" " " , . * I * . 11 , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , ' SEITEMBTflR 12. 8PEGIHL NOTICES. A DVKHTIhKMRNTS for these columm will rx bo taken until KiO : : p. in , for the orcnlnj edition and until 8 : in p. in. far tlio morning rdltlon mid HUNDAT llr.r. -Cuih lu advance. TDATKS Arlvcrtlnntncnlson thlsp.iqo will TV ) XI chimed for nt the rntcof IK cent p ir word forthu first Insertion nnd 1 cent ppr > vorufor cncli 8ul ) e > < | mnt Inicrtlon , and ilM per line per month. > o ndvertlii'tiK'nt taken for less than 25 cents for tlio llrst Insertion , INlTIAI.y. ( Inures , symbols , otc , , count each n ono word riDIKHH mliPrtlRompnts mint run consecu- J. lively and imdor no clrcurnitiuiccs will thry be tukon or dltcontlntii-d tiv teluplione. IAKTIK3 ndvcrtlslnjjln tliC'O eohinin * and huvliiK their amworHncldri' Hod to a "nutn * bcrort letlor'Mn cnroof Tins IIKK I11 rcci'lvo a. numbered cheek to 01111)10 thorn In tccttholr H'ltcra. AnH nr will l > n dollvored only on preicntat Ion of this chock. Knclosu answers in envelopes properly addrowd. ALL ndvorllHuinctitq under thft head n ( "Special Notices" nro pnbllsliPU In both rnornltijMindntpnlnir edit ions of TIIK llifi. the circulation of which nper 'iiitos moro than SHOW PIIIKTM dally , nnd ttlvei the advertiser I IIP iN'tii'lIt not only of tlni lar o circulation of Tun IIPK In Omaha , but nlso In Council ItlnrK Lincoln nnd other cltlos nail towns In tlio est BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for these columns will betaken on tlio aliove condition' , at tlm following liml ) > Jio < s hoii'-t'i Mho are authort/ed to tukcspeclal nntlci'M nl the saino rates as can bo had nt tno inaln olllpo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ QOIJTII OMAHA HIIANCII ori'ICE No O a > ax Btnot , Msturliiook. _ "TOIINW. IlKLr l'harmnelst.fraoSoutliTenth U Htnet. _ HAM' iV niIV , Sfitloncrs and I'rlntors , 1 1:1 : Siutli mtii fetroot _ \\7 .I.TlUdTlEi ? , I'liuriiinclst , 0 4 Noith 10th IT . Mu'Ot. /I HO. W. "I'AKIc , riiannaelst , 1713 Iv.i > en- % worth Street. rrUailiS1"l'HAUMACV. : Slth nnd 1'arimm. 1'orrattt , ctc ttf tup of fitt mlninn n tlili V'OUN'd Tiuin , 19 years ( Trench ) , Icnnwlnic 1 \eral InititiinKcs. wants otllco position ; Ins bt icfereneesi wllllmr lo stirt low sal- nry. Addicts I' . II. , poslollko. 171 13 * f YOI'MI lady speal.InK and wrlthiK 1'renrh doslti'S aHltuutlon In an Ainorlcan family in "Conne" for small children. Address , ITD llimh'tlest 141 IJ * V < "V\7AYni-I.aly ) ( desires position In nn V ollho. cleilenlworlc. etc , Address rIO Main .fit. Council llluirn. la. 15'J l ! ! * WANTKD llyn yomiK Inly of consider able business \perloncen i ml alllltv ) , ° eire Irrspoiislhlo position , eras pilvato secretary. AddiessX tl , lice. COS-11 , ( JI'l't'ATION' wanted by n. Indv to keen , iJhoiiko or to n .sl t ( n the household. , K. Ucoolllcc , Council Illuirs. tua-i : . * Isewliiir by the day or week , call on or ( lies < JllssCarrlo Kuiitr.UTuJllntnlltoii st , HH-ll * WAXTiCI ) .M 1'oniiltn , ctfcetoi > of fmt column on llili i > aot. A OTIVIl.lntolllKt'nt depiitlesdnaloorfenialc ) JV , eiin iiiakunpunul of $1(1) ( ) per month Instl- ' j'fitutlnjslodiiesof nfrateriiuloiilorpaylns inor- tuary.dlt.ilnllty and cndowim'titlx-nolil-i. Address - dross I' . O. HUT 10JI , 1'hlladelphla , 1'a. " \\7" ANTRII A yoiuiainiiii ! must ho n nllllne > V mirkor. . .Uooin4')7. ' ) . i-ln-ely lililg. M 17C.-I.I' BhAOICSMlTIIwautul at oaco. Must ho a uooilono. Gallon or uUdiessbol Spin lor , bcrUlner. NOD. M 1W-14 * ANTKD-A good linker at once. Apply to S. ti'ueslor , City liaUery , Norfolk , Nob. MIMMIV WANTRD-Actlvo men with Rood icfer- ences. Metropolitan MiinTe Co , 100 ! ) , Howard st. ISO 2- " - - for northern WASTRll--8alesln an Nebraska posted In confcotloiiury imilolKiirs ; only first class m in with best references need apply. AddressN Ml Hoe. in Ki W THP A good elotlilnpt stock keoporat Kanilimst. . C.vll atonce. Hill AOJ.NTS On fiilury or coinmUslon to take orders for the IMiinimer Hetllnlns Clulr < 'o. Call ornddipw IKI N l.'ith Ht. M JSMS * rANTRD-Good agents. Call afternoons i ISth. l 128-U * - . - . - _ ) ) i.t)0 ) laborers for fit ono and crndo win If. Apply to 1' . II. Johnson , Uiiloa passoiiKor depot , Omaha. Kil A Ol'.NT wanted fora noted KiiRllsh m-ikoof i-cllttliifcctuntmcarbollu nnd pine.best ) qud- Hy , best iiaokhiB. S5 per cent below usual prices , IllMiral terms to a firm who could do netlvohiiKlnoss. Hamilton A Oo.\Va ndswortli , London , nngland. IftS It WANTTI ) flrst-class mllKcrat Ames n\ < * . noilliotdoat a nil dumb Institute. J. R lloch. 1UOU U * FIITV men wanted for tniolc laylne by the Kuclc Inland railway at Umlivlllo , Neb. 311 U * WANTKD--Uikor , call nftor 3 o'clock 1M3 N i.7th nvo. 110 11 * WANTKD-Tr.ivollnt , ' silosmeii ! now In- I J \entlon , blsnioncy to rl btpirtles. Call at Omaha patent iiRoncy , cor H.th nnd Cap. aye. MiMTi-ll- \\TU\N Tji : > Klovator boy at the lloston TV. rtoiv , 030 FIT-TV men for TJ , I * , compiny work In Wjniuliij , bteady all winter's work. Albright's Labor AKoncy. IIJO Fiiiniun. UIQ VffAN'U.riTeains ) for now work at Koclc ilT lilund depot urouiuls , bo'iithOmnba. 1'ay 9\ury wcyH. . . W 1 Unllnli.m. li'tl 14 * \ \ 7ANTQ ) Men for land n Re ills , friftX ) IT jvurlyi. dellKhtful climate , iieoplo ] Uo . , erhiipil | r , accumul.ito wealth easier than nny local Hy oil the globe : jM > ml business oplioitiuilly , letters unsHcicd if snir-iul- Jnro , scd ntainprd envelope Is enclosed , Ad dress , HoxRIK ) . Van U.uil ) . Texas. yi'-U * WANTIID Salesmen to sell Koodsto mcr- ( huuts by saiunlo ; nalary paid to KOOC ! mnu : simples furnlsbolp.unaiiont ( : situation. Model Manufacturing Co , South Henil , lad. 707 S.IO * \\7"ANTI1) ! ) Men lo travel for our Canadian ' , \\rANTKD Salesmen at $73 per mouth sil- ' niyaud expenses to sell line a of Ml\cr- platiM : ire , matches , ote. , by sample only ; mirsnniid team fiirnlshod free ; write at oneo for full partleul.ii's and Hiimplu eatu of oods free. Standard Silverware Co. . Huston. Mass. ' . . . MO laborers for oxtr.i road / KIIIUS , Apply to I * . II , Johnson , 11. AM. imKHn crijpiiot , Omaha. Ciol . 'VtrATi'TIID ' .100 men for Utah nnd ovllllu ; T > ttnces W.OO lo HW. Albrlsht'S l.nbor AKCIIC ) ' , I ISO lurnnm st. IKM _ . I'oi-iah * . tte. , fcetop offl _ > * t ; tolmnn nit Uiti A S'Tii-Sirrf6rBOM : ) 'ri l house work. fanT- lly ut J , 8U3 I'nrk ae. fTlllOlLT yonns lady wanted to ( tot sub JserJbON for thiyUiiuilu Kxculslori no iwr cent coniiulssloii Apply HIS nitlist.aij'i WANTKH Olrl forccneral lioiisuwurlcliTn small family. Mi ) Ninth llllli st. in 12 i wiintecl In bin d 1 family , ' ! ! GU &KMiry's avo. 114 ll rjlltl..7-J.B | lOtli ; a In family. IS ! 15 * \\rANTr.D At the New imployiiit : > ai lln- > icuu-GIrls forall Klnd.sof housouoric. Union Nut , llaitlv Hldg Itouni 48 t'oriu > i- Kith and DoilRo. ' \ \ 7ANTIID A coinpotunt Klrl for ucwer.il T T liotit. ; > orl l tHd wanes ; at 418 SiS4th .no. Appl ) lo l II. Woodward. UlT. S. IQtlt at. 117 11 * J \ \ 7\NTii : ) ( lixid Klrl for ccnornl hou o- TT \\oik \ , ' 'UU Kiainul fat Kountro Place. A dlKTj wanted to do general house work at Sill U.1SS. 101 15 * U 'ANTKD Olrl for Reneral housemorkj KooU wages. 4WS , 'Jlrd at. A GOOD girl for housework. leference ! > rv- ( lulred. Good \vaic ! > . Mra. Duiuont. UII3 ] > u f nyc11 MIyniiiio. U.'d \\7ANTK1) Two Klrls for kitchen work. TT Dorunllousr , 4'i'bouth ISthst. , ono block jjuthof court linusu. tmH \\7ANTr.n A computent sir ! for iiurs > o nnd ' second work. airs. Uco. 1'atnrson , li ) S. SJtn itreel. b\ \ > [ r \Vhutoci , tjtoady sFrl , llrst clas-i 'ook i ami laiinctri'ss , Jlnst bo thoroughly COMI- ' 'petfiil tind wollrocoiiiiiiended. Waxes ( A per week , Mrs. William Ixmdou. COO 8 i.'slli st. 519 WANTKD Three or nx > nu for you us man uud wife , no child ren. In lint clam locution , nou r business. Ad- droM N Ci Iloo oOlco. U itf-W \\f ANTED-Honrd ntnl room In private ffttn- T lly foriierHons. | not o cr 0 blooUs from pmtofflcn ; will exchange reference * . Addrcsi Look Hot cxw , city , ws U i-'ou IIINT : IIOUHIS. : Var mtrf , ete.tre tiipnf frrt column im Will TT1OK IIKN'T KloRRiitD-rontn ltoii n 9-lS. JL1 NlcccottMO No.tJ081'aclllc ; st. Ii ) . New brick house 8 rooms. 1'ncllle near 30th street , all iiiodnnilniproreinciits iV ) . Elctrnnt nine room lieu ostilcmlldly finished WO. Hicks , first Jloor N , V. 1,1 fo hldir. ini 15 | noUIIKNT-OnOctoVcr l.-lirsU elegant > J.1 storrhrlel ; houses at the H.-W , cor of lot It nnd California sts.i ovorymoilurn convtnleaco will bo supplied nna tills will bo lieyoiid epiif pirlson , the most beautiful nnd coincident iisldoncc block In thu city ; nil cast ( routs ! dluliiK room on llrst lloor : rents moderate ; lililtis of thebulIilliiK cnu ho Keen nt ourolllce. llrunnnn & Co , room 3 , Cliainbur ofoninii'icc , "T71OR IIHNT Kurnlshed cott'tco of six rooms J-on atli nt. , opiMsttcAll hiilnts church , n nice llttln linino Incxocllniit looatloii. M1) ) per month , ] * . II Uoodrlcli , olllcoof OmnhnStreit Il'y Uo , 2Uth and llarney sts , M SWI-11 lilOU linNr-riftoon-rooin house. No. Ill S. JL' ITLIiHt. , Iblockuuch front buslnuss center , N. V.Mfe nnd lira bnlldlnits : ltr o din I UK room ; built expressly for bo.ifdln. and room- In ? : alliuodcrn IniproMMMfnts ! cookingnuigo and furnace , bee Dr. evllll. , 140Jloiulas. 148 lb * "ITK U ItHNT 8-room house with all modem -1. Impiovemetits , llanseom IMaee , tl3 per inonlh , ( J , I' . ] | nirlsiiltll N , V. Ufe. 130 UKN1 I'or six montns nirnlshed a Uebstorst. 2-UOOM honso , "n < l nnd Ciiniln ! : , $ l > er Jinontli. UT. Harrison , ( til N. Y.Mfu. 5. 0 "TJ1OH HKNT Tlio lowop story of my rosl- JL1 deuce futnlslud , J , W. Van Nest rand. Do" HIMtli street. IKU II * 7J1OU KiNT-ColtnKCS2iul nnd I < e ivonnortli , JL1ltlihnrn , 'U pur inuiith. O.T. Harrison , DUN. V. Life. 1W NeiM-roonnottnso.eity water , 1' miles from I' . O. L ) . 0. L'uttei-aon. 131. ) 1'arnnin. 151 OCT. Int. . ImlldliiK on N. E. cor , 10th and Dou lns , 2 b'isenictitx , " stores , nnd 7 immstinstnlrs , 3130. tlta , Kuhlinaun , 11 nnd Vlnton , Wl " 171O1 ! Unrs'l llcslrablo 0-rootn Hals , eonvcn- J lonlly loeati'ilj steam heat : ind all other modem ImpioxomentM , Inqiilroof Nothei-ton Hull , I'M I'arnaniHt. . tooni I-'ml , lloor. 11U It . . . . S'th St. , 0-rootn brick ; modern ( on vcnloiiccs ; cholco location ; do- , lralluiiolithbuthoode.isv ; wulklni ; dUtiinio from business. J. W. Orllllth , U. I1 , hdqrs. four new linusos , 10 rooms oinh , all . eonu'iileiicosat 1'irlt ntcniioand Mason , for rent. tico. I'aul , 1M/J Parnaiii. 670-11 iriOl ! IlKNTIlousoS rooms , ROW ! laundry. JL' Incjiiltoltobt. I'urxls/Jtlh bt.Maiy'H a > o. I'M' Aslv loom buiiso near to business etMitt'f , $ .U Mead lu\cstmonl Co. Ilco biillrllnir. Stll 131OH HK > TTNIy rosldonee. furnlshodor un- -L fuiiiKind for winter or longer , deslrablo location , ills. 31. Klsuttor , 111 J S , 10th ht. JV YOU Mlsh torontn house orstoro sco II. Cole Content ! il " ' , hlaik. f > > ! 171O1MUNT 7 room llut.W. S. lltth ( it. J.10 JL per month. Apply lit The Fair , J. L. llran- dols& ont W3 TJIOIt UK.VT Sept. l.cott RO with nllmndeiu JL1 Imlio\einents , 10J1 Sherman ave. K > FOU UEST To responslhlo pirtlcs only , then Hue new hrlik and stonu houses on ( Jeorjjla iiM'iiiio ; Ilftecn looms and alcoves ; moiocnnvriiluiicos uiiil belter finished thin any luiiiso for rent In the city. II , II. Hender son , -li)0 ) I'aiton Mode , city. 558 7-lcOOM ImiiM'wIth barn : noiuin.il rent. C , I _ ! ' . llarilaon. till N. V , Lilfe. _ ( ViO S Tor llcnt 2100 Cass st.,24nq Cuss st. , I JlaJH tJaisst. . 10 and 14 room * ; nil conven iences. Chis.V , Hutuey , tlUOinaliii National h.uiUhulldlii ) : . M. > O 8-rooin houses , all niodorn eonvenlciiccs iwlth barnsa blocksfionimotor , 51'M'uMon ' blk. 51S FOH HUNT 7-roorn south ana onst front colt.nto , * X ) pertiionth.riKht \ \ & L.isbury , Arlington blk. 5-ROOM bouseSouth 2Hhwestof shot tower. UUI sir ' LOOK I.ow rout , deslrnhlo modern houses " &iottugcs. "Enquire 1'urrotte ten till asency UTJslS TT1OII KKXT A hou ei of nil conveniences , -L uentrully located , liuiulru 71JN 30th st 441 K0 UMNT KOOMS For tales , ttf. . fee loj > nf fttvt foii n > i on IM- M O KENT l .irRo front room. Kronnd lloor. JL private family , man and wife or two single gentlemen. 1812 IJurtst. 17014 * FOH UKNT lioojns nicely furnished or un- tiimlshcillth gab , batli atidhoat , Apply 2(110 ( llnrneystriet. 14'J-lf' PIIOXT itioin suitable for gentleman. 1812 Dodge. 140 " 171NGAGK furnished rooms for winter with JLIJ steuin heat , southern exposure. W4 S 10th st. , llatu. Ul 11 * ELEGANTLY fnriiMiocl roonis.wlth or with out bo.ird , IflJI rainnm. llfl 13 * rilllEMKKUIAM JJ31U and Dodge , for a few JL nlco looms for runt , MltI-10 * "IIlUHNIbllKD room to Rcntlomnn with JL referoiic'Cn ; small private family ; nil mod „ ern conveniences. 2715 Jackson St. , half block west of St. Mary's avu. Co njrcsatlonal church. FOU IJKNT Nicely furnished rooma with bond , xis. hith , sloain heat ; ulso table boaidi 173lUavini oitst. 110 15 * FOH ItENT 1'arlor nnd other nicely fur- nlshod roonu with or without boinl ; 'M i bt. Jlury'siivo. aiMU-H SOUTH fiont rooms with board In private family ; nicely Hltiutod ; terms ro.isonn.blc , 21.1Q llaino ) , OJI-11" SOUTH fiont fill aished room , t'112 Dodse. 8is-l * T AISOE fioutroom , fi out parlor , east fronts , J-Jfimmcohuat , gab , hot water , eto , :120 : N. nthbt. ma SUlTHof nc ly furnlHhed rooms ivltlipis and Intl ) . 10HJ 11 own id. ti" > l-ll' 1 OSIDoilKOHt. , In smill New Inlaatl family , J and hin.ill looms nicely furnished , with superior Inurd. HI 1-IJ * HANOSO.MKLV fuinlahcd loom. SO ) Dodco st , M7 K' A110I3 front room with alcove. Hoard Jghuii. ( ii > 7 is'.auiigt. 8JO It * FOUHKNT ruralshod rooms , 1GO ! ) DousUs. Mil IJIOlt 1JOT rurnlshcd roomsj gus.b.xth and JL ? steiini. Will lloward. CHi3 ST , OLAIH Kiiropenn hotel , with dlninir room , stoim heat In all rooms , lUtL-IUxku. Special rates hv week or mo. ' - , . MO deslrablo rooms in the city. Also table board. 1S2JC hlca.'O St. ltti-I3 ITlOlt HUNT Or.o larpo sotitlt fiont room. - 1with alco\c , Kksaad : hath , one Dlock from motor. Toonugotluiuuii JI5 , lotuo fh. I'MM i'avenport. 7)5-10 ) * 11 X , lUtlist.lmndsomely furnished rooms nNotablo hoard. MrChurchill. . IHJT-ll' KOll lli.NT-.KOOJIS : UXI''UIlMSHia > ronatet , do , , Htttui ot Jlrst column mt tills Ui.NT : J rooms , uiiloraiihed , S1U N Dili , , price * It ) . bht G-HOOMsiinftiriiNlii'il and lonnm furnished for lent In OusKaublocli , cor. 1,1th and I'.i- clUc. fK51 K'oft ItnXT-STOItKs'ANI ) O ITI CUS , ( It. , M fop of jinl roJuniii I710U JtENT The lnrjo front room onlthofirst X1 lloorof the .Now Uirk Ufu buildItu , Inlinu- dlutolyopposltotfher ( Kd'iespecially adapt ed foraiiviosant junulrror fur slmu. lor terms , I'to. , see Heo. N , 11 Icks , n.'ont. lux'15 STOItH roriteiit-ISl4 Dodca st. rhns.Tv llnlneyiir ; Oniahn National bnnktltls. 515 "ITIOIt ISKM' The 4-story brloKUiilldliiii. with | l JU1 or without ptiwcr.forniorly ocoupled hi the Ilco Publishing Co. . VW riruaniM. The hiilld- hiKha a lire-proof ct'iiiuntbatcment.eomplote ' Hteiim boating llxturcs , water on all the Ilixn- gas , etc. Apply nt the olllco ot'Iho lieo. tlli ' ' S' TOKESntTitt'S. 1aniift until , lawn show wlnclbwi , btenm heai. furnished. Thos. I" , Hall 'Jll l'ii\u > n block , fM TTOK KKNT llrlck warehouse , t\fo storlo -L1 and basement.T.OCO nnuuio foot , with lee feetof douhlo track on U. 1 > . rull ay , south -Oth nnd I'lorto btrecta. Address U Uskamp Uninlm. Neb. CM 1T10U UK.N'l1 ) liiIldlnsC ( ] < lJ ft. , 4 slorleand X' b.isLMiiciit.ojiJoiH'JStn'et , bclwoculUtliund lltli , with 1C , K. track lu ulloy ; best locution In the city -wholesale. . luq.ulre ai6B. ISIhsU Q A.LludguUu &OJ Ori'ICES In WUbncII block with all mcxlern ItnprovenienU very cboap.IJth tind Hnrney. IKrt n 1 , VBKNCT ypr rtitm , rfc.ne fop o/ /i t coining enLIST LIST your hou e to soil or rent with C. V , Harrison , till N. V. Life. IM "W. K. Cook , rental ( iconcy : loans , morlsises Jj loiiiiht. tnxcs pild and collections. Rooiu WIN. V , ! . bulldliiK. ilUSO O8 T ISTourliouswwltliSliaw'8 runlnliigonuvi JJV ) S.lGtlilt. WlO.fl. T.r E.ColorftituUgcut , Continental blk.Kti Kti J. IltHYrentalngontSOON. Y.Mfe. blUKACJK f , < < c. , we foporrt column on f/ifi IK O STOUAOE-Sco us before storing gcmils of .my description , Onmlin Steve Ji'iilr ! | : AVorkrt , LW Doimlin. Tel. IXii ) , : .7l rPKAOICAOKstoraco nt loucil ratos. W. 51. J. llusliiiijiii ,1.111 Luavi'iiwotlh. ' fJ CTOKAGE-ilrancli & Cp. . 1211 tlowuril. O 673 STOHAOK-ror mnrolnndlso nnil furniture. col < l storniro mid froethig : tnickiiKo. Diivid Cole . SIV817 flovrunl Ht. f > 7 110A.HDIXO. TV rtilM. etc , tee ( ou nf codimii on I/in : boarU , SOI S. 23th A.\o. M1C1-17 For ratet , etc , see to | > of fnt column on tlili rxiw. lii liony , wolelit HOO.strlpo clown the baik , llireo wliita fort , tall liobbed , tnr on forolic.id. Any ono linving such ulior owlll pluasu report to WI-NlCtlist. illHO-13 * TOST-Krom a buggy KoI"K 'rom lyt1' J to 2lh and Docntur , n puiso marked "Martha I'estnor. " A Itbcrul reward to lliolliulor , Loa\o with owner utl.WT llowurd , LOST A Eold ball soarf pin , otouscunHvork. Liberal reward. 514S. Ltnliavo. M afi-UD IOST T'ulrof siieotncle" ? . lornorof Sfith and . /Hamilton. / Thus , lirlekson. aiGS. ISth : ri > - wird finder. 1HO U * I'URSONAh. for rntfrlcMc tnpnf Jii at column nn thti " A desires the ncqualntnncnof nnlco pontlc- in in between forty nnd sixty ; abject ooiu > puny. Address Ji OS , Heu otllco. JHul-U * \r A. Three 0.1C. IIuvo liuaril notlilng iU.fiom . Wliutlslt ? lruuii foolish , S. U. I1. M 1 ! > M4 jmilSS.MAKlNO. l'i > r rnlw , ctt , , fie top of ft st i"timn ! on tliti ENaAGKMIJNTSto dndtcss-iiinklnitln fam ilies sollcltucl. Mlsd bturily , CUSb a.'ith ave. 4S.T-s'J7 MUSIC AIM' AND /'or ml , ctcfc ( op otfitist ttilmn n f/id "IMJl'OKR liuylne ti pUiuioxuinlno the new JJsoalolClmb.ill pi iano. A. Jlospo. t HO 1' . GRhT'ENllEOK. teachorof thobnnj f\rllh Ilojpo , IJI'I Douglas gl'J rilllKOninhn. IClmloricnrtonvlII rr-open Mon lUiiyfaci't.8 , JU ( laciipoit. JllnK. ( JrllHths WAIICU pianos for sale only by Oinutia Niislc Co. . 1.MII IJcxIto. CUA.J9 MUsIO CO pur nut discount , and pianos on easy tunny. Uinah.iMuilu Co. , lold I lodge I'ATIONT SOLICITOUS. for rates , cte , dfcloji of fnt ta'umnon tht * jX7/t. ( / 13 ATKNT lawyers and solicitors. O. W. Sues JL & Co. , liio bulldlnj , ' , Oimha. rour years' ovpuTleaeoasoxiimliuTS In U. 8. patent olllec. llr.iruh ofllco ut Washington , U. 0. Consulta- tlon-tree. KM WSNSION A.GUXOY. _ I'orratet , cte. , reetnp of first ciilumnonttiti page. JT.l'ATCII.exclusive pension and claim at- toruey : ovorlJyoais' oxpcrlonco ; all the latestl.iws Ic decision * . Olllco removed from Troti/ir blk to Chamber CoinnorecK ! > 1.0iiiuha. * " \TE\V law ; pensions for almost all soldiers : fathersmothers , widows and minor dill- soldiers. Claims pushed by E. N. . . „ , Iaml21 ! ) rrcn/or ml ; . , Omaha. Also iHhlngton and Cincinnati. Circulars free ; ] "i vonrs' oxporlonce. ri7l ) SUOH'l'JIlANJU AND I'orratc # , rtc. , feetop of Jlivt mlumnimin ( / jxije , rpVl'BWIIITnHS. all makes , bought. old. e\- JU changed , leuted. J , I' , iluxoath , 1W)7 ) Fsir- nam street , -W fnyrFEWllITEHS for rent or sili > . Htonoj- ; JL ruphorabuppllcs. J.I' . Mogoathll , > 07 Tarnum CtiAIltVOl'ANT. Forrateg , etc. , tee top < > } ' jln t rnh mnnil this JMjft. MADAM Ste > cr of St. Louis , the wonderful card rt'idor.hna returned to the city , and will glvo perfect satisfaction onall ntl'.iirsof life. Call nnd tie convinced. LadlesSO ct . ; 'ontlcmon , $1. No. 33 N 16th st , loom 10. llouisfromU toO. SlO ii : * Mils. 1)11.1UUY : , the dlsllniciilshed I r : into cliili voyant. Into of llo-uon. while en tranced ivlllrovo.il every hidden mystery In life. I'ropues Egyptian tnllsmen , which will overcome jour enemies , rcmovo family trou bles , rcstoro lost all ectlons , unites thu separ ated , helps In nil trouble , eto. I\o. flnnd up- war < ls. 3N. II. I'crfoctsatlsf.ictlonBunrnnttcd hy mill , fend stamp for Illustrated circular. Mrs. Ir. Eddy , 1UO Douglasatregt , Omaha. - VTIIS. NANNIK V. WADURN , clalnoyant , I'JLtranee , spuaklnv ; , rltlns nnd Tollable ii > Clltiii,4 ! years InOnuili.i , r.'lS ItlASSAGl * BATHS U i C ! . For rattf , ttc , , t fo ; uf flrat tahiinn on till * JMLASSAGK , aiu .um IJoUlor. ovenllO 8. llltn. 7.V4 0. * OOJIB nit and taUo a massiiso trcitment ; something uevf. I'.ulors.W" S Uth st. licit It.irKerbotel 40S 14 * IIAIK GOO S-\VIGS , I3TO. Kor > tttesdt. , sec tup of fast colwnn on this page. 13 KST line hair Roods la vest ; hilr ( Irossln . J.J Is , snitches , hnn s , lulr chains , otca speulalty. Dailcs hair Koods and milliner , opposite postollke. Ill S.l.'ith Ht. Oiniiha.ij I'nr nilcf. etc. , no lop nffli xt column on t'lf ' * TUHU ) JlOHLi : loans money on dlapionds , J-1 watchcsJowclry.etc.S. U cor.rariiam&llth WAATHII XO /"or / rdtcf , ( tc. , net tup of frl iiiriin ! ( on this pagr. WANTED to liny A Krocory stock nt once for cash. 0 , 0. 1) ) . Hro n , telephone No. SfiT M IU ITlUKN'ITUICIi.lioiit.ulioIdgoodj.oto. lllehcst JL' cash price. 1111 F.imain. &yj WANTCD lliiiisohoid.s mods of all kinds. L'usli paid for HPCimd hand k'ooila. O tto City Auction Co , L'13 and 215 b. I''th st. 740 Ul * J1ISO For rate * , etc. , t > tt ( tip of fist cultinin on thtu page. MASSAO I. treat mcnt , elect i o-tliurinnl baths , scalpnud hair treatment , nianlvuro und chiropodist. Airs I'oit , K SD-'l. Wlthnc.ll blk. \7"ouU char.ictor and what you are llttodfor JL cm be do.scilbed fiom ) our HUeiics- . . bend one dollar to Uliarautoi Ueadur. N 07 , llooof- llco. SI SOl-1. " 7ANTKD To adopt a little Rlrl from Tto jy7ANTKD . UoodhomoKuarunteed. - Ad- Till , nun employment lliuoau , open \Ved- - nesduy , SiipMu. furnl hes ( Irst ilnss fo- nmle holp. Huferonces atYciiuit's \ Chrlatlnn iis-rtchitloii. Le.ivo onion nt Women's change. HI7 ! I'arnam st. MIM-lli * l.rOKSRS taken for pamurapo for tlio u Inter JL at fei | , or month , or with feed and shelter und oxliacaront from JoloJl'J per month ut Hummer lllll l-'iirm. lloricscallcd for und re- UiriKil. lor further particulars cull at IDS 1'axtun hlk. J. II. I'rntt. H7I 14 * Mltf. K. A. HOIA'OKKIII reopen her prl- vauibdiool for boys und KlrU nt llild to. - iptenibor 11MK ) . A limited iiumlior o ( nnplU taken. Kofertnees : Mrs , T. Ii. Klmball , Mr . JV. . llulclrueD. Umnlm , Nuh.jHev.y. It , Uultlirou , Hon. A.J. Nortlirui ) , Hyriicuso , N. V. 000-13 * rpo shoo dealers : The Now Jersey rubber L lxxtH , shoos , arctics and apocliiltlfS 111 bo oxUMinlvtily adturtlied tlio comliiir fall und winter. Write for ontalosuo. etc , I am vre > t- crn agent at Omaha , My Hales tliU beason nave beaten all previous rivoids. / . T. Lindsay. 009 & ) KOH sijiMoeacsVAGONSRTO. : . Kormfw , ffr. , tt tap of fiii column on thtt jxi < w pOIt SAI..E-A IliiO < { , rlvliiK horse which Is a luplenclld KiltednUOJv'horso. If , A. Kuhn , TTIOIt SAIjK-rivinlly horso. a e 8. bay , 1,200 , JJ frnfadrlvori wllltiiUoa " " ' "safety" runt pay , Q.U. Hubblo. tcl.aa , : , , . I.V. ill f\y ( > you want a ? < ' o. brtHvluz her , c. a tootl- Jt looker , Rood action. JJnd nml nllablc , ono a ililld ciiu drive , nr wJiuli cnn. If given the word. pa s iiiiytlilnion the avenue , If ) ou do , nnd you have Hior'-rlitlit kind ot Omaha property , you can net him. llartlott , Kooin 019 , l'a\nii hlk. " * " 151. Uodgo st. WOO ! CJUUsbd * Vand ) up. 11. E.Colo , SAIjIJ-rino cirlUiiB horse plincton. li , roLeJ , eto , cheap. N. V. Warron. 119 NJHUi i t. M JI1I-1S 1710 Lrll ton nit llKht mules : ono heavy l.BOO- JL' pound horse. Kooni 1J , Uo'iril of Trarto. \yOllK lioritf f Wtwo horse wnKonJildnithlo T work hnrnosi $13. or will tr.ido for Rood llnht side bur buggy. II , K. Cole , iVmtln- untul block. KOlt For mttf. etc. , tee. tup ttf fnl coluin n on UiU j j(7 fjlOU BALK-ThoroUBlibn-d Vorkshlro skyo JL'torrlors , hull tcrrloH , Suotoh collle , I'HR- llsh sutlers , drnr lioiinili anil fax tcrrle > n. Mat .r , llutthr , tit Mui Mojur Hco , loth and Farnain , S50 " 1J1OH SAI E-AnKnoy upright plnno , Iti uio , lit JL s orlllce. 617 N. l th st. 150 U * | i1OUSAhi-I.otnf ; lie humor stoves. St. JL' Ulair European hotel , Uth and Doilgc. J1OU SAt t-A good cow , cheap , Innulro , lain HIIOH SATjI OwlnR to cliaiiRe ? In busl- JL' Inrsi woolTnrfor snliatn sinrallc-oft llrst chss Ihorvand linirdlnj stable ! nonstock , cno < l bulldliii ; with Rood jnylnK trade , eo t 910,000 c mil. for silo at Ci.OOi ) . one-half OU.HU. Curtis A. Sackett , 203 So , litliSt , , Uniahl , M1HII-I3 I 1 OHSAI K-Icola car lots. Ollbort Hro * Council llluir-t M1H7 "IjlOUSAIjlr-Sturnnnilstockof RPiKT.il JL1 i > liindl < , n. Stock Will iiunli-o H.OtM. stock , well nisortcd. J-ofatcd on u. r , it. ] { . nta pooil tr.idlng point Will trade this prop- urty forOtnalia real cstatu asd onc-luilf unsli , Write for partliulats Address N SI , Uco offlco. - FOIl 8AUI2-KUU\1TU1 { | ; J3TO. I or raid. tttcc tup of flit column on tlitt T > I ; . rpMKSNAl'of Snnpi-I'or silo at your own 1 urlio n nil on cisy terms , tlio furnltuioofa ten room housn only two blocks from post- olliCLUooms nil occupied by dcslruMo tind promptp.iylni ; tt'imnts. Owner le iv-lns city nnd must sell. Low rent anil loni ; loiso on liotisolfdoslred. Its iilmoitlike llnaing itv ) per iiioutli. K. M.v.Ol'J ' L'uxton block. J1IW-I4 * $100 will buy the furnltuioplino ( Included ) ot nn8-roiiii liouso A\lthlna \ blocks of P.O. Address N < H Uco. 1M l'J FOlt 8Alr. Oheap--Tlio furiiltiiro lu the home , No. 1813 Uonslas Street , for sale , and house for rent. Kiiquiioou the prcmKis. TO For rnto. etc , , fee top o1rat column OH tMi MOMIY tolosin , Ofllc'ooiicn OMnla s J. I/ . J4ke. 1CJ2N. Y.LIfe.piU nlacoon sliort no- tlco all the UrsL-chss"lo aS uionsht him at7 nml 8 per conl notto liono er ; his company not afraid of prohibition lu Nebraska ; un limited capltul. ' 17. . 11 * MONEY toloanbyiB-K. Musters on chattel tindoolIiturnUocurltlusfur any time from ono toelx mouths la uuy umountto Hull bor rower. ' Loans rmflo on housclinla Roods , nlaaot , oi niis , horses , 1111111lioiiset ) , Icusos , wuri1- lionso receipts , etc. . lit tlio louost possible r.itcs.wlthout ptibllcltyornniovalof piopuity My loins am so arranged that jou cnn inako a payment of any amount at any time ami reduoo both principal.nml interest. It you owe n biluncc on your prnperty or hnvo a loan you wish changed , I will pay It elf ii i nnd carry It for ytm. If you find It iuori < convenient i , call up telephone ) No. 1CJI unil your liuslness canho wrr.iinod at homo. Money always on hand. No delay. No pub lic ty. Lowest rates , . i n. P. Masters. Koom 4AVIthucllblk , 15thuudHarncy sts . 578 WK have nrlvato money to loanut low rat PS , Omaha Heal Katuto & Trust Co. , looii { > 4 , lice uldi ; . 157 $800 tolKHpoohl ( ) ) loin. Would loan onbulld- liic on leased lots hero ( { round rontlsroa- sonable , or id It-cugo paper will ho houuhl. Address N & > , Heo. M l)01-it : * I ONEV toloan.Ooirospoiideiitspf Ixjiuhflrd Llnies'tCo. thr cr Ac Iurnsl'reii7or ) hlk. 1WJ oS riO AIM KKUI AIi anil Roneral short 1 1 mo paper v/bought ; also ii'ttuloiSyuir loans on linpror- ed property. Oeo.r. Ill ut& Co. , auJKuiiigobldg priATTEIi Ilaiik. ai)3. ! ) ISth St. , lo.iiismonoy v ou chattels or collateral at reasonable rates. & 8U FIRST t second mortRaKCS oa Vacant & Im- pro\ed city prim. Oounty warriiitsbou ht Moneyouhaud. I'.AI. liioliardson,81b N.V.Lilfo. C II ATTEI < loans at lowest ratcj. Ieluo ! el ( to KM , N , V.Mfe llldg.OJ. U. Eiumlngor. ' BTTlLDrNO loans , Cto 7 per cent ; no addi tional oh'irir os for iiitn mission or a ttoi a oy's ' fcca. W. li.Mclldc. First National bank bids. _ ; _ Mi MONKV-.B , fiO or W Hays on furniture , pianos , hordes , houses. etc. J. J. Wilkinson , CIS I'.ixton block. , 584 FIKsP iiiorts.-'c loins at lowritesand no delay. 1) ) . V. bliolusO'o. , 2101st Nat'lbmlc , _ _ _ _ Bid LOANS-CItvalid farmloans.mortta0 paper bought. McCiRuoIavcstmentCo. r s3 T7"EYSTOXn Mortsairo Co TJOins of $10 to J-VlOJO ; get our rates before borrowing nnd save money ; loans on horses , furnltiiro.or : ui\ ' nppioved security without puhllolbyi notes bouKht , for now loin , renewal of old and low est rates , call H.i > Hblieely blk.loth & Howard. TTNUSUAIiI Ylow ntoi vJ of Interest on lli-tniortacsof ! linpro od real iMatofor tlionejIUJ diys Jiy the Ivansis I'lty Investment ( Jo. KOOI nil , Board of Trade , J , II. roase. inana or. 5.SS /"IlIATTEt ; loans lovrst rates , business cond- M. J. Hall 10 Continental hlk. 4JGVJ7 MONEY to loan oa nnv security forshorttlmoat loir rales , lowest rates on porsoml property , The Henderson MortKnco Investment Com pany , room 401,1'axtoa ulk , 501 B UIUIINQ lomS made at lowest rates. W. Mi Harris , room 20 , Krouzor blk. , opji. P.O. 603 FA KM loans Star 1. nid i Loan Co.4Hs20 RHAIj Kit'ito I/o las-Cash on hand , Olobo I..o.in & Trust Uo. . jf ) ) Jx lilthst. Nodol.iy , no o.itra charges , lloii bs torrent ; good 1UU 1 i > 5'K ) OlIEAl' eastern moiwy I'lilludtlplil i iMoriK SO and Trust Co. , always ready to loan'Mid ' ptv iiromptly ; first mortgages wanted , ( Rursew. 1' . Uoates , rep resentative ) , loom 7. lio.ird of trade. fit.l \v. \ ANTED Klrst-ehiJ imldo loans howcst rateCall anil ko ui. Mutual Invcst- meat Co . , 1M1 l'.irimirf.T7 , Kfj -Mi- 771ASTKIIN money to lpan on city Jmortsaio paper biidglit , H.ll.Iroy FIItST mortgage lonM'on | iu ] > invod and 1111- lnipro\cd proiicrty.JOInrlus . llalnoy , 1113 Omaha Nntlunul uanlliilldlnf ( , ? &I.1 HAIE Nlco l rooiii boise rc.idy to A : move Into , -with ftilldot , U.2JO , fjaoiasli. O. K IlarrKon , mix. Y.Jf.o.)7 | ) _ ( $1.000 10 lo in on flrst'lililrtjajioi must bo all In ono amount or tto- loins of & 00 each. Heedfr Selby. UHoarg Trade. _ 4a OY. . & 0 , M. ANTillNY,3H NV IMa bulld- In ? , lend money on farms In choke coun ties of Nebraslii ; ind Idva ; also oa wood Omalu icsldoneo property ; lowest rates ; best terms ; uo delay ! money luitdy , Titles nnd Miliiin passed on heiu ? 0 DIKK llrokcrln real estate- mortgages : ob tain money at least cost to borrovor ; open y till 7pm , Koom U ) , llnrUer hlk. . ' - . - ' _ _ a.-s--j' pltlVATEinonov tolOiincUouD. O.II. Ilur- JL rUoii. UllN. Y. Life. f 'i ' iil an. i o delay , la lur oor Hinull lTJ.amounts Io i ) t rjloa Apply C , K. Itey- uoIds.Ul'J Now York llfitbldi ; . Telephone 1191. _ i 7-iC'l MOMKY loaned at low ruto-s oa fnrnuura , her > iua , A.O. , without publicity. HnwKcyu Investment Co. , B l > ounhidblk,10th unf , Dodjo. . . _ _ _ TT'ASTKIIN money to loan ; lowest , ratesl no L- delay ; laruolounsiv Rpcelulty ; short time mipert > ouhu Omiihi Morlgago Uo.grauaU lloor Chamber of ConimUrco. roil KXCIIAXGJE. for tattt. rtr. , vc top of _ fnt _ cpliimti on O MAHA tnulnoM ami residence modern brick Improvements , to forClilcngo property. Address , ? 19 , lioeotllcc. lWKNrV mares for Oiiuha , real Uooin lil. Hoii rdTriKlo. 1 rilKJ' ' ? bend mules for Omiiha. real eatiito. It. JL 13 , Hoinl Ti acle. 1 f place Srtth > 1 I'hrcc. 8 room iii'i- with water ftt\\ 111 takosoniocluar InW. .P. Harrison. UllN. Y. Life. 341-13 CMC AH farms mid city prtincrty for Oiimlu propfrt v. will assume. Fr.ink K , llartl- Ban , OWN. "S' , hlfo. Ml3MJ IjlOH KXCIIANOE I have u bull , a heifer JL ana four horsrj , rill nf uliloh luonlil ul\c fora lot to suit W. T. Human. Omaha's largest\arlcty wncomniul cirrlnces. 10" 80MEmonhandlso forolotrrenl estate und Oanlil also n few seivltiK luacliliic . A. Q Urock , Arnold , Neb. l S4-ll _ "lUTsCONSIN water powt'rmlll.wltliMncrcs IT Innd , clear , cxchanito tor Mubrnsln prop erly , 2IB5 I > ccitur. - ' * TJlOU OMAHA resident or business iiropertv JU Hrlok block , free from Inournbranrc , peed onatats. corner ro < ini ( Coupled byb'mtf , rents lity K' * Interest oa IW.OUO , In a good , thrlv hiK Nebraska town , cross ralliuud anci a dlrlslon station. Address 1/M. BCD HM ANTICD-Stock of ccneril mdso. . Invole- iiul..OUto 1)10,000 ) , for choice Uinnlia liu- proved property and cub. Aildriss , r.iUic ) , * (3 ( SOI IH cold Waltlmni wtitth and worn horto lo Undo ( or good Hide bir bu By. .11. K. Colo. Continental block. in role. HAijt ; itn < vi < Forrata. etc. Hetiiii { > f fi-xt mlnitin on KCO aeios lmirn\cd | Innd near Arapalion for saloor oxehuiiRO for merchandise , Drum iirofeired , Addriss K II. llcllatny , Arupaliuo , Sub. Itllby I'lnco. JI.OOO , . 'Jhroo lots In Kllby IMace. eiIW oich. Hast front lot on Lone ao.,003 ; SOiU onsli , bilatico to suit. llcautlfullot onSprlns strcot northot Uar- nam , only $ } & ) . houth front lot , corner on b'arnani street , . Dast front lot on Lowe : i\c , il.SCO , 3BD cash , bilance to suit. Two lots on corner of Divonrort nnd 3Nt a\o. , brliiKlM feet front onDavuiiiortst , op- | H)4lto ) Vatts'llnorosldence , forUUDO. This Is the Kroatcat bargain In ele aut roskleiica property in the illy. An elejrnnt corner. fifiKlT ! . south nnd oist front , on Harnoyst , Insldo the mile limit , for . The nbovovacint lots arc all barfrnlns nnd termscan 1)0 arr.itiKed to suit buyer , W.U. llomnii room C. 1 icn/er block. IC-T M-Uusalns. ; 1'iddock ' IMico iinMiornmn ave . ! 1,000 , 74x1 11 , ISIcholw , corner , trackiigo , ea y terms. Aoit\ West Omaha , tlio best , $1(1,000. ( Acre , Hurt st. and \\ebsterst. \ .rtlMK ) . Uholio losldonco Ion , Kuclld l'lacc,000 ! ! up A bountiful home , 810,000. A cottngr.inist front , bath and vr. o.,5l,0f , > 0 , Lots In llltohcooU'jt acid , Carllumo , Writ Cumin : , ' . EMIIIS' uld.,10th ( st. add , IMalnvlcir , and other additions on easiest terms. , llhtst. , corner , neai rariuni , iier f ocl , $ " > 0 Rood in opcrt y fort i.il o. J. ll.Kvnns , liUSN. Y. U fe. 181 13 _ $ UXH ) ) uoilh of choIioOin.iha icsldcnci * prop erty w 1th iiiodirii brlek lnipro\eniiiits nnd Kllt-eilKu business piopurt j-cloir for fidODO oasli. 1'or p.iltlculara , udllicss , 64,11(8 otlloo. JV you want it nlco homo on uasy terms till on I , A. Cliappoll , loom il , chamber of roin- merce. _ 1I ! ! ! _ KAVH Miculul offer to makn on lot nnllodire St. , llflffus I'Iflco ; nNo onoonrainiin. I ) . K. Ilarrli.oiiUll K. V.LIfe. 1 > 7 la OOI ) homo at 1 Ul So. SSth st , lot llnnscom I'lnec. IliinsoSioouH alliuodcrn Improiemrnts Including best of furiuice , vlll take ono or two clear lots : t'.OlX ) The prop erty Iscloar. C. 1' . Harrison , DUN. V.f.lfo. _ _ _ _ II'MU ' \\7 Ehavosoniocholeololsln the niaiuifnc- TT tiirluadlHtrict of C'hleiiKo , frie jind elcir , that \vllle.xohanKoforKOod NLhiahkiifuinis at a fair price nnd assnmo ronKonahlolneum- hrauic , Ohe fulldoscrlptlon llt-stlettir. I.'iko .1 Lane , IU" Dearborn St. , Chicago , 111. 14O11 * rPTIN ucros rlRht on riirnnni st. V5 mlle w of XUilfKs I'Jnco.n uonutifiil hluhaiid tract , bargain , IV , Jj. feel by , JJ Hoard of Trndo _ _ _ is.i Oil SA 1K KisI front : Knd ao , 50. ! 42 , T ,000 , O.F. lIiirrKoii. OllN. V.Mfp. 120-11 FOIl SALE House and lot. tflid and Jones sts. . very f.$100do\vn balanco313nionti- ! ly. AV. L. bolhy.ia Hoard Trnctc. 1.10 . .v homo , llurdclto aiidanth , 5-room eot- 0.1 tnj0 ! , ! ? lbOO , , J.W ) cusb. U F. IlurrNon. 911 N. Y. Mfc. 8U3 O H1IICWJ ) liivuhtor.si'iiu mt bargains by con- Osulllne my list and calling uponiiie this \\eok. U. 1' . HarrisonOil N , V. Life. 14J18 Oil SALE Iot lOOxl'JO n. w. cor. of the pirk $7 , foniHliort time. C. F. Harrison. 911 IT1O1 ! SAI/H The choice residence ab No. J3 1031 Cicoi laavo.ll\l4Hft. K front , 0 larjo rooma , Diilb , pas , svcr. . hot and cold \\uter , eloset and all con\cnloncea. owner RolnRlo loavoclty , IX V , Sholos Co. iaist Kat. bank. roil notes land 4 mllosfiom Illunt 18 from" I'lcrro. S. Dakota , lo exchange for Omaha property. aiB Dceittur St. MHM-I'J * ITlOItHEN'T 12-room house , IMWCaiiltol a\e- -L1 n in ; all modern conveniences ; $ : Apply SplBleft I.owls.717 N Uth at , JlKB-l ? ' _ FOR SA.LE Or trade , lli-aiitifulnowll-rooni house only 2 blocks west of howe ave , on C'assst. , bUli anil sightly and on Krailo ; full lot , cltv v.itor , clstcnii tower , bay window. porches , douhlo lloor , cellar , bith room all Jiiil-ihul lnlli > st-classstylo , price , $ I.V > 1 bin ill paviuent down , balaneoH joirjit. ; 7 per cent. Will , traclcfor clear f.irm land orOimlm lots. Owner , 12. 0. Merrill , 4ia Walnut avo. Walnut Hlll.0liin.lin. 670 sta * JOf nmli-room cottaKO'nclaiid l.ninin- uorthW,200. O. V , Harrlsori.Oll . JS. V. Life. FOU SALi : Iofwotth JIOO fori ) , lf tnli-n atoaeoJ175 cash. 0. K.llai-rlsou.Oll XV. Mfo. li0-31 ! fkCJNAi'S" atar Land & LoanL/'o. O 413s 20 feet cast front on Jlcl st , ncir Doil o , JonRr.uk' . Anoxvwoll built 8 room house , nlcolv finished , all modern conveniences , In 1'opploton park Hour motor. Also t > omo good lots In Kllby plaeo , I'ounlcton parlc and lu- Vetaplacoon und near Lotto ave. 1'or terms call on oi'uddiu * J. 1) ) , Zlltlc , Ull N. V. Lifo , $ l.'JM\a < lriJO ( for Lincoln Place anil t'ui tlueo lots ; easy toims. W.L.Solhy , IJ Hoard Tr.ido. 001 Hist fronttith fi-roonieottju-o , JL ? HinscoiiilMiiCO , ai.JuO. 0. F. HairNon , 1)11 ) N. Y.Iilfo. 149 IJ A SMAJiIi payment donn aadil5 jici month will buy a4-roornhousoandlot on lOtli , U blocks from ; motor ; llrst-class chance tear > . oulioa homo on easy terms. Apply to 11,13. Cole , Continental bluelc. ftOl TF VOUbavo iiiiythliiB to boll or cxcbanco JLcnll at CH I'inloii hloclf , COJ \\TANTr.D To purehasoKoodclty property , i r Improved or unimproved , J'or sulo or rent , good farmlands close to city. In 40-ami lotsormoro. Kcntseolloctod : ind forReiicral ienlest ! > .lo business appU to 0 , n. lioyiiolds , Olt ) a'ow York llfo bids. Telephone- . M7-s2l I7KJU bAI/K UHOotlons of la ml In Nobrjska. JL1 ntlesstliatihalf valueby owner. O. II. l'ulc-r oii.M8 H.llth it. 1115-ill INCOIiS Phco lota 81,530 , toH.ftOO , Hotter U . ) , JAM' tinclta o lot , _ _ , .Kmvod St. , track In alloy. Korwiloor loisu on Ions time. Ihe Jlcad Investment Co. . Heo blcl'g. 1)17 ) FOU ) AI.K 91 hy IM fret north auU uist front , corner on ItodKont. . ono of the rilcosb rt'shleneo sites In thoclty.foi i'.TOO . tea tlcslr- ablep.irtywho will liullda Rood icsldenco. W. It. I Ionian , room 6 Kroiuor lilk. lii | WAUUI1 \Vtstorlloldleal utiae , .Uriidia. { > ) OOl'l'AUK homos la most any acidltliin for silo ut fromJI.OOO up on easy monthly pay ments. 1' . K. Darllnir , J llarl < urbllc. Gffi 171OK hAIiH l-iXin ) IKMISO. moilorii imprino- JL1 meatsbarn , ete. , fX-foot ) lot , onVlrt \ st. th beat resldemo ht , In the city , for * IWO. ? l..VXcaslibalanuo ) toHitlt. D-riwrn house and .W-foot lot oa I'arlc avo. . for WWW , Terms to suit. ti-room house und no-foot lot on Slut avenue , just north of bl , Mary's a\o. . f r W.'M. ! ) -room lioiihCall modern Inilirovoinonts,50- , footlot , onbptncor l. , f or Ki.SU ) . ( i-room lintiiio and li.ith.llio ulacn\vltli oalc niantol , city water.X'IH , otc , . atliUh nnd Jack- sou MH. , foi M.'JiiO , on terms to suit Imyor. Tlioo ariiallittnuliiM ImKiiins , The hou rt lent for ( noiizh to p.iy 10 pur cent on nrlco nskid.ill. . lloninn , room G l'ien/ir hlk U71 IIUSI.VE8S CII.VNOKS. For ratsc. ( . ftt ( ' ; > uf _ flr t rotitmn onllib 7/1OH a tafolOpisr ient Intit-itnient JL1 fur Hhaics in iho Mtit mil loiin unil liulld- Imc as-.oolitlonurlei > D , su. WuKC-worbers hhuiild tiikiiHliiuvH tobcourti low rntiH itt in- ti-iestla buying their lioiuiH. I'ooinll cbam- borof commune. 0 , M. Niittligor. wcroUry. 178 O 10 TTyotiareibaTbor nnd hmo rtittle niontr Jor.torao Rood Dtopcrt ; uiidirlsh to ( jo Into btuliumonrourown urtMunt , conto and co tnC. Ilartlolt , Roini OlJl'u Mini blk , 11 * lltIO Btock and HUiircs , linolce about tX'.lW ! iKjtimy old < tockl wHlmill for ] jirt push , or o-xchanjii ) for a fiirm Address W Tlioni.l ( > cktKx ai. J llfhflfld. Xcl ) . H3 sat im ' > li SI I . . K Vl nt olmi d alty. CulTTiiTir W J-'Wrlnlit. ilorvwo , er K.-.T , Dour , 7iM North Hntroet Slllh * < _ _ . _ -A Icwolry stock Inn lOc tovn , Hiirtiiu mint tlih ycur l > vlh ( * hcstcroii lu tlio stale. AildroHjllo.xW , > Vci'pluVutcr. \ . Nfl ) . MIM-IV ll ( ( > iico ftwl biislnosMvfll locali'd : sootlcliutiicfor iiiallcapltal.An - dress J , A. Ilriuiucy , rml oatatui K ' iti alinw.Nob. 31 l or ir.ulo A. llrst clasMliotolhi iiciiitilr ) * < t nllii 'nsterit Nobnislci lor iuIre ot\V. \ Jj. Solby , ruu 13 , Trtde. 7r _ Ii1Ol3AI i ; J. lit tnl tin wit li she Itcs ami oiinton , huo- inent 61001111 for dwelling , food elsKrn und vfll , Mill woli or trtdo lor u V > . isliickof KW- icrlos AcldtoHd liool , Ulo .l , O. o U. grooeri , WSN IDIhst , ( K4 _ T'uHiircli.inci ! . CltfUtMoIoflllifanT. NtF. jV.for rent , Hiilo or cxi'hniiKo for farm or Ouialii proHrty | ) , Host hwited liotol lu Millard - lard : has liar-nwiu , ilanco hill. IM house nml stable ! all con vide nro II. llColo , ( lonll- ncntalbllc.or , O , Klmiuerruin , illi : ) unJJoiu'i" . lllOUIiAMATION , \VniitRAK , A joint resolution vras Adopted br tlirlo > : I.ilituriof ) tliustnlo of Nennskunt tno LMonty-lltst sosslini thereof , nnd npprowl MarcliJOth.A. 1) ) lnwl , proposing an amend ment lo Hudlon Uo L"fotir(4 ) ( ] and lUc [ 5 ] of \rtu-lo.slxlnl \ of Iho eunstlliitfoitof said Htnln mid tlut ald s > ctlou as umLMidoil slull nad as follow H. tor It ! Koutlon 1 ThntsoclliMi t o (2)of ( ) arllolo MX ( HoC ) the constltutloiint tlioHtatonf Aibraska bo aiiioiidcilRO into rckd : nfollo s : "Suitlouj , Tlio supiomo court shall con- ilit ol II voO ) judges , a majority of \ \ hoin slnll bonoccssary to form aqiioiuin rl pronounce adeelslon. It Mlmll lilui orlRlnalhirliillotlon In cnws ri'latlni to lovcnun , civile i .csla which the Mute iliall 1)0 ) a | iirty , munilaiins , iiio varranlo. liibeitsiorixis , aivl Hiiihiipiiel- lnto jurisdiction us n < ay l > iiirovlih | < d Uy IILW , Soelloui ! ! That soelioti four f-tlat u riloloOx jO.of tlio < * onstltut' . ) iiof tlipstntoof Ncbrnski , bn ainciKlcdso into md ns follows ; ritiolloa Tlifluli \ ] ! s of Iho suiiromo court lliall bo olot'tcU liy n liooloclurtt o ( thentiito ut hi > cn nml tholr tornis of otllco , txeoptas hi-rolnif tt rproiKleclibliiill bo for IL iierloclof live ( My curs" Sot-lion : ii ThatROftlon Hi o ( HI of arllclo lx ili ) of Iho roiiHt 1lutti > nof tliost itn of.Nuliras- ka. boamrnile < lHonsti ) fund as ( nlh w < : Section . " "At the llrst senornl ilictlonto bn htld In the yiar l l. and after th9 adop tion of tlili amend mint to thu constitution , lliL'rotlmllbn oloutocl thrto < : i ) ] udvo ( of Iho siiprune oourt , ono of whom shall booloclod fur t lid term of ono < ll ycnr , ono for tin * term of time CIj ) en is ami 0110 for tliMormof lira ( M y iirs , and at caoli Keiural elect Ion tlnro- itftortliercslisill bo cioeU'donu liidso of the supreme vouit fir tlm turrn or live ( i | yours Provided , that , the judjcii of the supreme court whiwi terms Invo nit < > tplrcil at the tlmoof lioldlns the nonoril uloutlonof Ml , sluilUotitliiui ) to hold their ofllco forthore- iniiliiiloroftlii * ttriu fur wliluli they Horero- iiitlim iii'C't holy " elected under the inesontcoiull- t-ectlon 4' Tlntoiica pcrsnn votlncln fnuir of this a men dine nb Mmll lm-\o willteit or prlntrd upon hlshallot t hpfollowlnR : "I-'urtlui proposed iiinoiKlaiontto tliocomll- I ut tea ' ruhlliif ; to thu number oC siipruno Tlieri'foro. T. John M Tlnyor , QoTcrnorof tlio slute ofNoljitskn , do liuroby K\\O \ luillce lu uoiiirdiuiee Mlth Motion ono ( I ) siillelollf- locii'l' ' ) ) ofthi > ( onslHut Ion , the pie Kloniof Ihe nit ciilltlid "Anaut toproudei the miii- nor ( | ) ioii-iliii' | all iitiii'iiihiiciits to the con - ttlliilliHi : iiiil submitting ; tin1 sumo tollioolot'- Irtrsi ol tin' stRti' " .Appioud Iilirniiry Ulli. A. D 1 7 * . Iliat. Mild propospil amend incut Mill fie ] ) i-M'iitt'l to the ( luallllcd Mt ) < > is oC tlio slntafor npptnul ormjucllnii at thiieoiirml election tolio luldonlhu Jlh day of Novem ber. A IX MO. In ivItneiHliirpof Ihn AO howintfl'ot ray hand md ciusul to lie allked the ercat sral or LIIO sruo 01 i > eurasicn uono HT i.iin'niu IhN ath < lavof July , A. O.li'JO. md the t wn- ty-fourtli year of tliostati1 , and of tlio Imlu- ptmdinco of tin United fatiite the one hun dred lift 01 nth. llylho Onvorror , JOHN 31 TIIAVEK , -.l Secretary of Slate. August Id tm PKUOIjilMATION. A Joint , resolution was adontod by thelcslslaturo of the Htato oIN'obrtslva at the tienl'j-llnitsession tlicroof.und iiiprotc ] < l 1'ohruiry llth. A. 1) . 1W ) , iropo ) > lu > ? anamcml- ment to the constitution of Mill Ktate. and tliutHitld. uniuiiilinuiU bball road as follow.s , Soctloii 1 : Tint itt the gonorill election to be luld on the tm duy suuui'CiliiiK the Hist Monday of No > ciuber , A. Dlh'inthorosballhy siimllted tothecleciors of thli statcfora | - provnl or rejection ail amend moat tolho con stitution ot tliU utalo In words us follows : "Thonianufacturo , side and UecpliiRforsalo of liilo.xloatlnalUluorj an a be oiaKcnro for- cvor | > rotilltedln ! ) this state , nnd tliolochli- liiro shall provide bylaw for thounfiiruninrnt nf t-hl * provlHlou. " And thorn shall also at suldolootlon busepnriitelr Huhmlttcd tolho ch'otors ofthlsstalofor tholr nuprovul orro- Jeet.lmi uiiamomlmont to the constltutloiiof Ihu stit * In words usfollovs : "Iho jnmufao- tuie.saioand . lcoplns forsilo of Intotleatlnc jliiuins as n touirii ) Hliall bo lloomcd and leKiilatctlliy lair , " boi.J : At siidi cloetlon , on Iho billet of cue li doctor vothiK for the proposcd.iniiiid- nteiilsto thoeoiistltutloii shall -\trltteiior prluliJ tlio words : "For proposed anicnd- ineiit lo the ) ( ( institution. prohlWIIii'j the manufacture , sain autl keeping for stle of Intoxicating llijnora as a. liovorijto. " or "AKihist Iho | iroiHi'il amendment to the constitution jirohllutliiK thu inaiiufautiirr , silo nnd keeping for a ilo ol Intoxicating llnnOM aft'i ho\fKiKo" Tlicro nlull nKi ) bo written orprltitod onthe hallotof cioh electorvotlm f jr Uiopiopowd nmendmoiit to tin * lonstltutiim , the W ) IIH | : Torproiio ed iimuiichueiitto thoooihllt\illon thiitthu in m nine : tun' , sale ami Uutpinp for aleof inloxlcitlns llqunis nsa lieioraijolii tils state Hhill ha lloonscd und n ulatiul hy Uw , " or "Analti't HiiW proposed amend- niont to the cotstltutlonth.it the manufac ture , salonud Iceplnit fi > r ; il ( ! ol liitoxiuiitluir llquom as a bnvuiiio ) ulull Ijo llot-iisucl and reKulatlnsliy law. " See 3 : If either of the said proposed aiitcmlinrntsithill 1m approvc'dby nmajorlty of the olceton votliiR ill the -ild election , thonlt slull cnnhltutu sictlon twonty-H"\eii \ [ U7 ] of article ouo [ llof tliooon&tltutloa of this T'lic'roforo , r.John M. Thayrr , Goiornor of the state of N lira sin , do hereby Klvo notice In nc'Lordnnce lth mnflonomi [ 1 ] ! irtloluL'0 [ of tlm constitution and the provisions of ttiu actfiilltlul nniicttu providolho miiiuicr of proprshiKiill iinioadinentsto the constitution iiiiUMibinlit iiitlio MIIIU to thooh'ctors oltlio stale. " Approved I'Dbrinry lilh , A , I . h'iT , thit Bald nioposcd iimomlmunt will ho Hitb- nillticl tollio nuallHed votut-s of thlsslutofor appravulor rolcctloaat the cencrid uluitlon to luliuldon tlio 4tlidixy of Isovonitor , A. U Iiiwltnoss horcofl hcrounlosotmy Innd aiiacaiiHOto ho united the Rrovt Mil of the statoof .Vbruska. Donuat Miiccjlntlilaiillli any of July , AI ) . I ft ) ) . atiiltlioSlth u.iroftht Htato , niidof the linlopuiidoncoof tlio United btutin thiionoluintlrud lUtJtiiiln. HythoGcwornoj. JOHN M. X1IAVER. liu.tMxix U. cownruv , [ SKA.i.1 feocrotary of State. AuirtiHt I ION. WIIKIIRAR , JV Joint rosilutioa win adopted hy the Icslslatinooftho tlntunf Nolirns-ki , in thotivpniy-Orjt session thoruolanilnppro\ec , March : iotli , A. 1) . Ikii , priiposhiK un aincnd- montto bCotloiiTlilitcond.O of Article i-ls (0 ( of the constitution of add htilo ; thiutsalcl ficctloa anunicndoclEhall roadao follows , to- wlf Slctlonl ! Thatsfotlonthlrteon < I1) ) of arti cle , six ( ) ottli conitltutlonoftlni..titooNo- ( braska lioatncndeclto asto roail asfullows : Hutlonll : Thojudposof thosiipitinu court Bh nil oinh receive asalaryof tlilrtj-llvii ln.-u- d red dollars < $ IWO ) per annum and tlio ludseH of the district court shall roedvo nnalnryo tbrco thousanddolhrs < * l,000) per annuni.ancl theiiliiry of oaoh bliall bopitynblfxiuiirlirly t > cctlon8 : Inch jicra-iir voting In favor o thliamcndinc'iit filmll Inuo writ tun or prhitct upon hlslillotthofollovlnss ) "lor tlioprnm | > ofUiiondinontto thnrnnstl- tutlon , iplatln.'to the sahrv o'judgsof ( the su pro mound clliirlctoouit. 'Xhoroforo. I , John M. Thttyrr , Kovornor n thehtatvof Nebraflka , do hereby trhu iiotlou In iiicordaneoffltu HMJtlon oilo ( .1 ] aitlolo llf- t cnl.r ] of tlio comtltnjlon , nnd Iho provl Hlomof nn actent tiled : "An net to provide thfjiiiannor ot ptoiinsliip all iimoiidmouls to thnconstltutlnii and .submitting tlm Biinia to tlii'doct'ir-J ' oftho htate. " Approvodrobiuiiry llltli , A. I ) 1 77 , thnt H ill propos"i | aiiicnd- mont will ho Nulimlltod luthu-ipnillllod > olurH of tills stiito forappioval or rtjmjtlon. satbo concral election to lo luld on thu Ith day o Noicmbcr. A. I ) . Ih'i ) . Jnwitiisss wlici oof I hive Icrnnnto wet my hnn'l ' aridcau'Cil to bo alllxoil the Rreutsea of HIM state of Nebraska I > ono nt Mmoln thlsiatliday ofjiilr , A. I ) Ib'JJ , undthe twnii ty-fourtliyt-nrof iho < tUu ( , and of thnlndo piMldnnronf tlio United SlutM tUo oiiolmu diutflf liuitli , llytho Governor. JOHN M. Til AVER. C'owmnv. Bccrotnry of Slate To Whom riMny Concern : Thin U t otlCKtliut tlidlndcibtodiuiiiuf lh liu'.v 1'flnt liiitt'o. ' % v . o < ' < Wtli day of Auzu3lb'W , ! i horoliy eotllfy IhaU Iho foroRoliiR states iiuint IH true uithn Irut of my knowlod oaai bolkf. JCJIIN I'I'AIIILIK , View rri'sldeiit , HlUtllt , JIM n cuJumna . _ ll.nlj. Comrorublo. Ku u < ri > Itb r < : ilt > uiid r. r < iu llllilrl 4 eel Atroofl TUII. AdiiiM oiwioBMiiBooac.iit ftra4w nn. TC. RfllUraYriMEGRRD T/onrii I CIIICAIIO , Htllll.lMiTUX * IjT " OraiOn I ItopotljjtlinnlMnion suten. I ' "ISO > im . , „ . . " Umitbi. Pfpotljth nnil Mnim ttrot < . I Jin Tun , , .l > n or Pujr r'nifoii..n 1116 ni Denver K-rnrc- " „ . . . „ : 140 pni I > nir Miiht uprtiil , . . . . , lift nni . . , , . . * , MlBVIlhl IdllCtU . „ , . . . U-.lTlll T mar.i. . j . i. ff. Omnlia | PtputlOtli nnl Mnnui MrcjH. > M m | . . .Kimiu t'ltj (1.10 pi (45 ) initC.C. | NKhl Kin rlnll. I' . Tram ( V. . ) i i iv oi i I'STo.fi'/viimx ' Om livhl I Depot Uth nnl MnriT mri'pH Oauhit. 't 60 p ni , , . . , Ovcrlnntl H/or . , , . "POip n ISO pni . . . I'ncl Bo K rims * 10-ll > nj . . Ik'nvrr - „ Kxnroi > S W p t II ( U mi . . .Kinsn dtjr liipro l. . . . UlMi nv 1015 nin hilrtlrtl I" if , ( olirpL Sun ) . I IVTM l I'llll'iTJO.li : ITal'Al'IHl' .irrlu > Diunhii | rj I * , doimt. Klli nil An ror 8t ) , Oiiillin. ( .10 pni Nlulil : * ii. . , ilOUU m ( IUi tint. , . . .Ul.inllo KaprrsH rtlXJp t f < O pni | Wslllwln IJmHoO , . . . .II045 m UATM | MloUX t Iff X l'A ' inu.i I Arthur TT5 i ml ' , IM pni I . t 1 * 1 K-Tti" | . ! 10 1(1 ( m "UTOTf th ! v .VI'Ai tHIJ. i Armor1 Oiiiahn. I _ | ) oj.ol.MliinlJ\Abstpr8t | ; . I Ormli ! . _ 8 ( HI pun . _ . _ . . "I. Jiwl _ l.liiilnul . . , l U ' ljvr\\a "n > inu(7iTS.'Vilt ( trn\v Kfi'hUN | OniHln. I U 1 * . ( lfiit. | llHh _ nl Sl rj'/t li | Pl& m | . . flilr.ml ICxproin , ' . . . . „ I .SO pin ] . . . . . . .lontlliiln iJnillihl „ 1) .so la 8.14 pm'Ioim Ai.niiiiiii liitliniixC Hun ) 7 ( IJ p la Slop in I Knilrrn Mor 2 II p l * ] .l.Vni | _ [ . .Kfl't K 'loru Kt | re s SOU m iM-aioi OIfiu7Vtiu , Allur . a'l" . K' Omnlu. IU " d iwt. Mill And Mnrcjr Sdi dunlin. 6.0O put ( lllTl ( > l * 5 n tu ! ; ' . pin ( hlfi\ i > Mp ! ra Mm 1111 i Arn oT Oiunlit. UI' . ( | ) ) , ICtli nl Miitojr Sti , UmtliA. nvcri t K A. MiT vTMTKf" ] Ariit.tT" ( I mhii J _ ItapointU M I > ' b lk't.St , _ j Unn'iv ' _ ( ni . . .Illnck Illlli Mir | > * ii , . . , 'Olp m CXJ nil , llnstlnn Kil . CM . iniHr ) . Q.Wp la 510 pni VnhooiMiicnln I'nMlSv-Snml'jIllO 'J0 la 5 IU p m . H > rK t NorMk K Sunilur ) MUlMn lu i , . , . liimli I popoiistti nnil Mo'iuoplt * 7.0(3 ( i m . Muui ClfrAcooiliniOiHUnii. " ] .i.l)5p in l.OJ pin . Blouxlltr tMir < "MK.v Silt ) ) l. : < 0 | i la IWJpm . , . . St. I'niil Ulmltiul . . ll.X'ln 111 S.15 pnil 1 ) | "I Arrlf Ji llepitl.iUinnil ( . | Oijiiliv lOiUiml. Su TouTs . 1C < ' " ' 11.15 f luj . SI. Ixnil-M If. C K | in n. d'.iaii tt > Rentes 1 TIllDAUo. It 1. I'jvLll'ttI Art ! o9 " Trnn ( njr | Unlon _ _ ' l > oiioL r nni'n _ HltUIs _ 3op"iu [ . . . . . . 'NlKliFTCxpru * * . „ " . . T ! ' . : in lOdin . Atluntlo I jire . A.Up m 0Opnt [ . . . \otltno \ ! lliuttcl . . | lO. : < tli\ai | ycnir | till ? VM , SOItTlUVKllKllS , " irnn'forl UnU n IIUitT I'.SUMnl . ( lilcinn KiT | < s . , i. ( Up in riUOuit . \ ctlliulo Jliultuil . P : IHUI 10.IX ) p m KixMirn Hf r I'.OJptn l. : < Upml Atlantic Mull .JUniu U.-'O pn fjomi Amuniimliitlon ( K i.M < iJJ ) O-I t * SlM'AtT * > Vrrlv ' 1 ru I'lllOB ' IIPlllll C'oimcll lllutf jTrnnsfar GIOp ill , . . . TliU-w " | I' IS n. lu I : oiin ) ! C. u ) p nj i 'iitM i ii'.ar Joii * a.if T Anlru * * * TrsiiKlorl I'nlon Dupot , C ) unHt Illiiirn I rrnnsfor looi tinl ICnnns Olr U > 15viri" | < 1 , f > lip m 10 SO p ml KIUKM rilNliilit Kjiri" | H ' < ; _ -JDa a ; ioatc r OMVIKU sn i.ot'K. I Arnro 1'r.mmirl UiiUin Dop t. foinu-lt llli 'Tuns for dim pin"1 ! lxiil niiiiii l nll. , \ ny ru Ioni03 | tllUf > t,0. ( Illini N A. " l A iflfu * 'iilon lliMnit , Council . riilf ii . . . riilcino ICipri . _ . . < rc'lmi siou.v cn v I'riiintor Union Doiiol Council llnir-i 7.45t ml .SI ( JI Ult ; Aecuramoihtfon LADIES OMLY UnRIP FEMALE REGULATOR , Sat * Rl MU I W aiirt tort Hid to i any or money rn- . . -ly iral MiiJllSUly errntlou COOK MiiJllSU lf < t0. , Oicaha.Nob. Notice to . oiilniutojB , Soiled | iiop < HiN will lie received by tliosoc- rctjryoflhe liniircliif i luoaLlon iiiitll 4 o'clook ' p. in.Halnidoy , Soptuinlwr Stlth. 1K ) , for t ho oiudloiiof a foiir-niom.oiM'-story lirlclcwhool biillilln , at tlio nu-iL slilo of M 'li school lirouudtla \ordunco nlth plaiisnntl kpoul * flcalloiiflon file 111 tlio Olllco of the aociutiry ol tliolxintiloC tilucnllon. ICiu'li Ijlil limit ho accornpnnfccl by ncortl- Hod check for (100. ( Tlio Ixnuil i > f i dtiiatlon roxorvosllio rkht torelcit any or all l > ldj. Hy order of tinhoircl of urlncutlon. t nif.l.'i . . ( Jr\ < nt.il , p lOtl ) , 1S1H slldfit DiiAiii.Ks lorrnrEii , foc-rottry. X 'STKUMlJM'd placed on rucoril Scptoiu lor 11 , CtorKullruisnoldincl Ifo to G wrfrlo Housciinin. lot Kl , bile ' . ' , Viilloy I'lico \ M Ituiisun Innd synd Icalo In Illhlii Har- < . \ \ mil , lot y..hik'.T ' , Ui'iihon . . . . . .f , t ; ; U lIlteiMin nnd wlittoilluod [ : , lntB Jlfl toll ) . llkUUhiliit'HOholo ! ) L ,400 llonry Ilr.il nml vlfo to Mlcluiul lulfi , hlli i.i.l Mint li Omnlia . . , . . , August t'arlhoa toKll i'loivull ' , o,6t \ it 'tint IS , hllfJ , Uampboll'H : nld . 1,300 II HL'orycll Jind Mlfo to II U He L II Jhiiiniis w 'f > ft of s /i lot O.UkD , Orchard Hill 1.00D J IlUarnilehml aiidwlfoto 1 ! Ittxicl , 1 ON 'JO , 81 , 'JJnnd SI , hlk ICI , Albright's Mnry ( JomcyHiiil liusliind t ( A Il'Hisciiron. ' lot (3. ( Wk : ) , Onuilu Vlow K AL'oopof toTllsjii Cciiiper , und ! i lots ItolO.liIk aUloMrdtlo . . J.OM Don Carlos luinlKr eump my to J I1 Divis.lots 11,1. % and 10 , Ijlli n. ' 1'hco ' C,5M IJ II Diniliaiiund linshiind llndliorst , liHir , IGainll7 , blk ( ' . .Druid lllll. . iOCO ) It II Diinliaiiiund liiidhiind lol'ioikrluk l.lndliurst. lolU , blk IJl.aUoVJov Jolin Illnchiiiniin 1oi > oiiinel lljIcUvln , lot J ? , hlU7. Uidiurdllill G Hllen.'oii unil hiishanil to\V \ J 1'Uill , lut U. mack's siililu l\cndlnito : > i , . . . Anton Hfmpnjr nnclvlloto ItIC Ito/oii- 7 ol.sri ( ( ) flof nWfLofolWIt , blk" . " Niliiu's.ld alii O Vi Miis-oii mid Avlfo to M DUahCy , lot r > , Prodiiaii' * sub V .I Mu Hi n tel U Johnson , loll I. Ilk 11W , bun tli Omalii Munis Morrison , Irnslic , t T C lion- drlluts 11 and II , Sit Douglas A L'Muvanil hiisbjiid to'L ) MuUoaalcl , Inls 1. jandJ , hlkl , Mno'ri hub , . . . HclH ofiiuinor : .MuOavran lo'J'liomin Jliirriiy. loU liUU.'i. Umiilia. . . . WliiinMiil\llilll ] ] | \ nnd lfo to I'llivni-d .Miiscow , 4.ruli ) ( tot In lot ai , llai t. inann'a add A I l'ojjilut | n and wlfo to W J 01111 ' , lotll , lilk li.l.ropiildtoii I'ui'k Sinio tol'o ' | > plotonrarl > llnllilliiKasso' tlitlon , lot 1. ' . 1 > K7 , siiini O .M I'OMIIS nndvlfu lo\V \ K Hoaii.lots J . . . \VJ I'au to liiiu aA ItiilrU , lotll.Illack's ' Mil ) Iljron lici-d itiil to A ui ( 1,11 011,014 of H I lotlS. Wk I. linipln'irHiidil . I > I ! hlinimrmnnd nlfo to NVII Cook , lot South Oiuutu Kinil < iiiiiiiy ) ] to J II 'lliouiiiMiii.lol J.lilk is , H.Mith Omabn W I Soil/ ) , trustee , to j51 Kltcliui , lot Hi , hi UlTV I , bolliy' * lit add to houtli Omalu . . , O li ViinJaiiii. ( ] mihvlfolo Joseph l ford , lot U. lilUyl'ottiHo ! I'nrk . J WVI1II , iniwn aid \vlfoto.lll Si Juts ISuiHl II , blkl , Jjiiko View ttdil. . JV Williamson unit \vKulo Inlliil'lotts ' , lots ( i und 7 , blk 1 IjfiU View add 3'fl U hWallacolo NVII IliinuouJf , lotij and 4 blk III , Dundcr I'laco . , . , CW ) II SWallncolo ] > illa JviaesMut 5,1)11 , ; 8 , HaiiHunn I'luco . 3,100 MIC Clark to ! ' ICiuj , lot U , bill ITS , Unmlia. . . . . , 1 Fiinnou' I-nnl and J Hint roiiiiuny to Wlllluin Walluoi , loH7iiinl8 , blk 41 , ( linulin . , . 2,0)3 ) PACitnl niiillui-liiiiilu. iiiivmis , lot R 1)1 K2. Wain ( it II 111 . . . . 1,090 Mutual iiivutnuiit conipiiuy to H U Hiaiiiinn. lulf ) , lllc 5. llunt.com I'laoo I ( | AI Murk tojl Udltuk , Ko\tot.i3 | mid 4 In 2-13-13 . l.MD Totul iiiiiountof triiwfiu ( , . . . , . J7J , ' , ? . ) nervous iirostrntmn , ncrvon H. lluc.s , cured by lr ) , > lllc.s' Noi-vlno. Stnilu.s | ( roe at Kuhu It Uo.'s , 131U and