Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1890, Page 7, Image 7

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rA J VEKTISEMKNTH for thr < ocolumnwllt
.cY lie t nk on until itn : p. ni. for tlioovenlnjc
edition and until 8n : : ) > . m. toe Ilia morning
edition mid HtNDAr II .B.
fDATISS-ArtTcrtl'tf'mr-nljon ' Ihl * page will bo
JLirhnrtril for at thorateof 14 cent | > T word
fortlio lrt lii'Crtlnn nndl cent p > r word for
| CHcli8iili < 0urnt Insertion. iiiul tlM perllne
per month. No advertisement tnkon forjcsa
than 25 cents for tlio flrat Insertion.
INITIALS , fliuree , symbols , etc , , countcach
OH one word
riMirsn nrtvertlRfinr-nH tnurt rtincomecn-
-JL lively iinil tinder no circumstances will
they bo taken or discontinued by telephone.
"TDAHTir.rf advertising In these ootumnsand
JU having lliolrnnswur * * nddrr sed inn "num
bered lotlor" In caroof TUB HKE will rccelx-o
n. numbered check In enable them tiiKOtthotr
letters. Answers will iio delivered only on
presentation of this chrek. Enclose answers
In envelopes properly uddressid.
AM , advertisements nnilrr tlio head of
"Special Notices" nro published In both
morning uud nvi-nlne et'ltionsof TUB HKF. tlio
nlrciilatlon o ( wlilch npt'rt'KnliM nioro lliaii
20.000 11 npori ilully , and gives tlio advertiser
thelH'ncllt nntonlynf the largo circulation of
T IK Ill-Bin Omaha , lint also foicll muff * .
Ijlncolu nnil oilier cltli'3 nnd towns In thuwest
Aflvrrtlnlnff for thrio columns will bo taUon
On tin ; atiovoeondltlonfl.nt tliefollowIiiBl'tml-
ne"i hoii'ci who nroauthiirls'idto takosiirclnl
notices nt the same rates ns can be liud at tlio
main office.
sizasStreet. . Mstcr Illoclc.
TOIIN \ . HIXl. ,'OSouth Tenth
CIIAPi : .t KimV , Stationers nnd Printers ,
liar'niitli 10th fetruot
' _ _
jTllUfllll S , I'harinacUt , 0 4 North IGtb
hlieot ,
/ r.O. U'.J'AUH , I'harmaclst , 1713 J.caven-
woilh Street.
JF < KS' I'HAUMACY , 2Uh mid Tariiain.
Fcrratti , cc.ff ( top of frrt c'lliimu onthti
SITUATION Wanted hy a lady to keep
bouse. Weasel-all ot'JUS North 1Mb
Blairs. Muri. ! ' *
1 AOY wnnti to Keep lionso or do cenoral
Jhoiuo work In email f.unlly , Add , O ' . " Hot' .
y.i i 17 *
\\TANTKD Position by experienced and
' practical bultermaker. I'lcaso address
O2I. llco ! ! 4S-li *
POSITION wanted byiiyonns lady \\lio Is a
l-ookkccpor , stcnojtniplier nntl lyiieui'ltcr ,
Itcfeiencos tlio very best. Address 1M. . < 1811
Cuiiilni'Si. 'JT > 1''I *
" \ \ 7" A NTHD LlKlit sot of booUto keep cvon-
IT iiics , Ueferonccs. Addruaa U 10 , llenolllec ,
AN eKporlcupod lady stenographer and
tyjiowrlter desires .situation nftor fcept. 15.
fioocl inferences furnished , l'leaeo ntldiesa
CIS. lleo. JKG-1.1 *
W ANTED-l'oiltlon by experienced liuly
, Uood city lefeiunceslvcn.
Aildri' silOI. ' , " llee. -i *
rniIOItOUOIU < Y competent IndyitcnoKrapli-
JL oxvndiff mauliliip , olRht jeais' t-xpcilonce ,
fleslres > . | lnation Oct. 1st. Ucst elty reference.
Addrp sO Olleo.
Ww\NTKI-l'osltIon ) In tlrv coeds store by
cvpnrlencedclorUslniliSeuidliin'laii. : : .
Addiess Strom-jburB llointbllcaii.isiroiiisbitrg ,
Neb. MiiO-IS *
SITUATION wanted by a lady to keep
lioii'u or to iiKsht In tlio liotisi'holil.
I : . K. Hcoolllcc , Council llhill'-i.
For nifts , etc. , rtc lo ) > ofrfl tulnmn on IMi ; > aflj.
AOI.N'ls In every county ( inaloor fi-mnle ) to
sell nn nrtlelo Indlspensablu In every
lioimehold.Mcash rcqulitsdinolll uooil. Address -
dross with stunii , loom J8. City blk , Lincoln ,
Kob. Iil9 .f , *
W AXTKD-Kifty men for V. E. A. JI. V. coin-
V i innyvnik. Freofuro. Kllly < fc Kramer
labor a - ' , *
rasL-ncy ; , L'10nouthl2tli MUGMG
WAXTE1) ) have an opening for ayoung
mail anxious ( o better lilt condition and
Trillin'to Mork. Call rjom 407 , fehcoly bloclc.
AUn.STU'anled ; lito * ll ) per day collect
ing Hinall pictures [ or into copy and en-
IOTKC ; hatlsruotlon ciniriiiilcod and il outfit
frco. A. llunnu & Co. , W Uvado at. , Now York ,
G ! 1TY salcaiaan , Ouinlnt shirt factory. 1311
Faruani l10
DKTI&TlVis : wanted In every county ,
blirewdinon to net under Instructions m
our M'crot hervlco. Kxpiirlcnco not necessary ,
rarllcnlais free. Orannan Detective Hureau
" , 41 Arcade. Cincinnati. O. 201)15 *
VMNTl'.O Second cooks JI per week. New
York llotol.lSl ! ) WobsterHt. BUID-lo *
WANTED An emioilonccd canvasser for
my now book , "Qiironsof thoStiiRc. " A
inaRnlllcont and beautifully Illustrated ( i unrto
volumo. 1'rlou $ .1.00. A rapid sale and liberal
commission Insures a iirolltablu ajrcney. 0.
\V. \ Dllllnslmm , M Wast Kiel St. , New York.
' 271 ir
GEXKUAIj audits inalio t,000 ! to f5,000 a year ,
canvassers JI to * 10 per day , selling tlio
Celebrated Taylor I'atunl Adjustable Shoe.
Thoevcluslvu rlitht to boll tills shoo lu any
territory laa vanmuloinonopoly. Oursyatcm
of selling this shoo Is new and orlglni ! . j\d-
< li-ess , wlth''c. stiimii. t'onsolldutcu Adlusta-
blo Shoo t'o. . Salem. Mass. 27I-2.V *
A OI'IVElntollljontilepiitlcsmaloorfomalo ( )
JX can nnko upward of $10j per month instl-
Rtutlnp lodges of afratornuloidcrpaylns mor
tuary , dlwilullty and cndovmc'iitbcnelltM. Ad-
dre.ssi' . O. llox 1011 , I'lilladolphla , 1'a.
WANTl.D Active men with ROOI ! rufor-
oncis. Jletiopolitan Man'l'K Co. . 1600
Howard si. ISO : *
TX7ANTKO Salesman on salary orcomnils
T slou to handle now patent chemical Ink
eraslns pencil. Tlio greatest sclllni ? novelty
overproduced. Erase * Ink thoroughly In t o
Boeomlh ; no abrasion of paper. 00 to DPI per
cent profit. Ono IIRCIII'H sales nmounted to
f&'O In six days ; another So-1 In two hours. Wo
want 0110 energetic ncvnt for each
utatoand territory. Sainplu hy mall 35 cts.
1'or lorins and full pnrlleulais address The
Slonioo Kramer Mfg. Oo , , I..U UrobSO , \ |
ar.-lfi *
WANT1.1) SCO laborers for stone nntl irrado
vorli , Apply to I' . H. Johnson , I'lilon
passengerdepot. Omulin. | V > 1
FIl"r\ " men for II , 1 * . company .work in
Wyoming. Steady all -ulnler'a worl--
Albright's Labor AKCIIOV. 1120 Karnani. OTO
\\7ANTi : Salesmen to sell ( roods to nicr-
T i cbant.s by saniDlo ; salary paid to jjood
tncntBiinipIo-i fiiriilslicliCiiiianent situation.
Aloud Manufacturing Co. , tloutli Ilcnd , Ind.
W AN11. ) Men tntia\el foronr C'.iuadlan
cilus.fatonei\Velllugton1Madl on.Wl3
.I ) Snlosincn nt * ? 3 nor mouth sal-
aiy mid oxpunsesto tell a line of sllu > r-
jiluted ware , nutcliri. ote. , l > y sample only :
horse and team furnished frco ; write lit cineo
for full partlcnliiYs nnd Hiiniiilueaso of poods
free. Standard fallvciwaro Co. , llostmi. Slass.
WAN'II.IV-.TO men for Utah nnd Novadn.
. " * ; --l , to KSO. Albright's Labor
Agency. IIJO 1 amain at. tr.M
AMU ) rravelbiK s-ilcsinan. no\v Inven-
, , tlon , blK money to rlglit parties ; monop
oly. Omaha patent agency , cor IGtb and Cap
itol avo. > _ > .
\VA.\Tii ; )
t'criatC9ttc.tcttopofjlrtttolumnnn UtU
, .o r.l-Glrl for Ronornl housework
Sirs. O. K. Iturmclbtcr , O-'J 1'aik ave ,
, . ) A competent vlrl for general
housework ftDlhi. Oth st. UOO
W ANTKD Girl for general housework.
J.1UQM. : Mary's inonuc. xgusa *
IfANTKH-A BlrlforcooUinjrnnd . . .
I at Si'JG 11 arney. Mrs.J. 11. Mlllnid.
irANTKO t.ood Klrl for Reneral housp-
i work. Mrs. llcnnottM4 Siltb st. 3 ; 1G
irANTED-CooUatl'JlO Capitol n\cnur.
I ' . ' 151.V
IfANTKO A youiiR plrl to tuLecaro of
chlldrun. till N. 17th ht. Wo-to *
riiniMMI.KS. tnlllinors nnd prepnrcrs
Jwanted. . JIUs Alleo luancs , 1318-IVW I'ur-
namst. ' XU-1J
T\7ANTii : > Lndy to assist In olllco work.
i Mint bo apt aud quick , but experience.
not necessary. State as-'e , qualification , etc. .
niidwrlio fully la first letter. Address A
Ucootllce , Council Hlulfs , la. 'J18 15
17ANTEI > A Klrl for liousowork. CIO 8.2UU
wT ht. , next to I.oa\ouvurlh. sw jj
J JTUlTfor cenoral housoworu. Jli-s , Thos , VT.
VJllnll , 1000 bhermanavenue. 211
) rAM'Kl-lXMrKrrT ( 7or geaural
worktti8houu'iiworth. ;
X-Hostof vragcs palil to u thoronnhly
potent cook uou Kcneral liouhuuorlc
lrl."tvinall family. Apply bctwcii V a. m. und
r. m. utswu Douglas t , ai'-ii %
IUOIlT younif liuly gel nub-
scrihcrs Tor tbo Omaha KxcPlsIori Bo per
cntcommlsslon , Apply 1138 liith at. M1M
\\7ANTKI ) A KooO Rlrl for central hou e-
TT work In family ot two. Call In the fore-
loon or after G In the evening , fflUlUnncy su ,
Countzo 1'ace. MM-13
WANTEII At the Now Kinployincnt Jlu-
rpnii Olrlt forall kinds of liotucworK.
Union Nat. Hank Uldg ISoom-m-rorner 10th
andDodRC. M 11VIG *
\\fANTKI ) Iiiiinedliitely ; a coinpetent
> > inmn for a ynwig baby. Jlrs. M , T. 1'nt-
rick , cor. Twenty.foiirth and J.akost. 'JcO-ld'
An wanted to do general house work at
! ! II4 I < Jass. 101 l.V
OOIJ Olrl vratitud for general hotisouorK
, \ppl vjpuy.g-itlnt. ! , _ y'-l'iL-
Obollglrl for housework. Inferences re-
fulrod. | Uood wanes. Mrs. Uuiuout. aj2 !
jnyctte uvfiiup. ! > !
\\rANTfilJ A competent Klrl for nurse and
T t second work. Nw. Oto. I'aturson , 120 S.
j , ( 'f. , n < ( up nf flrsl foluinn on thb
VirANTKO Hoard aud tno nicely furnished
T T rooiiiswltlinscofbathln aprlvatofamlly ;
four In our family. Address particulars to
n > oiii'J . U.S. bank. IJW
\\fANTKI ) I'liriiWied house of 8 orOnpatl-
l inenti. for winter months.Verttern part
of town iiicfcrittl. AddnasOO , Hoc ,
For ratctetc. , wcfojinjintcnlimn imlhttt
SBVKN room house. IHth and Vlnton , 81ft
7-room house , 25th and Miami , * ! - ' ,
fi-room house , 25th and llrlstolii. :
5-room house , Klrd and Parker , JI t. , 211th aud Caldvfell , 8.'M.
7-roont hnuscWtli : and ( l.irlleh , $ IU ,
G-room house , Lincoln I'lace. ' ! 10.
J. II , Johnson , 51U I'axtou ' Illoclt.
25J "
-UOOMcottaRC , larso yard and fruit trees ,
i'lll ) Vlnton , on motor line. 115 per month.
H. r. Williamsaa Mothst.
710R ItllN I' I'm-iiMied house , nioderii cou-
- \cniences. desirable location to gentli'iimn
and wife , no children , required , In-
tinlrc at 512 S.tolh ht. S.TI l.V
1115 N ITtlist.
S4G 13'
fOU KHNT New ton room hou o with or
-U without barn. Apply to O im JlcCuirrey ,
Siailliirnt < 3I'J 17 *
POU iiNT-A : beautiful and convenient
luttntin of seven rooms , with batli.furnace ,
raujfe. cellar , etc. Cor. Olh st nnd Hawtlioruo
ii\c. J. II. Dumoiit. Ill1)
TJIOU ItKXT 15-room house nnd barn , carpet
JL' and furnlturu lot sale on payments. 1UU !
N. Will st. LTD-IC'
TjlOU HI'NT-Sovcn room house , well aud
JL1 cistern , nlco vaid , ten minutes walk fiorn
Ilaiiscom paiki low rent to Rood tenant , lu
ll nil o at70IS.Sixteenth hlieul , g7ij-ld *
T710U ltiNT-IClcsant ; 0-ioom llrlck house.
JL1 All modem Improvements , Inulmllng fur
nace , rirsl cl'iss ncUhhoihood I ow rent to
[ rood tenant. ln j.iilro on premises. 5" > 0 So Wth
UU- . Wl-10'
"VflZW house , furnace , bath , etc. , best resl-
- tleiiceiioitloii of the city , ( "JO per nionlli ;
sultiibln for Uvo families. II. E. Cole. Conti
nental block. IMI 10
S-UOOM house , llanseom place , all modern
Impiotcmcnts. including ulstorii and splen
did fiiriucn. 0. F , Harrison , M N. Y. lAlr ,
"IjlDll HEXT-lIoii-iPs of three rooms and up-
JL1 wards. Low tents , largo list. Uco. Paul ,
"T1OU ItKNT-Stncn-rooni hoiiso in first-cla s
-i- oilier , Rood iKilphborhood and Ii minutes'
walk f roiu IClh andl'aiuam. The 0 , 1- ' . Davis
Company. LMO Ii
TTOH KENT Kast front. 7-room cottiiRO ,
-L Sherman a\o. . near Clark.Vrlsht &
bury. ArlliiKton bile. .W
171OU HKNTniezantroorii ) house 15.
J-1 Nlcecottao No.IUOS I'aelllcst. ' * M.
Now brick house 8 rooms. I'aclllc near 30th
street , all niodciiilniprotumenls i.Vi.
lileuant nlno room house , Rplcndlilly flnlshcd
8ifl. Hicks , ilrst Iloor N. V. IYIfu bldjt. 13J15
JjlOKKHNT-On October 13th six elegant II-
JL1 stoiy brick houses at thes. w. cor of luth
and Uiilifornlasts. ; uvuryinndcrti convonleneu
\\lll bubiippllcd nn'l ' tills wlllbo l > cyond com
parison tin ! most beautiful and convenient
icsldunco blpclc in thu city ; all cast fronts ;
dlidng'ioom on f in t .floor ; rents modern 11 > !
lilan.s of thobulldliifrcrm bo seen ntouroMico ,
Jiiuiiiinn & Co. , room 'J , Chamber of Commerce.
M102-14 *
OI1KAI' rent , liavo several : i and -l-rooni
llat .contial , with city wiitor , suweruKC ,
etc. , at Irom SS to II * per month. Hut ta' Kent-
lug , agency , ! CM S Jjth st. 200 o 11 *
FOll ItENT-riflccti-room house. No. Ill S.
iTthht. , l bloclc each from linslncis center ,
N , V.l.lfo and lleo buildings ; lar e dining
room ; built expressly for boarding and room-
In ? ; all modern Improvements ; cooklnx lange
and fniuauu. SeoUr. Neville , 141WDouglas.
lla 10 *
house , i'GJO Capitol ave
JL1 nne ; all modern convcnleiicerfj $ ! . " > . Apply
FplgloA. Loivls , 717 N Itilh st. M 16V1. *
8IIJOOM IIOIIKC. 3H < 1 nnd Cumlnj ? , 5.K per
month. UlHarrison. . Oil N. V.l.lfo. KM
FOIi I1ENT CottHReSiid : and rcavonnoi-tli ,
\vh | | liiun , S-'O per inuntli. G. Hairison ,
Oil N. V. 1-lfe. 1JO
FOU UEM'-Nt'aU-ioom colt Jiso.clly water ,
IHinllojifronil' . O. It. (1. ( 1'uttcrson , 1S13
1'arnam. 1J1
OCT. Int. . Imlldlmron NK. . cor. 10th and
Douglas , 2 basoinents , 2 Htorus. and 7
ronnisiipstulM , $1JO. Mis. Kuhlmanu , 11 and
Vlutnn. Ml
KKMT Sept. 1. cottave with nil modern
lnilio\cmcnW , 132I.Shorinan ave. IxiT
* I7IOll linvf llnusoS rooms. KO"d laundry.
JL1 Inquire liobt. I'urvl3,84tli , \ . bt.Mary's ave.
" 1JKNT A six room house near to business
JVcpnti'r , KJ ) . Head luveMmcnt Co , Itett
building. 813
" 171O11 It KMT My resliloneo furnl-hednr 1111-
-L' fiunlMml for winter or longer , desirable
location. Jhs. Al. Ulguttoi11IJ A lOtli st.8SO
II' YOU \\lsli to rent aliousooraloio sec U. E
Cole , blojk. Vi !
FOUliiNT 7 room Hut , SKI 6. 13th it. * M
prr iiiontb. Apply at Tlio 1' , J. Ii. llrixu-
dels A tons. U )
"TT1OK KK.NT To rosponslblo inrtles only ,
Jtho - > o line new brick and stone IIOIHOS on
Ocorxl.i tiMMiito ; Uftucn rooms nnd nlcovu-i ;
morecoavenlenecs anil hotter llnlshfil than
any house for rent in tlio city. II , H. Homier-
son. 4f4) ) 1'ailon block , city. BM
r-HOOM house nllh barn ; nominal rent. C ,
I' . Harrison , Oil X. Y. IMa. .0
HOUHnsror lleilt I'iCOCasss5t.MUS ' ! Casg M. ,
"IIS L'asM tt. . 10 and 14 moms ; all eon\en-
leneca. ( 'lias. W , Ittilney , UtJUmal.a National
banklmildln r. f > ir >
5-ROOM housoSouth,24th\\ei \ > t , of s > hot tower ,
OOCslo *
T OOIC Low rent , dcslrablo modern houses
J-J&cottages , luiqiilrol'arrotto lentnl aircney
FOK Hn.NT A House of all conveniences ,
centrally located. Inquire 712 N 1'Jth st
For tattK , etc , , Rfclnji of fmt.coliiinn on l/ifr
JjMJHXJSIinn rooms with Kin i d hath.
.L o room sultnblo for two , furnished or
unfurnished. lleforenccB. 2010 Harney st ,
O ItOOMS , light honsekceplnff , 113. Ko chll-
"drcn. Address OlU , lice. 31J
FUIiN'lSIIKO rooms , single or en suite
batb , fiunacoheat , Ki N.l.'it list. 2 18 10'
4U1U > Rcntlemcn eanolitaln Hi-sl class rooms
nnd board utiusaithbt. All couvcnlonces.
Itorcrcnccs. '
UKNT A nicely furnlshoil room for
- ono or two gentlemen ; bathslonm heat ,
gas. etc. : excellent board next door. 707 South
blxtcciith .M.U8-18
ASUlTF.of newlyfitriiMicd n > ems cheap :
gas and bath. ICOJ Howard st. , Urd Iloor.
X'l-17 *
F : UKM' Nicely furnished front
* . . . . . . . _ loom
fni 1 ivn ir j > i 11 Int.ii in with first class board.
Referenceiwiulied. . mj lln aidst. Ka-'JO *
HANDSOMK looms , also table boird. ISJi
Chicago. an-M
POU KII.N'r Nicely fiir/ilshcd rouiiu wit 17
Itoard , refen-neo. 207 ! lainamst. KJS-151
THOU IlKXT 2 ftirnWied rooms for houso-
JJ keeping. 1.104Cupltol a\e. 1710 *
XTlOKLYfumUlied rooms with board. IBM
IN Dodge. KM 17 *
FOUItEXT Vurnlshod rooms ; gasbath nnd
steam , l.MU Ht2
STJITK odouble ( parlors In ono of the
dcslrablo Hats , will ) all modern convauieu-
ces , for tvroor four scntleiueii. TU38 Itth.
211-1S *
FltONTroom tuitublo for gcntlonian. 1313
DodKc , 140
ELKCJ ANTI , Y furnished rooiuswlth or with *
_ out board. I'J.'I Kurniini. _ 110 li *
rnilKMF.HUlASI aiuuuil Dodge , for few
-L nke room * for root. M1D-1C *
room tfl jrontlcninn with peed
rcferoncfsi small prlvatofamily ; alliuo < l-
ftn ccnvpnlencos. 2710Jackson st. . Imlf blook
west of Ht. Mary avo. OonBregatloualohiircJi.
OIt ItliM A parlor ami br > U room , fur-
nlsucd , tie pur month. 02 KraukllnM.
[ 71OII ItHNT Nicely fiirnl hcd rooms with
L board , ens , hath , heat ; 'also tublo
oa rd ! ITU 1 Davenport st. llOli *
' I'urnlslicd rooms , 1 Don it I tu.
r.01 .
ST. ( IIiAIIinuropcnnhotolwlth dlmturrooin ,
steam heat In alt rooms , lllth-Dodct.
Special rates by week or mo. 2i !
ltK T Or.o larifo south front room ,
with alcove , gas nnd bath , ono block from
motor , Toono gctleman $13 , to tvro Slfl. StiOO
Davenport. 743-18 *
Forrattfett.rtelfi > offnt
POU KENT Sulto of 4 unfurnished rooms
for houcukccpliijr , to family without
children. ITIB Wubitor et. 315
FOlt UEJiT 3 rooms , unfurnished. 210N. lath
st , prlco$10 , will icnt to colored peopleSo
So i
0-noO.MSunfiirnlshcdnnd rooms furnished
forrimt In Uuggan bloclc , cor. J3tli uud L'a *
cltlc. H >
FOll litNT ! ST01llCS ANO O1WICE9J
Fortatct , rtc. , sec tup of fint column on
" | 7 > OK KENT llrlck warehouse , two 5torlo
J-J and basement , 7,000 sauaro feet , vlth KW
/eetotdoulilo tiiek on U. 1' . railway , south
"Uthnnd I'letco ttrects. Address C. OUauuii
Omaha. Neb. Mil
STOKE 1'or itcnt 1HI Dodco 6t. ( 'has.V \
Kalney.,115 Omaha Nut lomu liank nldg. MS
TTtOIt KENT The 4-story brlclc Dullillnjr , with
JL or vltliiuit power , formerly occupied hy 1ho
lleo I'liblUhlns Co. , OlGl'arnamst. Thobnlld-
Injr has u lire-proof cement basement , complete
steam beatliiK HUuros , water on all tliolloors ,
( tas.ctc. Apply at the olllce ot 'Iho lice. UI5
STOHKSntTOOS. 10 , ffl.MM oacli , larco show
windows htcain licat furnished. Thos. 1' ,
Hall oil I'.ivtonblock. M , >
FOIt IJI5NT Tlioliirgo front room on the Hr t
Hour of tlio yo\r York l.lfo building , Inniic-
dlately opixisltoiilierwootlXcsueclally admit-
cd for an I'li' uiit jowclry or fur store. 1'or
termsetc. , si > e Uco. N , llfcK" . iiMcnt. IS ! 15
POll UiXT : HiilklliiRno\12l ft. , 4 stories and
basement , onJonesstroet , botwcenlOth and
IHli , wlUiK. K.tiauklmillcy : best location In
tlio city for \ \ liulenulc. liniulro tflO S. l.Mhst.
U A , Llndiiilsl. | DOU
OlTICKSIn Wlthnell hiock with all modern
luiprou'iiiciiU very uhuap,15thunil Hartley.
, etc. . rtc lop of flrsl column on this
T 1ST your houspa | B sell or rent with C. 1' .
JUllarrlaon , Oil N. Y. Lifts. 183
El\ Cool * , rental nRcncr ; loans ,
bought , t a\cs paid anil collections. Room
O.J1 \ , Y. L , bulldllis. M P30 0 8
T IsT yoiirhonios vlthShaw'srentnlasenoy ,
JLJjOl S. icth st. 1)010.0. )
H. . Cole , rental ugcnt , Contlncntulblk.
E J. 1KUY , icntal agent , aw N , Y. l.lfe.fiC7
, fiC7
1'onatcf , etc. , ntopof first coin inn on IMi
STOKA01 ] Sio us before Htorluj ? goods of
any clescrlptlon. Umalia Steve ICepatr
AVotks , 1207 DouxluH. Tel.M ) . DTI
rniiACKACKstorago at lowest rates. W. M.
JL lliishinan .lill L.cavcii ortli. RTiJ
l TOUAOE llraiieh& Co. , 1211 Howard.
rD 073 < *
STOIIAOH 1'or merchnndlso and furniture ,
cold storage and ( reeling ; traoka o. I > aUd
Cole,81.VS17 Howard t. fi74
l"ar rato. ttc.t tee tonnf column on thu
aid , SOI S , 23th Ave , M101-17 *
Forrata , etc. . tec top of Jtntcnhtmnnn Ihtx rmjt.
T OST-Monday$100bIllnnd W bill , betwicn
JLJ Green's baleen on Fiimain between 14th
and l , * > thand iMerclunts' Express Co. HI hand
l ciiroiivorth , I'lndcr leuo ; at Green's saloon
andiecclvo rcuaicl , BIMJ-17 *
T OT. stolen or strayed , white belter ; lo-
JLJtnrii toouncr , 1) , Turner , 14lh and Lca\cn-
worth sts , Illl l.V
' OST-Oold slovo button marked V , . . .
Jicward. Leave at UKEolllce. 2Hl-li *
Firratcfctc.KCti > ) ) fif flrst c ilionn oil I/if / * uicre
iXOAOF.SlKNTSIo dodress-mnUhiK in fani-
Illca solicited. 31 Us Sturdy , 0 > S i'lth a\c
4O-SS7 *
Furrntet , etc t'e top ot Stint comn on thin
BnKOHR biiylnc a plnno OMimliio the now
scale IClmball piano. A. llosuc,151J Iouli.s ;
r 77
G KO. K.GKM.nNlinOK , teacher of tlio lianj
with Hospe , loia Doiifilas. H1J
lllK Omaha KiiiderKartea vlll reopoii Moa
duj'SCpt.lSOOO ! ) Davenport. Jll ] ' „ Urlllltha
74G-OI *
\7"AlirU pianos for sale only liy Omaha
I Music Co. . l.MU lo ) < lse. Oons'Jt )
fUSlO BO percent discount , and pianos on
L easy terms. OmahaMu&Ic Co. , bin Uodgo
ratei , etc , tec top of flist column on f/iftt jxiof.
PATTNT lawycraand solicitors. 0. W.Sue *
A : Co , lleo bnlldliiR. Umiilia. 1'oiir jears' '
oxpcrlcnci' as examiners la U.S. patent olllco
llianeb olllco at Washington , U. C' . UonMilta-
tlou free. tM
1 > I-\S10N ; AGJ'JNGV.
JT. I'ATOII.cxoliislvopension and claim at-
torncy : o > orl5yoara'oxpcrloiico ; all the
latest laws A decisions. Olliee removed from
1'reiuerblU toChamburCoiuinerce.ltil.Otnaha O 4'
N'EWliiw ; pensions for almost all soldiers
fathers , mothers , widows and minor chil
dren of soldiers. Olalms pushed by I ! . N
( 'jlnsinsn , IDniitl I'renzer blk. , Omaha. Also
\ViishIinton and Cincinnati. Ulrcutai-s free ;
1 you is' i'pcrlcncc. . 070
1'urrntCi. etc. , ft f. tap of fnt cnlumn on
, all makes bought , sold. e\--
-changed , rented. J.I1 Mogeatn , 1007 1'ar-
I1U1I1 StlCUt. t.1)H )
cS for rent or salo. StenoR-
raphors biipplles. J.I' . MoBcath.lCO'l'arnan :
t'ormtatte. , ite topof first coJiimu oil thlx pave.
"ORAL rstato ascnt that wnsfioln&to neso-
JV tlato loan for party to buv Downs Ilros , .
moat market plcibu cull at IK ! North 18th st.
31 U71-1C *
For rnfr * , etc. , fee top of frst column en tltli vtij
ArUS.DH.nmV. the dlstlnjulshed traaco
- olalrvojiiut , late of lio-ton. while en-
tranei'd willrovoal every hidden mystery In
llfo. I'renaKS ' Egyptian talNmon , which \vlll
overcome your enemies , remove family trou
bles , restore lostalTcctlons , unltostliu separ
ated , helps In nil trouble , etc , Fee , (1 and up-
artls..N.,11. I'orfect satisfaction Kiiaranteet
' mall , Send stump for Illustrated circular.
j'fr" lr , Eddy , 10.1) ) Douglas btieot , Omalm.
MADA.M blovorof t-t. Louis , tlio nondcrfn
caul reador. lias returned to tlio oily , am
will gho perfect satisfaction ou all alTalrso
life. Call und unconvinced. Ladle * . 50 cts.
( tentlcmcn , fl. No. ! N. ICth St. , roim 10
Hours from 9 to 0. 840 U *
ILAIllVOVANT-Muduiii Dolzier. over OIU S
trance , spe.iklnt ; , writing nnd reliable
buslneis mediumyoars lu Umaha , llii.N.luth
tar niter , etc. , tec ( up it ) fi t column iwi tliixtat.
( "lOMHall and take a mubsnco treatment !
V soiiiethlns now , I'arloru.CUT S. Utli st. ne.M
Darker betel , 41M 21 *
; Muciini Dclilor , ovortilO S. Bin.
J1A111 GOO1 S-U'I08. KTC ,
Forratt , tte , , tee lop or t column anthtipao .
T > 1'ST line hair Kfxxla In west ; hair druvtlng ,
JL > wUs , switches baiiRj , hair chains , eto. . a
specialty. Dnvlfci hair coeds and nitlllner ,
opposite postolllcc , 111 S.litu st. Omaha. 1U
l'i > rratttc.ui tvyoFw column on thin
TTHinn MOIH.K on dlninontl * .
JL1 wauhesJoffolrjr.ctOf.lB. cor.rnruitniAlltU
_ _
T > KN F. Maitl , 7 ycdni vrith Trcd Mohle.
JDioansinadoon diamond * , Matches , Jnwclrv
itml articles of value. 11m Kntnnin K. 'JldOll *
TV m ( < l. ffc. , tte tnpof r > t cotuinrt on ( hta
Wir tEIl-Itarinlns'ln ' Rood olty property ;
dc crlbo fully odours only-cash auu
trade forcnultAddr , u 3D , lioconic * .
\\TANTKlJ-To buypirlor furniture , bed
T room snltp. bn < nlurncr and nglrrsblcy-
cle. Address No. a 7 njlslol M. S41 li
\\r ANTED lo liny A sroccry stock atonco
> l forcasb , C. 0 , 1 > . Brown , telephone No.
sa _ _ _ _ _ M i3i
tn. liouscliold Ktwds.utc. Hlnhcst
-i1 cash prleo. lllU'arn inn. _ w ) _
\VAXTElMIouwhoiili coed of all Kinds.
tt ( Jush pnln for Bceond hard Roods. Oato
City Auction Co. , 2U anJS15 s.i2tist. Ti
Forrnl ( , etc. , ice tup of first column ontlits j oc.
\ \ AS3AGEtrca.tmcntcloctrivtheriiinI baths ,
ail. scalp and lialr troMiuunt , manlouro and
chiropodist. Mrs. 1'ost , It 5M31Vithtiell blk.
nillKnnw Employment Hurean. open \\cd- \ \
XnoMlay , bcpt , in , futnlshcs Ilrst class fe
male help. Inferences at XVcmnn's Christian
association. I.caM ) orders at Women's n.x
cji u npe. 10171'a rim m st. MHIQ-16 *
fPO shoo dealers' Tlio New Jersey rubber
J-booK shoes. aictlc and spectnltlcs will bo
extensively advertised the coming full and
vlutur. Wilto for catalogue , etc. I am vest-
cm agent at Oinaba. My sales this season
liavo beaten all prcuous records. / . T ,
Llndscy. GOO sJ
FOU BAiji ; iioitais WAGONS irrc.
Fur ratu , etc. , tee top nfrat column on tlili page.
1J1OI ! 5AI V ! Hutidsoinc
< hay pony , wclght8r > 0
pounds , fast trotter , safe nnd gentle , four
} cart old. stylish. Open buggy , harness arid
naddle. 1'lne , large milch cow cheap forcash ,
\Vonldtakclntrndo \ hafd coal. Krocerics , hay
or smnll pony and cart. Uoublu cottane. cor.
ii.Uli and Jackson. UTiT-l. ' ) *
Tlioit HA M. Ono hoM1. iihacton nnd liar-
-L' ness ; 51Vcash. ) For further Information ,
cnriu Ire ut KMVebstor street. SMCMG *
\ \O ) oil want tx Xo. 1 driving hor--e , a Rood-
J-'lookcr , ( jood notion , kind ami reliable , one
u child can drive , or whleli can. if ilvrn the
word , puss any thins on the avenue. If you
do , und you have tlio right kind of Omaha
property. jou can Rut 1dm. Itartlctt , Itooin
yp 'axtonbllc. ' US
i \\ooJ-topwagon. 3313 Uodio st.
HO'USES $30 and -up. II. ll.folc.
FOt'lt teams llpht muloH ; 0110 heavy lflOO-
pound horse. Koom 13 , Hoard of Tridc.
lilOli iAhi : liiiillylioi- ! . iiKo8 , bay , l..MO ,
JL1 biifodrhcr ; will take u. "safuty" part pay ,
0. C. Hobble , tol.HW. l.Vi 10
\\7" < " ! IC liorso W3t woliorso wason JSO.douhlo
f > work liirnusi S13. Or will trade for u
good llahtsldo bar buggy. H.E.Colo , Contin
ental block. KM
1'arnla , etc. , sec top of frxt r ( i < innoii thtijtagt
FOllSALK or e\chnnlo Now Union sewing
machine. Address 0 JO. llee. : ri'-17
A" liood milch co v for sale , UXT > Hurt st ,
FOUSALK The Illicit , meat inarkot lu the
city and In kst locanon : mwl reason for
soiling. Enquire at IW tr.M North Ifith st.
M : :7C-5S : *
FOlt SAMI I5lisini'--no ( l-hono power < > n-
tilno and boiler coinlilL'to. mood ( running
order , AddressXo. yOjlleo , Lincoln , Is'eb.
ur "i *
j trtt fcl
PO1 ! SALK Satlonal leash rcilstcrnearly
new , latest tlcalgii.i { . , 'JllO I'arnain st.
„ ! _ auic *
POH SAW : Ono 8-llahfc Incandescent di'nu-
mo : w 111 wire bul Idliift and put In nmiiliiB
order if dolrctl. Add e s o. 'M , Itce.Mncoln.
Nol > : \ , ins ! U *
1T1OU SAW ! Thoroimlibrcd Vorksblro skyo
Jtj tcrrlcis , hull terilor1. . pcoteh collies , niiR-
llsh Hottoi's , deerhoinids And fox terriers. Mnv
T. llauhr , atMax Slcyer k Hio. , ICtli and
rarnam. ' h.V >
lOHSAI.E Lot of base burner stoves. St.
Cluir European liolul , iith : and Iodnre.
OI ! SALE Turning latlic , one now No 5
"lliii ncs" with uxlcnded bed. Address Xo.
: , lice , Lincoln.lXeu ,
FOUSAin Ice in car lots. Gilbert Urns.
Counell IlltilTs. 5U'i7
rorratt * . tlr , , ( ) > of flrxt column < m thb pr.
FOH SALE Two stoves , one a bnsc-lmriier.
oiiu for soft coal , good as now , cheap. 70S
N. 19th. SHll *
AI'LATtop naliiutoilicode k.goDd repair :
will < Mcliun-o for good dual's. Address O
8. IJeo olllcc. , Sl'J ' 18 *
FOll SAIiE Choan-Tlio furniture in the , No. ISIS llouuli s Street , for sale ,
and hoiibo for rent. Eiiiiulro on the piemlsed.
S. t.2.1'
Forratrj' . etc. . rtetnpof Jirtl coin union Uih
MOXKV to loan at all times on deslralilo
Improved | iropcity Iti Omalia Tlio money
Is licre and there are no tlrluy , as woevanilni >
Uieinopcrty and titleouiiclves. Hates , htnltb
& Co , lOfflrarnam st. : i30 o4
MOXKV to loan by It. 1' . Masteron chattel
and collateral securities for any tlmo fioin
one to six months in any amount tu suit bor
Loin's nmdo on lioiisohold goods , nlanos.
ornans , lior-cs , mules lionso- * , leases , waie-
hou o receipts , etc , at the lowest possible
rates , without publicity or removal of propeity
Jly loam am so air.inicdtbatou can mnko
a luymcnt of any iini ( > tiit at any tlmo and
reduce both principal and Interest.
If you owe a balance on your property or
htuoaloan you wish clunked , I will pay It
off and carry It for jou. If you find It more
convenient , call up telephone No. 1GJ1 and
your biislno s can lioarranzod. at home.
Moneyalwajson hand. Xo delay. Xo puo-
llo ty. Lowest rates.
II. V. Masters.
Room i.Wlthnell Ilk , , 13tlmnd Harnoy sts.
Iwo prlratoiiioncvlo loan at low rates.
i Omaha Heal Estate A Trust Co. , Koom 4 ,
Uco bids , 13T
M ONEV to loan. Correspondents of Lombard
Inves'tCo. Shrlver illurnsl'reiuer Ink.
/"lOMSIKUClAI. andRoncral f-hoit tlmo p.ipor
v lioiigliti ulso regular r year loans on Impriiv-
cdproperty. JcUo.JUUnidso bids
/"IlIATTHL ,'l ' S. nth St. , loans money
VJoaehattoIaor collateral ut reasonable rates.
"TjlIUSTi second inorttrajioa on vacant & Im-
- - urovcdcity prop. Kumity warraiitsbonsht
Money on hand. r. il , Riojiat dson , B18 S. V. Llfo.
l\fNKV ( 30 , 00 or-OTJd.iys on furniture ,
J-'l-pliinos etc. J
- - - liouflu , J. AVllkliibou ,
JilSl'ax ton bloclc. . Kl
TjllUST niortj.ico loafH'lit ' low rates and no
Jt ? delay. U. V.Siiolca Uo. SIOlst Nat'l bank ,
IOANS-CItvnnd farnlnans.iuort ao paper
bouslit. BUL'tiKuo Investment Co , .W
KttYSTOXKBIorttawv.Cu. Loans of 310 to
H.OCOi Rotoiir ratcs5" ) ororo borrowing and
save money ; loins ? on horses , fiirulturo.or any
apptovod security without jiubliolty ; nolos
bought , for new loan , iviwu'al of ol < l and loiv-
estratescallltSudMiof\nuUe.inh& , \ Howard.
VJof Interest on first mortasos of Improved
realest-ito forthn iiKUVd'V' ( ; ) ! ) by tlio ICamm
City linostnicnt Co. KpOm'JJ , Hoard of Trade ,
J.ll. Tease , manager , \ " , MS
GIIATTni. . loans lowest rates , business contl-
dcntlal. SI , J. Hall I'J Continental blk.
4'.iCV-7 '
T\fOXJV ; to on any security
" * fur short t line at low
rates , houcst rates
_ , on pciwaal properly.
The Henderson MortguKn Imestmciit Company -
pany , room < oj , I'm ton hi If. r/j |
"IJUII UING loans made nt lowest rates. W ,
JJM. Harris , room W , 1'rcnzur blk. , opp. P. O.
TVIICr-Itrokcr Inroat estatemonzasossob-
-t-'tain money nt Icait cost to borrower ;
open Saturday till 7 p.m. ItoomU ) , Darker blk.
" 101'ALKstatoLo-ins Casn oh hand. Glebe
J. Ioatiit Trust Oo , U07S. lOtlmt. No delay ,
no extra charges. Houses for rent ; good lUt.
ClinAl1 eastern inonoy
I'lilladulphla Monxa o nnd Trust Oo. ,
nh\n.ys ready to loan uud p.iy promptly : first
morttfnircwanted. . UooreV. . I * . Coatee , rep-
rcscntatlve , room 7 , board of tude. Utt
FARM loans Star land k Loan Oo
ANTit ; > I'lMt-clns Insldo loan < , l < owrit
rates. Call and ice us. Mutual Invest-
iK'o. . IWt l-'nrnn.jii. 503
EA9TE11N money to loan on city nronorlys
mortgage paper bought , 11.11.Ircy.NV.IIfo.
T71IBST mort ; go loi\n > on linptnrott nnd n-
JJ Improved pronorty. Ulinrlcs W. Ualnoy , 313
Oiniliii Natloiinluankbuilding W. >
FOH SAI/K Nloo T-room lioii'o ready to
move Into , \7lth full lot , t.V-00 , S 0 cash. U.
r. Harrison. Ul 1 N. Y. LI fo. 007
$ 1.000 toloan onflratmortgnKei mu t bo all
Inoiid nmoiint or two loins of J.VJO oncli ,
Kccd & Sclby , U Hoard Trade. 43J
Irnni ut lowest ralei. Itemorrd
021 , N. Y.Wro IHUff.aJ. U , Kmmlngor.
BI1IL11ING loan * . Oto 7purcent ; no nddi-
tloimlcliarsesf or eotntnlMlon or attorney's
fees. W. ll.Mcftlo. First National bank blUg.
O H. & 0. M.ANTIIONY,31S XV.LIta btilld-
_ , Inc. lend tnonoy on farms In eliolco coun-
los of Nebnulcv and Iowa : also on i oed
Jinahii residence propartjrt lowest rntesj licit
terras : no doiay ! money ready. Titles and
values passed on here. M
JL DBtVATR tiioney to loan clioai ) . 0 , 11. llnp-
, Oil N. Y. Life. _ r0
MONKVtol an. rodelay , Iti larso or snnll
niiiouiits lowest rates. Apply 0. H. Hoy-
nolda , 019 Now York llfo bldtf. Telephone. 1191.
& 7-s24
M : ON ICY loaned at low rates on furniture ,
horses , &c. , nit limit publicity , lluwkcyo
- - ' ' " : , li baudlodo.
EASTF.ItN money to loan ; lowest rates ; no
dolro'i largo loans n specialty ; short tlmo
liapcr hoiiKht. Omahi Mortgugo Co. , ground
Iloor Chamborof Commerce. 413
Forratct.ttc. . rcctoiiof f.rst column onl/ili /
I WILL exchange my span of line chestnut
horses , carriage , phaeton , slclhtloublonnd
Hinelo harness for tmlnciimborcd real estate
insldo thellmlls of Iho city of Omaha. Pro
perty may bo seen at No. I.UM Howard street ,
ut which plaeo parties can leave description
of properly they desire to exchange. Win. H.
IJams. 247 10
$ IWOO ) Klejjant row down town hrlciis , well
rented , fora good wholesale property.
Insldo property. Kill tudumo light incum-
berance , for acres.
I'niHv , ! i of JI5,0flmfc ) : . est'b'mcntfor liisldo
Iierty , Will pay cash dill ori'iice.
" JN Jt WKAUlj'-4 DouglasstTel. .
. ) - ! liivo abnll.a heifer
four1 horses , all of which 1 would irlve
fora lot to suitV. \ . T. Seaman , Omaha's
Inmost variety wnpous nnd cnrrlaKCS , 107
SOMKinerchandhe for clour rent citato and
C.T-h ! l o a few buulns machines. A. Q.
lirock. Arnolil , Nol ) , 1W-15
v water power mill , with'Ju acres
land , clear , exchange for Xobrimkn | iroi-
orty , L'G3Jlec.itur.
AKTCIJ Stock of jrcncral rndse. , in\nlc-
Ins,000 to fIOH)0 ( ) , for choice Omaha Im
proved propeity and cash. Addrcad , M a
SOUIicotdValthnni vatuli nn t worlc linrso
to trade for peed sldu bar buggy. II. U.
Cole. Continental block. bH !
1'or rate * , etc. KC top of jiisl column
O7SH aiitl luo aeio tr.icls between l-'arnain
and llownid sts. , only ' , , ' ir.lle west of
llrlsgs place. Buy one aim tnuko inonoy.
lleantlful bnlldlng sltw. \ \ , L.
13. Itoaid T ratio : iH
TTIOU SALK-At n barRaln. choice lot Im-
JL pioved with u new hum. l. > 01iiriel cistern ,
sluide tiees. etc. , only S-V-'OO. Must h.ivel,01)0
cash , biliticcoii : time tonult. This lot Is only
n few blocks fiom the liliih school , CrolKhloii
college and Saered Hart hclio-il. l.'i ni'LMinlii-
ntc- , ' walk doiii court lionne , 't bliiuKsfrom
motorcars , elty water und beuoraee. I also
liave a eholco corner , ( ) by l-H ) feet , suitable
forbu . .lncslll prove to bo a'.plenilld InvcsL-
ment. has upieut futuie. A Inn loom house
Mlth modern Initiroteinents , situated on a III
foot lot , oust , front , only S4aO , vorth Kt'tQO.
This property conil-its of " lots on the corner
of o-nd and California. Uoodroasnns forsoll-
In : ; atnHaerlllce. Willis M. Yates , Agt. , No-
ItrasUaXatlonal lianlc. M
GllKATbaicaliiln a 1'arnam bt. lot
on pa veil st. and motor $ I1.SOO
Ka t fiont , on Oeorala ave " , W)0
llcautlful now hoiiic , "Mil bt. , funmco ,
pas. biith , iniuiti'U niulst. wash bowl ,
ute. Will take nnlnipiovedground. . . . 7,000
Host baiualns In the .city on business
property. Howard si.cor. $40,000 ; lou-ui-
loiiKlasst , andJivi per ft tor. unllth ,
cr.\x" ( 10,000
H. ft. half'ottace. rthnud Douglas -
las ; WK ) cash , bid monthly 2.0OO
IllJTCIIINbOX & WEAU , 1521 Douglas si. Tol.
IS20. ' "
5JO ( acres improved land near Arapalioo for
( aluor cjclniiija for merchandise. Drugs
nrefoired. Addrvis It. II. Itellumy , Arapalioo ,
Nob. M1U.-20 *
rORSAni-Onclot In Kllby Plncc , 81WJ ,
Three lots In Kllby IMace. SI.KW each ,
F.ustfiotit lot. onl.ououvo. J-.OOO : 830J cash ,
balance to suit.
South front lot , corner on rarnani street ,
Kast front lot on Lowe a vc. , 31,600 , 83jOca > \
balance to suit.
Twolutson eornor o ( Davenport and ' ' A
ave. , being 111 foil front on Davenport at , op-
posllo YatPs'iltioriHlilonoe , forfrviOJJ. This Is
the Krcjtcst buiKalii la olcjttiit residence
propurty in tlio elty.
An elcjriint corner. CTi-cl.'i : , soutli and cast
front , on lliuncyol , Insldo tlio mlle limit , for
The above vacant lots arc all Inr alns nnd
( PrinScan lie tirraiiKtxl to suit , lujcr.V. \ . U
Honimi room l ! rreiizcrblrcjc. 'Jti
II" you want n nlro homo on easy terms call
ou K , A. Chapjiell , room 0 , chamber of com-
morce. 1471 ( > *
rnnsacresrijsht on VarnuinKt. 'Smllow ' of
X ltil7K > I'lace. ' nbeiiiitiful hluhand sightly
tract , bai-galn , AV. L. fcelby , U Hoard of Ti ado
1J1OH BAIjE Ilniiso and lot. 'Elrd and Jones
-I. st.i. . ory low.$100 down. balaiKel. > mont
Iv. W. Ij. f-clbv. II Hoard Trade. IB
VTH'K home. lluidottonndWItli. 5-room cot
IN tnpe , IIM , KliOciisli. O. r. llunlvm. oil
X. Y , Life. WU
I71OU SALH Tlio eholco ipsuienco at No.
J3 H5I Uuorjlii a\o. , aivI49 ft. K. flout , Glarjjo
rooms , bath , pas , sewer , hot and cold water ,
closet and ull convenli'nees. owner joliiT ( to
leave clly. U. V , Sholei Co. , illl Ibt Nat , bank ,
a" Star Land & Loan Co.
$1.2.VHol , SforI Incoln I'laeo and L'aitlia-'o
lots ; easy luriiis. W.L.Solby , 13 Itoard Trade.
payment down and ? ! " > per month
x\-wll ) bnyii4-KMiu house and lot on llitb. 1
blocks f i onii motor ; llrst-class clianco to ne
on I ro a homo on easy terms , Apply tn K. K.
Cole , Continental block. G3I
) To purchase good city pinporty ,
improved or nnlinprg\od , 1'or 8alo or
rent , Rood fai m lauds close to city , in 4)-acrn )
lots or more. Henls collected and for Kcnoral
real e tatn business apply to O. I ! , Icuynoldj ,
01 ! ) Now York llfo bids. 1'clophcno 14f. ! )
: ! 3-s3t
BAItOAlNr l 1'or sale ! HarRains ! Soulbonst
corner I'lirnani and 4Udj\l2s. ( < - > , rXOjfiOxl'l. ' ,
lOtli near draco. J4.5UO. woitli $3,030 ; doulilo
corner opposite Vales on Davenport , $4M ) .
These aio eUremo bargains. D. V. Sholos , ill
l'lr.- National bank. aJ7-I
"J71UH .SALi ; U-ioom hoiibc. modern imnro\e-
JL ? nicnts , barn , tie. , co-foot lot.on A\lrt \ st.
Iho best residence ht. , In the city , for SO.r
J1.500cashbalanoo tosult.
U-rnom linu o and f > 0-footlot on Park avo. ,
for3SOO. Terms to suit.
8-rooiu house and co-foot lot on 51st avenue ,
just north of St. Mury'ti ave. , for JJ.UOO.
0-room house , nil modern Iniprovoiucnts. 50-
foot lot , on bponcor st. , for 13,500.
0-room Iifluso and bath , 11 ru placet ivlth oilc
mantel , nlty water , RUS , etc. . at iiHIi nnd Jack
son sis. , for fl.U'OO , on terms to milt Imyer.
Tluso aroall ccnulno biirjidns , The houses
rout for eunuch to pay 10 per cent on price
uskcd , W , K. IIoniuii , rooml ! L'iciuer bile.
Ll I'luto lots SI.'JjO to tl,500. Dexter
Thomas. coo
OOTTAfii : homes In most any addition for
halo at fiom (1,000 up on easy monthly pay
ments. l-.K. Darliny , ll llarkor blk. ti'J5
tracleaiio lot , lci\ia-j : , Irontln
ht , . tiack lniillny , I'or sale or l aso
on 10113 time. The Mead Investment Co. , Uco
IF YOU liavo anything to bull or oxchanu'o
call ut CIS I'axlon WoJlr. OW
7\TO\V \ l.s the tlmu tohuy city residences and
-L > business property. Oco. I'aulKVJ'.il'ariiaiii
St. , has a lurso list. Houses on monthly pay
ments. 1uiuis negotiated. 2U3-17
HOJtllS-Swcct llomos-r.lesant llornos-I
am oITerliisllio best bnrffalmln Omaha or
in the world on Wcstl'uriiiiiustrect.felJiclesant
houses , nlldlllcrent , C to I ) rooms , furnace , hot
and cold wuler , pas , pus llsturcs , bath , water
ulosct , miintcl , clcsiint brick cellars , paved
strvct and inortenRO , ( .XX ) tot > r > 00 , or mom ciuh ,
and balance uttporccnt toauit. U. V.Shole
U'U 1'irst bank , Mi
FOItl ALB 01 by 1 fcot north and onst
front , corner on DodRO st , . one of the nlecit
rnrildcncoeltf H In thu city , for C7MO to a dcslr-
nbioparty who will build u peed mldonco.
n. K. lloman. room fi 1'renzor oik. 494
" \ VAUOHVcsterflcldreal estatc.aUmaha.
For rattt , rtt , , tee lop of frtt rofumn on tM Pfjlf-
'iriORSALK The building nml Mock of ail
JL' oldCHtabllshcd re.ilanrnnt. fruit und con
fectionery ntnlnc" in llvo Iowa town. Ken-
on forsolllns 111 henllh ot proprietor. In *
tercslcd putties address nt once , E. K , Koin-
| do , atalxorn , lown. SC3-10
r > AftTNKIl wanted toputiSOO Ian Unt-cInM
L manufacturing buMm-si In tlio city , iioir
runnlnir and dolns eootl buslnoss. Co-Oper-
all vo Land and lxt Co. , S05X Hit list , 3M.J7 )
TTJOUSATrKMlK.\r-A r Tch\si rcslaurent
L for cash. Doing a good business , flood lo
cation. WSiNlOth , > 3-l *
Foil SAI.K 1 { . It. luncli nnrt
n.ttnre.iantl 10 furnished lixltliiR rooms ;
fi'pdgtwo iiassonger nnd sl.\locn freight trains
dally ; cash business iJI.IKH ) tier month. Inspec
tion or correspondence follcltcil , 1' . Tl.Ktobi ,
WeepltiK AYater.Noh. H33-K *
H.vliU Oonernl Block of nicrcliandl'.p ,
clotliln : , rtp , all neil aworted nnd nco !
location , Invoice about (11,000. lUll oTchaiico
for Rood clear properly anduart raMhs wrlto
fur particulars. Address O lcaroltc . ( ) mahn ,
Neb. : illll )
171OII SAI.n or cxchango for part Nebraska
J- land and paiteash , a fresh , notv stock of
irner l incrchnndlso and groceries. 1C. W.
BilesOxford. IS'cb. : tll-lS *
LIVKUVfor sale or trade A Rood livery
stable , with a good run of buMac-si , Sick
ness cause for BUllIni ; . IiHiulro Kdnard J.
Davis , South Omaha. : iIO
FOH SA1.I' Cheap-Oluar , eonfoelloiiciy ,
with 5 furnished rooms'AXJ South K'th t ,
J.-.I-1 . ! ) *
FOll a gafolO per cent lii\estnicnt subscrlbo
forsbares Ititlie Jlutnal l oan and Hulld-
IIIR n oelatloii serlc.s No. S ) . \Vag \ .v orkrrs
should tale shares tosucuro low rates of In-
leicstln buying llielrhonii-4. Itooin II cham
ber ol commerce , a , M. Kntlinger , secrotary.
. 1 0 10
1K > ou nroa li.irbcrand have a little"lilbnev
orsomcRood properly aiul wish to ( to Into
business on your own account , roiao and see
me. llartlctt. KoomCI ! ) 1'nsluuliik. 119
DltllO ( toclc and IKtnrcs. Invoice alwut
if..OOO ; not uny old stock ! will sell for p.irt
cash , or exchange for n. farm , Address W
Thorn , lock box244 , Mtohlicld. Neb. Mi sat
171OK SALE 1'lrst class dairy. Oall on 1V \
Jtv AVrlRht , Florence , or IAT. Dow , 70S North
18 street. HI is *
Foil SALH Itesltlraro nnd business ; veil
located ! coodchanro forsmalleaiittal. Ad-
drcss.1. A. llrumsoy , leal edtato asont , Itrad-
shuw , Nob. 'MlUl-ls1
FOHSALK At a biiRaltui ROOI ! stern house
lilted up with Bhelies and counters , btf-u-
mcntt i ! rooms for dvolllin ; . KOod cistern and
well , wlllsi'll ortradofor aS'o. Istockof cro-
cerlrs. Address ItoeUt Keel , C. 0. D. grocers ,
NlGth st. ( EJI
POlt SALE or tiade A first clas ? hotel la
a county heat In eastern Nebraska. 1'or
particulars Imiulio ofW. L. Selby , rootn 13 ,
lloatd or Trade. T.VI
AHAUnchancc. City llntelof Mlllanl.tscb. ,
for rent , silo or u\change for farm or
Omaha propoity. llcst located hotel In Millard -
lard ! has bar-room , dance lialllco , house and
.stable ; nil convenience II. I ! . Cole. Conti
nental blk. , or /.Immormiui , lith mid Jones.
s , / \ joint resolution was adopted
by the leitlslaturn ofltio state of
tlietwetity-llibt hosiiii ! thcieof , nntl npiirotcd
Mntch UOtli. A D. 1SW. proposing an amend
ment to H'ctlontwol.'l foiirt4 ] and live 1.1) ) of
Article sit [ < > 1 of thoconstllutlonof said state
anil that said section as uuiended shall
as followto-wlt :
Sootlonl section two fief ) aitlolcslx
(0) ( ) of theconstlttitloiitif the si nte of Nebraska
uu niiiemled so as to lead as follows :
"Sec-tlouiJ : Tliu supreme court shall con-
sNtof Hie (3 ( > JiidKcs , a majority of whom slmtl
bo necessary toforiniuitioriimorto pronounce
u decision. 11 i-lmllhavoorljInal .luilsdlctlon
in cases relatinK lo rovcnne , cl vll cases In
which the state shall bo u natty , rnandamas ,
qiiowarrauto , habeas corpus , and siichappol-
latojnrl < dlctlon tisniay bo proUded by law.
Section' ' : 'J'hat.section four ( ll of artleicslx
( Cof ) thoconslltutlenortlie fitatoofXubriiskj ,
bo amended ons to road as follows :
ScctloiU : Tlio judsoa ol the supreme couit
shall bo elected by tlio olcctorsof tlio stale at
laiKC , und Iliclr terms of ofllce , oxeoplas
hereinafter provided , shall bo for apcrlod of
llve ( . " ) ) ycins. "
bcntlon.'l : That section dvofi ) of nrtlcloslx
< fief ) tbecoiislltntlon of the hlulo otNolraa-
Ua , bo amended so as to read in follows :
t-rctloiij ; "At thellrst Bfticral election to
bo hold In the.tear lelil. and nftcr Iho adop
tion of this iimi-adincnt to the conillttitlon.
there sliall be elected tliroo ( .11 Jn dues of the
snpromo court , ono of whom shall lie elected
for tlio Inrni of one (1) ( ) jcar , ono for tin ; iciin
of llireclyears ( ) and on-j for Iho term of IIvo
(5) ( ) years , and ut each nenornl election there
after there Hliall be clocti-d nno ,1iulio of the
Kiiprnmccoiirtfor the term of nvoi ) jciirs.
I'rovldrd , that the juditcs of the supreme
court whoso terms have not expired at tbo
tlmo of holding the election of 1891.
shall continue to liold their ollieo ( or tlio ro-
nialndcrof the term for which they wururo-
pcctl vely elected under tbo present consti
tution. "
H'ctlon4 : That each person voting In fnvtir
of tills amendment shall hare written or
printed upon his ballot the * following :
" 1'or thu proposed amendment to the consti
tution lolatlnc to the number of supreme
Judgos. "
Therefore , IJohn M. Thaycr , Oovornorof
the state of Nebraska , do lioicby Rlvo nutlco
tii.icoordaiit.-o with seotloti ono ( lui ) tlclo fif
teen'15) ) , of thn constitution , the provisions of
tlioautcntltltd : "Au act to provmo tlio man
ner of i > ioj oslntr all amendments tothai-on-
Rtltiitlnn iindsubnilttlnK tbe anic to thecluu-
tonortliu Ktato. " Approved Pubiimry 1Kb.
A.I ) . 1677 , that said proposed aiauiidnieiil will
be presented to the qualified voters of tbo
slate forappinvalor rejection at the conorul
olectlon to bohcldoa tin ) 4th day of Novem
ber. A. D. 1800.
In witness whorcnf I hive licreiinto sot my
hand and caused to bo Htllxril tlitiRieutsciil
of tbo state of Ncbiaska. Done nt Lincoln
this i.'Gtli da vof .July , A. II. 1800 , and the Uven-
ty-foiiith y ar of tlio stale , ami of the Indo-
pcndencii of thu United States tlio oiiuhun
drod H ( teen tli.
ly ) thoGiernor , JOIINM. T1IA\'EH.
[ BiAi.l fcccrotary of State ,
. A Joint resolution was adopted
bytlioh-Klsl'ituroof tliont-ituof Nebraska , at
the twcnly-llut ucsilon thereof , anJ approved
Ifcbraary I'Jtb , A. 1) ) . ISsS.proposlnKan amend
ment to the constitution of said state , and
that said aiucndiuuiit shall read an follows ,
to-wit :
Section 1 : That at the Roneral election to
be held on the Tuesday succeed in : ; thullist
Monday of Kovembcr , A , D.lflfl.thcro shall hy
sumlttctl to the olcciors of this slate for ap
proval or rojoutlnnan nmonrlmtnitlo Iliocon-
utltutlon of this state lu wouls as fullous :
Tlin iiiaunfncturcsale and keeping forsalu
of liiloxlca tin ? llquoisas a beveiiiKo aiofor-
o\cr prohibited In this ttato , uud Iho It lsia-
turo shall provtduby law fortho enforcement
ot thU pro\Ulon , " And thcio shall also at
said olcctlnnbo separately fliibmlttod to the
clcotorsof this state for thHr approval one-
Jcctlonan : imcndniont lo tbo constitution ot
thtibtnto in wonts us follo s , " 1'huiiiaiiufao-
litre , sale and keeping forsnloof Inloxlcatlns
llquois ns n buvrra o sliull bo Hocused and
rczulalcd bylaw. "
Sue.At : suoli oloctlon , on the ballot of
each olcctoMoUns for th < > proposc < l amend-
inrntsto tlioconstltutlon sliull ho written or
printed the void1'or : jiioposcd amend
ment to the constitution , prohibiting tlio
inanufiiotiire , HI : ! nml Uecplm ; for silo ;
of inlnxluatlns llrjuors as a Dnvornse , " or
"ARalnst thu proposed aincndiiient to the
ronstltutlon prohibiting tlio mniiufnctiirc ,
Bale nnd keeping for Halo of lnloxlcatlii ;
llnuonns abevoinge , "
There shall alsobu written or printed on the
ballotof eacli elector voting for tliu pioposod
amuadmont to thu constitution , tlioordsi
Tor proposed amendment to tlio constitution
that the miiniifacturo. sale and kcupinz for
nlo of Intoxicating llrjuorsas a hovuraRO In
his etuto shall bu licensed and ieiulatcd
bylaw , " or "Ajj.ilnht mid proposed iimund
mciiL to tlio mnnafiic <
tnre , silo and Icccplnx forsalo of I ne
llquoisas u buvci.ipu blmll bo llcuuuiid und
reRulalhiBby law , "
Sue. : i : If either of the said proposed
amundmentssliall bn approicd l > ya ni'ijoilty
ot tbo electors \otlnx at tliu Huld iiloctlon ,
then It Khali uonsltntu se-otlon twonty-sovi n
[ : T ] of article ono [ lof the constitution of this
Therefore , I , John 3\l. Thaycr. Governor ol
thu state of Nebraska , do hereby KVO ! notice
In accordancu with hoclloa ono LH article [ 11) )
of thocoristlluLlon and tbo provNIoiinof ttiu
act cntltlod "an act to pruvulo tin ) manner of
proposing nil ainondnicnts to the constitution
anu submitting thosnmo to the ulcctorsof the
stato. " Approved Kobruary mh , A. II. 1877 ,
tlint salt ! proposed amendment , IH be Hiib-
mlttea to the riualllled voters of thla state fet
npproral or rejection at thoqcncrul election
to Do huld on tuelth day of November , A. It.
In wltaesj whereof I hnronntoiict my hand ,
and caiiBo tnbo atllxitd the Krcnt soul of thu
etatoof NobrasUa. Oono ut Lincoln this 20th
day of July , A. UlSOO.ind tho24th vunrof tlio
ttutc , and of the Independence ot thoUnlt j
Btutes tlio ono hundred littfcntn.
lly the Oorornor. JOHN M.THAVEB ,
DtNJAitiw It , Co\viinr \ : ,
. ISBAU ] bocrctary of Stato.
Aucust Id3m
' - BRili Jfl iloioAl ooirBufrAiIo1'tii'V ;
CIJTl'Auo. lll'UI.INtlTON , ty. I Arrltii
Dinah * ' l > fKit | mill nml MHVM trn , t 4. , I
1,10 a ml Oleaitfi KtprcH. . . . . . . | IIH ) ra
! l.V rm Cblmiro fiiprc" .0.70 p ra
P10 p ni .Chletro KtprcM f.M ma
" Ml . . . . ( ' ( Iciiyi ! l.tirnl , . IJOCV l n\
nm.irttifov * Ma IUVK.H. Atrn "
Umahl I IMpot loth n.nJ.MinonntrcHi.
folsVii . , , , Denier l ) f Kvprons * . .
10 IS a lu1 . . . . . . iidiTpr R pre > i K.1S p in
140 pm ; . .i.Dcmrr Nljhl Kiprusj , I t > .Ri t ra
lift n m ! . . . IJnr < iln l oc l
K.I ,8 I'J. AUit. lArrltor
JUrn hi I Ptpo IJnth nml Mn-un aIr.'d 1. | Omnli\ .
. a Sf 77K > nii'ltr Par Kiprxm ' i > 10 pla
MS pmh C NlRhlKxp Tin U t * . Tmnv II.U m
. Arrlio"
Cm Ah * . I Dtpot IWlinnJ Mivro ; tr < nl < . I lru lii , _
IK ) pni | > .ITuVorlntiil I'ljrr . pTn
. r cin < iitiiron :
lo L-o n in I . Hcnrer Kxprm
liCU am . . . . . . ICaniiis Cllr Kaprani IIV. ( m
1915 nm | . . Mlrtl rM Kvn. ( crrH't Sun ) . ! I ' . ' 5 p m
lpnvu Tlllf-VllO. II l. V I'K'IHi' . lArntoi'
tr.r _ dofvit , lOlli mid Mnror Sl OnUln.
.1.7M htKM rcti Witt m
All ntlciiviran : O.u : p in
Vpillliuld l.tinltcil. nni
JlollX 'ITI' * I'.U'lKlL. '
Ma n ml . "Tsiom Cltr l * * pnjior . .
< Mim | . . , , ! . _ . . i > l I'aul Kxiro . . . 10.10 m
"U-nvei l "SfliTjA ll'li ! A l'Alll ' < lll
Oiunlia J _ IkMHJt IHJ > nmlVcbitcr 8H ,
Tii7eT iynnuAijoTiriijjff'tiS'TflHj'i ' i
> jtinMu | l dgpot , luih unJ .Mnrer SH '
015 anil .thlcneo Il3trirc * . .
4H ) pmi \eitlb\ilo l.lmllptl. .
6.15 iim'lownAccoinin < Utli < iiK\c ( Sun )
mu pml Knstorn Kirer
1.13 nun. . . l'rl l r.Axlorn l\prrs ! < . . .
'i-cnTentMnuA u , Mill , , v fr. r.Uii
Onmlin I IT I' , dniiol. luih nml Mnrcy
"noiviij" ! OSIATTS'S MT. IAb 19
Oranha. [ U P. ilcpot. lOlh iind M.i
iru rinrl lx < uli Hull . . . .
ulinnln | llopotlHli nil \Vo1it3r Sti
" " "
( ) . . . .TiiiciTfilli Kiproai. .
000 nm . . .llnstliim Kip. ( K * HunJuy )
UU p \VnliooAl.lni-olii I'.isf - '
MUpml . or > Norfolk ( V.i
"H vfrr T : , s r : i1. M rs u.
nalii j IVpotlith : nl\Vi' 'imursti. ' ! _
7 00 ii m t'lty AcciiiiiitioiliitUin. .
1.0 J p m Hr liprcs ! ( ltr. Bun J.
0 > l > in . . . , bt. 1'iinl l.linUuil
.15 uji .Sun ) .
" cnrci T AU.ssOUill 1'Al'HTiT
iiinliii. I PeixjtlJtli mul WotntorSti.
I0 : m' ' St. lonls nK. C , ifxpreii.T | 4Mpia pjna1 Ht I/mls AK < J Kxprr" . . | ( > : lu
. it I. A I'Atll-lU. i Anlttn
TrnnnfiT I l/'nlun llt-iuit r jiin-ii _ lll.ilTi. ITrnnifor
G.U ! pm NuTfit Txiri : ) ' . . ' 7 1 litUn ni
9.30 am . . . . Atluntlo Uprej 5.K p in
r > ODnm Vi'itnmlK ' I.lniltpd . . . 10 : W in
in It lIlT Alt ( ( AOHrilU'lsihliN Arrlrei"
Trnruteri L'nUin llcpot , t'ounell llliilt * . iTrnnifnr
lUlTaTTi1. . . . . ( hlraeo ICxnfs i Ulop m
6.00 pin Vcstlbnlo l.liultiMl tl. : a 111
IO.OU | i ni llastorn l-'lrer X'OOpni
l.lflpmj Atlantic'Mill 7. W u m
K.-O | i in1 Iowa Amininioil itlon ( l\o. _ Mini I ! 40 p lu
LA-HTOI iClllCAGO , .Mil , A M' . I'AUu Arrlfoi"
rrointorl Unltin lcr > ol IJoiincll lllulT . iTrnii'for
C.:5pliil ( hlcaco Kxprois. T. . i am
l-'iOpm1 . . . ( hlcnmi l.'xjiross ( Lu ) p lu
I.cSrfrT" " K" CT e t JCTK * O. ll. JArilves" "
Trnmlor ! t'lilon Duptit. Council Jlliiff * | Tr n > for
inir.Knmas Cltr lnr 15xiri" . . I 6.41 p in
lU.ZApm' ' . KnniM CltjMuhl K i > ro I U U ) n in
nroi I O.MV1I Ai S'l'l.lts. | | Airirn * *
t'rnnsfnrl JJiilon > opul. . Connrll lllurT iTisntfnr
i . ' -l lViul < i niinn llili. . . , , ] li n p in
A Joint rc.slutlonvaiadoptcd
by the legislature of Ihestatuof Ncljnisku , at
tlio twenty-lire ! session thereof , and approvi-d
March : utli , A. 1) . 18 * ) . pnip. liiff nn iiinoiirt-
nifiit toi-outlon Thlrtccnl.i ( ) of Art'oliitlx ' ( HI
of the constitution of silil stutc ; tluitsiia
suction m aincndodbhall lead us follows to-
wit :
faeottonl : Thntucctlon thlrtRnti lirii of artl-
eleslx ( illof tlioiionilitutliiii of tboktatoof Xi >
bribka. bo atno uledso aito read ui fo'lows :
Hcctlciil.l : Viio Jucljiouif tlu'iupreinoconrt
slinll eaili icoclvo HHiil.iry of tblrij-tlvelii.'ii-
dred dollars ftLWOinur iiiinuin nn I tlio ) IUK | I
of llic < llfltrlctcourt nlinll rocclvo a miuiy ot
thrco tliuiisand dollartl.OJOipcr ( annum , and
tliomiliiry ofciDlislinlll.u pnyahltHimuUrly.
i-cution2 : llneti IKMSIII xotln la finer o (
tliKaniondniciit shall liavo vriiicitor nrlnlvd
uIIDII hlib'ilbt Ilicfolloylitx ;
"I'or tlio i > ioiOsedaiiieniliiiciit | tnthoeonstl-
t ntloii , rolatln : tolho silurvot JinlgCHdt tliu
siiuranio unddlsi ilct i-oiu L , ' '
'lliorefore. I , John M , Tlinyor. yovornor of
t lie state of r\obri3la ( , do hurnby Klvo notice ,
Innccordaneowlth SL-etlon o-io Ll | ai tlclo lit *
teen [ ITi ] of the. conitttutlon , nnd tlio ) > | < > vl-
sions ofuu iictentlllcd : "An net to jiiovido
I lioiniiiiiiov of proposing all : inicndiiicnth to
t liouoiistltiitloii and biilinilltlii ? Ilio bantu to
t booloctiri ofthostato , " A piiroveil I'ob
IDlli. A.I ) . l > " , tint s-ild iiiopojiMl aii
incutvll ! biMiibinlllo.l to thdniiallllL-tl
of tills Mate foraiipnivil or rujoctlon , at I lie
iri'iii'r.ilelection tj Lo hold on tliu 4thday of
NotoiukT. A. I ) . 1SJ ) .
In witnsii whetfuf T liavo hori'uiiloset my
liitnd mil eaii'o I to bo nlllxed tlio Brril K 'al
oftho fcluto of Xeliaki. : . lloao at I.lncoln.
tills iiitli day of .Inly. A , 1) . la ) ) , mil tlintwon *
Ly-fouitli y - ror the slato.uml of tholntle *
pendoinoof Iho Dnltol Stuto- * the onulmu <
dm I ilflei-iitli ,
My thoJ.ernor , JOHN M.TIIAVEIS ,
lSi\r.l Uecrelary of State.
I.N'STIIU.MEM'5 plaooil on ruuurU
hoiII. .
J nines Aluscor to W I' Stavuns. lot ) ,
lilUTi. WJj Solli't Jat add to South
Omaha , \v il $ S03
Iltiiiy Hen I nnd wlfoloA 11 lloln-t'iis , lot
4 , hllc'f' , " Kiuiiclcrs & ll's mid. d 2.000
M M ItmlluUnntl liiisband t \V\\urU \ \ ,
Int 14 , blk s , Maryivlllo mid.v < 1
11 T t'ljirko anil wltn to W W 1'helps. lots
II , I'-i.WiuulL'H. hllv II. lot.s K to ir > , IV
mid : . ' ! lilk 12. Uilsll. ia 17 anil J8. lilk U
] ols1ito ; HI , 18 to ill. Illcl4lots | I to 4,0
loai.SI. STNlTunlSSanil nnd ! i lot at ,
bile IMotHl , L , n.B.7. 8 , IDHi''O , ' . ' .t'5 , 'Ji ,
WuiidSS. llk Hi. lots , blkll , lot 'JJ , llk
15. anil lot 17 , hll ; II , Allirixht'.s iinnux
to South Oinilm , w il J,33
Thumns Ot-rrNh loV 0 7loyd ot al ,
Hustle , lotJ , bllclli ) . Oinahii. w il 80,000
I.l ! l < 'anlon ctal loW i : Klio.ideslot I. ' ,
bll : l.Jeromu i'jirlf , wil
OW Loonils and vlfo tnViicluvKiiuliI/u ,
lilsiliiiicU ) : . Oak Mill , No „ ' , wil 600
Gi'orjrcl.cRxoto Isiao bliaiman , lot V ,
bile J.OhtMry lllll.v il 700
TiIi \ Jluiics and Inislantl lo llcniils
I.earv , hits , hlklO. Ilansuoni riucf.-.Ml 0,000
rillllllilu llmitor and wlfo lo.l II Van-
( Jloslir , lots Lit niiil 21 , bll4 ; , llaiiscom
Sll 'I'la'co anil'- wlfoioN'X'Kuliii , itit7 , 10,033
blk-JCrolilitoiilltilslit4. ! . . . 3,830
SJ ICIiecnio nnd nlfo toJ M I'roiifli , lut
4 , hlkt ; . Met Omali.i. wo 4,1)0
Wary Hold toVia Colt , lot 18 , 1)11(8 ,
lluiisi.mii riaeo.wd
OM hiiiiforiliiutl nlfoto Genrao llrecL-
nor and wife.v ij lot 15 , lilks , itusli
iiml ri'lhy'natUl lo South Omaha , \v il 400
Ilcnrlclta Thedo and liusbiiud In Blur-
imiatPoliuiif. lots 18 und I'J : uul \ > la
ft loisW nml1 , Wlrtli's hub , \v il 1,5)0
Jll VmiClo.tcr to I If llaxtcr. lots'-'l und
JI , blkl. lliinscomriiice , wil 1,000
AMiidbnr I'hco llidlrlliiK iissiiL-lutloii to
M.T UcUiatr , lot Lit ) , \VliiiUor I'lacu ,
ext.w d 2,003 ,
John .McUUern and wife toWcndrll llin-
Min'nU U > 11. anile S"f ii lotJ , blk 2 ,
Patrick's mid. qed 1
Alolili ( | Sloman and wlfo tnM Ilclluinn ,
lotsanilbll ? , < ( iIIllUlcIo udtl No. l.ucil 5fOO
Total , 10ICM ,
IlulltlliiK 1'ornilti ,
Tliafallo'vlnr ( pirinluvera isjuotl by tUe
bulldlnff inspector yesterday :
0 , J. Carlson , one-Mnry fu'ino collajo ,
WXKJIIiirildto hlreot . . , , , .I 800
n. O. To\TU liurrytvotory fianio d ell-
lni7Tivontlolhiitrec'tiiad lloulovurd , . 2,000
fix minor iicimlta l.l.'VO .
Total J,05a ,
Tickets at lowest rates nnd superior
accommodation. ' } via the grout Rock
Jblund route. Ticket olllco , 1G02 Six
teenth and Fnrnatn sti'ccts , Omaha.