mirin "nATT.V on n llio postoflleo mil asked hlm-that houio being dcscrtcd-whal those stores could lo rented for.and ho snid it has been for rent for live years tnd 1 do not bellcvo anybody WouU offer ? 5 o monlh for It today. Now , wo are ( old that tlm policy has been very bcucflcinl , but -wo will demonstrate be fore this debate Ii over that It has been vnry destructive In every state In the union whcro It has been tried. Let mo recur to the educational n.Titttlon. In thCBtixloof JlalnoM."flu week U the av erage pny of fcrnalo tcachcrt and they board themselves , nnd Ml n month 1 % the average liny of roalo tcacbcrs ; in the state of rsc- brajita the feinalo teachers , if I remember correctly , hnvo nn nverajjeof $ .13 or W a-nd the male teachers 10 , the njrprcgato. In tbe city of Omaha , tbo avernirols SSOjpor antiuin for teachers nil around. I\'ow , Isny it would bo sulcl tnl to doaway with this system , lie- enuso 1C you deprive us of this revenue the first thing thnt oursuhool bonrd mtist dols to curtail expenses. The enamriloof Leaven- worth is bcforou * . They have voted , nil the bonds thcycouldnntlthey cannot hulld nn- othcrschool house. They have levied all the tax tbo Inw allows and hud to dhpenso with teachers and had to cut down their salaries ; nnil In the city of Topckn they have ctit down the salaries of teachers and disiionscd with some. I hare statistics hero , but I cannot go through the detail because It would take too much of iny time. Ifyou rcdttcotlio salaries of teachers In Omaha , and wo haven , rovcnuo of over & > ; jOOOIii ( theschool fund-IC you re- ducothososalnrles nrclntlvo reduction mtist be made nnd will be made in every city In Ncbrasicn , anil finally Itwill reach tlio coun try tcaclicr everywhere , Mid there Is no doubt everybody will concede tliat , well paid teachers nro campetcnt teachers and earn better services than poorer pild. teachers , \Veare now dx-awlnethe licit teachers from Iowa , \Vo have tlicin from DCS Molncs , There is ntcncherhitho city of Omaha now who had the highest position In tlio high school in the city of Des Molncs , bub ho lias come In to Omaha and taken the lowest poslco tlonln ourhislischool , niulho finds himself better paid. That ought to speak -volumes for the effect ofhlBhllccnseupon tlio school system. We may bo answered as\vo wcro In Beatrice , that His blood money , which Is all preposterous , and ns I Illustrated It the pres ident of the United States , the supreme court , the army and the navy , every brnmh of tie United Slates government Is raid In the tame kind of money. Wo would liavo to ills bind the on tire government almont If you would abolish tbo revenue from Ilia liquor trafllc , which isovcrono hundred millions of dollars a 5car totho United States govern ment. You would liavo to disband tills trov- eminent orlcvya new tax upon the people , nnil all you would accomplish Is , to irwko whiskv JIow ivs freely as the rivers , anil cer tainly that Is not going to bo the policy of this nation. Joiv 1 will turn my attention to my friend from Pennsylvania. He lias como a\vay from that state after a great battle which -was fought there last year , and bo has undoubt edly given them as much good advice-an ho UUM given m hero tonight , but In Bpito of all that. . In spite of all bis poodndvice nnd his generous efforts to get Pennsylvania tondoptnconstitutlonalameiid- inent prohibiting the manufacture arid snip of lici tier , that state go.vcl'KiOO ( majority against it. That Is all , [ Applause. ] Only 110,000 * mujority. And who are these people InPenn- sylvaniftl Arc they stupid and dcpravcdl Are they all liquor dealers ? Are they all Hiiijuor drinkers ! There lire thousands nnd hunilrcdsoC thousands of people in .Pennsyl vania Quakers and Lutherans and Method ists , nnd people of every creed , that belong to nil churches , just ns moral as any state in the union , and when tlicy voted It dowi tlicy voted it down undorstandlngly. How , I have bad from Philadelphia a letter within the last three days concerning the operation of liigh license , and \viuit 1 to read it to you. "Jntho jicndlrig light In ZN'cbrnska botn'ccn high license anil prohibition Penn- Rylvimin can tbro\v no litrlit upon the fallacies 01 prohibition except by hearsay , bu tslio can give powerful testimony labolialf ot" the cffl- cncy of high license out of Ucr own ex pcrlcnce. It vas indeed the K' ' t success of that policy thntlargcly determined , the re sults ol the election In June , 1SW , upon a pro hibitory constitutional amendment and led its rejection uy the unprecedented majority of lOU.OOO , This vote was nil the more re markable as nt the time of the election high _ , liccnio liad been in effect In the state only a bcoiKund excited the enmity of thousands of posoofXncn deprived of their licenses. " fellow cow say hoi-o ttat the 11- -"fity" wm ' of Nebraska opposed hlghliecnso Just us much and a great deal moro than they do prohibition. When high license was putlnto effect hero in 1SSU wo hndtlic greatest kind of trouble Avltlx the liquor dealers to nJapb tliernsclvcs to the Mtuation. Jfc was an enormous tax to Impose upon them 51OQu jier annum mid it WAS Boiaethinguniirecedcntcdnnd they foujjlitit for two yenirei just aslnirdas they could , and nowtheyhnvosubmtttcdand hi tills state thcro are only today 749 licensed saloons , lialf ns many as thcro aw In the state of Kansas , notwithstanding that they have toaand cold drinks nnd Ictnonado signs on the outside , and I know what I am talking about , [ Ap- plnuso.J No\v ho says hero : " \\lien the Brooks law ( as the Pennsylvania high license ln\v is generally called , from the name of 1 ts an th orwas ) passed In 18S7 , lucre -were 14,153 licensed saloons in Pennsylvania. "When itwetitinto cftecton thollrstof Juno , 18SS. It cut clown tills number atouo blow to 7,704 , a llttlo more tban enc-hnlf. JS'olljrurcs aroyot. athand to show the number ofsntoons now licensed , but as there has been a steady reduction from year to year in most ol the counties. . It seems to bo sale to say that tlievo nro not no * over 7,20C licensed drinlilnR places in the state ; a decrease of 7,3.11 , or 50 percent from 18S7 , Alonpvitu this great reduction In tno number of saloons , has none a largo Increase in tbo revenues of the cities and towns from the increased license fees , Under this law wonders hnvo licen ac complished , especially in Philadelphia. Do- lore ttiodays of lilfc'h hcon so I'll ihilcl ( ihla nnil Now Vork had just about the snmo num ber of saloons in proportion to population. ii. In 1SSS , vlien tbo new law went Into effect tlio number of licensed drinking places : in Philadelphia was 5,773 , It liad been higher tlinu th.tin previous years. In 1SS5 it was f > , WJ niidtho number had been overslx tlou- Band. Saloons were everywhere. Cheap > iriDRRCvles occupied many Important corners and delayed the march of Improvement. The poorer jnirts of the cit.y especially abounded in drinklnp places. The hlph license law exirpliod moil elTectlvo machinery for the \vorlc of reform. JAmr peerless Jutlccs vcro constituted a license court , and they per formed their duty thoroughly , Thcro rLs r > ,7Ti ; saloons open Avhon tbo court bepnn Its sesilons. but only 3,431 , applicants license appeared , the otlicr liquor dealers having' found it Impossible to fulllll the require ments of the law regarding- bondsmen , er fcarliiK rejection becausoof the bad character of their places , For thrco months tbo judges devoid themselves assiduously to the exami l- nation of applicants , reaching their decisions only nftcr carefully determining tbo char- iietcr nnd number of the pexsons petitioning for and these remonstrating ngwlnst each licenseand niter taking evidence ) In open court. They rejected tlio applications of all persons who had violated the liquor laws In any way or vho were not lit persons by rea son of their habits or association , or by rea- sim of the character of the saloon tliey Iwpt. They refused license to persoiuwhohud kx-ix convicted of cilme. orvvbo had kept disor derly houses , cr who had sold liquor on Sun day's ' or election day or to minors. They 'C- fused licenses for the sale of liquor 'Cin tenement houses at the ends of narrow courts In dlsroputtiblo locali ties nnd l tbo precincts of the courts of Justice , public squares and edu- cntlonal aud religious institutions. The judges refused licenses for places -which had been complained of by the ivelleo authorities on account of disorders , lights or tliocongre- Kutloix ctldloor disorderly persons. They In quired concerning each place , whether It was a resort for gamblers , thieves or fallen xvoincii ; whether It had priv\o ( rooms or a ptlvatociitrnneo for women onvuothor itox- tciuled any inducement or facility ior thocu- ! ccuragementof crime , idleness or Immorality. It was a terrible inquisition nnd the result o'f it all was something appalling to the liquor men of Philadelphia. Only 1U)7 ) licenses were granted aud In a singleday ovcrone thousand , four hundred saloons were wiped out of ex ) istence , The rejected saloonkeepers would have welcomed prohibition which theyl ew could not by any iwsslblllty lw cnforceil , but ngntnsthlgu license , backed by public scatl- uicut. they \vcru poiverless , and nt midnight : on MuylTl , 1 > S3t , ' 'O laloons closed their dooi-s , It was the greatest victory ever achieved by Well license , The beneficial ro- Biilts of this vigorous and judicious regu lation of the liquor traWo wu Immodlntdy ; uppnrent , BurhiK the very first month of tlicnewoxxlerof thloK i June , 188S , the Ofm Iwr of arrusts for druukcuneas sank to 1,470 , , calnst 2t07 : In the month just preceding- under low licenso. for the lost sovca months iv" ' GJ th * calender year the effect of the new law ai shown by comparlsonof arrests was 01 felT lOWS ! June , 1S97,5,72-4 , ; In 1SS3 , 1 , < * 0. JulyIxri,099ln ! ! 1S53 , 1CT. Aupust , tStf , a,7W : In 1S3S. 1,840 , September , 1837,3ll0j , in September , 1SS3 , 'October ' , 1 57B ! ! S ; In October , 1SS8 , K10 ; nnd soon. Mayor Iftttler said In his report for ISSii ; thctotul arrests wcro400) ) less , and these for drunkenness 4SUO less during the year 1 $59 than they \vero in BSS. Drunken ness In licensed saloons lias been nlmost wholly suppressed and the 20,000 , persons nr- rested for that offense were innlnly these who had became drunk snd disorderly out- sldo the city limit * by Using liquor taken homo. The directors of the bureau of cor rection In their report for ISS } showing 1050 inmates iix December 31 , as afialnst l l on the same day In ISSs ! , took occasion to any : These figures show n decrease in the popula tion from tbo corresponding period of last jcar of ! ) ' . ' . " , whtcliwe account for nnd nttrib- ute to the discretion shown by the court In grunting licenses , which fact must bo lilghly tgnitifvlng to all who take an interest In the high llccnsoliw. " And hero Is u number of saloonsln Plillnn. dclphia. ru1SS.,5Tl > : ; ; lii 1&3 * , 5773 ; InlSSS , MIT ; 188H , liOl ; in lyw there nro 1103 , DO they nave been gradually growing down nnd tlcurenslnp the number of saloonsln Phila delphia under high license nnd I venture to say If prohibition was In Philadelphia there would be 1O.OOO places where drink could bo had. Hut those 1,100 , men thnt have an in terest lo sec that the law is enforced there , 3lut wcrro told it is a monopoly. Whcro nro monopolies that nro natural , Thanking you for the attention 1 will now ictire. SI3XDOXYOUH 1'AUZ'KHS. The Inipprisloii I'rcvrtih Abroad the Comity \Ylll SupportTliciu. Another very rank imposition on Douglas county was brought to AOtico yesterday at the charity room in. the basement of the court house. James Shane , a man terribly crippled nnd accompanied by Jakoy thirteen years old , np- filed for transportation to seine point in Wis consin , "Whoro dldyou cornefroml" asked Poor- mas tcrMnlinnoy. "FortScott , Ivan , , " was the reply. "Howdldjbu get hcrol" "Tlie county commissioners at Port Scott gave me a ticket for mo and the boy. " "Did you tell them you wanted to go straight to Wisconsin 3" . "V s , sir ; nnd they said that the nearest way vas by Omaha. Yesand they said that Douglas county , Nebraska , was rich and tool ( particular interest In all unfortimntes wherever they came from anil would give mo tleltetson to Wisconsin. " "Tlio blamed liars 1" exclaimed the poor- master , "I don't belioro there Is a county in the United States that other counties prac tice such damnable Impositions upon as Douprlas county I "Well , " ho continued , "I suppose ) we'll have to feed nnd sleep you It wo don't give you a ticket out of town , won't ' wel" "That's about the slzo of It , I guess , " said the cripple. "Thoso Fort Scott fellows have kind nv come it over you. I guess. " "Another clcnrcasol" mused Jlahoney , as ho ambled upstairs to find a county commis sioner , lay the matter before him and hear him swear a few notes. UI/A'tf MEl'JEIV Of THE It'KEK. Tlio Jlovcmciit Tov r < l n Natural Ad- Jiistinoiitol * 1'rlces. NnvYotiK , Sept. 19. rSpselal Telegram i toTiiB I3cn,1 H.G. Dun & Co.'s "Weekly He view of Trade saysj "Tho root of tuedinicultyls that wheat Is quoted nt93)4'c ) atChicaso , $ l,03pf here , and only about { 1.03 at Liverpool for the same grade , so that no free and natural movement , to the seaboard , or hence to Europe , can talto place. Similar obstacles check the move ) ment of some other products. Exports of wheatand corn nro not half these oflast year at corresponding dates. But Imports ax-e coming forward In largo uoluine , anxiety to get goods entered heretofore the new tariff goes Into effect being groat. In half of September the increase of imports over last year at Now Vork has been 9 per cant The movement during the past week has been to- wnrd a natural adiustment of prices , and wheat Is Kifc lover , with sales of 31,000,000 bushels ; corn lo } lower , with sales of t 1'OOI01X ' ) ) bushels : cotton > k'c lower , with sales of 3'JO,000 , bales , and lard and hops a shade lower. But oats have risen a fraction ii oil nearly acentand , butterand some other farm products are higher. 'Tho interior money markets nro penerally closer , with the strong demand \vhlch an un yi precedented volume of business naturally causes.At Boston the stringency affects trade somewhat , but -wool Is in nmcn hotter ; demand , sales reaching 5,693,000 , pounds , Woolalso shows Improvement at Philadelphia , und cotton man ufacturo is fairly active. "Tho Iron trade is very active and nail makers have advanced prices to $3 per Itc . "Chicago has a largo deercaso from last year In receipts of grain , but the Increase in lard , cheese , hides and wool , dry poods and clothing sales exceed last year'swith prompt collections , and the boot and shoo trade also , ttiough forthe-week more quiet. Money at Chicago is close aud rates stlffer. the demand being very heavy , but the stx-lnRcncy docs not much affect general trade. St. Louis notes good fall tr.ulo In all lines , especially dry goods and boots nnd shoes , with money at 7 to 6 per cent. At all other western points reporting trade Is good , exceeding last yeax-'s , but everywhere money is In stroup ; demand and nt most placeo tight. Closeness also ap pears nt southern points. Galvcston hopes for relief ns soon as cotton moves. ; Atlanta rooorts cotton going forward rapidly nnd not much trouble caused by tight money. Savannah reports a close market , vith re . ceipts of : J7,000 , bales of cotton , 15,500 barrels of rosin anda.G.'iO barrels of spirits , "Tbo consumption of iron Is enormous the largest ever known , but the new business In bar Iron is not heavy and the demand for rails Is dull with some sulesat $30 and reports : of others even lower , Pig ix-on Is weaker , tboxigh quotations do not change. 'ita ' 'The Krcat increase of sales in wool marks a revival in thu manufacture , and cotton man ufacture is active , the decline in raw material helping- . Dry goods business Ispruwlngin activity. Even In woolen goods an Improve ment over last year is conceded , "Tbo movement of froiglitls heavy nnd railroad - road earnings conthxuoto show nn increase , though failure to adjust the question of tes raised by the interstate commission is still la disturbing factor. "Tho general condition of business Is seer satisfactory , monetary pressure only hinder ing , that the failure at Uaeton causes no no- prehension , If speculation does not prevent ; adjustment of prices totho conditions of le gitimate trade , the monetary diniculty will , soon bo overcome by the marketing of pro ducts "The business failures during the past seven days number IN ) , as compared with 110 last wee'lc and ! 3 the week : previous lo the last. Fox- the correspondingweek of last year the ligures wcro 193. " JU8JlIt.-l.LL , . Staiidlnjr of ttio Cltiba. riuvect. Won. Cost. Per CL 115 75 )0 ) . CLM2 Kanus OltV.lll ? li 'a .619 Mlnin'iipoli ! . . . . 115 74 41 .CO : beaver IU ! K ) 59 .47:1 , : Slotu CH.\ ! 113 5O 03 .4(8 ( Omulll 110 40 54 .418 ) Lincoln 116 40 70 .m BU 1'aul 112 U5 77 .30 , Milwnulcco 10 , Sioux City 0. Sioux Cirr , la. , Sept. Id. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEB. ] Following Is the sccro of today's game i t E 0 0 U 0 1 0 J 0 4 0 u a t 0 3 0 3 ° _ 3 " 5 Albert out onlnlleld lly. SlOinOltj 0 00000000-0 Ullvaulioo. . . . 3 6 00 01 OS -10 6UNVAHY , Knrnod runs MilwnimcoO , Two-base lilti - Pettlt , Tlireo-baso lilts ) Kippel , Milrymple. miflorae ruiM-Unlrym | > le. Left onbases-Hloux City , Mllwaukuu 7. Uasos ttolon-tiloux Olty I MlltiuMkct 1. Tliuoof same One hour audtlilrtj-Uvu minute * . THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. Hutcninson Pulls the String That Guides the Destinies of Wheat. WITHIN A ONE-CENT LIMIT ALL DAY , Corn 1'rovcs n Disappointment Trndo In Oats Iilfht with No New Features Live Stock niul 1'rovlslimn. CiiiCAno. Sept. lO-SDeclulTole8ram [ toTiiz E.l Tliovbent market was up mid down within a Ic limit nil day nnil ciuno nciircr being under tlio control of Itutclilnsoti than for ninny weeks. ThlsbU trnder was credited with . depressing the market early to buy on , nndlutcrlio was cliiirsoil with putting the prlco ujito sell on. On the whole loduy thu market was heavy up to 1 o'clock. The very best prlco ronchail was : i fraction under the close yesterday. Trade ii'jted lJuarlsli. N'ows shaded that vr.iy also , Llvurpool WHS dull nnil easier early , and tlio oUrtlng eablu was H < 1 lower with Jddeollno for Indian wheat. Al- Icgeil Russian cables wcro received suyltiR the crop wuswoll gatlicrod a d nhotit the aver age , Selling was led by Hloom , Gesrso Smith and II titchliison. Uomstook and Ilros- sean nlsosoldfreoly. The bnylns ? was done largely by sealpeM evpctlng nu up turn. The action of the market was as follows ! December opened at Sl.O'li and sold n.tll.Ol.'jtoSI.Oi'i ' to 11.01' { tojl.ltt'i to JI.03 to ll.W.'i toJl.Ol'i totlO-JKntl o'clock ; May at tlMU toll.OUito81.07tol.HJi ! ! ( toSl.OGy. Wlicat was heavy J ml before tlio close , when tlio low- cst prices of the session were reached. Sep tember sold tlowa to 97c ; October , 03l cj Do- ccinbar touched SI.Ol' 5 , closln ; ; at 8101i ! < 3 l.OIS : May at Jl.03 , closing nt Jl.00'4. ' This made tlio decllno for the day ljo ) to Uic , Wheat was firm again after regular hours nnd wns quoted up to } 1.0f4 for Uccctn Iio . 1'uts wcro Jl.OO.1 nnd calH il.OSy at 3 o'clock- . Tlio corn market was a disappointment to day. It did not show oltlior the slrenith or activity expected under existing condition' ! . Tnc cold weather predicted yesterday inovod down over the corn country last night. Thcro were killing frosts at a few poll. Is In the nortn- wcst , and a temperature of Ws or lower wns reported at North Plixtto und other points. Xodsimjo Is claimed , liowovcr , and after tlio experience with froits ten days ago trade did iiotsetveohiilllsh over the prospects. There was n little show of strength ut the opening when May wits at 30'ic , but tlicro wns nothing to ' Icecp It tliure. Orlbbers and ship pers \\ero sellers , the trade followed them and the price wcntoff to50.jcrcco\orlii5 ! ! at one tlmo to WjO ? and holding steady ntV5ont ! 1 o'clock. Tlicro was llttlo to liclp corn hold uptoilny. Liverpool wns wonk and loner 1 on spot and futures. The best buying was liy Trezo , E. W. Ilixllcy and tiliiscr. lititchlii'oii sold freely. Thu market weakened 1f before the close to4Ticfor September , 47&C forOetobcr nnd M'je ' for Slay. I/ast prices \ fe fR calls. The oats trade was light , Tlicro wns no news from tliu ontsldo to atfcct prices. Local operators did nut even pull the market , up and clovrn with wheat and corn. September was quoted J steady at IIT'iu ' until anortlcr wns tilled utllio elosu nt UT'io : October HT'io t < i ; t"se ! , closlnj-nttlTJici May started at 4Q'io with the llltli ' biilso Ineoruand sold quickly back to HM&iO'j'c and closed atJU c , thu sumo as last iilclic. In tlio provision pit tlicro was less buying ami lesscliaiixo in prices than for many ( lay.i. \\lien corn opened IilKher mess pork \vns up r o lo " ' , ( o for lust night nt J.t.SJ for October and S13.05 for January. Tlieso were the bc.it prices for the day. Jnnuarv sold back ut once to eil.K > und Oclolorto$3.7i(5 ) ( , with thu close at Sll , ! ) . " > and SJ.TO ; May Jf-.CO , UtlH closed ut yesterday's prleo after a llttlo business In January curly at J" > .87J { to sKi.SU . Lunl wns iJo ! ! lower for all months at tlia close. Prices were 5c to lOo higher for hogs nt the yards. CltlVAGU I.IVK STOCK. CniCAao , Sept. 19. [ Soeciul Tolosram to OATTI.K Ueccluts D.OOO , The cral market ruled slow , and although the run was light thcro seemed to bo more stock on liand than was wanted. Tlio big run ycstor- day seemed to liavo more than filled all orders. As to prices , thcro was llttlo or no changoas compared with tlio close yesterday. Soiuo'buycrs called values ashado stiongcr , but the bulk of .salesmen reported no Improve ment of note. Tc.xans wore again slow , with prices about.is low us at any time tills season , and rangers at IUcto50clowcr on some classes than n week ago. Natives First class stcors , fl.053.MOj second , II.OCK3)So ) ; third , 3-l,5. > tM,50 ; common , JS.OOffl'UHj cows , bulls and Jl,50 < 3il.30 : ; Texas steersSJ.tMiW.SO ; cows , SI.CO-JJ2.1"p ; Colorado steers , 8J.50 ; AVyomlng and Montana , $ ' . Hoas. Hecoluta 17,000. lluslncss active , with a substantial up turn ofJ10cou prhnohoavy and butchers' wolRlits , nnd good mixed , but coarse , com moil , sorry stock showed llttlo or 110 Improvement. Thobulkof assorted llclit bold about oo higher. At the close Jl.OO to $1.10 was about the prlco for rough and common , S4.a ) tol.r : for fair to good mixed , uud $1.50 to 81.70 forprlnio heavy and butchers' weights. I'lrst-class assorted Uaht , $1.00J.8jj bet-oud- class , J4.00 < S.2J. ) _ ; j XEW YOIIK , Sept , 10 , [ Spe3lal Telegram to THK BEE. ] STOCKS The stool ; market started with considerable force today. Sugar was up ! i , Vlllardsworo quickly adyanced , graugor stocksoponcd slightly better and moved up , wlillo Gould's ' favorite , Missouri Paellle , was thu leader in the bull movement with li ? gain from the clew yesterday and U additional ad- vauco the Hist hour. Londun bought St , Paul , mid Atchlson was bought for foreign account , llcarsmado tholr attack on ChlcugoGas In liopcs of depressing othcrbtocksla order to recover. The attempt to break the market vas unsuccessful as the attempt was credited to Cominack. Following yesterday ,3r Cns opened * i otT at WVJ , but touched 4B'i ' , and I. nftor uclnsrorcod otf to 4. > 14 , .iiKiiln rnsu I.o I.o Vii. ori ! over tliocloso last nlcht. This gave cournco to bulls und prices wcro udviiuccd nil through the list , llcfoiu noon Sugar ro o to 711 , < lroppocl back to 7T ? , and iiKaln sold nt 7S'i. Luke shore sold up to J.07. , Northern Pactllo preferred up 1 point to7Si ) , and Missouri 1'a- t'lDc rose to'OJs. or 2 points over last night. There was a llttlo concession from best prices Just at midday , The stock market licld up strong co the clo o with very fair gains nil around , led by Missouri 1'aclflc , St. 1'uul. Illg Four and Industrial bliares. Insldo bupportvus the force of Sugar and Chlcnga Oas , which closca with catns oCISl und Ji ? percent rcspectlvoly. Missouri I'siclllo held at the bust figure for the day ut"0 ? .or2li points up. St. Paul wusupl percent at csji. Kasy money , London buying and hedging by heavy shorts all helped thu buoyant feeling. Sales wore I'JI.OOO shares. Thofollowing were the closing quotations : U.S.-4scoupon. Northern t'acltlc JIJ ( U , H. 4 rt'Kulir l-'l ilo prcfurrcil 78 UH. 4H regular 101 C , ft .N , W U. 8. 4)J ) coupon 1"M ( ilo proforrotl rnelllcMi § of "J3 IU iN'ow Vork tVlltral. . . . lOi „ ! Ctntruiracillc HI l'J.AK 20 Alton . Ui UocU Islaiul K\ \ CMcnk'o , UurllnKton U. . M , iSt.l'niil ISIS cr do ( irufcrrcd 1151 . . St. 1'nul.fc Uniolia , . . . H02 llllnoli Central . I US do prof erred 8U 1..II. A W ( Jnlin ) PaclHc i'JIS Knnstii t Toias w. . st. ui * iiiii ilo prcforro.l 2IU JllclilK n Central . UI Western Union 8I < ( Missouri 1'aclno . MoMif Kasy. at'i't5 per cunt , I'ltlSIE MtHCAMII.K ' ' ' I'AI'KIl TG'J porcont. ; STKHUSO KxciiAXOE Steady nnd qulcti ilxty-day litlU , fl.SOJii demand , M.blia- MlnintrShnrRa. NEW VOHK , Sept. 19.-Speclal [ Tolotjram to Tut : DEE. ] Tbo following iirothoinliilnjstoolc quotations : Alice - ' . ' ! Ontario t'Mi ( ' ( imnuonwcullli 'JiO I'ljrnioutti HCJO lloiuuttnko. , 1UW SuttorCrcck 130 llornSIUcr SM Vul loir Jacket S3J The CofTeo Market. VOIXK , Sept. 10-rSpecIiil Telegram to TUB llKi l-CoiTce Options barely steady , Mils polntsdown.Sales , 42,710 bugs. Including September at SI3.1KS1S.15 ; October. (17 B.as ; .November , tlU ( > 5310.75ir > ccemborHfl.40 < a 1H50 ; Jaimary. H5.HtX3l5.85i Kobrimry , I15.A5 ; . < iaiuii . m.ai&i5.iOis : April , I15.1J , and May lll.T331l.ui. Spot Klo milet and tlrm ; fulr cargoes , t oji ; NO. 7 Hat , iio.uo. Wants $ liIO,00 ( ) ( ) Irx (7old. NnvrVoiiK. Sept , J9.-Spcclul [ Telegram to TUB llKK.I-It Is reportud that the Hank of llrltlsh America 1ms orJored ll.ao.OUO In gold from London , Thcro Is llttlo doubt that thcrtivrlllioKola linporta shortly , though the baukiof Eujluud , 1'runcu onil Utriaauy will Uonllthey cnn to prevent It , nnd are now tryIn Ing to get sotno from the United Htutet. The Wool'Mnrkct. ' 110STON , Sept. -8itcelM [ Telegram to TUB IJr.E. ] There Ims been aiVnctlve movement In wool during the past wo k nu-1 the sales t\r large , amounting lo .WW.OOO pounds of all kinds. Tha market Is firm , hut no lilghcr , nnd there Is more confidence shown hy dealers. Territory wools txro moit txcttvo and largo lines have been sold 011 Ilia scoured bnslsof " " " flino tnc < llntnat , a.\3ic ! niul medium at - - . Toxns , Owitoil nmi Caliifornla wools uro comparatively niilbt , MIclilRan X soldnt Ohio xutmwiMiiia outo xx Uloiicr pounil. Unu clrlnlno solrctlons nro active nml iirincf , with yules of Ohio ntliva IHic niul Mlclilsiin nt ! W3.Jic. ) ! No. 1 uoiablng wools sue ( in let t HMHOo. Unwashed combIng - Ing wools nro In better doiiiiinilvlth snlcs of one-nuatter blood -VfWJo and thrcc-olitlitbs iitsr < SVT.V. Pulled. steady titDSffitOc. Foreign wools nro firm , MtODUCE JUltttETS. CniCAOO , Sept. 13. Is U p. m. close Wheat Wonkicnsh , l e ; December , Sl.Oliiffil.oiJi ; Corn Steady ; cash , 4"Ue ; October , 4" ? c ! May , 50Sic. O.Us . Kiisy ) cash , U7' ' o ; October , 37io ; May , 40' c. Muss 1'orU Steady : cash , J0.75j Oetobor , r9.7l ( ; January. * 11.10. kird-Dull ; cnsli , W.aii October. 15.25 ; Janb nuiirv , f'l. ( .ViJ.ti7 ( ( a. .Short -Steady.cish. : . : . ! > .J17'ii Oetobor , . . . . Itj'o .No. 2 , steady tit ( ilc. ll.irlef No. ' . ' , < iulot tit 'tie. I'liix i-t'fd No. J.cnsy at ii.SUll..U I'rlmo Timothy Scotl Klrm nt tl.aJ31.33. Ilittter-Qulct. Kir its 1 < trin , . . I'loitr UiK'lianncd ; winter \vlieat , $3.05 spring wheat , JI.bOIW.7o ; rye KI.OO c : . > 3. Hulk JloaH-ShouliloM. f . .7JOS.8T ! < ; short clcnr.l.Sl ) M. < 7S ! : , . Hntter-Qulct ; creamery , 152 > ' .K.'c ; dairy , ( Jhcpso Tnmc ; full cream Cheddars 8Hci lTrts : , HiftK' ! . ! yoiiiii ! Americas , Oii31o"c ; Cheddars skim , 7&icj ! Huts , MJOo. KiriM 1'lrni at li > ! ilBe. llldns-Unclmiiited : heavy green salted , 7Sie ; Haliterecn sailed,7'ie. ' Tullovr unchanged ) No. llicNo. , ! ; ! i 4o ; cake , 4 ! 1C. Itecolpts. Shipments. Flour. Mils J.VOOO 7.000 \Vlieat.bu .r.,0oo ! I'.ooo Corn , Iju Uill.iHU f SIOOJ Oatsbu - li.WJ IJO.OOO NEW yoitK. Sept. 19. Whcat-KccclptsriC,000 , bushels ; exports , none ! spot l@lo lower ; heavy ; Ni > . _ - rod , Sl.Wiil.uJJi In ulorntor ; loAor and weak on roallrliu ; wrst and hero ; No. " rod , So ] > lomlerclMlnK ) nttl.Ol'i. ' Corn - ltocclpt.il IS.OTO busliulsi exports , : { 7.riOO , bii'holsj spot voakori No. " , M5o ! in olovutor ; tMUMl + a ulloit ; ungraded mixed , Ki iQoG'Ie : options luwur nnd weak ongoodcrupwuatlicr , ami bcsllef that thocrop Isnnt of danger from fi'ustj i-cptutnber closing ' ' - 83,000 luishch : exports OiS biishols ; spotstioniter ; No.'white. . 445r > ! ei mixed western , 41Qltic ; wlilto wostern. 4iJj.loi : ( options firmer ; September floiliis nt 44V e. Ooiree-Optlons barely stonily ; r > to 15 points down ; sales , 4' > ,7.V ) hnv'si September , SI8.103 18.15 ; OitobtT , J17.30ai7.iBi spot Klotlrni ! fair , . . . . KiwflrnieontrlfiiKaU. : , ! OOtcst.fll-lOo ! refined , fairly nctho tindUriii. I'etrolciini United clo < oil for Oetober at Slllc. Eitsa-Hlslicr ; western , 2 mflJJc. I'ork-Stondy ; mess. tHM'&VUXi. , I.ard-Spot , llrnii fiitiiros , woalc western steam. } .47V8 ; September , tl 'lblil. ' , _ iluttcr K.xtra Htcudy ; western dairy , 103 14e ; cruamnry , 120 c. Oheese-l'lrm ; light slilins. 4iac ! c. ST. Louis , Sept. 10. Wheat Olosln ? : Lower ; cash , i i ; Jccomlor. ) ) $1.01 i ; May , tl.07l. ! Corn Lower ; cash , 4Jic ! ; October , Jjc ! Jlay , 47i ; < a474e. ; Uiits I'lriii ; cash , 3Gc ; Jluy , 40ic. l'ork-Qiilet ' ; 10.JO. Lanl-bteudy : * .0-atJ.12 > j. Whisky Steady ; ll.Kt. liiittcr Quiet and ca < y ; creamery , _ Mi.NNE.vi-or.ts , Sept. ' 19. Wheat-llccclpts , 207carsslilpnieiits,874'aN ; ; oed Rcneral de mand for snniplo wheat , best wheat most en- ( julred for. ' KANStS Cliv , Sc1)t 10.-\Vheat \ IIlRher ; No. S hard , cash , September , fc'Jo ' ; No. i red , cash. yjc. it. Cpm-lllslicr ; No. .S caili , 45o ; Soptcmber , Oats btcudy ; No. ' 2 , cash and Son'tcmlior y5e , ' CINCINNATI , Sept. W.-Whcat 1'lnu ; No. 2 red , D * & ! c. . . , . , . Corn-StronR ! No. 2 mKed , 51e. Oats-fetroni ; ; No , S mixed. 3sli533io. ! Whisky * I.U. E , Sept. lO.-Klonr-Qulet. Wheat Kusy ; sprlnKi cash , WgOJo ! IJeeeniber , 00aU ! No. I northern , I0c. Corn-Finn ; No.a , cash. 48ic. ! Oats-Klrin ; No. ; , white , cash , 1'ro visions-Steady ; porlc. January , IjlVKltl'OOr , Sopt. 10. Wheat Dull ; holders offer moderately ; red western spring. 's 4d ; red western winter. 7s Sd7sSid. ! Corn-Quiet ; western mixed , 4s5d per cental , tzM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ K STOCK. CiiiCAno , Soi > t. iu. Cattle-Kecclpts. 0.000 ; jnado up . ' 1.000 Texans , iOOU ransers und na tive ; market active. First class steers , $4.'Jj ft .lU ; second clas , tl.liOQI.fcft : third class. SI.2JT&4.55 ; common , * ! .00'iJi.75 : ! cows , bulls and htass , { l..r OiJ'J.iO : ; To-xaus stuer.s , S'--UOift-MU ; cows , Jl.Wxail.V Colorado steers , Ji.50 ; Wyo ming and Montana , Xi.iViVl.4S. , 10.000 ; shipment1 , 10,000 ; market higher ; packers and mixed , $ .004.40 ; prlino heavy and butchers' weights , J4.r * ( 4.70 ; llKht , Slieop-Hecolpts 7.000 ; natives , $4.00ffi4.7.'i ! vestoriH.W.OSib.4ii ) Tcxiins$4.15 < BI.50 ; lambs , $ J.OO0.00. ST. Louis , Sopt. 19. Uattlo-Rccolpcs , 1,400 ; Blilpinents , noiio ; niarkot slow ; fair Ui fancy imtlvostoori < , * . ) .70a3.00i stockurs nnd feeders. j-.vjttaaio. lloss-Uocolpts S.ROO ; shipments. 2r > 00 ; miirket hU'liur : houvy. $ l.00 il.5 ; mixed , Jl.'mfil.CO ; llKht. JI.5. > ffil.iO. ICANSAS CITV , Sept. in. Cattle Kecolpts , riOOU ; shipments : i.SOJ ; miirkuc steady to strong ; steers. fLOi'SITiO : cows , $ l. : > ja2.'W ; btoelcers und feeders. $ ; .4xaU2V4. ; Ilog9-l ecelpts.2i00j : shipments , 1,150 ; mar ket steady and higher ; all KMdos , M.l.Viil.GO. Sioux CITY , rn..Sept. 10. [ Special Telegram to THE lluK.1 Hogs Iteceipts , 1,300 ; market . s ; sollln ? nt JI. ' , ' liulk , HM\yM' \ stockcrs. l,7 ' OJ/.1M.4 blVR STOCK. Cuttle. 1'rldav , September 10. Estimated receipts of cattle l.OJO , as com pared with I.'JVO yesterday and a,19T > Krldny of last week. The market opened about steady on the best heavy steers and slow and lower on everything el o not Just lit to fill orders or desirableby buyers. The best cows were active and stronger , with the poorer grades Mow anil lowi-r. The receipts ot cowt were llKht. Considerable Inquiry was made for feeders und tlio best Ki'ades found buyers at fully steady prices , while the largo nunibor of poor feeders were neglected and In most cases lower. Rstlmatod receipts of hojs 5,800 , , as compared wltli.T,70'iycstor ay ana a,2tll Friday of last weok. The iniirUetopoued , active \vlti ) the fresh meat mon nnil slilnpfM pnylni ; from strnir ; prlcestoO cents lilKhiiranU ncixvy IIOIXR lower. All sold. Thoraii oqfjir-lcMWusH.O.-iM'.JSj ! the bulk sollliitf nt JUiTdl.M. Ono load of rholc-osclcctod lUlits sold at $4..V ) . Heavy. Jl.lOiil.'W : llr.'it , < l.'lfjil-l-tj ; inlxcil , t-t.VYStiM , Tlio ranao ol'cho prlcen paid was jl.4. * as com- narud wall ( I.Sd jc.st jidky ( and J4.21 l-'rldiiy of last week. r ' ; [ PrevailUK ! .1'rlues. The ( ollowlnir is atiblo u ( prices paid In this market ( or tlm grade of stojk iiiuntlonoil ; I'rlmotteur * . llUOto ItWJJis . . . .fl.lir OJ.7T ) Uood steers , 12.VJ tn ll.KJlh * 4.01 ftl.iw ( iood steurs , 1U J to 130)M ) .3.8,1 (01.15 I'alr , UXJJ to 1150 tbs . . .ji.C : t.5J fti.oo L'ointllOll , BOJto V.MJlb3i ) ll.i'S W1.0 ] Coiiiiioneania r.s , , . . . , - 1.0) (61.00 ( Ordinary tonlrcowsvv..f ( I'.oo dpi.'M 1'ulr toKOodcows . . . , , . . . . .2.iiK..C.'i : ( ( iMd toeholcu cows./ . ' . . ; 'J.7.r ttl.OO ( 'holcoto fanuy COWH..J " . ' . & fe'l.i. ) I'alr touoodbulls , 1.7T WJ.V > t'holcoto fancy bulls 2..VJ ( t'l.00 ) .lhtmockers and feeders ' . ' .OJ ( if..tw iVvdun.avitoiioDfts i.i nw.a'i I'alr tocliolcollKhthogs 4.u : ( tl.-r.Mi I'alr tocholeoheavy lio/s 4.10 O&J.tffl Fair tooholco tulxod hogs. . . 4.'JO til. 3 Couipnratlvo Table , The followlno ; table shows the ranco In prlcuaon ho during this und lastwook ; naxvost Sale * of Today , Yostonlav. Htelicit . II M Illchost , . f4 40 Lowest . 4 OS Ixiwust . 3 UJ I'rloo of llogn , SUowlos the avcraso rlco paid for loads ol hoison the cliys IttdlcntcJ In 1S3MS5S , 1833 nnd Stock Hccnlpts. - , OHlclnl Yostcrilny. KHtlmatcil Today. Cnttlo. , . . 53 cam , 1.520 Cuttle. . . Hcnrs , 1.000 Ilo ; ? * . . . . 18 cars r > , ? 03 lloxs . Tlcurs. 4.SOO Sliecn. . . fictits , OVI Horse ) , , icurs , 40 Horses . . 3 cars , S7 ( Yvcrnjjo Cost or Thofollowlnj tnblo Rives tlio ivvor.mo of ln > ; ( ) ii tlio dates me ntloncJ , Incluiliii ? the cost toil ay , us tusutl upon sales rcporto.l : Soptctulicr 1 4 Ol'S September 11. . Hoplonilicr'J 4 C7U Soptcmlicr U. . 21 September ! ) 4 OSS-i foptembur 13 21t : ! j' HoptuniliiT-l 4 11 Scptoinborl.V. 117 4 M September ID. . September 0 4 liy .S'ptember 17. . Septembers . 4 19't S < ptvmbcrl8. . . . 428 Scptumlicrlt. . . . 4 ! 4i ! foiitcn-ber 19. . . . 4 28 September 10. . . 4 27 I > lposltlnn of Stock : . Showlns the number oJ hoail of stock PHP- clinsoil i'cMonlay on this imirkut , M roiiortcd by \M.'lyhtmiibtcr.sof tlio irtoukyunis cum- psiny. CATTLE. Swift .t Oompany . KM ThoO. II. Itniiinionilconiiiany . lUVl TlioAnnnur-Ciiduliy paeklnK eoiiiiany. | . 118 l 'oHiHlnohlld . . . . . . ; . . 144 llnmlltoii.t Muphon . 0 NeM Morrli . 1111 llcrkcr It Deuen . : il AV.ll. Van Saul . ? SI Other buyers . C07 rotal. . . . , 1,73 ! not ! ? . Tlio Arniour-Cinliitiy packlnp company.,1,000 Aniilo-Amoi'lcnii p.u'kliigeoinp.iiiy O'.K ) Swlft.tt'o'iiiiany -I'M TlioO. II. Iltinmionil company 4'"J Ivln2iitit \ ] Co 1,7-40 Hrlttln-tCo ' 121 Spcrry A Humes 2tO liialnarcl llros , KW Total 4,837 ItcprcHcntatlve Sales , No. Ax- . Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ( " ' $ . ' 8Ti NJ. , H72 II 40 7H. 1277 tl 00 "l.'il'JIO ilOO ! . ' 0..1'Vs { II 75 30. .L't'S 4 15 23..102G 300 14..n.'tl 3 75 CO. .law 4 no CO MS , 1..1040 1 50 10. , S4iJ 1 SO 10. ,101:1 , : : eo 10. 810 1 00 11. , K-4 1 85 10.W. ' 'H11 f1 * * O 8. . 848 1 IW 1. , , S-'O 2 00 W. , IKi'J 5 VO 7. . 785 1 03 21. , 671 ! 00 .lO'.Ci 2 L'5 nj 03 1 75 1..IS10 2 10 3. . 1150 240 iiiiiblu 1 bl ) 44. . 1100 10 1. .1410 285 2..1220 1 SO 44. . OX ) 3 10 8TOCKKIIS AJJD FiEDEnS. no. . 070 1 no : i. . r.io 2 25 7 . S51 S 50 i. . iwo ! ! 00 S. . ( k 0 2 25 11 . IfJO 2 05 40. . 524 2 10 20. . Tin 2 ! ! 0 48. . tun 270 23. . 800 . ' > IU. . 84S 2 U3 2.V . 001 2 75 CAXNKIH. 2. . ft'lO 1 00 a. . 075 1 23 . . 601 135 1. . 600 1 3 IIU M.S. 1..1250 1 Co 1..11CO 1 C3 . .1510 190 STAGS. I..1100 1 75 1..120U 2 0 OX U.V. 1..10CO 3 40 COW ANI1CAI..F , 3. . 2000 MII.KEIIS AND si'itixanns. 3,11CO 2 10 WCSTEIINCATTLB. NO. Air. lr. lOstoors talllns.s fed 1M2 | { 85 80steers , fed 1KO , 'l 71) Msteei-s , L'orn-red 1IG3 4 25 1 steer , tulliliR 1IUO 2 00 I'oturUuinpboll 2tcanners ? : n 1 sr 77 cows Wl 1 85 4 steers , tillines : Hill 2 OO 5 steers , tailings WOO S 00 HOGS , No. Av. Sli. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. ttl , . . ITS 101 4 03 70 240 200 425 7:1. : . . . W -JSO 4 10 70 r I 120 427'i JO. . . . IB ? UNO 4 10 (50. ( . .257 120 427 ! { 0. . . . 241 40 4 10 Gti 200 120 427U 14. . . . . : ni 120 4 10 GtiKi 'J.Vi 4 ! ) 427i ! 54. . . . . .203.ffll L'83 4 13 BO 249 1(50 ( 41)0 10. . , . .ffll 8' ) OS LM1 203 4i:0 : 00. . . . . 'JOl NX ) 144 221 1I5 ( ) 4 HO 58. , . . . : HI sso 4 is US MJ 120 43J 71. . . . . .210.M J.MOW 15 57 : cn 4:10 : 10 . . . .M W ) 4,15 43 407 4 ISO 11. . . . . ; ai 4 13 IMO RO 4IJO 18. . . . ' oj * > 80 4 15 ass 120 4ao 03. . . . , .147 120 4 20 2fiS 4110 11. . . . .ma 4 20 ISO 205 500 4. 'to 7'l. . . . .220 440 4 0 54 2.V ) 40 4 30 10. . . . . ; MO KM 4JO 07 Sit 240 4 : iO . , m ISO 4 20 OH 20 200 4 : iO 71 ! . , . . .ms 2-10 4 20 0(1 ( 241 ! 240 4 I0 ! 4 ! ) . . . ; ii.'i UOO 4 20 04 am 200 4 'so 03. . . . .210 200 4 20 2s ion so 4 : io D4. . . . .SOT 4 20 54 : M 4 : to 1EI. . .M 60 4 20 47 207 12) ) 4 35 . . : KI 4 20 01 181 40 4 IT. . . . . .2ra 120 4 2JJ4 4 . 1143 120 4 : i5 O'l. . . . .223 4 2Ji ! CO . 213 4 02 , . . . .SKI 120 4 25 8 ! ) 240 1GO 4 in 01. . . . .2711 120 4 21 72 225 4 : i5 07. . . 120 4 2J 174 16 ! ) 1UO-4 IC'D . . .an 120 4 . 2JJ BO 4 : t5 Ui. . . . .241 ! VOO 4 2.1 . . ' _ ' 4H 80 4 00. . 120 4 2 , ' ) . l'S8 4 M 7(1 ( , . . .174 120 4 2J . .J511 i : ci r.i . . aw ICO 4 25 4U. -r'.1 ' 4 S3 07 . .211 23J 4 25 " 4 : B n an J20 4 2.1 74 ! 503 123 4 35 01 2 < T 400 4 23 -rT 40 4t5 : C2 M ! 2B ( 4 SI 41. . 40 4117 80 , 2i)3 ) - HO 4 25 ( K > . ! ! S.vi N ) 4117 ro. : KO 4 Si OS. . . iu 8J 4 117 40.7i. . . . .1112 2M ) 4 25 . .2(1 ( SO 4 :17 : 7i.H. ; . . . .2.V1 240 4 25 41. . . . ' JO 4 : t7 , ' < H.w. . . . .231 120 4 SI 411. . . . ii'-i'ii bO 4 40 < w. .ill ! 200M 4 SI 05. . . .213 4 40 45 3lil M 4 SI 150. . . .223 S20 440 00 2TG 2W 4 25 75 160 40 4 42li I > IH ANDRKII'S. 33 . 00 2 75 3. , . . .131 1123 .1 . 1110 40 2 71 . R. . . . . 70 a 50 40 . 40 a 03 ' 103. . . . 132 103 U73 3 . 2tft 120 a oj Jlurkot Mention. Cuttle steady. Ilossavcrasod the siimc , J , O. Lmg& : Co.of Uoiiglai , Bout In near of lios. ' M. Ii. Hoffman of Ncllgh marketed two cars of hojis. A. Suttou was here looking after several cars of cixttlo. lie shipped fiom Chapinnii. .UmcsCuiumtnsof Talinngc mnrkotcil a cnr of IIORH. K. J. Xcwtonof rieasiuitUale inntkotcilacnr P. S. Orlniu sent In a cnr of hogt from Saltlllo. W. Wyant. Jr. , of Ccnunnlown , wns licto wltli a car of hojr , J. 1\ Cart \vrlnli t cnt over aslilptncnt of hogs fruni Nodiiwiiy , la , John llastlo brought tit cattle from Tc- ciiMsvh and b'lelln. HuUo A llrni ; of Mason wcro union ? these Hint tiiurkctcd hois. ; II , Ulrlch , n regular tlilppcr from Tobias , linil a car of linns here. Ii S. hilly of llrokon llow was here. Ilo uroniiht In u ear of hog , II. II. Miller , an extensive shipper , sent Inn cnrof cattlu from Wlnslilo. II. H . Daves , n prominent stockman ot Hit } ' * iiioiul , v\\s \ amoiiKtlio visitor ? , The Nye & Schneider eonipiitiy scut In hogs from U'fsiior , Duvey atul Colon. llitltdlnir The following pcnnluvew Usiidl by tlio siiiiotintctidciit of buildings yesterday i St. Joappli'M hospttnl , tlnee-slory toro nnd brick hospital linlldln . Tenth nnd Cmtullnr. streets . 1112,003 Gust Jiihtison , oue-Mory frame dwull- liiK. Lni'tistaiiflTwontli'tlislrorlw , . . . WO John IWolker. . iino-Htory f r.inio < l i'll- liiK , 1S41 Hoiilh Tnuiity-nliilh street . . 500 Alfred Johnson , one-story ( ruinocot- taBt',2108 toilthT\veiitletlntre : a . WO E. II. Chapman , two-story friiiuo dtvplllnz. t'nriiitin and Dexter streets , 1,500 K. 11. l'h iiiim an , two-story friiino itnelllitR. rnrninn and Pc.xter stieets. 1,500 Einest Stndt , three story nnd baso- inciit li-lcl ) < mid iloiui hotel , Kluu'iitli nnd Jlasonstroi'ls . 25,000 Fled HoiN , one-story friiino ( Uvelllnsji 2'iixi CiiinliiK st rctt . M Tlneu inlnorpcrnilts . : t'j Total . 1143.023 Allies' Nerve nnil lilverPllln. . An Important discovery. They acton the liver , stomach ami bowels tlirough tlio nerves. A nu\v iirhu'lplu. Tlicv sjiccillly euro biliousness , b.ul tiste : , tofpUl liver , plica und constipation. Splendid for men , women nnd children. Smallest , mildest , surest. M doses for 25 cents. Samples frca at Kubn & Co.'s , 15th nnd Douglas. A Census Mnn'H Discovery. The census man \ vlioviis as-signed tlio oiiuinci'tition of the Sea ialand coast of South Carolina imuloti most i-ctiiurkiiblo < Hscovory , says tlio Now York Sttir. Kluwali Island , which Is some miles down the coast , is owned by two ot the families of tlio anto-bc'Himi Sea Island barons1. The census man expected to find thcro a "handful of American oitl- 3 .ens"whitoundhhiclc , but ho was won derfully disappointed. Ho found a largo black colony of about 150 souls , and struck u region the only ono in the world in which all the in habitants were English cpcnklngr ; rend ing nntl writing negroes. Every negro ho met could read and write. Kvory child of snitnbloiigo could also road anil write , atul the women wcro just as in telligent as the men. All were prosper ing under the wi o rule of a mulatto cacique named Quash Ktcvcns , whoso wife was responsible for the education of the people in her eight years' resi dence. Pears' ' soap secures a bountiful complexion. NEBRASKA National Bank U. B. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , NEB. Capital. - - - - $4OOOOO Surplus Jan. 1st , 1800 - 87.BOO Omcori nnd Directors--Henry W. Ynlos , Vresldont : iy > wlsfl , Uoort. Vice-President ; Junior W. 8a aije , W , "MOTJO. JotnH. Collins , U. C , Cushion , ) . M.-ft FttrlckV. . 11. B. lluk'lies , cashier. Tl-IB. IRON BANK , Corner 12th and Fnrnsra St ) . A General Uiinklntr Business Transactod. Helena , Montana , The prosperity of Montana IB not nnbject to tbc TloiesltudeB of Bucceis orMllurcof crops.todrmitli or Hood , lo Unanclnl ittrtimenclt ! or pntilci. lit ; crop of precious luetula l > fitted out ot tlio sround VTlth hourly rccularlty undlncrcoflnitbulk.lrisurlnB LuslnoJ opportunities bated upou Joucaatlous uf inability mill enilurancc. The mlne now opened -proiln o nnnnnlly In nld , Hllrcr , Om > i > c > * uml Jei l. S8 * . ; ( ) ( > , < ) OO. rlnotypercent of nlilcli la dliliuritcd IntUo Stato. Tlicro nro tlioinninl marpcquallr Bt promlslns , awttltlng capital for developinout. Thcro Is Iron , Coal , Building Slonc , Clay and Timber in Abundance. Inveitmonli In Cattle , Mor c nnil Bhecp. with pooil rnnniiKeraent. sveriik'e a rrut'.t of more than lorty percent , a year. The font kinds of etocl roam throiiBbout thoentlreyeur.lneiccllontcondl' lion , Hupportcd by the cured Bruises on tlio f round. U'ho business It niuinteilbjr AMocUtlonn In nuclia inanner tuat orery perstin'ii pcpBesoion * arufta BUIO onlhorancons If ronllufd to nnInclined p ture. The city of Helena la the political , tlimnclal. eoclal , railroad , business , ana educational ceuwr of tbo entire State. Tor full Information , address. L. G.PHELPS , Sec'yCitizens Commllioe , Helena , Montana. THE GREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Cures nil dmnrdcra of tlio Stomach , Ijlvcr , IJowcl' , Kidneys , Illnddcr.Ncrv- ntia IJIscnsnH. Jjoss or Apiictlte , llcntUolvr , Constiimtlon , Cost ivories * , Imlicrs- tlon , llllloimucnB , I'ovor , Piles , Kto. , and renders tun system less liable lo con tract disease- UADWAY'S TILLS are a euro for this comiilulnt. They tone up tlio Internal secretions to licaltliy action , restore strciiKth to tlio stomach , anil ciiuhlo It to perform Its functions. I1 rice 25o a l > o.Sola by nil driib'gUts , or mulled by HA I\VA ) \ V & CO. , 112 Warren Street , Kcw York , on receipt of prlco. rttwfrf'fr + jffst/Hr * MADE BV SPECIAL PROCESS-THE BEST , ' Cocoa is of supreme importance as an article of diet. Van Hou ten's has fifty per cent , more flesh-forming proper ties than exist in the best of other cocoas. VAN HouTEN's "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " The tissue of the cocoa bean is so softened as to rentier it easy of digestion , and , at the same time , the aroma is highly developed. V.\N HOUTEN'S ' COCOA ( "once tried , nlirars uied " ) Ii IheorlBlimt , pure , inlu- tilcCocoa , lntcn ; ( li > i > lciilcilnnil mmloln II < illi > ii < l , nd Illo-cli ; better nil nort toWttlunanyof thonumeroui iniltatloni. In f ct. comptratlto test will citlljr povo , Ibit no ulttr COCOA equals Ibli liinntor't la solubility , ere tblo ttite and nutrillre quail- tiei. "Jariteitule intha vcild. " Aik for VAMHODTEN'B and taVo no oilier. u NO OUREX ! NO PAY" . Dr.DOWNS 1S16 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb , roienteenycari'experience , A rrulnmrndu > ta In medicine , ai diplomat iliow. It ntlllo.\tUlni ultti the threaten IUCCUM -Nervoui.Chronic ) ami rrlvntn < lliou ui. A poroianoiit cure Kiuruntcul rorCatirrli fl'ermttorrlnfa. ' I > it .Mnnucxxl.HomlnilVtiknuii , Nltibt IXJMOJ , ImputcncHrplilll * . rittlcture , nnltl nileniei of ho UlcoiJ , Sklo and Urlnarr Or n . N. II. liiunrintoolWJ tot evcrj ca > cl unilertakmnd fit to cure. ComultHtiga tree , llook lil'i'K'lei of Ufvj i al free. Offlco liourS u. m. to U u. ic. SuoJir 10 R. m. lo 12 u. Omaha Manufacturers , Hoots And Slides. KIRKENBALL , , JONES AGO. , Wholesale Manufacturers of Koots&Shocs tlon IlnhlierSlioo Co. , 1101,1101 ted 110) llirnojsttorlOinnlia , Neb. 8TOK2 it 1LKII , la * cr Beer Urc\vcrs \ , IMt Ncrlh IHh Slicot , Omnlm.Neb. Cornice. KA.QL.E CORWICE WOHKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornic Windowcnp tnil niflallc kTllRht < . .lolm ICrcnctcr , rroiTlctor. llWnrul HOSoulli IQlli tri'ot. Artists' TMnturlnlH. A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' Materials , Pianos and Organs , lM31)oitKl ) i Street , Uuinhn , Neb. i Conl , Coke , Kto. CO AL , COKE AND LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , 1. 13. Cor. lOlh nndHor.Klu Streets , Oiu.tlm , Nob. Wholesale Ciars. | 403N. IdtnStrcnl. "llcllo" ' USD. Goods nnd Notions. II. E. SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnisliinjl ( looils and Notions Corner llthnnil llonrmJ Htrccti. "KILPATJIICK-KOCH OHY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods , QloU * I'lirnlahlnRflcioiK Corner llth uutl llaruo ? Btri'lls , Oinntirt , Net ) . I'lirnlliiro. & STONE , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Street , Cnuthn.NobrnakA. CJIAHLE3 SIIIVJJRICK , Furniture. OnlM > ! \ , .N'cbni'kix. GroccrluHi McCOIlD , BHADY & CO , Wholesale Grocers , Ijlh and Ix ? tcnwortli Stri'cln.Oinnlia , Lumber , 0-w. DOUGLAS & CO. Dealers in Hardwood Lumber , T nl 1310 N. icth St. , Omnhfc _ _ JOHN A. WAKEKIEI.n , Wholesale Lumber , Etc. , Etc , Import * ) and AnifMcnn Portlnnd Omcnt. BtnM cent for MllwniiH'o llrilrnullo Comeiit , tad Qulncy Wlilto IJnio. CIIAS. H. L.EE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood carpetBiinA imrijnotnonrlnc. Bth and Douclu- tttrcuti , Omnlin , Notiraskn. FRED \V. GREY , Lnmbcr , Lime , Cement , Etc. , Etc. CornerBth nnd DouilM Slrects.Oiimlia. millinery niul Notlona. CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Millinery , 508 , 210 nrJ 212 South IHIi street. Notions : _ J. " T. ROBINs6TN"6f ioiTcOM Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , . 112 * Ilatney itrciit,0ninhii. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , . Axle jrca/ie , etc. , Omnljn A. II. lllshop , MurmKor. Pnjicr. CARPENTEll PAPER CO. , \\holesalc Taper Dealers. Cirrr * t2O itock ol ] irlmltiK. nrniiplnn nnd wrltlnf. p per. BiiecluUtloutkui Klven to card paper. Safes , Kto. : CO. , General Agents for Halls' ' Safes , EJl and SllSoiitli 10th St. . Ornnnii. Toyn , Ktc. H. HARDY fc CO. , Jobber ? of Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , HOUBB Furnlililns Douds , Children's Cnrrlngo. 1201- tnriKim slrocu Ouinlm. Net ) . \Vntep Supiillca. U. 8. "WIND ENGINE ilt PUMP CO. , Steam and AVatcr Supplies , D llldar "lint mills. IIIS nnil ! W ) Jones U , Omahn. U. K. Ituai , Actinic Mnniiiior. Iron Works. ' > AXTON & VIERLINO Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wor Knglnei , lirnn work , itcncrnl foundrr , ninrMno and. UackBpiltli Murk , Olllcu nnil works , U , I1. llv. titnl ltl. . ( mill. Oitinhv OMAHA SAFE & IRON "WORKS , llani'rs ' o ! Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , . Vaults , Jnll work , Iron ( hatters anl llro ccnpei. U. Andreon , prop'r. Cor. Utli . - > nd JackBon Bin. Sneli , Eoorn , Eta. M. A. DISimO'W 4i CO. , Wboleialo minufacturenof Sasb , Doors , Blinds and Jlouldings. Brancb offlce , 12tli and Iiard ilro t , Omaha , Nob. © o-uth UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , 01 South Omaha. Limited , tlGINiTIOMBil BOSTON , MASS. CAPITAL $4OOOOO SURPLUS , GOO.OOO Accounts of llnnks , liankern anU Corporations 10- llcltvd. Ourfncllll'ci ' forCOUl.KCTIONS nronxoollontar/J woro-dl'count forhnnki ivlien bnlancot wnrrantlt. Iloslon Ii a lloi'rvo City , nnd balances with ua from tank * ( not locnt J la olliur llasurro Cltloi ) countaiii rc'orvo. \Vortr.iw our on cxhnnxo on Ixindon oDdlho * Continent , anil nmko caMu trunifuro nl plnco inoncy > by telosraiili tliroujhouttliu United Stutojond Can- oil * . \Vclmvo nmnrkct for prlmo flr t-cla 9 Inteatment- Bccuiltlcn , tnd Invlto proposnli from Htatci , Coun * tic * nnil Cltlci when lnHiilnif bomla. Wodon ( 'cncruHjuuklnit builucjn , and Inilto cor- rcBixmdcnco. ASA P. POTTKR , P JOS. \ \VOUK , CAHIUKit. OOMMEROIAlA National Bank. Capital , . . . $400,000 Surplus , - 44OOO Ottlrcri nnil IlroclorM-A. I' . Hopkins , iirostilcni. \V O..Mini , TlconrunUKinti Alfred llllliiracaiililer , , K II.Jlriantamlilanl caililvrt Clmrluj Turnur , Ii. Wllllnaii , U. M. Murtauiaa , W. U ll r ,