Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1890, Part One, Page 3, Image 3

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' GranclODeniMofNewFallGooc yery Depaitraen
. Sfci > < il in Limc/i and JDiimtr Sefs for Jlhndny
Ulick Tallin , splendid ( itmllty , nt II 00 : well wortli MA"
liliiek I iillloI'xtrKiunllty , jmirnntci d to near. : it < l.l' : uorlli tl 'I" Mis os' ' SPECIAL 10--4 IYI tifrecl Sots In wlitto nml fnnoy. ntI.5fl , woith Jl. (
llack 1 null.super < iuullty , ilugunt ilnlsli , . \Vc Our stock of and ChiUren's Gnr- 12-11'rincotl Lunch Sots In nncl uhl
_ guuranteud tovtir , atJI. i : would licclieapa sire now Miowlng n most fancy teat So , worth : ? ( UO.
' clccntit n < > optiiiciit or Ircucli . fall ivncl winlor Kiioltocl [ Yirigo Itmcli nml Dinner Sots lit $ . " 50 north $ .
lllackTiillle. . e-vtrtv super quiUti extra lienvy , guuttiututl to wear.atJlW. This Is a and liuuoitsd Novt-lly Suitings nr.onts for veur Ha now coinplcstc. ' > , U. To.
ipec-liil silk auk would lie cln'ap nt t\ \ * " ' . . . In ennui's lulr list rneluin Knotted r'ritiiro I-.imeli Sots nt StV.wtli ! ) J7.60.
Hlnrk Ores ( Jrnlii ' Ilk L'aditiiuro Pnclicss" tticso silks pliilds.ost \ \ ' \Vo show some very stylish gmmcnu In 1'Uiids. Lunch Sotiin blue butt ill
( ure all uuurantcud to gl\o satlb- of I'liiiliind Incllot' No\clty , , mon nnil maliofrany , alfl.S5 , worth S3 ,
fkctuty LUH , ut the fulluvltii ; prlees. f I.JO , S ! . . ' , ll.'O , tl.TJ. TVMid Siilllnis , retch iiluld nnd Plain Incllot'Vlillo nnd Colorul 10-4 Lunch Sets with , drawn work nnd knotted
inntorials , choice
Striped Hinbn Idriod fringe
olioiloti , bruidulutli , plii Ida for bchool or drcss Koal Jipaui"-i' , patterns , at
nmk'umel's Silk IliinilUtvtlilnri lit Hit' , 4Uo , SG.25 , worth } S.
wear. The folloulnpr are cuts of some very desirable - 50cC5c5c. . SI. Don't full to sic Ohoioo novelties inLxinch Sets \ilth drawn work and hemstitched
. , \ , at $13 $ ,
Tncotlill bciitch Clioxlotfculls ts at $11 nncl utllO.OO tl l. . " > 0. sirablo Raruioiitbiit popular prkcs : IiidlcV in. Kino Vnibromotcil $14 , $1/5 $101D } , $ J2.
Black Armure Silks. (11 and 110. I.IIILMI I.a\v n HiintlKorihlud Don't full to * eo ow To e > ls nt 2 < c , thoixro \ worth 40c. .Also tlio new liein -
. onlv Intist . " > 0c.cittli iKAeltlcJ , 7.o l rgu virlutj , stitched and drawn woilc to\\els \ at ! 2ocup tull.'Jj.
I , idli-s' Kinbroliltrccl Minn
, I.iiuii HniKllurelk'N. Intuit
tlN ns , ouli joe ; wortli up to Hosiery and Underwear
niiult Arinnrc Silk , tl.10 ! reduced from II 2.V . . . , . . IJi ; , ,
fermiAIj UMnoli Iilu < k Anniiioillk.ikgantquilltyand Sl0. Thli Is a great PLAIDS ,
Inltlnl' '
Ulaek Armiiro bilk , very heavy , at 11.33 , wortli ft.JO. ( ICO dozen Lndles * Cotton Hose , black fcot. fin cv tops , MPorth35c. \ .
PLAIDS , II ( . burilcr , it J. > c , wmlli aa | 0 50 tlofoiiuvl nvheiur Hist black Cotton Ilosn. 3 | iairsfor 51voith , 50cu ] ial *
Velvets In new Fall shndeSat 7Bc. Cinibilo .W dua-n Ilimclluio lluin tllflKiil i UN. I'M no In Ladles' Cashmere Hose , In l > lack0c ! ! , worth GOc ,
Velvets , all now shades , ntl. DS-lncli plaids ! 1)1 uck nails vliltc and print ed lmiikr . us Ladles' C ish more Hose , extra qviallty.SOc , worth 7/5c.
: LW )
Velvets , In all the latest shades , at $1.23. \s hid' chicks , it \uryKood , udrlvuHl&u , wi-rlhbJaC Ladies' ] ' vp"ii" rottonjcrsoy Httlnsr Vests ind I'ixnt < , $1 , worth SI.W.
value1. Ladles1 icisellttiiiff Meiino Vestsin natural anil whlto , 7m each , xvell wortlx
Velvets , choice quality , in new shades , at $1.63. -IMiichiill wool pi lids ut.'Oc , SI. 2" ) .
Plushes 42 Inches wide , 8Sc ruKHlurprluoiiie. WE WILL DISPLAY MONDAY
, ot ; worth SI 28. \ ' ' '
\Vohavojustopoiicil line
All eel Kront'li " .cr o plnlcls , ncomiiloto of Indies' mlsscs'amlehililron'9iiatiiral
Plushes , In now Fall shades , at. 40 Indies \vldi , at Joe , north OUR nndjorcv tHtintr Combination Suits. A.lsoDr. , WurnorV'EIcaltb. " Combination
Plushes , suitable for Children's Cloaks and Dresses , at$1.6O ; 750 41 Inch Dlalds at 55o , FIRST IMPOHTATIONOF Suits ami' midcd Slcirt .
worth $2. good \ nine. very HIGH GRADE Choice iun allies in Ladles" Dlacli Si lit Vests and Pants. Also TJhck
rrciich plalilt. 40 Ini'hd Vests.
w Idc. ati'ic , In new Lace Flouncings Something nw ladiei'black ' wool Coiimination Suits.
I vi i : i nun Hi. ' 40-Inch I rt'nch
plaids , In an iidkis insoit- -AX13-
mcnt [ ci lors at bSc. they - Gents
would bochoip at , 11 DrapingNch ,
40'lncli I'liolot , plaids , now
andstyllsli. nttl.Ui.
cd Skirls
W Inch iilalds. In Vioiirutta , S3
' Directs iind , at fl ; they me . ihirunt LATEST NOVELTIES IN Men's unliuuidrlcd Shirts , llnoti bosom and wristbands , good niusli 3 forI
Bt jles ulit
'Ueliatr oiioof the mod complete stocks of Uliiek Goods to bo found In the city. Complete very ip. worth Tie cnch. |
plaids and
llnrsuf all the Intostnoxiltles , also n full asMirttnont ot nil t ho stnplo nuiKi'S will liofotind In striped
tills dLpiirtniont. Special attention Is called to thu line of 1'ieiiuh uud Lngllsh berausaNo 75ccrj btyllsli. Dress : - ; Trimmings Men's unlnundriod Shirts , TJtli'a muslin. lei n forced bnclt nnd front , omllosa
Cln-\lots. sunn fining' , good linen bosom and nristbuula , n. sploiidld intido shirt nnd woith.
I nirllsli birsesJO Inchon wldo , nil wool , worth no now . . > o Dress Tut Sliol. I'nnet Moial , mill OCc , fit We.
MKlWi''ergo. Winches wldo , oxfrn. lie ix' } , worlhO o now . > o II incl-Ciocliit Iliu'lflu and '
'icmliSiTiru , H Indies wide , oxtr.i < ] ii illty , wnrtli 11 HO now KKJ blldL s , all : itpo | > nUr prices. Men's unlanndricd Slilrta , Now York mills muslin , extra line linen bosom.
'icncli D iiRonal 'ultliiff. f > Iiiclits ttklu. wortli I.'Jj now 11.05 also linen collnv nnd urist band , Iniid-nmle buttonholes , ii'ln forced back an a
HaekOliuvlotSultliiff. llaikChalot-nltliiit. xory oxlra 8tllshHortliM.4U ho i\y , woith tl.,0 ( now mw tl.10 Jl.'i ) Flannels. front , cndle < 3 facing- , lit mid wear gvman trod , worth $1 , silo price Toe.
lovijty Illack orKii , In strlpiM. spots llKnresc. . . Ae. , very desirable AtCi'iC . Ostrich Half Host.
Novelty Hews In uolka dots , cbeelis , stripes At1. , clioleo goods . . . At 1.10
S'oMlty bultlu.'S At ctl.O ) , 11.15 , J1.25 uud $1.33 , 0. Mon'a ' fast bliclc Half Ilose , "UermsdorlT" dje , double liocls and toes , 25o ,
Grey mixed drc s flannuls , Trimmings , woith 'He.
2 o.All Men's * iflrcrin dorll" dhmoiid black Half IIoso , double lioolg and toes , extra
All vool dress flariiirls. In
Novelties In Ostrich siml
solid colors una mlxLuas. rWi , 1 aney Hu thu Cuil nultcs dud quality , ; ! 3c , worth 50c.
AMAZONE SUITINGS. \voiild lici'lii ip at ( IV. lluus. JlJcn ' 5Uiido <
5- ti ca f ,
\cr\- line all \\onl ilrt-s Iliin-
. IIP ulir ! > , prliolKlc. in new culuii , at 73i , i c- Men's nnturtil wool Sh iits mid "Drawers , oxtru , qinlit.\Sl each , worth $1.5) .
llro.nlclotlis , sti'ini < . | iriinl , Camel's hair Shirts and Drawers. $1. $ 51) ) n stilt , woith $2. $
Amn/mio SultliiRS. In nlnck , r > 2 ImliP nldc. nt * l W TiOO und tJ7t atil. i tnuliirpilou tl.'J'i This R'uni'iit Ismadfinf . A vtry stjl sli ( jafjurnt SPECIAL VALUES IN Camel'aliair ShirtsandDra ors,6upi'qualltyS , ! $ a suit , ivort1i$4.
thilliustonl "
\\onl il.ikl vltli
Chilli Miltliu , bin ik. nil uool. . " ' - ! Inehes wldu at .rjJe ; uclluith ? 5o. llro . idclotli , sLt LIU sl voKeaid \ Imki't \ ] it\ l\ft iiiH'lo vlth of "louli ' pi ilil Real
atil.50 , ( \ < ; \ conih'iiiitlon of Spanish
' i
Clotli siiltlni , Inbliiuk. f 3 Inehcswlde , iiliii .
; > ntT'ic ; rc pik-oil IK ) llro.nklot bun iiiinttoniiiHh. . Ml- . ( ililu eliilh In jnko
Hi Unit MoiiinltufaultliiKSHo show a eompluto lliio of all the latest styles In In vlslhlo . vdeiilTs Aducidtd iiovnnd sKox " Ucsli- men's fine satin nnd silk Niic-ktios in teclcs
cheeLs , jjlalils , stripes and fancies. atiJ ; IKK uulois. u" ( % isry - LACE SCARFS. , and four-iri-haad , all
alilcelty , new fullcolois. at GOo , usually bold at"5e.
P * * Sixteen-Year-Olcl Kittle Verjaal Moots With
* J N a Horrible Fate.
AVIiero She Kept Her Whisky Bottle
Supreme Court Docket Pountlcd
tlie Ha nnKCinaii Other
Lincoln Ne\\s.
Neb. , Sept. 13. [ Special to TUB
Miss Ifittlo Verjaal , tbo sixteen-
jear old daughter of .fohn aTcrjaal , a stone
mason at Second anil F streets , was terubly
buraed this moiniiii ; and her death is houily
lucpectctl. Tlio family has been accustomed
to make quick fires In the kitchen steve of
mornings by using as kindling dry chunks of
clay soaked o\er night la kerosene. In ap
plying the match to tbcso this mornlngKlttio
was too close to the sto\e , nnd when the com
bustible mass blazed up It sot lire to her hair
and clothes. In her f i i 'lit , the girl ran into
tlio yard und tliound fanned the flames intec
c , perfct blu/o that burned almost
every stitcli of clothing on her
body and seared hcrjg arms , face ,
breast , abdomen und lower limbs until the
cooked flesh hung In shreds. IIci agony was
most excruciating and her ciles heartrending
ing , Phjslelans wore called and they
cincloiH'd her from head to foot In cotton
soaked In oil. Narcotics were also RNCII to
inako her unconscious of her pain , but the
doctors said It i\U3 impossible for her to
Just us T. H. L. Leo , a pniin dealer at
Hxttot11 % getting on the B. & T\I , train last
evening In company with a couple of other
gentlemen , n group of pickpockets pietund-
ing to bo drunk , jostled against them nnd
wien tlioy numagcd to free themselves all
three Rintlcincn found that their pockets had
been picked , Mr , Leo's watch was taken ,
wlillo small sums of raonoy were abstracted
fioin tlio poclteta of both the other gcntlo-
inin. When searoli wui made for the light-
fingered gentry it w as found that they had
Mrs. Wei ton , who comes from the town of
Mlunccoda , la the prohibition state of
South Dakota , was am-sted last night for
being drunk and disorderly , She made the
night ulr hideous nltti her curses and con
demnation of the Irish simply because the of-
fleers who took her Into custody were bom In
the Emerald Isle. On being taken to the po
lice station she kicked physically asell as
flguratUely and dlsplaj od u lump under the
sUH'kliiR on the right limb that \\iis supposed
at llrst to bo either u tumor or case of ele
phantiasis. It proved , however , to boaplut
Bosk of whisky from vblcb the womau had
ban drinking copiously ,
rou.w > rnTHE niaoiarMAV.
M. J. Curtice of Albion was among tlm vis
itors at the fair yesterday. Ho is an alliance
man ami after listening to Dictator Burrows'
teachings has become an io\ctcrato hater of
mi ) thing or anybody that represents a cor-
peruto monopoly. L.vst o veiilnc uhilouttlio
depot ho and the baggageman. J. U. Jones.
passed some bard words uud a tight ensued
invtikh the alliance ) man managed to give
tbo haughty representative of tbo railroad
monopoly u tcrriblo beating. Curtice was
um-stcd and tbls morning \\03 fined f 19 und
The attorneys for Patrick Egan , minister
to Chill , have asked for a continuance of tbo
mlt brought against that distinguished gen
tleman by Bishop Bouucum to recover t-VX )
ubscrlbed for tbo BU Thuressa cburcu fund.
The attoruej u stated that tbo main reason
Mr. EKUU did not pay the subscription was
because Itos uuduntood that In making
ui.h a contribution Mr. Egun was to bo
treated with respect and courtesy by the
blitxop , but such retard had uot been mani
by the church oftlciul , and therefore
the defendant did not feel disposed to nay
up It Is claimed fuitber that the bishop
cannot sue , as the subscription was made tea
a building committee.
The people along the crowded thorough
fare of Ninth stieel were astonished Thurs
day to sco a prettj and genteel appeainp
young lady come dishing down the sidewalk
and in pursuit of lur a groceiy clerk shout
ing , "Stop thief ! " Tbo young \\omainsas
Mary Russell of Geneva and she had Just
robbed tlio cash box of .fohn Schullcr , the
grocer nt or > North Ninth stieet , while she
supposed nobouyMIS looking. Sno was seen
committing tuo theft , howc\cr , nnd when
Charles Miller , theclcilt , upinoachid hn she
daitcd out of the store- und down the
street. Miller gave chase and proved
the better sprinter of the two as ho
captured her before she got a block away.
She was taken to the police station and given
a coll. She pao the assumed name of May
Wilson to the oftlcers and pretended tbat her
occupation vns that of a washerwoman. She
had been In the cltj only an hour when she
robbed the cash box , and the fact that she
had only 5 cents in her pooketbook explains
what prompted her to commit the theft. She
secured only > fioin the cash box.
The girl took her urivst verv coolly , but
when the great Iron door closed on her she
began to realize her situation and melted
into tears. An hour later slio was found In
convulsions. In the nioinlng she was ar
raigned , found guilty nnd lined 145 and costs.
In default she went to the county Jail.
Ed Wllinms , a Jewelry fakir , set down his
grip full of glittering specimens of the Jew
eler's art jeateida ) at tbo fair grounds \\hllo
gcttlnga check at the secretaiy's ofllce , and
whllo his bail : was turned some sneak thief
picked It up und \\alked off with it ,
sum ME count nut DOCKET.
The bar docket of the supreme court for tbo
September tei in is now out and shows ouo eases
for the Judges of that tribunal to cudgel their
brains with. Of these 101 are from Douglas
and51 from I.nncastor county , Thocasesfrom
the vuiloiis judicial districts are as follows-
First district , M ) ; Second district , 114 ; Third
district , 120 ; Fourth district , W : Fifth dist
rict , 1 ; Sixth district , dO ; Seventh dWriut ,
53 ; Eighth district , M ; Ninth nistilet , 48 ;
Tenth distiict , 41 ; Eleventh district , 2Jj
Twelfth dlbtritt , SI. There are clghtj-ono
cases In which the state appears either as
plaintiff or defendant.
The court will convene on the morning of
September It ) and remain In session every
day of the tei m from 3.30 u m. to 12,30 to
bear arguments.
A MOTH EH ! \ UmNCK rillVTP.
TheNoith Ameiican accident nssoclatlon
of Chicago lathe latest piratical insurance
company that Is alleged to bo attempting to
do business In Nebraska without legal permis
sion. Guy Dann of Taylor was selected o
ono of tbo nmiks , but bo Informed State In
surance Coimulrsloni > r Allan of the fact , and
therooy the operations of the Company have
become exposed. Mr. Allan is after these
fellows \ \ ith u sharp stick.
It Is reported on fairly good authority that
th re are to bo some changes soon among the
persons holding : positions in the Insuno
asylum at Hastings. The reasons for the
changes have not jet boon asceiUiined , hut
the exhaustion of tlio fund for tbo Institution
is uot thought to have anything to do with it.
M. W. White of the auditor's office has re
turned with Ids family ( ram a delightful trip
to Lakes Krie aud St. Clair. Mr. White
looks ten jeara jounger.
The latest notarial appointments areas fol
lows : I1. K. Illveiis , Purdumj John li Leo ,
Ilrowolco ; Albert Spauldlng. llogers ; La
Oaks , Gi-eshaw.
J. H. Powers , the man heading the alliance
ticket , dropped into tbeuxoeutivo oftlco this
morning Just to tlnd out how it seemed to oc
cupy the great arm chnlr.
Articles of of the
Incorporation Wyntt-lJul-
lard lumber company of Omaha have been
tiled IN Ith the secretary of stato. Tue capital
stock Is quoted at $54uoO.
The wife of C. II. Holmes , chief clerk of
tbo state board of transportation , Is very ill ,
Miss Lena Lau U the guest of Miss Lilian
Staticuiann ! at Omaha.
Mr. E. A. King , who lives at 3135 South
Tenth street , Uou bis horse and buggy uear
: hc art lull on the fair grounds jcstenlny
morning , but on returning later found the
outllt missing The tiolice looltcd e\ory-
where forit and found tlio hoise all wet witli
sweat shortly before uoon todiy tied at Fif
teenth and ICstreets , jubtnoitho the state
W. G.Mencr , ilrst assistant chief of the
Fremoutllre denaitincntvasln thodtyjcs-
terdiy > lsitiug v , ith Chief Newherrj.
A stranger minplinp in tlio throng In the hotel this nfteinoon had tils cold
watch taken by seine pickpocket. 'J'ho robbed
mail lofused to give bis name to the police
Thieves bioke into C Rockhlll's room at
ll'-'SN street jcstciilay afternoon and stole
his two best lull's of pantaloons.
His charged thuttho lady drivers in Lin
coln are even more icclilcss than the men.
This watoxempliilej today when , two females
(1 riling at a rapid rate down Tenth street
knocked do\\n nnd nin over Mat Bracken ,
the nunoyoi fortho jirlsoiids ut the city
jail. His face H as fritjhtfullj cut , but Ills in
juries nre not serious.
Thieves biokn into Mr. Stnfer's house at
411 North Sixteenth stieet , sometime- during
the night and stole watches , diamond ilups
and other Jewelry amounting ultogethcr to
The Cinplro at the Suite Pair in 1HOO.
Prominent in power hall stood the
Empire hinder , the simplest pieeo of
harvestingniuuliineij' on the grounds ,
and BO acknowledged by nil. The Sio-
horling knottei now ubdl onthoUm-
piro attracted ciowtls , nnd the common
expression of nil was , how simple.
No nuchino has ever come Into Ne
braska and won BO many friends union g
faunei3 und dealeis a.s the Empire
squarely and entirely on its merits in
the h invest field.
Using less twine than any other ma
chine to make a knot and being thu
lightest draft of any , with no competi
tion in simplicity , nukes the moat at
tractive piece ol maclilneiy in its line on
tlio ruaikot.
The Empire mower has for twelve
years earned u teputation in the ha.\
Holds of this stuto that requires nofepe-
cial mention.
The now Big Six r.mpiio has proven
Itself the modi ellecti\o sU mower
Mr. W. 1 ] Mead , suite agent , can bo
found at Sixth and Paeilie sticots ,
Omaha , Nob. , detoiroined todiHUpa
trade for 1S91 tliat shall mtonUh the 11:1-
VlutorloiiH DlHplay of Stiidcnts' AVurk
nt htuto Fulr.
The only ochool in the stitoover dnr-
ing to malic an otclusivo exhibit of the
penmanship of students is the Omaha
Commercial college , owned by Kohr-
bough Bros. The work was prepired
by twelve students and o.xciteil the moat
fmorablo criticism. It was nilmliecl b }
thousands and rellccted { credit
upon Loth teachers und students. First
premiums * on ponmiinahlp woio awarded
as follows : Omaha. Commercial college ,
sovoii ; Lincoln Business collepro , six ;
Omaha Business college , one. Thiscon-
test was between the students of ono
college with the professors of others ,
The decision bpoaks louder than words ,
Hnbcrdnslicr't * Announcement.
To the public : "Wodlstro to cull your
attention to our new estiibliuhment. in
tvhlcli jou will Iind n complete line of
embracing the host nuulltles and late
novolttos oftheduy. Fifteen joais1 ex
perience has ghon us an insight to the
demands of tlio public , and our beat
judgment willahvajs bo employed to
please our customers. Wo enincntly so
licit u call and hope by reasonable prices
and fair doiiliiigu to merit your trade.
Respectfully ,
1517 i Farnam.
Those f\vo old relics of better days , Tom
ck and Jack Prince , are in town. Tlio
-ivorld's championship hud better Ho low , or
ono olttiese uorlhlcs111 \ uab it again ,
MKSF.K.KKNF" ' 117
. .
Attendance at thePublio Schools at the
Olose of the First "Wiok.
IriLreasc ami I > ccrutn3 : n Slinivn In
i SO'IOD ] wltli Ilio IVuspouts
of Cfol Jitiiu Conoco
llro\Mioll llall.
The first \vojk of thu school jenr of 1S9D
ImaclosclVlillothoxcslstr.Ulon full * below -
low the llgurea , as shown by the school cen
sus , It bin bucu satlsilaitory as btioxvinn' u
healthy Inuvojio over that of thuconesponJ-
liigvcelt of last year.
Iho returns , shoeing both tlio increiso and
iletrcaso lu the various schools for last \vulc ,
is as 1'ollou s :
lllflh school , V53 , w Increase of ft'J ; Am Ucr ,
315 , Incrciso 0(8Buicioft ( , 219 , Incre.iso of
10 ; Cass.500 , , dcct-cisoof .HJ ; CAS tell ir , 401 ,
iiiac.iso of 37 ; Center , ii" , increase of 11 ;
Central , . ' decrease of It' ' ; Parlf ,
It5 ( * , liitreaso of IK ) ; Divenport , 114 , de
crease of 14 ; Dodge , 'J4-1 , deoieiso of . ' { ; Du-
pont , & ) i , Incnasa of V > ; Uckormuii , 18 , du-
crcase of 1 ; Fiitmin , 40dccieaso ofi'i ;
l ort Omiha , 81 , decline o(7 ( ;
1-4(1 ( , decii1 iso of nlhsonu ( ! : , ikt'i-easo of IS :
HiHtmiin4S4 , Inci ciso of 8 ; Ultkorj lsS ! , In-
crtase ol.l > ; l/iu-il'i.'l , dxroasoof 6.1 ; J ink-
son TO , Ucuremo oil ! ; Lilto "III , imioasa of
O'.l : Leaen worth UVt , Inui-easo ofl't ' ; Iomr
04. ' , dcerc.iso of lOjLatliiop 11 , increase of
77M.ison : 414leorcaso ( of 10 , Ounlia View
X , Inca.iso of 63 ; Pacilic l."ii > , decrtiso of 'I ;
Park US increase of ! IJ , Paul 1 5 , dceroase
of 3 ; Picas int Oa , decrease of 1(5 ( ; Saratoga
UH ) , increase of 7J , Sherman U9 , douivito
ofJl : VintonSS , tliosnnions hstjcir ; Wal
nut Hill , U77 , lucnase of 71 ; AVcbstcr , 405 , in
eroaso of 59V'es ; \ t Onnha , 139 , intreasoof
48 , WestSUloschool. 70 , Increase of II.
'Iho ' total ivgistiatlon for list ueok was
10r , > 0 , plvliiK a net pain of 351 over the cor-
vo3ondiiitr | ) tclc of last jcar.
All thu pnbllu school uhililicn , however ,
ha\o \ not yet made aj > plkktloii lunhvill not
until about November 1 , when tlio number
will bo swelled to beUvctn la.OOO und 14.0JO.
( .KKICillTON' 101 LI OE.
At tills institution , ttio Intention h id been
to resume chsscson iSciiteinber 1 , O\MIIB
bOMorerto the fact that tlMt HIIS Libor diy ,
also that the follo\\iiiB \ Ai'lts cblldreu's ' tl.ij at
the fair , the oponini ; o the cullego ) car as
deferral until WeJiicsclij tbo Jd.
'Iho vcokhloli cloaUj yestculaj showed
an eiirollincnt of to I 0.1 against UJ for the
cones pending \vr > ek of last year.
Of thostuilciiu who are in attendance all
but tuclvo n ro residents of tills
stito and loivn and , wliilo the colligo
13 under the churpo of ( Jiitholle cdiicatora ,
ittontaliH \\cuty-llvo htudotiuvlio aie not
members of the Catholic ihuith.
YcsterJay at 'J o'clock
, a solemn motive
nnss of the Hoi ) GHont vas sunt ? in St.
John't. Uiurch , to Invoke the divine hlesslat , '
ujioa tliotuculty amlfatuJunjtsof tlio eollcje
during the coming ) cur. .
'ihls was attended by tlio patrons and
friends of the institution. After mass , the
president , Rev. Ttomas S. Fitz eiald , S J. ,
read the rules of the eollozo and Uiv. Will-
lam T. Kluselln , y J . , prcaclicd a strmou ap
propriate to the occasion
The following well known gentlemen com
pose the faculty of the collesci
Hov. 'JhoinwS.FItzgcMld , S J. , president
and prefect of studies ; Kov. John L. Mitli-
ory , S. J. , treasurer , Gcriinn ; Jiov. 1'cter
Bojce , S J. , chaplain , Preuch ; Kov. Will
iam T. Klusclla , S J. , philosophy , evidences
of religion ; Itor. Josqh ! ' . itif-'se , S J. ,
cbcinlstrv , nstronotnv- , mathematics ; Kov.
James J. Corhley. S. J. , poetry , elocution ,
debate : Robert A. IIcnnomaiinS. , J , hurain-
itlej , German ; 1'mnclj X Mara , S J. ,
plnsics , ili-it ncadotnio ; Hev. John 13 , Do
bthi-j-Ncr. S. J. , second academic ; Hov. Mar
tin M. Dronsgccst , S J. , third acadomlo ;
12d\vanl Furay , , 33. , prepiratwy uepart-
nicat ; I'rof. Ioly , bookkeeplnf , pcnmaiisLlp ,
etc ,
At Browmll hall the school year n ill open
Wediiaulny next , with the sanio faculty ns
last joir , with the ei < ciitionof Miss Fannie
Ward , w ho has resinned.Her place will bo
lllled by AIlss Cmi Gltuke , formuly of Blair.
Ainoiig the boarding pupils who return tills
jeir are Miss Libuugh , the Misses Towler ,
Miss j Ho-\\c , tlio Misses Hemingway , the
Misses CJf.ues , Miss &cott , Missliarkcr.Miss .
1'ittmin , JIUs Dotv , Mis ? Bunting , Miss
Holt , the Misses CvciK Miss'lliorp. Miss
Palmer , Mis ? Cidivfoiil , Misi Rotkhold.Miss .
Ho tiers , IMlss 'Ihomas , Miss Waiaior , Miss
Briinerd , Miss Hounds , JIlssAbbott , Miss
Livingston , Miss Collins.
Lust year the attend inco was SO , but tbls
je.if Itpiomlsesto henHichUrfreras already
1J > younjr h lies luvo applied for admissioa
and bout in the matriculation fee ISlosL of
the new applicants are from outside thocitj ,
uhloll will nceo sttato pivpaniig plans for
fully eighty boaidors
Tlio prospects of the hull are so brisht that
Hov. lr. Djhoitv furnishes the Infoimation
that the south \\intr "HI bu t-ouiplotcd at : m
eii-ly date In or lor to accoinmodato the in
creased .itUmd.inco.
Dr. Birnoy cuiescitauli. Dee bldg1.
Mariliiiro Mecusei.
Shields i-idiul taa
folloivinj mar-
yebterd ij :
.ililros ARC
( Otlsl * HUc'lr , Otn.iln .T
j Jcannic M M mvoll , Onialiu .7
j.Tames H Push , South Omihu 19
j Miuy Combs , BotittiOmalii 18
I Edwin Loivry , Omilid 21
I Kittle Bertraii , Chit\gn Jl
I Anton Soienson , Uniiha 21
j Annie Peterson , Onnha U
I Jur ten BinrMult , lenniiifrton ! 23
1 Lena Lutge. lleiuungtoii 18
I Pi mlc J Calinus , ruttsmoutli ' .fl
I Marine Dietcis , Omaha .il
iMauiicall. Brown , Omaha 21
1 Mary A. Tuna , Omaha 19
Homy 1'lojs , Oimilii U
Maude Ocllte , Omuha 10
Dr. Uiinoy cured catutih , Bee bldg- .
All dtizenslio exp'et to contilbuto the
use of thcli ! igostouMul tlio entertain
ment of the membard ot Lho JCational Associ
ation o ( fassoiiKcr Avcuts are expected to
liavo tbo same nt the Union 1'aollio di < pot nt
lu. r > tninoio\v morning Tiio party \U11 ni-
riv 'nt 11 o'clock , und It is the intention to
plvotho mem tiers a dilvo about the eitj ,
ThoVeduita Theosophlul sodetj meets
oveiy Sunday at 7 X ) p in. at room iJOV
Sheoloy Wook. Subject "Kauna"ll
are invited ,
St. Miuj's ' Avenue Cont'icffatlonal church ,
Itev U'illard Scotc putor-Moinlnic kervlco
at 10 ' 0 The pistol will niuich. Sunday
school at noon. No tietiiiii , ' senlce.
Tliopeimlt-s hsued by the siiporintcntlcnt
of buildings yosterdu ) uuiounied to sxlt' ) .
Tlioseoutafi of thoboaul of cduc-atloii'VAas
yestcidny notlllcd thit ctiphtlieiiu prouillaat
Ninth and Bancroft , 51)7 ) uud lU U South
Thirteenth s'rcct.
Dr , Bliney cures catutrh , Dee bldgr.
Hard Pan at hast ,
Tlio workmen engaged m finding solid
ground fortho bi onicnt of the now Siveezy
hotel , at the corner-of Sixteenth and Jackson ,
liavo become convinced that they must go
halfway to China heforo they got through
the filled In or "mado" gro'ind ' i n that local ! t } .
They have gone through half a dozen stiatio
of soil and lit a depth of about forty feet tiny
struck an old brld o. After Kotlln through
the bridge they again strutk blade soil uad
llnally solid clay.
The hotcl.w ill bo ( MxSO foot In dlrncnsions
nnd will bo live stories high. It will bj coin *
plotej bj- the lint of January.
AVrstern Union I'roiiintloiis ,
J" . II. Twlford , for a number of years con
nected , with the Western Union oftlco at tbls
place , and latterly ns chief operator , has re
ceived a well ciracd promotion Ho leaus
on Alonday forOKden , Utah , \\hcreho \ vlll
take the responslbla position of iiiiiiinn'er. K.
W. Applcyate , the present tt ire thief of the
Omaha olUco , i\Ul \ succeed Mr. Twiford.
Dr , Birnoy cures catnirh , Dec
3."io Corner Stone Will tin I < aid Todiy
In ItciisonI'liic'p.
The cornerstone of tlio new Catholic or-
plnuapcln Bonaon nluco , weather pcunltln ; ,
\\ill be luicl this afternoon at 'J o'clock.
If tliojiLher \ should bj unfavoiablc the
ucri'inonyvill uott.iko i > lace till Sundiy
Oiviiito the f.ictof the stiojt cats bclnff
l)1oclcdon Cuming street n. train , will Ic.uo
TlioKlftci'iitli andre tutor stieotJepot at
S I" ) p. in , \ViilnutIIilldopot , whcio
cauyallnvillbo ln\vaitinjf toconvcy passui-
gcra to the sitoot tlio proposed structuro.
Iho dlffeicnt iliUsioiu of the A O. II of
this cityiro reiiuciteil to meet nt .Fourteenth
nnd Douh'las strcetiat to clock p. in , to par
ticipate in the cei-eraon Us.
Thoywtll to joined at the plico mentioned
bj the divisions of the same Older from Soutb
Oman \vbowill \ < wno on a. special motor.
tlio iiiarshalibip of Mr. John ration
Dr. Ulrncj ouies cnlarrli , Bee blclff.
'Ihe lle nlnrVeelcly rvicctnig JlelU
Vt'iUjpihy < i > nii ii ,
All of the ) county losnoilssioncrs i\cro \ pros-
cat at the regular weekl ) tnoclhiij held jcs-
tuday aftoriioon.
The llrt halfhourus devoted to the
icidinjof tlioniinntes ot the last meeting' ,
alter vhlcli the tncnibeis buckled themselves
into tlw harness md then went to vorU
vlth vigor and eiillmsimm.
Illllsof Justin Halt were referred to the
committee on limnee. County Attoinov
Mihonej submit Uil 11 nport thai the ollls
\ ( not In | noperforiii
Ltuvjcr Van ISttcn's chim of < , ' 9 .OOfor
costs iiilas cue in tbo supreme court HUH luo countyattoincy submitted u
loportthat A'an ] ttoii bad no olalni atrainst
the countv. All oftheinpeu wotoiefcired
to the committee on judfUnry
I'oonnaster Mnhonoy presented a report ,
in wtitdi lie ullcfod that MiSihxvarb's
bread li bad lie mkcl ttiat bci contract
\\itb \ \ tlio county boint : iilled. Tbo cominuiii-
fatiounas nfurrcdto the committee on poor
A statement oC nteount bclivecn tlio city
ami county wiv presented and lofeucd
to tin committee on Iliianera , 'Iho
sUteniLiit shouj the city ones
tlia county SSiVJ.-1 , , a balanto duo
for rciit , fjr.iJInn anil uJvortisliiK1.
Tbcbond of Vo 13ros , who will paint the
count } hospital , va < pvesuntAl Onln toun
omlbsion ot sonio details in the contract the
approval of the Bond WM deferred one veelc ,
and In the ineantlma the county \\ill duw-
new contract for them
\Villliu O Balar , William II. Shu to and
Stephen Mco\vnn ( ! , ex-soldiers , wlio arc unable -
able to support tliomtlvesvoro ordered
sent to the soldiers' ' homo at ( luiiid Nl.mJ
Tbo usual number of bills wore procnted
and rcfcrrcd
\\r. II Ajers pivsciitcja bill of J"(5. ( 10 for
boirdin'Mrs Xuldla Morse -won tan weeks.
Mr. O'Koortu tthtud that the \\oniunh.i. \
rcl.kti ootors ) The bill "VMS then refirred
totnoLOinTiiitteo un chmltv for iiiMitiffJtlDn.
The cotnwitteo on oonstiuctlon ropoited
thit C. 13. Havens & Co iverothe lowest bd- !
dcit. on coal for the court bouso and jail , and
thit I1 II. .Mahoiicy wai the lowut bldloc
on coal for Iho pool f aim. 'Ibo report \vus \
Per cai'pcts for tlm county hospital the
Oiiiuba Caipot coinpimy anil A 1) . Moiso
were tbo only blddtra. Tbo bidivciv re
Dr , BliMioy cuies cutarih ,
nislrlot Court.
TiJlloBlocdel has coiarncnccd suit to cut
loose from , what khe nlltgtvs Uawicked hus
band. In her petition she mera tbat Leonard - ,
ard la a drunkard , and that on tlio iOth duy
of October last , vhllo hilf cmzud ultli llijuor ,
ho pulled her hair , knocked her down uud
then lleko Ihor.
O. (1 ICenflc-ld has nucil Clarlos
and llcury Ilainbors for thu HIIIH of (1,54)0 ( , )
eaou. lie allcnu tbut tbeso parties furmed
wmo of tola land In the vicinity of Cut-oil
lane , wlierfltuoy raised a largo crop ofCKU -
tables and that thuy refund to pay tuc rcat ,
loh at a reisonaWo amount woxild be
Ghirlcs E , Bates is sceUing toforocloio a
moit.aio ( ] | ' ucouted liy TJosa Levy , upon
w'alchthe Intercjtls unpaid.
UI3V. AVMj\Il' ! > SCOTT.
He lias > 'nt "Vet Ucclilc l to
Viittldon College Piesitlenoy ,
HeWdlird \ Scott , pastor of tlio St.
JIa ' * y * a\cimo Prosb\torlm church , and
uifoarrlvcdliouinfrointliclr suimnoraco \ -
tion. intbocnst at7 o'clock ' last ulj ht A
Koodsharoof thetlmeuas = p"nt In mil about
Boston , butthe.YmojOil ] u tilp down tlioSt.
LawMicu-and ugciifial ratnblo about some
of the more interesting und delightful places
for rest mid recreation Ilov.
boott felt \crjr \ nucli rofijalied
and built up plnslcallj until about nwcoU
are , lienho MS suddenly throatiiiud by an
attackof fner ulilcli was soon overcome.
however , and hois afiain fedliif ? ell.
"Jhivo not Ri\on \ tlio matter of my election
to theprosldeiicyof tbo Yanktoticolleno suf
ficient consideration , " said I ev Scott last
nlKlit. "to say ivbether or not I slull do
ono tiiliifr or the other Iho college
h ono of seven recogilzed by
Iho clinch hero in the west tu
being the Miiechl outposts of thocducalloual
ivorkthat shoiiljandmustljo stronjrlj sup-
portcdand enoouracjod Tills one bauery
stroii ) , ' and lutliicntialeastrrii alliances and
is Rio\ving rapidly. Some of ray friends
thinklioMc\or \ , that I am bettor suited to
the mmistiy than to the educational uorlr.
I hn\o \ bud a very tboiough couno of
studj , but linAO jiot pivcn much tlino to
the educational field , i realize that the work
nf imparity ; young men fortho uriotis pro
fessional and cnlllnir uf life is a
\ cry Important ono. IsballKivothe mattof
careful consideration before E sball fid at
llbtjitj to sar unjthlng fuuber about what
m\ decision will Do. "
Ucv , Scott will preach today , both inoruinc
and cteuiug ,
A TIUUUTI3 XO O. IJ. 13lUriv. ! ;
Ouarits Olvo Dxpresslon
tnXliclr J'rrpniPiiipnt.
'Pliofolloniiif ? rosolntloris weroadopted nt
the lost meeting b.\ the Omaha Guarus ,
rolutl\o \ to the death of the late Charles K
Oowy :
Whereas , The trout llulcr of tlio iinhorsl
IniB.ln lilsnill nllo > v Ndorii.ronmui ) from out
Milclst om uoitb anlfstccnied muiiiUi and
cltlyin , Clnrlos F Ofupy , .mil
Wkrc > .is Vlujlntliiiiitu rt I ition hold during
thu iiirlodof lilslioiioriiiy incnitxiishliilii tlili
coinpii'y m ilcoilt filling that voreuord oui
appreciation of lilrn , Iliuntforo ,
JCiMilvud Tint the wlsloin and ahllltf
whldihu Ins oxcrclsellii aldof onrcaiiumiy i
work by coiuintM sorvlio ami fuiulH. will bs
hfUlln n rile fill roiiidiihr.inci ) .
JC solvuil , I'liiittliu u < l < lin removal ofsuch
a man f lomoii r corn piny m a number and n
cltlnn , loiaut * a \ afiiney lli it \\lll Dodcoplr
ruiill/ou Ijyiill meniljtrs of tbls lunip.iny atnl
Us filuiKls , md Kill provca BUdousiu s ta
tlilsclty iind tliopulille
Uisol\t > ( | , Tlintnlth ilocp syniiithy | with
tbu allllulcil relatives and filuxls of tlis
deuti > iO < l. o oipross an eirni-H lioio tlinl
ov ) ii so itroiit-ahomivoiuint be
may uut *
rultd for lliulr
i. Dlinoy ciireHtatauh , lloo
Captain Jefferson It ICean , assistant sur <
BCOII , l-'oiiUoblimon.Neb , will ncfoinpuny
Company T , ll ? htli Infantry , as medical
ottlur , to Fort \\uslnkie \ \ , Wvo.
Assistant Surgeon Kuan will join Company
P , eiuoule , at Port Kobliison.
Leive ofaDscnco for twenty dais lias been
pi-anted Major M , V. Sheridan , asslslimt ad
juUint Kcncrul , headquarters ucpai tinint i
ibol'latto ,
l iiit Lieutenant Julian .M Cakll , nsslstaiit
HUi'ton ; , has ken it'lovid ' from tomiioruiy
duty ut Fort MilviiinovYOinIng ) , ami is iu <
sipjncil txjduty as innllcal odlceivlt \ h troo5 |
H nnd HNliitbcavJliy. urdor onlurs to talio
station ut L'"oit Dn Ohc.sue , Utnli. On tlia
completion of tbls < luty HuiKeoaUabUI
Join his station at l""cr N iobrarn
.First Lluitcnantshtonll. . Iltyl , ussUtant
sutgcon , I'ort Niobraut. Nobrask i , will ai >
conipitiy romiiany K , Klghth Infantry , 11 $
ineddil onk- rte , L ort MtKtmioy ,
Lcavo of abscnco for llfueii dayn , to tuka
olfcd on or about tlio nth iiikt , has IMHU
granted Kciorid Lifiltoiumt Armiincll <
, Seventh infantry , Camp 1'ilotllutte ,
Ur , Blmoy cures caturrh , L' a blily.