Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1890, Part One, Page 8, Image 8

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N IU103.
Hpcclnl Hnlo on
Special bargains on bed comforts at
DOe , 75o , 8oc , SI , J1.18 , $1.3.5 , $1.60 , $1.75 ,
11.08 , $12.50 and $2.75 cucli. Particular at
tention Is called to our InrL'o saloon cov
ered comfort Turkey red lining nt $1.18
each , worth $1.75 ; wo ox poet to sell everyone
ono ol thorn on Monday nt $1. 18 each.
100 pair of vlilto .blankets 6'Jc ' v pair ,
quantity limited. 1'uro all wool Cali
fornia blmikots 10-4 $1.75 , 11-4 $ o.CO and
12-1 at $0.50 .1 pair ; compare thoin. Ex
tra Inrgo and extra heavy , very line
California blankets at % lo a i > ulr , worth
Special bargains In eastern natural
Broy blankets ; 10-1 at $1,50 , ll-l at $1.05
and li"i ! at .12,85 n-pah1 Dark mixed
blankets atOSoand ! 1.18npair. Special
bargains In white wool Mnnketu ut$2. 8 ,
worth $5 a pair ; 10-4 Wyoming grey
blanlcots at SL',75 a pair. lEajdcn Bros.
will save you money on blankets
our prices are guaranteed to bo Iho low-
cat In every case or money cheerfully re
funded. Wo will not promise you tneco
prices Inter in the season , On Monday
nil wool plaid and striped shirting nnd
ekirllng llnnnol 2'm tv yard , they are
cheap. A beautiful line of French flan
nels lOe and Ooc a yard. Eiderdown nnd
fancy Jersey llanncls I5o andCOe a yard ,
The largest stock o ( while and colored
Bilk embroidered flannels in this city.
Shaker llanncl fie a yard. Good un
bleached cotton flannel iljuuyard. Cxtrn
heavy unblcnehcd cotton llanncl lOc ,
worth 15ca .yard. Special lut-gains in
bleached cotton flannel at 8c a yard , reg
ular 12Je grade. Kino half bleached
muslin at "Jo a yard. Loiibdnlo cambric
1 Oca yard , Special brand of fine cam
bric muslin Ku a yard i'ull line of
double width sheeting and pillow
cnso muslin nt wholesale prices.
Fancy colored bordered damask towels
7ic each or 90e doz. The largest and
best 2-jc towel in Omaha at Ilnydon's
compare it. Got our prlucfl on table
linen and napkins and commiro them.
Special on Monday , 2J yard long fancy
bordered and fringed tublo cloth witii
napkins to match $2.25 $ a sot , worth S3.
New styles in dark drcbs ginghams just
opened nt ( > jc , 7c , 8Jc , lOc and 12oyard.
Indigo blue calico 5e yard. Comfort
calico 2jc.1 rolls of cotton batting Sou.
Yard widu indigo blue German calico
lOcyard , Now outing llanncls lOc yard.
Drv Goods and Carpets.
This department was never BO com
Late cash purchases give now styles
and lowest jirlces.
Standard ingrain carpets Me , GJC10c ,
45c nnd 50c , worth 50e to 7 , " > c. Govern
ment standard extra super wool carpets
at lioo , ( > ; ie , ( iSo and 75c , worth 75o to
tl.yj. These prices are positively be
yond competition.
This donartmontls showing a splendid
ptock in absolutely new designs in bodv
Brussels , tapestries , velvets , moquottcs ,
nxministers and royal wiltons. It will
euroly pay you to got our prices.
Special sale on lace curtains Monday.
Full taped scalloped edge lace curtains
Bt75o , 87e , $1 , 81.M up to $ :5.25 : a pair.
Swiss lace curtains ranging In price
from , $ U.50 up to $35 a pair.
Pongee silk draperies in now designs
at 15u , 17c , i)0o ) to 25e yard. Jap silks in
plain colors 50e yard. Jap and domestic
drapery silk in latest styles at G5e , 75o
and 8. > o , worth $1 to SI. 75.
Scrim for curtains or fancy work Re
yaid. Imported scrim lOc , li.'o , lee , 17o ,
Carpets and draperies.
Special sale on fancy chairs , bedroom
Bets , bedsteads , wire mattresses , hair
mattresses , pillows , tables and odd
pieces of all kinds.
Dry goods and furniture ,
Whore can you find such a grand dis
play of ilno dolls of all kinds , dressed ,
undressed , bisque or kid body. Most
attractive dolls at 5c , lOc , 12c , IGc , IBc ,
20e and 25c. Splendidly dressed dolls at
25c , SOc , aJio up to 05c.
Special sale on albums , toilet cases and
fancy articles for presents.
Dry goods and dolls.
Monday this department will show an
Immense stock of ladles'fall huts , ostrich
tips and plumes , fancy feathers , ribbons
and ornaments.
Dry Goods and millinery.
Children's plush cloaks in all shades ,
J , 2 and 8 years , at $3. Eiderdown at $2.
Fancy imported plaids $2.50. Misses'
jackets and reefers" , ago 4 to 18 venrs ,
11.50 , $1.75 , $2 , $2.25 , $2.50 , $2.75 and $3.
Special bargains ladies' tailor made
jackets 30 Inches long in cheviot , beaver
or silk stripe cloaking $1.50 , $5 , up to
Ladles' English walking jackets , vest
rent , $7,88 , $10.
Fall weight English walking jackets
12.50 , $3 , $3.50 , $4.
English line widownlo walking jack
ets , vest front , astracluin trimmed , U8.50
and $ 'J ' ,
Ladles' doubled breasted jackets of
black hair , line worsted , $ -1.50 , $5 and
Ladles'plush jackets $8 , $10 nnd $11 ,
80 Inches long.IIAYDEN
Dry Goods and Cloak Dopt.
Cook's first-class family shoo store ,
1812 Fnrniun street , soils line shoes SI a
pair cheaper than any lottery shoo shop
In the city , and you have a larger and
finer stock to select from.
Winner of Schoolply's sealskin cloak
guaranteed a perfect lit. 1415 Douglas.
Seaman's carriages best and cheapest.
Falconer's grand opening \\ill take
place Monday and Tuesday evenings.
1G02. Sixteenth and Farnam streets Is
the now Hock Island ticket olllco. Tick
ets to all points east at lowest rates.
Elegant cabinet photographs , beauti
fully tlnibhed , for $2 per dozen ut Gray's ,
213 N. 10th at.
Falconer's grand opening will take
place Monday and Tuesday evenings.
llnyiiiiii ItroM.
Attend our grand sale of winter under
wear. Special prices for Monday.
Notice to A. O. II ,
The different divisions of the Ancient
Order of Hibernians are requested to
moot at Htli nnd Douglas ets. at 1 o'clock
p. in. Sunday , Sept. 14 , to participate la
the corner stone laying of the orphans'
homo iu Uouson. By order of the com
mittee. _ _ _ _ _ _
XofllonxOltjCornr l oonml Iloturn.
1'ho Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis &
Omaha lly. ( Depot 16th and Webster
Bts. ) will run a special train from Omaha
to Sioux City and return Sunday , Sept.
28 , and Sunday , Oct. 5 , leaving Omaha
nt800n. ; in. , returning leaving Sioux
City nt 7:00 : p. m. Ono faro for the round
trip. T. 11. TKASDALL , G. P. A ,
Samuel Burns' front windows for
J'.iiL'linh decorated dinner eot 312 ,
formerly 92 1 , and 12 piece- toilet sot 85 ,
Bee thorn ,
We Are ODering Special Inducements on
Ladles' ' Cloaks ,
A Grain ! Cool " \Vave Sale for Monday
with K.xtrnordlnnry Unrualas In
JJvery Depart men t 1'rlccs
Tor Momlny.
Monday wo will offer 40 dozen Indies' '
imported knit blurts , assorted colors , at
the very low price of GOc eaijh , worth
$1.25. Don't miss those skirts , ladies , they
are a great bargain.
200 do/on children's all wool black
hose , very superior quality , choice of alleles
el/os , 5J to 81 , only We pair.
Another lot of unildron'a wool hose at
15c , 18c , 20c pair , only luilf price.
Ladles' line all wool enshmero hose at
2oc pair ; they are very cheap at 25c.
Ladles' all wool jersey ribbed vests in
white , cardinal , pink , blue , only C9c
each , worth Sl.CO.
Ladles' fine jersey ribbed vests , cot
ton , long sleeves made of our imported
Swiss yarn ; only 5'Jc each , worth 8oc.
25 pieces fancy plaid 38-Inch dross
goods only 25c yard.
50 pieces 88-inch henrioltas , all now
fall shades , only lOc yard.
A Inryo line of ISO-inch wool dross flan
nels only 3oc yard.
Now line all wool 38-inch serges , all
now shades , only SOc yard.
25 pieces all wool blaukgoods40 Inches
wide at 49c yard.
5 pieces'42-inch black brilllantlno at
Ooo yaid , worth 8-3c.
10 pieces all wool 10 inch black serges ,
only 60o yard , worth 75o.
Ju&t arrived , now lot black silk armu-
res , on sale Monday at $1 yard , worth
50 bales Know white batts at lOc roll.
It is the best in Omaha at the prlco.
1 case comforter calicoes , Monday 4c
100 pieces unbleached canton flannel
at 5o yard.
Best standard prints 5c yard.
1 bale unbleached fine muslin 4c yard.
25 pieces white shaker llannol Monday
OJc yard. It is cheap at 10 c.
1 case wide indigo blue prints at lOo
yard , worth 12jc.
100 pair 10-1 gray blankets $2 pair ;
cheap at $2.50.
10 pieces rod twill flannel 18c yard.
60 pieces apron check ginghams at 5c
yard , worth 7c.
100 tinsel table covers , fringed all
around , only $1 each , worth just 81.75.
100 silk drapery scarfs , bolting silk
end , hand painted"only OSc each , worth
ii5 dozen 72 inch stamped linen dresser
scarfs SOc each , worth $1.
Don't fail to see us next week on carpets -
pots ; prices are now down to rock bet
tom. Got our prices before you buy.
20 do/en children's plush bonnets , all
colois , Monday COu each , worth $1.00.
Big line just arrived , children's silk
nnd cashmere bonnets in black and all
Corsets at i price Monday.
Warner Bros. ' celebrated Caroline 333
corsets 75c pair , worth $ l.i25.
French woven corsets , superior qual
ity , 75o pair , formerly sold on our
counters at $1.25.
Don't forgot our cloak department.
The greatest bargains over ollored In
ladies' misses and children's cloaks ,
r.ii1lf > > -innlrnta'n.t. ft" fill ffi.'l fin SU (1(1 ( nnd
$5.00 each , worth $3.50 to S7.00.
Misses all wool school jackets In navy
blue and tan , only $2.75 , worth 81.00.
Ladies'plush jackets and plush sacques
all at special prices Monday.
50 children's plush cloaks in all colors ,
2 to 5 years , only $3.08 each , worth $0.50.
Save Your Dollnra.
A full sot of teeth on rubber for $4 ,
superior to any $8 teeth mndo in the city.
Teeth extracted without pain at
1322 Farnam street.
Bargains Monday nt the DO Cent Store ,
1310 Farnam Street.
6c for 5 papers tacks , 60 for 5 dozen
clothes pins , 5c for 2 glass tumblers. 5c
for best burner , 5o for 2 chimneys , 5c a
set for teaspoons , 5c for largo pickle dish ,
5c for largo rolling pin , 5o for heavy
wire potato masher , 5o for 8 row curry
comb , 5c for rice root scrub brushes , 5c
for 40-foot clothes lines , 10,000 equally
good values at lOc each.
68c for copper bottom wash boilers , SOc
for copper rimmed planished tea kettle ,
4/Jc / for a good wash tub,25c for a splendid
tea kettle , $1.48 for best carpet sweeper ,
$1,98 for the best wringer.
Willow ware bargains baskets cheap ,
lOc , 15c , 20c , 25c and upward splendid
Great drives in dolls , albums , toys , etc.
We are hcanquartors on these llnesboth
wholesale and retail.
Every article in our stock is now and
of the most approved makes. Don't pur
chase inferior goods when you can get
the best for loss money at The 99 Cent
Store , 1319 Farnam street.
Tomorrow , Monday , being a holiday
our store will bo closed , will reopen
Tuesday with a new assortment of jack
ets , fur capes and other winter novelties.
1518 and 1520 Farnum St.
Bonnry guitars and banjos , S. Bank ,
507 N. 10.
Tlio leading phyniclans of Omaha rec
ommend their friends and patients wlion
needing spectacles to call on N. M.
Ruddy , tlio practical optician , 211 S.
16th st. , because ho uses careful and
exact methods to adjust glasses that will
preserve the oyes.
One or Ainnrlcii'H Womlnrfl.
The Sioux City Corn Palace people
have spared no pains to make the Corn
Palace of 181)0 ) surpass all others. The
grand street pageant , the design of which
is In chareoof tlio French artist brought
over by the Mnrdi Gras authorities of
Now Orleans , will bo an additional at
traction , which in itself is worth going
to see , and the musical features of the
Corn Palace are more charming than
It will bo hold September 2o to Octo
ber 11 , and the Sioux City & Pacific and
F , E. & M. V. K. R'ds have mndo reduced
rates on certain duys for this occasion ,
nnd will provide the necessary equip
ment and train service to enable people
to visit this grand exhibition. Write
Jonas M. Cloland , secretary , Sioux City
Corn Palnco , Sioux City , for informa
tion relative to the Corn Palace , nnd J.
R. Buchanan , General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Nob. , or any local agent of the
Sioux City Sc , PiicUlo and F. E. & M. V.
H. R'ds ' for further information as to
rates , trains , etc.
Tickets at lowest rates and superior
accommodations via the great Rock
Island routo. Ticket olllco , 1002 Six
teenth and Farnam streets. Omaha.
All musical Instruments repaired at
S. Bank , 507 N. 10th.
Gentlemen Always
Desire that their clears shall bo of the
best. To obtain such bo cortp'ji that
you call on Wm. Goodocko & Co. , In the
13arkor block , 16th and Furnun ets ,
Words Are Empty , Weak and Tame , aud
Can't ' Express the Slaughter of Stock ,
Tlio Itr.illty Htcncih tlm Most Vlvltl
Imagination Dry Goods Thrown
Out ns If Money Were Dli-t
Ilramlcls la HclUnj : Oat.
The closing and selling out of "The
Fair" is tlio most remarkable- event in
business circles. Ordinary stocks and
stores have been sold out witli little or
but pas-ting Interest by the public. The
linnionbo amount involved , fully
And the really astonishingly low fig
ures , make The Fair thq all-absorbing
topic of the day. There is not a depart
ment in tlio whole establishment that is
not crowded by eager buyers from early
morning to late nt night. There Is no
question of a single article dragging on
account of its price. Anything and
everything from garret lo cellar , from
one end of the block to the oilier , has
bean marked down far below oven the
actual cost of manufacture.
The veriest staples linens , muslins
and llnnnols , that are as good as gold ,
and not alTcctcd by the seasons , oven
these prices are cut almost
in two. 13ut tlio greatest cuts , re
ductions nnd mark-downs nro to bo
found In the 5 solid dopartmonts.
For example. All our 7c and So un
bleached Canton llanncls now go at 4c a
yard. Our heaviest grades of 15o and
and 18c Canton flannels go at lOc a yard.
Our flno white wool shaker llanncls go
at oca yard. Our Me wool llannol in
solid white , red and blue and shirting
stripes go at lee a yard. Our 35c and
40c grade all wool heavy twilled llannels ,
in plain colors , shirting plaidsand stripes
go at ioo ! a yard.
Our dress coeds stock is going fast ,
but wo still have a good assortment of
black and colored goods. Wo expect to
make a big hole in this department the
coining week , as wo have still further re
duced the prices.
Such goods ns ladles' nnd children's
yarn mitts , fascinators and toboggans
are being sold at about i their value.
Children's nice loc yarn mitts now go
at 4c. Mitts that wore 25o now go at
Fascinators that sold for Too now gofer
for 2ie. )
Toboggan caps almost given away.
Yarns that wore lOc a skein now go at
Ic. Those 25o ones are now Oc. Those
that wore oven 40c u skein go for 9c also.
It would surprise you to see how fast
the ladies are buying their cloaks , but
ns they n < 'o all now goods and bought
for this fall's trade , it is no wonder when
you can buy a $20 real seal plush 42-inch
sack at $ K.50 ) , and a line cloth Newmar
ket worth from $10 to $15 for $5. So it
goes all along the line.
The shoes wo started to close out yes
terday astonish everyone. People
seemed to bo buying enough shoos for
themselves and family to last them for
years. But they could not invest their
money in any better way , for every pair
wo are now selling is guaranteed to bo
worth twice the money.
Come tomorrow if you can , if not ,
some other day ; but couio soon for this is
near the end of
602 , 501 , 500. 508. 510 South lath bt.
Tomorrow , Monday , being a holiday
our store "will bo closed , will reopen
Tuesday with a now assortment of jack
ets , fur capes and other winter novelties.
1518 and 1520 Farnam St.
Bruno guitar , S. Bank 507 N. 10.
F. A. Roinhart , tlio photographer ,
corner Sixteenth and Douglas , wishes to
say to the public that ho 1ms had the
damage by flro repaired and is now ready
to bervo his patrons in first class stylo.
Mornn's School for Dancing ,
Guards armory , Capital avo. , will reopen
on Thursday , October 2. Classes formed
for children and adults , beginners , ad
vance and assemblies. Write or call nt
the above address for particulars.
liefore Haying
A piano examine the now scale Kim
ball piano. A. Hospo , 1513 Douglas.
Seaman phaetons best and cheapest.
Fine watch repairing , S.Bank , 507N.1G.
A. Max Jlolzhcimcr Co.
Fine watch repairing ,
1413 Douglas st
Mormons In tlio Satrlwloli Islands.
Mr. B. S. Do Lisle of the Sandwich
islands is at the Midland , says the Kan
sas City Times. Ho has been visiting
relatives in South Dakota and is now on
route for England. " 'You will perhaps bo
" remarked last * kto
surprised , lie night ,
learn that wo have thousands of Mor
mons on the Sandwich islands. I came
over with two ot their misslonories.
They do not practice polygamy , being
what are known as'Josopbitcs. ' They
are all prosperous nnd successful. Of
the 80,000 Inhabitants of the Sandwich
islands perhaps 8,000 are Mormons.
Perhaps ; tO,000 of the inhabitants are
natives , another 80,000 Chinese aud the
bnlnnco foreigners.
"You will bo interested In knowing
that the king lives in a million dollar
palace , built of coral a few years ago by
the loyal subjects , who willingly .sub
mit to any tax lilirt upon them by the
monarch. When the princess dlod a
mausoleum was erected in her honor at
an expense of $00,000 and the funeral
cost 850,000 more. The government fur
nished 10,000 uniforms for the natives
who wished to attend the funeral. It
was the largest aggregation of paid
mourners the world has over BOOH "
Try the White Front market.
It You Wnut a I'lano Cheap ,
Cash or iimo , see the bargain at 107 N ,
10th st. Molnborg , agent.
Attend our grand sale of winter under
wear. Special prices for Monday.
The AVorld Do Move.
And so do the elegantly appointed
trains of the Burlington routo. By this
favorite line , selected by the U. S. gov
ernment to carry the fast mail , you have
the choice of three * daily trains for
Chicago and the east ; two for Kansas
City nnd the bouth ; two for Denver and
the west.
The Burlington No. 2 Fast Express ,
vestlbuled throughout , equipped with
elegant Pullman cars furnished with
well selected libraries , reclining chair
cars ( seats free ) , and dining car loaves
Oimiha 4:30 : p. in. , arrives Chicago So.
m. . serving breakfast beforearrival. .
No. 0 , the fast mall , leaves Omaha
0:10 : p. m. , arrives Chicago 1 p. in. , equip
ment and dining car service up to the
highest standard. Ticket ofllco , 1223
"W , F. Vulll ,
Cutting I'Ncjcs on Hutter.
Good country butter , 12k' , 15c ; the
very best crcumory , 17Jc ; why
pay twice the price nnd not
get good butter ; picnic hams , Sc ; boneless -
less ham , lOc ; sujnir cured ham , 12c ;
dried hoof , 12Jc ; 24b. can corn beef , 15c ;
1-lb. can corn bcof , lOo ; potted chicken ,
6c ; potted turkey , fia ; potted hnm , 6ci potted -
ted ox tongue , oc ; brick cheese , lUJe ;
full cream , 12je ; mustard sardines , Oc ;
oil sardines , fie ; very best Columbia
river salmon , li > } e ; vorv best crackers , 5c ;
best oyster crackers , 60 ; bottle French
prepared mustard , oc ; gold dust washing
lewder , 3Je , poarllno washing powder ,
Me ; soapino , iljc ; 177(1 ( washing powder ,
3ic ; largo bottle horse radish , lOc ; sajw
lia. 74o : best laundry soap , 8 bars , U > c ;
18 lb.3. extra a sugar , $1.01) ) : 11 Ib * . gran
ulated , $1.00 ; now prunes , Tie ; these are
very good.
Tlicro never was a moro complete line
of tens and collues In Omaha or else
where than is now at Havdon BroA
Sun dried Japan , IWe , l2 > c , JiOu and 3fie.
Basket fried Jaaii ) will bo reduced
loc per nound for Monday's sale.
Wo will sell them at 3ocloc , eec and
Gunpowders , 3."c , 4oc , 5c nnd G" > e.
In English breakfasts and Oolongs wo
have everything at reduced prices for
Rio 2oc.
Fancy golden Rio 2Sc.
Java , JlUo.
Private growth Java , Monday , goes at
Mocha nnd Java , blond , 32c. }
Wo have just received a largo invoice
ot green coU'ees , among them are the
Santo Bueharamanga and the Bruten-
zorg Java , all of which will bo sold at u
big reduction on Monday.
Remember they will bo fresh roasted.
Dry Goods and Groceries.
Flower pots , H-inch pots Ic , 4-inch pots
with saucer 3Je , o-inoh pots with saucers
4Jc , 0-inch pots with saucers Cc , 7-inch
pots with saucer lOc , 3 for 2oc ; 8-inch
pots with saucers 12o } and 0-inch pots
with enucor loc. Butter and preserve
jars from } gal up to 10 pal 7jo per
gallon , milk crocks 4c , 6c , 8c and lOc
each. Boston bean pots ICc and 2oc
each , churns 1o per gallon , preserve
kettloa , porcelain lined , from iJoo up to a
12-q.uart kettle for 75c. Jolly moulds 5c
each , handled cups and saucers COo per
sot , wash bowl and pitcher 7oo , chambers
GOe , plates 5c each , glasses 3io each ,
fruit stands loc each , cake
stands ICc each , Do Vornes' ' crow
black Ink 5c per bottle , mucilage
5c per bottle , cake moulds 5c each , cop
per bottom wash boilers 60c , a rimmed
copper wash boiler $1.75 , worth $3.7o ; a
copper bottom tea kettle 03c , worth
$2 ; a $3.05 all copper tea kettle for $1.50 ,
brass jack chains for hanging baskets ,
lamps , etc. , lOo andlCcpor yard ; harness
snaps Ic each , worth lOc ; all steel cur
rycomb lOc , worth 7oc ; a palmetto llbro
horse brush 60c , worth $2 ; clothes wring
ers Sl.CO , the western washer , the finest
washer made , $4.50 , this is the only
washer that docs not tear the clothes ;
cake boxes Goc , Hour safes Ooo each , tea
and coll'co cnncstors lOc each , dust pans
oc , tea kettle loc , dish pans loc , sealing
wax Ic per pound.IIAYDEN
Dry goods and house furnishings.
Rury tlic Hatchet
And avoid the delay and trouble of chop-
ping wood for the lire by using Mount &
Grillln's patent kindling wood in bun
dles. Being compact it taken little room ,
being1 prepared it burns hotter , being
always ready it saves time , and is the re-
fore moro economical to usn. Being kept
by all grocerymen it is easy to got. The
next time you order groceries ask your
grocer to send you a bundle. Manufac
tured only by Mount &Griflin , 213 South
Fourteenth street.
Spectacles fitted by a regular optician.
Cost no moro and are immeasurably
better for the eyes than those bought
Imp-hazard of jewelers or druggists. N.
M. Ruddy , the practical optician , 211 S.
15th st. Fits glasses exactly to your
Falconer's grand opening will take
place Monday and Tuesday evenings.
Falconer's grand opening will take
place Monday and Tuesday evenings.
- o -
Humoring a Stranger.
A slock broker who was on his way to
the city , says the London City Press ,
observed that one of his fellow'passoii -
gers in the 'bus ' was closely regarding
him , and after a time the man leaned
over and asked : "Didn't I see you in
Liverpool in 1879 ? "
The broker wasn't in Liverpool that
ycarbut , thinking to humor the stranger ,
no replied in thoatlirmativo.
"Don't you remember handing a poor
shivering wretch a half crown ono night
outside the Itoyal hotel ? "
"Ido. "
* > "Well I'm the chap. I was hard xip ,
out of work , and about to commit suicide.
That money made a now man of me. By
ono lucky spec and another I am now
worth 5,000. "
"Ah , glad to hear it. "
"And now I want you to take a sovereign
eign in place of that half crown. I can
not feel easy until the debt is paid. "
Tlio broker protested nnd objected , but
finally , just to humor the man ho took
the 4 change. The stranger soon left
thoj 'bus , and everything might have
ended then and there if the broker , on
reaching the olllco , hadn't ascertained
that the " liver " was a counterfeit , and
that ho was1 out of pocket.
All the latest sheet music lOc a capy.
S. Bank , 507 N. 10.
A TjlKht In livci-y Hcrtli.
To the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railway belong ! ) the credit of being the
lifbt in the country to reduce the matter
of electric lighting of trains to scientific
perfection. Ono of thq novel features
introduced in the bleeping cars is a
patent electric reading lamp in each
section. "With 'this ' luxurious provision
reading at nlghttbeforo and after retir
ing becomes as. . comfortable as by day ,
and when retiring the toilet may bo
inndo in comfort and seclusion. The
berth reading lamp in the Pullman
sleeping cars run on the Chicago , Mil
waukee & St. Paul railway , between
Omaha and Chiisago , la patented , nnd
cannot bo used by any other railroad
company. It is the greatest improve
ment of the ago. Try it and bo con
Sleeping cars leave the Union Pacific
depot , Omaha , at 0:10 : p. in. daily , arriv
ing at Chicago at U0 ! ! a. in. Secure
tickets and sleeping car norths at Union
Ticket oHIco , 15111 b'urnuui street ( Ijarhor
Block ) , Omaha.
Pass. Agent. Gcn'l Agent.
Jluytlon Ilros.
Attend our grand sale of winter under
wear , Special prices for Monday.
The now offices of the great Rock
Island route , 1002 , Sixteenth and Farnam
streets , Omaha , are the finest in tlio city.
Call and BOO thotn. Tickets to all points
cast at lowest rates.
Curtain * and Drapery.
Dcwoy & Stone F urnlturo Co.
Specials for Monday Now or Never is the
To I'nt Uncle Snm'H Dollar to the
Tent Only a Few of Them
Needed lor Thin Oc
casion ,
75 pieces Victoria cloth for dresses at
IJo per yard.
1 case double-fold English cashmere at
tJe ) , worth _ 0o.
AVe have just received 50 pieces fall
suitings , which o will soli Monday
at 21c.
10-Inch all-wool novelty plaids ! i9c.
51-inch Indies' cloth at 3c ! ) , sells the
world over for GOc.
40-Inch black mohair silk ilnlsli brll-
llantlnos 35o , worth 75c.
40-Inch black and colored Henriettas
at 19c ; our everyday price Is lOe.
25 different colors silk plush Monday
at 29c.
50 pieces now fall shades in velvets , all
silk , 40c , worth 85c.
Half blenched , fancy border , German
linen , 60 Inch wide , 29c.
60 Inch loom dice table damask , Mon
day lOc.
Bleached satin table damask , 50 inch
wide , at 42jc , worth 8oc.
600 buck towels , choice ntthlsbnlo ,1Jc.
1 lot all linen crash goes like the bal
ance , 1)2 ) o.
1,000 pairs manufacturer's samples of
kid gloves , no two pair alike , 2oc a pair ,
worth from SI to $2.
Extra quality 4 button kid gloves , I9c.
Mosquotairo kids in opera lengths,05c ,
considered cheap at $1.
Genuine Alexander's kid gloves , Inco ,
hook or button , dressed or undressed , go
at $1.19.
25 pieces shaker flannel at 4Jc.
1 case bleached muslin at 31c.
Gents' all wool shirts and drawors,39c.
Child's and Misses' scarlet vests and
pants , 2oe ; every pair worth double the
Misses' and children's white all wool
vests nnd pants , all sires , inthissalc,3.5c ,
Ladies' zephyr knit vests , long or
short sleeves , a genuine bargain , 50c.
Choice of 500 pair of boys' pants , 25c.
Boys' nnd girls' hats and caps , 100 dif
ferent styles on sale Monday at 25o.
Sowing silk veiling in all the latest
colors , 19c.
100 pieces crepe Inco rushing , choice
of this lot , 9c per yard.
114 S. 10th St.
Tireless and restless workers for the
P. A. Roinhart , thopliotographcrcor-
ner Sixteenth and Douglas , wishes to
say to the public that lie has had the
damage by lire repaired and is now ready
to servo his patrons in first class stylo.
Guitars $3 , S. Bank , 507 N. 10.
\vuiHO a.
First-class cabinet makers and uphol
sterers. Chas. Shiverick & Co. , 1208
Furnain st.
Neighbors Carry OIV tlio Dwelling of
Francis Ituelillnn.
"Look out for a two-story frame house
with two windows and a door In front. "
This thrilling message was sent over
the telephone wires from the police
station ut Irving Park to Englewood a
few days ago , and Captain Elliott , who
is in command at the latter place , at
once detailed two of his best olliccra to
work upon the case , says the Chicago
Ono month ago Francis Ruohllng , a
widower eighty-three years old who has
boon living alone for several years on
Pearl btroot , near Garfield avenue , closed
up his house and went to visit his son in
Ifour days ago lie returned.
Ho intended to bottle down again in
his little home.
Ho didn't , however , for the reason
that ho could not mid a trace of his
former castle.
The old man gazed in astonishment on
the spot whore his house once blood , but
not a trace of it oould ho find.
Nothing but the collar remained , and
ns it was evident that fire had not swept
away his homo , lie notified the police.
Investigation by Captain Elliot's men
brought to light the fact that the old
man's neighbors in his absence had
chopped down the house and carted it
away piece by piece by piece for fire
wood. The furniture , dishes , and every
thing else about the place had also been
appropriated by these accommodating
The police nro making arrests rapidly
nnd up to 12 o'clock last night Barney ,
Bridget , Annnlo and John O'Neil. ' Ellen
Culbort and Mary Spangler had been
taken into custody for having a hand in
the destruction of the old man's house
Mr. Ruohllng is well liked by those
who know him , and the police think
there was no spite work in the btrango
ulTuir ,
Jack Frost
never bothers people whoso coal Inn Is
well provided with coal. Look in your
cellar and HCO if you nro not getting
rather low on "Ulnek Diamond. ' ' AVe
would bo very glad to have you permit
us to replenish it with "Newcastle" tlio
best boft coal in Omaha. Now ib a good
time to buy vour winters bard coal.
Mount Gritlln , 213 South Hth street.
llnydon I ros.
Attend our grand sale of winter under
wear. Special prices for Monday.
TlieltMuo Only t-ottU'il Vet.
Although wo now number as a nation
considerably more- than blxty million
Eould there seems to bo plenty of elbow
room , and overcrowded centers Is something - ,
thing of a misnomer on American boll.
\Vo have hardly settled around the edges
as it wore , of tlio Immense public
domain of the United States , and along
the line of tlio Union Pacific Hallway ,
Its branches and dependencies , there is
land enough yet vacant to support half
the present population of the country.
And these lands are not barren wastes ,
but are good fertile farm lands.
Seaman's wagons beat and cheapest.
Buy shoos at Schoelply's and got
ticket , for the $400 soalbkin 1415 Douglas.
The only railroad tram out of Omaha
run oxpronbly for tlio accommodation of
Omaha , Council UlulTs , Des Molnos and
Chicago business is the Hock Island
vcstlbuled limited , leaving Omaha at
1:15 : p. in. dally. Ticket olllco 1002 , Six
teenth and Furnnm sts. Omaha ,
Carpet cleaning nnd relaying. C. E.
Dlckbon , olllco nnd works , 121U S. 83d at.
Eouman mandolin , S. Bank , 607 N , 10.
Momlny'n I > rcH Goods hnlc.
Our stock of dross goodi cannot bo
Burp.issodby any house in the west as
regards quantity , quality , styles or
prices. Wo will sny to our patrons that
on Monday and during the week wo will
plnco on sale some of the greatest bar
gains over ottered In dross goods. 45
pieces black gross-grain s llk 21 inches
wide , usual price $1.50 , during thla
ualo $1.
100 pieces of plush all now shades on
sale at 4 lo , good value at 0 > i ! yard.
200 pieces all wool flannel suiting 61
inches wide in all shades , beautiful fin
ish , extra quality , good value at Me ,
wili bo sold tit 60o yard.
100 pieces colored hcnrlotlas all wool
10 incites wide , sale price oOo yard. 160
combination milts In beautiful rich pat
terns at half price. 150 pieces black
dress goods at special low prices Monday.
Dry Goods and Suits.
\Vho has the courage to meet our
Every article guaranteed as repre
Solid gold baby rings IScoach , worth
Ucst rolled plate rhino stone eardrops
2oc pair.
Itolled gold pinto hoop ear-rings loc
Gent's link cuff buttons in latest de
signs 95c , worth $2.
Ucautlful rolled gold plate glove but-
toncrs : toc , worth $1.
Gent's solid gold initial ring with 15
genuine diamond bets at $9 , worth $18.
Ladies' ' solid silver chutlaino watch ,
stem vyind and sot , 83.50.
Ladies solid gold pens with beautiful
pearl and ivory holder , onlv S1.1U , why
pay $3.
Ladies' and gents' solid gold and filled
cases with all the standard American
movements at one-half jewelers' prices.
Ansonla nickel alarm clocks "oo.
Jumbo watches , warranted , $1.60. Do
not bo misled by soft nonsense. We give
a pobltivo and safe guarantee on every
article. JIAYDKN BROS. ,
Dry Goods and Jewelry.
Now styles in fine dress trimmings ,
buttons , braids and linings at very at
tractive prices ,
Ladies hemstitched handkerchiefs at
He , worth lOc ; nt 5c , worth loc. 200
doon ladles handkerchiefs worth I3oc to
50c , all on sale at 15c , 20c and 2"c. > .
Ladies' collars , ruchlngs and ties all
reduced to close ,
Special bale on embroideries , laces ,
flouncings , silk scarfs and tidies.
Dry Goods and Notions.
Don't Sliivcr
These early cold mornings , but use our
patent kindlings In bundles which pro
duces a quick , hot liamo and ignites coal
immediately. For sale by all grocers.
Manufactured by Mount & Grillln , 213
South lllh street.
Call on Madame "Wallace for your fall
suit. Your own goods made up.
Uncle IVoin Gas to Coal.
The scarcity of gas continues to .
tlio main part in at least a dozen of' the
leading iron works , bays the IMUbburg
Chronicle-Telegraph. The falling off in
supply and the loss of time are now bO
discouraging in borne mills that the men
threaten to quit work if the change back
to coal is not soon made. There are
nearly 8,000 iron workers on both sides
of the Monongiihola river who have av
eraged little more than half-time in the
last three weeks. In about ten mills the
restriction on the output of muck iron
alone is at least 200 tons a day. There
are a number of firms now which will
commence to prepare for coal to bo used
in case gas should give out when tlio
weather gets colder. The change is
rnado in the furnace as they are being
repaired from time to time. So far as
possible all tlio mills are run to their ut
most , but tlio average is about two-
thirds capacity.
East Omaha lots for sale. Potter &
George company , IGth and Farnam.
Buy shoes nt Schoelply's and got
ticket for the $400 sealskin , 1415 Douglas.
Via tlio AValniHli lloutc.
On September 9 , 23 nnd October 14 the
Wabuah will soil round trip tickets to
points in Texas , Arkansas , Tennessee ,
Mississippi , Louisiana , Alabama , Geor
gia and Florida at Half Faro , good for
oO days. Remember the "Wabash Is the
quickest route South and Southeast.
Reclining Chair and Pullman Bullet
Sleeping Cars on all trains. Only
15 hours to St. Louis ,
321 " " Chattanooga ,
40 " " Now Orleans ,
4Ci " " Now York ,
with corresponding fast time to all
points South and east. For tickets and
full information in regard to routes , nUo
for a copy of the Southern Tlomobcolcors
Guide , call at the Wnbasli Ticket Olllco ,
1502 Farnam htrect , Omaha , or write 0.
N. Clayton , Northwestern Passenger
Agent , Omaha , Neb.
Jla.Vlll'M Ill'OH.
Attend our grand t-aloof winter under
wear ; Special prices for Monday.
A. MuIIoUliHiiKM'Co. .
Fine watch rep tiring ,
1413 Douglas fat.
Bon F. Marti , who has been with Fivd
Mohlo for seven years , has opened a loan
oflicoat 111U Farnam street.
CLEANING , dyeingflrht class work at
Omaha Steam Uyo Works , 1W1 Howard.
Banjos $3.50 , S. Hank , 507 N. 10.
Seaman's carriages best and cheapest.
Now Kail Gooiln In Kvory lo ) nrtmcn.t.
An elegant line of kid gloves In nil the
now cloth shades. A Hat seamed glnsso
kid mosquotnlro filovo , especially good
for struct wonr , prlco only sM.2-3.
Now goods In every line of infant ,
wear from bontlos up to clonks. '
From35out > to < ? 15.)0. ( )
from 08o upwards. These dresses are
good styles , neatly innclo and very much
choiiper Ibnn you could make them your
self. Flnnnol skirts from $1.00 , upwards.
Blankets nnd HUCIUUH at all prices.
\Vo < hnvo the best asMirtments in part
wool , till wool and silk , prices from 23o
to & ! .fiO.
"Wb have beautiful style * In infant's
clonks for this fall , prices from $2.00 to
A very largo line of now drawn work
patterns In white and black silks.
Cl 11LDR KN 'S 1)11 KSS US.
"Wo have just received a very hand
some line of dresses for children , from 13
to 10 years. These goods nro spread on
a center counter and it is no trouble to
show thorn , whether you wish to buy or
not. They are nt popular prices and wo
know you will bo nlcusoil with them it
you look at them. Miss. .1. HK.NSON ,
210und211iS. loth.
A. O. "v. W.
All members of Omaha lodpo No. 18 ,
A. 0. U. W. , together with their fam
ilies and friends , are urgently requested
to bo present nt a mooting to bo held In
the lodge room , Barker block , on Thurs
day evening next at 8 o'clock. An im
portant matter will bo brought before
the ineolingnnd a full attendance ) is re
quested , 13y order of Ilia master work
man. 'C. II. Cou.iKlt , Recorder.
lli-nut fy Venn- Home * .
A remark proof etching , nlcoly framed ,
for only $0 , at IIospo's gallery.
Cabinet photographs onlv$2 per do/.en
at G raj's ' , UU1 N. Kithst.
Fifty per cent discount on sheet music ,
Omaha Music Co. , lol(5 ( Dodge.
Winner of Sohoolply's s-ealskin cloak
guaranteed u poifeet lit. 1415 Douglas.
Seaman's buggies ucst and cheapest
California IXcm-slon.
Pullman tourist alec-ping car excur
sions lo California and Pacific coasl
points leave Chicago every Thursday ,
Kansas Uity every Friday via the Santa
Fo route. Ticket r.tto from Chicago
$47.50 , from Sioux City , Omaha. Lincoln
orKansiis City5 ! , sleeping car rate
from Chicago 8-1 per double berth , fiom
Kansas City -ill pur double berth. K\ory-
tiling furnished except meals. Tbeso
excursions are personally conducted by
experienced ( . \curtjlon malingers who
accompany parties to destination. For
excursion folder containing full purlieu-
hirrt nnd map folder and time table of
Santa Fo route and resolving of sleeping
car berths , nddtetis S. iM. Ot-gpod , general - ,
oral sigent , E. L. Palmer , freight and
passenger agent , A.T. & S. F. railroad ,
330S Fiirnum street , Omaha , Nobrusktu
Dr. Birney cures cntarih , Bee bldg.
A VOIIIIK 3I'in Who \Vont Cray.y IVotu
tliu Toh-pli mo Klu ; ; .
"Can I use your telephone ? "
This question was luJccd of Mr. Vnlcn-
tlner by a young man who entered hh
drug-htoro at the corner of Clinton and
John streets tlio other aflornoJii.
"Certainly , " said Mr. Valentinor.
pointing to the instalment ; "go ahead. "
"But I havoi.'t ' tiny money. "
"That's all right , ; I'll charge it to j OUT
brother , " wild Mr. Ynluntincr.
Something in the man's appcaranc
attracted the attention of u Cincinnati
Enquirer reporter , who happened to b
in tnobtore at the timo. Tlio young
man clutched the 'phono with trembling
hand and giving a quick , budden ritijf
shouted ho.irboly into the microphone )
"Give mo 4.01 ! , ( ! ( ! No-that ain't th
number. What's Stella's number ? I
know its in heaven , but what's the num
ber ? " j
By this time the reporter's astonishment - "
mont was almost uncontrollable , but ,
btrango to say , Mr. Valentinor did not
to m to share it. IIo simply whispered !
Again the young man gave a spasmodic
medic ring.
"I've been waiting long enough , " li
shouted again. "I tell you , give m
btolla. No , I can't find the number. No
I won't ' wait. I won't wait. I won't ,
won't. "
And in a frenzy lie dashed the "phone
against the wall and rushed from the
"There Is ono of the strangest cases of
insanity on iecord"biiidMr. N'nlontinor.
when the writer had somewhat recovered
from his surprlbs. "That young man win
as hano as you or I llvo yotiiH ago.
His name is .lolin Rickorhof , and ho
lives hero in the "West End. Five yo.ui
ho WIN shipping clerk fora New Voile
expelling house. Ho had become ) bo
woriied , uoingof an excessively norvoua
loniporuinont , by the coiibtant ringing ol
the all il.iy In his ears that , j
though . nn all other subjects , hu li I
crazy on thin , and runs Into urug sto * r *
and 'uses telephones in a nervous , un
strung manner , calling the namu of n
former sweetheart , long since dead. I A
use ia curious psychological studj
Dr. Birney cures catarrh , Dee lililg
A Tiny In V In pule.
German and Swiss iMithuHin.stb for ho
universal language of Vulupuk have , , iflt
hold a festival at Constance nt whh ban
Intea'sting feature was a dr.imalu1 per
formance nt tlio theater In Volapuk
Wnlitid ovpoclPil to clvoyoun front vlow IliNwonknf tlw pHuro iiliovn at tlio sumo tire *
wltlililH liloaiapliy , Imt lie U very liasliful mid tliu fuel IK tlm luck vlow I * the lii'ht looklnX.
Hut wo liopii tiiiHsrsiwiIolilm Inirlviiyoti a full \lownf Ills a u > t"iumni In uftitum IMIIII. Till *
Kuiitlciiiiiii U the n 'iiinil iiitcntof onrTrnnsixiriiit n Coiuii'iiiy , amirf liurKii of all IIIH-
ncMpuHtuml wcht. Hu U very Ki'iiliil and warm no rU'il.iin I i-lovur iitliUplilnloKiionir would
Indk-iito. Hu \iTfJiililluijtoviT Ilii-fiii't tlmt J0 MtMlriir * linvti entered the uollnuo Mnc
Sept. iKt.und that I'nif. ' UntilIjiui took first ! > i < iniii > iii < m ornuini'iitiil I'lminunxhlD , at tlio Niuto
Tulr. lloaliiuilcslrvs tostntn Unit wo oun Kl\i'i lltn best , luihlno-n or Hmtthanil mill Tvu
wiltlnu'cotit-soln tliostuto. aiidwIU , - alon or rufnnd inoiu-y. Ten puncenl
aUcountto tii5oenturlnitteiricptciiitT. ) ( nll h * mrsnni < l ' i-nin inslilti freii to bliortlmni
Btudiinta < < ulliiu < liioiii ( > rH na foroln-ular A l lrrss. UATIItUIN , KWlNd 4UON Cor. lot *
aud Capitol Av . , Orntuii , NcU.