costs ho hail Inclined.
] n tboinattci'ofcariwts Corthocounty hos
pital , the bid of Orchnid was decided to bo
the lowest and ho \ \ as nirurdcd tlio contract.
.TucltfoShlclds presented his quarterly 10-
port fortho quaiter Hiding .Hino . ' 50 , ISO ) ,
wldcli Mas approved , llio uport shons the
following :
Amount of f p ccilloctid ( l.-l'-OTO
E-\iuiicIltures | lV ! ( ! iO
llalnnco j lV)00 )
llaliinuu luovlous muricr : .M7.k8
Totalbitlancu In JuOjo's hands . } 400R3
Tlio account between the county and the
city was presented , afceptedaml placed upon
the minutes Tlio aciount .slums that on
Julyl , li'.K ' ) , the county owed the city 810 , .
tn'J ' j.i for fjradliiRViirious strooLs
'llio dlsnosltioti of tlie auoiititbroueht on
a hot ; uir of wds bctveon the flialriiim
and Alr O'KeofTc , In vliieli they roJirrccl to
euck other In terms more forcible than ele
lj ! * resolution the county ilorlc was niithoi-
i/scd to adveitlso for liiils for thourcclioii of
nnlco lioiiHoancl aliriik stable atthecounty
poor farm. Illds'ulll lo opened on tialurilur.
October ! . i
Mr. OlCecffo IritttSdiucd a resolution tint
all jnrori anil witnesses is ho ha\o \ appealed
before the coionerfroiii tinio tollinobo paid
tlielr fees.
Jlr. llerlln ai'Hued that Mr. 0 ICeclTo liml
no right to propo > .o the lesolutiou , an ho
voted on July 15)against ) iillowlnj ? the feis.
The record wiw uMiinlnod and It was found
that Iulin vns 0rroct.
Mr. Uorrlgaii igot to the fi-ont nnd
moved tlio ivconsldeMtion of the
vote taken ou.Tuhilfi und introduced a reso
lution tlinihr tort hut | iropoil by Wr.
OlCceffi ) . Thu vuuwas | ( talreii und byaunim-
iinoiiH inilonty tliirresiiiution win adopted
AftorilismltiK'l | the appi-opihtionsheets
tlioboaid adjourned till toinonow niomlnniit
lOo'cloclc , at which time limit tutioii will betaken
taken on A'oss JJrotliors'liond , the parties
who Uaio thoconUuctfor lulntinir tlio uos-
pltal. _
Dr. llli'iicvi nose ami throat , LJoo blil ; , ' .
Itunrd nl 1'iibHuVorkH ,
At a. nicotlng of thu boaitlof public woiks
held yestcrdiy nftornooii tlio bonr > l toolc no
tion In one of the old curbing contracts , On
July 21,1S , tlujcnntiiiot for rurDlng T\vcn-
tj sccojul stixot iilth lloroi Hiindstonoius
uwurclcd to J , K. Klluy ut 7.1 cent ! per llncil
foot. OiiiiiKlo the tloliiy in grading , the curl-
Inghiisiiovir bocu put doiui. Ulnco that
duto the pilco of curbing bus dropped 11
cints | Kr lineal foot , lluoontly \ . 11 I over ,
to whom ICiley luilgncd bin contract , inaclo a
demand on the bmril. linking that tlioy bo
allowivl to I'oinplcto tliu wurlc contractoii for
liyHilcy. VoHUrdavllio Iwiird dccliled that
KIloy'hioiitiui'L luicl lupsi'd , and that bin
assignee hus no dalmoii the city ; but to bo
BUR- , the board \\lll ask the cltjuttciuoy for
alegul opinion.
Tliu folloMlng ntlnmtvH uoro nllo\u'd : h ,
II , Towur AUo.i'onMiuctlinr , bitvurln Tllr-
ty-llfthPamain from Dodge to Thirtv-slxlli
street , thencx ) to Spilng ( trect , e7iOU.8l , ! ;
ICnlght , llros RraJIng Dodge street , from
Lone aietiuo to the Uelt , S4)03rll ) ;
Bnrae , KradliiKUodKO street from ( Jrove to
t , ITO.W.
Dt * . Ulftioy , nose and throat , Dee bUlg.
Tlie Contnict A\vnnlr \ a to C. AVr rl-
At last night's inecttiif of tlio board of edu
cation bids for the erection of a one story ,
foui-rooni "bilck school on the high school
grounclsiveroorieiicd , as follows ,
C M. 1'artrldgo , M,9S7 , ; J. T. Olchiltie ,
* , HO ; Arthur . < c Hcrde. , . , UiO ; Wntt.t "VS'nl-
Uice , * . , 'p 0 ; Ste ellsoll & Dougliut , tri uO ;
loiter \ Smith , $ .1,073 ! Jacob .Meyer & Co ,
$ jM'J , ; Meyer Brothers , $ . - > , CO'.t ; Onmlu building -
ing company , STil.'O ; Iliunllton niothcis ,
$ --,111. ,
On motioitof Mr Stnldlngthocontract vas
avardedto 0 \ \ " . I'artildg-c , the vote staml-
Yen Habcodc , CoiiRell , dlbbt , McConnell ,
Poppleton , Itces , KnaldlngVeidcr \ S
Kny-Uoburn , Monlson , Points. Smyth ,
President Cioodman . *
Absent nnd not \oting \ Kelly anil Maitln
Iho snoclal co nmilttce reported in fivorof
UiccstablHlimontof anoriml school in the
eitj. piovidlii ( ? it Is established on upropor
basis. Afteisonio ( ils.usslon the report % \as
referred back to the cointiilltoo , the supeiln-
tcmlciitof Hclioolsnndtlio attoinoy for their
ItncsLiLMtion , mid Unit a report bo submitted
ntthe next iiicotiiig , vhiclnvill L > o licld ono
week from toinoriow night
Leo Kstollousroelected attorney for the
boird for the ensuing \car \
lly aiinanlinousvototho board acc'cptctl an
ttitltatlon tonttcml the e positloii In a body
nc\t XVcdncsiiny crening.
Dr. lllrney , uo e and thronl , Bee
3tiijii\'ji : : ; "oP ins
Allluclc IllllH .Alan's ' l' | ioi'icnoc innn
Oiiiiilin I > lic.
A l.ilnrhif ! man named .Tciry Tompklns , ir
rhcd fiom the lllaclt Hills ycsleriliyith
§ 73 in his pocltct. Aftei taMiig a good
supper nud fccvcral glass's of beer
he stirtcd cut to inspect the
toiiph lesortsof Oniahu. In loss than 1111
hour houiipearcdat the police station and
unnouncud tint lie had been robbed of all the
money ho hid , and a Nonunion Capitol a\o- \
Jitie , hcsaidhicldonotho , job without cicn
taliliiK his poc-lictboolt out 01 his pocket.
AMitlcl.0 Avasin the phco she hud slipi > ed her
Innd Into his pocket nnd unclasped his
pocket book , which i\as asmnll , snip-shut
concern , and lellcyodhlm of his toll ot bills.
Tlie womnmvus iiriested and placed In Juil
A Veteran 1'ress
Mr. Cliarlc ? Sto\vc \ , Hie KCIICIM ! press agent
of the great Barnun & lUilcj shows , is In
thocltjlooldng after the intcrests of his at-
tiactlon 1'iobnbly no man now engiged in
the active llfo of a inoss agent fora citj of
tents has hid so vniied an C'cpciienceas
Clnrlcs Stone. Ilo Ins been piin tor , editor ,
Jieivbiiapcr correspondent , traveler , cvploicr
and ad\anccc-ouilcr \ for thcleading shows on
this side of the \v iter Clever , entertiiining ,
full of reminlccnco of olden times , ho is , one
of the moot ciiteitnlninir men now on the road.
Dr. Biriiey cures uitairh , Ieo ! bldg.
He Slapped a
A tough named JohnLoury was arrested
last night for slapping a icspetUblo lady in
the face on Xorth Tenth street.
The Young People's Society of Christlin
15udea\or of this city will hold a union meet
ing and social in tlio l'irst llaptlst church on
Tuesday evenin a , September iJI ! , at 7 n. The
excellent ] ) ioxr.itiitiio which Ins been pie-
pirou ill Ijo followed by lefreshnicnts. All
"young People's societies are cordially in
A. South Omaln commission firm , of wlilch
" \V H * . Deiinj is the , AMScsterday sued
by.Tei-cniiabWinslovt for j'l/jadSH.
Through Silas Koblins , , the colored men of
the citj applied to the fedcuil court voitcr-
diy foi a wilt oriiuDcis coipus for 'lill , the
colored boy who is held lu bondage by tlio
Wlleifordsof ITillmoio county.
W. W. Cox will address tlieoiin \ ? people
at Trinity JlethoJist Bpibional cluirch this
cioniiiR on "As You Soiv , so Shall You
Heap. " A most cordial invitation is extended
tobotholdand jouiip Scits free.
Uldci Manou Holes of Lincoln will preich , corner Capitol
luenuoandTwcntioth street , both morning
and evening Suiidaj school at 9 SO n in.
Young People's Society of Christian Un-
iliavorat 7 p. m.
Excelsior lodse , ICo. 110 , Ancient , Free
and Accepted Masons wilt celebrate the 1s-
ulnp of the omaiitlpation I on at
Ooodilch lull toinoriow c\cning. \ The col-
oicd iicoplowlllhavocntiio chaige ofthoen-
tertainiueiit , Ancxcclleiitlitciary nnd inusl
ul programmes will be rendered
Trinity cathcili-al , Capitol nvenuo and
LlgUtccnth street , Very Itev. OH. Gnrdner ,
dc.m. Holycoininiuilon atS n , in. , morning
payer , litany ami sermon ab 11 a. in. , Sunday
school at U l" > p. m , childun'.s service at I l' "
p m.cvonliiK iJiiiyei.indsoruioii utT.I'i p.
in The dcm will pieach botu niornlng nnd
c\oniig. \
Tlio Inquest over the icinalns of A , F.
Thompson , who died nt tlio Merchant * .
Thursday night , losultcd in \erdictofdeith
fioni heart falluio , tlio postmoi to m shoving
the heart to bo in a veiyvuak condition.
'Jlie icinains vvcio foiivanled last evening t *
Ottava , 111 , in accoid.incowlth instructions
tclcginphedby a brother of thodcccasicd ,
Dr , I3irnoy , no&oaud throat , IJco lclj. ) !
Bloom licld , the- terminal town of the
Itumlolplioxteiibicm of tlio Oinulin i.iil-
uaylstbo best comuieroial cciiti-o in
nortlioi'ii Nobin&kii.
Tickets at lowest r.itoa and superior
iiecoiirtiiod.itiona thu great Hock
Island route. Ticket otlico , 1002 Six
teenth and Ftiiininiritreotb , Oraahti
Via tlio AVnbash I ton to ,
OnSoptomlicr 0,2.'J ami October 1-1 tlio
Walmh will soil round tilp tickets to
points in To.vis , Arkaiibiii , Tonne oo ,
pn , r ouisiiuiu , Aliibanu , Gcor-
( 'la and I-loridi iitlfuTt PJIIO , good for
80 dajb. Uouwinber tlioYiibusli Is the
quickoHb route youth and South tU \
Koellniiif ' , C'liuir and I'ullinnn Buffet
blcoplng'L'iirsnn all Lialn.s. Only
15 hoius to St. Iiouin ,
2j " " CluitlnnooL'a ,
40 " " NovvOrlftitiH ,
10 } " " NowVoik ,
witli coiiuHponclln List time to nil
points South and. east , For ticket sand
lull Information in rerriird to routes ,
for a cop * , of tlio Southern Homc ceKors
Guide , call atlhorabish \ Ticket OlhVo ,
1502rarinm strocl , Omnli.i , or write G.
N. Clay Ion. North western
, Oiiiiihu , Neb.
AiiK'ilon VH.
the Tnins-Atl.mtli1 steamer , at
lliits Eoiibon o ( thoyear , wifely lands Iho
worn anilvotu \ led traveler oiicomoio in
Nruvv Y"oik , tlio returni'd Amcileaisot- )
ties down to liuHinosH iiftorhlH lnrooun ! |
intuit in the Hi in Iwliof that ho has ifeen
it all. Hut the truth is Unit our nvn
( , 'riind couutryiri nlliurvuiy host inSsp-
toinlor and Ootobor. Foioi n aiti.'its
linvoiloclarediiK'Jiiii und iijiuiu thntUoy
never behoWbuch { fcot'trootiB Uu/.cs of
color In JinyeoimtiyiiHls wltnus'iod ' along
the line of the TJuion Pacillo in early
, ' ' is olaUtlr-tt
autumn 'i'hcro a inlnyllnK -
Is iiiiulancl \
btibtllo and delicuto Hliades of color.
Swilzorliind liah no sconciy aa inujct > V i
as C'olorado ; there ia iiota wiitorfall In
Huropo which can corona 10 with hltos-
Hhoiio , or a river \vhlcli tlirills ono aa
ilooa the Coluinbin , Ono dip over the
Union Piuifltioutt oif1m ajaarof ultrht-
Mining inUuropo whonltcoineBto amut-
. tor oltioblu natuial scenery ,
GOAL , : *
J < i
N"ow is the Time to Buy Your Coal of v1 '
Thatcher , 114 Main St .
Tlie "best proclu.ct of tlie Lchigh Valley ,
Best Iowa Eastern Western ,
Summer Mining. LOY Prices.
I-I , A. COX , Western Sales Agent ,
Ilonin SeoUers * IX
The M iisoui 11 ' : K Hie Ha i l\uiy \
on Sopt. ! ! J nml Oc'l. 14 will soil tickets
t pointsIn ) .AiUaiwiy , Toxi ; , Tolincsic'o ,
Mibslssljiiil , I.on ikltinsi , Al.ibiLin.1 , Oor-
'ia and lloi-idii nt ono fare for tin-round
trip. For fuilhci1 informilion I'Jill tit
tiuifct ollloe , N. H. corner Hlh and
riiriunifOi' sit depot , lth and Wobstor.
J. O I'nil.iai'l'i ' , Tires KConi'itiA' ,
A G. I1. c\rl' . A i . & ' 1A. .
To MOIIV Citj Com I'atacTiind llolurti
Tlio Uhlotu'i ) , SI. Pnul , Minneapolis .t
Oiniihii lly. ( depot loth uiul WcKtui st. )
\yillnuin \ special trjilu fiom Oinalu to
Sioux Citj aiut rcliirn Sunday , Soploni-
bor 28 , and Suiid.iy , October " ) , losulnpr
Omaha at S , i m , ,11111 ! retui'iilni ? Icavo
Slouv. C'ity at" p , in. One faioforlho
louml trip , T. AV. Tl VSDM.H ,
ll' Agt ,
1 lie \Voild li ) ) JMovo.
And < o do the uloffnnlly apiolnlctl |
trains of the llurllii toii route. By this
favoiitollnesclocled by the U S. gov
ern mciit to c.irry ilio fast niiil , jou have
llio choice of three daily ti.iins for
rhlciifjo and llio east , two' for Ktinsas
( "itjiuid the south ; tuo for DcnveiMiid
lliewet-t ,
Tlio lliirliiiifton ICe 2 1'ast Ilxpicss ,
vesllbulul throughout , equipped with
oleauib Pullman oats fuiiiiblieditli \ \
well ' elected liTjurics , rccliiiiiifj chair
cum ( brills free ) , and dining car leives
Omaha UO p in.arilvos Chicago 8 a.
m , , serving1 bicivljast bofoio avuval ,
No. 0 , the fafat mall , Icivea Omaha
! > : lOi . in , arilves Chicago ! p. in. , equip-
in oiil and dining- cur sorvlco up to the
liighcst stsindiiril liclcot olllco , 1223
Faimunl.V. \ . lValll \ ajoiit
Ifyouinantto locate in aconilng * town
you can't missit lij solectin ; , ' HloonilloUl.
\Vrilo.Tolin ! ' , Peavoj , Slouv City , In. ,
for piirtlcuUiij of town lot ale ,
Tlio D.unen scetion of the Omalin
Tuuiveielii liold their second uniiUer-
sarj in ( Jarficld liitUrodno \ \ dny , Sopt.
lit. ad Gcimanlti lull Is now being ro-
paiicd. at .Amendment licad-
aunitcrs23daiul 21th.
" \ \ f TIT
Js'otico Miss 'iVn ncis' 1C.riUrd ! ,
president oC the AYorlcl's ' Women's ' Chrib-
tian Tempo ran co union , Avlll address tlio
ladles of our city at tlio V. M. C. A. ball
on S.ituidny. So ptumlx < r 27 , at ; ii > 0 jim. ;
und on the following ovcnltig , Sunday
28th , at 70 : ! ! , at Anienclmont licadquar-
turt , Doug-Ins street. Willspoalc to the
piilillc sencially on the all-iib oibing
political question In our pending elec
tion. Mss Anna Gordon tbo ' 'Chil
dren's Deliprht" irillgivoonoof her in-
imilnblo talks to tlio little ones at
Amendment on Sunday
aftcinoon , September 28 , at t o'clock.
No urging , uo aio confident , will bo
needed to insure crowded audiences on
3Ius. WATSCTX B. Svirnr , Pics't.
Mltb. G. AY. CiAHK , Sec'y.
Of "Buikiiigluuu" Union.
CIt j
tun !
From September 21 to 27 , " limited to
September 2S to return. The Missouri
Pnillie lallvvaylll \ fell tickets at ono
faro for the round liip fiom Omalui to
Kansas City. For fuithcr informition
call at the olliccs n. o. oornor 13th and
Faiiuuii , or depot , loth and Wtbstei t > ts.
J , O. I'un.LiPl.A. 0. I' , it K A.
TllOS , F. ( iouiltic-i , P. & T. A.
X Veil Known Artist.
Mr. Dffigbt P. Dojden , wlio is well
known iisotioof our pioniMiigAmeiican
artlbts le&iclciit in Paiib , hub ken \isit-
iiifj in toA-ii for f-oino tlinupu t , Ilo has
been a impilof tlio einlnoiil ai'tUts Jules
Lo Fobu-o , Iloulmgcr , and for a tliort
tinio nt Bonnat's acadomy. Mr. Hey
den's work lindbioadviu'cepUini'o ut the
.salons in Pailanil Munich and receives
thomoit favoralilo coinmtnt of the host
journals ; and this year his work has
been Helectod for Iho oxhibltioib atMin-
nuapolisancl Chicago. ,
Jlr. Llninger lias oxprcs-cu liis desire
to have Mr. lioydon moot the \\rcslorn
Ait association , and it Is honed that
some tin tin gomunts cm boinatlo tohrinj , '
a iiumbjr "of this sutiht's pictures to
Omaha to Conn an exhibition , the merit
of which vv ould bo a i evolution to the o
of our in.oplo who ha\o not visited the
"reat ait gallorics of Ilurope , and on ac
count of Mr. Hoyden being an Amor-
lcm , finch nil ox lilbltion would bo doubly
interesting. _
A CSmiirt IJutorf
Tlio iieoiMoof N'ubiaskn nml Iowa can
notull'oiil tomihs the Sioux City corn
palace festival for IfeW , Septemhorij to
Octoboi 11.
In addition to Iho palace , which is
gr.mdci than over , ami tutisthiljj ilec-
orated with llio torn nud Kindled plants
. iU'ultui-al
poptobcntinff the gr.mdevl ti
coimti-i.'ia the vest , thoioaroto lie tin-
posing Btreit iiigotmts and dolighlful
ooncorts encli day and c\onlng. ito-
d mod i ales and special tiaa ! torvico on
thoH. C. &l . 13 11.
Gencial I'asbiiiger Afjout.
n Ki ilXi ful > rci H I * Siunxiir Vlic I'ros
CHAIIIKS II ltA\\ANaMlllir. (
Of Council Bluffs ,
DIUKCTOKH-I. A Miller. P.O. Olcnsoii , i : . K
Slimurtpi : . K Ilitit- ! I ) IMininuliim. < hiirlM
tMlanmii rruntict ucneral liiinkliiK liuwl-
HOP lar o t caiiltul and niiplus uf uiiy
bniilc IiiSonthwoHtfrn lo a.
F , M , ELLIS & CO. ,
-And 23alUlinic Siiperlnlen l nt .
iiiiliO nmlt.HIIco Iliulilliin Oiuuhn.Ni-li ,
niiil KOIIIUS 211 iimr.'Jil Merrliini Illiwk , Con u ell
la , Corrvinondincu Mllcltiil.
UAN1I.O-Dining loom l ut 1WT houtli
I Main st roil.
T 0-T-rioin\uiUim btlntM > n Crjslal Mills
-1 i nixl policesatliin. .iiloiilili-bpcTitoilsii K , bltit Jluei at 10v\ml If loft lit uollvu
Trrioil's \ l7i : Olll ( ) do k ami sudi In food
- rondltlmi Ai ] | > ly toti < 'o 1' . 1'helps , post-
otllce. Onlineil Illtiili
1'or Kent 1'iiriilihcc.lroom Apply to.Mrs.
J. Lyiiiiin , ( WJVillov \ intiuii' ,
" 1JWU IUNT-1'onr lomni tintiu iil-licd ; also
furiihlicd looms Cli ( < i | > . ) 15 .N Slain st.
1 JOOM" forrcmt In su Hour biniilo 41.J-uii < h
J P.lglitli stieot.
" 1710U OMliii n--tJMi ! < Mci , lontBomoi y fo , ,
JKuiisis , veil ImproM'il.
llilltuMcs , C'h'UltiHHliia Co. , Kim. , uoll li.-
ics , Troyo Co
yiliuTc ) < , Coiiuiiiclio C < i , Kanill lniii\- | ] (
UOucroi , Mnrrl * . Cn , ICan 'iMcll \ Imp inuM.
: ; iiuMiLCI. ) . ' i n ( o. Kim. , vt | | iniiiiov ni ,
IWuciei , I'uriias I'd. , Nobi itlcui
: Uiuuiri , Moll I'o.Volinslcii
" 'I ' iiens , Miihlunboij * Co. , Koiitni'lvv , ni 11
linpioviih < ! ( ir.
IblaciK.ill Improved ; Alciiiia I'd. , Mlchl-
KIII , ( -lull.
ll.icr "i , I5os ro.,01itoi i-loir. \\lll \ \ Ir.irto
Mthoi 01 nil for mi'ii huti'lKt ' ? or ulti lir ) iicitv
( 'leaf hnd In toni1 anil Itii i iv Po , Mo ,
< 'iruiwrv Iiit'lijiiiiiiiilIc-KliisitU'ii. | | . linn
JI'-nO. ' M niitiiiiii ! iu5tc . CJctU ) tlio fiunt I
111" Klul's IIU'1 |
liiK. < ! Itnul wiv. ou'llp'eil bvilruii slorr-
Aiplv | tolloo r. IMiclp .inoiicy o'lilcr < Icuni t-
nun , polollHc , C'oiini-11 Illuils
"TjlOH lIKNT-Piiiiilslu-il pallor mill bodiooi ion
* sullo fiotit iiionisl ANo
--on slnsle locuu
a nil bouses. J R. Hiv Idsou. Wi Klflh a-\c ,
plOll ili'iiiRO 111 liuslnc-s vU | soil stoilc ot
atadi-.coiiiit.lf .iild \ \ itlilii iu\r : todays ln-
voloo iiboiit J.,500 Ailliollc'u ! ) ( ciDK-f ,
"T710H t-\l \ < R-rinostruihr ( < l hn-d toiin. hy ,
- - ? yurs old , mitc-litil. l.nily i un
flrlvii t bein ; city bniKc : III nut sli\ \ . O ill at
: i'.IS Miliist..Cinull IthillN. I L. . 1'iU-e '
ClIANPnof illfillinc N ' \\l-rooin liouso.
besldw billi : lint and cold wattr all
tliroiitfbi f urn 100. pis : uul oliclrJc lUht l'c r
saloon usy teinis.Un lonrl li , ivi > unn Mnok
fiom mnlur. t\\ \ from postolllco. \ \ , W. llU-
K < TM , ! I'l irl at
"OOU IinNT-llolcl .lame-son nil ( urulslic'cl
. _ ! _ ' rossibiloiulven Octiibtn-1 rorlnroiuui-
t lonnddiess Mm tloduntopr , 01 Uhrls ri tiinl > ,
"O OIl PVLK-Tlio Homo IteM m rnnt for into
J- on cisy linn' . . L'li jinu-t | ioi > ulit plucc In
tlicclty r- . VSeolt. \ .
"fjl OIl SU..E nr Rciic-Oardni Iai K wltli
- - ' bouses , byJ. 1. Uloo IDi Ahlu 6t , Couiiotl
"V\rilYiiy | rent Nvliun von fan liny a liomoori
TI tliosuiioluriiii , und In is aw of your doitU
atimy tlmo lojvo jour family tliu homo Uuu
onthu fullowln , ' tonn-i :
Aliotncworlh ilWJ ( utti : pcrinontli.
Alionwwoilli il/iH ntH )
Aliomo worlli 4 ,01) ) ati.'l
Aliotnoworlli J.1,00 utill
Aliotno worlli iM,0)J ) sitiB i.orinonlli.
Other prlco I IIOIIIM on llio miac term * ? . 'Tho
almvo moiitlily piyinunl ? Incluclo prlnclpil
andlutorost. Tor ( nil mitlculiirs c.ill on or ,
addrosslho.riidd A Wells Oo , b3J
Ooiiiiclllllnlft la.
Surgical Institute
Private Hospital ,
Cor , Broadway and 2Oth 55 ts , ,
COUNCIL Itr.itrs , Inn A ,
I'or t liclrc.ilincnlof allsiujlual anil clironlu
dlsi'asos.ind diseases nflho Imiod.
I'rlvnlo ( Hscisi-sof tlio iirlnu-y and OMial
orsuiH.iis syililll | , .is strict tin1 , oystlt Is kpcj
m ilorrnhoa- lust nmiiluml. soxiuil Impute in u
\\tMlnicsitionlPil siicL'osstullv.
I'.it tliuliirnltoiitlou ] iill todlscisoH f the
IIIIIRS , us Aslliiiin. Uoiisiiiniiiloii. Ilioncliltf"
c'lt.nrli , ntf I'unlj'Hls1 , Kldnoy Illsuuscs us
1 Hi IshfuDlsoasi' . Kliciliiinllsiii.NlCS
Cini'or , Vurlocolo Hydiuuclr.DroiHy. Tumor ,
of HIM l.yo and i ir ( lubluot ,
bi > lnil Oil i vulii round iillctlscisc'sof tlio lumen ,
\\o \ \ liuto u dopiirlniont dOMiloil cxuliiilvcly
totho trout incut oll'tcrlno DHUIISO and f rcclrQni
olmc'rviillon. - >
Uoiiospoiidcnc'o conJldont tal AiWiessi
Surgical Ijjslitiilc and Private Hospital ,
Cor. llruadMtr undZOtlibts. Council Illufli , In.
Tall Meeting , Octobci 7 to 10 ,
oeroitiit :
SUPiiio-l'ur-o. snoo
y-jc'iir-olil "IrottliiK MiiUo 1CJJ
2 VITrnttlint-l'iibo
- ' .U Troll Inii 1'iiho . " : . . .
: i-joar.old Trott ItmMiUo W
\vr.HN i iA Y , otriounitt ) .
- ' UiTniltliij ! Putin 40 ]
Kuo-roi-All I'rottliiis I'ui-so . . . . WHM
TlU'll ' llUt , UCTOIIlilt lij.
- J TrultlHi ! l' ir o 403
I'leo-l'iir-All I'noliii I'urio ' IM
ricD-l'or-AII , btnllUni I'm-io 501
Nittloniil 'Ihit tIninK'lutlim ! rules to c < -
'tn riilrlviflo'MiiU'tQliiir 4 MaU1 ruci fret ,
MllnLnok. J \ \ IM.KIMllV. rriHlilmt ,
I'liuiu'll UlnlT-i , lowiu
i ulli'diiiinunloitltiiii tn
A II 111 llll . . Scrrntiiry.
Sl'i Ninth Illli M , Oiiuilui , .Vcib.
Council Bluffs & Omaha
II. JJcccroft & Sons. , Props ,
II.\IC.\CE. \ ; \ Ex iQvv FREIGHT ,
thtco tilpi tucry clay c eipl Pu
iuntuntlloo at Iho A , Stewart , nxjircss and
iiv ory 10 , I.VMI HUMUM HI
louiull Illuils olUc-L- , , 'vU llroutlnay. Telo-
lii ntije >
U > ii.\i t'ouiifllllUifliO tiiul 12 a in. and )
] i in. Uniulii , fJu , in , Ji. | in uniljp. in ,
Unlcrs pruiiiptly uttcuUuUUt.