PART TYO THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE , PAGES 9 TO 16 .TWENTIETH TEAK SUNDAY MOBNING. SEPTEMBER 14 , ISOOWE TT P-AG-BS , 88 NT STAT EXPOSITION , COLISEUM BUILDING , DMRHH , NEBRASKA September 22nd to October I3tk , Inclusive. EXHIBITION A/lemoon GRAND CONCERT AifJO Evening. A Mechanical City Rim by Electricity , Costing over 20,000 Dollars. All the latest Novelties in the of Manufacture end Produetion.- The following merchants will be represented : Dewcy & Stone Furniture Co. C. A. Stonchill , dry goods. Hammond Typewriter. las. Morton & Sons , hard-ware. Wm. Snyder , carriages. Omalia Business College , \V. V. Norse & Co. , Boots and shoes. Arlington Mill company. J. R. Getty , candies. Charles A. Harvey , mantels and fireplaces. Hammond Packing company , C. Locke , glass goods. ! New England Furniture company. Sutphens , carriages. Omalia JRubber company. ! K. H. Blose , druggists and toilet articles. W , F. Stoctzel , hardware. , " ? ' D. M. Steele& Co , , groceries. . . , , . . , . , . . . ' . E. . , fruits. C. C. Sherwood silks velvets and novelties. - A.HE. Perrigo bicycles.- * > „ J. McCarthy C A. Coe & Co. , boots and shoes. ' * rw * & C. J. Canan & Co. , merchant tailors. Reynolds & Grant , candieEJ ( Kirkendall , Jones & Co. , Loots and shoes , M. O. D apor , serving machines. "Windsor hotel restaurant. Omaha Gas company. Churchill Pump company , Ice cream parlors. Himebaugh & Taylor , hardware. W. R. Drummond &Co. , carriages. Sodawater fountain. Wm. Lyle Dickey & Co. , house furnishing goods. J. A. . Fuller & Co. , druggists. ; Gilbert Bros , taxidermists. Dalzell & Snyclcr , corn. Hay ward Bros. , boo ts and shoes. Plummer Chair company. Joplin & Co. , books and stationery. : W. H. Foster & Son , flowers. ' Omaha Commercial College , A. J. Simpson , carriages and buggies. Z. T , Lindsey , rubber goods. IVIorse Dry Goods company , . . , . M. Geisler , birds. Standard Business . A. L. Strang & Sons steam supplies. College. W. A. Page Soapcompany , , Miller & Achmoeler , pianos. S. Jonasen , Jewelry , The Noble Sewing Machine Co. Burkley Printing Co , And Many Others Our Business Men are Ordering Tickets' to Send to Their Customers , Inviting Them to Visit Omaha and theExposition. . This will Insure an. Attendance - "of Over 100,000. ntertainment of the Highest Class Day and Evening , t The Omaha Exposition is Now Being Adyertised in Over Seven Hundred Papers Throughout' West. . . . The magnitude of the affair is something ; that is really startling , far exceeding anything that was originally anticipated The same may also be said of the character of the marvelous displays that will be made , -which even now "bid fail- to surpass the projectors'wildest dreams. A few spaces are left. For oarticulars , address' _ , . - RDRR 404 ? AXTON BLOCK OR COLISEUM BUILDING , OMAHA , NEBRASKA :