Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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ADVrilTIfcEMKNTS for . . .
ho taken until 18:30 : p. in , lor thonvening
edition and until 8'.V ) I > . m. tor the morning
edition and HUMPAIT llr.r. .
j-C'iish In aJvnnco.
_ ortlscmonUonlhUpaRO vlll b
Tlchrmpd for nt Iho ratoof I'J ' ccntporword
iVtlin flr t lu't'i-tlon anrtl cent per worn for
nucli Hiilispiiucnt Insertion , anil 61 S ) per line
pcrrnontli. No nilrortlicinonl tnkon for loss
.than iTi cents for tlio lirst Insertion ,
NITIAI.S. figures , symbols , etc , , count each
BH one word
IIKfr ! ndtcrtlBemcnln must runconsocu-
lively ami under no PlrciinntancfS will
hey bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
. . . . ndvertMnsrln tlieso columns nnd
liavlnuthelrnnswurMnddrriRcdton. "num
bered li'ttor"ln cnroof TIIK BKR will rtcolvo
n.n u in be rod check to onall < thorn to Ret their
Ifjtlors. Answers will bo delivered only on
prtsontatloiiof tlili check. Kncloso answers
In en velopus properly nddri" sed.
'Al.I < nilvorllacntciitn under the head nf
Jtx " , iicclal Notices" nru publNlied In both
morning and nvonlim cdlllOTiiof TIIKHIK. tlio
circulation of which ngprosatrs more than
0.000 pnpors dally , nnd Rlvn the advertiser
tlioln'iiellt not only of thn Itirifn circulation nf
TUB Ititr in Otnalia , hut nl < * n In Council IllufTl.
Lincoln nnd othorcltl 'i nnd towns In tlio west
\L \ Advcrllslni ; for Ihcsocnlumnwill botnkcn
on th alovocondltlon ) .nt tlmfollowliigbusl-
ne s houses who nro aiitiiorlrcd to take special
flotlcosat the same rates as can bo had at tlio
main olllco.
J snsiN Htrcot. lister llloek.
I fOIINW. HELL , riiarmnclstfc20Sontli Tenth
' < J Street.
OIIASi i : .t . . r.DDV . . . . r , . , Stationers nnil Printers ,
iifcoiitlilfltli : Street
.7. lIUOHliS , rharniaclit , 0 4 Koilli 10th
GKO. W. I'AKR , I'hiirniaclst , 1713 iciivon-
worth Street.
UOIIHS' 1'IIAlt.MACV , Sllli nnd Farnain.
, Far rattt , etc. , ttelnpnf firflcnlitmnonUiti
. "VV" AKrKn-Asltnatlon nscnRlncor. station
f 'T nry or artIc.mount fitting nnd care of
ni.iulilncry. Curtillcuioniul HcoiiMifor Cinalia.
Address II. T. , Hue olllce. N stroot. South
Onmlin ,
g la faiullios , 110'JS.
> nii-at'
ITUATIOXVantod hy a lady to keep
house , rlcasocall at DOS.orth liitli t..tii- |
"POSITION wauled Ijyayouns lady -who Is a
J. bookltooper , stenographer anil typpvtritcr.
3efor ! 'iici's the very best. Address K. M. . 1811
ri1IK > HOlTOIIhYconipcU > ntladyitcito 'raph-
JiitvnliiR inacliliiP , clslit years' experience ,
fleslivssltn.-illoit Oct. Jtt. Heat city roferi-itcc.
( ) ! i UPC.
1'ort attf , etc. , fee top nf frit folitnin on tM jtage.
Il A. Rood watchmaker to go out
ofelty oa Hilary. Ait iinnnrili'il mnii ,
peed uililruss and peed ri'feiences. Inmilront
Jlco olllcp. Council HI tiffs. -170 JO
TV7 ANTKD A. few pee < l men ni
tiRi'iitH to orKnil7c : liranolius nf the Jler-
jiantl In On-operative bank of Now York , dultiK
the cuncral biiilncsa of a national
nnd loan association. T. A. Hathaway , Suite
> \Rcnt.Uraiid Island , > > li. 31457
L\\TAN"rKI ) A Rootl liollrrninkor at onco.
fc ' Hood wnpoi pnlil. Address KriMnout
lioundry & Maclilno Co. , l-'iCiaont. Noli.
M4C7 iil"
. * \X7"ANTKI ) tl < )011 C0k ( ) f < ) r hotel. Address
> TT Oeo. Kceil , Orosliam , Nfb. MUil L"2 *
WANTICU-rniiiiocllatcly , a. llrst-class prl-
ate fjardnvr wltliKoott rofurunucs. j\ii-
< lrpss l.mployer , Reneral dollverv , Omnlia ,
nnd nu'iitloii rererone . M1GI0
\ITANTKD-5 liuslicliiiun. good wa cs. 218
IT N. 10th st. jltl 19 *
SS mlllior , LIU Hi-own bldg , , ICth nnd
"TITANTEI ) A. young man who tlioroiiKhly
_ TT iimli'Cfetandstho printer's trade to act us
for < 5nmii In u country newspaper Qfllcoi tnod-
erato wilnry ; comfortable homo nud steady
work. Aildroas O M , lloe. 417 ! 'Q
ANTKD-500 laborers for It. U. worltln
Uri' on and Washington. Good waites
find Ions .1ob. Albrights L.ubor Agency , 3120
Ji'urnam street. 410
* W7 ANTED Good butter-worker for ronindo
TT stock. Apply from ? to' > 8.iatb.
4Kt 18 *
_ _
IlATIiOU wanted Rood coitmnkor at onco.
L I'rleos , $ ? .W to 2. Address , Chas.Lor.son ,
effcrs'on. la. 411 10 *
WANTE'l-Taylor ' , intracdiatoly.AIJ951
Dottiest. AIJ95-1 ! ) '
WANTKD Two Holier , rollablo mon to can-
vnss nnd sell yoods , Tlio0. K. Attains
HomeI'lirnlshliig House , 3019 Howard st.
WANTED Anoxporluiived llowcr K.irdoni-r
whoiiiidorf laiids ( Joriuan. Apply at 11.
lluas , 13th and Ylnton. to'J-21
" \\TAN'rKD Sinn andwlfo to work on farm
TT itlStanton , Nob.will : pay hlghi-st VTIIBCS ,
honn but thosu used to farm llfo and without
children tieod npply , Address On-cn Itius. ,
btanton. Neb. U77 i-J *
i A OllNTtila ovcry county ( malcn.
iVnHI nn article InilNin'nsiiblo In every
household , $ Scti < h roqulroil. prollt pood. Ad
dress with stamp , rooin IB. Ulty blk. Lincoln ,
yob. ai'i ' LQ *
AOEXTS-Wiintcil : K to IO per clay collect
ing small pictures for us to copv and IMI-
larRei hiitlsfaotlon Kuara ntcod and II outllt
! freo. A. Duiino k Co. , W ) Kcado st. , N'uvf York ,
: i 7-i8 *
OITVsalesmnn. Oiualia shirt factory. 1314
Karnain : IIC
GKNKKAIi acPiitsniako 8,1,000 , to,000 a year ,
canvassers if ! to $11) ) per day , selling the
Celebrated Taylor 1'a.tont Adjustablu Slioe.
The o\ohi8lve rlflit to hell this shoo In nny
territory Is a valuable monopoly , Our system
nfsolllmr this sliools now and original. Ad
dress , with"c. btamp. Consolidated Aillusta-
blo Shoo Co. , Sitlcm , ila'.s. S4-'JTi ; *
W AN'TKIl.-Actlvo men with Rood rofar-
I'ncus. Motropolltnii Maii'f't ; Co. . 1009
Howard st. 160 as *
Y\7"AN' L1X ) laborers fnrstono ana irr.vlo
T inirl . Apply to 1' . H. Johnson , Union
nKur ilopot , Oinnha , .Vt
W'ANTKlv Biilcsmcii to sell Roodsto incr-
I'hants bv samulc ; walui-v paid to Rood
THOU ; samples furnishediiieriiiancnt sltiiiitlon.
Mnnufactiirliig Co. , South Bond. I ml.
707 KK >
WANTKD-Mcn tolravolforoiir Canadian
\ \ ANTED Snlosmni at t75 pcrniontli sal-
1 niy and o\icn : ) oito sell a line of sIl-\or-
Jilatcd wnio. witohes , ntc , , byb.implo only ;
liorfionnd team fiirnlslird frco ; wrlto nt once
for full pnrtlonlarii and siiiuilo | case of froixls
free. Standard Sllverwuro Co. , Uoston. Mass.
KM ) iS *
WANTElt BOO mon for Utah and Nevada ;
WIIKCS K.OO to tJM ) . Albright's Labor
Ag Micy , 11M I'liriuuii st , U7U
\\rANTKD 'I'MvolInK Kiilt > In % en-
> lion , blR money to right parties ; monop
oly. Omnlia patent agoucy , corlOtli and U.ip-
llol n > o. IX'--'J *
For mff , tf. ( , tee top ojfift folinnii on Uita
family of thrco. Kefcruncca required , 833
Park avo. 4110-S1
WANTED Girl for Bcnornl housowork.
Call at room 00.1 , Merchantd N'nt. liaal ;
illns. 411 SU *
W OMAN cook on farm near Omaha. 313
llrowulilili ; . , 10th and PoiiKlas , US 0
WANTED Olrl for ceaoral housowork.
only two In family. MM. 13. M , Park. 2J13
Mtiiiey tit. MI3-JO
WANTED A Rood Klrl for general houio-
\rork. L'l.'Cillivrnfy st. 4.1-1U'
WANTED Drpssniaklng in private family
by tlrntclnssdrcsamuKcr. 1011 Callfomlu
kb. ) *
OOMl'KTKNT girl wiintcd. Mw. E. F. Soa-
vor , KS S ftth Bt. US7
T rANTEl > rairl for nenornl hqusovyprk.
MIC St. Mary's avenue.
* w ANTED A girl for cooking nnd washing
atSiUOUaruoy. MIT * . J , 11. Mlllunl.
vjllth forRoncral houseworlc. Mrs , Thos.lA.
Jllull. 16A Hhcrnmnavomic. I'll
Bl younR lady vuntod to gut eub-
scrlbors for the Umalm Kxcclslori no per
tout commission , Apply 113 M 16tli st. MltO
UUUU girl for housework , llefercaoes ro-
( CVciulrccl , Good \rucos. Mrs. Uuiuout. 3013
l.a foTct to avenue. 05 1 _
'Wy'ANTEl ) AcoiiiNtfiiKlflor | ) ( iiurbo and
U second work. MN. Oco. 1'ttersou , ill ) S ,
For nUft , ttc. , tec Uip of jr ! t column on l/ij (
' '
TT roomH Vfltli usflof bath In a private fatnlljl
four In our fiimllr , Address purtlcularn to
riKiin UI , U. fl , bant. TO
FOR uiiNT 'iiou.snS.
Mr rain , tl - < * _ * ? l'j ( fnt column on Uiti pcuy
fjlOIl IIRNT Iou p , aGlh nnd Caldwcll , * IO.
J-mrd and .lonos , tit ) . S. > 13 l > au'iiport. 4.U
W.h. Sjeely. M , lid Trade. < " 15
"IjlOK UKNT A iiloo 7-roinn 110110. Inqulro
11 O. L , I > lck5oni 0 N , 10tli st. , Masonlo blk.
411 'JO
nroit JlENTTlwVlnd or hotel In North
J. llond , Neb. Address lock boi It , North
llcnd. M 4M-B4'
iltOOM h on HO and barn JIT , 5 room hon * ( > ? ll
llthand Vlnton. Ml-'l
rnWOOrooiii llat : all modern initiroveiiiPiiti ,
-1- corner -till andLcatonxvorlh sU TO-W
3J1OII 11KNT lloiisu of 7 roniim , all modem
coinciiloncpt. 19th nnd Webster : 'J new car
pets for bale , AiUrusal' . , IDth and Nicholas ,
4171t > *
UKNT I larsu room house. City and
cistern valor. Hcnt , * ? . 10th and Bancroft.
"TTIOR Itr.NT-Ono lint In tlic r.Inton Uncle on
J- ! thoM Iloor. 0 rooms , Htcnlii heat , newly
papered , urntu liipnrlor. All lit Rood order.
Jiiiinlicof John llninlln , In tint Mock , comer
ofllltliand Miisonsts.room017. JH-'O-
TOIt UKNT Mwlnrn K-rooni stenni heated
JHats. . North ISIh htreot. nil tonvcnli'iicei ,
afi.W ) tnC4U.OOpt > rinoiith. 10-rooiubrlckilwcll-
InK , ITOCniiltol mctnie. Wnoo ix'r month. ! -
room honsu.ali r'niivcnlcncc'i ' N. Slil st , , $10.00.
fi rooiiii'ott.iac. Is'ortti Bhl t. . S-'i.OU. liuiulm
> ctlicrlon Hull , ! SM South 1Mb. St. , room 1. 2(1 (
Hour. Bl 421 4
nflirTEKN room lion so in Rood looa-
J-'tlon , ri'nt (83 par month , prlcu $ t < 30.00 IV )
cash hiliinco tnnnthly , Uo-Uucr.itlvo hund
and Lot Co. . 205 N lOtli t. ! IW-I9 !
"filOU UKNT a cottaei-s , nlr and seven
J- rooms , newlyp.iltited and papered. Miuth-
east corner 18th und Clilcnxo Ms. ; nlso DUO
four-room liouse , 1012 Howard , near 10th , j5. !
ORVEX room housp. ISth iind Vlnton.JlO. .
O 7- room liousc- > and Mlainl.l .
fi-rooiii liomo , . 'ilh nmi IliNlnl , JIII.
5-room liouso , : nrd and 1'tirker , 111.
8-rooin hoiisu , Sbtli and Calihrnll. ? ' .
7-room house , IJitli and ( ! nrllch$10.
D-fooin hou-,0 , Mneolnl'laci' , 810
J. II. Johnson , CIO L'mton lllocli.
"JTlOIt KEXT A beautiful and conumlcnt
JL cottii ) ! " of KOM'n ronins , ultli bath.dirnacc ,
raiiRocollur , etc.Cor.ilfitli st and llunthornu
n\e. J. II. HiinionU illo
Q-ltOOM house , llansconi plucc , nil modern
Olmprovonients Including cisti-rn and splen
did fiimaciU. . 1' , lIarrlbf > nOH X. V. Life.
- ' 7
OI111A1" rent , llavo several 3 and 4-room
llnti. central , wltb city water , sowurnga ,
etc. , uttroinifStoJir per inontli. Uiitts1 Ucut-
Ins ascnuy.a.'O anth st. 300 oil *
8-HOOM house .in < l nntl OunilnK , 1)5 ) per
monlli. U. l'Harrison. . Oil X. V. i.tto. G.V )
FOlt RKKT rottnsc.iSnclana Louvrnworlli ,
\vIlhbnrn.S20por month. 0.1 ? . llarrl.son ,
Oil N. V. Llfc. 150
FOil KKM' water.
l.i miles from I' . O. i ) . 0. rattonon. lU'J
1'iimuni. 1M
OCT. 1st. , liulldliinon N. E. cor. 10th and
lloiiKlas , y hi4omoiits : stores , und 7
rodiiisiipstalrs , HM. Mrs. Kuhlniiinn , 11 and
Vlnton. Ml
IjlOlt UE.Vr HniisoS rooms. R0id ( lanmlry.
J- ' Inquire Uobt , l'urvls'Jlth & ht. Mary's : ire.
_ _ J Ml
RKNT A six room house near to business
center , $20. Mead Iii \catineiit Co. . Ilco
bulldlns. B4.-I
FOllltKAT My rcsldetmi furnished or un-
fiirnlbtn'il for winter or longer , deslrablo
location. Mrs. W. Klguttor , 111 J 6. lOtli st.bfl
IK YOU wish to rent a house orstorowo II. E
Uole , Uoiituntlal bloclc. 5 > i
TTOBRnNT--7 ! rootn llat,50l ( S. 13tli st. $ K >
Jpcrmontli. . Apply at The Fair , J.L. Itrau-
dols &bon.s. 530
POIt KENT To responsible parties only ,
tliose line new brick ami Htono houses on
Oeorgli n.Aenno ; tlftoen rooms and alcoves ;
moro convcnlenees anil better llnlslied than
any liouso for rent lit the city. II. II. llondcr-
6011 , 400 I'axlon liloclf. city. lisa
rr-KOOM liouse with burn ; nominal rent. C ,
I IjHarrlhon.OllN.y. . Life. K > 0
TTOUSntj For Kent S4 J Ca wst.yiOSOivssst. ,
J.J-2JH Cu st. . 10 and 14 rooms : allcoiiM'n-
Iciicoi. ( 'Inis.V. . Italnoy , yi5 Omaha Natlnnal
lankbulldlns ; . r > ij
FOll KENT A house of all conveniences ,
centrally located. Inquire 712 N 19th st
For rates , rtf. . tct ( op o/ frat coliiin'i on l/ilr /
TflOR HEST Mcoly furnished rooms with
J3 board. Kofcivnco. SQ I'arnam. SUM-K *
fllWO nicely fnrnlslied rooms with all nmd-
JL era L'ouvonleiicos , Kent 3J and $112 per
month , ( K1S. Htli. MIL92L *
rn\YO nicely furnlslicd rooms , 717 S. IHh st.
JL M165 ai'
FO1 ! ItENT Nlcoly furnished rooms vlth
board. lieuiodKcst. < - ) - _ ' !
LALOK.iilpusmttvrcll fnmlslieil front roam.
Gcntlcmmonly. Moderate lent. 'JiHl St.
Mary'b avc. 410-21
FOll 1JEXT rieasant south rooniinltablo
for t-\\o \ gentlemen. Private family. W15
F SIIKD looms with board , 1001 Capitol
in i'ii lie.
"VT EWLY furnished room wltli RIXS. hiitli and
i > rurnaoo honl , with -without board , fr , E.
cor. lluruey and25tltnve. 419 23'
F Oll ItKNT rumkhou room , with board.
HW S. 2ISt St. M400-M *
ROOMS and board 1SIO Chicago street.
rpO KENT Ono front p.irlor with alcove.
JL nicely furnishedon ( round Iloor ; hn all
inoclrrii ItnptoM'moiits. also iiist class tnblo
lionnl. Terms reasonable , Call or address
SOUXISthbt. 215-23'
ITIOK IirNT S nice ( rout looms , best part ot
A ; city , will furnish to stilt router at J3 per
nioitlli , convenient to motor. Inquire at UU
S. lath. 385 lb *
FOR KENT A suite of furnished rooms/or
two BOiitloiiK'U , best location , 215 Capitol
imjliNI.SIIF.U room ! with RUS and Inth.
JL1 J.arju ) room bill tnblo for two. fiirnlshcd or
unfuriiUheil. Ituforences. 11)10 Itarnoy ft.
O KOOMMIglithouwkei'ntng ' , 115. No ehll-
OUrrn. Address O UlJeo. 311
FUKN1S1IICI ) rooms , slnslo or en suite , RIIK.
bath , furiinco Iiuat. Icr.'N. ISthst. L'lj 19 *
yr Nicely furnlslu'd front room
JU fortwoBOiitli'tnt'iivlllillrstolius boird.
Uoforeneci required. 1,133 Ho\rarJ at. a25-rj *
HANDSOME rooms , ulso tnblo board , 1S2J
Lc'hlcato. m-W
E lUlt KENT Kuril Ishcd rooms ; gas.batliand .
steiint. l.ilO lliiward. _ BCJ
SUIT 1C ofilonblo pailorsln ono of the most
desirable lints , with all modern convonleu-
I'ts , for two or four gciitlcruen. T0.i B 16th.
III HUN T room suitable for gentlumun. 13 rj
JtJ Jtod 148
room to Renticmiut with Rood
rctoroiiccs ; Biuall private family ! all mod
ern ccnvcnlonccs. 1K1J Jitcksoiibt. . lialf lilonk
weatof St , Mary's avc. Congregational church.
HEM' 1'uriilshud rooms , 1003 lonlus.
STULAIItKuropcimhotolwltli dlmnp room.
i < tcani hent In all roonu , lIlth-DodRo.
Bpoc'lal ratn < liv week or mo. SP.JJ
t. tc. ( , wetopet flrtl roftinm irti thin jmae ,
FOR KENT 5ult of 4 unfurnlshod'room'i
for lionsekceplnB. to family without
children. K03 'NYcbstcr st. 315
K lir.N'T 3rooins. undirnMicd.SIO N.UtU
prlco ilO , will lent to colored people.
G-110OM3 mi furnished and rooms furitlilied
forreut In Uugganblock , cor , lath and 1'u-
olllc , Ml
Forrate * , ttc. , stttop oItit column
FOR KENT llaHorucnt , flvo nice rooms , city
water. 1UI2N. lOih st. 43i-'JO
FOll RENT Hrlok wtucliotuo , t\r6 \ storlo
uud baicmrnt , J,000 nuare foot , with 10O
fctitof double truck on U , 1 * . railway , south
. othnnd 1'lerco streets. Address C , Oskamp
Uiuahn , iob. MI
S TOIIB for llont-15U OotlKO st. Cltaj. W
b Omuliq National banhbldg. 645
VIOR 11ENT Tlio4torjbrlal DulldlnK , with
I ? or without jioworformerly occupied ujrthu
IJcol'iiblUliliiHCo. . tlirurnuniU. Tliobulld-
Ins las a. Uro-i > ruof oeinoiitbiii > c'mcntcoiitlatu
stoum lieathiK fixture * , water on all the iloors ,
gas , etc , Apply at the olllco of The Dee , 015
TT1OH IinjfT Hn ernent store room cor. lltli
J.1 and Jack so 11 ts. , ttcatii heat , Inqiilro
Mrs. M-atKB. CUB laihBt. fea 21
: ffl'oifitE3T UiillillngmsUI ft. , Mflrlei anil
-I.1 bavmptit , onJonp-utri'ct , bctwcciiiotli nmi
Mb , with It , It. track In alley : but location In
Hie city for wholesale , lnqulroaio 9 , 1 fit list.
0 A. Llndnulat. ECO
QTORKS nt.TOO B. in , MxlM each , lurgo Rbow
Owlndows , steam lioat furnished , The . V
Inll 311 1'ouoti blocli. _ HVi
OPI'Ionsin Wllhnoll block with all modern
ltnprovcmctit < Ycryclieapl&tli and Hartley.
IKSH 1 ! )
for rnlw. elf. , vjop | oI rut column ori Iftfapig < .
T ISTyour liomo to soil or rent with O. I' ,
l Untrlson.Ull N. Y.lltu. 18 ; !
E. I'.Cook , rcnlil nsciicyi loan * , mortpasos
ljoiiirlit.ta < ci'ipald and collection * , ttoom
WIN' . Y. Li.lmlldlllK. M US ) O 8 *
I 1ST your houses with Show's rcntnlaRoiic
. /oOliJ. / IQtllBt. 1101 t ) . 0.
HK. Cole , rental agent. Continental blk ,
r > r > 'j
EJ , IKIOV , rental agent , ! W > N. V. .Life.
f C7
I'orratt * . ct ( . , rrctop of flret column an this
s TOIiAaiv- tis bttforo storing goods of
unr de erlptlon. Omnlia Steve Itopalr
World , 120 ? Douglas. Tel. 1)10. ) 571
IK storage at lowest rates. AV , M.
. linshnian .1311 Lcntonworth. f'73
iTOK AGK-Uranch 4 Co. , 1211 Howard.
5 r.73
STOHAGK Korniorchandlso and furniture ,
cold BUiMKo and frtuzliig ; tracKuge. Uivld
Cole , 815-S17 Howard it. f 7l
Tor intai , etc. , to ) > oIrst , column on l/it
LOa 1 Similf lieiiclo hound , female , ul.iclc
head and i-tus , very Ions cnr , body vhlto
with black spots , Howard at lUlO Dolre st.
QT HAY r.D 1 Iron gray colt , l-yoar-nltl colt ,
Rbtild faced bay. t crippled bay horic.l pony ,
liny , star on forehonri. from wllltnias'farm.
Itohliers' lioost , on Military road. Hcturu
and get rcwaid. 41120 *
LOST > 'oto ( or 8230 : drawn by llartics Si
KnlKlit In favor of Josopli Dohorly. Ho
ward ( or Us return to2T > OjUiiiiilnK8t. , Military
llrldito burn. All partlus me warned not to
or pajbalduoto. Joseph
* IJ
BOYLost Aunist2l , George Hitritliaril loft
honiv , 11 Is lUyears old , dark blonde
halr.ilarU hltio eyes.Vas birefooted , luic.1
short pantaloons with two p.itchcs on seat.
Kewaid pild forhla return to Jlargarut Durg-
hnid.TOS tf.
LOST On Friday cvenhiB , somi'\vhero be
tween lloyU'sopora lu usi > and 'tMimd 1'nr-
nniitbtff. , alady'ssollliilrodlainond pin. 1,11)-
eral reward If icturwd toios tf.llthst ,
fOUNl ) .
Per rates etc. , fcctop nf first ruluran on thts faua
. ono bay , white hind
left foot , pinall whlto star on head ; ono
blackmare. Oniuircall on 11. llaunier , i Jin Ho
north from Tlet ; Park. JUlOT-lD *
Fur infra , dr. , atctop of first column , ontlit-s
LADIES-Wo have opened dressmaking
parlorsln connection with our school of
cutting ; wo touch tlio Worth's tailor system ,
howto etitlKistenn < lllnlshcnttlng ; und lilting
done ; patterns to order. 1915 1'arnnra st.
FABHIONAULC dreasniaklngi twelve vears1
oxperhnco" : terms , * 1.7iper day. * 10 per
week 11KLcaien\\orth ) st. : i"5 18 *
T NGAGEMENTS to do dress-maklni ; In fam-
Jj-Illcs solicited. Miss Sturdy , &OSS5tli we.
etc fee ttip otjitrit cotmii onlhte
Hl'OUE buying aplano exjnilno the new
Klmballpiano. A.Ilospe,1513lotiflat >
GEO. P. GKI..MNI1EOK , toaoher of the lianj
vlth IlospelJit : Douglas. 1 ! )
rpIIBOnmlia Klndericarteii will rcouuti MOII
JL day. Seut , SCOO Uavonport. , Jllss , K. Grltllths
W l.HHR pianos for sato only liy Omatia
iMtlBloCo.)51 ) Dodpc , ( HHsM
ivr USIC roperuoitt discountand pianos on
easy terms. Omaha Music Co. . Ijio Dodge
For mtesttc , , scttopoffirslcolitmnonthitipaaf'
PATENT lawyers and solicitors. 0. W.Snes
A Co. , Ilco building. Omaha. Tour years'
ovperlouceas tvamlnprs In U.S. patent olllce.
llraneh olllco at Washington , U. 0. ConMilta *
tlonfreo. US
I'orratfg , etc. , tcetopvf flrtl column on tills pace.
TT.l'ATOII.cxisltislvo pension and claim at
torncy : over 15 years' experience ; nil the
latest IL-\\I & decisions. Olllco removed from
Frcnzer btk to Chamber Commerce , HJJ.Oiimun. .
NMVlaw ; pensions for almost all soldiers !
fathers , mothers , widows and minor chil
dren oC soldiers. Claims nnshod by K. N.
t'liiisiiian , lit anil 211'rcnrorblk. , Omaha. Also
Washington und Cincinnati. Ulruiilars frcu ;
15years'ctporlcnce , 570
l"ormtenttc. , tcetoriof flr > l coinum oil llutpaye ,
rpVl'K\VlirrnuS. all mal cs , boiishl. sold , ex-
JL clumped , rented. J. 1' . MegoatU , 1U07 Fur-
natnfitieet. )3 )
for rent or sale. Htcnos-
raphors buppllea. J.L'.Meso.ith , 16)7 ) Furnniii
. , K3 t jiojwt cflintiiu nn'tliti
' < ) tliinsf rom "S. 0. " t ,
dite. 10th. klncopaw you. Sent IIIPSSUO ii :
" 1-M1. " J5th. "NVIll boln "T. It. " at St , " .I "mill
CUtli. Aroyouioliigto ! bco "KM. " soon ? An
aii > loil4. "I.U. . " "S. O. " "S.1 F , M 4&I-20 *
Forratea , ttc. , ttc top of flnt column an ( h
MKS. 1)11. ) Eimr. tlio dlstlujnlshed franco
clalrtoynnt , late of lo lon. while en
tranced wllfrcioal every hidden mystery it
life , Prepares Egyptian tallsmuii , which wll
ovcieomeyottroncinlc.s. roiuoio family trou
bles , res torn iHt ( air otlons , iinltealliu separ
ated , helps lit ull trouble , etc. Fee(1 ami ii ( )
wards. H. It. Perfect satisfaction guiiruntuui
by mull. Send Btamp for lllitbtrated circular , Eddy , 10.W llouglus street , Omahi.
MADAM Stover of St. l ouls , the woiidcrfn
c.ircl loader , has returned to tiio city , am
willglvoporfcctsatisfaction on all aifalrsof
life. Cull utidbo convinced. Ladles , 50 ct4.
ceiitlomcn , 91. No. U ! N. ICtli St. , room 10
Hours from l to 0. 841) a *
OL\lliVO VANT-Uudam Uelzior.ovor U10 s
Uth , CC-'OO'
MItS. ftVNMin , \VAURIN ; , clairvoyant
trance , spe.iklnir , wrltliij and rt'llablo
business mod lum , 4 yoai-s In Omulia , 111 * N.lOtli
11AT11S K IV ,
I-\ir rataf , itc. , m t op uf jint column , m f/ifixif/ / |
COMB all nnd takn a massaco tieatmcnt
soiuothlne now. 1'arlors , 007 B. 13th &t. IICA
Idtikor liotcf. 4B6 21 *
MASSAGE , Uclzlcr. over mo S. Utn.
' 7U 0.8 *
liAIJt ( J001KSWKiH. .
Ff > riate , cte , , no topof flnt column fnthitciue , ]
BEST lln hair Roods In west ! bnlr dressing
wlcs , s witches , lianas , hair chains , etc. , a
specialty , Darlcs hair Roods and mlllluur
oppoiiltupostolllcc. Ill S.15th st.Omaha.A \
\VNUKOKIill8. .
For rale * etc. , U3 topof Jtrst column oa tltti paat
_ . MO1HB loans money on diamonds
JJ iratolie3Jc u'lryctc.S.E. , cor.FamaiiuUltk
BEN F , Marti. 7 years with l-'rod Jlohlc
loansmadoon diamonds , vratelies , jorolry
andartlclosofvnliin. llltt rnnianut. illiOll
Forratet.ttc. , M tnpof jlnt column on ttili po < 7 .
to Buy A , grocery atook aionci
for cash. 0. O , D. Drown " telephone No.
201. H 13
PUUNITUIIE. houjobold goods , etc. lllshesl
casli prlco. 1111 raruum. 6ou
\ A.NTElUouselioidj poods of all Kinds
T I Oabh Data for second hand Roods. Onto
City Auction Co. , 213 and 215 B.l'.Hbat 713 OT
t'vrrates , ttc. , KC topof Jint column en Uiti pape.
T TOBKhonatCO.two liono wagontai.doublo
T T work ImrneBa 113. Or wilt trade for it
coed llKbt sldobarljussr. II. E. Colt , Coatln'
totil block. 6JQ
FOU 9AI.E Small tantilW. Snlendlit for do-
llvcrr trajott or for chlldronnr inillos'
rlvlne. 1'orfectlr Rentltt-.Atvorylow prlco.
Vlll neil wparato. AddrKw J. W. JEI or. rootu
K10. Now York Ufo Wilff * Jlc HlM 51 *
"ionwoodtop wnfon. 1M2 Uodgo nt.
1OU SAhE Jffood VrorlrttJaiHS. Inquire at
OH I'attoii blk. H < a
FOll SAI.K ChiMMii lioriJ hatneHiaiKl llcht
_ top wagon. UTho olaui mltii. shop , m
D0you\fanta \ o.ldrl , b ; f liot-sc. a good- <
Innkor.Rnndaction , klutl und rolliblc , 0110
a child candt-he. orvlilcn'JL'tin , If glvon the
word , pu. < isniijtlilnioii ( tne'jiunue , If you
do. and yon luno tlio rk'lit'kind of Omaha
iiropcrty , you can Rot lilted * llartlott , Itootn
010 , Vaxton blk , Lj. II *
LTOUSES IMntid up. M. K. Colo.
1710UH leann llsht mules : ono lieavy l.WO-
JL } pound horse. Kootn H Hoard of Trade.
I-'or rates , ttc. , fee Ion of rolnmu oil Ihu
7ANTKO 7 room coltnjjo with modern
> cou cnlt'iioo. Address ( . ) ; Hoe. 4'Ji-l8 ) *
JAN'IKD Ono inidtlle-aKcd lady und two
men to tccolvolimttnctlon * in boolUoup
ng , J. II. StullU , 010 Now York Llfobuilding ,
WANTBD-1'ow loads hickory , oak or
maple uolcs for wood. > N , L. tcely. 1J , Ud
Trade. IMS
COM and Iward wanted by yoiinp man In
RO ' , prlrato duiiily : IIDUSO to t > n HIIII-
nllod wllli moderncotiM'nloiicos. Addrt-ss 0
37 , lloo olllco. M4. ' > 0 21 *
HOUSE fop his keeping this winters lipstot
euro. A good fresh cow \\antvd. Address
O30nec , M4.V 1'J ' *
in prlvalo ( ainllci for
Rtudonts , wlionlll work nUhtsimrt iuorn
for tliolr board , Uiill ormldrosiStniidurd
HiislncssUollego. N.V. Life llilg , M4UI31 *
A STAID married coiinlo without olilldrcn
iluslro KOIM ! room nnd board noiir II nnscoin
1'atlc motor. Address O3J , Umuhu lloo.
iUitu-n *
\\fANTKD-irnrurnlslied roiini nnil boird In
TT i > riMto family for Kciitlciiian and wlfo
two-yciirold ehlUl. Wcitom j > orllon of tbo
oltr preferred , rorctcnccs cxcbangcd. Adilruai
Oalluo , 407-H.I
For mien , etc. , ice topof frit cohunn on tlitt IKIO * .
MASSAGE treatincntelcotro-thcrmalbatUs.
nonlp mid hair treatment , mnnicuro and
cUlropoUlst. Mrs. 1'ost ' , 11 20-21 , WHIinell blk.
TIO shoo dealers : The Now , Tor < oy rubocr
toots , shoes. nrctlcH and spoclalllc' * villl bo
extensively mlvortlsod the lonilni fall and
winter. Write foreatalozuc , etc. Iniii west
ern njjpnt nt Omaha. My silos this season
luno Ijo.itcn ull previous records. 7 , T.
Llndsoy. 009 sJ
Formla , etc. , ttc top of Jini coliiin n oit
T AUGK fresh milch cow. woiplit l..r M HM.
JLJsplondld cioamer. Double eottauc eorucr
IKthtmdJuuksuii. 4IW-1S *
TJ10II SALlC-IJuso biiriinr ( SttMlliiKentl -
JL ? later ) nuntly new. Will sell clieap for
cnsh 011 account of moving to liuuso with fur-
nncc. 1718 N. 81st. st. Ml.'il2t *
BUTCIIEKihop for sale. Good ro.-i.son for
solllnir. Addt-esi O IB , HtiJl 4W-21 *
TI1011 SALK-A dyoln i"tt1if > Hsh incut , every-
Jtill ? tic complete la n lively western town ,
or would tukcas iipartncrm mnii that under
stands tlic business. Adip.U \ Ul , Hoc.
, , MO017 *
"T710U SALK-Tbo finest nl6nt innrlcct In tlio
JJ city and In best location i RocyJ reason for
soiling. Enquire at No. KU > 'orth ICth .st.
M artvs *
"OOU S\LE-Knslno Olio 1-liopso p wcr on-
JL olnc iind Iwllorcompk'fe. in Koail running
order. Address No. 'M , llcv , Lincoln , Nob.
'i W781 *
TTlOH SALE-Oiic8-11 RliUIncandescentdynu-
JL ? mo ; ttlll wii-o buildInK/-iid : | iiutln running
order If desired. AddreiM Ko.IiO , Ore.T.lncoln ,
Neb. : .Mil *
TfTlOl ! SAlK-Lotof b.iii } Jiiirnor stoves. St.
- * - ' oiair ICuroiioan hotel , JUlth and Uodge.
"I7101J PAIVE-TiirnliiR Irttlio , ono new No. 5
-1 ; "Barnos" with cvtorided'bed' . Add ress NJ.
IK ) , Boo , LincoIn.'Nob. - : U.Vl ! *
OR SALK-Ico In ear lots. Cllbort Bros ,
11 - " .
JllulTH. MllVJ
Forratft , etc , , ice topof fml column on thli p ij.
A FFjAT top walnut olHcedesk. . Rood rejialr ;
-ClwIllexcliaiiBO for good cigars. Address 0
2. lice otllce. SB 10 *
TC10U SAI r-Cbeap The furiiituro in the
JL1 home. No. 1818 DoiiKlas Street , for wale ,
and house for rout. Eiiijulreon the premises.
For rote * etc. , tee top of fivt column on Wild 7x754
Oi ' loans onclty uropcrty Acollpctlom
prompt attention. j\.t'.Lnr.SL'ii , Ct X.V. L > lfo
10 LOAN-MOD , private money , O. 1' . Harrison
risen , Oil N. Y. Life. 4V ) 20
T\rONEV to loan nt nil times on dcilralilo
J-'llniiiuvcil ] property In Omnlia. Tliuinoiiry
tliLTo uru uoilelays , us we cvitiiino
tlic property and tltlo ourschus. lluti''iiilth
& Co. , 3W3 Farnnin st. USD o4
TlfONEV toloa.nby 11 P. Masters on clinttcl
-lUniitlcollsitertiliecuiltiosfor iiny tliuu from
ono to six mouths In any uuionut to suit , bor
LOIIIIS innilo on liousohold Roods , iilanos ,
organs , lior-i"i , mules , homes , ] cisos wnro-
house receipts , etc. . ut the lowest jiosslblo
r.atos.-wlthoutpitbllolti'orrcmovulof piopcrty
My loans uro so airancd that you can muko
n payment ot any amount at any time and
rtilucoboth principal anil interest
If yon owe n lulanceoii your property or
hnvo uloaii joii wlsli changed , I will paylt
utlancl carry It for you. If you find It in ore
conviuilent. call up wlupliono No. 1U1 and
your business can bo armtiKcd nthonic ,
Money always < m ha nil. No delay. No pub
lic ty. Lowest rates.
d U.K. Masters.
Room4\VltlmcllblK , , 15tlinnd lUrneysta.
57 *
1ONEV tolonii.Corresponduntsnf r.onibard
Lluics'cCo. fcbrlvvr Ac llurn : > , l'roiiror blk.
1X8 08 short tlniopaper
V/bought ; also ri'Hiiliir yenrloansoii Improv-
i Itank. 311)S. ) l.ithst. , loansmoney
V7ou cbattolsor collutcml utreasonablo rates.
TfillHSTA second niorlsaKoi on vjonnt it 1m-
J-iro | > ed olty prop. Comity warrant * * bniiRht
Money on hand. I'.ll. ltlcliardson,81H ' N.V.I lfo.
nfONBV 9) ) , 00 or W days on furniture ,
-l-'lnanus | , liorsosliousOfotc. J. J , Wilkinson ,
OUI'aaton liloolc. , Wl
] 1TRST mortsiico loam At- lowratc and no
i delay. U.V.SlwIos Oo.\UI01st \ lUt'llnnk ,
T pANS-OUyanlfarnilofiiiiliiiorl5agopapor (
J l3ought. McC'uFiio lnvi > | inuiitCo. M
Cftdi-Loans ol til ) to
nriutc'sboforo borrowing nnd
sato money ; loans on lioMefvfuriiltnrfl.or . nny
uiproved | heonrlty wltlnntt publloltyi notes
uoiiKht , for now loin , ronowil of old and lowest -
est rates , calllt. 3JiShecly3b . ,15tU&rIlo\vurd. :
TTNUSUAM.V low ralcso-o
Uof latorc t onflrstiiiortas ; sof Improved
real estate for tliiwoxtUJuuy.s by tlio Kansis
City Iiivostmont ( Jo. Koomtu lioird ofTrado. .
J , It. 1'case. manager. ' 58d
OH ATTUMoanslowHt rjtas , biisbiomcontl-
dentlal. M. J. Hull 14 uKitlucutul bll ; . _
r > l 4'Jfev7 '
* 1\fOKEVtolonnon any QCUrlty
-i--L for short timr ji low
rates. lowest ratoi
on personal pijmorty ,
The Henderson MortjiiRO'lavestment Com
pany , room40) , I'axton ' blk. dot
UII.DlNO loans iiiiido at lowest rates. W.
M. Harris , room20 , Kramer blk. , opp. P.O.
T\1KE Hrokor In real estate innrtRtutcs ; ob-
J-/taIn uionoy at least coat to borrower ;
open tiiturday till ? p.m. itooni 3.1 , Iturkor blk.
"TBAIjEstate I/nnn-Caso. on hand. Glebe
-IlLoun& Trust Co. , 3D7 H. 10th tt , riodolny ,
no extra charges , llousou for rent ; uood lUt.
L'hllartclpliia Morlgaze and Trust Co. ,
alvrayiraudyto loan nnd pay promptly ; flnt
wanted QcorEow. I' .
inortKOjiwi , UoatCJ. rep >
rctouutlve , room7 , board of trudo. fVJU
"T71AUH loans Bttr Land A Loan Co.
J ? 44J 23
\\rANTED-PUst-olM3 luslilo loans. Lowest
M rntes. Call and see us. Mutual Invcst-
inentL'o. . 1&H rnriiam , 003
cr to loan choau. U. U.
rlbon. Ull N. y.lfa Cd'J
EASTr.UNinoiioyto loan on dtj nronort/i
mortgage paperboiijht. ll.ll.Irey.N. .Llfo ,
"jMRHTinorljacplonn'on Improved nnd un *
J Improved property. Clmrle * Wiltnliiey. 'M
UnahuNational tank bnlldlnff 6tA
jiUQtBAl.1. NKB 7-n/oiu nousc rondy to
J move Into , with full tot , S..ISO. . r.W ca'li. U
K. HarrUon , Oil N , V. Ule. ( UTT
OlIATTEIiloansat lowest rates ISomovcd
to I''l. ' N. V. Jlo ( llhlG.DJ. U.
BlIIIjDINOloans , 0 to 7 purcontl 110 uddi-
tioiialohtireesfor conunlsilon orattornoy's . Mcfllol'lrst.Vatloiuil bankbUlR.
OK. A O. M. AM'11OXV,31J N. Y.UCo build-
Inir , loud money onfiiriinlii choice coun
ties ot Nctlirislca and lo a ! nlw on good
Omaha residence ) property ; lowest rati'Si ' best
terms ; no clelayi money ready. Titles nnd
values passed on hero. ? JO
"TVrONEV tel nnto delay , In ln o orsmnll
IHamnunts lourst rales. Apply U. K , HOT *
nolds , SW Now York Ufnblda. Telcphono UUl.
loinod ( it low rnttn on furniture ,
-s. Ac. , without publicity , llaftkejfo
Inrcstinentt'o. , UlUouglaa blklCtbnucllodio. ) ;
TniASTKHMmoney to loanl lowest rates : no
J delny ; largo loans a specialty ! short tnno
paper iHiiiRlit , Omnlia MortgaRO Co. , ground
iloor Chatiibcror ivnninerca 415
Forraltt. ttcrtt tap ofrft niftdnnnn ttiii
IT Innil , clear , cxcluinso ior tfebrasKa prop
erly , su l > ucatur.
T7/OR EXCIIANGK Tljjht mules forOmnhi
-t'reitlestate. 11.1't , lloardotTrade. 4t. :
TITO KXCIIANOK A gooil cowforliay or coil
" \\7ANTKii-Stnck of Ki-neral indso. , luvole-
V I us * . ; , OW to 410,000 , for choice Umalia Im
proved property aud cash. Address , INI-'O.llci ; .
SOLlIi gold Walthani watch and worK liorso
to trndo for coocl sldo bar buggy. U.K.
Colo. Continental block ,
SA.IJB 3ti : < vi < KSTAJH.
I'ormttK , etc , rectoit of Just , coluinn on V
} (1OU ( BAT.i : 0-rooni house , modern imiiro\c-
' nionts , barn , etc. , 50-foot loton , AUrt st.
the best residence st. , In the olty , for SO.SW.
3I.MKJ c.isli , baluiico to suit.
tl-roum lieu u und 50-ootlot ( on Park .T.M ; , ,
forifOSM. Terms to suit.
8-room IIOIHS ninl CO-toot lot onllst avenue ,
Just north oftft. tlnry'tnvc , forJ,000. !
0-rooiu house , all modern Improvements , 50-
foot lot , on tpenccr St. , ( or * 1,5UO.
6-rooni bouso mid Ijath. llro phco with oak
mantel , city water , Rnsutc. . at UTitli and Juck-
son SIB , forM.'JOO.on terms to sultbuyer.
Ono lot lit Killiy I'lnre. SLOW.
Tlircolotsln Kllhy I'lacc.H.lOOeacli ' ,
East front lot on Lone live. S'.OOO ; 83) ) ] cash ,
balaiico to suit.
South front lot , corner on t'arnutii street ,
Hast front lot on Lo o a\c. , JI.SOO , SMO cash ,
balance to suit.
An rleirnnt corner , CT vlT3. smith and cist
front , on llarneyst , Jusldo tbo mile limit , for
1)1 ) Ijv 155 foot north nnd onstfront.corner
on Dodsu st. onoof tbo nlctst residence sites
In thocllv , forS'.WO tea deslrablo party who
will build n Rood residence.
Siilcmlld soutli ftont lot In Orchard Hill ,
4730.A .
A double ooriier , soulb front , on i-o\vo \ n\c.
. . ,
Twnlienntlfiil eist : front lots on 4lststln
In Killijr I'lace. each SISOO.
\V. \ Ii , Iloinan. rooms ! and 10 ETrenzcrblk.
" \\7"HOhasii lotor dcslrsiblo cnultyto otter
I > InexoIniiRufor t > li bor.cs. . ' ! ' , beiinian ,
Onialia'slarsetitarloty wugons and carriages.
irOHSAIjE A.ta sacrifice , II lotsiindlO-roftn
Jh JMISO , cor. ySilaiidC'allfoiiin ilreots. Willis
HI.Yales. agent Nebraslc Niitloiial bank :181
0 NT. and two aero tracts bctncon lariiam
and Howard ts. , only 5-i relic \vctt \ of
gKS place. Buy ono und make money.
llcautlfnl building altcs. W. I * ticlby. room
13. Hoard Trade _ XM
TpOIl HALE Jly ociulty In Lowe avenue
J-1 building association , have ID-room bouso
with all modern Improvements , barn , etc. ;
will sell elicap for cash. John 1) ) . Cowle , c.iro
Kolloy.Stlrr&l'o. _ 3 1 2
rpKA'acrt'srlglitoa I'ariiiiin st. ! i inllo w of
iHrhgs rUcu.aboauttrul hlghniid sightly
tract , bargain , \V , L. K'lby , 13 IJoard otTrndu
FOI { > SAU < Ilonsoand lot , iElril and J 01109
sts. . very low.HOO down , balance SlJmotitli-
ly. AV. ifrlbv.n Uon-d Trade , i :
'VTTCK home' . Jlurdetto undUOth , 5-room cetIN -
IN tnio , 1,800. * .1X ) cash. 0. F. llariNim. Oil
N. Y.Ufe. aa
FOli SAI < K Tlio choice re sllcnoo ( at No.
1051 Georgia , ave. . 5KI4lt. ) E.front , 0 largo
rooms , hath , passower , hot and cold witcr.
closet and all conveniences , owner goliijto
loavoclty. 1) . V.SLoles Co.'Jiaist Nat. bank.
Sj" Stur Lancl & Loan Co.
$ l'iiOto 41,500 for Lincoln I'laceand Carthage
lots ; easytorms. W.L.Solby , 13HoardTmdo.
A SMALjIi payment down and 110 per month
IXwIll buyn 4-iooru liouso and lot on lUth , -
blocksfronii motor ; llrst-class chaiico toac-
niilroa homo on cany terms. Apply to II. E.
Colo. Continental block. 004
\\7 ANTKU Topurcliasosoorl elty property ,
IT Improved or unimproved. For sale or
rent , good farm lands close to city. Iii4t-aero
lots or more. Itents collected and
leal estate business npply to O.n. Iloynolds ,
Oil ) New Vork llfo bldg. Tclepbcno 14U.
T , I > TOE.N I'laci ) lots St.iSO to 11,500. Uextor
UL- -Thuinas. mu
mes In most nnynddltlon for
V-/Haleati frnm 51,000 , uponciisy nunitbly pay
ments. K.K. BarliorMk. 00.1
EIjEUAM' traclcugo lot , llfiixCB. fronting
nned : st , . track inallny , Korsalcor luiso
on Ion ; time. Uho Mc.ul luvestineutt'o. . Ilco
bld'jj , 017
YOU have any thing to bell or exchange
'axton liloclc. _ CftJ.
HOMES Sweet Homos-Kleganb Homes I
am otTcrhi } ; the liest bargains In Oniabaor
In tboworldon Wet 1'arnamst
houses nlldlU'crent , Oto ! l rooms , furiricejiot
and cold vater , pis , R'lB 1l\tni'Ci , bath , water
Uosot , innntcl , elegant lirlolc tellais , pa\r > d
sti-eotand niorlcagoi.00 ! tnV)0or inoro cash ,
and Inlaiico at Tper cent tobult. 1) . V , Sboles ,
2ii : First National bank. 'M
AUGlI&We torflell.rcil oatatc.S.Uinnlia.
For rate * , etc. , fettop af flrat column on tlili pigt.
rp6 TKAUni-Cooii real cbtat 3andT clsh fo'r nierchimdlsoor liard\\iirc.
Adduss. I'.U. llox 151'rtiiinnnJi , la. lia l'l '
fllO I'UIKTKlth-I liavo aM.OOOnowprliitlnB
-L plant stored In Unmliii for snlo nt (1,100. ( It
hcratcil nmi boxed for Hlilpinent to any fait
of tlin Urillcil Ktites. Adilrcss mo uttlio Mll-
lind Hotel. Oninliu , or CUM bo t ecn tlicro per-
snntillr ontliu 'lli , Uht anJ'Jridof Soptonibur.
It's auandy aiiJa liargulu , liivestlnto. O.
11. ICtelcr. U818
_ _ _ _
pAUTNKU. vlth nliout J150 wanted Innn
Jojstor und tolfoo hoin-e to lie opuiiuilln
Bo. fJiniihn. Must bo a coolc. Address O , Ilco
olllce , i-oulli Omaha. Bl iCi-UJ'
POIt SAlR Aspctlonnlpliotoira\li
\vlllioittltliimtoutllt. For furtlior | iar-
llcuiara uildru ! > sollo\or \ Show , 'Jconinvoli ,
_ _
560 acres liuprotail land ncarA.rnpalioa ( or
sale orcxuliniiRo for Drugs
profvrred. Adilruss It , H. llcllumy , Arapnhoo ,
Nob. MI05-JI *
POIl SAI.K O11EA1'-A ' first class restanrent
foronsli. JJolns u good business. Goodlo-
catlou. IMiSNlClh , Wj-l >
TTlOIlHAhE Ktoek of dry joodsbo 5t corner In
-L ? tlio tlirlvlnurnllroad cltyofSuperlor.Ncb. :
ttooK will Invoice JJ.OW to J. > , OOJj must bo sold
nt onci ) an wo have other business. Address
0. K.llotscrman& Co. asil go *
POIt BAIiK ortrado llnlf Interest In tinci-
tubllt licU meat market ; buslncs ! ) and loca
tion gooa. Address 02(3. ( Ileo. 18 *
BlOIt SAM' } 11. 1C. luncli and oatlnxhcmse ,
JlUnrcsaiid 10 furnlslicd lodKln ; rooms ;
fooditwo ji.issengor and Hlueonfrelijlit tiatns
ihiliycaslibiiblnosslUlHWiicr ; month Inspeo-
tlon or correspondence bolloltcd , F.I ) . Krcbs ,
\VeopliiK \ Wutur , Nub , 5Ja-'jj'
Oil SAU3 Cenoral stock of niprclinndlso ,
clot hi n j , oto , all well assorted nnd ulco
locution. Invoice about (11.000 , will exchange
for good clear property nnd uurt cash ; vrlto
for particulars. Address OKI euro liee.c'mahu.
Neb. ait : Ii ) '
POH SALE or excliungo forpartNobrnnka
lund und part cash , u froili , no\f btoik of
ccnrral inpruhandlso und groceries. II , W.
UllesOxford. Ael ) . 3U-1 >
LIVKUYfor sale or trade A Bood Ihury
stable.with anotxl run of buslurss. Hok-
nusa cause for selling. Inquire IMwnrd J.
llavla , South Omaha , ilQO-l'J ' ,
FOB SALE Ohoap Cljar. confectionery ,
with Sfurauhod roomsaw , fouthl''tli st.
POU a eafolOper cent Invostiiont nibscrlbo
for shares In the Mutual Loan und liulld-
IIIR nssoolatloii lories No. \VnRCtrorLurs \
thould takobliarrs toseouro low rat en of in
terest In buying their homes. Itooni 11 oliani-
bor of oomniurcc. C , M. Kattingor. secretary.
1M O W
"TFyoimronbatbor ntul hnro n , lllllo money
Jornoino Bond property ninl lsh to pn Intn
binliioiKm jour own nrc-ouiil , oiiino anil HOD
me. lUrtlolt. Itooni 0131'a-vlon bit 113. .
T\KTT(1 ( ntiick nnd flttur ' , Inroleo ivboilt
J/f\0 ! itotnnyuld IK'U ( twill wll for pint
caih. or oxclmnito for iv fnrin. Addti'wV
'lliom.lockbox''ll. . l.lleli ulil. Nt-li. M > S'J >
lJlOK&TLwln7cIiW"elnlrjr. ! Cull onl. . \vi
J-'Wrliilit. ' riow-nco , or K. T , Our , TCM North
listroct K4I19 *
IjlOltSiVUK A tnl > . ritalii.aKoo < IMorclioino
JL1 llttrd tinnlth Miolirs nmi oountois , bnsc-
iiientflroonu for ilwollliiK. eiMd clsivrn ntul
veil , vlll Roller trulo for n.i > . 1 Mookof RW
corlrs. A < ltlrcs3 liuol AIIoul.Lo.D. . gwiM-ri ,
63 N Uth st. ( HI
I.R . or trn < lc A Hr t tla m holol In
aCDiinly so > ntlii ontcrn NolirtHkn , I'or
inrtloiilurslniiulri ) of W. 1 * Bolby , roniu IJ ,
Jloard of Trade. 7S
A 11AUB clianc" . Cltyllottlof Jlla
ji-for rout , fiilo or evi'linneo lor farm or
Omnlii property , Host looati'd hotel In Millard -
lard : Ins liar-ruom. dance lull. Ice hou n nnd
stable : nil coii > riil iiro II. KCoUvl'oiill *
ncntuluilc.or , O. liuinortuan , lUlli nnd JOIKS ,
WniniSAS , A. joint resolnllon irai ndoptoil
by tholoirlslatmcof thn stilp of Nobr.vikii.iit
tlio t > Ycnty.lltst seislontliofcor , nnd
MarcliDOth , \ . 1) , 1K C , proposing nn ainnnil"
incut In aootloii tire [ 2 ] fourll | nnd iHo [ . " ! of
Article six [ ft ] uftbo constitution of said state
tnil that H.ild Hcctlou as amended shall rvtd
a < follows , torltl
Scottonl Tlint section two (2) ( of nitlclo six
( Her ) the constitution of tbostiitoof Nclirnska
lo ninontl eiliio into read ns follows :
"Perilous : Tliosnptenio court shall con-
list olllvo (5) ( ) Judsos , umnjorlty of wluiniHhnll
bo necfs uiy to form muoniin orto pronon nee
iulochlon. oiU'liHilJurljJk't-liin
In eiuo.s relating to roventio. elvllMscsIn
whlclitho state ihall bo n. party. niniilama ( ,
quo wirrnnto. liabeascorpm , nmUncliappol'
late jurlsdlctlonas n < ay bo provided bylaxv ,
Soctlonyt Tliatioolum four (4)of ( ) nrtlclo six
( Cof ) Ilio constitutlonof t b slat oof NubriiHln ,
bo anipiutcdpn nsto read in folio * ! * :
Section 4 : The Judges ot tlio supreme court
shall bo elected by tliooloctor i oltho state at
larKP , mid tholr terms of oil lee , ou'opt as
liorotnuftcr provided , shall bo for u period of
live ( Slyoais. "
Seclktn II : That section flvo (5) ) of a-rlle-lo sh
(0) ( ) of Ilio oonst.ltutlonof tliOHtatti of Nubrus-
ka. l > oaiiicmleilons to ruwlns fnlo-\\s ! :
Hnctlon Gi "Attho lirst pcnura ! otrctloitto
1)0 ) held In tlio year IS9I , mid litter the adup-
tlou of thlt amendment to tin : lon.slltut Inn ,
Ilioroshnllbu oK'Ctud three < : i ) Jndwej of the
supreme court , ono of whom shall bock-ctcd
for tlio terra of ono ( II yQiiron , for the term
of thno pDjronnnitO ono for tliotormof ll\o \
(5) ( ) years , and at each , elect Ion there *
aftorlliorcsba.ll bo clcoteiloiio jnUueof tlio
fiiprcmo court for the torni > C llvo ( "j years.
I'rovklcd , tliat tlio juilRcs of the cuprumu
court wliosn turms liavo not expired at the
tlino of holding the roiioMl olectlonof 3MI ,
shall continue to hold their olllfo fortho re
mainder of the term for vhloh tlioy ivnro re-
iieotlvoly elected under Iho prcboiitcoii&tt-
iutlon. "
Section 4i Tint oncli ponon votltiK In faMir
of tbls amendment shall liavo written , or
lirlntnl ttpiui hlsliallot thofolloivlnjj :
"Kurtlioproiiosod iimoii iliac lit to tlieeoiisll-
tiitlon rolatlnn to tlio jiuiubcrof supicmu
Tlicrofoie , T. John M. Thiycr , Governorot
Ilio si llo of Nebraska , do liorouy Kl > cnotk'U
In accord aneo with soetlon uno ( I ) : tillclo llf-
teen n' > ) oltlio conitltiitton , tlio nrovlsloiisof
tlio act ciitltlcdi "Anaot to | > roiJo ) the mm-
nor ofproposlnR all nnieinluioiils to the con-
stltullim and submitting the Maine to Ihoolo'-
torn of the state , " ApproM'd ' I'dirnary llitli ,
A. O.1ST7. that said jiropofccd iinu'nd incut vlll
He presented to tlio qunllllod motors of tlio
slatofor nppiovnl or rejection at thuconuMl
election tolio held ontliu Ith diiy of .Novoni-
bor , A. D. MO.
In witness wlicrcof I have hereunto sot nnr
liandand can sod to bo nllhcd Ilio Kri'at
or cue state 01
IhN ath day of July. A. JJ.Wtt ) . and hotwou-
ty-fourtli yi-ar of Uiostnto , and of the Indc-
liQiiflenco of the United States tlio ono luin-
ilrod llftcentli.
liy thu Governor , JOHN
LS A.r"l Sccrctaryof Stato.
August Idlm.
WnniKAi. A joint rfsolullon was adopted
by tlio loslslal nro of the state
Ilio twonty-Qrstscsslon thereof , and apl ro\ed
February 13th. A. IJ. 1W ) , iirononlne aiianioml-
mont to the constitution of said state , anil
Unit said amendment shall read us follows ,
Section It Tint at the general election to
bo In Id on the Tuosilay suceooilliiK the llrsb
Monday of November , A. DlSlW.thoro thallby
sumltted to thocloctors ot this statcfor ap
proval OP rejection anamindiiicnt to Iho con-
( tltntloii of this state iii words ns follows :
Tliomiinufactnic , nalo nnd keeping for silo
of IntoxlcatliiKlltliKTsiis a buvciueuaru for-
evorprohlblte < lln LliU stale , und tholoslsla-
turokhall provide bylaw for tlioonforcomciit
of tlilJ provision. " And Ilioro Miall also ut
said election l o separately submitted to tbo
electors of tills state for their approval or re
jection an amendment to the cimstltutloiiof
tlio state In words us follows : "Tim nianufao-
luro.smu and licoplng for sale oflntoxlcutlns
lUjuurs us a bu\i > rugo shall bullociisetl und
rccuhtcdby law. "
Suc.i : At such election , on tbo liallot of
each elector votlnff for the proposed amcnd-
nii'fitsto tlio constitution shall bo wrlttonor
printed tlio words : "Kor proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting tlio
manufacture , sale and koeiiliiR for silo
of Intoxicating liquors as a licvorago. " or
"ABalnsC the pronosed iimondniont to tlio
conhtltntloii prohlbillns tlio manufacture ,
snlo anil leoplns for aalo of lntoxluatlni ;
llnuois nsa ticmrnge. " , ,
Tlicro slull uKo bo written or printed on the
ballutnf tueli eleotonotln , ! foi the propowd
amcndniont to the constitution , tb > s-ords :
'Korpropo ' > , cd nmonilinentto tlio constitution
th-.vtthe iinintfactiire , snlo mid koupnifc for
ale of IntoxluiitlnB llqiiOH as a bo\criiK'ln
his sttite shall bo llcoihcd and rculatcd
by law , " or "Against said proposed amend
ment to tlio ooiHtltiitlontliiit tlio iiunnfac-
tnresaloaud l copliiitfor ilo ofliitodeatlnc
liquors as a bcrurnpe hh.ill bo licensed and
roRulatlntby ln\v. \ "
Sec , a : If either of the sitd proposed
amendments sliall 1)0 approved by is. majority
of the oloetois voting ut the Slid eluotloii.
thnnlt slnll consltiitii section tivonty-soien
[ J7 ] of article ono [ llof tboeoiibtltutlou oC this
Tlie'roforo. T , John M. Tliayor , Goicrnorof
tlioiUtOitNobraBla ( , do liorobplvo notlco
In ziccordnnco with boetlonono [ II artlelo [ r ]
of tlio constitution and tlio provisions of tno
ace entitled nnactto providolho nunncroC
propoalngall nmniidinoiitsto tlio constitution
aiui subiiiittliiRtho fiamo to thoelcetors of the
state , " Approved 1'ebruary iitli : , A I ) . JK7 ,
Unit said proposed aincaidin out will bo sub
mitted totlio quillOed voters olthlastatofor
upiirovulor rejeotlonat the nvnornl Dluetlon
to buheltloii tlio4tliduy of No\onibcr , A.L ) .
Inwltiiess wlicrootl hcreniitoRct my hand ,
andcausoto bo atltl tlio prcat sval of the
statoof Wobmska. Dona at Llncolntlila Mth
any of July , A.I ) . IS'JO ' , und tlio 2llh year of the
state , iinclof the iiidcpcndouot'of tlio United
StntCH thoouo hiiiidrcu llftwutn.
HythoOoi-ernor. JOHN M. T1UYJJK.
UENJAMINK. uowuhur.
ISKAJ , . ) Bocrotaryof State.
August Id3m
\Vncunt4 , A Joint roMlutlon wai adopted
by the leslslaturo oftho stito nlNolrisl < a , at
tTio tirentylirst session tliereof.nnd approved
Mtircli : tOtfi , A. I ) . 1&9 , priiposlni ; unaiucnd-
mcntto fcotloaThlrlcoiidi ) of Article tilxir )
of the constitution of wild tstato : Iliac sikl
section as amended shall roadaj follows , to-
wlt :
Scctlonli ThntiPctlon thirteen ( llof ) artl-
olu six ( Olofthoconstltutloiiof the state of No-
brnska boamnndod so ns tn ronil as follows :
Bi'Ctlonl.1 ' : The jud orfof tlmsupreniocourt
slmllnai'hruccivo nsiiliir/of thlrty-tlvo liun-
druddollars ( S.l,500 > per annum and tlio judges
of tbcdlslrlotiourt nhallrocelio asaluryof
thrco thousiitid dollars ( * : iOM , ) ) i r unnuiii. nnil
thosilary of oaoh hliall bopayiiblo quartirly.
Hictloni : Kaoli person votlnit In favor of
th Id amendment shall Imu' written or printed
upoa his billet the fotloA > lnx :
I'or tlicproposodamordiaentto the consti
tution. rdiitln.'to tlio suljrv of judges of the
su prem o and illstrlct oo url. "
'Jhoroforu , I , John M. llmysr , novornorof
thoitatuof Nebraska , do hereby gl\o notice ,
In accordance with suction onol | artlcloflf-
tocnll5 ] of tlio constitution , and the provl-
sloniot nn aotcntltlcd : "An act to p rot Id o
thomannor of proimslnc all miioiidiiioiils to
thoronstltntlon and Hiilnnlttln ; tlin sn tno to
thoelectOM of Iho state. " Approved I'obi'iiary
llttli , A. I ) . 1877 , that said propodod aiiund-
mcntwlllbo Riibmlttod totho quullllcd vulors
of tills Kt.ito . fcrapproval or rejection , uttlio
general election to to luld on the Ituduyot
November. A. I ) . 1800.
1 nwltims vr hereof I liavo lierounto sotmy
liu ill undcausod to ho nlllxiMl the griiatsea-l
of the Htiite of Nebraska , Uono nt Lincoln.
thlslUthdny of July , A. D.lblW , niul the fwon-
ty-foiirthycarof the state , mid of the Imlo-
ponjonconf tbo Unltocl htatoi the onu liiin-
droj fifteenth ,
Uy the Governor. JOHN M. TII\yEll.
, Co\rnrnv.
[ 9 K A i.l Secretary of Stato.
VOUS nEHIWl'V.Y \ nlmoB , of llody
Mind ; Kilectaot Errors or uxccnscsln OW or
VounK. Hobust , Koblo MANIIOUl ) fully ro-
torcdVo \ Kuarantcu cvory or rnoiicy
refundoil , Humplo courno , hit duju' treiit-
tn nt. Ifull | ciniraf. i. Courtly ( aod | from
bicrvutlaii. Cookltoinody Co , . Umalia , Neb
OIUoc , ft. Chlr Hctol. Cor. lath un lDodioHla (
I'OR I , A III Efl I/odua'l I'orlOilloiil I'illa
tliolreiictiroiudr. acton flu meiulrunl irstoip aoi4
curiiupi > rei3loii iruu wtuuvur c u u. I'romolo
inunitruutlon. These fills uliimlit not U i liken Jur-
n proionncr. Am. I'lllCo. , llor'iHr I'rapi. . Bpon-
oor.CI&r Co. la. Uenulna by SUornun A McConiioll ,
Uodi t..Daur ro. , OmaUni C. A MaUur. Soutb
UoaiUa : Jil" . JSUI * , OjiiaollUlufrt. | . ' , orUorlj.
. " .
Omnlin llnnlin.
( M d ml . . . . .I'lilc.u'o Kt ( > r 'i ! . . , , n . ; 8 l fi in
J iv in ClilonKO F.iprt'H . S.JJ p TO
> IHr > m Clitento Ktirt > il . . . , , < * flW M .1 ,
I.SOP nil CIllMKO '
Unros ( . < MUllIVSlf.
email n. I Otioi tOI niu\Mi onilr oti.
1M ivlif . . , , t > cn fr t > nr K vfrcna. . , , , .
1JIS n. ni L > mcr KtpriM ( ill i > in
HD p in . . . .Di'ntrr Nlnht S'xiros * vu n. in
8IV ii in llnroln tx > c al . . . . . . . . VM p in
"Ixinvoi i K. TVrit\J..vOlt.
Uiaalin. I r > tpot ? tUth tlMayon jtrwutl
Tsnra . . . .KiiiuviTur" i'ar ' Kifro m
.Pli p. m | K , CMiililKin.Hi U.I1. Trim nil
uaialin. I r > cH [ > t IttaninlMnrgilr ol
"jlo p ni , OTerTtCiuiT''lj-op
t.10 r in I' rlllo KM > ro. ' < t p 19
DA ) 11 I > Ktnrcn
ti tarvr p inn
. . , .
" <
I ! 10 u m - n n
11IA n. n . . . KnlrlleMKm. ( nrp 'ft SiinV
: lSr i TlllfATlO , U.I A t'UPI VV\
Uniatin III. J' , Uoi > ol , JOLli tiul M.-ircy SH
(10 ( p m . , torn n
( ti n. in .AIIantl < ] Ksi > roi < . O..W 1)
IK ) n m ' " ' ' I l.lmltM .lion n
Ix-nroi I iilOUr.CIlYit I'.lilKtu " , .frrlv
Unmlia. ' U. _ 1' ilupul. lutti jinil M irty St
"IIS iv in" . . . .SkuTi City I'liABriiKor . . . . I
HO p m . SI Paul K\pn . . .t . ' 1010
Torcul TOli i jf "I J ( tV'l"U i Att
iialin I Uth \VotKtcrHti \ _ I Um
. . . , . . . 1 9ft mil.
Ti'nvVji jdilfAlitfi 'iolirtLVl&'L'l.llN. I iirTvoi'
Onmlm. I IT. I1 , IDth ntut MnrorSt * . ! t" "
* 915 n. m liai p n
I Op ni . . . . . . Vi'jtlliii In l.itiiltmV. V'fl n in
115 p m1 loviAccomnioilitloii ( Kvo. Sun ) W t > in
DID p in tnnUuil Klyfr. SO p n
I IS r > m HO'i n in
Tx > nv > " I'l iiCAlio , Ml ii , A. hi' ' I'.Uilki
( inialu ID. 1'iilc'tnil.lutli nnil Huroy M < . Umahn.
TlW rj | . . . Clikiticor.xi riH. . . . . . .I V ft n in
' Mi.ji m
l/onroi I _ Jrrivui'
OmivTia. I IT. I1 depot , lOtli amilircy \ ? ti. f Oinati n
Omnlin _ _ IrWijm t\VoSiitor \ Sti I
" '
. .lllaii Htln'iCKpresi. T. . . P HI
. Uniting ! ITI : > { Kx. .iiimlMj ) . . I U > p ra
110 p in \\-nlioo.V. Mncolnrnn. ( Ii. Slllui ) ) , 10J ) n in
(10 ( i York fc V > rfo Ik ( Kx. f inm
emailn , I llopot jVlli 'miJyobiicr Hli
7lW n.i l. . . "iibiijc lllr".1Vmiiuiiwfiitloii . . . IIU5 l > ra
11)0 pin . .aiuux OIT Kxpriw * IK . Sun ) . . | ID P ra
5U ) l > ra . . . . . . .St I'll u I Llm llol I ( ft n. m
51& D ni.I | < iHirartriimitir , ( It Hun ) , . ) I ! ( ' > n m
I irrlvuf
ivl Wobilor y |
. h. t
JU5 r > int. . . M I tials k. K , C. tijiroM . . UK ) a in
'Tonv rslllU.Vtw. | . ft. I. .t 1'ACitiU.
Irnnufcrl Union licporCimmnlUulj |
DSlTp ra . . .TiltfTit "itprc ; < i 915 a m
(30 nm MIiintlcKxiiro- SVi j ui
too i > m . . . . \c < lllinlo I.liiilU-d III U a m
lc v i ll'lirtAL.Ult NOliTUVl'.H vt.ltN
We OfFcrfor Sale.
I'ou r thousand tons choice Haled Tlay , P.O.
II. csirs , IStrinRc'ti Hldlni ; . Luton or lloritUk
itatioas , onO. HI. * St. 1' . It. It. , In lots to Hiilt
mirelnsor1 ! prices lOHulatel by the inarlat
Call nnd sec us.
sioux OUT. IOWA
TNSTIJUIMNTS yluood oa ruoord Bt'ptom-
L bcrlS ,
I ) 1C llona amivvlfotoIC V Martin , w 31
ft of o C-J ft lotnl'l - " - . lillc ID.Miiill's .
"d mid , vil . S 2,500
E A. llenson , triislec. toO K\Volr \ ) , e'i '
lot II , blk40 , lleiison , w tt 'M
N A. Kuliii and -wlfo tofi 11 1'lnoc ' , lot t ,
1)11 ) < 4 , UnUlittin lloljtlits , v d StOJ
IIS TJntl- iiriih\ir < ilo .1 M \\iiuKli , w
fi rt of o 75 ft lot 7 , lilk 81 , Sonlh
Uuialm- d
N" 1C. llaclvwl and wlfolo .1 .1V \ llcUfunl.
Intir , lilkIS , Ileilfoid IMnco.wil
31m.ties Ndicr Jind xvlfnloAN' Muiiiiird ,
lot : iblk 5lli , > Hitit IllirnSd mill , \v il , G,00i )
3 P I'tiilUanil ' iiifctoOrlamlo l'"cirru dii ,
ipijuuroacTi * In nw cor s Ii lot 1 , IMn-
hOn'lHllll ' , W Cl. . . . . E
II 1C ruHornuxlwIfoto 1C I'Mnrlln. lot
2. lillcd , Tlioriilitirj ? riueow , (1
l > 1' ISotli nnd-vvKi'to Alo.Kiindor riuliy-
31011,11' ' lots. UlcTJ.SoutliOiniilin.i \ it'03 \ ,
i T JUKI LllKiuiin to IO UiNeoc , lot 1 ,
blk4 , Siimulorsit IJIiuuLiaiiKli'sadd lo
\\rsilnut lllll. ivrt. .
Sou tliOinnliii liml camiianvto A II Tin-
ptMimi. lotlL' . Mk ir.SoiitliC ' niiha , vd M9
J JL Wmnilintidwifoli 1A ICtdney , u
7 , " > ftlut. 7 , bile hi. South Uiiialin , and w
r > 0 ft hits land' . ' , ulkll'J , SoutliUinalia ,
M 1 > Lanjlicir ; to.M lots , I > HO ,
M f l.aniiliear tnM IjJayncs , lot B , blk
15. fiV timltU'hadcl.iio d . 1
Total 8 2.-.WJ .
IC02. Sixteenth , nnd Fiiriinin streotsh
the no\v Itocklshtml tidot olllco. Tide *
ots to all points oust ixt lowest i-itoj.
Iliillillii ! ;
uilu voro iHuoJ by th >
biiildintr Inspector jcstorday :
11. fj KitimclntlF , tvn-slory brick rosl-
dtMiee , ZMntucMith uml JaoKs > nstieol .
rourialitorpuirolts . . . , , . 67
Total . . . . . . S9W5 ,
Story IViiin Ilarvartl.
An amusing lilt ol atory conies from
vonolicd foniH jjcnuino ,
says the IooM5ujor. ! A.vefetorn biwl- , wlio liuil lUlhiallfo lioardof
the unlvcrblti' , and now thai ho hud von
money and lolbtirovlKlicd \ to BOO It for
hiuisulf , recently went to Ciimlirlilfjolo
visit It. Ilo found ono of tlio faculty
who was willing to whew him about , and
together the. ' "did" tlio institution with
consldorublo thoroughness , "I nm
p really obliged to you , jiiofefisotVlu )
Bitidrit length , "mid thoiVs just OHU
thinjf.inoro I'd Ilkoto a&lcyou , "Who
guts the pro fits ol this concern'/ "
Cure Tor Croup. Uno lr ) , Tliomas'IUcctrlo '
Ollaccox-dlntr todlrcilloiu , It ia the liest ,
i-eiiudy for nil sudtltn uttaclcs o ( colds , iialn
andlnilainiiiittloii , amljnjurlea ,
Tlio Decimal 1'olnt.
In Frnuco nnd Gorman./ . 1 reduced to
n deolinal IB written 0,2/5 , / ; In ICiKjlund It
IB wlttcn O'SV in tlio Unltud States it
in nlwitji written either 0.2-5 orHlruply
.25 without the naught. InlliollrstUvo
cotintri 8 tlio pciiocl Is never u cil
nluyti \ the comrnii vhllo lltiffllsh wlt-
oraus the the period , they no vcr put it
nt the bottuin of the line in wo do , hut
always use It tlms : O'-VJ. TliiJStyleiH
Baid to hrt\q l > en Introduced by Sir
Isiifto N"owton , wlio placed It at the top
of the line to ( llBtlngulali it Iiotu tlio
puncluutlon. tnuflt ,
Cliangoof llfo , hutlcaulio , inijntrtl ;
larltlM , hot llmhCH i ro cijrod by JDr.
Norvliio. frcDKiurplu * fttlCulw
uud Uougliw.