Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1890, Part Three, Page 20, Image 20

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Over SOO Are in use in Best Families in Omaha , Nebraska , and Council Bluffs , Iowa
Used and endorsed by Her Majesty the Queen of England ; Her .Royal Highness. , the Duchess of Fife ; Her Grace , the Duchess of Montrose ;
His Grace , the Duke of Richmond and Gordon , and best of all , the Kings and Queens of America.
GL/VSCOW , MaySOth , 180O.
1 Gentlemen : We have the pleasure to intimate
that we have sold one of your magnificent Grand Pianos
to Her Majesty , the Queen , and delivered , aamo nt Bul-
rnoi'al Castle , and you will be glad to lienr that the Piano
has given the utmost satisfaction.
We nre , gentlemen , yours i ruly ,
. 'MA.UR . [ TIs of Phenomenal Durability.
j. WOOD & co. ,
I IT is Rich in Original PATENTS (26) ( ) .
Pinno Makers to the Quean . .Find H. n. H. . TJtio Pi-lnceof
IT Leads among Experts ; and is
Wulcs , ,
by Special Appointments
CLAIM that it is the only piano in the world which
lias an Iron Key Frame Support.
WE CLAIM that It is the onl-y piano in the world with a
Patent Harp-Stop Attachment.
WE CLAIM that it is Unequalled in Action.
I. 'Ibey need no sorntohiiif ) on of nonies of Italian
prima donnnsto mnkathom vnliuiljle.Tlio IIUIIIH ol'Hurd- WE CLAIM that it has IMoro Volume of Tone than any
man iBsutTieieni proof for excellence. other instrument.
WE CLAIM that it is the only piano -which improves after
II. Keep your cyer open > \tul do not be humbugged by two or three years' xtse , and Retains its Full
recommendations of primu rlnumis who nre paid lor ad Power and Tone.
vertising toothpaste , sonp , wttslmici nuiclilnesand grind WE CLAIM it will stay longer in tune than any piano
Sitones , In the same line with pumos , t so much per say. made.
III. In buying the llnrvlinan Piano you pay for
. .
quality , durability and tone , and inithing for testimonials.
ask yourself the following questions :
IV. You gel a Piano wKat ii a Piano the fineston PLEASE HARDMAN
HA.VE I purchased a Piano ?
earth. ' JHA.VE Ian old Piano to exchange fora new and im
proved HA.RD MAN Piano ?
HAVE I secured a Yearly Tuner's Ticket ?
HAVE I secured a Book of Expert Opinions on the
"We also carry a full line of other celebrate I Pianos such as the matchless Decker Bros. , the world-re
103 Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. nowned Fisher , the excellent Everett , and others. Also Farrant & Votcy , A. 13. Chase and Lyon fcllealy 107 South Sixteenth Street '
with full line of Musical Merchandise ,
Organs , a of every description.
ELSTA.B3LJSHB.D 1859. MUSIC BOOKS AND LATEST SHEET MUSIC , Opposite Hayden Bros. Omaha , Neb
Please Gall and be Gom/inced / , We will Take Pleasure in Showing You the Largest and Finest Stock in the West.
Senator Evartsaud Hi3 Purchase of Potomac
Bcnntor Sqnior Mnlcoa Six Hundred
Dollars n Moutli Out of Four lluii'
( Ired Orr-goii AcreB President
iMoi'ton's Gneriisoy Cuttle
Senator Hearst's Furiii.
.lff > 0 In Frank n. Cnrjwnffr.l
"WASHINGTON' , Sept. 10. [ Special Corres-
pondemx ) of TUB BKE.J Senator Evarts has
Just b'ought fcur hundred acres of land near
Fort Washington on the banks ot the Toto-
mao , Ilo paid uu average of $11 an aero for
It aud ho says ho bought it because It was so
cheap ho couldn't help it. Ho has built a log
cnuln twenty-five feet wldo and sixty-flvo feet
long upon it uud ho Is inviting the senators
to como down and lunch with him. Ho has
another farm In Vermont which ho has held
for years , but which I understand is stocked
with Jersey cows. Ills butter there costs
about two dollars n pound , and tits vegetables
nriI venture , dearer than though ho bought
them In the market. The sumo will probably
bo true of this I'atonme land unlossltis much
better than" the avcrngo soil about Washlug-
ington. It will add , - however , to Senator
Evarts as a aarmors' candidate and that is
tlio position that all of the senators are try
ing to hold just now.
The farmers' alliance has scared most of
the public men. They all want to bo ac
counted a friend of tlio farmer and such as
hold farms are pointing to their horny hands
and talking about crops on every available
occasion. Many of thorn have been brought
up ou farms and some of the largest estates
in the country are owned right hero In the
capital building. Senator Lyaian 11. Casey ,
though ho looks hko a diplomat and talks
hull a dozen different languages , has 5,000
ncrcs of farm land under cultivation in Oa-
Itotn aud ho is secretary of a land company
that owns over ono thousand ncrcs of land in
the James river valley and which works it
with a capital of S.YXHXI. ) ( Pcttigrew or South
Dakota has n number of farms around Sioux
City and all of the now senators own inoro or
loss hind. It takes souietblng llko suveaty-
Jlvo miles of fence to go uvound the farm
which Senator Sawyer owns in Texas , and
AVatsou C. Soulerhas perhaja the best pay
ing farm for Its slzoof auv of his fellows.
This farm contnlns four hundred acres and
It brings In S < iuler$000 per mouth. I chatted
with him last night about It , "I cut it out of
the woods , " said lie , "and I llko to show It as
un evidence of what a farmer can do } u
Oregon. I bavo a hundred Holstein cows
upon it and I got reports from my farmer
every week ns to their morning and evening
milking. Those cows produce in. " ) gallons of
jnllk every day. I sell tils and I recelvo
35 cents and sometimes 20 cents a gallon , so
that you see my prollU from the cows alone
nro something like & > 50 per month. Oregon
Is ono of the great hop nils-
ing countries mid I am na'ciui ; a
mighty peed thing out of hops. I uuvo a hop
larm at about ton acres and I put all the ma
nure from these hundred oows on this ton
acres. I will got 3,000 pounds of hops to the
acre this year , and I expect to pet 4,000 per
new next year. Those hops will brtiEr 20
cents u pound , and at the lowest possible estl-
Sato I must clcur 13,000 oft of Ms ton acres
this . Three thousand dollars n year
iieanatiWamoiith , aud this added to the
Mint BWea mo about $ SOO a month from my
Even UIpayt300a month to
< cep up the place , I am hound to make 5000 a
month clear.
"AYhnt is the land worth ! " said I.
"It Is not for side , " replied ScnutorSquier ,
"but I suppose it would bring SjaiU an aero at
motion. It lies about twelve miles from
Seattle and Is a tine picco of property. "
Vice PresIdentMortonhasafnrm at.Rhine-
clifT , on the Hudson , of 050 acres , and ho
watches its profits and losses quite as closely
as does Senator Sqnler. Ilo knows nil about
stock , and can tell you the names of the best
milking cows of the country. Ho runs to
Guernsey cattle , and ho has , perhaps , as
many registered cows as any line breeder In
the country. A great many of his cows wcro
brought over from Europe , and like Senator
Palmer , lie prefers to send his own farmer
over to pick them out , It makes him smile
more to have ono of his cows take a premium
at u county fair than to inako a good real
estate speculation , and ho has a number
whic have taken prize after prize. Ho gets
weekly reports from his farm , mid another of
his fads is fine wool sheep , He spends much
of his summer on the farm , and ho has a mag
nificent residence upon it. Speaking of Sen
ator Palmer , his fads are Pcrchcron horses
and Jersey cows , lie imported some of the
best animals ho has himself nnd ho expects
eventually to uiako bis farm profitable.
Justice Lamar is well up on Jersey cows
and ho has a number of flno registered ani
mals on his farm in Mississippi , Ho is tired
of fanning , however , and In the troubles that
seem to surround the south ho wishes that
the farm was sold and that his money was In
vested seas to bring a good round income.
I mot the Hon..Jerry Rusk , our secretary
of agriculture , the ether night and asked him.
point blank whether ho made any money In
farming. Ilo replied : "Ihavo ono of the line
farms of Wisconsin. It consists of 400 acres
and I have owned it for a long time. Part of
thotlmo I have boon a farmer und nart of the
time I have been an agriculturist. "
'Hut General Husk , what is the difference
between a farmer aud an agriculturist ! "
"A farmer , " replied Undo Jerry , with
laughing eyes , "Is a man who runs his farm
for all the money there Is In it , who does not
waste on fool experiments , and who ni a gen
eral thing comes out at the end of the year
with a good profit. An agriculturist is a
theoretical fanner : n man who puts more
money into the land than ho ever nets out of
it , and ono who is always try ing some experi
ment to make a fortune and seldom makes a
cent.Vcll , I have been both , and while I
was a farmer I made monev. I believe there
Is monoyln forming today If the proper busi
ness brains nro used In running n farm , and I
doubt not that matters will finally rcgulato
themselves , anil the farmers will again bo-
cotno prosperous. "
"Whcro has the most money been mndo lu
farming during the past year , " I asked.
"I can't ' answer that. " was the reply , " but a
great deal of money has l > ccu iimdo in Florida.
You remember the Disston purchase , by
which Hamilton Disston of Pennsylvania
got possession of hundreds of thousands of
acres of the swamp lands of Florida. Ho has
drained a great part of these and they are
the most fertile knds in the world. Well A.
S. McClure of the Philadelphia Times hud an
interest In some of these lands , and two of
hisnophows , who had not succeeded very
well In the west , asked him to give thoin
something to do.
"Ho let them have BODIO of these lands and
they cleared this year
That is , I think , pretty good for tomatoes.
This land , however , Is the richest in Florida.
It consists of six or eight foot of muck , und it
will grow vegetables to perfection. Othei
pnrts of Florida nro not to rich as Is generally -
ally supposed and you would bo surprised to
know that oranges need a great deal of fer
tilization , I visited once ono of the best
orange groves in Florida and the man tolc
mo ho would sell It for $25,000 and that it had
cost him this much to make It Ho had ono
tree that was wonderfully line \vhluh pro
duced the finest oranges In the state and was
fur superior to any other tree of his orchard.
I gskcd him what was the cause of the differ
Ho replied : 'The difference Is in the
feed. That tree nas entcti a hog every year
since it was planted. ' 'How's ' ' that ! ' said I.
'Well , you sco rtbout the time it was planted
wo had a dead hog nnd wo dug a holes and
| > ut him in und planted the tree right on top
of him. The true grew so much faster than
any of the others by the next year that I
concluded to continue the experiment , and
and burled It in its roots. I have done that
every year up to now , nnd I find that the tree
has paid for Its hogs many times over and its
fruit will bring fancy prices in any market.1"
Senator Blair tells mo that the cheapest
farms lu the United States are in New Eng
land. Ho says there are lots of good lands
for sulo there at $5 per aero anil ho wants the
other fanners of the sennto to buy country
homes thero. Holnnin of Indiana 1ms a hun
dred-acre farm at Aurora , Ind. . not far from
the Ohio river. Ho makes some money in
farming nnd is , I am told , solid with the
fanners' alliance. Nearly all of the southern
statesmen own farms and Senator i'ugh of
Alabama once told mo that ho could make lii
per cent right along out of farming in the
south. Ho lias
ins WOIIK AM. noxn m NKOIIOKS.
General Joe Wheeler Is said to bo worth
about ? 1.000,000. Ho caino out of the war
poor and bo has maue all of his money out of
farming. Ho has n largo estate in Alabama
and ho runs it on business principles. Sen
ator John Shorin in has two farm ) at Manis-
tlcld.O. , but ! don't think ho makes much
out of them. Ho keeps them well stocked
ana ho has lately given a part of ono of them
to the city of Mansfield for a park , which is
now known as the Shcrman-Hoinoinuii park.
The biggest farmer of the United States is
Leland Stanford. Ho gave somewhere be
tween fifty and eighty thousand acres to the
university which ho is now building , and not
long ago when riding In the train with Sen
ator Allison through the northern part of the
state , the cars passed through a largo tract of
wheat This vast plain of wheat stretched us
far as the eye could sco on both sides of the
road for miles , and Senator Allison asked
Stanford what ho thought of It. Stanford
replied , "Ills a very flno field of wheat and I
wonder ills. " "It is yours , " said the
conductor , who was standing near Stanford.
"Indeed , " replied the millionaire , "I
did not know it. I knew I
bait some wheat In this part of the
state , but I did not think wo had como to it
as vet , "
Senator Stanford engages in all kinds of
farming and
His vineyards produce the choicest of Cali
fornia wines and ho has great warehouses
stored with California brandy. Ho will not
sell bis brandy at the present low prices and
ho has sold noun for six years. Ilo can afford
to keep it and ho believes It will pay a gocl
Interest on the amount of nionoy Invested hy
the increase In value with age. Ho makes
about a million pilous of wine every year ,
nnd ono of his vineyards contains 4,000 acres.
This Is , I think , the largest vineyard In the
world , The vineyard is so largo that the
United States has a custom house connected
with it in order to collect the duties prop
Asa fruit grower Senator Stanford has
some of the finest fruit larms in California.
He had lorn long time , a civnt deal of trouble
in getting the fruit picked , Ho used China
men finally , as the white men would go off on
sprees and the fruit had to bo picked when it
wasrlpo or It was not good. Great waste
would como from delay. Ho then adopted a
plan which ho has nowwhlch is most human
itarian nnd profitable. Ho gives all the bovs
of the publlo schools of San Francisco , who
will take advantage of his offer , n chauco to
coma out nnd nick fruit on his farm , Ho
takes a thousand boys every year.
takes thorn to his farm and keeps them there
a month , paying them a dollar u day for their
labor. Ilo has an immense barracks built in
which they sleep and ho sees that they are
well fed iinil well eared for. His superin
tendents have tham divided into gangs and
they nro carefully watched over as to morals.
No money Is paid until the end of their job ,
when each boy carries homo with him $90.
Ho also takes about a neck of Kngllsh wal >
nuts uud the senator has bags made of a
fixed size which ho fills nnd gives ono to each
boy upon his departure. As to payment ,
when ho first brought tbo boys out on the
farm ho began to pay them their wages as
they earned them. Ho found , however , that
lot of pool sellers and gamblers surrounded
tlio farm and got the boys' Honey away from
them by Inducing them to hot on wheels of
fortune , base ball nnd policy games. Ho
stopped this by not paying until the cud of
the month , and he now pays at the close of
the engagement. The senator employs
Chinese cooks upon the farm , and these cooks
do all the cooking fur tbo boys. Sometimes
Governor Stanford goes out toseo the boys
and ho always eats dinner with them.
At such times thuJChincso cooks prepare
nnd It has been their custom to make a Httlo
corner where ho is to sit and nt which there
is to bo some special delicacies put. In some
way or other the Clllnoso cooks alwavs got
the wind of the fact that the governor was
coining some days beforehand and they would
have this nice little Ifcast prepared for him.
Ho always circumvented them however , by
sitting down somewhere clso along the table
and eating with tlia boys. Ho would say ,
"Johnnie pass mo those pickles , " or "Sam
what do you think of that meat ? " "Lctme
bavo a little piec-o of that bread" or some
thing os that kind und all the while the feast
at the other end of the table would troun-
instcd. After trying this method several
times and not succeeding , the Chinese cooks
gave better dinners to the whole party when
ever the governor wits there , nnd in this way
gave him a very good dinner and the boys a
much better ono than they cared to give.
A rilOl'ITAW.i : VIXKYAUl ) .
Everyone has heard of Senator Stanford's
great farm at Palo Alto , which contains his
country residence , the great university and
some of his best ranches. In tills fiirm ,
which , by the way , ho has given to the uni
versity , ho has some land which is worth
§ 1,000 an acre , and he has n patch of forty
acres in grapes which has produced as high
as8700ayuarund which has never pro
duced loss than S3.2UO u year since they have
been planted. On one of : his tracts of fruit
land there is a little pleco of ten acres for
which a man nays him . -.lo ; ) a year for the
privilege of MickiiiB the fruit.
Tin : Mii.KKit.
Ho mnkes equally as well out of Ills cattlo.
He has all hind * of flno breeds of cuttle. Jer
seys , Holsteins and others. Ho was very
much delighted this past year to got the
highest prize for butter making and milking ,
which consisted of a fifty dollar gold picco
which ho got nt the California state fair. In
this case the cow was brought to tbo fair nnd
left there for a week , its mllkings being reg
istered every day asd the milk bolng churned
Into butter. His cows took the premium
both for the production of milk and as to the
quality of their milk and the production of
butter. I am told ono of his cows gave the
cream in ono wcok which produced twenty-
four pounds of butter.
I see that Senator Hearst hasahorso which
has at last been successful. Ho is us proud
as a turkey gobbler In a new Hock ami struts
around blowing about bis tlno horses. Thu
fact is , Hearst
and ho docs not know even the names of his
own stock. OJ a great many of ho
merely owns the racing privilege ; Is , ho
buys of Senator Stanford the right to run
his horses for a certain scasoa ami they are
entered under Hearst's numo though they
really belong to Stanford. Senator Stanford
himself does nat race his horses , or only n
few of thorn to keep up the advertisement of
the Palo Alto stock. Of course It Is a good
thing if his horses turn out well as it makes
them inoro valuable for breeding. Not long
ago a race was run In the cast nt which It
was reported that ono of Senator Hearst's
horses had won. Hearst know little of the
horse that won and ho talked about the sen
nto of his line that horse know him by
name. It afterwards turned out that the
horse belonged to someone else and Hearst
did not know whether ho was among his
stocic or not. Iloarst has a jockey whom be
pays 815,000 a year , and when asked the other
day what this boyls name was , ho said he
could not remember it , but ho know that ho
kept on paying him this big salary for his
work and allowing him to rim other horses
when ho was not working for him.
This sounds funny to a poor man. But
Hearst Is a millionaire ) Ho has mines ull
over the country. .His farm in California
contains thousands of acres , and ho has so
much property that it Is no wonder that ho
does not keep better track of It all ,
Dr. Dlrnoy cures hay fovor. Heo bldf {
If an invalid read the advertisement of
Excelsior SJ UIK vUh * ( * duy ,
Civilization Regarded as tlia Oausj of Its
Dccadance ,
; V riuco Wliero JIoii Arc Harder to
Catch Tlian IvclH and Women
' * - Curry Flasks fae
, . . "Bracers. "
BAH HAimoiiMo. , , Sept. 10. [ Special Cor-
rospondonBo of Tins Bci : . ] Civilization has
been the danmatlon of this place. The days
when the girls sat on the clerk's ' desk ,
dressed in flannels , aud with their legs
dangling over the edge- showing shoes Hint
were meant to walk In , hailing each arrival
in bifurcated garments as a wondrous some
thing , wore days of joy. The days when the
buckbourd Jolted all indigestion out of the
"mealcrs , " and the day when fruits and
meats from the city wcra not to ho gotten ,
mid people eagerly ate hrcad and butter uml
huckleberries , and grow fat und hoaltUful on
them , have ull gone by. Moro's the pity.
Her ladyship Dame Fashion has entered and
taken possession hero , and wo dross and
drive und dawdle and gossip exactly as they
do nt Newport , Saratoga or Long Branch.
The original buekboard is no more , and its
base Imitation in flno wood and upholstery
has all its discomforts without its plctur-
esqucness. Everybody is just as eager as
theyworoln their aboriginal statoto iiiako
money off of you , but they do it in a inoro
citified fashion , and you feel like paying for
a hand organ that can warble "Tho Heart
Bowed Down with Weight oC Woo. "
A worm , LICK OF siu.v.
Thcro are notvery many Interesting women
and men arc as scarce as the proverbial hen's
teeth. She who expects a husband up on
Saturday Is envied by all the others who
don't ' , and she who has u young man coining
up to stay for a week U counted the most
lucky of all women. I tlo not understand for
my own part this lack of men what's tlio
matter with the women i Hut of course that's
where the trouble lies. If .Tcannetto were
BUfUcloutly uttrnctlvo , Jean would bo rushing
througli his work nt a rate calculated to
bring on nervous pros , ( .ration that ho might
leiivo the city on Friday and stay with her
until Monday , bask in her smiles , and bo
happy merely because ho was In the sunshine
of her presence. Hut Jean doesn't ' seem to
bo built that way. He would a
times rather bask In the smiles of some mar
ried belle nt Narragansuttor Newport , and ho
will toll YOU conlldeiitiallv that ' -you see , It's
much safer , because , alter all , the old woman
Isn't ' round trying to llnd out whether you
havogotany intentions. "
' 1'ho day of thu girl is not now , ami girls
abound ul Bar Harbor. 11 Is truein many in
stances they uru very knowing girls , but still
they have the fominlno deslro to possess for
their verv own a man , and there is nothing
quito as dlnleult to catch , Kols uro as nothing
be.sldo tlicm. Just when you think the big llsii
is landed It Blldus uwuy , because tlio bait Isn't
templing enough or tbolMierwonian hasn't
enough p.itloncc.
Tlio Ushers of men up here are in many in
stances the mammas. 'J'hoy arc very brazen
about it. and I ilo not wonder that all the ell-
gibles Hoe , while only those who are adorned
with sash ribbons remain.
TUB yoi'xn M\S is A SASH ,
A young man In a sash Is to mo the greatest
abomination on the faeo of the earth. If ho
would eomo out and ha ml honostaml wear u
red llanwl land to keep lilt ' -tummy" in
order 1 should luivo some respect for him
nndofforhim a few dram of paregoric } but
when ho dawdles around In a palo blue sasli
or a rose ami whlto striped one , I want him
to bo gently exterminated hurt , because -
cause inolTcnslvo thing * lll < g that oughtn't
to ba hurt : not cloctrocutoJ , but Just
chloroformed out of existence 1 suppose
there Is a use for him ho points a moral
and occasionally ho may adorn a tale , but I
doubt it.
A HAH minion nur > B.
Thcro is one up here who does fancy world
Ho makes all his sister's bonnets , and the re
sult In that family is that the sister Is a good
swi miner , can urlvo tandem , plays tennis
llko an atlxleto and calls her brother
"Tommy. " A man who had reached the ago
of twenty would bo "Tom" to his family , or
clso ho would apply to the legislature ) and
have his name changed. This sweet speci
men of humanity also writes poetry , and ho
sends no end of it to hls'ludy friends at the
different watering-places. Ilo was presented
to me , and I regret to say that though I
come of several generations of gentlewomen , !
could not ho civil to him. Even my maternal
parent , who has a heart that goes out to sick
children , and idiots , and cats that have been
hurt in conflicts , and love stories , admired
his fancy work , hut said confidentially she
didn't think she would llko a hey of how to
bu like , that , and the that was said with tlio
emphasis that only a Quaker training can
WOMEN WHO CAKItV "jlHKJlF.illiil3. "
Who else IH hero ? Well , will you bo horr-
flcd if I tell you that I have seen more
women with flasks who didn't ' hesitate to
drink whisky than I have ever seen in my
llfel Whisky Is not a drink for women , osi
pccially when it is taken straight and a
mouthful of water after it. 4'hcro is some
thing about it that would seem to Indicate
thiitjin her own heart , if In no other way ,
tlio woman who drank whisky had gotten
pretty low down. To bo sure , I don't ' like it
myself its smell being about the worst thing
I know of-but this flask business is getting
toboalittlo too much of n good thing , and
what's ' inoro the women are showing it on
ttoir faces. Just remember , my little duck ,
thatwhilolt seems very smart to draw out a
duintly engraved silver Hash , pour out a drink
ofvhislty and toss It off , there will certainly
follow inflammed oven and a nose well ,
powder will not hide Its color.
\Vhiskyshows on women quicker than any
other drink. U makes lines about the face ,
and It draws the eyelids up until tlio eyes he-
como mere specks. Ono young lady who
thought she would pack her llaslis in her
trunk had her most beauteous tea gown
ruined because one llask broke , and plush and
whisky do not forma desirable combination.
Ono would have thought that after this she
would have foresworn tlio tcmptinc drink ,
hut bless your heart , that Isn't the American
girl. She simply declared she would never
bo such a fool at to carry n glass llask again ,
or if she did , It would bo In tier pocket , and
not In her trunk ,
\vnisrin : or - \ KUMMCII m.vixn. :
The feather boas nro very much worn hero.
They certainly are bceomlni. , but the other
evening whim I sat in thodartc trying to make
out what Tolstoi wrote "Krcutzor Sonata"
for , whether it was to show ho was a ora/.y
man , or that the world , was crazy , or simply
to nrtvortlso how nasty a man's mind could
bo , 1 hoard a swojt volco outside my window
saying , in the precise tonoi that only a Phila
delphia girl can roach , "Charles , if you will
kiss mo I must take oft my boa , for it will
curtalnly tluklo you. " I forgot all about tlio
"Krcut/.cr Sonata , "bi-gaii to laugh , and was
glad that then ) workpeople in the world who
kissed and undo love and who found Itfo
worth living.
1 have stumbled aurois that vldoui , wicked
nook every place I have irene this summer ,
and 1 have felt as if I would Him to : oridcnm
the man who wrote It todulnsr nothing rlsa
but reading it alt his life. Xuughlyl No ;
NaityJ Trnol Truaporhnps of some people ,
possibly of Tolstoi himself , for no man willos
so of a married II fo un loss hols writing out
his own story , butwhilowo hiv > a [ irosldcnt
and a congress and nil sorts of governors and
lawyers und doctors und other people who
lay down laws and uvpoct the people to olioy
them , that they don't ' oxpuivr.Uo thU book Is
fcomothiiiR that I don't understand. Tbat It
should bo sold on the notvs Ntands U a dis
graces not to these Unito'lSt itoi particularly ,
for they nro not overly ro.spi'ctable , but to
doccncv In It's Just this way ; you
may admlro the gr 'at beauty ofpi-rfei't stiitno
In mar lie of Adonis , but that Isnorouon
who you wiinttho man who is Hhitp'-Ullke
Adonis to go walking up Fifth nvonuo
in the hufT , The novel that ( Mines out in tin
spring ti the ono that women read all
summon The ono that Is nhown conspicu
ously on the news stands of the hotels an I
railway itutlona is the ono that your sUix-r
and mine buys to put In hqr satchel. Noyvdo
you think you want her to read such a boolc y
us thati Just bring this thing homo , andjr
then you get your real opinion about It. I You S
Illco to discuss with some other follow' sls-X
tor on the very verge of thorosocolored whatT
Tolstoi's object was , hut when it comes to Its
being your own sister , wimt do you think
about It then ? She has tin Idea that In read
ing this she Is reading the work of a great
master-mid so ho is a muster of indecency ,
hopelessness nnd godliness. There can bo no
goon thing in the dark mid miserable inlro
that thin innii would make the world , aiid tlio
best tliinj * for everybody to do is to keep from
touching the pitch , and then nobody will ba
But nbout Bar Harbor , llotwoon you and
me , it Is Just about as stupid as over It can
bo. U's a bad market for pjoplo with mar
riageable daughters , and nvhcro there are not
enough men to go around the women uro going
to halo each other with a sort of hatred that
can only exist between two fox terriers.
Like the fox terriers , they snap and snarl and
do a great dual of prancing around , and rctlro
behind each other's skirts I moan the fox
terriers n-tlro behind the hidioa' ' skirts , nnd
the ladles retire behind other people's shirts ,
and then declare it a "draw , " and pitch into
the ether woman who has Just loft the parly.
Woman , whoa accompanied by man. Is a de
lightful thing.Voinau \ alone is to bo feared
and avoided that is , during the summer.
During the winter months a certain sense ol
decency seems to como to her , und she doesn't '
consider every other woman her mortal
cnoiny nor gossip the entire buslaoss of the
The waterlng-plaeo woman who is em
broidering a mantel lambrequin for some
body's ' Christmas gift sowd into that lainbro-
guln as much malice , envy , hatred and ua-
vharltnblenoss as she does silk.
This Is about the way her conversation j
goes. She looks up from the pure white lily ; /
she Is embroidering mid snys : "Ob , thcro's (
that widow again ; 1 should like to know w'ltn-- * " -
sho's going to meet. Don't tell mo anything
at ull about hor. 1 itnow there Is some-thing
queur. She don't ' sewn to care about any
body , and when I aslied her if she dldn t
want to bo Introduced to Miss Jenkins , she
thanked mo , and said her circle of acquain
tances was suniciently largo. My dear ,
there's something wrong about her.
Well , thank Heaven , that man Miller
Is coming down. Ilo and his ivifo
have been quarreling the whole
night thioutrh 1 hc.ird them because my
room Is right next and thu wall is thin as pa
per , and when I told her how aorry 1 was , bliu
said ho had a wild attack of neuralgia , and
that ho was groaning and going on because
cause of that. I never shield a man , not I.
( Joodness gracious 1 there comes that girl from
Baltimore lu another frock. Where does she
got ilium ( I am told her jicoploaro very poor ,
and yut she has got inoro frocks than any k'h'l
In tills placo. Well , well , I hope next season
there will bo some respectable people hero , "
Now. If tlio proprietor hud his interest at
heart ho would see that among the pcoplo
counted not respectable und to bo keptoutaro
thu scandal-mongers.
\Vliy can't ' women lie nlco ?
Most of thorn are unnlco because they have
nothing to do.
Most of them nro unnlco because they
haven't been trained to bo considerate und
Mutt of Ilium are unnleo because they are
loo.dng fern husband , and they ro < nrd uvery
other woman as their natural enemies.
Moit of them are uunlcu because they are
curious , nnd conclndu that every womiin who
doesn't wcur her heart in her alcove Is in the
Most of thorn are unnlcobocnuso their KOO < !
manners nru piukml up with their winter
fur.i. Now , good manners uro like u line
violin , which linpruvu * wltti using , You
don't Illco , and by you i tne.ui Jack mid Tom
imdJIm and ljhll and tbo dear boys all over
the world don't lIUo unnlco glrb
, you , so so-
litrttlio ones that wear their manners the
year roundand who even at a watering place
Citii ivslst say Ing the unkind word , ilolnvf the
thoughtless net , or act Inn In in. Inconsldurato
mannitr , Takomy udvlconnd choosullio nlco
girl him will make you thu bust wife , audit
tin ixi is in this wide world a Judge of nlco
Ulrlismart , dogs , and pretty gowns. It Is
Dr. Blrno.y cures liny fovcr. Dee Uldtf.
Pleasure seekers should read the udver *
tlscuiontof Kxwslalor Springs , Mo. , today ,