Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1890, Part Three, Page 19, Image 19

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1 \
The Fall Oi/Broaat /
a thing of "beauty and we
have special pride in the gar
ments in that line , which we
arc able to show ourcustomers
this season. In style and
finish they have never been
On second floor. Take the
elevator :
Physicians , Surgeons and Specialists.
The.moit' wlfloly nnd favorably known spec
ialists In the United States. Tholr lonit et-
perlouco. roinnrkablo skill imu universal suc
cess In the treatment nml euro of Nervous ,
Chronic and Surgical Discuses , cntlllo them
eminent pliyslclum to the full conOdencoot
tlia aftllctou everywhere. They euurimtoo :
tbo nwful otTccts of early vlco nnd tlio numer-
OU9 evils Unit follow In us train ,
spoedlly , eoimilotoly nncl pnrrnmontly : cured.
OKl ) liltS yield readily totholr skillful trcat-
Riiarnntrcd cured without pain or detention
from l > imiu" ,
nently mid iiecpsitully cured In a\cry case.
SYlMIIMrf. OOMmilllKA , GbKKT , Hper-
nintorrln.'n , Seiclual Weakness , Lost Manhood ,
Night Emissions , Uce.iyul faculties , Female
AVeiilcnoM and all dcllonto ( llsordors peculiar
toelthor sox positively cured , as well us nil
functional disorders that result from youtu-
ful follies or th oM'Css of irmture years ,
< JTPIvriIBl ( Guaranteed permanently
oilvluL Ulvlj cured , removal con tilcto ,
\flthout outtlnd , caustlonr dilatation. Cures
nffectcd ut homo by iiatlcut without u mo
ment's pnln or annnj-aiieo.
A QTIP17 niPKTho nwful effects of
oUlVIy L-UIM ; cnriy vlco which brlnss
nrjranlo vraixkness. rtostroylnff both mind and
with all Its dreaded ills , permaucnty
TWQ RUTT Address those wliohavolm-
\J\\d. \ UL.UO piirod thoum'lves by Im
proper liidiilgenoo and solitary habits. which
ruin both mind and body , unfitting tlioiu for
business , .study or marrluirc.
MAIIIIIE1) MEN or these entcrlnon that
liajipy life , uwaro of physical debility , quickly
" "assisted ,
Is based upon facts. First 1'raotlcal oxncrl-
enco. i'econd-llvt'ry ' ca > o Is specially studied ,
thus sltu'tins Hulif. TlilrU-Modlclnos are
prt-uuml In our laboratory exactly to suit
each case , thus uffcctlugcutcavrlthout Injury.
Drs , Betts & Betts ,
Electric Light Goods , Bells , An
nunciators , Alarms , Etc.
( Illustrated Catalogue l'reo. )
1614 Capitol Avenue , - Omaha , Xeb
Arc Lights nnd Motors.
Small Electric Light plants f or stores , fac
tories , hotels , etc. , a spcclnltv. Corrvsuontl-
cnco solicited. 11.11. HUM IMlURY , ContractIng -
Ing ami Consulting Engineer , 1034 N. V , Llfo
llulldlng , OiiiaUu , Nub ,
IpodflJ for Hrftr1 , l > l iiM ] , fill. Is nJct .W k
fuln.ii i , n > ltl Dpr > lei , luriuliff of the llnla. r
MmV tl * t > < . . .
VTUk Mete orl r ftir lz boxes , mil nt purrliuar
> t * to refund noacr 1C tb > trmtmtiit filu to
Cart Ua JUU luu a milK num * oiaoalTti
lUOl'aruin SltMk . Ouithu. Neb ,
The ; Oatiso Trouble In th House in Which
Ho Ruled ,
A. Secret Meeting of tlio Members of
No. 'I KiiKinc Company
tlio I'ctsThcr > ls-
.An atmosphere of oppressive heaviness
IU ng over No. 3 engine liouso last Tuesday
evening. So Intense was It that It could bo
'clt for a dlstnnco of nchrlf a block , and pass-
trs-liy on the opposite sldo of the street
glanced curiouslr over Uio way , to divine , If
Kwslblc , whatcvcutof such unusual moment
was transpiring.
.Firemen wcro grouped together hero and
there iu little knots of UVOT tuid threes , nnd
11 low totios , wbloh only served to Increase
tbo air of suspicion and mystery , earnestly
discussed some ( Bastion In which it was evi
dent that all of ttiora felt the dccpos t Interest.
Itcpented Inquiries failed to elicit the slight
est Information as towtiat was going on , but
subsequent developments inaOecvcrytnlngas
plain as day.
The lire laddies wcro caucusing.
A meeting tintl been called for 8 o'clock , it
which every Hit-man stationed at the central
engine house was requested to bo pretoiit , as
matter of vital Impottniico to each nnd every
onoof them -\va to bo considered , and It was
desired to have a free expression of opinion
in the innttor. They had It , nnd. Vut for an
unexpected Interruption the firemen might
still have been expressing thcmselvc'i.
The meeting was Indirectly the outgrowth
of the death of little Keno , the pet Scotch
terrier , whoso untimely death , while running
to a lire , the boys had been , called upon to
mourn only a few days before.After that
sad occurrence was inado public , several let
ters of condolence wcro received at the cn-
Rlne house , hut all failed to lill the vacant
place until George Stornsdorftdroppcd In one
morning ( vlth a very youthful descendant of
his favorite puff.
( icorgols not a full-fledged success on the
stump , but made a presentation specen
which would havoreilcctcd credit on n more
assuming man than that humble donor ot
condensed canine virtues. Thcro ivcro
tears iu his voice iis ho feelingly referred to
the late departed great , big , Juicy tears , bo-
sldo which tlio copious drops of bnno ex
uded from Judge IJalrtwin's optics while un-
hurdeiiiiiB himself of his defense of "woman ,
lovely woman , " would instantaneously evap
Notwithstanding this , George proved him
self equal to the occasion. Ho carefully
picked out the tears as they rose to the sur-
lace and shoved them back in his pocket for
use on a future day.
Ho found it very easy to talk aDoutlveno'
hut when it came to Introducing the uffly
looklng , black nosed pupthatho llsued out of.
his pocket , ho was stranded. Thcro was lit
tle to recommend him. lie had no pedigree
as a lire do ? : to fall bncK on , and his owner
finally ejaculated. "S'poso jou'll want an
other doe , boysi'1 whereupon he tossed tao
pup Into'nn empty feed box and departed.
That was the occasion of the pug pup's do-
hut in lire circles , and the meeting on Tues
day night was called to see whether or not
the cift was to bo formally accepted and the
young stranger adopted and initiated Into
the lire sorvlco of the city.
Promptly at the appointed hourCnmnln
Wludheim of No. 3 chemical reared his ab
breviated form , upon the headboard of .Assis
tant Chief Sailer's bed , and call the assem
bled lire tiphters to order.
"MyChristian lire caters" said he , "wo
have met tonight to consider n question of the
most serious moment. I sincerely trust that
all of our deliberations will be characterized
by the utmost harmony. Without nar-
inony "
"Now you hold on right there , Mr. Chair
man , " interrupted ' -Spud11 Fanlsh. "Wo
might Just as well start this thlnt ; right , and
I object to all this talk about harmony. I
want It undcrstond that this ain't n political
meeting , and the council combine don't ' get
any linger In this pie. "
"Second the motion , " sang out. Charley
Prinelc , driver of No. 1 truck.
"Shut up , and wait till 1 get through , "
growled Farrish. "Wml I want to say ia
this : Wo are all free American citizens , and
gap rule don't go In this circus. "
"Careful 'bout ' touching on politics , Spud , ' ,
cautioned \Vaverin. .
Don't try to tap my plug , .Toe , after 1'vo
got water on. " severely remarked Mr. Far
rish. "I snid wo didn't propose to submit to
giir rule , nnd 1 want to know bywhat author
ity the chairman Shinned upthat roost to pre
side over this meeting' . "
"The pentlemnn from the lower floor is out
of order , " declared the chair.
"Don't you believe it , " snid the redoubtable
"Spud. "
"I said the gentleman was out of order and
I meant it , " loudly vociferated the chairman ,
as he deftly proceeded to extract a spanner
from his boot-lop.
"I don't deny It now that I understand the
situation , " assented the champion of free
speech , as ho meekly subsided.
"Now , then , " continued the chairman ,
"tho object of this meeting Is to see what
action will ho taken about securing a successor
ser to our lamented , or shull wo leave the va
cancy vacant j"
"Better get somobodv In that chair and
then there would bo ono less vacancy vacant , "
senttmtiously observed Furiish , whoso courage -
ago returned \vhea the spanner was slipped
l > acl < Into Its hiding plncc.
"If wo decide to appoint a successor , " said
the vbitlr , not dcifmingto notice the Inter
ruption , "wo will first have to determine
what kind of n varmint the successor is to bo.
For mv part , 1 say 'no moro dogs about this
coop.1 Howsomever- ray illustrious cpinr.ides ,
the game is now In your hands. What Is your
pleasure , gentlemen } "
"ISIovo wo proceed to elect a chairman , "
said Fnrrish , as ho winked at lorn Dowling
to second the motion.
"Tho motion is out of order nnd will not ho
entertained by the chair , " was the remarka
bly prompt ruling that floated down from the
top of the headboard.
"Soo here , Cap , this dura fool ruling has
gone far enough,1' said "Spud" sharply , as ho
spasmodically assumed a perpendicular posi
tion.Vo can stand a little of it Just for
fun , but you nla't blpr enough to play Tom
Keed with us and maUo o go of It. Wo are
the people , and "
"You'ro a lot of idlotlo chumps If you thick
I don't ' 'mow my business , " Interrupted the
chair with considerable acerbity. "Now ,
Spud , If you don't ' keep still I will have 'em
turn the hose on you niul let 'em play half an
hour through you. Another thing , the ohair
Insists on being respectfully addressed by
gentlemen on the floor , Familiarity will cost
you three days' pay , As I said before , mo
tions are now in order , "
"Movo wo elect a secretary , " said Bert
Head , plpemnnof the chemical , and the mo
tion was seconded nnd cuuled without a dis
senting voice.
"Uncouple your nominations , " directed the
chair as ho pulled out a stop-watch and pre
pared to catch the time.
"I supRCst the natno of Chief Saltcr , " said
Captain Joe Lank of No , 1 truck , despite n
vigorous shaking of the head on the part of
Farrish , who seemed determined to pose as
chief kicker.
"Is the nomination seconded ! " asked the
"Second the nomination , " replied n voice
that apparently belonged to the occupant of
Sailer's chair. It could not bo proven , how
ever , that ho had seconded his own nomina
tion , and the motion selecting1 him prevailed.
Sailer took a small Ibbcock upon his1 knees
and soon had tbo minutes up to dato.
"Mr. Chairman , " said Loux , "Imovo thnta
committee bo appointed to take steps to re
cover our old black atom-cat that left us a
year ago. "
" \Vo don't want him hack , " said Frank
Mczllc , tillerman of tuo big truck. "What
wo wimt Is something that won't bo around
in the way all the time. Wo must have a pet ,
but wo might Just us well huvo something
that can bo kept shut up. I am in favor of
cutting a full-blooded Plymouth Rock rees
ter. "
"Tuln't ' the thing , " declared Dowlinp.
Twouldwako us up every morning at SJMO ,
and I'm opposed to any such work , lioosters
ain't worth a cuss in au englno house. If wo
want some nice attractive pots lots , by all
means , liuvo sorno pulnea pigs. ' )
That inado Ed Core howl. That is the liig-
Keu fool Idea wo bavo hod yet , " said bo. "It
you want pig keep clvillted ones and then
you won't hare to eat trlchlnto when you
wimt n iparo rib. "
"Thntvlcwl * altogether too mercenary , "
said Billy Gorman.Vo \ don't want a pet
for that purpose. Our feelings nro too ten
der ; and wo will nnt lavish our affections on
an object preparatory to sending it to the
hlock. Wo oURht not to limit ourselves to
tbo dumb animals of the brute creation.
Suppose wo adopt a bnby. "
This occasioned n tcrrlblo uproar , and In
the midst of It Sult-or struggled to his feet
and demanded recognition.
"Mr. Chairman , I move you , sir , thnt ft
messenger be sent over to Ed Wittlg's nt
once for a quart of ink for use nt the secre
tary's table. "
Sailor docjnred hlir.iclf In favor of recip
rocity measures , nnd his motion received a
dozen sccotidv but the chair refused to put It
until ho could consult with tbo lire uni >
police commission ,
"Tell you what's the matter , " said Ell
Kllng , "you haven't any of you struck the
keynote , and I want to say right hero that for
a real good thoroughbred pet you can't beat a
billy goat. It's no trouble to Itc-ep 'cm. They
can forage for themselves , nnd there's never
any trouble with 'cui ' utter you get acquainted.
They wouldn't bother us in the morning' , and
they would keep the little boys out of the
Another thing , wo wouldn't have to worry
all the time about such a pet Betting killed ,
for there nln't nothing but prohibition doc-
tclno that would kill 'em ' , aud nobody hero
takes any stock In thnt. "
"S y"Ell , such talk us that makes moslck , "
was the declaration of JocLnnk. "Vou must
tnlnk wo never heard of a William Roat. It
wouldn't bo so bad if the city kept us In
clothes , but you can bet your month's ' pay
that I don't vote for any billy oat to come Inhere
hero to swallow my shirt unu oat the soles of
my shoes while I'm asleep. If you've got to
have a goat why didn't ' you say a nuniiy goat.
Nanny fronts is enough sight pattcntcr , and
another thing they ain't ' so fragrant as their
brothers. Say. I wouldn't live In thesamo
ward with a btllv goat. "
"You can't ' sell mo nay goat stock , " snid
Charley Cox. "I'm tired of four-legged pets
anyway. What's the matter with a parrot ?
It wouldn't take lotiRtoget It so that It would
say lots of things. "
" .An englno house nln't no place for a kin
dergarten for parrots , " was the positive
reply of Billy reading , "Tho blamed things
would get so profane thnt our plrls wouldn't
dare to come and see us. I llko birds well
enough nnd I don't see what's the matter
with having a canary or two. "
" .A canary or two , " repeated Billy Malvln ,
contemptuously. "Wlij : don't you get n
cradlentidbo tfono with it. I want apotns
bad as anybody , but If 1 can't ' have a lulu
bird I won't ' have anything. What do you
want , Kent"
The question was a poser , and Hen
Wimlow , driver of Assistant Chief Sailer's
bupgy , scratched his head for several seconds
before he answeicd. "Seems to mo wo have
had enough common , cvcry-day things and I
am in favor of getting something that the
other houses can't get. There's a funny-
looking thing Just built its nest over
the main entrance to the new city
hall , nnd if wo could onlv get ono of its
younc ones we'd ho fixed all right.
"What's the name of it ! " inquired Par-
rish , whose interest seemed to revive at the
"jon't ) anybody seem to know , " was the
answer. "B ut then that would bo so much
the better , don't you see ? "
"Guess n dog Is about the only thing wo
can agree on , " sjggcstod 1'dngle.
"If you fellers have got through tolling
what you don't know , guess I'll do a little
talking myself , " said the chairman. "I say
no moro dogs. Chances are too great against
getting a good ono. We've had all kindsand
I have had enough of tnem. The only way
for n flro dog to behave is to stay nt homo
and watch the housowhen the apparatus
goes out. That's ' the way ( ! 's dog does , and
Captain Carter's English hull bitch over nt
No. ! i's Is the same way. "
"That's all right , only Carter's dog isn't
an English bull. Mlko Is an Irish
man , and ho wouldn't associate
with anthing but a land league dog , "
snid Saltcr , as ho concluded reporting Wiud-
licim's speech In shorthand.
'We've had dogs , " continued the chair
man , "that would try to nip the men's heels
as they ran to the polo when an alarm came
in , and others that scared the horses halt to
death with their barking. Some were always
under foot when wo wore la a hurry , and wo
must have something different. "
"Lot's adopt this pup of Stcrnsdorff's , "
said Lank. "He's so slow nnd clumsy he
couldn't got in the way. Ho wouldn't get
started until after we were gone. "
"Don't llko the idea , " said the chairman ,
"but I'll put the inotiouVhatdoyousay"
to ill"
"Wo all say aye , " was the unanimous
"Now wo must pet n name for "
Ding ding ding
There was a rush as of a whirlwind , nnd
rising above the sound of clattering hoofs
noatcu uacic mo voice or tno captain :
' Spud , you stay hero and R'IVO the pup his
milk , and you can nauio him at tlio next
treeting. "
Dr. Blrney cures cntnrrh. Boo bldg.
Cruel Treatment of Young AVonicn Iu
the tiaiul \Villtnm Tell.
No sooner are the Swiss girls largo
enough to possess the requisite physical
strength than they are sot to the most
servile work the Inntl affords , says the
Baltimore NOWB. The child has a panior
basket fitted to her shoulders ut the
earliest possible moment , and she drops
it only when old ago , premature , but
merciful , robs her of power to curry it
I have seen sweet little girls of twelve
or fourteen staggering down a mountain
side or along n rough pathway under the
weight of bundles "faggots as largo us
their bodies , which they no sooner
dropped than they hurried back for
others. I have soon girls of fifteen years
bare-footed and bare-headed in the blis
tering1 rays of an August sun , breaking
up the ground by swinging mattocks
heavy enough to tax the strength of an
able-bodied man ,
I have known a young miss no older
than these to bo employed as ti porter
for carrying the baggage of travelers up
and down the steepest mountain path in
all the region round about , She admit
ted that it was sometimes very hard to
take another step , hut she must do it.
And she carried such an amount of
baggage ! A stout-limbed guide is pro
tected by the law , BO that ho cannot bo
compelled to carry above twenty-live
pounds , but the limit to the burden put
upon girls is their inability to stand up
under anythingmoro. . Hut the burden
increases -with the ago nnd Btroncrth of
the burden-bearers , till by the time the
girls Imvo como to womanhood there is
no sort of rnonlal toll in which they do
not bear a hand , and quite commonly the
chief hand.
Dr. Blrnoj" euros catarrh , Boo bldg.
To the North Polo in a Tlitlloon.
MM. Georges Bosanconvdirector of the
superior school of aerial navigationand ,
Gustavo Hormito , astronomer nnd me
teorologist , nephew of the president of
the a'cadomy of science , propose to raako
n scientific expedition to the North Polo.
\\ltli that object they intend toconstruct
n balloon of lined silk , thirty meters in
dlamolor , nnd having a cubic capacity of
11,120 motor * . The balloon will bo
covered with a special varnish , which
will insurolts absolute Imparvlousncss.
It will bo filled with pure hydrogen , and
Us car will bo constructed on a novel
plan , especially suitable for this polar
expedition. It is calculated thnt the
aerial journey will last from four to five
days , to bo commenced at Spltzborgen.
The travelers expect to como down on
the North American continent , or In
the northern portion of Asia , a journey
of some 3,500 kilometers.
Dr. Birncy cures hay fovor. Bee bldg.
A missionary station ivaj established on
Knvaln Island , Lake Tanganyika , Africa , In
lb < M , by Captain. E. G. Here , who was accom-
riimled to this rcmoto post by his wlfo and
four-year-old son , Slnco then schools for
bays aud girls have been established , a
steamer has been placed on tbo luke , fruit
trees and gardens have been planted , im
proved houses and workshops have been
built , and a medical service Uas been put la
ATrul ; Arcadian Lifs Among the Woods
of Ontario.
llnppjr Union of the Two on Ideal
Farms Where Nature IMnys
the Artist I'Ju-rj'where A
Northern Garden Spot.
CHATHAM , Ont , Sept. 3. [ Special to TUB
BUB. ] I have found Arcadia ,
Some dny this beautiful peninsula nestling
nmongthe lakes will 'produce ' a poet , another
Hums , and all the Tvovld will stop to hoar
him sing. Itnral life hero approaches the
Ideal. Tbe somber bush , where the shafts ot
sunlight lose thcmscUcs among the moiled
trunks of the beech 'trees , long stretches of
level road fading ninonf masses of oak and
maple nnd walnut in the blue distance , or-
chardsof peach and ' ' ( juluco and apple trees
wooed into frultnilnc3)f ) 'by ' the breezes from
the lakes , the sheep and cattle browsing In
the fields and the golden grain stacked In tbo
pray angles of tbo barns present scenes which
artists love.
The Canadian farmer has caught tbo spirit
of his surroundings. Thrift and sentiment
go hand in baud. Thorough cultivation wins
from the soil its richest harvests , but to him
his land Is not alone valuable for tbo
money it will produce , Having ren
dered his investment profitable no
proceeds to make it beautiful. Pine
and cedar trees grow wild here , and with
these ho ornaments his land. Tielda with
rows of evergreens Illicitly set tbo cntiro
length next the road are very common , aud on
the northern shore of Lake Erie I saw a corn
field bordered with alternate maple and plno
trees , nnd outside this a gravel walk. The
soil along the lakeshore is a sandy loam of
such n nature that the roads never get ! oft
even In the rainiest seasons. Nature has fur
nished a macadam which answers every pur
pose of nn asphalt pavement , and uo art
could surpass these level drives. The roads
further back In the country nro Just now
things of beauty , but I am told that they are
by no means joys forever. During tbo rainy
season and after heavy snowfalls they some
times bccomo almost Impassable , aud for a
time last spring travel was nhnost suspended
In the region surrounding Chatham. The
country Is so level that the water will not
pass off rapidly , and all the farms nro drained
either by uitcbesoc underground tiling. This
is not entirely Arcadian , hut oven Eden grew
some bitter fruit.
The homo of the Ontario farmer Is the cen
ter from which his whole llfo radiates nnd to
ward .which all his efforts bend. Every
thing is done to make tbo homn attractive. A
very largo number of the farm houses are of
brick and all the new ones nro built in mod
ern style with nil the conveniences which a
country life will allow. The lawns nro broad
and as smoothly kept as those before tbo lln-
cst residences in Omaha. Hero the cedars
aud the pines are used to the best advantage
nnd the urtlstio manner in which they nro
everywhere arranged would seem to indicate
that skill in landscape gardening is indigen
ous to the soil.
The principal products here are wheat ,
oats , barley , peas , bonus aud root crops.
Very little corn is grown and practically none
Is taken to market. The small amount raised
Is used for the hops nnd the horses and the
root crops furnish the main winter food for
tbo cattle. The bulk of the peas are fed to
the hogs which nro turned ia among the vines
03 soou as the teeds are ripe. The bean vines
are cut by machines , raked into wind rows
uutll dried and then threshed out In an ordin
ary threshing machine.
while on the prosaic subject of beans I may
again illustrate the association of the useful
and the beautiful in this sylvnnllfo. The larg
est Held I saw'of this product so dear to Bos
ton's classic palate was nurroundcd by n
picket fence painted hut brown with pea
green trimmings. This is the property of a
Mr. Morrison , who llvtes in a brick house
with gable windows and long porches on the
banks of the Thames. The Thames Is nar
row but very deep and very crooked , ramb
ling past the city of Chatham through marsh
lauds into Lafce St. Clnir. A very respecta
ble steamer called thb City of Chatham
twists its way down tbls river and across St.
Clalr to Detroit three times a week , return
ing the same day , I iVvilde the trip in a drlz-
zllnir rain and a stiff breeze. It usually takes
about four hours to go- ' across , but thG day I
went.owing to the insuoordlnation of thecle- required flvo. I stayed on the upper
deck during the cutlro voyage. > Vhllo not
occupied in watching1 the white caps I
strolled along the guard rail and carelessly
tossed portions of my breakfast Into tbo lake.
I rose with the laric In order
to catch the boat nnd &to a light
meal , but ! didn't realize now light it was
until I got on board. I don't think I should
like a seafaring life , but If ever 1 am com-
jjelled to follow it I intend , as nearly as possi
ble , to follow the illustrious example of Sir
Joseph 1'ortcr , K. C. B.
I think largo bodies of water lopk much
better from the shore anyhow" . I saw the sunset
sot on Lake Brio lost Saturday and it was
very cleverly done , To the rnero human eye
nothing seemed wanting to complete the
scene. John Rusltin or Joseph Mallord Will-
lam Turner ralpht Imvo found some detail
lacking1. I speak only of the tout ensemble.
I don't like details and believe that n good
all-wool tout ensemble will outlast a half-
dozen of them. This one was not all wool ,
however , although a flock pf well-fed sheep
arranged themselves In the foreground Just
at the proper time where the fading rays fall
ing on the group recalled tbo logcnd'of the
Golden. Fleece. Imaninoto tbo right of them
n lishermnti's but with a faded net bung on
stakes near by , then the old fisherman him
self nnd his gray-haired wife , to the left the
glinting lake half embraced by nn arm of the
land and beyond the sun sinking below the
tree tops ,
Above the lake nnd some little distance
back is a country church yard , surrounded by
ola oaks and pines and filled with quaint
hoadstoaes almost as ancient. The classic
elegy could not have had a moro fitting birth
place. Hero
Each In his narrow cell forever laid ,
The rude forefathers of tbo hamlet sleep.
An inscription on ono of the monuments
was so novel that I reproduce It here , omitting
names :
Wife of Charles AV. , died December 4,1874 ,
need-10 years , a nativeof iJutnoyKnglnnd.
Mywife so dear bo of good cheer ,
\Vo will meet you there , your children dear
In a few more years
If tbo Lord so please , your gears you left
Yours dears in their small years with hopes
nnd fears.
Without your fears what sadly vest the
little dears ,
Yourvolcoso clear , your rnaro can't hoar
your feathery tribe , the same my dear.
The lowing kino , likewise the swine.
The lambs la time will miss you sair ,
If they should lose their mother dear ,
Wheeler , iny dear , has not been hero ,
So Jerry is clear for this new year.
A loving mother who lies hero ,
As over left her children dear.
Heaven's rest her soul where 'era she Is ,
The wish of these loft hero.
Hero Ho the remains of fathers nnd grand
fathers and great grandfathers back to the
earliest settlement of the country.- Although
25 per cent of the native born Canadians nro
now residents of the United States there are
very few now families hero. Everybody has
lived hero from time immemorial ana nearly
everybody Is at least u second cousin to
every oody else. In n short drive your Cana
dian friend will showyou wbero ho was born ,
n few miles away the school house where bo
learned his letters , Just ft little further on the
great brick house among the walnut trees
where ho looked upon ) iis neighbor's daughter
nnd saw that she was fair and finally , still
within a narrow radius1 , his own pretty homo
\vhorobls son ? and daughters have grown to
manhood and womanhood.
The fanners are very Intelligent men nnd
usually well read , They are especially well
acquainted with American politics and Amor *
lean ways. Thoyudtnlro the push anddrlvo
of tbo "Yankees , " as tljey call all who como
from tbo States , " \Vhllo there Is a strong
fceline of loyalty throughout the dominion
toward Great Britain ttio spirit ot American
institutions Is gradually leavening ttio whole
iieoplo nnd the progressive clement , which Is
being constantly recruited , feels that the
closer the two countries get together , the bcU
tor It will bo for both. FRANK AIKI.SSOK.
worn NO.
II. U. ' . * n IteinM Frte rreu ,
When the owl Begins his loving ,
To-wit , when ho begins to woo ,
Lonely , lovo. 1 then uui roving
Through the forest track to you.
To woo , to vlt ,
To wit , to woo.
Through the forest 1 am roving ,
On my vvny , sweet lovC , to you.
Forest path is never dreary
\Vhon wo begin to woo , to wit ;
Uuoyant hope will keep us cheery
Till bcsldo our love wo sit.
To wit , to woo ,
To woo , to wit.
When besldo our loved ono cheery ,
Brlght-e cd IIopo will also sit.
Altclluorit Drought to the City by
Mr. ( } . Ij. U-slle.
Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo II. Leslie have re
turned from an extended visit to I\'ow Hamp
shire , Tt.t unJ other plncus , und have brought
with them many souvenirs of a inoit delight
ful trip.
\mong them wcro facsimile copies of the
first issue of the New f Inrnpshlro Gnzettethe
oldest newspaper In America , published at
Portsmouth. The date 1s Thursday , October
7 , 1750. It Is n four-pugo pa | > crt &xlO Inthcs
in size , with the lines vmiiilni ; tlio full width
of the paper : making It , therefore , a sin
gle column. Tbo local nnd "mall" pages ,
which were then the equivalent for the tele
graph page of papers of today nro divided
into two columns.
The publisher promises in italics to glvo
"tho f reshest advices , foreign mid domestlck , "
and underr the heading , ' 'The I'llnter to the
Public , " announces himself as follows ;
Upon the Encouragement given by n Num
ber of subfcrlbcn ngrcablo to printed Pro-
pofnls , I now publifh the llrft WEEKLY
GizuTTK , for the Province of New-lUMi1-
SIIIIIK ; depending upon tno Favour of all
Gentlemen who uro Friends to learning , Ite-
Uylon and TAlcrty to countenance my Under
taking , as this is the beginning of Printing
in this Province , fo that I may go on cheer
fully , and continue this Paper In a ufcful und
entertaining Manner.
Fondnefs of News may bo carried to an
extreme ; but every Lover of MnnkSud muft
feel a ftrong Deflro to know what pafles in
the World , as well as within his own private
Sphere ; and particularly to bo ncqualnted
with the Affairs of his own Nation and Coun
try Efpccially at fuch a 1 imo ns this , when
the ISritlfh Nation is engaged in a Juft and
iiecof fary "War with a powerful Enemy , the
i'rrne/i / , a "Wnr in which thofo mcrtam Col
onies nro moft nearly iutercftcd , the Event of
whtchmuftbo of tbo utmoftlinportanceboth
to us nnd all the Ilritlfli Dominions , every
true Engllfbman muft bo anxious to know
from Time to Time the State of our atlaira , at
Homo and in the Colonies.
I fhall therefore take Pains to furnifh mv
Headers with the inof . material Nuws which
can bo collected from every Part of the
World , particularly from Crcat-lli Ita tn , and
Its Dependencies : And great Care will be
taken that no facts of Importance fhall be
published but fuch as nre well allotted , and
thefe fhull be as particular as may bo necef-
But befides the common News , whenever
there fhull be Room , nnd as there may bo Oc-
caflon , this Paper will contain Extracts from
the heft Authors on Points of the moftufoful
Knowledge , moral , religious or political Ef-
fnys , and other fuch Speculations as may have
a Tendency to Improve the Mind , afford any
Help to Trade , Manufactures , Hufbandry ,
and other ufoful Arts , aud promote the pub-
Welfare in any Kefpect.
As the Press always claims Liberty in free
Countries , It is presumed that none will bo of
fended if this Paper discovers that Spirit of
Freedom wn'ch ' so remarkably prevails in the
Kngllth Nation : But as Liberty ought not to
bo ubus'tl , no encouragement will bo given by
the Publisher to any Thing which is appar
ently design'd ' to foment Divisions in Church
or State , nor to any Thing grofaue , obscene
or tending to encourage Immorality , nor to
such writings as are produced by private
Plqo , aud.fill'd with personal Reflections and
insolent , scurrilous language. It is a great
Abuse of good Sense as well as good Manners
to employ these Means which inny bo service
able to tbo best Purposes , in the service of
Vice or any thing Indecent , or which may
give Just Occasion of Offence , to any persons
of trvts Taste and Judgment. And therefore
proper cautkm will always bo us'd to avoid
all reasonable Grounds of Complaint on that
The Publifer will cftcom it a great Favour
to bo well fupplled by Correfpotidcuts of
Genius and generous Sentiments with fuch
Speculations orEffars ns may bo pleaflng nnd
iuf tractive to the Public , agreeable to the
Dcflgn of this Paper , and acknowledge itfelf
obliged to any Ge'ntlemaii who will take the
Pains to communicate to him any good
Intelligence , provided they bo font free irora
Another line of italics declares "Tho fol
lowing articles nro the moft material of yef-
tcrday's mail. "
ANTIGUA , Augu ft 23.
On Thursday Inft arrived hero hisAfaJcf-
ty's Ships the Edinbui-g , of T4 Guns , Capt.
Lnugdnn , on board of which it is said Ad
miral Franklin will hoift his TTlag , and tlio
Augufta of 00 , Capt. Wichham , with Mer
chantmen under convoy. Jn the Augufta.
carao together with bis hidv and Sister ,
James Hess , Esq : Col. of his Mujefty's 8th
Ucglmcnt of Foot.
An account of nn engagement says :
"The li'ienchlirft landed with 15,000 men ,
some Accounts say 17,000 , and were rein
forced with 4,000 : whereas wo had not 3,000
at lirft , and no reinforcement. "
Other "fresh advices" are given from Phil
adelphia anailnlitlx :
" .A'cii' York , Sept. 27. Thursday Inft , a
Frenchman supposed to bo a Spy , was
brought here from Albany , where ho was se
cured by Order of the Eail of London , and is
committed to our Goal.
The snmo Morning Capt. Juunccy arrived
hero 2 ; $ Days .from Jamaica. Ho was ten
Days in tlio Windward Passngo , without sec-
ing a Vessel of any Nation whatever. There
nre now oa the Jamaica Station - .ships of 00
Guns , 1 of 60,1 of 40 nnd _ > of' ' Guns , and 3
others of TO nnd SO Guns each , dally expected
there. "
From Boston It is learned that "Monday
Inft , his Mnjefiy's Ship MtrinnM ( on board o'f
which is his Excellency Governor )
sail'd from this Port for Unulantl.
Tuesday Inft , being Training-Day nt raftte
intdniii , in ilrlncr ono of tho42 Pound Can
non , It split to pieces , by which Mr.
Scarcr , a Quarter-Gunner , was Inli'd ' on the
Spot , ono had his leg so terribly shattered
that It has sinca been cut off ; another was
much wounded in his Head and Side mid
several others received some Hurt , but 'tis '
hoped they will all do well. "
The onlv local Information given Is that
"by an Kxpress thnt nrriv'd lirro ycfterday
from Albany , wo have Advice , Tnat the
French are making some Advances towards
our Camp nt Lake George , and that General
Winslow was npprenslvo they had some
Thoughts of paying him a Visit , and thnt his
Lordship the Karl of London had demanded
of tbo several Governors in New England a
Reinforcement. "
The place of publication is nnnounced ns
"Portsmouth In New Hampshire , " und It is
stated that the paper Is :
"Printed by Daitltl f'oidc.whero this Paper
mny bo had nt One Dollar per Annum , or un
Equivalent In Bills of Credit , computing a
Dollar this Year at Four J'ountb Old Tenor. "
Dr. TUrnoy euros liny fovor. Hco bldg.
G. A. Lindquest
Merchant : - : Tailoring1
business and Invites Ills old friends anil pat
rons , ns wi'll as tliuRcnrntl public to call and
Inspect his new MOCK of Imported und ilornostlo
woolens. Everything first clas * .
ESTABLISH ED 1874. - - 316 S , I5TH ST.
WeOffer for Sale ,
Tour thoiiRind ton * choice Ilnlcil liny , P.O.
II.curs , Ktruniiti'rf SIilln ; , Lutim nr llornlok
st.-UloiH , on 0. M. 4rit. I1. It. U. , In lots tooiilt
ptiruliaer ; prlcos ro ululuJ by tlio market
Cult iiml sun us.
Eye and Ear.
llirkurl ! look. litU nd Karuam.
Dr. McGrew.
Ii unsurpn.istvl In tlie treatment of nil forms of
Private Diseases ,
rionorrtioon , ( Iloct nd all dl'eliirKO * . Ill troit- :
nmln enrol" cuirnntunl In Ofcry cnso No trcnt-
nicMit 'nan ovrr lict'ii imiro micros aful nnilnunohns
lind otronitor omlor-rmutit. A euro In Uio Tory
n or < t case * In from 3 to 5 dnf s without tlio loss of
nil hour's timo.
Orpnlnonil dinicultjr tn pisMne wntcr , permn-
nentljr cnrftl In a f w ilaT1 , without paln.tuttlnif or
dllatlnir. These who li.tvo turn iimlor the doctor's
trrntmiMil for strlcturo pronounce It n most won
derful success ,
Lost Manhood
Andiill enknci e * of tlio ortml orsin , timidity
or iivrruupnosa tn
their worst forms and un t clrruirul ri'MlHs nro
nlnoliitclf nnil iiermnnontlr cured ! tlio doctor ,
nnd tlio jMtlout Is MMHI coraiilotoly restored 10 liU
uninl vigor , ambition and oiiiTKy.
Female Diescases
potltlvelj enroll without Instrument * . Trentmont
l oa llr imdo lijr v.icU pctloat. Hours for ladles ,
rom2 tu I only.
OATAUUII , Skin Ii < * cnf ) H nut ! nil
< lifcn * > O4 of ttio blond , honrt , liver ,
Icldiiojs iind blntlilur absolutely
Cured in ! ( O tn t > O Day * .
Almost twenty ycnrV experience In tro.itlng thU
dreadful dl&cnsc , and tliounnnds of permanent
euro * declare the doctor's tro.itmont to te the most
rapid , safe nnd cfTectlre. No matter what stnjie of
, the doctor
Guarantees a Complete Cure ,
nnd his remedy Ii tlie ino < t powerful nrt'l SIKCOHH-
Julremoiljr ever kno rn to tlie medlcnliclcnco for
tlio permanent euro ot tlili terrible blood dl < enso.
\Vrlto tot circular KVQ ! | < particular * about each of
tlieiiboT < ! dlici c ,
Treatment by corrcspondenco.
TiCFCAMAir , Neb .July iWtli. IS'.O.
, . Dr. SIcfirow , O.wilu. N b. Dear linctor : I feel It
my duty to you n vrell ns cuITurlni ; Immunity tcnor-
nliy , to write you n IcttPr about my enie , wljlo'i you
treated In April , 183M , TUrouBli thJ uilvlio of foine
ofiuy frlondtt , 1 call6t to see the doctornbout my
oa > o , nnd lie pronounced Itarnxiof strlctnru. 1 lixd
UIMMI troubled Mth tills commit n for uiorn than ton
yeuro. und vrlililn tlio pus t few inontJu , before i'e-
tnx the doctor , It liud becoma HI * scrloui that I ( ould
hnrdly pans rny wuturut all.rl'ie ] strhturu wns HO
smnll thnt un Instrument tboal/pof uknlttliicniTdlo
would not pirs UirnuKh It Tlie doctor mudc nn
oper.itlan on the ntlkttiranncl In le llmii nn hour's
time [ was entirely relieved , unJ this condition tins up to tlilndny , moro llun ir > months idnco
tm ! operation , llookupon tlio diictor's cnroof my
rase lit * o * hortn time nnd eo complete , as uclntr n
rcnmrkublo one. Tlio doctor also treated n friend of
mine for the aarno trouble , mid ha tnrel ulm in
a very short time. lnaverlo > t im liuur'n time from
iry work lifter the ourat6n. ! ] , cnm tny to every
nno troubled with n stricture tbnt lr McGrew's
treatment for sucli dtaomerts an un < | imliiU'd suc
cess. Doctor , you mny publish this letter snd refer
anyone tq me tlmtdoiibtn ontlilim I huvo nuld. I
cm nlso vouch for vrlmt llii'o Bald nbout the cure
of my friend. Very respectfully.
\V. 8. nOHKHTS.
OMAHA , Neb. , JulyI'tli ' , 18 0.
To the Public : I was it nufTorer from titrlcturo for
moro tlmn Heren yoirt * . I hnd ( 'reat difficulty nnd
p.lUi Inni-mlnir wntor. Tills dlslre-s was not only In
day-time but ul nliiht and durlnji the nholo nl ht ni
well. My sletpnrai broken niul disti uboil ilnrlnn the
Miolc nlk'lit fiom Imlntf to not up no often 10 re-
llevn tha bhnlaer. Tnli lo < s of rest iilraist clhubl.vl
iuefurbualiie > n , and left mo nervous unj vcrywcuk.
U-ruwtbln 111 flesh. Iind noappctltv , und waslndjod
a mlfterahlo My condition so dMicnrtonod nnd
discouraged me thntl hndnooner y left to punh my
bUHlnos. nnd tlio additional trojbla of a couipleto
fallure In business wmod to be sturlnn inn In the
fnco All tlil < tlmol nun under troatiiiorit forntrlc-
turn nmlxcrier I dob.lllty.but the doctor that treated
mecoiild only clvo mo nonvi roller ut times , but I
continued toarmir orso. This nm my teirlbliicon-
dltloii when Icnllolupunl ) , ' . MKJrowun JnnoUth ,
IBS' ) . The noctor inndo n c.irufnl e.\nmlnntlnn nnd
when ho was thronttli told mo tl'at my trouble wns
all cuti'cd from two stricture * , The doctor
raid ho anticipated mi trouble In muling
a spody und poimanont futo I ma
only too Bind to ho iihlo to testify that thn Hector
tor inudu those words Bood to the very lettet , for In
avhort time 1 nni completely cuii'd nnd Inivu ru-
mnlncdHo tothfo duy. l''or the iwod the doctor lint
done imi I nm not only truly lhr > nkful , but liellcvo ute
to bo my duty to uhu him Ibis letter of endorsement ,
us I loiiud Iiuu tu bo both n nktllfnl | diy4lclan and
lionoriiblo In nil Ills ilt'iillnu'H. 1 nlll only l > o ton
Kind to verify lilt I luno said iibovo. In person , If It
should bo nccessitry , lean aUo ramh lorlhofiut
Hint ono of my friend * wnn tiermnneuty cured of
stricture by Dr. .Mcliruw moru than ono > c rnio ,
and 1m icru lined entirely wo I eiur since Tluiloc-
tor's treatment did nut cauty me to In.en dt ) from
my bimliicm.iiudivnsvoryenyandrupld Tliinmino
nf my friend ! ein nlso triro when It I' iicet'i-nry ,
tlioiiKhlmnnnt nt I lerty In mention It hi this let *
ter. Very riiipcctfnllr ,
JASI'lllt AltMKSj , OmnJii , Nob.
OMAHA 'Neb. . April loth , Ikso.
Ir. J I' . JlcGrw. Oninha. Sir ; I write
jnu to let you know tliut you htvo cut truly cured
me , nnl I feelns well us ctcr In my life 1 have now
been ncll for month * . If any one d jiibts jourubll-
Itytoruro dlucu is juM refer them to iuo ( or tell
them to irrtleto me. 1 found jou to bo n limn of
your word , andln my cnso I found oiery word yon
IDl.i mo to bo true. 1 oin : truthfully recommend yon
Inoverywny. I liad tried feveal oth T doctnis but
none of them win able to euro HID.Vltn the bent
wishes for your Huceeit In truntlne nil oilier tlhfa'cs
I uui , joura respectfully , J A. ll.,0nmlia , .No'j.
OiAIt.Neti. ! . , June. II , IS'.iO.
To Whom It Mny Concern : I doslro to miytlmtl
was trcnlod by Dr. J. K. .McCruw , whoto onion Is nt
tlio N. II. e < ner of llth and runmni directs , nnd waj
euro 1 soumf and "ell tn u very short lime. The tloc-
lor lnaKentlcmanimlUBooJ phyilcltn lean rec
ommend him to any ono lie mny need hl trt-ut-
mint. Uo was recommended to me by nfitmlof
mlno who had been cured by him. I know uf ninny
ho tini cured , and they all xpcak of the doctoral
belnua iu'i t excellent phyMclun.
Itctpcctfullr joura , J. l > , JOHNSON.
OMAHA. Xch. , July ZPlIH'JO. \ \ .
Tlilili toccrltfjrtliat I WUB cured b ) I > r , Mclirctr
of utomnch trouble ilurlni ; them-Hitli of December ,
IM1 . I hndacontlmml pain nndhiirtlndn my ntom-
nch wMch was BO bud nt times I could not work , and
at nl < ht 1 could nnl sleep. Tlio pain was ranch worse
nfterontlniiand there wnssuch n bad tniito In my
mouth of inornlmti. I was ro nervous nnd wenk ,
nnJ was growing tbln lutleoli.Vuun 1 went tone
Dr. Mcfirow lot-aid ho could euro me In * , fowdays ,
nnd llx-Knn tntlnj his medicine. In a very short
time I wns entirely well , mid have In en urcr ilnco.
Mr "tonmcli hai never Klrcn maanr P'ln or troullo
since I wainlso Uojtd by Ilr Mclireir In March.
hlO , ( or ere throat und tlio lost of my voice , 1
could only spenk In it weak hlsi > or l r. MctJrow
rurfd mo entirely In a fonr days , und 1 hava liad
no throat trouble since , wlilla my vulco l > im uood
nnU strong a It CUT nan. Icertilnly can recom
mend Dr. .Mcd'rawai aftoml doctor nnd a rent Ionian.
Very respectfully , MATHILDA CAItlriU.V ,
2001 llurtHlrcot , Onmha , Nub.
Dr , JlcfSrcw Dear Sir : What you Imve done In
my dauvliter'i cuie In more than wo exf cted , You
never promised anjtliliiK ns other doctor * thnt h cl
thoia'O before 5011 did. .My diuchterls on the rend
to health , and Orthli no Imvo yon to thank. This
youuiny iiubllah. Vours , wlfi urntllucle , .N ,
Dr , McUrow DcarSIri My ra which linn hien
iTvenup by the best phr > lclm < In OniiUi , 1 I nvx
nuxttottjd , y < iur ik U ti tlualctorlhut 1 aa > now
on'if Led und carianln of ( Icilnr my houiCMork I
will bo ulnd It ) eiplnln tn uny < mn vrlici dei rsto
kuowiuy rumarkatila HlcVn Hi , all that I have done
for It and Iho l rua nniount of money I > iK-nt unit
without tholorntbllof help. Afteryo1 rvUit , Ike-
tor , lo my Irnno. two mantlis , i roniinonin to fiel
letter nnd now thunklinl. 1 am intrelf nealn This
yon mn > publish lean nut hero mention uiio tunth
of tliuuuod you haveilono me ) nm yours , Ihunk-
1VII ruulHtroelonlm , Nub ,
Entrance from olthor btrcut.
Our srtlos on hoth DIAMONDS
nntl WATCHKrf have boon UNUS
UALLY LARGKot Itito.owlnjj to
our CUT PRICKS. Our stock of
litijr pretty lo\v , so wo huvo just eot
a liirco numliop of CIIOICB
TATION , nntl wo olTor tliom nt n
COST. The setting * comprise n
ln.r ro vnrioty of SOUTA1UK und
LOOSK STONKS of nil slzos
Stipphlrca , Umorcvldg , Ijcnrl3 , niul
all ether pi colons atones , mounted
niul loose.
SALE of WATCIIKS is still 111
Lanlosat S15 , SHO , $25 , $30 , to , $10 ,
84U , $ oO , and unwnrd.
\YATCIIES of nil Idnila , from Slij
up to the lint'st ' ( , 'ratlcs ( Elfin , \Val-
tliam , Hownril , etc ) .
American movements , warranted
from 15 to io ! years , only § 11.7o ;
worth Hi ! nml U\vnrd. |
So.75. iS. $10. $12 , $15 nnd up.
niul $5.
KUDUOBD PRICES to nurcliiibora
\Vittclieadurinp this sale.
GKR KINGS from ; J1 to 10 each.
WtVatch Repairing a Specialty.
NOTICE Strangers vlstliiff tlio
city are respectfully invitud to call
nml talto u. look through our cstab-
llshmont , whether wishing to uur-
chase goods or not ,
& BR.O. ,
Sixteenth and Farnam Streets.
Cliconlr. Nervous lllood nnil Siirnlonl Dhcuei unfl
Ul vasti of the Kyo , Hir , NO0 , Thruat nnJ Ghost.
Special Attention to I > iicn u < ofVo
men nnil C'lilldrcn.
Thft doctors have had 7oi\r9 tif oxpyrlancn In the
hofl)1tilfl | of Ilrooklrn nnl Now Vdrk.niitl urn iiiiiung
thuiiiiist nucoOJitui nml wlilclr knorrn 3pclallili la
thocuuntr ) ' .
' ! < > Y < itin < 5 ntitl SI I < 1 dieccil Men.
lost Munliond. Nenroni IK'bllliy. Spcriiintarrlinisi ,
Bomlntil IjOssci. I'liyslcul ll cay. nrlslnifriiuiliirM | < .
crctlun , proiluclni ; Mccploasnnas , dcspunileiicf , plni.
plos on tno f.irc. aversion tonoclctr , cnillr illscotir-
n U' I'd , lackut rontliluncc , ilull , unlit for xtudr or bu l-
nvs , ami Unit ) llfn a burden , satoly , lumnnently
and pee lily cured.
Illooil nml Sk'ii Imo ) Hn-4.
Erphlli ! , n dhomo most drendlul In lt remit ] ,
comiilutcljr crad'c.m ' > J.
Cviiito-Urlnurv f nrtforv.
( lonorrliu > , filcct. Snihllli , Uyilrouolo , Vnrlroolt ,
and StrkUiro , raillcillr "nil nnfoir ciiroit wltlioiit
pnln or detention from huglnoa * , All Scxunl Do-
Icrmttlrs uml luipcdlmuntsto iuatlixo : juucoutull/
All llectnldl > PHM > s mfoly nnrt pcriunncntlrruro t
Hours , tin. in. till d p. < n funUi-s : , 10 till 12.
N , It. I'eraons unnblu to visit in miir 1m trusted at
their homes br corrrspondrnco. .Miullclmii unit In-
ptriK-tliiuJ c-ni by oxpruaa , ( 'unsuintlon true.
bond 4cenU Iu Huu | > 3 to Insure reply ,
218 rif } 5t. , Oppnltn Ilnycl'i
Opera HotiHf , Otiinliii , Neb.
Kxtni flnn
H\tri flue sliiKClS , J2 ciu-li.
iii | Good singers , Kunriiiilot'tl ,
VIM nitcli.
otinx ttncl tunic , tl r > 0 each ,
417 S. IBth St.Omnhn.
ownell Hall
Conici-iif 10th tttid Wortlilnglon t-U. ,
Tnulttv. HOUKRTDOIinUTV , S.T.I ) . UKCrOlu
for catalogue und particulars apply to th
Hector ,
Pall Term opens Sept , 17
Courses In [ .uiisiiuxo , Literature , History ,
Science , Axrlcnlluro ai.d Diulnterlir. . fvau-
oratorlos Inl'liewlstry. Physios , HoUuiy , Xoul-
o.ry. ciiloiiKilusy , Gooloicy , Acrlciiltiuu und
Civil KiiKlm-erlnir. Library of I'.WJJoluiucj
und M(0 ( purloillcnH.
Tiillloiialisoliilolyfreo. TluuicwKyiniiasltirn
l IKirtlnlly equliiucd nnd Kill l > n iipun for slu
dents , I'or outaloguo lulilrissh tltostt-vruiil.
J. S. DA LM , I.lueulo.
RufTrriii ; from tiot-n ) jcunr yuiitli , lf
ipcay. Wfuil wriknt-M , Innt iiinoliuxl , r. , 1 will
urnil a valuable trratlm ( M-nlcil ) < tuit
, PI1KI5 . , .
Iiartlrulan for liomu euro - -
ulcndlil innllrnlwurki thould IHJ nauiyrerf \
inun wlio | i urrroii" and UrMlltntnt. AMmL
I'rof. I'.C. iL'oWLiac.niuuaua.C'oun ,
A POSITIVE and pcrmwent CURE for til
aUeateioftht URIHARYORCAN8. Oirti
wbarnothertreatmeDt falls. Ftlldlreclloniwltheuti
txtttltI'lUe. . oat dollir. Bee Elptalure of EL -
BTAUL. ror SoloQy All DrUEBlBta.
w ita r * % isif.iKK.rTivva {
h ltbrmllrr < it > nd Vtrliactliear * < . rarti ala.ri d.
iuuita i. KiwHoonTr.itlnntirr.4tod i. I.d ,
Becrmy. 1'r.CU. H. IIU'ITH , IT4 I'ulUiiU , T ,