THE OlEAHA DAILY BEE , C FKIDIY , SEPTEMBER 12 , 1890. THE CITY. TheVinkclonrlng-sycBtcrdayamounteil to tl , 011,7 87,1 . The annual counlv tnx list sale will bcirln October 1. mid Treasurer Snydcr B J-H tluit ills aliiy one. Jufleo Shields ycBtcrdny married Jopcpii Mosln ol Cellar Itupius , In. , and 2vlss ! 3IiirioTonuin ol Crete , Neb. ThoWrht Nnllonnl bank will bo closed nt 1 o'clock p. m. Filtlay , Sojitomlcr 12 , duringthofuntuil olMis. Kounlyo. State fnlrtrntul was liotivi1. Nearly 600 Lincoln tickets were Bold nt tlio local depot nnd all west-bound trains vcro heavily loaded , II. Spijrlo 1ms entered. Into pnrtnorslilp with Sptglo A Klein , vholtmta liquor dealers nt 2021 Cumlnif st. The linn nnrno wll I bo SpiffIc , Klein & Co. A licrofecno lump exploded In n hotiso in thorcnrof Kill Ilovard street last alffhtut 7:80 : nnd tlio llrodoimrUnont 10- ncmdcd , tut the blaze WHS put out by tlio oi'cupiiiit' ' * ol the house. The funeral of Mis. Kount/o will take pinoo lit Trinity cathedral nt 2 o'clock today , Interment will bo in Forest Liiwn , Cnrrliijfos will bo l the cathe dral [ or frloniklio -wish to go to the ccmclory. Join Carpenter , formerly a conductor on the SouLli Omaha motor line , vaa ( Inetl $20 $ and costs yesterday in police court fop disposing ! ) ! some jovolryho found in one of the cars ono night , for gotten by the owner JIB ho got of ! the car. car.In In the county court ycstcrclny K. S. Hood commenced suit to rccoior $110 fromJamcB P , Ilajes , the ninount belny duo on a land contv.tct. Henry Lln- giinnor sued II : noy Foreman on a proinKsoiy uotu for 8250 , dated last lAib- ruury. Tlio conff rogation of Israel has elected thc&oollicors : President , Sunucl Kilt/ ; Ticcpresldont , .T. L. Mcrritt ; trc.'isuicr , Max Meyer , four josirs ; scvrotnry , Biff , lilath , four yours ; Trustees , Albert EJcllur , II. llenoeh , three years ; S. Oclchcubuig , tvo yeiti'b ; I.Obcifoldor , one jeav. Union Pacific cnffitio 2S'o. 710 while pushing throaifh the uirds yesterday struck tlio corner of a box iiir that had been left standing on n side track near the main line , and smashed Jiholo in the t.mlcbig enough for a man to cr.iwl through , TIio machine was sunttotho ihojis for repairs. " \Vnter Lily Soap will float. Porsoiinl ICl"litH IS Tuo cucccutlM ) coinmlttcu ot ttio Dowlas county personal rights league will moot IM- day evening utS o'clock nt dcrmuula hall. J. I3. LUND , P rcsldont. Crone c A.XTIICS , Secretary. IU-1 icvmj ; Holicmlaii SufTorcrs. This e\cnhir tliero will bo a mass meeting o [ Qolicmliiu dtizens rxt National hall , corner Tlilrtocnth anil Williams streets , to take action towards aiding the unfortunates sufTirms fioin the terrililo floods ia Bohemia , Bosurcnnduso Sirs. Wlnslow'sSootMnp : Bynip for your children wlillo tcctlilny : cents u bottle. Hurry Upltli VotirWork. OiHicrs of booths mid exhibitors at the conilns iuter-stato exposition arc uigctl to pet at their work nnd complete it nt theii * very earliest coiH'cnleiiec. U'ho "IjuilOUnu is. teinjr putln firm sliapo , and there Is an intlux of iH iillctitlons Xor spate. " " ' I'onr. Mho Goodman Drug company yesterday filed bills with the county clerk for furnish ing driiBJ to the county and city , amounting to * 10I7 : , of i\Uichf57.iOis \ : stated the rdn to ha'vo been Incurred by the city. .Another bill tiled by tlio same company calls forf9S.i7f or Jrmjs , etc , furnished the county iwr farm. The perfume. oliolets , tlio purity o ( the lily , tlio plow of tlio rose , ami tlio flush ot Helo combine lu Poizonl's wondrous ponder , li'tmeial Directors. 31. K. Burltsb ivai the only Omahn under. talicr who went to Lincoln yesterday to nit end the meeting of tlio stiito funeral directors' ' association. The meeting was called for the purpose of nuking ariangcnictita for the entertainment of the convention of the funeral directors' association ot the United States anil Camilla , which will mectin Omaha ouOctobnr 1 for : i three days' ' session. Demanded. 01311 , Sent. 11. To the Editor c ( THE Bit : The nuwsjupers have told the public a bout burplailes , larcenies , thieveries , etc , iulho suburban districts. flicso localities lxa\o \ no protection ' - - " , cicopt yiillcr doi-fj" that wiil bark , nnd still Count Pul.iskl re ceives < \KH ( ) a year or more for c.itelitng nnd killlnp tlios < 3fonr-lciri'ed pollcu. Lot tliero a "doif limit" us veil as a Jiie limit. 1'uo. DI KINKSS , nnusca , ilrowslnoss , distress after eating , can to cured anJ prevented by tnUni ? Dr. J. II. McJUcan's Lircraud Kid- acyPillcts /.v'K. J\TS. : For munyyenis tboinosi important dra- mitic engagements in this citylmvo been tlioso of A.M. Palmer's ' company , fioin tlio Waulson Square theater , New i'orlc. Prom tlie date of Its flist appi'iiwnco lierototto present time , it ln < kept up a record of unfailing - failing success. Mr. Palmer U ciedited with bavin K'proUuoecl move notaMe successes thim any other in.mapcr of u. stock compmy In .America , mid his company has \vajs been kept tip to its hl-'h ( staiuhiL-U Qhis the company is unusually stroiifr. ami thorepcr- tclro dlrorblflcd enough to suit all tastes. To sec suih pl.iys . m "A Man of thu World , " "Aunt Jack. " "Jim. the I'ciunan , " and "Saints and Sinners" interpreted bv the rep rrseiitntivoorKunltntlon of Amorli-u is , an op- iwrtunlty tliit should not bo missed. The sale ofsi'utsfor the entire entrapeinentwhUn OIH.MIS 1'riclay t > lht comireneed yesterday , and IslelugwellpatronUud. The west has scut ta tlio cast the Callfor- nh and bonier plays nnd wild west shows theenn hasseiu us "ThoOld Homestead , " This Orainnls well known ns a tloiacbtlc idjl , niltvjim of Now Dujrlana life luscd on fails natural tuitltruoto tlio , and of snealisni elnililouiulKrcat in Its simplicity. It is a picture of tlio homestenil of tlip nation ; of the granite hills , the thrifty , ruffKed nature of its people ; n. p.uioramu of homo lifo on the farm , full of charm nnd love. On BiinUav \eniii \ | ? next the engagement opens at lloyJ's ' for four nights , Mrs , C. M. Walton , theadvanco apentof the Hess opera company , tlio only woiniu ail vnneo life-cut in tbotonutry , vas InOaialia jesteiday. Tlio company opens at Dolianj's opera house , Council Ulutfs , this evenlnpfor i twMilnl'ts1 ' cnifiiycinunt , k'I.a Tiuvuit.i" IciiiBtlio llll Friday aljjlit auil "T rovutoro1 fiatunlay night , Ttio party numbers sixty flvo ixxiplo ami la luttdud by ] \ ' . 11. Clarke fonnirly with the Boston Ideals. U'illl.iin Merteus nnd auuuibcr of other \rclMtuo\rn \ irtlsts. _ Thcnttwctlonat thoCIwnd opera honsoto night will ho "ThoClrcas Uidir , " instead of "Enoch .Aiden , " as heretofow adiertiswl. This driunata n translation from thoHorraan of Von Closer , auil gives Newton lleera n clinnco to npiwnr in. a diameter entirely dif ferent from thorolos ho has as- turned in this city , and ono in which lie is said to bo particularly happy. Comedy ulth judicious tltuatlons keep tlio audience In a roar from the rlso to the fall otthe eurtuln. A right education moons not merely the reading of books , lut the knowledge that serious sicknessctm often ho prevented by a , timely dose ot SU Patrick's pills. JilKlt , nENTLT. Konnnn Edwurtl , only son of Chester 1 . and lillcn il. Eeutly , aged 8 tuvuths aud lONOUANr OK TIIK A lliHlclnn ) Arrnl ncil Ilccnuio Ho Hid Not Itcport Dlplitliortn , A meothijt of the board of hcUthhcld , In the rooms of thoflro nnd iwtlco board , opened vlth Dr. SivnrUhunlcr beini ? calledtoansvcr to thecharjo of not liavlii ; reported eases of diphtheria which Health OfUcer Pcttlt said the doctor had attended utlO'J South Twenty- eighth street. Tlio doe tor said , In explanation , that ho had not aliendeJ the wuoi reg'ilarly , but had been culled In after another physichn Lad been there , Ho said the cases were con valescent vlieu , ho found them nnd ho did not loaslJcr It Ids duty to report them , and In deed ho knew nothing , he said , or the ordinance. "Aw you aware what the fine te for vlo- htliih'tillsouUnancc' ! ' ' asked the minor. "No , sh'j I urn not , " answered Dr. Swurtz- lander , "What li the fine , Or , daponl" continued the mayor "Fifty dollars,11 replied the secretirv. At this point I'luinblng Insi > oetor Dennis sugfjested that further proreedtiiKs inthocoso bo deferred until Ilealili Oflicer 1'ottlt should discover the name of tlic physicians who had preceded lr. ) S\urtzlindcrin \ atteudlnK tipoa the Tivcnly-cU'hth strret cases. The sug gestion ad opted by tlio boird. After consldcnihlotalk the board voted to ask the rouncil for uinilk inspector and to permit tlio cmploynent of tlio city veteri narian ta examine into the condition of dairy cattle , from tiinoto lime , nnd that botli bo subject to the direction of the board of health. .Speaking of the dailies. Vt. Oapen na- noanced that the woik of the board was al- re.idy producing good results , and a number of cilUeushad stoipfd him on the strcctsnnu told him that they hid noticed a marked Im provement in the quality of milk furnished by their milkmen. The city physician reported that bettor anil stronger restrictions were- necessary in the mutter of contagious diseases before eold weather should ard\e. llo nald tint pcoplo were paying absolutely no attention to tlio in structions of the hcaltliolllccr , pailieuUrly as regardeil tlio public fnnurals of poisons who had died with contagious diseases. No uevvnction was taken , however. Tlio matter of holding regular meotinga of the board was disposed of by u unanimous de cision that they should be on tholirst and third Mionduyof every month nt II ) o'clock a. in The sccietary said that ho hid found Hlnt- poislblo to have the an.ilysU nnJ < s ; is ia- btruitcd at the lust meeting , anil was given in ere time. Nuisances voro reported at 803 South Twenty-third street , 'b South Nineteenth , Thirty-tint and Jackson. Liu A Nichols' barn , between TMuity-elf'hth nndTwcnty- niulh on south side of Lc.ivcnwortb sheet , UJU Twenty-sixth street. Tlio inspector was instructed to examine and report in ivory case. case.Mrs. . Inijle , of 3L7 ! South Tenthstrect , re ported tint sbo bad five Hats or thirty-two rooms lull of toiirden nt thostrcct number b'ivcn , ainl that her business was being se verely injured by a man stmtiug n poultry muilcet down below , which lus brought her both HiCijand eoutiigiou U > anunburublo ex tent , It was decided to ask the council for an other inspector , whoso duty it should he to run down nuisances , Whnt ttDocs. Hood's SarsipariHa 1 , Puiiflos the blood. 2 , Cruites tin appetite 8. Strengthens tlio nerves. 1. Mules tlio we.ilc . btroiiR- . 5 Oveieonics that tived fetllnff. 0 Cures sciofuld , salt rheum , uto. 7 , Invigorates tlio kidneys and liver. 8 , Itelioves headaches , ludlgeation , dyspep slu. I'LACKS. Tlioy Tlfustbe llsUiblistied to A.eeoin- inoOntu V ter.4 on "Tho Island. " The uriatic Missouri has In its Ion ; and useful coarse often been been accused , and sometimes justly , of oftenbes tiijainst good order and comfort quite inconsistent with the majestic beha\ior of ono of tlio grandoat waterways of the world. By iu rushing tac tics it has froq.utatly depiivod people of house unil liono , to any nothing of the lands it his Hooded and made uninhabitable. Ithasoflato , however , turned over lands in lar-jotracts to the people and people wuo are voters. But the uuthorities lm\o not funiislicl these Aoters with polling- places within reasonable distance whew votes may be recorded. It will bo icmembcrcd by maw j' who would not claim the distinction of being ' 'old set tlers , " that the Missouri not so veiy long ago made its principal eoui-so through what Is now Cut-Oif lake , and thcneo ran \ve3tanil south to a point a short distance from t'.io Union Pacillo shops. Evideatly becomliis tired of that circuitous route , the great river 1ms retired cast several miles trom its old cour < o and has loft lilgh and drv several square miles of territory. On tills Innd , vhlch extends Eixim Cut-off lake south totho Union Politic shops and north to the city of Florence ) many \\sno \ taken up land nml established homes , Others hiivo squatted. .And enterprising real estate speculators ha\o \ graded and platted lands v.ell nhlo tonccom- inodtito thousands of otheis. There are , nt pivneiit , on this land creutcdhy the Missouri , several liundred men who are voters without u place to vote neater than nine miles. Au Inspection of the imp of the city of Omaha will disclose the fact that the cast boundary of the city limits , and which is , consequently , the east line of the Fifth wnrd , runs nfew feet cut of the tucks of the Mis souri Pnslilo and Fremont , Kllihornfc Mis souri Valley railroad' , and this line extends from the Union P.i.ltlc ( shops north to Florence. It may nl o bo notid flint thu land so vaenud ay tha liver and occupied Ijy so many pei-sons is necicilitedto rioranco inecinct , which Is several miles .way , Thcri-- ici-e , opcrbon living on th island and wishing tovotont tlio foithcoining : election would bo obliged to conns Into the city of Omalia , walk throufli the .Kifth waid and thence to F"lor- cnco. Thlsdlfllculty miKht bo obviated by the tounty board establishing : a polling placoat vhat Is Koiiei-allyltuowu as Cut-Oil island. This iiolllug place can only bo cstdblilicd lawfully by a petition of atloubtflftypcrsons llviiigin the vicinity wishing totiavoa s > ep- urato polliiiR plnco. It is held , there foio. that the men living ; In tlio nclshbotuood .should get the petition ready and present , it to the lOuntyboniJ at once unlcs * they wish to ho ilepi-hcd o ( tborlgbtot Iranchlso atthis fall election. S fcty lYoni a TesUlcntlnl Scourze. Protection from the disease , notn mcdi- riuiil agent ulilcli merely cheeks the | iarosisnisis , tlio Rrand desider.itura wher ever the endemic scourge of innlariii provnlls. Ouiiilno does not ntVorii tills proteotion. Thu chief rcui.011 why Hosteltcr's ' Stonuch Hit ters hus won such Immense popularity is , that It prcpircsthoMstointo resist the raal- ni-liU This it does by briuin niid ton ing the physical organism : regulating and promoting un equal How and duti-llmtion of the unltnul llulds , and cstnbllK > lilng' digestioa on a sound basis. Hot only is fever nnd acuo prevented , but the -worst types of tlio disease uro comiucred by ib. Such is tlio only con clusion to ba drawn from the overwhelming evidence In its favor , It is equally ellleaclous In dyspepsia , ion , li\cr complaint , general debility and rhoamutlo complaint , and. Is u icllublo .uictic audiicrviuo. A"ISITI\O I'AShENOKll AGUNTS. Moro Tlun a Hiindreil ofTUtiu Soon to Visit Omaha. On next Monday inornln ? at 11 o'clock , 113 geniral iussonor nentsoC { the vaiious r.ill- roaclsin the United SUtcj will nrrlvo In this city from the cast. Many of the visitors will bo accompanied by their ulvoj , An luvlUtloii bus been extended to them by the board of trade to stopover ut this point nnd accept a drive to vuilous places of Inter est In avid about the city , Thfc drlvo vould Incur the usual oxpensofor carriages vUdch has boeu Incurred so frequently of Into In vlo\v of this fact. It has boon suirj-fested that , instead of contributing to the fund nec essary to pay for the drive , citizens whoh.wo carriages might volunteer thouso of tlio same and neoomn.uty them lu cjcortlng the itra'.ig- cit > throucli tlio cltv , \Ylth this end in vlo < v , Secretary TCason has written to leading inoinlMrs of tuo board anUaskcilfor answers &s to whether they would furnish prlvito turnouts lor the pur- posospecltled Hooxpocts an 1 in mod Into an swer , which ihull also sot forth how many people each carriage will accoiuuiodate. The enrrliKcos ere cipcctcd to ho at ttio depot nt 10:4.rion : the moniliigin question. This excursion party is conslJorcJ ono of the moat important nnd influential which has visited this city In some time , and both Sec retary Nason unJ President , Martin hope for a vary cordial greeting for the visitors. Ask for Van Houteu's ' Cocoa. Take no other. _ UBlXSTATirtG I3XG1.VI3I3I19. The Object of ft It. Vroninn's Present Visit tutliHCIiy. Gcorgo \ . Vromanof OrandlslnnJ , clnlr- man of the { -rlovunoo coinnilttco of the hrothcrhood of locomotive cnglnecrSils In the city. city.Htsmts Htsmts < lon is to secure. . If possible , the re instatement of two engineers MIO ! ere dls- chaiitod hythoUiiloi I'aclilo eoinp'iuy In Oouncll Dlufts. Thu onglnccrs vcro ein- ploycil In the yards nnd wore released for some , us they uluim , patty violation of the rules , Tlio brothcihood tooU the matter under consideration nnd decided thntthe inoaero OlschargeJ without sullldcab . least on the Hhowlngmadc. Mr , Vroimui will lay the ciso heforo the Union I'ndtlc : a'ltherltlesnnd uideuvor to se cure thu reinstatement of the men. John Francis , general ticket agent of the B. In Chicago atteadins a ineetiniof ; thogouural tuanugeis oC the wads which are represented In the vcstcrn sepcer association , Chnirniiin Ood- danl of the association hns re signed , and the affairs of the association mo in excellent shnpo , it is claimed , cither for a continuance oran aband onment of tlio agreement. 'Iherenro seine features of thongrccinonttlmtinustbo niodl- lled If seine of the present members remain stoalfast , whllo other ineinbeH dciUro tlioy will withilruwlf the existing agreement is tampered with , Iho general manasors will bo In session soverul dajs and will prolnbly agree ujiou n modi lied form of the present prelection against rate -wars. N'otes. General Manager lloldregoof the B. & M. is inDen\cr. J , O. riilllippl of the Wabash lias gone to St. Louis on business. V . C. Murphy , Rcnoral manager of the Hu- mcstou &Shcnandoali is In the city , 1 ! K Jaycov , cashlot- the general ticket depirtinent o ( the Northwestern , Chicugo , Is in the city. "W. P. Poster , travoltne passoopcr agent of the Mexican Central , Is In tlio city , I'uul JIortoiiforinerlyRoncial freight.asont o the < Q , passed tlnouyhthe city jcsterday forChicago. Ho has bocu on a visit to Ucnvor nnd western poliits. Mr. Morton is now vlco president of the Colorado Fuelcoin- pany , Chicago. W. P , Fitch , formerly general malinger of thoEllthorn road , arrived in the city Wednos- dnv in Ids sncclnlcar. lie wll bo joined by O.S. Collitiaand one or two other gentlemen and the party will indulge in a weuk'sshoot along tlio Elkhorn. Mr. if itch is now gen eral manager of the Dulutli , South Shore & Atlantic roaJwith , headciuarteM at Mar- citiette.Mich. St. Patricli's ' pills are liked because they are reliaiilo ; because they produce n pleasant cathartic effect ; U-causo they correct bilious disorders and because they nro us near jicrfect as they can possicly bo made. 3or sale by all druggists , NE\V \ I 'Xhe Ollluials to Conduct It to Oo Ap pointed Nctt AVeelt. At the next meeting' of the council tlio ordi nance creating tlionowpolliuj disti-ictalu the various wards will bo passed and the super visors of registration bo appointed. The councilman from the vuilous ivards -will iiresont the names of candidates for these \MUtions , and fron these rccomraonda- tlous the muyor vill nuke lila list of appoint ments. Under the now arranjomcnt , lil sunarvis- ors willbo icfiuireil txjdo the -\vork In tlio : foity-oiio polling districts to ho created. The registers Mill meet as follows : Tues- diy Ootoucr 7 , Wednesday October 11. Thursday OitoDcrSli , Friday October31 and Siturdiy November 1 , bcforo the gouoral election in November. In each district a now lt < Is to bo undo of all tbovotoH. U'he registration of last yejr iloes not hold and a new registration is re quired before each general election. Drink Eicelsior SprniKS , Missouri water. Water Lily Soip \Vill Float. AV11IT13 SbAYfiKY. A Man Ee.iten Ho Asks lor Sliortcr Hours. Leonard Parker , wlio % vorks fora gardener named Woodriel ! on. Bhorman avenue , was sent to the station shortly hof ere noon on a iharyo of drunkenness. His head was badly cut In several places , and ho was covered -with hlood. The city physician dressed , his wounds. Par Ucr said that ho had boon clubbed by lib employer ; that ho was obliged to got up at 3 O'eloek every morning and go to work , and yesterday ho ventured to cater a protest , alter worlilng a couple of hours , whcroupon Woodilck wont Into the houses aud got a bit ; club and Dcpan beating him over the head. Three long cuts and a number of lumps showed where the blows had fallou. His in juries are not seiious , Miles' JServo ami Ijlvcr Pills. An Important discovery , Tlioy nit on the liver , stoin.ioli aud bowls through the nerves. A new principle. IThoy speedily cure biliousness , had taste , torpid liver , piles and constipition. Splendid for men , women and children. Smallest , mildest , suiest. 30 doses for S cents. Simples free at Ivuhu & Co.'s , 15th and Douglas. IMt'OKTAXT 1UPJIOXKMKX TS. Itiilsmi Them rtoin toho Opencil by the Hoard ol'l'iiMia AVorJ < 4. Notice vas placarded in the board of pub lic works oflleo yesterday that bids for the following hnpoitant sewer and grading work will bo opened ai noted : September I'J-Sewerhig district No , 117 , Pleasant street from First to Do Igc ; No. 118 , sewiring Lowe avenue from ITubt to Dodjo ( streets ; No. IL'J , sewering Lcuvcti- worlh street lictwceii Tenth and Elo eIlth streets ! Ko. ! ! 00 sowcr- IIIK Thirty-sixth street In Almco IUza addition. September 20 , for grading Tnonty-sovcnth streit and Poppleton menuo to llioliory street ; grading Thirtieth street from Ames avenue to the city limits ; grading Thlrty- fouith sticob from Amos avcuuo to Fowler avenue ; grading Hartley Irom Smith to Dexter avenue ; Callforniii , from lowe , avenue to the licit line railway , THi ptrtor eicellenco proioi In mill tool o * h m formorathan qimriorof > century. Itliniiilb thi Unllt.l btitai > ] ornraont , Kailoned ti th hcil ol the rent unlrenltlua u tin Htrontn t , Pureit and Moil Healthful , lir , 1'rlco'i ' Croani link ln Pofrder ( ton nut contnla Biuiuooln. lln Oliluui. BoU only In cam. 'I'lllCK 11AK1NC3 rOWBEU Oft. N w YoiL aicBjD. tu Viu lao * TheSh xh of Persia Tlioiigliailvnnccdrtiijcarsjias lialr ol raven hue. Orny lialrsinra sti Idly rrolilbllcil In till dominion ) , nad IIOIKO tlio largo ship nunts to that country oC Ajcr's Hiilr Vigor , liytho woof MilcllUioSliili's subJccUsavo not only tliclih.Ut tut Uiclr hcaJs. Ajct-'j llalr Vlgur rcslorcsthe mliiral col or of tUo Lair. ItsliouM be on every tollct-Uable. "Sonic tlinctgouity lialrbcgnnto fndf nnd tol.ill out so biUly that 1 thought I Should be bald ) but ( ho so of A > cr's llalr Vigor lias icslorud the original color nml made my lillr strong , nbunduit , unJ lioallhy. U tlocl not fall out any more. " Ailillo Shaffer , WO llace si , Cincinnati , Ohio. "My hair ( Milcli hatl jurlly turned graj ) v , i cstored to lis yciithftil colw nnd beauty by the usu cl a few botlles of Aycr'i llalr Vlh-or. t shall cuntliiuu to use It , as tliero luiu k'ttur ' dressing for tlio lialr.- ( laldo Uapp , Uvurgrana , Ala. Ayer's l-Jalr Vigor , ' ' IR. JC. AYER& CO. , Lowell , Mass. > oU by ill Druggets mil ] < ttutuctt , DrsEBtts&Bstts , Pliysicims , Surgeons mil Spcciilists , 4LOD DOUQliA.8 OMAHA , KEU , The most wlrtoly imd fuiorably known spco- allsU in the Uultod Hriitcs. Tlioir lou ex- ) erlenc < ' , rouuirkablo uklll nnd uulvcrHitl suc- ! C39 In ilio treatment nnd cure of Xorvims , Chrotiloaiid Surgical Dlsoasci , entitle thcsn oniluiMitlirskihiii | ) < i to the full confidence. of tlicixtllltiiMi niurywhcro. Tlioy cuariintpe : A OKltr/VIN AMJ 1'OStTlVi : caUEfor tlioawful cITuets ofearly vlco and tlio uunior- ouiuvllUliatfollov lu Itstriiln , 1'ltlVATK ' , 1II.OOD AND a KIN DISEASES suoedlly , cnfiinlt ! ly nndnortnaiiontly cured. NKItVOUS linUIMTY AN I ) SEXUATj Dlri- OIlDKlUyluld readily totholr skillful treat- tin nt. 1'IliES ' , rUSTUJ A A > fl ) HEOTATi ULCERS Kiiinintcccl cuiud without pala or detention Cioin binltiesi , HVBHOOEin AND VABIOOOELE porma- ntntly nnd sucocs'ifully cured In o\cry case. BVLM111.I9. UOMOIlltllEA , OI EnP. Spor- nntorihoa , 8en-.Inttl Woaknnsq , LostMarihnod , NUlit Imlsslons , Ducaynl Fucultlcs , Femiilo ANc.iUiicsa and all dullcato < l Is irdors peculiar toelthcr positively curi'd. us 11 asull functional clhurUom tint result Ciimi yuutli- t ul follies ortlio uxccsa c [ inatiiro ye ira. * sTI ? H'TIR' ' l < Uutirnntcocl porinano ntly O11V1V/1 UlVlflurud , roiiioial con tiloto. without cutting , c-aiiatloor illlatiitlou. Cures affect oil itb homo by inttuiitvlLhotit auio- uicnt'sn iln or atinnyanro. TO YOUNG AND MIDDLE-AGED MtN. A QT IP 17 f'l I KM ? Tlio a.vul ( elTocts of /I OUIVL * OUiXlj early vko which Imii ort'nulo wonkncss , destroying both uilnd utid body , wltli all Ha dreaded Ills , pcrmuneuty cuied. U17TT AatlrcM these who haTolm- . D1-.110 paired tliorasplMS bj Iiu- proporlndulconco and eolltnrr h iblts. which ruin both mlml nnd' body , \inilttlnj them fur . . MAltltlUUJIEHior-lthosc ( nlcrln onthat ln ) ) | > y life , unaraott > b > 3loaldelJllity , aulckly asslstid- ; OTTE srccsss Is bused upon facts. First Vractleal oxporl- cnco. eooIld Kvtry case Is specially stuJIocl , thus starting right. TlilrU-Modlclnes arc prepared in our laboritory exactly to suit tacli ease , thus oftoetlnscure'iwltrliout ' Injury. . Drs. Betts & Betts , H09 DOUGUS STREET , - -OMAHA NEB , Erowaell Hall , SEMINARY forTOUXG LADIES. Cur nc rot 10th aud Worthlnstoii Sts , OMAHA , - WEB. HISHOPVOnTniNGTON , -VISITOII TliulSEV. UOUKTH'DOlinUTV , S.T.U. Utoroit THE27TH YEAR BEGINS WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 17TH , 1890. Forcataloiuo and particulars applytotbo Bee tor , INSTITUTE OF OUR L/VDY / OF THE SACRED HEART. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS , This Institute , sltimtol In nun of tie most bciiutlful subtirbjof Clilous" . orTtM to Voun , ' J.atliei , uvcrv advuntwo ( or olitalnliij ; a thoroiiKli ami useful oiliicutlnn. btiulles will lie rosiiniutl Sojit , 2 , Lh'JJ. l''orpu.rtluula address - dross Suputloruss. JACKSONVILLE F , , , lanininp-ta musls , art. E. K. Bn.UAiuU'Hml | l. Jarktu nvlllo. 111. \TKff VOUIC WirjITAItV AOAnE Y. i > Col. U. J , WrWiU VS. , A.M. Cornwall , N. Y. ILLINOIS MILITARY ACADEMY , M ° Yin:0Vr1' : ClrculnrofUENIlY J. 6TKVKNS , A. 11 , 1'rln , Hedla , I'n. , lllltaryAcndcniy. boys , llruoko Hull , girls. Urcuhu t ret DI mm , Graduate Dentist , A. Pull Set of Teeth , on Rubber For .Five Dollars. A. perfect ( It gitarnntocd. Teeth mtractoil wltliout ptln or cliLii.'or. ami vvltLont imu - tliutlus. Oold and fillvur Illllii ut lo\\cst rules , UrlJpo nutl CJinwii Work. Tcclh wltli- ont [ ilutos. All wort : warranted OFFICE PAXTON BLOCK , 16TH AND FAR NAM Entrance , 10th street Dictator , Optu ovcu- IIIKS mi til 8 o'clock. NERVE AND BHAINTREHTHENT. In elilier MI , luvolunuiTjr I.ODMI , nml 8 | > unnitorr.irs c&uitl by orur-ciertloi ot the liralu , tcllrburoor overlnuiiifenco. Lacli box contilnitoneiiionit'ii trriU mont. Sltbnz , or Blxlar 8i , runttir mallprrnsld. \Ylld cncb order Itir ll bozn , wlllimiU lurcliuor duariiitua to i ufund nancy tttiio trei tnifiitfall4to CUM. Uuaraut iliwiivil nil uea GOODMAN DHUGCO. , HWFttrnum Street , - . Oumlia , Neb. rilmarjr , Heconjaio * or T rt lary i nnaninily i _ cutcil In 30 to 10 1)1/3. ) * or a H u u Km a * * / u A\e \ fliinluatu ill i ol n f ' wii thurjttKiii u tlialllicroian rie\cr \ liotut'iinor ' llDilln-aieln any farm. ] * unim cm bo tuattil at homoim tll tuilieie , ( ( or tUo lama filcu unit umlir thft panit gitaiaiitt't ) . ) ttit vlili tiio o who proftrtn fciiia lit-rr , wo | | | contract toiuru Ihrm oritfunjall . ey nml pni tntlr CIIK.IW oftoiulnf , rullroad ruieumUotel illl . tuiuro tin moil ubBtlu\to ci.cs. Wo cliilenu" tlio tvulil furic . o run nut cmr. filncu tlitliUtorjrut iu A ctiua trxiciK'CilU'ur | ( SjihllU lui Ixtrt Huueht f irtilut never ftuml unlllourlluirto Itcmtxljr wo < ill > - c-onrocl. N n ollicr cinuliift Wrlli for rtferrnrf . < 'OW7C 1J1MKI \ t'O. , Ullilihil , ittiraiku. Offleo.St. Chlr Hotel , Cor , latliand DoUsoSta. WE START THE FALL Season vlth. a Grand Bojs1 Clothing- Sale , and as at the opening of the schools , boys' ' clothing is mostly - > in demand , -we propose to make the coming : -\yeekthe most memorable one in our boys' department/ Circumstances combine to enable us to offer some ejitraonlinary bargains , and the prices we make in our boys1 department \ surprise the public. AYc start vith the following : 300 Knecl'ant Suits of an excellent quality of cassimcre , made expressly to stand the lianland rough wear of boys , at the same time neat looking , coats bcingc with corded seams anil tastily gotten up. The suit is well worth $3.50. $ We offer it tliis week at $1.00. The suit is well adapted for school wear , and just the thing ; for people \vlio don't want to spend much money and at the same time have a suit that looks anilvears as well as any five or six dollar suit. Bargain No. 2 About 2 25 excel lent All Wool Suits , in different patterns , some plain brown , some of the latest plaids , but all of a good quality strictly all wool cassimeic , made up in handsome style. This Is one of the best scliool suits ever place .1 on the market. We offer it at $2.50 , and we say that no other clothing house will give a suit like this for less than S4. In finer fabrics -wcslunv an excellent assortment of Knee 1'antSuit ' ? , t\vo and three pieces , in all the latest sludes and mnturcs. Our prices on fine Children's Suits are about 33 per cent lower than * those of any other house. Thousands of odd Knee Pants , geol qualities. 35c , 45c , 55c , &c. Our prices on Knee Pants will delight mothers. We are equally veil prepared to fit large boys and youngmen. . We hare a splendid variety of all the latest styles in single and double breasted sacks , and our prices are such as no other housd will make. Fall Catalogues and Samples are ready- Send in your name and we wll mail them , Open until 8 p. m. Saturday , 10 p. m. e Corner 14thi and Douglas Streets. Forour ru.lland fineassort- ment has toeen selected , this season with an eye to Oiha- hi 's Increasing demand. Nothing finer is offered in Men's ' Clothing than our present slock can furnish. MEN'S SUITS adapted to oil occasions and functions , made ot" the ver > y best material and iiithe latest approved style. TROUSERS A.reone of our * specialties in which line of goods under take to satisfy tlie most fastid ious. DRS. MERJRILL & MEKRILL , S IN iroDlo.NorToui . ! , Hloort nnl Snridcal nisonaein Wneascsor thol5ycEnr , , Noio , ThroiitaiiJ elicit Hpcelil AttciillDii In OisonHoi ol'U'o nion Tlio doctorslmvo Imd ynt ot oxporloncoln tlio honpltnlaof llriKikljniinil Nun- York , uiil nro nnionu Iho mtutauciiHdfuUad iTlJaly knoiva i eolulUU lu tlio country. To Vouns ; nml IMIiIcIleceil nidi. IxintMnnliooil. N'orvoiti Doblllir SixrmntDrr'iinrv , foNiliMl/o ? MJ , I'linlcal luciiy , urlnliufroiiilnilH- fri'tloii , iiroiliklnir ilcoplciiiiui ! ) , ( leH | > uiiiluncr | , pliii- I'lei ' on Ilio faro , aTcisluntoborlrty , uully tllicuur- aiicd , hick of ounlltlcnci ) , dull , uniur < irniulv orlmil- ncss , ml tliiih life u UmJuu. lafuIy.iniriuaiiouUy inil it ( iceillly cured. Itlooil nml Bkln DNCJHCH. Byplillln , n dlspmo moil droajlul In IU teiult-t , complclcly tndlcalcil. Gciilto-Urtnnry Siiruory. Gonoirluo , Gloot. Srplillli , lljdrooolj , Vnrlforolo , mil Mlilcture , riKllcally unil sntsifuro < t without rmlll or doU'iitlnn ( rum limlliow. All Buxual Do. ( trinities unllmpuaiiuuiilitu . All lloctaldlipasfunfolr nnclporrnnrKsntlycuroa ll iin , On , in. tlllSp. m Kundajrit , lutlll fi K. II 1'ononi unnblu torlalt ui niarba troatad nt Iholr liomoM tijr eorruaponJi'iico Moillclnoa iml la Itruetlnns xent by cxprusi Coniult itljil frc'H KumHccnt ) lu etnuipa to lllfmoruplf , SIM Fiilfontll St , Opiiresllo Opera lluuor , Otimlin , NoU. OR , J E. Lsaulln tliotront- nient ( tail lorniu of Pill- VATK IHhlC KS.l jJt Mua liooct , aTlttflUltlC , ur puIn In rolelrltiK Ilio blmlder , 3 IIVl'lllUS cured InWto.VJ iliyH , tkln I > linaButft' iitnli unil nil Dlbieacs o ( tlie : < VV\lll oil.lluartiWt ( I.Ivor. Kc- A ) / / mule JJlio.i oicured ltlio t m ( Initruiuunti vr'Muciltreat. , f mctu " todtn from . ' to ( K pnijr. . Wrtto lor clrcu. A lir > iclTlnv i inulloul.iriiitiout I . /I ( iirlioltlu nbijvu iliBO't&ui , 5er / \ " " ' * ho" liiu ninny of tlie SSIEXrf raoit " unrkjblu cures. _ > ( lien. N. 1C. Cor , lull nnl Kiirnau tit ) , uutiinco co elttieritruot , Oinuln. Mclj l.arly Hi'C x nil AliiiRe. lmpolittjr , Ltit Vljor , na V rlC Uur d. flrt clrg ! d , f trviitbtnid. M wUom Tri&tlintnt fr ' Th.e OiTiah.a Medical and Surgical Institute Fortlnlrcatrajnt o ( Il ClinOtttC AN'r > StmaiC.Vk mSHVI'5' ; . Hracoj , Appllmooi ( or deformity nil IrUHsc ) Uo.ttucllltluApivirat'li aii'l HuiucJIfi for ntic-'ufill traitment of every loiiu of ill.oinn r julrlnsnioclltilor Hiiriflc-Otre.itraJit. OSIS HtlNUItlSI ) AND 'L'lVIJN I'V-KIVM HOUMS KOII I'AlllIN'l trt'-ite.Ut . Iminoby rorrciiunlonca Allooiuiuiinlc itlun conlitumlil. Mellulnd or liiilrinuonU rait tit tnrill ori"tiri | s securely tm'k-il. nom.irki t lnJii ! ituconttinti or aumlor. Ono ponoii Ulnturtlmv irof rr J , dill nnilconiiilt ut or on < llil9torruf > urc.isenntl no will ioi ; < l la plain wriiipur ciur IIO Iv To MKn HtKHunon 1'rlvuto Special or Xcrvuua Uliaa-aai , Iuiiotanojr , dyplilllj Ulojt , aiU VarlcoJuto , ltu uuojtlo * UiU idJroal Omaha MCeclical and Surgical Institute. Corner 'Jth situl narnoy Streets , Omaha , Nobivislcu. DIAMONDS , WATCHES , Etc. Our wiles on both DIAMONDS nnd WATCHES have teen UNUS UALLY LARGE of lute , owintfto our CUT PRICES. Our stock of MOUNTED DIAMONDS w.w ( jot ting pretty low , so wohavo just seta a larpo number of C1IOICE STONIS : of OUK OWN IMPOR TATION , ando \ oiler thutii nt n SMALL ADVANCE ABOVE COST , Tlio sottitiRS comprise a larpu variety of SOLITAIRE mid CLUSTER RINGS , SINGLE STUDS , EAH-RINGS.BROACHKS LACIi PINS , PENDANTS , IIAIR OUNAMEKTS. SLECVJJ BUT TON a , C'OLLAU. BUTTONS , JJRACKLISPS , N KCIC LA CES , LOCKETS , etc , Sl'KCIAL UK- SIGNS OF SETTINGS rnmlo mid LOOSE STONES of uii si/os JIOUJJTED TO OUDEU. Kubioa , Siipplilros , r.iuciMlda , I'carla , iincl nil ether ] ) icuious stones , mounted SAL.I ; of WATCHES is btm m prog rcss. SOLID GOLD WATCHES for Lialcsut $15. S O. . o.iaO.WS . , $10 , ffi , 950 , aud UDW.ird. GENTLEMEN'S SOLID GOLD WA'XCIJ ES of nil Ulnds , from J2-1 up to tlio linc'st grades I El fin , "Wul- tliiiin.IIowitrd . , otu ) . LAIJIES1 and GENTS' FINTE GOLD FILLED WATCHES , American ino\eincsnts , warraiitod from 15 to ZH jcars , ouly * 1175 ; \ort1i \ J .1) and uinvnrtl. SOLID SILVER WATCHES , i5.75$8 , SIO. $12l.rand ) up. NICKEL WATCHES , S2.H ) , W.7-3 and S ) . SOLID GOLD CHAINS AND LOGK'CTb ; 110LLEI ) 1'LATE CHAINS AND CIIAllMS sold at HEUUOED PRICES to purchasord u ( \Vatchc9during this sulo. 5,000 KING .SOLID CJOLD FIN GER KINGS from SI to 10 each , jsSHValcli UepairiD.4 a Specialty. NOTICE-Stranpors vUtln the city arc respectfully in vltod to call and take uloolt through our cstab- llBhrnont , whether wlshiiijf to pur- I tlmso goods or not. MO MEYER St BRO , . i Sixteenth and Painain Streets. CHICHEOTEn'O CNGUSH PEMHYROYAL PILLS. BCD cnoes DIAMOND , Htfo , ( untnl ii r > r'llillr Itdlet , U lrviglfl\bt \ IHfliitord llrantl.lnrcd u.llUta UIH , e ledwttublu ribtxin. 'J'uklno utbfr. Mini Ic. < ip ) r-r iiitleuiiri i.J"ltt.ltrr rur l Jlc . "inl fl , ; returnull o /'jp * DBMTO Under tlie Muiiitzriticiit f tin { ! nicmIntcmlioDalianlingCo.Conc(5sonarIl. ; ; , ( ! ( u Incorporated By thcStaloof Chihuahua , Mor * Ice , lor Charitable Purposes. HD MflirHLY" DRAWING , irlll tnknplncnln publln atthecltyof Junros ( tat' c uily I'liou dt.lriortiM.Mi. xlco. Wednesday , Sept. 24.111,1890 umti-r th ppreorml immrvulon of fJcn. .TOtit N , M ISIl V , niul Mr. < M\III.O AVMVl.lf * both Kdillouienur lil lt ntuii'llntf. ' CftPITftL PB1ZE.S60.OOJ- Oily 60,000 , Tickets ! Oily 60,000 , Tickelsl WHOLE TICKETS 54 , HALF TICKET ! $2 , QUARTER TICKETS , $1. I Prize of SGO.OOO..S60.COO ITrlzoof 10tMH ) ! . 11'llZOOf fi. XK ) . . . t.i'O ' 'i 1'rUuBof l.Otlfliuali 101'rlzosof zoooioh SOl's'zcaof ' jOOcuili 6 , )0 ) UK ) j'rUcsuf M fuoh , & 0 1'iUcs of U'J ' ctiuli 7,600 ICnPrlzosof 8 nOi'tch e B.OWJ JiX ) I'rl/os of JWtiKili JMJJ } 1001'rlzeaof SSfiich < , Tuiiuliiitl I'rlzci. MTcrmiuiiUuioUOOi'rUouniUoaiij. ; , : t.lW 1314 Pfltes amotmtlnj to 5125,870 \Vu.lho nndiirtliodt , hereby feitlfjr tliut lb < lliinciN clnnalot.MiX ! loo.ln riifliimliii ; > lm | ' " ! . Jlaulcliiit to. , inuli. Iriiin ttieMHXiinii iMcrniilluiiul ino iicceiiurjIuiiiUlii BinrMiifa lh t'JJ/0' ' ' "Wi'WWJssv.Vf Vi.iVw' . ' . ' riiM'.Jvv,1 , , , " s.YM.'ff.wM . Kfi'isar' s-u,1.1 , , , , uc < ) , nr\ rui conducted Uli loiiP'tr , ' ' " " ' " " lultUli ) " " CAMII.O.UUit.'l'I.I.KS , SiipcrvUorfor lliu Oovernmcnt , If nnrtloVetdrnwInzn rrlio Iment tolho uml r , iiL' jlis | rmu vnlu < nlllb collfiloU : aii'l ' reulttod . rrei.l'l I'aioNuiluuiiI lliuk , Ull'a oTaK AOENTHV.VNTKI > . Korclub rite * or any oilier Infrrumtlnn. wrlt < t4 Ilici UDclcrnlmiiM ) , Btatlnir jrnur adilfcrHClmrly , Vila HHtw.Countr. HretrliiiiilNiiinlMF. Morn mildil < j- llvorjlwltl liemaurnl by > our euclonluii ii u ? U op Ix-irlimjro'ir ' Iiilliuldicis. ilEiiCA.i JNxiiiMATior < Ar.IlAr < Kirfn Co. City of Juurw , Muiloo. N TIOK. Bend remlttmirm lor tlclots br ordlwry eonuinliiu Jlnnmrlird or , limed br le.lprii | panlei , NuwVorH Kic-tianie. luik draft or tiote. Artilreu ullrriilaitrtl lettsrii , , , „ „ < K'lK 1NTIUNATION AI.1IANK NO City orJ iroz , leilwvi , '