II THE OMAHA. DATLT BEE , SUOTJAaY. SEPTEMBEK 34 , ISOOVnENTTX" PAGEH , THE OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFIOK , NO. J2 PEARL ST. Pcllvcrptl ly fiitrler In uiijrpuitof theCILy , II. W. T1L.TON. - MANAGER TEIKT'IIONF.3l nnilncfis Office , No. U NlKlitRflltut , No. 21. JIKA" 77 W A. N. Y. P. Co. Council Binds Lumber Co . cont. Tlio pai > cn In a suit for the foreclosure ! of morlKiije ( > by Marcus U. I'atrUk njjalnst S. H. Ilnrlovcro fllcd iniho district conit yes terday afternoon. Joseph Ilntnmanel Christina Johnson won married in the pillars of the Crrston house ycste-nluy inornlnif by Justice Sclmrz. Both | > .irtlofl uro from. Mimlen. Slicrlft A , H. I'rotitlw of Callioitn county , Mlclilk'aii , arrived In the city luHtiilirht willt ( i requisition for tlio nun Miller \\lin Is wanted at H.ittlo Creek to nimvcr tlio clinrgo of horse-stealing , Ho got bis prisoner and leftThere There \viw n lie.ivy frost yesterday inorniiiR mill aljoutcvcryttiitiKln the vegetable Icintf- clotn suffered a serious setbtclc. Many ladies aru lumuntliiK the untimely death of liou&o- plants that wcio forgotten atiJ loft out of doors , There ? 11 bean Important meeting of va rious roinmlltoci lutcicstctl In the oriMtim- lion of it republican elul > at. Jtiilgu Heed's of fice In 13 row n bulliltng , Monduy evening at 8 o'cloik. All republicans Invited.Vlllium \ Ariul , cbalrninn. A man named Ilnininoncl , an employe of the motor conip my , Is suffering from n badly crushed foot , \vhlch was incurred In im acci dent while unloading rails yesterday. Ho was taken to his homo on Fifteenth street ami his injuries attended to by lr. ) Scybcrt. An Injunction was grantee ! in the superior court last evening rcstrahitiiK H. II , Oclcll from negotiating or disposing of three prom- ihsory notes for SJ175 oath , made hy. lames Weston. The Injunction is also made to ln > elude the Uitlrrns' bank , whore Odell had the notes on deposit. An application was made in tlio superior conityestmlay afternoon for the appoint ment of a receiver for tlio stock of goods , or ihoicMimliulor of the stock , bulonging to 11. Friedman , tlio milliner. The petition Is signal byC. Friedman , lib wifo. The hear ing Is sutfor September tlflat 10 o'clock. .An Information was tiled in the superior coiut yesterday afternoon chargingtbo pro prietor of a certain establishment outsldu the city limit * with soiling and keeping for ( ulo intoxicating liquors. A warrant for the nr- rcst of the proprietor was Issued , and ho will bo gathered in by Marshal Teuipleton tod.iy. The bilclf vork bits bexii finished and the carpenters aru nt Merle on tbu new Trinity Methodist church on the corner of Ninth avenue mid Fourth street , The contractors pronilso to have It ready foroecupancy by the iniddlo of next month. It will bo a handsome little structure , MSxIlS feet in di mensions , of modern style of architecture. Ellen Whitlow appealed in the disttlct cpuit yesterday by her attorney with n peti tion prajlng the court to grant her a dlvoico from her husband , Charles Whitlow , uncl the custody of their eiKht-ye.tr-old child. Whit low Is a porter In an Omaha saloon and hU wife alleges In tier petition th it hu has fre quently attempted to kill her , anil this is the reason she asks for an absolute divorce. Kev. rtimlilln will preach his fare .veil ser mon at Masonic temple this evening. Ho hat extended an Invitation to the La lies' Ko- lief coins and Abe IJncolii post , No. t'J ! ' , Grand Aimy of thn Heimblic , nad It was ac cepted nt a special meeting held last tilfrht. The ladles and the members of the post will meet in their hull and will mutch to tbo church in u body , gathering at the hall ut 7 o'clock. rireinan Nicholson was flned $30.70 yester day morning for the little diniculty "ho got Into at thulinvor llroadiray engine house the uu'iiiiiK previous. The assault was committed Jipou Holla Shiiinut , conductor on the Mun- uwii motor line , and grew out of bis refusal to carry the fliuninn free on a recent trip to the lake. Nicholson filed a S'O bond and gave notice that , he would appeal the case to the dlslrietcourt , In tlio superior court yesterday mottling thochiilyuatth of the police department was disposed of. Leo Stephenson gave a bond and hud his case continued. lie is charged ivlth assault and battery. W. 11. Beul. an Omaha salesman , pot $10.10 for intoxication. John Howard , a crook from Chicago , gnvo J10.1U for the privilege of sampling Council Bluffs whisky , Two railroad employes , who K.IVO the tiumes of Jack Howard and A. C. Harvard , wcro lined § 10.70 and $15.70 for in toxication. Uev. Frank Franklin , pastor of the First Methodist church , preaches bis last sermon this morning prior to departing for confer ence. It will bo one of his best efforts , and it Is very likely that Mnsouio teniplowhere the services are now being held , will be crowded by people anxious to hear him. It is understood that howill be returned for un- ether \ car's labor In this city and be per mitted to complete the work of building the new church , which will bo a monument to lilin and to the congregation over which he lias presided for the past two years. John Walker , jr. , and bis paj-tner , n man nntiicMl Watterinnn , wcro brought up from Villisca yesterday by a deputy United States marshal for an examination by Commissioner Hunter upon the charge of attempting to pass currency that had been tampered with. They Hero charged with mutilating end raising II bills Into bills of iO denomination and at tempting to pass them. They both pleaded not guilty and wcio phiced under $ ! , ( HH ) bonds to appear before the United States court. The amount could not bo raised by their friends end they weio tnlien to the county Jail. The Ilcss grand opera company pi nj ed its farewell unRiigtinicnt hero last evening to as delighted an audleiico as overappe.uod In the opera house. There nre not enough people in Council 13 luffs who appreciate oneMtio music to warrant Manager Itohuny bringing such a combination as Ir. Hets has with him. With sixty people , and among thomattlsts like ( Juillo , 12mllHut.it , Ktcardo Itlcci , and others who have suppoi ted 1'atti and carried load ing roles , a few $ .100 houses make tbo man- ngomcnt feel very much discouraged. 'Ihov leave Council liluffs after having won the hUhest praises that aCuuncillJlultsaudlon o can bestow. The company will appear in Omaha on October 2 , 1) ) and 4 , and will irlvo "William Tell , " "Tiwatoro" and "Hiiro- lotto. " Miss Emma Potter. Mrs. John Keller. Miss Haul' Duimotte. Mrs. H , Mcllride , Airs. I'rank Levin , Sirs. George Hiullo , ISlr. and Mrs. 0. II , Jacli on returned fiom Colftix t'ridnr ovoihur , wheio they have been in Bttemiaaco nt the meeting of the state grand chapter. Order of the Kustcrii Star. They repoit a most enjoyubla time , mid the order In a very prospcious condition. The follow ing ofilcersworo elected and instilled for the ensuing year : Mrs. Hun-let A. Ercanbraelc , AtmuuMugmn i matron ; George M. Uurretto , Uiivcnport , grand patron ; Mrs. L. L. Arnold , Chitiltun , grand assistant matron ; U. II , Jackson , Council Bluffs , grand assistant patron ; Mrs. Jennie A. llulo , Mason City , grand treasurer ; E. II. Ujko , Charlea City , pnuuUecretary ; Mrs. AciaM. Davis , Clear J.ako , gi-iind conductor ; Mrs. M. B. V , Outre. Urinnell , grand assistant conductor. The Lincoln 1'ost , fl. A. H. , has Just re- rolvcil from the war dcfartnioat n rompleto lot of oUlclal majis of every campaign and battle of the war of the rebellion. These maps nru on a M'tilo sunicicntly largo to sho\r \ the toiK > Bniphy of the country , locating each Held , fence , lull , ditch , garden , bouse , barn , and every other mlmito feature ; the position and movements of each body of men on both sides with their numbers and coiainandors. To the student of history they nro almost in- valuable. IJy stud } lug these maps every settler can tell where ho hid whllo the boys were lighting. The boys value thorn hiurhly , not only for their In trinsleortb , but because they got lots of fun out oC them. When some "colonol" of the homo euard tells how ho commanded a handful of men and whipped it brigade at the forks of ttio road , they look up the position , and ring the chestnut bell. , ti tt.lSJt.t M'JIS. Miss Pearl Me Council of Marysvlllo , In. , la visiting her brother , W. E. MuCounellof Uono & Co , Mrs. D.V. \ . Archer and children have just returned from a pleasant visit to ICuox county , Ohio. John D , Williams of Albany , N. Y.who has boon visiting his daughter , Mrs , J.'H. Carrothors , for the post three weeks , returns to his homo today. The Manhattan ajwlluB hcaJiuarters , 413 Broadway , THE MS IN HIE BUFFS. Mrs. Bresee's Strange CASO Goes to the Supreme premo Court for Investigation , ARRAIGNING SUPT , M'NAD Gil TON. The \\G. T , U. mill ( lie Clmutniiiiuit AVIiltilrsoy'H Divirca Comliiji SlowlCnlls to AVorslilp .Ml 11 en1 Mcntiuti. The Brrseo lunacy casolms reached the supreme premo court of Iowa , and It bids fair to be come one of the moil noted insanity cases in the judicial annals of the state. Mrs , Bresco and hcrhusUmd have been twice before the lunacy commissioners of Harrison county. The first time they were bothdtsoh irgcil , but tne second tlrao tlio husband \vasheldand ordered confined in an asylum.Vhllo in the custody of bherifT ( Jiirretson a writ of habeas corpus was sworn out In the superior coart , and Judge Carson went up to Missouri Val ley to hear the evidence. MM. Drcsco ap peared hi court during the hearing and at tracted so much attention that thcohurgo of Insanity was again illed against her , and the habeas corpus procccdlnjjs were niado to cover her case also. After n hearing that lasted for nearly a weelt , during uhich the \vhole story of the abducted beli ef Lord Wadsu-oitb and the con- llncment of the lord himself In a prlvato In sane nijluin In TSllhvankeo for thirty years w.is 150110 ever nnd consUlcmhly inodifiecl , JudRO Carson concluded to hold the \voniun and discharge the man. An appeal was Men to the district court , hut before the case could bo he.ird , JudKcBolton of this city , nt attorney for the husband and wife , moved for dismissal without prejudice anil appealed to the state supreme court. The c.iso will come up In the Jnnuury term , nnd the prospects are that It will ho aery inter- estlii'stor.v ( that will be told by the usunllv prosy and dry briefs and affidavits. Jucluo Holloaas spending a yood deal of his time yesterday In ntiaiiKluK a IIUKO pile of aniduvlLs nnd prc'p.irliijr thorn for the perusal of the supreme judges. All of them uro in- teiestliiK and some are decidedly scnsutlonal , and boitr the tiumes of some of the most prominent pcoplo In Harrison county. Judging1 from the affidavits nnd other ma terial that has been prepared the woman has concluded to abandon her claim to royalty mid assort that her father's name was U w. Wadswortli r.d that he was only n plain rail road mnn , who iruc.stulliis e.trnint's ndvnti- tapeously nnd whoso accumulations ouc lit now to he worth u irroat many thousand dol- l.trs. She still udheics to the story , how ever , that this money has been wrongfully withhold f loin her uncl Is in the possession of the men vvho nro now endeavoring to send her to the Insane asylum. "It Is the most remarkable CUM ) I ever hud anything to do with , " said Judge Bolton . ' -The I it and thoughtfully.The more study get Into the details the moro I nm convinced of sover.il things. ' 1 hero is a good deal ( but is iicrplex in fraud iirecoiieiUnblo. but one thing Is perfectly clear to mj mind and that Is that Mi's. Emma Hre eo is us suno a woman us thcro Is In the state. I never had a client who is so tmctablo , bright and quick , and who helped so much by ulvlntr clear outlines of the course slio would like to have pursued. During the hearing before Cm-son , when wo examined about thiitywitnesses for her , she never failed to tell mo In tlio most concise and in telligible manner just what each should tes tify to. "When a witness would como upon the stand she would not , as the usual custom Is , toll mo to ask such and such a question , but would tell mo rapidly that the witness knows so-aiiu-so , uuci after a few seconds' whispered conversation I would know ex- netly what every witness knew about the case In her favor , t never met a person with u clearer or brighter mind , andif she is in sane God pity the rest of us , "Wo expoot a desperate fight , .for now there is something more than the mcio fact of the sanity of these people at stake. The men who are trying to foico her Into an in sane nsjliim bellovo evidently that they nre flfjhtlnt ? to establish a line of lights to be us.cd hereafter in self defense , for they can see the probability of larpo damage suits growing out of these proiecutlons. They are men of means and Mrs. Brcseo is a clear headed , shrewd little woman , nnd she will bo able to enlist some of tne besl legal talent It the United States in her behalf when in becomes necessary. The case will establish a very importutit precedentmedical ! ) ! jurisprudence , and is already attracting wide attention among lawyers not only in this state but all over the country. "The public ! can rcstussured of one thing , " continued the jud o , "and that Is that Mrs. Brcseo will not bo confined to the asylum whllo her mind is us clear and bright as it Is at the present time , nnd while justice cau bo obtained In tne courts. " Buy your lumber of The Judd & Wells Co , , Siailroadway. W ) dozen ladies' jersey ribbed vests at the Boston store for la c , worth 10c , till * week. Council Bluffs , la. F" ir Snle. Our retail furniture business , with peed established trade. Stock Is llrst class nnd well selected. Reason for selling , are Being Into the exclusive jobblns trade , .Any one wishing to po into business should Investigate this , as ills onoof the fewgoldeu opportunities of a lifo tinw. C. A. BEEUC & Co. .Arraigning MoNaughton. The promised involutions la regard to Superintendent McNuugbton of the city schools have been given to the public , They are printed herewith and the people who know Piof. IcNaufhton nnd the gentlemen who sign the charges must judge for them selves who nro right and who are wrong. When the charges are carefully sifted they will bo found to bo less formidable than they appear to bo on the surface. They are ad- clreisod to the hoaul of education and de mand un Investigation looking to the dismis sal of the superintendent. 'J'ho ( cntlemcn who sign them uro responsible for their ut- tonmccs. 1. Your petitioners aver that said James MoNuughton U incompetent , for that hois deficient In scholarship , as Illustrated by fulso sjntax and mcoiieet oithogmntiyln his compositions. That tbo pedagogical meth ods pursued by him nro antiquated , ns illus trated by the work demanded in the study ot' the English laniruugo , using as a text a book hist revised in 1M17. That he Is injudicious , ns Illustrated for example by his ivquiilng pupils from tea to twelve years old and who had only been at school iivo years , to leirn such geuinetiieitl propositionsis : "Tho sum of three angles of n tilaaglo is enunl to two rij'ht angles , Let C 11 A bo a triangle. Wo Uro to pro\o that atiglo B plus angle UC A plus Anglo A equal two right uiiglc * . Draw C E parallel to A 13 and pro- lone A 0. The sums of all the angles about a point on the sumo side of a straight line equal two right angles. Now , let A equal angle K C P and angle. 11 equal anglo n 0 E. Hubstituto for angles K C ! ' and 13 0 E their equal angles A nnd B. Then angle A plus angle 11 plus n C A equals tworlgntnngles. " ' . ' . Your petitioners uvcr that James Mc- is'aughton is unlit for the ofllco of superin tendent , for that , ho Is immoral , that lies Is In solent , ungcntlemanly nnd overheating In tils behavior to his associates and su boulhiatos ; that ho associates with notoilous characters and induces them to frequent the public bcliool buildings during school hours ; that ho resorts to tricks nnd practices deceit to oc- coinplish ills purjiobcs , nnd that , actuated by sinister motives , bo has , in the seven jcars ho has been in oftlee , managed directly aim indirectly to secure the removal of four worthy , competent anddcsoi\ltif ? principals of the high school , namely , MlbsVouster \ , Profs , llalllngur , 1'routy and Stevens. 8. Your petit icners further aver that said James McNauirhton has been guilty of dere liction In thodischargoof his duties , fortbat , ho has been spending a part of his tlmo In the prosecution of his private business during school hours ; that ho his failed to attend and inspect the ichool room and tlio teachers , ' ttork as often as ( ho Interests of the school required ; that bo has failed und refused to make helpful auagestlous to the tcaehcw ot to aid them In the provocation of their work ; that ho lias failed to respond to reusomtblu nd proper requests of teachers made to nlui concerning school work ) Uut Uo lias com pelled nubslltutcs to attend Id work which ho should have | xirformed hltnsclf iissuporintcn' dentj that ho Is Ijtnoraut of the location of grades In the school buildings ; that ho failed to confer ut an Important period with the teachers' committee -with reference to school work for njicrlod of two mouths. 4. Your petitioners further aver that said James Mcvi'tiunhtoii Un violator of tliolnxvs of thostiitoof lena , nnd lias IDCCII for two yea rs last post engaged In nefarious nnd in iquitous practice * , for that , ha has been co operating ; ulth ono Ovldo Vlnn In ciactltift nnd receiving extortionate and usurious sums of money from the poor mid distressed for loans made on short tine piper secured by chattel mortgages. Uhtt ho has exacted and received scores of chattel Tiiortg-nes from tlio poor and the weak upon all kinds and charac ters of property , such as personal nuparcl , jeweliy , rat ? carpets , mules , horses , calves , hogs , fuel , bedding , sewing machines , house hold furniture , barbers' material , chromes , trunks , nnd secondhand. furnlturo dealers' stock In tv.ule. That to conceal his identity and con neetlou with these disreputable practices , ho has had , in most Instances , the papers made out Inthoiumoof Ills motlior-iu-ia\v , M. A , Wilson , sometimes in the name of janitors of the public school ) , and once only in his own name , Tlio amounts ho nml his associates received for thousoof their money varied from3 to 11 par cent a month. This may bo Illustrated by tlio fact that bo and hii asso ciates have received ni h I gli as 37 ? for the use of $100 fora little over nine months , and tlio poor debtor has iUlTea'd the pangs of abject poverty in order to carry to Jlr. Vlen. Mr , MoNauirhton's partner , thefts a month they charged him for the use of the { 10i > . It may further bo Illustrated by the fact that there now remains utn.itislicd of record n chattel mortgage In the mime of his mother- in-law. M. A. Wilson , Kl\eu \ by a coloicd prostitute named Ida Washington , on IIT household furniture. Including beds mid bed ding. All "soils and conditions of men" and women-\\cro contracted with , and some of the records and facts connected theiowltli are too dl gustlng nnd indecent to refer to in these charpes , but proof can be given of the same If demanded , These charged we stand ready to prove , and in the name of good government , moral ity and tlio interest of ourpublloschools , wo demand that this man be tried , and that one so unmindful ofthodulios of ills hiijli otllce , so Incompetent , so unfit and so ludllTeioiitto the tender and important interests in his charge , be dismissed , WM , CJnovnwd , JAMES O'Nnni , W.M. McCittnv , S. \VADS\VOHTII ) , E. -An.nswoitTii , D. 15. Um.in- , G , A. HOI.MIS. J , C. Blxby , steam neatlns ? , s.mittry en gineer , flit r ife builllnu , O.ixthij JJJ Mor rium block , Council Ilhiftj. To the Ladies Miss Alaiy Ole.ison has re turned Irani her eastern tup and Is better prepared than ever to satisfy allvlio w.uit . lli-stcla-ss dressmaking. Rooms in the old library building , l earl btreot. AV. O. 1' . V. It is customary in many If not In all Chau- tauqtia. assemblies for thouiaiiagcinent to sot apait a day called Temperanceday. . Inter esting and noted speakers are employed to address the audience on that day , and it has been found to bo both Interesting and In- stiuctivo. The trustees offered the Woman's Cluistiiin Temperance union a lot lust year if they would build a house on it for their own use , but at that time itvas impossible to do moro than spread ntent. Dtninp tlio session of this last summer an organisation was ef fected by the ladies and styled Council Bluffs and Omaha Cbnutawiua , Woman's Christian Temperance union , with a holy of directors consisting of eleven women. This society is regularly incorporated M that it can buy , hold und sell property , Tno offered lot has been accepted and now the money Is to bo raised for the proposed building' . The nouso willhoAoa conference lull in the llrst story and bed rooms to rent on the second end Hoor. Itlsoxpected thntmanyif notulL the unions of the siato Mill contribute toward this buildingfniidiud [ wo hope toget some help from Omali.i . , but the largest amount must bo raised hero in the citv. The local union has voted toiaise f-OO , Deciding that j > uv > onal solicitation will lie the ueltor way to collect this money , committees of ladles will wait uixm tne peopla iu every ward of the city , and they hope to receive Itmd words and liberal patronage. This is ono of the ways to help in Chautuuqua work , by Im proving a part of the gioutids and furnish ing resting places for a few of the struiigers who may attend tbo meetings , Dr. C , H. Bower , 20 K.Malnst. Fashionable wool suits made by Mrs. L. Simmons , So to $7 ; silks , { 7 to (10. \Milttlcfie.vIHvorce Case. The prospects are that the Whlttlcsey di vorce case will continue to liold its course in the district court for several days yet. Koiio of the attorneys expect to conclude thclrovi- dcnco before Tuesday , and then at least one day will bo consumed in the arguments. Tlio only evidence that was Introduced yesterday was in behalf of tbo defense , and it was given by two witnesses and a carload o ) depositions. D. E. Glcasoti was on the stand for u greater part of the forenoon , and all of the afternoon was devoted toueaiing tlio evi dence of airs. E.O.Yalttlosey , wife of the plaintiff's troth cr , who lives In Kansas City. She is said by attorneys to bo tlio best wit ness they over saw on the stand. Her story related to the treatment of his vlfo by the plaintiff nnd to his infidelity to his marriage vows. Gleason's testimony consisted in nholcsalo denial of all that had been testified to concern ing his relations with the defend ant. There wuro several ladies around the defendant yesterday , sind her pretty f wound quiet demeanor awakened a good deal of sympathy. If you wish to sell your property call on the Judd & Wells Co. , C. D. Judd , president , O(1 ( I ) roadway. First-class dressmaking by Miss Wallace , over Cattlemen's hank , cor , Main st , and Mb , uve. Grand .Jury Jtoport. The grand Jury , which has been working Industriously for the past \veck inrestlgitinif the criminal cases that are pending in tlio present term of the district court , inado its first report yesterday. "Slippery Sam" Davis , the negro who slashed Smith , u white man nt Big Lake , and has since been in jail , was Indicted for as sault with Intent to commit murder , Big Jule Smith , the negress who was supposed to bo his partner in the assault , but who subse quently gnvo very valuable testimony for the state , was discharged. Hiram Vex , the follow who committed as sault upon his little stepdaughter , Jennie Movvlwt , was indicted as charged. Seu'ral cases wore dismissed. Among them was the young man Thomas I'urguson , or Fliinegan , charged with ombesczling money from UOOIKO aiischmtlorf ; Mlko Kihlnre , charged with robbing the two .youiij ? fellows from I'lattsmoiith. and ICstclla McDonald , a coloiod woman charged with kldniiplag a child , Another report Is expected by the middle of the week , nudsoveral indictments will bj found against patties who are not under ar rest. New fallgoodsjustrowivcdat Iteiter's ' , mer chant tailor , UlOiiroudwuy , I lose at cost , AVe are going to quit handling garden hose , and have doubly the largest stock in the city. To clew out wo will soil all grades and llxturua nt dead cost , for cash. 0. B , I'alnt.t Oil company , JTos , 1 and ! ) , Masoulotomplo. Money at loluoa.lr.itew . loinalon chatte and real estate security by 13. IT. ShoafOit ; Co A good hose reel free with every 103 feet of ho.sopurclu'iedat BUby's , < nils \Vorshlp. . First Pi-eshjtorlan , corner of Willow avenue ) und Se\enth \ trcct Itev. Stoplmi I'hclps , pastor. The pastor will prearh at 10 : : Ju. in.and 7H : ! > p. iu. Morning tlioino : "Tbo Hoary I lead aCWvnof CJIory. " Klclerly peoi > lu particularly invited. K elllugtllo no : "Another of the Tllblo Hc < roei. Htbbath school lit 12 in. Young people's nxHling at 0SWp. : in. Strangers and otlieri cordially lu- vlud. n'bo JMInlstorlul association will bold Its luouthly ucotuif Iu tbo yutor'b tudjjlu the First PrcsbyIfrjiui church , on next Monday at 10 a. -Atfhviorostlnk' paper is cxpscted from Hcv. Katlei-lltlce. The 'Jcmpcnuico Mission society will meet nt3p. in , titthc-Vctoraon hall , ticrvloui to be conducted by JUia chnrialn , Uov. J. 1'lsU. As the object of'Wio ' mission is to promote the cnuso ofroltplini miJ temporanro ivcordial In vitation Is extended to every person to at tend. Congregational Services morning and evening , l rettlilnir by the pastor. Alorn- itiltsnblect : 'Tho ' Work and the Worhcrs. " Eienltife'The ! Onfl Great Thome. " 'Ibeso seivleesftro free nnd all are vvclcuiuo. BPrein BapttsVcliurch Dlvlno service nt 100 : ! a tn. ffAfl T\'M \ p. in. Tlio Sundav school meets at , a 1:15 : a. m. Old and yoiniK me Invited. \ ' ' association Mor- \'oung Men's Christian , - rlain block An old soldier will spctk ut the .voung men's meeting ; today at I p. in. A cordial Invitation Is extended toall men to attend , Brief tiilks , hearty sinplng- . All exercises voluntary. Ivleetltig lasts but ono hour. Como nnd bring a frlond , Hooins ojicn nti ) p. m , Trinity Methodist church , South Main street , opposite Kiglitb avenue S , Alexander pit or , residence 2 0 Eleventh avenue. 1'renchliig at 10 : : Wft. m. and 7:110 : p , in. , Sun- clay school OtiSOam. Kpworth le.iguo * p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday ntTtaOp. m. Second rrcsbvtcrian-SerUccs nt U p. in , conducted byF. * L , Huyilen , siibicet : "Have Wo Outgrown tlwUib'lcl" Continued front last Sabbath. Sunday school nt 4. Sony service and niblo reading utTiSJO. Brotdw.tj Methodist church I ov. Do\Vi \ tt E Ifraakliu pastor. Services today atlOW : n. in. nml'A \ ) p. m. at MILSOIIIO Tcmplo cor ner fourth street and Brondivny , Tito pas tor will preach morning and evening. Last scrviceof the conference year. All members and friends cordially invited. Sunday school at Urn. Kpworth league meeting1 at ( ! : it ( ) p , in. First Baptist cliurch.nearpostofilco D. H , Cooley pastor , liov. Thomas Stephetison of Omaha will preach at lOiiJO a. ni. The pastor will preaeh at 7M : ) p , in. and administer baptism. Sunday school 13 in. , Christian Endeavor OiuO p. m. All cordially wel comed , Twenty-ninth street Misslon-Prcachine 7:3O : p , in. liv William lllood. Sunday school 'lp. in. All In this vicinity cordially invited. Hev. LevU has ugala returned a3 pastor of A. M. E , church and willies to announce serviccas muni. Preaching at 11 a. m , ; Sun day schoolit , p in. ; incachlng , 7:30 : p. iii.j prayer mcetlntj every Thursday ovcniiifi. All invited , ThoBoriMii Baptist church holds a. scries of meetings this wcelt , bcgimilngwlth tomor- tow c\eniii \ ( , ' . The pastor will bo assisted by Kov. A. Juiobs of Sidney. Ififth avenue Al. 13. church , comer Eigh teenth street and Tifth avenue Oeorh'0 II , Bennett , pastor , Pivaclilng ntlOia. : ( ) in , imcl nt : JWp. ni Sunday school , 11 : l > a. in. Prajer meetlny , Wedncsdayuvcnlng- sUO , All are incited. KpwortbiM. K church Thcro will bo no preaching services today. Sunday schol meets ns usual nt'Js.'JOa. m , Prayer meeting Thursday 7.10 ! uin. All are welcome , O vcrtonMission and Peoples' church Sun day school at : i p in. Gospel mcetine con ducted by the Indies at 7.UU p. m Scott tiouso , nice rooms , clean beds , faro eqtiiil to the best , $1 pt-r day. Special low rates to repilar boarders. 2i and 24 Jf. Main St. , Council Bluffs. Shorthand. .Miss Hhodes , Brown building , J. 0. Tlpton , real estate , 527 Broadway. Elegant parlor base burner , also No , 8 lanjjo cook stove for sale cheap If closed out soon , 350 Scott st. AHtSSI ME\'tS. TI oU'ns ) 11 nil" Cleans Commit tei ; lie- giiisCoiisldvnitlDn ol'Thcin. \\ASHIMITOX , Sept. la The ways nnd means committee this morning- began formal consideration of the sennto amendmentsto the tariff hill und made excellent piogress. By noon , \vhci > Hdjounimcnt was hncl , till the duthble schedules had been acted on , leaving the free list yet.td . bo considered. In the case of each amendment non-concurrence as recommended.Vhcro \ a reduction Iu exist ing duties was proposed in amendment the democratic members moved concurrence , hut otherwise they contented themselves \vltha single negative viva voce vote on each propo sition. U'bo Louisiana delegation Represen tatives Coleman , Blancliard , Bontncr nnd \Vilkinson were admitted to the room when tlio sugar schedule was under con sideration and united In a strong objection to the date ( March t next ) , when It is proposed Hint the changes made in that schedule are to take effect. They proposed an extension to Julv 14nextor , Mingla that , asked that thonow rates take effect Immediately upon the approval of the bill , lite committee look thoappc.ilnuclei advisement and meanwhile agree to recommend non-currenco in the sen ate amendments to the sugar schedule. IMeltiiiley'sT uiifT Illll Ilcsolutlnii. " \VASIIINOTOX \ , Sept , 13. McKiiilcy today introduced a resolution preparatory to con sideration of the tarllt bill. It provides that "after the passage of this resolution the com mittee of the whole house shall bo discharged from fuither consideration of the tariff -with senate amendments and the same shall be considered in the house. Afterthohouscdo- butoit .shall bo In order luthohousoto move to non-concur In the senate amend meats and agree toacoinmlttooof con feienco ashed by the senate , and the house shall , without fur ther delay , proved to vote upon the motion. " The resolution was referred to the committee on rules. A NK\V YOHK , Sept , 13.- [ Special Telegram to Tun Bun. ] The young Englishman \ . H. Medhurstwhosearrlval heto with a num ber of Iwrses , carriages , etc. , on board of the Tower Hill , nnd the subseeiucnt seizure of whoso paste jewels seriously disturbed the equanimity of Inspector Kerrigan , has ordered allot his paraphernalia backto Liver pool by a steamship which sails at noon to day from Brooklyn. The young man will re main hero until Wednesday , when ho will tnko passage on the Teutonic. I'olitk'H. YANKTON , S. D. , Sept. 13.-Speclal [ Tcle- Biaui to THE BuE.J The republican county convention was held in this city today. The convention ivas fuhly veil attended and a full ticket nominated , Iho democratic county convention will be held one weelc from today , and itls moro than probable that they will endorse u good share of the Inde pendent ticket. County Neb , Sept. in , [ Special Tele- firani to THE Bix ] Dawson county's ro- publioiin convention \vasheld today , II , B. Wilier was dominated for ropreseiitatlve. Eight delegates wcro clioseu to the congres sional ooavcntiou and are believed to be friendly to Ilaiuer , hut they go uiihistruetecl , U. A. Cook was the nominee lor county at torney , ( lend Disco v < * ricH < L.MUMIK'yo. \ . , Sept. la-fSpecialTele- fc'irm toTni ; Uicr. ] Soaio romatkablyrlcli { jold dlscovcile * iiavo recently been made In the Smoky rangd , near the head oC lluhh creek. Great excitement prevails amoiij , ' lirospodors , U'hp new distdct Is almost on tlio line bo twov" Carbon Ul > d Albany coun ties. Hull mm Kllle-el hy N i\vVoiiK , Sept , 1U , A terrible * thunder storm ptssod over Sodom , near llrowstor.s , on tlio Harlem railroad , toeluy , M thonow Hodoin reservoir there Is n shanty where alien workmen live , AVhoii lliy storm bej an 100 Julians middled thein.suUcs In u u"'ou " | ) in tliu buildintr , I iithtiiing entered the shanty and instantly killed several of tliein , Tht Vo ; etai'lnu [ C pi/rf / W IHUJIiij JIIIM * tionl Le > Mox ) , Sept , l . [ N w Voile Herald Cable-Special to TUB Bur , ] U'ho Interna tional vegetarian conurnss , which hm hoe-n uttradhiK HO iiiudi attention in London thli week , came ) to a tilumplnuittiid today , Hle-uniHhtn Arrlvuli. l'as ed tlio J.lmrd-L.a Uretajuo , from to v York for Havre. At New Vork-Tho Sucvia. from Ham. lurtraud , the Aiiasdain , from liotturdatu. i.v in EH A. un'AY \Vcsle rnUonds "WrntiijIInK Over I'cr- cent uncs. Citic\oo , Sept. la-rspeelal Telegram (0 ( TUB BGE , ] Chitriiun HJglcy's iT | rt of business ciirrloJ by the rnllroads fromsrvth- u-cstcru Missouri river points for the jilrst ton days of Septcmhor shows exactly the sn mo state of nffalrs which caused the board of chairmen to order the Atcklson to turn pait of its trafllc over to the lioik Isknd. At thotltnoof the order the Atchlwn wa doing H per cent of tlio business. Since the order It has turned business over to the Keck Island , Init its percentage still remains at3l. Some of the other roads are tio\v getting restless , and tlio board cfchnliineti , coiislst- liiRof MessisVnlker , .Qoddtnl , rarthora , MiJgloynnd rinloy , have Issued a notice ap- polQthiR October I as the day on vhlch the Atchlson shall show cause why It should not iniike a still Inrgcr tllvtsion of IU tonnage to Its competitors. President Munrcl of the AtchlsonVM 111 ut home , al though ho leaves for St. Louis tonight. His assistant , .Hidgo Springer , said ! "Wo shall coitnliily claim tlmt wo nra not netting as mticti business iuvo outlit to hints. Wo Iiavo beenavcwKlng moro tlun ; $ ! per cent , butouRhtto have nearly W and would Iiavo but for the order of tbo chairmen. Tlio Atchlson has almost as much mllcagoiu Kan sas as all other roads put togethur and moro in the Indian territory. Then with our iiille- ugoto Chicago xvo uro certainly entitled to mcio tnan ! J1 IH.T cent of the entire } liutincu. " The actual llgurcs Involved are interesting1 , aseach reid will on October 1 claim It iscu- titlcd tomuchmorc than it-j-cts. The total iiumberof cars for the ten elujs is 3WO , the Alchihon toolf l.ii'lS , UuilhiKtonIlia. ltoclIs { land au-i , St.l'auliilK ) , Missouri Vncillo m , Alton JIM , Kansas City , L * oit Scott & Memphis Si3J , Chicago , St , 1'aul & ICansas City ! Ml and the WabasH 11M. Noono seems to think the agreement will last alter November 1 , and as wstbound rites from the Missouri riveroro raised ou ac count of a pool , atutnblo hi rates is already anticipated. The Itock Island called an Informal tueet- ingof Cldca o and Missouri liver lines todav and outlined a plan by which the times of fust freight trains should bo lessened on all lines and a number of passenger trains taken off , The plan was not received favorably by some of tlio Hues , hut others aru determined to reduce expenses by the adoption of some sticli iilau as that proposed by the Hack Island. A Ntrokcol'lJcoimmy , Ciiicui-o , Sept. 13. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bre , ] The election of Chairman Finloy oftho Trans-Missouri association as chair man of the AVcstern Passenger association is pirt of ascheino of economy which is fortho llrst time mndo publks la these lines. Ue- glnniiiglnstrebruary amovewassct onfoot by a iiunibcrof western railroad pu'siilents toeomblno all western , railroad associations. into otic , the ) original plan being embodied in tlie agreement of the proposed. vcstein associated ralhvajs. This plan vas knocked In the head hy the elcterrnined opposition ofChnlrman i\Iielitley of 1 he Western Ffright usuoclation and the fact that some of the roads refused to join the pioposcd association. Attention was then turned to economizing In oilier direc tions nml thollnnl ten-strike was made iu jestcrdiy's election of Chairman ITInloy. j\ssoonas possible tlio Trans-Missouri asso ciation will bo dissolved , its Jurisdiction be ing djUtled hctvcen the "Western l it'lijht associdtloii and the \Vcsttrn \ l'assciifei- ' ( association. This will i-.volvoa sii\iuirofovei' IUOOOO n jcar tottio roads Inteicbted and make the govcinintj bodies much , moro centralized. The Minority \Vunta Show. Si'JtivcJi'ini ) , III , Sept. 13. IMvvnrd II. Litchfield of Brooklyn , N. T. , instltutediult today la the United States circuit court ngainst the St. touis & To rroHuuto railroad company. The bill recites that the company is being used by llio holders of a majority of the stcek und bonds for tlielr own peisonal bcnelltanafor the iheiiPllt of the BIR- Tour systuinto tlio detriment of the minority stock holdeis , The billseeltsto enoiu ] the salcj of the property to the Vunder bill syttcin. Dr. Blrnoy euros catai'rh , Bco A visit TO riK j'itfsiitJK\T. i\ciir8loiifronu\ltooiin. : Calls on Him. CHE8SoxSl'ltl u l ) Pa. , Sept. 13. The pres ident's ' mountain home -was Invaded this afternoon by an excursion paity from Al- toonn , Pu. , numbering about ono thousand persons and composedprinclpallyof members of Grand .Army posts and the Union Veteran IcaRuoof that city. They arrived hero about 4 o'clock on a special train of ten cars and enJoyed - Joyed the entire attention of the president until nearly T o'clock. The ceremonies bepan witn a special reception In tlioALoimtnin house , during which the president shook hands with o'vcr a thousand persona. The old soldiers were very much excited over tlio president and cheered him frequently. The president wns subsequently serenaded -\\liilo standing on the hotel porch and made a short address lie thanked his comades for the gieetiiiir they had given him und said a characteristic of the American peoplewas ) that they elid not place their affections on individuals , but gave their loyalty to tlio flajr and constitu tion. No mitt rho\v great n man might bo or how successful ho might have liceii in winning the admiration and confidence of his fellow-citizens , our people place the govern ment and Its flair above all else , hi this respect the president contrasted tlio United States with other nations and argued that It was tills characteristic thit pravo prominence to Amei- lean institutions. Iu Illustration of this 1m citcdthocaso ofl'resldontLiacolnvlioprob , - ably more than mi v other man since Wash ington had secured the affections of the people ple , and jet when ho was assassinated that other great man who afterwards became hi in- self a imutyred president could say that "tlio government at WashlnBtou still lives. " The president with much fei'linB1 concluded his remarks as follows : 4'Jfow ray comrades , whohavosufCcied uncl still suffer for your erojntry , I wish In this world till good to you andjourdear ones ancllii thoxvoildto como joy ovcilasting. " Thopresideutthemvallicdto Ids cottage vith his family. A largo crowd fol lowed them oven onto the porch witit cries of "Huriison , " which wcro continued until the president uns compelled to show himself in the doorway , He baa little llenj umni isle- ICcoln bis arms and , holdlnt ; him out to the crowd , said , "Thcro is my randsoii , " whcieatthe crowd yelled louder thin over and the child took off his cap and -waved It around his head. COMIC tofii-icf. OOIIBS , Utah , Sept. 13. fSpecinl Tele gram to TIIK DM : . Today two deputy United States marshals oC this pUce named Whet stone and INleLettan and an -police nvm named Johnson wcro arrested on n charge of blackmailing a prominent hotel keeper of the city , William Morils , proprietor oftlio Ccn tral ho use , They sirochaiwdvllh cjillliig iiini outof ahoubonoar hy , Insisting tint ho had been ranghtla a compioinlbln position , niiel agreed to hush the matter up If ho woiihl pay thorn # . ' > < )0. llo KIIVO a check for W and niomiscd his note for $200. llo stopped pnjnioiitof tliochcck at the bank and had his uei nters arrested. Morils claims th.it the bivttiiirof thowoman and also the blather's wife wcro present \\ion | lie win witli liar and he wiu * making horn lo.inof some muuey to jturchaso some real cMatu. The healing comes off Monday next. XBW YOIIK , Sept , 13.-Spcclal [ Telegram to Tin : Ili.i ! . ] -'i'hoex ports of speciofrom the poit of Ne\v York timing tbe paUvcolc amounted to < IM tir , : > , of which 6,787 , was in gold uuci < lldfi'H , ( ) ' sliver. The imports of siwlo durlnKlliocek \ amounted Xo of which f-.1 ' ! \ > as in uold uud slhvr. i , Va. , Sept. 13. A letter will no published heio tomorrow from ox-Qovenior \Vllllain Clinician , In which hoaniiouuccjahls ulthtlruivul fiuin the republican party. K.\iimlti < in , On anojlicropugo vlll b found the an nouncement of the Interstate ) lExponitlon , \\Mch will bo.au uuexumpled exhibition of GOAL : A INTOAV is tine Time to Buy "Yoxir Coal of jr Thatcher , 114 Main St Tlie besl procluet of tlie Lehigli Valley , Penn , Best Io\va Eastern "Western , Summer Mining'- - low Prices , i H. A , COX , Western Stiles Aent , Council Bluffs & . Omaha TRANS FEB LINE. II. Beccroft < X Sous. , Props , BAGGAGE ; EXflSS&TEAVI FREIGHT , Making tliruo trips c\ery \ day cvoept Sun day. Uniiha oDIco at Iho A , Slcwartflxiiress und DeMltery Co , iioi : Howard .st. Ooiincill UlutU'iolllce , KKl llroiielnay. Tele- ' l.oavi'S CouiiollltttilTsn tind 12 n. in. uiul J p. in , Oninliii. Un , HI , , I p. ni , uud 5 p. m. Orders promptly attcniluilto. J.I ) EDMUMiiux.l'ro * . K. IJ.SIIUOMIT , vice-li i e'n lilcr. CITI2KB ! ; STATE BAH ! Or Council Bluffs. PAI D UP CAPITAL. . . $150,000 $ SURPLUSAND PROFITS . 50,000 LIABILITYTO DEPOSITORS . 350,000 DIHECTOIII T.A. Mlllci. I' ' . O. ( lli > ason. K.b. Bheiurt , I. , 1C. Ilit-t , .1 , U. CiliiMiiiilson.l'liailis ' 0. llaiitiiin. 'J'riiisn't : Konor.it limiting linsl- ni'ss , l > ! irc-t eapltiil itiul Hinpliis of uuy batikla iSoiiUi-uesteriilowx IINTEHESTON TIME DEPOSITS , the trade and commercial Interests o f Omaln. Thospcclalfoatnrcswlll bo vtulcd and at tractive , and \\fi [ ijio\'o as gicat druwlni ; cards sis the exposition itself. Mayor GushIng - Ing- has coiisoiitcd to formally open the shew. - &OVTJI ojf/tm AEIVS , I'rolilhitfl SturCJiiinilxir AVork. Tlie committee ou police invcstl atltifc tl' ' charges made liyJolmS. Mullenof Albright agiilnst I'olieenun llronimn , held a secret session lost night. Tlio comniittco attempted to hold a stif chauVbcr scission in the police . hesidqiiaiters , hut ActliiK- Mayor Hnikc , uho wixa present , rcfiiseilto leivo the room nnd ordered the door opened for the pa bile. 'Iho committee Uien adjourned to a piivulo room. TlieSoniil I'.oii-el liijuncM ion. President fhiiik : J. 1'er.sons 1m coni- proceedings in the ilntrlet court O.T. Van Alton , , r. D. Ftobinson. \Vsiltcr .TSlato , Robert J tnston , A. A. Mun- rooancl Jlr. ' 1'ownsciul , ( in I hai ajijiliuil for an Iiijuiii'tioii 10.- , train I n , ' the ilufcnclii'its ' from actinif a the bnunl of eclaciition mid from acting as supciintoiuluiit nnd teachers in the publie schools. T lie uaso will to hoard by JudfjcDoawoiL Wednesday tit 10 o'clock. Hejliei' Vcroin Onncc. South Omaha PlntUloutsuhcr vereiii give a reception and ball In Plum's hall last night. ThoBohcinluii orchestra furnished excellent niuilc. Tlie attondaimo was hrgo and the oQIcers unit committees vcro as successrulln entertaining guests as coulil lie desired. A largo clcleKaticn oE Oiiiulu fricnilsw jircs- ent , AtnoiiK the distiiiyulshod quests was Henry Ilucloliihof Kansas City , president of thoAinciluun national veruin. Cltv. The democratic 33ohemiaa club will meet in Nntionalhallata o'clock this afternoon. 'J'ho ' South Omaha and Went Lawn ball clubs vlll play on -AiinourCudaliy ( jiMiinils , Fourth ward , alii o'clouk this after noon. noon.Tho The raffle at James AEiiiisfiiqll'1 ; saloon of a watch , for thobeiicllt of U.iniil.I. lljan.who was so badly injured by fallliigoii the Q street viaduct , hn < been postponed till next Saturday evening- Barney Smith , tlio negro who attempted to shoot A.Burnckur atUoinekor's ' tieer ardens some throe iveelcs ago , was hold bv Judge Kin ? to the dUtriit court , and in default of ? 1OUO , \vaiconnnlttodto jail. Postmaster Cocluoll states that ho has received lust ructions to suspend tne removal of the postolllco. In the meantime Dr. .1. M. Glasgow has thoncw po toflloe fixtures in the room In the .fusil u clock , nut isromlv to tate pottcssion. All mcinbcrsqf the .Ancient Older oflli- bcinians who will lurtielpatoin tlio ceienio- nlf of layliiKtho cwnerstoueof the Catlio- Hcorpluiiagoare leiiucstocl to meet at St. Agnes hall , Tweiitj-tliiiduiiel Q streets , to day at'ltiO \ ; o'clock sham. iVIxinb IVople , Mayor Sloano is expected homo from Ver- ' inout'today. Samuel Mort of the Oinaln paekingcoin- piny hastroiioto Ilo-mlMi-jr , la. , on a short visit. MissMollieBrattoii of Brown villo is Usit- Ing her brother , O. D. JiuittDiiof Iho fcjloeJc- yarcls bank. President P , L. Unelcnvood of the Omaha lucking comiuny airivcd from Chiciifjo yes- teicluy to visit the local plant , Df. Bli-noy cuws cttii'ih : , Ceo bldg- . Chin ( iiir < l < m 1'lc'iiic , Thcplcnlcof Clan Gouloiiat lluscr'spnrli yesterday as a success in every respect , The atteneliinee was nucnicnicd intheaftcr- noon lya nuinbe'r of nipnihei-s who were nnuhlcto get away In the morning. The day was gl\en \ up to enjoyment , of wlilch a number of jjauios formed a pioinincnt feature , The Xollou'lii ) ' . is allbt oi tlio ion tests und tlio iirlzo ulinicrs : Quoits , William Hulhejiford nnd John Jluir ' . ' 1 points ; A , and \\r. ( l.ivln . , 15 points ; nrlze- , box of ciKais , Throwing hammer , D , Murphy , pil/o , $ i , PultliifT shot , 1) ) , Minnhy , boK of ilgun , Ono hundred ] , trds r > iccw. W , Milne , M. I.ucJici' ' race , Miss Uesaiu CrulU- sliniili , ( jolelliaiiellccl uinbi-c > lli ; Miss K , Me- Kcnzlc , second inUe , Ivory fan. l "ut boys' ' lace , Alhertliinisi , > oclct-lcnlfo : ; farquhar , second , haschall bat ; \Vilbur Iiuils , third , uiscUill. Manled ladles' race , Mis , .M Knifrlit , chatclaino pouch. Sack r.ico , Allen I'lilconor , § ! , Old men's ' race , 'J'liutnusMel Jrain.copylHirns' poems. TUK ofvtirinur - lied men vssIiiKlo men. the hitter wcro vic torious. Hop , step niidjatnji. .1. Itiley , briar iilpo. IliLjIihind icol , Mrs. Tliomas Falconer. Kid filovosj Miss AliUornilck , sec'ond , kid glovea , Hcst Uilv Malt/.or , Mrj , Mtilione'j , ease twruiiiery ; Mrs. Jnniei ITulfoiiir , bcc- end , kid ylo\es. .Inelfo Stilclds was present and. mndo tlio presentation spoeihcs. The details of Iho ] > lniic wore In char o of Thomas irulcoiicrnndBccretary IVatikUnnt- lie. Tbo dflulr passeel olt without iinyaud- clentto martho pleasure anil the party re turned to the city about S 11,111. Until fjoil ei lnt ! oi Ruth Rtilickalnlcgixo ledge jjavo a voijr pleasant ontertaiiinicnt lint u\onliig. \ Tlio lodge roe mvan crowded to its ut-nost ca- nacity an da programme of creut cxcelkiuo was prost-ntod. It eomlstud of n'eitntlons by Mc.ssis. GrobeokcranilNV.lt. Gcoclallvhlch , \ were oxccptiemally good. The T. K auar- tuttuaildeili'clatto tlimUValr , nr.da liiritono solo b > A. J , l-'alon and a piano tolo by Pruf , Undohih cuiiipUt'l ' ( a proiri iinirio which stir- iiiisHoil uuy previous olTnrt of thla lotH'f. heputy Giaiiel Marshal John livans lucsldul us master of ceremonies inhls usual finished manner. Tlio entertainment concluded with a period devoted to "trlwplnif tua 11 eW fun tastlc , " NOTICES/ COUNCIU BLUFFS. - . . . . o JOO norcM. Montgomery Co , * ICiinsim , null Inilinm'tl. IGO acres , Ulmuluaeiiia Co. , ICa.li , , well lai. pr vi il. 510 acroH. TroyoCo. , Kun iuwnlllm 210 acres , Coiuuinho Co , Han. , veil eel. eel.ISO ISO acrp . MorrliPo. , Kiinsm , woltlmimivod , ICO ncri'M. IxigiLiit'o. . Km. , veil nupi-ou'd. ' IfiO nciu > > . I'lti-iiM Ue ) , Nebraska HSOticie * * . Holt , t'o , Xi'liraslii. ' . ' 7 iicre-.s , Mnliliiihorti Co , ICoiitiiekyj well Imimiu'd ! clour. ILK ) news. cll IiniroM'l | ( ; Alcana Co. , Mlcht fiiu ; clour. 4D aeros. llos i Co.OliIci ; eloir.Vlll \ lrn 1i clthurnr allfur incruhiiiillseiur oily l > roucrtj InCovincIl Illilir.sor0iniilii. Cluiirluiiillii Sliiii ) > sinil Harry Co , Mo , m Crt'iuiieM-ylii Clinpiiciii , llfklii on ( ' . , ICan. H. ( l , 1st mort aun null's. HutteHlio front. I lll tucle. J. K.l'rlco , 1Clesl'slintel. l OIIUKrs'r Knrnlslinl pnrleir nml txdreioni Jen sitlus front leKHiiiN ) \ < slimlo room mid liouse.s , J. II lq\ldsuiica , Flflli wo. \ \ 7NTICI ) A llr.t clitM cook fi > r liotci IT viu-lc. Aelilross ullli ri'foreiic't' . llo.in , Coiinclllttiiirs. I'rcsi'iitlounlliinniiHt " ' 0 Iliio bliick and 11111 | ) ) | ( orsiilc. * J 1'ilco S10 each. Wist , liuuelvay.ip stulrH. HOIISKHKKI'IR l. A ldo\\cr with . tlnoe clillelren ili-slreM a. linusokeopor. l'l ' a int liiiiiie . Uufcioiie'C'S ' Rlieu and ro qulM'd.Addiuis A. 0 , LUIS ofllce. Council Illn llla. . jrIOM..llS ) ) ( niiiontliti ) Mdy ovenl l e-iily T-yyc.iiM ofiiu < i lie > can RitOKooilrofcreuoes. Applynt ( W\Vlllo\v ; \ mo. Monday , FOHU'K.M' I'lirnlsliod pirloi-and Imlroora 'n sat 1C front re > eiins ) . Also sln Io loonl mid houses. Apply to .1. It. JLivlclsoii , w I'lft have. T AM ) J.-OI1 RIA'T Pnoloscd tr.ic-ts . of land 1J liitwe-cn Council Illnlli ntuiOiaiilii stilt- n1)les for giuilun In ; or ilulryiiiiriiiHcs. Aniilr to X.I1. Doilp'o ACo. , M llniulwiij. FO1 ! t'lKlllRt' 111 iMIsltlc'BIWlU | | | > I1 hlloli o ilriij-'Hiinil iltniull , notv ami ( Irsti'losJ , nt u ( IKc'exiut. Ifsulel nil lilnnoct , l eli)4. ) In. Milcvi uliont 9 , 'iOU. Add ioss a , Hoe ) ollleA I'uunc'll ' K lulls. 171 OK S A in Kino st.indiiid hwd lei.iin , bajt J T nnd H years e > lel , nialolieul , Lady eaa drl veMlioin ; elt.j lirol.1 ! will nutslix. fall at itl S. Mulii H. . C < iiuielllllu1Ts , .1.1 , , l'i-lc'0. . . . . ! n llfi-l I inc. Xuw l-ii ) < tiii lionsf. u-uvmiiT , luillii lie > t anl oolil wate > r nil Ilii-ouk'h : { uiainc1 , KIISIIII 1 duutilo Halit. ; Ij'or Hie : unoiisy toriiM. UiiPciiulli uic . onohlock fiotiiineitcir.slx . fmni piisteilllc'C.V. \ . ff. " " | ! or , SU'oarl bt. inoii IIKXI1 Hotel Jitnusiiii , nil furnished. -L L'cmcsi'ou ' clien Oc'le ' > ! iorl. I'nr Infuriiii * tloii udeli-coi Win , siodcatopf , e > r Clu-Is btraul ) , ' " " - t'oumll tlltVlSlini" ) rioms , ivltnboarl , f I to$3 cern \ \ nlUVlnoSt \ , POII SAIH Tlio Hume ) llostiLiirant fop qalo eme'ityte't-im. 'Ilui niiht luimilui-Dlucolii the Oty. * W. > > tt.iir ; LlioiclWny. FOKSALR OrwIlllrulu fur n jrool roij tiani. htilllonXo. lit ) ) . icUitcruil InVa | . lace , lly Dr. Arelilt > ild , elun liy Kent Ulitj,5yeinolil. , Ajiply tolr. ) 3lauria , FOR SAI.B or Itont Oarelon hi ill , with < honaesby J , U. Hloo. lOJ.Maln St.Council liluHs. WHY piy rent wucn you can linyi thoiituio terms , anil 1 n case of your eU- atanv tlmo loa\o \ yoir family tlio hume olci on tlio followlrilnrtiH : Ahomu WDt-tliM , < ; ; ) JiL * t5pur inoutli A homo wor tli iKniJ at 9l8io | r niontli Aliouio wortlij.,0.il ) -fJIpcir innntli Ahomowiii-tliM,0Oat * llnur nioiitU Alioniowurtlif4U.it ) ] , iUpor month. Other priced lioiuoioa tlios.uiiotornn. Th above monthly iiiiymontf Inclmlo prlnelpil and Interest. For full ij.-iilleiilirn call on or aeldnsstlio.Iu Id Jc Wells Uo. . UJ1 Hroadwir , Uouiicll Uluir-i. Iu , DRIVING PARK. Fall Meeting ; , October 7to 10 , 1S90 IN PROGRAMME ; MONDAY , OC10UEU 7. 2nol'nco-l'eirse ( TOO aa.iTiottliii ; I'lir-ei ' . . . 600 100 TUliDAV , OCJTOltnt 8. 2:5flTiottlnii 1'iti-sei 500 ' . < oO U-yi'ar-oWTreiltiiiK-Stalo . . . . 00 WKI > NISIJocTonnu : u , J8TrottliiK I'ur'.d ' . (00 ( Krec-i'oi-AH Trottln , ' I'nrsij . KXJ VcMillnKTrotlliii- Muko . W TIIUHSLMK , OCl'OItKK 10 , MX ) L'urio WO s to ROV- orn , Knlrlos elo > e > Ooio"jir4. MuUcirneo froo. M llo track. JV. . I'hlilliOY ' , I'rejsliluut , connniiiiloitliin-i : teA A 11. CJIIlBSSocii'tiirT ' , 213 p < > nth 14lliSt..Oimilia , DR. BELLINGER'S Surgical Institute AND - Private Hospital. Co . Brort-JAvay mcl 26th 8ta , A Cnr.ven , Iti.rirs , IOWA. Tor tlietri'silme'iilof ullnurvlnil ami ohronfd dNi'.i.s > 'iiiieiilNu.iw ! < of Iliii Ijinoel. 1'ilvtito ' ill i'is ' sn ( tlio nrliury nml sciual oriiin--iNsyililllHiis ! | , Nlrlotntc1 , e.v i tls.gpor- imiloiTulioa- | Miiihiu.l , . I'lirtlciilarattentliin mill t < nlsoiiki."i | of the IIIIIKS. n Akllinia , L'eitiH'iniplloii , llroiiehltlB , e 'niiirrli , Kt o , I'urilys s Kulnuy Hihiiuw-i ' \nrliH'etl < < , l llC'iin ) of Iho Kvu nnd I , ir. club lut-t. U'n line aili'piirliiunil cli'\iio | < l leiiUo" * totlin Iti'iit mi u i ni t'tcrhio Dm isri MfilIilims'jiiLne'ciirolj'iKicl > .il and freofrotx clisrr vntlon. - ' C'oire' ' < | ) iiiili'iic. ' ' ) ciMindeiitlnl , Addrchti DH. BELLINGER'S ' Sorgical Institute and Private Hospital , Cur. lroiul ! x anJiUihKi. . Cuiini-lllllulti , lo. F. M. ELLIS Js CO. , A.K.CHITECTg ( . . ; And. Building Suporlntenelentfl IlooinijtUimd : 4dilleoHit ildln . Oiuii Jim Itotusilt und'J4UM rrlam Bloolc , llluiraliu , I'urreiDoudtace nollelUcU