Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1890, Image 7

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A J > Vr.llTbKMlSTSfcir ! thw columnlirlll
IjtUkmtintli I2wp. : ; ni.for tlio uvnlnx
tdtUonim < l until t'Jf : > i > , m. ( of tlio mornlug
edlllotinntlM'.SDAr Itn ,
Jk-- , mEIIMB < . < Jaih Inttdvaneo.
\L TJATtS AnVcrll < < pmcntsontliIsp Ro fill tx >
> . .llrliarffedfor ntllie ratootHi ccntporword
for tlio first liwrllon anil 1 cent tier wora for
tnoli mihfteqwnfc Insertion , and 41 M porlln *
PIT month. No advcrtlspiiicnt taken { or less
limn iSeontl for ( ho ( Int Insertion.
TNTtlAHS , flqutfs , HyrobolJeteeouritoacli ,
J- ustmoword
fpni > B ailvorlkcmfnts must run cotwcvi-
JL lively mill under no clrcunntnncn will
Ihpy betaken ordhetmtlnticd telephone.
1JA.llTIEaclvfftl J ilti ! ! tlicso coliimninnd
JImvltiK lh lr-aniworin < ldrr < Redto it "num
bered IctUT" lr eire of TUB IlKKwIIl rfcnl-vo
niiiiiiibur tlclif3rktn rtmblc them In Bettholr
lettorit Aniwr > r will ! ddlvored only on
inosculation of this chock. Knclono answer !
In ewcloiioit't-operly addrcwd.
adurilppmpnti under the lieail of
AXIi Nfttlci-i1' ' nro publlOifrt In both
mornlnc nnd nvcnlnp ttlltinni oC TIIK Ilrr. t lie
oil-filiation of which ngKreiiatoi more thitn
JO.orOpnjirrt clnlly , nml die * tlio H lifrtl j
tlm lionnHlnot only ofthe lawn circulation of
TiiKllr.K InOrnnha. Ijutiilwiln Oouno II Ilium ,
Mtifoln rinilotlicrcltlci niidlowiuln thcweit
AdfprttsInK firthosocolumn ( will Viotnlccn
on tliaiitioruoondltloiK. a t tlio follow Inn Imsl ;
ni'Milion HWhoiiro nulhoil/pd totako p < 'olal
not ta" < at tliu tame rates aican be hud at tlio
in. i. Inn II I 'C. _ _
O SOi N' Street , t.lstcr lUcick. _ _
OIINV.IIELI * I'harnmclit. fe Soutli Tenth
Mrc t.
_ _
iTAfR A TCllDV. Ptatloncrs snd I'rliiton ' ,
lllSoulli HilhStrtct
J. HUOIIIS , riiaruiailsl , 01 Nuith ICtli
, Street.
> . "VV. I'AKH , I'lmriruclst. 1T13 leaven-
Tjrt'ailES' L'HAKMAOV.SIth and Tarnum.
sfriijl'r i ON H \ vNTB o.
1'ortatcstic. , welop firaltnlnmnon Vitt
llfP-I/U I it set oI boo ks to if cep o ven -
MJ ; * Kofcrences. Address 010 , Hreonicc.
Si 15 *
_ . _
VXTANTKD Ily a you IIK lady of fonsldcr-
' T iibldliiislnesto pcrli'iicoaiidiiblllty , Homo
roNponsIldu tiosltloiior , as private sccrotnry.
Address .V. 42. lleo. MM-ll
AN operloncod lady Bti-nojraplicr nnd
lypo'wrltwrdcHlrctHltiintloii aftorhcpt , l
( " ! < jnd ruferuiices furnlhhed , 1'lcaso ' nddress
O IS , Hoc. ifO-l.V
VS/ANTHD / Position liy oxnerU-iiced Indy
T I sti'iiourajihor. Uooclclty refcruneoKl MIL
A ddresH "U It' , " Boc. _ Illl-ir. *
rilllOUOUOIIIiV coranr-tent lady stt'nocniph-
Jownlnu rniichliir , ( MRlit y < * rs' ujpoileme ,
dcilres slum t , Ion Oct. Int. lleatclty rofornnco.
A ldross _ 0 ( Mice. _ aoTi-go *
\V AN FRO 1'osltlon In drv poods stern by
T oxiierlcnccd clerk slnpldbcaiidlnavlin.
Address btroinsbu rg llo publican , St ronml > iiri ; .
Neb. RUM-IS *
_ _
JinTATIOH wanted by a lady to Itecp
* liouso or to nsslst. In the household.
AUruM8 ! 1 , . 1C lice olllco , Council Dlnlfs.
\VAisTii.aiANio ! ins
. , itc tojioflnl colinnii
CITY salesman. Oiualia alilrt factory. 1114
'arn.un ' . JK
VI.8uaut d In every county.
Phroffil iiicn tonofc under Instructions in
oursr-cret service. Expeilenconot necessary.
Particulars freu. Oruiimn UetvutliFllitrcau
t-'o. . 44 Aroude. Ulncliinutl.O. "M 15 *
\VAKTHT-An nctlvomnn for enCli suction.
T' ( .alary * 7Jln 8100 , to locully represent n.
RiiU'p-ssfnl N. \ . couiiiiny. Incorporated , to
Biipply dry goods , olotlihn ; , shout , Icwolry.
etc , , to eonsumora at cost. Also a latly oC
tact , snlary 910 , to enroll members W.ooonow
unrolled , 10)OOU ) p.ild In ) . HoforeiiLOs ex
changed. Einplro Uo-Oneratl\o asuocliitlon ,
( credit ttoll rated ) , look tomio , N. Y.
t\fANTED-Wo have tinoprnlns forriyouncr
mnimnxliiuB tobotttr tils condltlonand
o wolk. flail room 4)7 ) , Shcelv Wnolc.
JUI1-J5 *
\.VA.UTED-Pocond \ cook ; JT-lpor veek. Now
M Yort : Hotel , 1M8 "cbsterst.
" \ \ irANTKD-Aii cnporlenced oarvasserfor
„ II iiiync-wliooli , "Queens of tlio StnsoX
l iiiaxiilflconfcaml hoiiutlfully lllimtruteaninrto
-\oliiino. I'rleu $5w : , A-rapklnilo and liberal
com million Insure * a iirolltablo aiencj , G.
' AV , 1 > 1 llluBlaam , XI Woat hi St. , Now Yorlt.
T , { 17"
/"iKNIKAliairpntimnkeri.OWto 93,000 siyenr ,
\Juau\iisscrsS4 to10 per day. tclllns tlio
Olobratcil laylor Patent Adjn lablo thoo.
The exclusive right to sell tills t.hoo In uny
territory Is a valuable monopoly. Our Hjstem
ofnulllnit tlilssliooH new und original. A l-
dre's * . wltli 2c. Btamp. t'on&olldatea Aajusta-
lilo irtioo Co.aalcnl. flTais. 274 21'
WANL'KP-A good uollorinulcvr nt onco.
Oood wiifjos paid. Address Frcnlont
louiidcry ASlucliluo Co , FremontN'ul > .
A OTIVE.lntoUlKent dcputleininlcor ( female )
A. uniiuiHkoiinwara of HOOper juoutli Instl-
ttutlnzlocU'ciof afraternalorilorpaylnamor-
tiiiiry.dlsiilnllty and rMidowjrtmuljrnolIts Address -
dross ht > . llox 10J1 , Plilladelphla. 1'a. '
, M10C-17 *
ISTANTEn-Actlyo men wltli good refer-
IT eiiL'cs , aietropollhn Blan'fg Co. . 16O8
IJovTard st. iso j <
' \\7"A TED-Hllclnnn on salary or conmils-
M hlon to liniidlo nuw patent chcmlcil Ink
eraiS I us pencil. 'Jlio KrciU'st soiling noioltj
oior pruilucnl. hras jiInk thoroiiuldy In two
tecoiiih ; noabrnsldn of pupcr , "CO to 5)0 ( ) per
lent , ptolltj. Ono iiKent's sales umountcd to
< 0. ' ( ) InsK diys ; anotherKfci In twphours , AVe
wrmtono enerBctlo Kcnorul nucnt for'onch
stiitQnnd territory. Hanipio by nnil M cts.
lor terms an < l full particulars aildrosiTlio
lion 100 Eraser alts , Co , , Lu CrosscVls. , \ .
\\7ANTliU-acohboreM forstono i ,
T work. Apply to I1 , H. Johnson. Union
p.issongur depot. Onialn. Kl
PI ll'V men for U. I1 , company work la
Wyoming , hloady all winter's ifork ,
Albrlnhfa Labor Agoncr. JlSOFarnim. D7O
\V"AN"llin : Snlcsincn to sell Roods toincr-
T chants by simoloi salary paid to Rood
miMijmiiiplei fiunlHhcdipoimnnontsituation ,
Model MuiiUfucturliij } Co. , South Iltmd , Ind ,
. 71)7 5JO *
\\TANTri ) Men to Involfor our Csimdlan
T nuiborles.Stoiie&Welllngton.Madlbon , Wlj
\\7ANTEp-Snlcsmen at J75 permoiilh sal-
IT nry Und expenses to solla line of silver.
lilated wiiro. vatohcs , otoby simple onlji
Iiorijiunrl team furnished tree ; \vrltu nt once
for full pur lonla'is and sample cnso of poods
free , Standard sllvornraro Co , , IJoston , Jlasi ,
ANTFD-SOOmen for Utah nnd Nevada !
. wa Vmfr ? ; ° ° to 5wAlbright's Labor
Anoncy. lUOKarnam it , | rli
1A7AN'-'I'll win venT -
T Hon. bin money to rlsht parties ; monop
oly. Oniahii patent agcaojcor -
Itol aio.
W ANTED 17is :
. tk. , sett/op offnt aiuinnon i/ili
WANTED Cook atl'JIO ' Capitol a\-onuo.
WANTED A.your * plrl to talto Mro ol
children. BUN.litli tit ,
ANTED A sftlcsltttly thorouftlilvfunill-
Inr with flttliiK glovoslo thohund. A.i > plr
af tcrl ) u. ui. Saturday at , I'M Kurium it.
inlllluors and prcparen
ails * Alice rmacs. UlS-lVV Kar-
\.VArx71.D Lady to nsslnt Inolllco work.
T T HiiHt bo apt cind quick , t > ut oxporlonco
not nocomry. State ax'oquallllcatlon , , elo ,
tuuUrlta fully In first Idler. Address AW
ItcoofHccCouncil , Hlulls. la. B13 J5
TTAX7F.I ) A sir ! for liouiowork.
TT tt. , next toliOa-ycuwortli. M 35'
girl for ecnerul liouie
forReneml : Mrs. Thos. P. .
. \M \ > Slirrinunavonuo. 214
COO 1C Host of wages paid to t ttiorouRhlr
ouinpcldit cook and general housoworlc
Klrl , Snnll family. ApplyUettmU n m. and
' 'P.m. utSWU VougtMie.
BIIIGIIT youiifr lady nan ted to eet aub-
torllcra for thoOmaliaKxceUlori M tor
contcoinmlaalon. Apply 1J | S lUh st. M l&l
tin Now Employment Jlu-
rcau OlrlH for all kinds of housowuric.
Un on Nnt. Bunlc Bldj llooinIDCorner UtU
uild l)6 < 3tt. M
_ _ _
"V\7ANTBU Imt-ieillittely ; t comnottnt
yf uuwa f or u young baly. Mrs. M.l1'it -
rIcKOorTwonlr-fourtli | nnd
QIIUi wanted to do gcneralhouseworkil
luu Cttts. _ Id is >
G OODOIrl wanted for ( ouoral Uouso\voric
Apply 30U N.Utlm. i'i.-s-U-
A QOOIIgtrlfor housework. He Terences ret -
-t . iUlreil. ] Good vraiea , Mrs. DuuioiiU , 3112
AN "fKIJ Two itlVis for kitchen work.
l > oran Unuie.jSouth 18thIt. , ono block
.J ? 'iilll1 ' * cuurtliouHt' ' . KM
"VUAXTKD AconipotontKlrlfnr nurse and
T ! Ki e < iiil-\vork. ( lira. Ceo. I'Aterwun , 120 a.
inthku-crt. 9VJ
ron ii.ii.Nr HOUHISS.
Fiarratrittc.M foioJl ] til column tmUit * yny.
' "
TC10R HF.NTr-ro rcir > on ll le party onljr , a
JDtii'W house ! 14 rocmin ; all mixlorn comcn-
IfMiCPt ; furnace , Viath. iwet. laundry ; clcu-
trlc IKll' , la.rn , ctc.l i > liiioajo ; sti ownnr
MJSu *
SHOOM" , light hwwkccplng , * 13. N'o chil
dren. AUUiess OU , Hce , 311
motm in tlo clir.
. lth13'
ion HINT-A beautiful i i convenient
JL' itittnjtn of Hivonrooins with lint Mil rmco ,
rmuc. idlnr.cte. Cor. IMitbst und llawt liurno
tne. .T , II. nnmonl. Ull
"IjlOIl HKNT-15- room lioiiio and bam. carpet
-1' nncl ( urn Iluro. for ! on payments. Itili :
"TjlOIt UiVNT-Hovcn room liouso , ell anil
J. clt-.lun , iilco vurd , tvniitltiiilus walk- ( nun
llan com piirk ; ii > * rcnttn > Kiwd tenant. Iti-
ciiilro atTui HKIxtccntliiliuut WtJ-K"
lliNT-'nicKiilt : 0-rootu Urlek liouse.
Allraodirn Improvi'ini'iiti , IncjludlnKfilr-
ii.icr. Hrst-cliss neluhliorhood , r.o runt to
liami tenant , Inquire onproinlies. BO So JitU
inc. -
"VTl V liouio , f urniico , , ntc.k'st , resl-
i > ( lonco iioilloii of ttio L-Itv.l-O JUT month ;
pulUljlc fur two ( uialllc . II. 1C. Culo. Contt-
nenUil block. U'il 19
QOtOOM Uoiue. Ilmscom ptuo. nil modern
OlmiiroMMiicntH. liicludlnir ulituriiiuid spluti-
dld ( mniiuu. 0. li'.llu.ctlsou . , lilt N. Y. L.lfe.a .
a ;
HUNT Houses uttlirccroonn and np-
\rnrdi. lavr unta , Urge HsU Uuo. I'nul ,
' 'DO-lll
TpOK HRNT So enoolll l ouso Inflrst-class
-1' order , Ko d nolxhl > otliiK > cl aittl lUiilnutun'
mile from ICtli und l" TlicO. V. lltvls
Coin puny. 240 11
IfOE HE.NT Hast front. 7-room coltiRO ,
1 Uimiiiinvo.nmrUu.rk , , NVrl ht A L
. Arlliigtati blk. 209
lIlOTi IfEN'T T31cai > td-roomhomoW3 ,
I1 N'Uecottaxo ISo.a oai' W.
No\Tbrlcklu > u o 8 nrani . I'aotflc neat 30th
llruut.all inoilornliiipiorotncnts % fi ,
Klocnnt nlno room IIOIKO , splendidly Hnlslicd
ICO. lllckHjrsb floor K.V. Xlfo bldg. Itilo
IjlOltltENT OnOctobcr IStli six olcRint 3-
J. story "bilclc liousns at tlies. > vcor ut 10th
and California sts ; every modern convenience
will lie su wiled nnct thlivlillio ncjomlconv
ptirl on tin tnost boaiitlf nl utiU ion\fnloiit
losldcnco Ijlock. In this city ) till ejst fwiits !
( II M I m room on llrst. lloor ; rents inoilciatv ;
lilunsof Lliobitllillnjc can boftcim ntourollicii.
llrciinan &l'a. , room U I'll a inter otConimurco.
rpnt. Have novcral II and ( -room
. contriil , wlfh elty water , s > weraKC ,
etc. . ntfromSS tolttl prrniuntli. Jlutls'lluut-
Injt tiijencyir.0 , sJOth at. ! OG oil *
IJIOllHENr lltleeti-moiTl liouso , N'o.lll S.
-L' 17th st . , lblockcucli from business cetitor ,
tt , V Ijllo aiidlloo build Inns ; lir o dining
loom ! Im lit expressly for Ijou-cllnjunclrooiii-
In ; : : all modern Imnroicinonti : c ( ililiisruiiyo
ninl [ uruuic. iSco I > r. Neville , 140'Doiiiil.iH.
140 111 *
FOUR EXT IJ-room house , Zft'MCnpltol avc-
nuc ; ullmodern convuiiltuuea ; ( ( * > . Apply
SplglCit Lewis , 517 N 16th st. M 1K-17'
2-ltOOM house , 33d and Giiinln < , 3fi per
Jnionth. U. I'1. Harrison. Oil N. "i'.Mfu. 550
FOll KKNT Cottvse,52mlaiid , leiivonworth ,
\vllh l > arn. til per muiitli C.l' , Harrison ,
Bll W. V. LKe. 150
FOUUTvNT > eat4.roonicottsisec1ty water ,
I'll"liestroml' ' . O , D. 0. JL'attutson. 1319
rarnain. 151
DOT. 1st. building on N. E. cor. ICtli and
Donxlis. 2 bnucmeiiU 2 stores and 7
roonmipstatrs.llM. Sirs. luihlinauii , II and
Vliitun. DG1
FOR ItHST Sept. Leottano with all mod cm
Imurolemcnls , 3i.'l Slieriiianave. 557
FOR ItK.XT IlousoS rooms , sraid liundry.
. > urvl34tli& fat ' - .
IiiluUoUobt.l ( , ; Mary's a-\c.
RTNT Anlx teem house nonr to huslness
center , J O. Mcud luicatment Co , lice
FOU RENT My Tcsldercn furnlalicdor n-
diriilhlicil for winter or longer , cldtra.lilo
locatlou. Mrs , M. Kljuttcr , 111 J8. lotu st.
83) )
IVYOVJvtlsli toronta liouse orstoroseo II , E
Colo. Contentful block. HJ
Oil RK.VT 7 room nn.t,500 S. Wtli St. 80
per moittb. Apply at 'Ino Fair , J. L. U raa-
ons. 'M
fjlOU lENT-ro ! mponslblo parties only.
- * - ' tboie line now lirlcU and stone houses oa
Gcorula. avuiitici littceu iwms nnd alcovcj ;
more conU'iiIcncos nnd 'bettor Qulslird than
anyhonso for rent Intlio city. II. II. llcndor-
soii4lK ) I'a'ctoiiblocV.clt.y . , r > M
rr-IIOO3lhoijseivlthlariinoirlnal ) ! rent. 0 ,
1' . II an I.son , Pit N.V. l.lto. 550
HOOSFS KorHont-400Cas st,2408Casast. , .
241v Cuis at.10 and 31 rooms ; jLllcon\fn-
Ifiifes. ( has. W , lialnoy , 313 Oiiiadu. National
Imnlibulldlng , MS
5-ROOMhouseSouth U4tliwestol sliot tower
m si.T
" | B03v-Iovj rent , doslrablu modern houses
JLJicottages. Enciulro Garrotteluntnlagency
pas 15
TGlOIl ItKNT-A. lioiiso of all coivvenlonccs ,
X ! centrally located. Inquire 7U N 19th st
K'OK HUNT 1WO AI9 l.UItNISIXii : ) .
I ofratei , itc. , m tnp t _ jHr tfot i i nn thlr putts.
"OURI < [ SlI3il ) rooms , f-lnitlo oren suite , RIS.
JJbaf > ifunnco , heal. naN.iathst. B4810 *
UU ( ipcntUiuuii cm oliMln tint class rooms
and Tjoird utli : ) SMtli it , All coii\enlcnOc9.
Itctcronccs. S ) i 13 *
' '
" 7l N. Uth'st'liiLiidminclr fnrnlshid rooms
also table board , MraCliunhlll. PQT-U *
"fjlOK RGNT-A. nleoly.turnhhort room for
J-'one ortwo pontlPiu m bath , stcim lieiit ,
jri < etc ! excellent board next door. In" South
Shtfcnlh. MOJ8-13
Ai STIlTBol no\Tlffural4lio < lnloiiii clieip ;
-i aa and bath. lUXIIIoward Ht.Jrd tlnor.
iKiL-li *
" 1J1O11 , IIEN'I'-A inrlor and loil rein , fur-
JL'ulHhed , JlOper inoiitU , : tU2rrunklln st ,
TTIOR. RnNT-Nlcely f iimlshrd front room
J3 forwo Kcntlctnen vltli first clsiss boird.
l&Sillowanl st. 323-2i ) *
rooms , also table board , 132
nnXT-8 fiirnlslicd rooms for hoitse-
' keeping. 1V)4 Onpltol avo. J37 1C'
-\nOKLY riunlilicd roouuwltli Ijoarcl. 18U
-IN Dodse. aao i ;
ono of the most
Joslrnhlo Hats.vlth nil modern convunleu-
ces , for two orfourgontlcmun , 705 315th.
room suitable ( or gentleman. 1312
TI/EOAN1IiY furnlshcilroonis.wltlior wlth-
-lVouttoartll924 t'urmim , , 110 15 *
rpilEMErtltIA.M-25thiua .Dodgo. for n few
J.nlceroonn tor rent. iliJfl-H *
room to gontlemn.n with food
- ruftronccs ; small prliato famllj ! all mod-
cm ccmoniencoa. 271ft Jacl sonst..lialf blocU
va'stolSt. Mary'savo. Coiigreuatlonilolniroh
TjlOKRKNT-Nlecly fiirnlslieil rooms vrltn
JJ board , pas , bath , fat aiu licit ; oNo table
bjardlt2jlUffoHiort | [ st. 110 15'
Yj JlTRE tf 1'urnUh cJroonn , ICOO Doujlus
TTIOIlRENT-FurnlsUeilroonii ; gas.bathanc
J. steam , ISIHlumrd. sm
ST , 01A IK European liotol.wlth clluinsrroom.
Htvim hent In all room * , Utli-Uodeo.
Speclalmt bv "wcdc or mo , z * >
OH UKIvT Of.o larto south front room ,
vllh alcove , | , oiieblookfrom
motor , .TOOQB e tloinanll5 , to two Sin. sooo
Divetport. 74. > -lG'
FOH KEKT Nicely turnlshod room trttli
board , referunce , , 'vl Ktirnam u , 293-15 *
forratti , etcree , lop oTJIiit coiunuiuii rttipacrft
FOB RK 'T Suite ol t unfurnlihed rooms
lor liousoHtcpInf , to family "wlihout
chlldrtn. 17M Webator it. 8tt
FO11UEKT-3 rttnuB.unfurnKlicd.2ION.lUth
Bt-.prlctllO , vlllreatto colored people.B31
mojtUE T-a roomsunforntsliod , , 210 N 13th
1' st.price(10. ( foi
C ltOOMBunfuTnlithedanct room ! furntthed
forrtut Ialu3tu block , cor. tuth and I'a-
foTTtttn , ft ( , , retitw oj fnt colurnnoti. IAU lyfl ;
FOB KENT Ilrlckwarchous * , two Vtorio
a.rd basement , U7.000 square feet , with HO
cut oliloiihlo trick on IT. I1 , railway , contli
tltli and 1'lcrco itrcits. .Address O. IHkump
itnnlia. '
J TOBB for ItentISU KodRo st. t'lmi.W
3 l < alnoy,3l5 OiniilinjsntlonarimtiU Vjldg. Mi
CTORItKSr Trio4o"rylirlcKDulldlnz , v ltl
L' orwltlioiit power , formerly occupied by the
leu I'ubllshlriK Co. . Old I'arniun st. Tliebulld-
( Ire-proof cpmcntbasonient , ini > lflo
iitliiR IlUitrf't , water on nil tholloors ,
UH. Ho. Applyat tliootllcoof llio liee. I3
5TOKESat70BS. Ifl , SOxni ) each , Inrno Him *
-wlmlov < , steam lieat lurnlahcd. The . V.
I nil 311 1'ai ton block. frO5
[ jlOR ItENl' The 1 nrgo front room on tlio llrst
U lloor of the Stvr York Id to bulMlw , Itnino-
lately opposltoShcmiwUXesDeolally admit-
(1 Tiwau tiexant jewelry or fur storu. tor
( niAotc.sec Ueo. N.HfeK aicnt. IS'J IB
FOR KENT IliilldlnRGflnlSt ft. storlos and
lunoment , onJomsstroet. bclwconlOtli anil
Itli.wltliR. . U. track In alley ; ijcst locution In
ho illy for wholesale. ImiulroaiGS. l.r > t list.
U AUiidqulst. COO
IFlCI'SIn mthnellhlock wltli all rnoilern
O IniprovenionU very cbeap.l&thandlliiriier.
yy rr/itCT. / fjc. . H < fop of flttlcolumn ontlili i y-
Lisr your liousf to Hdl or rout , with 0.1' .
Harrison. I'll K. Y.Mfc. 183
El' . Cook , rental aiteiicyj loans , mortKajcs
brtuj-lit. tuxes paluuiidcollections. liooia
mi N. Y. U building , M OJO O 8'
LIST your houses with Shaw's tea talnKonc
< l a. ICth at. U01O. O.
E. Cole , rental agent , Continental blk.
i 631 _
l J. tllEV , rental agent , 20& .N. V. Life.
i. RCJ
Kor rnten , ric. _ . Httoftof Jlnl cntiimit on l/if / < fdflg.
STOHAOE Pie in before storing goodi of
any description. Omiilia. Stove Itepalr
Works. ] J)7 ) Uomlai. Tol.lKtO. _ S71
r1lAOKAGiiitorago ! ; at lowest rates.V. \ . M.
JLllushninu .till .Lcavoimorth. "
STOIC AGE llranch 4s Co. . 1211 Howard.
For mprehnmllso andfiirnltnro.
told stnrnaoimd fruozhiB ; tr.ioRuse. ll.ivld
Cole. HIM17 Ilowardat. 574
Fur ratti , etc. , fee ton of column onim page
" "
" " '
Ave !
I' ormtttctc.tteti > vor Jirst ; column on f > if < pnge.
IOST-rrom a liugRy RoInK from lath nncl
Jllovnrd to U7th and IX'C.'itur , a purse
in irked "Martha Kcitiicr. " A llbaral reward
totho Under. I.oa-NOWltliowucratlJtfl ir ) wurd ,
T OST-Ooldslovo button marked W. liberal
JJroward. lcn\'oat UrE otllce. U8l-l" > *
niAcftUmn rin thtt pane.
"TRll&ONAIj GcntloiimH Blranjer ? In the
JL cltv , Rood position , would uoptcclatotho
sicnualntaiice of a bright young Indy or
Yll o y. Adriros' * . 0 1. lli-o. MJl. . ' ) *
2'ur ratti , ftc. , tec tup of frit column mi f/jft
Jellies solicited. MUs btuid/,5U'J SiHlinvu.
4Csl7 ( *
I'urrato , etc ice top of first colmn onthlipaat-
"llEfOHE IrayliiR a pi mo examine tlio now
JJbOaleKlinballplano. A. lluspc.lJU Uuiielas
_ S77
_ _
GEO.l' . OT.L EN'llRCk' , teaclierof tholmiij
wlthHospil.'imougUiH. . _ 2)3 )
fllHKOnmha ItlndorRiirtoiiwIll reopen Slon
ldajScpt8,2UUl ( Davenport. MIssK. Urlfllths
_ _ 710-01 *
" \\7 ABEll paiio | ? for aalo only Dy. Onmlia
> V ftiusic Co. . ia od < o. _ QuasiD
EIJSIO r 0 per ccMit discount , and pinnos on
OUST torma. UniuliuMuslu Uo. , lalODodire
For rtleit , tltsectopoffrst columnon t7il jxio ,
PA.TENT lawyers and Bolicltorri , O. W. Sues
A & Co. , lleo building , Omaha. Four years'
cxporlcnc ias oxamltivn In U , 8. imtoiitollicc.
llranchoillcoat Washington , D. 0. Consults-
tlon frto. f < ( )8
forralti , tit , , ttctop / frat to ! inn n on ( lib jxioi
JT.l'ATCII.oxclushoncnslon nnd claim at-
tornoys ovorlSyoaH' experience : all the
Intent laws & decisions. Ofllco removed from
_ 8T 1 0 t *
N Kiii \ \ \ \ pensions for almost all soklloii ;
fjith rM , mothers , -widow nnd minor ulill-
dren of i > ohllors. Claims puslied l > y K. N ,
I'lliiRman , Iancl21 ! ) Frcn/.orblk. . Omalm. A.ISD
. islilnuLon and Omclnnutl. Olruuiars free ;
n'i' oxporlciico. 'iTO '
for rate * , cle. , i < c < lo | > nf frut culiimnon
. ,
cliaiiRed , rented. J. I * . Mogoath , 1007 Kur-
nain street. 'M '
rrfyrBWlUTEKS for rout or sale. Stonoj-
JL raphora supplies. J.l1 , Mesotth,10071'nrnaw ,
Forratcn , tic , , tetlop nf fir t column on. IWj pan' ,
TV/TltS. / D11.BDDV , the ( llstlnRiiUhod trance
1TJL clalr yaiit , late of liostonvlillo im-
traticeil will ro\oal every hidden tnystcry In
life. Prepares Ksyptlan tallsmen. which \vlll
ovorcomci jour onunilos. remove family trou-
blcs.rostoro loUalTcctlons , unltiH the separ
atedholnsln nlltroulilo. etc. 1'co , tflatul up
wards. Is. II. rcrfoots.nisfaotlon guaranteed
liy mall. Amd stnmiifor Illitstratud circular.
Mrs. Dr. Eddy. -Douglasstreet ) , Omaha.
ADA.B1 Stover of St. Zouls , the wonderful
uiul readur , has n't urncd totho city , and
wlllglvo iiorfoct butlsfautlon on nil nlluii-sof
llfo. Oiiltaud ho convliucd. Ladlcs.W ) cts. ;
poiitloinon , * ! . .No. 3."J M lOtli st , nioni 10.
noun from too. _ gta it : *
IIjAIKVOVAM' MftdnmUolzlcr , our U1IIS
J uii
Ite. NAN NIB V , WAKICBa , clalrvoysuit ,
trance , spo.iklnit , wrltliiB imd rollablo
business inedlum,4 jears InUnialia , 3l3N.lith (
UlASSAGlj I' ATMS li 1 O.
For rater , ttc. , M ( op IQ > i iiiltimn on l/i / ( < jiaje.
" "
751 o. i >
Farintcntlc. . etetopofflraltolumn tinthti
BKsT line liulr Roods lu Host ; hilr : dros lnj ,
lps. svltclics , liauss , luilr chains , ntc , , n ,
speclilty , l > nvps | hair goods and milliner ,
opposite postolllce. Ill B.l.'lh HL. Oiniilm. j
1 > A\V ISI1HOKU11S.
KOI iate , ttc. , tuttitjofjirttcnluitm otitlils Inge.
) MOHLK loins money nn dl.imoiuli ,
_ S70
BEN 1' . ainrtl , 7 years with Fred Mohlo ,
lonnsmiiiloon diamond' ) , watches , Jowelrv
and articles ofaluo , HlOl'arnaiu it , 'JliiOll *
wSsTlil ) ' 10 1IUV.
For rate * , itf. , IM ( op .Jjnjtc iyjm onOilt jpngg.
V717A.NTEU To ljuv- parlor furniture , lot
V i roomBiiIte , bust ) liurner anil a slrl's tloy-
ole , Addrosa .No.'rii ; llrMol hi , IJ41 15'
. tolliiy-A Brocory stock at onoo
T for easli. 0. O. D. I3ro\s'u , tolephoue No.
cot , _ , _ il iu :
TC1UHNlTUllElioinelioldBood , ote , lllshcst
Jcasli prlco. 1111 IVirnum. Sd'j '
" \ } \ rA.NTRrlfoii6ilioitls ! Roods of nil Kinds.
I ( JushDiitn for second hand nooiU , U.ito
Olty AxictlonCo. . i-'UnudSIS a.lUU st. 7JJO1"
ftllSO JJ
Forrnte , rtc..ite top ofint column onlftt *
V . . . . .1 va * * * ' * " * * * K"viviiwai vir' . ±
TU. Klmbili. Jlra. 0. M , HoldrcKO. Oiimhu
Net ) , ; Uov. 8. K.OultUrop . , Hou.A. J.Northmp
byuouac , N. Y , poo-U'
T\IAS3AaEtreatinent. cleotro-tliormal lintlis ,
JJI scalp and hulrtruntmont , ninnlouro urn
cLIropodlnU Mra. 1'ost , U 'JO-SI , Wlthnoll bile.
_ _ _ _ '
rilllK nc\r Employment lluretiu , open Wed d y , Sept. 10 , furnlilioi tlrst class female
male help. Inferences at > Vcm n' Olirlitlni
asioclullon. Leave orders at NVomen's f-x *
Ftru am kU MUO-IO *
rpO ilioo dfiilcM ! .U.'lf ' 2s'ow JCMOV
J-boflt * . nlioes. nrctleJAntl ipccliltleSf lllb
eJtcnslrcly Ml-rertlstfll'theconilnjr full nnil
winter. Wilto rofcnUl ( > bu , ctc , I run west
ern tiftenb tt Omaliu. ' My iiilel this ( pnson
h vo boatcn all ix loiu rocortln , 'f . T.
Unil c.r. .
BALK It6i-jics | IV
_ tjjratfoli yni > on
FOH8A1.F One hi c , rlmolon nnil liar-
iits j ? IVcii ) li. Hr > furtliorlnformutlon ,
inquire utMH Vcb-H ; street.
PVOyoii viint nNo. iflrlvlnff liorso , n
J-'lookor , goo l action , Kind and rellahlc , cno
uuhlldcnndrlve.or vlJoti can. If ghen Iho
wordi pussany thing on tltt nvenuu. " Jou
ilo , nml you lui e tlio flRlit kind of Omaha
iirupertv. ) ou caDROt lilui linrtlott , ICootu
ilQ. I'Mtonhlk. _ 119
N ? CE wood-top wajon. 1313 Boilgo < t.
" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TT"on"3l5S jO unJ up , II.E. CclO.
J-1- . r r 3
tfiMiis llslit wulci ! ons linnvy 1 ,
pound horno. Uoon 13 , Hoard of Trn < l ,
_ _
ll SAIK l'amllylior i' ' , usoS. bsy , 1,3)0. , )
sifo ilrlor\vlll take n "safety" part jiay- ,
(1. ( O.llobljle. tol.KK. line
WOUK horsol < i0.tvo liom vrniton SJJ.doiiblo
orlc liartiesi 91' . Or vrlh trade for a
good Hulluldo bar buggy. II. E.Uole , Contln-
cntnl block. 81M
For rfllw. ( If. , stttn ) > oirst , column otilltla
till n R use fill , Add re&l 0 8 Uco. D04IS *
POH SALE National cuh rczlster , nearly
new , latest design. U,211QFuruani , nt
! ! U 10'
FOR SAIE--Thoronili'brpil 1'orkwlilro ckyo
terriers , bull terrloraheotli colllos , Ktn-
Hsli setters , iloerliounili anil fox terriers. Mtix
. ' . llachr , at Max .Meyer fc llro. . ICtli and
I' ILTIHIll. _ _ _ _ STlfl
F ] at of bnsobiiriior stoves. St.
Clair Kuroiicaii liolol , lltu and L > oJgo.
POIt SALE Owlnj to chnnje" * In lusl-
Inosswo offer fonaloat a jaornlleo nllrst
class 11 very nndbonrdlns staWe : new Htoak.
jKoodbiillilltiff with , Rooil Daylnit trtde.cosfc
MO.OOO cash , for saltub iKio. ( oiio-hnlf cash.
Curtis &SickcttOiSo , IJIIi St.Onnhix.
FOIt SAI-K Ice In car lots , Gilbert llros.
Council BlulN. _ RIliiT
"ITlOlt SALK Store and stock of Bpnernlmer-
Jt ? ihnnillso. Stool * will Invoice S'fOOO. ' Nnw
stock , well assorted I ociitoa on U , I * . 11. II.
at agoodtradlns point. Will triulolUli property -
orty for Oinalnroal estate usJono-hulf cisa.
Write for particulars. Address N Ki , IJoo
o fllee. H98g-n
8/VM3 ruttNii-uuia irro.
, , Ht titfof flrtl column rmtlila fcio.
Arr.ATtopTalniitf ) ! ! ! desk , good repair ;
will exohanzo for good cigars. Aililina O
g. Uco offlco. ; S3Q 10 *
_ _
"niOR SAM5--C healTlio fnriilturo in th
- * houie , No 1H1S Uouslm fctroot , for snlo ,
andhouse for rent , Kuqulre uii tlio lireinlsos
> < . etc. , itc t Ql' ' " / Jji > t coliim 1 1 nil tli in paga
KV loloan by U P. Mistorson chattel
luiidiollatcral fcuuj-ltlus for atiytlitiefroni
one to six mouths In a'ny amount to suit bor-
1/oaiis made on houiihold Roodinltno ,
orjans , horses , II\UUH. ! houses leiics. war j-
huusu recoljils , cte. , sit the lowest possible
rutes.wltliou t publicity or rvinoval of property
Jly loins are so arraxiRid tint you cnmniilco
a piyineiit of anyaniDiinb at any time and
rciluoo both prlnoln l nli'l ' Interest ,
If you owe n , baUnoeoa your property or
ha\oalonn you wish ch.imir.od , I will pay It
offand cairylt for you If juu Und It more
convenient , cill dp telephone No HKI and
your buslnosscunbo Ittraneciat home.
Mono/always onliand Nodolay. Nopub-
llcty. Lowest rules. , .
1 n F. Masters
Room MVItunell bile , , 15tu and llarneyits.
_ ij _ 87d
"V\TE Invo prlvntornonev toloanatloMratei
TT Onaha ItcaL stata& Trust Co. , liootu I ,
I3co bldg. _ | _ 157
toloan.Cornwpondoatsof Lombard
-Ui. Inies * t Co. fchrlv r& 13um3l'ron7er biki
and gonoraUhbrttlmepaper
V'boujht ' ; nlsorejulaifiyonrloaiHon Improv-
fd i ) roper ty.Utfo.F.lJl List i Co.,203Uanigel > ld ;
IIIA.TTnrijllnnk , H > S. 15th St. . money
Vou cliitLclsor collateral utteu oimblcratcj
. 581)
"TJUR&T& second morltyinosonvjcant & lin-
J. pro\ed olty prop Uounty tfarrantH Ijoiielit
Won oyoo hand. KM. Ulcliardjou.Dli N.V.Llfe
. lowest rates Removed
to Id. K , V. MCo lllds.aJ. 13. Emmlnsor.
"DUILDlNOlonns , 0 t ) 7 ptrcoiit : no adili-
JJtlonal cliarKCsfor ccmnilsslon orattoiney's '
fees. M.U. Jloll le.FlrstNatlonalbanUbIda ,
TVIKE "Broker In real estate luortctues : oo-
-L'taln money at loist cost to borrower ;
open Saturday till 7 p.m. llooaiSO , llaikur blk.
MOJIFA JO , CM or W duyi on furniture ,
pianos , horses , liousea.oti ) , J. J , Wilkinson ,
CIS I'aiton bloelc , Ml
FIRST niortssiso 16nM at low nto-nnd no
dolay. UV.Snolcso. ( . 2tOl3t Naflbuik ,
_ 685
LO .ANS-Cltv ard fa rm loani.nvortKage pa pur
bought. ilcCasuo InvobtiiiciitUo. r 5ii
KEYSTONE MorUao Cooans ot10 to
$1,000 : Ret ourratoshuforo borrowln ; nml
save money ! loanson hirios , furnltureor , any
npprovod security without nu bllottyt notoi
houslit , fornnw loan , ronowu of old nnd lo\v- \
cst rates , callK. 503Sl > coly Mlt.,15tui llqward.
TTNUSUAIJ.Vlow rates
U of Interest ontlrwtiiiortn osof
real ostatofor thnncatOJ days bytho Kaniu
flty InvostnioutCo. liioiuft Board ol Trade.
J.ll. I'ciitc. inaiiagor. _ 5d3
IIATTULloamlovett rates , buslnus oonll-
dontlal. M. J.I I a. 11 10 Uontlucatal blk.
TITONBV to loan on any security
1TJL forbhortthiicnt low
rules. I-oxvoat ratei
onpersoiul uroporty ,
The Henderson MoilftaKo Investment Company -
pany , room 400 , 1'ajctoii blk , f > 'Jl '
UIMJIXQ loins inado at lowest rales , wl
ai. Harris , room 20 , frcnror bile. , opp. P.O.
FAIiSl loans Star land iL.oan Co
418 a 20
RKAI. Kstito IiinGasa on hand. Olobo
Loan ATrithlCo. , 3iJ7 S , lOthst. > o delay ,
no ultra charges llousoa for rent ; good lUt.
eittorn nionoy
riillndt'lpbla jMortfne and Trust Co. ,
always ro.uly to loan nnd f\y jiroiuntly : first
mortsaKOSwaiitcd , ( ioorgow. I1. C'oitus. rop-
rcsonlatUo , room 7. bo.udot trade. f > ' . > J
WANTED I'lrst-class Inildoloans Lowest
rites Onliand pta us. .Mutual ln\rat-
niontCo..HM _
E SrniiN' money tq loan on elty
niortBaje paper bou Jit. I1.1J Iioy.N. V. Mfo.
r >
inortKano lo.iny onliupmvixl andun-
ved proorly | ; ' < iliarlcs\ \
Omaha NatlorialbaiilqUulldlng
POIl Sj\LE Xlco 7irooniiousn \ ready to
jnovo Into , vltli full' lot , 12,200 , J'-'OO cash. O.
1' . Harrison , DUX. Y.Ufft WJ7
fljl.000 to loan onflrMtniortitaKui mint bo all
"Pliiono nmount or two .lo.uis of JJ'X ) cnclt.
Uocdfc iselby. IJHoard'Trade. ' _ < I3
OK. & 0 , M.ANTIIOKY/ilS NV.LIfo bulld-
lnir , lend innnoy 0if | anus In eholco co'ln-
tles of Nebraska und Jowa : also on Rood
Omaha ruldonco prof i'ty ! lowest rates ; best
toniuj no d < ; l > y ; nwnfcy ready , Ttle- * and
values possud on l'cf jc , _ 2S )
PlIIVATB monov loilptmcheaB' 0. II. llar-
rNoo.mi N.Y. X.lfotnr _ itJ
MONKVtol im. iDiColay , In larstor small
ainonntH lowest 'i Apply 0. E. Itoy-
nolds , OlOXovvyorkllfrt Mdi ; . TolonlioiiolJUl.
. '
M : ON KV loaned nt lovr rat < > i on furniture ,
horsu , &c.wlth0'ic , publicity. Hiivrkuyo
. | " | 411
EAST EltN Tionoy to loan ; lowestrutan no
dclnyi Iiirjuloani tx kDuolulty ; thorttmiu
pajier bought , Omaha Murtgnjo Co , jcionnd
ilourChnmburof Cominerio. -115
yprratea.dc. . jtttopof flltl cuftimit
IWILIjCtclisnseniy of tine clic > lnu
liorsoa , currkijt ) . phaeton , slelfli.dfinljloaiK
binglo h aru us. * for unliivunibcred nil e.tut
Insldo tne limits odlio city of Omilia. 1'ro-
liorly may butceii at Xn IV-'l Howard strtHJt
ntHliIuliuluctpurllcM via leiiv'u ilcserliitlot
or property tlicjdcslru to oxchauge. Win , II
UIIIM. at ? ID
OMAHA biuineb * and ru ldenco property
modem brick Improvements , tJi oxcl.amjo .
forUhlcajo property. AddrossN , 10.1leooltlee
170 la-
rPO KOlIANGK-Oteir city proprrlr rcnt-
J-lnuwollfor ntO.OOOlowl farm , wlllntit In
MmoctHli ; prefer Jlnhoslt a county. 0 , F.llir-
rhmn.tll NV. , Llfo. iH U
TjlOROMAJIA rctldfntorbuslne" * * propertr
i llrlok bloc k , fre from Incutiilirn roc , peed
enntiiti. corner room occupied ly bank , rents )
my good Interest on IKl.ouo. In n good , tbrlr
njf NobrtikH tnwn , rro < s rnllroud nd a
division Htnlum. Adiiront liKl. lice U.U
HEX head tniilos for Omaha real estate. 11.
JL la , Hoii rd T rndo. _ _ 130
'PVVENTY ' mnre-s fur Omaha real n tate.
J-JoomiUU , > nril Trido. _ ISO
, ( KlfBant row downtown brick * , well
rented , for itoo l wholeial * property.
Inside iiro ] > < Mty , vrlll UMUIUU light Incuni-
jprtviro. roraerei.
Unillv. Vjof C1VOOO nifc. rU'h'inent for liislJo
jropcrty. Wllltiav ca < h tllflerfiice.
llirrclllXSONiVIAU. . 1WI Dougla ? t. Tel.
1320 , KOl-lJ
FOR nxCHANOB-t hnve obull , a hcllor
unit four horscH , n ! ) of which I would slvo
'or ' n lot to suit w , T , Seunmn. Uumh.i' *
largest variety wnRons and carrliiRos. 107
12OMK nierohandlsofor cleur reil estatontul
? cn li ! nl < < n fn\v sowing machine. A.Q.
Itrock , A mold. Nob. 1M-15
\7l7ISCOXSlNffatcrpower mill. wltliCOncrrs
hnd.eloar.oxcliauKofor Kobrnska iirop-
crtWS Dccatup. ; U9-sSJ'
WANTKI ) Stock of uoneral mdne , ln > ole-
lnjrS.WO t tlO.OOO , forrholeo Oiimhu Ini-
) roved property uudcasli , AddressM 2oUeo ,
' 'OL1D cold AYnlthani witch ahttvorlc liorso
to trade for Kood Hide bar buggy. II , K.
ColeL'oiitlnonlnl block. bOl
For rat ex. ttc. ut fop it ' ji > rf cof iimn onits ( / i > igf.
FH ) ST1K X't ii "bVirjaiii "ciioico Tot TnY-
pruvudwltria now barn , l&Olnrrrl clslorn.
slindo trcos , etc. , only t , 'M. Jlu t have tl.OOO .
cusli , balance on tlnio to suit. Thin lot Isonly
a few V > looUs from the liljh school , Crolshton
college nnd t-ncrcd Hart icliool , ! . " > orSOinln-
utos' vrolk from court house , 3 block * * from
motorciiM , city water and sovtrravo. I nlso
iiL\e a choice corner , M by l.M f evt , Riiltable
forbuslues'S.-vvlll pro\o tobo a f | > loiilld lnvcst-
munt , has a Kicat future , A ten room
wlthinoilern Ininrou'inoiiN. situated on ft ! I4
foot lot , east front , only * 4WO , worth
Thlspropertyeonslsta of 8 lots on the corner
of ad und OsillfOL-nl i. Oood lea ont forsoll-
HR t a t.iurlllco. WIllbjM. Vatcs. Agt. , No-
lriskq INntlonal bank. HiiO
term's on lot at N. W , cor. Turk.
S Apply soon , O.K. Harrison , Oil iN.Y" _ . I/If o.
I'atldnulc Fliicoon Sherman ave , $5,000.
7I 1U2 , Nlclolas , corner , trachape. easy
\cro , AVest Onmln. tliclC3tHlOOO. ) (
Aero , Hurt t. iindWotntur .st.W.OOO.
Choice rosldonco lots , fiiellill'lacu.fS.OOO up
.A boautltill homo , aiO.COO.
A cottage. iMSt front , Inth nnd w , c. , STJ.OOO. .
loti In llllehcoek's add , , C.irLluise. West
OilinhiK , Evans' add , ICIhst. add. . I'latnUew ,
aiidotticrndilltlonion easiest ternn ,
aist St. , corner , near K'nmain , per foot , $ JO.
Good iiioporty forlrtule.
J.H. > Suns.JSK.Y. ) Llfo. 181 13
,0.000 mirtliof cliolec Onmlnresldenccprop.
crty vltli modern brick Improvements and
Kill-mice business property iloar-for 120.000
cash. Lor piutloulais , uddrc < , N dIteoonteo. ,
_ _ _ _ 177 ll
I10U SAM2-Onciof tlie bcvt lots In Urdford
I'lucc.felKa O. P. 11 arrUo uOIl S. V. Life.
GREAT hnrenlnln a 1'arnini st , lot
oniiavtdst. nnd motor . I .X200
Kist front on Georgia live . i'.tiCO
Uciutlful new house , 23th St. , furnace ,
Ris. Imtli , in int ( K and st , 'i li bowl ,
ctu. Will tiLu iinliupravcdKiniind. . . . 7,000
Best bnrirnliis In the illy on business
property. Howard t. cor. $11)000 ) ; lower
lioiiKlaast , and li 5 per ft. cor. onlHLi ,
CC\Gi ( . .10,000
Eft. , lulf lot.'J-rcotliiqe.'JTthaiidDouR-
Usf.'iiOcnsli. ' . bill monthly . 2.OOO
11UTO1I1NSOX t WEAD , 1331 Douglas tt. Tel.
U2fl. 21)1-15 )
V FA' UN room bouse , litli and Vlnlon , 115.
KJ7-rootn liouso. Kth and Miami , (13.
fi-room lioii'C2. . - > th and ItrUtol , 111.
5-room house , IWrd and Parker. 811.
B-rooiu IIOUH"Mil niidUalilwull.SK ) .
7-room house , : uili and Caillch. 110.
6-roonl hotui' , Lincoln 1'laie.JtO
J , II. Johnson , 519 Paiton Iliac U.
i53 !
rtCO acres Unproved Innd near Ar.ipahoo for
vsaloor ujclniriRO for nicrehandlso. DruRS
prcfornd. Address H , II. Bellamy , Aranahoo ,
Mb. MILtr
TTOKSALp-Onelot In ICIlby I'laeo. SI.OOJ ,
-T Three lots I n ICIlby l'luce > . Sl.IlM onch.
Eait fron t lot oaLo uvo. J-WJ ! ; 950 } cash ,
Valaucoto suit.
Sou tli front lot , corner on ranuuii street ,
8. ' , WO.
Kast front lot enl < eve avelSOO , JOT cash ,
liilanioto suit.
Two lots on corner of Djivonport and 31st
are. , liclnf ? HI foct front on Davenport nt , op-
IwltoYatcs'lhioiesldciiee , for J\WO. ( ThlHlj
the Kreitvst bawulu. In elegant resldouco
property in tlio city-
An decant comer. Wi'cl'G , south and east
front. on Harneyst , lusldo the mile limit , ( or
The above vacant lots arc all bargains nnd
terinscaii bo nrraiiKod to suit huyerV. . 1 ! .
lloinan room 0. 1 rotifer bloelc. " \
IT you want a nice lionio on easy terms call
On i' ' . A. Chapjioll , room 0 , chamuor of com-
me rue. _ 147 IP1
fPEN acres rlnht on I'urnnm st. ! mlle w of
-L BrlsK'K I'luuo. a beautiful liluliitul ;
tract. bargain , "SY.L. fcclby,13 Bond of ' 1 indo
Oil S-A.LR liouso and lot , IKJrd and Jo nes
st-f. ory low , 1100 down.balnnco SlJinonth'
If. V.I. . . M-lby , 11 Hoard 'Jndo , IM
N'ICKhomc , Hurdotlp andiOtli ! , 0-room cot-
t UFO , $1,600. , gaiouush , O. V. HurrNon. Oil
N y.Llfo. &VJ
IjU 31 SALE The clioleo resldenco at No.
I1 K 31 Georgia , avo. , .TJxHOft. E. front , U liirgo
rooms , bath , ens , sewer , hot and cola water.
clo-ot mill nil convenleiiics. ovncr fining to
Icavoclty. D. "V.aboiei Uoiitlst ; Nat. bank.
f C.NAPS" Star Ijuud & LoanCo.
O 413 s an
l.C.TOto 31,109 for I lncolii I'laooiind I'liithajo
$ lots ; ouby to rim. YV.L.SoIby , 1'J Hoard Trado.
A SMALJipns'meat down nnd ( IS per month
iX\ll | bujrii-t-roQiii house nnd Int on lUtli. 2
Wools froraj motor ; Brst-clabs chiitico to no-
nillren bomo on en'ijtorim , Apply to II , E.
Cole.Continental block. G04
TK YOU have anything to soil or c\
Icall at CIS I'u Mou liloolc. Wi
YVTAN'tPJ ! ! ) "J'opitrehasoifood city property ,
IT Improved or unlinpruvod , 1'or sale or
rout , KOIX ! fill uiUncls elo- to city. In4'j-icru
lots 01 inoic. Units collected roroiiirnl
lent estate hu * lno-s apply to O. E. Itovuolds ,
819 Now Vork llfo bldi. u'cloplieno 11)1. )
1OK SAM.rooni ) house , niodorii miprotu-
iiients.Iirn. ) ctu. , 50-foot lot.on Wlrt st.
Iho lust residence Mln the city , for S0.500.
II.GOn cash , balance suit ,
U-room linuboiiiiil 50-footlot on 1'jrlc aie. .
for SJOU. Terms to suit.
8-niom IIOIKO and < iO-foot lot on2I t nvonuc.
Juitnortliof Ht.Mary's a > e. . for JJ.OW ,
0-ro rii house , all niodorn Iniimivoiuents,50-
footlot , oiibpiNieur > t , forl" > , KJ" .
( J-roniu liouso unit b.ith.fiiu place\vltli \ oik
mantel , ell/ water , RJSetc. . atllMh and J.ick-
luii sts. , f or $ . ' ) . -00 , 011 terms to suit buyer ,
Tlii'so areallcouulni ) bargains , The bouses
rent for < nouili to pay 10 pur cent on price
aslcd , AV.K. lloinan , roomu fronzer blk ,
[ 71
E OIl HAI/K llv tflrliiccrfc I'cnnj.Uouj .
Moclc.nir. llitli 11 nil Ioil0'u sis.
Three cornois on' ' < th stOne
Ono corner on 1'ai n am and l.u won venue.
Kt.lAl.inj $10000
Oiiucoriuroa lritli : ind I'leicc.9S\14I . . . 0,000
Onocorneron Vth und KniniotlHK\i ; ' < OD
( hio corner on Ixiwo avenue and Orclnrd
stiret , ] V\iiO ) . 3,000
Onoini iifron tonaavunuu nnd NcKou
street. UJ100 , . J.500
OnoI'orneroriliHli , lth IrncU'iKC , dlvOtl
Onocnriicron Pimiam and aoth.fiOxll. 30,000
Hast front on 3\h , \ iinJ b'umiirn W\1JJ. ,
Kntfronton Irtwo avenue , 50x1 0 1,701
100 ( ton HrUtol street 2.4PO
40 ft on I'atrloknvenuo . , 1ID ( )
40 f I east fronton "Cth and Uurdettv , . 1,400
4T ftou Kiimuin btrect . . . . . 3.00
IbO ftbetwcctilljtli and 17lh south of Lo
cust , only | . _ . _
44 ftoh SlOth and Hafnoy. . . . , . . . . . . jj6oi | )
< < 8 fton 1'arnani and list its . 8,000
South front on Hamilton . | , see
botltb front ( lUfl ) lit Ixiwo'undil . 1,400
Treckn eou llth nnd Nlehnlm.'lst and
Itard , ICth sheet , llodford 1' .
U < nd lots In
\Vsilniifc Mill . . w > r >
Orclmrdlllll . BM >
Kllhy 1' . . , . . 1.WIO
1'1-ilnriow. , . . . . . 1,400
Hfdford I'luce . . N)0
Cloierdalo . . . 400
Ill hl.iiid Park . , . , . . . 'JOO
bomo ulcunt ri'sldoiu'cs In good loca
tions. and these bargains :
S room lion o.Orohiiril Hill . . . . . .1,000
4 room lioukcJIT Ccntnrstreol . . . . . 1,250
f > -ioom liouso , Vtnton I'lace . 1.7.V )
.rt-rooni lioiibo.CharloH btrnet. . . 2.WO
7-room linuge.Oallfornlaaml ) M . 2,000
( lend farm lund Mi' > per aure.
MrliiKer & 1'eiiny ' , UoujhiH block , IQthaiid
M ao-ir.
BAHOAINSI rorinlHl llnrzaIu ISoutlioHst
( onmr Kiirnamand - 'dr u Ui. SJ.VX ) ; WxllK ,
ItJth uoar Grace , I,5UO , worth 11.000) ) douhU
comer < ipposlto Vatcs on LlivoniiDrt. , ,
liim nn > uxlreme barg lns. I ) . V.bholet. SLJ
' lrst National bank. aij-ld
PlnC loll 11,500. If sler
In uioit an j Addition Tcir
Wsnlo ut Imtn II 000 unntira ) r monthly v > y
meuu. V-.K. Uatllnx. * Knrkor blU. 6M
E LiKtJAAt ttMkax * lot , ie > ile , rontlnB
paved it , truck Inalloj , Pornaleor lca n
on lone time. The Mead Investment Co. . Uco
bldy , _ 17
N'OW U the time tobuy city resldonoct and
ImMiuit pmportr , H * Paul KiO'll'ariiaiii '
St. , lias n larso list , llousisoa monthly
nionU. Loau < ( negotiated.
HOMES-S\vcft Homci-ElcRaiit llomcs-I
inn otTrrliiRthn belt bnrKatnsIn < lninliaor
n Oieworlilon Wi-Rt Karn nm st reel. Slu-lojant
houses alldltrcrentOtoMiKnis ,
nnd rold's pnt 1htur , bath , water
closet , innntel , elegnnt Inlck cellar * , pod
ft reel ami morlitaKo.MK ) toJoOOnr mnm cuh ,
und hnlanen utTporrciit losult. U. Y , Sholo * ,
JMl-'lr tg < itloiiil bt > iik. SOS
_ _
1lUJirrAUfllby lVi feet tiiirth ana cast
JL front , or no ron Dcxlco t. . on * of the nicest
rcslrtcncoiltoH In thcclu * . for 37,130 , tea deslr-
iblnpart ; who will hulldri K K ! n'sldenco.
\V. 11. ilonnn. room 0 l'n mor Dili. _ f > t _
'V\/AUOIlAMe ' : ternc'Id.ToT ' n > Ht toSOnHlia.
ForrofM. ( If. , * foj of flrtl tpttinm ntitlils ) t < ; e.
OR SAM : riiKAv-A iVHViBhM" ! ,
for ui li. Doing a good biiHlni'ox. ( i < uid lo
cation. US N loth. 503-1'
FOll SAIn It. It. lunch and catlnshoiiso ,
flxtnrtiiniicl 10 furiiKhed lodnlnJ rooms ;
feoilst\vopn seniorand wlxtuonfrt'Ijht trains
Inllyi onsli bii liieasll,000iier inontli. Invpoo-
tlonor ei > rrrsn > ndenco Hollultcd. K.I ) . Krolis ,
, Nub. iSS-lS'
T , lViitV forsilo Rood llvory < tttblo. ltli
JLJat'ooilrun ofbnslnpss , for ule. IVrsonal
i-nnso for sol lin ; . Inquire Edward 0. navls ,
; K-iti
Clipip Clilnr. eonffPtlonpry ,
with Bfumlslieil roomsL'Ott , fouuil'-'tlifit.
FOR asafo lOpor cent Invoittnont ( iibscrlbo
for shares IntboMut ual Loin nnd Dutld-
No. SO. Wajie-workors
should take sliares tosoQiiro low rales of in
terest In buying lh lr home * . Koomll chiua-
borof ooiuinorcc. 0 , M. Nattlngor. Krcrvl.iry ,
178 O 10
IFyoii are a birborandhavoa little tiionov
orsonioKoodproiicrty and -vlsh IO'RO Into
Luislni's.sou your own account , como and see
me. Itiittluttltm > ; n610 I'.ixtonbilc. 1H
DUUO stock and flxturo . Invoice nbout
y.OOOinotany old stock ; vlll soil for part
rash , or exubuiiKO for a farm. Addro < iV
Thorn , lock box L' < , Utolifloia. Nob. KO S''St
TJIOU SALK I'lrUcltmsdalry , Cull on 1 , . W
JC Wright , li'lorence , orf.T. low,7oa ) , Nortli
IS struct 844 l *
TTjlOH S\ljB Iteildenco nnd business ; well
- 1louated ; treed uliancofor anull oiiltil. | ) Ad
dress. f. A. Itruiiihej' , roalobtuto ajent , llrad-
shaw. Neb. M 11M-18 *
n At nbarsaln.a nooa stores house
1 fitted ii | > vltli shelves and counters , base
ment 0 roomi for divolIliiK. uood clsturn and
w ll , will well or trjdo fora N o 1 stock ofKro-
ccrlos. Address llcol & Koul , 0. o. U. KrWorrf ,
BSSNlOlhst. CJi
I10U SALU or trado-A first chia liotol In
a count ysentln cnstern Nebraska. 1'or
pnrtlctilirs Inqulro of NY , L. Solbj , room 13 ,
Board of Trade. 'M
A KAUt : clnncc. Oltyllotclof MIllard.Ncb , ,
-cVfor rent , silo or cxehanso Tor farm or
Oinnlin property , llest located liotfl In Mil-
l\nl ; lias biir-rootn , dance hull , Icohonw and
stable ; all convenience II , E. Cole. Conti
nental blk. , ( irO. Zliiiiiicrinuii , I'JtlauU Jones.
N o t Ice.
Notice of the blttlnc of the City Council as a
Hoiirdnf Kquallratloii
To thcowtiowof lot" und lands aljiiltl 112 on or
iidjueunt to streets , nllejs oravciines sltuntrd
in whole or In part within any of the clMrlcts
hircliiatlcr named ,
Vou and each of you arc hereby notified
that tlioUlty Council will sit usaBoiidof
r.iHiillutloii | at the ofllco o/tho / city olerk nt
the Douglaa county court IIOUHOOII Friday ,
the luthtlayot Septi'iiibcr. imw , fioin Oo'olojk
a. in. to -o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of
tMliiiillzliiK the proposed lovyof spochil tildes
jnid iisio-isiiiciilH and correitlns any errors
therein and of heirlncalleomphilnH the
uwnerjof tlio propertyho tobo taxed and in-
hesscdniay make , dnld fpcclnl tuxes and us-
sispracuts liolnn levied accordlu ; to luw to
tovcr the ecst and expense of
30th street from Bpauldhii street toAmos
: i\enue , hi paving district Mo. VI ,
JUth MiL'L'tlruni SpauUlhif utrect tollrlstol
siren tin paving < IUtrlct No.illi.
I'arkslrcetfiomlUiid stnvt to KccO. street ,
lnpi > lnCdlstilutNo. ( STO.
llth street from NIiliolus Htrcet to Clark
stiootln pinlnp district No,24S ,
SUthbtruot flora Jackson street to lllokory
streot.ln puUngdlstrlrt No.24.
Bin llh street from 1'urlc ' btrect to Ilurton
streot.ln pivln district No. ! 7S
Itcca street from 1'itrk str-oet to Burton
uti out , In pnvlnu : district N"o , irl.
I'nrk street from IJiod klreet to JRnd av
enue , In paving district No. 1,0. ,
Francis street from Heed street to 32nd av
enue. In pi\lng \ district No. 271.
20th slieel from UUIICT street to Vlnton
stiTtst In p n Ins ( INtrlct No , 1(1.
Hhiney street from Hicniiati uMinuc to 21th
btreut.ln jiavliiKdlatrli't No 280 ,
Stltli avenue from Half Howard street to
U < avinworlh Htreel. In pivvlni ; district .No. 2J7.
Klu'Otfroia JUth Mroetto iU : foct 1C
Hillside add No. 1 , In invlnjdlstrlot ISO. iW
L'umiiiii Micetfroni Lowe avvuuu to Smith
stieoi , In iiavhiKdlstrlct No. 'Jlli.
llloloiy slicotfroni IVth toMtli avenue , In
puvlngdHirlut Ko.L'Ba ,
Woolworlliuvuiuo from 50th street to 20th
avenue , In u.ivln'dlMilet , No. x'bi ,
P ik street from : cnd : meunc to Dust jnc.
IiKs ! stu'Ct f roiu IJUIIi sLiect toild Mrcut.
ITthstieot nomlOO foct b of Jackson street
to lca\ennortiistrtct. !
ITtliatruitfiom U. & 31. true Us to alloy Sot
Center strut.
Spring sticet from rnrnnm street to 1st st ,
Ivurd street f loin IMth street to Uth street.
! iulbt met from l cavunvtorLli btrcettobt.
Marys a venue.
l.itbst rod f torn Vlnton strootto city limits.
i-ciil ironiiiiii siieulto luili xt.
Utli street fioin fa. L. Qoodiiinn property to
Castellar til cot.
Millird tr ( > etfrotll l anols tolturton st ,
lithstrectfroin lllokory tel > orcis htrceta.
Alley In bloiiliiril ,
Sovcr district No. 1J" > .
ScMCrdlslrlct No. 10,1.
Suver illHlrlut No , lO'l. '
houcr district Xo , 1W ,
RuvcrdhlrlutKo. 101.
toiler dMi-lct No. 110.
hcwrr dMilut Xo. 111.
niithstreet froml'iiniani street to Half How
ard Mretit ,
? J tli uvonuo from r.iriiarn to Half Howird
ndhtret fiom X li. Do nl he's addition to
Ijoeust stieot.
And bo It f iirther resolved , that tlio city
clerkBlvoiiotlio oC nu-li tlttliu atloiistslx
dnyspilorthureto InthioedulIypupcM ofthu
city ,
And boIt further rosolied , that unless for
Rood , uil ( butlli'lent oiusu It | : )
nidcrcd nnd dctcrinlncil , tluit said cost or
partof coil be soiissesscdui-o inta. acuoidliiK
lo foot f i on tain upon ul [ the lots arid
estate In mid districts i espcotlvi-ly.or adja
cent to oralniltliifr tin ? llnoof Hitd , Iniprrivo-
inonls , aicord In ? to Iho iHitnl ixsnlln luck
prou'sSinheretofortindiiiitcd und follo\v Mlby
s ild council In the n'scssinent ofspeclul u.Ves
to color thi ) uostof Hiililrork , tn-wit :
Onu-tlilrd of slid inn rata costupouthi'ono-
Hlxthpaitof the wliolo amount of iiiouml to
In ) tis-us-ed. Itrstnbiittlii uponthu UCutlluo
alnn.'hn Id Improve merits.
Une-IIflliiartif ) such DID rntncost upon tlio
Bccond onc-hlxth paitof the whole umount of
baldftiound adjoining tlirioto.
Uni'-slxth purt of Hiiuh pro riita cn > b upon
the third onu-slxth paitof the whole amount
of said K round iioxtiidjiiunt :
And , t hreo-tcnthsof Hiieh prnrataiost upon
tlipadJm'nrnrre.manliigQuu-uilf ! ! | jnit oftho
n hole of said ground ,
Von and each of von uro lirrohy nntllled to bcfoio bild binird of eiinull/iitluii at
thutlino and pl.ien itbo\e bpiclllcd to iniUo
any couiulaliit , stnlciiiuiil , or ohjecllon you
inn y dcslio eoiiccmln Mild proposed lo vy and
uhHcsiueiit of special tuxtt.
Oin.ilui , boul.Utli. IWH ) .
slMGt 1'orll. < J , Uoiinsiiiiiii. I > c < | iuly
Notice to Conu-net < > ! < ,
Scaled propos.ils will berccclH'd by thoseu-
rotary of Hie Im.udiif . udiiiMtloniiiillU o'clocli
p. in. S.iliudoy , Supli'iiibor ycth , MK ) . for the
croitlonof a foiir-iootn , onit-story lJrlclc llOol
hulldhiK , at tin ) Tcn , uio of liUli nehool
trrounds.ln iKwrduneu ulth plniiHsnrt pi-e | .
lluutloiison II loin tliootllfo of the wcort'tery of
thiiboaidoC tdui'Htlon.
la.h lild must be lu-coinpnnlod by rtiortl.
llfdchoik for $ UX ) . The hoaid of eilunitlon
rc rvc lli rljiht toro.Scit any or all bldi ,
Jly order of Ilio boird of ed neat Inn.
Omaha , September loth , iww ,
illdlt CIIAHLI-H COMOVIII. Sccretiry.
IRRUIU andCerlitn ton dnj or nonay r <
fgiided. liy mall tl bccurnly lanltl from ot >
vatl n. CiiOK Illi.Uiur CO. , UmatnM , > > .
ovi.v-pr. l 0no'i I'orlodlcul
nedr , acton thi meintrutlijrsUui una
ouri * uiipro laa tram wbiwrur vauai , I'roiiiou
nunitrutllua. Tlie oulll $ lioiilUnut bi tiiktu Uur >
uipreKfuncr. Am. I'll ! Co , Ilojiltjr 1'rupi. , Hprn-
curCluyU > . . Ii Utmulna l > r Bhuimaa t MuConnell ,
! > ( ) m.nenrf. O.Oin Ui ! U. A. lil lier , Uoutli
OniUa ; U 1 * . 111 * . CguucllUlufli. li , or totti.
. A. Joint resolution was ndontaA
> 7 th loKlilature of tlio stkt ol NobrnsU , rtk
twcnty-nrsUOHslon tlieroof.nnd ipproroA
Kobruary llth. A. 1) . I * * ) . | ironoilti ? n rtniond-
uiont to tlis eonstllntloii of i\ld stiite , unfl
( liatfnld amendment Rhall retd s follow * ,
to-wlt :
Snellonll That nl the general election to
Im held on the Tuesday < ueowrinic thofln *
Monday of November , A. M.lS'.iO.tlinre shnll hr
iitnilltod tu thoolcotors of tlili itnte foriip-
proMil urrejectlon an niHinuinent tothncou-
itltutlon of tbH Htate In word * ni follotM :
' Thenimiuf Bcturc.ialo tnd keeping foriula
Df lnlotitlMillriiior ( a8 iv bevntaio nr for-
evorprolilbtttvl hi tliH slate , nnd the h-alsln-
lur shall provide liy luiy ( or thueufDreunivilfc
of thU provision. " And than ) nhnll nlso nt
n\l < l election bOM'pirntelr submitted to tha
clrctiim of tblntntofor tliKtrnppnivnl erro-
liH-tlon ( inninrndincnt to the I'nti.Mltutlon of
Lluntuto In words nsfollown : "Ttioninnufiio-
tiirc.muv und koi-pliiK forsaloof Intoxloatlu *
; U ) uor.i us a tjovor.ige shall bo lloeimed Mid
reRUlatodhy Uiv. " . . . . .
bve. Bt At aue > > < de-ot Ion , on tlio liallot of
each eloclor votliiK for the proposed amend *
inciiN to the constitution B hul I bo written or
printed Ihn words ! "l 'or pro | srtl ainrnd-
ini'iit to the constitution , prohibiting the
mantifaettiro , aulti and koeutiig for nala
of Intoxicating IliiuoM as n novr" or
"Aculnst the prnnosrd nmcndmont t'l th *
constitution rrolilliltliii thd uiantifaeturn ,
snlo nnd keopliiK for ilo oC Intoxicating
llmiors am bctorase. "
Thi'Mi shall nKobewrlttein or printed on th
ballotofc.iehelootor volltiR for the proposed
amendment to thn I'onntltutlou , tlm wordsl
ir ir MrnniKml nintinillilillt to the minstltlltloil
thntUio manufautiiri1 , silo nnd keoptnit for
ale of IntoxIc.iJInit llnwirn ns a lm\ornio ! In
his Mtnlt Hliall lie llcons ( > d.iiud rutrillntoil
by law'or "Against nald Dropusod ainond-
in cut totho 10 iMIIutlon that tluMiiunufiio-
tnre , .s.iIoiindkt'ppliiK fornalnnf Intoxlcitlni
lliuors ni n bovonipi sliull bo licensed ana
rpsiilntliiB liy law. "
Sep. U : If either of tlio said proposed
amendments ihatl bei avprtivod t > y a mnjorlty
of the elouton votlnjr at the 8-ild elvettun ,
then It nil-ill cmiHltutp seotlon twenty-v von
I'JTlof tirlluloonu [ lof | thocoiHtttutloa of tlilt
'llieroforo , llohn M. Thayer , ( Inxnrnorof
thoHl.itpnf Iscbiankn , do horcliy slvo nolle *
In accordaiu'cwlt lisoi'tlon ono [ llarllcln 113 ]
of tlio eonstttiitlonniul tlio provlslon-jof Hit
iictcnt Itlod "an act to prorulit tliomannnr of
propoalnj all aniondinents to tlio onstltiitlori
ulid Hubmlttlns thonniiiotrt the nlritorsnf t h
Ht.tto. " Approvuil r l > ruary lllth , A. P. 1877 ,
tttit ald proposed nieiuliuent vllI lie suli-
iiilltort-totUoiiualllU'd vo ! < 'riof tills stit for
upiirovnlor reloctlon at th nciicnil okutlon
tobo huld on tne 4tli day of iNuvomlior , A. P.
18'Xi ,
In witness whereof I hereunto set my Innd ,
anil catiifl tobu iitlKcd thu trout t < al of t-liu
state of Nobr.iska. Done at Lincoln thU-Mill
any of July. A , I ) . l&K ) , snui"vlii"ltli ) vi-iirnf Dm
stale , and of the Independent. ' ! * of the L'liltoJ
St lies tn | < one hundred llftnontn.
liy theOovernor , JOHN M.THAYKO ,
HKNJVMIN U.Uownrnv ,
] beuiutary of State.
Annual ld.1r
I llOil.Aai < VTI ( > N.
s. A Joint rfjoltitkin wus adopted
by tholesKlatnroof t lie state of Nnur.vika.ut
tlio twiMity-lliMt si'nlonthori'of , nnd approved
March. 10t u. A , 1 > . feM ) . uropinln nn niiioiid-
incnt tiiHoctlim two 12 ] four [ 41 undlUcl l of
Artluleslv [ HI of thu constitution nf said state
and thnt said Heutlon us niiiendud Hhnll lead
aufollims , to lt :
Sect Ion I That wt Ion two (2) ( of ni tlcln six
(0)of ) tlioooiistltntlon ofthostateof Nt'brn.ska
be ninondi'd jo asto fvail as follows :
'Hei'tlun- : TlH'snpit'inii eon it Hhnll c in
sist of ll\o ( Hjudgos umatorlty of limn shall
bonuuessary to foriuaqiioriiniorloprommiioo
adeuinlon. It sliillhuo : orU-lniil Inrlsdlctlon
In caw roll tine to rovcinii' , ilvll enscsln
\vlilch the st.ito nhall lie a party , inandniii us
quo wnrraiito. hnluMs uirpiis , and Ktiuh appel
late jurUdlcMlon as n > ny be pioviilod Dy law
Huctlon'J : 1'hatscciion fonr-liir ( ) mtlcln sir
dO.of . the constitution tifthostatoiif NvbiusLi ,
ljnuinendol < o uslo rvail nsfollunH :
bootlon4 : Thojndcesof the supreme court
shall beelcctiMl liy thoolcetom of Iho state ut
li ; i Xi' . and Iliolr terms of ollloc , ovcuptus
lierolnnftorpiovldcd , bhall bo for u period u (
i\e ! ( & ) jours"
{ toctlon : ! : Thatsontlon llvn(5)of ( ) nrlk'lo sin
itlof tlio constttiitlonnf tbo state of Not rn-
l > u , boaiiH'ii.lod in us to rend as fnlli > :
hoctlon5 ; "At tlio llrst oli'otlon to
Im hold In the yi'iirlh'Jl , and after tlio adop
tion i > t this iimiMidtncnt. to tlio lonstllutlon ,
there iball lie I'lectecl three O ) Judu'is of llu >
uprnino court , one of whom alinll ho olomnd
for thotnrinof ono ( II y nr , line for tin1 tt'rin
.of threoCDyoaixanil one for Uiotcnnof Ilia
( tt years , and at encli ucncral eleclloii tliord-
after therosluill bo elected unit Jiulxo of the
.nupiomo court for the term of live ( ' > ) years.
I'rovldod , that tlio Judges of the suprvino
court ffhosn torum have not Oxplrcd at the
tlnio of holding thi" oloutlonot 1 91 ,
sluill to hold their ollk'O for the 10-
mulndor oftho term for which thoyitare ro-
poctloly elected under the present comtl-
Section 4 : That each ponon votlns In fa\or
of tills amendment fclmll liuvo wilt ton or
printed upon hlsballot thnfollowInK :
"I'or thu propound simondmeiitto tlionoustl-
liitlon rclutluc to thu number of tmprema
Thoroforo. T. John M. Thiyor , Governor of
tlio state of Nobinskn , do hereby Rlvn notion
In accordance with Motion ono (1) ( ) article llf-
loon < r > ) of thi * constitution , tlio provisions of
Ilio not cntllli d : "A n nutto protido tlio iniia-
urrof proposing nil ninonilmonta to tlio con
stitution nnd submitting the sawn to tie | elec
tors of the state , " Approved Fcbruiiry llih.
A. I ) . 1877. Hint mid propoe < l ninondinont will
bo prCHcntcd to the qiiallllfd TO tort of tha
stiUodn-approval or rcjiiullon ut tliouonernl
election to bn lu'ld on tlio 4th < liy of No\cm-
bor. A. I ) . M'JO. '
In nltnrii wlwcof Muiia lioreiintn i > t m.r
hnndand eaiiRoil to bo atllxnd tlio Rrnatsi'iil
of tlm si ute of Nubrasku. Done ut Ijlncoln.
this t'llth ' dnyof .luly , A. I ) . I K ) , and thu tvcn -
ty-fonrlli of tliostiite , mill of tlio Indo-
lir-ndenun of tin United ttutoH the ono hun
dred llriocnth.
Hy thi > Oiivi'inor , JOHN M , Tll.YYEIl.
HKXIAMIN K. ooivriKiir ,
[ SrAi.,1 h'oorotnry.of State.
August Id'lm
A iO.V.
. , A Joint resolution \rni adopturt
by tlm lonlslntniuof the stiltn of Nebraska , at
the Ueiitj-lh tM"slon tliercof , aniluppriivi-d
March Uth , A. 11. 18 * ) , nrop-sliiR nu iinicnd-
moiitlo beetlonTillrlcon ( It ) of Article ) t-v | I1"1
of the constitution of tnld stitc ; tliutsjlil
section anamcndod shall toad as follows , to-
wlt :
bectlon II Thatsretlon thirteen ( Iliof hrll-
c-lo six ( ) nf tlKH'oustltutlonof Ilinntiitoof No-
br.itk.i boainmuled m asti ) road as fci'Ioi s.
hoitlun II : The JuiUotof thcsuurciiiBinnrt
sliu lliMi-h rucoh u a mi I iiiy of tlili t.y-llvp'i'ii- | |
ilrr > d dollars (41,100) ( ) pur u mm in an 1 the IIIUKC
of t he district court shall rocelvo n n-ilary f
throe lliousaiid dollars ( fl.U'JO . ) pt-r aniiiini..ili < (
the silnry of oich slrill lie pikyiildoriilnrU'r'v. '
HcctlonUi Knch peis n votlnu In fuvi5r'iit
thlsiimiMiilmcnt hhnll luno wilttcnur piliitod
upon Ills bilUitllic fpllovluit : v -
" 1'or thnpioinsOliiiiiiiiliiii | < nt lotlibt-in tl-
liitlcm , rcUUugto the sal.iry ol JudxcH nf tno
hiinrommmd ilUtrktcmiri.
Tboiofori' , l , John M. Thayer , covnrnor'of
thostat ) orNe'jriHtadi ' ) hereby srho nntli-i ! . *
In ucoordimcoMlth neut Ion OIIB [ 1 ] nillelo U/- ,
tconir.l [ of the const Itntlon , and the praTs-
slomof nn autcntltled : "An art , lo piunilti
thoniiinnor of proposing all , tmtiiidiiu'i !
thoconstltut Ion nnd Hiibnilt-tlliK HH > Hfiifi'-'ti )
tlutcloctiroftli . "
- > slito. Approved robumry
l.itli.A I ) . 1877 , tli it s ild pionosi'd ainiMid-
mont wlllho siibinltlo-l toUiuiimlluYdotois |
of this st.itu forappmval or u-lcotlon. at the
iriMieriil I'lcetlon to lo held on the Jill < luy of
November , A. I ) . IS' ) ) .
In wtm ! whcroof I liavo hereunto x'f my
hn nd and eano I to ho ntllxod tha crc-it : soul
of tlm Htuto of N'ulruska IJorio nt l.lirolii ,
tli Is tilt Inlay of.Iuly A. I ) . IS W , nml tlio twen
ty-fourth yuurof ho slatu. nnd of tlielndo-
pondnncoof tlio Unite J .Status the oliolitin-
MythoOoviTiior. JUIIN M. THA Vine.
HKVIAMIN H. Oo\vrirav.
[ Hf.AiJ Hooretary of State.
AuKustldlm _
A ftct-liok ! to rojmlnt Inn Statist lea ,
\uuoriliiiT { to LondorTaiiUiorlty , thosa
wlio mike tlio intoi-wtlnff cnluulntions
us lo the fuluro population nflhoffln'bo
Hliould bo ouullom intlotilliif , ' with exist
ing rains of liiurwt&o. Tlic roRl.stci'-gon-
oi-alrottiniHfof kst your nliow that Ute
iniilUpllcatloii of tlio iioopln of Knglana
utid Wales has fnllon olT thtit is. the
oxccs.s of btrlhs ovi'iiloatlih \vts ; HI7,221.
the ( liiToronco having Btt'ndlly di'dinod
for the lust five youiii , jNcconlliifr to Iho
I'cstiUs ot tlio last two connis icai"j tlio
iiKroaso in ISi' ' ) should liavo booh M- ! ) ,
12 , ! , u iHimbot1 moro thsvn 2i',00 ( ) gi-ontor
than tin ) fnot. The birth ruto
wan uiiproeeiluntcdly low , bi'Ing no losi
than 2-6 | > oi'thou > ai > il holow thu inoi'ago
oftho pruvlous ( locdilos. Muaiiwhllo Lho
miii'rtngo rate hits not rcajipmletl to tlm
increased jrniiPi'Hyof ) tlio i-uuutty , ex
cept hi certain "OI-UOIIH whoi'u Tie nopu-
lallou h Intorontod in mlnliij ; , tinu the
d < uth ruto 1 Bllglitly hlcrliuf Unit la
18S8 , Invlng risen from 17.H to 17.0.
'J'lils lo , liowuvof. very low I'omi
with fo\v ycuiM buck. Indued , the
iator-gonoriil points nut tlmt there ara
now something- fiOU.OOO people tillva
In Knglaiid iinJVivloH u-hoso dDulli
would have boon ruglatorad If tha rnto ot
inorullly had roiitiuuod us it way bo
weon 1B71 mid 1601 ,
The perfume o [ violets , Iho jiurlty of" the
Illy , tlio Klow of the rose , and tha Hush oC
Helm combine In I'o/zoul's wondrous powder.
Through ooauho Pullman palnco
Hlooporn , dliiln < 'uurdfr"0
euro to Chicago and intorvonlng point
Itoclc Idland t-outo. Tlcltu
olflco 1W)2 ) , Sixteenth und Parnaiu.