TELE OMAHA : DAILY BEJE : IHTJESDAY , SEPTEMBER is , isoo. THE CITY , The l > nnk clctmngs yesterday amount ed to $803,267,65. Dr. Gllmnn was lined SJCO and costs yesterday for alleged Illegal practice of mctliclno. Thomns Cook Is accused of Htcnllng a mirror worth $5 , nnd will probably ex- pluln tlio matter In court today. Jncob Hess hns sworn out a warrant for the nrreat of Harry Clnmpitt upon a chnrgo of larceny to the amount of $15. .Articles of incorporation liavo boon filed by the colored barbers' beneficial and protective un'on. The incorpor ates are William U. Cloud , S. 13 , Smith , Andcmm Tnylor , J. II. Juckson uhd It J. Johnson. 'Jho meeting of the Klphth Ward Per- Bonal RljihtHlcjiguo club will bo held Friday evening , Sotilombcr 10 , nt 8 o'cloclc flmrp , in the imll of tlio club , 1012 North Twenty-fourth street. All members arc requested to bo present. Nerve ami Liver Pills. . .An Important discovery. They net on the Hvcr , stomach and bowels through the nencs. A new principle. They speedily euro bUlotiHness , budUiste , torpid liver , plica nnd constipation. Splendid for men , women nail children. Smallest , mildest , surest. 80 closes for 25 cents. Samples Tree atltuhn & Co.'s ' , 15th and Douglas. County Court. The J. W. Butler paper company of Chicago cage yesterday commenced suit against J. C. Wllcoxof tholato Republican to recover tWWduoupona promissory note dated July 15 , 18'JO. 'Jho Mlddleton plato company yesterday BuedD. W. VanCott to recover & -12.G7 duo on a bill of goous sold last March. Marriage licenses. Judpo Shields issuoil the following mar riage licenses yesterday : Namonnd address. I Samuel Stockton , Arlington. Neb . 22 t Nclllo Pwesel , Lushton , Neb . 23 j John Vt. Stnnts , Cedar Bluffs , Neb . 25 I Minnie 13. Torey , Omaha . 23 j Charles Brnder , Omaba . 23 t JVdeliuaJ. 13 tiscli ; Omaha. . 18 tlio IlltiR Ilecovcretl. The diamond rlngwblch Ilmry Broolts ac cused Bertha Mcsbna ot stealing' was brought to police headquarters jestcrday afternoon nnd delivered to Captain Cormack by a lady who sutd she founaltin the rireplnco at her house , where Bertha Meshua had been room- In H , Bliss Mcshnawas arraigned before Judge Helsloy yesterday for trial , but Brooks failed to appear apainst bcr. She was discharged , nnd In less than au hour thereafter the rln was brouirht to Cnptalu Cormack. Some of the ofllccrs acquainted with the case claim thotthofln-'ingof ' the ring Is nil a put up Bchcine , ana that Brooks has had the ring all the while. _ The use of calomel for derangements of the liver has ruined many a flue constitution. Those who , for similar troubles , have tried Aycr's Pills testify to their cfllcacy In thor oughly remedying the malady , without InJury - Jury to the system. MANIPULATING HIS PROPERTY. August Horizon Secmi to KulTcr from Illn VnnWinklclsm. There was another frco and lengthy airing of the domestic infelicities of August Benzon and wifo. .About n year ago , n profound sensation was occasioned Mrs , Benzon - by pro ceedings for divorce , on the ground of exces sive use of liquor on the part of her husband , us nlso because of his squandering money in various ways. Mr. Benzon being a wealthy Ice dealer and quite prominent in business circles generally , the petition of his wife be came the talk of the city. Mr. Bonzon now comes forward with n lengthy petition which will set the tongues of the gossips wagging inoro freely than over. over.On February 20 last ho says that ho was Intoxicated nnd his wife Induced him to con voy to her his real estate valued at some $50,000 nnd his private bnnk account of f 3,000 , together with authority to collect the rents of his numerous houses. Ho seems to re member the details of the transfer -with prcat clearness , being ublo to give the most minute particulars with apparent accuracy. In con veying his lands , houses , batilt account , etc. , to her , ho declares , however , that ho did so that she might net simply as his agent nnd cashier In the handling thereof. .Another reason which , ho savs ho had for making the wholesale conveyance was to quiet any unrest which slio might b.ivo by reason of his dissipated habits and spendthrift ways. .After this conveyance , husband and wife , It is alleged continued to live together until the latter part of Juno , -when Mr. Eenzon af- ilrms , she said to him : "Now I have the property In my own name , nnd have fed you just as long as I am going to , aud jou can clear out , and I will have nothing moro to do with you. " Mr. Benzon , it Is claimed , had occasion to leave- the city shortly after this and upon re turning homo says ho found that Mrs. Bcn- Eon had rented their home , and had ' 'ousted" him from every interest in all his property both real and personal. Ho says further that Mrs. B , has borrowed 92,500 from John A , Horhach and pledged n portion of the property as security. This $2,500 ho says was obtained by his wife for her sister. The relief which Mr. Benzon desires of the court Is that his wife may bo restrained from further Incumbcrmg the property in any way shape or form , and that it may bo decreed that bho holds it in trust for Win , and llnnlly rcconvoy it to Mm. Emmet P. Brewer has commenced suit against Ncally mid West Williams Tor 5,000 by reason , as ho alleges , of their having as saulted him with their lists nnd feet , Joseph Wilkinson asks to bo divorced from his wife Hose E. on the ground of desertion. U'hcy were married in Iowa county , Iowa , April 27,18SO , aud have adnufihterwhom the father asks to bo given into his custody. Tito PitrcNt anil Ilest Articles known to medical science n > o used In preparing Hood's SarsnpariUa. Every in- grodlontls carefully selected , personally ex amined , and only the best retained. The incdlclno is prepared under the supervision of thoroughly bompctont pharmacists , nnd every step in the process of manufacture is carcfullv watched with a view to securing in Hood's Sarsuparlllu the best possible result. A XXO VXCEJIEXTS. The pleasure of seeing Robert Mantell In a new impersonation Is ono not slightly valued by the knowing theater-goer , and his appear ance hero this evening at Iloyd's opera house lu the dual role of Louis and Fabion del Franchl , In Alexander Dumas' interesting romance of "Tho Corsican Brothers , " will undoubtedly draw out a largo audience. Mr. Muntcll has cotro to bo known as ono of the most effective nnd gentlemanly representa tives of the nrdont , sentimental nnd youthful heroes of melodrama that can bo named , and hli assumption of a now character will , therefore , always prove interesting. For this production of the play , wo are promised nn unusually rich atago setting , the company bringing with them all the scenery , proper ties , furniture nnd mechanical oitccts pre pared for its late Now York revival. In this drairm thcro Is a double employed and his close resemblance to Mr , Mautcll has caused many laughable mistakes. The child plays which have been so popular for the past few years have brought many child actresses before the public , but not ono of them has qulto attained the favor and suc cess of Klslo Leslie , the creator ot the role c3t 'Llttlo Lord Fnuutloroy. " The many \\lio hnvo seen or nro acquainted with her furno in this part will boglud to sco her delineation of the dual role of "Tho Prlnco and tbo F < ofU' per , " which will bo presented nt Boyd's opera house for three nights and Wednesday matlnoo , commencing Monday of next week. Her supporting company Is strong and the performance is said io bo an unusually effec tive ono. Scats on sale next Saturday. Kicclslor Springy , Mo. , Waters .Aro nature's uric solvent , and are specific inflammation of tlio bladder , CHU'l'IjlNO TUB COHONI2H , . How tlio Cotmly Commissioners "Will Aid Him In ( letting Jurors. Coroner Ilurrignn is experiencing great difficulty In getting citizens to servo on juries , as any nrnnwho has been through the experience once refuses to serve a second time , the reason being that the county com missioners refuse to pay fees to coroner Jurors nnd witnesses. In the majority of cases the witnesses in Inquests end a largo proportion of the jury are laboring men who corn but tl.fX ) or f l.Co per day nnd cannot afford to lose a half day for which they receive no pay. Some time ago the finance committee of the county commissioners dlrcovcrcd that there was nothing in the statutes which authorized the payment of witness or Jury fcvc ? , nnd , ns a consequence , all claims of that kind -were thrown out. Since tnat tltno It has been growing moro dlfllcult to Hud men to servo as jurors , nnd the climax was reached in the case of Mon- lekur , the man who was killed In the Union I'ncltio ynrds near Eleventh street on Sunday morning. The Inquest had been set for 10 a. m. Mon day and n constable stalled out bright and early to summon u Jury , lie met with noth ing but refusals , however , nnd the inquest was sot for t ) p. tn. , with the same result , Again it was postponed until 10 n. m. Tues day , but still no jury could bo found. The men approached absolutely refused to servo and dolled the ofliccr to compel them to rein spect his summons. The latter was power less and the tinniest was postponed until the afternoon. In the meantime the coroner became des perate und scnttho constable into the suburbs , where no found three men. By pressing the undertaker and two reporters in to service , the jury vas completed and the inquest was held , The Inquest on the man who was killed near the fair grounds Tuesday night was to have taken place yesterday morning , but the same trouble was experienced und it was postponed. The coronetlias taken the bull by the horns nnd has secured a promise from County Com missioner O'ltccffe to the effect that ho will Introduce n resolution next Saturday provid ing for the payment of jurors nnd witnesses In coroner's cnscs. Commissioners Berlin and Corrlgan have each promised the coroner that they will support the mc.isuro so that the trouble will probably bo overcome. Who Is lie ? The Inquest over the remains of the man killed by an Elkhorn twin Tuesday night has been set for 8:30 : a. ra , to-day If a jury can bo secured at that hour. A man who did not give his name viewed the remains yesterday and identified it as that of Henry Doyle , n blacksmithwho lived within a few yards of the place where the ac cident occurred , Ho stated that the man was married nnd had several children. A man named "VValtermoier who lives at 3414 Uhnrles street , thought the body was that of Henry Doyle , a stonemason , who hud been working in the citv , and whoso parents live at Waco , in this state. Ho also stated that the deceased bad a brother at Chaaron. A third man thought the remains were thoiO of ono Henry Doyle , foreman for Hugh Murphy's stone paving gang , living at Good will avenue and Twenty-second street. Ho said the deceased bad a wife and two small children. The city directory contains but ono H. Doyle , ho being a street paver , living at Twenty-second street and Goodwill avenue. "Do you like champagne ! Try Cook's Im perial ; it's flavor is unrivalled ana it is per fectly pure. ' OUGHT TO HAVE A MINT. Wliy Piimha Should lo ) Homo of Uncle Sniu's Coining. Mr. E. W. Nash , secretary of the smelting works , was shown the dispatch from Wash ington regarding the bill Introduced by Ilep- resentotivo Connell providing for an appro priation of ยง 100,000 to defray the cost of establishing a mint In Omaha. Mr. Nash expressed considerable surprise at the information and remarked that it was tbo first time lie had heard of it. "I hope the bill was Introduced In good faith , " said ho , "and that there is a prospect of its becoming n law ; but I am afraid It is only done .for effect. It seems to mo that if there was any prospect of such a bill going through so in o of the business men hero would know something about It. "There is no doubt that a mint would bo a great benefit to Omaha and this would bo the best plnco In the country to locate it. Wo have been producing one-fourth of nil the sil ver used by the government , nnd It would bo to the advantage of all concerned to have a mint located hero. It would bo a great at traction to the city as the government nlways has line grounds and an artistic building for Its mint. Morevcr , it would give employment to n largo number of high-salaried pcoplo which would also bo to the advantage of the city."An "An appropriation of $100,000 would not go far toword establishing a mint , though , " ho continued. "It would require at least ? 500,000 and probably ruoro. "If this question ever comes to an Issue , wo will have a hard fight with Kansas City to have the mint located hero. Kansas City produces as much silver bullion as wo do and she -would use every effort to defeat us. " Mr. H. W. Yatcs of the Nebraska National bank was shown the dispatch and also ex pressed surprise at such a move bcinir on foot without the knowledge of the business men of the eomtnunlty. "A move of that Wntl was made about eight years ago,1'said Mr , Votes , "when the gov ernment was about to establish a mint In Helena , but tt was unsuccessful. Since that time I have heard nothing further about it. It may bo that Mr. Council has seen a chance for the passage of such a bill , but I am of tlio opinion that the government will iiot estab lish any more mints , as I think thcro will bo no moro coinage of silver after another year. The silver will bo handled in bullion and sil ver certificates will bo used instead of silver dollars. This would do away with the neces sity for mints altogether as thcro is enough silver now coined to meet all demands. " Several other bankers wore seen and all were of the opinion that the establishment of a mint in this city would bo greatly to the advantage of Omaha , and all expressed ignor ance of the bill until shown the dispatch. Tickets nt lowest rates nnd superior accommodations via the gront Rock Island route. Ticket olllco , 1G02 Six teenth and Farnara streets , Omalm. INTUR2MHOXAIUNDERTAKEUS. . Six Hundred of Them Hcacllne for Omaha the Con vent foil City. The international convention of funeral dl- rectors or undertakers of the United States and Canada convenes in this city October 1. It promises to bo ono of the largest and roost Important gatherings ot its kind over hold in the west because not fewer that COO leading directors will bo present. The undertakers of this city have already completed arrangements for caring for the hundreds of delegates nnd every effort will bo put forth to make the stay of the visitors memorable in the recollection of those who know in what good entertainment consists , In view of the tlmo for the holding of the convention being near at land. President It. U. Bringhurst of PhllndclDbla has issued his procllinatlon. In speaking of the trip ho says : "This is a golden opportunity of a trip to the western section of our country , nnd of meeting representative men in our line of business from , all portions of the United States and the Dominion of Canada. ' "Tho consolidation of working forces of some of the members of tbo National burial case association , the largo number of incom petent persons engaged in our business throughout tbo land , tbo progressive steps that are being taken by boards of health and sanitarians in general , the demand that is being mndo thut our business bu regulated by legislative enactments , nnd n bill recently passed by congress mark the approaching convention as cno of vast Importance to every mania our calling. "Those of the association living In the extreme - tromo cast will bo given a day In Chicago , as the special cur will onivo In that city Mon day morning , Sontomber 29 , nnd remain until 11 o'clock iViilght. While In Chicago the delegates and members will bo given a rldo abo. at the city and visit the different points 'jf interest , dining nt either the Auditorium. I Palmer or SUcnnan house , In tlio evening of hat day n meeting will bo hold In the Sher man house parlor ; * , where n Chicago & North western representative will furnish all the In formation : necessary and look after the bag gage. " The president urges the members to buy thotr tickets of the Chicnzo & Norlwestcrn railroad , ni that line , has given n reduced rate to this city. Upon arriving in this city the party will bo mot nt the depot nnd convoyed in carrlngcs to thel'axtonlhotcl , where the opening session of the convention will bo held. The pro gramme of the convention will bo as follows : WEDNESDAY , 10 O'CLOCK A. M , 1. Calling convention to order by President U. U. Bringhurst of I'hllndelphla. S. Prayer by Hev.V. . A. Lnmar , D.D. . of O'naho. a. Address of welcome by Hon. John M.Thoyer , governor of Nebraska. 4. Response by vice Presidents. MerrittHooltof New York. 5. Appointment of committee on credentials. 0. Roll call. 7. Ktport of committee on cre dentials. 8. Annual address by president. 0. Itcportof secretary. 10. Hcport of treas urer. Afternoon , 2 o'clock 1 , Appointment of committees. 2. Heports ot standing com mittees. 3. Chairmen of the st.ito and provincial associations will submit written ropotts of their respective associations. 4. Unfinished business. 5. New business. TiiunsnAY , 10 O'CLOCK. 1. Reports of committees. 2. Miscellane ous business. 3. Address by J , B. Mclutyro of St. Catherine's , Out. Afternoon , 2 o'clock 1 , Address by B. Prank Kirk of Germantown , Pa. 2. Elec tion of ofllcers. 3. Selecting phico for holdIng - Ing next meeting. 4 , Adjournment. Pears' is the purest and best soap over made OHDKUKI ) PAVING STOPPED. Mr. Blrklmitscr Objects to the Asphalt Coinpatiy'H AVorthlcss Binder. ' ' "I have just stopped the Barber Asphalt company from proceeding with the work of paving \Voolworth nvcnuo between Twenty- ninth street and Twenty-ninth avenue , " said Chairman Blrkhauscr of the board of public works , yesterday noon. "I stopped them for two reasons. " contin ued Mr. Birkhauscr , apparently all out of patience. "Tho nrinclpal reason is that I discovered theycro using llttlo rocks thq size of pens ns n binder. It is simply miserable stuff nnd I know right wiiuro they got It. It is nothing but 'Wo , Us & Co. " screening stuff from Con Gal lagher's darned outfit. The Barker folks have bought seven car-loads of it , and to thcso seven car-loads they nro adding ono car of slag , scattering the latter through as a sort of blind , or something. "Tho other reason why I stopped thorn is that after I had pointed out a certain old sewer ditch to them and told them that it must bo tilled in nnd made solid , I 11 ml them going right ahead and building over It. They did the same thing two years ago and it cost the city $ , ) ,000 to repair tno damage. "Fact is that the Barber folks are acting llko spoiled and ugly chil dren. No sooner nro they caught doing wrong in ono place and nro punished , than you find them doing something clso that's worse. But ! shan't spare them a bit now , and I expect this means war. " 1C AAV'7 K.Y W , It AW. Kansas City LI Ice the Raven Cronks Over Omaha's Population. ' Do you know that Kansas City Is trying to have a recount made of Omaha's ' popula tion ! " said Mr , George J. Paul to a Buu rep resentative yesterday morning , The reply being In the negative ho contin ued : "A Kansas City man was in Omaha the other day and ho claimed to bo posted on what wasgolngon in the city by the Kaw. Ho stated that a committee had been appointed which will bo sent to Wnshinglon to endeavor to have a recount in Omaha. They think down there thnt wo did not have n fair count and claim that our returns -were padded. They say they are determined to 'show us up. ' and bring our figures down to where they should bo. " Tom Cooke , the rotund supervisor of the census in Omnha , happened into the rotunda of the Millard about noon and was asked If ho had heard what tno Kansas City pcoplo were doing. Ho professed Ignorance and was informed ns above. "Why , my dear sir , " said ho , * 'tho report of the supervisor for this district was ap proved nnd the books closed over n month ago , and it would talto an act of congress to make any change now. However , I wish tncy would get a recount. It would bring Omaha's population up to 145,000. All the people who were nway at the numerous sum mer resorts aio home again , and the city would make a better showing than boforo. Thcro is no probability of Kansas City being successful , though , oven If they are foolish enough to attempt such a thing. " Sixth Ward The Sixth Ward Personal llights league held Its regular weekly meeting nt Twenty- fourth nnd Clark strents last night. The meeting was well attended and an increased interest was manifested in the work of the league. The secretary reported that ho had secured naturalization papers for a number of for eigners nnd explained the necessity of all se curing thcso papers who hud not already done so. Christ Spccht was present nnd addressed the meeting nt length In German , speaking of the progress which had been made in opposi tion to the passage of the amendment and re ferring to what mayjjo oxpoctcd. Democratic fjcnguc. Democratic clubs throughout the state will plcnso apply to mo at the New York Life building immediately for blanks to enable them to enroll in the state league democratic clubs. Clubs organized in the national cam paign will also apply. SIIAS Conn , Secretary S. L. D. C. 3 HARVEST EXCURSIONS SOUTH 8 Yin the Wubnsb Route. On September 9 , 2.5 nnd October 14 the Wnbasli will soil round trip ticicots to points in Texas , Arkansas , Tennosbco , Mississippi , Louisiana , Alabama , Geor gia nnd Florida ut Half Faro , peed for HO days. Remember tlio Wubauh is the quickest route South and Southeast , Reclining Choir and Pullman Bullet Sleeping Cars on nil trains. Only 15 hours to St. Louis , 32J " " Chattanooga , 40 " " Now Orleans , 40 } " " Now York , with corresponding fust tlmo to all points South and oust. For tickets und full information in rognvd to routes , nlso for n copy of the Southern Ilomoseokers Guido , call at the Wnbash Ticket Ollleo , 1502 Fnrnam street , Oiruilm , or write G. N. Clayton , Northwestern Passenger Agent , Giruihu , Nob. Republican InrlflF Conferees Sleet. WASHINGTON , Sept. 17.Thls afternoon the republican tariff conferees wcro In session two or three hours. By this means , it is salil. they hope to explain matters when the full conference is in session. CREAM It * nurtor zeeilencfl prorei In million * of borne * for moratbin a quarter of a centurr. ItliniBdbr the United Btatoi ao rnment. Knilorsed br wo hea i of the great unlTorillles n the Strongest , Pureil and Mott Healthful. Ir , Price1 * Cr m Iiak- Ing Powder doe * not contain ammonia , 11ml Or alum , "olaoal , l -n- . ftlTVBAKNO pom | l Oft , -I Now Tort. Cblcuo. baai roadlfO. kt M - l ! Pimples 1 * dflert.i to eliminate poison from tlic blood. TW J result in.ty tic Accomplished much moro efliiitually , as well M ngrccnbly , tltrougli iliQ.rr iicr excretory cliniiiicls , by tlio use ot Ayir'a Sarsapntllla. "For scvcrM jcnrs I wtts troulilctl wllh bolls ami carliuiiclc ) . In casting about for a remedy , It ocoun-cd to mo that Aycr's Sars.v parllla had btcu uscil In my lather's family , with ( ! xccllcut < aticccss , mul I thought that what \\.is Bootl Jor the fattier wotiltl nlso bo Eood fur thoison. Three or four bottles of tills niciHclna entirety ctirctl me , ami I have not since laB ere than two years had n boll , plmplu , or any other eruiitUo trnuhlc. I can coittcicntlonily spc.ik In the highest terms of Aycr's S.irsai.irllla , and many years' experience In the tlrnj ; business en- ntlcs jno to speak lutelllBcnlly. " 0. 51. Hatflcld , rurmlaml , Ind. Ayer's Sarsaparilla rnurAnno UY UK. J. 0. AVER & CO. , Lowell , Mass. l'rlcol ; aUlottlci.ti.'orth$5 abottlo. Drs : Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists , 14O0 DOUGIiA-S S OMAHA , NED. The roost widely nnd favorably know * spot- lallsti In tlio United Suites. Their lorrj ; ex perience , roinnrkablo skill and universal suc cess In the treatment and cure of Nervous. Ohronlo nnd SurglunJ DlHuascs , cntltlo thcso eminent physicians to the full contlclcncoot the ndllcted everywhere. They Riiarntiteo : A CEUTAIN AM ) I'OSITIVK OUKE for the awful elTeeUnf onrly vlco ixnil the numer ous evils that follow In Its train , I'UIVATE , ULOOD AND SKIN DISEASES speedily , cnmiilntoly nnd permanently eurcd. NEKVOUS I > CIilLlTY AND BHXUAL IW- OUDKHS yield readily to tholr skillful troat- 33. riSTlU.A AND ItEOTAL ULCERS Riiarniiteeil cured without puln or detention front liuslnesi. HYDltOUUIjE AND VAIUCOOEtiE pornm- Dontly and successfully cured In every uaso. SYl'lUMS , OONUllUlIKA , GLEET , S | > or- mntnrrhon , Scjr.hml Weakness , Lost Manhood , Nljlit RmlssliiujDecayed Faculties , Kcnialo Weakness and all clulleato disorders peculiar to cither BOX positively cured , 111 well us nil functional illsonlorH that result from youth ful follloMor ilia excess of mature ycais. CTPir"TITIM"OlllirantcoU ponnanu ntly Ol Sl1 U IVb.oiireil , reinoxal con jilcto. without cutting , cuustto or dilatation. Ouros affected ut homo by patient without u mo ment's pain onannoyanoc. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MbN. AQ1TT.MJ riIPT7 The awful urtoots of OUKli UUKli cariy vice which hrlng'i orpatilo wraknos ! . doitroyln ; ; both mind and body , with allIts , dreaded ilia , purmuuonty cured. RKTT1 ? Address these who liavo Im- O. Ulil 1.7 paired themselves by Irn- proper lndulR nqo and solitary kiblls , which ruin both mind and body , unfitting them for business. Btuly > nrtmirrliiKft MAKUIKI ) MEN Or tho-.o entcrlnson that happy Itfo.aunroof physical debility , quickly OUR BUOOB3S Is based upon facts. First Practical experi ence , riecond Kvory case Especially studied , Hut's starting right. Third Jlodlclnei nro prepared In our laboratory exactly to suit caeh ease , thus effecting cures without Injury. Drs. Betts & Betts , 1409 DOUGLAS STREET , - OMAHA. NEB. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE . - - . Tut : GHKAT . . . _ . . . . , . . K.vciLiau ] ( t\i- : El > r. An unfiill- Initcurofor Sem inal \Vcnlno(3 , Spcrnm'.orrliim , Impotcncy , anil nil UMcuoi tint follow M n no- quonco of helf- almso ; nt Jxm of Memory , Unl- _ _ . . . roraiil l.nssHiido 1'nln tn the [ lack. Dimness of Vision. Premature OM AKC , nnd many oilier diseases thut lead to Insanity or consumption mul n prcniuturo Brave. . JST"Kull pirtlcultrn In our pamphlet , which wo dc- Ire to tend frto bf mnll In over ? one. fBTho Spo- cltlo Meilltlne I * nolil at 11 per packnitc , or lx imck- nic 9 for K , or will bo sent frco b/ mall on receipt of the money , by nililres'ltiK THE GOO DM AW EULTG CO. , 1110 FAUNA ai STHKET , OMAHA , N n. On nccount of counterfeits wo have adopted tlio yellow wrapper , tl.o onlr Kenulno. FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges tbo uliolosya. tent , anil produces ' - Sick Headache , , Dyspepsia , Costiveness , Rheu matism , Sallow Skin and Piles. Tlioro la no hotter remedy fordicMo common illHciiHcs than Tntt'M U\er Pills , us a trial n ill prove. Price , t3c. Sold Everywhere. PRIN L POINTS EAST , WEST , ' NORTH and SOUTH 13O2Farnam ! Street. HARRY P. DEUEL , Oity PaesonHor and Ticket Agont. DE , BAILEI , Graduate Dentist , A Tull Set of Teeth , on Rubber For Five Dollars. A perfect fit ctmrnntccd. Teeth extracted without pain or diuwyr. nml wltLout IIIIUM- thetlcs. Gold nnd fcllvorlUjiig * at lowest rates. llrldL-o mul Crown Work. Tcuth with out plntos. Allwork warranted. OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FARM AM Kntrancp , lOtli Btroot elevator. Opcu ovcu- luis until 8 o'clock. ! FEMALE I BEAE S AbHlutelrrelUblt , trf > tly nafe.moat powerful fcmali r > > uulator kuown incvrr full14i aNii , irunwld ions bai 5 iu&lc4eat. AildrciM LUIS liriull c < > , liurr < Uo..S. V , bi'in/'aooKjiAMJUiJu ; ; w. WE START THE FALE Season with a Grand Boys' Clothing Sale , and as at the opening of the schools , boys' clothing is in demand , we propose to make the coming week the most memorable one in our boys' departure. Circumstances combine to enable us to offer some extraordinary bargains , and the prices we make in pur boys' department will surprise the public. We start with the following : 300 Knee Pant Suits of an excellent quality of cassimere , made expressly to stand the liard and rough wear of boys , at the same time neat looking , coats being with corded seams and tastily gotten up. The suit is well worth $3.50. We offer it this week at $1.90. The suit is well adapted for school wear , and just the thing for people who don't want to spend much money and at the same time have a suit that looks and wears as well as any five or six dollar suit. Bargain No. 2 About 225 excellent All "Wool Suits , in different patterns , some plain brown some of the latest plaids , but all of a good quality strictly all wool cassimere , made up in handsome style. This is one of the best school suits ever placed on'the market. We offer it at $2.50 , and we say that no other clothing house will give a suit like this for less than $4. In finer fabrics we show an excellent assortment of Knee Pant Suits , two and three pieces , in4l the latest shades and mixtures. Our prices on fine Children's Suits are about 33 per cent lower than those of any other house. Thousands of odd Knee Pants , good qualities , 35c , 45c , 55c , &c. Our prices on Knee Pants will delight mothers. We are equally well prepared to fit large boys and young men. We have a splendid variety of all the latest styles in single and double breasted sacks , and our prices arc such as no other housb will make. Fall Catalogues and Samples are ready- Send in your name and we will mail them. Open until 8 p. m. Saturday , 10 p. m. Nebraska Clothing Corner 14th and Douglas Streets. o. " The flGuro 9 In our dates will make ft long slop. No mnn or woman now living will over data i document without using the Oguro 0. It itands In the third place la 1800 , wWro It will remain ten cars and then rnovo up to kccotid place In 1000 , hero It will rest ( or one hundred years. There Is another " 9" which lins nlso coma to stay , t Is unlike the figure 0 In our datvs In the respect , uat It has already moved up to first place , where t will permanently remain. It Is called the "No. I" IIlili ; Arm Wheeler & Wilson SoxUnc Machine. The "No. 9" was endorsed for first place by tba xperts of Europe at the Purls Exposition of 1889 , bcrc , after n severe contest Ith the leadl n g ma- : lilne9 of the uorlJ , it was awarded the only Grand Prize given to family sewing machines , all ithcrion exhibit having received lower awards it gold meJjis , etc. The French Government ilso recognized Its superiority by thodecoratlouot > Ir. Nathaniel Wheeler , I'resldcntof the company , with the Cross of the Legion of Honor. Tbo "No. 9" is not an old machine improved upon , but is an entirely new machine , and the Grand Prize at Paris was awarded It as the grand' : st advance In BOVUDK maclrine mechanism of tlia igo. TIioso who buy it can rest assured , there , tore , of baying the very latest and best. \VHEELEll & WILSON M'F'G ' CO. , 185 nnd 187 V/abnsh Avo. , Chicago P. E. PLODMAN & CO. 220 North Sixteenth Street. DKS. MERRILL & MERRILL , SPECIALISTS IN Chronic , Ncrvoiin , Dlood nnd Surgical Dlaen'en nnd DlHcaaes of the Kjo , Ear , Nose , Throat and Chen. Special Attention tn Dlsensoj of Wo in on ntnl Children. The doctorshnvo had years of cxporlonco In the hospital" of llrooklyn nivl Now Vork.nml mo ninon * Ilio most successful and wlUoly known epcclalUts la the country. To Vonncr ! " < ' MltUllc-Aced Men. Ix > st Mnnhood , Nervoui Debility. SnernintirrlKBT , Seminal I-OIBOI , I'lijmlcal Uecnr , tirMiu from Indis cretion , producing Bicoplcssnesi , duspondcnoy , | > lm- nlcn on tno face , aversion to society , ciully tllscour- nifecl , lack of ronllilence , dull , untltforstuilvor bml- nc s , anil tlnds Ufa u burden , safely , permanently and speedily curod. lilood nnd Skin lispnnos. Byptill ! , a dlsen-o most dreadful la Iti results , completely eradicated. Gciilto-Urlnary Surgery. Oonorrlioo , Oleot , Syphilis , Hydrocelo , Vnrlrocclo , anil hlrlctnrc , niillc.illy nnd Biifuiy curoil irltboul pain or detention from uimlnojs. All Sexual Do- fertilities aud Impediments to marrlaga successfully rcmnvcd. All Ilectaldlsenses safely nnd permanently curoi Hours.In.m. till8 p. m Hnnilnjri , 10 till 12. N. 11. 1'orsons unable to visit us may bo treated at their homos by correspondence. Medicines and In- structlnns sent by express. L'onsulfUlon fruo. bend i cents In stamps to Insure reply 218 Fifteenth St. , Opiirnlto Hoycl's Opera House , Onmlin , Nob. DR. J E. McCAEW Specialist , It unMirpnsBCrt In the trent * mont of nil forma of i'HI- VAT15 lISKAMCSU ) ) t.Miia liooif. ST1UCTUUK , or pulii In rc.lolvlnu the blmtcler. BVI'IllI.IS cured In 1,0 to W ilnya. bkln Dliensos , Cntnrrti mul all DlmuuuK of tlio Illooil , llenrtnncl IIvor. In- imilo Diseasecured without instruments or "locul treat * nicnt. " l iJk'J from 2 to 4 onlfVrlto for clrcu * jam Klvlntt [ iNrtlcubm about cachoftlin nbovo dlsL'asoi , nml Bliowlnc manr of Ilia tnoit rtiuiiirkublo caret. Of * Ceo , K i : . Cor. I Ith nnd Furoaai Sis. , entrance oa either itroot , Omahi Noli E.G. WEST'S ' NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , Ppeclfla for HTitprlt. DIzilnMi. nti. Ktpnlirji. Wk lulne.i , Jltntnl lVpr HlonHoftfnnBnf ( the lir > ln , m- luUlnj ; In Insanity naU leamntfto mliory d rav anJ death. Premature Old Age , KarrenntB , Lotj of rower In either > ez , lnroluntary toi ei , oml Ht > erinitorrlicc c&uied tiy orer-wertlo. of tlio brain , pelr liufto or QTcr-lndulnnco. i-acb bci connlmononionlt'j Iruat. m nt. ClaUoi. or rlx for > . tent by lnall | > rfmld. Vvttli cucli ortlor fur 'I * toirn , will itnd tmrchuer rutraotvo to refund non y 1C the treatment fatldtO tutu. UuarantovK luuvd and Benulno K'M ualjr by GOODMAN DRUG CO. , Itiorarnuui Street , - Ouiahu , Neb , The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute For the treatment of nllCIUlONIC AND SOIininAL msKASFH. Kracoi. Annllnneo for iloforniltloinml Trunscs. lljit b'acllllloi , A parHIM nnrt llooiodloi p for suoiMffiil tra.itmontor ovorr form of clivcn.n . ni. oriiirxtcil treatnont. OXK HUNDIIKI ) ANIJ TtVW.Nrv-KlVH ItOOMS t'Olt I'ATIKNIH Ilcmnlnml Atlomlnnca , Host n"co nmO'l ' itliMi ! in thjwjjt.Vrlta for circulars on DurormlMim I llnn'i Trusses. C'lub Feat , C'unrjturoiof thoSj > lii9,1'lla * . TurnJrl , C.incor , Citirrh , llronc'iltti , Inlmhtlon n Elec ' tricity , I'nrnljrsli , llpllepsf , Klilnoy.llhiiler.Kro.Kar , Hlclnanrt Illoud nnd nil dirKlcnloperulons. lilSHASUrt OK WOMKNnflpocUlty. llookof Dliouoa of Wonion Ito ) . Wolunrolntoly addoil li Lylnln department , forwomun cliirlnscontlnomontstrictlyprlv.ats. ( ) Oily Iljlli'jlj Msillcnl Initltuto mihlnt n. upoclnllrStf riUVATK lISiASi.H. ) : : All blooit illncnses nuccoisfully treitoil Syplillltlo pol < on rumnroil from | | IU tvstaix * without mercury. .Vow Ilcstorntlve Treitmsnt for Ion of vltut pvror. T.irllot mnWo to vhlt u imy bj" trc.itcitiit homo bycorrospuuiliMicc. All ' cjic'imnlcitloni onllrtontl U. Modlcln ) or limniinonti sent l > f mall orc-xprcM xecuroly pickoil , no tmr * < tolntllcotocontonti or Bonder. Onoportonil Intcrrlo * nrafrrrail. - Cull nnd consult ' us or send history of your case , nnd wo wll | lent In plain wrapper our HOOK TOiM ( list. f HKKupon Address 1'rlrate Special orJJorvous UUaaio * , luiputanSyplillU ( Jlojt , aiU Vurlcosolo , with question Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute. Corner Oth nnd Harnoy Strcota , Omaha , Nebraska. The Fall Oi/Brcoat / a thing of beauty and we have special pride in the gar ments in that line , which we are able to show our customers this season. In style and finish they have never been surpassed. CHILDREN PARLORS On second floor. Take the elevator : THIS PAPER IS PRINTED PROM FROM rnw Great Western Typo Foundry , 1114 Howard St. OMAHA. DIAMONDS , WATCHES , Etc. Our Bales on both DIAMONDS and WATCHES have boon L'NUb- UALLY LA110E of Into , cnUiif , ' to our CUT P11IOUS. Our stock o ( MOUNTED DIAMONDS was cot- linpt pretty low , BO wo luivo just seta a Inrcro number of ClIOIC K STONES of OUR OWN IMI'OIl- TATION , and \vo ollor thorn iitn SMALL ADVA.NCB AHOVi : COST. Tlio soilings com nso ft larRO variety of SOL1TAI K ami CLUSTJ3K RINGS , SI 0 L , H STUDS. KAR-UINOSI3KONC'IIKS ' LACK PINS.PENDANTSA. HA III ORNAMENTS , SLliKVB , HUT- TONS , COLLAK JIUTTONS , 1JKACKLETS , N ECK LACES , LOCKETS , etc. SPECIAL DE SIGNS OF SETTINGS mndo and , LOOSE STONES of all sizes MOUNTED TO OEDER. Rubles , Sapphires , Emeralds , I'onr'is , ' ( Urn ; nil other precious stones , mounted nnd loose. OUR GREAT SLAUGHTER SALE of WATCHES is still in progress. SOLID GOLD WATCHES for Laalos at $15 , J20 , $25 , 530 , $35 , $10 , $45 , $50 , and umvnrd. GENTLEMEN'S SOLID GOLD WATCHES of all kinds , from $5ii up to the finest grades ( Elgin , Wul- tlmm , Howard , etc ) . LADIES' nnd GENTS' ' PINT GOLD FILLED WATCH Eb , American movements , wnrniutotl from 15 to ii5 years , only $11.75 ; worth $25 and upward. SOLID SILVER WATCHES , $5.7C , $8 , $10. $12 , $15 and up. NICKEL WATCHES , $2.60 , J3.76 nnd $5. SOLID GOLD CHAINS AND LOCKETS ; ROL.LUIJ . PLATE CHAINS AN1) ) CHARMS bold at REDUCED PRICISSto purcluibora of Wntchos durinfr this uulo. 5.000 FINE SOLID GOLD FIN GER RINGS from $1 to 10 each. W\Yatcli \ Repairing a Specialty , NOTICE Strangers vistlnc the citv nro respectfully invitud to call mid tnUo a look through our estab lishment , \vhothor wishing topur- uhaso goodu or not. MHX MEYER & BR.O. , Sixteenth and larnam : Streets , FRENCH SPECIFIC ; ! A POSITIVE and permanent CU RE for ill dlieam of the URINARY ORGANS. where other treatment hill , lull diwllonipltli bottle , lllce , cue dollar8ee ilRoataro of UTillL. For Solo By All