TV * * < rtsw0-vw > mnJrtimia \ ! "U > TTTT7 ! 8PK01HL NOTICES. ADVI.UTIBKMENTS for tliOM- column * will lie taken until Will ) p. in. ( or thucvrnlnf rilltlon unil until 8-no ] i. in. fur tlio tnornln ; cdlllnnniidbL'NiiAr Iir.e. 1iiMS : ! Cash Innavanco. OATHS Advert laments on thlspaco will b JVpiinrercl for ntllicrntoof IK ccntprrwonl " 'ortlicflritlnscrllon ' mid 1 cent nor worn for ) eh siilmoqui'iit Inwrtlon , nnd 5I..V ) per line jicr mniittii No nilvcrtlHi-incnt tukon for less limn IJcents for thu first Insertion , "INITIALS , figures , sjinbols , etc , , count each > - us nno word r1IU'HI' aJvprtlwinonts must run cornccn- JU lively iinil tinder no clrciirmliincr * will tlioy lie taken ordlscontliuicd by toloiiluinc. PAltTlKS lulrcrtlilnR In tlicso rotiimnt nnd litivlnu' tliolr nnsworn nilclrosscd to n "niitn- txrt' l luttor" In euro of Tim HEKwIll rrcnlvo nniiiiihcroiiclicck In manic * tlion in get tholr loiters. Answora will Im drtlvi-ri'd only on prcsontntloii of tills clirok. Enclose answers In finc'lopcH piopcrly nddrcsii'il. Aljladvertisement1) ) under tlio licnd of "Hpt-clnl N itlcis" < ; nro publlslicd In both morning nnd nvcnlnR ci'.lliotrs of TUB IIKK , the rlrcnliitlon of vrhlch iiKffrwntni moro than EO.OCOpapors dully , tirul Klvci tltc iulvortlsor tlio Ijcncllt , not only of llu > Inrgo clrculnllon of Tun IIKK In Omaha , biltulso In Council llliiTi. ( Lincoln nndothcrcItlr-inmHownsIn tlmwcit BRANCH OFFICES. Advortlslnc for tlirso columns will bo taken fin tliunl > o\o conditions ut tlio follow I nu busi ness linnics who nro iiutliorln'd to t.iko . 'pculnl notice * nt tlio sumo rules us can buhutl ut the jnuln olllcjo. . SOUTH OMAHA HKANCll OlTIOK-No WflN Struct , Mstorlllock. TOIIN . IlELr.l'lmrmuelst.Si'OSoutliTonth V ttiret. 0 IIAHI3 A BODY , Sttillouers nnd 1'rlnton , 1111 South 10th Street WJ , HUOlirS , Pharmacist , 5.4 North ICth Stiect. GF.O. W. I'AUU , I'harmaelst , 171S Leaven- worth Mrcut , JTU s1 I'HAKMACY , 21th nnd Knrmirn. SITUATIONS \VANTKI > . for ratit , etc , , tec tup of Jlrst e/ilimm on f/ifa / i > aue , "I\7ANTKD Ofllcn work by a yount ? man of T T four years' experience. Good references. M4i .a * WANTRD-I'osltlon by lady stenographer nnd book keeper ; 7 yeats' experiences Rood referoncos. Adilicss Oil1) ) , Tteo , 47.--'l ' * ANTRD-DjcssmnlJng In families. IIO'J S. Cthst. SITTATIOX AVnntud by a Indy to keep house. 1'lcaso call at IHJ8 North Hit h sLaip- Blairs. M : Sl-a * POSITION wanted bv a younj ? Indy who Is a bociliki'pper , stcnoyi.iphor nnd typewriter. JtufercncO * the very best. Address K. Jl. . 1811 CilihlliKfit ; a'il SI * nillflllOtlGHM'comiH'tentliidyBtenograpli- JOMlihiK miu'hliio , eight years' experience , jleslfftsltnatloii Out , 1st. Ilcst city rufrrcnuo , Address ( ) 11 Hon. .rUH-.1) ! ) * -MALiK HKIjl > . 'onata , ete fif tup of fivt column ANTKIL-'J,0 < W men for now rnllroud work , . - InUtogort anil Wnsliliigton Tor. Work trill lufct "twoyonrsj peed wages guaranteed. A"tleht > Xiabor Agpncy , 11 * 0 niriiani M. JI4 * ) ANTRI-A 1 book-Keeper for n largo eor- porattont must bo conversant with all Kluum > four.itliifaccount- [ ( salary to Addiess 0 JL' , lice.M M 497-21 * milker , ailllliown bldg. , inth and lRTKOTIVns wanted in every county , fl-'yiirowd miin to ant under Instructions fn our secret service , Kxperleneo not necessary , Particulars free. Graininn liotcutlvo Ilinoau ) . , 44 Arcndo , Clnclninitl , O , 50.1-21 * W ANTHD Man a agent of our patent ( ! Him UO'ilRxIS Inches ; $ . retail. All fllrcs us low , New styles ; now patterns ; now look ; now factory. Not rsovcrned by safe pool , livery safe warranted. Karo ohance , rcrmnnent buslncsH. Uur terms and cata logue will eonvlnco you Agents clear MW to 8500 per month. Wrlto forexcluslvo territory. Alpine Hafo Co. . Clnuliinatl. 0. 1 4f.7B.OOJo . $ J. > O.Oil a month can bo mndo work iiren nctVcrsonn , preferred who can fur- ( Rvo , t cr , w0,0 ) | , tno | ( ( ) the pose of tfj moments may bo profitably fellow couil tovr vacancies in towns and . > t , } " & < -o. , 1009 Main St. , Hlob- " WANTKD-For Undo Tom's Cabin troupe , ' muslclniis and experienced people , \vhlto 'nnd colored , Wtltoto K , Mason , Hastings , la , 4H1 SO * ANTED AVood chopiior. Williams st.oust of Koiintzo residence. H. Hall. 48)20 * ' "ANTKD-Immodlntclv , mlddlo-agcd lady to roCblvo Instructions In bookkeeping 6ml t tiki ) eliarga of sot of hooks. J , H. Smith loom 010 NoW York Mfu building. 478 21 * | 7"ANTii-A ) barber foi Satin day and Sun- T day , coiner I-i-avenworthuml ' .irk avo. 475 IK * WANTKHn-Two men to rccclvo Initructlons iinilJceoplUHiM In Council llluirs. ,1. li Emltb , room 1)40 ) Xcw York lAla building. 47 ! ) SI * WANTED A good watchmnkcr to go out I * ' of city on Halary. An unmarried man .fcoml nddrcss and good references. Imiuho ui Ileo olllee. Council IllullS. 470 K ) " 1\7 ANTKD A few good men us spocln TT ngcntH tooreanl/.e branches of tbuJler- CnntlluO'o-oporathe bank of Now York , doing tlio Reneral biislnc i of a national liulldliu nnd loan association. T. A. llatbawav. State Agent , ( Jrunil Islnml , rb. M4i7 i" > * WANTHD A good bollermnkcr nt once Oood wafrm paid. Address Kremont foundry & Machine Co. , ricmont , Nob. MIG7 . ' ! cook for hotel. Address Uco. Keed , Grciham , Neb. M4IH ! S WANTii-Immcdlately. a nrst-eliiss pri vate Kardner with good roforences. Address - dross l.niployor , general delivery , Umuliu and mention refeiuncei. M 4UI-A ) -n bushclmon , good WIIKCI. II liioakey , tailor. SUN. lothst. 44U w * W ANTE ! ) A yoniiK man who thoroughly nndiv.staiids ( he prlntet'tt trndn to act ns ( otcinan In u country nmvspapor ollleo ; mod orate salary ; conifoi table homo und steady vork. Address O 81 , lice. 4 7L'Q fpAnOU'wniitod-goodeoatmaker nt once -L Prices , J7.DO to JU. Addiosj , Chas. I orsou In. 411 19 * I An experienced llowor Rardnnnr \\hiiuiider.stainls Oeimiin , Aiily ) | at II and Vlnlon. : iM-21 TTTAM r.D-Man und wlfo to work on farm TT nt St.-uiton , Neb. ; will pay highest , vvases , node liiitthosu used to farm mo and without ehlldirn need apply. Address Owen llros. , Btulitoii , Neb , * ' "HL" * * [ " > tfW& In o very county ( main or female ) to JV"ii > ll nn nrtlclo inillspcnsablo In every lionseliold , Moasli required. ) iiollt pood. Au- dress with stamp , room If , city blk , , tneoln , JNcb. ai * Ol'I'V Hiilosiuan. Omaha shirt factory , lilt' l'"arnam 310 " KNr'l < AljauontniiiiikniVioiutii uyenr cauviiHsors * 4 to 110 per day. culling tin Celebrated Taylor 1'atent Adjuslablo Shoo .riiooM'lustvorlulit to < ell thl-t hoe In any territory Is a valnahlo monopoly , Uur systen ofsollln ; this shoo Is new and original , Ad dress , with "o. stamp , t'onsolldateu Adlnstu llo Hhoo Co. . Salem , Mins. ' 'Tl-i' . ' W ANTKD-Actlvo men with good icfor ( Mici'tf. Metropolitan ManTe Co. . 1UOO Jlowajd Ht. 180 ' "J " ( fT ANTliD- ; ' \ laborers for Mono and grade * VV work. Apply to 1' , II. Johnson , Union -tassengor ileiuit , Omaha , Ml ll ; AMKt- salesmen to sell coons to mur JT > clianlH by sninnlo ; snlary paid to goo < iicn : Hiiniples f urnlihcdiimrinanont situation liidol MiiuufiictnrliiK Co. , South llend , Ind 707 S.10 * W AlYl'Kl ) Moil to travel for our Caniidlnt nil rbcrles.Stone&Wcllluijloii , Madison , \V1 M1) ) * ll } ' AN riD-Sau : > 3iiieii at $75 pormonthsal TT ary and expenses to sell n line of silver- ? ilitctl ware , watches , ete. , by sampln only ior.-o"niil team furnished free ) wrlto nt once tor full particulars und sample ease of good ' l'c. Standard Slhcnv.iru Co. , lloston. Mnsa rv\TANTKD Trnvrllng ale mnn , now Inven T > t Ion , big money to riff lit part Iri ; monop cly , Ui.iahu latent agency , cor lutli and Uap itol HA c. a-J * fcrmtei , etc. , tee top itfjlitt column nn ihlx fJ ' ' Jlight -work fomo In their locality at homo light VMirk.good nay for purl time. Write will Btttinp. Mrs. H. 1 . rurrlngton. box W Chicago 41. caio Dally lice. 4b5 11) ) ' * V\rANTED-ABlrl for general housework In i c" family of thrve. Itcfcrcnccb n'qulnid , wa htrlc nvo. OMAN cook on farm ncur Oinahu. 31 llrowu bldtf. , l th uud Dounliu * . 448'.M T \fA.IOKT ) Olrl for general liouviwork , T T Unil nt room GO.I , Merchants Km. Hank building 4k" M * IV ANTKIOnemlddleTnKed lady nniftwo T i men to recoivi ) Instructions in bookkeep ing. J , II. Smith. DID Noir York Mfo building. 4it 21 * \\TANTnn-tJlrl for jtoncral hnnscwork. TT only twoln family. Mrs , K. SI , I'nrk. 118 ninneyst. MtS-3) \UANTKD-UIH for Kcnerul liouso work. 809 TT y.gthst. 4U6-51 * -A good girl for general liouso- vrork. SIV > llarney bt. 4J1-IO * _ \\7"AJS"r''I ) I'rcs""r > l < l"K In private family TT by flrst class drcssmakor. 1614 California st 414-1'J ' * - _ fcsr Klrl vvunled. Alrs.K. r.bea- vor , 5J8 8 I'Sth at , tti7 _ \\rANTKH-At Ilrowncll Hall , yoiimc ladles' T > school , a first class laundress ; rsiiomust lie responsible.Vases j.1 and a good homo , Alin a good plain laundicss ; Mugus'.t : ) and 11 Rood lionii * . Ml 33- : " \rANTnn-Clrl for ( jonorftl housework. > " 010 St. Mary's avenue. IfKMW * WANTKI1-A Rlrl forcookniR nnd washing utilW Ihriiuj. Mrs. J. II , Mllliml. -L' ? I ! GlHIjforRciioriil housework. Mrs. Tlioi. ! ' . . Hull. IKni-licrni.iii inunilc. Zll BUIOI1T youiic lady wanted to pot suh- HcrlburH for tlio Umaliii Ktcelslor ; M iior cent commission Apply lii : S Ifltli stMlfcl A GOOD fjlrl for housework , iFufcroiicct ro- -j.Vfiulictl. Clew ! wiitjoj. Mrs. luiiioiit , . ' : U43 avenue , " WAXTii : > TO UKXT. For rat ft , etc. , tee top of fitt column on Wits rooms with usoof bnth In uprlvato family ; r In our family , Address particular * to n iM , I' , f. bank. 3m FOU Fir raid , etc. , tee fo | > ofrtt column on lht T/UW liENT-Honso. 3Cth nnd Unldwcll , 910. JL1 Itlrd mid JOIIPM. J10. SOU Uavcnport , * 20. W. It. S-cel V. 11. Hd Trade. 41 "TjlOK I1HNT A nlco 7-rooni hoii'.o. Inniilro X1 O. L. Kilckson , 200 N , Kith bt. , Slusonloblk. 451 'JO _ _ _ "I70U lBNT-Thn ! Windsor hotel In North A1 Hand , Neb. Address lock box II , North llciiil. M4.T8-84 * _ GHOO.M house nnd barn $17 , 5roomhuusn14 llth and Ylnlon. Ml'-1 1 rpWOOrootn Huts ; all nioaurn initirovctnonts , _ JL corner 24th and Letivcnworth st. 403-33 * "THOU IIKNT liouso of 7 rooms , nil modern J-1 conveniences , 19th and Websteri 2 nowcar- l > cts forbalc. Address I1. , lath and Mcliolas. _ 417 19' "JjlOK KHNT 1 lurso nxiin house. City and Jcbtcrn wator. Kent , } ? , lotli und Kiincioft. M 120-31 * "lium iiNT-Onollat : : In the Llnton block on L tnoul lloor. 0 rooms , steam heat , newly nnporcd , Rfuloln pirlor , AH In good order. Iliqiilroof John Ilnmlln , In tlin block , coiner of Kith nnd Mi : ou sis. , room 1)17. ) M 120- "I7O11 KHNT-Mndern C-room steam heated - I Hats , North 18th Ktrcot , nil comcnlcncos , KtM toUO.ODpor month. lO-iooin bilelc dwell ing , 17a2Uapllnl avenue. $00.00 nor month. H- room lioii'-e , nil ronvniili'nces. N. Slid st. , $10.00. 5-inoin uiltmrA North -Id St. , J j.OJ. Inquire Netliet ton Hall , 220 South 15th si. , room i , 2d lluor. MI-T-S1 _ TmOH KHNT 3 cottages , lt nnd PCVPII J- looms nuwly painted unil papered , soiith- onst corner ISlli und CMe.'iuo bis. ; also ono foul- room house , 1U13 Howard , near 10th , * 13. : rri SEVKN room house. ISth and Vlnton , * 1& 7-rooin home. lli nnd Allliml. 412. fi-room homo , iXMh and llrlstol , * ! . ! . Ti-room lionsu , iUrcl and I'-irkor , $14. 8-room house , Sllth and Onldwell. ? , 7-rooin house , 'Kith and ( larllcb. 810. 6-roora house , Lincoln Place , 110. J , II. Johnson , 511) I'axton Illoclc. 2.V1 T710R linNT A beautiful and convenient - * - Cottngo of even rooms , with tmth.ftirrmco , . cellar , cle. Cor. aoth st and Huwthotne J. II. Iliimonl. _ aid 8-KOO.M house , Ilnnseom plauo , all modern liiipruvoinentH. tneludlim cistern find .splen did furnace. 0. P , Harrison , Oil N. Y , Ijlfe. 2.17 OIlEAI'ront. Hnvo sovornl 3 nnd 4-room Hats.central , with city water , sewerage , etc. , ut from * ) ! < > lilper month. Units' Hent- Ingaitenoy , 220a 13th Bt. 206 o 11 * -ROOM house. Mil nnd Cunilng , per month. C. 1' . ttnrrlson. nil N. Y. llfo. BJ "CIOII liENT Oottago. 'nd nnd Leavnnworth , JL1 with barn , ( JO per inunth , C. V. Harrison , Oil N. Y. Life. 150 | 7KIl HENT-NoaU-room cotlaKo.elty water , -K Ui miles from 1' . O , I ) . C , 1'atterson , 1510 Kiirmiiii. 151 OUT. 1st. , building on N. r. cor. 10th nnd DouglnM , S iMsomcntM. 2 stores , and 7 rooms upslulra , $1W. Mrs. Kuhhnnnn , 11 and Vlnton. MI " 171015 Itnis'l' HouseS rooms , good laundry. X1 Imiulitj Hobt. Purvl9,24tli &at. JIary's nvo. K41 EENT A sh room liouso near to business center , 29 , Jileail luvoitniont Co. . Ileo bulldliiit , BIT TjlOIt llllN'r-My resldcnco furnished or un- J-1 fiiriiMuul for \vlntor or longer , desirable location. Mrs. M. Ugutlor , 11IJ S. 10th st. * 820 IT YOU wish to rent a house orstoro see II. E Cole , Contoiillnl block. f , > ) TTTIOU liNT--7 ! : room flat. MS S. 13th st. $30 JL ? per month. Apply at The Talr. J.L , II an- dclb .t tons. "J710IJ KHNT To re'sponslhln pnrtlcs on y , Jthoio line now brick and stone houses 011 OoorKln nvoniio ; llttcen 1001119 and alcove- , ; n\pio \ conveniences ami hotter finished Ihaii any IIIIIIM ) for tent In the city. II. U , Hondor- son. 4U ) I'avtori block , city. V > j rr-HOOM house with burn : nominal rent. C , I 1' . Harrison , Oil K. Y. Mfo. .V > 0 T.rtUSiS : For ItiMit i.40flCiiHSSt. . 40S Castst. . JLlSllSC.'iss st. . 10 and. 11 rooms : all eonvon- Icnres. rim1V. \ . lUlnoy , 315 Umalta National bii n k 1 ijld 111 . fill "IjlOU HKNT A Jiouso of nil eon\enlenccs , JJ centrally located. Inquire 71S N IDth st HUNT JtOO.MS , ttc. , fee top nf flrA column on thlr pane. "ID ACK pai lor with coninuinlcatlnit roomal < < n JJtvvo rooms on second lloor , ulth boaril , IslU jlOU HKNT-rtmilshed room , with board. - 1011 butiKlasht. 171- ' . " * IIKNT Nicely furnished rooms with board , Iteferonco. ! A)7riirmim. ) SI 45-S ! ) > * nicely fnrnUhod rooms with all modern - ern eonvenlcnees. Kent } , ) nnd $13 per month. C.'l S. I'Jth. ' JUu'J ! > 1 * rpWO nicely furnished ixwms , 717 R liith st. JlKlTi Sl FOK HKNT-NIcoly fiirnlbhcd rooms \\lili \ board , 11 1 Dodge st. 4JH-S1 * T.AI.GKileasantwell furnished front room. J-'Uentleinenouly. Aloderato rent , ttrtll St. Mary's me. 410-51 "ITUlIt lir.NT-rieas-int lonth roomsultablo J fortwoKcntlemcn. 1'rlvato family. i015 Douglas. 4U-2 ! * board , lOOil Capitol avenue. Mia3-24D " furnished n > oui with gas. bath and fnrnaeu heat , with or without board. S. K. cor. Iliunoy nmlg5tliave. 411) 1KI * board 1310 Cldcngo stiect. stiect.400.TO 400-.TO SI'lTI.of ' double parlors In ono of the most do-.Ir.iblo Hats , with nil modern coiivonlen- cea , for luo or four gentlemen. 705 S 10th. rpo KKNT Unn front parlor wltn alcove. -I- nicely furnlhbed , ungtouml Iloori has all modern Impioiemi-ntH. ulso llrst class table board. Tcrmi. reaiouable , Cull or address SKI N' . 18th st. _ 215-23' r/lJIKNISlIED rooms with gas aud bath. JU larporix > m suitable for two , furiiNbed or unfurnished. Uofcronccs. LHllO llnrnoy st. ail-2 | _ 3IOOMS ! , light housekociilns , 415. No chll- dren. Addrcs-s OH , llee , UU _ T71UKNISHKI ) rooms , slnu-loor on suite , gas. JC bath , fiirnaco liuut. as N. Hthst.'if 10 * furnished front room for tno Kentlcrncn vtlih Hrst class bo ml. Iti'feremos required. 15J3 llowunl st. : ta-'JJ H AND5OMK rooms , also tuulo b iir : < l.lSi ; Ulilcaio. gT7-a ) ' 'JtENT rumlihod rooms ; gu bath am : iiloam.l5lOllo\vnrd. _ MJ buitablo fur gentleman. Idl- room to gontleinamvlth gooi : references ! small prlvuto famllyi all rnoil- ornccnvenlnnceii. ; TI5.InuUsonKU. half block v , cat of at. Mary's arc. Congreiatlonul oh urch CKti filOK llENT.-1'uridshod looms , ItXW Douglas. JJ Ml ST. OLMlt l.uroiicnn luHel.wltli rtlnitiijrooni steam boat In all roouu , laili-Dodgo Hpcclul rates br week or mo. til FOlt HKVr-IlOOSf8 UNPUIINISHKU f-'orrntel , ttc. , tee tup ot flrtt tommti im iVifi jKigg. TjlOIl HKNT Suite of 4 unturnl'licd rootm JU for hou < okeeplnir , to family without children. 1703 Webster st. 315 fjlOIl IlENT-3 rooms. unfitrnlshcd.SIO N. JU it. , price 110 , will rent to colored people. C-ltOUMM unfiirnlihni and rooms furnished for rent In lluggan block , cor. 13th and 1'u * FOR IIKNT STOUK8 AND OKFJUKS ] FornUf , etc. , t'c top nf Jint column oa thlt ime. ijlOll HKNT-llnsemont , Ilvonlco rooms , city Ju _ water. 10i. N. Illth st , 45'- ! * 1TOUK For ltrnt-1514 Dodito st , Olias. AV llalncy , .1l3Uinuha NntlonnflianV bldg. & 4J FOK IIKNT Ilrlck warehome , two storloU and liasotnenlT.IXXJ . mitinro feet , with lee feet of double track on U. I * , railway , south "Wh and 1'lurco Htrcels , Address U , Oskamp Onmhn , Nob. Wl TTIOIJ Itr.NT-Aftcr Oct. 1 , business billltl- JJ ln , 414 llrondwny , occupied by drugstore , Apply tolleo. T. I'helpM , money nrdor depart ment , pottolllco. Council lllulls , In. M f-- > _ . . _ . ItHNT-Tho 4-story brick tmlldlne , with JJ or without power , formerly occupied by the lice Publishing Co. , lim Farnnmst. The build ing has n fire-proof content basement , complete a team heating fixtures * , water on nil the floors , Kas , etc. Apply attho ollleo of The lice. 015 TG10K11KNT lliiwiiiuiit Btoro room cor. Utli JL1 and Jackson sts. . jitcam boat , Inquire Airs. R I/unco , G12 H lath t. : WJ 22 ffiOK IlKNT-ltnlldlnR Mxl24 ft. , 4 stories ami -C basoiiicnt , on Jones Htroet , between 10th ami lltli , with It. II. truck In ulloy i best location In the city for wholesale. Inquire 318 S. 1Mb st , U A.LIndiiulst. m S TOUKSatTOOS. 15 , SOxflO each , lariio show windows , uteam heat furnished , Tims. V Hnll ail I'lixton block. H OrFIons In Wltlmell Meek with all modern Improvement * very chimp,13thand Ilnrnoy. AGKNOi ; . Fnrratct.etr. , fit top of Jtrst. column nnth , tn pnt/6. LIST your house" to sell or rent with 0. V , Harrison , ull y. Y. 1-ltc. W E. V , Cook , rental agency ; loans , mortgages bought , tuxes irild anu collect Ions. Itoom Oil N. Y. L. building. M 1 0 OS' iT your honseswltli Shaw's icntal agency , IS.lClhhl. 1101 O. li , HE. Cole , rental agent. Continental blk. t Kil rfri J. IltKY.icntal agent , -WN. Y. Life. JUJ * TiG7 SUOllAUl-J. Farralcn , tie. , tee toil of first column nntlits STOUAdK bfo us before storing goods of .my description , Omaha Htovo lirp.iir Works , ia)7 ) Douglas. Tcl.DU. S71 ri-ilAOIvA ! islorago ; nt lowest rates. W. M. JL llushiiKin 1311 l/e.ivoinvorth. Ki 8 TOUAOK llranch & Co. , 1311 Howard.07J STOUAOi : 1'or inercliandlso and furniture , cold stoincoand freezing ; trackage. D.ivld Cole , 813-817 Howard st. fi74 LOST. for rat ct , c tc. , tee tun of flnt column on tills jxigc. ( ) sT lie t Veon " 1 it h u"nd i3t h"bn QodKc. Thursday ovonlns , pocketlKiok containing papers. Itetura to 401 N. Y. Llfo building and receive row ard. 4so 20 * IOST Small Ileaglo hound , fomalc , blnek Jhcad nnd ears , lory long ears , body white with black spots. Koward at J'HO ' Uudgn si. 4tT-10 : * QTRAYKO 1 Iron gray colt. 1-yoar-old colt , t bald faced bay , 1 crippled b.iy horsc.lnony , bay , star on foruhca'1 , from Williams'farm , Konbors' Hoojt , on Military road. Hcturn and sot reward. 444 20 * STKAYEI ) or Stolen I'alr fov teirlors. dog black and tan head , white body ; Hitch , hronnhend , uhlte body , bluclc spot on back , lioward if loturnca to 1012 California Rt. 4H7 20 * BOY Lost August24. George Uurghanl left home , lie Is U'years old , dark blonde hair , dark blue eyes. Was barefooted , hail short pantaloons with two patches on seat. Itcward paid for his return to Murgurot lnr ! - hnrd , 708 H. IGth. ' M401'M * JJKKSHAIAKINO. * > > r rates , etc. , tee top nf flnt column nntht.i LADIES Wo Intro opened dressmaking parlor * In connection with our school of cutting ; wo teach tlio Worth's tailor system , how to cut.bnstoand llnlshscuttlng and iltllng done ; patterns to ordor. 1015 Furnum st. T71NGAOEMKNTS to dodrcss-maklnz In fam- JjJIIIes solicited. Bliss Sturdy , 525 S iHh are. 5IUS1O AKT AND t/ANGUAGE. / f'orrnfw , etc ste top otfltrst colmn ontht * vaae. ) UOP. Charles Peterson I'lnno.x-lollnzither und vocal InstructionStudio503Hheely hlk 470 018 * B buying a plniio c.xaniliiQ the new scale Klmbdll piano. A , Ilospo,15U Douglas S77 GTO. V. ( IKLLKNHKOK. teacher of the lianj with llospp , 13KJ DoiiKlas. 249 rilltK Omaha Kindergarten will reopen Mon JLdny. iept.8SOW ) Davenport. MibsK. Grllllths 740-01' lfiitiK : : pianos for sale only ny Omaha > Muslo Co. . 1310 DodRo. CuSs-JO MUSIO M per cent discount , and pianos on easy terms. Onmhn Music Co. , 1510 lode ; 1'ATKNT SOIICITOUS. For rate * , ttc , tee top offltit column on this page. r > ATKNT lawyers and solicitors. G. W. Sues A Co. , Ileo building. Uninlia. Four j-eurs' oxpcrloncii as examiners In U. S. patent ollleo. llrnnch otllco at Washington , 1) . 0 , Consulta tion free. fifiS 1M5.VSIO.V AGKXOV. Korrtitoi , ftc. , fee top if Jlnl column on thin TT. I'ATOII.excliislvo pension nnd claim at- lornoy : over 15 your.V experlenco ; all Iho latest laws & decisions. Ollleo removed fiom Kienzer blk to Cliambor Commerce , It'il.Onmha. 831 O 4 * " \rr\V law ; pensions for almost nil soldiers ; A- fathers , mothers , widows and minor chil dren of soldiers. Olnlins piuhod by K. X. Cllngnian , 111 and 21 l'ren/or blk. , Omaha. Also Washington ami Cincinnati , Olroumrs free 15 j cars' cvporlcncc. 5'Q S110KTHAND ANI > TYI'KWlllTlNG. i , etc. , ret top of flnt column on this inoc. s , all rimkos , - changed , routed. J. 1' , Mego.itli. 1607 1'ar- naia street. 'J > 3 for rent or salo. StonoK- raphors supplies. J.I' . Mcgcatlil J-'EUSONAIj. For rtis'a , tic. , ret tup ofnt column oiiuif p < i(7 ( Forrattctc. tee top ( tfftnt column an thtoytiqe. iisTMirEniTYr"Thci" clairvoyant , lute of Hoston , while en tranced will reveal every hidden mystery In life. I'repares r.Ryptlan tallsnion , which will ble > i. restore lost allectlons , unites the sou ir- uletl , helps In nil trouble , cto. 1'ee , tl anu up wards. N. Il. l'orfeetsatUfaction Kuarantoud by mall. Send stamp for Illustrated circular. Mrs. Dr. Kddy , 1U-X ) Dduglasfatieut , Omaha. U03-3J * MADAM Stevur of Ht. I/outs , the wonderful card render , has returned to the olty , nnd wlllgivo perfect satisfaction on all affairs of life. Cull : ind bo convinced , Ladles , fiO cts. ; Rciitlomen , l. No. iSi N. IGth st. , room 10. Iloilrs f rpmj to 0. _ 810 ifl ) ' OI.\IUYOYANT JlaUum DeUior. over 010 S Utli CtiOti * " _ "IVT IIS. NANN rE V. WA1IUEN , clairvoyant. -l--l-iraiice , hpoaklng , vvrltbiR and reliable bUblucBs medium , 4 years la Urnabu , HON. ICth _ 5iM MASHAGK UATJIS Ki'O , Fur i-atrr , < tc. , , _ M tupo/'Tinit cotumil Li il/ito | < iQf.J OOME all and tal > n n massage treatment : BomethlnK new. I'arlors , 007 S. Wth st. next Itarkor hotel. 4'jy ' L 1' M Madam Dclzlor , overUlOS. utn. 7M O. y ForraUte. ( , tee top of flrtt column onthts BKST line hair Roods In west ; Imlr dressing , wlca. switches , bangs , Ualr ohulns. etc. . a specialty. Uavlea hair goods and milliner , oppyilto pOitoQJco , 111 aO3th St. Omaha. WJ i. ttc. , tet top o/jlraf column oniU juton. loans YlioYipy nii diamond JU watchesJewelryclc.S.iLl > or.I'arnaiii llih 170 IJHN f. Atartl , 7 years , will I'red Mohlo , JJloans mndo on dlamontT * . watches , Jewelrv Mid arlloloa of value. HKMfnrniuii H , 210O11' For ratet , etc. , leetup of _ JMfAnmn nn thti jxiot ANTEU-A pair of vrJll-niatchcd Tiorseil weighing from 1050 to M , all sound and stralKht. II , A. Lloinan , lloueer stnblei , 4iiS : 13lh st. 481 ! ! I * _ Itouiehold goods , etc. lllehest cash prlco. 1111 1'lirniirii ? _ f i " _ \VA 5TEl-loiisohoids ) cooas of all kinds. Tl Cash nnla for second hand coeds. Uato City Auction Co. , 513 and 315 . ith st. 70 * Oll FOlt HALi'l HOKSKHV7GOXH1JTO. . I-'ur ratf ) , f tc. , tn tup of fnitciilninn on > 7ifiKHJC. \ . WOHIC hor'ioWW.two horse wncon fsn.ilnublo work harness J15. Or will trade for a Kood light sldo bur buggy. II , K. Cole , Contln- cnlal block. tUO _ _ _ _ T31OH SAIjK-Smnll tonm. Hplendld fordo- JU llvcrr wagon or for- children or lad leV driving. 1'orfectly gentle. At very low price. Will sell separate. Address J , W. filler , room KSi , New York Mfo bldg. M4W ( 81 * "MICE wood-top ivagon. 131J Dodge st JLl 84(101 ( EOH SALE 2tood ( work teams. Innulro at CIS I'axton bllf. 1J T"\O you want n No. 1 driving horse , a good- JL/lnokcr , Roixl action , kind and reliable , ono it child cuiulilve. or which can , If Btven the word. p.m anything on the avenue. If yon do , and you have Iho right kind of Omaha property , you can got lilai. liurtlott , Itoom liHU'astan blk. 118 HOUSES $ JO and up. II. 10. Colo. 653 TDIOUHteanu Hnht mules : ono heavy 1,500- JL1 pound horse. Koom l'i , lloard ot Trade. 17U RIlaOEIjtiANKOUS WANTS. For rafw , ete. , tec lee of eolnmn nn ttiu ASOUl'll or cast front furnished room with alcoto bed-room nnd Rood hoard In private family. Modern eonvotih'iu'ei , for gentleman midwife , no clilklicn. Addiess O LN , lice. M PQ1-8I * . . . . . . . .J-l'ovv loads hlckorv , oak or mnplo uoles for wood.V , L , Seuly , 1.1 , lid Trade. : ri EOO5I and board wauled by yoimc man In strictly private family ; honso to bo sup plied vita Modern coincidences. Address U 37 , Ituo olllee. M45 i 51 * In prhnto famllcs for students wlio will \\nrlc nights nnd morn ings forthnlr board. ( Jiill or address Stnudnrd s CollcRo. N. Y. Mfo UilK. JUlfi L'l * l' orratcnctc.tict < > inf f rut column onlhtu " \lASSAOEtrentmont.cleotro-tliermnlbitlis. - L'Jscalp and Imlr treatinenl , inniilciim and cblropodlsU Mis. 1'ost , It iW-il , WIllmiMI blk , 'M lOIl HKNT-lltitchcr shop with ( Kliircs. HIM > , ISth st. * U lMlOISTiiMNOand ; mut.ressosrenovated , M N. 18th si. _ K. I'ctej-aoii. 4H8-O il * r\V ) shoo deafer * : TTio "New Jersey ruboer JL boots , shoes , nretlcs aiilrt > pcohiltles Mill bo e.Ntcnshi'lv nihertlsed thufomlng fall and winter , \\rltoforciitaloiiiiietc. 1 am west ern agent nt Omaha. My s-.iles this season li nvo beaten ull provIoitM records. / . T. I , I nil so V. GOD s1. . ) Toil Fcrratet , etc. , tee top of fnt column on f/jt jK TjllNE water spaniel dogsfoi salo'cheap. 1& -C S. 10th. ) M494-51 * /"lINOINNATIsafo for sillerhenp , medium Vy.sl7o ; Addrcssoreatl on U. 11. heel or. Sill- lard hotel. . , , -j 471 19 * FOU SALE-lluse burner ( Sterling venti later ) nearly now. vll ! sell cheap for cash on accountof movlng'to ' house with fur- naco. iTWN.SIstst. , M 4BI-21 * B Hshop for H.ilO. Oood reason for soiling. Address O inqipc ! M 460-21 * On SALE A dyeing establishment , everything - thing complete In u. IFvoly wi-stern town , or would takoas u man that tinder- stands the business. Address. O Jl , Ileo. M43I017 * FOIl BAIjK The finest meat market In tbti city and In best location ; goo-J rcamii for selling. Enquire utNo.1 North ] lith .st. FOH SALE KiiKlnc Ono l-liorao power on- Blno and boiler complete , m good running order. Address No. 30 , llee , Lincoln , Nob. ! W7 21 * Foil SAI.E-OnoS-llKht Incandescent dyna mo ; will wire building and put In running order If desired. Address Xo.M , Ilee.Llncoln. Neb. : 4J ( il * ilOIJ ' SAIjK I < otof basn burner stoves , St. Olair Knropcau hotel , 13th and Uodge.M M 129 TT10U SALE-Tiirnlng lathe , ono now No. 5 -L ; "Harnos" with cvtcndcd bed. Address No. UO , llee , Ijincoln.'Nub. HI. . SI * FOUSAJ'K Ice In cur lots. Gilbert llros. Council Illuirx. JllliT FOIl SALIC FUKVlTimK liTO. For rat " ft , etc , , rrt top of Jint cithimn an ( / * ! < ) ) 17. SAI/K i'ijriiUuro'i'oiripToiu i""f of" li'Vo ry - nice down-town boarding hoiihe ; bargain and easy terms to llrst class inrty.Yolsluinn & .MfC'ullocli , west end exposition bldg. M4UI-J2 * AKIiAT top naltiut ollleo desk.gixid repair ; will exchange for Rood cigars. Addiess O S , Ileo olllce. C ! 1 ! ) * Foil 8AI..K--Olioan The furniture in the house , No. 1818 IimiRliiH Street , for sale , and house for rent. Knuuliooii the premises. MONEY TO For rate * , etc. , tee lop of tint column on tlit.i nnae OIIKAI1 loans on city propoity & collections prompt attcnllou. A.U.ljiirM'n.iUlN.Y. T/lfo 410 o 17 * TIO LOAN JIOO. private inonoy. 0. If. Har rison. Oil N. Y. Mfo. 4503) ) MONKY to loan at nil times on de.slrahlo Improved property 4n Omaha. The money IH hero and theiouio no delays , as v\o exnmlno the propcity und title ourselves. Itates , Smith & Co. . KKB I'limum fct. MO oil MONEY to loan hy H. 1' . Masters on chattc > ] and collateral securities for any llmofiom ono lo sK mouths In any auioimt to Mill bor rower. l/o ins mndo on household ( roods , pianos , organs , horses , mules , houses , leases , warehouse - house receipts , etc , , at the lowest possible ratiMwithout publicity or removal of property My loam ) urn so arranged that you can make a payment of any amount at any time and reduce both principal and Interest. If youowe n balanceon your property or have a loan you wish ch.lngcd , I will pay It oil and carry It for yon , If you find it more convenient , cull up tolcpiuno No. KCil and your business can bo arr.ingcd at borne. Money alwnys on hand , 'No delay. No pub lic ty. Lowest rates. ' II. T. Masters , Room JWltuncllUlc. , 1'itll and Hurnoy sts. 674 M1 ONEY to loan. C'orrosn'ondents of Lombard InviVt Co. Sbrlvor alUurns.I'rciuor blk , f , , VM 1)8 /"lOMMEUQIAIj und Roneral short tlnio paper VVboiiRht ; nlsorcKiilurriyearliiunsoii Improv ed property. Uoo.llUust . . .SOJ KaniRiihlilis " [ T-j , /"iHATTF.Ij S. l.-ithsU , loins money V on chattolsorcollatcral l rousonablo rales TJvIltrvsecond ! mortRaiiv. on vacant fc Im- J- proved city . pro p. Comrry warrants bought Monoyonhuud. I' , M , HIch fdson,818N.Y.IVlfo. ' MONEY M , CO or 00 daVa on fnrnlturo , pianos , hordes , house lole1. J. J. Wilkinson , 0181'axton ' block. twi FIRST mortgugo loans at low rates and n dolay. I ) . V.dnolusCo.L'101st Nal'l ' bank , r > 85 OANS-Ultynnd farm loins.niortgago p.iper boiiKlit , Mct'auuo InvcHtmunt Co. V < i ) KYHTONKMortgaso l.'o. I/onns ot $10 tr } IOM | Kotour rates before borrowing am ! Bavomoney : loans on horses , furnltureor any approved security without publicity ; notes bought , for new loan , renewal of old aud low est rules , cull blk.,15th& Howard TTNUSUALLY low rates vJ of Interoston first mortgages of Improved rouliHtuto forthn next ij days by thu Kninjia City Investment Co. Itoom Uu , llourd of Trade J. II. 1'onsc. riiunaKor. M _ / IIIATTnii loam lowest rates , business conlU V dcntlul M. J , liitll 19 Continental blk. "IVfONUVto loan on uny security J-TJ , for Bbort tfmo at low rates. Iiowcst rates _ , . on personal property. The Ilendorson Mortgage Invustmcnt Ooni- pany , room ID ) . 1'nxton blk. Ml T > tnDINO [ loans mntlo nt lowoit rnles. Vf , JSI. . llnrrlj , rtHiin 20 , Fronzcr blk. , opp. P. 0. T\IIvE Hrnkor In rral estate niortRnspsi ob- -1-Maln money nt lent cost to borrower ; open Saturday till ? p.m. Ituom ! > ' , Ilivrknr bile. OlllOAl'eastern money Philadelphia MorlRnno nntt Trust Co. , alwaysrc.idytn loan nnd nay promptly ; lint iiiorlKnges vrantcd , Ueorgo\ I * . L'oates. rep resent mlvo , room 7 , boar i ot Irado. rv loans Star Laud A l.oau Co. 449 SO Loins Cusn on liantl , ( Hobo lIx > nn&Tru < itCo. . ! W7 H. Kit It st. Noclolny. uouxtMcliarKen. Ilon ps for rent ; good list , 61H5 ANTKll-Klrst-cIuis ln ldo IO.UIH. lowci . rates. Call nnd sio us. Mutual Invest ment Co. . ir.01 riirnain. MM VATIC moiii'y to loan cliL'iio. U. II. Ilnr- j-lson , HI t N. V.l.lfo. _ fvvt ) fN money to lonn iin olty nronrrtyj puiicr bought. II.U.Irey.N. . I.lro. linprovort nnd 1111- -t1 ImprnxL-tl iiroiiprty. Chnrlos W. Unliioy. ai5 Omnliu N'Htlounl uanlt building _ BtS "IjlUll tfAljl , Nlro 7-rooin liounn ready to JL1 mmc Into , r/ltli full lot , 4-VWO , KOO cash. U. F.llnrrlson.OUN. V. Life. 007 _ / 1IIA.TTnTilonn < at lowest rates. Itomovrtl \J to ft ! ( , N. Y. Wfo HldE.OJ. U , Kinnilncr. ! BUn/lUNGIoxn : , 0 to 7 percent ; no addi tional cliiirnps for L-OIII Million or nttornoy's fees. W.ll.aiofl < -lrbtNatloiml bank lildg. _ Ml C13. & 0. M. ANTHON'Y,318 N.Y.Mfo bullil- Inc , loud inonoy on ( nrnn In rholen coun ties of N'olir.islcn .anil lown ; nl < o on cooil Onmluirosklcnco property ; lowest rate ) ; best term * ; no dclnyi money roudy. Titles nnd values passed on hero. 1HO _ MONEY tot mi. roOclay , In Inrso or small amounts lowest rnti-s. Apply O. K. H y- nolds , 1)1 ) ! ) Now York 11 fn uldtf. Telepliniio 1491. "lYfONIJYloined at low rates on furniture , -Ullioi-scs , Ac. , without publicity. Hawkeye Investment Co. , tn Douglas blk , loth and Dodge. TTiASTIIHN money to loam lowest rates ; nol -l dolny ; Inrgo loans a sped illy ; short time paper liougbt , Onmlin Mortgage Co. , ground lloorChamlierof C l''OU ' 13X011 firt rnlioiui on thi * " ji'iv LJKIIJI * ur i t'L'llilli.i'niiiiii Dllll- JL bearing express bicycle for n No. 2 dnII- crr.iph typcwiltcr. VI , K. Klcgx. l-'ithHeld , Noli. Mr.00-L'l HOUSH forsaloor trade forerocerlesormer- cliandlse. Ulson.t4l : ! ) rninain st. il < iTi-g6 * r10 KXClIANOK-Hor'-o nnd iihaeton for lot JLln Walnut lllll. Clirton lllll or "HaKer 1'lai'c ; " will pay illirercnee , if any. Innulro of KU. Merrill , Ca snnd Hst. -4.l-tO : * \\7TsONSiN ( vviiTer power mill , with lucres Tl liind.elenr. e\eluingo for Nobrnska prop erty , ' 'U-'j Docalur. Ill'J-sSJ * "ITTOll iXCMIANOh : Klght mules forOinuha - * } leal estate. It , 1,1 , lio.ird of Tr.ide. 4I5 ! \ ANTni > Stock of general tndse. , Involc- Tl Ing S..OOO to 810,000 , for clinluo Omnha Im proved property aud cash Address , M-'O.ncc. V7S SOLI I ) cold Wnltham watch and WOIK horvo lo triulu for flood side bar buggy , U.K. Cole. Continental block. 891 KOIt SAI iHKAIi ; HHTATK. forrtitta , etc , ice to ) > < > f firtcutitinti on tlili jviot $ I , < VX ) will buy a Rood lot on Dodge near 40th , above. grido. ; 0 , ! ' HurrUon , JU N. V. llfe. 488-20 UM.filX ) | | buy a ,1-room collage In north part Pof Ihcotty , C. 1' . IlutrUon.Oll N. Y.Mfo. 483-20 rjlllfo gMdlngof : istn st. oniiniiccs very ma- J-lorlnlly tin ) valiiti of the lot Just west of Mlltoii Itogors * place , J.lxI.V , S. nnd 13. corner. It can yet bo secured at old prlco. O. V , liar- rlson. Ull N. Y. Life. 4 3 20 A l"riit : It Is too late , some one will \val.o up -ti.niul wonder why ho could not.wo that the lot at the y , W , corner of llnnscom I'ark , llWxIft ) . H and I ) , corner , WHO very cheap at 87,600. U. F. Harrison. Oil N. Y. Llto. 4.S8 W EAST fronton : r.'ud nvo. . OOx'4- , t3OOU. C. r , llnnlbon.Oll . Y. Life. 48S-20 "IjlOll * (7.VI ( I will tell iny a.ulty In Ijown A vc- - ! nuo JtiillilliiK iis'-ocliitlun ; liuvo 10-rooin liouso iinil.bnrn on Clilc'iigo st. nour Lowu ave. John t > . t'uwlo , outo Kclluy , Stlgcr& Co. 48(1 ( 21 dJ.OOO ; will buy a flnolot on ntivccl Hllrot In ' Ptt'luUsor I'lncc. C. F. llurrlsou. Oil N. Y. I.lfe. $2,200 will buy a , very good lot near 41Hi On \VostKariiani \ ; very sightly , C. F. Harrison , 01 IN. H.LIte. 43-23 TIIOR HALE--2 n-rooni oottazes in "Maker JD 1'lacc. " 1 blk vest of Clifton Hill. 1'rloes. SiUK ) nnd SI.Il.X ) ; siimll puyiuent. balance 5 years. liiiiilreatCiss ( and 41st sis. , of on nor , E.O. Merrill , 47J-M * THOU SALTS , at a Great Sacilllco 1'ull lot - Annd now 10-rooni hou o In a beautiful loca tion oil Cuss St. , 1 blk west of Lnwa ave. 1'rleo KWW , SI.'WO cash , b.danco 5 years nt 7 per cent. Inquire nt the house. iTIK.O * " 171011 HALTS U-room honso. modern improve- X'moiits , burn , etc. , no-foot loton AVlrt st. tl o host residence ( < t. , In the city , for $0,00) . $1 Wliish ; , balance to suit. l-roinihoiisoaiiil 50-foot lot on 1'nrlc avc. , forJ.VJj. I't-nns lo suit. f-ro3in hotisa and ( iO-foot lot on 21st avenue , just north of St. Alary "s avo. , for if'1,000. ' U-rooiu house , ull modern lmpro\cments , fiO- foot lot , on Spencer St. . for Ki.RW. ll-ioom houxi and bath , liiu place with oak mnntuliclty wator.gns.clc. . ntlntli and Jack son sis. , for &I.200 , on terms to suit buyer. Ono lot In Kllbv I'lace , 11,001. Threeots ! In Ivilby I'laoe , > I,10D each. Knst front lot on Loivo avo. I.U09 | JMO cash , bnliincotoHiilt. Kontb front lot , corner ou rnrnam street , 82,500. front lot on Lone avc , , 11,800 , J3JO cash , balance tosnlt. An olcgant corner. WxlIU , south nnd east front , on Hartley kt , insldo the mile limit , for 88,500. 1)1 ) by 15.1 feet nnrtb ana east front.corner onDodKust. . ono of the nicest rcshlcnco sites In the city , for 87,590 to a desirable party who will build a Kood lesldenco. -H01H1IU BUIllIl HOIIL 1OO 111 wrUllilCU lllll , 67JO. 67JO.A A donhlo r-ornor , south front , on Iowa avc , in Oicbard lllll. SJ..VM. Two bc'iutlfn ! east front lots on 41st st , In In Kllby I'lnee , each li.NK ) . W. U. lloinnn. rooms Hand 10 Trcnror blk. "VAfllOlins a lot or desirable ennlty to olfer Tl In exchange for six horses. W. T. Se.imnn , Omaha's largest variety wagons andoairhiges. U78 At anucrlllcn. Illot.sand 10-iocm house , cor , .T.'cl and Callfonla streets. W1I1U M. Yatcs , iigi-nt Nc'brasK National bank : ! S1 ONK nml two ncio tracts between I'arnum and Howard Ms. , only ! 1 mile v\est nf llrlggn plnco. Ituy ono aim make moiioy , licautlfnl building sites , AY , Ij. Bolby. room III. Hoard Trnilo ! tM _ fllEN acies right on Kamainst. iJmllow of AllrltgH I'liieo ' , ivheaiittful high und Mghtly tract , bargain , \V. L. fcielby , 13 llourd of Trade 1K1 TTIOIt SAl.TC-llouso und lot , ICIrd and .1 ones JlJslH. . very low. iflOO clown. l.iliincoJ15 inmith- ly. W. Iijolbv. . ii : lloard Tr.ulo. 1.H "VTICI3 homo , Ilnrdutto and 30th. S-room cot- i > tagefIM , 200cush , O. 1' . Harrison. Ull N. Y. Lfe. ( MJ _ TOH BALE Tlio choice residence at No. J. IO.M Ceor la avo. , IllxHO ft. K. front , 0 largo rooms , liiith , gas , sewer , hot and cold water , elosut and nil conveniences , owner going to leave city. 1) ) . V. fcholea Co. , ' . 'KI ' 1st Nat. bank. OOU Loan Co. 443s 20 $ l,2.'iO to } | ,500 for Mncoln 1'laco and UmthuKO lots ; easy terms. W.L.bolby.lli Hoard Tr.ulo. AK.MAhh payment down and Hi per month will buy ul-rootn house nncl lot on IGth. " blocks fionij motor ; llrst-clim chance to uc- qulroa homoon easy terms' ' . Apply to II , K. Cole , fonthicnlal block. G01 "WANTKU To purohasogooi city property , TT improved or unimproved. IVir sale or rent , good fnrni lands close to city , in D-acrn loUor moro. Hants collected and for Kcnornl real estate business apply to C. i : , Kiiynolds , CluNow York lifts bldg , Toliiphonu lllii. LINCOLN 1'luco lots ll'J50 to $1,000. , Dexter L. I'homns. uw /10TTAOG lionies In most any addition for vsalo / at from $1,000 upon easy monthly pay ments. 1' . If.Darllinr , fl IlarLor blk. fM ELECJAN'C trackajjo lot , lUxlA fronting paved t.1. . , truck In ulloy. Tor ualn or IO.-UHO on Ion ' ? time. The Mead Investment Co. lieu bld'p. U17 I 1' YOU have anything to sell or exchange call iitcia I'axlon block. ' co'- _ _ _ - _ _ HOMEfi Sweet llomii Klcgunt Homos I urn offering tbo best bargains In Omaha or In tlio world on West I'arnam strect.Sl.x clogunt boiues. all dilTcient , C tot ) nwms , furnucu , hot umlcold water , Rii9 , Kasll.xturcs , bath , water closOt , uiantcl , elegant , brick collars , pavml street nnd mort zago , $3 ) to i' < 00 , or moro cash , and ' balance nt 7 percent to suit. I ) , Y. Mioli's , Cial'lrst National bank. ; wa _ AUOII A\Vcstcrllold \ , real csmlc.S.Uniiilia ! ' f\irralit , tt ( . , iretup of Jint tolumn on I/it / * jriOJl PA IK or I i mdr Tlii > " old eslabUsliei X1 bakory.confcctlonpry und cio CIS N liith t ! rnrecliftlico lo right pirtyj good reason * for selling , Call and jnveatlpntc. 477 SI * NTIMJ oillce for sale-Only rfpiibllenn J- paper nt n ll\o county ocatlnN-1-i Keb. Oood job biisliu'ii. 1'refcrlof.ell to aninrrled manwlth family. Good rensoni fonrlilns. nililres < O 40. carollee. 4S2 il fllO TItAtir/-lnotl real e tnto and cftsh for J- stock of Ki'iierul merehiimllsonr lianlwnro , Address. r.U lloxJ.M/l'lniniiaii. la. 4li SJ TjAUTNT. ! ! . with ( ibout tl.V ) wanted Innn I oyster and eolTeo house to be opened In bo , Onmhn , Mint bo u cook , AililirMO. lice olllce. South Omaha. M 4(8-30 ( * ITlOll SALE Cheap-Cigar , confectionery , Jvvllh B furnished > 20(3 ' roomj , ( South li'lh > t. * lllOIt S A LIA ! sectional photouuiiili Jvvlthor ulthout oulllt , Kor further pir- I Ionian ) address ollovcr & Shaw , Tocumscb , Nob. _ ollO-atJ KCO acifs Improtod land nonr Arajiahoo for O milcor exehniigo for iiiiTehinidlso , Drugs iirufctrod. Nob. Address It , II. llcllamy , Arapalmu , ' ' MUO-'J _ - ) FOR SALE OlinAP-A IhitulnM J-vstaurent forcnah. Oolng a good business ( lood lo cation , uosNicth , axi * T7IOKPAT/E Stock of dry KOocKbust corner In JL1 the thriving r.dlroad cltvof i-iiperlor.Nob , ; stock will Invoice J.tlWO to J.'i.WJ ; must ho sold at once as HO have other business. Address O. K. llosserman k Co. aifl 20 * | ru > I { SAI.i : U. K. lunrii nml rntlnghou o , L tl.xtnre.sand 10 furnished lodging rooms ; feeds two p.iHSeiigornnd sixteen fiolnht trains daily ; cash business 11,000 per month. ln ii > c * tlon or correspondence solicited , l \ D. Krebs , WrepliigVnler. . Nub. xa.i * _ ITIOIt SAMI General stock of morchindUe , ' JL clotlilna , etc. all well aborted nml neo ! location , Invoice about HlOOO. lll exchange for Kood clear pronerty nndnart caKh : wtlto for particulars. Address O2J euro llep.Omalui , Nob. Ill l in * LIVIIUVfor sato or trndi > A Rood livery stable , with n good run of buMnetn , Sick ness cause for nr-lllng. Innulro Kdwnrd J , Davlq , South Omaha. aoo-li ) _ lilOll a sale 10 per cent Investment subscribe forshnics In ( ho Mutual Loan nnd llnlld- ssociation series No , io. AVaKi-workera should takoshares to secure low rale ? of In terest In buying ihelr home * . Itoom It chnm- bor of commorce. U. Jl. Null bluer , secretary. 178 0 10 _ TV you urn a barber nnd hnvo n little money orhomoKOod propeily nnd wish to go Into business on yoorown account , come and MO mo. llui licit. HoqniUia I'nxton blk. 118 D t Block and fixture * . Invoice about J2.000 ; not any old stock ! will tcll for part rash , or oxehnngo for a faun. Address Vf Thorn , lookbox mi. l llchlleld. Xeb. f > H Sat fT OIt SATjR At a bnnralnn t ? ° oil store liouso JL' fitted uinrlth hlielM < s nwl eountors , base ment ( ! rooms for dwelling , coed cistern and well , will sell or t ratio for 11 No. 1 stock of rrro- ccrlea. Address Hcol A Keel , C. o. 1) . groeers , cat SAM ! or trade A llrst class hotel In acoiinly wuat tn eastern Nebraska. Tor partliMilni-sliniuIro of Vf , Ij. Selby , room 13 , Itonrd of Trido. 7.VI _ _ _ A UAUn rhnncn. City llolelof Mlllnnl. Neb. . -cVfor lent , 8'ilc or cvelinngo for fnrni or Omaha property , Ilest loomed hotel In IMJ1- Ilinl : lias , dance hall , let1 honso ami M.ihtci all convi'iiloni'o tj. K , Coir , Conti nental l > lk.or O. ! lmnicl ° maii , lillli and .Iijnes. ritUUIjAMATlOV. S , A Joint resolution was ndontod by tholoKlsliituroof tlinstnlo of NoUraskn.iit thu twcntv-lliMt. session thereof , and approved March uOtli , A , II. 18SU , proposing an umond- mcntto section two L' > jfoiir41 [ and llvn [ fi ] of Article six Hi ] of Ilio constitution of said stnlu and that said section as amended shall read as follows , to-wlt ! Section 1 ThntBoetlon two (2) ( ) of aitlclo ilx raof the constitution ot the state of Nebraska bo amended so into read us follows : "Section : ! : The supreme court shall con- flat of llvn ( Vjudxea , anmlorlty of whom shall bo necessary to form nqtioriimorto pronounce a decision. It shall linvo orlglnnl Jurlsillctlou In cases rclntlns to revenue , civil case.s In which the stale shall bo U party , nmndnmas , quo wnrr.-vnto , habeas corpui , and suulinppul- late Jurisdiction KS may bo pro vlcled by law. BcotlonS : Thatsoolion four (4)of ( ) iirtlolo six ( C.of ) the constitution of theslatoof Nebraska , bo aniondod no us to road a.s follows : Beotlon * : Thir Juilsen of the supreme court shall bo elected by tlioolocfors of the tluto at lame , nnd tholr terms of olllce , ujieoptas lierelimfter provided , shall bo for a period of lire (5) ( ) years. " Section 'A : That section flvn (3 ( > of article sit (6) ( ) of the constitution of tlioHtntoof Nobrui- kn , bo amended sous tordndns folio was Sections : "Attho first Rcuoral oloctlon to lie hold In the year 16U1 , und after tlio adop tion of this umcndmont to the constitution , ' there shall lit ) elected three (3) ( ) jiidttt's of tin ) supreme court , ono of whom nlmll bo elected for thotnrmof ono (1) ( ) ycaronofor the t rm of three (3) ( yours and ono for thetorinof flvo (5) ( ) years , nnd at onch general election t lierc- after there shall be elcotedonu ludKoof tlio supreme court for the term of Vo ( "i ) yours. 1'rovlded ' , that the JudRcn of the mipromo court wliosn tennis bare not oiplrod at the time of holding the oloctlon of 18111 , shall eontlmio to hold tholr oHleo for the re mainder of the term for which tlioy wore ro- peotl voly elected umlor the present consti " tution. Section 4 : That each person voting In favor of this amendment Khali have wrltlon or print nil upon his ballot tlio following : "Korthe proposed lunondmont totlicconstl- tutlon rolutlni : to the numoor of mipromo judges. ' Therefore , I.Tohn W. Thiyor. Oovornorof the Htnte of Nebraska , do hereby glvcnotlco Inaeemdanco with section one (1) ( ) article llf- teen in , of HIP constitution , tlio movlslons of the act entitled : "An act to provide thomnn- nerof proposing all ntiiciidiiicnts to the con stitution and submitting thoxamoto tlicole- torsof the stntc. " Approved robrimry nth. A. D. 1ST" , thatBuld proposed amendment will be presented to the qualified voters of the slate for approval or rejection ut the general flection to bo held on the 4th duy of Novem ber. A. I ) . 1MO. In witness whereof I linvo liorounto sot my hand nnd caused to bo alllxed tlio uri'it ' seal of the state of Nebraska. Done at Uneoln Ihls SOth dnyof . Inly , A. 1) . 1SW , nnd tlio twen ty-fourth your of tno itnto. unil of the Inde- nendoncii of thu United States the ono hun dred fifteenth. lly the Governor , JOHN M. TU AVER. II , l Secretary of State. Auaust Icl3m riCOOLiAMATION , WHIIRKAS. A Joint resolution was adopted by the legislature of tho.stntoof Nobrnska. at thn twenty-llrat session thereof , and approved Kchrunry llltli , A. 1) ) , IH 1) , priiiioslng nu nmend- nu'iit to tlio constitution of suld ntnte. and lhatsuld umenduicnt shall lead as follows , to-wlt : Section Is That nt the KOnoralelection to 1m hold on the Tuesday succeefliiig the first Monday ot November , A. P.lxyo.tlirra Hhull by siniiltted tu tlio electors of thlx ntnto for up- pmval or rejection an umenilinent to the con stitution of this state In words as follout : "The manufacture , niilo und keoplnff forndu of Intoxicating liquors nn n bovemge nro forever - over prohibited In this Htate , andthu legisla ture shall provldoby law for tlio enforcement of thll provision. " And there shall also nt bald election ho separately submitted to the electors of this stale for their approval nr re jection an amendment to the constitution nt the stntu In words ns follow * : "The manufac ture , nalo und keeping for HIIH | of Intoxicating liquors as n bovorngu shall bo llounscd and i emulated bylaw. " tee. ! ! i At snoii election , on tlio ballot of each elector voting for thu proposed amend- inenthto ihoconstltutlon sliull bo wrltlon or printed the words : 'Tor proposed amend ment to the constitution , prohibiting the iimnufnctuto , Haln and kueplng for nulo of IntoxIcutlnR liquors as n lievoragc , " or " "AKalnst the proposed amendment to the constitution prohibiting the inamif.ioturi' , dale and keeping for tmlu of Into.xicatliib' liquors as ti tjovorngo. " ThitroKhnllalsobo written or printed on the ballot of each elector voting for the pioposed amendment to the constitution , thu wordtj Tor proposed amendment to thn constitution that tint manufacture , suit ) and keeping for ale of Intoxicating liquors as n beverage In his Htalo shall bo llcenbcd and tngnlatej bylaw , " or "Against s : lil proposed amendment - mont to the constitution tint the inanufnc- ttuo , sale and keeping forsalo of Intoxicating liquors ns n bovcrngo slmll bo lloonsed anu reiculatlng by law , " Heo. 3 : If eltlier of the sulil pronosod nniemlmeuts shall bo approved by n malorlty of the i'loo lorn voting at Iho Hrtld election , then It shall connltuto section twun'ty-sovon [ ' i' } of article ono [ lof ] the constitution of tills state. Therefore , I , John M , Thayer , ( lovnrnor of thuMtntoof Nebraska , do bea'by give notlco In accordnme with suction ono [ llartlclo [ 15) ) of the constitution nnd the provUionsnf thu act entitled "an aut to piovidn the manner of proposing all amendments to the constitution unn Hiibinlttlngtho Kama to the ulcctorsof tlio blnto. " Approved Tobrimry 13tli , A. I ) , Ib77 , tlmt aald iiroposwl Amendment will bo sub mitted to Uiocinallflod voters of this stnto for apuroval orrojoctlou at the central election to bo lield on the 4th day ot November , A. U , In witness wuornot I hereunto set my hand , anaoailio to be atllxod the grcnt seal of tbu state nf Nebraska , Done at Lincoln this 20th Cay of July , A. U.18UO , and the 21th ycarof the titto. and of the Indoponduuou of the United titiitoH the ono hiindrou llfteniitn. lly tlio Governor. JOHN 61.TIIAYEB. llEN.IAUIN 1.COVUEIIY ! , ( tiicu.1 bocrotary eState ( , August Id3m RfllLffSYTIMBOHRD MM I Cint'Alll ) , lltmi.tNUToN A J I Arrlt i Om ti . I Depot lOlli nn.l.Mmcm troot I Uinnlin. 4JO pin Kxproti . ion A m 4S 11 m I'hlcnco Kipm * , 6.SO p la t.lO f m . . .fhlciro S.M la 6Op m ' 8UJ m .V JO. ( Arrlt i Umnhi. ltrull. Omntia. _ ' I.IVi'p m 1016 m , . Drnrrr Kiprvis . B.l.t p tn ( . ( > . .Dvnrtir.Nlulit ( pai f t > ru . 9 Sin tu 8.1A n m | . Lincoln I/irnl , . , UOOp m bm.ihv I DopollOlli nmlMiKOii _ Mrettv _ pn Ariltoi" hii. P.3i ml. | . > , Kanmtfur * lnj Ktt > ri' s."ttlf | p iu P. i pmK.C | Nlpht Kip Tin U. ! Tram ' n 4)11 m " Omnhn. I Impot 10th nml Murcr < tr ot > . Arrhui Onuhn. * "jW p m 7T7..OrFrT nil T'lfcr 903i | ni T..TO r m I'ArlfloKxpres' 1743pm 19'Aiani Honrrr Kxprpss. , . . . . . .IMpm ( i.00 inl HunjnsClly Idproo IJuv tu I0.1.S n m | . . inlrtlcM Ktu. ( viropt fun. ) . m 'lMtt I OlllCAnif , K 1. A PAClffC. lArrlt r Omaha. In. ' . _ ) | ) , IWIi ntid Mnrcjaii I Oiii li . " 6.10 pml. ,7NI MKxiiro Wus iTm dOi > ml All.intlo K > i > ros c.30pni 4.30 p m.V'O'tlliuln | I.lniltprl. . . . . . . , t0.4.'i n m _ JA'nroi | HIUll.X Clft' . * VA TtlU " I ArrltoV jlmnlin. Ill 1 * > | ioU IQih mil Mnrcy 3H I O until 7.I& m r..Slinu Cltr I'RKviiKcr I _ 4. : < 0 pm1 , „ , . . .st. l mil Kipross 110.100 m "l.o "v I SUTJj.V Ol'U \ 1'Af IHC" lArrltoj" JJmnhs. I bopotl ttinnil _ WebsterHti. [ Om hn. 000jiml St. I'nnl T.lnilleT , .J vjlnnr JJmnhn. | tl I * , ilcimt. lOlhjninl Mntc Sli l oitji * , Otr am | . . , * . . . . ( litcnKO Krpro s . . . , , 6'tu f tn 4. % pm ] Voitlbulo I.lnilloil & 0 iu 6.15 p m lows AccmninoliUloMK.xo. Sun ) TO5 p m S.IO p nil Kn > < U'rn Fliur 3 li p ui 1.14 v iiu-.i > > t Kn'lorn K\\M \ S.OA in 'i.onT i iClHUAdn. MFu , A ! Oninlin , | l ) , I' , depot , lOlli nml Omnhn. " " " "e.00"p"m | Cnlrnso'l Tprcsi I 9 S a tu U 45 p . . . , . . . _ . { | irc < , . . . | ji.l& f tu I iJ.viAlTATxB'r.iTib'ls TArnvoi" OnmKiw | tT , P. Uepqt. loth nnil MftTfy.Sti | Uuinli . Iiounm .lilac * nun . . . . . Kiproi too it m . . .IliMtlngv Kjp. ( Ki , Sunclvy ) . , (10 pm NVBhoaAl.lncoln I'm ( ICx-Snnd'y ) 5.10 p m . Jerk . ( Norfolk ( ICi , " ' ' fes rj e , . 3r. T. , M * u.n Oinalu. \ DopotlMli nml Wolnlor flt < . | Omvlii. T.UO n in.KIuiix | City Accuiuinviilntlun. ' 906 p tu 100 p ni . .Sknix Htr Ki | > r < vKx. ( Sim. ) . . 1..1Q p in 9.0Uim | St. r.iul I.lmllol JI.SS > in JUS p m.llniiPoftl'ii | niigi'rKt. ( f n > . .J 8.4ft ill TenToii Missuunr luBivre ; TArrlrBr Oninlm. I Depot I.Vth nml WclxtnrKti. I Omihn. , St. IxniN A K. O , I I 4 59 p ra A 1C. O.J ! (1 .TO ji In OIIIOAliU li. t. A | Arrftui" TrnnifcrJ Unliui l'i ' > l' H Onnn.ii lllugi , iTraiiifor "fT. : < f p ni' ' 7lNI tit Kxiitou 0 : a in 9..10 a m' ' ' Attnntlo Kxprots. ZM p m 600 . . .Vp.llhiilo IJmltetl IO.W > m _ NOIlTIUVhS'iK.llN.ArrlTin" | Irniiaferl Union Depot , f'onncll lllulTs. | Trivn < lor f.tu n"in , Clilrnni Kxprpo I ti.ou p m 6.00pm Vciilbulo l.lmlluU UJK ) a m I0.IXioi' ) | ' Knutcm Kljcr ZOO p in l.-Upm ! , Atlnntle Mull 7.10 lin ' p in Innn AfTnmmnilntlnn ( t'.xr. Hiui ) | U 40 p in ellKrA ; u , MlH. TV hT. l'A"triJAr'rlT " Trflinfor | j'nlpii Jticnot. roniicll lllutla. , iTrainfi-r c ; > fpm ! Chlcnso Kxiiron .t'.HSum J.M p ! . . . . . . . _ . , . . . . OUOpni "LenTcTT K. , rtT JOK A 0. II lArrnpi Irnnntcr' ' Union Depot , Council tlluiti Irr.injfor 1001 ani | . . .lCi\nsp\i 1'lty lnj ) ICxprvm. , , i 6.W | > m 1025 pmi . , Knnm 1'ltjfNlKlit Kxprots. . lUail j ni "l nvoi I "OMAHA A riT U > I"H. .Ariitpa . Iriuofcr " UnionJ ) | iot , l'ntiiirllIJIIulM n'tnjufur M ji ml".Ht.TiinTs ( nnim Hull . .T , , Jf "MISSOURI 1'At'lt'lC ' HlllllllUiAiy Kvitwunl. I UOCIjABIATlO.V. , A Joint resolution was adopted by the loglslattiru of the state ( if Xubrahlni , at the twenty-llrst session thereof , and approved Marchltuth , A. I ) , 188H , propping an ainond- mnntlo Section Thlrtcon (1(1 ( of Artlcb Sl.\ ( l of the constitution of nild : state ; that sil < l section as amended ahall read ns follo\rs , > to- nlt : Section 1 : That section thirteen (13) ) of nrll- ( . lofilx ( ) ofthocoiHtllutlonof thoHtiUoof N'e- braski bit amended HO as to lead as follows : Ki'citlon U : ThoJudxosofthoHiipreinijooiirt khnlleat'h receive a walary nf thirty-live bi'ti- dred ilolln.rslM.OT ) ) poraiinutn nnd the IndgtH of the district court shall receive n sularynf thrcothousand dollnrsfiloj0) ( : ) par aniiiipi. nnd the salary of each shall bo payable quarterly. Hcctlon" : Kuch person voting In favor of ( his atiiondinnnl shall hnvo written or printed upon his billet the following ; "For tin ) proposed amendment tn tliccou tl- tutton , relating tu the salary o ; Judgis of the supreme nnd district court1 Therefore , 1 , John M. Thnyor , governor nf the Ht.ite of Nobrnska , do lioroby give notice. In accordance with section one [ 1 ] article llf- tcen [ l'i ) of the constitution , nnd the pro\l- blons of an act entitled ! "An act to provjilo Iho m.innor of prnposlng all iiimmdiiieiitii to HID constitution and Hiihinlttlng thelmnioto thoeloctoriof thi'Htnte. " Approved February Utli. A , P. 1877 , that s.ild pi-opined amend ment will bosubmlltod to the analllled voters of thlKHtatu for approval or rujcotlon , at th general oloctlon tu be held on the 4th day of Novi'inbor. A. n.lS)3. ! ) ill > i lilia > > v ilL'ltiii L iiihti ; iiuruilllKi nuu In nd and causa J to bo alllxrd thu Kitttit si'iil Illy of the mute of Nubrnskn. Done at Unooln. this xcth day of July. A. t ) . 16)0 , nnd tlio twen ty-fourth i ear of the state , and of tholm | - pendi'ncoof thu United State * the ouo bun dled fifteenth. Ity thoanvoiiior. JOHN JI.TIIAYEU. llR.V.UMIN It. UUWOKUV , [ SEAr.l Bocretary of State. , , August l(13m TIII2 KIIAlVrV MAIUC15X. TNSTKUMnNTd plncod on ruourd riuptum- J. berlrt. VVAIUIAMV nKRIlS. SI1 Kostwlckto JiimesStockditlo , lot 4. Mltillrnk : ' ndd $ 2,500 (1 M Ciiissluaml husband toll K Coolcy , lotH 8 , It ) . 11 and IS , blkl ) , Cloverlato . , 1,500 , r.'innlH Coon und biisbiui'l ' to ( Jhrlst , lant7cn. lot 'l , bile 11. Orchnnl lllll. . , , . 4'iOO Joicphlno Cunill anil litiHhand to Henry ( li'thchor. u ' / lot 1 , llnnlleld 1.000 01) Iliituhlnson lo 12 U Waring , lot 4 , hlk li. Oir-hnnl lllll I Mvor llolliiian ni.d vrlfo to U A McKuch- ion el nl. lots ? and S , bile U , IllllHldo .addNo. 1 . 7,500 llorman ICoiinlyo to I K Knrillol. , lot 17 , bikini. K'oiint/.el'laeu 2,500 , AM Alaynniil and husband to rimtlca Neber , lot I , blkll , Kwd'HM add 10,000 Andruw Nlhon nnd wlfo to V U Jolinson , lotKl , Falimottnt 650 Isano Sylvester tuM A Sylvester , lot 21 , JlcCaiidllsh I'lsco 1 JurnnsStocKdnlonnil wlfo toO Ill'avne , lots K. l.'l and Jl , hlk H , Orchanl IIIII 0,09U CliurKs Sohaitow to Theodore llnosbig , lotr , blk : i , Iie.\uU'Hsiib ) In B P Ko- ( eiV Ol.ahoina 3,0)0 I ) li ThomiiHiind wlfolo O I'Klllscn , lot IN , blk 14. Orchard lllll. . . . , 775 A I * Tukoy cl al lo Aillnir llothory. lot I'l. bllil.Covell'snddtoCielglitimllutrt 700 TU Whlttlrsoy to Arthur Oopoland , lot , 4. T II Wliltllosey'ri Bill ) W KlUubcih A Yatc * anil chlhlrnn ot Will- lam Yules , ( deceased ) to OnialiH. k rioicnco I , AT Co. . lot fi , hlk tu , lot A A-H , blk 10 , lot , J. Ill kill. lolH4A17. blk HI , lotsfl. 10 fi II , 1)11(11.5 ) , lot 14 , hlklfi , lots II A : 111 , blk [ M , hits fl k II. blU HO , lotHlli&ia. blk 101 , lotHl. I ) & 10. blk 1W. lot U. Ml ; 110 , lot I.I. blk 111 , lots If , 20.blk 119. lotII , Illicit , lot7 , hlk ILV.lot lit , hlk HI. lot 8. blk ISO , lot ; ; hlk ! . lotH. blk IJH , InlH 1,5 , 10.1' . k 17 , blk 1UI , lots 10 A 10. hlk UK. lot lt > . hlk 1115 , loUs : t li 10 , hlk 1(17 , lot 5 , blk JJI , oul lot ISO , out lot 201 , out lot SSI , I/lorcnci ) . ' 1,030 QUIT CMIM DI'.EOS. A M Maynnrd nnd liusbund to Charles NObrr , lti.M'4 fcot adjoining nottli end lot I , blk y , Heed's 1st uod 1 Total 40,978 There Is comfort for tbo manwlth a prematurely - maturely iniy board In JJuoUliiK'ham's I > yo , nccauso it novur falls to color uu oven browner or black as may bo desired , The only railroad tram out of Omaha run oxproBsly for the juicoinmodallon of Oinulm , Council IBluffu , Dea Molii'JH anil Chicago liiisincHS Is thu llouk lalantl YCHtlbulcd limited , louring Otniluv at 4ir : p. in , dully. TioktJt ollloo 1002 , SIx- tconth und F.-irnam Bts. Omaha.