Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 15, 1890, Image 1

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i I
He "Wants a Permanent Quorum Before
Signing the River and Harbor Bill.
Kctinctlj'o llevlBcd Speech Shows
Jlixny Important alotllllciitlons
Tlie IlntiflO ncootnlne a
A \cry Unvlclcly lloily.
WASIIIXOTO < i nanism TUB OMATU Ber , ]
M.1 Kouiucc.vm STIIFBT , >
-miNorox U. 0. , Sept. H J
A quorum lnvl * > g been obtained In ttio
oouso yesterday nnd the Journals of the prev
ious Jay's proceedings having been thereupon
approved , Representatives Henderson of Illi
nois , chairman of the committee on rivers and
harbors , went U speaker llced and asked
1 lin , In view of these fac-U , to sign the river
r nd harbor bill and let It go to the president
for his action. The rules require- that all
bills shall bo signed by the speaker In open
house In the prcsenco of a quorum , nnd It Is
duoto the filibustering of the democrats of
the past few days tlmt the bill was not ,
r6l > ? iiod by the Bpc.iVcr pro tcmpore during
Bpoiker Heed's absence la Maine. To Mr.
Henderson's rciiue t Speaker Heed returned
n denial , stating that ho had notified the dem
ocratic leaders that bo-would neb slsn the
river and harbor bill till a quorum w.w pres
ent to do buslnovn and ho was not satisfied
, tnuta quorum for that purpose had been
I secured.
\ xnjf > rm' ! En SPEECH.
.After aperiod of ten days for reflection
and revision Representative ICenaotly last
night sent to the trovcrutncnt printer the
mnni'Bcript of h'.s speech attaikltitf the senate
nnd jSenator Ouav for their abandonment of
the election bill In consideration of an a reo-
inci.t \otoon the tariff bill by the demo
cratic senators. Mr. Kennedy did not have
the full courage of his convictions on the ad
Inst. , or at the request of friend * ho con
sented to smother them and publish a speech
that Uocs not offend so outrageously the laws
of pirllamentary usage and decorum as the
one ho delivered. Senator Quay's nanio is
omitted from the record anil ono or two per
sonal sentences either struck out or modlliod
Ilh Jlurco onshiURht against "senatorial cour
tesy" in "a clo.ik behind which Ignorant and
arrogant wealth can purclrao the vay to
power and then hldo Its cowardly head behind -
hind the shameless protection of senatorial
Bllcnco"doos not appear. In the comparison of
Judas Itcnrloi and Sumtor Quay the Utter
Dart of the sentence , "the Judas who took
thirty pieces uf silver and went and handed
himself has loft an example for the .Matt
Quays that is well worthy their example , " is
changed to "has left an example veil \\orthy
of Imitation.V.iere. . in the original , Ken
nedy sold of Quay : "Ho stands a convicted
criminal before the bar of public opinion1
the revision reads : "He stands convicted al
ready before the bar of public opinion. "
Hud the speech been printed as originally
dcllvead it would huvo created a grout sensa
tion , but bv comparison it may be that the
new version will fail to attract much atten
tion without Quay's name In it. It Is difll-
cult to see how the Pennsyluuiia delczation
con successfully attack the speech , nnd If the
senate should ask the house to tnl > o notice cf
it and punish the offender it Is not likely that
anything would In done. There are too many
members of the house who feel toward the
senate as Kennedy docs to nurrunt an attack
ui < on hiui from tbiit end of the capital.
The membership of the house ot repre
sentatives is already too large. Init it will bo
Increased nv twenty odd members under the
new apportionment. The admission of now
v ttatesand the increase of population threa-
> tens at the present rate to so Increase the
% jzo of the houboas tomalco It ery dinicult
M > transact business. Many people familiar
with legislative affairs believe that now
the membership of the house should
bo reduced rather than bo increased.
SlueolTOO the apportionment has run up from
ono member to every at.OOO people to ono for
cverv 131.012 people , and meanwhile the mem-
bcrslilp lii the hoiisd has increased from 1W
to 330. It Is ctirlons to look over the progress
of appnrtionnients. Every ten ywrs the
party m power figures on the census , striking
many trial balances to see what apportion
ment will civo them the advuntnpo of the
most members of their party in coiiKress nnd
the greatest strength in the electoral college.
Ono result of nil tlio figuring
is that some of the states have fewer repre
sentatives now than they had in the tlrs > t ap-
portionmen 1700. A member In the house
then represented 33,000 citizens. Ten years
later each member represented ! ir > ,000 , Prom
DOW stands. Under the apportionment bill
Virginia will lose ono rcprcsentuthe.
In 1790 she bad just nine more
representatives in the house than she
now has. Before any census was tafcen ,
when tha government was Just organized ,
Virginia had ten representatives , Just what
ho now has. Csnncetlcut had seven ropre-
iciitativesln IMOand has four now THe\n- \
wurohaa ono nttno boRlnninRnncl lias still ,
but back between 1810 nnd IS'JO she had two.
Illinois hud nothing until 1S10 , when shocamo
In with ono , which has grown steadily up
to twenty. Trora the same tlrao
Indiana has had n steady growth
from ono to thirteen. Maryland
had (5 ( when the government was formed ,
which was increased to 0 in IfrOO and 6 is
the number she now hns. Maine started in
with 7 under the apportionment of 1S10 and
> tnnv has but 4. Mossuihusrtts had 17 in
IbOO nnd now has 12. Now Hampshire had
4 under tbo tlrst apportionment and now has
but half tlmt number , lihodo Island was
given \ at the first and bos always bad tha
unic number.
It Is expected that the result of the repub
lican caucus last night will ho that n\oto
upon tlio motion to uon-coucur in the senate
amendments to the tariff bill will ho taken
on Tuesday. The republican inoinhcrs of the
wns und means committee now assort that
if this is clone the chuucos are that tbo con-
forces will bo ready to report the bill bacK to
the senate on Thursday or Friday of this
* week und that tlio dobuto upon , the report
can bo limited so as to assure the sending of
the bill to the president by Monday , tno'iJd.
Thoiduaot the i > aya and mentis committee
Becms to bo that little dlttlculty will
bo experienced in reconciling the differences
between the two houses OP any of the amend
ments except those relating to sugar and that
whloh places binding U\lno oa the free list.
ConeomlnK the sugar schedule , it Is believed
that the house provisions fixing the dividing
line botncon free and dutiable sugars nt the
grade Itnownas INC. 10 Dutch st.uidard and
placing a duty of 4-10 cent a round ou grades
nbovo that \\lll bo agreed to by tbo conferees.
A retaliatory auimdlncnt will bo adopted
\vhlch will provide for the addition of a duty
ui > ou all sugars which receive a bounty from
the country of export equal to the amount of
the bounty so paid. Tlio object of this pro
vision is to compel the rentiers oft
beet sugars to outer the American marUet
' with their products upon terms of exact
equality with the western manufacturers ol
this nowEtaplo , who promisoto bo ready to
supply the entire demand from American
grown beets wltnln n few years If they re-
cclvo proper encouragement. Keprescnto-
thes of the sugar trust say that it this pro
gramme ia carried out it will drive all the n >
liners of low grade sugars out of the United
{ States , as thcru will be a great Inducement
( or Spain and Cuba to enter Iwpcly Into
refilling raw sugars down to a fraction under
No. 10 In order that they may secure free
entry for tliclr products Into the ports ol the
United States.
The binding twine contest la likely to be a
litter ono. Manufacturers of u\lno will use
iviiry effort to secure the restoration of twine
to the dutiable list and representatives of the
treat small grain growing states will be
Iquully persistent In declaring that the free
twlifli concession must bo niado to the agrl-
cultural element of the population. It any
nltcinpt Is raacle to force through a report In
favor of the restoration of the duty on bind-
IUR twine the representatives from all the
prairie states will ccrtalnlv not Stand by the
caucus , but , led by Judire 1'nyson of lllfnolj ,
they will fight to retain this particular
atncndmentof the senile even though every
thing else shall bo sacrificed.
THE nvir oNiioa DRISTIM.
Congressman StooWrldgoof Maryland has
lust recivod a petition , &IBIICI ! by all" the lead
ing dealers In hoif product * in Chicago , la
which tlieyreii.nest him to have restored In
conference the rates on bristles as adopted by
tlio house. The house imposed a uniform
duty of 10 cents per pound on all bristles , but
tlio seimt < 3 changed tnU toSOcenUndulorcm
on manufactured bristles and plarcd raw
bristles on the free list. A strong efforts 111
be made to have the house ratca rc&tored la
VHISiH * . tHtlT7.EnL.lXD.
of the I'lovUloiinl Gov-
{ rinneritniKl 1'rocln nmttdii.
ICopj/rli/M / ISflVu Jimca Oirilon llcnnttt. ! , Swltitrland , Sept. 11 pcw
Vork Herald Cable-Special to TiiEBnE.1
The provisionnl go\ctnmcnt has resigned.
Colonel Kunzll , federal conimtssloner , ac
companied by members of the provisional
government , left the palace and a procession
was formed \\hlch , headed by a local band ,
marched through tovn. Colonel ICunzli and
Hinaldl , president ot tlo provisional gov
ernment , walked sidobytlde. Tbo crouds
that filled the streets chccrod them enthus
iastically as they entered 1'Hotel du Corf to
gether. Mnny armed liberals have
como into town from surrounding
villages and show themselves recalcitrant
but the leaders of the party IMVO succeeded
in keeping thc'in ciltn. Colonel Kunzll has
issued a proclmnation to Inhabltantsot Fldno
declaring null and void all acts of the pro
visional government. 3io announces that he
proposes to govern the ctinton nlth the
assistance of four enlightened citizens belong
ing to both parties. The pioelamatlon has
been well received.
Tlio Situation Very ( - (
ICnpi/rlulit ! S3-i > | //im / Ctmhit BmntUA
LOOAIIVO , Sept. It. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to THE IlnE.-5 p. m. The
conservative committee have telegraphed to
tbo federal council ) threatening that if the
first orders fjhen to Colonel Kunzll are not
immediately executed and if the conservative
go\ernrneut is not at once reinstated messen
gers will bo sent out with orders for citizens
to arm themselves and asking them to arrange -
range a code ot signals in order to secure
concerted actlou. The telegram adds that
the committee leaves the responsibility for
terrible misfortunes with the federal govern
ment. The conservatives of Locarno are
arming. They held a meeting1 today at
which the Immediate releasoof Iteiplnl , who
is still a prisoner mis demanded.
6 p. TO The president of the grand council
ha called a meeting for Tuesday afternoon of
all conservative and liberal members. The
meeting will bo held In Locarno , as Bcllm-
zona ia not considered a safe place.
Five hundred conservatives , armed , in
uniform , auduOO not in uniform bavo assem
bled at Tcssr rote. Two hundred coiiscrva-
tUcs occupy fvarnlnolo and a like force is
massed at Valcolla , whllo other armed bands
occupied Mcadelphluo , LamoncaudCanobbio.
.All the bells are ringing alcrms. Conserva
tives all over the canton are arming them
selves In expectation of receiving orders to
march In Uelllmona or lAigando. Armed
bands of conservatives -watching the rail-
vay atTavcrno , with orders to flro upon all
trains bearing anted men. Federal troops
occupy Valmaggto , Menderiso au'd Col San
iMartino. The situation Is really very
Stcve'lore Slicds ut Havre Purnecl.
LCopi/rloM ISOOlu Jtima Oontoii Bouitll.l
HA.VIB , Sept. 14.-fNew "York Herald
Cable-Special to THE Bnn.1 A violent Qro
brokeoutnt8 o'clock this morning ; In tlio
sheds of thoChnnjeurllonncs , near the Bel-
kit docks. The flro started in a cabinet
makei's workshop which stood ia the center
of a group of buildings , 'Iho llatnes spread
with frightful rapidity and In
a short time the sheds wcro a
blazingmass wnlch it was impossible to ex
tinguish. Iho fire continued as long as there
was any fuel for the flames. The ice cham
bers in the shed , In which there were at the
time 8,000 , sheep carcasses , were entirely de
stroyed. Iho cause of the flro is not known ,
nor has it been possible us jet to estimate the
Tlie IJiy Gootla Market.
NEW VOIIK , Sept. H. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE.J Business In dry goods was
comparatively light yesterday , the half holi
day feeling asserting Itself under a condition
of warm and inclement -weather. Neither
Jobbers nor agents were as busy as
the past few Saturdays , There was ,
however , no new feature or change in the
tteneral situation , except thi-t the financial
position at the moment is a llttlo threatening.
It is believed , however , that a satisfactory
solution of the difficulty Mill be found , and
that confidence will continue to Inspire full
acti\ity In trade ,
Goncral I'nsspnecr null Ticket Agents.
CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. 14. The semi-annual
comentlonof tha .American .Association of
General Passenger and Ticket Agents will beheld
held In Denver September 19 , aad tonight a
large number of these men loft la a train of
Pullman coaches as guests of tlio Burlington
road , A similar excursion lea\es St. Louis
to join the party at Omaha tomorrow. At
Omaha and Lincoln brief stops will bo made
and the railroad men will bo entertained by
the chambers of commerce.After the con
vention is over , the party ROCS as guests of
the Colorado illdland road to Salt Lake City.
No Distillery Scheme Projected.
Cnicxoo , Sept. H , Nelson Morris , P. D.
Armour , S.V. . Allcrton and Peter E. Her
united in announcing today ever their own
signatures that they have no intention of be
coming interested in any maniiur in distillery
projects. Statements wro recently spread
broadcast that the four were about to start
an Immense distillery nt Kansas City or some
other point on tboMissouri river with the
intention of breaking uo the -whisky trust.
A. Illc Deal In Texas Lands.
iNSiS Cm , Mo , Sept. 14 , An Immense
deal in lands la noithwcstern Tor as has been
closed by "William C. Specht , founder of
Specht'scolony , iu northwestern Texas , and
Gu tavc llanger of New "i'ork , the sugar
king. They have purchased 700,000 acres ,
known as No-Man's-Lnud , and 550.000 acres
moro in northwestern Texas , nmWng a total
of 1,250,000 , acres , for the purpose of i-entlng
to cattle men as grazing lands.
A. Sample if Knco rrojuillce ,
DiLTivionE , Md. , Sept U. The Maryland
law school has determined that it will admit
no moro colored students. Last year two
fjruduated with hlsh honors and two moro
were admitted. Tha white students , how.
over , started an agitation upilnst them , and
n number of students loft the school , others
refused to enter and the regents finally Issued
tlio iiotlco mentioned above.
Dltclicil by a Corpse ,
L.uii , O. , Sept. H. Last night a freight
train ran over Dallas Carter , Instantly killing
him. His body throw the train of ! the track ,
killing Conductor Cbarlos Smith and scii-
ouslyInjuring Brukcaiaa Miller.
I \VA'S \ ' ASTI-IRIIST Li\\ ,
It Seems to bo a Ver/ Bungling Piece of
Legislation ,
Secretary rtlnlno Impeded at the
Opening of the Sioux City Corn
1'alace Tim Supreme Court
Chcrc'ro wdctl.
Dn ) MOIST.S , la. , Sept. lt.-Speclal [ to
TUB BKE.J Iowa has on her statute books
on anti-trust law , enacted by tlio last legisla
ture , which appears to bo a very bungling
plecoof legislation. It requires the secre
tary of state to procure .from each and every
corporation organized under the lavs of the
state a statement under oatU as to whether
said corporation has merged all or any part of
Its business or Interest in orwith any trust ,
corporation or association of persons or stock
holders. This ans\ur must ti ! sworn toby
the president , secretary , treasurer , oranydl-
rectorof the company , bo far , thlspartof
the law has proved unexpectedly cumbrous
and productive of inconveniences not contem
plated by Its authors. In the first place It Is
notconllned to corporations which can RO
Into trusts and combines , and not even to
these organized for pecuniary profit , Consequently
quently the secretary of state has had to
send out blanks to churches , benevolent sale-
ties and secret societies , which could by no
possibility have any object in going into a
trust. 'Ihls has increased tbo work of the
sccietaryof state's onlee\ery \ much nnuhas
caused thoofllcera o ( such societies no ondof
trouble. The provisions of the law ore ririd ,
an dtho secretary of state has no option butte
to eiiforcoit totho best of his ability. The
answers , hovcver , are cowing inery
slowly , ns might bo expected. Another fact
whlili times the enforcement diftlcult is that
there Is no record of corporations , v\lilch
ha\o been discontinued. Hundreds of cor
porations \ia\o lxen ? oreauizcd under the
simolo laws and procedure oC the state , and.
have subsequently been merged into other
corporations or lapsed out of exigence al
together. T hero is no law which compels a
dissolved corporation to maVto any report of
its dissolution to any state oftlcer. Con
sequently a largo number of these defunct
corporations have been requested to swear
that they are in no pool or trust. The sccre-
taiyof htate Mill never know whether they
are in a condition to answer or not.
Another serious difficulty will arisowhen the
secrutary turns in his list o ( corporations
\vhoha\orefused or neelected to answer to
the attorney general.rJho latter ofllcial is
required to begin proceedings against all de
linquent corporations by himself or the
county attorney. Ho is pivcn no discretion.
So hundreds of cases will bo bepun over the
state which have mssedoutof existence and
against others which from their nature could
not be guilty of a violation of the spirit of
the law , A refusal to tnalto this affidavit will
bo followed by a revocation of charternnd if
the law Is literally enforced itwill g-ohard
with a great many church societies and bo-
nevoletit orgauizat'ons. ' The attorney gen
eral's oflico la already overwhelmed with
business , and there is no provision for more
assistance. What he can Uo with the anti
trust law is dlftlcult to foresee. .An amusing
result of the law so far is that the readiest
and promptest replies como from those cor
porations at whom the law Is supposed to bo
dliected. INoue of tbo corporations which
uro nbtoriouslyin the combines have found
the slightest aifticulty In swearing thntthey
have not entered into any trusts. As a whole ,
it is exceedingly doubtfulif the anti-trust
law of Iowa will accomplish the ead desired
The Supreme Court Overcrowded.
Dns MOINES , la , Sept , l-l.-Sp3cial [ toTus
BEE. ] The supreme court of Iowa is over
whelmed vita business and is fully six
months behind. As a result It has been nec
essary to notify tha barof the state that the
cleric in making- thodocltct for the Octo
ber term shall Include only the causes con
tinued from the Jlav term , the crlmlnalcasos
tiled since and the petitions forrehearing ,
This step is made necessary by the Inability
of the court to keep up with the flood of busi
ness that has been nourlnt ? In upou it and the
refusal of the legislature to pass a relief
measure. The judges baveoveruorkedthein-
selves In the post in an attempt to clear the
docket , but are finally obliged to admit that
Itis an impossibility if the coses are ilvea
the attention their Importance demands ,
Hereafter lltifrants who persist in taking
doubtful appeals will bo obliged to wait a
long time on the court's ' decision ,
Secretary Illnlno Kvpected ,
Sioux Cur , la. , Sept. . [ Special Tele
gram to TOE BEE , ] Advices from "Washing
ton indicate that Hon. James G. Blame will
accept the luvitation to deliver an address at
the opening of the Sioux City corn palace.
When the Invitation was presented by the
Iowa delegation , to Mr , Blnmo hoaskcd fora
few davs to consider It , but there Is R oed
authoilty for saying that he has now decided
to accept.
"Iff TltX SlfUS r Of LIFH. "
A St , Pnnl .Man Makes Ills
Arrangements In.\tlvnnce ,
ST. PA.CI , Minn , Sept. U. [ Special Tele-
pram to THE BEB.JThe most remarkable
circumstances of a man piying for his own
coffin and funeral expenses in advance and
while ho is still la a fair condition of health
was witnessed in St. Paul late yesterday
afternoon. JohnS. Montalbln , a fuirly well-
to-do citizen living four miles out on the
Mendota road , stopped Into 0'tlalloran &
Murphy's , oa Wubash. street , and asked to
look at cofims.
"How largo a cuskctl" queried Jtr.
"Dig enough to take moln , " was the shockIng -
Ing a"sponio.
Mr. O'Halloran , thouRU well acquainted
with the gentleman , felt doubtful as to the
purpose of the customer and cross-questioned
himln a oulet way. "There isnothlng what
ever wrong about this , " smd ilr. Itoutolbln
at length , Tbo fact Is , I am getting old and
there Is no telling when I shall DO called
away. I took a bad cold recently , and no ono
but myself can know tha effect such things
have on mo now , compared with \\hat they
used to havo. 1 keenly realize that the end is
likely to como at any Lime. It Is just as well
for mo to make arrangements In advance as
to put itotf and leu\o \ it for my family to
attend to when they are la sorrow. If you
don't want my money some one else will
get It. "
Wr. O'Halloran .finally exhibited the coffins ,
and the gentleman picked out and paid for a
very handsome casket and also paid the un
dertaking bill and gate Mr. O'llalloran '
enough coah to defray carriage bills , for allot
which he took a receipt.
The llevtjlver , tlio Hey aiul Death.
Lee sroiiT , Ind , Sept 14.-Sr [ > ecial Telegram -
gram toTuc BEE. ] At 3o'clock this after
noon the ten-year-old son of Paa Handle
Engineer Charles Beam , with a companion ,
came home from Suud ay school , and finding
a revolver in udrauer pointed it playfully at
his companion , The latter bogged him to
desist , bat the boy laughingly assured him
that it Mas not loaded , und to couUneo him
ho placed there vol\er \ at his own throat and
palled the trigger. The weapon exploded ,
killing him nutantly , tlio hall parsing out at
the base of hli brain.
Will I'uruliaso Kour Per Cents.
New YORK , Sept 14.-Secretary Windom
left this evening for WuUamstoMn , JIiss. ,
to join his family. As a result ol the con-
fcrcncfl with bank presidents and financiers
Saturday , Secretary "Wlndom said this after ,
noon that ha had decided to receive proposals
lor the talc otIs to the amount of 110,000,000 ,
proposals to bo received at ( ho treasury c
partmcntin Washington Wc-Jnesday ucjt at
noon. bonds the setreta-ry will pur
chase If a reasonable price li asked forthcin.
M the same tlmo Secretary \\ludom will
clter to prepay for three-fourths of n year
the interest on currency Os. Secretary \Vin-
Join said It as not usual for statements c (
the above Wnd to bo made before they ema
nated ofllcially from Wosbwglon. but owing
tothoanxtcty of so many of tlio tnslncss
community to know what was going to ho
done by thetreasury department be thouRht
Hbestlo nnnouncc it beforehandnlthoigti It
was Sunday , his Intentions ,
W iiiN-ntof , , Sept. II. In accordance with
the stntcinrnt male bySeciotnryWindom In
New York todny tlie trcalury departnient
his issued anotlco that proposals for the snle
of * 1(1,000,000 ( , of 1 per cents to the govern
ment will be received Wednesday ,
8T.lTJ\JE1l'ii. !
Cornet * fitono Oeremonlc * .
O' 'EILT , Neb , Sept. [ Special Tolc-
gramtoTiiEBr.1 ! . ] This afiernoon about 4
o'clock the corner stone of the new Catholic
school building in 0' > Tclll , fcnewn as St.
Mark's ' academy , wasl.tldumlcl very Impos
ing ceremonies. At 3 o'clock the people g-uth-
crcdat thechurohwhere sjmo preparatory
lervlecs vcro held , after -which a procession
conslsttngof thoO' 'clU band , the Sunday
school scholars , the Catholli ICnlfhtsaad the
ministers \viis \ formed and'inarmed ' to the
buvldlnp , wheretho exercises proper were
conducted. Rev. 1'ather Nugent of DCS
Moincs , la. , delivered the address In
a very Interesting and pleasant manner
which was well received by the people , fol
lowing thoaddress came the tegular cere
monies of laying the stone , which wro con
ducted bvKev , Fatbcr Jc-anettcof Omah , as
nctinu bishop. A. small tia box \vas pluced
Inside thostone , in which was a copy of the
newspapers publlsheJ hero , the names of our
president and governor and documents of the
chunh of various kinds The ceremonies
were witnessed by a hi-genumber cl people
who wcro all greatly impressed with the
solemnity of tlio occasion nnd the no\elty \ of
It as well , for to many it was the Urst cere
mony of the kind they had ever seen Work
on the buillinRwill bo pushed rapidly ( or-
waidto completion.
State IXctlifldlstConrereTice.
FUSTICS , Neb. , Sept. U. ( Speciil Tele
gram to TUE DEC.I-Tho Nebraska Metho
dist conference opened this morning with
services In the : Pre < ! bjtcrian church atO
o'clock. Rev. II. T. Davis of Lincoln con
ducted the love feast. The pulpit of the
First Ficsbytcrlan church was filled this
morning by Bishop Thomas Bowman of the
conference , who has been presiding over the
deliberations of that body during the sessions
the past week , The church -was crowded to
its utmost capacity and hundreds were turned
away and went to other churches , nhoscpul-
plts were also filled by Methodist ministers.
His text was taken from the first and second
verses of the first psalm H1) ) drew vit. Idly
the characters of the KOdly and ungodly men
iu the mind of the psalmist and held the rapt
attention of the audience during hiiseimon.
Atjo'clock this afternoon several new min
isters were orJilncd. This evening the mis
sionary anniversary was observed Tlie ad
dress was delivered by Rev , A. . 31 , Leonard
D. D. Conference people are anxiously
avtaitingthe announcement of appointments ,
which-will be a is posed , of by the bishop to
riicSnrpy County Fair.
M , Kob.Sept. , 13.-f [ Special to Tun
BEE. ] The eighth annual Jar ( of , the Sarpy
County Agricultural association -will Ijoheld
in I'apillion , September IV , 18 aad 19 , and
promises to surpass in cieelfgnce all previous
fairs. Entries in. all vlassvirarb coming-
rapidly , and the stalls for horses and cattle
are about all taken Snrpy coimtv claims to
tuic some of the best stctctc in tlio state and
her fruit and agricultural productsaro always
above par. A special feature of the fair will
be the colt trotting race , for one , tire and
thrco-3 ear-olds , for which scaio eightecacolts
aw already entered ; also th6 ladies' riding
race. The Union Pacific has made a special
rate of one nnd one-third fau : for the round
Crccly CountN'oiiilunllons. .
SOOTH , Ueb. , Sept , 14-fSpcclal Tele
gram to THE BEE..t the republican
county convention of Greely county , leld at
Oreely Center , Saturday , Hon. J , K. Hanna
MIS nominated for county attorney and
George \V. Scott , L. Henbnrb , D. J. Jerrell
and J" . R. Plannawas clrctc < l delegates to the
congressional convention and instructed So :
lion. George W. Doraey for congress. A
delegation headed by H , 13. Uslo was eleotod
to attend the senatorial convention. J. T ,
Ileald Leads the representative delegation.
OKAIO , Neb , Sept. 14 [ Special to TJII
BEE.-A. very heavy frost last night did con
siderable damage to late corn and all vegeta
tion generally. _
A KWItURfi ir.l XIXC.
A Sllssonri Proseoiillnar Attorney
Finds It at HisUoor.
ICA > sis CITY , Mo , S'pt. U [ Special
Telegram toTus BEE ] " \\hen \ Prosecuting
Attorney \\atts ot Douglass coiinty , Mis
souri , opened the front door of his house la
Ava , Thursday morning las' , ho found lying
on the porch a bundle of svitchcs and a coil
of rope -with a hangman's noose roughly
tied at ono end. Attached to the noose
was anota waminfr Watt * not tojrecei\o
picas of guilty from certain parties charged
with having fired into a shool In Douglas
county a few uays ccroro J.ais eautoltioa
of Bald Knoboer spirit was caused by a
rumor that the prosecuting attorney bad
asreed to compromise with the men accused
of shootingintothe school and to accept picas
of Kul'ty ' of misdemeanor Instead of prosecut
ing the men to the full extent of
the law. The shooting occurred at Walnut
GroAO school housoln SpringCrocktown
ship , Tlio wliolo community was intensely
excited , and it Issupposcdthattheparontaof
the children whoso lives were in such pcill
gave Watts the warning. The attorney -was
very indignant over the matter , and after
beltinc a brace of revolvers around his waist
and shouldering a Winchester he took the
bundle of switches and the ropcaud marched
about torn exhibiting tlwni to the people
( V Vldesrread FcelltiR of Dissatisfac
tion Itcipecllnnlt.
CHICAGO , Sept. 14. Commissioner Mc
Donald of California In an interview tonight
gaveevidenco of tbodissalisTactlon abouttbe
dual site for tlio world's fair ? Ho did ho is
not alone by'nny means In opposition. The
sentiment of the commissioners from all the
agricultural Elates U in Kccord nith his ;
In fact it Is universal with
the full board , altboogh they have
not yet spoken , but they will sjieak.
The commissioners in this matter , ho
sajs , reflect the views of their constituents ,
and the people of Chicago should remember
one thing , and thntls , the nearer they come
to pleasing the people of the agricultural
states the larger will be tbo exhibit and the
greater the success of the fair. Commis
sioner .McDonald does cot bellova the com
mission u'lll adopt the daal ilto unless pre
sented to there In such a modified form as to
fully comincethein that a great portion ot
the exhibit will be placed Iu Jackson part
Commissioner Mcrcior , speaking for Wyo
ming , rialj he was opposed to tne dual ifto.
The live stock Interests of the country de-
rannd suitableprouuds and umplo inace for
thcmselu'3 , und net Isolated ( ram the main
exhibits of lUl other ludustriw ,
Stcnrnshtp An-lrala.
At New York The Auranli and the City
of Home , from Liverpool ; the Holland , from
London ; tbo Sorrento , from Ha.ruliurg.
At Havre La Bretagnu , from A'evv York.
At Queenstown The bervia , from New
York ,
wes BOTH \\irn \
Tb BrewcnTaTieT-wo G-anes ia One Day
from the Hick Box.
Mncoln Detents Sioux City nnd trie
Gm'liojs Down tlio Ai ostles-
M.IH ! Iliitrlcf for
Toilny's Uac.s.
Plnwi. Won. Coil rcr Ct
Milwaukee IU 72 4) ) . < V J
liatis.15 Ultf 1M 09 3) ) .KB
MliinmrtolU , . . . 112 71 41 .Kll
liiitivtr 1W KJ 61 .4M
Moua l/'ltv , , . . . .100 4CI CO . * 3I
OliliLlil .IB 4O W .456
Durum 113 55 M . : iW
tt. 1'aul ItW H5 U -Ml
at rt
\Vls , Sept. 13 , [ Special
Telegram to TUB Dnc.-Fouf | thousand
people witnessed the list t o games of the
season on the homo grounda this afternoon
between the Mllwaukecs. and Omalias , the
locals wlnnliiK both \vlth ease , The flx-st
gamownsvery tame , the only redcerning
feature being tbeplnylnj * cfPetlt at48ccond
haso and " \Valshat \ short , The locals'startcd
the lall rolling In tlicsocond , twosliiRlcs , tvo
errors by O'Connor nnd a sacrillcoheing
responsible. In the fourth three singles , a
double and two triples ga\o \ the locals a c
runs , A. homo mti , n triple and a single added
t\vo more in the fifth , and tvo
moreln tlio sixth on a single , TuRnn's ' muff
of Uali-yniple's fly and Trlfg's three-
bagser. In the eighth n single , a
base on ball ) and a double added
two more , and ono in the ninth ontwosinplcs
and a passed bnll. The visitors undo a triple ,
a double nnd a single la tha tlrst , but \vcre
able to eccuro only one run , Hanrahnu's
douUa and two sacrifice Ints resulted" Iu one
tallvin the lifth. Tno sloKlcsand an eriw
by Mrvmplo added two ruas In the sixth.
In the eighth t\\o \ eirors hy Albeits , an error
of "Petit'a , a base on balls and a sinelo tjJic
four tallies , and thvco more in the ninth on
t\vosingles andu double whicli I'oonnan let
by him , the third man scoring. A. biso on
balls , a single and a trijilo jjc o tlie homo
men two runs In the first , and ono In the
thiid on three succc : > si\o \ singles. In the
fourth tMO bases on balls and a thrce-haso
dri\o a\e them two more. Three biscson
balls , twosiiiclci atida sacriticoaddcl three
moroin the seu'iith. Omaha's only run vns
made in the sixth on two singles and a passed
ball The second ame vas commenced Im-
mcdntelyon tlio conclusion of the llrst , vlth
\Vilhs ngaln in the box fcrOmaha , Thornton
doinjf'thrtwirling for Milwaukee.Vhco
Alilnttuwo got through Mr. AVillis was the
sicltcst luan on the diamond , bcintj- pounded
all over the lot , Kreig- knocking out t o
singles , atriplo and a homo run. Tlio sccro :
EirncdrurutJlffaukce 4 , Omahal Three
basti lills 1'oorman , KrelKIla < -cs stoltn
LMtlt , Hbliock , Krlc , ' . Sunzel. Kasesou tills
Milwaukee > , Uuuha 0. Jilt by pltclier
Altarts bt-ruelt < jul llhvaukeo U , Oiunlii 4.
1'iiMject balls-Jantien y , llorunl. Tlmo-0n
hour aiidfortyiulnutes. Umpire Dougherty.
3Illwmikeo 0 3 O 52 20 2 1 15
Omaha 1 U 0 01 20 4 3 11
Earned runs MllwauUo O.OmsUia 3. T\vo-
Imo hits i'cttlt ' ! , lulrymplo , Thornton ,
icwruan. llanralian. Tliree-baso lills JirelK ,
lorrli-scy 1 ? , Alberts Wjilsli. Fugan. Homo run
Krelit , liases stolen llalrymploMorrlssey.
lisoson ! , bollt Milwaukee S.Oinalia I. Struck
out Mli > riiukoo S Oinulia C. t'as-ed ball
Jloran WIH pltches-rhornton ! , WHIN 1.
Time of pinne Ono hour and tifty minutes.
I'mplrc Uoul.o ly.
Lincoln ! ! , Sioux CttyO.
Siotx Cm , la , Sept. H , [ SpecialTele
gram toTiiBBEt. ] rollovtlng1 is the score
of today's game !
2 0 o 0 0 5 0 0
Lincoln . 00 40 0 1 ! * 11
Earned runs Sioux City S , Lincoln O. Two-
luisu hi uslie u IDS Shelllussc. Hull. Ulinc ,
Three-ton so Iiltv-Strau .i 2 , HlucK , lioucli ,
llasosoii toills Bell 4 , Koach , : i , itruckout-
llell S , IlomliU. Lett oil bines felonx Llty I ,
Lincoln ' - .lc llco ( lilts hloux City 5 , Lin
coln I. Hllbyjiltchor-Traniey. l'.iHct ) balls
-Crcb'ley I. Tlmo o ( BSI.IIIO One hour und
fortj-Uvo inluuUs. Umplro-llooier.
City Cl , bt l anl4. .
CITT , Mo , Sept. 13. Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. ] I'olloulntj Is tlo
score of today's pamoj
Tollls 13-10(7 11 1 Touts 4 D27 HI 8
ICaimsClty 20 JO 52 O 0 2-13
St. Paul 0 0 00 00 11 a-4
Enrnocl mns-lCninas Oltv 7. Tuo-bnw
hlts-.Mu < .kln. Carpenter. Manning. milli ,
Tlirce-baso MM lioover , Stoarns. Ouncu. .
Double playi-O'iirleii , MeLnnglilln und
Urquhart. Uases on biilli-Suillh II. Muliu" ,
Struck out-Srnltli J3 , Malm 1. Wild iiltch-
Siiillh. I'ns'ol ' bul H-1 Jonah uc , Time Ono
hour and tlfty-IUo inlnutrs Umpire Cusltk ,
< \iucrlon.n
Tlrst game
1oledolSt.Louh3. ,
Uolcdol , St , Louis H.
Athletics 6 , Daltiraore 0 ,
AT toi-UJtiirs.
Columbus S , Louisville 0 ,
CraneHfl ,
Jlissocfti , la- . Sept , 14. [ SjxKlal
Telegram to THE Btn.l Tae Cranes Ilrotlcrs
team of Omalu wou a Rame Iroai tie Volley
club Uxlay by a siore of 0 to < , The same
\vaj without'lnterat , and was full f errors.
Base hitJ-Vnller ? , Crnn S. Bnttenci- '
Bojmer and Graver , \VillUtns \ mid Carrigan.
Tlio Shamrock * AYIn.
Tha Slmnrooks mid Eighteenth StrMt
Stars plnjed n close and lutonatlnfipmio nt
Fortieth nnd Cumlng streets yesterday nftfr-
uocnhlcU resulted in ftlctory for the
Shamrock * by ( lie following scow :
Stnmrcxb 10 32 20 00 0-r
l thStroetStaM.U 0 G I 1 ! 0 10 0-0
Dattciles Shiiurock IVterson anil
Dolau ; Elphtwntli StroctStar < . Siijdcr nncl
IJowei-3. Biw > lilts Slinnrock' * S , KlK'h-
tccnth StrcctSUira I , StrucKout I'etoison
I'J.Snyelcr 1O , Uniilro | John Uouutr.
TJIi ; SffK&lt it I\K.
' ' Kncrii
Jlntrles for I'oilay'n
First race , Iko-elghts cf a miln2foptuiitis ,
Hurry llusscll , Oinmutee , Ciorinnnlc. Duke
ofLciiister , U-o BriuolUrtj . Kluistonp ,
FloiinoIlelwtrus.iilulI , ; , ( Aiding , ) Waldo
Johiison.Tacitus I'lU iUc'ua.
Second , thrc'e-routths of a mile Om-
Oliii ? , Lemuito , ICotehuni , I'arotlnn , Madf , ' ! ) ! ' ,
Nuttio Hamilton , 1'e.irlcss , DnlilttiuiiMuyD , ,
Jclin M/Coiioblrv , Astronomer
lhirclmeotliirt , n-slxteontlu ol a nillo
Irene , Lonely , Ualc < m.inVhltenose , , Little
\ddle. K'unc.nlllo , HiUh , l ondinilcr , Natllo
Ihniilton , Shotovor , L-cmoii lliossom , Ilomat ,
Spanlaid , Dlizy Brunette , HotScotcli , Eiiillo
( lilly ) , Anonnly.
Toxntli rnee , thlrtecn-slxtr riith oln nillo
.Autocrat , Tanner , KiitK St. .1 olm. Uonnie
T-id , Uo Echo , Equality. Him 13 , IcuMrp ,
laifo , Liuroiisku , KicharjK. Fo c , ( lun\Mil.
I'ifth race , ono und one-eighth miles
Kenxvood , JJttle Jim , Clamor , lotion , llon-
nlo Kliijr , Quotatluii , Sam D , Little Minnie.
Sixth raco. ono inUc-Uust , vny , I'ontleo ,
Ijirchmont , ist A ulentine , "ViRehiiit , Lnwixs-
tcr , O'FallonDulf ' , , Itour. l'tllovcmCtTop ,
Sm-ycr , Wanderer , Pilot , Uwwu Unlco.
Seventh race , iho-eiKhths of u mllo-tto-
lucky. Dircgo , Colclatrc.ini , A-inaliftim , Sea
Top , Ouibbler , .roiihet , Uoniance , MnrleV ,
Volunte-or , Lillie D , Dr. Jckyll , Sierra N'e-
\adu , Miller ,
1 odny'n i ix ,
First racc-IInrry Kussell , I'assadena
Second race Oaud'iie Zcnobia ,
Thiid race Irene , Lemon Dlossoin.
rourtli race lima E , A.U
Fifth raco-Quolation , ICannooi ) ,
Sixth racc-Casta\vnylio\er.
Seventh lace Volunteer. Amalgam.
Tlio Landing : nt Stockholm Attcmletl
\\'lth Jlnoli Curciuonyi
STOCKIIOIV , Soft. l-l-TUohodjof Captain
John Ericsson ivas landed from the "United
States \var ship Baltimore this afternoon ,
The made with much ceremony ,
Tlio reception committee , which included
ttireoottlcers of the rmy and four nephews
of tUodeccased , mot on bonid the Baltltnoro
at 1,30. Speeches i\ero made by Captoin
Schlcy of the Baltimore In delivering the
body to the American minister , "by the htter
In conslBnlnp it to j\dmic.ilPovron aad by
the ad mi ill in accepting cbargo of the
body. The remain * werothen transferred
to a steamboat , which was commanded
by a , captain of Iho Swedish ua\v. When
the funeral barge arrived at the landing
stasothe governor of Stockholm formilly re
ceived the body , which was then boruu bj
American sailors to a lar o pjivllllon hand
somely decorated in black aud gold , which
had been erected near the waters cdgo In
the park.Srhilo \ the body was bclnfr carried
to tliopa-vllllon , bells tolled. An immense
crirwd assembled , and whea the coflln was
plucedupon the bier dozens ofwreaths
aud other emblems -viero heaped
up around It. Iho scnicosweraery6luiple ,
cousistingof thosiniing ; of Swedish hymns
nnd the recital of a poem. Wbt-nthe services
were concluded the body vas depositcdlntho
hcar o and the fuueralprotesslonwus for'nod ,
-whlcli cre icprcicntatlvea of the king ,
the crown prince and the go\ernmcnt , the
American ministers toSwedon and Denmark.
the ofllcers of the var snip Xaltimora and
the municipal authorities of Stockholm
In the linowasthe carriugo of the king of
SwcJen. Itisestimasod that 100.0OO people
vioned the procession. On urriunjc at the
station , -\\liere tranwas in. waiting
to convey tlio body to Worfnlaud , the birth-
placuof Kric.ssou. tliorcnuiiisero \ pliccdln
a hanUsomo funeral car , heavily draped In
black. Shortly alter J o'clock tbo Irian moved
ou t of the station.
'Iho municipal authorities will give a
banquet to the officers ot tbo Baltimore
tomorrow ano Tuesdaj * again performance
will bo riven at tlio op ia house la their
honor. Wednesday they willdliio with the
king at D rot tilling holm.
New Objorvitions on )
[ Coiiyrlijlit KW bj/ Mine * nanicin KcniKU.1
IlivitB , Sept , H , [ Hew York Herald
CaMe Special to THE BEE. ] The European
edition of the Herald publlshcsthe | following
communication fro in the eminent astronomer
Flaminarlon :
1 have just received sonm new observations
concerning the planet &Lars , made this stim-
incrat some of the principal observatories.
Of our o\\a \ planet they teach , us some very
strdiigo things , still it seems that
at certain seasons oC the jear
the oceans of the planet Maw are
diUdcd Into parts just nslf a. gigantic bridge
orbanlt of sand had boon throvn across them
from ono show to the other ; for Instance ,
tlicro is , among other seas on the planet
Mars , one situated at the 90th degree longl-
t-udo. Oa uccount of isolation , us well as
superficial area , this sen resembles our Black
sco. Hitherto this sea has alwa\s Icon
ob.ervodos uniform and nearly circular , but
lait Juno In Schlaparel's obserMitorv at
Milan It was discovered that this sea was
cut In t o by a yellow hand \vhloh divides it
into unequal pirts. A. laka somowtiit similar
to our Inko 'fcihadwas ulso noticed to hive
been divided Into tuo parts at tlio same time.
A very minute observer in Bngland dls-
covereu thatflvo Itnmcnso canalsneroalso
dlUde l Into two parts by two stralsht lines
ahiolutcly pjrallolto each other in the same
mai.ner thuta certain number of enigmatic
cjnuls were noticed to littie been divided
some years ngo. What can these seas , lake <
and canals that di\lde _ \ theinbdves up in this
ramncrbol As inhabitants oftlilicirtb , we
have only our observations and our territo
rial ideas , 'iheso'aro Insufticleut to dIUno
vhat takes place In another world , but such
discoveries nro uono the leai worthy of all
our attention. CA.MH.LK TUMMAHIOS ,
Obsorvatolro deJuvlsy.
The I'rosldtsntliil 1'nrty.
CRES OX Snirxc" , 10,80111,14. Thopros-
io > nt and family attended dlvino sorvl o at
tlie Moinitniii house thii mornlnij and In the
afternoon the president and Mrs , Dlnimlck
took a walk over the mountains. lher is a
decidodfallm the torn peraturo hero thopast
tuenty-fourhoursand today fires are barn-
lag brightly In tholiotclandall the cottajes ,
H is understood that the pros I-
dent has bocu In communication with
Keprcseiitatho McKinlcy and other
leading republican members for several
days renaming the treatment of goodi in
oondoj warehouses under the now tariff bill ,
with a view to prevention ct fuither striu-
pencyla tholn.oney market , and that an
acrccment his Ixm reached whereby the
time for the withdrawal oC goodj iinjiorteei
prior to the date on which the Inw fjo into
effect will boextendeduntilFobruary 1 ,
ROME , Sept. 14-fSpeciulCablcgrimtoTni , !
Dr.n.J-Sleror SclsmctDodahiis resigned the
olUcoof minis tor of finance In consequence
of newspapers censurlnR dim for attending a
banquet ai which irrodciitlst toasts were
_ _
The I'looiU in Ohio ,
ZNrflviiiB , OSei , < t , 14.-illgh waters in
the Musklngum valley ha > o done inalnula-
bio daniagcto t no corn crops In the lovlandi ,
Hundreds of acres are completely Jubmc'rjjt'd
and Ihe crop rulaccl.
slfnch Agltxtioa Among Tbtn
\ the Approaching Election ,
.Vut n. l > cml I nue , as t.h |
lloconU AUII Sli \\-A IMtliello
In C\iiii-t-I'eriim
and 1 hi UK- ) .
S MT T ui ! Citr , Utah , Sept. H. [
to Tun 13rr , ] Now that the county election
l over thoquestlon mto ylio shall boehosen
as di'lug-aies to conifrosa from thi > . c > mbrjo
statoli ajjiUitiiig the pooplo. Will ho boa
liberal or a Mormon It the 411 cry. Ills Uanl
to detcrmlno Justat thld thio. U'hllo thcro
Is plenty of timber for candidates no ilollnllo
announcement his yet boon mailo. lloyonJ f
douht tlio Mormon randldiitun ill bo .Tohu
(3aiie ( , the present incumbent. He IIIIH Ri\cn \
the church KOO\satiiUctlou and willllholj ho
rhowi afnln. The liberal can Jldiito Is yet In ,
the dark. Somourc In favor of 0. W 1'ovcr- *
who , as iliairmatx of the city ccmmltteo ,
carilecl the to\\n \ in February la t , nnd in tha
recent elcUlonimulosuoha line showing in.
Salt L-ulio county A strong sentiniciife
proulls in for \ of Samuel A. .
Moirltt , the present cily attorney.
As between LlioUvo , 1'overt would ho the
bettor man in the oiiinlouor a preat many.
Helsoncof tlio nblest Innyciilti tha tciri-
torj andhas thU udi.xnUw oJbuitijja young
ninn Ilois also the possessor of a" lirgo
anioimt ofwhit jnay bo termed " \lK-orous-
iics < . " nnl If hoover irels Into congress ho
\vould behpiiiilfi-oni lerrlUlioi\c\t'r \ Is a
man of 110small ability und \vould Uiia cuilltk
to the territory
j\s \ toUiether thelibcrils cim cairy TJlah.
is jquesllon. The recent election devclopctl
thofictof reit ps'ln1 ? , but IT any ciio tliluks *
tho.Morrionsare sleeping they are mULsikeii.
Shico Iho county election sc\eral contests
ha\c \ hc-cn lllbl. Ferguson , Mor
mon cflndldnto for county clerk nsscrta
that C. E. .Allen , llbcrjlvias tlcctcd bv
fraud ami he liled suit to that effect .rosepa
K. GnUijihor , liberal , \vlio Aviudofcited by .7.
B.Torcnto , lomionfor the ofllccof treas
urer , also contests on thosarnoKroundhilo \ )
it Is expected that llonry "Pnpo. liberal , will
contest. Iho election of John Ii IJenuc-l. jr , on
a similar bahls AYhat the outcome \vill bo
rcmainsto bcseen
It anj person forono moment Imagines that
polpi.iiiy ) is adcad issue in Utah , lie oi'sho
islaborlntr under a inls.ippreheiiMon. The
reeordsof tlw district courts In K.tltLako
unilfroro tell a different story. Thoioiira
neuily fifty iaes set fcrtrinl at the coming
teiins. Tlio crime is more pre
valent iu the southern partj of the
toriitory than hew , although the marshals
Slid coses vcrj fi-cquently. There seems to
boa prevailing desire on the part of tha
siilnts tollvotlieirreUyloti. I ana living near
anoman , orrathcr , t\vo\roracii , vho I have
oerv ifosonto smi > ectare the pluial wives
of one man. It seems nstonishlnp , but ono of
them told mo not loog ago that she believed
that the only wav a voinan could hope to
rr.erit the full approbation of a Just Deity was
by polygamy , and all the arguments I could
aidumoo fiiilcd to convince her ' 'Ills a
crobs"said another , "but I suppose it Istrua
\vomuatbearlt. . "
On Monday lasta "eohaV-thatU tholocnl
nnpollatiou was tried and found pullt y Iu tha
district court. He married. No. 1 teti ycun
nzo and N"o. 2 elRht years ago He contended
that hehadnot liveu with No. 2 for four
3cai-3. But the marshal introduced in evi
dence a baby about eij-ht months old t hit was
discovered in U"o li's honv , obtilning hli
breakfast in the natural way at her hands ,
nnd that settled the matter. As U usual in
sucn cases , the court inquired If the pilsoncr
intended toobey the law in the future. Ha
nouId not promise , so he got six months in
tlio penitentiary and the usual line of 53OO.
The imu was Ignorant nnd his family , or
families , depend upon him for supportbj-
Ubor of his hands. Two wives and 11-\c chil
dren nill no\v \ have to "rustle , " and winter
corning on. Wife No , 1 and a cluld vuw In
courtnlicnhe-VMS scnteiitcd , and 1 never
saw umoropathetic sccno than at the parU
In ? , and still these people contend thit they
are right. When that mungetaout ills ten
to one -repeats the offense.
The examination of the accounts of Frank
II. Djer , lata receiver of tlio church , U pro-
pressing , nnd if the attendance of Aiiirus M.
Carman , ivho Isoa the ' 'undorprounil , " can
he secured and Prophet Wood ruff's ' presence
can bo obtained , something Is promised
by thocounsol for the United States , Mr.
Dyerhowever. , Is confident , mid like Spa
tacusof old , BUYS : "iKst them como on. "
Build In gin Salt J nko is boonlapr nud real
cstatols main plekiiiirup. The mining ex-
chanso is thriving1. The sales of stock last
weel < amounted to nearly 175,000 shims.
The passage ot the silver bill hashcli > cd
wonderfully and new minus are being oper
ated dally.
Dare Mercer was hero Monday and Tues
day and hurriedthlngs up hy his prcsenco.
Ho took a bath In Salt Laloimtidedurcs that
he Is pickled for all tlmo. Ho refused to talk
politics and said ha wan merely out for his
Coin I n KWclc in CnngrcM.
WASH I > OTON , Sept , 14. It is expected thai
the land grant forfeiture hill v lll bo agreed
to In the senate tomorrow , Scnatoi Sawyer
will next call up the aiitl lottery bill , which
has passed the houso. So far as known there
will bo little or no opposition to it. follow *
Inp It In the order of precedents established
by the republican caucus theroorono meas
ures expected to uuso lensthy debates or
moctscrious opposition until tlie hill to trans
fer the re\onuc marine service to tbn navy
department is reached. The opponents of thl
measure are us determined as iver. Thoop-
po-itlon shown by the minority In the house
to the consideration of tlioLinid'ston-Venahlo
casohus had the effect to dctcrmino the re
publican loaders thutthuhouscshnllact upon
that anO the Millcr-Blllott caso. A strong
effort Is heing made tosecuroaTepubllcan
quorum. Theturlfl bill , when it comes to
the house , will probably bo disposed of ery
quickly , and Ills likely , If a quorum is inut-
tendancc , that It will go to conference belors
the end of the week
The " \Vliitloiv < ilaHN Trtut.
, O , Sept , 14.Special [ Telegram.
to TIIK DBK.I The new window glass trust
is almost ready to go into operation , although
the signatures of all the factories in this city
ha ollotbccnroceI cd. Kachfactory enter-
infilntothe trust Is required to place Into
the general treasury $3,000 , , cither In K'OS *
values or money. One delegate will Da
elected annually from each factory , largw
or small , and the delegates will meet
nnd elect a board of directors
wlo will tmvc absolute control of the vhole
\vIinlowKliisatradoof the country , Tliocn-
tire product will ho sold by the conoralor-
iran iitlons through Its airciits , U'liu frenoi'al
manuser will forward orders to sucli factory
aahas tin hand tlo reiiuislt supply. The
local factories -will nicivc tlulr pay not
from thocustomei'sror their Roods , but from
the head oftlce , which vtlll settle e\ery thirty
( lllS. )
I'aolllo HitroiiVrPokeil. | .
Br. I ouis , Mo.Sipt II Thothiougb.
KansasUltypxprcis on the NUsourl P.iltlc ; ,
which left St , LouU at ( I o'clock last night ,
was partially wrecked sit ( lloncuo avltch ,
ulout Uont.3cvn } milo west of St. Louis ,
Ono passenger \vuskllled anildftoea injured ,
four fatally.
NB\vIinnu , I-aSfjt. , | 11-Lust , nifht ut
a ball Victor Mlgue and a man iiuuu-d
Itodriijiiez Ixcumoliivohcd Ina quarrel , clur >
init wlilcti llOilrlKtiez shot itiid klllod Mk'ucz ,
vlieroj | > oii a broiler of MlK'uuzbliot and I *
- -
i tally vmaided