Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1890, Part One, Page 1, Image 1

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Ocmmenis of the London Press oa tie
Arrest of the Irish Leaders.
BlrClitu-lr > f < itiisHcllHny lt _ Mlgtit Well
JIwo 'J'em pled Iho I'coplu to
Vlolriiuuiuifl HciilHtciiuo
Oilier Kx
LoN'nov , Sept , 20. fXcw York Hnrnld
Cable Spedil to TimBKi 1 'Jho prlnclpil
e\cnt of the week hai been the arrest of the
tvo Irhh leaJers , John Dillon nnd Wllllnm
O'Urlcn ' , rJhe London paperd have devoted
columns to this latest move of the I3ilfouu ,
at d , according to their political complexion ,
pronounce Ha masterly coup or imoutr.igeous
lnn Tim Tltnivt nnlnnndcrs tlnit
tlienncsts Invo bosn delajcd so long and de-
clnres that Ills sheer nrfcctatlon to pretend
to shut one's eyes to tlio notorious fact that ,
whatever inly bo their tcchnlcd responsi
bility or otherwise in the actually pending
cases , the defendants now held to
bar have been from the first
tlio ptlnclpil exponents and advocates of
tlio plan of campaign. They themselves nro
tlicir own nccusers ; they glory In their of
fense on every platform they mount , and per
ambulate tlio country openly Inciting the
peasantry of such districts as imy seem good
to them to Inaugurate petty no-icnt wars ot
tlicir own. The Dally News , on the other
band , characterizes the act as ono of stu
pcndous folly , the consequences of which
must rohounl ngilnst the Instigator of the
same. Forecasting the results the liberal
organ says : "Tho Increased difficulty in the
way of the tory government , the incieased
detestation of tint government in Iiclaiid , the
increased unwillingness to believe hi any seri
ous inclination on their part to concern them
selves with any lorncdy for Iilsu
matron , j-iiesu must no uiu nil-
inedlato consequences of this act
of wantonnois nnd folly. Ita further effect
wll bo an Increased demand fora better gov
ernment In England and for homo rulu In
JiehinJ. "
Sir Charles Russell , speaking nta Ghd-
Btone.lto meeting last night , said ho found
that the warrant for the nncstwas executed
undorcircuinstanees which might veil have
tempted the people ID acts of v lolcnco and
icslstanco. IIo coulilnot pronounce a hlr
judgment upon the action of the government
until ho had the full particulars of the al
leged offences before hi in IIo would only
say tint ho was very chary In belief in the
wisdom or ( filcacyof prosecutions In tlicso
days for moro spoken vords. Ho gi catty
doubted whcttiersuch prosecutions scivcdany
usofulobjcct , nucl was certain that In the
past Jlr. Balfour had found that they had not
served any useful object , Tlio Irish people
know that tlicso proiccutlons wore directed
ffainst men who , whcthoi they had offended
nealnst the technical coercion net or not , had
booa actuated "by thanobla and unselfish , pur
pose of trying to bo.tcr the condition of their
fellow countrymen.
"Writing from the southeast of Ireland , a
corrcspoclcnt suj s : "Tho general Impression
bora Is that It Is the letter of the bishop of
Cork which encouraged Itlr. Bnlfourln etTcct-
tntrliU /Mm rTMnf. f"1rineomipnH r na Tnnu
passing through Cork yesterday afternoon , I
called on his lordship at the presbytery.
Ho is a man of gracious and kindly presence ,
and began by an expression of sympathy for
the poor people of his diocese on whom the
weight of famine has mobt heavily fallen.
'As ' to these on the Atl.uitlu seaboaid , fiom
what I have seen,1 I observed , 'tuny ' will
scarcely bo able to subsist this winter , much
less pay their icnts. Under these circum-
stamcs will you expect that no priest in jour
dloceso should encourage the plan of cam
paign1 ! ' .My priests,1 , said the bishop , 'will '
ktiow their duty as well ml , nnd vill doubt
less do it. Tlicso airests aio tcirlble yes
they are ; wo shill never DO at peace until wo
have homo rule.1"
Til i : FJIKMiVBI , .
It Un Very Convenient , Economical
inul DcllK'lit 1'ul Anaii- ,
P ins , Sept. 20. [ Now York Herald Cable
Special to TUG B KB ] The European edition
of tlio Herald publishes an IntcrUcw with
Mormoix about duelling , in the course of
which tlio author snjs : "Naturally I am an
advocateof its existence la Franco an indent
advocate. Ills a moH convenient institution.
It saves immense time , trouble and anxiety ,
and besides , is cheap , which lawyers are not ,
You nro Insulted , or you mny insult seine
one ; yon recilvo or send u chnllcngo ; you
have a pleasant drive of a few minutes nnd
nn excellent good lunch or dinner , as
the case may be , and all is over
Your opponent bean you no grudge , een if
j ou have vvounded him , wheieis , if you hail
gouo to law hoould have continued to ro-
ganl you as his deadliest enemy , even It ho
Imilvvoii the case. Vourlawjer vould have
driven him crazy with cross questions
would have insulted him , called him
names , llo would naturally lay all your
lavjer's sins nt your eloor. 'Then there Is the
expense of lawsuit ? , Mlioy are good for the
rich , but do leave the duel fer the poor nnd
honest. "
llo statcel that although ho Is n poor
swordsman , honour feels ncivous when ho
has n duel on hand , but tbat no alwnjs in
sists on lighting In the afternoon
and on a lull stormch. McimeU
said : "Tho modern duel m > y bo a lomnant
ol barbarism , a vcstigo ot mediaeval trial by
combat and all that , but wo on't consider that
the victor was In the right anel Ids worsted
opponent In the wrong. You sco It is this
way n man's honor is questioned and ho
wipes out the insult la blood , or tiics
to , which Is practically tuo sumo
tiling. Duelling Is pait and panel of
our manners , I , for one , don't wau't ' It to
be eliminate J fioui them. "
In the course of the Interview M. Jfaquct
entered the room and , In reply to n question ,
ho said ! ' 'I don' t want to say an ) th fug now
nbout Boulnngcr , lut this you miy stito If
tlio general uluicks mo , then I will reply , and
tbo do\ll help the hindmost. "
Notes of IJOIH ! onCe
[ Co ; > i/i / to/it ISOOlu Jama Gordon llcnnrlt. }
LONUOV , Sept , 20. [ N'ovr Voile Herald
Cable Special to TUB BLE. ] The cluko of
Orleans' shooting party nt Wood Norton ,
Hveshum , broke up at the beginning- the
week. The young duke went to the
Savoy hotel on returning1 to Lon
don , and it Is there that his
friends will asserablo to say good-liy
onthoovo of his departure for the United
States next week with the Cointo ilo Purls.
Those who know declare that the duke's en
gagement to his cousin uas > been broken often
on account of that jouug lad ) ' 3 lactc of
\\orldly goods. Hero's ' another chance for
tlio Ameiican millionairess ,
. T , 0 , Euston , honorary
secretary of the professional swimming as
sociation , -will commence , on Monday , a feat
that has never before been attcmptcd-n six
days' swim In open water. Mr. Boston's in
tention Is tostaitfor the 1'ollcy bridge , Ox
ford , about S o'clock Monday morning nnd
swim eight hours n ilny for six days In
the attempt to reach TeJdlngton , n cllstaneo
of nlnety-ono miles nnd two fuilongs : Mr.
j'lston , who Is thlrt ) seven ycirs old , has ,
dining the last two seasons , accomplished a
number of notable peiforimnccs In the way
ot longdistance swireinlnK.
Tluio seems to bo little doulit that ,
the iluko nnd duchess of Portland
will mike Ameilcan society Iwppy before1
Christmas. It Is stated that their prepara
tions for the tour anel unforeseen acci
dents wllh keep them from sailing for the
states bcfoio the end of October ,
Mr.Oeoifc'6 Meredith Is credited \\llh the
"Intention of writing a romance in suppoit of
\egetarinnlsin , to which ho has become a
"TJIK J.lllHlt
Mlcliaol I > mlttfl Organ Slakes Its
aniiii aiory j
[ Topi/r/i/HJS3Ufj/ / / ; < l > itltm Ilcnndt.\
LONDON , Sept 20 [ New York Herald
Cable-Special to Tuu BEE.J Michael
Davitt's ' oigan , ttie Labour World , made Its
Ilrst appenianco yesterdaj and was cntluisi-
astically vclcomed by thousands vho have
been cagetly awaiting its appearance. Kcr
Is Interest In this new Journalistic
\cnturo limited to England , but it
cxtonus whcro'ver English speaking men are
earning bicad b ) sweat of their brows. Im-
mcnsrordcis forpapcra have been leeched
by cable fiom America and clbcvvhcie. The
Labor \Voild rciembles the Pall Mall Gazette
In slo and form , with aixtccn neatly printed
pagef , live nariovv columns to the page. Its
snlutatorj edltoiial contains the following :
The Labour World begins Its career at a
tlmo when working mon and women
aio no longer required to beg for the advo
cacy of their Interest In the press. Neverthe
less , we hive the ambition to become of some
service to tlio cause now enlisting under Its
banner some of the foremost nritcis of the
day. Now what docs the nc\v \ progressive
labor movement demand ) Its claims may
perlnps In summed up under three heads :
"I It asks for better and moro democratic
orjan/ation ! of hbor ,
" 2 It demands that to the community , not
lo the landlord , shall accrue that Immense
annual eiiciemcnt duo to general industry
and cnteipilso ,
"Jl It calls foi an cttemlon of state and
municipal contiol anel oirncuhip of such
monopolies as can bo managed by public
bodies In the public inteiost.
"Undei the flist head will come
ndcquate Inspection of all factories and vork
shops by practical vvorklngincn anuwoitcn ,
and reduction of hours of labor whenever
possible. We can scarcely estimate fully the
Imnienso benefits \vhlch people may derive
from shortening the houis of their longand
monotonous toil ,
"Under the second licad will come the
taxation , of ground \alucs to bo applied to
purposes of public Improvement , ana the
nbsoiption by the state of mineral loyalties.
In London alone wo pay this year to grouiul
landlords 15,000,000 merely for permission
to llvo hcte. This hugo sum
is not paid for any value ro-
ccicil. It Is a fine levied on labor and
invention by men who have never raised n
finger to earn It , and which is Increasing at
such a late as to reader Us possessors rich
beyond dieatns ol avarice. \ \ eaitn thus
poured unjustly into prlvato coffers might ,
if put to public purposes , render this
hugo London the most attractive city In the
woilil. The great purposes to - liich
it should bo put are the provision of healthy
elwellings and rational recreation and In
struction for the people.
"Under the third head comes the absorp
tion \mblicbodicsof such Institutions as
maikots , docks , harbors , gas and.watcr and
electric lighting works , railway , traimvays ,
omnibuses nnd other means ot transit.
The public should own these necessary
monopolies and shoulel no longer permit prl
vato people to iniiko rent and prollts out of
them. 'Ihe county or town councils should
immediately control and then own and ad-
ininlstei theseaucl other uselul and neces
sary institutions.
'Suchbioadly , jpeaklng , are tlio reforms
wo advise. "
Hovnrcl Oslori\'H fjoss.
LOS-DOV , Sept. 20. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to Tin'BIF ] As Howard
Obborn was cntertalng'aparty of friends nt
dinner at his le-sldcnce , No. 101 lloulcvard
Pcrlere , hist evening , a. violent explosion of
pas occurred In the bath room on the second
floor. It a minute both rooms adjoining the
bed eh amber wcro In llnmos , and befoio the
lire bilgado reached the place
the entire contents of thico looms
weio destroyed. It was with
no little dlfllculty that the rest of the house
was saved , llesido the furnltuie , valuable
libraryseveral costly pictures and a quan
tity of ] c\voliy \ , a considerable sum of money
In bank notes was destroyed Osborn ostl-
mites Ills total loss , which is partially covered
b. ) Insuianco , at 15,000 , francs ,
Ail I.rroncous Itcport.
LCojij/i / lalil lfX ) liJitia | / ( lonlnii IhniicU 1
1'uusSept. 20. [ New Voik Ilciald Cable
Spcclil to THE BLE ! Tbo following
note has been addressed to the Paris pro&s
from the United States legation : "Several
newspapers have stated that the new consul
general to Pails , ( ion. AdamB. King , having
noticed that apiece of plate was mlssingfrom
his trunks , made complaint to the customs
authorities , who replied that they could do
nothing , as bo himself had stated that ho had
nothlugdutiablotndeclaro. This is altogether
crtoneous. ( leneral King , who respects him
self too much to attempt to smuggle , has
undo no complaint to the customs authorities ,
\\hoconseiiueutlydldBOt reply to him , as
lown nnd Dakota , I'ciislonH.
WASHINGTONSept. . 20 , [ Special Telegram
to TUB DEUIoa : Original 'Ihomns
Sarchctt , AlgonaiJohn C. Coley , Missouri
"Valloj i Thomas J , ICiiinoy , Onsiow , Increase
Andww J , Dison , Newton ; William J ,
Sexton , Sluron ; Thomas J. Itaudnll , Ot-
Cornelius "Waivers , Itcoseau ; Henry Ohler ,
Kewton ; Samuel J. Dalllson , Brdford : Wil
liam " \Vlnder , N"ow Sharon : JcssoV. . ICorr ,
Muscatlne. Original widows , etc , lileaner ,
Avlfo of Da\Id P. Ilutddnson. Allentown.
South Dakota : Oilginal Vronkllu 0 ,
I'lanti , Dudley. Increase HcdryO. Moffatt ,
llrooklngs ; Dennis H , Wentvvortb , Wukotida.
1'iospcctM In
Cnicioo , Sept , eo.-lSpcdal Telegram to
TUB BEE. ] A largo portion of tlio f " 1,000 , , 000
released by the United States treasury dur
ing the past week has found its vvay into Cbl-
cage channels ; bankers are lees conservative ,
money Hews f reo and , as a consequence , there
Is n renewed activity In all transactions , The
week just closed shews a renewal of the old-
time activity , and the prouilso for the coming
ono Is of the very biightcst ,
Cordiality Marki the Parting Ictween tic
Qerman and Austrian Emparors ,
Hint Hinplfc Talc03 tlio Initiative In
Caiiocrlcit Luru *
Action Against
tlio Measure.
( Coj/rf//it } | / /
BE ill ix , Sept. 20. A Rrauil wade of the
tioops engaged in the army mauoouvics wm
hold this morning near Eiclibolz In the pres
ence of EmpeioraVilliam \ and rmucls
Joseph , the kins of Saxony , Chancellor von
CnprUl and Count ICalnoky. At the conclu
sion of the parade Emperor \VillIarn K . \\t- \
crcd the oflkcrs In a proup and addressed
them , commending their effoits In the
field. Ills majesty thanked Emperor Francis
Joseph anil the Mug of Saxony for attending
the jiniuewrcs and said bo hoped wliat tbey
hid seen InJ convinced them that the army
lomnlncd aseftlcient unJer his leadership as
It was under that of Emperor\Villhnri I ,
thus Itiru IshliiR a giinranteo of the continued
solidity and strcngtli of the biotheihood of
arms. lie then called for cheera for the Aus
trian emperor , which wcro enthusiastically
given by the ofllcera.
Emperor Trands Joseph , In his response to
Emperor William's spec.VhsfiUl , ho was proud
of having- ally in command of such troops.
Tno whole operations hud given him special
QOn leaving the field the royal party dro\o
toLiegaitz. The route was lined with locil
associations and the populace iti festal dress.
After taking luncheon at the castle the party
piocccdetlto thorailwiv station , where Em
peror William bade his guests farewell.
Tlipiovm much embracing and kissing ,
Bmiwior Trancis Joseph being especially
cffiiblrc towards Chancellor voa Ciprivl ,
shaking hands vith him repeatedly and wav
ing a good bye. A.S the train departed Em
peror Willhin led the chewing for Umpcror
rrancls Josepli.
General von Capilvi , on his way baclc to
the tastlo , recchod a popular-ovation. Em
peror William , accompanied lj ) Count -von
\Valdersce \ , went by train to Kicsaxi to visit
Count von Moltkewith \\hona they dined.
Tlio prolonged conferences between Gen
eral von Caprivl and Count Kal-
noky , vhtcU have been helil dally ,
have been largely devoted to the
discussion of tlio project of tuoAustrlin ino-
mierfor closer cointneielnl relations between
Germany and Austiia. Ooncnl Ton Ca
privlhas boon in constant communication
\\itliIIeri.Miquel , the Prussian minister of
Scmi-ofllcial Information has been obtained
to tlio effect that Aushla has taken the initia
tive in proposing concerted European action
against tlio McKinley tariff hill. The report
in Paris newspipcn that Prance has been
invited to Join the droibund do not mean a
political league , but a league whoso
object will , bo to take common
commercial refusals against Amoric.1.
The reports , ho\\ovor , wcro eatircly
premiturc. Chancellor \on Caprivl , evi
dently feeling himself incapabloof deciding
tbo complicated questions involved In the
tariff wui. declined to commit Gcrnvmyto
any action before consulting his colleagues.
It is probable tint Count Kaluoky , ainlRibot ,
French minister of foreign affairs , have exchanged
changed views on the mitter , Ofilcials of
the foreign ofllco liero deny that there has
beca anycommuntatton with the French
government on the subject since the over
tures of Hlbot thereon wcro allowed to drop.
Herr Mlqucl Is opposed to any meas
ure tending to increase the cost of
necessary articles of food. The taxation
reforms which ho is preparing draw upon the
resources of the monled classes and do not
touch thofooJot the people. Tuo spirit of
his policy Is in the direction of reciprocity ,
not retaliation 1C Chancellor Caprivl Is
guided by his collcijuea , Germany's ' assent
to join Traneo , Austria and Italy in a zoll-
veicln against Amciieaus will never bo given.
Tlio Vienna press , which Is more exercised ,
over the tariff question than are German
papers , discusses the advisability of retaliat
ing by placing a general European ban upon
American products by refusing to protect
American patents and various other methods
impossible for countries hwliig Important re
lations -with the United States.
I'.nipcior "William's visit to Ylcnni is now
fixed forOctoher 1 , when the confcicnceswill
bo resumed. The inteivlows at Kohnstoek
bn\o notrosulted In any arrangement for a
meeting between the Austrian emperor and
the czar , which \as piojectcd by Emperor
"William Dlplomitio advantage hi the
meantime appears to depend upon Austria's
obtaining assurance of German suppoit in
the Balkans.
Prince Bismarck , through tlo Ilamburper
Knihriihtcn , attacks the governmeiit for Its
dcpirttno from his policy , The ev-cbanccllor
maintains that it will bon gilovous fault if
the Berlin statecraft makes Anstrla'a east
ern trouble with RussiaGermany'sown.
The KovooVromja sa > s today that no re
sult of the Kohnstoek interview -will divert
the llusslan government from the path ,
which it has steadfastly pursued for three
years. The Germans who were driven
to the Baltic provinces by Eiissln
have formed a committee to orRanizo
a propogantla against the Russianizing of the
provinces. The police authorities of St.
Petersburg lave directed the attention of the
Berlin authorities to this committee mid have
aakcd that It bo suppressed on the ground that
it is composed of revolutionists. The
authorities at Berlin , however , have declined
to Interfere until proof of conspiracy against
tlio czar shall have been furnished ,
I'rinco Bismarck , upon belnj asked
whether ho-vvas going to sojourn at Nice the
coming winter , said ho would Ilko to eo , but
tbat enormous and grow Ing difficulties forbid
it. " .Though I nm only an old general on the
retired list , "said the prince , "I hope that if
peril menaces tbo country the kaiser will re
member mo. "
The socialists asked permission to use
tlio llcrlln ton a hnll , to celebrate
the return , on October 1 , of
tbo expelled members o their party , but
the request was refused by the municipal
council ,
The mausoleum In tlio Frlcdensklrcho at
Potsdam for the remains of Etncror Fred
erick has been completed , and the grand cer
emony of dedication ana the transfer of the
coflln containing the emperor's remains wll
take place on October 18 ,
Emperor "William at Hunklau
15 KHI INSept. . 30. [ Special Cablegram to
Tim llEK.l-Einncror William arrived at
Buntzlau tills evening and mot \vltu a grand
reception. The whole town was brilliantly
illuminated and the emperor , accompanied by
Count Solos , who received him at tlio rail
way elation , drove between long lines of
torch bearcw , the members of various beat
societies. 'Iho thousands of spectators along
t bo route showed much enthusiasm and gave
the emperor n very hearty welcome ,
Tlio AVt-nthor forecast.
Tor Omaha and Vleinltv Fair ; warmer.
Tor N'cbrasita ralrj cooler ; northerly
\\lnds. * "
Tor lovva rah' ! cooler ; northerly vlnds.
Tor bouth Dakota I'ulr ; cooler ; northerly
\Miids ,
To Counter-net tlio JfoKlnlcv Illtl.
LONDON' , Sept. SO. [ Special Cablegram to
Tin : Hi r.J The Telegraph nlvlscs European
nations desirous of avoiding calamities likely
to nriso from the operation of the McKluley
bill to promote freedom 6f tiado among them
Ported n Clieelc for $711.
ICn.uivnv , Neb , Sept. 20-Special [ Tele
gram to THE Brn.lJolm \V. Peters wm
intrusted with a check forgr.J , drawn by
Kris Krausln fa\or of "W. Poolo. Peters
forged 1Craus's name to the check , endorsed
It nnd received tbo money. IIo was nrrostod
this afternoon on complaint of the Kearney
national baulf , which cashed the check.
N'lnth Cnvnlr ) Transfers.
\ VA9iiiNOTONSept. . 50. [ Special TcleRram
to Tin : Bur. ] By order of the secretary of
war the following transfers in the Ninth
Cavalry have been made : First Lieutenant
John H. Gardner , from troop A to troop E |
First Lieutenant Kupnio P. Ladd. from
troop I ! to troop A. Lieutenant Laud will
Join tioop A as sooii as practicable. Tlio
travel enjoined is necfcssary for the public
service. _ I _
IhoValjash Now lie Klulcer
t lie Division of Tonnage.
CIIICAOO , Sept. 20. [ Special Telegram to
Tun Dei : . ] Another , stalwart kicker hns
come to the surf ice among the lines to tbo
southwestern ailssourl river points which
have agreed to divlJo their tiafllc. The
kloker is the "Vt'abasU road and It wants the
board of chairmen , consisting of .Messrs.
Walker , Goildard , l althorn , Jlldpcly nnd
Finlcy , to distinctly' ' understand tint it is
dissatisfied with the tannage it icceives at
It will bo remembered that on August 2i
all rates ent-boun < ! from tlio Missouri river ,
except these on grnln , were raised about 30
per cent , consequcnfc'upon an agreement that
the above named chairmen have complete
contiol of the tonnag6lnd ( that they appor
tion It among the various lines in what thej
considered an cqultuUi manner. Talsagree
ment was to last from August 10 to Novem
ber 1 , and during Urn time all lines solemnly
agtccdto maintain , thb advanced rates. Al
though the chairman pnd the Rock Islind it
self declare no complaint was made , the
chairman ordered thoAtcblsou to turn o\er
to the Kock Island a Urge amount of tonnage.
Now comes the Wabash , and , In the words
of Tiafllc Manager Knight : "Wo hive ic-
col veil but ITU cars of grain from the Atcbl-
son , and we want a larger percentage.Vo
have hauled empty cari to Kansas City and
they have been unujj < a. Under the ordcis
of the chairman they wore to hu > o been filled
by the AUhison.1' '
This division of traflic pool Is coming to bo
a laughing stock ainqlig western loads The
Atcmson declaies It bos and v , ill obey any
Instillations from tUfUhuirman. until Novem
ber 1 , when it will Hot divert another nound
of freight to any othot foad Judge Sprlnper ,
assistant to President Manvel , declares the
Atchlson ought to gc-nt least 115 per cent of
the trafHe , consideninc Its vast network of
western linosnnd in icullty Itbas not aver
aged 82 per cent. The Hock Island. Alton ,
St. Paul , Wabash' , Jllssourl Pacific and Chicago
cage , St. Paul & Kansas City roads are
equally dissatisfied nnd each looks for a break
In rates on November 1.
Illinois Cent nil's Annual Report.
Cmcuao , Sept , 20. The annual report of
the Illinois Central railroad company , made
public this afternoon , shous that for the year
ending Juno 30,1800 , the gross earnings of
the Illinois Central proper wore $11,448,000 , ;
Dubuque i Siou\- City lineSI ,909,021 ; Cedar
Falls & Minnesota , line , ? CH,09) ) ; total , $10-
452BJ. ( This is an Increase compared \\ith
the preceding jear of § 1,790,403. , Tbo net
earnings of the Illinois Central proper \\eio
weroSt.SS..OO an inciease of { 51,761. The
icport siij3 the fact that the largo inctenso in
the gross tevcnuo has not been followed by
nn equal Inciease iu the net earnings Is duo
to three causes.
1. To increase of standards , -which entailed
an expense fortho maintenance of Hays nnd
structures of SJ,110,777 , , an Increase
of . " )1S70 over the amount spent
the previous jear , A largo poitlon of
this Is duo to tiaek laying with 24,000 tons of
steel rails. 3. Submerging of tracks fora
longdistance in Uoulsiaiu during the un
precedented floods last spring , necessitating
a largo outlay for repairs and the pajmontof
largo sums toothoi railways whoso tracks
weio temporarily used. a. The strike which
tied up the road in Juno. The expenses In
clined by the Dubuque & Sioux City road In
operating the Ccdnc falls & Minnesota line
exceeded the carnhif of the latter by $75,600 ,
which , added to { Iiti70 : : paid to abldo
by the Issue of tin suit brought bv the
Dubiupjo , t Sioux City road , made n deficit
by the operation of the Cedar Falls A , Minnesota
seta line of Slbtf,170 The expenditures on
the Ohio liver briclgoat Cairo , its approaches ,
etc , IIOAO brought the cost of that structure
un to W,9M,2S The report sajs tbat largo
additions to motive power and rolling stock
have been made , mid yet the directors ate
confronted with the fact that tiafllc offered is
in excess of the capacity now at their dis
posal. They have theicfoio recommended
that the capital bo Increased fiom ? IO,000,000
to $ nt)00,0l ) , > i > , the funds obtained to bo used
in agoncial betterment of the property.
A Henry Verdict.
LITTHE FUI.I , Minn. , Sept. 20.-Speclal [
Telegram t TnH.QcE. ] The -women of
Minnesota wcro thlj morning given fair
warning by a Jury ot f.wclvo men , good and
true , that it is unsafe to take unseemly In
tcrcst in married mem The case is unusua
in the fact that it was woman against woman
and that the -verdict is aery largo one. Mrs.
Catharine E. Trobuy ued Juno M. Drown for
alienating the affections , of the former's hus
band and the Jury awarded hcrfrlO,000. 'Iho
suit is the ilrst of Its lilnd ever brought in
Minnesota. ,
.Their Uiitlorm Haa Short ,
CnA.MiiEUi.Aiv , S , 'D. , Sept. 20.-Speclal [
Telegram to TUB URI : . ] The government
agent at Crow crebk and Lo cr Erule
agencies has been ordered to immediately beef supple | for the Indians at his
agencies. The order came Just in time , as
the last of the steers bad just been slaught
ered , and none su'ro loft for the regular
ration Issi-o today.
Iowa Crop Iliillctln.
Drs JIoiNL" , In , Sept. 20 , This week's
bulletin of thoIowSvfcnther crop Bervleocsti-
mates the total damage to corn by frost at
not exceeding 5 per cent and that the state is
assured at least 75 per cent of an average crop
of souiidcoru. All the correspondents report
a very light jlold of potatoes , ranging Irom
UO to 50 per cent of a full crop ,
Population of Wisconsin ClllcH ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. The census ofllco
announces the following populations : Ko-
noslm. Wls. , 0,529 , increase 1,190 ; Milwau
kee , Wls , iOIlGO ! , , Increase Wn .l ! Itaclno ,
\VI . , 21,022 , , increase - l.WlVaukcslia ; , Wls. ,
( VUG , increase 1,703 ,
I.Voinlnated for Congrc a.
Ciucioo , Sept. SW , Tha democrats of the
Second district today nominated Lawrence
E McQann to succeed Congressman Lnwlor ,
tlio latter being a candidate for tberlll of
Cook county.
The Result of a Drunken Quarrel la ti Hotel
at Hartington.
A Ktirlimt Woman Armeil AVItli n
Horse-Whip The Adunm County
SoiaictM' Heiinloti-Otlier
St.ate Xe\vs.
IIVK7INOTOV , Xcb , Sept. 20 [ Special Tel-
OKiam toTnnUni. ] A stabbing affray oc
curred nt the Central house at 11 o'clock last
night that \lll probably result fatally. It
\\ta tbo result of a quarrel in a company ot
persons well lllled with whlslty Angry
vords v\cro followed bv blows , when , with
out warning , ono Shade Scott diow n dirK
Itnlfo nnd stabbed Fred Anthony In the left
hrcnst , ono inch below the heart , Inllietliifj a
\\ounuturcomchcslotig , reaching into the
left limp. The \ietlm AVUS Immediately
placed under medical aid. The attending
physicians say the man cttnnot UNO.
A 1'riKlitl'iil Kiimuvny.
DnA.Tnicc , Neb , Sept SO. [ Speclal Tclo
gram to Tun Bt.u.-\Villlam ] Wright , n
fanner living seven miles northwest of this
city , -was frightfully Injured by his horse
running nwuy and entanpling him in a loose
\Uioftncolastovcning. It was found neces
sary to amputate his right leg below tholtneo
and his left ami nbovo the elbow. Ho can
not survive.
Horse-Whipped Her Offender.
KcAiiM-.r , Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Special Tele
gram toTitRHuu ] Ab.iclc alley hero was
the scene of a hoise-wlilpplng this af tcinoon
in which illss Lizzie Sawyer and A. J ,
rrecso wore engaged. The ncgrcsslvojomig
lady attacked Mr Prcoso in a giocer > nnd
followed him in a spirited chase through an
alley , Indicting the lash without reserve
Uho milter wa-5 hiought about by a familv
disturbance Ucth paitles weio ancsted
nnd dismissed without criminal iiniiing ,
Admits County J-oldlcrH1 Itcuiilon.
IISTINOS , Xeb , Sept 20 [ Special Tel-
cguimtoTiu : BLL J This has been * field
tl.iy for the vetcians. The Adams County
boldlcrs' and Sailors' association held Its an-
iiual reunion in Cole's parktodnv , and they
gathered heio from e\eiy nook and cornel.
SK thousand people v\ero present. The
principal address wr.s made by 'Ihomos
Majors of Jfemahn county Ilopiid a high
tompllmcnt to the First Xebiash i leglmctit'a '
war record , and his tlescuptlon ofthowoik
nnd saciiilccs of the lojill women during the
Avar vas well received
On icasscmbling this nftemoonn camnllio Cole. Colonel II C.
Kussell entertained tin crowd niid Mas fol
lowed by Rev. Dr. Britt. 1 ho ofllccrsfor the
cnsuijinyeararc , Calvin Ball , president ; A ,
II IJroXvn of Hastings , secretarv , nnd.T. U
JIuni-oeof Presser , ticasurer. 'Iho Adams
CountvVeteran association was organised
with 1) ) , F. Smith , president ; Dilbey ,
Vice picsident ; S. P. How land , sccictary ,
and "Will Stephens , treasurer.
After a tmgar Factory.
FUFMOXT , Xcb , Sept. 20. [ Special to
Tim BEK.I H. T. Oxnard arrived in the city
yesterday nnd held n consultation with sev
eral of Fremont's loading citizens relative to
the building of .a bcjst sugar factory at this
point. How as me 'at tbo depot and "lias been"
entertained by n committee of fifteen ap
pointed for the purpose at a recent public
meeting. In an interview , Mr. Oxiinrd said
It was the purpose of his company to build a
factory somewlicio in Nebraska next year.
Ihoro are , said ho , flvo or six wideawake
Nebraska towns which are anxious to secure
the factory. Ho expressed himself as very
favorably impressed with ricmont , but that
when it comes to the location of the entei-
prise that city will get it which , nil other
things being equal , makes the best offer in
cash or its equivalent.
A Supposed dulL'7./ci- !
NOP.TII PIATTE , Neb , Sept. 20. [ Special
Telegram to THE DFP. ] H. T See , of the
firm of See & Williams , is missing this moin-
ing. Ho left Noitli 1'latto some time
during the night nnd is supposed to have
t ikon with him nbout SI , 000 of the firm's
money. Ho is thought to have embezzled at
least $500 of his pirtnei's money.
Took Clio Wrong Hog.
EMI CHFCK , iS'cb. , Sept. 20. | Special Tele
gram to Tin : B t F. ] John Bates , who was ar-
lestcd todi.y for stealing and selling ufat hot' ,
was released upon p tying costs. It vas
proven that ho had traded a shotgun to a
neighbor for u hog and calling for the same la
his absence , took the wrong hog.
Wreck on tlio Northwestern.
GIHND JUNCTION , la , Sept. 20. [ Special
Telegram to Tun line. ] Wlillo a freight
train was Dolngalong ! over a section of
now track of the Northwestern railroad
tlueo miles east of heio last night the
heavy mogul engine spread the rails , anil it
and seventeen cars wcro piled up in the
ditch. Ono biakoinnn , vUioso naino could
not bo obtained , was injured. The loss Is con
slderablo. _
Strnclc by u Train.
DBS MOIMIn. . , Sept. 20. [ Special Tcln-
grain to Tin : Dec. ] At 1 o'clock this moin-
Ing , while George Hewitt , a joung farmer
living a few miles cast of here , was return
ing ; home from the city driving a colt at
tached to a light bugL'j- and \vas approachIng -
Ing ; the mnin line of the Hock Island
railway , the outfit \w struck by a ti.iln , the
bor o instantly killed nnd the buggy icduceu
to kindling wood. "Young Hc\\iti was picked
up in tin unconscious condition , so badly In
jured that ho died In a few hours after being
rcmo\cd to his home ,
To Kiifoioe the Joint Hntos.
Moisi'p , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tclo
pram to TUB HKB. ] Upon request of the
railway commission , Attorney General Stone
has prepared papers ana ivill illo them In tbo
district court .Monday for suits against tbo
lown Central , Hock Island , Bmltnifton ,
Northwestern , Milwaukee , Minneapolis Sc
St. Louis and other toads to compel them to
obey the last eider of the board for the en
forcement of joint rates.
iinlor.-.ed ; tlio Har Nomination.
DES Moivns , la. , Sept. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : I3FK.1 The polk county demo
cratic convention today , by a vote of W to 'a ,
endorsed the bar nominations for dlshlct
judges. They are Judge 0. A. Bishop and
J. II Detrlck , republicans and \V. I/ Read ,
democrat The sumo tlclict was refused by
the republican county comcntlon a few
weeks ago , and there has been considerable
interest in the matter ,
A. Peculiar Cuttlo I)110me.
DMMOIN'KS , la. , Sept , 20. [ Special Tclo-
rnm t < S Tin : Dun. ] The governor has been
asked to scud a veterinary surgeon to Musca-
tlno county to Investigate an epidemic among
cattle. They grow stiff in the joints and 10-
fuse to cat and drink , and cows give only
about one-third their amount of mill : .
nt Port nouglns.
Sitr IAKK , Utah , Sept , 20. [ SrxK-lal
Telegram to TUB Iluu. ] Battery C , 1'lrst
United States artillery , tbat came hero from
San Francisco last spring to take the place of
battery D , fifth nitillcry , ordeicd to the
presidio , leaves next Thursday via the Union
Putlllo lor two years' drill and Instruction at
roit Kllcy. It U understood here that
Colonel Illunt nnd part. If not till , of the BU-
tconth United State * infiintiy , now lit Tort
Tough\M , will bo ordered to Js'ibowkn unily in
the > ear , and that ( leneral Moriovv , with the
romlining ; companlos of the Tvventj-lli'st
infantry , \ \ \ \ \ bo ordered from rCe-
biaska heiv Colonel Illunt of SK-
tccnth Is nn unsoi'liible , sciluslvomaii llo
hns soured on Suit J. , mo and v 111 neither
) > nrulo his tivops hero ntall or interest himself -
self in the city , consequently the publlo dis
likes him and pray thodopiitinent to brace
up and send General .Matron to 1'ort Doug
, rjm n r.iti ; J'KC.WI'V.
Two Nntotl Chicago < Jntnlli n Katally
Shoot 1'aeh Oilier.
Ciurtflo , Sept. 20 During mi cxi-ltlng en
counter In n crowded lestuuiaiit-saloon to
night two noted gamblers "Hull" Ilnggcrtj
and "Did .llmmio" Connortoii fatally shot
each other. The tiagcdy occuried In one of
the establishments owned b.v c\-Chief of Po
lice MeUarigle , who nc < | ulmlinuch uotorletj
by his escape from the sherllT during the
noted boodle trial I3j n singular coincidence
dence ll.irrv Vavnell , ex-warden of the Insane
asjluni , who wns convicted of booilllne nt
thobaino time , Is associated with tonight's
nffuiy. Haegert.'v and Connoiton had n pre
liminary altercation in Vmm-irs saloon , In
\\blch Connortoii was toirlbly thi.whod
Meetingiicaln in McG.ulglc's pluto the light
\\ns rencued , when Connoiton , finding him-
? elf being woihtcd , sent n bullet thiouirh
Ilnugcity's stonuch. The wounded man
dicvv . r > .vo ! " * " niui nut a shot into Ootinoi-
ton's ' breast. Phvsicians s.-.v tb t both men
\ill die ,
It Arises .from Certaui Doulilful Pro
visions in "WjomtiiH's CuiiNlltutloii.
IAHMIIWyo. . , Sept. 20 [ Special Tele-
Brrm toTnn Brr ] 1'or so no time past lit
IMS been known that , owing to certain omis
sions and doubtful provisions in tlio now
state constitution , a question was likely to
bo raised as to the length of the teim lor
which the county ofllclals , selected at the late
general election , would hold their olllcw. It
isan open scciet that the * hn\o
had the question Investigated by able lawyers
and that they c.iino to the conclusion that no
election for count ) oflhcrs inn bo held In
Ib9. , nnd thciofoio thoofliccib elected would
" -
IIUlll UVULJUl" lOlir JlMl-S Ull U1IS UCCOlllll
the democratic struggle for vlctoiy W.M
made as vigorous ns was poisible , but the
battle was lost , and b\ their own deductions
tbo republicans clec-ted on the 11 tit inst will
hold ofllco until December H , is'I. ' ) Sin < o
the election tittoineys representing both parties -
ties have been examining caiofully the con
stitution nnd la\\s of the state and the losult
is that in the opinion of some of them tbo
Riavcst doubts exist iniegmd to this matter
Mho republicans orchis , Albany county , will
contend that the ollleers elect are entitled tea
a foui ycais' teim , instead of two years , ns
vas intcniled to bo provided t'i the constitu
The latest aspirant for n United States
scnatorshipis lion Homer Merilll of Raw-
llns , a prominent attorney , who \\.vs the
super\lsor of the census foi Wyoming.
/t st\uLt : sti" : ithvrit.i ni.E.
AVoi-ld'n Tail * Coinniibsloii Adopts n
Kesoliitinn tu Tlnit ICfloot.
Cmcioo , Sept. 20. At the opc'iiiiR session
this morning the xvoild's fair commission
listened to tha repot tot the omtnlttoa on
site. This repoit reeominonds the adoption
of the dual site , as tendered by the local di
rectors. It was stated that the tltlo to Jack
son -pnrlc and midway plalsanoc wns perfect
-nnd that the title to lake -front'.park wa sufficiently -
ficiently clcu- for fair pmposos ; that the
local director } ' had readied an agieement
with the Illinois Central lallroad company ;
that the company would dcpioss its tracks ,
niul that it hail agreed to cliaigo only llvo
cents fare between the Lake front and Jackson -
son paik.
The committee estimated that there wcro
transportation facilities for 130,000 people per
hour I'ach way , and that this limit was capa
ble ) of lucreise.
Vmlous propositions and amendments weio
presented unel discussed at length. Finally
the folkm Ing resolution by Miirtlndalc of In-
dl inn , was adopted 77 to S'
Kcsolved , Tliat In the opinion of this com
mission ono single silo for tlio exposition Is
desirable and put of such site should bor
der on the lake , that the cllieetois may
piocuio and piosent to the commission
the most desirable site by adopting Wash
ington park , the midway plaisnnco and .lack-
SDII pirk l\iiiK south of the north line of the
mldAMty plaisnnco extended through to the
lalto , together with the Washington
club fortholi\o stock and spccel exhibits ;
that while wo do not at this time reconsider
our action accenting Jackson park and Iho
Ilko front , \xo icspectfully but earnestly 10-
questtho directors toprocuro and picsent to
the commission the single slto above outlined ;
that the special committee jcsteiday ap
pointed , to whom wns rcfcncd the communi
cation in icfcrenro to the slto from the
directors , Is authorized and diiceted to con
fer with said directors and icport to this
commission whether It can not beseemed and
picscntcd to this commission.
President Palmer today announced the list
of the hoard of 1 uly in nuigi'rs. It. comprises
two fiom each state und tciutoiy und eight
nt huge.
The lad ) managers appointed by the com
missioners at-lmge aio : Mis 1J K. Vudeiial ,
Xew Voik , Aim. James id\vird : Canttill ,
( icoigctown , D C ! . ; Miss Mary S. Lockwooil ,
Washington City ; Mrs. John P. Uagley ,
Detroit ; Mrs. Illlon Tord , Xovv Vork C'lty :
Mrs. Sydney t : Tiler. I'hlhulclplili ; .Mrs.
Hosina Kjnn , Austin , Tex Airtongtno laly
managers from the different states mo tlio
following Illinois Mrs Hlctiaul.I Oglesby ,
Klkhart ; Mlssllenr ) IVI. Sliepird. Chicaco ;
alteinites-Mw Frank W Ciould , Mollno ;
.Mrs. Isaac N rnillipf. itiooinlngton Iowa
Mrs.Vhltney \ T Ulaike , Dos Moincs , alter
nate Mrs IraD IIcndncKs , Council Bluffs.
Nobiaskn Mrs J. S IJriggs , Oinnlia ; Mrs.
SC LangvvorthySoivard , alternates MM.
LniunA Hates , Auiora ; Mrs. A 13 Martin ,
Hr icnUnw. South Dakota Mrs lohn It
vVilson , Dcndvvooil , Mis , II M. Uniker ,
lluroh ; alternates Mi's V C. Daniels ,
\Vuteito\\n ; Nrs Alaiio ( listen , Hnpid City.
Wisconsin-Mrs George C ( ! inty , Chlppevva
Tails , MHVllliamP. . Lnde , Milwaukee ;
altornatcs-Mrs S. S , Flliclil , Ashland , Mrs.
J. M Smith , Mineral Point. Some of the
states luuo not jet turned In nil the names ,
A World'H Fair li ( | iilry.
" \VASIIINQTOX , Sept 20. The special house
comiulttce on the world's fair has reported i
resolution providing for the appointment of a
sub-committee to Inquire Into the jirogress
and details for holding thu oxiosition ] , exam
ine Into the amount of space allotted to Iho
government exhibits nnd other matters IUH
report at Iho beginning of tlio next session o :
Work ol tin ; Turin1 Confer , ; .
"VVAsnnnroNSept 'JO. The conferees on
thotauff hill today made further progress
towards an agreement. The papei schedule
was dUposed of , also the hem p , IKix und Jute
schedule with the exception of binding
twino. The senate amendment relating to
llsh was modified sons to limit the fico 1m
portations to llsh caught by American vessels
equipped with American nets and other
appliances ,
The delegation of the Louisiana Planters
association will lea\o for homo tonight. They
say that they believe the conferees will plat
an amendment to the sugar Hchedulo by
which the bounty on sugar , which is to take
effect on March I , shall bo applicable to al
thu product of cnno not then munufactuicd.
Tills will bo satisfactory to the migar men.
Thcpro\Won for the puj meat of a bounty for
bilk culture is said to have been stilckcn out.
Tlio Count Un I'arU' I'arovvcll.
tovio.v , , Sipt. 20 , ' 1'ho count do 1'arls
hade farewell to a number of Ids leading nd-
bonuts nt Folkestone today , prior to his still-
me for the United States ,
Twenty-Ono Bodies E wtl from Uu3d
tbo Oars SuRiver \ ,
AVhlcli ( tic Coittj
or Dnjll ht Krnouletl A.
Kurd * oI'MiMi Sock-
Inj ? Tor tlio Ociul.
Kr.Miis-o , I'll. Sept 20.-When . ) ! !
dawned on Iho sccnoof last night'viwk on
tlio Philadelphia & Ueiullng near Shocmata
orsvllle , the lull roult7ittlou of tlio Indesevib <
ublo hoiror wns iltst fully revealed. 'Jho en/
glnola ) in live feet of w.itcr 'Iho body ol
linginecr John \Vhito wns still pinned midcf
tlio heavy honwork , Ids nrnw extended
in appeal ho\o tlio water. Ne\t la
the tenders , then tlio luggage nnd mull cart
nml the pnsscngct coaches twisted ami biokcu
niultho caw ovciturnetl , pinning the iiu <
rescued victims In 11 death enibiacont tlitf
uottomof the river.
Thowoihof soliciting fortho bodies \\-ai
kept up all night. Tlio body of Uooigo ltf
Kiioiohcr , counsel of the Heading
railroad , was tulwii outb.idl.v dlsllgmvd ,
'J no scoi.c ( " ' the bank * of the riser wol
ghostly , Thcro U > ? IOIIK row of ili\ul , in *
creasing ns ono alter nnothcr of the bodies
uas taken out. Iho force employed by tlia
nilhoail la Huftlilontl ) lingo , but it x\i ! ' b9
dilllcultoik to move the ponileiouH mis.
Thousands llo hed to the scone , and whlla
Milling to assist their aid Is of voiy'lttla '
service whcio o-vpi'i-icnccd men mo required.
Up to 10 o'e-lock this forenoon twenty
bodies htiil been taken out. The list of in
luroil is now iibout II fly.
TIII : uuvo
The follow Ing Isa list of the dead th'is ' fof
taken from the -\ueok
JOHN F Mll.hKU , Creston , 1'a.
OnORGJ : aunnNAWALLJ , mull agent ,
Pott sIlia. .
JOHN Warm , engineer , I'otUvlllo.
HAHIIY JACOB Y , stonecutter , 1'ott ) .
JOSEPH nnCKEH , Mahonoj City
SOLOMON IIOOVIJH , ngcd sKt , Potts *
MRS EDWARD .1. POX , ugcd foily ono ,
GEOHGK P. ICAiUCJIiU : : , ageil forty
flve , Pottsvlllc.
lIAltliYLAUfillLIN , conductor cxpiesi ,
MlCIIAUl , SUMMllKS , Muhonoy City.
JOHN OSHUUN , 1'hllnJelphI.l
FRANK 1IASSMANN , Mnhonoy City.
MRS .1. i : FltnonicICKS , I'ottsvlllo.
J i : FltUDKIHCKS , liusbundof nbovo.
lOSlU'II I1AUSL.1N , Philadelphia
N 0. VANDKIISLIOE , I'liojnivvlllo.
JOHN SHEMIL,13 ) , , Philadelphiaunglnecty
All the mote scrloucly injured wore taken
to the Rending hospital. Tlic other * wcro
liiinsfuTcd to their homci Seventeen of
the ( lead -were brought to Heading at noon
aiulbcntto their destination , 'llio body ot
Uoorgo 14. Kucrcher was scut to Pattavillo
this afternoon on a biieoial train.
Bralccman Michael Olllcn tells this storyl
"Alter the first shock I looked out of the In *
ward window and could sco the forward
cars belli } ; kuoikcd Into the river and hcar
Ing the sound of cracking tiinbcis as they
pround together Ilko kindling vood. I snvf
the entire side of the smoking tar uhcnd of
mine torn out mid then I mined my bapk ,
thinking in ) hist moment had ionic. Many
of the \nssonger3 \ in our car wcro
screaming and several of them had
climbed halfiiv out of the \\lndo\\s
I shouted to them to keep quiet and the noib
Instant our car \\iis stiucUnnd upset down
the bank , but not overturned. Seeing no Im
mediate danger for those in our car 1 Jumped
out into the river , uhloh was about
llvo feet deep thcie , and worked my
way to the fouvuid part of the wreck.
In ono of our ems I heard shouting
for help. ' 'I'm not caught and I'm not hint ,
but I can't Rot out , " ho said , IIo was penned
In the car lllco mat in a bov , and the wood
\MIS bKuingall about him. 1 seemed abucliCb
and began tin owing water on tbo lire , and !
think the man was saved. 1 had to work
alone for some time , although there was u
crowd of people standing on the bank
above the wuck , to whom I shouted
to coma and help mo. They lofusul , iiow <
over , and it was sometime bofoio other help
arrhcd. "
Tlio body of an unknown imn , ho wi
mnonp tlio liiit taken out of thowicck , Avaa
identillcd as Gcorpo Lambert of Tumaquiii
Tills places the number of fatalities at twen
All tlio wroelicd cara wcro taken out of the
rlvci tonight , und it Is now brlluvod thatiio
nioro bodies ate in \\ulurandthatthia
cuds the deUli list.
Tlio eoionor subpoiiiacd a Jury today and ,
will hold a-i rniuei.t ] early next week.
Ktvn Killed In an 10\i > lo ilcin.
WiiM.siiiintr , PJ , Sept , 'JO. A lurrlblo
explosion of gas toolc plico in the Muitay
shaftof the Luhlgh > Wilkesbano coin-
p.mj this afternoon Thcro were fl\e men In >
the shaft at the limo of tlio exploaiou Law-
lonco Casey , Jainct Sullivan , JanuM Boswell
and Anthony Jennings were killed and 1M
\vaid IJutsoH fatally huined. Thooiiginor
the e\plo lon Is unknown.
for thcllonuflt ol f
VVisniNcroN' , Sept. 'M. Sen.itor Pieico
today offered the following Joint resolution t
"WhcneuT it shall appear by tnolllingol
such evidence in the oflice-of any register ov
receiver 01 shall be piescilbed by the secio-
tary of the Interior that any settler on tho-
public landi , by reason of the faUiuo of the
crop , for whitti ho is no who icsponslblo ,
is un iblo to make a payment on Ills home ,
stead or pre-emption claim required by law
the commissioner ot the general land ofllco Is
authorised to extend the time ) of such
pujment ono jeur fiom the ditto when the
sanio bcronfes due , and a failum to pay shall
not work a foifcilmo of the settlor's hind erin
in any way prejudice his ehim before the
general land ofllco , and no penalty shall ho
exuded lor such extension.1 '
AmiUei-snry of
CIIICVGO , Sept. t0 ! , [ Special Telegram to
TIIK Bi'i , ] Twcnty-bcvon years ago today
General ticoreo II. Thoiras WOT forhlmsolt
the title of "Koek of CtilelrumnuKA. " The
nnnlvorsary of the famous engagenieuttta-H
llttlngly celobiatod by ( leorgo II. Thomas
post No. 5 , Grand Army of tlio Hopublic. to
day by tlio ptcsenttttion of a beautiful life-
si/oportwit of the coinnundorto thoGoorgo
II. 'lliomas school , which Is louitcd at the
corner of lieldcn avenuu and IllgU
uticct. The portrait is the worlt ot
A. F. iUoolta , a member of thtf
post \ ho Wilson thct aft of Goaeral Tliomait
at tbo famous battle ,
A * Drowiilnj ; at Ultirliula.
Ci iiiiMiA , la , Sept.20 - [
to Tin : HKK. ] Veinio , the twelve-year old
son of IMltor I Mo of the Jouinal , vioa
drowned In a small cieeksouUiof town. Hid
younger biother had fallen into a deon liolo
and hem \ tijlnir to save him , which , uodld ]
but lost his o\vn life.
Two SiilcldcH ut IJcrlln ,
Ihui.iv , Bcpt. 20. Young Count
Max VonSchaumburij , committed suicide
midnight , i
Huron Loop r , a sporUman , killed bitasc