Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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. for then cnlummirlH
ADVr.KTIBEMENTS p m. for Liioovcnlntt
nil Lion and until 8 : .T > p. in. tot the mornlns
nl It Ion and Strnnxr HKE.
rpEIIMSUasliln ndiratifO.
| > ATES Advcrtl rmonlion thlspajo wilt ho
J V chirz J foTttt llicratcof I'iccntpor vrorrt
tlmllrilliiHetttonnnell cent IXTWOTH for
Insertion , and tl.M pcrllna
per mniitli. No \crtKoiiicnl taken for less
ttm n y < cent * fur the tint Inturtlon.
INlThVI.3 , fifiurcs , jynibols , etc , , counteacb
amtio word
MlvertlMTncntd tnunt
Jtlroly nnd undrr no clrciimituncca will
they to tiikca or dlaconMnuccl liv telephone.
PAHTtlSnflvprtlnliiK In tlicie rolurnmand
livlustlmlran mmroi ' ( l toa"nun -
borcd letter" In cnrtsof TUB HtKwill rocclro
aniimbcrcil clirck tnonnliln them MRt'tlliPlr
lettrrt. Answirs Mill > > o dollvorcd onljr on
present ut Ion olthls cliffk. I'ncloso answers
la pmuloiiM ptnpurly uUclrcssiu.
A Hi advprtkemcnts umlor the bead ot
J."Hpecltil Ji'otleci" nrn publlslicil In both
mornlnir and nvcnliizrtSllinnsnf Tur Iir.r , the
circulation of wlilch apuroisalc1 ? moro tlian
Sn.fXM pnpc ri rliilly. nnd gle * tlio ailvottlscr
the bciu-lllnotonly fit the large circulation ol
TitRllF.ElnOtnalia.lnit ( line InCouncU lllitlTH.
Lincoln nnd other cltliM mid towns In the west
_ pFF tCES.
AdrcrtlnlnB for tliono columns will bo taken
On the above conditions , nt tliofollowlnRbnsI.
npsalioincH wlio aromitlmrlzcdto tnlcosppolnl
notices nt the larno rules as eta bo had at ttio
main ( illli'o.
yCiNBtruit , KUtur lllnck.
[ "GUN U11ELL , rhnriiiaclst,620Soutl Tenth
1 Hrvpl.
GHA&K & riI ) > Y , fitntlonoti and Printers ,
113 South ICtli Slrcot
GGHA&K llUailCS , I'liarmaclst , 0.4 North 10th
, Street.
G FO.t. . I'ARft , rhariimclst , 1713 I.cavon-
" worthBtrcct.
rHAUMAOV , Slth and Kumam
Korial < , ttc. , etoioJlnt column
WAN'l'nn A. situation nnonzliuer. station-
ar.y or atticttuani llttlns mid rare of
murlilnury. Certillcutu nnd llrrnsoforOmahn.
Addrrss , H. T. , lliu olllco , N Btrcot. South
Oinalia. M4SI-1U *
V\7ANTKD-lrcs3inn.lilng 1ft families , 1102 S.
TT fitllit. B14.1I--J1 *
< Q lTUATION-Wantpd by a lady to keep
O Imiiac. L'lcnso call utl 3 KortliWtli st.ui-
L wants to lioop liouso or do
house work In small family , Add O - . ' . Hoc ,
U.VJ 17 *
" \\rAN'rEI > Position by e < ri > orlonced and
' T practical buttcnuakcr. 1'loaso iidilrcsa
pai , iicu _ a4s-ir *
I > 0 1TI ( > N nntcil bynyoiinx lady who IH a
l H > kkirpcr,8t nosrailior | nnd typewriter ,
ICoferuntcstlio very best. Address r. 51. . 1811
st. T 1 SI *
rpllOUOUGHLV ooinpctentlady itononrapli-
J- owning ininililne , clRbt years' cxporluncc ,
desires situation ( Jet. Ist. liest city roforcncc ,
Addri'ss UUlloo.
In drir eood * Htoro liy
oxiorleiici'd ] elisrk-sln le , Hcandl nivliin.
Adilro.abtronisburg Uepubllcan , Mronnburf ,
Neb HgtO-18 *
For i ate * , tie. , tee fop of Jtrst Cflliuiin on tliti ixigi ,
Wo havoaii opfiihiRfor nyoiini
iiiuiiuiiAlou.s to butter Ms condition ; iml
Willing to work , flail room 1D7 , Sheol ylilock ,
"ITtfANTKIJ Immediately A firstclassbakcr
i by H. M. Don-oil , St. Mary's Kaa. Steady
employment. _ IOQ-17J
\J\T ANrEl500 laborers lorR , U. work In
T ( JroKon and Wnshliicton , Qoodwauci
ntialonnjob. Albrights Lsibor Agency. U2D
Faniain street 410
TTITANTHD-aooil buttcr--norkorfor rcmndo
T I btock. Apply from 7 to 8 a lO.'S.Wtb.
antod-3O < iilcoaliiialcr sit once.
'rlcos , $7.Mto SIS. Address , ( Jhis. Ixirtou ,
i. la. 411 10 *
rA NTKD-Taylor , Immediately. 12tH(5 (
D do | at. flt30.-lU'
r , rollablouion to can-
van und sell Riiods. The 0. If , Adams
Homo Kurnlalilns liouso , 1U10 Howard M.
xporlonocd Ilowcr Rardotifr
-v .l' ' wlionnilcr tanda Uoruiaa. Apply at 1) ) .
Uaas. 18tU anU Vlnton , aau-21
to work on farm
at Stan ton , Nob. ; iflll pay hi sliest wiiRes.
o but UHWO used tofarinltfu mid without
chlldruii need apply. Address Owen Itrus ,
Btanton , Nol ) . * 77 22 *
. A OKMTS inovury county ( inaloor fcmalulto
Jdsell an article Indlsptns.iljlo In ovt-ry
liousohold , SSoash required , protltpooil. Aif-
dress wlthatamp , rooin 18. City bllf. llncoln.
_ _
OEMS Wnnted ; SHoSWporday tollcct-
liiKsmtill pluturosfor nsto copr and en
large ; satlHfaatlon Kiiariiutcoil anil 31 outfit
f fitt. A. Dunne & Co. , M Heado St. , Now York ,
ITYsalesman. Omaha shirt factory. 1311
1'aTiiam 319
TAJiTKl ) An enncrloneed canvasser for
my now book , "Oueeiisof thoStauo. " A
tmcnltkoiitand lie iiitlfiillyIllustratcdiiunrlo
volume , l > rlcu$50D. A rapid.salo luidlltjenl
commission Insures iv prolltablc aB * ney. G.
W. Dllllngham , ! E1 Westlild st. , New Vork.
. 271 17 *
GEN hll AIaemita make Si,000 : , toJS.OOO a year ,
i-aiiuissrrst to * 10 per day. selling the
Celebrated Taylor 1'atont Adjustable Shou.
tThouxrliiHlTo right to sell this khoo In any
t ril < iry la a valuiblomoiiopoly , Oursysteiu
otnulllnif thU shoo Is new nnd urlRliial. Ai\- \
clrcss , with 3e. stamp. Cohbolldateu Adliista-
lilo hlioo Co. , Salem , 31 iss. 27I-'J5
rnuus , Sletiopolitan Jiau'fg Co. 1800
Howard st. ISO.n ! *
, * \y > ANTfcll a 0 labori'ra ' fur stone and crailo
li work. Apply to 1' . Jl , Johnson , Union
: , Omaha. Kit .
[ \T AM'ljD Salesmen to sell goods to mer
it eli nits by 8-imnlo ! salarv pnlcl to proocl
men : niinplcs fiirnlKhctlMicriiiaiicnt sltaatlon.
JModul llaiiufauturluy Co. , bouth Itonil. liul.
"lyANTKD-Mcn to Ir.ivolfor onr Cnniitllm
IT nurscrlcs.iitoau&1VulllnitoiilIadlson.\Us ) \
M ! )
U Salesmen at t"5 tier niontli sal-
aryuuilovDcnspsto sclla line ot slUcr-
ntctl warn , watuhcn , sainjilo only :
Jwrso imcl t-iMin ruriilbhocl frcn ; wrlto nt once
Jor fiillii.irtliMilnrs nnd s\iniilo : cmo of coeds
free. Stuiiilanl tolhonvuro Co. , lloston , Masa.
650 K *
U-OOfl moil for TJtiih and NovaiU ;
J2.00 to jJW. Albright's babor
focmcy , U'-M I'a rnaiiL st. yyg
n. noivln vi'ii-
tlmi , liljiiiouoy to rlalitiiattlosjiiioiioi-
tily. Oiaalm patent agency , cor 16th anil Oip-
Itol a > e. _ L'J-.V
J'cr t attn , ett. , tea toji ojfrat culum n ott Mt *
r j -j ucaornl housownrU- .
only twoliiUruily , Mrs. 13.U. I'nrlc , 2J18
lllimcyst. MIS-SO
TIT" ANTED A uood Rlrlfor gcnoral houso-
T > vurk. 2 . " > llnrncy sb. 'i.iu *
\\TANTED Ilreasiiiakttig In private f.imlly
\ V Ijy Orst class ilrcismaU'r. Hill California
st. 411-10'
OOa rTM1Crl ! | autcd. lire. E.K. Sea-
IsI ) 2 younj ! women tosow buttons
on shoes.V , V. & Co. , Ilth and
Douglas. 3ft ! 17
G wanted for light houseworkSJ18
llurt ht , Hi 17
W TCil.rl * or K nornl liousowork.
ilrs. 0 , E. lluruioUter , ICJ-J 1'urk nv-o ,
V7ANTKItGlrl for Kcucial homowork.
bt , Mary a avenue , WJ-'O'
, ' Krl | fi > rcookm atul waalduif
atSJOtlllarnoy. Mrs. J. 11. Millard.
3 11(1 ( , hon oxvorlc , ErsTXho * V. .
Hall , 10jt)8hi'rnianavonuo ) , 211
t > RllliT ( youn lady vantod to ( jot ub-
fJ scrltion for the Omnlii Kvcclslor : SO nor
toiit coniiiiltsloii. Apply maiMli t , M1JJ
A OlToU jlri for houaowork. Jtoforenccs ro-
fxnuircd. Oood waes. Mrs. Duinont. 8012
LatayettoavoniiC' . uai
W AN'Tfl > A compote 111 Rlrlfor rurso nd
leCOIlll Work. Bd . Gfo. l' t rjin. I'll M.
to . , m lop of flr t toturan on tfi tt
A SOiriiforMisVfront ' ( nrnUiioil rooTn ? wl th
alcove bed room incl irood board In prluta
niiljr. ilodernc ; for Roiitleiuuu
i nd wife , no cblldrun ,
"T/lTAKTED-norml anil twontofly fiunliliCfl
T i rooms with moot bath ink prlrataf&mllr ;
four Iu our fjtnllr , Addrcu particulars to
room U4 , U. B , bank , 300
FOR mN'jriiou8i ; : .
T"u rate , ttf.tu ,
GIIOOM liouso nnd bam $17,5 , room house III
lltu ana Mnton. M-KI
r | T\7 \ l > 0 room , all modern improvements ,
JL corner 24-th and Loatoimortli it. OTOt'
"T710H IlENT House of 7 riKiini , all modern
Jcoincidences. . 19th nnd ebswr : a newcar-
I > cli fonalu , Address I' . , 13lli and Ixlehous.
"K10H KENT t Itttca room lioiuo. City and
J-cistern waturT Hunt,37. 10th and Ihnerolt ,
M4J8-21 *
TCTOH RENT Ono nnt In tlis I lnton Mockon
JL11 no M lloor. 0 rooms , .steam heat , nonly
l nortjl | ) ( , orate In inrlor , All In good order.
Itniulrcof John Ihnilln , In the block , coiner
of Ilth and N.isonitH.mould" . .MI''G-
"T7OII ItKXT-'Modcrn 6-rootn stpani heated
AMIats North 18th sttcot , all conveniences ,
fBM tel 10.00 per month. 30-roonibrlckdwll-
liij , ITaJLJnpltol nvoriue. fOOOO iirr moatli. H-
room Iioiiscall ponvoiili'iiccs st , WOOO.
fr-ruDiiicuttniii * , Ts'orth Kiel it. , $ 'J.OO. liinulns
Ncthcitun Hall , V riouth lotli st , room 1 , 2d
floor. ail7-31 _
"TjUI'TEEX room houio in Rood lofa-
JL'tlon , rent ? 83 per Month , prlco iW.W la
cash balance monthly , C'o-Uutratho , and
und , LotC'o..2ft. ' . -N till li ar- . Itfll.lH
IJE > r 3 cottaee.s , six and scron
J- ' rooms , ricivly pilntid and papered , southeast -
east corner 13th and Chicago * H. ; also otio
four-room liouso , 1U12 Howard , near 10th , 115.
SHVI.N" rontii lioiisc.Uth and Vlnton , S10.
7-rooia liouso'i"tli and Miami , 41- ,
O-rooni house , -Mil nnd Bristol , 113.
6-room house , 11rd nnd 1'arker,111.
B-rooni house , 3 > th anil Culilwell. * 'W.
7-room bouse , Ktli nnd Oirlleli.ilU.
6-room bouse , Lincoln t'lneo , tlO ,
J. Il.JohMOti.eiu L'ax ton Block.N
[ 2.M -
"T OriliKNT New ton room homo allinodcrn
JL liiiiiroviiiiioiitnvltluir M'lthoiitbain. Annly
txOwen McCairrcy , 2IJ5 Hartley it. 3-12 } '
"T1OR UKAT A beautiful nnd convonlout
J-'cottiRi ) of so en rooms , wltliliatb.fiirnace ,
ranxo.u'lliir , otc.Cor.lMtbst anil llawtliorno
n\c. \ J , H. Dumont. 10
O-HOOM house , Itansrom place , all modern
Olintjroveiucnt-s.lnoludiiiHcistern and .splen
did furnace , O. V , llurrlson , DUN. YLI V.
2. > 7
On October 15tU tlx elegant S-
JL1 story brick liouscs at the s.w. corot Wtli
nnd California sts , ; oicry modr ra conveiilenco
vlll boHiipplled and this vlll bolieyoncl com
parison the most beautiful uml convenient
residence bloolc In tlio city ) all east fronts ;
dlnliiH room on first lloor ; routs niodoritu ;
lihnsof thobuildliiKCan bo seen nt our olllco.
Urciiiua &Co. , room 3Uhanburof ! Conimerco.
CinCU'rent. lluvo several 3 nnd 4-room
iliiH contrnl , with city water , soworase.
etc. , ntfroints toHn jier montli. Units' Heat-
luff ascney"JO , tii'.thst. 208o 11'
8-1JOOM liousc , asd and OumlnK , KJ5 per
moiilli. U. K. llarrjsou. Hit N.r. J.lfo. TO
T\O \ ltK r CottaKe,22iidandr.einenworth ,
J. wllli barn , Opur month. U. K. Harrison ,
fill N.V. Lire. 350
TTIO7KEJ\r ! \ Keat l.rootncottnKe.clty water ,
- ! 'IJcimllcsfrouil' . 0. U , O. I'attcrsori ' , 131U
raraiiin. 351
OCT.l8t.lmildlnson N , E. cor. 10th and
lieu liis , U biiseinciits , S stores , nml 7
roomsiipstilrs. 1150. lira. Ivunliaaiin , It and
Vlnton. mci
Ti OllllK 'C Houses rooms , piorl laundry.
J. Itiiiuholiobt L'uivls.SJtli Jt tt. Mary's avo.
KEI\r \ Aslx room house near to business
center. UO. Mead luiestiiiciit. Co , . Iteo
building. 841
ITUHlillCM ? Jly residence furnished oriin-
furnlsliod for winter or loiuer. deslrablo
location. Mrs. JI. lllgutter , ItJiS. 10th st.GO
( GO
[ V VOU wish to rent a. liouso orstorcseolf. E
Uole , Contoutlal block. fC !
IlOKREXr 7 room Jlitr onS. 13th st ? : M
pornioiith. Apply at llio 1'atr ' , J , f < . DraiL-
dels Ab'otis , 553
FOI ! ItKXT To responsible parties only ,
those line new "brick iind atone houses 011
Goorgl.i iiAc'nue ; llf tccu roonin mid alcoves ;
nioroconvdiloncos sinil "better Unified Hum
any liouso for rent 111 the city. Ii. ll.llomlor-
8011. 41)0 ) 1'aKon. MocW.clty , CM
7-HOOJI liouscwltliharruior.lnalrcnt , O ,
I HarrisonOil K. V. life. K9
HOUSES Tor Ken t-LMCOCass St. , 2JW Cass St. ,
2JH UiiMbt.ll ( und II rooms : nil con\on-
lenccs Chas. VI , ICulney , J15 Omaha National
banUbulldlntr. M' >
E1OU 11K.NT A house of all conveniences ,
centrally located , Inquire 712 N Utli st
For rate * , etc. , stetop of JtrAcottmn onthtr paae.
TTinRN'ISIinDrooinsvrltliboard , 180H Capitol
J3 nroinie. M4y3-J4 D
VTEW'I/Y furnished room with ( jas , bath and
11 furnace Iient , with or without board. B. E ,
cor , llurncy andSStiiavc. < 19 SJ *
POI ! 1JV.NT Ntcoly furnl-slud room for rout
SI r per week. 3'fe ' 1'timaiiu 401-U *
POIl ItKNT Furnished room , rlth lioarrt ,
W S , ast st M41XMU *
R' ' mid IjoardlSlO Chlcneo street.40O.TO
fpO nK T Ono front parlor wltli nlcovo.
JL nle sly furnished , onsroiiml lloor ; lias all
modern Iiniirou'iiioriH. : iUu ilrst class Inblc
hoard. TtrniH reasonable. Cull or address
POIl UrtiT 5 nlcofront rooms , licst inrt of
city , will ( unilshtu suit icntur at Ji per
moiilli , convenient to motor , liiriiilrent 311
8. lath. b5 1 > *
Tj Oll ItrST iV suite i > f furnUlicrt rooms for
JJ t o gentlemen , tot loiatlou. " . ' 15 C'niltol
avo. 30J IS"
E'.TJIlNIMtRU rooms -wltli sas [ iiul bath ,
3Virjo room till Itablo for t o. lurnlslied or
uuCurnlsliul. Ituforcnccs010 llarnoy st.
HOO.M8 , light houwlcceplhs , $ t3 , No clill *
U rcn . Aildri Oil. Itee. 31 1
E rooms , Blnglonr on suttf ,
l tbr furnace liout. : .2N. lit lust. M 1'J'
"I71O11 KKN'T A nlcoly [ nrnlsliod room for
JL1 ono or two Rotillciucn ; liith , stoatnhoat ,
cao.clo. : exeolluiit IjoardueAtiloor. 707Hotitli
A SUnDoC newly furnished rooms elioai ) ' ,
gas and bath. 1GOJ Howard bti-d , : ! lloor ,
lOlt UKN'T Xlocly Curnlsliod ( rant room
fortuo jrentlotnon Itli lltut class lioaril.
r ( iulro < l l.'ctj Hoanl M , aj'i-'JO *
ANDSOMT rooms , alio table board , IB'JJ
C'lilcni. aTT-JO *
XTIOKtJYfuralshod looms with board. 1B1I
i > Hedge , tM8 17" *
"I7K3R RIIN'T Furnished rooms ; gas.bath nnd
JL ? Meaiii,1510llowal. ; ( Mi !
oldnublo jnrlorsin oao of the ihost
deslralilo Hats , vlth allmoJorn couvcnlun *
ccs , fur tuo orfour joutlcaiou , TU5 S lUth
S11-18 $
NT room suitable for goutlcmun. 1313
loom to
rfforcnces ; niallprliate family :
oriiccnvonloiiras. Kil3 Jacknon st.Jialf block
wu.stof SU Mary's uvu. Congrejatloualoliiiruli.
" 171011 lir.XT-l'urnlihod rooms , IUU IJoualas ,
J : Ji'ii
ST.OL.AIU European liotol.nlth dinmjirooni ,
stuain heat In nil room.- ) , Uth-IHxluo.
Bpoflul nil's lir wt'tk or 1110. 'JJu
roii itHNi'-atouM ?
J'o > rates , tte. , xc top of Jlnt roiuniiiun
FOU 3FNT-Rulto ! of 4 'unfa rnlsjiodmoim
for hoxKniceeplii ! , ' , to family -without
clilldrun.UO'J ffubster at , ; i5
UF.NT-3 ronnis. unfuraUhcii,2ION. 13th
Jst , price SW , will runtto colored iieoplo.
> tx > 1
G-11OOSIS iinfuritlilicil aaci roonn furnished
for lent Iu Dussau blotlc , cor. lath iLiid L'a >
cltlc. Mt
FOU iiN'i"-s'j'ouis : ; ANJJ o
I'ornitct < tc. ttctopof fitt cditmiioi ; CM ) jxj0i
FOH llENT-llrltk warehouse , two Vtorlo
and buoincat , ST.OCO . 63111110 feet , -wltli MO
feutut clou bio track on IT. 1' ' . railway , south
-Otlmiid 1'Ieno streets. Address U. Oikniun
Omaha. Xel ) . _ Mt
' 1 'or itont 1511 l cdBu st. Chan. \ \
S'SVHK . aiaOmiiliit. Nitlomlbanlf ulilic. 613
* t71iri ( ) KNTTli4Jstory brlctc uuuclln ; , wilh
JL ? or wlllioutpowcr. foriiiorlyoocimlocHiytlio
llool'ubllshliK Oo.WiJ . I'lriiuniBt. TUobuIld-
lug lias attrtt-pntofcoraenbbaicment , comptcto
steini licatlnitlxtun.-s , vutoron nil tuolloon ,
gas , etc. Applyatlhe oBlcpof Tin Uco , UU
store room cor. 131h
mil JacUson ( U. . stoan heat , Inqulro
Iungc.lil2813tli t. au ± i
( iitKNTMJniMIiigWxKlft. . ( storlca and
liiisoiiicnUoii Joiiositroot.liotwcoii 10th uid
Ittlivltli U. It. tmck In illoyilicbt location la
the city for wuolooalii. In < | ulro 31U S. IMli it.
Q A. Llailqultt. M6
U 20.itO oath , lirsn
swam hont fumUuml. TIi
tnlUU 1'txtonblcxlt. '
\TFIOEd In Wlthncll Week ulth ll modern
V/ImproTCinouU very clic&n.llth and Ilntnoy ,
Trw nlr * . ite. . Hitop of ftnl column on thin fact.
f 1ST your hiiuie to Btlt otroutvltliO. L' ,
J-Jllirrlaoii. DUN. Y , lAtv. W
E.Y. Coolt , rental neoncr ; loin1 * , mdrtriKos
IXUIRM. tnirt palu und collections , llooiu
f ISP your houses rlth Sliaw'l rcnhl ancncvi
JLJ.V ) | 8. icili st. HOI 0.0 ,
E. Cole , rental njunt. . Continental blk.ft .
ft )
s : 1 , 1HKV , rentala ; etitUJUN. , Y.Mfo.ff !
"orwtnt. itc. , Mtojitif yjnl column onifa jtaye ,
Sco w l > oforn storing gomh ol
Janr < lMorlptlon. Onmlia Steve lloptxlt
Votk , I5U7 l > ouuliM TuLIWU. Kl
ri llAOKAGHstoraim nt lowest rules , \V. \ BI ,
JL Ihinhiuti .1111 Lnveimorth , Ifi
1011AOE llranch A : Co. . 1211
CJTOItAdK For mcrohnndlso andturiilturc ,
I7coUl stnruceancl ( ruuzliiKi trucKugc. IHvlu
Colr,8tr 8l7 flowiinUt. Kl
? err < ittatc. . Ktttipofjlitl column m tlilionge ,
LOST Xoto ( or liW ; dravn bj IluniCH A
ICnljht In fL\orof Josojili Doherty , Itc-
vaidforlts return to 'JSOoUuinliifr it. JfllltiiTy
Irldjo Ijjrn. All-irtle4 ) tire warned not to
mnhusaur paj suldiiotc , Joscpli lk > liorl > * .
- "
0\ ' r.ostUR vt2 , OPOCBO Itutehunl loft
home , lie U l.'yeiiM old. < lirl { Hmulo
lair , ( lurk blue OKS * lls barufooicd , hid
short pnntiiloona vllh tire pitolics on seat ,
touanl piid ( or hljroLurii
isurd , 70a8. IQlli. _
T OST On I'rlduy ovcnlnfj , sointwlioro t > c-
J < l cunlioyd's oiiora Iioiisuind : CJ itiidKat *
nam t-i.a ludy'rt Molltiilro ( linniotidliln.
crilrovnrd Urottirnod loioa ! ) . 14thst-
l'OUNI > >
For rates tc. , stttofiof Ji nlcnlmnn on tlit _
TTIOUND Tvo horses , ono bay. wlilto lilnil
JLj loft foot. Fiuiill wlilto star on huadt ono
black maro. Otvncrcnlloti UIlaum > r. ( i in lie
norlli from Tlclz 1'arlc.
For tate * , ttc. , KC tup of frit cdiimn on this j > aft
TT ADTTSi have opened
JLJp rlors la connection with our school ut
CHttliiB ! wo tench the M'nrtli'i ' tailor Hfitoni ,
honto cutl > a to und lliljlioultlnmiiulllttliii ; ;
done ; patterns to order , JUJ5 Parnainht. _ _
FASIIIONAllIjEdrcss.malclnff ; t olvoron.Ts'
cxporlonrc : tonui , M.75 per day. w > pir
week. li > ) I cavonvroctli st. 1175 Id *
XOAORMKN'TSIo andrcst'innkln ? In fani-
Hies solicited , illsa fclurUy&l Sar > tlin.vo.
4S5-U7 *
MUSIC Altl AIN'l )
Fur rate * , etc ucop of first eolmn on thli vagr.
BEI-'OHB Ijuylng a piano cmmlno the new
acilelvliiibj.n pi.uio. A. Uospo.lJlU Don n las
GF.O. r.aELLEMtnoK , tooclioroftUoban )
wltlilloste , ir u Douglas. _ M'J '
llI reopoiiMnn
MlasE. Orltllthj
74G-01 *
TTirAIER pianos for sale only liy Oiualii
VV Bl uslc Co , 1516 DodKO. CuSsJ
" \fUSIO M jicr cent discount , and pianos on
-LTJ. easy terms. Onuilia Music Go,15ttlodgo ( )
For rattt , etcscc top ofjlnt cdumiion ttili jKivt ,
TpATPATlawyonuijclsolIcllora. O. IV. Sues
-L & Oo , Itoo building , Oinnlia. Touryi'iirs'
OTiiorlcnco ] sisoxmnlnorjln U. S. jjitontolllco.
ICriuicliolllcaut NVasbliigtou , U. 0 , ( Jouiutta-
tlon free , MiS
nixsiox AOJVOY. ; _
Farrcitrtttr.Kctifi > frut cnlumnon t/ih poo'
Jr.rATCH.oxcIuslvoornloii | nnd claim nt-
itocney : or \ ( UycuM1iorlcnuo | : all "tlio
IntcstltivrH & decisions OHio rcmovtxl from
Frcnzoiblk tot3lianiborConiMorcoU' , .OiiiLlia.
85 to 4 *
; perlslons for nlmcvuall solrtluMi
j-i futhera , imithcrs , widows and minor chll-
iroii ol bolillors. Claim's pushml. by K. N ,
OlIiiKiiisn , 10 und 21 Krenzor hlk. . Unialn. Alio
AVasbltuton and Cincinnati. ( Jlreuian tree ;
aiijoan'oxpcrloiicc. 570
BUOl'.riEAND AJ < fl ) TYlMa
Furratti , cte.ter. Up of .first column on t/n /
. -
J-Qhrxncd , rented. J , I * . Moicath , 1M7 ( Tur-
nnm st not. _ 'JH
rPiiTri.WItllEliS for rent or silo. HOIIOR-
-Lruplicrs bup piles. J.I1 , Mejcatli.lCOT I'.irauni
OJj AlltVl ) VAM\
Forrata , ctc.tce lop of prut colitinnon tkli i > nje.
JJ1.IlS.DH. . EDDY , the dlstln uhhod trimco
JJ1. clnlrvovant , late of llo-tton , whllo tn-
triucoilwllfrovoal ovcry lilddun mystery In
I He. I'reparci Kxyptiun tulbiucn , whloh vlll
o\crcomoyoup 'iiemlos. roinovo fmiily trou-
blc < , roitoro lostaircctloim.unltM tliusopar-
ntid. liclps In all troulile. etc. Vn ; Jlaiuf up
wards. N. U-l'ortoctsattifaotlonKuariutitil
bvmitll , Send stamp for lllitstratud circular.
& ( . Dr. Eddy , Doujjlusstroct \ ) , Omaha.
T\fAIAM ) tlovorof &t , J ouls , tlio wondeidil
J.Ucird ! reader. Ins returned to the city , nnd
\vlll glMj ] > erect ( uitlsfactlon 011 all iillulrsof
lli ( > . Call und bucon-vlncisd , l adlos.M els. ;
frfiitlomcn. JU Ko. as N.lOth St. , room 19.
1 IonIM from 8 to . < i 17 *
_ . _ T MadamDoUier. o\cr \ UWS
; iith : ,
T\l SN VANIi ; V. IVAltKEN , clatnoynnt ,
-i-'L trancc. ipuahlnic , writing und rolinblu
edium , ! yuars luUinalia , lUN.lClk
J'or rnta , etc , ycc lop uJfiHt tolnnin tiu tUa ftage.
OOMlIall and talcn a iinssuso treitmcnt :
something now. I'arloi GUT r1 , Wtlist. next
Jarkurliotcf -UK at *
Dolzlcr , ovtnllO S. latn ,
vias , 10'a.u
Tor i alu.rtc , see 1'ij ' ) oj first column on. tills jiage ,
"T1EST line hair Roods In vest ; lialr drossln ? ,
JJwlKS , switches , bans , Inlr chains , etc , a
Iliivlcs hair KO < MH and milliner ,
opposite postolllce , 111 9 15tlut. Omaha , 2tu
I'nr rain , ctt , s alop i > Jfr t column on ( dla JXIJP.
J7\urO \ MO'lj oaw moiioy ol damoiid-i
J. wutchesjowelryutcS.ll cor.l'ariianutlltli
" ] ) EJ > iK. Jlartl , " yiatsutli \ Proil Molili > .
JJloan * niado oniltumondi , watclicsjowrlry
mill nrllcU'snf vahut. IlKi Kiirinni st , 'IHOIl * '
rbrj-nf ! , ett , , train ) ) of fr L iii nit
\\r ANTEH'to liny 'A ( Vrocoryifookiit oiieo
IT for cash , 0. 0. D , Drown , tclepliono Ko.
2CK IM 1,11
. hoiislioUltoodsoto. ( , I
a. ' casb price. 1111 Fainain , _ 5o'J
" \TTA"XTEI > llousolioids tooas nf nil kinds.
IT < Ja h "uala fur second hand coods. Oato
City Auction Co , 213 and SBK.lStli sit , 74001 *
ro H/VJ.IC noitsKS Go s KTO.
lor rultit. ett , gets tui > flntcalunnon IJita
"M"ICE wood-top ivagoa. 13l'J Dodge it.
2 coed TOrlctemius.
Ti1O"HgAI.K Olieap : horse , harness nnd lljhi
J- ' The ulacicsmlth h 1
"I\O you want nN'o. Idrlvlnsf horso.a KOIKI-
JL/lrxikor. tixxl action , kind and reliable , em
uuhlUL'iinili-ivc.or vlilch can. If gltnu tbo
nerd , PASS any tlilntr on tlio avenue. If you
do. anil you have the rlsbt kind ol Ornaha
uropeHy. you can set hltu , llirtlott , iCoom
( to. L'aitoiibllr. 118
JXOIiSES tSO and np , H.E.Colo.
FOUIt tuama llcht mulusi ono heavy 1 500-
pouad lionns. Itoom la , Hoard oC Trade ,
. _ 178
TIT Oil 1C. horsoHD.twohono wajon JJl.doubK
IT vorlr oarneu ttli Cr will trailo for u.
( oed Itebtildu tar bujgy. U. E.Cole , ConUn-
cntalblool. . bu )
IV > r rota , tie. , ut toy otolnrna ori lt / *
W7'AN'r'n " room cotliiijo with niodori
IT coavcoleacc. AddrewO JflUoo ,
A STAID married coimlo wlUiout clilldron
-cldoslro Rood roiim nn/nxlirJ / iirsr llnnscoin
ailc motor. Address fja , Umabalioo.
\LKSHAN-Waots coW-oolaltr | ) to push
amen ? fattuori. AdJruss , II , J. I'ullon
-our , la. - " „ . , * „
A.nTED-Unutrnlslifflriotn ( nnd board in
Ti prlrato futnilr for'goiitleiann nnd wife
wo-yearoldchild. fWirn portion of tin )
city preferred , rofcroiicctuxchiingcd. ( J\ill
O ai lice. 407-18J
BMtllKU Slion iianteililn good town
IcruNebratKnor I xrciti-r i low a Cash paid ,
l\n complcto Inlornnilon , address Ilirbcr
uoxUSOlda < Jmvo.Ia. * IW-HJ
Farrata , ttctcr. , topoit't'edumnon ttiii | XIQ < .
L'l nciiip and hair treatment , manicure and
chiropodist. JIrs.rostK SO-'I. Wltliuoll blk.
\\O \ \ slioo < lcilcrsl The Neir Jersey tuhoer
JL boots , shot . nrctlesand upeciallles will bo
OTtpnsJvoly advcrtLs thoioialnit fail nnil
wlntor , Wrlto forpatalmtno.i'tc. I atawest
ern iipent at Unialia. My silos Ilili season
na o beaten ull previous records , 'f . T ,
Tvrratti , etctee fop of frxt tohnnnon thlit
TJIOIl S\I Eor rxohsinife New Union lowing
J-'muchlnc. Address 019. lleo. aiK-17
Good nillch covr for sale , ytR Tlurt st.
tlilnij complotolii u llvtly western town ,
or would tnlo as i partner nmaii Unit under-
Htandslho buslmss. Address , O 31 , Hue.
M-IJI017 *
"IJlOU\I < r/-Tliofinest nioit market In tlio
-A' ' city und In bist local Ion ; KnoJ runuti Tor
sdllng , Eii < iulruatNo , il > oftliinth st ,
M a7C- *
TjlOKSAtiK Enitlno Ono Miono poivcr on-
J-'iiincincltollcrcomplote , in RDOU Tunning
order. A.ddrcss Jio. ao.liuc , Mnculn , Nel ) .
: M7 51 *
"IjlOUSAnK-OnoR-llitlit Inmidcseoiitdynv
-L'tnolirlllviro building ami uut In running
order II desired. Address I\o. \ UO.IIcc.llncoln.
"WOUSALF/-I.otif Inso bntiiOT itoVeq. Si.
-L'ciuir European hotel , UtliiiudUod e.
TjlOHSArjF Tnmliifl lafclie , ono no No. 5
J ; "Humes"wltlioxtcniled bed. Address Ko.
3) ) , Uuv , Lincoln.1 Nob. : t-IJ 21 *
rco hi tar lols. Cllbort HrdS.
J-1 Council lllu IT * M1U7
1'orrtiltt. c/c , , fee lop of first taluinn on thti
] JOHSAI.iE--Tw ! > sto\es \ , ono ab so-burncr ,
J-oncfor tot ( coal , jjood as HUM , cbcip. TDK
U. I'Jth. U.V 17 *
APIAT top walautonicod ( " l < , goodrepilr !
will exchange for good clgara. Address 0
2lluoolllcu , , - 'i l 1W
TJ1O11 BAIE Choap-Tho fumltiiro In tlio
- 1luiino. . No. 181i Unnirlns Strict , for sale ,
und liousu for runt. Inquire cm the i > tPinKn.
Ea sSP
For ralm. rtr. , fcclnp ol first citlumnon tM
to loan at all , llin > s on desnio
- proicrtylirpm.ilui | Tlio money
Islieroandlliertiaro iwdolas , ai\v cxiitiilnu
tlic property a nil title our ulv os. lalL ) < < builtli
iCo.lWtt Farnnui st. I > UoOoll
r to loan by II. P. Masters oneha-ttel
JLnndcolhtcraNccurltlc.sfor any tbnii from
ono tostx months hi any naiouiitto fault bor
rower. .
Loans niado on liousohflM Roods , ulanos ,
organs , horses , mules , IIOUMJleanos , ware
house receipts , etc. . at the lowest. | iosslllo )
Mtos.wlthout itulilicityor liniovtlof iiropcirty
My loansarc siiarrnnsedtliut. jou can iiiuko
a payment of any ainuurit nt any tlmo and
red mo bo tli principal and | ute rest.
If iou owe a haliinco on your nronorty or
Invo a loan you wlsli uhiijisi'il. I will pay It
ulftiiid curry Itfor you. ' If youftncllt inert'
convrnlpnt , call up toU t > 1irtno No. 1K1 and
jrour business can b arr.iniod sit home1.
Money almy-ion hand. } ! * ! ) delay. No pub-
llo ty , .Loncst ntes.
_ .n T. Masters.
Eoom 4WIthncll blk. , 15tliiuulllarncy stt
I 57S
Til ONEVJoJoaii. CoTrcspfmlcntspf I mbaril
Invcs'tOo. . .
ym 08
rtOllMKTiOrALnnd fonenl sliort time paper
Vybou h t ; also recitlnrjycirlrinns on Imp roved
ed property. Oco.r.Uluit & Co.MJ Ra.nio lildj
niIATT"EI , Bnnlc. H1JS. a.'lh St. , loans money
vyonchatteU orcol 1 atcra I at i casona Me rates.
r > so
FIll r t second niort asm on vacant Se Im
proved city prop , t'ounty warr.iiitsbouslit
lloncjrou land. lAI. . HloliiirdsoMlB W.V.CKu.
\fONEV-T3. 00 or W diy.4 on riimlturo ,
I'JLplanos.boracj , bousesetc. J.J. AVIIklusou ,
CIS faxtoiibloal , S t
PIlisT iiiort .uo loins at lowritesaiid no
delay. 1) ) V.SnolosCo. . SUlstXiitMlmul. .
LOAfJS-Cltv nnd farm Ionn-iiiort5io ! paper
bought. McCaBuoInvestmeiitCo. rA
T7T.Y8TOXE Jortsao [ Oi Hoina of 810 to
1V3I,000 ; set our ratej before borrowing iind
sivonioneji loam onhorsei , furnlturc.or . any
approvoiL wourlty vlthoutpublicItyi notes
liouglit , fornowlnan , ofolil and lo\ \ -
cst rutea , call R.MS.Sliooly bile. , 13tli & Howard.
TTKIISUAbLVlovv rates
U of hit crest on firstmortjairoiof Improiod
real otatafor thnnoitOJ diys liy tlm ICansis
CitylnvotiuoiitCo. . HooiiUl , Board ufTrnJo.
J , ll.I'citse ' , nmniKor , 5Sd
loans lowest rites , business conll-
L/dintlal , M.J , Hsilll ! ) Continental blk.
Tl/TONKYto / loin oiianv fcetirlty
IUforsbortttmoat low
roles. IiuwtMt rates
oiiporsonnl properly.
Tbo Henderson Mort iiKO Inveatmcnt Com
pany , i-ooiii 40J , I'aatoii bllt. , r > 01
B lIM ! > IXa lonm undo at lovoit rntod.V. \ .
31.Harris , i-oom 20 , Krenier Iillc. , cpp. I'.O.
DIKE llrolccrln rnl cstito mortfijp5ot- ;
taln money at least cost to borrower ;
oponS.iturJay till 7pm. JlooniSH , Barker blk.
2.s32 !
RTAIj3vttatoIxjani ) Gain on hand. Glebe
I/Jin &rrustCo. , M" S , ICUist. .No deliy.
DO oitra chargej. lioubc-s for rent ; giiod list.
OllluVLcistern nionoy
I'lilladelplili ' IMoitfrriso and Trust Co. .
always ready to lotin and piy promptly ; flwb
morlsastMwanted. Ouor.'e W. 1' ' , Coiles. rcp-
ru&eniati > c , room 7 , boardof trauu. Mi
It 51 loina-btarLaiidS : J oia Co.
WANTED I'lrst-class Insldeloaiis Konest
rates Csillatidsco ui. Mutual Iii cst-
moiitUo. , 1KH rnrnam. 503
EASTKIiy money to loan on city property ;
mortgajo paper boutjlit. 11.11 Iroy.N.y.Mfo.
. 501
FIRST iiiortKijo loins iiftjimmivoil uiiclun-
Imprmcd pMpurtjr. CJinriesW. HalnoyJ15
Omnha National oank bulHliiH fil'i
Tjlufl : > < MiC MOD t-rtxwrindiHo roiuly to
J3mov.v Into , v.lth . full iQl.lAU * , * _ > oaca li. O.
I' . Ikrrlson. DUN. V.LICc/ ' 007
llM.M to loan on first morliiaco ; muU ho all
'Pluono aniouiit nr lwr > Imiis of tM each.
Koodfe fciclby. U Hoard Tfidp. ) J3
r 11IATTtr.i loins ntlovveirrates. . UOHKHPC !
v _ to DiN. ; ) , Ylylfo lUtlC'J.ll. ; Iviiuiilii ur.
" ' T l
BUILDIN'G loini , Oto Tpurecnt ; no nddi-
t'onalcliurcis ' f or comwHslim or attorney's
foes \V. IlMoUlo.l lrat > iiloiul bunk bid ? .
OE. & 0. M.AN'CIIONV | A N.VMfo hulld-
lair , li'nd ninnuyou fiitiim la choice ) conn-
lieu of elrnskl. ; dud Uwa. ; also on 2001
Omnlizv realdt nco prnportyi lowest rilusbesl
torins ; no clolay ; inonoy rcudy , ' . .Titleanil
values passed on licro. " Ii3) )
R nionoy to loan cheuu. 0 , II. Ilar-
Il N.V. IJfo. W
MON'EVtol an. rodclay , In larsaor smal
amounts limu t rat 'i Apply C , E. Iloy-
noldn , Ol'JXoiv Yorkllfo Lilil . Toloiihono II01
M ON KV loaned nt low rarot on fiirnituro
lioraei , Ac. , without publicity , llitvvleyo
InvMtmeotCo , 3JJoaslaiblkWtl and Ufdfo.
EASTEUN nionoy to jomi lowest rate i no
dclayi largo loam a wiectalty ; ihorttuno
paper nought. Omaha Nortgao Co , jrrouuc
For rate * , tic , , n top at Jlril C4t\\unn \ \ oil Ui
' ' ' ' '
and'Jot ami payilllTcreiicc , If uny , niontli
ly. AUtlreas 02J. lico. WO II'
SCON'S IN water power mill. wltliM ) acres
ancl.oloiir , oxiluiiinofur Nubratka prou-
SS ) ) -3
niO EXOttAXaTr-Agoocl conforhiy orconl
-lutiarest Oil. Uw. I n-H
RfBcrtl nulic. , inrolo-
lnilt.000to 810,000 , for cliolco Omixlm lm
proved prop rty nod oath. Addron , M ili.
SOLIDroliHVallhatn natch an < ltorMlior d
lo trailo for emsl.lo . l > ir bujjy. 11. li
Colo. Continental Hook , bMl
icetefiof frrl column
liouc. modern iniprovo.
1 motiK burn. etc. . 50-foot lot. on AVlrt < < t.
HiPbu tre Idonco tIn tbo clLy , for HSOft
31,500 , ca li , liilanccto suit ,
0-roomhotiso and Oft-toot lot on l'arl < avo.t
lor 10. OX ) . Terms to suit ,
8-roomhoiM and CO-foot lot on Jilt nvcnuc ,
Just north ofSt. 3hry'flavo.fir aJOW.
mroorahome , nil modern Improiciucnts 50-
f ( t lot , on bpciiccrst. , fur * o,500.
0-roomhoino mid bnth , lire placn with oal (
rinntol , ol ty wat crRasctc. . nt ' (5th ( ami Jack *
son t a , ( or H.'J K ) , on terms to tult , buyer ,
ono lot In KIlliyl'laco.H.OOJ. '
Three iot sin KTilby L'laee , 41,100 deli.
f.aatruntlot ( oiiLo\voav j.,000 ( | KOO casli ,
Sout-lifroutlot. comer on t ariiam ttrcot ,
Ka.stfrontlat on Lowe ave , 11,800 , (33) ) cash ,
An decant corner. MvIJK , south and cast
front , on lliirnoy ( t , Insldu the mlle limit , for
88,100. ,
91 by 1.V5 ( cot north and east front.eomor
onDotlno st.oiir of tlio nicest roildeiicoslu-s
Inthoelty , for7V)0 ) toailoslrablo pnrty wlio
vlll Imlld iiROOd rcsldvnco.
Sploiulia soutli fioiit lot In Orchard 11111 ,
5'iO.A cloublo rorncr , sotith front , on Lowoavc ,
inOiclnrd Mill , S.'WO.
Tire beautiful cist , front lota on 41stst. In
inlCilliy Plnoc , each "M.800.
W. UJIoiiiau. rooms 8and 10 Tremor bile.
" \\7"LI01iasalotor deOraljlo eniilty to offer
TV liicvclimiKcforsl.ihor.sct.v , 1y amt n ,
Omaba'Dlaigest > arlotynixgons audcairURcs.
misilc.VL * Iivi * HBtliniii : < - , tf n 1.1111114 JU-I L in
J1 how , corCfland ; Cillfonla streets , Willis
a.Y'atea , aBCiit IScbraskNutlonalbanlt a l
ncro tracts liofwcnt 1-arnnm
and HoMird sts. , only ! t mlle vest ol
llrlKKs plaee. liny 0110 nml nnko money ,
llcautlftil liulldlnit sites. AV , I * . Solby. reemIT
IT , Bonril Trulo TO
SA1E My equity In I ewe avctvuo
Miulldlntfiiisodatlon , fuiio ID-room liouso
vlth all modern ImiiroN tniients , burn , etc. :
vlll sell elioaii for cash. Jolia D , Cowle , earo
1'arnainst. Uniilow of
Hrfat.s L'lico. aboimliful lilRliaad slRhtly
tMCt , birguluVli. , . Hilby , 43 Board ot Trade
IjlOH gALK--Uouso and lot,3.'lrd ami Jones
J-1 stM , vorvlow.SHH ) down , balance 115month
ly.VL. . ticlliv. 13 Hoard Trido. in
ATICEhonie , llunlettoaiidSOtu , I-room cot-
1 > ttipe , tl.WO. 6 Weaah , O. Ii1. IKirrlson. Oil
N. Y.Ufo. M
TJ1OH SALK The clioloo resldenco at No.
I1 ICSI ( icorjla n\o. \ . : nt40 ! ft. n. froar. Olarxo
rooms , baUi , pas , sewer , hot nncl cold water ,
closet and all uiavcnlunucf. owner fining to
leavoclty. D. ViholejCo.l13 ! , ! IbtKaklnitik ,
< HAl'S"-StarL.andfc lx.iti Co ,
l.U50to Sl.WO forLtiieolu 1'hco nml Cartliuxo
$ lotsieasylorms. W.Lbolljy.W lloardlrudo.
ASM'Vl ' Ijpayment down and ? 15 crnumtli
wlllbuya4-tt ) rn liniiso and lot ori liith. 2
blnuUsfroinimotor ; llrst-class chance to nc-
niilroalioiuoi > n c.usy terms , Apply tn II. K ,
Cole. Continentalblock. W4
\\7 ANTF1) ) To purchase good city property ,
IT luipro\cil or imlmproicd. lor sale or
rent. Rood firm linds clos to city. In41-ncro
lots ormoic. Rents colloctfd niidfor Kenor.d
real e tito buslnc-i apply to C. E. Koynoldi ,
919 Now Vorklifebldg. T'clephcno 11H.
TNCOI N Pluio lots 1,23) ) to I,5UO. , Dovtcr
1 . Thomas. Wti
riOTTAGEhotncs Jn tn out any addition for
Vy.suloat from $1,000 unoiicasy inontDly psiy-
monta , F. K. natlliig.3 Barker lilk. ca >
ELIOAUr tracUaso lot , i&yfrontlnit : \
nntccl st , trick liialloy , Forsale or luaso
on longtime. U-'bo Mead Inveatiiiimt Co , lice
bldy. 017
IF YOU Invo nnythlns to sell or exchange
call at 61J 1'iixliiii Ijlouic. _ CQ-J
VTOff Is the tlmo to bit } ' city rcsldonee ? nnd
1 > UuslncHprnporty , Guo L'iLiilliiUlM'ariiam
St. , Iiaia larso list , llousesoii monthly pny-
luoiits. Ijtjans iiciotlali'd. _ ! iVl ! 7
HOMES-Swoct Homos Elesant llomcs-I
amolYirltifr the best barnrnlnslr > ( Jmnbuor
In tlienorldoti Mc t .
bouses ul Idlirurtat , Oto ! > moms , [ iirnaeo , hot
and told -water , pn , ( is Hxturos , batli , water
elosot. miintol , decant l > ilek cellars , paved
utrcotaiid mortjiuc1 , t 0 tntTiOO. orninn'caili ,
and Inhincoat 7pcr cent tosult. I ) . V.MioIivi ,
211 First National bank. M8
AUG Hit Wi'stcrflcUl , real estate , SOin alia.
Tor rafts , fte , xeelop oj first column on t/ito / pnj .
rpO THAllIi Oood estate and ciish for
JL stock nfiroiicral ineruliandlsoor liiinhvnre.
Addrc , I'.O. Jlox l. ilTluitniuiiIn. < 1J 'XI
rpO I'lltSTEHs-I ' liavo nJl.GOOnow prlutlnB
JL plant stored In O nialnu for sn lout $ I,10J. It
Is crated nnd boxed for Klilpmontto nny part
of tlio United Stiles. Address mo at the Mll-
lird llotol , Dm nli , i , or cutibo seen tlicm JKT-
Hiinalh' oiithu UJtli , lilU iLiidi-'cL nfBontcmber.
It's adaiicly auda baruuln. 1 inesti 'itc' . U.
11. Kcelor. 4IS 13
POI ! SAT/K A teetlonal photograph Rallery
with orwltliout oulHt. For furrlirr i > ar-
lluuiiM uildrcbsclioicr & Sliuw , T < 'ciuiiscb ,
500 acres Im proved hud ni-a r Arapihno for
sale orcxulintijso for nicrclinndlso. UriiR1 }
niefined. Adclicss It , II. llellainy , Arajialioo ,
Neb. JIli > - 0'
PARTNTIl wanted to imttROO In a 1lr < t-cl.iss
iniinufacturlnR busfnetH In lliu clly. now
running uml cluing eood luisint' . ( Jo-Opcr-
utlvcLinidandl'Ot Co. , UOiN lUthst. J.VJ-1"
onSAI-KCllEAl'-A flM class rect.iurent
for cash. J Mng agood bu.slucsa. Goodlo-
catioii. txuN'iotii. an-t *
FOU SA1E Stock of dry Rood sliest cornerln
thotlulUiiKMlIroid city of Miporlor.Nob , :
stock will Involio iSS.tMl to t'rx)0 ) ; miiitlm olil
at onro as wo liavo oilier bu lnea-i. Address
0. E , llos.sermiini : Co , M"O *
POK PALE ortrnclo-Hnlf Interest In an e < -
tjbllslicd meat mnrltotilmaluesi nnd IOIM-
Address OM , lleo. : W 1 *
TTHM SAUC II , II. lunch and eatlnshoiisc ,
-L Ihturt'saiul 10 furnished lodiln rooms ;
feeds two pissen ( or andslttpon _ freight t rains
. per month.
tlonor eoircHpoiiduncii solicited. F. II. Ivrtb
Weeping WaterNeb , -Jji-i , *
FOI ! SALE General stock of merchandise ,
clntliliij , < ! ti' . all uell iisaortcd and n'.co '
location. Involio nlxmt 811,000 , will exohansu
for uoud clear property und uart cash ; write
for particulars. Address 021 care BoeOmaha ,
N'oU M IU *
POIl SAUC or e'colunso for part. Nebraska
land nnd inirteasli , a. fresli , no v stock ( it
iri'iuril iiierehiadlso and Krixcrlui. K. \ \ ' .
ell. ; tlt-is
1" IVEliYfor s.ilo or tiado A good llM'ry
JtabIuvItli \ uRoodruii of I > u lnos4 , Klck-
IIOS.H can so for soiling. Imiuiro Kdvaril J.
DavU , South Omaha.
FOU SU..E Cheap confectionery ,
with O furnished rooms , 200 Souta Utli st.
POIt a sifoIOpor cent Invosbiieiit suhscrlbo
forsliarcs lnth iMntnul doiin and nulliN
hiK nssochtlonsorlci No.'JO. Wajii'-workoi's
nliould tnl.u hliarus tot > eunru low ratci of In-
tereitln buyliijihislrlioiiiis. Koom II r.liiun-
borof uonmicrcc. 0..M. 'attlnjiir. scerotary.
17J O JO
IPyou nro a Inrboraml liavo nllttlo money
orniniufoodproiMrty nndvlili ui RO Into
business on your own ncroimt. coino and BCO
1110. llarllott. lioomCI'J ' L'axtoiibllc , 114
DKIIO- Mock and fixtures , Involco abouc
JJ.OOO ; not any oldstoelt ! vlll Hollfor part
caali , or exelinnsto for n. farm. Address W
Thorn , loik box J11. UtulillcUI. Noli. 5J5 ? Xt
POIl S ALE 1'lrst clasa d ilry. Call on 1V ,
IVrlsht , Florence , or FT. Daw , 70S North
IBfltreoC. blllS *
FOKS.MiK Ilcsldenoo anil biHliicni well
lnoaCid ; coml uhancu for small capital. Ad-
dionJ. A. ltrumscyrua.l tatu ainit , Krnil-
hliuiv , N"cli. .Miui-h
F OIISAU3 At a Inrsiiln.a s < M't ' store lieu o
lltcclup with hliclvoM and counters , Imo-
inontu rnonis ( or duollln , ? . KOOI ! cistern and
well , wIlUolI < ir trade for a No. latot'k of Kro-
corlcs. AildresiUoclJt Keel , O.u. D , erneeis ,
f 23 X lOtliit. C-JI
FOll S.VLE or trade A it nt class hotel In
a. county scat In caj tera Nchraskii. Tor
partlaulnn Inqulro ofV. . L. b'clby , room 13
itoanl of I'radu , 75.1
AKAHKclinnco. City llotol of MIllard , Hob.
for rent , silo or oxehanco for fiirin or
Onnha properly , llcst looatoj hotel In Mll-
lunlt linsbar-roomdatico hall , leu housu am
Btatilo : all convenience II , G. Cole , t'ontl-
ucntal blk , , orU , iSlmiiiorraau , Utli and J nea.
AGOODIlICir , lawyer , 1151 Dearborn HU
> Chicago , L"i ! years1 guccoxful praclco.
Advice 1'roo ! nu publicity , Siiectal fiollitlua.
In luniiynatoi.
, A joint resolution irnn
> y the iritMlnture of the UU > of Nf
lietwcnty-lliitsonilou thereof , iil approrml
larch aotli. A , D. 1 HO , vropn tn ; an ainond-
mrnt toieatlon twoi ( ] four [ 4) tnd 11 rn [ A ) of
Article ilx roluf tliocoiintUutlonnt > ald .itstn
and ttint said teotlon aa guioudod shall read
oafnium. to-nlt :
Scotlonl That section tire Oof nitlcloilx
( lof ) the constitution c ; lliostntoof Nebraska
> o amended irtn to < eau aa followit
'Seotlon2 : Tliopromo coiitt Blnll'oon-
Mstof flvo(5)udyo ) ) < , a ninjorltyof whomohall
b nccos ary to rorm.i qiioruiiiorto iironouncu
. decision. luhallharoorlxlnal Jtirlsdlctloa
n cases rcUtlnp to revenue , civil cases In
which th RUito shall bo n party , niandivtnns
quo wntmnto , habeas corpus , anil ancli apiiol-
atoiirl llctlna ivsii'iiy boprovldotl by law ,
ScctJonSl That seelionfourdljif rrilotoMx
Cof ) the constitution of the Htjiteot Jlobrusk.i ,
lenmondoct so ax to lead in follown :
foot lun 4 : The Jiukcs ottho smircmo court
sliall boelcoted bytho olectorsof tlio state at
m o , nnd tholr term si of ofllco. oxcoptas
terulnafter jirovldcd , shall Uo for aporlodot
Uve (51 ( years. "
Seotlon.'l : That section flvo fflof nttlelo l.x
0)of ) the constitution of llio state of Nuliu-
ca , bo niiiondod so as to read nsfnllons :
Houtiimfl : "At tlio Ilrst ( toneral olectlonto
JtilioUlIii thoyearlHil. nnd uflor tbe > adop-
.lonof this tnmiidmcnt to tlio constitution ,
tliero shtll unelecteil tliroo (3) ) Jmliu'i of llio [
niiprntuo court , one ofvliotn sliull lie olnctcd
for the lorin of otic II ) year , ono for tbo term
of three (3) ( ) yours nnd ouo for tliotormot llvo
01 year ) , and tt oacb general olootlou tlicro-
nftor tlioro shall bo oloutcit one 1uil o of the
nr. court for the term of HvolV years.
I'rovldcd , that tbo Indues of the supreme
court iihosn terms have not expired at the
tlmo of holding the KoiuTul oloetlon of b'JI ' ,
Hlnll contlinioto liold tbclr oflloo for thoro-
nialnclerof the torn ) for uhlch they werero-
> octl voly elected nutlet thu present consti
tution. "
Section * ! Thateioh person \otlnu In favor
of this amendment shall Imvo Mrltton or
print ml upon Ms liallot tlio following ;
" 1'orthn proposed amendment to thoconsU-
: ntloii rolatlnff to tlio number of supreme
ludKe . . "
lliereforo , I , .Tolin M. Thaypr , CJovornorof
; lie Rtatoot .Nebraska , do boioby ptvo notli-o
In accordance with Kootl6u ono (1) ( nrtlelvllf-
toou UD.of thoooiistltutlon , the iirovlslonsof
tlio act cntltlid : "An act to provide the niaa-
ncr of prunosltif ; all amend iiicntH tothocon-
ntllntlon nnd snbtnlltlnK tlio sumo totbooleo-
toMoftlio state. " Ajijiroved I'obniary 13th.
A , D. 1877 , tliiit itM | iropotMl amondmuiit will
Do prctcntod to the quallllod voters of tlio
Hlalo for approval or rujoctlon at thoeoncral
lection to l > o held on the 1th day of Noicui-
IMT. A. I ) . 1800
In witness whereof t liavo liorounto sot my
mud and caused to bo iifllxod thuitrcatseal
of the state of Nebraska. Done nt Lincoln
thlK'JGthdayot July , A. U. lMkiuul ) thu twen-
t-y.fourlh ycir of the state , and of the inde
pendence of the United States thu ouo hun
dred II ( too nth.
Ily tlio Governor , JOHN M. TIIA.YEH.
DM IAMIN it , Oownsar.
Secretary of Stato.
. A Joint rosnlntlon wns ndoptod
by tholcalahturoof the state of Ntibraslca , at
the twcnty-tlrst session thereof , and approved
b'cbruary 13th , A. 1) ) . Ihb9 , propoalnt ; an amend
ment to the constitution of sild state , and
: liatsnld aiucndcicnt sli.ill read as folloiva ,
Section 1 : That at the Rcncral election to
Im hold on tlio Tuesday succeed ing the Ilrst
Mondayof Kovomber , A. D.lhOO.thoro shallby
suinlttcil to the electors of this atatoforap-
provalorrojoetlonan nincndineiit to th > con
stitution of this stale InvonU ns follows :
The iniiiiufaeture.sttlo and Itpuplnx forsilo
oflntoxlua ting liquors as a be\ct IIRU arofur-
eior prohibited In thin strcte , nnd the loalsla-
turo Hhall provide by law for the enforcement
ot thlj provision , " And there Hhall also ut
K ild election lie separately submitted to the
clectorsof thh st.ito for tbolr approval or re
jection an amend men fc to the constitution of
the state In words at follows : "Tliotnnnufao-
turo , sale andkeopliiK forsaloof Intoxlcatlnn
Iliiuors us n boviTJgo shall bo licenced and
tcKitlutod bylaw. " . . . .
hoc. 2 : At such election , on the ballot of
each cleclor > otlnz for the proposed miicnd-
inentsto the constitution shall bo written or
printed the words : "I'or proposed amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting the
nunufaotiirn , siln und kueplnx for silo
of InWilcatlns HHIOM as a bovcr.ino , " or
"ABalnst the | irooo e I aiiiendiucnt to the
constitution prohibiting the manufacture ,
silo nnd keeping for sale of Intoxicating
liquors ns tibcvoraico. "
There shall alsobo written orprinted on the
ballotof oacb elector voting for the proposed
amendment to the constitution , the words :
Tor proposed amendment to the constitution
that the manufacture , sale and keeping for
ilo ot IntoNluatlni ; liquors iu a. liovornuo In
nlH stito shall bo llci'iisod undroiulated
bylaw , " or "AKalnst said proposed umciid-
ino ut to
tnie. iilo und keeping foraaloof Intoxlo.itliiK
jlquorsai a beverage shall bo licensed and
rcijulatlnnby IH.HT. "
Soc. J : If eltlicr of the said proposed
amendments shall bo iippmvco liy umajorlty
ot tlio electors vitlns nt tbe said election ,
then It Hhall consllutu section twenty-seven
j.T ] of artlclo one [ lof the constitution ofthla
Thercforo , I , .Tohn SI. Thayer. Oovornor of
the state of Neb raslca , do hereby ulro notice
In accordance wlthae < > llon ono [ ' 1 article [ 15 ]
of tli constitution and tbo provisions of the
act entitled 'an ait to provide the manner of
proposing all amendments to tlio constitution
aim submitting thosaiuoto the electors of tbo
stato. " Approved February 13th , A. D. 1ST7 ,
that said propox'd amend men twill bo sub
mitted to tliouualltlcd VDtoraof tills stnto for
approval orroioctlnn at the general election
tubuhcld oiitlioith clay of hovcmbor , A. O.
In witness whereofT licronnto sctmy Iniid ,
ana canso to bo nfllxcd tlio great ' eal of tbo
Etatoof Ncbraslcn. I > ono at Lincoln thUJilth
uny of July.A. D. 1800. nun tlioUlthyoarof the
st.-it c , nnd of the , Independence * of the United
( states the onu hiindroufifteu'iitn.
Ity the aomnior , JOHN M. TIIAYEK.
[ .SMU ] Scerotary of Stato.
August Id3ui
A joint lesnlutloa was adoptca
by tholoKlslaturcof thestatoof IVohraHk i , at
tlio twenty- rst > session tlioreof , and approved
March.Kltn.A. 15. ItiiO , propaslnj ; 1111 aincnd-
mcnttoi-cctloii Thirteen ( Ml ot Artlclo fclx ( m
of the constitution of mid state ; that si td
section aa amoiidcd shall luadaa follows , to-
wit :
Seotloal ! Thatsootlon thirteen ( U ) of artl
clo slxH ( ) ofluooonititutloiiof thosliitoof No-
briiHknbo aiiiondi'd - > o as to lead as follows :
Section 111 : Tlmjudtros of thusiiprumuiourt
khnlleaeli rerolvoasuliiry ottblrty-llvohi.Mi-
dreddollnrs.I.W | ) poraniium and the JudKoa
iif t lie district court shall rtccjvo a salary of
three tliousjiid < lollanM,000)per ( ) aiiiuiin , mid
the sil.iry of oadiahnllbu piyabloijuartfrly.
Ssctlon2 ; ISilch poialn votliiK In favor of
this amendment shall have written or printed
upon his Inllot the followlns :
"Fortliopioposcil amendment totlm consti
tution , rul.itlnn ti > tbo Hilary iu' judges of the
siiiiremo and dl-iirlot court. "
TliiTufoni , 1. John M. Thnyor , Rovnrnor of
the Htito ofXolri3lcado hereby nlvu notice ,
In accord nnco with section oio C'l ' article llf-
toeii [ li ] of the ertiifitltutlon , and tlio provi
sion-lot anitct entltli-cl ; "An net to provldo
the manner of proposhiK all a mend incuts to
the constitution and submitting lliu wamo to
theeleetnriof tliostate. " Appioved February
Ilth. A. D. H77. that sild pruposed amend-
inontwlll boHiibmltte'lto thoiuallHcd | voters
of this state for approval or icjoetlon , at tlin
mineral election to bo held on thu 4t li day of
November , A. IJ.liOi ) .
fn ultnsss whereof I have liorounto set my
liandand cans-oil to bo nfllxul tlio Kreit s val
of tbo Htato of N'ubraska. HOMO lit rlncoln.
tbliUjth day of July. A.I ) . ISM. ! i ml the twen
ty-fourth yt'ar"of the stato.and of thelndo *
pciidenco of the United Ht.ito.-t thu onoluiii-
liy the OoTornor. JO I IN SI. TlfA YER.
. . CoirnBHT ,
[ Sr A r.1 Sec rctary of S tale.
Aujuut jdlra
CabinPauaj8$35to $30 , according lo location !
stateroom. Excuition $65 to { 95.
Btcorazo tn nJ iron 1-uropa atl/ivrontltutCJ.
AUSTIHBA.lDV/lliiCO..CenoralAgontj ,
C3 Broadway , NEW YORK.
Jno. niccon. Cpnoril "Western Agent , i :
Haiiilolplit-trcct , ( Jhleago. Harry E. Jlooro
Jos. Oannc ,
i. u.
tO OXJ36tiab.lbl.KiM
mmi. Hid. for (111 .p.tlm put.
tx5. , C.r. al e , r ll Yt at , flilnf Kr l > , lll , ooll.
Ijir , C ill rair tarrnu f Kl r1elif thrniih nil ITKAK
I'AllTd , fnunng Uumto IIIUMI HIIJ > IIII ( SHTIlUai II
5 Jf.1" turr"i ' " l"C i , or .1 rorr.ii ll juo In uut ,
LflWihfTwV"KwrorJlltao KAVHOODI
i &K ' uuflJrwl ? Ti " "VTrtWkd '
V rittD. . < .k , .i U.-ll. ! . . * tn.f.u.liautilldfrnl )
* . . WUK felr/OlCAU OCT , , UrrALO.M. Y !
ioriT i I C11IU A (11) . IIII i I r.f NO TOS i i | . .T"rrl r
mirths. I Depot imhumUUniin utroeti
ISO dm , . . S'Uo.SKo Ktproii tn
9 BQ . . . , „ . . .Chlttiuo Ktprcn. . . . . . . . . O.M p ru
10 t > ml . .Chltauu K ur ll . . . . , , . . flV ) ni
J.&Optn ) . . . . . .t.iJilfHtro l.ocnl L.tu' < < M a to
t KT i niunCT > rflTdtf s MorurvKU. Srilrus"
Umrtlu. I Depot lota n l M < on itrcoti.
KTlft o nii.IH > rmT U T iCxi'ttsj. ' . , , , . t ( $ p ra
1015 nm. . . . .IK'ntdr Ktm. < i. . . . , . , . , 0.1) p Ul
' 0.11 It Ul
,1.13 nm _ | _ . ! r . . . . .Lincoln I. < > onl. . . , . ! ! ! , SO ) p til
1itTM r " "lf."tTSTJ. AOiU "i * IIITUI
Oiimlit. | I ) poi IClli ftrulMiwinilrooHlOmnhn.
tU ' ' . . U. I. TninV ] tlOn n\ \
7 * foi i UMiTMTAi
Uinalit. I Dtpot lOihnmlMnroyilrooU I OmMm.
' ) M fml OTorTnmlKlyor , | uWV ni
J..1O pni 1'ncltlo Mproi ,130 , i > ut
lOsi ami DoiiTcr Ktnnsi I .1U p in
ICIU nml KnniM CUr Kxvfesa IllOi a til
1015 mnHlrt1cMivi [ : > , ( pxrt'i'triun ) . , | 4Up n\ \
Onmhs. I IT. l'jloi > ol , loth will Maroy Cti.l biiitlwt.
1.10 pin | 7Tr.NIht Klproi .10 IB n in
tlU ni UlaiittoKM'Ws tVU p in
CiO pni I Vtstlbulo l.tniltM. . . . . . . . IllUS iin
T oatei I "dlGOVTl'l'fX ' "I'ATllTu i Arrive ?
Onmni 'U.r ' , doi'ot. lOtnjinjL sHrcjr Sin. ! Onmli.r
"tli _ ru , . . . .Sioux Cltr PaiscitiJor . . . j
OmnM I IVpot lith nml WelHtor St | Onmlin. _
Jtk ) ji irTL. . . . „ . . . } ( [ I'niiljnfiijirel. . . , , ul Jnm
_ o'innliv | t 7.1' . do nil' , joihjimt vArorfN. ! Oinjh
"oiSural c-tilp t < VKi | > roii..r..ril3u p tn
Ito pm Voillbnlo I.UnlisJ UW in
8.15 pmlloitiiAcioiiiHiniliitloii ( Kto. Sun ) I 705 p Ul
9.10 p ml Km torn Klycr 'JU p m
J.15 PJilj..jI'ii'l Kn tom Ktj > m5 _ . | 8IB i in
OmnliK i U. I' . ( UM'ol loth'unit 'Marry SU.
6.IW pin | Uilcntio lXl ; > ri'il
l.unfci I _ . _
Omnlii. IU. I'tloiwl , lotli unit Mtrrr ftvl
- - " " " " = "
r > UJU p in
lSTet ArrTViJT"
llnmhl l pot nth nnj tVatnlir St < Onitlii.
VIX ) aiu . .Ulack IIUK Kxprcis 6.M p m
MK1 in . . .Hnsttniis Kxp (1'T ( , itndnf ) . , , JW p m
4 10 pin ' ID.'Jn in
_ 6.10 p m . . \ork 'A Nnrfol tKac. Surlily ) 1
U . . . . jn r. I'TSC Tta
Unmlm " J _ IXipotlilh i\ml Wobsiar Sti
; .tiO m . . .tiliiiixT'lly Ari'OiumiiitnTiun. . .
1.00 pin . .Blourl'llr KIJTOMI ( ir. : Hun ) . . 1JO p in
5 00 p in * * t Pnul 915 ! li 111
S.lSjiJii ! ilntien f IIV Sun ) . . , 1 81 > n in
nic. T n SoiJlll I'Aflr'nj. "
mithn. | Dopotlitli nnd Woiutor Sti.
O.niam .Ht. lAiul AK.U. Kxptui . I IU ) p m
JI.15 p in 'L1 ' . JLK' - * * K'l'fV-- 1 u ni
li 1. TiTrivos
Inlon Uopot. runnni Illultj. Trariifcr
fi..W p m . Nlelit Kxpren 0,16 n lii > m AtlnntloKxprCis 563 p 111
600pm WoU a ni
Trnnster Union Ikipot , Council Illiiffi. Triuvsfor
U.IU it in 60U p ni
D.OO p in Vc.nlbulo 1,1 lulled ( i 10 a in
10.00 p .11 . , , Ei\ Urn Kljcr 900 p m
I.o0p m Atlnnllo Mull , 7M am
jya p in rV Afftimlimitation ( K\c. Sjin ilJIiC1li ! 1 !
"l envei jnitsxtiorxt rn s""srr"PATrii ArnvTis"
Tninifur I'nlon ' Denol. t'ouncll lUulU ITmimfcr
U.SCl p m ( lilciiKD KMHOII I ' . ' 15 im
l.KOp m ClilenKftJl | iri's * . . 11..Jj10U _ | > m
ir.T'.s-r KttlvoT
Cnlun l ) potjouriclllhiili [ _ Transfer
1001 ami. , . ICiTusHl rill DnyKipross & < 3 p in
ii J ) a m
_ _ _ * > flr. HODItJ , l Arrivc-i"
I'll ' 11 > nJIk'rio t C'o u nf II ljlutrj _ _ iTransfcr
" 6.IX ) | > 1'i' ' . _ TiUlMjinon ( JlnlJ , , . . , , IJJ S jj ) m
r reiravuro. utiui.'x i QUI.NOY .ArrivV
Triin f r | Uiilon HepotCounrll lUulK ( Irnri fer
, ,
K r-cliroi'dor. trusteelo Clirl t Morten-
ben , lots , bll < II , Brown I'lirlc. wil. . . . 250
South Omaha Uml com puny to Mv Mor
row , lot" blkl.ll , i < oiitli Unmlit , w d. . ! 0
C ICTuiner aiiilhiisbmd to U li Aver ,
lotii. lilldl , Miiiini lit Place add , w ( I. . . 1,73 ,
Union I'ndlio i.ilhvny ( ; oniiiiiy | to K N iiwsou .l-U-in , wd i'09 '
J .f Wllkliwm anil wife to I , u IJcrkcy ,
lot 11) ) , blkL' . CdHIqrl'Iaee.w d S.COO
ITt nof MuryAI > i > o n tnll II leaver ,
lot : ; , i > ikin. iot t. bliitrr. lot - ' . lilk nil ,
tut I ) , lilklt'ir ' , lot'hlk liT.Umalin , < i oil. 3
J JI to K Stiym , lot * r blk 307 ,
Oiii bilqe d , . . 1,000
I > IISca\cr toF. It Hnyro. lot 1) ) . bile 9ff ,
lotl ! , blkirt. und iinillv I'l'Motband ' cli
Iot7 , blk 1111 , Urn alia , q od 3
Total -i 10,5Ji ,
The no\r ollieoi of the prroat Roolc
Island route , 1002 , Slxtoantli nail Ririum
streetsOmaha , arothotincst in the city.
Call und sco thoiii. TickoU to nil pointa
east ut lowest ru-tca.
The following permits wore Usuol by the
building Inspector > e > 3tcrday :
CJ. A. CDC , two-story I rl6k reildcnce ,
rjccondnnd I'lcahint ' RtnutH . f 15,000
\V. S. Glbbs , two-story fMiiio dwolllnj ,
Tftonty-elnlith and Itrlitol Htrt'oia. , . 1,590
S. I' ' . .lolmsoii.min-.Mory friino cottiiKQ ,
1617 North Twunty-olKlitli btieot . COO
Ono nil nor permit . IWJ
Total . i . 817,103 ,
coaches Pullman palnco
Bloopers , ilinltifj cars , ( roe reclining chair
cats to Chlea-jo nnd intorronlng point
via the ( front Koclc iHland route. Ticko
olllco 1GU ± Sixteenth nnd Farnam.
Iliinclrcil IMnrlTcrs u Your ,
In Texas wo ha\o about olght hundred
inurdera committed yunrly. Undorthln
mlsohlovous Byraputhy wo hardly over
llnd u , jufj' that lias the inunliood mid
the courn go to puns the sonteiico of
death on. 11 criminal thnt may Imvo
murdered ono of his fellow-beings In thu Hliocklnjf inantior , says the Electri
cal R vio\v. Tliey not only turn IOOBO a
dangerous man on boeiety , but ho may
nftorward ho llonl/.edfor tlio very criino
ho oominitted. To show to whut n
dangerous extent this IH curried out , I
Imvo only to refer to the city of Austin.
Several years nye there wua a rulllau
that was the terror of. the pluco , nflur
killing about u do/.on moti. Itappoar.s
from the fact thnt ho hud Htioh n formid
able record ho ivaa elected by the ncoplo
iw tnnrahal of the city. And It In said
lie niudu a very good niarnhal , for every
rough know how to respect him. In the
fcttino town a violent , diHHgrecublo man
murdcrod n hnrmlcnt Gcnnan in cold
Wood ; of coutno , nf tor some tlmo , ho wan
ncq til tied. Yet t-hH very tnurdoruf
nfterward was elected mayor of the city.
Mrs V/insliw'HsooUi Hmt
, oUilntf Syrup tinox-
colU'd modlclno for clillJicnvliilo tootblng.
25 cents a bottle ,