Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 19, 1890, Page 3, Image 3

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Manipulation ! ! the Principal
Tcature In Wheat Ycsterdaj ,
A MttloWlml Tcmpcrcil to Both Hulls
and llcnrs lit Corn Nothing New
In Outs Cnttlo and
CHICAOO. Sopt. 18. [ SnccIalTolcEram loTrie
U.F.F..1 Trade was whlpsawcd Invhent today.
IIutclihiKm put scllorsln tlio pit o.irly and
got tlio crowd bearish nntl forced llio nmikct
down. Then lie wn a buyer through other
houses , niul titter otlior fellows lut their wheat
Koto him the mar-let recovered anil they were
Klad tolniy Ithnek. This made ngood scalp-
Itignmrltct nil day. Tliero was little outsldo
news of n rollahlo nature. Tliu Trice Current
remarks on low reserves helped tlio market
fora f w minutescnrly and tlio urlco for Ic-
ucmljor stnrtcd nttl.OJ nnd wont to II.02VS ,
wlth'.May ut Jl.06UGl.WK. Thl.s brought on
Ilntchlnson , st'llln through Farnuin and
others. The only Rood buylnjt early was by
Alltchell and Dunhnin k Co. After
Kcncrnl holllns had put December wheat back
toM.Olli , Schwartz and Dupeo Bold freely ,
It was said on stopordcru , nnd under tliU loul
the prices went oil to the low fiRurcfor the
dny , tl.OMi. Gcorgo Smith sold a line of wheat
ulso. The May prlco wont down to } l.03i. !
Krom this there was aitradiial recovery until
nearly t o'clock , when December was tip again
totl.02Uand May had Increased Its ptemlum
to4o ! and sold nRalnat * l.OflX. Huavy re
ceipts nt Duluth holpcd to depress prices
early , as well as rumoNof ether failures at
Uoston. Thcro was talk of St , 1'etcrsburg
cables not confirming thonllcscd reduction In
llusslnn wheat prospects wired ycstcrdny.
An improbable cable was received making the
lliuigarlan crop 40,000,000 bushels , more than
vcr before. No one was fooled
Ijy this. Tlio reaction was duo
totriuio KctthiR back wheat sold early wlicn
heavy oIlciliiKs ceased. Tlio market was
depressed to buy on , nnd the rally wasnatural
nnd Mining. Cables \\orcslmply steady. The
ntreiiKtli noted In wheat at It o'clock Increased
lothoclose , The recovery In September was
from MJVo toOSUc at the close. October wheat
rohl atlWisctoll.OOat the close. The pilco
for Dvcumljcr was run tin to { I.02U , orl ? < over
tlio low price cnrlv. with theclo o ut tl.OSU.
flay solcl untol.07'/i und closed at Jl.07'4 bid.
On tlio curl ) , privileges nn December wheat
hold , up toII ] ) . m. , as follows : Tuts $ I,01'i ' ,
calls JI.OlHtoJ I .OIK toSl.OI'i.
The llttlo dispatch received Dy
parties , Riving substance of 1'rlco Currmit
coiiiincnt mi corn , was lomarkable. Itpleuscd
both hulls and bears. It nald that the
cornllclds arc yet quite Immature and
In condition to ho seriously damaged by a
hard freeze. This helped the hulls. It. ulso
Bald that the frosts so far had not worked any
material damage , und that light frosts only
helped to check growth and hasten maturity.
This helped the boars. Tlio market started n
fraction under the close yesterday , with Octo
ber ut47yc and May iitWIUe , On a llttlo bulge
with wheat , the Ilrst half hour , October sold
up 1041k' and May to 50V4c. Then tellers took
tlio market , and on lighter shipments , liberal
receipts Indifferent cables and the break In
wheat sent prices down to 479ic for October
nnd < n40 for May. Then llutclilnson became
a buyer. Tliero were cold weather dispatches
from tlio northwest and colder weather was
predicted for tornoirow. 1'rlces recovered
Hlowly until 10 o'clocu. when October was
ngaln up to 4Bo and May at C0' ' c ,
or ! So under best prices early. Hc-
fore the close corn touched the best
prices for the day with September at47ic , Oc
tober J8c. May COJic. Closlnc prices were : Sep
tember 47"4'c. October 477 'c. May WBJc. 1'rivl-
lepes on Jlay corn sold : 1'uta ' 50o ! to 40'ic.
cullH.Mj.Vc. to.Ml'io.
Oats closed ! cnn for all months , compared
with last night , at It'Jjo for September , Il'So
for October and 40ie for Jlay. Thcro was lit
tle news In the pit and this market went down
early with the others and recovered and
closed at about lop prler.s. September sold at
U7o ton : ? . cto : t7 ! c : October. il'Mo to U7c to
37 C ! Muy , 40 { c to 40.'o to 40io to 40 c.
The provision market was a tame iitTalr to
day. Traders watched the market mid that
was about all. In lard and mess pork October
was heavy and closed lower , with other
months Htcady at last night's prices. Itlbs
8old2 oto5c lower ut one tlmo nnd closed
Btoadv. October pork lost 15o for the day
to S ! > .7r > , January sold at $12.00 toJ11.HO to811. 7 < 4
ut close ; May iitlflli.lS'/i. Other prices appear
In the table. Ulspatcbcs quoted packtnt ; lota
of hoffs nt5o decline , with packers slow buy
ers anil light and mixed lots higher , with
speculators active.
NEW YotiK , Sopt. 18. [ Spoclal Telegram to
TiinIlEE.1 STOCKS The verdlctof Wall street
Is that the bear leaders played their points
well in the stock murket la offsetting the ef
fect of bond purchases. They bought early
yesterday and at UH opportune moment pre
cipitated tholrsharcson the market nnd In-
unccd considerable liquidation In addition.
Jly forcing a Hat and heavy closing market on
tlio very day when the greatest relief was
Blvcn to money , Ufa wns knocked out of the
bull movement. This was seen In the com
monplace market this morning. It Is con
ceded that most of the bonds were furnished
by house ? hero and that jnonoy will nt
once become nvnllnblo In tho.street. Bears now
Imvo otlicrohstaclcs short mid Injured crops ,
the antagonism of the Granger reads , and the
Interstate commission.
First prices generally showed an nrtvnnca
over last night's final figures , extending from
! S to ? per cunt , and this advantage was
further Increased by fractional advances in
early dealing1) ) . Lacl > avranniniul : Burlington
rose ? each , Missouri 1'aclllo ii , uml others
fiinaller amounts. The pressure to sell again
appeared , however , and In Hock Island , St.
1'mil and Atchlson a weakness was developed
which soon brought them below opening
prices , the rest of the list following slowly on
fiomowliat Increased business utter 11 o'clock ,
but the heavy tone reappeared , and wlitlc
losses sustained were In almost nil cases
Biuall fractions only , they were sutll.
cleat to lirliiK the great majority of the list
below the level of opening prices. Kt , Paul
WIH thu weuKcht stock on tholUt.and at GO ) ;
ItwnHlli percent below its opening llsuro ,
while the not losses In others weio very slight.
Dealings , an u rule , were without special
features , and tlio market rallied slightly Into
in the hour , St. I'aul raising ! i , Rock Island ! i
and Northern 1'ncltlo preferred Ji. Vendor-
bills were upon the ( mill collapse ot the
Knights of Labor strllio. Just at midday
Sugar was strong nnd advanced toTJ.U. Tliero
was a tierce attack on St. I'luilon a rumor that
tlirro was an additional Issue of stock , Thla
not being confirmed , that stock recovered to
fn'i. or a fraction hotter than yesterday ,
U'hero was acood focltngln nearly all western
railroad Htocks , with llurllngton tip 7 to 07 ; ;
nnd Sllssonrl 1'udllo up 7i to 79g. J/ackii-
Munnuroso ii ; to HIU. There wua good buy
ing ny shorts generally , and , hy Inside Inter-
usts In It , In Industrial stockR. UhlcugoGus
went up to4l ( and Sugar to Toy , showing 2
Iiolnts nnd U points gain respectively. Money
ivus nti : jierceiit. Sales we ru ItH.OOO shares.
The following were the closing quotations ,
U. H. Is coupon. . . . , ,1'J.l Northern I'ui'lllc aou
II.H. Isrctmlnr KIV ? ito rroferreil 77
U.H. Hs regular 101'I C. & N. W 10SU
V. H. 4 hi couiion lOiij do preferred 142
I'ncllloiisof ' 10 114 New York Central , . . . 100
Central I'Acttlc * u > ( I' . . I > .A K 10
CRICUKO& Altai 125 llocklilnntl 82W
Clilcnuo , HurlliiBton U. . M. A. St. Paul iriu
07 do | in < ferrol 115
" ' ' ' '
Hfl * A"\V. \ ; . . . . . . . . .1IIH St. I'iiul.V Umalia , . . , Ml
flllnolt t'ontral I < W itn | > rofvrrcil 6'J
1..U. & W Union I'aclllc M
KaniasXToa 19 VV. . yt. U Al- M
I kuHliuro 1U7U
Mlchlean tviurni ' . ' . ' ! U'eslcrn Union
Wlisourl I'ncino <
AIONGV On cull easy , closed ottered at ' . ' per
Pn i ME MERCANTILE PArnn 7JJ3 per cent.
KTKIII.INC. K.xciUNnc-Qulct and llrni ; sixty-
day bills. il.Wt ; demand. I.S < H.
OniCAOO , Sept. 13.-Socoial [ Tclezram to
TUB USB. ! OATTIX Hccolots 17.000. The pens
were full of prime fat steers , making ndlsplay
seldom eeen on a September day. lluslnesa
wus rather slow at the opening , on account of
a big run , but finally more than an average
amount of business was transacted at a
( hade lower prices on nearly everything
In the fut cattle lino. Cow stock and all de
scriptions ot butchers' stock sold 15o to 23o
lower ) Texuns und rangera also Bold lower ,
liithostoeAer and feeder line only a small
Imsluess was reported , with light llttlo steers
telling at extremely lew prices. Dost native
steers , n.TO2.12l ! ! second class , 8-l.7u3l.95 ;
third class , M.0031.M ; cotuinou , J3.OOiW.75i
butchers' stock , ll.WUOO.
lloos-ltecolpts ] , ioa. As compared with
yesterday , there was llttlo or no change in
values on coarse tows and common stock. If
any thing the turn wua rather butter , but
yrfmu heavy uud butcher weights told 5o to lee
lower. In tlio light hos line vulucB underwent
Ittleoruo cbauEC. At Uio close rough aud
common paokor * sold t fl.OOl.lO : fair to
good mixed. It.l.'iai.'Wt prlmn heavy aud
butcher weights , u wide and uneven
rnnze , tjulHiicli wn the case ! llcht sorts , W.50
5H.ij ; a few of tho8liioortatil.8 > ai.0 < ) .
Mlnltic Shares.
NEW YOIIK , Sept , 18. [ Special Telegram to
Tun HF.B. ] The following are the ruining ttook
quotations :
Adam * c. : > w llodle Hi
Cnlcilonln U. II UO Con. Cnln. nnd Vn , . . 4.V ]
KurcknCon 3M ( louIJA Carry 200
IlalcJt Norcro ! ! , . .no HomciUko ,1000
llotnHIKcr Kfl llclmonte lot )
Onlnrlo IUM farnse 371) ,
I'lioonti , Arlt 10 > ) Eottcr Creek 130
N. Counnormo llli. . Itt
'llio CofTco Mnrkot.
Nr.w VOHK , Sept , 18-fSpeclal Tolosram to
Tun IlKn.T CotTcc Options opened barely
steady , unchanged to 15 points down ) closed
barely iteudy ; 5 points up to 2i points
down. Sales , 40,250 bng ! , Including Sep
tember , tlB.IOffilS.M : October. $17.4'Xitl7.ri1) ! November -
vember , IIO.KM117.00 : December. $ Kt.r > > atG.70 :
January , f IG.OuaiUO : IVbruary , H5.7 OlS-Ni )
MuicliH3.X ! ) ; April. t\'Ml \ May. tl5.1 ai3.0 ! !
Juno , SI.'i.Wi. Soot Hlo nulct und llrm ; fair
cargoes , t'JO.73 ; No. 7 Hat , Jl'J.OO.
Onioxno. Sopt. 13. Ill's p. m. close Wheat
I'lriiij cash , USc'i : December , ll.OSJKI Jln/i
Corn-Hteadyj cash , 47ici October , < 77i'c ;
JI ly , DMSe-Wle.
O.its-Ktciidy ; cash , U7jc ! ! October , 37 ? c :
.Mussl'ork-Stcady : cash , $10.00 ; October ,
IWCiJKWW : January. JlMffJi.
hard -Steady : cash , } J.'r j October. 10.27J ! :
Janu.irv. ? 'W7'j. '
Short Kiln Steady ! cash. J-Uoj October ,
J5.4xas.42'i ( : January , i.8J O5.W.
Kyo-No. . ' , steady utOlc.
Ilurlcv > 'o. ' - ' , steady at SO ? .
Klax S-f < Ml-No. 1 , firm at l.5V31.ttJ. ! |
I'rlrno Timothy hjeed-yulet at Il.ar4ll.29.
1'lour Unchanged ; winter wheat , $2.2 , " >
CW..V ) ; sprlus wheat , ll.eixaj.'jj rye S3.00
. > .
Hulk Meati Shoulders. { 5.7 , " > ' ( l..87'/Ji short
clear. W.bXft-.87j ( ! ! short ribs , * 3.ava.V4.1.
liutter Very quiet ; creamery , U21ei dairy ,
Cheese Fair local trade ; no export demand :
full cream Cheddars hSfc ! ; do Huts , BH ®
t > ? 4' : fanev young Americas , UUCOJie.
K8IH Firm ; fresh. 10317C.
Hides fc'nlr demand : heavy green salted ,
75oj ! light Krecn sal ted , 7Hc.
Tallow Steadyj No. 1,41-jcj No. 2 , 4c ; cake.
Itccelpts. Shipments.
Hour , bbls 14.000 48.UOJ
Wheat , bu 89,000 iao.001 2\S.JOJ ( 04.VWD
Oats.bu 101.00J 107,000
NcwVoilK. Sept. 18-Whcat Tiecclpts.50,400
bushels ; exports , S0.4.V ) bushels ; Hpot closed
stronger : No. 2 lod. fl.o"ill.0'iiiii : ! clovntor ;
JI.OIJiJI.lM'.i ! ! alloat ; JI.02.i44l.027if.o.b.options ? :
closed strong after soiling UO'jo on Uun-
garian crop report and reacting IW
Corn hcceluts. lll..ViU busliels ; exports.
511,100 bushels : spot closing linn ; No. 'J , fiOo
In elevator ; KltM\lo \ afloat ! ungraded
mixed , 553 a.V53 c ; options closed firm ; Sep
tember vloslnit nt Me.
Oats Kucolpts lOi.OOO husholsj exports 2.500
bushels ; spot steady ; No. " white , laMSjIc :
mixed western , 4'.V340C ! whlto western , 4H ; j3o ;
options llrm ; September closing ut 44c.
Coffee Options aclosed barely steady ; 5
points up to 5S ! points down : sales , 40'iW baits ;
September , $18.10B18.2J ; October , J17.4017.M ) ;
spot Itlo llrm ; fair cargoes , $ ! 0.73.
Sugar Itaw , firm ; nmscovaUo , 69 tcst,57-10c ;
rcllncil. steady.
rctroieum United closed for October at
We.EKRS Firm ; western , loatnilc.
1'ork-Sleudy ; niessUll.Soav..SS.
Lnid Kaslor ; western steam , SO.IiiS ; Oc
tober , W.40. ,
H iiltur Easy western dairy , lOSUc ;
creamery , I'JjfJJc.
Uliccsu-Flrnicr ; light. 4 © 0 ? 'e.
ST. Louis , Sept. J18.VhcatCIoslns : Cash ,
Wi ; December , H.02. ' . ! Muy , SI.OSH.
Corn Higher ; cash , 4.V4C ; Ucccmbcr , 45o ;
May , 47o.
Oats llmhor ; cash , SOJie ; May , 40,140.
I'ork Sti-ady : 110.33.
Whlsky-l.ii. :
Ituttcr Kasy and aulet ; creamery , 182jc ;
dairy , t''e. _
MINNBAFOMS , Sopt. 18. Wheat Uccclpts.
OT. cars ; shipments. ? J cars ; Koo.l demand for
No. IB northern : early Inquiry was mainly
for the selection of different grades , hut were
otlcrcd nt prices that mot buyers' views.
Closing : No. 1 hard , Soptcnibur , JI.Ol ! on track.
$1.03 ! No. 1 northern. September , IO4C ? ; Octo
ber , Me ; on track. IMVi@V7c : No. S northern.
September , Die ; on track.
KANSAS Crrr , Sept 18. Wheat Lower ;
No. 2 hard , cash , September , und No. 3 roU ,
cash. UIVc. }
Com Higher ; No. 2 cash and September ,
"oats stronger ; No. 2 , cash and Septem
ber , We.
MILWAUKEE , Popt. IS. Wheat Firm : No. 3
spring , cash , 05'i'JJc : December , USiJu ; No. 1
northern , liUe. )
Corn Steady ! No. a. 48c.
Oats Firm : No. 2 , white , 30S39Vic.
1'ro visions Easy ; pork. January , J11.03.
Livr.nroor. , Sopt. 18. Wheat-Firm : demand
poor , holders oiler moderately : red western
spring , 7s Id ; red western winter , 7s iM&Vs
Corn Steady , demand poor ; mixed western ,
4sQ5Ud pur cental. _
CINCINNATI , Sept. 13. Wheat Dull ; No. 2
1'orn In good demandjNo. 2 mixed. Bljjo
Oats Stronger ; No. 2 mixed. 3dL'333Ko.
WUIsky-Jl.W. _
ClilCAno. Scot. 19. Cattlo-nocolpts. 17.000 ;
big business ; best native htccrs. $ . " > .OKiJ..17'yJ !
second class , il.7lKiil.U3 ; third class , Jl,0 it > l.5'jj
common , * J.oafti.7. ; ) ; butchers' etosk SffOSSa
lower at , $ t.2 ) .00 ; Toxuua and rangers 25 ®
50c lower.
lloss Uecolpts , 23,000 ; shipments , 0,000 ; pacK-
era. JI.OO ® 4.10 ; common. JI.1.X3I.2. ) : mixed. $4. IB
( ft4. ) ; heavy aud butchers' weights and light ,
Sheep-'ltccelpts , 8,000 ; all sold ; native' , $1.03
< ai.K > ; westerns , $4.15 ; Tcxans , Sl.lKil.-j ( ;
lambs , JI.SXS0.10. ( _
ST. Louis. Sept. 19. Cattle Hocelpts , n,400 ;
slilpments , a,000 ; market slow ; ralr to fancy
native steers , t3.S03l.y3 ; stackers and feeders.
. . ' .
llogs Uecelpts , H.300 ; shipments , H.SOOj
market steady : hoavy. Jl.50ai.70 ; mixed ,
UIIX31.M : light ,
KANSAS OITV. Sopt. 18. Oattlo Receipts ,
4,900 ; a slilpments. ; i.700 ; market ( steady to
stroiiK ; steers , I.2.V34.70 ; cows , J1.4xa2.50 ( ;
stockera and feeders. iMt33. ! & ,
llogs-Hccclpts. 10,700 ! shipments , 5,300 ; mar
ket steady ; all grades , H.3a3i.5J.
Sioux CITV. la. . Sopt. 18. ( Special Telegram
to THE llnE.1 Hogs Itccelpts , l.HX ) ; market
easy , sales mainly light hogs , tops soiling at
W.lxa4.i3 ( : ; bulk , * l.'a ; stockers. W.7JJ.23.
Thursday. September 18.
Estimated receipts ofcattlu 1,000 , ns com
pared with 1,107 Yesterday und 1,019 TliursUay
of last week. The market opened steady on
the best grades of steers and butchers' stun !
and slow and sagging on tholnferlor grades.
Some trading was done In feeders at steady
prices on the best grades. Poor feeders uro
blow uud neglected ,
Estimated receipts of hogs 0.200 , as compared
with 5UiO yesterday and 4l30Thiirsduy of last
week. The market opened steady to strong
on light and mixed , und Go to 100 lower nn
heavy hogs. Tno market was slow , The
ningo of prlc-es was & 'I.XI.40 ! ) ; light and
mixed , Il.25yi4.40 ; Heavy. 8I.1SW4.30. The aver-
ng of tlio pilcos paid was tt'if , as compared
with JUS ) ! * yesterday and J1.17Ji Thursday of
lust week.
Estimated receipts of sheep , 933 , The mar
ket Is unchanged.
Prevailing I'rlue * .
The follovrlns i.s a ublo of pr.cos paid In
this market for the grade otstosk mentioned :
I'rlmosteers. KWOlo I00)ms ) J4.3.5 0I.7J
( iood stoors. 12.VJ to HMfts 4.03 WI.3J
Uootifctecrs , 1053 to UWJtts y.a" 054,15
l-'ulr , lWJtolt.Vtbi U.5J ( T04.X ( )
Common , KM to V.VJ Ibs O3.0J
L'omnioncaimcrs l.OJ GM.OO
Ordinary to fatrcows 2.00 © 2J3
I'nlr to good cows 4 ; .c5
liood to choice cows 2.75 GKI.OO
Cholcoto fancy cows ( KtM
Fair to good bulls 1.75 H2M
Choice to fancybulls foj.oa ;
MphHtockcrs und feeders 2.0 ] ( CJ.tia
I'codcrs , ft'iOtollOOIbs 2.SJ fC'.SS
Kulr to choice Unlit hogs 4.25
Fair to choice heavy hogs. 4.IS Ct-lJW
I'ulr to choice uilxcd hogs 4.25 U1.49
Coinparntlvo Table.
The following table shows the range In
prlccson hO S during tilts und lust wucK ;
Average I'rloo ot *
ShonlQKtUaaveraje prlco paid
Illutiestnml lowest Sate I of Ho ? ? .
Today. Yestordav.
nizhort. . . . . ( I 40 IIUtho.4t (4 40
Lowest a 00 Lowest * OJ
Stock Ilcuclpts.
Oniclal Yesterday. Estimated Today.
Cattle. . . COcars , 1.107 Cuttlo. . . 4rtcars 1,000
Hogs. . . . fcacars , oo < x ) iioc ; ? Wear * , o.oo
Sheep . . , f > cars , t > vi
Horses. , Scars , " 7
Average Cost of HOK < I.
The following table gives the avor.iijo cost
of lie i on tlio tlatos mentioned , Ineludms the
costto'lay , us baiod upon sales raportou :
Disposition of Stocle.
Showing the number of head of stock pur
chased ycitordny on tills nmrkot. us reported
by the wclglilmastunof tlio Stoskyurtls coiu-
RwlftJs Company . 217
Thud. 11. Hammond company . G'J
The Arinour-Cuilahy packing company. . 145
Onuilia packing company . G
Ice Itothsclillcl . KM
Hamilton k Stephen . ( > ' >
llentnn . Underwood . V-
Nels Morris . 38
Decker & Dcgcn . 40
Other buyers . 037
Total . 2KJO
Tlio Armonr-Cmlahy pacldns company. , ,1,428
Omaha packing company . I' 'l
Swtft.t Company . , . 74 ! )
TlioO. II. Hammond company . 47.'i
. '
North I' . &l . Co . 410
Hporry St llarncs . 4:11 :
Ilralnard Hi-os . i)7 : )
Others . 443
llcprcscntntlvc Sales.
? o. Av. I'r.
n. . . 10.10 280
si. . KTJ2
. 101:1 : OtK )
1010 : > i.'i
i. .1010 353
r.'TO 1 CO
78IJ 11B
si. . 7CO 1 f-0
1 in
0..1333 2C3
1. . 1300
1. . 2500 1. . 800 1 73
No. Av. Pr.
41 feeders .1045 P ! )
b frcdcra .1150 2 05
DowlliiK & Ku.sli
01 yearlings , 575 2 30
S. U. Goodlmc
81 calves 283 " ? -
4 .stcurs tailings .1075 1 75
24 feeders . 001 2IJJ
03 feeders .1077 2 3J
P. G. Goodliuo
50 cows . 634 1 fi74 !
144 cows , 80'J 1 07 ! 5
P. li. Chudwlck-
1 bull .1.170 1 35
I Dull .IKM 2 ( K )
II cows . 911 1 0)
11 steers .1021 2 20
1 steer .TOO 2 no
17 Rtcers .1047 2 03
J. M. Cbutlwlck
33 cows , 803 1 80
No. Av. Sh. Vr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
IM. . . . .185 2.K ) J3 TO Cl. . . .2S3 8' ) $4 : ifl
50. . . .127 3(1) ( 4 00 07. . . .22J 40 4.0 :
fl. . . . .41(1 ( 4 57. . . .200 HO 4:10 :
13. . . . .J73 4 03. . . .195 80 4iO :
77. . . . .1'JJ ' ICO 4 10 00. . . .282 4:10 :
02. . . . .174 203 4 81. , . .81 ! ) ICO 4'iO
8. . . . .410 4 IS W3. . . .20 ? 8)i ) : w
51 . . . .317 4 ISWi 711 . , .Sfi4 210 4 : n
07. . . 40 4 20 . .2V ) 210 4 3)
14. . . - 42J . .218 210 4 30
M. . . . . .270 80 4 20 70. . . .212 I''O 4 'M
Cl. . . . . .275 JX ! ) 4 20 70. . . .212 2JO 433
73. . . . . .2.VJ 2dO 4 20 70. . . .105 120 4 30
CO. . . . . .200 83 4 20 00. . . .214 12J 4 30
( M. . . 123 4 20 71 . . .191 120 4 30
21. . . ! ! ! iis2 .4 20 . .242 40 4iO :
03. . . . . .304 - 4 23 59. . . . . .2U8 240 430
40 4 2) 40. , . . . 25J 21X ) 4 3) )
11. ! ! ! ! .i7o 4 20 TO. . . . . .213 120 430
07. . . . . .2:10 : MO 4 20 til. . . . . .223 40 4 3) )
M. . . . . .31 80 4 21 71. . . . . .2JU 40 4IG5 !
( H. . . . . . : it'J 60 4 20 01. . . 120 4 : rH'
4 20 81. . . . , .1112 280 4m \ ;
59 IKK ) 83bO 4 20 Cl . . . , .255 80 43 %
Cl 2SI bO 4 22J4 fit. . . . 2J2 100 41
63 28. ) 83 4 22i ! 74. . . . . .2)0 )
53 314 bO 4 23 01. . . . . .21J ( SO 4X >
01 274 ICO 117. . . . . .SIS 203 435
27 SB 120 425 IH. . . . .230 103 433
70 22 J 400 4 25 70. . . . . .214 bO 4.'H
. . .2S'J ' 123 4 25 70. . . . . .178 ICO 4M
r.i. . . . ,2.10 427 ! . . . .201 233 433
71. . . . .235 2W 4 m ra. . . . . .IK.- - 4X.
71. . . .22(1 ( 2SO 4 a 200 43. .
M. . . . .213 200 4:10 : im 4 :
75. . . . .241 40 4.'U ) 107 .3X3 bO 4115
77. . . . .218 ICO 4 HI ) 37 227 43 433
4 313 .218 ICO 433
CM. . . .211 120 430 oi ! ! ! ! ! .231 1C ) 437 > /
CO. . . .229 320 430 02 .219 4 : i7w
3:1. : . . . .151 4D 4:10 : 23
43 231 60 430
4 152 325 0. . . . . .325 103 3.10
8 235 MO 325 5 , . . . . .110 - U 75
1 ! S ICO 323
Market Mention ,
Hogs lower.
Cattle slow.
Jolin llastlo sent up acarof hogs from Doug
11 , K Downer o ( Arapnlioo sent In a car of
M. II Ilo\vlln & Co. of Dradsliaw marketed
J. B , Sharer ot Adatr , la. , marketed a car of
Thomas rowers of Sutton marketed two cars
of cattle.
lII , and J. M , Chadwlclc sent In cuttle from
Islay , Wyo ,
C. W. Tuwnscud of Anita , la. , lauikctcd a
cur of hogs.
Organ &IIairm.ond of Cbcycnno scut In a
bunch of range cattle ,
Junics Green & Co. and Ocorgo Illlss of
Schtiylcr nmrUcitcd IIUKS.
Slrrs ft Gardner of Hromflold were among
those that marketed hogs.
Vrcd Luiihoirfof Kclloy , Wyo. , was at the
yards looking uftur u cur of horses.
0. S. Owen Sz Co. of Casper , Wyo. , .had sev
eral loads of western sheep on sale.
ItoscborouRh k Gray regular shippers from
llluo 11111 , hud stock on tliu market.
J. Doluney a regular putron of this market
sent In a car ot hogs from Saronvllle , ,
S. 0 , Goodhuoof Ncwcustlo Wyo. , arrived
at thoyarcls with u train of rungu cattle.
John S. Imnn , a rojular and extonslvo ship
per , sent In two cars of hogs from UlMiigs.
M. lllenklron cS : Fen cntno over from Mis
souri Vullev , la. , with several loads ufcattlo ,
AmonK the shippers hero were J. W. Harris
nnil U. 1 < \ Alter of Stella , who brought lu two
carsof hogs each ,
1'npn , Llbhy & Co. , promlnant stockmen of
Adulr , Iti.i hud two ears of cuttle and one of
hogaon tlio market.
Among the prominent shippers uttho yards
was licorgo Itoetcl of l.elgli who brought lu u
cur each of cuttlu and hogs.
Producc >
Cons (0350e ( ,
OAT8 : iKi540o. !
llAV 87.toaiO.00.
. .
OlIOI'l'EI ) Vcci > $18.00(220.00. (
1'OULTHY 1'cr dozen , oliolco hens , M.OOQ.X55 ;
choice mixed , f-.SXtl.O ) ; roostern. S..50'itJ.75 :
sprint ; chlokcni , t2.XXit2.M ( for smulli $ . ' .2y&.50
for medium ! 2.50ia2.73 tor lar oi live pigeons ,
1 1 * * ! 150 ,
llUTTKH-Crcamcry. fancy rolls , print 20Q2loi
creamery , fancy , solid packed , lUolDc ; crcaiu-
cry , choice. lOtelSut dulry , fa'ncy rolls nnd
print * , Italic ; Ualry , fauuy , solid yacUeJ , 12 ®
lc ( ; dairy , choice. lOflllcj country roll , fancy ,
64WO ! choice. 7&3cj lUMrlor , r.-36e.
Koos lOoforstrlcU trcshi stale nit sala-
HIDES , Vnt/rfl ANP T t.row-0rccn Ratted
hUles , No. I , heavy , TlfBtf ; .No.l.lluht.O.'iiai'io ' :
No. 9 , Haiti , osdlici dry Hint lildt-s. 7Hfli > c :
calf hides 71Joidiunle\il ! hldci , 2o less , bl
licit , arccn.cuclii 33oMi33. Sheep pelt , dry
tier lu. 103HC. .
' . Me.
OAMB 1'cr doron-Prnltlo ctilckcn * . I.XOO ;
prouso , 12.75 ; tiiallnrd } . ' .COIi2.lO : teal , 11.25
( ft 1. 50 ; mixed cluulAt . l. . 3l.W ; plover , 50 ®
GOc.1'EACiir.sArk.iiisiia. . > ' , bit box. 73c < 04I.OO :
Cnllfornlu , wcr lio.v. M.5Oii.oo.
OHAt-ns-CallfornU. IKT crate , < 1.23 < 3J.OO ;
Ml sourl , 4VB."iflo per 10 Ib basket.
IM.UMS l'itrnlo lililnt > , Cnlunibln , etc. , per
hex , tl.50S2.Ua | Wild goofO phi ins , Ji bll box , 73
NKCTAtusES-1'er < ! rate , fl.75M.00.
l.KMONM-l'or box , Itnd \Ialori I , fancy. M.50 ®
O.M ! cholcn Mcultuu. J7.'wa8.oj ,
I'KAlts llartlctt , California , pnr box , $ J.50 < a
3.25. , per box2,0ai French , tl.3
© 2.00 ! BfM , { I.7. K2.UO.
TOMATOES 1'or bu , VOt Jti.oo ,
ONIONS Now ROitthoi-ti , | n r bbl , f 1.00.
PAIHIAOE IVr ernto , J2..vii.oo. :
I'OTATOKS Nebraska anil Iowa , per bu , $1.15
© l.'iV. Colorado and Salt I/il < o , fl.40.
SWHKT roTATOKH-l'er Ini , J2.0WtW.'iO.
HVAPOIIATKII Ai'i'MiH I'micy. Mo per Ib.
Hr.UKiiKiiimn I'erS-nt box , Jl.&o.
( JoroA.vuTS Per ion ,
\VATKUMIU.ONS for lee , > i2.ooai. > .00.
ui-ns 1'cr doIt. . no.
I'anoy eutlng , 82.75B3.00i fancy
, . 2.G05 .7. <
OBANIIES Kiuioy Itodl , 7 r.3.
1IANANA8 IVr hunch , tl..wa3.00.
TAt.t.ow A No. I , 4i' ; No. 2. 3'c : Rrpase ,
white. IlijTWo ; yi-llow , 2'jra'jy ; stoixrlnc. Cic. !
lloNiis-yuotatloiu iifo for delivery In t'lil-
cngo Dry biilTnlo , per ton. tiR.oiK318.OUt dry
poiintry , bleached. * Ki.Oi > ai3.oOi dry country ,
dutnp iinil meaty , $3.001610.0) ) .
AS'oorKlniMinwn'iliod , llffiKic : medium un-
wnslied , HS21C1 coniso unwaslii'd , lsa20c.
.IKU.IKS 5oper Hi.
DHUSSEII VKAI. Choice mctllum , 07c ; light ,
fxaco ; heavy. 4IUo.
Ii.xsir.ii on , Haw , GOc ! boiled , fine ,
HONBV Strained , UD-Ihcano , per II ) , Oc ! new
comb honor , fiiitcy. 17fMSe ( ; c-holce. ItiJlOc ,
llKANS-lland-plcliL'd navy , fi75 : handpicked -
picked navy , medium , JJ.25It2.10 : liinid- picked
country , tl/'.O ' , " ) ; good clean , tl.yoai.50i Cal
ifornia , iierlb.llic.
1'isii rer lu I'ercn. 7c ; huffalo r c : pick
erel SHc ! plkc.Oc ; trout , tte ; white , Oc : cropplc ,
lOcjcatthli , lie : codstoak , 12cj llouuders , I3o !
Dregon salmon. ISci black buss , 15c ; lobsters ,
ISc.1'isii Codfish , extra neorgns now , fi c :
Kriiiid hank , now. 45c } ; Silver , 2-lh blocks , GH !
snow wlilto , 2-lb bricks , now. 8Uc : turkey cod ,
lari ! " inldulo bricks , Wirj snow whites , crates ,
12-5 11) bu\cs S'4'ei moilluin scaled herring ,
25ci No. 1 scaled hnri-liu' , 20'j domestlo Hol
land hurrlns , < 0 ! Hamburger spleed liorrliiK ,
( iOc ; Kiis-iliin sardines splcuil. ( > 0ci Husslnn
surdlnus plain. 50j : Imported Holland hcrrlni ; ,
Crown brand , 80o ; do fancy inllkers.lWc : mack
erel. No. 1 shore , half bbls , J12.00 : bloaters ,
balfbbls. * 1K.X ( ) : whlto llsb , half bbls , 87.00 :
trout , half libK Si'i.OOj fainllv whltn
llsli , Vl no ; salmon. M."O : per doz. , 2-lb broiled
mackerel , $2.00 : 3-lb In mustard , $2.00 ; 1Mb In
tomato sauce , $ J.fO:5-lli : Mayo mess mackerel ,
$9.00 ; l-ll > brook tront. $1.25. 3-lb brook trout1
ITv.vnj , 1 lu n L11IIUII. II. . . ' , -iif < lllu ii li , V..M. ' ,
1-lb whlto tlsh il.i. : > ; 2-11) lobsters , SLlSi 1-lb
lobsters$ , : oysters , 12 07. SI.93:1-lb
oysters , n o ? , SI.13 : 2-lb oysters , 10 oz. $1.1W :
1-lb oybtfrs , A otl.10 ; 2-lb select , 12 oz , $2.35 :
2-lb Hnratarla. 10ozI.S3 ; 1-lb liuratarln , & or ,
* 1.05 ; tfalrmnnt. 4 at , $ l.0" > : Fairmont , 8 ozl.av ,
1-lb clams , llttlo neck , } l.r : 2-lh clams , little
neeks , JI.75 : 3-lb elnin chowder , $2.00 : 1-lb
crabs , $2.25 ; 2-lb crabs , J2.50.
1' 1'oiiK I'rcsh bams , JO Ibs avg. , 7 ? c :
lOllis avR. , 8c ; 12 Ibs IIVR. , He ; shoulders , So ;
jorU loins. 7'ic ' ; pork tciulcrlolns.flc ; leaf lard ,
not rendered , Oljei spare rlhs 4c.
SALT MIATS Hbls less pork , new. $12.73 ;
rumps , 15.50 ; now boneless rumps , fS..r 0.
On , Ilbls-Kvtra lanl , wlntei * strained , 47c :
e.xtra No. 1 lard. IIGo : No. 1 lard , IKle : No. 2 lunl ,
3lc ; extra neatsfoot , 4.'lil | tallow oil-llei pure
noittHfoot oil , Me ; A , I tallow , Oc ; steurlno , Cc.
hAUD TIcrces-tVmpouiul , 5Kic : puio loaf ,
Clio : kettlu lonilcicil , bj c.o
SMOKI'.I ) JIllATS Suiar cured hami , 12 to II
IbavK. . lllic ; mcilluin. 15 to 1(1 ( Ib iivp , lie ;
beavv,20 toSi lba\T : . lie ; skinned sllclns , 18
to20 lli avir.UUcCullfnrnln1iatii9TUc ; ; shoul
ders. 7'ic ' ; shoulder * , shinned , tsyc , slioiilders ,
UtoH Ibavg.Tiic ; bom-les * ham. tie ; breakfast
bacon , clour , r > to Ib strips , 8c : breakfast
b.ieon , rlh , Sic ! ; dried beef hams , sets , lOHc ;
rceulnr. 84o : oloiK' , Pe.
UnvSAt.TJIKATS Lean backs , GUc : extra
short eloar , 5ic ? ; bc'llles , 10 to 20 Ib uvcriiKO ,
( I'io ' ; short ribs , fi'Jcj short clear. Co ; long
clours , 5Mo ; shoulders,5ci , ? backs. fiHc.
KIIF.SII HKIP : Stoorij , 500 to 003-lb uyoraRC ,
nutlves , OU@ ( ! ? c : 4iX ) 10600-11) avcrauo , native ,
( © fiUc ; cows and holfers , 400 to M-lb nvoraRc.
native.5c ! : hlndn.uarters , steers , lOe ; hind
quarters , cows , 7c ; forequnrters. steeM , 4Jc ! ;
ioroiuarters ( , conn , , 3u ; cruised lion's , 4JjC ;
choice drt'ssed mutton. l/5e.
I < "iiimi liKKb'Uurs llolls. 84c ! ; beef tender
loins , ISo ; sirloin butt9,7e : boneless .strlps,75e ! ;
rounds ( rump olTI. lie ; rounds ( rump on ) , So :
rounds ( shank olT ) , S c ; bonclcsrump.4c ;
chucks avfcs plates. 2'/ic ' : back halves , 4o :
Jmulilor clods , 43c ; beef loins. No. 1 ( steer ) , 13
© 14utccf ; ) loins. Nn. 2 , lOffille ; bcof loins. No.
U , Oc ; beef ribs , U'tfiSe ' : beef ribs , No. 1,10llo ;
sweut broads , per doz , 3oc ; kidneys , each , lie ;
ox tails , each , 4c : beef tongues , each , 40o ; strip
loins , C'/ic. '
SAUHAHK IloloRtia , Jo : bologna In wcnsands ,
41iu ; f ran kf arts , fiVioi toiiKiie. 7'/c ; blood. 4 c ;
liver , 4'ie ' ; hcadehccsc , 4JSei I'oilsh , 7e ; pork
sausase ( links ) , lie ; pork sausage ( meat ) lu tin
palls , Cu. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
cr.V A. 7ia7 ! ; white , extra C , brilliant.
extra U , roval , 0ic ! ; central U , Co ; golden O ,
5Uc ; darkU , 5c.
MAri.u SfflAit-I'or Ib. 5o cakes. 30 Ib boxes ,
13u ; IDo cakes , 3) ) Ib boxes , 12 c ; 1 Ib bricks , 30
lus Inbox , pure , He.
COITUK Uoasted Arosla , 23Vo { Itunola ,
S.V5c : ( termini. 23'jo : Dllworth's 'i'Oio : Mon ,
S54cMiilliioucli ! ; , ! J3jci ; Coidora,25J5c ; Slocha ,
We : O. G. JavaMe.
COFFKI : Orccn Knncy Golden , Illo , 22ic ! ;
fancy old peabcrry. &Vc : llio. choice to fancy ,
SiytsHlu ; , prime , 22c ; Itlo , pood. 21 He ; Santos
and common Hlo , 2lr 21e : Mocha , 23o ; Java ,
genuine U. G. , 28u ; Java , good Interior,25o ;
Sloxlciin , 2c. ! !
UiliBi ) I'liutTS Turkish nriincs less than
hhds , ISsO , 75o ! : original hhds , He loss ; Itoslna
prunes , C-lb boxes. 10' ) to 111) ) , 7i ci apples ,
evaporated , ncwrlngcholee. IGiio ; evaporated ,
now rlnsr jirline , Itic ; nprlcots , fancy. In sacks.
20c ; blackherrles , new , llJc ) ! ; raspberries , 25
los tobo.\i7c : ; currants , new , OSl ( ! o : original
easks , ! .io less ; Vostlzza , currants , extra. . In
boxes , lij.c.
OASNII ) 1'nuii Peaches , per do ? . } J.751.00.
Herrles 2-lb Koosulierrles , SI.35 ; 2-11) strawhor-
rlos , tl.40 ; 2-lb raspberries , $ I.SO ; 2-lb blueber
ries , tl.30 ; 2-lb blackberries 81.25. I'lneapplos '
Ilahumu chopped. $ . ' .50 ; llaliama sliced (2.50 ;
Dahama grated , t2. Hi standard , sliced , $ I.2.V2 >
50. Ohoirlos 2-lb red , Italtlmoro , $1,45 ; white
cherries , 11.75. l'cars-2-lbs. * ! . : . ;
OiiliKSi : Wisconsin ! ' . O. , twin flats , per Hi.
HMo : Wisconsin ! ' ' . U. . YoutiK American , 12c ;
brick , Me ; < lomcstlo Swiss. , l44J17c ; hldam , lii
foil , each , * ! 10 : hlmburgcr , 12'/ic.
IJATUS IVrslan , 0-lb box , 7c.
OltAtsi.vs-I.ondon layers , California stand
ard , per box. } 2.75 ; "liorscshoe. " S2.CO ; loose
muscatels California standard , JJ.73 : "horso-
Blioe , " $2.35 ; "htar" loosu muscatels. { 2.30 ;
seedless California , ! 3.0U ; California seedless
sultans. In sacks , perlb. So : ( Jallfornla mus-
cotcls. Insacksbo ; new valcnclas , tic ; valeu-
clas , old , Ce ; onditra layer , old , 14c.
SYiiui'S-Cllinax Syrup In bbls , No.70 grade ,
37e ; half bbls. No. 7u grade , 35c : 4-gnl kogs.No.
70 Binde , 11.50 ; 2-gal kltts , No , 70 Rrailc.iWc ;
gal cans , 10 lu case , per case , SI.40 : ! i-giil eans ,
10 Incase , p6r case , 81.30 ; white clover ( trlps.ln
bbls.32o ; half btUilo ) : ; 4al kegs. each. Jl. 15 ;
2-sal pall ? , each , K3c : ruck candy drips , In
hbls.7l o : half bblB.T''c ; 4-saHe.'seach , 11.80 ;
2-Knl palls , each , U.'c ; California hominy , bbls ,
: i7c ; half bblH.atKSi4'Riil ! ke s , Jl.tli ; 2-galkltts ,
OTKiH-gul , 1 ! ) In case , JI.50 ; 1-gul , lu In case ,
( Jii'ocor.\Tr.-12-lb hoxo.s , 3235ci German
sweet , SS02lc ; Parisian , 3Jc.
Coc ) A-rerllioQIUo. ) :
HuoMA-l'erlb , 3-Je.- .
COCOASUT 1'or Ib , In pkgs , 20 < S27o ; bulk , 22
© 2.V. , i
HEEDS Mixed blrd.l-lbpkKs , 5c ; canary , Co ;
hump , 4He : anise , ISdi'poppy. IOc.
SncES-l'oDper-'l'InKapore , sifted , ISIJlPc ;
shot , 2ic. Allii'lci't'UOc. Cloves renani ; , se
lected. 20c. t'usla llhliia , 4-lbmats , Oe. Nut-
mi' s , No. 1 , 7.ic ; fancy , large. 65c.
l''AHiNACiousGiyiiri ' llarloy , 3icifarlna ! , 5c :
peas 3coatmeal : , iw.1ic ! ; macaroni , loftllc ;
vennlcclll , lOQIlo ; nee. choice. 5Kc : fancy. Go ;
head , .V/ie ; sago and tapioca , ( Xii7c ; lima beans
Oc : split peas , : : o ; siauettl. | He.
.VIILASSBS miK'-jro fancy , per pal. .V 57
choice , 4.VUI7C ! good.'iCHi Uu ; Cuhu , baking , 2
30c : black strap , 2ti < iit3e > .
WiiAi'i-iNO I'ArKit Straw , per Ib , liitt'JS-J
rau,3 > i ; Manilla lt,50 ; No. lhu.
Olt.s 150 prlni" . Mtc , 14c ; 1M water white ,
13u ; 175 lioadllKluric : 74 gusollnc , 13c.
HALSOUA UulsT'io ; granulated , 2u ; Inbbls ,
O'DA 1'kgs , CO Ibs to box , fijjo ; kegs , 4ic. !
YIMOAII 30 gr. elder , 10c ; good , 12oj white ,
wine , 15o : fancy , fruit , tin.
btnvK I'oi.imt tlMGiSAI per groas.
llAOS Am. per 100 , (17.75 ; Lowlston , per 100 ,
t7,75 ; Union square. 3335 per cent off list.
SALT Dairy , 2Hlbsln bill , bulk , * -MO : host
grade , GO Rs. 12.30 ; best erado. 100 3s , $2.40 ; best
grade , 19 10-4 , f..25i rock salt , crushed , ( l.bU ;
common , bbl , tl.25.
SoAf-Castlle , mottled , per Ib , 0@10e ; do
wliltc , per 11) . lie.
1'lCKt.ES Medium , per bbl , tV50 ; mnull , W..rO ;
chcrklns. tT.V ) ; Imp. dill , tlS.W , ( tiVgul cask ) ;
U2-RU1 bbl. J 10.00.
CiDKii-l'orbbl , reflncd. M.MI Imlf bbl , KI.MI
hard cider , pure , per bbl , ( O.w ; orange elder ,
halt bljl , J'J.M : pour elder , half bbl , (0.50.
TWINES Cotton twine. "Hlbb , " very line. U
Ibbale9,22o ; cotton twine. "Daisy" brand U-
Ib bales , 16c ; Itcinii twine , ii-lb bales. 16o ; sail
twine , Wo ; candle wick , 22e ; 40.ft cotton
clotheslines , 8Jc ; CQcoUoa ( glgUKSltucs ,
f I.U ( | CO-tt cotton lines } l. < 0 ; 04-ft jlsal lines ,
H.75I Oo-ft Jlltc , 11.00 ! wool twines. 8'c. ' (
NUTS Almonds , 1M : llr rll , 14ci Alberts ,
12lJc | pecans. He ; walnuts Ifci peanut cooks ,
10o : roasted , l'Je ( : Tennessee peanut * . 8.
UnopMS-5-tle , parlor , l.OO ; l-tle.J.'S : 3-tlo ,
S'J.a'i a-tle , plnln , JI.Vl . warehouse , M.OOI toy ,
ll.5i whUk' tl.Wl. & . . .
OUvr.fl-Qunrf s. per do , M.OO ) pints , per doz ,
12.50 ; bulk , perital , lOo.
UANNr.n MuATS-Oorncil beef , I Ib. 11.20 ;
corned beef , 2 Hi , J..IO ; liineh tonaiies , 1 Ib ,
f-.GO ; lunch tongues s Ibs. t .7J ; brawn , 1 Ib , : brawn , 2 Ibs. K.OO : ox toiiKurs. 1 ( Ibs.
t5.W : ox tongues , S Ib' , * 0.00j chipped beef , U4
Ibs , round cans , f 1,20 ; roast bcof , 2 Ib round
canst'J.oo : potted hum , U Ib. round cans , nso :
potted ham , ! j Ib. round cnust.2i ) | dcvlleil
ham , U 1U , round cans. GV ; dorlled ham , U Ib ,
round cans , (1.20 ( ; potted ox tonsuo , ! i III ,
round cans (1,20 ( ; compressed liam , 1 Ib ,
square cans tl.20 ! compressed bam , A It ) ,
square cans $ . ' .75 : trlpo , 21b , round cans , II. K ) ;
minced raloi > s Ib , round cans 12.20) ) boneless
pics' ft > et , 2 Ib , square cans. fJ.M.
VroKTUit.KS-Tomatoos-II-lb extra , Jl.tO : 5-
Ib standard western brands txiei gallons ,
strictly standard , J.UM. Corn Klncst grown ,
Jl.COj Kilt-edged Hiixar corn.ory IliaH.V ) ;
choice 2-lb < < iiKarcorn.tlIOi2-lbo.\tni western
brands , SI. 00 ; 2-lb western stundard brands ,
$ l. ( i. Mushrooms 1-lb , rrench , extra line ,
22 < g25c : 1-lb I'rench. line. lS < S22o ; I-lb
French , ottlltinrv , lOfJISc. 1'eas ' Tres , line ,
per can , 2io : deinl-flne , per can ,
liVi 2-11) ) sifted. fl.UJ ; 2-lb early June ,
$1..V ) ; 2-lb marrow , sttindard brands ,
JI.'JO : 2-lb soaked , KV. SlrhiR beaiis-2-lblilKh
Krade. refugee , fl.Wl 2-lb Golden wax leans ,
SI.OO ; 2-lh string beans , COiUmu beaim-2-lb
soaked , 85c. llostun buVrd beans a-lb Io\vls ,
UI..YI ; Crown brands , $1 B. ij oet potatoes
: t-llNo\vJet > ey , tl.OO. l'innpklns-3-lb , $1.10.
Okra nnd tuinatoes-f 1.03 | uuru , JI.OO ; succo
tash , 81.20.
CoiiUAdK Manilla rope All slycs from 710
tel In , Me ; sisal rope , nil sizes from 7-lU to I
In , IHioi "nuw processes , " all aUes (10111 7-11) ) to
1 In. tie.
COTTON Horn U-ln , 10c.
miles' Nerve und Lilvur 1'llls ,
An lnuxrtnnt discovery. They act on the
liver , stomach nnd bowcb through the
nerves. A new principle. They speedily
euro biliousness , bad taste , torpid liver , piles
und constipation. Splendid for men , women
nnd children. Smallest , mildest , surest. 1W
doses for S3 cents. Samples free at Kulm &
Co.'s ' , 10th und Douglas ,
An liliithiislnstlo Kiidnr.soniciit of the
I'roposcd Institution ,
"Mr. Conncll's bill for n branch mint nt
Omaha , " said Ir. E. F. Test , "la not
a surprise , as several well known gentlemen
claimed It was yesterday , air. Council has
introduced the bill in good faith , as the result
of a conference between himself and several
of the members of the old mint committee.
Tills committee -was appointed by the citizens
about fourteen years ago , ns the result of
President Grant's recommendation of
Omahn as a suitable point for the locution of
a urancu iiiiiu. iiuiu coinnuuco eoiisisieu oi
aicssrs. W. W. Lowe , 1' . W. Hitchcock ,
Thomas L. Klmball , Herman Komitzc , C. 1) ) .
liustln , E. V. Test and U. II. Wilbur.
"A vigorous effort was then made to secure
the mint by Omaha , Chicago , St. Louis und
smaller places , but the Allison amendment to
the Bland bill prevented. Slnco that tlmo
the matter has been quisccntvaitlnc for
something to turn up.1 The opportunity came
through the recent silver legislation of con-
cress , and Mr. Council has been quick to see
"Silver had advanced to nbout $1.10 per
ounce la the United States and KJ pence In
London. Ills onlts way to an equal value
with gold. The present law provides that
the coinage of silver shall cease next year.
This must.ho changed. It Is u wrong against
labor. Tno coinage of cold und stiver menus
the employment of labor , and the govern
ment has no right to denrivo the worltlngman
of a chance to earn n living. Governments ,
as the American people hellove. uro Institu
ted for the blessing of mankind. With this
Idea in view , it is Just , as consistent to shut
up the poatomco department , as to stop the
coinage of money either gold or silver.
"As to tlio benefit to Omaha , Mr. E. W.
Nash , as reported In Tun DEI ; , takes an in
telligent view nbout tlio mint. Such nn In
stitution -will add beauty as well us utility to
the city. It will increase the worklnir and
commercial population of Omaha aside from
tuo beauty of the structure and the grounds
surrounding It. In addition , the silver und
gold produced by tills great establishment
can bo coined lu Omaha , Instead of being
transported elsewhere. This may or may
not result in a saving for the cost or transpor
ting the bullion. With the mint at Omaha
producers will send additional shipments of
ore and huso bullion to the
smelting and refining works In this city from
which the gold and sliver will find Its way
through the Omaha mint. This must neces
sarily enlarge the capacity of the smelting
works , forcing Mr. Nush to employ tnoro
men and increasing tlio population and im
portance of Omaha.
"As to alight with Kansas City , Omaha
will have but little to fear from her less pop
ulous neighbor It the Kansas City works are
removed to Mexico us contemplated.
"Mr. H , W. Yutcs can see by this one nec
essity fora mint. As ho favors the location
of manufactures at Omaha ho will certainly
bo cntuusiastiom : aver oi securing a gov
ernment manufacturing establishment , pro
ducing the very best article known.
"There is one point aboutsllver certificates
Mr. Vntcs has evidently not duly considered
and it applies with equal force to gold cer-
tilleAtcs. Unless my memory is at fault , the
pan-American congress recommended a coin
of uniform value for the United mates and
the South American rcpuolics , interchang-
able in trade among the people of the respec
tive governments.
" .Secretary Blaine favors reciprocity with
the South American governments nnd Cuba.
This will become the law. To carry on this
trade , the United States being the largest
buyer , how can it uo done , willi our money
tied up In bullion and silver notes ? The
South American people , as a mass , will not
take our silver notes. They will want ttio
com. Hence there will bo un Imperative ne
cessity for the mints. It wo are to have no
coin to carry on this trade , what is to become
of the recommendations of the Pan-American
congress for a coin of uniform value I
"Mr. J. H. Mlllurd says 'the saino amount
invested In any other kind ot manufactory
will do just as well.1 Tills gentleman lias
Just returned from Europe. It is possible
the fact might have escaped hta intention ,
but for many years it has been the custom
for Great Urltan to buy American gold and
silver bullion und turn It Into British coin.
It has been intimated that the government
docs not hesitate tnvun the American double
eagles through its mints whence they emerge
as British pounds. To the exclusion of the
American , the Dritlsti coin is distributed in
the markets * of the world. In this way the
nations naturally look to that country us tlio
great ihmncial center of the earth. With
British shins navigating the seas und British
coin circulating everywhere , in the Orient
especially , can the American people do Great
Britain a bettor turn than by ceasing our
coinage nnd resorting to the use of paper
certificates }
"This Is ono phase ot the question. Mr.
Millurd will readily see the coin manufac
tured by Great Britain is an advertisement
of her power and resources , as well ns her
Industrial and business Interests. It goes
without saying , Great Britain advertises
herself through her coinage. Can't ' wo learn
a llttlo wisdom and do the same thing ] It is
unnecessary to say that one of those manu
factories ot coin In Omaha , the little "o"
stamped on each coin , can bo made to adver
tise Omaha all over ttio civilized world.
"Thrco hundred miles west of Omaha
there Is a region extending 1,200 miles to the
Paclllc. and from British Columbia lo the
gulf. It Is teeming with minerals , On ac
count of Its altitude little or no corn can bo
raised. It U sparsely bottled. In former
ages it supported myriads of people ,
Two things are now necessary to restore its
settlement Irrigation and the free coinage
of its precious metals. Traces of former ir
rigation nro still visible in certain portions ,
but the Incentive to engage In Its principal
industrial pursuits has been curtailed and
almost wholly destroyed ,
"Restore this Incentive by the free coinage
of its precious metals and the country will
once moro become populous. With Omaha
ns the nearest and largest market to the people
ple of this vast region , to whom they would
look for their coin , manufactures , clothing
and other necessaries , for themselves ami
their animals , it Is not dlfllcult to see the
tremendous Importance and wealth of this
city in the next few years , nnd that Mr , Cou
ncil has acted wisely iu giving his energy to
hasten it. "
A Combination ol' tlio Two nig In *
torostH Ilcltig Arraiigul.
GeorKQ Wcstlnirliotise , jr. , hits lolt
Flttnburfr 'or ' Chlcniro , where ho will
confer with Gcorffo M. Pullman und sir-
rnngo dotnllfl ot the propose' ! consolida
tion ot the PullumuuuU , W
Interest ! , snys a dlsjjatcb. ( o tlio Chicago
A great tlcal bus been written ixbout
this big deal. Several tltnus it hits
bcciipnlil that Imul hnd bcon purchased
for the erection of n great factory
wlioro cnrs and oloctrlo motors
would bo turned out with won
derful rapidity , but It la only now
Unit dollnlto information hns coiuo
from headquarters. Mr. Westlnphotiso
admitted today tlmt ho was COIIIR to
Chicago to nrrango details with Mr. I'uU-
mun und that the interest of the two
great corporations would bo joined , al
though ho denied that there would bo a
direct consolidation. Tlio story pub
lished some tlmo ago of the purdui o of
a larpo block of property In Chicago as
a situ for a factory ho also denied , The
companies nt present will not oroet a
factory , as they do not need It , each hav
ing Its own plant and attending to Its
own branch of the business. The inter
ests will bo soldontlftcd , howovorthattho
ono corporation will work Into the hands
of the ether and will inako contracts for
the othor. Thus , the I3ullmtin company
will bo able to maken contract lot * a
complete otilllt for a rondlnclitdin cars
and motor ? . In this \vny alarjjo u mount
of business that would otherwise bo
divided among n number of companies
will bo kept together ,
The I'nllnmn Interests tire among the
largest in Chicago , tho\Vcstiiijjlit > iio as
larffo as any in 1'lttsburg ; together they
will make iicombinntioii as great
in the United States ,
Arc tlio Oceans
At a recent meeting of tlio French
geological society a communication from
iM. Transcliolil of Moscow was read on
the non-invariability of the level of the
ocean. It terminated with the following
conclusions :
1. In proportion ascertain partsoftho
earth's crust rho from the bottom of the
sea above Its level , the latter must bo
lowered. 2. The Rtirfnco of nearly all
the present continents have been at onetime
time the bottom of the sea. They rise
from the waters partly because of the
retreat of the waters of the ocean ? . U.
As continents uro formed , one part of
the watorsoi seas is transported to them
in form ol lakes , rivers , eternal mow. " ,
glaciers and organized substances. Owing
to thcso actions the waters of the ocean *
have been constantly diminishing , and
their levels lowered correspondingly. 4
In proportion as the earth cools down ,
ice accumulates near the poles nnd on
mountains ; water is taken more deeply
'into the surface of theterrcstial crust ,
the formation of hydrated minerals
being manifested every whoro. The re
sult of all thcso conclusions shows us
that since all the water that over ex
isted may still exist in form of parpotual
ice , snow , hydrated minerals , etc. , the
waters of all oceans have been gradually
disappearing , and that the lowering of
oceans is going on oven at tlio present
day to a greater extent than over before.
The use of calomel ( or ucrangcmcntA of the
liver has ruined initiiy si line constitution.
Those who , for similar trouble ? , have tried
Ayer's Pills testify to their cftlcacy in thor
oughly renicJyinR the malady , without in
jury to the system.
Ifo\virc Cuujjlit the Snnppcr.
"I was a jruest the other Qvcning/'stirs
a Now York Star man , "at a very on joy-
able turtle supper given at Hoekaway
Beach. The host told this story of how
the feast ciuno to bo served :
" 'I was out fishing for flulco In Ja
maica Buy yesterday. I was in the stern
of a small boat holding a polo , tlio bait
on the line of which rested on the bottom
tom ot the buy. One of my men was
working the boat slowly along , Sud
denly there was u tremendous yank nt
the line and my reel wont arouiul like
mad. I tried to null in , but whatever it
was at the end of the line stuck like u
rock. The bout camp to a stand still
and then , to my astonishment , began to
move Hlowly against the tide. I decid
ed that cither a big feiiappor or a sea
turtle must bo at the end of my lino. I
made my polo fast , and with my man ,
gradually worked the boat toward the
shot'o till shallow water was reached.
Then I saw that I had a splendid snap- ,
por. My man jumped into the water
and together wo imurigcd to land the
turtle which weighed nearly twenty
pounds.1 However lishy the story may
have been , there was nothing the matter
with the snapper , which I enjoyed
greatly. "
Clipped from Canada I'lwbytorinn , under
signature of ( J , Ulackctt Hobtnson , 1'ropr. ; I
wus cured of oft rocurrinu' billions headaches
by Burdock Blood Hitters.
A Blntcli for riorciino Illythe.
It has been reported Hint Florence
Blytho , the youngpfirl whoa San Fran
eisco court declared was entitled to in
hcrlt the $1,000,000 , loft by Thomas
Blytho , was nogotititin ; , ' ( or tlio pur-
cliaso of the Into Hull McAllister's beau
tiful homo , Mhirmoiito , just across tno
bay from San Francisco. Tlio place wns
built by Mr. McAllister out or si $100,000
fee which ho received from the Southern
Pacific company in the Col ton. case. Now
it is said that tlio widow is trying to
mnko n mutch between her nephew , the
son of Cutler McAllister , mill the suc
cessful lilytho claimant. Tills attempt
has caused much comment bccaus-o of
Florence. Blytho's ' dubious origin , nnd
the fact Unit the youth is the nephew of
Ward McAllister of ! Now Yorlc.
Mrs. Winslow's soothing Syrup isnnmox -
colletl medicine for children while teething.
2o cents a hottle.
The "World's Wool.
.An English authority states tlio an
nual production of wool In tlio world ut 1(5- (
000,000 cwt. , ( l.TOa.OOO.OOO pounds. )
The estimated value Is i'30UDO,000 or
SOC,000,000. , , The number of sheen in ICuropo
Is estimated at 200,000,000 , , which furnish , -
OOJ.OOO cwt. of wool , tin estimated value of
Ji3'OOD,0)0. ' ! , ! ) Morocco , Alslew and Tunis
gvovf a consldcrublo quantity , while Franco
furnishes a per cent less than it did forty
years ago. Europj.m countrloi are tiinlccd
in the following order : first , Russia ; second
Great Hrltaln ; third , Germiny ; fourth ,
Franco ; flftn , Austrla-IIungaryi sixth ,
Italy ; seventh , Spain. The Kast Indies and
China produce about 3,000,000 cwt. of wool
per annum.
\V'o may state In tills connection that In
1SSI our sheep numbered 60VJOW(5 ( ( ( head ,
valued at Sll'VJOS.TlXJ . , producing ! )0,000,000 )
pounds of wool. Slnco that tlmo the sheep
of the country have ateaally decreased , year
by year , until last year \o had but -la.WJ.OTO
sheep , producing 2i. ( " > ,0l)0,000 ) pounds of wool.
Through coaches Pullman palace
Bleopors , dining carsjrco reclining chair
cars to Chicago nnd intervening point
via the grout Rock Ibliuid route. Ticlco
ofllco 1002 , Sixtcontli und Fiirnam.
National Bank.
Capital , - $4OOOOO
Surplus , - - . - . 44OOO
Oniccri nnd Director A , I' . Ilopklni , tiroililont
W , U. Mtul , Tlco iiroililonli Alfruil Mlllaril , ra lilm ,
VII. llrjantnulntiuit caililer ; Clinrloj Turner ,
I * II. Wllllami , U. U. MonctuiD , U Mar , iC. M
Indrousu ,
Omaha Manufacturers. -
DootH niitl Hhocs.
JONK9 to CO. ,
Wholesale Manufaclurcrsof Boots& Shoes
tonlturit'crRhoiCo.t1M , HMntulllC *
llrxtncr Street , UnitliR. N b. ,
Lager llccr Brewers ,
1M1 Nctlh ISth 8trc > ct,0uiahi. ! Neb.
Mannfaclurcrs of Galvanized Iron Cornlc |
Window c p rind niptollu "kyUnhts , Joh
proftlotor. IPS unit llOijoiiliilOlli
Artist * ' Mnterlnlx.
A. IIOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organ ? ,
1113 LKniRlnH Street , Oiimlin , Neb ,
_ -I )
Con' . Coke , Kto. _
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal.
8. E. Cor. 10th ami Douglai Btrccti , Umnlin , Xcfc _ _
Wholesale Cigars ,
Ml N.IGtli Street. "Itollol" 14.15.
Dry Goods nnd Notions.
W. K. SMITH vt CO. ,
Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions
Corner Itthnrul llimnril Slrcotj.
Importers anil Jobbers in Dry Goodsi
CJeoU' ITurnlahlnitOooJs. Corner 1 1 111 and lloioOJ
Btrooti , Omnlm , Nob.
Viiriiltura. '
'ic STONE ,
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Farnnm Street , Omaha ,
Omnlm , Ncbrimkii.
Wholesale Grocers ,
| jlh ana I.ofucnworlli Btrcot , Omnlm , Ncbrnitn.
Inimbert Kto.
_ _ -
Dealers in Hardwood Lumber ,
Y > nl 1310 N. Kith St. . Onuhn.
_ 1
Wholesale Lumber , Etc , , Etc ,
Importeil anil Amcrlcnn rocttnnd Cement. Btat4l
Monitor Alllivnukcu Hrilrnuho Cuiutnt , an < >
Qulnc ? Wiillo l.lmo.
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber.
Wooa oup9tBnn(1 ( pnrqiiotflonrlni. Uth and DougTM
Htrcots , Omalii ,
Lumber , Lime , Cement , Etc. , FAG ,
Corner Mil nnd Douglas Streets , Omaha.
BUI II 11 cry n lid N o 1 1 o n B.
Importers and Jobbers In Millinery ,
208 , 210 and 312 South llth ttrcet.
Notions :
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
1121 Harnor itroot , Omaha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
AzU cr oa > , eto. , Omnlin. A. II. Bishop , Mnnnzor.
\Vholcsalc Paper Dealers.
Cirnrft nlsoitock ol prlntlnK , wrnpplnit nnd wrttltH
paper. Special attcntlou given u > curd paper.
Safes Eto.
. . . . . . . > . . . . - - _ , _ . - - . . . * , \n *
A. L. DEANE & CO. ,
General Agent ] ( or
Halls' ' Safes ,
Wl and SM Son Hi IQtli St. . Omaha. _
Toys , Etc.
Jobbers of
Dolls Albums Goods
Toys , , , ,
HonioFurnlditnijnoortii , Children's Carriage ! . 1201
l''arnim street , Omaha , Neb.
\Vntcr fin milieu.
_ _
Steam and Water supplies ,
Uallldur wind iiillln. ! 11I ) nnd U2flJone it. ,
U , V. Hois , Actinic Slammer.
Iron Workg.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort )
Knglnct , brnan work , gcnenil foundry , mnchlno owl
blacksmith work. URlco and works , U. 1' .
Uv. mid 1'tli itroct , Olilulm.
Hands oi Fire and Burglar Prool Safes ,
Vaults , Jail work. Iron ihu tiers nnd tire C'c
O. Andreou.prop'r. Cur. HtluvulJacUaunB
Basil , Doors , Eto ,
5TA. DISIiROW &c CO. ,
Wboleiale tnanufacturciiof I
Saso , Doors , Blinds and Moulding ? . \
Branch oOce , Utli nnd Itard itroets , Omnlia , Ncb ,
Of South Oraaiia , Limited ,
National Bank
Capitol. - . - - - $400OOQ
Surptus Jan. 1st , 189O - 07.BOQ
ODIccrsend DlrcctorS'-IIonrf . Tatrs , VrosldeDti
l cwlsH. lletu ) , Vlco-I'rojldenti JnmeiW B aiC , WJ
V.MorsuJohnH. Collins , It. U. CusUlnl , J. N. m
1'iitrlck , W. U. B. lluKlics , cashier.
T1-1R II10N BANK ,
Corner 12th and FirnntnBts.
A General Uaukini : IJusluussTrunsioteiJ ,
JVImnrjr , Secondary or Tntlanr Nrnmnentljr curf
In SO to to dajri. Wo tllrnlnUe all ) > elM > n from Inn
ryitcm , o that thcio n nourUs n return tf llio d ! * >
CKO In any form. I'arllo can to IrtaUtl at lioir.o , ( totf
. _ . niicltnicltr the
thotilnorilco x - „ ng * g
amo rjiraii ( Ulll > UB | I B uc , ( l.ut llb
thoovhoiro | \ H PPfll | \ fir to < omjj
) euro .fre . , tlum MO will or W BB i J 1 | | Bl5ct'"lrae | ( refund \t \
money ami jmycntlrocipcnMof comlntf , railroad fir
end liotfl bll 1 . Wo < h ll < Tee Iho world for acatcwll
cinnotruro. Mentionthl | > arr. Addrci' ,
COOJC VK31KD1' CO. , Omaha , Xebrailitf *
Oniee , St. Olalr Hotel , Cor. 1'Jth and Dodge Sj
- -i . , , ,
Concsjiondeneesolicited. coMPANIta , tfCi
. , & , Banke
IO3-IOS Donrborn Stranl , CMICAQQ ,
70 Utata Strait. BOSTON ,