rJHTS ? OMAHA DAILY BEE , f&K'TUllDA.T , SEPTEMBER 20 , 1800. T1HB BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. : , NO , 12 PEARL , ST. nollvcrod by furrier liiany jiirt ol tlio City. II. W. 7MI.TOM. - - c. No. 43. Night Wltoi.No. . 51 J/JT.VO/Z MEXTZOV. TJ , Y. P. Co. Council Hindi Lumber Co. . coal. 'J'he P.K. O , society will meet ntMIss.Mol- llo lllcc'n Saturday at 'J p. in. The veteran firemen of the city held a metllni ; last evening. It was of n business nature , imd nothing\vus Iransactedof i > ubllc Interest. "Work has l ccn rcconimrriccdon the North Bct'onil street hrltlRO. The delay \vat caused by the contnictorrt to supply tno stone re quired in the foundations , l/red Ulllchor wns fined $10.50 for Intoxlca- tloiiyoHtcnlaynt Uioinornlnfiies Ioii of tbo police court. I'YnnkBpcnccr ' got the satno ninount for tlio name ofTonso. The time oflho distrlcteourtwna taken up yoslcnlay with hearing Ihu cvMetico In tbo i'rolHtlo liquor case. The arpiincnts were not llnished wbun the court adjourned List night. The Council Hluflu wheelaicn will meet at , Ilttjllss iiark tomorrow morning atS oVlnclc for a run lo Ncola , They Invllo any wlicel- inon In the city to Join them. They anticlpato nflnn tlmo nnd ( 'oolroadi. ( The bitfderilck used tnhiinilllnprtho heavy Btoiic.i for tbo foundation of tbo North Kcc- orul street bridge fell yesterday and carried ilovn part of the llro nlurrn wires. J'.lco- trlclun Jlradloytinickly repaired thcdainage. Charles Youni , ' , iilias Hutch , tlio fellow who Bkippeil from the clwln fuif , ? on Wednesday , wns recaptured by Deputy Marshnl Fowler ycslcnlayinornliiKIluwcntto Omaba , but returned to the city In tlio evening prm > ara- tor to taking a trnin forHlouxClLy. Marshal Tcmplcton IMH received word from tbo Michigan shorlflwhowas hero after the man Miller , who win urriatod for borso Btonlhifc and held pending tlio arrival of an onicir with oxtnulltlon jnipers. Jlillcrwas ni-ralKiicd , ploud guilty amivn sentenced to tbojieiiltentiary all within four days after bo loft licro. JSIr. CJ. W. Snydcr , of the Is'onpnrcl ! news paper ili.sdiiiiinvvltlin.pood dcalof enerirymiy luiowledfo of ( ho presence In the city o'f Mr. T. 'J' . Cussed , oftiiulhib printing company of Kojrnc > yNtb. , , nndjiositlvelyasserts tliatno sueh pcrjiou as the man iiinncil , and no other peiton hns been recently negotiating for the pu ivhasa of the paper. lred Klwcll Is behind the bars apln intbo elt/yjiil ; , that ii , bo l.s there wliciiho Is not with llio renialnilerof the street gang sho\el- liiKawaytliii mud that VIM Ueiosted | $ l > ytbo latostorin , Jlr. KliscllU not a str.vnpcr in oitbcr place , nnd the ofllenso for wliloh bo wan sentenced the usunllciiKth of thneln- tojclcutioii , is u common one. Tickets linvo been Issued for tlio annual ballof tlicCouncil llluffH police department , to bofjiven In Masonic hall on SeptemberU.Y The tlclicla are issued under thn direction of Alderman Smith , chairman of the police committee in the council. Thobnllls fortho purpose of cnnbliiiK tbo dcpartinciit to lit up tbo new quartern , and for that reason should bo liberally imtroniycd. Dr , Urownrlgg of this city has been Riven especial reasons for remembering the moot- hip of the Missouri Metl ical association\vlilch bo attended. Ho went there iutho afternoon of the lust day wearing aliaiulsomaot'ervont , lie ramo away without itfor the reiuon that Homo other fellow had appropriated it through accident or design , no loiows not which , but la Inclined to believe Itwas acci dental. "Window "Washer" Hurko " , "who has stood between the negro Hill lllaeliimm and tlio county Jail for tbo past two months , grew tired of the position last nifjlit and askud to bo relieved of the obligations of Ids bond. Ulurkinnnli ) tlio darkey who slashed \ndrow Jackson 1'attorson with a razor sonio time ago , After UurUo furi-etidoro l him ho was taken Intocustody und locked up hi a cell in tbo county Jail. The grand jury has not yet passed ujioii his case. The young ladles nnd pcntlomen of the First iJnptlst chnrc'h have been busily en- fraKcd for the past week decorating tlio cliuivh and getting rendy for tlio annual har vest home-services that will TJO given next Sunday. I'liny worked last night until 10 o'clock , Initwill not got tbo work finished until tills evening : . Tlio decorations nro abundantaiul elegant , and tbo church will bo rendered very attractive for the Interesting 'services ' thnt vlll bo held tomorrow. The fall term of tlio federal court will con vene In this city on Tuesday next , with Judfjo Bbiras 011 the bench. There are but tow Im portant cases to ho beard outside of the crim inal ilc-clcct , which is unite largo. The most importuntof tlio criminal cases will bo that of Jlr. nnd Ulrs. Hawkins , tlio couple from 1'aeocounty who svliulled tlio government ouU of § 'JX10 , ( pension money , wblch thowoinan succeeded in getting ns tbo widow o [ a soldier after she had been married to Haw kins. Tbo Fuirmount park case will not bo reached at this term , A. wcolt brings often sad changes. lAit Fridiy Lena lioff , aged but ton years , tlio ilniiKlitcr of Mr , and Mrs. Joe KofT , was nmoing her playmates at school , with all the eeonilng iiwmiso of lonpf and brinht days. Talten suddenly ill , thnt torrlblo disease , diphtheria , rapidly developed , nnd though Bhti Joined lllio a httlo heroine with fond parents nnd sldllful physicians against It , death came nt an early hour yesterday morn ing. Tbo blow was us heavy as it was sud den , and tbo tcnderost sympathy Is called forth from the mnny hearts in which the sorrowing rowing piiront-s hold a warm placo. Tbo interment - torment -\vns necessarily private , ami tbo ser vices , slmplo niul tender , vcrolichl at sunset. "J Icvo a novspaper nun next to a good paying patient , " snul Dr. Von Munsfeld , the wellkno\vn physlelnu from Ashland. Neb. , who attended llio mooting of the Medical association In this city , "but ! cannotseovhy they will persist in iminlvrlni ; my name , or luj orllioewphyovory , tlmo they linvo occa- Blon to i-ofer to mo in their papers. 1 am n ( Jerinan by birth but nn American by adoption , hut I am not aslminedof my parent age. Consequently I z-etuin tbo Oorinnn orthography , which has no letter 'l" in it. It is plain Jlansfeld , ami I do not earo If the hoys leave off the prefix "von , " for in this free country titles acquired by birth are not asalnullo iia these won by brains anil energy. " Postmaster Trey nor lias mndo a complaint against the motor company for delay In trans mitting the malls between this city and Omnha. Tlio motor company ha boon car rying the malls since the dummy trains were taken otT. Their contrast with the govern ment calls for prompt service , which has boon unlformery Riven except when the motor trains Imvo been del ay eil by storms. During the prevalence of nn dectrlo storm the clangor of burninir out a dynamo Is very preat , which would entail a cost of several Immlivd tlolinrs anil might iwsslbly cause Boveml Uiiys * Interniptlonin the riinnlngof the trains niul ma siifogunnl ujnlnsttnclinn acciiltnt the niiiehlncry is shutdown when ever a thumler-stormU inprogivss.Vetllies \ - day's Btonn caused tlio delay thatbi-ought out I'Dtmartor Troynor's conuilalnt. t'R tisox.il , t'.t/i.m H.t i nn. Dr. II. S. West baa returned from a reason of rest nnd recreation. Mn.J. 0 , Mitchell and son retiirnodvpstcp- day from n visit to her friends In Morton- CJ. N. Coato.i , II. Anaorson , Hiss Dlaneho Arkvrlghtand Mnto linker returned ycster- da > y from 11 short visit at lllugbuui , la. J. < J , r-ango nnd Ktiill Duerr returned ycs- tertluy from a pleasure trip on the lakes and a visit to Milwaukee , whoi-o they both formerly llvcii , unil whew they still have mnuy friends. Colonel J , J. Stcadmati leaves tomorrow for Portland , Oiu , whcro ho luubcenoflerctl a prominent anil hior.itlvo newspaper ixisl- lion , Hovlll test thoclinmtc thoroughly Ixj- fore deciding to inalio perr.iaiicnt ari-ango- ts there , nion _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vrom this tlato the entire stock of "Tho Famous" grocery will ho solil at n discount iOporcontbe-lowllratcost , D. 11. Lyoua und \V. \ IT. Stotts , mortgafecs. Mouoy nt reduced rates loanol on clmtto and realeatato soeurltyby B , ir.Sheafo & Co Signs. Losoy itJoiison's , 11 Tear at. . 3\ll3sHhodojBi-Cffn \ , THE SEWS IS THE BLUFFS/ Another Scheme for Settling the School Board Oontrovenji PEGLEG VANNATTA'S LASTEST MISHAP. Ho ClinrKOS Mro. MoAlllstcr AVItli IlnvliiK Itobbcd Him of Forty Dollars lars A Corner Htono TrrnB lire Minor Mention. Thoboirdof education Is scheduled for mi other mcctlnt , ' this evening , ivlilch wns origlnnlly dc-slRncd to bo devoted largely to tlioi'onslJcratloti ' of the utifortuntito contro versy Into which It has Icon drawn over the supcrlntendency of the city schools , titid an other uflorL to cftect the removal of 'Ur. Mc- Js'nughton. It Is tidcrstood now that tins ef fort u-111 not bo inado nt the meeting tonight , mid It Is even doubtful If the board holds u meeting nt nil on account of u quorum. It Is understood that the jilnn now Is to np- pcul the cnso to County Superintendent Cooper niul hold before him the Investigation which wai defeated In ttio board. The ques tion of tlio Jurisdiction oftho county supcrln- tcnilcnt hw : arisen , mul ho submitted the matter toStivto Superintendent Snblu , The state ofllclul has rundurcd ( in opinion that the county superintendent not only has jurisdiction but tins no other con no to pit ratio than to hear the charges anil make the Inijulry when the case Is called to hH attention officially. If the meeting to night l.s not held It Is understood that the cnso will bo taken to the county ofllclul Mon day and the hearing commenced as soon as ho Is ready for it. M the c.iso readies the county superin tendent Ills certain to bo carried on up to the stiitosuperintcndent , for whichever side ho decides ! ix"inst will not bo satisfied with the result und will curry It tip. 'J'lio probability is thut by the tlmo it readies the court of last appeal and been decided the school year will have expired , and the gentlemen who nro opposed to the city superintendent will bo iicconlcu tlio opportunity of defeating him for election. To the l.ndioa Ilss alary Clcason hns rc- urncd from her eastern trip and Is better 'irujMrcd ' thuii ever to satisfy all -\vlro want irst chusi drcssiiiiiklng. Rooms in the old ibrary bulldint' , l carl street. Buy your lumber of Tlio Judd Si Wells Co. , 13 llroiulway. _ loscy & Jensen jiaint houses. .T.C. 33Ixby , steam hoatlnc , sanitary en- Binccr , til : ) T ifu bulliilns ? , Ouutia ; 'JJJ Mor lam block , Council llluffs. I * or Sale. Our retail furniture business , -with good established trade. Stoeltis lirat class and .veil selected. Ucoson for selling , are Kohij ; ntothu exclusive Jobbiuctr.ido. Any one wiHhinjr to no Into business should nvvbiifrato this , as It is onoof the fe 'golden ) [ ) poiluillties of a lifo tlmo. C. A. Hcr.iin & Co. Site Kulilicd Jlliu of His Money. " 1'eglcg" Vontmtto , thoolit soldier whohas been In the police and justice courts so fro- iiuontly duritiK the stiminer , nearly always the prosecuting witness la state cases ivhich failed to pan out 0,3 predicted , is ns < liu ho plnlntiff In n larceny case , In which ho Inims to have been relieved of $10 by a ivoiuiui named Knnico McAllister. Vannatta , a qulto n character aside from the faci that do'is always in trouble. Ills first troubles commenced when lie wns carrying a iniukct for Undo Sam in tbo civil war. Ho spent , hrco years in the service and lost a leg and received n great many wounds. Since he has Ived in Council Bluffs no has had lots of rouble. Several years ago ho got n pension ivlth a Inrgo amount of bank pay. This ho ipoit freely upon his wlfo and family and upon himself in the saloons. His \vlfo \ cut a great swell with the money and attracted the attention of n railroad lir.ikoir.an named McAllister. McLAlllstcr made hot and violent love to her and succeeded In winning her affections from her husband , and about three years ago shoran ran im-ay with the younp man and left the old veteran to earn for the family of child ren. BeforeROing she took all of the pension that remained. ' troubles inoney Pclog's con tinued right along without abatement , and Included confidence games , robberies and as saults , mid each event was signalized by the loss of some part of his monthly pension. In August his eldest daughter , a bright-eyed little pi riot twelve , was enticed into a house of ill-fiuno and ruined and the father failed in the attempt to have the -woman , Mrs. Hamil ton , who was charged with being the cause of the girl's ' downfall , punished. Since his wife loft him ho has been living in little sliaiiticj on the bottoms with his : hildren keeping house for him. After the eldest girl was enticed away the younger children left homo and ho has been nlone. A short time ago .Mrs. Eunice .McAllister , the wife of tlio bmkcmnn , who ran away with his wife , canio to the city and hunted up the old soldier. She hail heard nothing of her husband and wius anxious to bo consoled by I'eglogaml 1'egleg was anxious to bo con soled by her. They consequently pooled Issues and have been living on the old sol dier's mouthy stipend , On Wednesday Pcg- leg draw his quarterly pension , about $ 'J ' ( ) . Ho gave 510 of it to Mrs. McAllister to pay their board at n place where they have been living , Instead of doinpr so she took the money and purchased a ticket for DCS Moines and boarded tbo ( ! o'clock llyer on tbo Rock Island without bidding her old soldier friend adieu. Vanutta learned of this fact a lew lioa rs later and wired the ( ralico nuthoritos at DCS Monies to arrest her when she appeared. They did so and yesterday inorntnK I' glog appeared In .hutlco Suhui' court und swore to an Information charging her with grand larceny. Dopnty Marshal Whlto took the warrant mid loft yesterday afternoon for the state capital to bring the woman back. Window slmdcs at Losey k Jensen , 11 Pearl st. The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadway , If you -wish to soil your property call on the Jmul "Wells Co. , C. B. Judd , president , IMO Broadway , Scott house , nice rooms , clean tocds , faro f quirt to the best , $1 per day. Special low rntos to regular boarders. 2-J und .M N. Main st. , Council Bluffs. A Corner Stone Treasure. Yesterday the workmen engaged in tearing down the old Broadway Methodist church removed the corner stouo and revealed the treasure box that was placed there tvcnty-slx years ago when the corner stone was laid. The box -was mouldy and badly rusted , and Its contents thoroughly soakeit by the Hood of ivntor Unit poured around the old foundations during the Into storm , It wns taken Inchnrgo by 'Squlro Bamott niul opened. The con tents were so badly wit or soaked that It was found Impossible to oxamluo them , and the 'squire ' took the box to his house to dry it out. A record of the contents of the box has been preserved , and the only interest tucro is at taching to them Is to ascertain how well they were preserved during their long rcposo In the solid masonry. First-clnss dressmaking by Miss Wallace , over Cr.ttK'ineti'a baak , cor. Jluln st. and 6th nvo. _ Fine interior decorating , Losoy & Jensen. Fashionable wool suits mndo by Mrs. L. Simmons , fS to (7j ( silks , $7 to Slu. - J. Q , Tlpton , real estate , 537 Broadway. Now fall goods Jus treeolveUatUolU'r's , mer chant tall w , U10 Broadway , Will paper atLosojr & Jousou'i ' 11 PcarUt , All. Kit fO/t CATTLJS 1\\o 1'onnR Men of Kearney In n Serious 1'rcdlcnnictit , DnATJiicn , Neb. , Sept. -Special [ Tele gram to THE DIK. : ] Ex-JustIco of the 1'enco James Mchols Lafcborgcr and George Hub- bard , well known young men of this Vicinity , are under arrest for a complicated matter thot savors of cnttlo stealing. About the 10th of tbls month nineteen head of cattle wcro stolen from Green- mayor & Kldrcclge , near William sburg , In 1'helps county. Yesterday Jlr. Green- mnver saw six of the stolen cattle In William Allyn&Jo.'ft ( yard nt Lexington. Allyn said thut ho hod botiRht the cattle of two young men , who represented themselves to ho John and Charles Wood of near Kearney. Ho eave them a certified check , together with a note to the cashier of the Kearney national bank , instructing bun to pay the amount of f 140 if tbo bearers Identified them selves and if the cattle had no mortgage on them. James Nichols Identified the pair and the nUicuntwas paid. llubbard wni soon nfter arrested and lodged In jail and this morning Nichols was placed under the sheriff's care. llubbard confessed to stealing the cattle and that Nichols received one-third of the money for Identifying them. The young moil belong to respectable families and ttieiraetlon is n great surprise , .ACnkcH Another llrealc. Exr.Tiii : , Neb. , Sept. ID.- [ Special Telegram to Tin : lni-McKeighau ) : advertised to speak at a Joint meeting nt the opera house hero last night , ami full nndsntlstactory ar rangements to that end were made between thoallinnco people nnd the republicans. This did not satisfy the democrats , mid in consequence quence they Insisted upon MelCelpImn hold ing a separate meeting , and when he found that his opponent was to bo lion. I , W. Lansing of Lincoln he went over to the dem ocratic camp und deserted the alli ance. What frightened him most was tlio fact that the nllianco demanded nn ex planation of his crooked record. Ills speech was very disappointing to ttio alliance , as ho did not attempt to answer thoeharges against himself. Hon. .f. W. Lansing was on hand at the opera house as advertised , and his nn'ctliuj was a howling success. Thomas S. MitznndT. Ilcnncluin , prominent democrats of York county , wcro hero in charge of Me- Kclghan's ' interests. They uro the same par ties who mot MelCelghan in secret council at York lust Sunday. Day at Camp I'Ojjnn. TS'OUTII I'I.ATTI : , Neb. , Sept. 19.-Spccial [ Telegram to Tun UIB. : | 'ihcrc was a imvnl battle at Camp Logan tonight. The reunion closed vlth mi address by Jiuigo A. II. Church to his old conn-ados. At a meeting of thosoldiers and citizens it v.is resolved to meet hero one year hence. Wont Into Oonvulsl6ii8. There was a commotion nt the iiollco station last night when the jiollco brought In n young woman , giving the name of Mrs. Lewis , from r North Sixteenth. Tlio charge against thoyoung woman was that of stealing , mul .vuMiiiulo . by Mrs. Sarah M. Bales. This ndy claimed that ISIrs. Lewis had stolen _ a dress jiittcni nnd seine ornnincnts worth in illnboutilO. The accused woman toolt the nutter very much to heart , and she cried tiiul struggled until she went Into convulsions and met to bo tiikon to the station on a. strotchor. Shonnicted down when u iihysicliui was called and was released on ball to appear in court today. The IviiiL'olni Today. The Llncolns and Omnluis will meet In bat tle array at the ball narlt this nf tcmooii and xmiorroiv. There Is much feeling existing jotwecii the two teams , on account ol the claims of the Capitol City crew that they in- : end to beat Omaha out in the race. Macul- ai- says lie intends to taUo both games hero , md if ho does Onmba must fall back to seventh - onth place. Captain Walsh , however , is also up on his toes , unil declares that the Lincoln colicrt will bo routed fort and dragoons. Anyway , the games will bo hotly contested , inci a good crowd will evidently turn out to sco the sport. Firth Ward Ij a me. The Fifth ward iicrsonal rights league mot ast night nt Eriling hall , 1012 Saundcrs street. 'Jho league elected Henry Schrocder is president , to lill tbo place made vacant by the resignation of Judge Keuthcr , the former nxssldent. John Schmcltlngs was elected as the delegate - gate to the Douglas county central league nectlng , which will meet next Monday nlpht n Gennnnla hall , corner llarney und Eigh teenth streets. Ijalior Ijcatlcr Arrested for Trewpuss. Pirrsncuo , Pa. , Sept. 19. Much excite ment wns caused in labor circles today by the arrest of Vice ProsidontTurncrof theUulted vlino Workers of America on n charge of respass preferred by the Westmoreland coal company , when there bus been a bitter strike 'or some timo. Turner says It is a scheiuo to ntiiuldatetho men. ' A Residence Scorched. A house occupjcd by Thomas Lyons , at 114 North Sixteenth street , caught lire at 2 o'clock this morning. Prompt action by the II ro department saved the house and fnrnl- turo with the exception of the kitchen , where the blaze began. Loss about f.'XXJ ; fully In sured. Tlio Dentil Hull. KNOXVIU.I : , Tcnn. , Sept. 19. Jacob M. Thomhurgli , ex-member of congress from the Second Tennessee district , died this moru- 'n p. p.BITFAT.O , N. Y. , Sept , 19. Robert Dunbar died yesterday , aged seventy-seven. I to was ho fatherof the present system of grain ele- uators. _ O'Connor iimlO'Kclle.vCoinlnp : . i'DMN , Sept. 10 , Parnell Is making ar rangements for an early mooting of his fol lowers in London. T. P. O'Connor , M. P. , nnd James O'Kolloy , M. P. , will probably take the berths on the stcnmor Teutonic which Uillon and O'Brien secured for their passage to tbo United States. Myers Wants to Fight. OIII.KANS , La. , Sept. 10. Billy Myers of Stroator , III. , loft for homo thU evening , having- failed to get a fight out of either Howca or Carroll. He , however , loft a for feit of SJ30 for a light with Jnbk MeAullffo forapur.se of (3,000 a sldo and the light weight championship. Reforms Desired by flarinnii Bnu.iN , Sept. 10. The mind's' congress In Hallo has decided to present petitions to the bundesrath , reichstug , diet and various min istries asking that mining laws bo passed to effect various reforms in hours , wages , sani tary conditions , etc. Boll Boys Voro the Thieves. Ni\v : "Yoiiiv , Sept. 10. The thieves who stole U ,000 belonging to llookinakers Corlnn & Saunders , from the safe of n hotel Monday night , have been discovered In the persons of two bell boys. They have been arrested ami nearly all of the money recovered. Six Gypsies Drowned. EVAX8VIU.E. Ark. , Sept. 10-Two Gypsy families camncd near a creek north of hero Tuesday night. During the night a cloud burst occurred and six of tbo unfortunate people two adults and four children wcro drowned. 31urdrr in New SANTA. Ve , N , M. , Sept. 10. A dispatch from Chloride , Slorra county , says much ex cltement prevails there over the murder of two men In that vicinity the past week , un doubtedly by Indians. Posses are now out. rnbor Troubles In AVales , STDSEV , N. S. W. , Sept. 19. Two thou sand special constables have been enrolled , The labor conference has decided to call out the shearers and curriers next Wednesday , South Carolina llcimlillonnn. COI.UMHU , S. 0. , Sept. 10. The republican tate con vcation decided cot to put any ticket lutboucln X cv * roo.v. A. Simp Shi ) ( , Tnkcn nt the Denis- crntlo HIdt of the Homo. WASIIIXOTOV , Sept. 10 , Representative Walker of Massh0liusclt , "believing that a picture of thohoniiIn Its present condition of dcmocrntlo iteMotlon would form a good republican catnp'utfn document , today se cured the scrvlces'of two photographers to reproduce in n counterfeit presentment of both sides of thq. chamber. A photogrnpher lu the gallery aVovo the democratic sldo looked clown on nn array of empty scats , while the artist pn the inijorlty siclo dU-ectcu the camera upon ri gooaly portion of Koimbll- cnn representatives , The hnlf dozen demo crats present wcro unawarothriUholrpor- trnlts wcro Vicing taken , and the republicans were careful to withdraw from the demo cratic sldo all tlio jiigc3 ; and doorlcccpors who might tend to swell the democratic repre sentation , Xchrnska , town ami Daltntn. 1'cnnloiiH. ' WAHIIIXHTOX , Sept. 19.-Si | > eclnl Telegram to Tin : DEI : . 1-Pensions were granted today to the following Kobrjskaiis : Increase Hnnsomll. SmithAllliinco ; StcphcnTliomas , South Omaha ; .Allan H. "Wilson , Geneva ; John II. Harden , North 1'lntto ; Lawrence Hlbbaril , Howard ; Edward 0. Burns , Scrib- ncr ; John Jlanur , Falrbury ; Trunuin O. Wilder , Uowle.s ; Charles 33. Weeks , 1'nlr- bury ; U.miolOutz.nrr , Htimboldt ; David C. Coppoch , Uavld City ; Closes L. Kldder , Nor folk : Henry II. Olosscr , I3asetti Olnrlcs W. Tnlbltzer , Oconco ; John W. Mcndonhall , Chester : AVIlllam UhBholm , llromlleld ; Marlon 11. Urown , Indianohi. Iowa : fncivaso-Isam K.Vllkinson \ , Kldon ; ( Jeoi'BO AVutts , CrcscoVllllam \ II. Fulrlleld , Amelia ; Theodore C. Mcrrltt , DnvisClly ; Michael Boycr , Wapello ; Huns Ivunlsen.Stningor ; Daniel Teller , Rutland ; Henry Slier , Moulton ; Stuokley M. Harding , Shell Hock : Joseph ln. Holmes , Burling ton ; William Xike , Uenton ; John Green , Ornngo Citv ; Lcvl J. 1'ord , Cednr Itnplds ; James E. Sanders , Guernsey : Thomas J. Wright , DCS Molncsj Edward I'roctor , Grlswold : David S. llurbank , Waterloo ; Gwrgo W. Donal.son , Clear Lake ; Gcrritt Vnudcrcanip , Pella ; "William Nugent , Commerce ; Eyan Alnuns , Sioux City ; Samuel W. Young , I'romlso City ; John S. McICco , Ccdur : Hnplds ; U'il- llnm C. Shepherd , Hartford ; William Heed , Now .Market ; William II. Williams , I3ataviri.TacobAmold ; , ] WllliamO IIorncriencvaniO3 ( ; Jlatthcws , Waulcon ; Wailo II. Fulton. Leon ; Chiuineey M. King , Council HliilTs ! Evan Fish , Colum bus City ; Joseph II. Smith , Logan : Johnson Gwves , Manlnsbiirpr ; fs.unucl IJrach ; McchnnlcHbiirg ; William M. 3-yttle , Charles City ; Orlando Grlflltli , Clear- field ; Henry Athens , Dubuquos Jacob Leddlc , Uuiikcrton ; Henry P , Fra/ey , Cau- tril ; Fi-iinccsN. lhodes , Clinton ; JolmSur- vis , Oskaloosn ; Matthew Helm , I'lyinouth : Morris M. N. BiirlesonVaucomii ; Peter Delescalllo , Jlonteziliniv ; Albert F. Isrchoti , Waylund ; ( Jarnctt Vanripcr , Shcfliclds ; Alex T. Fields , Colfax ; John Hutton , DCS Molncs ; John Norris , Keosau- qua ; Lovl Townscnd , Alacksburg ; Edward Yniicurcn , Sac City : William Mur ray , Lacoma ; Samuel M. M.Vhite , Atlantic : E. l > . King , Lake Park ; Milton II. CJoodc- nough , I.ogati ; Archibald Payne , Palmyra : Edimr 1C , Spears , Delta ; JohiiKutland , Story City ; Daniel Crovylcy , Promise City. botth Dakota ; Increase George W. Sumptcr , Young ; Andrew Craig , Empire. The Ilee.ognltioa nf " \V\snixoToy , Sept. 10. Inferring to a special dispatch fi'om ' Salvador , saying that Minister Mizucr had been instructed by the state department to recognize Ezcta's election to the presidency.uVctinK Secretary of State Wharton said this evening that no such in structions hud been given , but undoubtedly soon would be. , The state department has received from M nor a full report of the Barrandla incident , hut is not yet prepared to make It public. Sti-ikoiJUot at Sydney. Svnxr.v , X. S.JSopt ' , , 19. Inconsequence of the stnko ofi u'raymcnand the inability .of the employers to engagenonunion men , the wool merchants and s > quattcrs today drove their own wool drays to tbo quay. A mob hooted them nnd tried to prevent the unloading " ing of the drays. Ktones wcro thrown at the drivers and the mob became so riotous that the mayor read the riot act. The police and troopers then cleared the streets. Strnmslilp Arrivals. At Xew York The Bothnia , from Liver pool ; tboGreeec , from London ; thoLuXor- mnndle , from Hamburg ; the Rotterdam , from Amsterdam ; the Tr.wo , from Bremen. .At Browhcacl The Etrurla , from New York for Liverpool , Ercmcrhaven The Allen , from New York. Passed the Lizard The Frlcsland , from Now York for Antwerp. Three Prisoners I soapc. Sii/rLviu : , UtahSept. 19. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BCK.J J ohn Kerne , on trial for burglary , James MeCarty , awaiting sen tence for grand larceny , and Harry Stone , postofllco robbery , escaped from a cell in the 'United States marshal's ofllco today ut noon while the oftlccrs wcro at dinner. There is no trace of them. Tlioy are all dangerous characters. The Chnllentcr Arrives Disabled , n BOSTON , Mass. , Sept. 19. The disabled ship Challenger , reported nt New York a few days ago by an incoming steamer , ar rived hero today almost entirely dismantled. She passed through u hurricnno August 31. Eight of the crew wcro washed overboard and drowned and four others seriously hurt. fiot Away.with $2.000. CmcAOo.-Scpt. . 1'J , [ Special Telegram to THE Buc.J A dispatch from Peoria , 111. , says that a thief entered the residence of Joseph B , Grccnhut , the president of the Webster Trust , last evening \vhllo the family wns at supper , and made away with about $ -,000 , in cabh , diamonds and other valuab les , Wlillo Supremacy Assured. JACKSONMiss. . , Sept. 19. The constitu tional convention made considerable progress today in the disposition of the report or the franchise committee , The apportion incut branch of the report , as adopted , by Ingeni ous gerrymandering assures white suprem acy in both bouses. Tlio Weather Fnrccair. For Omaha and Vicinity Fair ; warmer , For Nebraska Fair ; warmer ; variable winds , becoming southerly , For Iowa Fair ; decidedly warmer ; south erly winds. i For South DakotaFairwarmer ; ; south erly winds , > > i Selectetl.ViCo . Direetni-ficncml. CHICAGO , Sept 19. The executive coininitto of the worlds , fair commission tonight selected Commissioner McICcnzi of Ken tucky as vico' chairman. This virtually makes him vice director general or assistant to that ofllco. ' The Fh'Q lleoord. \ViliTKiiii.L , } Uoh. , Sept. 19. An Inccndl- rry llro sweptfuway the business portion of this place this morning' . Thirty dwellings were consumed' , ' A careful estimate places the loss atlO(3iaCp. ( , _ * Change of life , backacne , monthly Irregu larltles , hot flashes nro ctired by Dr , Miles' Nervine. Freesaniples ntlCuhn & ; Co. , 15th aud Douglas. Sliuiii ( tattles Cnnoludnd , noiixsiocK , Sept. 19. The army mnncu vcrs were concluded today. Emperor "Wil liam led the Jlnal attack. Emperor Francis Joseph was with the army of defense , which was successful. Itui-chcll ln < llut Ml foirtirdcr. . WOODSTOCK , Out. , Sept. 10 , The grand this afternoon returned ntruo bill against J. Iteqlnnld Hurcholl for the innnlcr of Fred- crick C. lleuwell. The trial boglus Monday. Pniiny Uavoiipnrt Kei-Inusly III. NEW YOIIK , Sept. 19. Fanny Davenport , the well known actress , Is very ill with a serious cold. "Water Lily booj > 5 cents a cako. ' " JPOISOXKJB FftVIT. Forty \Vctldlii \ Guests L'afc Thcrcor VltU DiHtresslii ) ; atesullN. I'lTTStifiio , I' * . , ScpU 10. [ Special Tclc- grnmto THE llKE.-Advlce3 ] just received fromMononfjaliolnClty , nn up river mlnlnB towu , say that forty parsons wcro poisoned ntnmnrrlago feast near there Monday , and not until today can the last of the forty unfortunates bo pronounced out of danger , W. V. llcrryhlll wc-dMlssMnrgorvM , Carrolland tlio brlilo's proud father set out a feast for their friends in which canned fruit played a prominent part. There are but two physicians In that neighborhood , and as the two score Rtiests till became til at the same tlmo with symptoms of add iwlsonlng , the trouble was traced to canned fruit nnd many of the ewes wcro seri ous , Including the crstwllo hnppy pair , but all -.re now fairly recovered , * A.i it .yum AT fjnaoy. Several People Wounded In n Ilght \\llli the SoldlcrH. LISHON , Sept. 10.-Wednesday night nmob ttackcd eight policemen lu the streets. A 'onlllct ' nroso in which stones and ro- olvci-s wcro freely nsod. l orty- wo rioters were arrested , Later the lot became general and the municipal was called out. The mob then took in the Cafe Mnrtlnbo , In the iilnm Dora Pedro , where the customers consisted if journalists , deputies and merchants. The oldlers llrcil Into the building , wounding ; > evcral. TJIK JtO.t It Tit 1M.VK T0\ . \ Move by the Xi > rlliwostei'ii AVIiloU hooks Jlko llnslnoss. ON' , S. D. , Sept. 19. [ Special Tclc- to Tin : Bin : , ] The city council hst granted the N"orlhwosturii railroad lonipanytho right of way through the city 'rom ' Eighth street to the river front , where t connects with the cement track. This Is 'cgurdod ' as certainly securing the extension i-omllartiuKton to Ymikton and n bridge across tuo Missouri river at this point. iVIoder-n Woodiiien Ttottlilen. Ciiic.i.no , Sept. 19. Mailer In Chancery IcuryVnrd of Whltcsldo county has bcon .nking evidence 111 this city for several days n the celebrated suit brought by thoattornoy general against U. J. Uoot , prcsiitcnt oftho " lodcrii Woodmen of America , grow- ng out of the trouble la that 01-- ranlmtion last year. The testimony of sirs , Eva Owens wns among the most inportant. Slio is the wife of Alfred E. Owens , tlio printer , ami knew of nn arrangc- nent fictween her husband and Heed by ivhich the latter \viw to get a. coininlsslon on , hcprinting done for the society. The 13cr- nini dctith affair was also talked over ami the papers left with Owens. Then matters be- ximownriii anJOv.'cns vent to South Amor- ca , where he uo\vls. It appears that Mrs. Owens was to bo supported from money furnished through an agency. It diil not come very fast and she came toCbicaco. Becoming1 "null up she went to a furniture- dealer lamed Shaw , oil Cottapo ( irovo avenue , stored her furulturo and aslccd him to keoj ) for her some valuable paper. * left by her-hus band. .Afterwards , before ho vould ( 'ivo them up. ho consulted nn attorney. W. f. Groin of Lyins , la. , attorney for Koot , also wanted the pnicrs | and pave them up for § 200. The papers turned out to bo an alleged proof of death and other forged documents. Counterfeit seals were also discovered. Various letters wcro shown in evidence , -written by Attorney Oroho to Mrs , Owens , tending to show that ho was warning her to keen her husband away so as to prevent his testifying. All the cvidcnco for the plaintiff has been offered , but it is not known yet whether thoio will bo any de fense. "You cannot bo too particular about the mcdicinoyou use. When you need a blood purifier bo sure you get .Ayer's'Snmparllla , and. no other. It will inhifrlo with , purify , a&d vltalizoevery drop of blood in your body. It makes the weak strong. 1'nylnc for.Silvcr Pullion. 1 " \VisiiixfTO ( > ' , Sept , 19. Acting Secretary Batchellor today sent to the senate n com munication in response to Plumb's resolution as to the manner of paying for silver bullion. Ho says that checks drawn in payment cf silver bullion pass through the New York clcarinp houses , the sarno as other checks drawn on the assistant treasurer at Kew York. It was necessary , ho says , at the time the law toolc effect to issue notes of largo denomination in payment for silver purchased , but they will soon bo replaced by smaller notes. Ho states that there hua been no demand of any uiiisrnitwlo upon the treas ury-for the redemption of these notes In gold coin. Tickets at lowest rated and superior accommodations via tha great Rode Island route. Ticket olllco , 1002 Six teenth and Parnam st'rcots , Omaha. Acciiiittcd of Murder. Pioni.t , 111. , Sopt. ID. A celebrated mur der case ended today with the acquittal of James Conncll , who killed Andrew W. AVnl- lace of Dillon last April. Council rented IV def of Wallace , who was very qunrrclsont. When Council went to take possession Wal lace was on the farm with a pistol in his hand. His arm was at his side , but the pistol was pointed at the defendant. Wallace re fused to tnllc , but Council jumped over the fence with gun In hand , hoping to intimidate Wallace nnd thus boablo to talk the dlfHculty over. As soon as ho had gotten into the yard Wallace , without raltlug his arm , llred at Council. The latter then flred the fatal shot , thinking- that his life was in danger. The now olhces of the great Roclc Island route , 1COU , Sixteenth and Farnaui streets , Onmlm , are the finest In the city. Call und sou thorn. Tickets to all points cast at lowest rates. Hiiidnllot. . u illy. SAI.TLAKI : , Utah , Kept. 19. [ Special Tclc- pramto Tin : lp.i.l ! James TJ. Randall of Lincoln , Jfeb. , wns tried in the district court today for horse stealing. The defendant , in company with n man mimed Owen , was ac cused of having hired a Horse and bufgy and driven into the country 100 miles and sold It. Tbo defendant is a son of Captain Randall of Lincoln , who , In company with attorney Culdtvcll of the same place , \vas present nt the trial. The defense was insanity , caused bv liquor. Cnld\vellmado \ a very eloquent pica. The jury's verdict was not guilty as charged . _ To Servoim Debilitated : \rcn If you will send us your address wo will send you Dr. Dyo's Celebrated Voltalo Uo'.t ' and Appliances on trl.il. . They will quickly restore you to vigor , manhood and health. 1'uniphlct free. VOLTAIC BELT Co. , 31arshall. Mich. , \ Cabinet null tier Selected. ! Lisiio.v , Sept , 11 > . Senior Ferrao has been Intrusted with the formation of a cabinet. .c BETTER THAN GOLD. C ; RESTOrtED HER HEALTH. Tor 23 years I Buffered from bolls , cryilptlaa ocil otbci blood affections , tiling during that time great quantities ofdUZcrcct medicine ! H llh- out giving mo aojr p ccptlbto relief , Prlcnda indnccd rnato (78. U.S. It Improved me from the ( tart , and tltcr taking c\trtj Uottlci , re- etorvd in ; licaltb as f u OH I could ticpa for u jay igc , vhlch It now icreotj flvo JMTB. Mm , B. 21 , Lacii , Dowllng Green , Ky. ) nn Illrvnl and Skin Dlwaeci mailed froo. co. . INPREOEDBNTED ATTRACTION U OVEll A MILLION DlSTltlUUTKU. Louisiana State Lottery Company. tnroriiorntrtt lr tlio li NlKturo , fiir < Muc.itl < mnl nnclclmrltatln imrposoMli ( rnnclil ( > iimtlDn | > nrto ( ho present ntit ronsliliitlon , lu IS ? . ' , bjron < jver- wliclralna romilnr voto. niul To continue until January 1st , 1SOB. Its MAMMOTH DUA.W1N03 take Soml-Annually ( Juno and December ) 3rnnd Single Number Drawings talto in caeh of the other ten month * of the venr and are nil drawn in public , nt the Academy of Music , Now Orloms , l/i. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS , For Integrity of Its Drawings and Prompt Payment of Prizes , Altenteilns followsi "Wodo lifrcbv rcrtlf j Hint wo unporTl'O tl > i\r- riuiccmenti for nil tlio nionllily nml KC tlranliiKB of the lioulshnu Mnto Ixitlrrjr nn < l In pcrwn ni.iiuico nnd nintrol tlio tlioinolv < " .Anl ( Unit tlio Kiimc iimi'iiiuluctoil nltti liotie ty. fnltiipt' . niul liiKOoilfnttli lu\rard < nlliar | * lU > ' , niul tvcnutliorl/u tlio oomiuiny l use lliln'cer- ( llU'.ite with fiio Mnilloi of uir : xlxnnturciiittnclicJ n It ] mlvcrtlsiMucnts. " rOM.MISSIONKHS. Wo , tlioiniter. . ljno 1 hnnkt nnil bnnkor , will par nil prlitcs Jnnvn In tlio Louisiana Slnto Lotteries which limy lo pri'scntuilnt ourrotintor.'i : 1 ! . M\VAIMSLKV.l1n' \ .I.tMiKi..mii Xnfl Hank. I'lKIIKKUNArx.rros.SlatoNntlon'l Hank. A IIAMIWIN. Pros. NIMV OI-IIMIIH Nal'l Hank. CAKI ( KOIIN. 1'ruH. ' Union National Iliinlc , GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING Attbe Academy of Mxisic , Hew Orleans , Tuesday , Oct. 14th. 1BOO. CAPITAL PRIZli , $300,000. 100,000 Tickets at Twcntv liollnn each. Halves. 410 ; Qimrleis. * 5 ; 'I'onlhs , J-'i ' TMCII- llutlis , it. LIST W IMUXK3. 1 I'ltl/.K OF $ -WW.O ) Is . (300,000 1 rillXKUP llkl.UO ) la . HWOUJ 1 I'lll/.K ( ) ! W.UUUH . Mffu 1 I'lll/.K ( ) ! ' aWJOH . 2.VHIO 2 I'KI/.KSOI' ' IO , M nro . 1UOJO fi I'lll/.KS Ol-1 6.0.X ) lire . 2J I'lll/.KSdlt' IOI , > J nro . si,0 l 10M . 1 . , ax ) rmxKSOK ice nrc . tasm too I'KIZKSUV 3K ) nra . IW.OOJ APrnnxiMiTiuy ruizi.n. 100 Prl/ps of J.VK ) arc . VC ) ( > 3 IUU ! VIJtnt , ' ! ( ) > ) iirt' . : )0O ) ( IWJ l'rl/.cs ( it SJOuro . soUOO , TCUMIVAI. I'lll/.KH , C.i ! ) I'tlfcn offlOOnro . w.ocfl WU 1'rlzcu or lOOnru . W..OJ 3,131 Prizes amounting to . $1,054,800 , Nort : . 'I'UkctsilruwlncCiiiiltiil 1'rliet arenoten. tltlvdto tcrniliuil | > rl7ua. AGENTS WANTED. HATKH , or nny further Informiilliin ( c-Mlrcil wrllu Ict'llilv tn tlio mulonliiu > J , cloirly utiitlnzyoiirreslilcnoc.fltli st.ito , cuuntv , ulruotnnd iiniubor. Muro r.iild | ii'ttim mall ili'l Ivory will bo usMneil ly yuur tneluolni ; 1111 1'livuloju lioirln vour full luWruss , IMPORTANT : Address 51. A. DAUPHIN. " " . ta. Or M. A. DAUPHIN' . Wiisliliifiton , H. ( ! , llyonllmry letter , ccmliilnln : Mn\ir : Oitnnil , li- oiifd liy rill cipro conipaului Now Vork Kicliiuino , limit IT po > ul note. Address Registered Luttsrs Containing Cur rency to XKW OK MIAN'S NATIOXAI , IJAN'Iv. Now Orleans , Ia. UD.Mr.MllKIt , that thoimyinent otprlzni ANTKtll 111' roilll N.MKIN.M , HA.NkS lf Vow ( Ir- IcaiH.iuul tlio tickets iirj slencil liy tlio iirraliluiitof tin lintltulltiii wlioo ( * hirli ; rtrlvlylit < nro ri'cd iilzed in tliohluliiut courts ; t.ierol'ure , bonaro ul nil luilta * tloindriinnnyiiioiri sclioiilL's. HD.MUMIIi : ! : . tattlicpiu ! < cntcUnrli < rurTlia Ian- lRltti.i8tuti > loltvry ( 'iimiriny , whlflillia SUI'll KMB rouitr OK 'nilr. : . s. iius iicciau.i to m n co.v- THAl'l' u'llhtliu State or T.onlr.lin.i. : nn < l a imrtot Ihu ConslUiilloli otthb tlatu. DOHSXOT CTnIro U.N'- TJI..T1IK FllittTOI'MANUAIlV , IhUi. Tiol. < 'Kl lntii"'Oof Louisiana , ivhlc'i mljonrnoilon llio Illtli of July nftlils year. liaiiinlcr.M nil A.MH.N'D- .MlC.NTto tlio CoNJtltutitm cif tlio nt.itu to bu nili- niltti'ilto tliot'o | : > lo fit nnitlurllcin In IS.1 , wlilcli will oiirrv llio rlinrti-r ( if Till ! IO UlSt A ; SA S'I'ATK IJH'- TKHV COMPANY up Uilho year NINGTKUX 11U.X- UHKO AND NINKTKKN. ATTEND Strictly to Iiu9lno5i" l n nilondhl motto. Tin liltfli- u.it BucctMH In uiri'ry line of liiiinan cnorxyluuuclieU byhlm wliolioldHto soraa niloptod | ioclulty. WESTERN I'onplonro iiroKroislvo , full of onouy , iiml nioii y iniiklnii Hchcmos. They nooil spoclal trnlnln for business. IOWA I.enrt ! In poinllnr oilnc.llloii. Ifor piibllo nrliooh nro rtohiK cnind work fur her nc.-ouliij : millions. Wuatorn luirn. COLLEGE , Canimcncet full term Sopt. lit. Hlio noloctl the really prnctlml for her SUnk'nH. N'ormil. ] \ \ > s\- \ nufls.Sliorthanil mill IVninatnliI ; ) rour < m. well nt- H.inlzo.1 und ciirufully cntiilncto.l. S'.lil'jiU ( : limy enterntuny llino. U'rlto for furtlior purtlculara 10 W. S. I'luilsoi ' ) . Council Bluffs , Iowa. Council Bluffs & .0rnaha TRANSFER LINE. M. Beccroft & Sons. , Props. BAGGAGE , lXi5iuiSSTHIiAFREIGHT. : \ . Malfii3 ; tlirco trips ovary day except Sim- ( Jinalia ofllco ntthuA , Slowurt Express nml Doll very < 'o. , JoOl llowunl st. Coimoll lllu it's oil ) IM > , K llroadway. Tolo- . . Luavi-s Council lllnlT n mid 13 n. in. mid 3 p. in. Uiiialiu. 13u.iui : p. in. andS p. in. Orders pnnnptly uttciiiluil to. OFF ! CE RT'T ' PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Mulii nml ilromlwiiy , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Donk'r.s la foreign mill iloiuustloclmno ( 'ollcctlons in a do anil Intciost paid oa tlmo lluposlts. ARCHITECTS And Bulldlnd Snperlntendeiits ; UonmsKiO mid OMton KullillnK.Oiniilin.N'ob. , nnd KKiiuh2H -liMcriliini Illnuk , Council 111 nil's , In c'orrcsponilcneofotlcllod. SPECIAL NOTICES , f COUNCIL B2.UFFS. - moms ti n fiirnUhcil i ulw furnished room * * , ( iliciii ) , No. UN. Mum sU TIOU oxchntiKC 'Jno notes. Montgomery Co , , ? KnimiK , wull li > i | > rove < l. , . , 100 acres , Clinuliiuiiiit | Uo. , Kan , , veil Im- . _ x S-iii ncrt-s , Troyo Co. , Kniistn well Improved , f 9-lOncrv.i , L'uiiinnchol'o.i Kim. . veil linpro w ccl. r ccl.rjfl.u'rcs Morris Co. , Kansas , wcl' Improve. . ! , : iaiiicros l.ouiiii Co. , Kim. , well imiirotod. liMnuto * , KM rims Co. . Nebraska , : c.Micro. ! , Unit Co. , Noliniikii. ! U7iu.'r < > , Mulileiibcrg CO. , Kentucky ) well imiovcdi clear , JO'J ' iioro.1 , well Improved : Alconi : Co. , MH'hl- RUM ! I'll'lir. o.M , ItoisCo. . Ohio ; clour.111 trails f nil fiirineri'liiiiiillsoor city iinipvrty In i'mitii'll llliKY'Hii' Oiimlni , ( . 'lour html In Sloiio iiiul Hurry Co. , Mo , rinimory In t'liiipinuii , llrkfu < m Co. . l\ni. 1 1 , "till. " 1st nuirlisuKn nnt ( s , ( let to the tiont. 1 wimmilo. .1. l.l'rloo. Idol's hotel. _ jvflT llD.NT 7UtorT > 7ml > iT I. liiiMiH'ssIturiiP JL IMJ ? , 414 Itr.uiihvuy. oeeiiplfil liy ilniti ( re A | > ] ily to ( loo. T. l'lii'lH. | inoni'y order di'iuiiN IIUMI , postollloo , Council Ithlll- " . " 17101 ! UKNT I'lirnlslii'il parlor iiiul ln'ilromn ' * - ' en suite front room * ) . Also single room niul hoiist"ti J. It. Davidson , ( Wo I'lfth inc. \VAXTKO-A llrst olnsi cook for ' TorU. \ \ . Adjliuss with icfi'iviioo. ltnus , Council It'.ull'M. ' . I'rt-M'iitlocution ' must 17 UU In buslnoss will soil stork - ill UK ! ) inn ) Ihtnti'H. nil now ami t rli . ut u discount. If vildltliln iioxtWiliiys Ii volcii n bout J./pOO. Ailiirctt H. , lleo t > tll r , Council Iltull's. jVK ) SAliK Kino staiulliril liroil tonin , bays , anil 8 years old , mulched. l.aily city lirnliin will not hv. Cull at Si S. Main . . I'tmiu'll IllutV.i. J. II'rlce. . 1 HAN'C'lJot a llfi'tlme. New fl-room hout' , - 'Ill-sides liatli ; hot and cold water all throiu'h ; fiirunci1 , gnsnnd elcctrlellsht. Tor saloon ouiy tortm. Uu I'ourlli uvr. . mu-bloc ; t from motor , six from postotlloo.V \ , \Y. Hil * Itor , W I'oarl st. ITlOlt UK.VL' Hotel Jameson , all fnrnlslipii. i I'liwoMslon itlven October 1. 1'or Informa tion amlro-i Win. Sluduntonf , or ( Jlirls Straub , Council Ulnirs. Foil SAliK Tlio Ilonio Ito t urnnt for sain onoasy ti rnii. The must popular jdati lu the clly. S.V. . Scott. M iti-oiuhvay. FOU SAliti or Itnnt narilnn Inntl , with iiousus , by J , U. Itlco. lUJMalii si. . Council Itlulfs. \\/llV ply roniwiiunyon catriTny u luniicnii T T tliOHamo toriiH , niul in east ) of your ili'ulli atanytlrnoluavoyoviramlly ( the homouluui on the following tormi ) : , | A.IIOIIIO wortliloi ) > atl3 per month. A homo worth tl.VV ) at $18 | it'f montli. A homo worth J..OJD atWI per month. A ho'iio ' wort li tl.'U ) at } fl pur month. A homo worth Jl,0 ; itfH j.oi' month. Oilier iirlcnd homos on tlios'iiuo tornii. Th above monthly payments tnolndo iirlni-ipal andlntorost. Knrfull nnrtlciiliiri I'ull nn ut addres-ilhoTii'ldit WelU Co. . IMJ llroadwaj , founcll ItlulTs , la. DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute 1C Private Hospllaft Cor. Broadway and 26t'a ' Sa ; , Kortlietri'iitnuMitof nil siirjile-alnnd chronlo ( llsuiises and dlso isus nf the blooil. Private ( llsouHi'sof the urinary nnd soxiril orgnns assyplilIK as strlcturu , c.v-tltK spcr- iimtorrolin : ! ' . lost manliotid , MIXIUI ! liii | > olt > iicii nii < l weakness trealoil sUL' ; i"sfiillVtnin l'iillMilui' attuntlon paid to : ( < ll\YHHainj lun.us its Astliina , Coiisuiiiiitlo i ] Catiurh , Kti1. I'lirnlvHli , ICId'i. . „ . . . ' , . i. , , , ls ( m ' " " ' " DlabotL-M. IlrlBht'Hllsuii ) iV Oaiicor , Vurlot'ulo. Hyihocu Dlhenws of the Eye ntiil tpluiilCtirvut uro and nil d Is VVoh.ivcadi'iiiirtniciit du. . . , - . - to tliotruatmoiitiif Uterine lls04uiUng ) jo Moillclnohunt securely piick.d aflu v"--J"n- ohsornitlon. Coiicspoiulenco uonflilnnttil. : Address : DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute anil Private Hospifefl , Cor. llrondiviiy and 2GIU Sit. Council lllnn , la. DRIVING PARK. Pall Meeting , October7to 10,180Q S .OOC ) IN PURSblS. 2 PROGRAM.ME : \ MONDAV , OOTOIIKU 7. 2 : 0 Vnco I'ursi : JTOO I'lLTi 'I'nittliiK I'ur.si ) .MX ) ll-yuar-olU Trottlns Ktiiko IW TUKSD.VV , OUTOIIEIIH. 2:50 : Trotting I'orso .100 ' . ' ; 'JO 'i'lolthi' , ' 1'iirso < ( iO 3-ycur-ulU TnittiiiK Slsiko M WRDN IWDAY , OCT01H5UO. 2iaTrottJiis-lMirsi : : > 400 rrue-l'ni'-AIITnitlliiit-I'iifio MX ) Voarlliiij Trotting Kuco Hlnko M TlllTIltiDAU , OUTOllIOIl lt . 2:111 : Trot.tlii'J ' 1'iirso < 00 rreo'l'iii'-AII ' ' ' - I'ucliis 1'urso MK ) I'ruo-ror-AII , Stulllon-l'iii-so WJO NulloiialTivittlii ! ; association rnlt's to KOV- orn. KutrlcsolosnUcto'itr4 ' ) , Stake rai'o frco. Mllotruolc. J. W. I'KKKUOV. I'rislilont. Clllllll'll lllllirs , luWiU Address nil Ciiiiintiiilcit ; loin to A. ll.UIIIIIS. Socii'tary. . 215 Bontli llth bt. , Oinulia , Nub. J.D. KlIMtt.MifONM'roi. E. l BlIUHAItT. VlcO-l'fOS , Cimii.r.s It. Ca lilcr. CITIZENS STATE BANS or Council Bluffs. " ' PAID UP CAPITAL . $15fce fl- ' SURPLUS AND PROFITS . 50,000 LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS . 350,000 numerous- . A. Sillier. V. 0. Glcason , i : 1 , . EluiKiirl , K. K. Hart , J. 1) ) . K linun < lsoii.l'liiirli-3 U. lluiinun. Transact Koneral liankln linsl- iiess. hurgrat oiipltul ami surjilus of u bank In Hoiillnvoslcrn Iowa. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS , CARPETS T We are receiving daily for fall trade the fin est patterns in Moquctte , Velvet , Body Brus sels , Tapestry Brussels , Ingrain Carpets , ancL Rugs , Lace , Chcnilc and Silk Curtains , WinA clew shades , Upholstering and Drapery goods , of all kinds , Fringes and Fancy Trimin s. , * Upholstering and Interior Decorating1 done to order on shor notice , Call a'nd see us or write for samples and prices COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPETCO. , > 403J Broad wny , Council Bluffs , lown. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. H aml sailitu , > ly KiiKlncor. Plans. Kstlmntos . m and Sm.ervisioii . ol Public Worlc. Hrowo , Council lUulTs , In , NQpllllV17 "Ju3Llcoor lll ° 1 > onco' Ainorlcan , No. \ OullUL/l Urotiilway , Council UlulTs , lowu. &QITYIQ yttorn ° yftt ? f < aw- Practice in the State nnd l-'odcrnl OllilU C ; ° url3. Uooins 7 and 8 Shu wt-Bono Uloclc , CounoU lilulla , Iowa.