r THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , TJrqftSDAY , SEPTEMJ3ER' 18 , 1800. iJJOSS STOUT'S SON INSANE , t / fcdlroad Biding and Kleptomania , Have Become Ei Peculiar Hobbies. I JOMHA / > DETECTIVES OUTWIT A LAWYER , ( the Supreme Court Declares a Dliz * Knnl an Act of I'rorlUencc-A Star That Ua Set Other Lincoln NCHB. . T-.USCOI.K. Neb. , Sept. IT.-fSpedal. to Tni SEC. j The stronpc actions Of Henry Stout , BOB of Boss Stout , bw forced t ho belief upon many ol hl friends nwlnst tholr will that le Is insane. His aberration Is said to hare de veloped a tendency toward kleptomania and last night the police had to take him incbarge end put him In t common cell with felons. Financial reverse * are suggested as the cause , of his Insanity , bat persons vrbo seem to t tnmv declare that the opium habit Is at the 'jottom or It Hurry Is the favorite son of Boss Stoat and lias bad charge of tls father's Investments la Lincoln Bad his other Interests here. The Belrurc of his father's proi rty to pny debts from time to time had a depressing effect upon tbo young man and this is probably the reason ho resorted to the use of narcotics. He has developed not only a mania lor helpIng - Ing himself slyly to anrthlnp he socs but also to riding back and forth on the cars between Lincoln and Den r or. He had a pass and has been satisfying his craze to his heart's con tent , and has been on the trains coming and poing constantly. After making eight or t n trips hl strange nctjoas attracted the atten tion of both the railroad men and the passen- pers. The fruit venders suffered by his ten dencies tohelp himself freely tothdrmerchan- dlo while they were In the other cars. Yes terday his action * finally became such that his pass ivas taken away from him. His \vifo has returned to her parents until he can bo Cured , if iK&bible. OMAHA PCTCCTIVH OUTWIT 1 LATCEIl. The thieves connected with the plunder ing of Greenstone's Jo-welry establishment were arraigned today and Louis Webber pleaded puilty. Bill Woods , low-ever , kept Co defiant front vutil his attorney , Collins. Mvas caught by Detectives Savage and Dempsey of the Omaha police force lu an attempt to play a flim flam pamo on the Jury and thereby cheat the penitentiary out of a felon , Thfe morning- while waitin ? lor the court to con vene the two detectives , who were here to testify In the case , took a stroll dovrn street before the court convened and dropped into a paivnbrolter's establishment \vhero they dis covered Collins. As he was ciaming some rinus there the suspicions of tbo officers were aroused and they awaited developments. They sav the attorney procure a number of therinpsnod tney were "onto his scheme. " Itvvas his intention to work a flimflam pamo with rings that looked very much like the valuable diamond rinps stolen and thereby Impeach the testimony of all the witnesses on the tide of the state. The detectives apprised Prosecuting Attorney Stearns of the unscrupulous fraud and imposition that was about to be played on the court and jury. Just as the lawyer was about to pluy his frhnrp trick SV-arns arose and exposed him in Open court. Collins -was astonished and could have dropped through n small knot hole. "When the court demanded that he open his hand , still dazed , he did so , and there were disclosed several rings as indubitable evidences of the intended fraud. A sharp * ohnkewas administered. scninnc COPUT DECISIONS. At tbo session of the supreme court today the following decisions \vero handed down1 Black & Jorperson vs Chicago , Burlington & Quiucy Railroad company. Error from Kearney county. Afflrmed. Opinion by Mr. ' ifustice Ix'orvaL 1. A common carrier of live stock is not an insurer npilnst injuries unavoidably resultIng - Ing from the inherent nature or propensities of the animals against loss caused by the act of God. While a carrier , when overtaken by nn occurence known as the act of God , is not bound to the "highest degree of diligence to preserve the property from injury , yet , in ench an emergency , ho is required to bestow such care as an ordinary prudent person or carrier ivould use Tinder like circumstances , "and if he fail to do so , and loss results thero- Jrom , he Is liable. S. A snow storm of such violence as to pre- nt the moving of trains is an act of God. 3. The instructions given and refused , con- Cldcrod and held , properly given and refused TJppfalt vs Woreman et ul. Appeal from Cumiup county. Afflrmed. Opinion by Mr. { Justice Max-well. A counter claim based on & contract 01 purchase Being in toe nature or & cross action , the dcfenaaut is aot compiled to interpose it In on action of ejectment as defense. If he so elect he may bring a sepa rate action to enforce the contract , subject however , to alibility to pay the costs in th 6 econd case. 1 Candy ot al. vs Early. Error from Rich .tnlsou county. Reversed and remanded Opinion by Mr. Justice Maxwell. The statute prescribes the order of proo OU the triul of a cause. This , however , may be varied by the court whore it will work no Injustice to the parties. If u plaintiff fail to Introduce all his evidence hi chicl in opening ; lilt case and afterwards , when offering' evi dence to rebut , the defendant's proof intro duces evidence in chief , tbo defendant has a right to offer proof to deny , modify or explain $ uch new evidence. Valllmligham ot al vs Gandy et al Error from lilchardson countv. Afllrrned. Opinion by Mr. Justice Maxwell 1. Affidavits used oa thohoaring of a motion for a uew trial must be preserved in the bill of exceptions to bo available in the supreme court , nun cannot be attached as an exhibit to &n assignment of error in the motion for anew trial. . Evidence held to sustain the verdict. Bierbowcr vs Miller. Error from Lan caster county. Affirmed. Opinion by Mr. Chief Justice Coba. 1. The ripnt of a non resident defendant to remove & suit from any state court to the circuit court of the United States upon the ground that from prejudice . or local Influence , he will not bo able to 4 obtain justice In such state court , etc. , is cenT - T Uned to cases Inwhich the matter in dispute i xocds , exclusive of interest and costs , the lim or value of $2,000. Davis vs Giddlngs. Error from Gag-e county. Afflrmed Opinion by Mr. Justice JSorvuL ' Tiupleyetal v Gregoryet al Appeal Trom Lancaster county. Afflrmed. Opinion by Mr Justice Maxwell 1. In an action in the nature tof a creditor's bill to collect n Judgment ou promises tield as a homestead , the value of which exceeded r..OOO subject to certain liens , held that & decree applying the cieess over kKK ! ( > subject to the liens existing ngalnsttho homestead prior to the commence ment of the action was supported bv the Tfreigbt of testimony. Huvrko vs Enyart et al Appeal from Otoe Bounty. Reversed and remanded with direc tions to enter decree. Opinion by Mr. Justice pobb. l. A codicil ratifying ana confirming a trill , in whole and la part , will amount to a rcpubllcatlon of the will , bringing down its \vords and causing It to speak as of the date Cf the codicil. 2. A devise in a father's -will in favor of a ton addicted to the intemperate use of intoxl- eating liquors , and -who lias intermarried -with one Mrs. G. npainst bis lather's will , made In form to the executors ol the will , directing them at the end often years from his death , in case the son and legatee should have , in their Judgment , thoroughly reformed of his intemperate habits , of his immoral con- eortUig * and evil associations , and shall then be living , -with evident promise so to continue during life , a virtuous and commendable life. the cxeciitors should convey the lands and trust funds devised to the son and legate * . Held , That In so far as the devise was con ditional on the reformation of the son and Devisee , the same will bo upheld. 8. But a subsequent provision that such trust property and funds should not be transferred until the executors have such proof that the devlsro "has permanently Irood himself from all influence , connections , associations , cohabitations and relations of every name , character and description of and with Mrs. G. , and her relations , friends and Intimates " Held , to be a condition against nubile policy , android. And that upon the pm condition , exempt from the second , the devisee will be entitled to the transfer and foavryance of tie lauds and trust funds of the legacy. . ' Hardy v Soaera , IJlack \Vethtrnld , sNxl. c following causes were argued and sub mitted : State ox rcl Pcanell vs Armstrong , South Bend lumber Oompanyvs Llttlcjobn , Grable vs German Insurance company , Kickollivs Barnes. The following causes xvere continued ; SUker vs Beirole , Dull vs Wagner. Cas-of Davis TS Burlington iva argued and submitted on motion to dismiss Case of stttto ox rel Cbicarn Berlincton & Qnlnc.v railroad company vi North Lincoln street railway company ordered ou docket or September term. The follo-vvlne ecaUamenwere admitted to practice : O. C. Tarjienninp. csq. , ofSaunders county ; Victor Liniey , esq. , of Douplas county ; \V. A. Andcrsoa , esq. , of Douglas county. Daviivs Burrington , Objection to Juris diction overruled. The following causes were argued and sub mitted' Swartz vs McClelland. Davis vs state. Shufcldt vs Gandy , Schock vs Falls City , Symms vs Bcnner. The following causes -were continued ! Alchlion & Nebraska railway company vs Forney , Thompson vs Benacr. Court adjourned till tomorrow at 5:30 a , m. M'KtlORAS J XD THE rAKMEttS. There Is considerable comment made here by politicians concerning McKelghan bold- inpseicret nicotines with the democrats and utterly Itmoring the alliance element &t the various places alone ; his line of appointments. It is oeclarod by jpersons who claim to knoxv , that it Is McKiarhan's cuitom to bo met by tbo loading democrats at hif various stepping places and bold with them exclusively secret confidences to which the alliance people are unbidden , or not even apprised that such clandestine deliberations urebeinfheid. It is also reported that some of the farmers are beginning to ' 'take a tumble" to this state of affairs , and are highly indignant that the man they have honored with their nomina- tlou should surrender the plan of campaign to the democrats. HIS BTitl TICCJT AWAT. .T. I * Hovt is n Janitor of one of the public schools and was endowed with the powers of a special officer , BO as to protect the school building and grounds. But Hoyt socmed to thin ) : that his star gave him the authority of a regular policeman , for when an officer at tempted to arrest Hoyt's brother-in-law the janitor Interfered , saying that he had just as much to say about it as the policeman , and he refused to let his relative po. The caie was rcjK > rted to the council and Hoyt's star has been taken away from him. ooi MOXCT cxuni : TATSE TKCTEXFES. P. H. Cooper , the former city marshal , has caused the arrest of Fred Hapensicik on the charge of getting KO from him and J. S. Carotbers on false representations. Cooper says that Hagcnslck claimed ho was half owner of a saloon and that he wanted the monev to pay for bis government license. Cooper says that both these representations were false and that it was Hagensick's inten tion to cheat and swindle him. MOLI.IE Moitronu's LOVER. Judge Field this morning Heard and over ruled a motion to quash the Indictment against W. H. Elckard for adultery. He is the fellow who caused Mollie Morford's sui cide. Rickard's attorney immediately nled a plea in abatement , a legal proceeding similar to a demurrer in civil suits , and which seeks to have tbo Indictment knocked out because defective. DID NOT SHOW VT. Peter Jenien , the fellow who was piven a KHK ) checl : to have cashed bv his employer , but who did not return until after he bad pone to California and blew in the proceeds , did not answer in district court this morning when called to face the charge of grand lar ceny , and his bond was declared forfeited. THE r.ED MES. The tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men was installed into the mysteries of the wigrvam at Castle hall last night under the skillful manipulations ofV , H. Swandler of DCS Moiucs , past grand sachem , assisted by H. K. Funk , great sachem. The order is known as Sioux Tribe No. 3 and 250 members were Initiated. The exercises consumed the greater part of the night and ended with a grand banquet. DOUBTS inn CITV'S AtrrnoniTT. The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad company filed answers today m the district court to the suits brought against it bv the North Lincoln electric line company. These cases have reference to the legal meas ures sought before the street railway com pany succeeded in crossing tbe Klkhorn tracks at Eleventh and X streets. The rail road magnates claim that the city has no legal authority to grant the street railway company a franchise to cross Eleventh street at this point. They also deny that they used any force to prevent the street railway com pany from crossing tbe tracks at that point , but stood ready to do so , believing1 that they had a right to protect their property. A.T THE STATE DOUSE. The following gentlemen have been ad mitted to the bar by the supreme court : Frank W. Pcnnwarden of Douglas county and Roderick Dhu Sutherland of Xucliolis county. The clerk of the supreme court has removed his official headquarters to tbe room recently fitted up at the western extremity of the library. On the 21 Et of next month there -will bo a sale of 80,000 acres of educational lands in Thomas county and two days later the same amount in Hooker county. M. 12. Cowan of the Tecumseh Republican and Attorney Rood , both of Tecnmseh , were among the visitors at tbe state bouse today. ASSESSED HALT TUX COSTS. Susan Mclntyre sued Addison Frasurefor P200 damages done to them by their thirtoen- ycaMld son being hurt while in Frasure's employ. The Jury brought in a verdict awarding Mrs. Mclntyre $1 and charging up half the costs to her. The lady's attorney was astounded at this remarkable verdict and declared that tbo jury had transcended its power. Ho asked for a reversal of the verdict. ODDS AKD EKDB. Detectives Mike Dempsey and John Savatro of the Omaha police force are in Uncoln as witnesses In tbe diamond robbery. The school superintendents and principals association of the state of Nebraska will hold its next session in Lincoln , October 3 and 4. The board ol commissioners of Saunders county were In conference today with the Lancaster county board concerning a bridge to be c put in on the line between the two counties. William E. Hardy and Cora 1C. Pitcher claim that they own lot 1 in block 2 of J. O. Young's south addition to Lincoln , bat that one Andrew J. Johnson has been keeping them out of the possession of it since May 1. They therefore ask for immediate possession and fT > 0 damages. The onlj * railroad train out of Omaha , run expressly for the accommodation of Omaha , Council Blufls , Des Moines and. Chicago business is the Rock Island , vestibuled limited , leaving : Omaha at 4:15p. m. dally. Ticket office 1002 , Six teenth and Farnam sts. Omaha. A. rEXGEB BY HER SOS. "Walter Lyons Stabs and Kills His Mother's Paramour. [ fopvHo ? t ISO JjjiJama Gordon Bcnncti.1 LOXDOS , Sept. 17. [ New York Herald Cable Special to THE Bnc. ] Plumstod is now the scene of a sensational murder case , the developments of which are being followed by Londoners with much interest This is the affair of young \Valter Lyons , who Ias1 Friday night stabbed and killed his mother's paramour , caught in naerante delictu. The coroner's inquest was held yesterday and re sulted in a verdict against the young man o : wilful murder , extenuating circumstances , however , being ured. Lyons testified with great coolness and admitted everything. Hav ing told bow ho found his mother and her lover , Stewart , in bed , and subsequent ] v drove the latter from the house , ho continued amid a sympathetic silence : " .Mother then came to the bedroom for her hat , which I took away. She then went to the street door and walked away with him. Finding mother was so long gone 1 went down toward Grlfttn road witnout my boots Hearing blight murmuring noises , I looked through the fence and saw " ( Here the testimony became unfit for publication J Continuing , while tbo ladies blushed scar let , Lyons said : "I told him tbe best thing be could do was to be off. Mother then caught bold of roe and I pu < hod her away three or four times. 1 and the man got In to the road. When the man said , 'Yon have not got the bean to do it. ' I said nothing but subbed him there arid then in tbo chest with a broad knife. He staggered and fell down. Ithen said to two young men who were present "Call a policeman. I shall have to bo marched away. ' Soon after , seeing a police man come up , I said : 'iBtabbod him. Here is the knife , take me inlo custody. " Surely it were hard to Cud a sadder rase thia tut of this maddened ypuUi who tried o avcuce his mother's shame. Police patrols mve been specially employed to protect the icaso iti which the mother of the accused resides , as it Is feared that the excitement and Indignation -which arc freely expressed may culminate In some act ot violence. TTe Slave Trade at B.ijjatnoyo. ZANZIBAR , ScpU 17. [ Special Cablegram o THE BEE. 1 Travelers from tbe coast con- Irm the report of the issue of a decree by th e governor at Baganioyo authorizing trade ia slaves. Tbe decree was signed by the Ger man commandant and was pasted at iagamoyo and Darrcsalam. The slave dealers expelled from Zanzibar have estab lished themselves at Baramoyo and are doing a thriving business. It "Is reported that the sultan has telegraphed to Europe for assist ance. ance.Emln Pasha has reached TJnamyombo. Ho found that the Arabs rid deserted the dis trict. ZAJCzAHARSept. IT The slavery proclama tion was Mgied by the German commanders of the respective stations. The brokers.1 loupes are now full of slaves , having been established under German license permits to receive runaway * . This will lead to much ddnaplng of free natives. The news of the > reclamation has spread over the whole coast ind the'traffic has revived to an extent nu- known In thirty years. Water Lily Soap Will Float. Answer Quick. The census office has been sending out Inquiries - quiries to ascertain what proportion of the real estate mortgages bave been paid by par tial payments. THE Bnc urges a prompt re ply on tbe part of thoie in Omaha and the state xvho have received such notices. This .nvostipation Is about to close , and Omaha and Xebraska cannot make a peed showing if our citizens are indifferent to such request. Headache , neuralgia , dizziness , nervous- aess , spasms , sleeplessness , cured bv Dr. Miles' Nervine. Samples free at Kuha & Co.'s , 10th and Douglas. HAYDEX BUGS. Cash Bargains In Carpets. 200 rolls standard ingrain carpets nt 30c , S5c , 40c , 45c and 50cworth50cto"5c. 175 rolls new styles government stand ard , extra super wool carpets , 55c. G5c , CSo and 75c.actuvl : value , 7oc to $1.25. Splendid line , exquisite styles tapestries - tries , body brussels , mogettea , velvets , asminsters and royal wilton carpets , and all sold on a" basis ol popular dry goods profits. CURTAINS AND DRAPERIES. Pongee silks in twenty new stvles at 15o. 3 c , 20oand25c. China and Japan silks at 50c , Coc and 75c Curtain scrim Sc yard ; imported scrim at lOc , 12c , 15o and UOc yard. Dotted Swiss for drapery and sash cur tains at 15c , 17c , 25c , 35o , 40c , 45o and oOc , cheap and stylish. We are mailing- the lowest prices on the largest and most varied fetvles in plain and dado window shades , all mounted on self-actine spring ; rollers. DOLLS. DOLLS. Our immense stock ol fine dolls is the admiration of all the little ones. Beautiful dolls at 5c , 7c. Sc , lOc , loc and 5c Nicely dressed dolls at 25c , See , Itta , 60c and Cac. Immense Hid body bisque dolls at 75c worth $1.50. FURNITURE DEPARTMENT. A splendid assortment of fancy chairs , bed room sets , tables , pictures and many odd articles in every day use at very low prices. It will pay to keep posted on our low prices. HAYDEN BROS. Shot in the Cantonal Palace. BOCT.XE , Switzerland , Sept. 17. [ Special Cablegram to Tim Bnc. ] It transpires that the radical. Casticlione , who shot Councillor Rossi at Bcllinzona , committed the deed in the private rooms of tbo cantonal palace. There is comfort for the man with a pre maturely gray beard in Buckingham's I > ye , necanse it never fails to color an even browner or black as may be .desired. Royal Nuptials. BCKLIK , Sept. 1" . [ Special Cablegram to Tun BEE. ] Tbe marriage of Princess Vic toria of Prussia , sister of Erapcror William , to Prince .Adolph of Schaumburg-LJppe , will take place November 21. Will be paid to cry competent chemist \rho wtij tvnd on tcJj-ElB , & particle of Mercery , Fotaah , or other poisons in Swift's Specific ( S. S. S. ) - - = r&X EATIKQ SORE Bcngcnon , Tet , Aug. S3,1339. 'Tor clgb teen months I had an eating Bore on my toncGi Ims treated bythn best local phjBiclms , bet obtained no relief , the core grs&ully growing wortc. I concluded finally to try . S. S. , enl vru entirely ccrcd after nrin ; a few bottles. "Sou have o j chccrfnl permission to publish ths ' eborc Rtitcocct for the benefit of thnn Blmllnrlj- I nffilrted. " C. B. HcLraonz , ncnderBunTCt. t tTreatiflo on Blood and Skin Di&c&scucxailcd free ; THE BWTPT SPECIFIC CO. , Mlonta. G . s.ss C. B. MOORE & CO. . ACHTS. H CORLISS BRAND JUlneii Collar * and. CuOt. i Correct Styles. Best Qusllty. * < - Perfect Fitting. TBY THEK. EJJNTJOY ® Both the method and results Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tbo taste , and acts rently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the Bye- tern effectually , disi < el ! coljls , bend- aches and fevers and cures haVitual constipation. Syrup of Figs" is the only remedy of iU kind ever pro duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to tbe stomach , prompt in its action and truly henencial in its effects , prepared only from the most beoltby and agreeable substances , it * many excellent qualities commend it to all and have mode it the mojt popular remedy known. Syrup of Fips is' for sale in 50c and $1 bottles oy all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on band \vill pro cure it promptly for any one \rho Trishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute * ' * " CALIFORNIA FIG SWUP CO , SAK FRAMISCO. CAL. Ki. < ACM' roar. AT. AMUSEMENTS. ' TMH.EU KIGHTS , J BAl I'lUUY MA11.M.L. COMMENCING THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 13 inr IMIJTEST ACTOR , Kti. IIOBEIW MANTELL is THE MAasincEX-T spEciAcn.in. J-EODCO- iif or THE Box ihcct irlll open at P o'clock morning at regular prlcee , Bovd' J Saturday JiaUnpe. Comiiicncing Alonday , Sept. 22 " * Vrod ctlon of the AND THE 'I'rlnce anfl the l"ioper"rltli PflUPER Elsie Leslie Ana the NT C L Autiiorlrpdly WErt Twain ; Draawtlied hy Abby eajo Itich- arason. Tour under tbe direction of Jlr , Al Ilarmin. bale of coati will commence Saturday moraine ; matinee drlcci Me and Vic. RAND G EXPOSITION COLISEUM BUILDING. September 22 = TOOctober October 13 ROEDER & BELLMi'grs. Spaces and Privileges Close ! -x Jjirnc dn JYU. [ &C. WILL LAWLER. MANAGEK. CORNER 11TH AND FARNAM ST5. , OMAHA 1VEZK 01' SEPT. 15TH. BO2L. BOZ. BO2. A WONDKBI A PHnNOMEXAl A FRBAK. A d6c that rcndn. Bvolli , rnuut > , anil play Omahu'n favorite canir Uljrh dve. Illncliam i Wooden llesd Kntullr. DcCamo , Juccleryornon , Fudil AJtlit. Little Hit tic Illntrlinin. Male Imi't'.rmmntnr. OKE DIMK ADMITS TO ALL , WeOffer for Sale. roartlicHJSincl ton" rbolcp Baled Hay , T. O. 11. cars Mrunsn'e Sldlnc. Lulon or Ilornlck Btutions , on C. U. Ac U 1 * II. K. , In lots to suit purclin < .cr ; prices rejulutel by tUo luorliot Call and SPB us. STRANGE BROS. , ElOttX CITY . IOWA GA.L.VKSTON , 7EXAS , llie prcat Gull City oJ the neat luturu. nlilcent harbor. A million und a halt dollars now being spout in rock anfl iron docks. Tbe seaport of tiio country wt t of the Mississippi. Write for Information and maps. U.M. TBTJEHEAKT& CO. Establish od 133T morphine Ilatili o g + * f + I DELICIOUS , STRENGTHENING TO THE NERVES. ! I ; Tea and coffee cheer but do not nourish. They even j ! leave an injurious effect upon the nervous system. Indeed there is no beverage like VAN HoiiTEN's COCOA , "BEST & GOES FARTHEST. " It stimulate : and nourishes as none other , leaves no bad effects and is a flesh-former of the most approved type , a-YJLUT noCTHN" ' * COCOA ( "once trlodtlwar tied".TbeitronBranj-tuke U xvllk pleaiare nuil tbe weaU with ImpnnltjTbe excttl&K effect * if tea and culTeci are obviated > r lt > rtendr oneand nermci dtvortlrrkare r * llrved nnd rrevrnted. Dellrloni to tbe tiule. "Lurctit aale In Ikevorld. . " ASK roKVASi-HOTrrnJVMAXDTAKEKO OTHER. M NO OUREl ! NO FAY. Dr.DOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaba , Neb. rin' cri-f rlcncn. A rrrcltr crtdctW IB medicine , M Qlplomu tbow Ii itllletttrlnt with the treiucit otx § all Nerrous , Chronic uid I'rtT&u dl > e > a. A ponnanctit cure rnimnleod fur Cstirrli Br > crmau > rrba > aLe tiatnliooa , ftemlniU We kne , Mght Ix e ImiKHencr , brrliUl. . Stricture , and t dlecurc otb llluua.t < kt& and t'rtnu-r Orcaiu N 11. 1 euirantt-e ijOJ Jor BTHIT iwe 1 uoderuke anj fil to euro. Oonsnlutlou Jrec. Hook iMr turl ul Ute ) eot tree. Offlc Uuuri 9 . m. M k p. o. S anl r Um.m. UU ta. _ 1309 WHAT ARE MISFITS ? 1309 They are custom made clothing of merchant tailors , lea on their hands for one reason or an other. These we buy In large or small quantities. , for ready cosh. For example' A. suit of clothes costing originally $40 , we can , according to style and quality , sell for StS or $2O. Just think of It , a savlnq of BO per cent , one-half of the original cost. Many of them arc from the leading tailoring establishments throughout the country. MERCHANT TAILORS' MISFITS and UNCALLED-FOR GARMENTS OUR. PR1CB LIST JLB A GUIDE. BtTITS. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS. cn'tom made suit for. . . . . . . . . $ .10. 00 $ GO custom made 01 errant for. . ruMoin made suit for . & 2o.OO $ , * o custom mnde overcoat for. . custom madp suit for . J22.00 $50 custom made ourcoat for. . 45 custom made suit for. . . . 20.00 $45 custom made ourcoat for. . F10 custom made suit for . # 15.09 S40 custom mnJo overcoat for. . ! $5 cu toin made suit for. . . Slti.oO & 13 custom made overcoat for. . $30 custom utadc suit for. . . . . . . . . $14.00 $80 custom made ourcoat for $ 18.00 Latest styles and elegant garments In silk and satin lined Suits and Fall Overcoats. Also Full Dress Suits for sale or rent , at the ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS , 1309 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. 1309 Remember numb erand place , 13O0 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. Saturday un Ul 10 o'clock. All garments altered free of charge to Insure a perfect fit. Continental Clothing House. SPECIAL SALE * -IN- AND CHILDREN'S ) EP'T. Our stock of Boys' and Children's Clothing is the most com plete that we have ever shown , and we have arranged some special bargain lines for this -week which will enable you to clothe your boys neatly and at prices never quoted for the same quality. We mention a few popular bargain lines which cannot be duplicated in the city. Boys' Knee Pant Suits , Price $1,50 , We offer this % veek 150 suits suitable for boys from 6 to 13 years , in a dark casslmere , at SI-BO per suit. ; serviceable and neat. This Is a special price , and. is a quality usually sold for $3.BO and 54. Our price for this week is Sl.BO per suit. A.11 ages. Boys' Knee Pant Suits , Price $3,50 , We will show a special line of SB.BO suits , ages 4 to 14 , in a neat dark , cassimere goods , which cannot be bought outside of the Continental for less than $3. We claim this suit will please the most careful purchaser , as its value is evident when examined. Price S3.BO. BOYS' LONG PANT SUITS. It is unnecessary for us to say anything about the magni tude of our stock ; everybody knows we have a wholesale stock to select from , and thisseason we have improved on th variety and will sustain our reputation , as to quality. Tli secret of our success is that we have nothing to do with trash ; stock. We invite your attention to our complete line of Boys' Lonf Pant Suits in Cassimeres , Cheviots , Tricots and Whipcords. Boys' Cassimere Suits , $8 to Boys' Cheviot Suits , $9 to $13. I W B l i f We display choice things in Black Cheviots which will be very popular this season for boys' wear. DEPARTMENT. It will pay every purchaser to glance In our show-window and see our medium grade Business Suits at SlO , $12 and $16. Young men will be especially interested in our double- breasted Cheviot Suits some of which are silk-faced at popular prices. We Hre Now BiJspa Fall Oifercoats Look in on this department before you purchase and see e what perfection can be attained in manufacturing fine cloth ing. The prices are not high : $12 to $18 are popular , and. buy very fine garments. We have them as high as $23. QUR JJNDERWEAR pEPARTMT. Our aim this season has been to mnke this the great center for fine Underwear. Call in and talk with us about the style of underwear you want. We can show you the popular makes in domestic and foreign goods. Our methods of doing business are well understood. Jt is hardly necessary to say that we aim to satisfy our patrons. We expect every purchase to be satisfactory ; and money is cheerfully refunded when goods do not prove so , and all that is necessary to gain your confidence is being done. OUR JJAT DEPARTMENT.\m \ A. point of interest to those who -want quality and low prices. The Wilcox Hat we claim is equal to the best. PRIOR S3.SO. Corner Douglas and 15t/i Streets. . BBNirO JUAREZ. Fiadrr the iltmncemrnl of ( he Sltiican Intcrnalionil Packing Co. , ContcKsicKarics. Incorporated By the Stile o ? Chihuahua , Mexico ice , lor Charitable Purposes. GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , Till take plaro In rmbllr nttuodty of Juarct ( for- xacrlr i'DKO QelMone ) Mexico. Wednesday , Sept. 24th , 1890 nnijpr tliM"TiiDnaI tBporruion of 5rn. JOlfK . MOMlY.ut.d Mr. C.ltilL.O ! AI OUK1 < - tES , twin coDtlomcn of bleb ntanainf. CAPITAL PRIZE. S60.0QO.- Only 60,000 , Tickets ! Only 60,000 Tickets ! WHOLE TICKETS W , HALF TICKETS $2 , QUARTER TICKETS , 51. I Prize of SBO.OOO . $60,000 IFrizeof llli . W < W 1 Prize of WKX ) . C.lKlll 81'rirosof l.CKKlrnch . " . ( KM lOI'i-Uesor MPr'zcsor JOOoach . im > 'riies or K ) oaoh . WtVrizusat 30 ouch . 7,500 Approslmullon 1'rlrci , or tnOoach . ! n.iflO JOO Frizes of nfloiicb . - . H.OtK ) IWITlzoBOf tSimulj . SJWO Termlnul I'ri/cs. & 98TennlnaJsto SSO OOOI'rlzc of KO mch. Ul.niO i9Terinlnu3 { to 10,000 Prize oISlO each. t.lHK ) 1914 Prizes amounting to . $125,970 We. the iindprKlcni'il. licrrttr certify ttiut the Oinco Nueloiml ot Mexlro.m rtiihunhnu liui on at- JHIIH from ttie Mrxn&D Irtttrnnlluiml IlnuklnE Co. Uie nr inrr fundita cuirnntm tlm jmymcnt of nil prtxn drnwn In the Omu J itt-rlu.lunrrz. W elurtlifrri'nifrtbatitc wlilpupervlm nil tte arrancementt , unU in vnrwn xc&nncp and cuntrul allUiedrarlnirsnf tbtnliottrrr , Kna lliat ttif name are pondurtca wtthbonentjr , lalrocBB , and In oood owardj ali pirtlen. JOHN S. NIOSBY , CommlfiRlonor. Supervisor for the Govorr.munt. If nny ticket flrawlncr c rrlzo li nent to the under , nlcnea , H furevnlue will IB nollttrtudand reniU.uvl to the owner Iheruol , free ot eturee. 1 1 > OAHU BHOVBON. Fres.El Pnno Kutlonu.lBnnlt.El J'UBOTcr AOEXT8 TVAATEll , lITcrr Till txikKsureil br Tourcuclosinc ILD cave ) . ope be&rinff yonr full aadroBS * MEZICJLK IKTEIINATIOWI. nAKcrwo Co. , City of Juarez , iteiico. NOTICE. Snd remlttincef lor tlrkoto by ciTainnry Ifttor. eonta.lnliic > lnnrr Ordrrl UBd by ull riirf com- IinnlunNw Tnrt tn.liunc' . liank drntt or i > o ul note. Addrrti all iccmtrrpd IrttiTB to JCiK iNTKUVjlTlOT. JkL IIAKKINO TO. . City of Jnuoz , Mexloa , vtm 1S11'usa , Tcr. FOR SEVERE COUGHS OH COLDS Dr. F. C. Werner's COUGH DROPS Are hijjhly recommended niter seven years of successful experience by the sole manufacturers , Kopp , Dreibus & Co. , STEAM CONFECTIONERS , 1106 Farnam St. , Omaha , Neb. Sold everywhere , Co per packnge. Send for samules. LATES/ / " TO WEAK Buffrniie fmm the ptTtcu of > oatliful crrnrR , fcpcar , vrowtlus vrhkiii'k lo t ntaiihood. i tr 1 will iteud a Tnluablr trratlu ( MitlFdi ( nintaluluR full particular * for home cum. FtlF.E rl ubarce. A. Hjlmdld mMtlral w ork. rbor/d / Im irna lir - err man > > a It iir-rrnii niifl ijdiltltatra , > ddrr i. Prof. P.c. ' NSTITUTE o ? OUR LADY o THE SACRED HEART. HTASHINGTON HEIGHTS , ILU TliisInKtltutc tituitoJ In onp of tl.o moit Wutlful BUlinrbt of ruioajn , olors to Vounc Ladle < i , every artvunliico for obtslnlnz u tUoroucb una useful eiuaatlon. M\idle * will be resumed Sept. i , 1SD3. For pmlcnlurs iil- fiWAItTHMOHU , PA. OIX < D Htb month , UUt. luia Tlitrtj iulnnl from IlruKQ hu Slitlon. I'tUli. Under care uf IrlenJ. , I ull rollcE * w > un > f > fur hot' ) ti leifllni [ o ulunl- r l , Knflnoerlnc. Hclcutlar , and Literary cliitmxxi , llHulthlul Icicatlnn , fxtcnrlvit troundi. liulldltiea , muchlno kUopi. Intiuratorlus , nod lltrurlu * . 1'urlull | > artlcDlarm addrfri WM 11 Al'l'LETOX , I'UI ) , Actlne PfCilCeat. MILWAUKEE COLLECE Illlwuukwi , WU I'or Yonne Voinrn. I'or cutaloruo udd C 1C KlXOaLCy. I'h 11 Tft-st. ILLINOIS MILITARY ACADEMY , "TKJCr1- CircularcflJENKT J. BTEVKN8. A. 1L. ITIn. v-l-Tlfl Uedlk , I' * . Ulllttirr Acalomy. U r ty'X\/L/ . llrouLft 11" ' ( irlx. ClxcuUkrj fr > 4