t\ \ nATT.v W-inrri ? r * A-V ni r ? THE OMAHA. BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFFICE , NO. 12 PfcARL ST , Delivered by Cnirlcr In any part of the City. II , W. T1LTON. MANAOHIL TnEl'HOXE3l c. No. 11 Night KUItor , No. 23. JI i\ : N. Y. P. Co. Countll Bluffs Lumber Co. . coal. The ordinance of baptism as administered by the pastor to llvo pcnons nt the IJcrcan Unptlat church lint MonJny evening. This crcnlnR from 0 to 7:30 : o clock the Ditlmuy Ilontiit church \\lll tcnucr their paitor , Kov. KtN. Uarri ? , and his wife a ro- cc-ntion nt his resldcncc.'JOl rittccnth nvcnuo. llilH Is to be followed by the second anni versary supper at tlio meeting bouse. Jncol ) Nctimaycr , proprietor of the Ncu- mnycr hotel , hns In Ills ofllco n show ease Illlcd with niro Rcologlcal nnd tnlni-rul speci mens collected in the lilack Hills coutitrj- . Il'horo nro u number of curious specimens. lntcrrstln tobotli the learned nnd unlearned In mineral productions , The ticket ofllccs of the Union I'nciflc nnd Hock Iil.iml rondHfttul the I'ncilicnnd United Btntci express companies have been moved to the new location in the Kverctt block on Pearl sticct. The ofllccs have been littecl un In a handsome and permanent tiuuner , and Mr. Kluoll Is promt and happy. OcorRO Ncwdiclt. wlio hail been suflcrinR eomo time from Brlght's disease , died jester- tiny morning nt St. licrnniil's hospital , lie \vos n 'cd llfty years and Avas a resident of this city. The funeral will take place this afternoon ntfi o'clock and the remains will bo laid at rest in Falrvlow cemetery. Elmer Smith and Charles Young , two Voting touKus that luivo llgurod la u great many dlsBrnceful events that Imvo required Investigation by the police , were iirrested last nl ht for creating a disturbance in the Bnlvation Army hall. Another young mun nnir.ed John \vyman was taken to the sta tion with them. Snm linlicnper complained at the y police nUitlon last nlsht that Albert Pike had con 11- dcuccdhlin out ofl. Ho vas very dmnlc nnd wjw dotnlned while an ofllecr went out and found Pike. Pike had just one cent on his person when arrested , nnd n charge of Vagrancy was placed against lilni. Doth Were locked up. Mrs. Frost , wife of John Frost , rcsldlnp on Ninth street , between Avenues If and Odiod , last nlKht of dropsy of the heart. She was tifrcd thirty-seven years. The funeral will bo licld nt II o'clock this morning from St. Fran cis Xavler'.s church. Interment nt Frost's cemetery. Friends of the family invitedwlth- out further notice. The republican county convention has been called to meet at Avoca on October 1. The delegates will meet in the opera house and nominate candidates for recorder , clerk of the court , county attorney and members of the board of supervisors , Tko township nnd \vnrd caucuses are called for Saturday even ing , September U7 , at 8 o'clock. Mr. J. T. Cnssell , one of the members of the Hub printing company of Kcnrnoy , Neb. , was in the city yesterday attempting tonoffo- Unto for the purchase of the Nonpareil news paper plant and franchise. There was a dif ference of about Si'i.OOO . between lib offer nnd the propiictor's price , and the chances are Binall that the purcnaso will bo effected , A warrant was issued on last Saturday for the arrest of Theodore Grass on the charge of keeping n snloon at his residence Just outside of the cUy limits on the Crescent ro.id. The warrant was not served until last nipht , when Deputy Mnrsnnl Fowler took it and went out and brought in the man and lodged him In the city Jail. A. Overton was the complainant. In the district court yesterday morning "Wi II. Beck , who has been conducting a saloon ntMnnawa , was arraigned on an attachment for contempt of court in violating an injunc tion previously procured against him , forbidding - bidding him to engage in the sale of intoxi cating liquors. Ho could not give n satisfac tory explanation of his neglect to comply with the inandnto of the court and was or dered confined in the county Jail. A search warrant was Issued from Justice Barnett's ' court yesterday afternoon for the purpose of permitting n constable to Invest- ! irate Bock's beer garden on East Pierce street nt tno request of Mr. Overtoil. Constable Covnlt inado the investigation , but found no beer. Ho was also provided with warrants for the arrest of the proprietor , James Hu- berg , nnd his bartender , I'iorco. Kubergwns arrested but Piercocould not bo found. The hairing will occur on the IDth Inst , Mrs. Frank ICredek , a market woman , was severely injured In a runaway accident on Upper Broadway last evening. She had brought In n load of vegetables from the gar den , Just outside of the city limits on the Crcston City road , and was roturninK homo When the horses became frightened at a motor and ran nwny. The woman was thrown from the wagon nnd struck on the pavement with great force. She was cut nbout ttio head and face , and received a se vere brulso on her right hip and limb. At the meeting of the board of education on Monday night there was n resolution passed that will bo of great Interest to the teachers. The practice has been for years for the board to approve the pay roll and the president and secretary pnid the teachers their salaries at the llrst of the month. The resolution requires the secretary to present the pay roll to the board before the teachers uru puiu , IIIKI uurcauur uioy will HOI gCUUCU snlarics until the board looks over the roll nnd approves It at the monthly meetings , which ere held on the third Ttlonday of each month. A little thrco-ycar-old-son of Mr. Klein of the firm of Mnndel & Klein had a wild ride yesterday that mieht have resulted in a tor- rlblo death. A horse and buggy belonging to the firm was standing in front of Mr. Klein's residence on North First street , the norse hitched to n post with un ordinary hitching rein. The llttlo fellow came out of the house nnd climbed Into the carriage and bysomo means frightened the horse \vho broke away nnd started on a wild run up the street. The carriage was bounding ; from side to side but the llttlo baby was hanging on to the ilash board. The animal ran several blocks before ho was stopped. The child was takca out un hurt and greatly pleased with his ilde. Charles C. Fitch and Miss llattlo L , Joso- lyn were married nt 4 o'cloclc yestcrdaj afternoon nt the residence of the brldo's parents , 730 First avenue. The ceremony look plnco in the presence of a largo company of Invited guests and friends , nnd was nor formed bv thollcv. George AV. Crofts. They left nt 7:15 : on the Union Pacillc for a trip to Denver and Salt Lake nnd will bo at homo n 810 First nvenuo after October 1. Mr. Fitch ! s the electrician for the Armour-Cudahy packing company of South Omaha , and Is an old resident of Council Uluffs nnd Is wel known as nn eloctilcian in telegraphic circles The largo number of friends from the circles tn which both nro prominent who witncssct the ceremony gave the departing couple o hearty bon voyage. The heud policeman nml Police. JudgoMo- Gco had a war of words nt the yostcrday morning session of the policocourt , nnd when It was over the court hml handed down a very \iiicompllinentary opinion of the head police man. Tlierolmd arisen a suspicion In the mind of the court that the chief had given orders to his men to lot certain prisoners es capo whom the court had sentenced to the chain gang , nnd the Judge had taken the first opportunity to invest leato the matter. The orilcer in charge of the street force was closely questioned concerning the order .This excited the Ire of the chief , nnd ho undertook to call down the court. The cour did not come down but the head policeman did with as much grace and alacrltv as his two hundred and eighty pounds i > crmltted. There \vns a broken hearted boy at the cen tral police station last evening. Ills nanio vros w. S. Askwlth. nnd ho was the wltncs of a distressing accident by which a hnnt eomo Gordon setter pupplo belonging to him lost his life. The boy was passing the station when bis dog mn under a load of hay thn was being driven on the city scales for weigh ing. Ho was not accustomed to beingunde a wagon loaded with hay , and by some mis take in his calculations got under the wheel nnd was instantly killed. 'Iho hey vlowc the mangled corpse a few momenta ana the cut oft the collar bearing the tag , ehowlui that the dog tax had been paid , nnd carriei It Into the station. Ho tocrncd to think tha the collar and the tag were safeguards agains death in other forms as well as from the def , catcher , and ho wanted tbo pollcodcpurtmer to bo held rcipauslblo for the tad nccideut. THE NEWS IS THE BLUFFS , "Yesterday's ProcccJings in the Meeting of the Scottish Rlto Masom THE WHITTLESEY DIVORCE CASE ENDED , It Buddcrily JCnds In n. Mutual Com- promlHC-Iii-UNtljatiTistl { | cl'ollio ! Ciller Dr. MuNatiKlitoii'fl lice- ortl Otlicr Mews Notes. The annual assembly of the grand consls- ory of Iowa opened hero yesterday morning at Scottish Illto hall. Thcrowas a larger at cndanco than nt nny previous meeting ; , Ihcro jclng reprcsi'ntathcs present from the vnr- ous subordinate bodies nt Cedar Hapids , "ort Dodge , llurllngtoti , Sioux City , Storm ako. Creston , DmenportundCouncll Hulls , ) csldesvisitors from other points. Jiulgo\Vllson , the Illustrious commander , presented hii annual report , and froinUhis and tharopoitof ( Iraiid Secretary Barber , of 2cdnr Uitpldi , It appeared that the growth of the order during the year had bcca healthy , nnd the outlook seemed hopeful , despite the adverse action taken by the grand lodge of 'own. The reports showed the membership , obo 819 , nearly flvo titnes that of the Pike ) odywhich also lajs cialtn toilghtof working the Scottish Kite In Iowa. Uurlngthojcnr there had been lUo deaths. Appropriate tributes wcro paid then. it appeared from the reports that the action > f the grand lodgeagnimt tliU Scottish Kite > ody has Imd llttlo effect. This action \vtis n effect a demand oil tlio members to ghoip , ho Scottish Hitoor bo expelled from the jluo lodge. Only three out of the eight hundred hud yielded to the pressure anil renounced their allegiance. The others , forming practically n unanimous uhole , Icclded to stand by the consistory. They ustlfy their position on the ground that they iruo committed no Masonic offence , nndtlmt , hcy have ( ho right to join any consistory .hey choose , the same astneyhnvotho right to join any church or other society , licsiilcs the routine business , committee reports , etc. , there was In the afternoon , and ipaln In the evening nn exemplification of different degrees of thowork. . .At midnight the consistory \vni still at work , .ho visitors evidently being bent on crowd- ng into the thno all the work possible. The forenoon today will bodovoted tobusl- ies . This afternoon there will bo tboclec- .ion of ofllccrs , nnd the ceremonies of instul- ntlon. This evening the yj'will bo con ferred on a goodly sized class , and a banquet will follow , closing the session. First-class dressmaking by Miss Wallace. > vcr Cattlemen's tank , cor. Mala st. anil 5th ave. Fine Intcilor decorating , Losey & Jensen. Fashionable wool suits m.icio by Mrs. L. Simmons , $5 to $ r ; silks , $7 to UO. J. O. Tlpton , real estate , 527 Broadway. Jfi-s. WMIttlcscy Gets Her Hlvorco. The crowd of spectators -\\lio have gath ered each day In the district court room since the Whlttlcscy divorce cjao has been on trial gathered ngaln ycstorJiy morning in the isual numbers expecting to hear the usual xitcti of testimony which each sldo has been ntroduclng for the past week to sustain the charge that oich hud made against the other of breaking sorncot tlio commandments of , ho Low nnd the laws of their country since , hey plighted their marital vows n , number of years ago. 1\\o \ \ lounger * wcro treated to a surprise instead of the exported racy testi tnony. Mrs. Whittlcscy was placed on tUo stnnd ngaln to detail the circumstances oou- ucctctl with , the plaintiff's efforts to gain possession of the child. Only nfe\v questions wcro asked when the attorneys for the de fendant held a whispered consultation , .At its conclusion Colonel Sapp of the counsel for dcfcnsowalkcil over to the judge's desk and .spoke to him in a low tone. A moment later the witness was excused from the stand , and the attorney's on both sides held aeon -fercrico In tones so low that even , the drift ol the conversntlon could not bo ascertained. At Its conclusion Colonel Sapp announced that the trinl was over and both sides had agreed upon a compromise. The estranged husband and wifotnen went in to au anto- rooni nlono and remained a quarter of an li our , and w ben they returned they each put their names to a paper that bad been pre pared. It was an agreement that ; each should withdraw all the charges inado in their petitions and answers except the de fendant's ' charco of cruelty , and that she should bo allowed the custody of the child. \Vhon the paper was signed and read by the attorneys it was banded to Judge Macy , who quickly scanned it ana then aimouncodthat lie would grunt the divorce totUe defendant upon the conditions of the agreement. Mrs. wldttlesoy la permitted to a sumo her maiden name , and Is relieved of nil interfer ence from Mr , WMtlescy except that ncees snryfortho mutual protection of the child. The father is allowed to vWt the child ai any time and she agrees to keep him advisee of Its condition and welfare at all times. Tor Sale. Our retail furniture business , with good established trade. Stock U ilrst class ancl well selected. Heason for selling , are going Into the exclusive Jobbing trado. Any ono wishing to ROIUto business should Investigate this , as It is one of the few golden opportunities of a llfo tlmn. C. A. BEHUE & Co. Now fall goods Just recelvedatReiter's , mer chant tailor , 310 Broad way. ff all paper at Losoy & Jensen's UPeailst , Money at reauced rate- loaned on chatto and real estate security by E. II. Sheaf o & Co Chief of Police. In accordance with the motion of - Alderman man Knopher at the lost meeting of the city council , the petition of forty citizens of Wes Broadway asking1 for the reinstatement o : Patrolman J. 0. JIcDonald who had been laid off by the chief on account of hlsob Jectlon to the overcoat deal , was referred to the pollco committee for Investigation. Alderman Smith , chairman of that commit tee , begun an Informal inquiry Into the matter yostcrday afternoon , and It res > ultc < in a few words of an unpleasant character between him and the chief. The alderman asked the chief forhls reasons for discharging McDonald , and was coolly and Impudently Informed that ho had no reasons , nnd that ho simply laid him oft because ho wanted to and had tlio power todoso. This aid not suit the chairman of the coinmltUo , who has not an overwhelming amount of respect for the alleged head of the pollco , and ho talkcC pretty plainly to him. The hot words were returned , and the ill feeling between too two men was not sweetened a bit , The invcstl gallon will now bo pushed withrenewcc vigor. _ Signs. Losey & Jensen's ' , 11 Pear st. Shorthand. Mlssllhodcs , Brown building Wndonr sladcs at Losoy & Jensen. 11 Pearl at , _ ' The Manhattan sporting headquarters , 413 Broadway. Don't Mice tlio Sunflowers. To the Editor of Tin : UEE : Now that the farmers' congress U over and wo donotnccc the sunflowers for decorative purposes , le mo suggest that the real cstato men form a syndicate and trade sonic lots for a mowlni , machine nnd a team of liorscs , nnd then so some good man nt work moving down the ucres of sunflowers In the city. I know uothlugabout the ordinances of the city on the subject , hut I know that public pros pcrlty und welfare demand a law imposing n heavy flno on every property owner who nog lects to mow the weeds on his premises Surely tuch s mass of decaying vegetation will cause sickness whin the fall rains begin unless removed In time. This Is my firs visit tfl the city ol Council Xluffa , aaU th Immense growth ol sunflowers have divided ray attention and detruded a good deal front the ad miration excited by the now hold. I understand the people generally nro nol per mitted to doubt or forgot that ( hey have a nchool hoard , but what has become of the joiird ofhcaftli that I understand the laws of Iowa IMVO ghcn to all the cities in tha ttatcl 1'mAMnUL.iTOIl. ' If you wish to sell your property call on the Judd A Well ! Co. , a 01JudJ , president , IWO Broad v ay. _ Scott house , nice room ? , clean bed , fain cqunl to the best , fl per diy. Spocltllow rates to regular boarder ) . nnd SI N , Mala st , Council muffs , Dr. IHoNnuKliloii'fl Kccorcl. Mr. 31. A. Snydcrwhoso brother Is the tnalu owner of the Nonpareil , -writes from Cedar Tails , la.hoiolio \ Is editing the Ga zette , and where hols nbo serving as a mem ber of the school boardj "Learning through your city papers that a disagreement has grown up In the school board of your city , per rait mete express inr regret , and toglvonssxiMncothatno personal or public accusations ngulnstPrc ! , McXaugli- : on would bobclicu'd or countenanced here ; that nolhltiROf this kind win thought of or spoken of during his successful supcrlntcn- dcncy of ourschools , a period which I huwo often said and wlilch can bo proved ty our best citizens-was the most beneficial , Intel lectually and morally , ofauyfor manyjean , ttiidesiwclnllyln the suppression of obscenity and vulg.trityor . every character by hoys , Nosuperlntcndetitln iho past tucnty-thrco years has leftour schools nnd the siboliin of our city in n better condition as to their morals as well as In other respects , Nothing was uttered orwill now bo btllovoJ against him , or hisicpiitatlonforinorality , : u well usability to manage t ho schools , or us to failure of attention to hli duty. I'rof , McNaughtonwasiiovcrdlschargcJ , HoVM under nlhrec-ycars' ' engagement , and liy his own choice voluntarily requested the board to release him.ihicbthoy \ did very reluctantly. and not until after considerable discussion. " To the Ladles MissMiiryGlcason hns re turned from her eastern trip and is better prepared than ever to satisfy all who want I rat class dressmaking. lioonis In the old libr.iry building , 1'carl ' street. The ladles of the Fifth arum a Methodist Episcopal society will servo supper in tlio church this evening ab 0 o'cloclc. After sup- [ > crthero will bo music and a literary enter- : nlnment , A cordial invitation Is extended to the pu bile. _ Whlloln Milwaukee recently , ono of Tun 13 EI : force had tha pleasure of meeting C. Si. Clark , nho was so long connected with the prc s of Council Ilhiffs. "Ivralc" is doing excellent work on the Mllwautao Journal. with "which lie has been connected for about two yean , llo is looking -veil , is happy in Li erne and successful in his vork. "I observe that some of tlio city papers are inclined to criticize thcaction of the council In refusing- appropriate $2"i per month to help thoDodp > lifiht puards ray expenses , " said a rasinber of the council to THE BFE yesterday. "Aldermen Casper , Lacey , Knopher nnd Mlkjesell voted down that proposition , und 1 f they did not como Jis near doing the proper thiujc and the populur thing , then iny Judgment is of no account. .At the present time , vilieritlie police department is costing the city M.OOOn mouth anil the ex penses In every other department nro greater than they have ever been , and wo hear the cry of extravagance on every street corner , it Is a poor tlmo fcranybodytoattcmptto put their hands into tlio city treasury. 'JCho re quest of the guards mar have iicen reasonable - able enouf-U and the tatpajcrs might hr.ve recovered from the shock all right , but you may Justsayto the people now that there isa Rood working majority in the council wlio hiuo determined tocalln halt on iccklcss ex penditure of the taxes imdtherowillbo re ductions , instead ol tin Increase of the cost of keeping up tlio vailous dopaitments of the city. U'lie men who voted sfgainst the light guard appropriation arc all right and are re- sponslblo for their actions. " John Dovancy , an employe of the water works company , -\\ILS arrested yesterday 011 a wairant front Justice Scliurz chnrgiiii ; him with committing nssaultand buttery on a lit- tlofour-jenr-old plrl nnmccl EOie Lnno. A change of ycnuo was taken to Justice Bar- iictt , and the case was tried. It was shown thatDcvanoymerclv took hold of the child ondliftcd herout of the way of a gang ; cf workmen wlio wcie lajlng water pipes. It did not suit the youngster to bo Interfered with in her play , and she protested loudly , Tlio parents were told that sbo had been slapped by Dcruncy , and they had him ar rested. He was discharged. Buy -your lumbcrof 3'ho ' Judd & Wells Co. , 813 Broadway. _ Losey & Jensen palnthouses. J.C. BlxDy , stoam. heatinj , sanitary en gineer , 913 "Ufa bulldin ? , Oauhaj 2JJ Mer riam block , Council Bluffs. A. Day nt C mp NOUTH PI.UTE , N'eb. , Sept. 17 , [ Special Telegram to TUB BFj-Thoola soldiers and their friends nro still pouring Into Camp Logan by wagon loads , while every train that ' reaches North Platte Is crowded , A grand parade toolc place at 10 a. m. today , I'ho veterans formed Into line by corps and brigades , led by a troop of cavalry , and marched to the city , after which the Monitor cast anchor nnd proceeded to plow Its wny through the lillowsof dust , bombarding the town from Its port holes on either sldo , The various civic societies fell in line and wcro joined by four companies from the North Platte tire department. Three bunds are hero from abroad and joined , the procession , The streets , balconies , windows ancl roofs wcro thronged with spectators. Iho George 1C. Hammond hose company won the hose contest , ns well as the coupling race , ovr the B. 1 , Ulndman company. The test en the hose contest was fiOO yards , couple and get water. Time , 24 seconds. The weather is Duo and all are oiijoyliigthcrnsolvcs. Burned to Don th by Gasoline , CLEVELAND , O. , Sept , 17. Today while cleaning furniture with gasoline , Mrs , Caroline line McYaughton stopped ou a match. It ig nited and the gasoline exploded , aottlnj flro to the clothing of Jlrs. Mapgio Edgar , Shoran ran front the room and collided with her mis tress , Mrs. .Allan floodhue , who fell down und broke her unldo. Jlrs. Udgar ran into the yard , where Mrs. MeNaughtou , la at tempting to assist her , was terribly turned on the face and bands. Islrs. Edgar died this evening nnd the other two women nro in a serious condition. Wimlotv Glass Planuliieturers , CHICAGO , Sept. 17 , 'Iho nlcstem wlnclo-w glass manufacturers resolved today that the output of all factories tills side of Pittsburg sball bo under ono control. These In attend- oiiro at the meeting were very secretive , bul it Is reported that the American glass com pany , recently Incorporated under the Illinois statutes , Is to ho the visible head ol the associated western ghvss manufacturers , Justus the united glms company of Nov Vork represents the combined factories east of 1'lttsburg. The object Is to regulate pro duction and prices , Operation , Spnmariir.D , 111. , Sept. 17-R. J. Covillo recelvcrof thoSt. Loulifc Chicago railway , ofllclally announces that bo liai maJo n con tract with the Chicago , Pebrla & St. Louis railway company ( Jacksonvillesoutheast - era line ) under which that company assumes the operation of the St , Louis & Chicago line from Mount Olive to Springfield. / . "Woman Acouscil of F'orRory , LuiEiiir , Ifcb. , Sept , ir.-fSrccial Tele gram toTasBKK.J Sirs. Ktta Wegnnd , a resident of Beatrice , wn bound over to the district court today by Judge Clark on the charge of forgery. It Is alleged that she forged tbo naino of Knto Htoclitor of this place to a receipt for an express packugo , Hnsban * ! nnd WlCo A.spliyilatcil. BLOOJIIJJGTOX , 111 , , Sept , 17-Mrs.andMrs Gcoworofound dead utthclrhomoln r > 'crn ii this morning. They hail prepared brcnkfaa on a gasoline stovo. and the opinion littui thognsollno In the reservoir thutiwd UlUng- the room and asnh/xlntluir tlieta X MlVlfST. 1'ttllure of is. csnnliicr CliftHO At Co. , llrokers. BOSTONMrisl / , - ' Sept. IT.-It. GarJner Chaso&Uo , baoltors and brotors , today us- slgneJto Jaine-5 . J hclp * , general manager ofthoNatloualjILCu Insurance company. The firm has Inlcly dceix jotngalarjo binliicsi in. Vicstcm railroad .stocks and on the street generally. Thcrtmso glvca for the failure Is that they were taught shorten the market. The news nas n surprise to almost e\cry- \ body , althouKh'riitiors of trouble Ind Icon floating a bout foTrt" day ortwo. Doth mem bers of thohou ifjin\o \ most excellent stand- Inc en tbo street , and both have n host ot friends. Asslrneo IJhelps says the llabllltlca A\i \ | | likely nmoutit to 2.0OO.OW and way go over that , \Vhat thcro lln ) the xvar of assets canonlybo dcternilnecl by nncxamlnatlon. Ho declines to mnkoany further statement uttho iirosent ti tne. CJcorgo 11. Chase , sou of the setiloriiioraber Of the liouso and chief clerlt said this nllor- iioou : "The trouble Is duo wholly to tight money , The call * upon us lia\obe < 'n greater than wo could stand , our collaterals shrunk Invaluo bcjondnll ctpcctation , and as inucU as wo endeavored to aveit a suspension wo have been forced to It , No out side transactions or npcculatlons led to the trouble , Ills tipht money nud nothing \VohvoilononobusInessofn \ sjiecu- latlvc character a ? u. house , and such as wo have done for our customers liinbcciulonooti n consci-vatlvo basis I do not feel wir- Miitednovilu Kivlngtho circumstances that nere Iho immediate cause of the failure. " The Impression is strong Unit the trouble \\I1I \ \ not bofiir-ioaehlaK and that its effect on. the ruarketwillho only tcmpoiary. Army or IVcst Vlrgltiin. PAIIKCUSBL'HO\V. , V. , Sept. 17. The four teenth annual reunion of the Society of the .Army of AVest Virginia tegnn toihy. Ex- I'lesidcnt Hayes , vho Is acting president since the death of General Crook , delivered an address thia afternoon nt thogro\o \ before avast audience. Speaking of the late \inr \ , losaidi 4Tho world Is beifinnlng toseolhat cf all wnrssineo history begun , if warsaro to bo judged by their result , no greater wnr , since wars begun , has beca fought than the .American , civil war , You can say of it vhut can never bo said more truthfully cf another , that It nccornulished fully niul completely ever ) thing tint the men who waged It hoped or intended It should accom plish. " Jvlr , Hates spokoat some lengthen the different ispnes of the war.of the wonder ful growth of the country slnco and the change in our standing among the nations of the world. Ills address was punctuated throughoutvithioudnpprmse. In the after noon General \V , H.I'owcll of Illinois and others snoltc. Tonight a monster cainpincot- wns held. 3 > eriliiKScsKluu of the House. WASIIIN-OTONS Sept. 17. At the evening ses sion of the house a number of bills were jmsed , includinfthcscnato bills transferring ; the -weather service to the department of agricultural ( vlth amendments ) , and pro- vidinpthat promotion to every grade in the armybelo.vbrigauiergener.il subject to ex amination. bo ruado according toseuiority , The house bill passed authorizing the secre tary of war to appoint a board of review to review the findings and sentence of army court marti.il . fortho trial of n , commissioned cnicor or enlisted inaii vherc the accused las been honorably discharged , ' Trletlio Kill His Son. NuvYoiiK , Kept. 1 ? , Henry Cnsscl of Jer sey City attempted to kill his son tonight uhilo the latter was being married to Jiiss Wary Deiley , In St. Patrick's Catholic church of that city. Cassel vaiitol his son to marry another woman and the young- man defying his ivisho $ hcfollowed the couple to church ntiilflrcxl a shot uthis son -vvheu they \\ere \ in front , of tlio altar. Tlio bullet fortu nately missed undi lie was disarmed. Tro- mcnduoua excitement prevailed in. the church. Almost a Panic at > 'll > Io'fi. NK-VI Yoix , Sept. 1" . At 3\'iblo's \ garden tonight nn upper prosenlura ho c caughtllro from a column light. People jumped from their scats and theiovai almost a terrible panic. Thollrovjis \ quickly extinguished , ionrevcr , and tlio audience retired quietlj , .Salt : la Ice Car Drivers Strike. SAXT L kn CITV , Utai , Sept. 1" . The streetcar men are ona strike. All the cars are tied up , Tlio strike is for recognition of the carmen's ' union and fortho company in stead of the drivers to clean the cars alter they are turned Into the ham. South Carolina JtcpuM leans. CoifsirmS. , C. , Sept. 17. The republican state convention effected a temporary organisation tontaht after a long struggle , \\lth \ Ex-congressman Smalls la the chair. U'ho prospects are forabigfighton permanent organization tomorrow. Northern Pacific's Annual Report. ST. PAurMinn , Sept. 17. Iho annual re port of tlio Northern Pacillc shows gross cannings of $22C10,5O. $ ' , an Increase of $2,803- OJ5 ; expenses , flJOil,113C. ! ) an increase of § 1,225,595 , ; not earnings , $9,02laoo , an In- abase of 8l,077 , , 0. A Gnldeii AVciUHnsr. DCS MOINES , Ii. , Sept. 1 . [ Special Telo- frintn tn HPllR "Rpp-l The firsit rrnldpn nn ding cvenfcln thohistory of this city was cel ebrated this evening by .Captain , and ilrs. Isaac W. Grlflltli , Many ( 'uestjnvereprtscnfc Irom abroad , among them General George \ . Jones of Dubuqw. - "XVreck ontliolron fountain. AiuavsAS " Cnr , Ark. , Sept. 17. A miicd train on "the'arreii branch of the Iron Mountain -was vvrcchcd near Golden by n de fective rail. Fifteen passengers and traln- ncnvcro painfully injured , but none fatally. - Wrecked liy a Sllsplaced S\vltcli , ViCKsnuns , Miss. , Sopt. 17. A passenger train on the Louls\illo \ , Nc\t Orleans & lex as railroad -vus M recked at the National cemetery uya misplaced switch , U'ho ' engi neer ani lircmaii were fatally hurt. The pas sengers escaped with a shaking up. Odd fellom' Sovercl rii Grand Lodge. TOPEKA , Kan , , Sept. 17. The sovereign grandlodgoof Odd fellows was In secret ses sion all this morning , disposing of routine "business. This afternoon a parade of the uniform rank occurred , Only 1,000 , men vcro inline , - Xlie Central Strike Declared Off , AI.IHVV , N , Vj)5ept , ) , Sept. 17 , \n order declaring the lisn York Central strike off vvas read tlili m6riinglii ) the local assomWlcs between New York and Buffulo , It emanated from the headquarter of district assembly Is'o. 2 0 , AVIndoin Will Not lloHlsn. \VII.IIAMSTO \ VV , ( Mass. , Sept , 17 , Secre tary of the Treasury IVindoin today denied emphatically thorumor that ho contemplated resigning. Accoilel ( , , Sept. If. 'fho king has accepted the resignation of the \vholo cabinet , It is cipected that 'Scrpa Pinto will remain premier. Stoloa Horse fro in a 1'rlcir. VKIIMII.T-OV , S. 1) ) , Sept. 17. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEC.J John R. Barrett vas arrestedandbrought to this city today for stealing a horse frota n Catholic priest of LoJI , this county , Hold. fri , OBopt , , 17.-ThemarcBuIsun , owned by J , P. 3Iaddcn , was sold hero today to II. S. Jleuiy of Morrisvlllo. I'a. ' , for gill.OOO. . _ The Son I c-I3leotn OKI Oniccrs. ST. lUui. , Minn , , Sept. 17 , At the annual mooting of the See road the old directors and oDIcenwcroro-tlcctcd. Grand Clrunlt Iliujcj i'oitponocl , I'liinDKJl'iiiA , Boi > t. 17 , 'Poday's Grand circuittrota were i > oslpoucd oa accouut of bad track. J , \ViLoRin of Seward isat the Ciwey. I'hil McCarthy Lincoln Is nt the Darker. W. C,0 rbor olMiimeajiolls lint the Par ton. ton.M. M. H , Levy of New York Is it the Mur- rny , W. II , Miles ot Curtis is rcshtercJat the Casey. D. B. Henley of LaCrossf , "WIs , , Is nt the Mlllard , M. C. Bennett ol Chicago Is stopping at the Murray , 8. T. CuldffoU of EOjnr was nt tlio Casey Inst night. N , 33,1'nrkcr of Colorado Springs hat the Merchants. JG. Thompson of SI. Joels in the city , at tlioPaxton. 11. R. Davenport of 2\'e\v \ YorUls n gucstat thePajitoii. J , W. Moon of Ashlau U in the city , at the Barker. W. IO'Conucrof , Chovcnuo Isa guest at the Barker. L , Jncoby cf Dos Aloluos Is Inthoclty , at the Murray. II. O.IInrtof Kew Yorklsltx the city , at tlieMillara. II. I .Orifllth of Cincinnati Is registered at thcMillttfil. Jl. M.\Vtlion \ ofPhlhdelfhta bin the city at the Casey , Colonel Guy V. Ilorry of Tort McKlnney Is at the Tax ton , J , ILLyonot Itosns City wamt , the 3S1I1- Inid hist night. U H.Proinaiii cf Plltsburff 5s in the city , at the IMercliants , 11. C. llustetl of New "York woa at the Barker List night. J , IJ. Schcre of PhlladclpUia was at the Murray last night , j\ \ , Thoinpsonof Tuoblo , Col , was at the Mcichnnts last uiglit. 0. IT. Kdwnrds of ICcnnardvns a feniest nt the Merchants lastuiglit. \VOODIJJJ l AVKBJI3XT It IjcndH to Ilot "XVorclt n.nd tlio DP- The cchocsof the county court house base ment Avero wakened again jesterday by an other very hot personal encounter. Indeed , this paitlcular basement -with Its nail dozen of city and county departments l apldly achlciliiKallvcly , sensational icputa- .ion. "Ycsterday'ssccno ' thocity suiroyor's ofllco and only about four feet distant , as the atmus , from the place vhcra the icnsa- , lonal encounter occurred botiveen ljoor- naster JIahoney and Mrs. Sciiwab n few dajs ago , as reported exclusively by TUB BIF , Snokcn in a single breath with every sylla ble hotly emphasised , \\ordsproclalmed \ thccuttmg lese ofnexvsy circus No. Us "Mark me , sir marlunal The worst re volt ancl bitterest fight of taxpajers njiiiiist riipositlon bycitj'otllcials that has over been cuowu In Omaha is justat hand and jou c.ui bctyourlife that I'll ' bo right nt the front. " -Assistant City Kngincer Clrovcrvas , alkiner and pounding his desk and St , A. D. Balcoinbe , ex-chairman of the tard of public works , waslisteniugwithflroln his eyes , hut vvltli none attho end of a , cigiir which bo \\m chewing with n , fury , ofvhlth many a naughty , bulldozing contractor has learned to flglit very shy , "Andtlio cause for this Impending revolt was created by the board of public works tvo years ago ! " added Uroicr , with a very perceptible hiss. JtxvusBalcoinbo'f ' turn : "You don't ' Itnow what you're ' talking about jou talk lilio a crazy man I" "Not so crazy as you think no , sir , not so crazy osyouthln.lt , " hissed the assistant en gineer. "Crazier than I think yea , sir , you'ra ' crazier than I think , " urged Bulcombe , rap ping bis knuckles uponthe desk. "See here , now I Who petitioned for that cypress block pavemcat on Park luouuo , near Pcppletou , Yihcro your property is lo oted ? " "Well , I didn't , " mi swcrcdG rover. "No , jou didn't ' , but all the rest of the property owners on Tarlc avenue did with , the single exception , of yourself and three others ! Now what have jou got to say for yourself ! " "lha\oto say , sir , that the board of pub- licworks oC two jears ago was guilty of per petrating a damnable Imposition on us aim all property owners when they even allovvail cypress block paving to be put in the printed scheduloof lilauk paving bids I" "VouUlkhko an nsi , I was goingto say , butthntbirddoii'tspeak English , Vour clls- plnyof Ignorancollly becomes the nsslstiint cltyengfneerthatjou are. Don't ' you know yctthattho dty council ordered us to put cy press blocks In those printed schedules of bids and contracts , You certainly ought to bo familiar with ono other fact in this connec tion , and that Is , that I fou gilt cypress blocks all along , and my doing so made enemies of some of my tot friends , and that right theio w Jis the secret oC my not "being reappoiutod chairman of the board of public ivories. Cash- ingllkedine , and to my certain knowledge , would have rcippolntedmo Kit hadn't ' been forenemles liuudo fighting that very thing. And , O , I know exactly who those ene mies arc but that's all right , I'm not dead yet , no , sir , not bya long shot. " "I don't ' know anything1 about your not bo- infire-appoliitcd [ hero the ex-chairman shot it very signiilcantlook nt the speaker , ivho was G rover , with a fresh head of steam upj but letmo tell you thopropcrtyowners on Psuk avenue , and other thoroughfares also , have coino to a point v ere ttiey propose to inako a desperate resistance to the payment of any moro taxes for repairing the pavement on sticets other than tucirown. Ith coiibtitu- tionally wrong i have learned that much and other popcrty owners and mv- self will go to Lincoln tills winter nnd nrako a flcht on It in the legisla ture , Ills -wrong , dead wrong , anyway you consider It , f or ono paving district to bo inado to nay for repairs In another , Tlio pavement onl'arltavenuo Isnowull gone to pieces It's ' in horrible sliapo and needs rcsurfacluinvorso than any over known In the city and yet not a hand is being turned to repair it , but still they keep on ivautlng us to pay for repairs to pavement In remote parts of the city. You bet no will light pay- ingout moneyin such away and n-o' 11 spend ourlastdollur , of money , property and all. If necessary to win. They might with Just as much propriety tryto force us to pay for now pavement in. another part of the city. " Urovcr dropped back In his chair half ex hausted , and Mr. Ualcombe resumed like n Hash : 'I ' notice you follows had tlio nerve toputa petition into the council a shore tlmoag-o to ha thoclty ropaio your streets , " "That's ' what wodfdl" said Mr.OroKr. Well , I can toll you , you'll u over pet your street rcpavcd unless jou pay for it In the usual ivay. And wliat's ' more , It's serving you Just right out there on that street. You deserve to suHeu the plagued inconvenience thnt you'ra ' haviim. People wbo will allow cypiess blocks or any other kind of wood naming to go dovn ought to bo inconven ienced. " ' That's ' a pretty way for jou totalkl" ex claimed Gro'Ncr. "If you had had that talk pounded into thoheailsof the people on jour street bo- forotlmtcypress down In front of their property thoyivoulJ all bo calllngmo a friend and some of 'em ' are ni It is. Your light willcreato anlto anensatlou , I imigino , but I can assure you now that you ha\o \ a tough uutto ciaclc. " III1I Abroad. Xovuov , Sept. 17 , Tlio Chroniclo's Vienna correspondent suysthe prospect anlsliigfrora the passage of tho. McKlnloytarlfl bill com bined with tlio fall la gold hu lowered tlio priio of inothcr-of-peurl 18 per cent. Mother- of- pear manufautiircrs have closed tholr fac tories in order to avoid working nta loss and three hundred persons uro tbrownout of em- plojmont , A liard Crowd to Take. X'irRTtiM.r ' , Ark , Sept. 17. At Pralrlo Groio , Jlonday , Constable Hlcli andposso endeavored to arrest the Kawl ings brothers and \VlllMlUhell \ for disorderly conduct and a frco light ensued , during ivhlch Ulch's ' son \viuftUully Injured and ono of tboltuwlings antl.MiUhell badly cut. Enipornrw Km tiraoo , Sept , 17 , Emperor received Emperor Francis Joseph at tlio depot hero this evening , The two emperors repeatedly embraced and kissed each other , Count Kalaoky was cordially erected by Chancellor von Cuprlvi , A XBIV Jir.iMX'aniitK Tie.UfjEit\ : Frcil Stein Kills Ills Tlireo ClrlH.iriH Wire's ' Pnrninnur nixl Illinielf , PoiiTSMOfTi N1. 11 , , Sept. IT. .A most aw ful tragedy occurred liorotoulgUtnml tliecity Is Ina fo\er \ ofext-ltcnieut. I'rcd II , J. Hela , n cooper nged forty-live , blowout Mi bruins afterluivliiB killed two of his daughtersnnd probably fatally wounded a third and a man whom ho suspected of lin-lng done him n great\vronff. Several mouths ago llelii's wife leftbltu nnd itu-us reported that she Imd been mi faithful. Her name hail been connected with thntof Charles W , Taylor , n well knowi luirdwnro niercluint. Klnco she left Heln's three daughter * , the oldest of whomwjH but llitcen , have been keeping house for him. Kcccntly It has been icporlcd that the eldest of the girls , Carrie , Imd become wayward. 1 his , with the other trouble , prejcd upon Hcln's ' mind until tonight , when ho evidently dotetimncd ts end all bis troubles. lie went loTajlor'nresldeucont 7U : , ) , and in the man was ciitoiliiK the house sliot him tvlco in the bach , Taj lor Is Mill alive , but \er.vlovv. \ While abb to eomursoho said ho did not know what prompted Hehi to whoot him. AftcrshootingTaylor hohurrled to his own house , and soon after people In the viclnitv WCL-O alarmed at hearing several plMol shots. hnmeitlately after , Maiulo , hit thirlocii-jonr- old diiughtcr , run out of tlio house and fell upon the .sidewalk. TCelghborseut \ \ lo her assistance niul Hhetald her father hud shot her. She was quielily removed to tlio hospital nnd Itwas foundthatouo bullcthad pone through bcr Hicc and another through her titoinnrti , nnd another still thiwigh ono of her hlH. | She cannot live.Vhen \ the ofllcci's and neighbors entered Heln's ' liouso the Itltchcti presented nnaivful sight , every thing being smeared with blood. Just out side the back door lay Carrie , the eldest girl , with a oulleb through her brain , Aeioss her form lay Bcrthti , thoiouiipost ilaiiKliter. She was unconscious and expired In liflcou minutes , tlio bullet having entered her bead behind ttioloHeur. As the ollU'ers entered the front room they found thodond bodj of lloiti stretched on thu oiloor with.a bullet through Ills temple , llred by Ills own hand. The people are wrought -up to a hlfli pitch of excitement. Al > MlIi.iS ; OMAHA. Ilotv 'a Xe\v York. Pollco Captain \Vniild I'rolcotTlilsCity , Captain Thomas Klllilca of the l\'c\v \ Yorlc police force loft yesterday moining with his wife for Denver , Salt Lake aadothcr wcsteru polnw , after a stay of ono day in this olty Ho is away on a le.ivo of iibsenci1 , and is puttingin his vacation In sight-seeing. lie ex pressed great surprise to Unit Omahnsuch a progressive city , mid declared it to be the Ilnestclty ho had seen since ho left home , with the exception of Chicago. He spoke hlirhlyof the paved streets , line buildings * and extensive streetcar sjstew. Ho thought the city was dohif ? roniarlmblv veil to ( jet along with the bervices of only UK ) iwllcemon. Ho has l.no men under him. and his district bns n population of about lf > l > , ( IOO , although it Is very thickly settled nnd covers inuch less area than Is patiollcdby the Dollceineii of this city.Hostatcd Hostatcd that in Now YorU , patrolmen are p.iid $1,200 $ u jeo.1 % loundsinen 1)00 , ; ) , ser geants $2OJO ami captains S-.TIK ) . From wh.it liohauseen of Omalia in ono day's Inspection be thouglil it would require ) not less than 800 patrol men to furnish what , h regarded as ndc < j.uatc police protection iu Ne\v i'ork. Will Glvo the Simp Axvny. LONDON , Sept. 17. It U announced tlmfc General Jloultingor will publish n full ex planation of tbo exact relations bctvecii him self jind tlio royalist party , ns well as tiis connection with bis own ndheicnts. ATTEND Slrlctlfto biultlosi" It n | ' ! emlhl motto. Tlio hlzh- estBiiuu's In p\ * rjr llnoof liuinan cosr jli re.-ulioJ l-ylilm nboliuUlKlD toino ucoitu.i ! ] ipo lnll/ . WESTERN I'cnplonro procroslvo. full ol ciiorny , nml tnouoy nnkliu ttuticmuu. They ucod npocUl trtlnln ] for lusiru'ss. IOWA I.oncjfl in popular oilimtlon , Ifcr public schools nro iKilncuranil vork fur her ncrcisliij millions. Western luvrn. COLLEGE , Coniraencci fall terra bopt. 1st. Mio nclact the rcnlly pr.ictlcal for lier Stnlsat . N'ormil Hinl- IO ; H. Shurtlian t nnl 1'oniu.i'i-lil ; ) oonr oi , n-oll ir- Kinlxcl anil carefully coiiilucteJ BtuilciiH mar rntor lit anytime , \Vrltoforfuriiicr \ purllcularj to W. S. I'llulson. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Council Bluffs & Omaha TRA.NSFER LINE. 11. lieccrolt cv cions. , BAGGAGE , EXPREST&HEAVX FREIGHT. Making three trips cveiy ilay except 61111- diy.Oiiiahn Oiiiahn offlco nttluA , Plcvvari IC.xprcb.s and Delivery Co , i : M Ilowiirdit. fotinull Bin IVs oil ) ce , K IJroailivay. Tclc * LouicsCoiincll Bluffs 9 and 13 n. m. and 3 p.m. Onialm. JJn. iii.ll p.m. : iml 5 lUii. Orders promptly utlon < lcil to , J.D. JSPMU.ND'-ON , Pros , K. JiSlIU < UiiTVlco-rros. CIIAHI.13H. IIA.NMAK , Cu'shlur , CI1IZEM5 STATE BADK Or Covincll Bluffs. PAID UP CAPITAL $150,000 , SURPLUS AND PROFITS 50,000 , LIABILITY TO DEPOSITORS 350,000 , Dimerous I. A. Miller , F. O. Oluason , K It. Shutart , li. 1' . Hurt , J , I ) , film umlnoti.CJliiirlc.s 0. lluimuri. Transact general blinking busl- IICSH. IjaritPHtipltjl itiul butplus of any ban kin Southwestern toxva , INTERESTON TINE DEPOSITS , OFPICER & PUSEY , BA1OCERS. Corner Main anil Droudway , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. Dealers In forclsn nnd domestic Jdianito Colloctloas made und Interest paid on tlmo deposits. NTOTIOES } ' COU NOIL BLUFFS , TGWU HKNT-CJfxxl homos of si v momma 111 -J PITmoiitli. flljr wnlpr film Hied tree lit tfnintM , On ( iruliain a\c. , ( ? n < tof Itovhlslnml IMIWIIKU depot. Apitljrto AY , S. Cooper , or I/ , lurettCouncil Ilhills , In. TjlOlt i-\clmiio--'W ( ! ' ncrf , Mont joinery W , JD ' . n KiiiHiM. . well ImprotPil. IW acres , ChautaiKjuaCo. , Ivan , wcl Uii imivril , SB uctei. Troy o Co. . Iim { nmollliiinmvc < 1 , S , Cumiuiclio Co , Km.iclliiimrur \ * lJiic ) rt . Morris ( \ > . , l\im < ni , well Improved , : tMuoro , l iititii I'n. . Kim. . roll inmroteil , Miueiei. Kurimi , \JM. . NulinmUn , : uitiorc < , I loll Co , Nolimsln , VKuoroi , Jlulilcuberj ( Co. , ICoiilucUyi well linnrox'cd ; oloiir. iw aons well Improved ; < Mcoi\aCo. . Mk-lii KJIII ; otrnr. -liiit'ri'i , ItoMCoiOhlot clnr. Will trudi ) flllicr ornll ( or nifri'lisiiidlsoor oily nronoft * ItiCoilticlI UlurN orOiiinlui. Clciirlaud luSt < ino iindHivtrv Pa , Mo , CroatIHT.V InClminiian , Dickinson t'o.ICiin. SIM * ) , Nt mrrlunw iiolon. ( Ifttollio front , t will trade. _ J,1I'tlee. , . Klol'sliptd , . - lllINT-KiirnNlicd imtlor niul tudnioiii n Hiilto ( nint , riKiunl. ANo Initlorooia ) -A llNt class cook fur hole" " * Aililrm vlth nfon'iiro. llnv 1J1V C'oiinuIlllliifT'i. ' 1'ri'iont.louatliiu iuut 1 T ANIM'OHUKNT KtieliwfJ tnittn ofhuM J-JlM > twm Council J llu ll't mill OiimJimult. nblo fortiitilrnliiKur hlry iiiirpuws. Apply toX. I'.fiotlKcfc Co , aftliroailwri ) . IiWIl cliiiiiji ! < In liimlnom ttlll n-ll stm-lTTf ( It-ilia ii.iiHl ( vturoM , nil now u ml Ili-sli In" * , titadKi'iiuiitJf ' miltlvillilii ni'.M Mduji In. voliu Jiliimt f.V > OU , AdilroM S. , Ituo otlU-c , Count-is Illu 1M , _ T71DH S\M--l''ltic \ < tiiidirillnHllCiuibnyv ! , J-1Imul8 years old , nuiiclipil. Lady i an ( Irlio t linn ; city Imilu * ! will not 4v. L'.ill ' , il ! i.Mulnst.l'otiiKlI llliiir * . .1. I , I'rU'o ' CHANCE of a lifetime. IS'IMF D-ioom lieu -o. lu'tUIci Until ; hut niul cold wulir all thiiniKli ! film ice. pis niullci'ti U'llclit I'-ir silicon rwy termln 1'otirtli avo.ouobli. K from motor. nl\ from postotlloo. W. \1 , 111 | . KorSi , L'earl st. 17H1H JlEN'r-IIotel .Ininosoii , all ( urul ho < 1. -L ros4"MloMtlvon October I. lAir liifuruui. tloniuUlri'ss Win. Mcilontopfor Olirls t-ir.iuli Council llluIT * " 171UHNISI1KO rooms , vim boira.il tuft per J2uuU. \ \ . 1-1:1 : VineM. TJWU ' gAI-15-Tho Io ( > iioHusliiirant , fur s.iln - * - on oisy tcrniH. 'riKiiuimtiioiml.ir iihco in tlieclty. S. USeott. : uiilroiidway ; , ( FOR SU E or Koiifc-aardim hntl , with hdtiui. bjfj. ti.Kloo , 1UJ } | , ilu . , Cauuull BlulTs. rent MUCH you can Inifa liomoon tliesiniotoriiiMiuulii o.no of yiiui ili-.itu utnny tluio loivo joir funlljtlio liomodocn onlliu following toruis ; Wliouioworlli fl.WJ : itl2 ! [ > or niontlu hoiiiowoitli Jl.lW ntllrt per iiitintlu Vihoino worth * ii ) atlJl per month. .Aliomoworlh iM,0 > 3 utll ! pir montli. .Aliomo worth ? 4W ) atIS p r muiitli. Othur iirluoillionici ontlio ! iiiio terms. Th alxivo niontlilir | ) : iyinunts Inchuli ) principal nnd Into rest. For full ini'tlculiirs full on it address the .1 nlil AVulls \ Co. Council IIUifTj , Iiu DR. BELLINGER'S ' Surgical Institute AND Private Hospital , Cor. Broad-way and. 2Oth St3. , Couxcu. lib-urrs , IOWA. "FortliotrpiUwoiitof alUiirxleiil and clironlo dlscaHusniul tlUoiiH's ottho blmnl. L'rlviutoilHcjsL's of tlio urlniiy and soxuul oi-Kans , assyiilillls , as s trio tun1 , cy > lltlsspur- niiitnrrolioii ) . lost niinhnod , sexual liiipotcngj and wonliiicssliouled suceos tullv. 1'artlculiir atlciitlon pild toillsoasi's ( [ tlto , luiics , at Astliina , CiiaMiinptliiii. llroi UutirrbKt < ' . I'ar.ilysls , ICnlnoy llls llliibutos.llrlslit's DlMTxae , KlKiiiniti > > ii Cuneor. V.irlui'olo , llydtocoloDrojuy. , Tuinur , IJIxeiiscs of Iho Iyo ! and K.ir. . Clul IVirr , Spinal Ciirviitiiroand alldlseiw'-of tliu Imiies. c liuio u < leiiirlinont | ilovntcd cxclmlvely to tlio treatment of Uterlno DhuiLiti. IVIcil t u Ino HU nt securely uau U.il a nil f i oclroiu ObMTVUllon. Coiresioiilcnco | oniifldcnttnl , Address ! DR , BELLINGER'S ' Surgical Institute and Private Hospital , Cor. BronrtvrninndZGth Sh. . CuiinrllllliKTH.Ia. DRIVING PARK , Fall Meeting , October 7 to 10 , 1800 S4.OOO 3N PURSES. MOSOAY , OflTODKR 7 , S fll'ncc-l'urso . . J.T04 atMTroltliiK 1'iirso . r 0 3ycarolJTrottlnBtnko . IUO TUISDAV , OO'L'OIIKU & 2.r OTrottliiK-I1ill-.so . : 0 aiOTrotlln ! I'lir-hO . W ) a-ycar-olilTrottliiK-Htnko . . . . W ) WEIMKSDA Y. OC'L'OIIE 118. SrltSTrottliiK 1'nr.so . l"0 Frrr-Koi-MI Tiottlni ; 1'urso ' . Win yoailliiKTrolllnj , ' lUco-Staho . W TIIUKSD K. OOTOllKll 10. 2aOTr JttliiK Pu Phil - . * 0 ° I''rco-l'or-MI 1'aolnj ' 1'nrso . . WU Krco-Kor-All. blullldii 1'urso ' . W NiitlonnlTrottiiiKassodatlonriilci to ROV- orri , Ktilrles close Oclol r4. Stukcrii clrctt. Mlle track. J , W. I'BltErtOY ' , I'roilditiit , CouiicllltluHs , leva. Address all comiiiunlcnllonsto All. fllHUASocrotJir ; , . l-llli Ht.,0milni , Xcb.f F. M. ELLIS & CO. , - ARC3ITHC1S And Building Sujierltitenclcntu. ICfXims O ) under. ! lien Ilulldln ; , OnriliiNiil : ) . . and Itooiui244 mid 115 McrrUitnlllotk , ( Jouiicll It In Us , Ju , Corrcspoiidonca bollultud , CARPETS T AVc are receiving daily for fall trade the fin est patterns in Moquettc , Velvet , Body Brus sels , Tapestry Brussels , Ingrain Carpets , anc Rugs , Lace , Chenileancl Silk Curtains , Win- ( low shades , Upholstering and Drapery goods , of all kinds , Fringes and Fancy Triiniugs. Upholstering and Interior Decorating done to order on slier notice , Ctill and sec us or write for samples and prices. - COUNCIL BLUFFS CARPET CO , , v , Council Bluffs , Iow. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY , ! _ r. ' -drnxillo nnd . ) - - Sanitary Engineer. Plain , Kbtl mates til IK 111 11 III fi Sopelflcatloni nnd Supervision of 1'ubllo ' "Work , Browa IS 1111111 AS ill u i Bunging , couticll DluffH , la. Til CnTill > 17 Justice of the l'oucfl. Olllco over American Hxprosa , No , 121 Hi uOJlUlU 31road rny,0ounollllluir , , J.oi/a. CI/MIA Pr P itnn A-t'orn ' ° y9 a'UW ' > Practice In tlio State and. Federal Mil IH UL WA1UU Courts. Itooina 7 and ti Shugart-Bono Bloclc , Council BluIa ( ) Iow&